BIM Adoption and Its Impact On Planning and Scheduling Influencing Mega Plan Projects CPEC Quantitative Approach2021ComplexityOpen Access

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Volume 2021, Article ID 8818296, 9 pages

Research Article
BIM Adoption and Its Impact on Planning and Scheduling
Influencing Mega Plan Projects- (CPEC-) Quantitative Approach

Ahsan Nawaz , Xing Su , and Ibrahim Muhammad Nasir

Institute of Construction Project Management, Collage of Civil Engineering & Architecture, Zhejiang University,
Hangzhou 310058, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Ahsan Nawaz; [email protected] and Xing Su; [email protected]

Received 16 September 2020; Revised 9 October 2020; Accepted 17 October 2020; Published 27 January 2021

Academic Editor: Mostafa M. A. Khater

Copyright © 2021 Ahsan Nawaz et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The construction projects in Pakistan have inherent problems of erroneous planning and schedule development. This dilemma has
led to the failure of the majority of construction projects in Pakistan. Earlier researches have tried to curtail the increasing
spectrum of inaccurate planning and schedule development. But not many research studies have shed light on the major factor of
2D CAD drawings interpretation problems, which are playing a key role in defective planning and scheduling. Moreover, the role
of BIM, i.e., Building Information Modeling with respect to efficient planning, has not been also discussed in detail. This study has
concluded a positive impact of BIM on effective planning and scheduling in the construction industry of Pakistan. About 210
responses were obtained from experienced construction professionals of Pakistan and tested via regression analysis in order to
validate this argument. It has been analyzed that 2D CAD drawings are now getting primitive and 3D technology BIM is taking its
place. BIM is an efficient tool for planning and scheduling. With the start of CPEC and Multi-Billion Dollar investment on
infrastructure, construction industry of Pakistan needs to uplift its existing standard in order to meet with international re-
quirements. For this purpose, BIM has been recommended. It will not only assist in attaining flawless planning but will also
increase the success rate of CPEC projects in Pakistan.

1. Introduction conflicts, which in turn result in major issues during

planning and construction phase [5]. The reason for less
The world construction industry is rapidly evolving through labor productivity in construction industry is also the
technological progression, whereas Pakistan’s construction conventional method involving fragmented project delivery
industry lacks use of technological tools to enhance its method, which is supported by 2D CAD drawings [6]. The
existing construction practices. The construction tools being use of conventional approaches, which include 2D CAD
practiced are all traditional approaches, which predomi- drawings use, has restricted the collaborative roles of all
nantly rely on 2D CAD drawings [1–4]. Furthermore, the stakeholders in construction phases on a project. It has let
conventional project delivery methods for construction the architects, consultants, and contractors work indepen-
projects isolate the responsibilities of stakeholders in dently, thus hindering the involvement and combined
planning, and other construction phases. Likewise, it acts as participation of stakeholders in integrated project delivery.
a barrier in integrated involvement of stakeholder, i.e., This phenomenon has led to the generation of conflicting
contractors, designers, and project managers during the information and has eventually become the root cause of
initial phase of the project. The 2D CAD does not provide an many issues that result in failure of the project [7].
integrated approach. The entire data is represented and The construction development plan and review process
formed in isolation by every individual stakeholder. Usually, in the construction industry typically involve the use of
the architects and designers work at their own respective paper-based drawings and the expertise of experienced
offices making individual design. This gives birth to many construction planners. These planning and review processes
2 Complexity

