MS S2B 2page Brochure 72dpi

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a Microsoft community initiative

Are you a Microsoft What is Microsoft® Students to Business program?

partner hoping to The Microsoft Students to Business (S2B) program is a Microsoft
recruit students who community initiative, which connects Microsoft partners and customers
have the skills that with final-year university students who plan on a career in the field
of information technology. S2B provides students with real world
today’s technology
experience, enhancing their career opportunities and establishing the
industry needs? skills that will benefit the IT industry and fuel innovation.

Find out what Microsoft The objectives of S2B are to inspire local businesses to communicate their
Students to Business has needs in terms of the competency requirements for new talent and to
to offer. encourage their collaboration with Microsoft and the local universities
so that education and training provide business-ready students. The
program also provides companies with an opportunity to evaluate the
skills of students who are applying for an internship or job.

What participants are saying about Students to Business

«There was a gap between the «S2B has provided a key
needs of the business world and the opportunity to start my
education provided by the univer- professional career and to have
sities. The S2B program bridges the a deeper knowledge of Microsoft
gap by helping university students technologies.»
to improve their practical skills at Raffaele Perelli
Microsoft Partners.» Student
Bulent Tekmen
CEO of Netron Technology
«S2B is an important opportunity
for the universities to guide
«Working with four of the and help their students in the
Universities in our region we have fundamental transition from
provided practical experience for academia to employment.»
students on more than 400 projects Giovanni Pighizzini
using Microsoft Dynamics™. Our Computer Science Faculty
goal is to improve education and
give students the skills that the
market demands.»
Vicente Castañer Martorell
Director General of CESSER


Partners, students and The S2B program makes this The S2B program makes it possible
universities creating possible by connecting Microsoft for Microsoft partners to recruit
rewarding professional partner companies like yours with the best final-year students or
opportunities. universities that teach Microsoft recent graduates from leading
technologies and students who universities and provide them
Microsoft Students to Business has
are interested in a career involving with real experience working on
been designed to help students
Microsoft technologies. By sharing innovative projects.
put into practice what they have
your know-how and providing
learned during their university Participation in the S2B program
relevant work experience on
studies, and gain real work offers a channel for partners
innovative projects you can enhance
experience for their IT careers. to communicate with local
the next generations’ value in
The program also aims to support Universities about the skills needed
the job market and benefit the IT
businesses in the development to innovate and operate a People
industry today and in the future.
of innovative projects based Ready business. Even small and
on Microsoft technology, by medium sized businesses that
Find qualified trainees
connecting them with the most have standardised on Microsoft
and connect with your
qualified students. technology will have access to the
best, most qualified students.
Create partnerships and Microsoft representatives from
help shape the future of around the world are working Create an Opportunity
the IT industry. on initiatives involving students: for Students.
providing access to Microsoft
Companies in the IT industry Simply identify a project,
technologies, education and
increasingly expect new recruits to determine the competencies
training; offering opportunities
have hands-on experience as well and length of time needed for a
to demonstrate their skills
as a deep theoretical background. student to complete it and post
in Microsoft’s Imagine Cup
your opportunity with the local
competition; and giving them the
Microsoft Students to Business
chance to validate their skills with
Program Manager.
Microsoft certifications.

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