HS-UK & John Weiss Newsletter Issue 5

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Welcome to latest issue of the HS-UK & John Weiss newsletter

plans and we are currently unaware of findings include; the fact it delivers
any major issues that are likely to impact 10 times more OVD (approx. +100μl
supply, beyond the potential short- of OVD vs +11μl) at a magnitude of
term disruption at borders and customs pressure that is 8 times greater than
clearance delays that we see presently, in other microcatheters. In addition,
these early weeks of 2021. iTrack is designed to intubate the full
360° of Schlemm’s canal, compared to
Despite the uncertainty associated with competitor systems that deliver OVD
Brexit and the pandemic, it is very much over 180°. It is definitely a superior
‘business as usual’ at HS-UK and John surgical system and is proving to be
Weiss, and both companies have seen a crucial element in the success of
some exciting developments since the last ABiC™ and canaloplasty.
issue of our joint ‘InFocus’ newsletter.
Finally, we have seen new technology
We have seen some exciting new from Optovue. The new iVue80 SD-
Whilst the beginning of 2021 brings
technology from Haag-Streit Diagnostics, OCT system offers retina, glaucoma
lots of uncertainty to any business
with the launch of the LENSTAR Myopia, and anterior segment scanning, as
environment, HS-UK and John Weiss’
a state-of-the-art myopia management standard. Three times faster than the
fundamental objective is to ensure that
system. According to a recent report by original iVue model, it offers improved
we offer continuity of service and supply.
the Joint World Health Organisation-Brien efficiency and enhanced image quality.
Holden Vision Institute Global Scientific The system also features new scan
Since the UK voted to leave the EU,
Meeting, by 2050, 50% of the world’s options and functions, along with a
both HS-UK and John Weiss have been
population will suffer from this condition, wider field-of-view.
working meticulously to analyse all
implications of Brexit, under a variety of so this new instrument could prove to be
an important tool in its early detection. I do hope you find this latest issue
potential outcomes, and put a number
of ‘InFocus’ both interesting and
of important actions in place to ensure
Haag-Streit Diagnostics has also launched informative. Once again, I would like
that we can maintain our operations and
Hill-RBF Method 3.0, the first purely to thank all our valued customers,
meet any new requirements from 1st
data-driven IOL calculation technique suppliers, and our World-wide network
January 2021 onwards.
incorporating pattern recognition based of distributors for their continued
on AI and sophisticated data interpolation. support and would like to wish everyone
In addition to Brexit, obviously, we still
Hill-RBF features a unique reliability a prosperous and healthy 2021.
have the added complexity of the on-
going COVID-19 pandemic. The health check providing confidence for every IOL
and safety of our customers and calculation. This AI based method works Stay safe.
employees is our top priority and our equally well on long, normal and short
measures are constantly updated, in eyes and clearly outperforms second- and
accordance with the UK Government’s third-generation formulas.
recommendations, to ensure we can
safely operate and supply at this time. We have also seen some exciting studies
by Nova Eye on the iTrack surgical system, Dean Johnson
We are maintaining a fluid approach and specifically comparing the device to other Managing Director
are regularly evaluating potential risks, canaloplasty microcatheters that are Haag-Streit UK
while developing robust contingency presently on the market today. Interesting and John Weiss & Son
HS-UK wants to hear
from its BA 904,
Synoptophore &
Perkins Mk3 users
HS-UK is asking for its valued
HS-UK and John Weiss & Son Brexit Statement customers, in both the UK and
Worldwide, to take the time to
The United Kingdom (UK) referendum & Son offer continuity of service and
complete a short survey about their
result in June 2016 has meant that supply to our customers, in the UK,
use of the Clement Clarke Ophthalmic
the UK left the European Union (EU) inside the EU and further afield, and
range of products; the BA 904
single market and customs union on we hope the measures set out in our
portable slit lamp, Synoptophore and
31st December 2020. company’s statements fully-illustrate
how both organisation’s plan to Perkins Mk3 hand-held tonometer.
