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A Prospective, Randomized Trial of Povidone-

Iodine 0.6% and Dexamethasone 0.1%

Ophthalmic Suspension for Acute Bacterial


 PURPOSE: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of a compared with placebo in subjects with bacterial
topical ophthalmic suspension combination of povidone- conjunctivitis. (Am J Ophthalmol 2020;215:56–65.
iodine 0.6% (PVP-I) and dexamethasone 0.1% (DEX) Ó 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This
for infectious and inflammatory components of bacterial is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
conjunctivitis. license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.
 DESIGN: Randomized, double-masked, multicenter, 0/).)
phase 3 clinical trial.
 METHODS: Subjects of all ages (those <3 months had

to be full-term) with a diagnosis of bacterial conjunctivitis ACTERIAL CONJUNCTIVITIS IS A COMMON CONDI-
were randomized 3:1:3 to either PVP-I/DEX, PVP-I tion that is highly contagious and that typically pre-
alone, or placebo. The primary endpoint was clinical res- sents with conjunctival inflammation and
olution in the study eye, and the key secondary efficacy mucopurulent discharge.1 The economic impact of bacte-
endpoint was bacterial eradication, both at the day 5 visit. rial conjunctivitis is substantial, with an estimated annual
Adverse events (AEs) were documented at all visits. treatment cost of $377 million to $857 million in the
 RESULTS: Overall, 753 subjects were randomized United States for 2005.2
(intent-to-treat [ITT] population; PVP-I/DEX [n [ Although bacterial conjunctivitis usually resolves within
324]; PVP-I [n [ 108]; placebo [n [ 321]); mean and 10 days without treatment, clearance of infection can take
standard deviation (SD) age was 44.3 (22.9) years, and <
_3 weeks.3 Treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis with anti-
most were female (61.2%) and white (78.1%). In all biotics helps to reduce the duration and transmission of the
treatment groups, mean treatment compliance was infection and the risk of sight-threatening complica-
>98%. The modified ITT population for the efficacy tions.4,5 Given the risk of antibiotic resistance and allergic
analysis comprised 526 subjects. In the study eye at the reaction, there is a need for additional topical treatments
day 5 visit, clinical resolution was achieved by 50.5% with broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity, acceptable
(111/220) subjects in the PVP-I/DEX group vs 42.8% tolerability, and low potential for promoting resistance.
(95/222) in the placebo group (P [ .127), and bacterial Povidone-iodine or polyvinylpyrrolidone-iodine (PVP-I)
eradication was achieved by 43.3% (94/217) and 46.8% is an effective antiseptic used in general and ophthalmic
(102/218), respectively (P [ .500). Treatment- surgery for infection prophylaxis.6,7 Preclinical data indi-
emergent AEs were experienced by 32.8% (106/323), cate that PVP-I has broad antimicrobial activity, including
39.8% (43/108), and 19.0% (61/321) of subjects in the against various Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial
safety population treated with PVP-I/DEX, PVP-I, and isolates and adenoviruses.8–11 In a landmark prospective,
placebo, respectively (most mild in severity). controlled, open-label, nonrandomized study involving
 CONCLUSION: In this study, PVP-I/DEX did not >8000 intraocular cases, the use of topical 5% PVP-I
demonstrate additional benefit in clinical efficacy resulted in significantly fewer patients developing endoph-
thalmitis after intraocular surgery vs silver protein solution
(0.06% vs 0.24%; P < .03).12 In a double-masked,
controlled, prospective, clinical trial of 459 children with
Accepted for publication Mar 17, 2020.
From the Stanford University School of Medicine (C.N.T.), Byers Eye acute conjunctivitis, PVP-I 1.25% ophthalmic solution
Institute at Stanford, Palo Alto, California; Tufts University School of instilled 4 times daily was as effective as neomycin-
Medicine (M.B.R.), Boston, Massachusetts; Department of polymyxin B-gramicidin in treating bacterial conjuncti-
Ophthalmology (R.D.G.), University of Texas Southwestern Medical
Center, Dallas, Texas; Pinnacle Research Institute (S.J.), Fort vitis.13 Allergic skin reactions to topical ophthalmic
Lauderdale, Florida; Shire (S.M., Y.W.), a Takeda company, Lexington, PVP-I are rare,14 and no cases of bacterial resistance
Massachusetts; and private practice (B.S.), Delray Beach, Florida, USA. have been reported in clinical practice across many decades
Inquiries to Christopher N. Ta, Byers Eye Institute at Stanford, 2452
Watson Court, Palo Alto, CA 94303; e-mail: [email protected] of use.


