Human Organ Systems. 2021 22

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Class - IV Session 2021 - 22 Subject - EVS

Name _____________________________ Sec _____ Date__________


The human body is a complex machine, made up of several important organs

like the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, brain, pancreas and many more. These
organs are a part of different systems in the body. Without these internal
organs and systems, our body would be unable to function normally.

A group of organs specialized to do a particular job is called an organ system.

The most important organ systems of a human body are the skeletal system,
the muscular system, the circulatory system, the nervous system, the
respiratory system, the digestive system and the excretory system. We will
learn about the digestive and the excretory systems later, let us now know
about the other systems.

1. Skeletal System: The skeletal system gives shape and form to our
body, supports and protects it, and allows easy body movement. The
skull protects the brain while the vital organs like the heart and the
lungs are protected by the rib cage. Bones are also important for blood
cell formation and nutrient storage. There are a total of 206 bones in the
adult human body.
The human skeletal system,
which serves as a framework for
the human body, is primarily
made up of two types of
connective tissues: bone and
cartilage. Cartilage is softer and
more flexible than bone. It
provides support and structure to
various body tissues like the ear,
nose, larynx and acts as a cushion
at the end of joints that protects
bones from rubbing against each

2. Muscular System: Muscles are bundles

of cells and fibres. They act as elastics that
allow the bones to move and hence make
movement possible. Muscles are connected
to bones by tendons and bones are
connected to bones by ligaments. Bones
meet each other at joints. Muscles cause
movement of a joint by contracting and
relaxing. Most of the muscles that are
attached to the bones are called voluntary
muscles. That is, these muscles are under
our control, for example, moving our arms,
legs or our body around, etc. Some muscles
in the body contract without our conscious
control, these are called involuntary
muscles. For example, the internal walls of
the stomach and intestines, etc.
3. Circulatory System:
The heart is the most important
organ in the human body. It is
composed of muscles that pump
blood throughout the body. It
beats about 72 times every minute
in an adult body. The heart pumps
blood to the lungs where the
carbon dioxide in the blood is
eliminated and fresh oxygen is
added to the blood. This
oxygen-rich blood is then pumped
to all the parts of the body.

4. Nervous System:
The brain and the spinal
cord make up the main
nervous system. The brain
lies inside the skull while the
spinal cord is protected by
the vertebrae. The human
brain is the most developed
compared to any other
animal. It is the control
centre for movement, sleep,
hunger, thirst and all other
activities important for

The human brain is divided into two

parts. The left side controls the right side
of the body while the right side of the
brain controls the left side of the body.
5. Respiratory System: The lungs are a pair of sac-like respiratory
organs that help us breathe. With each breath, the lungs add fresh oxygen
to the blood, which is then carried to all the cells in the body; impure air
is exhaled through the nostrils. The respiratory system consists of all the
organs involved in breathing. These include the nose, pharynx, larynx,
trachea, bronchi and lungs.

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