Since the UK voted to leave in 2016, achieve this goal.
both HS-UK and John Weiss & Son HS-UK is looking for users to complete
have been working meticulously to To review the full HS-UK Brexit online questionnaires to provide
analyse all implications of Brexit for statement, visit the website at, valuable feedback on subjects such
our customers, Distributor partners http://hsuk.co/BrexitStatement. as; usage, user experience and views
and suppliers, under a variety of on customer service.
potential outcomes. To review the full John Weiss
Brexit statement, please visit HS-UK constantly strives to improve
HS-UK and John Weiss & Son’s risk http://jweiss.co/BrexitStatement. both its products and services.
assessments identified a number Feedback from customers is vital to
of key areas of focus for a potential We are not currently aware of any aid in the design and development of
Brexit impact. In recent months significant issues that are likely to future ophthalmic products.
both companies have focused on impact supply, beyond the potential
those areas that could have the short-term disruption at borders and The surveys are all confidential, data
most direct impact on our ability for customs clearance that we see will be collected and stored securely,
to service customers including, but presently, and HS-UK and John Weiss and won’t be passed on to any third
not limited to, changes to tariffs, & Son will continue to monitor this parties.
customs borders, exchange rates closely.
and regulatory frameworks, as well The surveys are available to
as any impact on our supply chains. Despite the uncertainty associated
complete online now. The BA 904 slit
with Brexit, HS-UK and John Weiss &
lamp survey can be completed at
The successful supply of products Son are confident that our planning
and services to our customers is will enable us to maintain the high
our number one priority. We have level of customer service and
reviewed every area within both support our customers, Distributor The Synoptophore survey is available
organisations, from customer partners and suppliers have come to to complete at http://hsuk.co/
service, sales and procurement, expect from our organisations, and SynoptophoreUserSurvey and
to finance, compliance/regulatory, we vow to keep you informed of any the Perkins Mk3 survey can be
manufacturing, warehouse/logistics, significant changes or updates as completed at http://hsuk.co/
HR and IT. events unfold. PerkinsUserSurvey. HS-UK would
like to thank customers in advance
Our fundamental objective is to Haag-Streit UK and John Weiss for taking the time to provide this
ensure that HS-UK and John Weiss & Son valuable feedback.
Haag-Streit Academy host successful ‘Improving Roman Angst elected
Outcomes’ biometry webinars CEO of Haag-Streit
The Haag-Streit Academy hosted professionals with a special interest
very successful Basic and Advanced in biometry. Roman Angst was elected as the
‘Improving Outcomes’ biometry new CEO of Haag-Streit Diagnostics
webinars on 10th and 17th December Both webinars were a huge success, on 1st January 2021.
2020. The webinars, which were and each session was attended by
delivered using Zoom, were over 100 delegates from the UK and Roman has succeeded Thomas
designed to help both beginners further afield. Presentations were Bernhard as CEO of Haag-Streit
and more experienced users get the given by Mr David Sculfor, Consultant
Diagnostics with Thomas now
most from their biometer. Optometrist and Head of Optometry
appointed as CEO of Haag-Streit
at Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS
The ‘Improving Outcomes’ Basic Trust. David is an expert in the field Holdings AG.
Biometry webinar focused on of biometry and a key opinion leader
the importance of good biometry for the Haag-Streit UK LENSTAR LS Roman joins the company with a
practice to ensure optimal outcomes 900 biometer. wealth of design and manufacturing
for patients undergoing cataract experience. Having started his
surgery. career with an apprenticeship as a
machine designer and mechanical
The key topics covered by this
engineering at ABB in Zürich, he
webinar included; which formulas
to use, A-constant optimisation and then spent 6 years designing and
improving precision. engineering fresh water and waste
water ozone treatment plants with
The Basic webinar was aimed at the company Ozonia and gained his
clinicians, cataract & refractive degree in mechanical engineering
nurses, technicians and allied HTL/FH and postgraduate diplomas
ophthalmic professionals with an
in marketing and economics.
interest in biometry.