FIGURE 1. Study design. DEX [ dexamethasone; PVP-I [ povidone-iodine.

Dexamethasone (DEX) is a corticosteroid routinely used Comitato Etico - Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Poli-
as a topical ophthalmic treatment of ocular inflammation clinico Sant’Orsola Malpighi, Bologna, Italy; Tallinn Med-
alone15 or in combination with anti-infective agents.16 ical Research Ethics Committee, Tallinn, Estonia; Ouest II
Topical steroids have demonstrated utility in reducing EC, Angers, France; Egeszsegugyi Tudomanyos Tanacs
the adverse effects of inflammation in the treatment of in- Klinikai Farmakologiai Etikai Bizottsaga, Budapest,
fections of the anterior segment of the eye.17–21 Hungary; Komisja Bioetyczna przy Okregowej Izbie Lekar-
In this study, we evaluated the efficacy and safety of a skiej w Krakowie, Krakow, Poland; CEIC Grupo HM Hos-
topical ophthalmic suspension combination of PVP-I pital Universitario Madrid Monteprı́ncipe, Madrid, Spain;
0.6% and DEX 0.1% to treat both the infectious and in- Human Research Ethics Committee of the University of
flammatory components of bacterial conjunctivitis. In an the Sunshine Coast, Sippy Downs, Queensland, Australia;
in vitro study, PVP-I 0.4%/DEX 0.1% killed 99.9% of com- Central Helsinki Committee of Clalit HS Hospitals,
mon ocular pathogens (eg, methicillin-resistant Staphylo- Helsinki, Finland; University of Waterloo- Clinical
coccus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Serratia marcescens, Research Ethics Committee, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada;
and Candida albicans) within 15 seconds of exposure.22 In McGill University Health Center-Research Ethics Board,
addition, PVP-I 0.6%/DEX 0.1% has demonstrated efficacy Montreal, Quebec, Canada; Rambam Health Care Campus
and tolerability in a phase 2 trial of acute adenoviral Ethics Committee, Haifa, Israel; Shaare Zedek MC Ethics
conjunctivitis.21 Committee, Jerusalem, Israel; and Pharma Ethics, Pretoria,
South Africa).
Randomization was centralized across study centers and
stratified by age (<6 years, 6-<18 years, and > _18 years).
METHODS Subjects were randomized 3:1:3 to receive either PVP-I
0.6%/DEX 0.1%, PVP-I 0.6% alone, or placebo, respec-
 STUDY DESIGN: This was a multicenter, randomized, tively, using dynamic balanced allocation to maintain the
double-masked, placebo-controlled study conducted at randomization ratio within each stratum (Figure 1). A
121 centers in 14 countries. The study was compliant 3:1:3 (PVP-I/DEX:PVP-I:placebo) ratio was used to inves-
with the International Conference on Harmonization, Eu- tigate the efficacy and safety of PVP-I/DEX vs placebo. The
ropean Union Directive 2001/20/EC and its updates, and relatively small sized PVP-I arm was exploratory to provide
local ethical and legal requirements. It was registered at data for potential future follow-up studies.
ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT03004924). Written informed The first dose was administered by site staff on day 1, and
consent, and assent where applicable, was obtained from thereafter subjects were administered 1 drop into each eye 4
each subject and/or the subject’s legal representative or times a day for 7 days. Further study visits occurred on days
parent, as applicable before any study-related procedures 3 (visit 2), 5 (visit 3), 8 (visit 4), and 12 (visit 5). All
including screening assessments. The study protocol and follow-up procedures were conducted at visit 5. The dura-
its amendments, subject recruitment information, and the tion of the study was <
_13 days for each subject. The placebo
informed consent form were reviewed and approved by treatment had a similar formulation, including color, as the
the institutional review board (IRB) or independent ethics PVP-I/DEX and PVP-I treatments without the active com-
committee (Copernicus Group IRB, Cary, North Carolina; ponents (PVP-I and DEX). Benzalkonium chloride 0.01%
Western Institutional Review Board, Puyallup, Washing- was added to the placebo as a preservative but not included
ton; Washington University in St. Louis IRB, St. Louis, in the PVP-I-DEX and PVP-I treatments, as PVP-I enables
Missouri; East Midlands - Nottingham 2 Research Ethics them to be self-preserving. The packaging, appearance, and
Committee, Nottingham, United Kingdom; Ethikkommis- labeling of the study treatments were identical. Subject
sion der Medizinischen Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria; compliance was verified verbally during study visits.



