Hydra: Seepage and Thermal Analysis

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Seepage and Thermal Analysis

SOFiSTiK | 2020
Seepage and Thermal Analysis

HYDRA Manual, Service Pack 2020-6 Build 289

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Front Cover
Project: Queensferry Crossing | Photo: Bastian Kratzke
Contents | HYDRA


Contents i

1 General Description 1-1

2 Theoretical Background 2-1

2.1 Mathematical Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
2.2 Mathematical Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
2.3 Element Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
2.4 Solution of the System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
2.5 Transient Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
2.6 Iterations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
2.7 Basics of Thermal Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
2.8 Basic Equations of Thermal Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
2.9 Boundary Conditions of Thermal Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
2.10 Hydration of concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
2.11 Basics of Hydrology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7
2.12 The Governing Law of Hydrology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
2.13 Basic Equations of Hydrology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9
2.14 Dupuit-Hypothesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10
2.15 Pipes and Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10
2.16 Boundary Conditions of Hydrology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11
2.17 Coordinate System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13
2.18 Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13
2.18.1 Pipe Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13
2.18.2 Link Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13
2.18.3 Plane Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13
2.18.4 Axissymmetric Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14
2.18.5 Volume Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14
2.19 Boundary Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14
2.19.1 Free Surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14
2.19.2 Seepage Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15
2.19.3 Konvection and Radiation Boundaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15
2.20 Principal Program Organisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-16

3 Input Description 3-1

3.1 Program Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
3.2 Input Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
3.3 SYST – System Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
3.4 CTRL – Control Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
3.5 STEP – Transient Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8
3.6 PLC – Primary Load Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9

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HYDRA | Contents

3.7 COPY – Modification of Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10

3.8 GRP – Selection of Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11
3.9 NVAL – Material Values at Nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13
3.10 HMAT – Material Constants HYDRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14
3.10.1 Hydraulic Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-15
3.10.2 Heat Conduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-15
3.10.3 Hydration of Concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18
3.11 LINK – Connecting Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-20
3.12 PIPE – Pipe or Channel Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-22
3.13 LC – Analysis Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-23
3.14 BOUN – Boundary Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-24
3.14.1 Thermal Conductivity and Emissivity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-25
3.15 SURF – Surface and Volume Boundary Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-27
3.16 FUNC – Transient Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-29
3.17 HIST – Transient Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-31
3.18 COPY – Modify nodal results in the database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-32
3.19 IMPO – Import of Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-33
3.20 ECHO – Output Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-34

4 Output Description 4-1

4.1 System Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
4.2 Nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
4.3 Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
4.4 Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
4.5 Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
4.6 Boundary Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
4.7 Statistical Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
4.8 Results of the Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
4.9 Results at Nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
4.10 Balancing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5

5 Graphical Output of Transient Results 5-1

5.1 SIZE – Graphic Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
5.2 SCHH – Set Character Heights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2
5.3 FUNC – External Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
5.4 HIST – Display of Transient Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3

ii SOFiSTiK 2020
General Description | HYDRA

1 General Description

A great number of physical problems may be described as potential problems governed by the
Laplace (ΔH = 0) or the Poisson differential equation (ΔH = q). Among these are magnetic
flow, heatflow and groundwater seepage. HYDRA is specialised on the the last and last but
one type of problem, but may be used for other problems with a similar background as well.

A finite element method discretizes the real continua in a finite number of small elements with
simplified physical properties. The elements are connected at nodes. An interpolation function
within the elements represents a numerical estimate to the real solution.

Thermal analysis allows the evaluation of the temperature distribution within a solid due to a
steady or transient heating or cooling or temperature gradient.

Groundwater models are used to compute the movement of water (seepage) within a porous
solid needed for geology, hydrology, soil mechanics or groundwater supply.

Problems of seepage may be subdivided in categories, matching different requests of preci-


• Plane or 3D problems

The real situation is always 3D. For the analysis you may select a system which ne-
glects one of the dimensions. For a structure extending along a line like a dam, we may
select a plane cut with constant thickness. For aquifers with a vertical thickness much
less than the horizontal dimensions, we may use the hypothesis of Dupuit to switch to a
simplified, but not necessarily plane system.
• Linear or nonlinear flow models

Nonlinear flow is needed for turbulent flow, this is important for pipes and culverts
but not so for seepage. However one important case is the free surface problem. All
nonlinear problems may be solved with an iterative procedure.
• Free, confined or partial saturated flow

The free surface problem is governed by a surface with pressure zero, which is the
boundary of the flow domain and is not known a priori. A partial saturated flow may be
accounted for with a pressure dependant conductivity to some extend.
• Steady or transient

All estates which do not change in time are steady. For a transient analysis with
changing boundary conditions in time, we need to solve a linear or nonlinear problem for
every time step.

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HYDRA | General Description

1-2 SOFiSTiK 2020

Theoretical Background | HYDRA

2 Theoretical Background

2.1 Mathematical Basics

A scalar value U which is defined in every point of space with a distinct value (eg. Temperature,
Potential, electrical voltage) is called a scalar field.

A value u which is defined in every point of space as a vector (e.g. displacements, flow veloci-
ties) is called a vector field.

A partial derivative of a scalar field U defines a vector field:

 
 ∂ 
 = grdU = ∇U =  ∂U  (2.1)
 ∂y 
A conservative field or potential field is a vector field, where the integral along a curve udr
depends only on the start point A and the end point B, but not on the integration path. A
conservative field is free of vortices, i.e. the closed integral with A=B is zero. If sources or
sinks are present in the system however the closed integral will be equal to the sum of sources

In general the potential is only defined by the selection of a reference value in any arbitrary
point. As the fundamental solution (Greens function) of a 2D problem is the logarithm resp.
arcustangens, while in 3D it is the 1/r function, there is an important difference. While in 3D we
may easily select a zero potential at infinity, for 2D we have to select this point within a finite
distance. This makes 2D solutions in many cases less unique than 3D solutions.

Differentiating a vector field we have the divergence and the curl or rotation given by:
∂ ∂y ∂z
d = ∇ ·  = + + (2.2)
∂ ∂y ∂z

 
∂z ∂y
− ∂z
 ∂y 
rot =
 ∂ ∂z 
 − ∂  (2.3)
 ∂z 
∂y ∂
∂ − ∂y

A conservative field has its largest and smallest potential value at the boundary (Maximum

2.2 Mathematical Treatment

With the variation calculus it is possible to transform the differential equation of the potential
problem into a corresponding functional. The minimisation of the functional is equivalent to
the solution of the differential equation. In the following we use H for the potential, for thermal
analysis it is the temperature T. The differential equation:
d(K · grd H) + S − Q = 0 (2.4)

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HYDRA | Theoretical Background

with the boundary conditions

H = Ho on 1 (2.5)

 T · n = q on 2 (2.6)

has for the stead state the functional:

δH δH δH
 = 1/ 2 · kj · · · dΩ + (H − Ho ) · kj · Nj · d1 + H · q · d2 (2.7)
Ω δ δj 1 δ 2

The principle of the finite elements is given by the approach to replace the exact solution by a
piece wise local (elemental) interpolation and to solve the minimum problem for this projected
system. The solution will fulfil the differential equation only in a weak sense, while the boundary
conditions are met exactly in most cases. The estimated solution has to fulfil the dirichlet
boundary conditions for the potential or temperature

H = ƒ (s) (2.8)

on the boundaries in advance. The minimisation will yield the natural boundary condition on
all other boundaries:

T · n = 0 (2.9)

which is an impermeable or adiabatic boundary.

2.3 Element Formulation

The simplest elements, the plane triangle with 3 nodes resp. the Tetrahedron with 4 nodes
have then three resp. four degrees of freedom which allow a linear approach to the potential.
The derivatives are then constant all across the element.

The four resp eight noded isoparametric elements have a slightly more enhanced precision
especially for twisted saddle points. Moreover they have advantages for the mesh definition
which pay off the little extra effort quite well.

With some mathematical treatment (cmp. Zienkiewicz, 1975) the expression for the functional
may be written as matrix product:
e = Ht · Bt · K · B · dV · H (2.10)

K is the permeability/conductivity tensor and B is a matrix depending on the element geometry.

The potentials of the nodes H are constant for the Integration and can be excluded from the
integration therefore.

2.4 Solution of the System

The total functional is the sum of all elemental and boundary functionals (matrices}

 = 1/ 2 HT · A · H + H · Q (2.11)

2-2 SOFiSTiK 2020

Theoretical Background | HYDRA

where A is the total conductivity matrix and Q the vector of external quantities. The minimisa-
tion is equivalent to set the derivatives to zero:

A · H + Q = 0 (2.12)

This last equation is after the incorporation of the prescribed potential values with a penalty
function the equation system to be solved via Gauss elimination or an iterative conjugate gradi-
ent solver. Without any Potential boundary condition the equation system is still multi valued.

2.5 Transient Analysis

For the transient analysis we use the Crank-Nicholson-method with a variable coefficient θ.
The evolution within time the following approach is selected:

δh/ δt = 1/ Δt (H − H−1 ) (2.13)

The differential equation respective the functional will be established at time t+ θ · Δt which
yields the following matrix equation:
1 1
(θ · A + · C) · H = (θ − 1) · A + · C H−1 − Q (2.14)
Δt Δt

or directly for the increments:

θ · A + · C · ΔH = − A · H−1 − Q (2.15)

Where A is the conductivity matrix and C the storage matrix, given for any element by:
Cj = N S Nj dV (2.16)

with the storage coefficient S. For free surface problems the Matrix C has to be enhanced by
a part described by the effective porosity on the free surface.

