Cooling Water Problems and Solutions Cou
Cooling Water Problems and Solutions Cou
Cooling Water Problems and Solutions Cou
Course Content
Water with some exceptional thermal and physical properties happened to the most
readily available medium, and is comparatively an economically viable coolant.
It is however reckoned that the quality of water, with regard to dissolved chemical
constituents varies from source to source.
4. Waste & Effluent Water: - Municipal waste, Industrial effluents, Gray water, Sewage
In General
Lake water has more or less constant chemical analysis. It usually contain lesser
amount of dissolved materials but has large quantities of organic matter.
Spring or well water is cleaner in appearance but contain most of dissolved salts.
These usually have high organic purity.
The ground water supplies contain less suspended matter than the surface water
Seawater is the most impure form of natural water. Seawater contain on average
3-5% of dissolved salts out of which 2.6% is NaCl.
The water is drawn from estuary, lake or river and is discharged back to the
System could be utilized for capital-intensive plants, where large amount of water
is needed and water is available in abundance.
Environmental regulations of hot water discharge or concerns of aquatic life go
against using this system.
System is prone to corrosion, scaling and fouling.
The open re-circulation system is most critical from water treatment point of view. The
other are important but the extent of treatment is limited as the water is either used only
once in large quantities or in closed circuit the water quality is not impacted considerably
due to negligible water loss.
In an open re-circulation system, the water is lost through evaporation, bleed-off, and
drift. To replace the lost water and maintain its cooling function, more make-up water is
added to the system.
When water is evaporated or lost from a cooling tower, the solids and chemicals used to
treat the tower remain in the system and when water is intentionally "bled" from the
system, the chemicals lost through bleed must be replaced for the system to remain
In addition, the open water spray continuously "scrubs" airborne contaminants from the
atmosphere. If these particulate are not removed from the system, it provides an excellent
breeding ground for algae and bacteria.
The build up impurities and its concentration result in fouling of heat exchangers,
corrosion and plugging of system due to algae formation thus adversely affecting normal
productive operations.
It is therefore extremely desirable that close attention be given to these aspects to avoid
damage to equipment and process efficiencies.
The contents hereunder explain the means and direction of effective treatment.
Most sources of water contain impurities. The most common are calcium and magnesium
bicarbonates/sulphates. There are various other salts and impurities in various
Bicarbonate and sulphates are the most insoluble salts. These tend to precipitate as
CaCO3 /MgCO3 with increase of temperatures.
2. pH: A measure of acidity or basicity of water. The pH scale runs from 0 to 14 with 0
representing the maximum acidity and 14, the maximum basicity.
3) Alkalinity: In cooling water two forms of alkalinity play a key role. These are
carbonate (CO3) alkalinity and bicarbonate (HCO3) alkalinity. Bicarbonate alkalinity is
by far the most common. Alkalinity and pH are related because increase in pH
indicates increases in alkalinity and vice versa.
4) Hardness: The hardness in water is the amount of alkaline-earth cations, calcium and
magnesium minerals. The sum of these two is the total hardness. The hardness of
natural waters can vary from a few parts per million (ppm) to over 800 ppm.
Total Dissolved Solids: This represents all the dissolved constituents for e.g. Ca,
Cl, and Na etc. It is measured in mg/l
+ ++
Total Cations: Represents positive ions, Na , Ca etc
- -
Total Anions: Represents negative ions, SO 4, Cl , etc
The chemistry of water has a direct impact on the four main problems of cooling water
Water impurities such as calcium and magnesium hardness can precipitate and deposit
depending on their concentrations, water temperature, pH, alkalinity, and other water
characteristics. The deposit forms a film inside the surfaces, technically known as scale
that in addition to its high insulating value; progressively narrows pipe internal diameters,
roughens tube surfaces and thereby impeding proper flow.
While scale formation proceeds more rapidly in open re-circulating systems owing to the
concentration effect of evaporation, once-through systems are not exempt from scaling if
high temperatures are combined with silt and iron.