TABLE 1. Pathologic Threshold Criteria for Individual Bacterial Speciesa

Group I Threshold, 1 CFU/mL Group II Threshold, 10 CFU/mL Group III Threshold, 100 CFU/mL Group IV Threshold, 1000 CFU/mL

Streptococcus, group A, beta-hemolytic Staphylococcus aureus Staphylococcus epidermidis Corynebacterium (diphtheroids)

(Streptococcus pyogenes) Streptococcus group B (beta- or Other coagulase-negative Staphylococcus Actinobacteria (Gram-positive Bacillus
Streptococcus pneumoniae nonhemolytic) species species or coccobacillus species)

Citrobacter species Streptococcus group C (alpha-, beta-, or Micrococcus species

Enterobacter species nonhemolytic) Bacillus species
Escherichia species Other Streptococcus (groups D, G; Actinobacteria (Gram-positive cocci
Klebsiella species nongrouped; viridans species species)
Proteus/Morganella species Moraxella (Branhamella) catarrhalis Firmicutes (Gram-positive species)
Serratia marcescens Clostridium perfringens
Other Enterobacteriaceae species
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Other Neisseria species
Other Moraxella species
Acinetobacter species
Achromobacter species
Haemophilus species
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Other Pseudomonas species
Bacillus anthracis
Proteobacteria (Gram-negative species)
Bacteroidetes species

CFU ¼ colony-forming unit.

Data from Leibowitz and associates.23
JULY 2020
FIGURE 2. Subject disposition. *One subject was randomized in error and therefore captured in the ITT population but not in the
safety population. DEX [ dexamethasone; ITT [ intent-to-treat; PVP-I [ povidone-iodine.

 SUBJECTS: Eligible subjects with a diagnosis of bacterial significant optic nerve defects; significant ocular disease
conjunctivitis based on clinical signs and symptoms were of (eg, Sjögren syndrome); or any uncontrolled systemic dis-
all ages (subjects <3 months of age had to be full-term) and ease or debilitating disease. The use of antibiotics or ste-
were required to have adenovirus infection ruled out with roids, either topical ophthalmic or systemic, were not
an AdenoPlus test (Quidel, San Diego, California, USA; allowed during the study. Also prohibited during the study
which detects all serotypes of adenovirus) at baseline in were any topical ophthalmic products, including tear
both eyes. They were also required to have best-corrected substitutes.
visual acuity of 0.60 logarithm of the minimum angle of res-
olution, equivalent to 20/80 on the Snellen chart, or better,  EFFICACY ASSESSMENTS: The primary endpoint was
in each eye; signs and/or symptoms of bacterial conjuncti- clinical resolution (absence of bulbar conjunctival injec-
vitis for <
_4 days before the study; and a score totaling > _1 tion and ocular conjunctival discharge [score ¼ 0]) in the
consisting of ocular conjunctival discharge (0-3 scale; study eye at the day 5 visit. The key secondary efficacy
0 ¼ absent to 3 ¼ severe) and bulbar conjunctival injection endpoint was bacterial eradication (absence of all bacterial
(0-4 scale; 0 ¼ absent to 4 ¼ severe). species present at or above pathologic threshold at base-
Individuals were excluded if they met any of the line) at the day 5 visit.
following criteria: known sensitivity to any components One swab sample from the inferior conjunctival cul de
of the investigational treatments; presence or history of sac of each eye was collected at all study visits for testing
ocular herpes; presence of ocular inflammation other by bacterial culture. An additional sample was collected
than bacterial conjunctivitis (eg, uveitis, iritis, or ulcera- from each eye at visit 1 for qualitative detection of herpes
tive keratitis); intraocular pressure steroid responder or a simplex virus (HSV) DNA. This sample was also used for
history or current diagnosis of glaucoma; history of recur- polymerase chain reaction qualitative detection of chla-
rent corneal erosion syndrome, presence of corneal epithe- mydia and gonorrhea in subjects <2 months of age. Sub-
lial defect or any significant corneal opacity; clinically jects who tested positive for ocular HSV at baseline in


TABLE 2. Demographic Characteristics (Intent-to-Treat Population)

PVP-I/DEX (n ¼ 324) PVP-I (n ¼ 108) Placebo (n ¼ 321) All Subjects (N ¼ 753)

