Microstrip-Fed Wideband Circularly Polarized Printed Antenna Technical Article

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10, OCTOBER 2010

Microstrip-Fed Wideband Circularly Polarized

Printed Antenna
Xiu Long Bao, Member, IEEE, Max J. Ammann, Senior Member, IEEE, and Patrick McEvoy, Member, IEEE

Abstract—A wideband circularly-polarized printed antenna is

proposed, which employs an asymmetrical dipole and a slit in the
ground plane which are fed by an L-shaped microstrip feedline
using a via. The proposed antenna geometry is arranged so that
the orthogonal surface currents, which are generated in the dipole,
feedline and ground plane, have the appropriate phase to provide
circular polarization. A parametric study of the key parameters
is made and the mechanism for circular polarization is described.
The measured results show that the impedance bandwidth is ap-
proximately 1.34 GHz (2.45 GHz to 3.79 GHz) and the 3 dB axial
ratio bandwidth is approximately 770 MHz (2.88 GHz to 3.65 GHz)
which represent fractional bandwidths of approximately 41% and
23%, respectively, with respect to a centre frequency of 3.3 GHz.
Index Terms—Asymmetrical dipole, circular polarization,
printed dipole antenna, slot antenna.

Fig. 1. Geometry and coordinate system for the proposed printed antenna.
I. INTRODUCTION (a) The asymmetrical dipole and microstrip feedline network with a slit in the
ground plane. (b) Edge profile.
IRCULARLY polarized (CP) radio propagation links in
C satellite communications, satellite positioning and radio
frequency identification (RFID) [1]–[3] systems are preferred dual circular and rhombic loops with small parasitic elements
to linear polarization schemes which are subject to losses [9] use gaps in the structure to achieve circular polarization with
when arbitrary polarization misalignment occurs between the AR bandwidths up to 40%, but at a cost of the antenna profile
transmitter and receiver. With CP antennas at both radios, being greater than a quarter-wavelength. Alternatively, lower
the enhanced gain and cross-polar discrimination improve the profile slot antennas [10]–[13] have achieved CP bandwidth
resilience of the system to multipath propagating effects. To characteristics that have AR bandwidths that range from 4% to
create circular polarization, the antenna must radiate from 25%.
modes of equal magnitude that are orthogonal in space and in The literature also reports coupled feed designs for CP
phase quadrature. Several techniques have been used in various performance. An annular-ring patch element with a parasitic
types of circularly polarized antennas that have been reported fan-shaped patch [14] is excited by a single port; and a two-port
in recent decades. Printed circular or square patch geometries U-shaped microstrip feedline couples into square and circular
with perturbing narrow slots or truncated stubs [4], [5] achieve annular ring patches to provide reconfigurable polarization
CP by introducing degenerate modes with 90 phase difference. sense, depending on which port is driven [15]. In both cases,
To create broader operating bandwidths, designs have included the operational bandwidths are less than 2%. These perfor-
paired rectangular wire loops above an infinite ground plane mances contrast with various printed dipole antennas with
[6], a coupled loop with parasitic loop [7] and a two-layer broad bandwidths, low-profiles and light weights, but linear
substrate [8], where axial ratio (AR) bandwidths of 18%, 16% polarization. In [16]–[19], the printed dipole antennas have
and 9.6% respectively, were achieved. Furthermore, balanced integrated microstrip baluns and in [20] the dual-band printed
dipole antennas comprise a pair of arms with two parallel strips.
In [21], by using four sequentially rotated configurations of the
Manuscript received December 08, 2008; revised March 18, 2009; accepted
April 13, 2010. Date of publication July 01, 2010; date of current version Oc-
crossed dipole, circularly polarized characteristics are realized.
tober 06, 2010. This work was supported in part by Science Foundation Ireland In this paper, a simple single layer printed dipole with a pair of
under Grants 08/CE/I1523 and 09/SIRG/I1644. The Telecommunications Re- asymmetrical arms is combined with a slot antenna to provide
search Centre, CTVR, provided the research infrastructure.
X. L. Bao is with the Antenna and High Frequency Research Centre, Dublin
circular polarization. A parametric study is made to optimize
Institute of Technology, Dublin 8, Ireland the performance of the small structure to realize a 23% AR
M. J. Ammann and P. McEvoy are with the Antenna and High Frequency bandwidth.
Research Centre, Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin 8, Ireland and also
with the Telecommunications Research Centre, Dublin 8, Ireland (e-mail: am-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. The geometry and coordinate system of the proposed printed
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2010.2055776 circularly polarized antenna are shown in Fig. 1.
0018-926X/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE

Fig. 2. The simulated and measured S for the proposed dipole antenna.

