POM Chapter11

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Principles of Management MGT 2010

Chapter 11 Communication: Interpersonal & Organizational


• Process through which people and organizations accomplish goals.

• Through communication we share:
¾ Attitudes
¾ Values
¾ Emotions
¾ Ambitions
¾ Wants
¾ Needs
• Successful communication is well planned and thoughtfully executed.
• Failed plans are often the result of failed attempts at communicating.
• Communication can avoid waste and confusion

Communication Process

Communication is transmission of information.

• The goal is common understanding.
• Sender = the initiator of communication.
• Receiver = the person or group who gets the communication.
• Message = the information that is transmitted.
• Medium = channel or means chosen by the sender to transmit the message.
• Feedback = information from receiver showing how they received the sender’s

Mediums of Communication
1) Traditional Printed matter
2) Electronic Delivery systems
3) Conversations should be used when it is intended for one person and it requires
personal contact.
4) Choice of Medium is influenced by:
¾ Content of message.
¾ Importance of feedback.
¾ The number of intended receivers.
¾ The receiver’s & sender’s preferences in communication.
¾ The environment of the sender and receiver.
¾ The technologies available.
Nonverbal Communication
- Consists of messages transmitted without the use of words.
• Letters
• Memos
• Outlines
• Reports
• Pictures

Interpersonal Communication

Face to face or voice to voice conversations that takes place in real time and allows for
instant feedback.

Appropriate when:
• Discussing matters that require discussion.
• Counseling and coaching an employee.
• Performance appraisals.
• Brainstorming sessions.
• Committee meetings.

Communication & Teams Page 367 Figure 11.4

• Teams are a growing trend in business.
¾ They exchange views.
¾ Discuss work.
¾ Deliberate on a problem or issue.
¾ Transmit information.

Barriers to Interpersonal Communication

• Diction is the choice and use of words in speech and writing that significantly
affects communication.
• Semantics is the meaning of words and how people interpret the meaning or the
abstract concept.
• Jargon is the specialized or technical language of a trade, a profession, subculture
or other group.
• Expectations of Familiarity. If receivers are familiar with speaker’s thoughts, they
tend to tune them out.
• The source lacks credibility.
• Preconceived notions by the receiver which cause them to shut out the message.
This type of person tends to have limited growth and development.
• Differing perceptions.
¾ Perception is ways in which people observe and the bases for their
judgments about the stimuli they experience.
¾ Stereotypes are predetermined beliefs about a group of people.
¾ Everyone needs to keep an open mind.
• Conflicting nonverbal communication is when a person’s physical appearance
sends a different message from their words.
• Emotions interfere with reason and understanding.
• Noise is anything in the environment that interferes with the sending and
receiving of messages.

Organizational Communication

Formal Channels
• Management designates a pipeline running up and down the organization for
official communication.

Formal Channels

• Figure 11.6 Page 372

Informal Communication Channels

• Can penetrate security.
• It is fast.
• Tends to only have anonymous sources.
• Difficult to stop or counter.
• Accessible to every person in the organization.
• It can be supportive or an obstacle to management.

Barriers to Organizational Communication

• Overload. To much information or information people do not want.

• Filtering Levels. Management levels can become barriers as they interpret
information and pass it along.
• Timing. Communications that must pass through several hands can delay the
• Lack of Trust & Openness. Companies that are secretive about information or do
not trust their workers will have difficulty communicating.
• Inappropriate Span of Control. If a manager supervises more people than time and
energy permit, communication suffers.
• Change. Change often hinders communication.
• Rank or Status in the Company. Status hinders some employees from
communicating openly.
• Managers’ Interpretations. How a manager perceives the world is how they will
react to it.
• Electronic Noise. Breakdowns, overloads and systems “going down” add more
problems to communication.
Improvement of Communication

Responsibility of Senders
1) Be Certain of Intent.
2) Know the receiver and construct the message accordingly.
3) Select the proper medium.
4) Timing the transmission.
5) Seeking and giving feedback.

Responsibilities of Receivers
1) Listen Actively
2) Be sensitive to the Sender.
3) Receivers can facilitate communication by stating a preference for a certain
4) Initiate feedback

Ten Commandments of Good Communication Page 383 Figure 11.11

Homework, Page 387 Application Case “Alcoa’s Open Work Spaces

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