Employee Training at Google Foue Steps: 1. Need Analysis
Employee Training at Google Foue Steps: 1. Need Analysis
Employee Training at Google Foue Steps: 1. Need Analysis
Foue steps:
1. Need Analysis
- Organizational analysis: organizational analysis identifies new human resource
needs based on the firm’s current situation.
- Work analysis: work analysis determines the specific requirements to fulfill work
tasks or Google applies work analysis on new jobs
- Cost benefit: Cost benefit analysis determines the practicality of training programs
and activities
2. Program Design
- Relation model focuses on the relationship of the company with employees
- Oriented approach focuses on training outcomes
3. Delivery
- Discussions enable Google to maintain rich communications involving employees
- Simulations empower Google’s employees to understand the details of work tasks
projects and products
- On the – job training to maximize the transfer of knowledge to new hires or
4. Evaluating
- Summative purpose is to determine the effectiveness of the program in
- Descriptive purpose of evaluation is to understand the effects of the traing on