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Rica Marienne M. Mediavillo

Grade 12 – Wisdom ABM


1. What are the primary sins you’re struggling against on a daily basis? And what steps can you
take to fight against it?

Everyday we struggle to overcome temptations around us for we may fall and commit a
sin. Some people struggle with anger, some struggle with complaining, some struggle with lust
or drunkenness. Sins tend to linger in our life for years and sometimes a lifetime. That’s why we
should never lose our self-control. I believe that in order conquer our habitual sins we should
first identify what they are. What is the sin or sins that we are most prone to fall to? Then, we
must recognize their effects not just to ourselves but on others, too. Understanding this will aid
us in our fight against sin. If we are going to conquer habitual sins, we must also stay away from
possible temptations. We must close every door that might lead to them. Lastly, I believe that in
order to truly break habitual sins, we must choose to trust God, instead of ourselves. We must put
our faith on Him for He wants the best for us.

2. Why do you think God allows sin to come into the world if He didn’t want it?

We live in a world that is marred by sin, so difficulties and disappointments are bound to
cross our path. Nevertheless, if you ask God for discernment, you can begin to understand why
He allowed something to occur. You can also discover how God can redeem the situation and
bring benefits to your life as a result of suffering. Searching for God’s answers and learning to
view “bad things” as “good things in disguise” are disciplines that God wants His children to
develop as they mature spiritually. Unless you accept God’s grace to deal with suffering,
inevitably you will become bitter. However, if you choose to trust God to bring about His
purposes through the suffering, you can avoid the trap of bitterness and grow in the grace and
knowledge of the Lord. You can be confident that God will not allow anything to happen to you
without His permission, and He will not let any “bad thing” happen that will not ultimately bring
you more good than destruction.

3. In your own opinion, what does it mean that the wages of sin is death?

A wage is something we work towards, something we actively pursue whether we realize

it or not. When we go to work and expect to get paid for that work, we are earning our wages. In
the same way, we are going to be paid at the end of the day for our sin. The payment is death.
“Death” literally means ‘separation’. When our soul separates from our body we die physically.
Similarly we are even now separated from God spiritually. This is true because God is Holy
(sinless) while we have become corrupted from our original creation and so we sin. This can be
pictured with two cliffs with God on the opposite side from us separated by a large gap. This
separation causes guilt and fear. So what we naturally try to do is build bridges to take us from
our side (of death) to God’s side. We do this in many different ways: going to church, being
religious, being good, helping the poor, meditation, trying to be more helpful, praying more, etc.
These deeds are often through religion to gain merit and can be very difficult – and living them
out can be very complicated. However, the problem is that our hard efforts, merits, and deeds,
though not wrong, are insufficient because the payment required (the ‘wages’) for our sins is
‘death’. Our efforts are like a ‘bridge’ that tries to cross the gap separating us from God – but in
the end cannot do it. This is because good merit will not solve our root problem. It is like trying
to heal cancer (which results in death) by eating vegetarian. Eating vegetarian is not bad, it may
even be good – but it will not cure cancer. For a cancer cure you need a totally different
treatment. This Law is Bad News – it is so bad we often do not even want to hear it and we fill
our lives with activities and things hoping this Law will go away. But the Bible stresses this
Law of sin and death to get our attention to focus on the cure that is simple and powerful, the
goodness and love of God.

4. What do you thinks is the purpose of the Ten Commandments in Christianity?

For Jews, as well as Christians, the Ten Commandments that were given to Moses on Mt.
Sinai have been foundational standards by which all values were to be judged and by which the
identity of the people of God was to be defined. They were to distinguish them from their pagan
neighbors. They were to be a holy people in a covenant with a holy God. This purpose has never
changed. It is as true today as it was 3,462 years ago. Each of us has to decide whether we want
to be in that covenant relationship with a holy God or we want to be a pagan. In addition, I
believe that God gave the law to remind the people of their own sinfulness and their need to
repent as they done unjust things. The Ten Commandments become our tutor to lead us to Christ,
so that we may be justified by faith

5. What do you understand by the word “Christian” and what does it mean to have a spiritual
identity in Christ?

Christian selfhood is not defined in terms of who we are in and of ourselves. It’s defined
in terms of what God does to us and the relationship He creates with us and the destiny He
appoints for us. God made us who we are so we could make known who He is. Our identity is for
the sake of making known His identity. If we’re honest with ourselves, we often feel insecure.
Those who hide it best often feel it most. But our insecurity is an invitation from God to escape
the danger of false beliefs about who we are and find true peace in who He is. At the heart of
what it means to be a Christian is to receive a new identity. In Jesus, we do not lose our true
selves, but we become our true selves, only in Him. Christ is our life — not only the guarantee of
it in heaven, but the down payment of it by the Spirit now, as He lives in us. His joy becomes our
joy; His love, our love; His peace, our peace; His strength, our strength. In Christ, we are
fundamentally new, and belong to the people of heaven. The language and values and customs
and expectations of this world increasingly feel foreign to us. We have been born again for
another world, to a greater kind of existence.

Rica Marienne M. Mediavillo

Grade 12 – Wisdom ABM


When the cloud of former sin

Darkens up your way
Remember God wiped out
Misdeeds of yesterday

He forgets all about

The wicked things you once done
Now He only sees you through
The grace of His only Son

Forgive us, O Lord

Turn your face and hear
The sound of all our groaning
Take account of all our tears

For you are good and kind

And ready to forgive
We depend upon your mercy
Without which we could not live

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