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The Nishi System is a methodology for the maintenance and

 Sheet Music recovery of good health that was first introduced in 1927 by Katsuzo
Nishi, who at the time was the chief technical engineer for Japan’s
first subway project, the Tokyo subway.

From childhood Nishi was weak of constitution, and realizing that the
medical science of the day could not cure his ailments, he
independently undertook in his late teens the study and practice of 
what would amount to some 360 types of folk cures and health
methods, both ancient and contemporary, Oriental and Occidental.
Adding to these his own theories about the dynamics of the human
body based on the mechanical science he studied in his own
specialty, civil engineering, he established the Nishi-shiki Health

His theories are characterized by the idea that, in spite of the fact that the human
bone structure and positioning of the internal organs are basically the same as those
evolved for the mammalian species that ambulate on four legs, human being have adop
a basically upright two-legged life style that places certain structural strains on the huma
bone structure, resulting in problems like obstruction of the flow of food through the
intestines (constipation)
(constipation) due to the unnatural (vertical) positioning of the organs. As
methods to compensate for these structural defects, Nishi conceived and encouraged th
use of treatment through exercises such as the goldfish (movement) style spinal column
rectification exercise and the Nishi-shik
Nishi-shikii health fortifying technique( (lateral vibration
exercise know as the “Haifuku
“ Haifuku Undo”).

Furthermore, based on the structure of the human network of arteries and veins, N
refuted the heart-driven blood circulation theory of William Harvey, proposing instead a
theory that the capillaries provided the true driving force of the circulatory system. And,
order to compensate for the obstruction of circulation in the four limbs resulting from the
human species’ vertical posture, he proposed the Capillary Action- Inducing exercise (Mo
Undo), which involves lying on the back, raising the arms and legs and applying a slight
vibrating motion.

Besides these exercises, Nishi also recommended methods making use of implem
Sign upvertebrae
like a hard, half –cylinder pillow, design to keep the cerebral to vote on this title ideal positio
in the
from a structural standpoint and a flat sleeping platform (flat
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board) useful to do the
same for the vertebrae of the spinal column. He also recommended the use for a hand
(touch) healing method equivalent to what is known today as the Chinese “kiko” method
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book, I wish simply to state here that what I am today I owe to my original methods of he
 Sheet Music building- methods which are a precious outcome of years of careful study of nearly every
theory of health and preventative medicine to be found in the world, of endless
experimentati on, from the standpoint of modern medical science, of the knowledge so

Some points of Nishi System

 "No more disease"- is a slogan of the Nishi Medicine.

 Disease is a symptom or cure.
 The heart is not a pump, but the sac or tank.
 The prime blood mover lies in the capillary network.
 The secret of health is, in short, the way to the ONE.
 Every human being is a living tetrahedron integrated as the ONE by the four prim
elements, namely Skin, Nutrition, Limb and Mind.
 Heart tonic is danger to life.
 Shake the injured limb held higher than the heart level and the wound will instantl
be healed.
 Do not afraid of hypertension.
 The glomus is an emergency controller.
 Health, freedom from disease, longevity and eternal youth depend entirely on wis
and proper application and utilization of Skin, Nutrition, Limb and Mind.

The flat bed The The goldfish exercise

 The bed on which
which solid  The Goldfish Exercise
Exercise is
you lie should be pillow be practiced as follows:
flat and hard as When first lie straight on one’s
much as possible using face or one’s back, then
and the coverlet the bend back the toes towar
should be light solid the body as far aspossibl
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without your pillow read more
having to fell you  Useful  Not useful
cold. should
read more lie flat
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on it.
The capilarity The palm The dorso
exercise and sole ventral
 To practice the First, lie flat Preparatory
Capillarity Exercise, on the back, exercise
first lie flat on the and hold both consisting of 
back, raise the head arms over eleven
slightly by placing a the breast; movements is to
pillow or cushion then, opening be practiced; the
under it both hands, time required for
read more  join the this exercise is
finger-tips one minute
each with the read more
read more

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What to do: The bed on which you lie should be flat and hard as much as possible and th
coverlet should be light without your full access
having withcold.
to fell a free trial.
You must try to lie flat on this be

Effects: When the body is placed this flat on aWith
hardFree Trial bed, the weight is most equit
distributed, the muscles are given he maximum relaxation; and any subluxation or defle
of the spine caused by the upright posture during the daytime is easily corrected;
furthermore, the very hardness of the bed secures the functional activities of the skin an
prevents the liver from becoming sluggish and moreover stimulates the veins distributed
superficially all over he body so as to promote the return of the blood towards the heart.
 This in turn leads to the inversing activity of the liver, with the result that all the waste
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matter which have been deposited during the daytime will be swept away from the bodytitle
the motor nerves will be kept from any undue pressureorUseful strain.  Not useful
Moreover the intestine
be secured against constipation or stasis. This you will be sure to get a good sleep and
awake the next morning quite refreshed mentally or physically.
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What to do: The Goldfish Exercise is to be practiced as follows: first lie straight on one’s
or one’s back, then bend back the toes towards the body as far as possible and place bo
and under the neck, crossing them against the fourth or the fifth cervical vertebra: and,
this position, oscillate the whole body just as a swimming goldfish does. This exercise sh
be taken for a minute of two in once in the morning and also in the evening.