are performed by mentally visualizing spaces. The visual- infrastructure, and there is a vivid hope that the construction
izing capability of some of these planners is commendable. industry of Pakistan will get the maximum benefit out of it
However, different people have varying abilities to accu- [21, 23].
rately visualize construction projects [8, 9]. This results in The purpose of this research is to highlight the impor-
the development of construction plans that lack schedule tance of BIM in the field of construction in Pakistan. It is
reliability and diminishes schedule confidence of the project aimed that once BIM is implemented through various
stakeholders. construction processes, particularly planning, Pakistan’s
The construction management tools used for scheduling construction industry will be able to cope with the inter-
include a list of activities represented via bar chart format national standards and practices, which shall be adopted by
indicating the sequence and timelines derived from critical multinational companies working on CPEC.
path method [10]. This sequence of execution of activities is This study aims to determine the impact of Building
derived from a detailed study of 2D CAD drawings. The Information Modeling (BIM) on planning and scheduling of
drawback of CPM is that it leads to discrepancy in the construction projects in Pakistan.
interpretation of project schedule and the identification of
mistakes of the construction plan [11]. However, advance- 2. Building Information Modeling (BIM)
ments in computer visualization technology have provided
construction professionals with desktop 3D CAD and 4D BIM involves a self-explanatory 3D model, which assists the
CAD tools that help construction planners visualize and engineering professionals, i.e., architects, designers, con-
review schedules [12]. Usually, the applications of BIM are tactors, etc., to effectively plan, design, and construct [24].
exercised before the start of construction. It is imperative The building information modeling technique is a digital
because information associated with the planning stage representation of a 3D model, which depicts all its char-
provides many benefits for the given project. This initial acteristics. This 3D model comprises elements that provide
phase of a project falls into two parts; first, the marketing and the parametric information along with data attributes. BIM
design of the projects conceptual features should be views are consistent; i.e., the user can maneuver through the
addressed; second, planning and designing the project entire model in one go. These views are integrated with each
construction [13]. The modern era construction industry has other, and any change in one view would alter/update all
started adopting building information modeling as a other views simultaneously. This integration feature is a core
mandatory tool. Along with many wonders, this tool has function of BIM. It is less time-consuming for the designers
revolutionized the planning and scheduling process in the to visualize and design collaboratively [25]. There is a swift
construction industry. Unfortunately, in Pakistan, this tool growth and evolution in construction to meet such complex
is not being practiced owing to lack of expertise. The usability, design, and planning. Therefore, more sophisti-
construction industry of Pakistan is still relying on 2D CAD cated technology is necessary, which should be in line with
based systems for planning and scheduling. It is one of the the computer-aided design (CAD), present in BIM [4].
main reasons for faulty planning and scheduling of con- Usually models have better creation of forms and buildings
struction projects [14]. BIM is the most emerging tool being owing to better perfection [26]. BIM involves integration of
used globally in construction management [15–19]. various stakeholders during the life of a project. The 3D
In Pakistan, the concept of BIM is generally known to model acts as a common portal where all stakeholders can
professionals of construction industry, but its practical use is work simultaneously, and the changes are updated in all
almost negligible. Hence, this research aims to determine the domains automatically [27]. The use of three-dimensional
impact of building information modeling BIM on planning model during project life cycle ultimately results in the
and scheduling of construction projects in Pakistan [14, 20]. creation of real-time, dynamic building modeling, which
Now, since the CPEC has started in Pakistan with a multi- tends to supplement the effectiveness in design and exe-
billion dollar investment on infrastructure, there is a dire cution. The design and information of all the elements can be
need for Pakistan’s construction industry to upgrade its extracted from it [25, 28, 29].
existing engineering standards and practices [21], to cope
with the worldwide accepted standards. Therefore, this re- 3. BIM Integration
search also shed light on the benefits of BIM on CPEC
projects in Pakistan. BIM deals with a virtual 3D model of a building and in-
The current construction practices of Pakistan are not as tegrates all related features (architectural, structural, MEP,
advanced as the worldwide accepted practices. They are etc.) at one place. BIM represents every aspect of a building
lagging behind the world construction industry in terms of in a 3D model; hence, this technology does not only help in
technological advancements. There have been many con- architectural works but also help in planning, design,
tinuous attempts to elevate the existing standards of con- quantifying materials, clash detection of different services,
struction, but unfortunately the implementation and etc. AEC industry (i.e., Architecture, Engineering, and
adoption pace are quite slow. This is a main reason why Construction) has been chiefly upgraded with emergence of
Pakistan’s construction industry is not able to cope with the Building Information Modeling around the world. Building
worldwide accepted standards [22]. Moreover, the CPEC Information Modeling (BIM) comprises methodologies that
(China Pakistan Economic Corridor) has been initiated in are vital for building design and digitizing the project data in
Pakistan with about $46 Billion investment on the entire project life cycle [30]. The level of maturity of
Complexity 3

