Research On Drug Abuse in St. Hubert

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Knowledge on Drug Abuse among students in St.

Seminary/SHS; Focusing on its Causes, Effects and Management
INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Background of the study ........................................................................................................................................................ 2
Problem Statement ................................................................................................................................................................ 2
Aim of The Study .................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Hypothesis of The Study ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Objectives ............................................................................................................................................................................... 3
LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Conceptual Frame Work ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
METHODOLOGY .......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Type and Design of Study ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
Study Site ................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Data Collection Techniques and Tools ................................................................................................................................... 5
Sampling design ...................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Sample size.............................................................................................................................................................................. 6
INCLUSION AND EXCLUSION CRITERIA ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Inclusion Criteria ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Exclusion criteria..................................................................................................................................................................... 6
ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
FUNDING ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
QUESTIONNAIRES ........................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Questionnaire of evaluating knowledge, attitude, and practice of high school students; focusing on
drug abuse in St. Hubert’s Seminary/SHS. .............................................................................................................. 7
REFERENCE ................................................................................................................................................................................ 15


Background of the study

World Health Organization (WHO) describes a drug as any substance either natural or chemical, excluding food
that is taken to revise or change mood, behaviour, feelings and or the psychological state of the targeted specie(1).
Findings from a recent internet assessment show that, a drug is any substance which generates a change in
organism's physiology or psychology when consumed. Drugs are rarely distinguished from food and substances
that stipulate nutritional support. Consumption of drugs can be
through inhalation, injection, smoking, ingestion, absorption (by means of a patch on the skin), or dissolution under
the tongue.
In pharmacology, a drug is a chemical substance, typically of known structure, which, when dispensed to a living
organism, produces a biological effect. A pharmaceutical drug is also called a medication or medicine, is a
chemical substance used to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose a disease or to promote health comfort. Traditionally
drugs were obtained through extraction from medicinal plants, but more recently also by organic synthesis(2).

Drug abuse is when you use legitimate or illicit substances in approaches you should not which inhibits the human
health, work or social relationships (WebMD, 2019)(3). Substance abuse is a dilemma for many American Indian
people. Indian young citizens throughout many occasions see substance use and its abuse by siblings, parents, and
elders. In fact, American Indian youth may not consider substance abuse as abnormal behaviour (Leland, 1980;
Weibel, 1982). A current study found that more than a third of Indian adolescents in grades 7 to 12 make use of
marijuana and alcohol consistently(4).
Similarly, in Ghana, drug abuse is taking over our schools, neighbourhoods, communities and towns and, there are
no comprehensive programs in place to deal with its effects actively. Perhaps, Ghanaians see the drug abuse in
Ghana as a plague, only afflicting the underprivileged and students from disadvantaged homes. I read in one
article that out of 731 drug-related patients admitted into our Psychiatric Hospital (Ankaful), 690 were students
from tertiary institutions. The report also said, 614 patients in our Psychiatric hospital were youngsters, between
the age of 15 and 40.It was also in the news broadcast years ago that the circulated high drugs in SHS in Cape
Coast and other parts of the nation were very distressing(5).
Most individuals, particularly the young embark on using a drug or first contribute in any immoral activity
voluntarily. However, addiction can take over and reduce self-control. Addiction is a chronic disease that can also
result from taking medications. The overuse of both unprescribed and prescribed opioid painkillers, for example,
Tramadol HCl 50mg tab and Cannabis (Wee) could generate psychological disorders. When a person experiences
addiction, they cannot control how they use a substance or partake in an activity, and they become reliant on it to
survive in daily life. But the question is, “Could the seminary also be victimized in the case of drug abuse?”

Problem Statement
Notwithstanding that St. Hubert’s Seminary/SHS gives a lot of attention to its numerous students and seminarians,
a number of them have since several years been alleged and justified by the seminary’s disciplinary committee.
Nevertheless, it remains a canker among some students and seminarians, the attitude of substance abuse.

Aim of The Study

The main aim of the study is to factor out the cause and effects of drug abuse as well as the sustainable measures for the control
of substance abuse.

Hypothesis of The Study
➢ What are the frequent factors that may trigger St. Hubert students’ addiction for drugs?
➢ What are the side effects for victims who are endangered with exposure to drugs?
➢ How should drug abuse be managed in St. Hubert’s Seminary/SHS?

❖ To project the causes of drug abuse among the students of St. Hubert’s Seminary/SHS.
❖ To discover both the direct and indirect impacts of substance abuse on students’ formation.
❖ To generate a more objective measure of control of substance abuse among St. Hubert’s students.