Fig. 4. Simulated and measured radiation patterns in the xz Elevation Plane

(' = 0 ) at (a) 2.9 GHz, (b) 3.1 GHz, (c) 3.3 GHz and (d) 3.5 GHz. Simulated
RHCP | | { ; Measured RHCP 000000 1 1
; Simulated LHCP | | ; Mea-
sured LHCP 11111111111

Fig. 3. The simulated and measured axial ratio for the proposed dipole antenna.

The L-shaped microstrip feedline is printed on one side of

the substrate and an asymmetrical dipole with ground plane is
printed on the rear side. The narrow dipole gap is continued be-
tween a pair of coplanar strip lines and it extends as a slit into
the small ground plane. The microstrip feedline extends above Fig. 5. Simulated and measured radiation patterns in the yz Elevation Plane
(' = 90 ) at (a) 2.9 GHz, (b) 3.1 GHz, (c) 3.3 GHz and (d) 3.5 GHz. Simu-
the groundplane to an orthogonal stub which is connected to lated RHCP | | { ; Measured RHCP 000000 ; Simulated LHCP | | ;1 1
the short arm of the dipole by means of a via. The microstrip Measured LHCP 11111111111
feedline is wider than the dipole gap and it is centered oppo-
site the groundplane slit, which is also centered on the sub- in phase quadrature to those on the asymmetrical dipole, thereby
strate. The feed configuration differs from a conventional mi- stimulating radiation in the and directions.
crostrip-via balun which simply couples to one dipole feedline The longer arm of the printed dipole, the ground plane slit and
[17]. In our case, the overlap between the microstrip edges and the microstrip feedline are approximately a quarter wavelength.
the slit edges introduces coupling to alter the surface current The proposed antenna is printed on a Taconic RF35 substrate,
densities and phasing along the feed network. The feed network with a relative permittivity of 3.5, a thickness of 1.57 mm and
functions in two ways. Firstly, it enables an impedance transfor- a loss tangent of 0.0018. The substrate size is 30 mm 36 mm.
mation, between 50 at the microstrip feed port and the higher The geometric parameters and modeled features are detailed in
dipole impedance, across a wide frequency range. Secondly, it Fig. 1. The diameter of the via is 1.4 mm and it is centered with
supports orthogonal radiating currents of similar magnitude but respect to both the microstrip and the dipole feedline.




Fig. 6. Simulated surface current distributions for antenna orthogonal phases. Fig. 7. (a) Comparison of the S with different widths W
L : L : W : S :
of printed arms
(a) 0 , (b) 90 , (c) 180 and (d) 270 . ( solid line of arrows on the microstrip = 8 0 mm, = 12 0 mm, = 2 0 mm, = 4 0 mm.
and with
line; { dash line of arrows on the back of the substrate).
L : L : W : S :
(b) Comparison of the AR with different widths of printed arms and with
= 8 0 mm, = 12 0 mm, = 2 0 mm, = 4 0 mm.
Numerical work was carried out using the time domain solver and LHCP radiation patterns were measured in the ,
in CST Microwave Studio and included a SMA feed connector 90 planes (antenna co-ordinates, and respectively) at fre-
model. The dimensions for the dipole, ground plane and feed- quencies of 2.9 GHz, 3.1 GHz, 3.3 GHz and 3.5 GHz. These
line parameters are given in Table I. The simulated and mea- were normalized and compared to simulated patterns and the
sured values for the proposed antenna are given in Fig. 2 agreement is good in the vicinity of maximum radiation for both
and show good agreement. The measured band- RHCP and LHCP as indicated in Figs. 4 and 5. The measured
width was found to be approximately 1.34 GHz (i.e., 2.45 GHz peak gain was found to be approximately 2.0 dBic and the sim-
to 3.79 GHz). In this case, the antenna was designed to realize ulated efficiency was 93% at the center frequency.
right-hand circular-polarization (RHCP) in the direction. To illustrate the circular polarization mechanism, which re-
The RHCP and left-hand circular-polarization (LHCP) radiation quires modes of equal magnitude that are phase orthogonal,
patterns and AR were measured in an anechoic chamber using the simulated surface current distributions viewed from the mi-
a standard gain horn antenna as a reference and computed using crostrip side are illustrated in Fig. 6. The direction of the surface
data from their far field components and using formulae currents on the dipole arms and the microstrip feed network is
from [22].The measured AR is shown in Fig. 3 along with nu- shown at 3.3 GHz as the phase changes from 0 through 270 .
merical predictions. It can be seen that the measured 3 dB AR The 0 phase reference shows that the dominant radiating cur-
bandwidth is approximately 770 MHz (i.e., 2.88 GHz to 3.65 rents are directed, while on the -axis, the microstrip feed-
GHz) and is in agreement with numerical values. The RHCP line current is phase opposed to each of the groundplane slit