1. What is scale?
Scale is a dense coating of predominantly inorganic material formed from the precipitation
of water-soluble constituents. Some common scales are
Calcium Carbonate
Calcium phosphate
Magnesium salts
Alkalinity or pH of water
Feed acid to keep the common scale forming materials dissolved form.
Make the mechanical changes in the system to reduce the chances for scale
formation. Increased water flow and exchangers with larger surface areas are
Scale inhibitor chemicals keep the scale forming materials in soluble form
and do not allow deposit to form.
Loss of production
High-energy costs
To prevent formation of scale, water is treated prior to using it for coolant purposes.
The water treatment methods are classified in three broad categories:
Chemical dosing
A chemical program in addition to the cooling water treatment is the only way to
insure that scale formation does not become a problem.
Water tends to convert metals (such as mild steel) to their oxide states. The corrosion is a
result of dissolved gases, improper pH control or formation of differential aeration cells
under deposits. A localized effect of corrosion results in built up of holes; the
phenomenon known as pitting. Failures of this type can be catastrophic, leading to costly
downtime for repairs and equipment replacement and even total plant shutdown.
1. What is corrosion?
Mild steel is a commonly used metal in the cooling water system that is most
susceptible to corrosion. Other metals in general, such as copper, stainless steel,
aluminum alloys also do corrode but the process is slow. However in some waters
and in presence of dissolved gases, such as H2S or NH3, the corrosion to these
metals is more severe & destructive than to mild steel.
Many different type of corrosion exist, but the most common is often characterized as
general, localized or pitting and galvanic.
General attack: exists when the corrosion is uniformly distributed over the
metal surface. The considerable amount of iron oxide produced contributes to
fouling problems.
Pitting attack: exists when only small area of the metal corrodes. Pitting may
perforate the metal in short time. The main source for pitting attack is
dissolved oxygen.
Galvanic attack: can occur when two different metals are in contact. The
more active metal corrodes rapidly. Common examples in water systems are
steel & brass, aluminum & steel, Zinc & steel and zinc & brass. If galvanic
attack occurs, the metal named first will corrode.
Microbial activity
Dissolved solids can affect the corrosion reaction by increasing the electrical
conductivity of the water. The higher is the dissolved solids concentration, the greater
shall be the conductivity and more is the likelihood of corrosion. Dissolved chlorides
and sulphates are particularly corrosive.
Acidic and slightly alkaline water can dissolve metal and the protective oxide film on
metal surfaces. More alkaline water favors the formation of the protective oxide layer.
High velocity water increases corrosion by transporting oxygen to the metal and
carrying away the products of corrosion at a faster rate. When water velocity is low,
deposition of suspended solids can establish localized corrosion cells, thereby
increasing corrosion rates.
Microbial growths promote the formation of corrosion cells in addition; the byproducts
of some organisms, such as hydrogen sulphide from anaerobic corrosive bacteria are
Adjust pH.
14. What inhibitors are commonly used for cooling water systems?
15. Does the type of cooling system affect treatment application principles?
In an open re-circulation system, more chemical may be present because the water
composition changes significantly through the evaporation process. Corrosive and
scaling constituents are concentrated. However, treatment chemicals also
concentrate by evaporation, therefore, after the initial dosages only moderate
dosages will maintain the higher level of treatment needed for these systems.
Plugged lines
The uncontrolled multiplication of bacteria, algae, fungi and other microorganisms can
lead to deposit formations, which contribute to fouling, corrosion and scale. A biological
growth has been recognized as an important contributor to impaired heat transfer
efficiency in cooling water systems.
The make-up water supply, wind and insects can all carry microorganisms into a
cooling water system.
Location: The factors such as amount of light and moisture significantly affect
growth rates.
Slime can cause treatment chemicals for scale to be ineffective and hence promotes
scale formation.
Microbial trouble signs such as wood rot, slime deposits and corrosion
Ideally the cooling tower system should not be allowed to have bacterial/microbial
growth beyond 50000 counts/ml.