Age, years, mean (SD) 44.2 (22.9) 43.1 (23.0) 44.7 (23.0) 44.3 (22.9)
Sex, n (%)
Male 133 (41.0) 37 (34.3) 122 (38.0) 292 (38.8)
Female 191 (59.0) 71 (65.7) 199 (62.0) 461 (61.2)
Ethnicity, n (%)
Hispanic or Latino 62 (19.1) 30 (27.8) 87 (27.1) 179 (23.8)
Not Hispanic or Latino 254 (78.4) 76 (70.4) 230 (71.7) 560 (74.4)
Not reported/unknown 8 (2.4) 2 (1.9) 4 (1.2) 14 (1.9)
Race, n (%)
Asian 12 (3.7) 0 8 (2.5) 20 (2.7)
Black or African American 54 (16.7) 18 (16.7) 54 (16.8) 126 (16.7)
White 250 (77.2) 88 (81.5) 250 (77.9) 588 (78.1)
Other 8 (2.5) 2 (1.8) 9 (2.8) 19 (2.5)

DEX ¼ dexamethasone; PVP-I ¼ povidone-iodine; SD ¼ standard deviation.

either eye had their study treatment discontinued and lation unless stated otherwise. The mITT population
received alternate appropriate treatment as needed based consisted of a subset of the ITT population (all ran-
on the investigator’s clinical judgment. These subjects domized subjects) who received > _1 dose of study medi-
were followed up for the remaining duration of the study cation and had a positive bacterial culture (presence of
at the scheduled visits, and all safety-related assessments >
_1 bacterial species at or above pathologic threshold) at
were completed. baseline in the study eye. The safety population
consisted of all subjects who received > _1 dose of study
 BACTERIAL CULTURE: Pathologic threshold for individ- medication.
ual bacterial species was based on colony-forming unit per The primary and key secondary endpoints were tested us-
milliliter threshold levels, established by Cagle and modi- ing Fisher exact test at the 2-sided 0.0499 significance
fied by Leibowitz and associates23 for different ocular bacte- level. Missing postbaseline efficacy assessments were
rial species found in the specimens collected from each imputed using last observation carried forward from postba-
subject. In addition, bacterial species that were not covered seline values.
by Leibowitz and associates23 were assigned threshold The study eye was an eligible eye, defined as an eye
criteria (Table 1). Bacterial species were identified by with a score of > _1 for both ocular conjunctival discharge
matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight and bulbar conjunctival redness at baseline. For subjects
mass spectrometry, using their unique protein patterns. with both eyes eligible and having either a positive or
non-positive bacterial culture at baseline, the study
 SAFETY ASSESSMENTS: Adverse events (AEs), slit-lamp eye was the one with the highest global clinical score
biomicroscopy, and best-corrected visual acuity were docu- (sum of bulbar conjunctival injection and ocular
mented at all study visits. AEs were coded using Medical conjunctival discharge) at baseline. If both eyes had
Dictionary for Regulatory Activities, version 19.1.24 the same global clinical score at baseline, then the study
Treatment-emergent AEs (TEAEs) were defined as any eye was the right eye. For subjects with both eyes
AE that occurred after the instillation of the first dose of eligible and a positive bacterial culture in 1 eye at base-
study medication. Best-corrected visual acuity was assessed line, the study eye was the 1 with positive baseline bac-
using an Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study terial culture. If subjects had only 1 eligible eye, this
chart. Urine pregnancy test on all females of childbearing was the study eye regardless of its baseline bacterial cul-
potential and fundus examination were performed at visits ture result.
1 and 5. A nondilated fundus examination was performed The sample size was estimated for the primary compari-
in all subjects except infants and uncooperative small chil- son of clinical resolution using nQuery Advisor 7.0. A sam-
dren during the study. If a nondilated fundus examination ple size of 504 subjects (PVP-I/DEX, n ¼ 216; PVP-I, n ¼
was attempted and was not feasible, a dilated fundus exam- 72; placebo, n ¼ 216) was estimated to ensure approxi-
ination was performed. mately 90% power to compare the PVP-I/DEX and placebo
treatment groups assuming 61% and 45% subjects with
 STATISTICAL ANALYSES: All efficacy analyses were clinical resolution, respectively, using Fisher exact test at
based on the modified intention-to-treat (mITT) popu- the 2-sided 0.05 significance level.