Numerous health-related difficulties are related to drug abuse(6). The first immense transition for children is when
they leave the safety of the family and enter school. When they graduate from elementary school to middle school
or junior high, they frequently encounter social challe4nges, for instance, learning to survive among a wider group
of peers. It is at this point, thus, early adolescence, that children are likely to encounter substance use for the first
time. Afterward, when they commence high school, young people go through social, psychological, and
educational challenges even as they formulate themselves for the future, and these challenges could lead to the use
and abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs(7). Until a few years ago the history of illegal drug instructions in
Nigeria had been the history of the Indian hemp verdict for the simple reason that Cannabis(Wee) was the
problematic drug(8). Altogether drug users do not experience equal individual risk of developing addictions; This
model includes an individual based method. Addiction instigates after a prolonged periods of uncontrolled drug
use(9). Outcomes of the National Analysis of Drug use in the overall population 2002/2003 indicated that nearly
one in five (18.5%) adults were registered at least once using an illegal drug in their lifetime. For young adults
(aged 15- 34 years) this increased to more than one in four (26%) people. Cannabis was the most commonly used
illegal drug. One in six adults had used cannabis in their lifetime and this expanded to one in four for young adults.
The Third European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD) study which collected
information on alcohol and illicit drug use among young people aged 15-16 showed an increase in lifetime
between 1999 (32%) and 2003 (40%). Ireland was ranked as the joint third after the Czech Republic (44%) and
Switzerland (41%) for lifetime experience of any illicit drug. The median for the 35 ESPAD countries in 2003 was
22% (Hibell et al., 2004). The 2006 Health Behaviour in School Children (HBSC) analysis uncovered that
generally the percentage of children reported haven taken cannabis in the past 12 months persisted comparatively
stable between 2002 (11.1%) and 2006 (11.3%). The percentages have remained stable among both boys and girls
even though minor escalations were noticed among the 12-14 age group (4.8% to 6.7%). However, there was also
a noticeable decline among boys aged 15-17 from 30.5% to 24.6%(10). A literature review of a survey by Carroll
JF, Malloy FE, Kenrick FM on the internet also very obviously showed that the majority of drug-dependent
persons abused alcohol before turn out to be addicted to other drugs such as heroin. A careful assessment of this
form of sequential multiple substance abuse would include 80% of all drug-dependent persons. The literature also
revealed that significant numbers of drug-dependent persons make use of alcohol as a replacement for their
preferred drug(s) of abuse, as well as a means of boosting, balancing, thwarting, or satisfying the effects of the
other drug(s). Based on the literature, this form of concurrent multiple substance abuse would be apparent in the
substance abuse histories of at least 30% of all drug-dependent persons(11). Persons with substance use syndrome
are more likely to have a youthful history of physical abuse, thus, a higher tendency towards drug abuse and lower
self-esteem(12). Psychoactive substance abuse is a worldwide public health problem(13). Taking the above
literature into account, I still find this case study very significant and this study seeks to establish imperative
information on the factors causative to substance use that is ubiquitous among students of St Hubert’s
Seminary/SHS and to assess the general effects which will help plan makers in decision making in guiding the
students in the seminary and also aid as literature source for future reference.
Conceptual Frame Work
• The model defines drug abuse and its related causes, effects as well as its management. Several factors
such as curiosity of the individual, peer pressure, low self - confidence and broken homes are believed to
be the cause of drug abuse. An individual who has abuse any drug may suffer from consequences such as
Low self-esteem, Increase in social vices, Poor personal health, Low productivity Disgrace to the family
and Death of the victim. With respect to the above causes and effects, factors such as Proper education,
social support and resources, proper laws and sanctions as well as hospital treatments are accepted as
means of managing drug abuse.

2. peer pressure
3.Broken homes
4. low self confidence

Abuse Management
Effects 1. Proper eduaction on drug
abuse and its consequencies
1. Poor personal health
2. Setting Up social support
2.Low self esteem and resources like support
3.Increase in social vices groups: AA meetings,
consulting centres, etc.
4. Low productivity
3.Proper laws and sanctions to
5. Disgrace to the family deter culprits
6.Death of the victim 4.Treatment from hospitals.


Type and Design of Study

This study will be a potential time spending study on substance abuse that occur among St. Hubert’s Seminary/SHS
students. The Study will be carried out at St. Hubert’s Seminary/SHS. This research will last for three months. A
questionnaire will be carried out in St. Hubert’s Seminary/SHS. The data to be collected, recorded and cleaned will
be spread into excel for data reassembling and later for analysis. The outcome of the study will be evaluated to assess
the causes and effects of Substance abuse in the study area. The results obtained from this research will influence
the skills of the administrative body of the seminary and the interventions and mechanisms which will be put in
place would serve as control method over such consequences.

