Site Fundi: Member of SARCEA

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Site Fundi

Member of SARCEA
Summary of Shapes
For full details please refer to
SANS 282:2004

1. Use shape code 99 for all other shapes – a dimensioned sketch
of the shape shall be given in the bending schedule.
2. Radii of all bends are standard unless r is given in bending schedule.
3. All dimensions are external (outside) dimensions.
0 200mm 400mm 600mm 800mm 1000mm 1200mm 1400mm 1600mm 1800mm 2000mm 2200mm 2400mm 2600mm


Bar Bar spacing mm
mm 50 75 80 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300
8 1010 671 628 503 402 335 287 252 223 201 183 167
10 1570 1046 982 785 628 523 448 393 349 314 285 261
12 2260 1506 1414 1130 904 753 645 565 502 452 410 376
16 4020 2679 2512 2010 1608 1339 1148 1005 892 804 730 669
20 6280 4186 3927 3140 2512 2091 1793 1570 1394 1256 1140 1046
25 9820 6545 6136 4910 3928 3270 2804 2455 2180 1964 1782 1635
32 16100 10717 10050 8040 6432 5355 4591 4020 3570 3216 2919 2677
40 25100 16796 15700 12600 10080 8392 7195 6300 5594 5040 4574 4196

Gauteng Durban Cape Town Welkom

Tel: 011 865 8100 Tel: 031 792 5300 Tel: 021 534 2541 Tel: 057 355 1363
Fax: 011 902 7818 Fax: 031 700 1821 Fax: 021 534 5039 Fax: 057 396 3327
0 100mm 200mm 300mm 400mm 500mm 600mm


Diameter Number of Bars

of bars (mm) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
8 50.3 101 151 201 251 302 352 402 453 503
10 78.5 157 236 314 393 471 550 628 707 785
12 113 226 339 452 565 678 791 905 1017 1130
16 201 402 603 804 1005 1206 1407 1608 1809 2010
20 314 628 942 1256 1570 1884 2198 2512 2826 3140
25 491 982 1473 1964 2455 2946 3437 3928 4419 4910
32 804 1608 2412 3216 4020 4824 5628 6432 7236 8040
40 1260 2520 3780 5040 6300 7560 8820 10080 11340 12600

Gauteng Durban Cape Town Welkom

Tel: 011 865 8100 Tel: 031 792 5300 Tel: 021 534 2541 Tel: 057 355 1363
Fax: 011 902 7818 Fax: 031 700 1821 Fax: 021 534 5039 Fax: 057 396 3327
Diameter mm 6*1 8*2 10 12 16 20 25 32 40*2
Area mm2 28.3 50.3 78.5 113 201 314 491 804 1260
Perimeter 18.8 25.1 31.4 37.7 50.3 62.9 78.6 100.6 125.7
Mass Kg / m 0.222 0.395 0.617 0.888 1.58 2.47 3.85 6.31 9.86

*1. Normal stock in mild steel grade only

*2. Not a stock item
Non stock items only available subject to a special order, possible delay and additional cost.

STOCK LENGTHS: 9m to 13m in 1 metre increments. Longer lengths are available by special arrangement, subject to possible delay and
additional cost.

TRANSPORTATION: For convenience in transporting bars, dimensions should not exceed the following:

13m 13m

Gauteng Durban Cape Town Welkom

Tel: 011 865 8100 Tel: 031 792 5300 Tel: 021 534 2541 Tel: 057 355 1363
Fax: 011 902 7818 Fax: 031 700 1821 Fax: 021 534 5039 Fax: 057 396 3327
0 1m 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m
Fabric Mesh Size Wire Sizes Cross Sectional Nominal
Nominal Pitch of wire area/m width mass/m2
Ref No. Main mm Cross mm Main mm Cross mm Main mm Cross mm Kg Supplied in
888 200 200 12 12 566 566 8.88
Square Mesh 746 200 200 11 11 475 475 7.46
Fabric 617 200 200 10 10 393 393 6.17 Sheets
500 200 200 9 9 318 318 5.00 only
395 200 200 8 8 251 251 3.95 6m x 2.4m
311 200 200 7.1 7.1 198 198 3.11
245 200 200 6.3 6.3 156 156 2.45
193 200 200 5.6 5.6 123 123 1.93 Sheets
100 200 200 4.0 4.0 63 63 1.00 or rolls
1085 100 200 12 8 1131 251 10.85
Design Mesh 943 100 200 11 8 951 251 9.43
Fabric 772 100 200 10 7.1 786 198 7.72
655 100 200 9 7.1 636 198 6.55 Sheets
517 100 200 8 6.3 503 156 5.17 only
433 100 200 7.1 6.3 396 156 4.33 6m x 2.4m
341 100 200 6.3 5.6 312 123 3.41
289 100 200 5.6 5.6 246 123 2.89
Longitudinal 278 100 300 6.3 4.0 312 42 2.78 Sheets only
Mesh Fabric 226 100 300 5.6 4.0 246 42 2.26 6m x 2.4m
133 100 300 4.0 4.0 126 42 1.33
Special Mesh 200 100 100 4.0 4.0 126 126 2.00 Sheets or rolls
156 100 100 3.55 3.55 99 99 1.56 60m x 2.4m
Gauteng Durban Cape Town Welkom
Tel: 011 865 8100 Tel: 031 792 5300 Tel: 021 534 2541 Tel: 057 355 1363
Fax: 011 902 7818 Fax: 031 700 1821 Fax: 021 534 5039 Fax: 057 396 3327
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