Effects: The Goldfish exercise which aims at spinal readjustment is a sure way to correct
scoliosis, adjust any deviated vertebra, relieve undue strains of the spinal nerves as well
paralysis of the peripheral nerves and secure and unhampered and normal circulation of
blood. Not only that it stimulates the production of the red blood cells in the marrow,
increases the tension of the sympathetic nerves, contracts the superficial vessels distrib
all over the body and, furthermore, moves the bowels regularly and lastly keeps and
equilibrium between the two main nervous systems which run along each side of the bod
and establishes a desired harmony in the entire organism.


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What to do: To practice the Capillarity Exercise, first lie flat on the back, raise the head
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Palm and sole joining exercise

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What to do: First, lie flat on the back, and hold both arms over the breast; then, opening
both hands, join the finger-tips eachUnlock
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other, free trial.
press and relax them several tim
next, move the hands forward and backward, with the finger-tips joined; finally join both
palms over the breast. This is the first phase With
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 The second phase of this exercise is as follows;
Keeping the body lie flat on the back, stretch both legs over the body, with the knees
bended; joining both soles, move the legs forward an backward ten times within a distan
of about one and half times the leg’s length; then joining both palms and soles remain qu
for five or ten minutes.
Effects: This exercise is of great use of health, because this will coordinate the functions

the muscles and nerves on the right and left halves of the Signbody,
up to vote on this titlein the limbs
 The sole joining exercise is of highly importance, particularly in that Not
 Useful  it coordinates
useful the
functions of the muscle, nerve and blood vessel in the regions of the pelvis, abdomen, an
thigh; in the fetus, and readjusts the abnormal position of the unborn child in the womb.
 Therefore, this exercise is highly recommendable to the expectant mother who wishes
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Palms joining exercise or “Manual Cure”

What to do: Join first the five fingers of each hand and then join both hands tightly togeth
so that there may be no space left between at leas the two phalanges of the middle fing
and the top phalange of the other fingers. Then place the hands, thus joined, vertically a
the height of your face and hold up this posture for forty minutes. If you do this exercise
once, the effect will last for life.
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Effects: This exercise corrects the torsion of the capillary vessels in the nail beds and in
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palms, ameliorates, to the maximum, the blood circulation in them, equilibrates the
metabolism and the other productive function of the body.
One’s good health will be secured for each day With
by Free Trial
joining palms for about five minutes.
 Joining palms for more than 75 seconds before every meal will equilibrate the pH of th
fluid and prevent food poisoning.

In order to apply the manual contact cure to a patient, first make him take a posture to
facilitate the blood circulation, correct and irregularity of his limbs and body with our han
which have already undergone the forty minute exercise, apply them to his affected  part
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and furthermore do the finger pressure treatment so that his natural healing power may
start to work and cure, in due time, his disease.  Useful  Not useful
Before the performance of the manual contact cure, apply the capillary exercise to your
hands and after the cure, you should drop your arms down and shake them several time
shut up the radiation of hands. The combination of the forty-minute exercise and the
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Preparatory exercise consisting of eleven movements is to be practiced; the time require

for this exercise is one minute:

What to do: Move the shoulders up and down.
Effects: This is a movement of trapezius, latissimus dorsi and other muscles of shoulders
 The exercise helps to release tension. Daily practice would prevent paralysis of the uppe
limbs and stiffening of the shoulders.

What to do: Bend the head rightward.
Effects: In order to stimulate the pumping action of the thoracic duct, which opens into
 jugular vein at the upper pit of theYou're Reading athe
left collarbone, Preview
head must be first bent rightwa
as to strain the left side of the neck.
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What to do: Bend the head leftward. Download With Free Trial
Effects: This exercise is intended for stimulating the jugular vein and lymphatic gland in
right neck. A round back posture is apt to entail the swelling of the heart and right cervic
lymphatic gland, which would easily be checked by this movement.

What to do: Bend the head forward. 
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Effects: The posterior root of the spinal cord and spinalis dorsi muscle are apt to be
compressed when in disease. This exercise is to prevent  such  Not useful

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Effects: This exercise is also intended for stimulating the sympathetic nerves, thereby
 Sheet Music counteracting the increasing alkaline concentration of the body fluids.

The exercises from #1 to #7 should be repeated 10 times each.

What to do: Stretch out both arms horizontally and turn the head right and left one time
Effects: By stretching both arms in that way you can stimulate the pumping function of t
lymphatic glad in the chest and by turning the head right and left, you can strain the nec
muscles. Those who are in danger of apoplexy will find the neck muscles so stiff and the
blood vessels and nerves so compressed that they cannot turn their heads properly and
feel the tips of fingers as if paralyzed. By this exercise you can prevent such a dangerous

What to do: Raise up both arms in parallel, palm to palm, and turn the head right and lef
one time.
Effects: This is intended for invigorating the pumping function of the armpit lymphatic gl
and also for stretching the neck muscles.