For transient problems it is especially for free surface problems to choose the time step de-
pending on the mesh size neither to small than to large. Large time steps will make the Crank-
Nicholson scheme less precise, but the stability is kept unless the value of θ is chosen to small.
To small time steps might introduce an oscillating behaviour due to the violation of the discrete
maximum principle, which is physically unreasonable. This effect my be suppressed by using
diagonalized matrices, but the general rule of thumb is not to chose time steps less than the
speed of the variations across the element mesh will distribute. HYDRA has an automatic time
stepping facility therefore.

2.6 Iterations
The solution is obtained at the first step if neither a free surface nor any nonlinear boundary
conditions other nonlinear material effects occur. In those cases we need iterations.

This will be achieved by a piece wise linearisation from the first linear guess towards more and
more corrected potential distributions to meet the material laws or boundary conditions.

(A + ΔA(H )) · H+1 − Q+1 = 0 (2.17)

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HYDRA | Theoretical Background

We can use the tangential stiffness or the initial stiffness of a quasi-Newton approach. If the
solution of Hi differs only slightly from H+1 we can rewrite the above equation:

A · H+1 = Q+1 − ΔA(H ) · H (2.18)

This allows to keep the Matrix A several times for the solution. The iterations run faster but we
might need more. Thus it is recommended for large systems with only slight nonlinearities.

The Quasi-Newton-Methods may be enhanced with mathematical tools (Criesfield, Broyden-

Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno) to become as effective than the Newton method.

For transient problems there is also a derivative in time from H and H−1 to be accounted for
in an appropriate way.

2.7 Basics of Thermal Analysis

For the thermal analysis problem the Potential H is directly the temperature T. A heat flow will
be occur if we have a temperature gradient and a heat conducting media.

The law of energy conservation requires that for any selected region the sum of entering and
leaving heat quantities has to be equal to the sum of sources or sinks and the heat stored
d  = q − ρ · cp · (2.19)

v = Vector of heatfluxes [ W/m2 ]

q = Power of sources or sinks [ W/m3 ]
ρ = Specific weight of the material [ kg/m3 ]
cp = specific thermal capacity [ Wsec/K·kg]


1 kcal = 4186.8 Joule

1 Joule = 1.0 Wsec = 1.0 kgm2 /sec2

The Fourier equation combines the temperature gradient grad T with the fluxes induced by it.
According to Biot/Fourier this is

 = − K · grd T (2.20)

where K is the tensor of conductivity

k ky kz

K = ky kyy kyz (2.21)

k kyz kzz

The conductivity is thus dependant on the flow direction. There are however three orthogonal
directions which let vanish the off diagonal terms. For an isotropic medium there are further

2-4 SOFiSTiK 2020

Theoretical Background | HYDRA

simplifications to yield:

k = kyy = kzz = k

ky = kz = kyz = 0

2.8 Basic Equations of Thermal Analysis

If the Fourier equation () is inserted into the energy conservation law () and if we combine the
product ρ·cp to a storage coefficient S, we have the governing equation:

d(−K · grd T) = q − S · + (2.22)

2.9 Boundary Conditions of Thermal Analysis

• Potential (Lines or areas of equal temperature)

T = T0 (2.23)

• Stream lines (Lines or areas with prescribed heat flux)

 = 0 (2.24)
This boundary condition also contains the so called natural boundary condition. All boundaries
not described otherwise will have the boundary condition, that the flux across the boundary is
zero (adiabatic surface):

t · n = 0 (2.25)

• Convective boundary condition The flux on the surface is proportional to the difference of
the surface temperature to the surrounding temperature.

 = α · (T − T) (2.26)

• Radiation condition of black body The flux on the surface is proportional to the difference
of the fourth powers of the absolute surface temperature and the absolute surrounding
temperature (Law of Boltzmann)

q = ε · K · (T 4 − T4 ) (2.27)

2.10 Hydration of concrete

The physics of the hydration of concrete are rather complex. However it is possible to describe
the phenomena with a few parameters empirically. Base for all properties, strength, elasticity
modulus and heat production is the hydration grade α , defined as the ratio of the heat already
produced to the maximum heat possible an the end of time:
Q(τ )
α = (2.28)

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HYDRA | Theoretical Background

Although there are some definitions around using the real time, it is far more sound to use the
effective age of the concrete τ . There are some definitions available for that purpose, but the
definition according to Freiesleben matches experimental data best and is used therefore as

• CTRL TEFF 1: enhanced definition acc. to Saul ( -10 ◦ < T < + 50 ◦)

T + Treƒ
Z –
τ = dt ; Treƒ = 10 ; s = 1.0 (2.29)
20 + Treƒ

• CTRL TEFF 2: Freiesleben Definition ( -10 ◦ < T < 80 ◦)

A 1 1
τ = ep − dt (2.30)
R 293 273 + T

R = 8.3143 [ J/(mol K) ]
A = A0 + A1 · Max (0, 20-T)
A0 = 33500 [ J/mol ]
A1 = 1470 [ J/mol ]

• CTRL TEFF 2: Definition according to Jonasson (small modification of the Freiesleben

Œ−0.45  !
T + Treƒ
1 1
τ = ep 5300 − dt (2.31)
20 + Treƒ 293 273 + T

For the function defining the hydration grad depending on the effective concrete age, there are
numerous suggestions available in literature. The most useful seems to be that of Jonasson,
an extension to the Byfors definition, which has been implemented therefore:

τ 
α = ep b · n 1 + (2.32)

Examples of those constants a,b and τk can be found in Appendix A of Heft 512 of the German
DAfStB, printed with the input record HMAT but the general rule is that you need tests!

2-6 SOFiSTiK 2020

Theoretical Background | HYDRA

Figure 2.1

Another possible function is the "Shrinkage-Core" model:

 · (τ − τk )
α = τ > τk (2.33)
1 +  · (τ − τk )

or the Danish model according to Wesche including also a function for the development of
concrete strength within time:

τk b
‚   Œ
α = ep − (2.34)

ƒcc (t) 0
β = =  · ep(c · t −0.55 ) c = c1 (2.35)
ƒcc (28d) z

2.11 Basics of Hydrology

In hydraulics it is common to express the energy of the fluid via the elevation of the fluid above
a reference level (piezometric head or potential) which is called h and composed of:

- geodetic height (potential energy) z

- pressure heigth p/γ
- velocity height v2 /2g
- stream height (acceleration energy) ”Integral”

For groundwater seepage the velocities are small enough to allow to neglect the last two terms.

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HYDRA | Theoretical Background

For the coordinate z you may use any other coordinate axis with a positive or negative sign.

A movement of the groundwater will always occur from the higher value of the potential to the
lower through a connecting material with hydraulic conductivity.

If the soil does not only contain water but also air, one has a so-called multiphase flow which
cannot be used in HYDRA in the form of coupled differential equations. However, there are
possibilities for the description of partial saturated flows. One can introduce itself very well
the negative suctions as the height of capillary rise. A sufficient fine-grained soil may move
upward with its capillary water. Thus it has in the dry state a suction which corresponds to this
maximum height of capillary rise.

In the area of the saturated pore volume the pressure increases linearly with the depth, so
that the piezometric height and the position height are added to a constant value. It is very
important, that a constant pressure has to be available in all points above the capillary line. It
results consequently from top to bottom a gradient of the potential, which corresponds to the
geodetic height. The gradient is therefore 1.0.

2.12 The Governing Law of Hydrology

Theory of groundwater movement is governed by two rules. The law of continuity formulates
that for every region the sum of entering and leaving flow quantities has to be equal to the sinks
and sources or internal storage capacities:
d  = q − (2.36)

v = vector of flow velocities

q = Sources or sinks
m = mass of water within the volume

The flow law describes the streaming velocities v depending on the potential gradient i = grad
H. The mostly used linear flow rule from Darcy is:

 = − K · grd H (2.37)

where K is the tensor of conductivity

k ky kz

K = ky

kyy kyz (2.38)

k kyz kzz

The conductivity is thus dependant on the flow direction. There are however three orthogonal
directions which let vanish the off diagonal terms. For an isotropic medium there are further
simplifications to yield:

k = kyy = kzz = k

ky = kz = kyz = 0

2-8 SOFiSTiK 2020

Theoretical Background | HYDRA

The permeabilities may vary in large magnitudes (up to 10 powers of 10). The numerical
treatment of such large differences may become difficult.

grdh =  ·  + b ·  2 (2.39)

no flow plastic linear postlinear turbulent

K or k

, , ,V V,V

 = ∂h

Figure 2.2

2.13 Basic Equations of Hydrology

If the flow rule () is inserted into the continuity law (), we have the differential equation of our

d(−K · grd H) = q − S(δH/ δt) (2.40)

S is the specific storage coefficient, defining how much volume of the fluid may be stored inter-
nally if the pressure is rised by 1 m. For a fully saturated soil this is given by the compressibility
of the water and the soil particles by

S = γ ((1 − n)/ Kb + n/ K ) (2.41)


n = porosity
K = Compression moduli
e.g. K = 2 000 000 kN/m2

SOFiSTiK 2020 2-9

HYDRA | Theoretical Background

For unconfined flow however S will be governed by the free surface and the effective porosity
for storage nsp . This value is much larger than the value according to equation (). However it
is recommended to specify S anyhow to avoid numerical difficulties if the saturation becomes
exactly 0.0 or 1.0.