TABLE 3. Bacterial Species at or Above Pathologic Threshold in the Study Eye at Baseline (Modified Intent-to-Treat Population)

Species, n (%) PVP-I/DEX (n ¼ 223) PVP-I (n ¼ 76) Placebo (n ¼ 227) All Subjects (N ¼ 526)

Staphylococcus epidermidis 142 (63.7) 48 (63.2) 147 (64.8) 337 (64.1)

Staphylococcus aureus 23 (10.3) 12 (15.8) 44 (19.4) 79 (15.0)
Haemophilus influenza 37 (16.6) 12 (15.8) 23 (10.1) 72 (13.7)
Staphylococcus warneri 32 (14.3) 12 (15.8) 21 (9.3) 65 (12.4)
Staphylococcus hominis 16 (7.2) 10 (13.2) 18 (7.9) 44 (8.4)
Staphylococcus pasteuri 13 (5.8) 7 (9.2) 10 (4.4) 30 (5.7)
Staphylococcus haemolyticus 10 (4.5) 2 (2.6) 7 (3.1) 19 (3.6)
Staphylococcus mitis 9 (4.0) 4 (5.3) 6 (2.6) 19 (3.6)
Bacillus species 4 (1.8) 1 (1.3) 8 (3.5) 13 (2.5)
Enterococcus faecalis 5 (2.2) 2 (2.6) 4 (1.8) 11 (2.1)
Staphylococcus capitas 5 (2.2) 1 (1.3) 5 (2.2) 11 (2.1)
Staphylococcus lugdenensis 4 (1.8) 0 7 (3.1) 11 (2.1)
Acinetobacter baumanii complex 3 (1.3) 0 7 (3.1) 10 (1.9)
Other (strains affecting <10 patients overall) 67 (30.0) 30 (39.5) 59 (26.0) 156 (29.7)

DEX ¼ dexamethasone; PVP-I ¼ povidone-iodine.

 EFFICACY FINDINGS: A numerically higher proportion

of subjects in the PVP-I/DEX group achieved the primary
 STUDY POPULATION: The study was conducted between endpoint of clinical resolution in the study eye at the day
March 2017 and October 2018. From 1080 subjects 5 visit with last observation carried forward (50.5% [111/
screened, 753 were randomized and included in the ITT 220] PVP-I/DEX; 42.8% [95/222] placebo; P ¼ .127,
population; 752 subjects were dosed and included in the Figure 3) vs the placebo group; this difference did not
safety population, while 526 were included in the mITT meet the 2-sided .0499 significance level. Three planned
population and analyzed for efficacy. A total of 684 subjects sensitivity analyses conducted on the primary endpoint
completed the study (Figure 2). data gave similar results. For the last observation carried
The mean (SD) age across all subjects in the ITT popu- forward analysis in the ITT population, clinical resolution
lation was 44.3 (22.9) years. Most subjects were female in the study eye was achieved in 49.8% (159/319) of sub-
(61.2%) and white (78.1%, Table 2). Overall, mean treat- jects in the PVP-I/DEX group and in 44.0% (139/316) of
ment compliance was >98% in all treatment groups. subjects who received placebo (P ¼ .152). For the worst
Completion of 4 days of dosing by the day 5 visit with no observation carried forward analysis in the mITT popula-
extra or missed dose was achieved by 88.5% of subjects in tion, clinical resolution in the study eye was achieved in
the PVP-I/DEX group, 79.6% in the PVP-I group and 49.8% (111/223) of subjects in the PVP-I/DEX group and
91.0% in the placebo group. The most frequent ocular med- in 41.4% (94/227) of subjects in the placebo group (P ¼
ical history conditions included cataracts (20.6%), dry eye .088). For the multiple imputation analysis in the mITT
(10.8%), myopia (6.0%), and eyelid dermatochalasis population, the pooled proportion of subjects who achieved
(5.6%). The most frequent non-ocular medical history con- clinical resolution in the study eye was 51.7% in the PVP-I/
ditions across all subjects included hypertension (28.3%), DEX group and 42.5% in the placebo group (P ¼ .057).
hypercholesterolemia (15.4%), type 2 diabetes mellitus There were no significant differences between the PVP-
(10.5%), gastroesophageal reflux disease (10.0%), and hy- I/DEX and placebo groups in the key secondary endpoint,
pothyroidism (9.6%). There were no major differences in bacterial eradication in the study eye at the day 5 visit
ocular or non-ocular medical history across treatment (mITT population: PVP-I/DEX, 43.3% [94/217]; placebo,
groups. 46.8% [102/218]; P ¼ .500, Figure 3).
Overall, the incidence of bacterial species at or above
pathological threshold in the study eye present at baseline  SAFETY FINDINGS: Overall, 32.8% (106/323) of subjects
was similar between treatment groups (Table 3). The bac- in the PVP-I/DEX group experienced > _1 TEAE vs 39.8%
terial species that were present in the highest number of (43/108) in the PVP-I group and 19.0% of subjects (61/
subjects at baseline in the mITT population were the 321) in the placebo group. A similar pattern was reported
Gram-positive species Staphylococcus epidermidis in 64.1% for subjects with >_1 treatment-related TEAE (Table 4).
(n ¼ 337/526) of subjects and S. aureus in 15.0% (79/ No serious AEs or deaths were reported in this study.
526) of subjects and the Gram-negative species Haemophi- Across all treatment groups, most ocular and nonocular
lus influenzae in 13.7% (n ¼ 72/526) of subjects. TEAEs were considered mild in severity, and few subjects