To view the webinars online,
The ‘Improving Outcomes’ Advanced please visit https://hsuk. Roman has vast experience
Biometry webinar focused on more co/BasicBiometr yWebinar working with customers from all
complex biometry and surgical (Basic) and https://hsuk.co/ over the world and during the final
planning techniques. The key topics AdvancedBiometr y Webinar years of his previous role, enjoyed
covered by this webinar included; (Advanced). bringing customer’s needs and
understanding toric IOL calculations market trends back to his team.
and post refractive surgery IOL For further information on the Basic
calculation. or Advanced ‘Improving Outcomes’
Haag-Streit are delighted to
biometry webinars, or to sign up for
The Advanced Biometry webinar information on future Haag-Streit welcome him to the team and look
was aimed at cataract & refractive Academy online training, please forward to a successful first year
surgeons, along with healthcare email [email protected]. working with him.
Haag-Streit UK announces
the launch of the iVue80
Haag-Streit UK is pleased to announce
the launch of the new Optovue iVue80
OCT in the UK.

The new iVue80 SD-OCT system offers

iTrack™– boasting more features than any other 80,000 A-scans per second. Three
times faster than the original iVue
canaloplasty microcatheter available today model, it offers improved efficiency
and enhanced image quality. The
The next step in canal-based glaucoma • is the only device to deliver system also features new scan options
surgery, the iTrack™ can restore OVD into Schlemm’s canal via a and functions, along with a wider field-
the eye’s natural pathway to reduce patented pressurised mechanism of-view.
the medication burden, safely and • delivers OVD at a magnitude
efficaciously. of pressure that is 8 times The iVue80 is the next phase in
advanced OCT product design, offering
greater than other canaloplasty
An atraumatic, tissue-sparing MIGS retina, glaucoma and anterior segment
microcatheters scanning, as standard. The system
procedure, iTrack™ achieves excellent • allows the Surgeon to adjust quantifies the thickness of the retina,
clinical outcomes in cases of mild- the amount of OVD delivered in nerve fibre layer, ganglion cell complex
moderate glaucoma while preserving
accordance with the patient’s and the cornea. It also tracks change
future treatment options. iTrack™ can and predicts trends in RNFL and GCC
also be performed via an ab-externo thickness and precisely measures
• delivers approx. +100μl of OVD
approach as a bleb-free alternative to angles to aid in disease diagnosis.
over 360° of Schlemm’s canal,
other canaloplasty microcatheters
Easy-to-use, the iVue80 is suitable
The iTrack™ surgical system comprises deliver +11μl for every clinical practice, featuring
the iTrack™ microcatheter, the • has a unique illuminated tip, so a streamlined interface and familiar
ViscoInjector™ viscoelastic injector and the Surgeon can monitor progress slit lamp-style design. Real-time en
the iLumin™ illumination source – and is through every procedural step face imaging displays a 12mm x 9mm
a crucial element in the success of both • has a rigid internal guide wire that view of the retina during acquisition,
enables the iTrack™ to manoeuvre to assist the operator in scanning the
ab-interno and ab-externo canaloplasty
desired location.
procedures. through tight areas of Schlemm’s
canal. The optional addition of the iCam12,
iTrack™ is a unique surgical system, allows the user to upgrade to the
which boasts more features than any To find out more about how iFusion80, combining the advanced
other canaloplasty microcatheter the iTrack™ surgical system capabilities of iVue80 with the high-
available today. compares to other canaloplasty quality imaging from iCam12 on a
microcatheters, please visit single, integrated, versatile platform.
Did you know that the iTrack……? http://jweiss.co/iTrackvsOmni. The ability to simultaneously perform
• is the only Surgeon-controlled high-resolution fundus and external
canaloplasty microcatheter photography, enables the OCT image
John Weiss is the sole UK Distributor to be overlaid with the fundus photo.
