DLL & DLP Week 1

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Module 5: Research Writing and Presentation

December 3 - 4, 2018

Content Standards: Demonstrates understanding of the…

 Guidelines in making conclusions and recommendations
 Techniques in listing references
 Process of report writing

Performance Standards: Writes and presents a clear report.

Module 1: Introduction to Entrepreneurship

December 5 – 7, 2018

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts, underlying principles,
and core competencies in Entrepreneurship.

Performance Standard: The learner independently creates/provides a quality and marketable

product and/or service in Entrepreneurship as prescribed in the TESDA Training Regulation.

Specific Objectives: At the end of the semester, the students are expected to:
1. Discuss the relevance of the course;
2. Explain the key concepts of common competencies;
3. Explain the core competencies in Entrepreneurship
4. Research on current and relevant job opportunities for entrepreneurship
5. Create/provide a quality and marketable product and/or service in Entrepreneurship as
prescribed in the TESDA Training Regulation.

Daily Learning Log (DLL)

Elements Day1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

 Presents a written  Discuss the relevance of the course
research report
 Finalizes and present
best design
Topic Qualitative Research Introduction to Entrepreneurship
A2: Picture Clues A5: General A6: Recap of
(Small Group Schema Instruction (Big Previous
Activation) – 10 Group Activity) – Discussion or
A1: Oral Defense minutes 10 minutes Activities (Big
Group Activity) - 5
A3: Lecture (Big A5: A7: Creative
During Group Activity) – Brainstorming Presentation
30 minutes (Small Group (Small Group

Activity) – 40 Activity) – 40
minutes minutes
A4: Entrepreneur’s A8: Wrap-Up (Big
After Journal (Individual Group Activity) – 5
Activity) – 10 minutes minutes

Collaborative, critical Critical thinking,

21st thinking, communicating, communicating, Collaborative, critical thinking,
Century cross-cultural cross-cultural communicating, cross-cultural
Skills/ Core understanding; honor and understanding; understanding; service and joy,
Values leadership, innovativeness innovativeness and temperance and obedience
and confidence confidence

 Lecture-  Group Reporting (FA)

PPT and Practical
Evaluation (Input)
Research Paper
 Entrepreneur’s
Journal (FA)

V. Scriptural and Fr. Al’s Message:

Scriptural Message:

Jeremiah 29:11 – For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm
you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Fr. Al’s Message:

The golden rule of charity, in a sense, contains all the teaching of the prophets and the law
prepared for the coming of Jesus. If you keep this golden rule, you are truly pleasing to
God, you are a child of God and you are truly a follower of Jesus. (Homily, Undated)

Day 1 and Day 2

A1: Oral Defense (Small Group Activity) – 5 minutes

Note: Each group was already given a tentative date for oral defense. Group must do the following:

1. Powerpoint Presentation showing the research title, introduction, rationale, method and design,
summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations.
2. Written research paper that consists of Chapter 1 until Chapter 5.
3. Observe the suggested schedule of prsentation of research papers.
4. Use the rubrics in rating the presentation.

Day 3

A2: Picture Clues (Small Group Schema Activation) – 10 minutes

Note: The teacher will start the session with pictures which will be the springboard of the discussion.
Remind the students to be mindful of the guide questions.

Guide Questions:
1. Look at the pictures and think of their similarities.
2. What could be their obvious differences?
3. What could be the possible reasons for these differences?

A3: Lecture (Big Group Activity) – 30 minutes

 What is entrepreneurship?
 What is the importance of entrepreneurship Economic Importance or benefits?
a. Entrepreneurship increases the country’s per capita income.
b. Entrepreneurship creates jobs.
c. Entrepreneurship meets consumer demands.
d. Entrepreneurship provides social services.
e. Entrepreneurship links industries.
f. Entrepreneurship creates new markets.
 What are the contemporary views of entrepreneurship?
a. Lloyd Shefsky
b. Professor Robert Nelson
c. Jeffry Timmons
d. Joseph Schumpeter

A4: Entrepreneur’s Journal (Individual Activity) – 10 minutes

Note: The teacher will provide her students the journal template to reflect on the concept of


Day 4

A5: General Instruction (Big Group Activity) - 10 minutes

Note: Divide the class into 10 groups. From the list below, assign each group with one topic. Remind
the students to focus on the guide questions during their brainstorming and to be creative in their
reporting by using the following creative presentation: success story, documentaries, talk show, short
skit, and infomercial.

Guide Question:
1. How do I make innovations to the following forms of business without destroying its main target
2. What is the existing nature of this business?
3. What is its target market (clientele)?
4. What are its strengths and weaknesses?
5. What innovations can be made to this business?
6. What are your bases for these innovations?
Group 1: Sari-Sari Store
Group 2: Fish Market
Group 3: Meat Market
Group 4: Vegetable Market
Group 5: Fruit Market
Group 6: Rice Market
Group 7: Delicacies Market
Group 8: Flower Market
Group 9: Handy crafts
Group 10: Street Foods

A6: Brainstorming (Small Group Activity) – 40 minutes

Note: The teacher will give enough time for the group to decide what they will going to do on ther
task assigned.

Day 5

A7: Recap of Previous Discussion (Big Group Activity) - 5 minutes

Note: A is student assigned to give the recap of the previous discussion or activity.

A8: Creative Presentation (Small Group Activity) – 40 minutes

Note: Remind the students that their presentation should only take 10 minutes each group.

A9: Wrap-Up (Big Group Activity) – 5 minutes

Note: Call 2-3 students to make answer to the wrap-up on the presentation of each group.

Summarize the student’s answer.

Prepared By: Approved By:


PR 1 Teacher School Principal

Noted By:


Assistant School Principal


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