CCG Sa ch7

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Lesson 7.1.

7-6. a: They are congruent by ASA ≅ or AAS ≅.
b: AC ≈ 9.4 units and DF = 20 units

7-7. Relationships used will vary, but may include alternate interior angles, Triangle Angle
Sum Theorem, etc.; a = 26°, b = 65°, c = 26°, d = 117°

7-8. width = 60 mm, area = 660 mm2

7-9. A quadrilateral.

7-10. a: x = 18, y = 9 3
b: x = 24 2 , y = 24

c: x = 8 = 8 3
, y= 16 = 163 3
3 3

7-11. a: (6, –13) b: Not possible, these curves do not intersect.

Lesson 7.1.2
7-15. Using the Pythagorean Theorem, AB = 8 and JH = 5. Then, since 3
6 = 4
8 = 10
5 ,

ΔABC ~ ΔHGJ because of SSS ~.

7-16. 7 cm

7-17. Line L: y = − 16 x + 6 ; line M: y = 2

3 x + 1 ; point of intersection: (6, 5)

7-18. a: 3m = 5m – 28, m = 14° b: 3x + 38º + 7x – 8º = 180º, x = 15°

c: 2(n + 4) = 3n – 1, n = 9 units d: 2(3x + 12) = 11x – 1, x = 5 units

7-19. Rotating about the midpoint of a base forms a hexagon (one convex and one non-
convex). Rotating the trapezoid about the midpoint of either of the non-base sides forms
a parallelogram.

7-20. a: 10 units b: (–1, 4)

c: 5 units, it must be half of AB because C is the midpoint of AB .

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Lesson 7.1.3 (Day 1)
7-28. a: The 90° angle is reflected, so m∠XYZ = 90º. Then m∠YZY′ = 180º.
b: They must be congruent because rigid transformations (such as reflection) do not alter
shape or size of an object.
c: XY ≅ XY ′ , XZ ≅ XZ , YZ ≅ Y ′Z , ∠Y ≅ ∠Y′, ∠YXZ ≅ ∠Y′XZ, and ∠YZX ≅ ∠Y′ZX

7-29. M(0, 7)

7-30. c2 and a2 + b2

7-31. a: The triangles are similar by SSS ~.

b: The triangles are similar by AA ~.
c: Not enough information is provided.
d: The triangles are congruent by AAS ≅ or ASA ≅.

7-32. a: It is a parallelogram; opposite sides are parallel. b: 63.4°; They are equal.
c: AC : y = 1
2 x + 12 , BD : y = −x + 5 ; No d: (3, 2)

7-33. a: No solution, lines are parallel. b: (0, 3) and (4, 11)

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Lesson 7.1.3 (Day 2)

7-34. Side length = 50 units; diagonal is 50  ·  2 = 100 = 10 units.

7-35. a: It is a rhombus. It has four sides of length 5 units.

b: HJ : y = −2x + 8 and GI : y = 1
2 x+3
c: They are perpendicular.
d: (6, –1)
e: 20 square units

7-36. a: P(scalene) = 1

b: P(isosceles) = 2
4 = 1

c: P(side of the triangle is 6 cm) = 24 = 1


7-37. a: 6n – 3º = n + 17º, n = 4°
b: 7x – 19º + 3x + 14º = 180º, so x = 18.5°. Then 5y – 2º = 7(18.5) – 19º, so y = 22.5°
c: 5w + 36º + 3w = 180º, w = 18°
d: k2 = 152 + 252 – 2(15)(25) cos 120º, k = 35

7-38. The graph is a parabola with roots (–3, 0) and (1, 0), and y-intercept at (0, –3).

7-39. ≈ 35.24 m

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Lesson 7.1.4
7-43. a: 360° ÷ 36° = 10 sides b: Regular decagon

7-44. If the diagonals intersect at E, then BE = 12 mm, since the diagonals are perpendicular
bisectors. Then ΔABE is a right triangle and AE = 15 2 − 12 2 = 9 mm.
Thus, AC = 18 mm.

7-45. Yes, she is correct. Show that the lengths on both sides of the midpoint are equal and that
(2, 4) lies on the line that connects (–3, 5) and (7, 3).

7-46. a: See flowchart at right. ∠BAC = ∠XZY ∠ACB = ∠ZYX

b: Not similar because corresponding sides do
not have the same ratio.
c: See below. ΔABC ~ ΔZXY
AA ~


7-47. (a) and (c) are correct because if the triangles are congruent, then corresponding parts are
congruent. Since alternate interior angles are congruent, then AB // DE .

7-48. AB = 40 ≈ 6.32, BC = 34 ≈ 5.83, therefore C is closer to B.

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Lesson 7.2.1
7-54. a: x = 8.5° b: x = 11 c: x = 14º

7-55. a: 360° ÷ 72° = 5 sides b: 360° ÷ 9 = 40°

7-56. ≈ 36.4 feet from the point on the street closest to the art museum.