As an extension HYDRA may account for partial saturated soils by defining the conductivity
and the effective storage volume as a function of the pore water pressure resp. suction. This
is not as powerful as a real three-phase flow and requires some experience therefore

2.14 Dupuit-Hypothesis
It is a common case, that we have to analyze a structure where the horizontal dimensions
are much larger than the vertical one. In this case we may use the benefits of the Dupuit-
Hypothesis. It assumes that the potential is constant across the thickness of the strata resp.
the part of which has saturated flow. This will reduce the 3D-Problem to a 2D-Problem, where
the geometry however is rather general in 3D and not necessarily plane. The conductivity

Piezometric head assumed
Piezometric Head

Figure 2.3: Dupuit-Hypothesis

is replaced by the transmissivity, the integral of the first across the thickness of the layer.

confined aquifer:
Zd Zd
T = k dz , S = S0 dz (2.42)
0 0

unconfined (free) aquifer:

T = k dz , S = S0 dz + n (2.43)
0 0

2.15 Pipes and Channels

In addition to the basic linear equations of the preceding chapter we need nonlinear equations
for the analysis of pipes and channels. For both cases we have similar formulas according
to Prandtl-Colebrook resp. Darcy-Weißbach. The energy loss is proportional to the velocity
height and a loss factor:

L · 2
Δh = λ · (2.44)
R · 8 · g

2-10 SOFiSTiK 2020

Theoretical Background | HYDRA


L= length of pipe or channel

R= Hydraulic Radius (for circle R = Diameter/4)
v= Streaming velocity
g= Gravity acceleration

The loss coefficient λ depends from the Reynolds number

RE =  · 4 · R · kz (2.45)

where kz is the inverse 1/ν of the kinematic viscosity of the fluid. For the rare case of laminar
flow (RE < 2320) we have the law form Hagen-Poisseuille

λ = 64/ RE (2.46)

For the turbulent flow (RE>2320) we have the formula given from Prandtl-Colebrook with the
absolute roughness k:

1 2.51 k
p = − 2g p + (2.47)
λ λ · RE 14.84 · R

For channels the total section will be subdivided in parts with a similar flow characteristic. The
following assumptions will be made:

- The water level is horizontal across the channel

- There is the same gradient in all parts of the channel.
The absolute value of the gradient is rather small.
- There are now vertical movements.

There are two subdivisions common. For compact sections there are vertical divisions perpen-
dicular to the isotaches. These lines do not have any roughness. The total resistance is then:

 · λges = , · λ (2.48)

The value of l is the wetted part of the section. The value of λ depends not only on the
roughness but also on the hydraulic radius, which in turn is dependant on the water level.

For non compact sections this method is not admissible. For that case we the division lines will
be vertical and will have roughness assigned with a value of 1 to 3 times the roughness of the
bottom. The flow is then calculated for every partial section in separate.

2.16 Boundary Conditions of Hydrology

The basic boundary conditions are:

• Potential lines (Lines of equal piezometric head)

(Dirichlet boundary condition)

H = H0 (2.49)

SOFiSTiK 2020 2-11

HYDRA | Theoretical Background

Hint: A surface with a wetting liquid has in all points the same value of the potential, be-
cause the geodetic height and pressure height will add up to the same constant value.

• Stream lines (Lines with prescribed flux)

(Neumann boundary condition)

 = 0 Q = Q0 (2.50)

This boundary condition is also the natural boundary condition. All edges which do not
have a boundary condition will have the impermeable boundary condition:

t · n = 0 (2.51)

Moreover this type of boundary condition also covers the effect of ground water genera-
tion, even if this condition is normally referred on to an area or the volume and not an edge
or point.

With these basic types we have some more variants available:

• Free Surface

The line bounding the flow region is not know a priori. The impermeable stream line
is also a line with given pressure (p=0). The location of this boundary has to be found
within an iterative process.
• Seepage areas (Groundwater leaving the domain)
At the surface of seepage we have atmospheric pressure. The point where the free surface
hits the seepage area has to be found iteratively.

Figure 2.4: Boundary conditions of unconfined flow

Although the formulation of the free surface with the natural boundary condition is mathemat-
ically elegant and easy to implement, one should keep in mind, that very steep gradients will
create skewed intersections and an inherent instability of the iterations. In some cases a switch
to an unsaturated flow model may become necessary.

Last we have to special conditions simplifying other boundary conditions.

• Wells

Wells with a given positive outlet or a negative inlet may be handled like a given potential
or seepage area, but the potential will be varied iteratively until the desired quantity of

2-12 SOFiSTiK 2020

Theoretical Background | HYDRA

discharge has been achieved.

• Transition conditions

These are the general case of a Robin-Problem and are needed for the leakage of a mud-
ded soil of a river. The quantity which is entering or leaving the system is dependant on
the potential difference of two points. This is the hydraulic analogue to the spring element
in static analysis.

2.17 Coordinate System

HYDRA uses a three dimensional right handed coordinate system. For the correct evaluation
of pressures it is however necessary to align one of the coordinate axis vertical. This is in
general the z-axis, but may be selected via the gravity direction freely.

2.18 Elements
The total thermal or hydraulic system can be described with an assemblage of the following
element types. Each element has a specific flow property. All elements are connected to each
other at nodes. The sum of all flux quantities at any node has to be equal to the external take
in or take out, which establishes the equation system.

2.18.1 Pipe Element

The pipe element connects two nodes. It follows the laws of Prandtl-Colebrook resp. Darcy-
Weisbach. It is suited for pipes and open or full flow channels. It is not usable for thermal
analysis. PIPE elements are derived from truss elements with a suitable section (e.g. TUBE).

2.18.2 Link Element

The Link element connects two nodes and follows a linear or quadratic flow rule or the radiation
condition. The element is derived from spring elements in the database.

Figure 2.5: Pipe and Link element

2.18.3 Plane Element

The element with three or four nodes describes a general twisted (bilinear) element, where the
streaming component perpendicular to the element plane is neglected. The volume used for
the flow is described by the direction of the normal vector n and the thickness t extending in
that direction. A special case of the quadrilaterals are surface elements. They are needed

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HYDRA | Theoretical Background

Figure 2.6: Quadrilateral with confined/unconfined flow

to describe boundary conditions on areas of a volume, but have now own physical properties.

2.18.4 Axissymmetric Element

The axis symmetric element is a plane quadrilateral, which is part of a meridinal section within
the Y-X or Z-X plane. The rotational axis is always the x-axis. For free surface problems, the
x-axis is therefore required to be parallel to the gravity direction.

2.18.5 Volume Element

The volume element with 8 nodes is suited for general 3D problems.

2.19 Boundary Conditions

The natural boundary condition "streamline" will be establish on all boundaries without other

Other quantity conditions will be accounted for by surface integrals. The matching to the ele-
ments will be obtained by the same firm functions of the elements:
Q = q H · N dF (2.52)

2.19.1 Free Surface

The free surface is a boundary which is a potential boundary as well as a streamline boundary.
What is unknown is the position of it. If the line of vanishing pressure of a given potential
distribution is used as the limit of the integration, the stream line will be fulfilled by the natural

2-14 SOFiSTiK 2020

Theoretical Background | HYDRA

Figure 2.7: Axissymmetric Element

Figure 2.8: Volume Element

boundary condition. By repeating this process the desired location will be found by iteration.

An error encountered quite often is to define faulty boundary conditions which let the total
domain become dry. The solutions are of course not correct, but a beginner may have problems
in finding that fact.

2.19.2 Seepage Areas

For free surface problems every point with a potential less than its geometric height will have a
negative pore pressure. Thus the potential has to be reduced to give a zero pressure. If then
there will be a positive (entering) quantity the potential condition has to be released fully unless
during later iterations the pressure becomes positive again.

2.19.3 Konvection and Radiation Boundaries

This type of boundary condition requires contributions on both sides of the equation system.
The radiation condition has to start with some linear estimate to be converted to the true

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HYDRA | Theoretical Background

nonlinear boundary condition.

2.20 Principal Program Organisation

The total solution thus comprehends the following steps:

• The total system is subdivided in node and elements. Material constants will be defined for
nodes or elements. Parts of the structure my be organised in groups and missing material
values may be calculated with linear regression.
• With the given boundary conditions there will be now an iterative steady or transient analy-
sis. Each intermediate step follows the scheme:
- Evaluate results of step i-1
- Create new conductivity and capacity matrixes or
corrective parts on the right hand side
- Check the boundary conditions
- Evaluate potentials at step i
• At the end of any time step or the total analysis, the flow in each element and the total
quantities for all nodes will be evaluated:

Q = − A · H − C · dH/ dt (2.53)

The quantities will be summed up for any partial system (group). They will be integral
results for any node and will fulfil the total balance exactly within the computers precision.
For transient analysis however the differential equation si fulfilled at a time between the
time stepping values, thus there might be small deviations.
The velocities or fluxes within the elements are obtained by differentiation of the potentials.
They are therefore less precise and will jump from one element to its neighbour. That’s why
they are only evaluated at the centre of the element.

2-16 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input Description | HYDRA

3 Input Description

The program calculates problems of groundwater flow and thermal analysis for an existing
structure in the database. The different variants are selected by the unit of the quantities with
record SYST (e.g. Watt or l/min)

3.1 Program Limits

Highest node number 9999999
Number of nodes 9999999
Number of materials 999
Highest element number 9999999
Number of elements 9999999
Number of nodes per well 240

3.2 Input Language

Program HYDRA uses the CADINP input language. Description see the general manual
SOFiSTiK: ’FEA / STRUCTURAL Installation and Basics’. The following records and items
are defined:

Record Items
Table continued on next page.