Microbial treatments are selected by first analyzing representative water and slime
samples to determine the types of organism present. Three general classes of
chemicals are used in microbial control
Oxidizing biocides literally burn up any microbe they come in contact with.
Common oxidizers are chlorine, chlorine dioxide, and bromine, ozone, and
organo-chlorine slow release compounds. Chlorine is one of the most widely
used, cost effective biocides and is available in liquid, gaseous or solid form.
Its effectiveness is increased when used with non-oxidizing biocides and
biological dispersants. Ozone is now a day widely used to curb microbial
In fact, it has been unequivocally demonstrated that because of the unique surface
characteristics of bio-films, their hydrodynamic and insulating properties far exceed
those of an equivalent thickness of scale or corrosion deposits.
Of particular concern are the slime and spore formers which are difficult to control
because of the protection afforded by the polysaccharide sheaths that they secrete
and the organisms that metabolize either cellulose or lignin, resulting in structural
weakness and eventual collapse of wooden tanks or towers.
Under this heading are included dirt, mud, sand, silt, clay, scale salts, and other
particulates of airborne origin or entering the system with the makeup water. Very often
these suspended solids are tightly bound and cemented by corrosion products and
organic matter.
1. What is fouling?
Fouling is the accumulation of solid material other than scale in a way that hampers
the operation of plant equipment or contributes to its deterioration.
Water characteristics
Flow velocity
Microbial growths
At low flow rates typically 1 fps or less, fouling occurs due to natural settings of
suspended material. At higher flow rates, 3 fps or more fouling can still occur but
usually is less sensitive.
Corrosion can form insoluble corrosion products that migrate and mix with debris,
process contamination, or microbial masses to aggravate fouling.
Materials often leak from the process side of heat exchange equipment and can
cause serious fouling problems in several ways.
Continuous control of both the chemical and mechanical programs is the only way to
reduce fouling.
Silt Density Index is a measure of the fouling tendency of water based on the timed
flow of a liquid through a membrane filter at a constant pressure.
Where abrasive, sludge deposits can damage pump seals and in addition to their
insulating nature can also promote "under-deposit" corrosion.
2) Method: The method involves passing the water through a filtration media such as
sand, anthracite, dual media, multimedia or multi layered gravel.
3) Operation: Sand filters provide clean water by reversing flow through the sand bed
and backwashing dirt out the top of the filter. With this setup, dirty water enters the
top of the filter through the over-drain assembly and is distributed over the sand
media bed. The sand bed traps the particles and allows the filtered water to pass
through the under-drain assembly and back to the cooling tower sump. As dirt
accumulates, it causes a pressure differential across the filter. When the differential
pressure reaches set point, flow through the sand bed is reversed, backwashing
accumulated dirt out of the top of the filter and down the drain. After the media is
cleaned, the filter goes back into normal filtration mode.
Although sand filters provide clean water, they use a high volume of backwash water,
and over time, the sand media must be replaced. This can be a labor-intensive
maintenance procedure.
4) Type of Filtration:
Gravity filtration system: The water flows through gravity across the media in
an open top tank. It is a slow velocity system that requires larger foot print of
Pressure Filters: where pressurized flow moves across the filter media in a
pressure vessel. It is a high velocity system that requires smaller foot print of
Up Flow Filters: is a type of pressure filters. The water moves under pressure
from bottom to top across the filter media. This is useful even for handling
larger suspended solids as clarifier and often includes polymer dosing for
better removal of suspended solids.
5) Filtration Approaches
Two basic approaches are used when sizing the filtration needs of say cooling tower;
full-flow and side-stream.
Full-flow filtration continuously strains the entire system flow. In this case, the
filter typically is installed after the cooling tower on the discharge side of the
pump. While this is the preferred method of filtration, for higher flow systems,
it may be cost prohibitive.
A more accurate approach is to calculate the system's total water volume and filter it
once per hour.