FIGURE 3. Clinical resolution (A) and bacterial eradication (B) at day 5 (plus 1-day window; modified intent-to-treat population
with last observation carried forward, study eye). Percentages are based on the number of subjects achieving clinical resolution or
bacterial eradication (n) in the modified intent-to-treat population with observed or imputed data in each treatment group (N). Values
inside bars [ n/N. D [ difference in proportion for clinical resolution or bacterial eradication; CI [ confidence interval; DEX [
dexamethasone; PVP-I [ povidone-iodine.

had severe ocular or nonocular TEAEs. The incidence of The most common nonocular TEAE related to study
TEAEs leading to discontinuation of treatment was low medication was dysgeusia, reported in 1.5% (n ¼ 5/323)
in all groups (PVP-I/DEX, 1.9%; PVP-I, 4.6%; placebo, of subjects in the PVP-I/DEX group, but dysgeusia was
3.1%; Table 4). not reported in the other treatment groups.
Instillation site pain was the most common treatment-
related ocular TEAE and was the most common ocular
TEAE leading to discontinuation, although this was infre-
quent (PVP-I/DEX, 0.9% [n ¼ 3/323]; PVP-I, 1.9% [n ¼ 2/
108]), 0 placebo). Most instillation site pain was reported as
mild to moderate in severity with 0.9% (n ¼ 3/323) and THIS PHASE 3 STUDY EVALUATED THE EFFICACY AND SAFETY
1.9% (n ¼ 2/108) of subjects in the PVP-I/DEX and of PVP-I 0.6%/DEX 0.1% ophthalmic suspension
PVP-I groups, respectively, reporting it as severe. The rates compared with placebo in the treatment of bacterial
of other administration site AEs were also low. For conjunctivitis. To our knowledge, this is the first large,
example, instillation site irritation, which coded for the multicenter, randomized controlled trial of a topical
verbatim terms of ocular irritation/stinging during or post- ophthalmic treatment containing PVP-I for the treatment
instillation, was reported in 0.3% (PVP-I/DEX), 0.9% of bacterial conjunctivitis. In this study, the primary
(PVP-I), and 0.3% (placebo) of subjects. Instillation site endpoint of clinical resolution in the study eye was not
reaction, which coded for blurry/blurred vision or light met. Although a greater percentage of subjects demon-
sensitivity during or postinstillation, was reported in strated clinical resolution at the day 5 visit in the PVP-I/
0.9% (PVP-I/DEX), 0.9% (PVP-I), and 0% (placebo) of DEX group compared with placebo, the difference between
subjects. The incidence of corneal AEs was low, including the treatment groups was not statistically significant. For
punctate keratitis (PVP-I/DEX, 0; PVP-I, 1.9%; placebo, the key secondary endpoint, bacterial eradication after
0.9%) and corneal infiltrates (PVP-I/DEX, 1 [0.3%] patient 5 days of treatment, there were no notable differences in ef-
had mild corneal infiltrates in both eyes; PVP-I, 0; placebo, ficacy between the PVP-I/DEX group and the placebo
2 [0.6 %] patients, 1 with mild and 1 with moderate corneal group. PVP-I/DEX was well tolerated and there were no
infiltrates in their study eyes, leading to treatment discon- safety concerns.
tinuation in 1 patient). Results from previous early-stage studies provide support
Nineteen subjects (PVP-I/DEX, n ¼ 11; PVP-I, n ¼ 2; for the use of topical ophthalmic PVP-I/DEX solution to
placebo, n ¼ 6) tested positive for ocular HSV at baseline prevent or treat ocular bacterial infections. In studies in
and discontinued treatment but were followed for safety for which PVP-I 5.0% was instilled in the eye immediately af-
the remainder of the study visits. Of these subjects, 3 (PVP- ter ophthalmic surgery25 or administered at doses of 1.25%
I/DEX, 0; PVP-I, n ¼ 1; placebo, n ¼ 2) reported ocular and 2.5% for 3 times a day for a week after surgery,26 PVP-I
TEAEs, none of which was active HSV keratitis, and 3 was significantly more effective at preventing an increase in
(PVP-I/DEX, n ¼ 1; PVP-I, n ¼ 1; placebo, n ¼ 1) reported conjunctival bacterial colony-forming units vs a control
nonocular TEAEs. group of untreated eyes. In a large, controlled clinical