construction industry in reference to usage of BIM is quite 4.2. Dependent Variables. According to the literature review
low, as no substantial up gradation has been introduced in and research hypothesis, there are two dependent variables.
the conventional models to give room to new technological
advancements [1, 29] (Figures 1–3).
Building information modeling was first tested in Scheduling
prototype projects in the beginning of 2000s [6, 7, 33].
During construction design phase, there are many 4.3. Independent Variable. Building information modeling
stakeholders involved at one time. These stakeholders (BIM) is the independent variable of this research. The
include professional engineers and architects, which are impact of BIM on the two dependent variables, i.e., planning
engaged in making building designs, both the structural and scheduling, is measured through this research.
and the architectural designs. Hence, there is a dire need The population of the study were the Construction Profes-
of a collaborative approach; i.e., all the stakeholders could sionals working on the CPEC project all over the country. A
work on the same platform. This 3D technology allows its survey form (Questionnaire) has been formed and sent to the
users to work simultaneously in a collaborative envi- respondents (Population) to collect the data. Overall, 230 re-
ronment [13, 32]. Initially, it was designed to support sponses have been received. These responses have been screened
engineers and architects through the phase of building out and evaluated for the analysis led by the statistical tool (SPSS),
design. Later on, more improvement was made on and the 210 responses have been found to be statistically valid.
planning, conflicts identification, clash detection, quan-
tity surveying, etc. [18, 19, 34].
BIM comprises 3-dimensional elements having dif- 5. Results and Analysis
ferent parameters and attributes. These elements are The first step in the analysis was to check the data for any
interconnected with each other. The entire information is missing value, although, in Google forms, it was made sure that
stored in these elements. During scheduling process, the any respondent should not submit the response with any
duration of activities is calculated based on the basis of missing information; however, the data collected through hard
quantities derived from these parameters [35]. Market copy of questionnaire was suspected to have any missing in-
research from National Institute of Building Sciences [4] formation. In the introductory statement, it was requested from
shows that future building design and construction will the respondents to fill the complete forms. During analysis, it
increasingly rely on BIM. In order to implement BIM in was found that 210/230 respondents have responded com-
construction industry, the existing construction practices pletely. The results for analysis can be seen in Table 1.
need to be revamped. In order to achieve efficient results The data extracted from 230 respondents was screened
with reduced cost to construct better standard buildings, through SPSS, and outliers were excluded from it. The box plot
BIM utilization in construction projects can only be tool of SPSS was used for this purpose. Initially, it was checked
adopted if a radical change in the existing construction for outliers, and the results were analyzed. All the outliers
practices has occurred [36]. visible in the box plots were deleted from the table. Sometimes,
it was observed that when some outliers are deleted, some new
outliers appeared. So, an optimum solution had to be obtained.
4. Research Methodology It is pertinent to mention here that, for complete data, there was
With the technological advancements, the Building In- no response exceeding the outer limits of the box plot. All the
outliers were present only in the inner fence of the box plot
formation Modeling technique is being widely accepted in
except 20 responses, which means that the data was precise to a
the world to resolve various issues related to construction.
good extent. After screening through the box plot, those 20
This technique is also very helpful in enhancing the effi-
ciency of planning engineers during the process of schedule responses were excluded. The remaining respondents that were
development. To highlight the impact of BIM in increasing used for further analysis were 210 in number.
the precision in planning process, a questionnaire survey
was conducted amongst the construction professionals, 5.1. Reliability Test (Cronbach’s Coefficient Alpha Method).
particularly the planning engineers, project managers, and The most common method of determining the internal
site engineers in construction industry working on CPEC consistency of data, i.e., reliability, is the Cronbach’s Co-
projects. efficients Alpha method. It is the most commonly used
method to check the reliability of data when questions are
asked on Likert scale. If Cronbach’s Coefficient Alpha value
4.1. Research Hypothesis is equal to or higher than 0.7, this means that the data is
H1: BIM has a positive impact on the planning of reliable for analysis [37]. Its higher value indicates that the
construction projects data is consistent and reliable for analysis. A full-scale re-
liability test was performed on the collected data. The
H2: BIM has a positive impact on the scheduling of
analysis results can be seen in Table 2. The last row of Table 2
construction projects
is the overall reliability of the collected data. The reliability
In this study, BIM is an independent variable, while the coefficient “Cronbach’s Alpha value” is 0.755. This value is
planning and scheduling are the dependent variables. higher than the threshold, which is usually 0.70. It is
4 Complexity