When selecting a cooling water filtration system, a potential user should consider
many factors. Manufacturers can provide an application questionnaire that will help
you define your filtering needs and assist them in making recommendations. When
approaching filter manufacturers, be prepared to answer the following questions:
What size particles are in the system? What are the characteristics of the
particles (sand, algae, etc.)?
What is the budget for the system?
2) Method: The method involves retention of cooling water in settling tanks and
dosing chemicals to expedite settling of suspended particles. The settling tank in
engineering language is called „Clarifier‟.
The settled sludge is removed periodically. The sludge handling system consists
of sludge pumps, sludge thickener and belt press.
The process involving removal of hardness producing salts from water is softening of
water. The softening of water by ion exchange is relatively simple and effective. The
process consists of passing hard water through a column of cation-exchange resin in the
sodium form. The sodium on the resin replaces the objectionable calcium and
magnesium ions.
Figure below illustrates the regeneration and service cycles of a water softener and
shows the various ion exchange reactions that take place.
(Salts of Ca + Mg) REGEN ERANT
( NaCL )
(Salts of Na )
Ca C l 2 NaNO
Mg C l2 NaCL
+ xs NaCL
R Ca Ca Cl 2
+ NaCL R Na +
R Mg MgCl 2
++ ++
Alkaline Earth Cations: Ca or Mg
+ +
Alkaline Metal Cations: Na , K
- -- --
Total Alkalinity (ALK): OH , CO3 , and HCO3
-- - -
Total Salts of Strong Acids (TMA): SO4 , C l , NO3
The water chemistry in engineering parlance is described in grains per gallon and
parts per million. It is common practice to express the amount of dissolved impurities
as the cations and anions. These amounts may be expressed in terms of the ions
themselves or as their calcium carbonate equivalents. The later is more prevalent
among engineers.
3) How to convert an ion concentration to CaCO3 equivalent?
To covert water analysis ppm as ion to ppm as calcium carbonate, follow the steps
below or refer to a standard calcium carbonate conversion table in chemical books.
Step #1: Find the equivalent weight of ion in question and divide it by 50,
which is the equivalent weight of calcium carbonate.
Step #2: Multiple the quotient by the part per million (ppm) concentrations as
the ion.
The softener capacity is governed by the amount of resin. The amount of hardness
removed by one cubic foot of cation-exchange resin is directly dependent on the
amount of regenerate salt used to convert the resin to the sodium form.
Another way is, the influent water is divided into two parallel flows. One portion is
passed through a sodium-cycle water softener and the other portion is passed
through a hydrogen-cycle cation-exchange unit. These two flows are then blended
and passed through aerator or de-carbonator.
The hydrogen-cycle cation unit removes the hardness from the water and also
creates some free mineral acidity.
When these two flows are blended, the free mineral acidity from the hydrogen-cycle
cation unit reacts with the alkalinity from the water softener to produce carbon
dioxide and water. The CO2 can be eliminated by aeration or degasification.
Na HCO 3
Ca C l 2 3
Mg C l Na SO
2 2 4
+ xs NaCL + xsSalt
When the total hardness to alkalinity ratio is less than one, a weak-acid cation resin is an
effective way of treating water. Resin such as Duolite CC-3 is widely used in the
industries, which simultaneously remove both hardness and alkalinity.
A weak-acid cation exchange resin is very useful where the hardness exceeds 3000 ppm.
The scheme shown above is good for such a scenario.
If the total hardness to alkalinity ratio is greater than one, the following scheme could be
more effective to achieve complete removal of both hardness and alkalinity.
One of the commonly used techniques of producing soft, dealkalized water involves the
use of a layered-bed cation unit. This system consists of a single tank ion-exchange unit
with a layer of lower density weak-acid resin on a layer of higher density strong-acid
The weak-acid resign is regenerated with a mineral acid and the strong-acid resin with
sodium chloride.
The weak-acid resin removes the temporary or carbonate hardness and the strong-acid
resin removes the non-carbonate or permanent hardness.
The effluent from this duo-bed unit is then passed through an aerator or de-carbonator for
removal of CO2.