What to do: Pull down both upheld arms on the level of shoulders, bending each arm at t
elbow, with a firm fist made.
Effects: By this exercise, the seventh Reading
cervical a Preview
nerve, which controls the thumb and index
finger, and, eight cervical nerves, which controls the other three fingers, would be
stimulated, thereby prevent or cure paralysis
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full access fingers
a free and
trial. increase the grasping power
the hand.
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What to do: Draw as far backward as possible, both arms as in the same position of #10
exercise, and turn the head backwards with the chin stretched upwards as far as possibl
Effects: This is to stimulate the pumping function of the lymphatic gland in the chest and
invigorate the vagrant nerves as well as the thyroid gland.

As was shown above, the eleven preparatory exercises Sign
to vote on thisanatomical
reasons, title and
physiological; therefore the order and number of practice must be
 Useful followed
Not usefulexactly and
Viewed as a whole, these exercises first release the trapezius muscles then stimulate the
vagrant nerves in such a manner as to antagonize with sympathetic nerves.
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right and left inclinations) of the backbone. The exercise is done independently from the
 Sheet Music rhythm of respiration.
 This exercise should be practiced rot ten minutes, every morning and evening. Its standa
speed is 50-55 swings per minutes, which amounts roughly to 500 swings in ten minutes
 You had better take at leas three moths to attain this speed, because, otherwise, various
troubles may appear. In so doing, you can make you skin resistant enough to allow you t
the exercise nakedly even in cold winter.
 Thus the condition of the whole body should be ameliorated gradually to make you reall

Effects: This Dorso-Ventral exercise respectively stimulates the sympathetic and vagrant
nerves so as to bring them into a balanced state and their function will be performed wit
the greatest possible effect. Moreover the former will check the dangerous dilation of the
cerebral blood vessels and the latter the intestinal stasis. This exercise makes function o
intestines, including the absorption of nutriment, perfect. By the simultaneous practice o
both exercises, we can harmonize our nervous system as well as our body fluids and also
establish the balance of body and mind.
Doing this exercise one should constantly think of getting better, pray for becoming able
and believe in turning more virtuous.
When the body fluids as well as the nerves are well equilibrated, wickedness, inability or
immorality will be ameliorated by thinking of getting “good, able, and virtuous”.


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What to do: When using the solid pillow you should lie flatSignand
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the title on the pillo
so that the third or fourth cervical vertebra may be properly rested on it. Needless to say
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that one who is not accustomed to such a pillow would find it painful. In that case, a tow
some other soft piece of cloth may be laid over it. It is to be remembered that you shoul
however, take the piece of cloth off now and then and try to gradually accustom yoursel
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Four primary elements

Skin Limbs
 The skin is that part of the human Limbs are the locomotive organs, by
body which first comes into contact which man works and moves.
with the air, when we are born and Especially the lower limbs and feet
composes a borderline between the are the supporting basis and pillars of 
human body and environment. the human being.
read more read more
Nutrition Mind
What the Nishi Medicine means Goethe remarked, “Without mind
by the word “Nutrition” is four there can be no matter; without
elementary matters that build matter no mind”. Truly the human
and sustain the human being, being is an entity, which mind and
namely food, water, light, and body go to compound and integrate.
air. read more
read more
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Nishi Medicine is a rational science of health. It serves everybody who wishes for good
health through life. It can suggest Unlock
to youfullthis rational
access and
with a free working principle of health, on
which you should rebuild a new way of living.

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Four primary elements, which integrate the human being as the ONE
Nishi assumes that the human being is integrated as the ONE by the four primary namel
the skin, limbs, nutrition, and mind. These four primary elements are unique in that they
retain their own individuality, notwithstanding that they go to combine and integrate the
human being as the ONE. In other words we can separate any one of them from the othe
and make it work or rest at our will.
From a different angel of view, the human being may be divided intoonthe  twelv
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(1) the bone,  Useful  Not useful
(2) the muscle,
(3) the blood and lymph,
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of them, no single treatment is of any use; reestablishment of the coordination among a

 Sheet Music the components is the only effective measure for it.
On the other hand, the four primary elements may be separately treated both in hygieni
and therapeutics, since they retain their own individuality. This is why the Nishi Medicine
specifies the skin, nutrition, limb and mind as the four primary elements, which integra
human being as the ONE.


 The skin is that part of the human body which first comes into contact with the air, when
are born and composes a borderline between the human body and environment.

 There is an intimate realationship between the skin and health. Recall to mind that the
glomus which, acting as an emergency controller, plays an important role in the blood
circulation is most abundantly distributed under the skin, and you will see how much
important is the skin to health. Alfred Brauchle remarked that from a viewpoint of nature
cure, the skin is one of the most important organs. This implies that the skin is a door,
through which benign and salubrious influences of Nature come into the body.

 The skin has multi-phased functions; like the lungs it respires through the minute pores
widely distributed all over the body surface. Certainly man cannot breathe by the lungs
alone. This is clearly demonstrated by the familiar fact that when the minute pores on
thirds of the body surface are blocked up by accident such as getting burn or any artifici
means for example coating with paint or tar, the subject would faint with groan.
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Like the kidney or other excretory organs, the skin eliminates from blood waste matter b
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the sweat glands; in this connection it may be of interest to quote Malten’s remark that i
the treatment of renal disease, a very important thing is the stimulation of the general
function of skin. This indicates thatDownload
between the Withskin
FreeandTrialkidney exists a close relationsh
Moreover as a heat-regulating organ, the skin acts to regulate, the body temperature by
 Thus far, the idea is taken in the ordinary meaning; but the Nishi Medicine interprets the
skin in much wider sense; that the skin, extending from the outer surface into the body,
goes to from the lining of various organs. Because of this fact, the more significant is the
relation of the skin to health. 
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Indeed the skin is a medium of matter exchange between  Useful
the body  and
Not useful
Without skin no vital process is possible. So vital is the skin to life; a familiar phrase “sav
the skin” is expressive of this fact.
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"Injured limbs lead to renal disorder"

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Limbs are the locomotive organs, by which man works and moves. Especially the lower
limbs and feet are the supporting basis and pillars of the human being.