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-1

HYDRA | Input Description

Record Items

The records HEAD, END and PAGE are described in the general manual SOFiSTiK: ’FEA /
STRUCTURAL Installation and Basics’.

The description of the single records follows.

3-2 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input Description | HYDRA

3.3 SYST – System Parameters

See also: CTRL, STEP, GRP


Item Description Unit Default

TYPE Type of System LT REST

REST use existing main system
SECT use subsystem of section GDIV
explicit system definition
SNO Section number − -
GDIR Direction of gravity LT NEGZ
POSX,POSY,POSZ positive axis
NEGX,NEGY,NEGZ negative axis

DIMT Unit of time in Input and Output LT SEC

SEC Seconds
MIN Minutes
H Hours
D Days
DIMQ Unit of quantities in In-/Output LT L
KG Megapascal
L Liter
M3 cubic meter
W Watt·DIMT,
Temperatures in Celsius
KW Kilowatt·DIMT, Celsius
MW Megawatt·DIMT, Celsius
Temperatures in Kelvin
AKW Kilowatt·DIMT, Kelvin
AMW Megawatt·DIMT, Kelvin

The system for the analysis has to exist in the database.

HYDRA can use also the FE-meshes of a specific section. This may be selected with SYST
SECT nnn, where nnn is the number of that section. The FE-Systems of the sections are
saved in a subdirectory and has to be created for general sections in AQUA via option CTRL
STYP FEMX. HYDRA may create those meshes from scratch for simple rectangular T-Beam
and circular or annular sections if not yet available. The mesh density is controlled by CTRL
HDIV defined before the SYST record.

The specification of unit W, kW or MW respective AW, AKW or AMW will select a thermal
problem. The unit KG is used for a vapour diffusion analysis.

The specification of a unit for the time will allow the usage of handsome units in input and

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-3

HYDRA | Input Description

output for the large range of possible physical problems. Dependant are time values of the
functions and time steps as well as all quantities given for boundary conditions or obtained as
a result.

The unit is only valid within the current run. It is not saved in the database and has to be
specified for every single task.

3-4 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input Description | HYDRA

3.4 CTRL – Control Values


Item Description Unit Default

OPT Designation of an Option LT -

AFIX Treatment of multivalued systems
SCON Type of capacity matrix
FROB Free surface
TURB Turbulent flow
SOLV Equation solver
KITE Iteration method
GEN Precision of iteration
MITE maximum number of Iterations
ETOL Tolerance of Line-Search
HDIF allowed change of Potential
FMAX maximum acceleration factor
FMUL maximum raise of acceleration factor
LDIF Storage of difference values at LC + LDIF
HLIM break off limit for potential
VLIM break off limit for fluxes
GAM Specific Weight of flow media
KZ Kinematic viscosity
TEFF Effective Age of concrete
HDIV mesh density for sections

VAL Value of the Option ∗ !

V2 second value for some options ∗ -
V3 third value for some options ∗ -

The options have the following options:

SOLV Selection of solver

3 = serial
4 = PARDISO parallel

GAM Spezific Weight of flow media kN/m3 10

KZ Kinematic Viscosity sec/cm2 76.3
(for pipe elements only)

FROB Free surface / unconfined flow - 0

0 = do not account for
1 = take into account
2 = incl. velocity height

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-5

HYDRA | Input Description

TURB Turbulent flow - 0

0 = do not account for
1 = take into account (e.g. PIPE-Elements)

SCON Type of capacity matrices - 1

1 = Diagonal matrices
2 = consistent matrices
(require a minimum size of the time step)

LDIF Save the difference estate of the result - 0

at LC + LDIF if different from zero

KITE Bitpattern of iteration method - 1

0 = constant stiffness
1 = Tangential stiffness
2 = Crisfield-Quasi-Newton
4 = activate Linesearch
8 = BFGS-method
KITE = 8·(max number of updates)

GEN Precision of iteration resp. K m 0.01

MITE Maximum number of iterations - 20

FMAX Maximum value for control mechanism - *

Default: 2.0 for KITE 1
10.0 for KITE 0
1000.0 for KITE >1
FMUL Maximum Increase of control mechanism - *
Default: 1.1 for KITE 1
2.0 for KITE 0
1000.0 for KITE >1
HDIF Allowed change of Potential/Temperature m -
(limiting the Linesearch) resp. K

HLIM Break off tolerance for Potential/Temperature m -

The analysis will be stopped immediately if resp.K
the values of a new estate differ by more than
HTOL from the primary estate.
VLIM Break off tolerance for fluxes m/sec -
The analysis will be stopped immediately if resp.W
the values of a new estate differ by more than
VTOL from the primary estate..

3-6 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input Description | HYDRA

TEFF Method to calculate the effective age 2

of concrete
0 no evaluation
1 Definition according to Saul
2 Definition according to Freiesleben
W2 = A0 [33500] ; W3 = A1 [1470]
3 Definition according to Jonasson
W2 = A2 [5300]

HDIV mesh density for FE-sections SREC/SCIR m -

and a progression factor V2 - 1.1

Remarks to the iteration method:

The method of tangent stiffness is recommended in general for free surface flow as the change
of the boundary conditions require a new system matrix quite often. For larger systems which
do not change so much, the quasi Newton-Methods will be favourable instead.

To enhance the stability and speed of the iteration methods there are multiple facilities to damp
oscillating iterations or to extrapolate for monotone convergence. The extrapolation is limited
by a maximum factor of FMAX and a maximum increase of the factor by FMUL. Values of
FMAX < 1.0 will introduce a damping. FMUL 0.0 will deactivate the increase.

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-7

HYDRA | Input Description

3.5 STEP – Transient Analysis

See also: CTRL


Item Description Unit Default

N Number of time steps − 0

T Time value of first step or total Time DMT 1
TFAK Factor for time steps − 1
THET Coefficient of time integration (0.5 ≤ Θ < 2) − 0.7
HOPT Optimal change of potential m/ K -
TMIN smallest allowed time step for HOPT DMT 0.001T

A transient analysis will be initiated by the specification of N. There are several possibilities to
subdivide the analysis time.

• constant time step

Definition of N and T defines the size of the time step.
• geometric progression with fixed values
The size of the (n+1)th time step is established by multiplication of the nth time step with
TFAC. For larger numbers of time steps it is advisable to check the given values with a
pocket calculator, as the time steps can grow rather high if TFAC is chosen improper.
• automatic time step selection
starting from an optimal value HOPT for the change of the potential within every time step,
TFAC defaults to 1.4. Whenever the change of the potential exceeds TFAC·HOPT, the time
step will be reduced and the step repeated. Is the change however less than HOPT/TFAC,
the next time step will be enlarged by factor TFAC.

On the other side one can define the total time of the analysis explicit or via the time steps.

• With an input of N > 1 , N is the number of time steps. The total time is the sum of all time
• As an alternate definition T may be the total analysis time if N is defined less than 1.0. N
is than the factor for the first time step. (N 0.001 yields a first time step of one/thousand of
the total time T.)

3-8 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input Description | HYDRA

3.6 PLC – Primary Load Case

See also: CTRL


Item Description Unit Default

NO Number of primary load case − -

T Time value at start of this analysis DMT *
HP Constant value of primary Potential morK 0.
DHPX Global gradient of primary estate m/ m 0.
DHPY or 0.
DHPZ K/ m 0.
DHTF Factor for time derivatives − 0.0
PU Minimum pore water pressure m -9999.0
for the transition to free surface flow
LCS Structural load case for stresses − -
LCU Structural load cases for pore water pressures de- − -
rived form LCU-LCU0
LCU0 − -

Start of any transient analysis or the deviation to a given result case will be a primary estate
with number NR at time value T. Default for T is of course the last time value stored at NO. The
T-value is needed for correct interpolation within the time functions and identification of results
especially for graphics required.

Additional linear varying potentials are also possible. For each node we will have an extra
component of the primary estate by:

HP = HP + DHPX · X + DHPY · +Y + DHPZ · +Z

Eventually it is also possible to add a primary value for every group via GRP. Nodes blonging
to multiple groups will get the mean value of all defined values of all groups connecting to that

For transient analysis the time derivative of the last estate may facilitate the startup of the
current analysis. If desired a specification of DTHF 1.0 will be required. The time derivative
itself will be calculated from the difference of the last two values and the involved time step.
As it is not always that this condition is valid, the default for DTHF has to be 0.0. PU may be
needed if for the transition from the primary estate to the initial step, significant changes for the
boundary conditions are encountered.

If for item T is given the literal CONT, all potential values of the primary estate - even those
from earlier time steps - will be copied to the current load case. This creates more data in the
data base but is convenient for the graphical postprocessing. Results of the elements however
can not be processed this way.

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-9

HYDRA | Input Description

With LCS it is possible to specify a load case the stresses of which are used to modify the
transmissivities according the given definitions (HMAT FVOL/FSIG).

A structural load case can be input with LCU/LCU0. The volumetric stress of this load
case is then used as initial conditions for the pore water pressure of a consolidation (H=h-

For very special cases it is possible to modify results in the database. The record COPY, allows
to combine several transient results or to shift and scale pressure values.

