Coherence and Holography

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Study on interference of optical coherence functions by using coherence holographic

Zhao, Juan; Wang, Wei

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Citation for published version (APA):

Zhao, J., & Wang, W. (2017). Study on interference of optical coherence functions by using coherence
holographic interferometry. In M. Hrabovský, J. T. Sheridan, & A. Fimia (Eds.), Holography: Advances and
Modern Trends V [102331X] (Proceedings of SPIE; Vol. 10233). SPIE.

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Study on Interference of Optical Coherence Functions by Using
Coherence Holographic Interferometry
Juan Zhaoa,b and Wei Wang*a
Institute of Photonics and Quantum Sciences, School of Engineering and Physical Science,
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, EH14 4AS;
SuperD Co., Ltd., Nanshan district, Shenzhen, China, 518057


Interference, where the superposition of two or more waves resulting in a new wave pattern, has been considered as one
of the most important and fundamental physical phenomenon. In optics, the statistical properties of light play an
important role in determining the outcome of most optical experiments and the cross correlation between the fluctuating
fields at different space time points, known as the optical coherence functions is a quantity of great interest. Due to the
fact that the wave equations govern propagation of optical coherence, it can be envisaged that the interference
phenomena also appear in the format of the optical coherence function. Meanwhile, the study of propagation and
superposition of optical coherence function also provides theoretical and experimental foundations for coherence
holography. In this paper, we have given the mathematical expression of interference of the optical coherence functions,
and have proposed a full-field coherence visualization system for coherence holographic interferometry. The interference
of two optical coherence functions has been experimentally investigated which can be regarded as an extension of
Young’s double-slit interferometer for optical waves. Some interesting phenomena, such as missing class of the
coherence function and multiple-coherence function interference are demonstrated for the first time.
Keywords: Interference, Coherence function, Statistical optics, Coherence holography

In superposition, waves are combined, and when waves combine they interfere. Since the optical coherence function
satisfies the wave equations [1-3], it can be envisaged that the interference phenomena also appear in the format of the
optical coherence function. In this paper, we used a coherence holographic interferometer to show how the coherence
functions are distributed in the observation plane, while there are two or more extended sources.

We will begin our discussion by examining the combination of two spatial incoherence light sources. Fig.1 shows two
extended quasi-monochromatic light source I1 and I 2 , both of them have a same wavelength  . The natures of the two
sources are completely arbitrary. The spatial coherence exists when fluctuations measured at different observation point
r r r r
Q1 and Q2 (located by position vector u1 , u2 and v1 , v2 ) are correlated. Referring to the well-known Van Cittert-Zerinke
theorem [4, 5], the coherence function at the two points Q1 and Q2 on the observation plane is given by:

%total  FT{I1  I 2 }, (1)

where FT {L } denotes the Fourier transform.

*[email protected]; Tel: +44 (0) 131 451 3141; Fax: +44 (0) 131 451 3129
Figure 1. Schematic representation of the interference of the spatial coherence functions.

Let %1 and %2 be the coherence function when source I1 and I 2 exists alone respectively. Here we have :

%1  FT {I1},
%  FT {I }.
2 2

According to fundamental principle of Fourier transform:

FT{I1  I 2 }  FT{I1}  FT{I 2 }. (3)

On substituting Eq. (1) and Eq. (2) into Eq. (3) it follows that
%total  %1  %2 . (4)

Obviously, the total coherence function is equal to the superposition of all the coherence functions. Therefore the
coherence interference phenomenon can be observed when there are two or more extended sources.


3.1 Coherence holographic interferometer
The coherence holographic interferometer is a full field spatial coherence visualization system [6]. As shown in Fig.2,
the target with two rectangle holes is firstly illuminated by a laser beam and then projected on a rapidly rotating ground
glass to serve as spatially incoherent sources. The distance between the two sources is l , and the sizes of the sources are
both a  a . The intensity distribution of source I1 and source I 2 are given by :

x0 yo l
I1  rect (  )   ( x0  , y0 ). (5)
a a 2
x0 yo l
I 2  rect (  )   ( x0  , y0 ). (6)
a a 2
Figure 2. Coherence holographic interferometer.

The full-field coherence function detected by CCD is given by the expression:

exp( jk z )
%total ( x, y, Z )  2 2
 f1 M A M B  [ I ( x , y )  I
1 0 0 2 ( x0 , y0 )]
2 j ( M A  M B ) j Z
exp[ ( xx0  yy0 )]exp[ 2 ( x0 2  y0 2 )]dx0 dy0 ,
 f1 M A M B  f1
where, M A  f3 f 2 is magnification for arm A, M B  f4 f2 is magnification for arm B, and
Z (z)  f 2 (M A  M B ) (M A M B )  ( z2  f3  f 4  z ) M B  z2 M A is synthetic optical path difference (OPD) stemming
2 2

from the path differences z between interfering arm A and arm B.

3.2 Interference patterns in the format of coherence function

Through an appropriate selection of z , we will make Z  0 , the phase factor in Eq.(7) disappears, leaving an exact
Fourier transform relation:
x y l x y l
%total ( x, y, 0)  FT {rect ( 0  o )   ( x0  , y0 )  rect ( 0  o )   ( x0  , y0 )}
a a 2 a a 2 (8)
 2a 2 cos( lf x )sin c(af x )sin c(af y ),

where f x  x(M A  M B ) ( f1M A M B ), f y  y(M A  M B ) ( f1M A M B ).