Fig. 8. (a) Comparison of the S for different arm length L with W =
1:0 mm, L = 12:0 mm, W = 2:0 mm, S = 4:0 mm. (b) Comparison
of the AR for different arm length L with W = 1:0 mm, L = 12:0 mm, Fig. 9. (a) Comparison of the S for different values of S with W =
W = 2:0 mm, S = 4:0 mm. 1:0 mm, L = 8:0 mm, L = 12:0 mm, W = 2:0 mm. (b) Comparison
of the AR for different values of S with W = 1:0 mm, L = 8:0 mm,
edge currents. For the 90 phase, the dominant surface current
L = 12:0 mm, W = 2:0 mm.
flow is in the direction. Currents on the left and right edges of
as the width and length of the printed dipole arm, the
the groundplane slit are in phase opposite directions but the left
width and length of the slit between the two feedlines and
edge direction is phase aligned with the microstrip feedline. The
the location of the microstrip via. A parametric study of these
dipole currents are phase opposed to their respective adjacent
key parameters presented below provides a useful evaluation of
groundplane edges. For the 180 phase, a dominant directed
their effects on antenna performance. The other parameters for
current flow is observed, which is an inverted current phase ar-
the proposed antenna are listed as follows: ,
rangement to the 0 phase reference. Finally, for the 270 phase,
, , ,
the currents are directed (phase inverted with respect to the
, , (Fig. 1).
90 phase), hence the polarization sense is right-hand in the
( ) direction. Furthermore, LHCP may be achieved
A. The Length and Width of the Printed Dipole Arms
by interchanging the dipole arms and the microstrip L-shaped
feedline via connection, or by simply flipping the antenna 180 Fig. 7(a) and (b) illustrate plots of and AR against fre-
about the vertical centerline parallel to the -axis. quency. The variation of the width of the two printed arms
has little effect on the impedance bandwidth and the frequency
IV. PARAMETRIC STUDY OF THE PROPOSED PRINTED ANTENNA of operation. However, as the arm width is reduced, the AR
The performance of the proposed printed antenna structure is seen to increase as shown in Fig. 7(b). Fig. 8(a) and (b) show
shows greater sensitivity to variation in some parameters, such the and AR against frequency for different values of the



Fig. 11. (a) Comparison of the S for various value of slit width W , with
Fig. 10. (a) Comparison of the S for various values of slit length L , with W = 1 0 mm
: ,L = 8 0 mm
: ,L = 12 0 mm
: ,S = 4 0 mm. (b)
W = 1 0 mm
: ,L = 8 0 mm
: = 2 0 mm
,W : ,S = 4 0 mm
: . (b) = 1:0 mm,
Comparison of the AR for various value of slit width W , with W
= 1 0mm
Comparison of the AR for various values of slit length L , with W : , L = 8 0 mm
: ,L = 12 0 mm
: ,S = 4 0 mm
L = 8 0 mm
: ,W = 2 0 mm
: = 4 0 mm
,S : .