 The foot, when injured, would fail to work properly as a bolster of the body, which, losi
balance tends to incline on the injured side. Eventually this may involve a subluxation of
vertebrae, which in turn eventually will cause pralysi, or other disorders of the nerves an
blood vessels starting from the foramen vertebrae between the subluxated vertebrae. Ve
probably, the harmful effect of these disorders may before long extend even to remote
regions which these nerves and blood vessels supply.

As R.R. Hayhow showed the foot is often a very good index of some serious disease, as t
is a relationship between the foot and health. For example, swelling of the ankle and foo
very likely to happen, due to (a) heart disease, (b) renal disease and (c) anemia.
In this connection and interesting fact may be quoted from Dr.Trueta’s findings. He repo
that during air raids on London, 1941, victims whose legs had been compressed or broke
under timber or the like sometimes died of renal failure. This fact also confirms the
correlation between the foot and other organs.

On the other hand, the nail of the hand or foot is also an index of certain diseases. R.R
Hayhow remarked that from patient’s nail much can be learned of the past history.

What further confirms the importance Reading
of limbs a Preview
is the fact that the glomus, which plays a
very important role in the mechanism of the blood circulation, is most abundantly
distributed in the limbs. Unlock full access with a free trial.
 Therefore it is no exaggeration to say that the limbs are a measure of health, and that
without normal limbs there is no health.
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As a surest ay of keeping the limbs normal, the Nishi Medicine recommends to you the
capillary exercise and the Foot Readjusting Cure.


What the Nishi Medicine means by the word “Nutrition” is four elementary matters  that b
and sustain the human being, namely food, water, light,Sign
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These fourtitle
essentially are comparable to the Four Elements namely earth,  Notfire
Useful water, useful
and air, which
ancient philosopher considered as origin of everything in the universe. Without nutrition
there’s no life.
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Before all other things, it should be well impressed in mind that nutritive element contai
 Sheet Music in food are easily destroyed by artificial cooking; if boiled or baked too much food will be
deprived of its essential ingredients by half or three-quarters. To cover the loss of nutriti
elements the body inevitably would demand for more food. And eventually this may
establish a habit of overeating. It is a familiar fact that a habit of overeating is one of the
chief causes of digestive order and renal disease. H. Malten indicated that boiled food
imposes too much load on the kidney of the civilized men all through life. Realize how wi
he caught the point of the matter.

 Thus it is clear that immediate reform of eating habit is a pressing business for us, if we
really do want to make for good health.
What the Nishi Medicine strongly recommends is that breakfast be abolished, and that
be taken twice a day, at noon and evening.Morning is the time not for intake, but dischar
It is the morning when the bowels move well. It is the time when the body cleans itself.

Unwise is it to stuff the bowels with food, when they just start on their task of elimination
this only makes their work stagnate.
No less important is taking fresh vegetables raw. This is r ecommendable to everybody,
especially the invalid. As Brauchle showed, the consumption of raw food, particularly raw
vegetables would effect almost miraculous healing. There are numbers of clinical finding
which confirm this fact.

 The reason why raw vegetables are so highly important is quite obvious. It is because ra
vegetables contain all the vital elements bestowed
You're Reading by Nature, that kindly mother of 
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mankind, and that without being spoiled.
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Concerning water, it should be recalled to mind the fact that the human body is compose
water from 58.8 to 65.7%. From this fact one may easily realize how important is water t
life. A familiar fact is that without water man couldn’t live even five days, while he may
on water for months.

Water is not only one of the essential nutritive elements, but is highly important solvent.
Without water acting as a solvent, no biochemical process upthe
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bodyon this title to happen
is likely
Surely where no water is , there is no life.  Useful  Not useful
If dehydration, or loss of water should occur, as in severe diarrhea, grave consequence
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If you are not accustomed to fresh and plain water, take 30 gram of water every thirty
 Sheet Music minutes, during the first one and half months. But after the exercise or at meal you may
drink a cup or two of water
Optimum amount of daily intake is 2-3 liters
 You had better drink water in small dose from time to time; you may take it at any time,
even during meal. That water may dilute gastric juice is a fallacy.