3.7 COPY – Modification of Results


Item Description Unit Default

FROM First number of a primary load case − -

TO Last number of a primary load case − FROM
TARG Resulting load case number − FROM

PCOR Shift of pressure values by ∗ 0.0

PREF Divide pressure values by ∗ 1.0

3-10 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input Description | HYDRA

3.8 GRP – Selection of Groups

See also: CTRL, STEP


Item Description Unit Default

NO Group number Lt/ − *

Default: * all Groups
LEV Level of usage LT FULL
OFF do not use this group
YES use, but suppress printout
FULL use and print results
LOAD Save loading in the database LT NEIN
NONE do not save anything
LIFT Buoyancy
STRE Streaming pressure
PRES Buoyancy + Streaming
TEMP Temperature difference
ATEM absolute temperature
HP Value of the potential in primary estate m|◦ -
(see PLC for more details)
HC Size of the capillar suction zone m 0
TF Reduction factor for permeability within − 0.001
the dry region above the free surface

The total structure may be organized within groups. The group number will be multiplied with
the group divisor (record SYST GDIV) and added to the element number during creation after
the GRP-record. Later analysis steps may then deactivate parts of the system by selecting
LEV OFF or selecting only other groups.

HYDRA may save as a result loading in the database to be used by TALPA or ASE. A pure
temperature filed does not need to be saved as loading as those programs have better options
to use the temperature field directly.

BUOY All elements within the active flow region (= not above the free surface) will receive
a buoyancy loading.

P = + γ · grd Z

STRE All elements within the active flow region (= not above the free surface) will receive
a streaming pressure loading..

P = − γ · grd H

PRES All elements within the active flow region (= not above the free surface) will receive

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-11

HYDRA | Input Description

a buoyancy + streaming pressure loading..

P = − γ · grd (H − Z)

TEMP All elements will be loaded with a uniform mean temperature.

For free surface problems the non active flow region will keep a small conductivity for numerical
reasons, obtained by multiplying the permeability with a factor TF. The definition of HC as
the height of the suction region will be a simple tool for partial saturated soils with a smooth
transition between those two regions.

3-12 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input Description | HYDRA

3.9 NVAL – Material Values at Nodes

See also: HMAT


Item Description Unit Default

NO Node number (0=all nodes) − !

TYPE Type of value (cmp. table) LT !
VAL Value ∗ !
VAL2 Additional values if required ∗ -
VAL3 ∗ -
VAL4 ∗ -
VAL5 ∗ -
VAL6 ∗ -
COPY Reference case from database − -

Linear Material values may be specified either in a separate material table or at any node via
this record NVAL to be used by the connecting elements.

As TYPE we have the following possibilities (cmp record HMAT):

K Isotropic permeability for law of Darcy m/sec

resp. isotrope thermal conductivity W/Km
KXYZ Anisotropic permeability tensor m/sec
resp. anisotrope thermal conductivity W/Km
items VAL-VAL6 are the values
k , kyy , kzz , ky , kz , kyz
S Specific Capacity/Storage coefficient 1/m
resp. J/Km3
NSP effective i.e. usable porosity -

With COPY any result case within the database may be used to set the material values. Items
VAL to VAL6 are then factors. This option is intended for those cases where an solution of the
identification problem has been run and the results should be converted to material values.

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-13

HYDRA | Input Description

3.10 HMAT – Material Constants HYDRA


Item Description Unit Default

NO Material number − !
TYPE Type of material law LT *
DARC Seepage (Darcy, linear)
FORC Seepage (Forchheimer, nonlin.)
MISS Seepage (Missbach, nonlin.)
FLOW General diffusion (e.g. vapor)
FOUR Heatflow (Fourier, linear)
Hydration of concrete:
JONA Jonasson model
HSCM ”Shrinkage-Core” model
WESC Danish model acc. to Wesche

TEMP Temperature or pore pressure level ∗ 0

KXX Isotropic permeability or conductivity ∗ 0.
KYY or anisotropic permeability/conductivity ∗ KXX
KZZ or parameters A,B (Forchheimer), ∗ KXX
KXY or parameters C,M (Missbach) ∗ 0.
KXZ ∗ 0.
KYZ ∗ 0.
S Specific Capacity/Storage coefficient ∗ 0.
NSP effective porosity or moisture grade − 0.

Parameters for Hydration

A Constant a for JONA / HSCM / WESC − *
B Constant b for JONA / WESC − *
C Constant c for WESC − *
QMAX Maximum heat quantity for hydration kJ/ m3 0.
TK Reference time h 15

TITL Designation of material Lt32 -

HMAT allows to specify three individual sets of constants for three tasks diffusion, seepage
and heat flow for a material. Material properties have to be selected according to literature or
experimental data. But some rough estimates (without warranty) are given here.

For any material there might be up to 15 different sets of materials for different temperatures
[ ◦ Celsius] or pore water pressures [ kPa = kN/m2 ] . With a nonlinear analysis the material
values will then be interpolated between those values.

3-14 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input Description | HYDRA

3.10.1 Hydraulic Parameters

For seepage (DARC,FORC,MISS) the unit for conductivity (KXX, KYY, KZZ) is [ m/sec] , for
storage coefficient (S) [ m3/m] . TEMP is the pressure in [ kPa] .

e.g. Hydraulic permeability (acc. Dyck, Peschke):

Type of soil k [ m/sec]

Sandy gravel 3·10−3 ... 5·10−4
Gravelly sand 1·10−3 ... 2·10−4
Medium sand 4·10−4 ... 1·10−4
Silty sand 2·10−4 ... 1·10−5
Sandy silt 5·10−5 ... 1·10−6
Silty clay 5·10−6 ... 1·10−8
Clay ≈ 10−8

Positive pressures represent saturated flow regions while negative values describe unsaturated
soils. Conductivities and Capacities will be interpolated. Free surface problems also use a
variation of the porosity to account for the effective capacity of the free surface.

Material values may be defined isotropic or anisotropic depending on a stress state from the
database. This is performed by additional data given with the same material number and the
types FVOL, FSIN or FSIT. The difference between FSIN and FSIT is given by the fact that
FSIN modifies the values across the crack, while FSIT does this perpendicular to the crack. It
is recommended to use a linear stress field for that purpose and not a plasticity field.

Within HYDRA the user has the possibility to define material properties for the elements either
via a given material number (engineering constructions) or via the nodes (element material
number = 0), especially for ground water models. Both methods may be used together within
the same system.

For a general diffusion according to potential theory, the unit for conductivity (KXX, KYY, KZZ)
is [ sec/m] , for storage coefficient (S) [ kg/m3/Pa] =[ sec2/m] .

3.10.2 Heat Conduction

Heat conduction according to the equations of Forier (FOUR). The unit for conductivity (KXX,
KYY, KZZ) is [ W/K/m] , for storage coefficient (S) specific capacity*Density [ J/Km3 ] . TEMP is
the temperature in degree Celsius or Kelvin, which may be selected with an explicit unit in the
table headder.


Material Conductivity Capacity Elongation Emission

λ [ W/Km] c [ J/kgK] coeff. [ -] rate ε[ -]
P.concrete 0.14 ... 1.20 1050
LW concrete 0.70 ... 1.20 1050
concrete 1.60 ... 2.10 1050 1.0·10−5

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-15

HYDRA | Input Description

Material Conductivity Capacity Elongation Emission

λ [ W/Km] c [ J/kgK] coeff. [ -] rate ε[ -]
brickwork 0.50 ... 1.30 950 0.93
insulation 0.020 ... 0.090 850 -
steel 50 850 1.2·10−5 0.06 . . . 0.67
copper 380 850 1.6·10−5 0.04 . . . 0.78
aluminum 200 850 2.4·10−5 0.05 . . . 0.30
timber 0.13 ... 0.20 2500 0.18·10−3
Water 0.58 4187
(S = c·ρ)

If the materials have been defined with CONC, STEE, TIMB, BRIC or TYPE at MATE, all
constants will be preset for FOUR according EN 12524. For concrete and timber a definition of
NSP will select the moisture ratio.

With explicit definition of a TEMP-value it is possible to create and modify tabulated values.
The default is to use the formulas defined in the Eurocode. The thermal conductivity of the

1.000 2500 S [kJ/m3/K]

0.800 2000
K [W/m/k]
0.600 1500

0.400 1000

0.200 500
0.00 [◦ C] 0.00 [◦ C]























Figure 3.1: Conductivity and Capacity of Concrete

concrete is given by an upper (A=1.0) and a lower (A=0.0) limit. The special effect for S is the
evaporation of pore water.

3-16 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input Description | HYDRA

.0 50.00 18000
.0 45.00
16000 16000
.0 40.00
14000 14000
.0 35.00
12000 12000
.0 30.00 K [W/m/k]
k [W/m/K] 10000 10000
.0 25.00
8000 8000
.0 20.00
6000 6000 S [kJ/m3/K]
.0 15.00 S [kJ
.0 10.00 4000 4000

00 5.00 2000 2000

.0 0.00 [◦ C] 0.00 0.0 [◦ C]
[ C] [ C]









































Figure 3.2: Conductivity and Capacity of Structural Steel

1.50 7.00
1.40 6.50
1.30 6.00
1.20 K [W/m/k] 5.50
1.10 5.00
0.70 3.50
0.60 3.00
0.50 2.50
0.40 2.00
0.30 1.50
0.20 1.00
0.10 0.50 S [kJ/m3/K]
[◦ C] [◦ C]
























Figure 3.3: Conductivity and Capacity of Timber

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-17

HYDRA | Input Description

3.10.3 Hydration of Concrete

For the hydration of concrete it is required to know the maximum heat release QMAX, a func-
tion for the effective age of concrete (see HYDRA CTRL TEFF) and a formula for the hydration
degree α governing all other properties. There are numerous possibilities with different param-
eters. All of them have in common:

TEMP Eine Referenztemperatur [ ◦ C] 10

QMAX The maximum heat quantity [kJ/ m3 ] !
TK The reference time τk [ h] 15
S The exponent for maturity function acc. Saul 1.00

Function of Jonasson, an extension to the Byfors definition:
α = ep b n 1 + (3.1)

Examples of those constants a,b and τk can be found in Appendix A of Heft 512 of the Ger-
man DAfStB, printed with the input record HMAT but the general rule is that you need tests!
Unfortunately there are publications with exchanged parameters a and b.