Study Site
The Study as noted, would be carried out in St. Hubert’s Seminary/SHS (SAHUSS). SAHUSS is a secondary level
educational department at Santasi-Kumasi. The school has a total population of about 2000 students. A historical
fact reveals that, the school was initially established in 1970 as a minor seminary for the priestly formation of its
congregations, thus, Catholics in the Kumasi regions who aspired for priesthood. As a seminary, the school has since
time of ages held its potentials in the light of human discipline and moral standard. The School of schools as they
entitle today is in need of so many facilities including a health care facility. Today, due to the government affiliation
to SAHUSS, unlike when it was managed only by the Catholic Church, the dilemma that befalls the school is the
calibre of persons who are posted by the government for formation. The perplexed thought that this study site
imposes is that, “Could the admittance of non – Catholics who are not ready for seminary formation in the school
be a contributing factor to the intensification of drug abuse?”

Data Collection Techniques and Tools

A questionnaire will be developed to gather data for the study within a period of two months. Targeted
respondents who meet the inclusion criteria for the study will be approached and the study will be explained in an
understandable language to them. Those who are consent to be part of this study will complete an informed
consent form after an explanation. The individuality of the interviewee will be maintained through confidentiality
by the interviewer. The completion of the informed consent will be done by signing to approve of their willingness
in taking part of the study. The questionnaire will inquire about the frequency of occurrence and causes, the types
and effects of drug abuse and its management criteria.

Sampling design
Patient and caregivers who meet the inclusion criteria would be selected using the simple random sampling
method. The study would assume a power of 80% and a normally distributed population. An estimated sample size
of 50 is estimated with a 0.05% margin of error and a 50% proportion of birth injuries.
Using N = z2pq/d2 where z is the reliability co-efficient (1. 96) at 95% confidence level, d the allowable error
margin, and p, the proportion of birth injuries from Ashanti region. Allowing for a 20% non-response rate, a
sample size would then be estimated for the study.

Sample size
Based on an annual delivery rates at and an estimation of neonates who had different types of birth injuries caused
by various factors. The data is available in literature and will assume a probability of 0.5. A sample size expected
to be used for this study is obtained using the formula; n = S / 1+((S−1) / Pop)
S= z2 * p (1-p)/d2
S = initial sample size
z2 = the table value of chi-square for 1 degree of freedom at the desired confidence level 0.05(3.841)
p = the population proportion (assumed to be 0.50 since this would provide the maximum sample size),
d = margin of error set at 5%, thus 0.05
n = sample size required and
Pop = target population.
Hence, a sample size of 42 is expected to be used but with a 20% assumption of incomplete data, a total sample
size of 50 is expected to be adopted for the study.


Inclusion Criteria
The respondent;
1. Must be a recognized student of St. Hubert’s Seminary/SHS.
2. Must either be a day or boarding student.
3. Must have a fair knowledge about the topic, “Drug Abuse”.

Exclusion criteria
The respondent;
1. Must not be a Post SHS student.
2. Must never belong to the teaching and non – teaching staff membership.
3. Cannot be a past student.

Permission will be obtained from the administration and the research supervisor in St. Hubert’s Seminary/SHS to
conduct this research.

This project is self-funded.


Questionnaire of evaluating knowledge, attitude, and practice of high school students; focusing on drug
abuse in St. Hubert’s Seminary/SHS.

Studies show that there is relationship between drug abuse and psychological disorders, escape from home,
aggressiveness and violence, theft, delinquency, academic failure and reluctance to study, suicide, etc., Since
people's knowledge and beliefs have an important role in the tendency towards drug abuse, being aware of your
knowledge and attitude, authorities and plan makers can plan accordingly. Therefore, the following anonymous
questionnaire which will be kept confidential is delivered to you. Your complete and honest answers would be
very necessary in helping me draw a concrete conclusion. Thank you.
General Information
Interviewer’s Name: _______________________________ Date of Interview: __________________
Age (in digit): _________________________ Family Size (nuclear family): _____________
Class: ________________________________ Age of youngest: _______________________
Accommodation Status (in school): ________ Age of Oldest: _________________________
Father’s Education Level: ________________ Place of residence: ______________________
Mother’s Education Level: _______________ Type of residence: _____________________

General Questionnaire
1. Have you received any information about drug abuse?
Yes No

If yes, what is drug abuse?