2 4
Mg SO 4 or OR
Na 2 SO 4 Na Cl2
Ca HC O R Ca
Mg HCO 3 CO 2 + H2O + R Mg
(eg. DUOLITE CC - 3 ) + RH
Na HCO 3 R Na
The cation exchanger in the hydrogen form exchanges hydrogen ions for the positively
charged cations in the water. The effluent from such a unit is then carried forward to an
anion-exchange resin.
The anion-exchange resin in the hydroxide form exchanges hydroxide ions for the anions
in the water. This might be either a weak-base or a strong-base resin. A weak-base resin
adsorbs the entire acid molecule and not just the chloride ion.
The process consists of a typical acid-base reaction, which forms the salt of that acid in
water. In many applications, a strong-base anion resin follows the weak-base resin. The
spent regenerant from the strong-base anion unit is sufficient to regenerant the weak-
base anion resin in most cases.
The net result of this operation is replacement of the dissolved salts with water.
As mentioned before, it is possible to use many combinations of the various cation and
anion-exchange resins to get the demineralized water.
Ca SO 4 HNO 3
Mg SO 3
4 Na SO
2 4 Si O 2
2 4
R Ca Ca SO 4 H 2 SO 4 Na SO
+ H 2 SO4 R H 2+ R* + + Na OH 2 4 + H O + R*
R Mg Mg SO4 HCL Na C l 2
R Na
2 4
To treat water by the osmotic process, osmosis must be reversed to make the water flow
from a state of high concentration of solids to a low concentration. This is done by
applying pressure ranging from 400 to 2,000 psig to the high concentration side of the
membrane; the result is high quality water.
It is highly efficient method of obtaining high quality water & cost effective, particularly for
situations where water TDS is above 2000 ppm.
Other Facts on Reverse Osmosis
Reverse osmosis systems are used to produce drinking water from seawater.
With increasing operating pressure and temperature of the feed water, the
capacity of the Reverse Osmosis (RO) increases.
The capacity of the installation must be measured against the lowest feed water
temperature. Since the rated output is based on 77° F (25° C), it must be divided
by the appropriate temperature correction factor.
Fouling can cause the capacity of the module to be reduced by about 20% at 400
psi (28 bars) and by 8% at 200 psi (14 bars) in three years.
There are different theories about the water and salt transfer mechanism through
the reverse osmosis membranes; one assumption is that capillaries are situated
in the surface if the membrane through which the pure water flows; another refers
to a solution-diffusion phenomenon.
Reverse osmosis process does not allow the dissolved inorganic and organic
matter to pass through the membrane; or only to a very small extent. In addition,
organic matter as well as colloids and turbidity are almost 100% removed.
Pure water is forced through the membrane and dissolved impurities remain on
the feed side of the membrane.
The recovery rate or permeate typically ranges from 25% for small (100 gal per
day) systems to 75% for larger (10,000 gal per day) systems.
The single pass RO systems are employed where water TDS is about 150 mg/l to
1500 mg/l.
Double pass RO systems are employed where water TDS is above 1500 mg/l.
There are several known treatment approaches in vogue, but the application & selection
depends on various conditions viz. year round atmospheric conditions, space availability,
water quality and operational economics. A combination of mechanical as well chemical
treatment is desired in certain cases. A filtration system does not replace the need for
water treatment, or vice versa. Chemicals cannot remove dirt just as filters cannot control
water chemistry. A filtration system shall only complement the water treatment program.
The choice of cooling water treatment system whether centralized or dedicated depends
on the operating conditions, level of treatment and the cost. Generally the pre-treatment
is made common for the entire facility and the dedicated water treatment system is
recommended on a dedicated system basis. Different equipments in a facility operate at
varying conditions. For water conditioning to be effective the operating conditions viz. the
temperature & water chemistry. The water treatment program is selected appropriately
per each requirement. The reasons are illustrated below:
It is quite likely that if water quality is treated to use at high temperature services;
say at 140/150F, the equipment might corrode at lower temperature of say
The cooling tower treatment in open re-circulation loop is different from the jacket
cooling of process equipment in closed circuit. The closed circuit conditioning is
generally dosage of nitrite and molybdates. The microbial growth is normally not
a problem in closed loops; corrosion and fouling is the main concern.