A,B Parameters a and b [ -[ -1.15,-1.00

The values have to be determined from experiments, values for the total heat in the literature
are often defined in [ kJ/kg] . However the following values might give a rough idea:

Q-max [ kJ/m3] a b τ k [ h]
B25 (Heft 512 DAfStB) 167700 -0.925 -0.42 41.82
B35WU (Heft 512 DAfStB) 135750 -1.185 -1.00 17.53
B35 (Heft 512 DAfStB) 105940 -1.605 -1.00 37.46

3-18 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input Description | HYDRA

”Shrinkage-Core” model:

 · (τ − τk )
α = τ > τk (3.2)
1 +  · (τ − τk )

τk is a period with very low chemical reaction, named d in the original formula. Values for a
mass concrete are given by Dussinger:

τk = 2.88[h]  = 0.029[1/ h] (3.3)

Danish model according to Wesche:

τk b
‚   Œ
α = ep − (3.4)

ƒcc (t) € Š 0
β = =  · ep c · t −0.55 c = c1 · (3.5)
ƒcc (28d) z

The water cement ratio w0 /z has to be incorporated in the input value c. Please note that
parameter a is used in the original with two different meanings. The following parameters for
the Wesche model can be found in the literature.

Q-max [ kJ/kg] a c1
w0 /z 0.35 0.55 0.75
Z 55 / Z 45 F 380 1.10 1.15 1.20 -1.50
Z 45 L / Z 35 F 295 1.20 1.30 1.40 -2.80
Z 35 L 216 1.30 1.50 1.70 -4.40
Z 25 1.50 1.90 2.30 -7.10

Values for a mass concrete (Z 35L) are given by Dussinger:

τk = 24.87[h]
b = 0.84[−]
0 / z = 0.68[−] (3.6)
 = 1.63[−]
c1 = −4.4[−] ⇒ c = −4.4 · 0.68 = −2.99

Hint: If the maturity function according to Saul is used, the exponent s there might be specified
with item S.

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-19

HYDRA | Input Description

3.11 LINK – Connecting Element

See also: PIPE


Item Description Unit Default

NO Element number or secondary group − !

A Linear loss coefficient ∗ 0.0
B Quadratic loss coefficient ∗ 0.0
S Storage coefficient ∗ 0.0
EPS Emission ratios ∗ 0.0

Figure 3.4: Link-Element

With this record spring elements from the data base will become effective for the analysis.
These elements can be redefined at any time which is especially useful for systems where
temperature and seepage analysis has to be performed. The link element allows a rather
general coupling within hydraulic or thermal analysis problems. The difference of the potential
or temperature is given by the following equation:

Q Q 2
dh = A · + B ·
Areƒ Areƒ

For example:
L dh
dh = · Q ⇐⇒ Q = Areƒ · K ·
K · Areƒ L

for a prismatic body with area Areƒ , the conductivity K and the length L. The term B can be
used only with a nonlinear analysis.

Moreover a radiation condition according to the law of Boltzmann may be applied. EPS is than
the emission ratio of the black body. For the correct definition of the boundary conditions it must
then be distinguished between absolute or relative temperatures in degree Kelvin or Celsius
and the correct literal selected at record SYST . Of course this effect is also nonlinear.

The unit of the constants is depending on the problem type:

3-20 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input Description | HYDRA

Hydraulic Conduction
A m per m/sec K ·m2 /W
B m per m/sec not reasonable
S 1 = m3 /m/m2 J/m2 /K
EPS not reasonable 1

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-21

HYDRA | Input Description

3.12 PIPE – Pipe or Channel Elements

See also: LINK, SECT


Item Description Unit Default

NO Element number or secondary group − !

L Effective length of pipe or channel if not equal the dis- m *
tance between nodes

Hydraulic conductive elements like pipes or culverts are introduced by truss elements. As a
section of a pipe the simplest case is defined with a TUBE where the nominal width and the
roughness defined be MEXT is used. The more general case of an open or closed section may
be described with a polygon section.

Figure 3.5: Pipe and channel element

The pipe element allows the analysis of full flow governed by the rule of Prandtl-Colebrook and
of open channels with the Darcy-Weissbach formulas. The storage coefficient S will be derived
from the compressibility of the fluid and the elastic properties of the pipe material or from the
cuurent width of the free surface (flow width).

An analysis requires the setting of TURB=1 and KITE=1 (Record CTRL) in general.

A section with VERT-elements is composed from any number of polygon segments collected
within partial sections. Each edge of the polygons may have a different roughness assigned
with EXP and MEXT.

Figure 3.6: Section of an open channel

3-22 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input Description | HYDRA

3.13 LC – Analysis Case

See also: BOUN, SURF, FUNC


Item Description Unit Default

NO Number of the case − 1

TITL Designation of the case Lt32 -

All results of an analysis are saved in the data base with a number LC (loading case). For
every input block only one LC-record is allowed.

It is also possible to save differences to the initial estate as a separate loading case. This
will be done be defining with record PLC the initial estate and with CTRL LDIF an positive or
negative offset of the load case number.

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-23

HYDRA | Input Description

3.14 BOUN – Boundary Conditions

See also: LC, SURF, FUNC


Item Description Unit Default

TYPE Type of boundary condition LT QA

VAL Value of boundary condition ∗ !
FROM Starting number −/ LT 1
TO End number − FROM
INC Increment / Selection type −/ LT 1

F Function number for transient conditions − 0

VP Additional parameter
EPS Emission ratio (type SPEC only) − 0.0
NB Balance number m/ K 0.0

DVX Global gradient of boundary value ∗/ m 0.0

DVY e.g. for imbedding in a given groundwater flow ∗/ m 0.0
DVZ ∗/ m 0.0

Input of a linear or geometrically independent boundary condition on a sequence of nodes. The

nodes may be selected either by their numbers with FROM, TO and an numerical increment
INC, or we can refer to an EDGE of nodes defined in the database:

BOUN H value 11 111 10 $ nodes 11,21,...,111

BOUN H value 11 12 FIT $ all nodes of EDGE 11 to 12
BOUN H value EDGE 100 $ all nodes on EDGE 100
BOUN H value EDGE 'UP' $ all nodes on EDGE 'UP'

There are variants possible which design to any node the same value or which integrate the
values between the adjacent nodes.

Overview to the implemented boundary conditions BOUN

H Piezometric Head (m) or temperature (K)

All nodes will receive the Potential VAL.
HP All nodes will receive the potential from the initial estate
(cmp PLC) augmented by the constant value VAL.

The flow will always be from the higher to the lower potential value. The sign of the potential
is for free surface problems always to the top positive. For those problems the potential value
will be only applied if the resulting pressure is positive. If this is not true, the potential defined
by pressure zero will be set and maintained as long as the resulting quantities are negative
(outflow) . If the gravity direction is in a positive direction (GDIR POSZ), we have for a pressure
free seepage boundary therefore H = -z.

3-24 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input Description | HYDRA

In special cases e.g. for the specification of water levels within a BRIC element edge this
behaviour may be not appropriate. In those cases the user may act as follows:

• If NB is negative or zero, the check will be completely disabled, i.e. the potential is always
set without checking the quantities.
• VP describes the possible suction (negative pore pressure) at the node. The potential will
not be corrected until this values has been reached. For the type HP this value is preset to
-9999 which will always apply the value of the primary estate. .

The resulting quantities at the nodes applied with the H, HP or SPEC boundary condition will
be evaluated separately for all values of NB and may be saved with the HIST record to the
database for later display.

It is also possible to define global gradients for the boundary value. For any selected node, the
value at that point is calculated via:

VAL = VAL + DVX · X + DVY · Y + DVZ · Z (3.7)

Quantity boundary conditions:

QA Inflow (VAL positive) or Outflow (VAL negative)

of a defined quantity per unit time (cmp. record SYST).
I Internal inflow or outflow
As QA, but in the balance the quantities will be on the internal account.
QP All nodes will receive the flow quantity of the primary estate.
QAD as QA, but the quantities are referred onto the length between the nodes (e.g.
Liter/m per defined time, cmp. record SYST)
QID similar to QAD for internal quantities
NB is for QI and QID the number of a group or partial region where the quantity
should be added to the internal account.
WELL well
For all selected nodes a water level will be chosen iteratively in such a way that the
sum of all quantities is equal to VAL as outflow (positive) or inflow (negative). The
well itself may apply a suction up to the value of VP [ m] (negative pressure of a
vakua well). The number of nodes per well is restricted to 240.
SPEC Mixed or convective boundary condition
The quantity of the node is dependant on the actual potential value. It is calculated

Q = − (H − VP) · VAL + EPS · 5.67E − 8 · (H4 − VP4 )

There VP is the potential value of the environment in [ m] or [ K] . VAL defines

the conductivity as density per potential (e.g.. l/sec/m or W/K or kW/K) per running
meter of the boundary. If H is larger than the environment VP, we will have an

3.14.1 Thermal Conductivity and Emissivity.

For the thermal conductivity the following values might be used (DIN 4108 Teil 4, EC 1 part

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-25

HYDRA | Input Description


Conductivity α
[ W/m2 K]
Inner wall 7.8
Outer side of ceilings and walls 25.0
Protected outer side of ceilings and walls 12.5
Floors, Heat transfer downwards 5.8
Floors, Heat transfer upwards 10.0
Fire case, hot side 25.0
Fire case, cool side 5.0

The radiation/emission boundary has to distinguish between absolute temperatures (Kelvin)

and ordinary temperatures (Celsius) (cmp. record SYST DIMQ). This condition is not available
for singular nodes, please use the LINK-element instead.