As for air and light, on one can deny how important they are for life; the description on t
will be omitted here. However, there is one point worthy of mention.
It is generally recognized that carbon dioxide and water are the end products of metabo
in the body. But this view does not cover the whole sequence of metabolic process. In
certain cases, for example, when supply of fresh air becomes deficient, or there is
something wrong with a vital organ, incomplete combustion is most likely to happen dur
metabolism, which may lead to the production of monoxide. Such is a natural sequence
events. Strange to say, no medical textbook has touched on this point.
In normal health, the volume of monoxide produced in the body will be too minimal to do
any harm to life, but in serious illness it may rise up to the fatal level, and thus precipitat
 The prevention of carbon monoxide poisoning call fro full supply of fresh air to the body
through normal function of the skin (in a broader sense), good ventilation and aerothera

MIND You're Reading a Preview

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 The soul sits on the throne of nucleated cell.
O.W. Holmes
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Goethe remarked, “Without mind there can be no matter; without matter no mind”. Trul
the human being is an entity, which mind and body go to compound and integrate.

Man is called “Homo sapiens;” this implies that among all creatures man alone is endowe
with mind by Providence. Here the work “mind” is used in a broader sense to implicate s
spirit, and mind (in the ordinary sense). 
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Why Nature has endowed man with mind?
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Probably it may be that She has committed to man the freedom of life; if it’s o, it is up to
to live a worthy life.
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By the practice of the Six Rules of Nishi medicine, you will become healthier, and you can
know how healthy you have become by these self-diagnostic methods.

1. Can you bend you body and touch the floor with your fists without bending your
(If you can do so, your spine and stomach are sound.)

2. Can you lean against a wall in front of you, to make an angle of 30 degrees with t
floor and straighten your whole body, without r aising your heels from the floor?
(If you can do so, you have no troubles in sexual organs nor with the sciatic nerve

3. Can you lean, face up, against a table behind you, by putting your forearms on it,
make an angle of 30 degrees with the floor, and keep your whole body straight
without raising the toes?
(If you can do so, your kidneys are sound.).

4. From the lying position on the back, and leaving your arms on the floor, can you t
up your legs over your head until our toes touch the floor?
(If you can do so, nothing isYou're
wrongReading a Preview
with your liver.)

5. Can you lie down on your backUnlockfrom

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Japanese style sitting position without ra
your knees?
( If you can do so, your intestines and urinary organs function well)
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If you cannot do any of these five exercises, you should practice them and overcome you
difficulty. They will become easier, if you practice the capillary exercise before and after
them. Undue haste should be avoided in training lest various troubles should appear. In c
of excessive difficulty, do not hesitate to interrupt the practice.
However the effort to overcome the difficulty will also cure the troubles, which may appe

in the course of the practice and thus will improve yourSign up to vote on this title
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treatment through exercises such as the goldfish (movement) style spinal column
 Sheet Music rectification exercise and the Nishi-shiki health fortifying technique( (lateral vibration
exercise know as the ?Haifuku Undo?).Furthermore, based on the structure of the human
network of arteries and veins, Nishi refuted the heart-driven blood circulation theory of 
William Harvey, proposing instead a theory that the capillaries provided the true driving
force of the circulatory system. And, in order to compensate for the obstruction of circul
in the four limbs resulting from the human species? vertical posture, he proposed the
Capillary Action- Inducing exercise (Mokan Undo), which involves lying on the back, raisi
the arms and legs and applying a slight vibrating motion.


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DO's and Don'ts Download With Free Trial

It is not easy to eat healthy, but with a little extra effort it can be done.
Here are some simple cooking Do’s and Don’ts.


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• Methods of cooking that expose the food to hot grease, hot dry air, excessive heat, or
 Useful
smoke, such as frying, broiling, charcoal broiling, or oven roasting,andNot useful
that produce a
browning are to be avoided. This browning is an oxidative chemical reaction, and it prod
toxins that have been reported to be carcinogenic, as well as fatty waste that causes a lo
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 Sheet Music • Prepare food as close to the time of eating as possible, as a time lapse between
preparation and eating allows for oxidation, which can rob your food of valuable nutrient
• Use the smallest amount of heat that will do the job. Each degree of temperature remo
something of value.

A few words need to be said about kitchen equipment. Probably the most important piec
kitchen equipment required for your diet is a juicer, either mastication or press kind. The
first one macerated the fruit or vegetable with the least amount of oxygenation, and the
press separates the juice from the pulp. (Centrifugal juicers are not recommended becau
of oxidation of the juices.)
A mini mill, such as a nut mill, coffee mill, or seed mill, is another invaluable piece of 
equipment. It will grind nuts, seeds, and grains and costs only about twenty dollars.
Food graters and food processors are excellent investments and should be used to grate
fruits and vegetables for sauces and salads.

Use preferably enamelware, stainless steel, bamboo, and earthwear for cooking. Crock-p
are useful for legumes, but should not be used for other vegetables, as prolonged heatin
will destroy their nutrients. Steamers are very useful; the steam gently cooks the
vegetables, and flavor and nutritional substances also are retained.

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 Sheet Music often full of chemicals and preservatives or made with poor oil.

Green Garden Salad

2 cups garbanzo beans, cooked

½ cup sunflower seeds
2 tomatoes, sliced
4 romaine lettuce leaves, shredded
Small handful raw pumpkin seeds
1 carrot, sliced thin
Flowers from 2 broccoli stalks
2 broccoli stalks, chopped

Combine the ingredients, tossing lightly, saving the sliced broccoli and flowers for a topp
decoration. Serve with Green Goddess Dressing (From our recipes)

Beet Salad

Shredded raw beets

Chopped onion

Marinate beets and onions together in homemade French Dressing ( From our recipes).
Serve on chopped salad greens.
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Cabbage-Carrot Salad Unlock full access with a free trial.