(Each of the questions 2-7 can have more than one possible answer, so mark as many answers as you consider correct)
2. Which of the following drugs causes addiction?
◻ Cigarette
◻ Contraceptives
◻ Aphrodisiacs
◻ Heroin
◻ Cocaine
◻ Paracetamol
◻ Energy Drinks
◻ Sleeping pills
◻ Cannabis (Wee)
◻ Pain Killers (like EFPAC, Quick Action)
◻ Alcohol
◻ Antibiotics pills
◻ Shisha
◻ Tramadol HCl 50mg tab
◻ Tobacco
◻ Psychological medication (used for treatment of psychological diseases)
◻ Do you know any other drugs? If yes, name them



3. Which of the following signs or symptoms are complications of addictive drugs (e.g., Tramadol HCl 50mg
tab, heroin, …)?

◻ Myosis
◻ Dry mouth
◻ Constipation
◻ Lost of weight and appetite
◻ Renal damage and failure
◻ Diarrhoea
◻ Brain damage
◻ Seeing unreal images that others can’t see
◻ Hearing unreal sounds that others can’t hear
◻ Others (Please write it down)



4. Which one of the following complications is caused by stimulants (e.g., psychological medications)?

◻ Myosis
◻ Dry mouth
◻ Mydriasis
◻ Renal damage and failure
◻ Diarrhoea
◻ Brain damage
◻ Seeing unreal images that others can’t see
◻ Hearing unreal sounds that others can’t hear
◻ Others (Please write it down)



5. Which of the following is the short-term complication of drug abuse?

◻ Anxiety and depression

◻ Euphoria and happiness
◻ Improved memory and learning ability
◻ Aggressiveness
◻ Raised self-confidence
◻ Pessimism
◻ Personality disorder

◻ Sleepiness disorder
◻ Forgetfulness
◻ Dependence on drugs
◻ Others (please write down)



6. Which of the following are the long-term complications of drug use?

◻ Anxiety and depression

◻ Euphoria and happiness
◻ Improved memory and learning ability
◻ Aggression
◻ Raised self-confidence
◻ Pessimism
◻ Personality disorder
◻ Sleepiness disorder
◻ Forgetfulness
◻ Dependence on drugs
◻ Others (Please write down)



7. Are you using any chemical substance without a medical attention?

◻ Yes ◻ No

If “YES”, answer question “7b”

b. What form of drug(s) is/are available with you now? (you can choose more than one answer)

◻ Cigarette
◻ Chewing gum
◻ Tablet
◻ Patch
◻ Powder (sugar or salt)
◻ Drinking liquid (Alcohol)
◻ Transparent crystal
◻ Injection
◻ Inhalable vapor of some liquids
◻ Others (please write down)



Questionnaire of students’ attitude toward drug abuse

8. What is your idea about the role of each of the following factors in tendency toward illegal drug use?
Based on the importance of each factor, please score from 1 to 5; 1 (least important) to 5 (most important)

◻ Teenagers curiosity ………………………………………………………………………….

◻ Joy-seeking …………………………………………………………………………………
◻ Somatic diseases …………………………………………………………………………….
◻ Psychiatric disorder ………………………………………………………………………….
◻ Lack of knowledge about complications of drugs……………………………………………
◻ Positive attitude toward drug abuse ………………………………………………………….
◻ Low self-confidence …………………………………………………………………………
◻ To eliminate shyness ………………………………………………………………………...
◻ Parents’ divorce ……………………………………………………………………………...
◻ Lack of amusement facilities ………………………………………………………………...
◻ Disability in resolving routine problems ………………………………………………….…
◻ Crowded family ……………………………………………………………………………...
◻ Having strict parents …………………………………………………………………………
◻ Presence of an addicted person in the family ……………………………………………….
◻ Friends offer …………………………………………………………………………………
◻ Family disputes ………………………………………………………………………………
◻ Access to drugs ………………………………………………………………………………
◻ Lack of access to consultation centres ……………………………………………………….
◻ Low cost of drugs ……………………………………………………………………………
◻ Having free time ………………………………………………………………………….….
◻ Presence of an addicted person in residential/educational place …………………………….
◻ Others (Please write down)



Questionnaire of students’ Performance regarding drugs

9. If you use drugs for any reason, please mention it.

Reason: ………………………………………………………………………............................