data construction model
design model
Architectural Architectural
T data
design model construction model Shop drawings
Full design and
model Structural Structural construction
R data
A design model construction model details
data construction model
design model



Figure 1: Diagrammatic representation of model definitions [19, 31, 32].

3D model


Figure 2: 4D concepts [14, 33].

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 3: 3D models of BIM [14]. (a) Architectural model. (b) Structural model. (c) Plumbing.

concluded from this analysis that the collected data is re- study by performing correlation analysis. This analysis will
liable enough and its results can be generalized on the target help us determine the significance of the relationship of all
population. three variables. The results of the correlation analysis are
shown in Table 3.
The significance of relation between all the variables is
5.2. Correlation. Correlation analysis is a method of sta- less than the threshold value of 0.05, which means that the
tistical evaluation used to study the strength of a relationship variables have a significant relationship. It is also revealed
between two variables. Researchers can test the hypothesis of that the value of correlation between the variables is positive
Complexity 5

Table 1: Missing values.

Missing values
Valid 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210
Missing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Valid 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210
Missing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Element BIM11 BIM12 BIM13 BIM14 BIM15 BIM16 PL1 PL2 PL3 PL4
Valid 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210
Missing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Element PL5 PL6 SC1 SC2 SC3 SC4 SC4 SC5
Valid 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210
Missing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Table 2: Reliability test.

Elements No of items Cronbach’s alpha
BIM 16 0.737
Planning 6 0.724
Scheduling 5 0.707
Overall 37 0.755

Table 3: Correlation analysis between BIM, planning, and scheduling.

Correlation analysis
BIM Planning Scheduling
Pearson correlation 1 0.513∗∗ 0.353∗∗
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.0001 0.0001
N 210 210 210
Pearson correlation 0.513∗∗ 1 0.286∗∗
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001
N 210 210 210
Pearson correlation 0.353∗∗ 0.286∗∗ 1
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.0001 0.0001
N 210 210 210
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

and the correlation values are within the threshold limits of 5.3.1. The Impact of BIM on Planning. The linear regression
0.3 to 0.85. The maximum value 0.513 is among BIM and analysis was conducted on the independent variable, i.e.,
project planning, which means that they have a strong BIM, and its impact was checked on the dependent variable,
correlation with each other. i.e., Planning. The analysis results obtained can be seen in
Table 4.
The adjusted R square values from Table 4 show that the
5.3. Regression. Linear regression is a data analysis tech- 26% variability of Planning (dependent variable) is
nique that is used to establish a statistical relationship be- accounted by the Building Information Modeling (BIM),
tween two variables. In this analysis, one variable is which is an independent variable in this case. From Table 5 F
considered to be an explanatory variable or independent test shows that the model is significant, and the model is a
variable. and the other is considered to be a dependent good fit as the p value is 0.0001, which is less than the
variable. In this research, Building Information Modeling threshold value 0.05. So, from Table 6 we have beta coef-
(BIM) was considered the independent variable, and its ficients that are used to transform the regression equation
impact was observed on two dependent variables, i.e., planning � 1.780 + 0.539(BIM). (1)
planning and scheduling. The two research models have
been tested based on the linear regression. The liner re- The above equation shows that, due to one unit incre-
gression analysis was performed over these two models ment in “BIM,” there will be (1.780 + 0.539 × 1.0) � 2.319 unit
(hypothesis), and the results are listed below. increment in “Project Planning.” This means that if we
6 Complexity

Table 4: Model Summary regarding impact of BIM om planning (model summary).