The emissivity EPS = εƒ · εm contains the factors of the source εƒ (e.g. 0.8) and of the ma-
terial surface εm (e.g. 0.7). (cmp. EC1-2, Abs. 4.2.1) A total value of 0.5 to 0.7 is therefore
quite common. However Kordina has stated, that for a numerical fire analysis of a standard
fire curve (ETK of DIN 4102) a resulting factor of 0.4 yields much more reasonable results.
(Betonkalender, 2003, page 180). Further one may find in the literature:

Material constants from physical table Emission degree ε

Steel plate, rolled 0.67
Steel plate, coated with nickel 0.06
Steel plate, galvanized 0.25
Iron, polished 0.29
Cast Iron, rough 0.94
Aluminium, rolled 0.081
Aluminium, polished 0.051
Aluminium, Sand-mold 0.30
Copper, polished 0.04
Copper, black 0.78
Brickwork, plastered 0.93
Concrete 0.90
Sand 0.76
Fire clay brick 0.75
Water 0.67
Soot 0.95

3-26 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input Description | HYDRA

3.15 SURF – Surface and Volume Boundary Conditions

See also: LC, BOUN, FUNC


Item Description Unit Default

TYPE Type of boundary condition LT !

VAL Value of boundary condition ∗ !
FROM Starting element number − 1
TO End element number − FROM
INC Increment of element numbers − 1
F Function number for transient condition − 0
VP Additional parameter m/ K 0.0
EPS Emission ratio (type SPEC only) − 0.0
NB Balance number − 1

Figure 3.7: Surface boundary condition

The record SURF acts as an area boundary condition on all quadrilateral elements. You may
address standard QUAD-elements wit a positive number or surface elements also with a neg-
ative number. The conditions QAV and QIV however act on volume elements.

Overview to the implemented boundary conditions

QAS Inflow or Outflow referenced on a surface

For all QUAD-elements within the selected definition the flux of VAL in
(quantityunits/m2 ) per defined time unit (cmp. record SYST) will be applied.

VAL positive = Inflow to the system

VAL negative = Outflow from the system
QIS internal inflow or outflow
As QAS, but the quantities will be introduced into the balance as internal. NB is for
QI and QID the number of a group or partial region where the quantity should be
added to the internal account.

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-27

HYDRA | Input Description

QAV inflow or outflow referenced to the volume

For all volume elements within the selected region the quantity of VAL in (l/m3 ) per
defined time unit (cmp. record SYST) will be applied.
QIV internal inflow or outflow referenced to the volume
SPEC Mixed or convective boundary condition
The quantity of the node is dependant on the actual potential value. It is calculated

Q = − (H − VP) · VAL + EPS · 5.67E − 8 · (H4 − VP4 )

There VP is the potential value of the environment in [ m] or [ K] . VAL defines the

density per potential (e.g.. l/sec/m or W/K per area of the boundary. If H is larger
than the environment VP, we will have an outflow.

The parameters of the SPEC-Condition are explained in detail at the BOUN record descrip-

3-28 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input Description | HYDRA

3.16 FUNC – Transient Conditions

See also: LC, BOUN, SURF


Item Description Unit Default

T Time value ∗ !
F Function value or predefined type −/ LT !
ISO Standard fire curve
EXT External fire curve
CARB Hydro carbon-fire curve
NO Number of the time function − 1
TITL Title of this function Lt32 -

The record FUNC describes a boundary condition which changes in time during a transient
analysis. The time values are expected in the unit specified at record SYST. Without specifica-
tion of FUNC the boundary condition will be treated as constant during time. With the definition
the function values of BOUN or SURF will be multiplied with the function value at any given
time value. For type SPEC only the VP-value will be multiplied. In that case it is advisable to
set VP to 1.0 and to describe the potential values with FUNC.

A function is composed by at least two pairs of values with the same function number. The
functions are expected to be sorted by time. The function value before the first and after the
last time value is assumed to be zero. Instead of discrete functions a literal may be used to

Figure 3.8: Transient function

select predefined curves as specified in EC1-2 chapter 4.2. for design fires:

• ISO-fire curve accord. to 4.2.2. (identical to ETK of DIN 4102-2)

T = 20 + 345og10 (8t + 1) (3.8)

• External fire curve accord. to 4.2.3.

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-29

HYDRA | Input Description

T = 20 + 660 · (1 − 0.687 · e−0.32t − 0.313 · e−3.8t ) (3.9)

• Hydrocarbon fire curve accord. to 4.2.4.

T = 20 + 1080 · (1 − 0.325 · e−0.167t − 0.675 · e−2.5t ) (3.10)

1050 ISO/ETK
























Figure 3.9: Design Fires

3-30 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input Description | HYDRA

3.17 HIST – Transient Results


Item Description Unit Default

TYPE Type of result LT *

H Potential at node
T Temperature at node
Q Quantity at node
QB Total quantity of balance-No
PIPE Flux in elements of type
QUAD Flux in elements of type
BRIC Flux in elements of type
REST Resume selection of
Primary estate

FROM First number − -

TO Last number − FROM
INC Increment − 1

For transient analysis there are either the method to save the complete results for any time step
at a different load case number or to select some important results like potentials, temperature
or flux quantities of elements or groups (max 1024) and to save their development in time in a
compact form in the database. DYNR will then be used to show these diagrams

If a selection set has already been established for the primary load case, a definition of HIST
REST will take this and continue with the time history automatically.

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-31

HYDRA | Input Description

3.18 COPY – Modify nodal results in the database


Item Description Unit Default

FROM Range of result cases to be treated − -

TO − -
TARG Resulting case number − -

Correction of pressures
PCOR by a value to add ∗ 0.0
PREF by a reference to divide ∗ 1.0

COPY is a command for special cases where separate result cases should be combined to a
single one. For the evaluation of wind pressures which have been calculated with PHYSICA,
the conversion to pressure coefficients is a useful aid.

A licence for HYDRA is not required for this option.

3-32 SOFiSTiK 2020

Input Description | HYDRA

3.19 IMPO – Import of Results


Item Description Unit Default

LC Number of result case − !

TYPE Type of results LT !
TEMK Temperatures in Kelvin
TEMP Temperatures in Celsius
TK2C Convert Kelvin to Celsius

T Time value sec !

FROM name of external file to import LT !

With IMPO it is possible to import results from other programs into HYDRA. The import file
is a text file and may contain any comments starting with a $ or #, the data values have to
be specified in lines each containing the node number and the data value at this node in free

A line *END terminates the import, a line *TIME=timevalue may be used to structure a transient
result file.

A licence for HYDRA is not required for this option.

SOFiSTiK 2020 3-33

HYDRA | Input Description

3.20 ECHO – Output Options


Item Description Unit Default

OPT Designation of an option LT FULL

FULL all options
NODE nodal coordinates and values
ELEM Elements
FUNC Functional values
BOUN Boundary conditions
POT Potentials or Temperatures
QUAN Quantities
VELO fluxes and velocities
STAT Iterations etc.
STEP Output interval
for transient analysis

VAL value of the option LT FULL

-1 or OFF no computation
0 or NO no output
1 or YES regular output
2 or FULL extensive output
3 or EXTR extreme output

For the effects of those options see chapter 4. output description.

3-34 SOFiSTiK 2020

Output Description | HYDRA

4 Output Description

4.1 System Parameters

Every printout starts with a sum up of the system parameters and the defined groups. The
table of the groups contains the number of elements within that group, the usage level and the
height of the capillary height (H-KAP) and the reduction factor for the fully dry condition (FT).

This table may be influenced by the record ECHO

4.2 Nodes
The first table contains the maximum coordinates within the system followed by the explicitly
defined nodes. Option ECHO NODE FULL will switch to the total table. The same mechanism
will be used for the printout of nodal results.

The nodal table will be printed when creating or modifying a system or with an explicit option

It contains:

NUMBER nodal number

X, Y, Z nodal coordinates
T-MAX Maximum thickness of layer
S Storage coefficient
NSP(-) effective usable porosity
K isotope permeability/conductivity or up to six ele-
ments of the full 3D-tensor.