1-quarter head cabbage

1 carrot
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1 Jerusalem artichoke, chopped
1 small apple, chopped
Eggless Mayonnaise with sesame salt
Papaya seed pepper

Grate the carrot and cabbage into a bowl. Add artichoke andupapple.
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mayonnaise to moisten. Add papaya seed pepper. Useful  
Not useful

Artichoke Salad
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 Sheet Music 1 apple, chopped well

1 tablespoon almond butter
1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 tablespoons water

Mix the grated beets and chopped apple together in a bowl. Mix together the almond bu
lemon juice and water, and pour over your salad.

Carrot, Celery, Apple Salad

1 celery stalk, chopped fine

2 carrots, grated
1 apple, diced
A dash of cinnamon
½ cup cashews
¼ cup apple juice

Mix together first three ingredients in a bowl. Blend together the cashews, juice, and
cinnamon. Serve as a dressing over the salad.

Asparagus Mushroom Salad

Several raw mushrooms, sliced

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½ cup finely sliced young asparagus tips, raw
1/8 cup finely chopped chives Unlock full access with a free trial.
¼ cup cubed Jerusalem artichoke
½ cup coarsely chopped walnuts
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Mix ingredients together and serve with kelp, cayenne, seasoned Eggless Mayonnaise or
Lemon and Oil Dressing (From our recipes)

Golden Beet Salad

1-teaspoon arrowroot Sign up to vote on this title
¼ cup beet juice
¾ cup orange juice
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1/8 cup lemon juice
1-tablespoon apple cider vinegar
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 Sheet Music 2 green onions, chopped

Several large mushrooms, sliced
½ bunch parsley, chopped fine
1 tomato, sliced
A sprinkle of sunflower seeds
1 Jerusalem artichoke, sliced thin

 Toss all the ingredients with Herb Tomato Dressing (From our recipes) and serve.

Cauliflower Carrot Pecan Salad

1½ cup chopped cauliflower buds

1 cup coarsely grated carrots
¾ cup chopped green pepper
1 cup chopped celery
1 cup pecan halves

Mix together and dress with Horseradish Mayonnaise (From our recipes). Serve on green

Mushroom Marinade

½ lb. Mushrooms, sliced

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¼ teaspoon herb seasoned salt
½ teaspoon oregano Unlock full access with a free trial.
1-tablespoon oregano
1 tablespoon lemon juice
½ cup olive oil Download With Free Trial

Mix the marinade ingredients with the mushrooms and let stand 2 to 3 hours at room
temperature or

Stuffed Avocados

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Red pepper, chopped
Onion, chopped
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Cucumber, chopped
Mushrooms or cauliflower buds, chopped small
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 Sheet Music 1 beet, grated

1 stalk celery, finely chopped

Place the lettuce leaves on a plate with the cabbage in the center, carrots and beets mix
with celery surrounding them. Dress with Horseradish Mayonnaise ( From our recipes) , o
with the dressing of your choice.

Garden Salad Supreme

Green leafy vegetable of your choice

Grated or chopped;
Green onions
Pumpkin seeds
 Jerusalem artichokes
Avocado wedges
1-teaspoon kelp

Mix all ingredients, using the tomatoes and avocado wedges on top. Serve with your fav
dressing.. You're Reading a Preview

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Artichoke Salad

1 cup grated Jerusalem artichokes Download With Free Trial

½ cup grated beets
1 avocado, sliced into wedges

Mix together the beets and artichokes, placing on a lettuce bed. Place the avocado wedg
around, and dress with Lemon and Oil Dressing (From our recipes). 
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Raw Potato Salad  Useful  Not useful

 Juice of ¼ lemon
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One of the KAKI-CHA\'s finest qualities is the non- breaking down of the vitamin c as fo
in most other persimmon products.
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It\'s a well known fact that vitamin c plays an important role in everyday health and
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growth. Vitamin c cannot be produced in the body, One of its weakest points
being heat. In general eating fruit or vegetables is one of the only ways to supply
the body with the vitamin c it needs.Download
KAKI-CHA Withsupplies
Free Trial the body with ample
vitamin c it requires even with an unstable diet or disrupted eating
patterns KAKI-CHA can provide the balance you need. As well as other valuable
minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium are abundant in kaki-
cha. Vitamin c is lost in most products when heat is introduced, KAKI-CHA retains
almost all of the vitamin c even at a heat of 85?Z.By drinking KAKI-CHA, one is
able to successfully supply the body with the everyday mineral requirements for a health
life. Sign up to vote on this title
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Playing a vital role in bone structure and growth. During pregnancy or child\'s health gro
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 Sheet Music selected in the beginning of Japan\'s spring when the leaves contain the most nutrients.
pride ourselves on our strict quality control methods. Only the finest goes into the makin

"KAKI-CHA" is a 100% natural product. Completely additive and agrochemical free, "KA
CHA" can be drunk on a daily basis, Even used to replace other supplements.