7-57. a: an = 20 + 20n = 40 + 20(n – 1) b: an = 6( 12 )n = 3( 12 )n−1

7-58. a: (0.7)(0.7) = 0.49 = 49% b: (0.3)(0.7) = 0.21 = 21%

7-59. a: Similar (SSS ~)

b: Congruent (ASA ≅ or AAS ≅)
c: Similar, because if the Pythagorean Theorem is used to solve for each unknown side,
then 3 pairs of corresponding sides have a common ratio; thus, the triangles are similar
(SSS ~).
d: Similar (AA ~) but not congruent since the two sides of length 12 are not

7-60. Possible response: Rotate the second triangle 180º and then translate it to match the sides
with the first triangle.

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Lesson 7.2.2
7-65. 4x – 1 = x + 8, x = 3; 5y + 2 = 22, y = 4

7-66. a: 0.8 b: 1200(0.8)3 = $614.40 c: 1200(0.8)–2 = $1875

7-67. a: ∠a = 36º, ∠r = 54º, ∠m = 54º, ∠y = 72º, ∠z = 108º

b: Possible response: ∠y and ∠z are supplementary interior same side angles.

7-68. a: It is a parallelogram, because MN // PQ and NP // MQ .

b: (1, –5)
E is a midpoint
7-69. Given

∠AEB ≅ ∠CED ≅ ≅
Vertical angles Definition of Definition of
are congruent. midpoint. midpoint.


7-70. a: 50%; The sum must be 100%.

b: central angle for red = 0.4(360°) = 144°, white = 0.1(360°) = 36°,
blue = 0.5(360°) = 180°
c: Yes; there could be more than three sections to the spinner, but the ratio of the areas for
each color must match the ratios for the spinner in part (b).


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Lesson 7.2.3
7-75. a: Congruent (SSS ≅) b: Not enough information
c: Congruent (ASA ≅) d: Congruent (HL ≅)

7-76. See answers in problem 7-75.

7-77. a: 83° b: 92°

7-78. a: Yes; HL ≅ b: 18°, 4

c: tan 18° = 4
AD , AD ≈ 12.3 units d: ≈ 49.2 square units

7-79. a: Parallelogram because the opposite sides are parallel.

 
b: AC : y = 43 x ; BD : y = − 23 x + 9

7-80. a: 68 ≈ 8.2, since 64 = 8, then 68 must be a little greater.

b: (1) 2.2, (2) 9.2, (3) 7.1, (4) 4.7

7-81. a: 2x + 52º = 180º, 64° b: 4x – 3º + 3x + 1º = 180º, 26º

c: sin 77°
x = sin 72° ,
8 x ≈ 8.2 d: 5x + 6º = 2x + 21º, x = 5°

Lesson 7.2.4
7-83. 36 3 ≈ 62.4 square units

7-84. No. Using the Pythagorean Theorem and the Law of Cosines, the perimeter of the
triangle is ≈ 26.3 feet.

7-85. a: x ≈ 10.73, tangent b: x ≈ 7.86, Law of Sines

c: x ≈ 15.3, Law of Cosines

7-86. a: Congruent (SAS ≅) and x = 2 b: Congruent (HL ≅) and x = 32

7-87. A = 24 square units

20 = 5
4 1
7-88. a:
b: 5 ; Since the sum of the probabilities of finding the ring and not finding the ring is 1,
you can subtract 1− 15 = 45 .
c: No, his probability is still 4
20 = 1
5 because the ratio of the shaded region to the whole
sandbox is unchanged.

7-89. a50 = –130

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Lesson 7.2.5
7-96. a: See diagram at right. A

b: Since corresponding parts of congruent triangles are 14 18

congruent, 2y + 7 = 21 and y = 7.
7-97. y-intercept: (0, 6), x-intercept: (4, 0) 21

7-98. m∠a = 132º, m∠b = 108º, and m∠c = 120º, m∠a + m∠b + m∠c = 360º

7-99. 15%

7-100. AB ≅ CD and AB // CD (given), so ∠BAC ≅ ∠DCA (alt. int. angles). AC ≅ CA

(Reflexive Property) so ΔABC ≅ ΔCDA (SAS ≅). ∠BCA ≅ ∠DAC (≅ Δs → ≅ parts).
Thus, BC // AD (if alt. int. angles are congruent, then the lines cut by the transversal are

7-101. Because alternate interior angles are congruent, the angle of depression equals the angle
formed by the line of sight and the ground. Then tan θ = 5238 , θ ≈ 53.85º.

7-102. a: ΔADC; AAS ≅ or ASA ≅

b: ΔSQR; HL ≅
c: No solution, only angles are congruent.
d: ΔTZY; SAS ≅ and vertical angles
e: ΔGFE; alternate interior angles equal and ASA ≅
f: ΔDEF; SSS ≅

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Lesson 7.2.5

7-108. ZY ≅ WX , ∠YZX ≅ ∠WXZ, ∠ZYW ≅ ∠YWX (alt. int. ∠’s), ΔXWM ≅ ΔZYM, ASA ≅,
YM ≅ WM and XM ≅ ZM , ≅ Δs → ≅ parts.