4.3 Materials
If materials have been defined a material table follows:

NO Material number
P pore pressure level
S[ 1/m] Storage coefficient
NSP[ -] effective porosity
Kxx[ m/sec] Permeability
Kyy[ m/sec]
Kzz[ m/sec]

or for thermal analysis:

NO Material number
TEMP Temperature level

SOFiSTiK 2020 4-1

HYDRA | Output Description

S[ J/Km3] Storage coefficient

eps[ -] moisture percentage
Kxx[ m/sec] Conductivity
Kyy[ m/sec]
Kzz[ m/sec]

4.4 Sections
The table of pipe and culvert sections is hierarchically organized:

[m2] [m] [m] [mm] (m2/sec) [m] [m]
2 57.0000 59.301 31.301 4.9 1.55E+02 S = 1.250E+01
2 1 6.5000 15.414 8.414 12.6 2.54E+01 15.000 -2.000
1 2 20.0 1.00E+00 14.000 -1.000
1 3 12.0 4.00E+00 8.000 -1.000
1 4 -8.0 0.00E+00 8.000 -2.000
2 2 46.0000 36.472 20.472 5.6 1.12E+02 8.000 -2.000
2 12 -4.0 0.00E+00 8.000 -1.000
2 13 3.0 0.00E+00 7.000 1.000
2 14 7.0 8.00E+00 -7.000 1.000
2 15 3.0 0.00E+00 -8.000 -1.000
2 16 -4.0 0.00E+00 -8.000 -2.000

The first number gives the total sectional values with the mean roughness and leakage factors.
Then (with ECHO SECT FULL) one will get the sectional values of every partial section, and
with (ECHO SECT EXTR) the individual vertices of the section.

4.5 Elements
The second part of the system description are the elements. These tables will be printed if a
system is defined or the option ECHO ELEM FULL has been selected.

Link Elements

NUMBER Element number

N1,N2 node numbers
Aref[ m2] Reference area
A Linear loss coefficient
B Quadratic loss coefficient
S0 Storage coefficient
eps Emission rate according to Boltzmann

4-2 SOFiSTiK 2020

Output Description | HYDRA

Pipe Elements

NUMBER Element number

N1,N2 node numbers
NS section number
NW(MM) nominal width
KS(MM) absolute roughness
L(M) Effective length of pipe
S0(L/M2) Storage coefficient

Plane Elements

NUMBER Element number

N1-N4 node numbers
MNO Material number
T0[ m] Elementdicke or Text "SURFACE"

Volume Elements

NUMBER Element number

N1-N8 node numbers
MNO Material number

4.6 Boundary Conditions

The table of the boundary conditions contains all specified data with the same designations as
given in the input. The table may be suppressed with option ECHO BOUN NO.

Boundary Conditions
Surface Boundary Conditions

TYPE Type of boundary condition

NB number of identification or balance
F Function number
FROM smallest node or element number
TO largest node or element number
INC Increment of node or element number
VALUE Value of the boundary condition
VP additional value (environment potential, suction
EPS Emission rate according to Boltzmann

SOFiSTiK 2020 4-3

HYDRA | Output Description

4.7 Statistical Information

With ECHO STAT one gets all intermediate values of the iterations or transient analysis also
within the normal printout (default only in protocol-file)

Step 2 dt= 1.0000 dH= 1.242 Node 3

dt= 1.0000 dH= 1.243 Node 3
Iteration 2 dH= 0.017 Node 41 f = 1.000
dt= 1.0000 dH= 1.237 Node 3
Iteration 3 dH= 0.045 Node 34 f = 0.112

dt is the size of the time step, the variation of the potential within the time, the following iteration
lines reflect the changes to the last iteration. "f" is the correction factor or the parameter of the
line search.

For every well there will be a line with the current water head and the resulting take out. For
transient analysis and option ECHO FUNC one will get functional values of the function for
every time step.

4.8 Results of the Elements

For every element with its centre within the active flow region (= not above the free surface)
and the group of which has been selected for printout. One will get at the centre:

Plane Elements

NUMBER Element number

GRADIENT Potential or Temperature gradient
VX,VY,VZ Components of flow or heat flux
(real velocity for groundwater)
Q The quantity crossing the element

For Pipe elements there is again a hierarchic print out

ROHR Element number

T Number of subregion
I[ m/km] Gradient
Q[ l/sec] Flow quantity
V[ m/sec] Velocity of flow
A[ m2] Active flow area
R[ m] Hydraulic Radius
K[ mm] Effective roughness
REYNOLD Reynolds number
FROUD Froud number

4-4 SOFiSTiK 2020

Output Description | HYDRA

For open culverts a "flooded" estate will be marked. Elements with velocities above a given
limit will be flagged with asterix.

For LINK-elements only ECHO VELO FULL will print potential differences and flux quantities.

With ECHO VELO NO those tables may be suppressed. Option ECHO VELO FULL will also
print the flow rates. If the porosity is not specified, the real velocity is undefined, then the flow
rates will be printed instead in the only printed line.

4.9 Results at Nodes

Results at nodes will be printed for all explicitly defined nodes, with ECHO POT however for all
nodes. Transient analysis will have the actual time value within the header.

All nodes which yield a quantity entering or leaving the system will be printed within a separate
table. With nonlinear problems there might be small quantities in other nodes. Option ECHO
QUAN EXTR will print all nodes even those with zero or very small quantities.

Capacity effects of derivatives in time of a transient analysis will be also calculated and in-
cluded. For larger time steps the total balance of flow will therefore not match. ECHO ERG 6
or 7 instead of FULL or EXTR will suppress this feature. All nodes will then show the quantities
stored or supplied at the node.

For coupled nodes, one will get two quantities with opposite signs in the master and slave

4.10 Balancing
For every group there will be the balance of the quantities going in and out and internally
absorbed or generated. A total balance of all groups will be printed whenever more than two
groups are present in the analysis.

SOFiSTiK 2020 4-5

HYDRA | Output Description

4-6 SOFiSTiK 2020

Graphical Output of Transient Results | HYDRA

5 Graphical Output of Transient Results

For graphical results there are the modules WING/WinGRAF and DYNR available. As only a
few commands from DYNR are required for HYDRA we repeat them here for the ease of use.

5.1 SIZE – Graphic Format


Item Description Unit Default

TYPE Paper size − 3

Positive value landscape format
Negative value portrait format
SC Scale − *
0 format filling
* engineering scale, best
possible for filling the page
W Paper width cm *
H Paper height cm *

MARG Draws a border LT FULL

NO draws an inner border + scale
here W and H define the size
of the area to be drawn at
(for single sheet plotters and
laser printers)
YES draws a free border around
the drawing W and H define
the size of the paper (2cm
margin, otherwise .5cm)
FULL an additional border to cut the
drawing at the outer paper
limits is drawn (for drum
FORM Form of the border LT *
STAN standard frame
ZTVK ZTVK-88 frame

TMAX Maximum time value of presentation sec *

The horizontal scale of the time will be automatically selected based on the given time val-
ues. The unit will be switched to minutes or days whenever the size of the values makes this
reasonable. At HIST you may also specify an interval at your own discretisation.

SOFiSTiK 2020 5-1

HYDRA | Graphical Output of Transient Results

For further remarks see the general SOFiSTiK-Manual "Installation and Basics"

5.2 SCHH – Set Character Heights


Item Description Unit Default

H1 Header lines cm 0.35

H2 Texts within the legend cm 0.25
H3 Designation of axis cm 0.25
H4 Scaling of Axis cm 0.25
H5 Company and Program name cm 0.18

The default of H1 will be corrected for smaller formats to enable the display of 72 characters.
A value of 0.0 will suppress the labelling.

Values will be kept until a redefintion occurs of SIZE or SCHH.

5-2 SOFiSTiK 2020

Graphical Output of Transient Results | HYDRA

5.3 FUNC – External Function


Item Description Unit Default

T Time value sec !

F Function value − !
DT Division of time sec *
NO number of function − *

TITL Designation Lt24

One can define any function within DYNR to be used as comparison within the HIST displays.

NO and TITL are evaluated only for the first function value. If no time value is given, the last
time increment will be added to the last time value. For regular time steps the time values may
be omitted therefore for all higher values.

5.4 HIST – Display of Transient Results


Item Description Unit Default

LCS Storage number of curve − !

TYPE Degree of freedom LT !
(see following remarks)

NO1 First node or element number Colour and line type of − -

first curve
C1 Second node or element number − 1001
NO2 Colour and line type of second curve − -
C2 Third node or element number − C1
NO3 Colour and line type of third curve − -
C3 Fourth node or element number − C2
NO4 Colour and line type of fourth curve − -
C4 Fifth node or element number − C3
NO5 Colour and line type of fifth curve − -
C5 Sixth node or element number − C4
NO6 Colour and line type of sixth curve − -
Table continued on next page.

SOFiSTiK 2020 5-3

HYDRA | Graphical Output of Transient Results

Item Description Unit Default

C6 − C5

YMIN Lower value of the vertical value range ∗ *

YMAX Upper value of the vertical value range ∗ *
TMIN Lower value of the vertical value range ∗ *
TMAX Upper value of the vertical value range ∗ *
TDIM Unit of TMIN and TMAX & legend LT *
SEC, MIN, H or D

The command HIST can request up to six time variation curves per graph. The displayed range
of values is determined automatically based on the found values and the scale data given in
SIZE. YMIN and YMAX or TMIN and TMAX can be used to modify this range.

The following types are allowed:

H = Potentials
QH QBH QHPI = Quantities nodes, regions, pipes
VQUA VBRI = velocities QUAD, BRIC-Elements

T = Temperature
QT QBT QTPI = Heat flux nodes, regions, links
QQUA QBRI = Heat flux densities QUAD, BRIC-Elements

Beside the variations that are stored in the database, one can also define and plot comparison
curves with FUNC. The negative value of the function number must be given to one of the
NOi-entries for this purpose. In order to plot the functions only, one must enter the value of 0
for LCS.

5-4 SOFiSTiK 2020

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