Script Oral

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Good morning TVL 11! Welcome to my virtual class! I will be your Oral Communication teacher and I’m sodelighted to see all of you today. How are you? I hope you are all doing just fine in your houses. So, before westart please make sure you have already eaten something, so that you can really comprehend to all the topicsthat we’re going to talk about in this lesson. If not, please grab something to eat.  All right let’s get started.I know that you have a mixed feeling right now considering the pandemic crisis we are facing. But as the samegoes, there is NO stop in learning. As I have mentioned in our previous meeting one of the most essentiallearning competencies (MELCS) required by the Department of Education for this course is for you to explainthe nature, process and functions of communication.
Let me share with you the learning objectives1.Defines communication. (EN 11/ 12 OC-1a-1)2.Explains the nature and process of communication. (EN 11/ 12 OC-1a-2)3.Discusses the functions of communication (EN11/12OC-Ibe-8)
Let me show you these pictures, can you describe the pictures? Any thoughts?Of course, these pictures give you, ideas of the nature of communication. Let me ask you “What comes intoyour mind when you hear the word communication? It is a fact that we spent most of our time in communicating. I don’t know it you can live without communication,can’t you? That’s impossible. Because human communication started a thousand of years ago and we are justprivilege that nowadays our way of communication becomes easier.
Communication came from the Latin word communicare, meaning “to share or to have something incommon.” It is an act of conveying meanings from one entity or group to another through the use of mutually understood language, signs and symbols.Communication is the exchange of thoughts feelings, expressions and observations among people.There is a wide variety of contexts and situations in which communication can be taken place. It can beface to face, phone conversation, group discussion, a meeting, or an interview, a class recitation, evenattending webinar or online classes.
Can you imagine we have classes online; it may not be face to face interaction but communication is stillpossible. Thanks to technology. People may have transmitted or delivered messages either verbally (usingwords and phrases) or non-verbally (using signs, symbols, gestures) that’s why we have this quotation ACTION speaks louder than words” this means action is a form of communication.Communication does not focus on talking or even sign language. The way we communicate vary from the waywe talk, mannerism, style, actions, how we use words whether in spoken or written form.The way I speaks is differ from yours. Millennials or young people like you have different way of talking, youhave new terms, you have your own language, all these have their own meaning, they are all important incommunication.PICTURE ANALYSIS1.How many people, do you see in this picture?2.Do you think there is a problem in communication between them?3.How and why misunderstanding occurs? It is because the message is not properly convey by the speaker and not receive properly by the receiver, or both parties.
So what will happen if there is misunderstanding in communication?It will lead to CONFLICT.Now, the question is How to communicate effectively to avoid misunderstanding… that is why we are going tostudy the nature and process of communication.Let’s proceed to the nature of communication1.Communication is a processThis tells us that it requires creativity. Since language evolves we have noticed new terms nowadays. it meanscommunication among people is active and it is a continuing condition of life. A process that changes as thecommunicator’s environment and needs change. Who would have taught COVID 19 will greatly affect all people in the world, yet because communication is aprocess, we have learned to adapt to a new trend, new world, newly found way of communicating and aboveall the new learning modality.2.Communication occurs between two or more people (the speaker and the receiver)In communication there always a speaker and a receiver, the one who speaks and the one who listen. In other words, communication is interactive.3.Communication can be expressed through written or spoken words, actions (nonverbal) or both words and nonverbal actions at the same time. Meaning the communication is symbolic. When we talk of the nature of communication the list is long. I’m just giving you the 3 nature of communication these are enough to start to have an overview of what communication is all about.Now let’s have recap, what is communication? Can you define in your own words the meaning of communication?Communication is the exchange of thoughts feelings, expressions and observations among people.What are the 3 nature of communication?1.Communication is a process2.Communication is interactive3.Communication is symbolicMy question for you that you need to answer. In terms of online communication, how can you stay safe on the internet?

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