Cross sectional areas at various spacing mm2/m,
DIA Area Mass Wire Spacing mm
mm mm2 kg/m 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 DIA
12 113.11 0.888 2262 1508 1131 905 754 646 566 503 452 411 377 12
17.76 11.84 8.88 7.10 5.92 5.07 4.44 3.95 3.55 3.23 2.96
11 95.05 0.746 1901 1267 950 760 634 543 475 422 380 346 317 11
14.92 9.95 7.46 5.97 4.97 4.26 3.73 3.32 2.98 2.71 2.49
10 78.55 0.617 1571 1047 786 628 524 449 393 349 314 286 262 10
12.34 8.23 6.17 4.94 4.11 3.53 3.09 2.74 2.47 2.24 2.06
9 63.63 0.500 1273 848 636 509 424 364 318 283 255 231 212 9
10.00 6.67 5.00 4.00 3.33 2.86 2.50 2.22 2.00 1.82 1.67
8 50.27 0.395 1005 670 503 402 335 287 251 223 201 183 168 8
7.9 5.27 3.95 3.16 2.63 2.26 1.98 1.76 1.58 1.44 1.32
7.1 39.6 0.311 792 528 396 317 264 226 198 176 158 144 132 7.1
6.22 4.15 3.11 2.49 2.07 1.78 1.56 1.38 1.24 1.13 1.04
6.3 31.18 0.245 624 416 312 249 208 178 156 139 125 113 104 6.3
4.9 3.27 2.45 1.96 1.63 1.40 1.23 1.09 0.98 0.89 0.82
5.6 24.63 0.193 493 328 246 197 164 141 123 109 99 90 82 5.6
3.86 2.57 1.93 1.54 1.29 1.10 0.97 0.86 0.77 0.70 0.64
4 12.57 0.100 251 168 126 101 84 72 63 56 50 46 42 4
2.00 1.33 1.00 0.8 0.67 0.57 0.50 0.44 0.40 0.36 0.33

Gauteng Durban Cape Town Welkom

Tel: 011 865 8100 Tel: 031 792 5300 Tel: 021 534 2541 Tel: 057 355 1363
Fax: 011 902 7818 Fax: 031 700 1821 Fax: 021 534 5039 Fax: 057 396 3327
• Can the reinforcement as detailed be fixed?
• Does the detailing permit sensible location of construction joints, staged construction and scheduling of reinforcing deliveries?
• Is the reinforcement congested? Will this affect fixing or proper compaction of concrete?
• Would alternative detailing (e.g. staggered laps, bars reversed, two lapped bars replacing a single bar) provide greater flexibility
or ease of fixing?
• Is there scope for prefabrication? Is this desirable?
• What is the (best) fixing sequence?
• Is the reinforcement detailed to provide sufficient rigidity and stability of cages during concreting?
• Are set-up bars, bracing bars, chairs, spacers, etc. detailed and scheduled?
• Are bars of a weight that can readily be handled?
• Do schedules agree with drawings e.g. numbers, types, sizes of bars?
• Does reinforcement in one member clash with that in an adjacent member (e.g. at a beam/column junction)?
• Do numbers of bars or sheets of fabric allow for two faces and not just one?
• Are scheduled bending dimensions compatible with member dimensions and specified concrete cover?
• Are starter bars detailed (and scheduled) with the concrete element in which they are first cast?
• Starter bars are frequently the last to be fixed to ensure positional accuracy. Does the detailing permit this?
• If closed links (or similar) are detailed, do they cause problems by requiring threading through of main bars during fixing?

Gauteng Durban Cape Town Welkom

Tel: 011 865 8100 Tel: 031 792 5300 Tel: 021 534 2541 Tel: 057 355 1363
Fax: 011 902 7818 Fax: 031 700 1821 Fax: 021 534 5039 Fax: 057 396 3327
• Check inherent rigidity of the cage or mat
• Check correct numbers of bars have been fixed
• Check adequate provision of continuity reinforcement or connection to previous starter bars
• Check that all laps are of the correct length and lie in the correct plane
• Check that starter bars, starter boxes, void formers, fixing etc. are present and in correct locations
• Check correct use of adequate cover blocks, reinforcement spacers, etc. to prevent cage movement during concreting
• Check for damaged reinforcement (particularly coated bars); repair or replace as necessary
• Check cover to reinforcement is correct at all locations
• Check that the cage is in the correct position (either line and level or relative to previously checked formwork)
• Check that all twisted ends of ties are bent inwards away from concrete faces
• Ensure adequate access for concrete compaction (e.g. by poker vibrator)
• Ensure overall cleanliness of formwork (removal of water, tie clippings etc.)
• Ensure that harmful chemicals have not been used anywhere.

