Wakefield Apology

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I'd like to extend a sincere and heartfelt apology to Mr.

Bryan Trottier and some residents of

Wakefield and Low, Quebec, including Ms. Bonnie James, Amanda Dexter and Diane Carman.
Dexter and Carman are moderators of the Wakefield Folks community Facebook group and I'd
appreciate it if someone could share this posting over there, as I am banned. I acknowledge those
three women may have been impacted by my overzealous search for Mr. Trottier. I now know
Mr. Trottier to be a genuine and sincere political actor and not at all who we thought.

Being from outside of Quebec, located in Toronto, I believe I did not take into account the
specific character of your lovely community and its close knit nature. I have not visited
Wakefield before and did not know the impact my words and allegations might cause and I hope
that my inquiries and the various statements I made about Mr. Trottier did not substantially alter
his reputation in the community. I relinquish any claims I may or may not have made with
respect to Mr. Trottier having been anti-gay, a “nazi”, a member of hate-groups or, a dangerous
person. I was incorrect.

I went looking for a notorious purveyor of online hatred and intimidating messages, and found
instead a community oriented man beloved by all except for a few people like myself, who
simply disagree with him and his ideas about immigration, conservative politics and gender
identity. I made mention of pending legal action to many persons and would like to reassure
everyone including Ms. Dexter and Mr. Trottier that I have no intention to pursue any legal
remedies at this time.

I am aware that my words and actions may have caused distress to a few residents of the
Low/Wakefield/Fieldville areas who I contacted while searching for someone that I believed was
a notorious online purveyor of hate and vitriol. I will admit that I believed, mistakenly, that there
was an attempt to shield Mr. Trottier from scrutiny, criticism or the legal ramifications of his
actions. I am now relieved to discover this is certainly not the case.

Causing trouble in your communities was not my intent, and while I definitely did not cross any
legal lines, I believe that my approach, which involved initially misrepresenting my intentions as
someone searching for his long-lost father, and multiple journalistic inquiries made to local
businesses and individuals including members of the clergy, may have been unethical and
deceptive. I understand that this approach could have unintentionally hurt the reputation of the
person I was trying to locate.

I did not intend to cause anyone alarm. I realize now that the approach of actively tracking down
people who post objectionable content online or who are believed to be behind hundreds of
objectionable messages sent to myself and my colleagues, can polarize communities, sow
discord and even drive people to espouse extreme positions or beliefs. I know that radicalization
can result simply from the tone and tempo of our inquiries and communications. I hereby resolve
to be a better person and not to trouble any members of your lovely community, or Mr. Trottier,
in this way again.

I am truly, deeply, sorry once more for any harms real or perceived I and my colleagues may
have caused. I will endeavour from here on out to be a better person and to do better, more
accurate, more effective, more insightful and less intrusive research.

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