For every treatment program there are specific chemical concentration ranges, where
it functions best and provides the intended protection. If not properly controlled any
chemical program can fail, leading to possible lost production, increased maintenance
cost and increased energy usage.
For daily system control, easy tests are available for things such as conductivity, pH,
alkalinity, hardness, and chlorine treatment levels. The necessary control tests must
be consistently run and corrective action taken when one variable is out of balance.
Daily control is the foundation for a successful treatment program.
Several monitoring tools are available to determine the conditions of cooling system:
Resin Function
Zeolite Softener To remove hardness i.e. Ca, Mg
Weak Acid Cation (WAC) To remove the weak acid cations, i.e. hardness, Ca or
++ - -- --
Mg associated with alkalinity OH , CO3 , and HCO3
Strong Acid Cation (SAC) To remove all the cations & anions including Ca ,
++ + +
Mg , Na , K
-- - -
Weak Basic Cation To remove salts of strong acids, SO4 , C l , NO3
Strong Base Anion (SBA) To remove all anions including SiO2 and CO2
Mixed Bed (MB) It is a mixture of SAC and SBA resins. The function is to
polish and remove residual remaining ions in water.
5) What are the common chemical inhibitors used for water treatment?
1. Chromates: These are generally used with zinc and poly-phosphates. When
chromates are used alone, the level should be maintained otherwise it would
promote corrosion. Few countries/states do not permit the use of chromates
because of its toxic nature.
2. Poly-Phosphates: These basically extend the solubility limit of Calcium. The main
limitation of these are that in case pH increases beyond 7.3, these will be
converted into ortho-compound, which will react with calcium and form the
4. Nitrates: These are anodic inhibitors. High level of sulphates and chlorides will
affect its performance that leads to high turbidity.
5. Silicates: This cannot be used if pH is high (> 7) and hardness is over 250 ppm.
6. Sodium Meta Phosphate (SHMP): This is effective in a sense that it delays the
solubility limit of calcium salts and therefore the scale formation is delayed. The
disadvantage however is that it degenerates into ortho-compound and require pH
to be controlled with in 6.5 to 7.4. It also acts as food for bio fouling. The latest
developments are employing Amino Trimithylene Phosphonate Acid (ATMP) and
Hydroxyl Ethylkedene di-Phosphonate Acid (HEDP) that does not have the
limitations of SHMP.
6) What are the common industry practices to condition the cooling water?
To counter the presence of organic matter and algae presence of 6/7 ppm of
free chlorine is desired.
The plants with high capital investments and high intensity of energy resort to
safe process water demineralization and find it economical and worthwhile to
ensure highly efficient operations.
Course Summary
In today's world of expensive energy and replacement costs, it is more vital than ever, for
heat exchange equipment to be kept free of insulating deposits. The four principal
sources of these deposits are: scale, corrosion, biological growths and sludge. Scale
deposits and corrosion products on the tube surfaces reduce heat transfer efficiency and
increases energy costs. These factors are important for another reason: they have a
direct effect on equipment life.
A chemical program in addition to the cooling water treatment is the only way to insure
that deposit formation does not become a problem. Such steps basically will ensure not
only operation efficiency but also a significant serving of energy. Water conditioning alone
becomes a very important aspect of energy conservation program.
Related Reading
Cooling Water System- An Overview of Cooling Towers
The course Cooling Water System – “An overview of Cooling Towers” provides the
system details for the open re-circulation cooling water systems. The 4-hours course
summarizes the important features of the cooling tower systems.
This online course presents detailed information on water quality standards and design
criteria for water treatment processes. The contents also cover criteria to be followed in
determining the necessity for and the extent of treatment, and procedures applicable to
the planning of water treatment projects. The course provides comprehensive information
and is titled “ Water Supply-Water Treatment” (number C-128)