TABLE 4. Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events (Safety Population)

TEAE Type, n (%) PVP-I/DEX (n ¼ 323) PVP-I (n ¼ 108) Placebo (n ¼ 321) All Subjects (N ¼ 752)

Any TEAE 106 (32.8) 43 (39.8) 61 (19.0) 210 (27.9)

Treatment-related TEAEs 72 (22.3) 29 (26.9) 20 (6.2) 121 (16.1)
Ocular TEAEs 86 (26.6) 36 (33.3) 48 (15.0) 170 (22.6)
Mild 76 (23.5) 29 (26.9) 40 (12.5) 145 (19.3)
Moderate 11 (3.4) 6 (5.6) 10 (3.1) 27 (3.6)
Severe 5 (1.5) 4 (3.7) 2 (0.6) 11 (1.5)
Nonocular TEAEs 36 (11.1) 14 (13.0) 19 (5.9) 69 (9.2)
Mild 29 (9.0) 9 (8.3) 13 (4.0) 51 (6.8)
Moderate 7 (2.2) 5 (4.6) 8 (2.5) 20 (2.7)
Severe 1 (0.3) 0 1 (0.3) 2 (0.3)
TEAEs resulting in discontinuation 6 (1.9) 5 (4.6) 10 (3.1) 21 (2.8)
Ocular TEAEs resulting in discontinuation 3 (0.9) 3 (2.8) 8 (2.5) 14 (1.9)
Most frequent (>5%) ocular TEAE
Instillation site pain 67 (20.7) 26 (24.1) 7 (2.2) 100 (13.3)

DEX ¼ dexamethasone; PVP-I ¼ povidone-iodine; TEAE ¼ treatment-emergent adverse event.

study,13 PVP-I 1.25% was shown to be as effective as and damage to the corneal epithelium,34,35 fibrosis,36 dry
neomycin-polymyxin-B gramicidin for the treatment of eye syndrome,37 and increased risk of failure of trabeculec-
bacterial conjunctivitis as measured by time to cure.13 tomy in glaucoma.38 The inclusion of this agent is a poten-
The PVP-I concentration in our study was lower than tial limitation of this study, and should be investigated in
that used in these studies. The rationale for the 0.6% future studies both in vitro and in vivo.
dose was based on data that release of the active moiety, The requirement of a negative AdenoPlus test result for
iodine, from the PVP-I complex as well as PVP-I bacteri- inclusion in this study may also have affected the outcome.
cidal activity are optimal at aqueous concentrations be- According to the AdenoPlus product insert, this test has a
tween 0.1 and 1.0%.9,27,28 In addition, in clinical studies negative predictive value of 97%.39 However, low levels of
of adenoviral conjunctivitis, clinical efficacy was achieved virus shedding in the early stages of the infection in sub-
with PVP-I/DEX suspensions containing PVP-I between jects with adenoviral conjunctivitis could have led to false
0.4% and 1.0%.19,21,29 However, although free iodine con- negative results. In addition, subjects with a negative
centrations peak in this dose range, the cumulative antimi- AdenoPlus test could still have been positive for other vi-
crobial effect may be short, because the available iodine is ruses, such as coxsackievirus or enterovirus. Another
quickly used up in the reaction with bacteria.30 This may consideration is that instillation of PVP-I drops may be a
explain the lack of efficacy for PVP-I/DEX in the present suboptimal method of drug administration because the
study. drug may not reach the deep crypts of the conjunctival
Benzalkonium chloride 0.01% was added to the placebo fornices. In a study of patients undergoing anterior segment
preparation as a preservative but was not included in the intraocular surgery, irrigation of PVP-I was shown to be
PVP-I-DEX and PVP-I treatments because PVP-I itself is more effective than the instillation of PVP-I drops.40
a preservative. Benzalkonium chloride is the most In this study, PVP-I/DEX appeared to be well tolerated.
commonly used preservative in ophthalmic preparations31; Although the incidence of TEAEs was higher in subjects in
however, as an antimicrobial agent and a cationic surfac- the PVP-I/DEX group, severe AEs and discontinuations
tant,32 it may itself have efficacy in the treatment of bacte- owing to TEAEs were infrequent and no serious AEs
rial conjunctivitis, thereby contributing to the lack of were reported. Instillation site pain was the most frequent
difference in efficacy between the placebo and treatment ocular TEAE related to treatment, with 20.7% of subjects
groups. Indeed, in a previous study benzalkonium chloride in the PVP-I/DEX group experiencing this AE compared
inhibited growth and biofilm formation of ocular staphylo- with 2.2% in the placebo group. However, most instillation
coccal isolates in vitro in a dose-dependent manner.33 site pain was reported as mild to moderate in severity, and
While a similar efficacy between the benzalkonium discontinuations arising from this AE occurred in only 3
chloride–containing placebo group, and the PVP-I-DEX PVP-I/DEX-treated subjects, representing 0.9% of this
and PVP-I treatment groups was observed, the use of treatment group. The rates of other administration site
benzalkonium chloride as a low-cost topical antiseptic AEs, such as instillation site irritation (ocular irritation/
agent has a number of disadvantages, including disruption stinging), were also low. Of note, there was no difference