• delivers 10 times more OVD than of the iTrack™ from Nova Eye Medical. This aids in the diagnosis of the
other canaloplasty microcatheters
For further information on the patient, by enhancing any suspected
• is the only device designed to
iTrack™ canaloplasty microcatheter, abnormalities.
viscodilate 360° of Schlemm’s canal
please email itrack@johnweiss.
• has a flexible microcatheter For more information on the iVue80 please
com or, alternatively, please visit
designed to intubate the full 360° of visit www.haagstreituk.com/ivue, or
Schlemm’s canal email [email protected].
Thomas Bernhard
succeeds Mr René Ott
as CEO of Haag-Streit
Holdings AG
Haag-Streit Diagnostics to host ‘Perimetry Focus Month’ Earlier this year, Mr René Ott stepped
Haag-Streit Diagnostics will host a Specialist, Haag-Streit USA down as CEO of Haag-Streit Holding
number of virtual education events as (4.30pm, 10th March) AG. During his 21 years’ service, Mr
part of its ‘Perimetry Focus Month’. • ‘Early detection of glaucomatous Ott ensured that the Haag-Streit
defects’ by Pinakin Davey, OD, PhD, Group was dominant in the global
Perimetry remains a standard Professor of Optometry, Western market, developing outstanding
diagnostic method to detect and track University of Health Sciences, cutting-edge ophthalmic products
progression of glaucoma, assess visual College of Optometry, USA and partnering with the best
function and evaluate a variety of other (4pm, 11th March) Distributors in 100 countries world-
diseases, such as neurological vision • ‘Glaucomatous visual field loss wide.
loss. not due to glaucoma’ by Sherry
Bass, OD, Distinguished Teaching Mr Thomas Bernhard, who has
The ‘Perimetry Focus Month’ aims Professor, SUNY State College of managed Haag-Streit Diagnostics
to build confidence with visual field Optometry, USA (12pm, 16th
testing for both Clinicians and Visual for the past 7 years, succeeds Mr
March) Ott in the role of CEO. Upon his
Field Technicians and will feature a • ‘How can I get the most out of
series of virtual educational lectures, new appointment, Mr Bernhard
kinetic perimetry?’ by Fiona Rowe,
throughout March 2021. The events commented, “Firstly, I would like
PhD, Professor of Orthoptics
will be delivered via Zoom by visual to take this opportunity to thank
and Health Services Research,
field testing experts, featuring tips and Mr Ott for his tireless commitment
University of Liverpool, UK
tricks on how to get the most from to the Group and to wish him good
(12pm, 18th March)
your visual field device in a variety of luck and fulfilment as he begins a
• ‘Goldmann Gems – take another
testing situations. Lectures include; new life-chapter”.
look!’ by Sandra Mohring,
Perimetry Specialist, Haag-Streit
• ‘Tips & tricks for successful
USA (4.30pm, 24th March) Speaking about the Group and its
visual field interpretation’ by
• ‘Perimetry options in challenging people, Mr Bernhard continued,
Monika Fischer, Senior Marketing
Manager in Perimetry, Haag-Streit cases’ by Randy Craven, “My role as CEO is to consistently
Diagnostics (12pm & 5pm, 2nd MD, Associate Professor of pursue our goal of ‘One Haag-Streit’.
March) Ophthalmology and Chief of the Haag-Streit stands for the highest
• ‘What switching to an Octopus Wilmer Eye Institute- Bethesda, quality. This applies to our clients, to
meant for our glaucoma Johns Hopkins Medicine, USA our partners and also to each other.
service’ by Jonathan Myers, (12pm, 25th March). Despite all the changes - people
MD, Chief Glaucoma Service, are and remain central. Especially
Wills Eye Hospital, USA The clinical and product presentations in recent months, marked as they
(12pm, 4th March) are aimed at both current and future
have been by the coronavirus
• ‘Macular evaluation in glaucoma?’ Octopus perimeter users. Online
pandemic, it has become clear that
by Augusto Paranhos, MD, PhD, registration for all of these events is
we as a Group are built on a solid
Professor of Ophthalmology, now open. ‘Perimetry Focus Month’
is the first in a series of ‘Focus’ foundation”.