Place teabag in teapot, add desired amount of boiling water, allow 3-

5 minutes then pour.
One teabag can make 3-5 cups
Contents: 4g per bag/96bags
4g per bag/36bags
A concentrate of "KAKI-CHA" known in its solid powder
form as "ASMIN"
Contents: 0.8g per packets*30
5g per packets*4
65g bottle
A very refreshing health drink, drink during sports, leisure Also .helps
lessen the after effects of alcohol..
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Contents: 190cc per can*30
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"KAKI-CHA" which has been grinded into the finest of powder,
simply dissolves when hot water isDownload
added. With Free Trial

Contents:0. 9g per packet*30

35g bottle

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How to fight diseases with success: this is a question more complex and r amifying than e
worlds generally suggest. The solution of the vital problem is to be sought not only in the
correction of fatal defects present in the modern clinical treatment, but also in the
rectification of false views about human life which constitute the theoretical side, or
substantial foundation of medical science.
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 The fundamental problem of medical cure is based on the relation of “ individual and
Unlock full
environment”, as is held by the pioneers ofaccess
the with a free trial.
modern medical science. Viewed in this l
it is to be admitted as a fact that each of the patients suffering from one and the same
disease requires a different treatment according
Download Withto disparity
Free Trial of individual constitution an
environment. And to such requirement apparently conforms the modern medical tenden
for the minutest possible specialization. But in reality the case is entirely reverse
 The reason is obvious. Specialization of the modern medical science denotes, by no mea
the advance into study of the actual relationship between individual and environment, b
rather the confinement in the laboratory and theoretical speculation. Awakening to this
fundamental fallacy to begin with is quite essential to mastering a secret of disease  fight
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 There is still another side of the proposition for practical  consideration.
Useful  Not If the central idea
disease fighting is eventually to be reduced to be the ever-changing relationship existen
between individual and environment, multifarious must be the factors, which, in their
aspects incessantly changing in accordance with individuality and environment, demand
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 Sheet Music Each of the organs composing the system is interdependent upon the others and in func
so centers on the brain and intestines that such system might be reduced into these tow
organs, and even into the intestinal duct only.

 This fact has long been recognized by Dr.Sansom and many other medical scientists who
have all gone on record declaring that with intestines regularly and properly cleaned, ma
will seldom be attacked by any sort of disease. For such cleansing purpose they recomm
30 to 50 grams of Milk of Magnesia to be taken down once a week in fresh water.

 The author has carefully studied the result of such practice as made by no less than scor
of thousands cases and is convinced of the truth of those specialists theory as the simple
and most practical secret of disease fighting.

 The idea of “individual and environment” which involves so complicate and multilateral
problems has thus been condensed into the simple question of the brain and intestines.
thus getting in touch with the nucleus of the whole problem, can a real and effective me
of disease fighting be established? The variety and multiplicity of human diseases is by n
means of order less mysteries, but it is a mere change of form taking place around the
definitely know n center.

 The last problem thus left with us is how to solve the central question and how to make
most of the essence of the modern medical science for that purpose.

Such an idea, if introduced into our daily life for its practical ends, may fairly be regarded
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having more than half solved the problem a Preview
under consideration. As for the remaining pha
of the problem namely timeserving treatment, skill and experience will give and desired
solution. Unlock full access with a free trial.

Lavoisier, father of chemistry, saysDownload

that life isWith
a chemical function. Sure enough the prem
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of physiology is chemistry. But chemistry rests on the premise of physics and physics on
premise of dynamics, which in turn is based on astronomy, and o on ands on until it is to
admitted that there is nothing absolutely independent, but that everything is interdepen
upon everything else.

 This is particularly the case with human beings forming so complicate a social life quite

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unlike any other creatures. Thus to the physiological factors to vote
this titlethe social
factors in studying a best means of fighting diseases. In other
Usefulwords, the universe, ray,
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sunlight, air, water, climate, weather, social environments and all other factors must be
taken into consideration, so as to harmonize their effects with physiological and biologic
functions, and herein after all lies a ultimate secret of conquering diseases.
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 Sheet Music In other words, an attempt is to be made to seek regulation of the general body organs i
the first place from the physical, next from the chemical, then from the bacteriological, a
lastly from the mental points of view. This means as much as to assert that whoever wou
keep his health strong must be advised to stand on guard always against overwork,
overeating, excess of bacilli and overworry.

Few men are ever in and ideally healthy condition. They have in the majority of cases on
more complaints falling under the above given categories. All such complaints generally
come from the following four kinds of ptosis.
1.Ptosis of the skeleton
2. Ptosis of the internal organs
3 Ptosis of the body fluids
4.Ptosis of the spirit

Such ptosis arises as follows; debility of skin function weakens the activity of the liver, an
thereby reduces the peristaltic movements of the intestines. The inevitable consequence
this is constipation, which lead to distension, rupture or hemorrhage of the cerebral bloo

Even if the worst be confined to a mere distension of the cerebral blood-vessels, there w
gradually be developed such subjective symptoms as cold limbs or paralysis of limbs, th
affected part being mostly the motor nervous system. Cold limbs gradually restrain the
proper functions of the lungs, heart, blood-vessels and kidneys each of which organs is
interdependent on the other forming as they do, a great organic system in the body. Thi
fact is what medical science affirms mostReading a Preview

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to increase the quantity after perspiration.

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8. To take in gomashio (mixture of parched sesame seeds and salt, six grams for ad
three grams for a child (increase after perspiration) and to observe a one-day lon
salt-free diet every two or three weeks.