C. The Length and Width of the Slit Between Dipole Feedlines

short dipole arm length . In this case, the longer arm of the
printed dipole is fixed at . As the length of the The length and width of the slit between the dipole
arm is shortened from 12 mm to 8 mm, the feedlines was found to have a significant effect on the perfor-
bandwidth is significantly increased. It is noted from Fig. 8(b) mance. Fig. 10(a) illustrates the sensitivity of the impedance to
that the CP bandwidth is shifted downwards as the arm length variation in the slit length (all other parameters are fixed).
is increased. It is seen that for greatest impedance bandwidth, a value of
is optimum. A wide AR bandwidth is realized
B. The Location of the Feedpoint Via for this value of as shown in Fig. 10(b).
Fig. 11 illustrates the sensitivity to the width of the slot .
Fig. 9(a) and (b) illustrate the plots of and AR for different This parameter was varied from 1 mm to 3 mm (while ,
feedline via locations. The via connection point to the dipole and remain constant) and it was found that the widest AR
feedline is varied by changing the parameter while keeping and impedance bandwidth occurred for .
constant. The AR values are found to be sensitive to the This parametric study has helped to identify dimensional
variation of the value of . It is found that the widest AR and trends of the most important parameters and facilitated the
impedance bandwidth is obtained for . design of a wideband circularly polarized antenna.

V. CONCLUSIONS [19] B. Edward and D. Rees, “A broadband printed dipole with integrated
balun,” Microwave Journal, pp. 339–344, May 1987.
A novel approach to generate circular polarization using a [20] F. Tefiku and C. A. Grimes, “Design of broad-band and dual-band an-
microstrip-via feedline is presented. The proposed printed an- tennas comprised of series-fed printed-strip dipole pairs,” IEEE Trans.
tenna element comprises a dipole and ground plane slit which Antennas Propag., vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 895–900, 2000.
[21] K. M. Mak and K. M. Luk, “A shorted cross bowtie patch antenna
are fed by an L-shaped microstrip-via feed. By the appropriate with a cross dipole for circular polarization,” in Proc. IEEE Antennas
adjustment of the key dimensional parameters, circular polar- Propag. Int. Symp., Jun. 2007, pp. 2702–2705.
ization with an axial ratio of 3 dB or less is realized over a wide [22] B. Y. Toh, R. Cahill, and V. F. Fusco, “Understanding and measuring
circular polarization,” IEEE Trans. Education, vol. 46, pp. 313–318,
bandwidth. The circular polarization mechanism was described 2003.
using surface currents. Measurements show the 3 dB axial ratio
bandwidth to be approximately 770 MHz, representing a frac- Xiulong Bao (M’09) received the B.Sc. degree in
tional bandwidth of approximately 23% with respect to a centre physics from the Huaibei Coal Industry Teachers’
frequency of 3.3 GHz. An impedance bandwidth of 1.34 GHz College, Anhui Province, China, in July 1991, and
the M.Sc. degree in physics and the Ph.D. degree
corresponding to a fractional bandwidth of approximately 42% in electromagnetic field and microwave technology
with respect to 3.3 GHz, is achieved. from Southeast University, Jiangsu Province, China,
in April 1996 and April 2003, respectively.
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[9] R. L. Li, G. DeJean, J. Laskar, and M. M. Tentzeris, “Investigation land, in 1997.
of circularly polarized loop antennas with a parasitic element for He is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Electronic
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3930–3939, 2005. of Technology, where he is the Director of the An-
[10] S. Shi, K. Hirasawa, and Z. N. Chen, “Circularly polarized rectangu- tenna and High Frequency Research Centre. He also
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Antennas Propag., vol. 49, pp. 1517–1524, 2001. Telecommunications Value-chain Research (CTVR),
[11] J. S. Row, “The design of a squarer-ring slot antenna for circular polar- Dublin. He spent eight years on radio systems engineering and antenna design
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[12] C. C. Chou, K. H. Lin, and H. L. Su, “Broadband circularly polarised sible for commissioning the Nationwide Communications Network for Ireland’s
cross-patch-loaded square slot antenna,” Electron. Lett., vol. 43, no. 9, national police force. In 1986 he joined the DIT as a Lecturer and was pro-
pp. 485–486, 2007. moted to Senior Lecturer in 2003. His research interests include electromagnetic
[13] J. Y. Sze and C. C. Chang, “Circularly polarized square slot antenna theory, antenna miniaturization for terminal and ultra wideband applications,
with a pair of inverted-L grounded strips,” IEEE Antennas Wireless microstrip antennas, metamaterials, antennas for medical devices and the inte-
Propag. Lett., vol. 7, pp. 149–151, 2008. gration with photovoltaic systems. He has in excess of 160 peer-reviewed papers
[14] Y. F. Lin, H. M. Chen, and S. C. Lin, “A new coupling mechanism for published in journals and international conferences. He has served as an expert
circularly polarized annular-ring patch antenna,” IEEE Trans. Antennas to industry on various antenna technologies in the communications, medical,
Propag., vol. 56, pp. 11–16, 2008. aviation and electronic security sectors in Ireland and abroad. The roles have
[15] K. F. Tong and J. J. Huang, “New proximity coupled feeding method included design assessment, design solutions, technological strategy reporting
for reconfigurable circularly polarized microstrip ring antennas,” IEEE and assessment of compliance with international standards on human exposure
Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 56, pp. 1860–1866, 2008. to electromagnetic energy. The industrial contacts also stem from several suc-
[16] L. C. Kuo et al., “A study of planar printed dipole antennas for wireless cessful transfers of fundamental design research into applied solutions.
communication application,” J. Electromagn. Waves Applicat., vol. 21, Dr. Ammann received the 2006 Best Poster Award at the Loughborough An-
no. 5, pp. 637–652, 2007. tennas and Propagation Conference, commercialization awards for work with
[17] H. R. Chuang and L. C. Kuo, “3-D FDTD design analysis of a 2.4-GHz DecaWave Ltd. and Taoglas Ltd and a 2008 CST Publication Award for work
polarization-diversity printed dipole antenna with integrated balun and on a “Wideband Reconfigurable Rolled Planar Monopole Antenna.” He sits on
polarization-switching circuit for WLAN and wireless communication the management committee of the EU COST Action IC0603, “Antenna Systems
applications,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 51, no. 2, pp. and Sensors for Information Society Technologies” (ASSIST) and he is active in
374–381, 2003. the Antenna Sensors and Systems Work Centre. As a member of the IEEE Inter-
[18] Z. G. Fan, S. Qiao, J. T. Huangfu, and L. X. Ran, “A miniaturized national Committee for Electromagnetic Safety, he participated in the revision
printed dipole antenna with V-shaped ground for 2.45 GHz RFID,” of the IEEE Std. C95.1, 2005 standard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human
Progr. Electromagn. Res., vol. PIER 71, pp. 149–158, 2007. Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz. He is