7-109. Typical responses: right angles, congruent diagonals, 2 pairs of opposite sides that are
congruent, all sides congruent, congruent adjacent sides, diagonals that bisect each other,
congruent angles, etc.

7-110. a: The triangles should be ≅ by SSS ≅ but 80º ≠ 50º.

b: The triangles should be ≅ by SAS ≅ but 80º ≠ 90º and 40º ≠ 50º.
c: The triangles should be ≅ by SAS ≅ but 10 ≠ 12.
d: Triangle is isosceles but the base angles are not equal.
e: The large triangle is isosceles but base angles are not equal.
f: The triangles should be ≅ by SAS ≅ but sides 13 ≠ 14.

7-111. The triangles described in (a), (b), and (d) are isosceles.

7-112. a: 12 b: 15 c: 15.5

7-113. See reasons in bold below.

Statements Reasons
1. AD // EH and BF // CG Given
2. a = b If lines are parallel, alternate interior
angle measures are equal.
3. b = c If lines are parallel, corresponding
angle measures are equal.
4. a = c Substitution
5. c = d Vertical angle measures are equal.
6. a = d Substitution

7-114. This problem is similar to the Interior Design problem (7-21).

Her sink should be located 3 23 feet from the right front edge of the counter. This will
make the perimeter ≈ 25.6 feet, which will meet industry standards.

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Lesson 7.3.1
7-119. a: (4.5, 3) b: (–3, 1.5) c: (1.5, –2)

7-120. a: ΔSHR ~ ΔSAK because ΔSHR can be dilated by a factor of 2.

b: 2HR = AK, 2SH = SA, SH = HA
c: 6 units

7-121. a: 4 b: 1 c: –8

7-122. a: ΔCED; vertical angles are equal , ASA ≅

b: ΔEFG; SAS ≅
c: ΔHJK; HI + IJ = LK + KJ, ∠J ≅ ∠J, SAS ≅.
d: Not ≅, all corresponding pairs of angles equal is not sufficient.

7-123. See answers in problem 7-122.

7-124. No. Her conclusion in Statement #3 depends on Statement #4, and thus must follow it.

7-125. a: Must be a quadrilateral with all four sides of equal length.

b: Must be a quadrilateral with one pair of opposite sides that are parallel.

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Lesson 7.3.2

7-131. a: Yes, each side has the same length ( 29 units). See graph at right.
 
b: BD is y = x; AC is y = 5 – x
c: The slopes are 1 and –1. Therefore the diagonals are perpendicular.

7-132. Multiple answers are possible. Any order is valid as long as Statement #1 is first,
Statement #6 is last, and Statement #4 follows both Statements #2 and #3. Statements #2,
#3, and #5 are independent of each other and can be in any order as long as #2 and #3
follow Statement #1.

7-133. a: 6 b: 3 c: – 6.5

7-134. a: Yes, by SAS ~.

b: ∠FGH ≅ ∠FIJ, ∠FHG ≅ ∠FJI
c: Yes, because corresponding angles are congruent. (Triangle Midsegment Theorem)
d: 2(4x – 3) = 3x + 14, so x = 4 and GH = 4(4) – 3 = 13 units.

7-135. a: It is a right triangle because the slopes of AB and AC ( 43 and − 4

3 , respectively) are
opposite reciprocals.
b: B′ is at (–2, 0). It is an isosceles triangle because ∠B′AB must be a straight angle
(because it is composed of two adjacent right angles) and because BC ≅ B′C (because
reflections preserve length).

7-136. a: ≈ 23.83 feet b: x ≈ 7 yds

c: x ≈ 66.42 d: ≈ 334.57 feet

7-137. a: Must be: trapezoid.

Could be: isosceles trapezoid, parallelogram, rhombus, rectangle, and square.
b: Must be: parallelogram. Could be: rhombus, rectangle, and square.

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Lesson 7.3.3
7-140. a: (8, 8) b: (6.5, 6)

7-141. a: X and Y b: Y and Z

7-142. a: Must be: none. Could be: right trapezoid, rectangle, square.
b: Must be: none. Could be: kite, rhombus, square.

7-143. a: If a polygon is a parallelogram, then its area equals its base times its height.
b: If the area of a polygon is the base times its height, then the polygon is a
parallelogram. This is always true.
c: “If a polygon is a triangle, then its area equals one half its base times its height.”
Arrow diagram: Polygon is a triangle ➙ area of the polygon equals one-half base
times height.
d: If a polygon’s area is one-half its base times its height, then the polygon is a triangle.
This is always true.

7-144. a: 360° ÷ 18° = 20 sides

b: It can measure 90° (which forms a square). It cannot be 180° (because this polygon
would only have 2 sides) or 13° (because 13 does not divide evenly into 360°).

7-145. The expected value is 14 ($3) + 43 ($1) = $1.50 per spin, so each player should pay $1.50
so that there is no net gain or loss over many games.

7-146. a: They are perpendicular because their slopes are opposite reciprocals.
b: It could be a kite, rhombus, or square because the diagonals are perpendicular and at
least one diagonal is bisected.

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