in safety between enrolled children (<6 years [n ¼ 46], and In conclusion, in this phase 3 study, PVP-I/DEX did not
6 to <18 years [n ¼ 56]) in comparison with that in the demonstrate clinical efficacy compared with placebo in
overall patient population (>_18 years [n ¼ 650]; data not subjects with bacterial conjunctivitis. The posology of
shown). PVP-I in the study combination may have been subopti-
Cataract formation and increases in intraocular pressure mal. PVP-I/DEX had a favorable safety profile and was
have been reported in previous studies in which corticoste- well tolerated.
roids have typically been administered for >_2 weeks.41–46 In
the present study, there were no increases in the incidence
of cataract development or glaucoma reported as AEs, and
none of the 19 patients with a positive conjunctival HSV CRediT AUTHORSHIP CONTRIBUTION
DNA at baseline developed active HSV keratitis during STATEMENT
the study.
The main limitation of this study is that it is possible that CHRISTOPHER N. TA: FORMAL ANALYSIS, WRITING - RE-
randomized subjects had viral conjunctivitis that was not view & editing. Michael B. Raizman: Formal analysis,
caused by adenovirus. In addition, the posology of PVP-I Writing - review & editing. Robert D. Gross: Formal anal-
in the study combination may not have been appropriate. ysis, Writing - review & editing. Sunir Joshi: Formal anal-
Future dose-ranging studies are needed to determine the ysis, Writing - review & editing. Sushanta Mallick: Formal
optimal PVP-I concentration for use in bacterial conjunc- analysis, Writing - review & editing. Yuemei Wang:
tivitis. However, PVP-I concentrations >1.25% may Formal analysis, Writing - review & editing. Bruce Segal:
decrease tolerability.13,26 Formal analysis, Writing - review & editing.

Funding/Support: Funded by Shire, a Takeda company. Financial Disclosures: Dr Gross has been a consultant for Shire PLC. Dr Ta has been a consultant
for Shire PLC, and his contribution to this publication was not part of his Stanford University duties or responsibilities. Dr Joshi received research funding
from Shire, a Takeda company. Dr Raizman has been a consultant for Aerie, Alcon, Avedro, BlephEx, EyeGate, Kala, Ocular Therapeutix, Shire PLC, Sun
Pharma, and TearLab, and owns stock in Avedro and EyeGate. Drs Mallick and Wang are employees of and hold stock or stock options in Shire, a Takeda com-
pany. Dr Segal has no financial conflicts of interest. Under direction of the authors, Nasser Malik, an employee of Excel Scientific Solutions, provided writing
assistance. Writing and editorial support were funded by Shire, a Takeda company. All authors attest that they meet the current ICMJE criteria for authorship.

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