Model R R square Adjusted R square Std. error of the estimate
1 0.513a 0.263 0.260 0.26660
Predictors: (constant), BIM.

Table 5: ANOVA impact of BIM on planning (ANOVAa).

Mode-l Sum of squares Df Mean square F Sig.
Regression 5.283 1 5.283 74.335 0.0001b
1 residual 14.783 208 0.071
Total 20.067 209
Dependent variable: planning. bPredictors: (constant), BIM.

Table 6: Linear regression showing impact on planning (coefficients).

Mode-l Unstandardized coefficients Standardized coefficients

t Sig.
B B Std. error Beta
(Constant) 1.780 0.285 6.245 0.0001
BIM 0.539 0.063 0.513 8.622 0.0001
Dependent variable: planning.

change 1.0 unit of BIM, the project planning will vary 2.319 responses were screened out as outliers based on the box
units. plot. The reliability test, named Cronbach’s Alpha, was
conducted in order to check the reliability of data. The
value 0.755 is more than the threshold value (0.7), and this
5.3.2. The Impact of BIM on Scheduling. Afterwards, the confirms that the data is valid for further analysis [38]. The
liner regression analysis was conducted on the independent findings are also in line with the findings of other re-
variable, i.e., BIM, and its impact was observed on the searchers like “Hussain & Choudhry” (2013). The signifi-
dependent variable, i.e., scheduling. The analysis results cance of the relation between the variables is 0.000, which is
obtained can be seen in Table 7. less than the threshold value of 0.05. This reveals that the
Regarding the adjusted R square values from Table 7, it is relationship between the variables depicted from the re-
found that the 12% variability of scheduling (dependent search model is significant.
variable) is accounted by the Building Information Modeling The sign of the correlation value of positive or negative
(BIM), which is an independent variable in this case. shows the direction of the relationship. For our results, the
From Table 8, F test suggests that the model is significant, positive sign of the correlation value yielded from the
and the model is a good fit as the p value is 0.0001, which is analysis results confirms our hypothesis and shows that
less than the threshold value 0.05. So, from Table 9, we have there is a positive relationship between the variables. Ac-
beta coefficients that are used to transform the regression ceptable range for the correlation between the variables is
equation 0.30 to 0.80. If the value is less than 0.30, this represents that
scheduling � 3.473 + 0.199(BIM). (2) the relationship is somewhat weak between the variables.
0.30 value is considered to be boundary of the weak rela-
The above equation shows that, due to one unit incre- tionship and considerably strong relationship [39].
ment in “BIM,” there will be (3.473 + 0. 199 × 1.0) � 3.672 Similarly, the value of 0.80, which is the upper limit,
units increment in efficiency of “Project Scheduling.” This represents that if the value is more than 0.80, the relationship
means that if we change 1.0 unit of BIM, the project is very much obvious. Our value of BIM and planning re-
scheduling will vary 3.672 units. lationship is 0.513, whereas for BIM and scheduling, it is
0.353, which falls within the acceptable range. The value
6. Research Summary and Concluding Remarks represents that the relationship is acceptably strong between
the variables. This validates our ANOVA model. From the
The study was done to investigate the impact of BIM on linear regression amongst BIM and planning, the value of
project planning and scheduling. For this purpose, an adjusted R square is 0.263, which represents that the de-
instrument was developed, and data was collected from the pendent variable (planning) is 26.3% explained by the in-
targeted population (construction Professionals) working dependent variable (BIM). From the linear regression
on different CPEC projects. The responses collected from amongst BIM and scheduling, the value of adjusted R square
respondents were first screened for missing values and is 0.125, which represents that the dependent variable, i.e.,
outliers. No missing values were found; hence, all the re- scheduling, is 12.5% reflected by the independent variable
sponses are considered for further analysis. Only 20 (BIM).
Complexity 7

Table 7: Model Summary regarding impact of BIM on Scheduling (model summary).