Federal University of Sao Paulo,
Brazil (12pm, 8th March) events to be delivered by Haag-Streit
• ‘10 common mistakes made Diagnostics. For more information, For further information on Mr
when running visual fields’ by or to book your place, please visit Bernhard’s appointment, please
Molly Nettell, Clinical Application http://hsuk.co/perimetryfocus. email [email protected].
Haag-Streit UK announces the launch of the LENSTAR Hill-RBF 3.0 - Reliable
Myopia in the UK data for improved
Haag-Streit UK is pleased to announce about the prevalence, causes and Haag-Streit UK is pleased to
the launch of the LENSTAR Myopia in consequences of myopia in children announce that Hill RBF 3.0 is now
the UK. and to discuss possible treatments to available on all LENSTAR devices.
slow progression.
The new LENSTAR Myopia is a state-of- The Hill-RBF method provides
the-art myopia management system, EyeSuite Myopia is a compact, sophisticated IOL power selection
comprising the long-established highly-customisable, easy-to-use yet using artificial intelligence. The
LENSTAR 900 optical biometer, comprehensive myopia management method is constantly evolving, with
partnered with EyeSuite Myopia software platform. It is based on the data being collected by leading
software, it is the ideal instrument for latest findings of myopia research Cataract Surgeons, Worldwide.
the early detection of myopia. on refractive progression trends,
axial length growth of the eye and Completely free of calculation
World-wide cases of myopia have environmental factors. bias, the unique reliability checks
increased dramatically in recent years, provide confidence in successful
with research suggesting that by 2050, Precision measurements, primarily outcomes and the new 3.0 version
50% of the World’s population will suffer will show 50% less out-of-bounds
of the axial length, allow for early
from the condition. It is increasing and warnings.
diagnosis of myopia and its progression
developing exponentially in children,
in children. The system also integrates
adolescents and young adults, making Hill-RBF 3.0 is based on a larger and
other important factors such as
early diagnosis vital. more refined dataset than previous
keratometry, refraction data and
customisable progression reports. versions, providing more reliable
and accurate IOL predictions,
Sam Laidlaw, HS-UK Senior Product particularly for extremely short and
Manager, said, “The LENSTAR Myopia long eyes.
is a fantastic addition to the Haag-Streit
UK portfolio. Myopia is an increasing The system now considers a
concern for all eye care professionals number of new patient parameters
and can lead to serious conditions to further refine both spherical and
such as cataracts, glaucoma or retinal torical IOL power calculation. These
detachment. This system offers a include; lens thickness, white-to-
Developed in collaboration with leading
solution for the increasing demand for white corneal diameter, central
myopia experts, the LENSTAR Myopia
myopia management and will help in corneal thickness and patient
allows optometrists, opticians and
the fight against myopia.” gender.
ophthalmologists to expand myopia
management capabilities, allowing
For more information on
early detection of myopia onset. For more information on the
Hill RBF 3.0, please visit
Graphical visualisations are designed LENSTAR Myopia, please visit
http://hsuk.co/HILLRBF or email
to facilitate consultations and aid the https://hsuk.co/lenstarmyopia, or
[email protected]
education of both patients and parents email [email protected].
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Many field-based employees are currently
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being asked for a confirmed negative
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All HR staff have received extensive employees
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All rights reserved.
© 2021 Haag-Streit UK & John
musam hillabores in con ra voluptusapid utate cuptaque nonseru mquamus, nonem sit,
to ensure accuracy of results, as well valued customers, as well as helping
Weiss & Son illest, officie ndunt, nihil incia cus, seque re niae sit aut qui con conecto remporum inis
as protect the health and safety of both break the chain of transmission.”
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