10. What is the name of the drug you used for the 1st time?

◻ Energy Drinks
◻ Sleeping pills
◻ Cannabis (Wee)
◻ Pain Killers (like EFPAC, Quick Action)
◻ Alcohol
◻ Antibiotics pills
◻ Shisha
◻ Tramadol HCl 50mg tab (Tramol)
◻ Tobacco
◻ Cigarette
◻ Aphrodisiacs
◻ Heroin
◻ Cocaine
◻ Paracetamol
◻ Others (Please write it down)



11. At what age and year did you use drugs for the 1st time?

Age …………………………………………. Year……………………………………………

12. How often do you use drugs?

◻ Once a day
◻ More than once a day
◻ Once a week
◻ Several times a week
◻ Others (Please write it down)


13. How many drugs do you use every time (dosage at a time)?


14. What drug do you use currently? (please identify all if they are more than one)

◻ Energy Drinks
◻ Sleeping pills
◻ Cannabis (Wee)
◻ Pain Killers (like EFPAC, Quick Action)
◻ Alcohol
◻ Antibiotics pills
◻ Shisha
◻ Tramadol HCl 50mg tab (Tramol)
◻ Tobacco
◻ Cigarette
◻ Aphrodisiacs
◻ Heroin
◻ Cocaine
◻ Paracetamol
◻ Others (Please write it down)


15. In what occasions do you use drugs?

◻ Before exams
◻ Before doing sports
◻ On the street
◻ At parties
◻ At home
◻ Others (Please write down)


16. Why did you start using drugs? (For each item which is true for you,
please score from 1 (least important) to 5 (most important)

◻ Teenagers curiosity ………………………………………………………………………….

◻ Joy-seeking ………………………………………………………………………………….
◻ Somatic diseases ……………………………………………………………………………
◻ Psychological disorder ………………………………………………………………………
◻ Lack of knowledge about complications of drugs ………………………………………….
◻ Positive attitude toward drug abuse …………………………………………………………
◻ Low self-confidence …………………………………………………………………………
◻ To eliminate shyness ………………………………………………………………………...
◻ Parents’ divorce ……………………………………………………………………………...
◻ Lack of satisfactory accommodations ……………………………………………………….
◻ Disability in resolving routine problems …………………………………………………….
◻ Crowded family ……………………………………………………………………………...
◻ Having strict parents …………………………………………………………………………
◻ Presence of an addicted person at home …………………………………………………….
◻ Lack of access to consultation centres ……………………………………………………….
◻ Low cost of drugs ……………………………………………………………………………
◻ Having too much free time ………………………………………………………………….
◻ Girlfriends’ (Fiancée’s) influence ……………………………………………………………
◻ Presence of an addicted person in residential/educational place ……………………………
◻ Others (Please write down)


17. How do you use the drug?

◻ Sniff (via nose)
◻ Smoke (like cigarette)
◻ Oral (swallowed in the mouth)
◻ Injection (by syringe)
◻ Others (Please write down)


Questionnaire on Students’ Social Relations

18. Do your parents know you have ever abused drug or you’re a drug addict?
(Only to those who answered “Yes” to question 7)
Yes ◻ No ◻

(Each of the questions 2-8 can have more than one possible answer, so mark as many answers as you consider correct)

19. How do you feel about it when your parents show a sign of awareness to your drug addiction?

◻I feel ashamed
◻I feel pathetic
◻I feel pampered
◻I feel bossy
◻I feel humbled
◻I feel angry
◻I feel disregarded
◻I feel normal
◻I feel crazy
◻Others (Please write down)


20. How does your society welcome drug addicts?

◻They are unfriendly

◻They are friendly
◻They are gossips
◻They are hospitable and caring
◻They are charitable
◻They are isolative
◻Others (Please write down)


21. What is/are your parents’ reaction(s) towards your drug addiction?

◻They give me medical attention

◻They give me psychological advice
◻They care for me as though nothing has happened
◻They threaten me
◻They fight me
◻They insult me and take me as a good for nothing person
◻They love me more than before
◻Others (Please write down)


22. From your natural experience, what are the major reasons why people abuse drug in your society?

◻Curiosity of the individual

◻Peer pressure
◻Low self – confidence
◻Broken homes
◻Power consciousness
◻Others (Please write down)


23. What is your personal experience about the effects of drug abuse?

◻Poor personal health

◻Low self esteem
◻Increase in social vices
◻Low productivity in the society
◻Disgrace to the family
◻Death of victims
◻Others (Please write down)


24. What is/are your suggestion(s) for the management of substance abuse in your society?

◻Proper education on drug abuse and its consequences

◻Setting Up social support and resources like support groups: AA meetings, consulting centres, etc.
◻Proper laws and sanctions to deter culprits
◻Treatment from hospitals.
◻The government must appeal to drug addicts
◻Proper parental care
◻Others (Please write down)


25. What is your current drug status?

◻I am trying to stop
◻I have stopped
◻I cannot stop
◻I won’t stop
◻I don’t take drugs in my own interest
◻I take drugs once in a while
◻Others (Please write down)


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