Here, we are only focused on x-axis. We find,

%total _ x ( x,0,0)  2a cos( lf x )sin c(af x ). (9)

The sin c  function is contributed by diffraction patterns originating from each rectangle source, and cosine function is
interference term. Bright interference fringes occur when lf x  m (with m any integer); and zeros of envelope
sin c(af x ) occur when af x  n (with n non-zero integer).
As shown in Fig.3, (a) is a interferogram produced by coherence holographic interferometer; (b) is the distribution of
coherence function reconstructed from (a) by using Fourier fringe analysis [7]; the dotted line in (c) is the envelope of
coherence diffraction pattern from a single rectangular source, and the solid line is interference pattern of the coherence
functions from two rectangular sources.
Figure 3. Coherence function from two rectangular sources. (a) Interferogram obtained at Z  0 . (b) Reconstructed
coherence function. (c) Curves of normalized %( x,0,0) , where the dotted line is the coherence function from a single
rectangular source and the solid line is the coherence function from two rectangular sources.

In addition, let's recall Eq.(9). Let l : a   , and  is an integer, interference term maximum coinciding with zero of
envelope occur at the position where order number equal to multiple of  . This is called missing order phenomenon. In
our experiment, the spacing ratio of hole pitch and hole size is 3 :1 . As seen in fig.4, (a) is a interferogram; (b) is the
reconstructed coherence function; the dotted line in (c) is the envelope of the diffraction pattern from a single rectangular
source, and the solid line is the interference pattern, we can clearly see that the third class bright fringe missing.
Figure 4. Coherence function from two rectangular sources, with spacing ratio of hole pitch and hole size is 3 :1 . (a)
Interferogram obtained at Z  0 . (b) Reconstructed coherence function. (c) Curves of normalized %( x,0,0) , where the
dotted line is the coherence function from a single rectangular source and the solid line is the coherence function from two
rectangular sources. Missing orders occur at 3 .

3.3 Interference of Multi-coherence function

It is interesting to re-examine Eq. (8) and Eq. (9). Consider a source plane which consists of more than two structures.
Let’s assume that the number of structures is N and all of these structures have a same rectangular shape, with width a
and separation l . Then, we have
x x x
%total _ x ( x, 0, 0)  FT {rect ( 0 ) *  ( x0 )  rect ( 0 ) *  [ x0  l ]  K  rect ( 0 ) *  [ x0  ( N  1)l ]}
a a a
sin( N  lf x )
B a sin c(af x )
sin( lf x )

It is evident from the preceding expression that the interference pattern is also enveloped by a sin c  function, the
principle maxima occur when lf x  m (where the integer m refer to order number), and the secondary maxima occur
when lf x  h 2 N ( h is an odd-integer).

Figure 5(a) illustrates the interferogram when N  4 . After reconstruction, we got the coherence function, shown in
fig.5(b). For simplicity, we provided the curve graph in fig.5(c). This curve will attribute changes of the coherence
function. Strong constructive interference occurs at the principle maxima, with weaker secondary maxima in between.
Between two adjacent principle maxima there are N  1 points of minima intensity. The two minima on either side of a
principle maximum are separated by twice the distance of the others. And the secondary maxima are much smaller than
the principle maxima.
Figure 5. Interference of the spatial coherence function from four rectangular sources. (a) Interferograms obtained at Z  0 .
(b) Reconstructed coherence function. (c) Curves of normalized %( x,0,0) .

3.4 The spatial evolution of the interference of coherence functions

According to the principle of independently propagating of light, light waves will continue to their original transmission
regardless their overlapping. In other words, the propagation characters of the wave (propagation direction, speed,
amplitude, phase, and polarization state) will not be affected the characters of the other wave. In the overlapping area,
light vibration must obey the principle of wave superimposing. In vacuum, the principle of independently propagating of
light and the principle of superposition is always established. These principles should also apply to coherence functions.
Consider the interferometer illustrated in fig.2. If the mirror M 2 is moved from the position required for equal path
length in the two arms of the radial sheering interferometer, an optical path difference is introduced between the two
interfering beams. As the mirror M 2 moves, the visibility of the observed fringes is changing. In the following fig.6 the
coherence function detected from two rectangular sources varying with propagation is introduced. (a) shows the
coherence function form source I1 . (b) shows the coherence function from source I 2 . And (c) shows the interference of
these two coherence functions. The interference fringes can only be observed within superposition area (a triangle region
wrapped by the dotted line in fig.6(c)) , and fringes spacing is fixed. This superposition area is determined by both the
size of each single source and the distance between two sources.
Figure 6. (a) Contour map of the coherence function originates from source I1 . (b) contour map of the coherence function
originates from source I 2 . (c) contour map of the interference of coherence functions from the two sources. Dotted contour
lines with value of 0.15.

We introduced various phenomena of interference of coherence functions. Interference fringes in the format of coherence
functions occurs in the region where two or more coherence patterns are superposed. In the superposition area,
interference fringes are parallel. The interference patterns of coherence functions show some similar characters with
optical interference, such as: variation of intensity distribution, lack of class, principal maxima and secondary maxima in
multi-beam system.
The authors would like to thank Prof. Mitsuo Takeda of Utsunomiya University for his helpful discussion. Part of this
work was supported by the EPSRC (EP/K031643/1) and the SUPA START (SSG040). J. Zhao was partially supported
by the Scottish Overseas Research Student Awards Scheme, the Guangdong Innovative & Entrepreneurial Research
Team Program (2013D006) and the Shenzhen Peacock Program (20130412121232040).


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[7] M. Takeda, H. Ina and S. Kobayashi, “Fourier-transform method of fringe-pattern analysis for computer-based
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