Model R R square Adjusted R square Std. error of the estimate
1 0.353a 0.125 0.120 0.15619
Predictors: (constant), BIM.

Table 8: ANOVA impact of BIM on scheduling (ANOVAa).

Mode-l Sum of squares Df Mean square F Sig.
Regression 0.722 1 0.722 29.592 0.0001b
1 residual 5.074 208 0.024
Total 5.796 209
Dependent variable: scheduling. bPredictors: (constant), BIM.

Table 9: Linear regression showing impact on scheduling (coefficients).

Mode-l Unstandardized coefficients Standardized coefficients

t Sig.
B B Std. error Beta
(Constant) 3.473 0.167 20.795 0.0001
BIM 0.199 0.037 0.353 5.440 0.0001
Dependent variable: planning.

From ANOVA in Table 5, we note that the significance of time and cost losses, which could have been avoided by slight
the model is 0.000, which is less than the threshold value of introduction of technological advancements.
0.05. This represents that the model on which this particular CPEC is going to be the biggest economic activity of this
study is based is significant. The analysis reveals the equation region. Such massive influx of investments demands more
as Planning � 1.780 + 0.539 (BIM). The relationship between productive tools to be used for construction projects. BIM,
the selected variables, i.e., BIM and planning, can be un- being the most cutting-edge technology, has been recom-
derstood by this equation. The equation also depicts that if mended via this research to be practiced in construction
we change BIM by 1 unit, the corresponding impact on the domains, in order to cope with the requirements of mega
planning of construction projects will be 2.319 units. From construction projects of CPEC. This will help in enhancing
ANOVA in Table 8, we note that the significance of the project success rates and will have a positive impact on the
model is 0.000, which is less than the threshold value of 0.05. country’s economic growth.
This represents that the model on which this particular study Currently, the most critical point the project managers
is based is significant. The analysis reveals the equation as are facing is the faulty planning and scheduling. This re-
Scheduling � 3.473 + 0.199 (BIM). The relationship between search will eventually help the project managers in attaining
the selected variables, i.e., BIM and scheduling, can be to better efficiency in planning of their projects. As a result of
understood by this equation. The equation also depicts that if this research, if BIM is practically used in the construction
we change BIM by 1 unit, the corresponding impact on industry in Pakistan, it will directly be beneficial to man-
scheduling of construction projects will be 3.672 units. agers. This study aims to be considered as a contribution to
It has been observed that, in Pakistan, 2D CAD drawings help project managers in Pakistan.
are being mostly used in construction industry. Though
these drawings are conventionally in practice, they are not Data Availability
compatible as compared to the advanced 3D technologies
available in the world. Furthermore, the enhancement in The data used to support the findings of this study are in-
planning of construction projects has a very significant cluded within the article.
relationship with the implementation of BIM. It means that
if BIM is practically implemented in construction industry of Conflicts of Interest
Pakistan, then it can surely uplift the effectiveness project
planning. Subsequently, it will result in the improvement of The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
various other processes as well. Similarly, the scheduling of
construction projects in Pakistan can improve tremendously Acknowledgments
with the implementation of BIM in construction projects.
The visualization effect of BIM is the core trait, which has a The authors are thankful to the site engineers, project
direct impact on increasing the efficiency of schedule de- managers, planning engineers, and other technical staff
velopment. The current status of implementation of BIM working on the CPEC projects for making our research
across construction industry of Pakistan is almost negligible. study possible on time. The authors acknowledge their ef-
This is the reason why the construction projects are bearing forts and the quality time given to their team while collecting
8 Complexity

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