also a member of the URSI Committee for Communications and Radio Science Centre for Mobile Communications Research, Loughborough University, where
within the Royal Irish Academy, with expertise in Commission K: Electromag- he worked on switched antennas for handheld terminals, applications of meta-
netics in Biology and Medicine. He chaired the IEEE APS Special Session on materials, low specific absorption rate antenna design and antenna measurement
Antennas for UWB Wireless Communication Systems, Columbus, Ohio, 2003 systems. He has twelve years of applied academic research and industrial expe-
and was chair for the Antennas and Propagation Track for the 65th IEEE VTC, rience that includes design, high-volume manufacturing and measurement sys-
Dublin 2007. He was the local chair for the October 2008 EU COST IC0603 tems for miniaturized microwave antennas. His research focus is currently on
workshop and meeting in Dublin. body area communications, hyperthermia applicators, ultra wideband antennas
for frequency and time-domain applications and the integration of antennas with
solar voltaic devices. He has published over 40 scientific papers and has helped
to organize four international conferences on antennas and propagation.
Patrick McEvoy (M’02) received the M.Eng. degree
in electronic communications engineering from the
University of Hull, Hull, U.K. (partially undertaken
at L’Institut Supérieur d’Electronique de Paris,
France) in 1998 and the Ph.D. degree in microwave
antenna engineering from Loughborough University,
Leicestershire, U.K., in 2007.
Currently, he is a senior researcher at the Antenna
and High Frequency Research Centre, Dublin Insti-
tute of Technology (DIT), Dublin, Ireland. Prior to
joining the DIT he was a Research Manager at the

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