9. To take edible seaweeds such as tangle, wakame (Undaris pianatifada), hijiki (spi
shaped bladder leaf or Cystophylium fusitoforme, etc) about 10g(0.4 oz) per day.

10. To take in rice bran, which may be lightly parched 6g for an adult and 3g for a ch

11. To take mutorunin (4 or 5 tablets for an adult and reduced doses for a child accor
to his age) or other food vermifuges which are free of bad after-effects. The intak
should be continued for three or four days in the beginning and in the middle of a
month. This should be continued for three months. After a three-month long
interruption, the vermifuge should be administered for another three months.

12. To take 70-110 g of raw vegetables composed of more than three different kinds
daily. A patient must take, by all means, more than five kinds.

13. To establish the custom of two meals a day (lunch and dinner).

14. To take the hot-cold bath.

15. To adjust occasionally nutritious excess and shortage by the rice gruel cure, the a
agar diet or the fasting cures.
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DRINKING UNBOILED WATER Unlock full access with a free trial.

One should drink fresh water little by little ( at the rate of one gram per minute or practi
thirty grams every half an hour). InDownload Withone
other words, Freeshould
Trial drink at least one or two lite
Although we can live in pitch-darkness for scores of days or without eating for months, w
cannot survive for more than five days without water. It is unnatural and impossible for a
creature to live away from water.
In order to know the maximum amount of unboiled fresh water to drink, one can see the

color of one’s urine. Its colorlessness indicates the sufficiency of water intake. Unboiled
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water is effective for:
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1. Blood circulation.
2. Activities of lymphatic fluid.
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10. Preventing constipation.

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If you drink an ounce of unboiled water every thirty or forty minutes all day long, you wil
never suffer from gastric or duodenal ulcer, and those who are suffering from them will
gradually get healed. By drinking water in this way, you will become healthy in all respec


 The recipe for parched sesame seeds with salt and its effects.

Parched sesame seeds mixed with salt are necessary all year round for hygienic and
therapeutic purposes, but in summer, when perspiration is abundant, parched salt and
sesame seeds should be mixed in the proportion of 6:4 and ground in a mortar. This mix
is sprinkled on rice or raw vegetables. One had better abstain from drinking much for ab
forty minutes
 There are many kinds of sesame seeds: black ones are good for the kidney, white ones f
the lungs, red ones for the heart and grey ones for the digestive organs.
Loss of body weight in summer, beriberi, gastroactony, gastric cramps, heavy legs, etc. c
be prevented by salt replenishment after perspiration, because those troubles are cause
shortage of salt.
Excess of salt causes troubles of the kidney or the lung. Therefore a one daylong selfless
diet must be observed every tow or three weeks. Besides vitamin C must be also
replenished from persimmon leaf decoction.
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When examined by Roentgen rays, it is clear that even the persons whose bowels move
regularly and have stool two or three times a day, retain a considerable amount of old fe
in the intestines. There is no other way for such persons to rid themselves of these old fe
except by taking a fast or milk of magnesia.

It should be noted that on the position of the accumulated feces the location of cancer 
depends. For example, a person who has feces stuck inSign the up to vote on near
intestines this title
the liver expo
to the danger of cancerous growth on the right side of  larynx;
hisUseful and,
useful one who
some retention of fecal matter near the spleen is susceptible to a cancerous growth on t
left side of the larynx, while one who has an accumulation near the appendix has a tende
of developing cancer in the pylori region. So, it is possible to foretell the location of a
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 Sheet Music  Taro plaster is extremely effective for boils, stiff shoulder, myositis, sarcoma, skin cance
breast cancer, sprain, and otitis.

1. Materials and proportion
•  Japanese taro (Colocasia antiquorum) 10
• Wheat flour 10

• Salt 2

• Ginger root 2

2. Preparation

 Japanese taros with their hairy skin on should be lightly grilled on a charcoal fire
as their hair gets a little burnt. Then they are peeled and grated. Wheat flour, salt and
grated ginger root are added in the above written proportion, and then the mixture is
kneaded well. This prepared plaster is then spread 3mm thick on a piece of linen, flanne
paper to be applied on the affected area. If it is feverish, the plaster is changed every thr
or four hours. IF there is no fever, it may be kept half a day or so. The Capillary Exercise
applied to the part with the plaster on will reinforce its effect.

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If the plaster makes the skin itchy
Unlock or irritated,
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is because either the taros were
not sufficiently grilled or the skin is sensitive. So one can grill taros more or interrupt the
application for a while and apply Suimag (‘Milk of 
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Magensia’ on the irritated skin.
If taros are grilled too much, the plaster will not work. Oiling the skin to which the plaste
applied will help alleviate the irritation, but the plaster must be fixed with a bandage.
The whole surface of the skin in contact with the plaster may swell up, but the
application must not be interrupted because the swelling is an initial sign of healing.
The plaster applied on a cancerous growth and other tumors makes white granul
stuff come out and finally break them down. 
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If a boil gets opened by the plaster, it should be pressed hard until blood oozes forth and
core comes out. Then the plaster is applied again.  Useful  Not useful
Dried plaster sticking to the skin can be easily removed by the decoction of chopped gin
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