Gauteng Durban Cape Town Welkom

Tel: 011 865 8100 Tel: 031 792 5300 Tel: 021 534 2541 Tel: 057 355 1363
Fax: 011 902 7818 Fax: 031 700 1821 Fax: 021 534 5039 Fax: 057 396 3327
Correct use of Reinforcing Cover Devices
Reinforcing Cover Devices for columns
RCD’s at centres not
exceeding 50 d

Side < 50 d d RCDs at centres

d not exceeding
d 50 d
Side > 50 d
Small columns Wide columns Double stirrups

RCDs at centres
not exceeding
D 50 d
Plan view of RCD
d Side view of RCD
All RCDs fixed to stirrups at
top, middle and bottom of d Stirrup size
each lift and at centres not Circular columns
D Size of main bars
exceeding 100D

One TCD per

50 d of bar for
d each facet

RCDs along column Multi-faceted columns

Correct use of Reinforcing Cover Devices
Reinforcing Cover Devices for walls

Continuous chairs at centres

not exceeding 1000 mm

Plan view of RCD
Side view of RCD
Plan view of continuous chair
Side view of continuous chair
50 d or
500 mm End view of continuous chair

Elevation d
RCD’s at centres not exceeding
50 d but not less than 500 mm
in both direction
Correct use of Reinforcing Cover Devices
Reinforcing Cover Devices for columns
a) Beam elevation c) RCD’s for the sides
of deep beams
Every bar end should
have a suitable RCD
Plan view of RCD
All RCD’s fixed to stirrups Side view of RCD
at centres not exceeding
1 000 mm
d Stirrup size Deep beam
exceeding RCDs at
100 d centres not
in depth exceeding
b) RCD’s for the bottom faces beams 50 d

RCDs at 50 d

i) Narrom beam less than ii) Normal beam 250 mm to iii) Wide beam exceeding 500 mm
250 mm in width, one RCD 500 mm in width, two RCD’s in width
Correct use of Reinforcing Cover Devices
Reinforcing Cover Devices for bottom reinforcement in slabs

Section Section

500 mm

All bars supported by d

RCDs of 50 d centres Not exceeding 500 mm
but not exceeding
1 000 mm and staggered Plan
Key b) Welded fabric
Plan view of RCD Plan
a) Individual bars
Side view of RCD
Cutting and bending tolerances
Hook allowance HT Bend allowance HT



4d d
4d d L
L Cutting length of bar equals L + h
Cutting length of bar equals L + h

Minimum hook, bend the radius allowances for high yield stress steel bars and cold-worked steel bars
that comply with SANS 920
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Nominal size of bar d 61) 81) 10 12 16 20 25 32 40
Hook allowance h 100 100 120 160 200 240 300 400 480
Bend allowance n 100 100 100 100 120 140 180 220 260
Radius r 18 24 30 36 48 60 75 96 120
1) Non-preferred.
• SANS 282: 2004: Bending dimensions and scheduling of steel reinforcement for concrete
• SANS 10100-1: 2000: The structural use of concrete-Part 1: Design
• SANS 10100-2: 1992: The structural use of concrete-Part 2: Materials and execution of work
• SANS 0144: 1995: Detailing of steel reinforcement of concrete
• SANS 920: 2005: Steel bars for concrete reinforcing
• SABS ARP: 040: 1998: The use of reinforcement cover devices for reinforced concrete
• SANS 1024: 2006: Welding steel fabric for reinforcement of concrete

Gauteng Durban Cape Town Welkom

Tel: 011 865 8100 Tel: 031 792 5300 Tel: 021 534 2541 Tel: 057 355 1363
Fax: 011 902 7818 Fax: 031 700 1821 Fax: 021 534 5039 Fax: 057 396 3327
Welkom Gauteng Durban Cape Town
Tel 057 355 1363 Tel 011 865 8100 Tel 031 792 5300 Tel 021 534 2541
Fax 057 396 3327 Fax 011 902 7818 Fax 031 700 1821 Fax 021 534 5039
Email Email Email

Bloemfontein Rustenburg Richards Bay Paarl

Tel 051 435 2885 Tel 014 596 7978 Tel 035 797 3316 Tel 021 862 3868
Fax 051 435 3833 Fax 014 596 7734 Fax 035 797 3605 Fax 021 862 3876
Email Email Email

Kimberley Polokwane Pietermaritzburg George

Tel 053 841 0467 Tel 015 293 1920 Tel 033 346 1491 Tel 044 874 2308
Fax 053 841 0394 Fax 015 293 1866 Fax 033 346 1494 Fax 044 873 3907
Email Email
Lesotho Nelspruit Germiston Port Elizabeth
Tel 00 26622 32 6395 Tel 013 758 1235 Tel 011 871 4207 Tel 041 463 1220
Fax 00 26622 32 4994 Fax 013 758 1259 Fax 011 871 4944 Fax 041 463 1320
Email Email

Namibia Botswana
Tel +00 264 61 262 117/9 Tel +00 267 391 8003
Fax +00 264 61 261 709 Fax +00 267 391 8004

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