Cambridge International AS & A Level: Physics 9702/41 May/June 2020

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Cambridge International AS & A Level

PHYSICS 9702/41
Paper 4 A Level Structured Questions May/June 2020
Maximum Mark: 100


Students did not sit exam papers in the June 2020 series due to the Covid-19 global pandemic.

This mark scheme is published to support teachers and students and should be read together with the
question paper. It shows the requirements of the exam. The answer column of the mark scheme shows the
proposed basis on which Examiners would award marks for this exam. Where appropriate, this column also
provides the most likely acceptable alternative responses expected from students. Examiners usually review
the mark scheme after they have seen student responses and update the mark scheme if appropriate. In the
June series, Examiners were unable to consider the acceptability of alternative responses, as there were no
student responses to consider.

Mark schemes should usually be read together with the Principal Examiner Report for Teachers. However,
because students did not sit exam papers, there is no Principal Examiner Report for Teachers for the June
2020 series.

Cambridge International will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

Cambridge International is publishing the mark schemes for the June 2020 series for most Cambridge
IGCSE™ and Cambridge International A & AS Level components, and some Cambridge O Level

This document consists of 19 printed pages.

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9702/41 Cambridge International AS & A Level – Mark Scheme May/June 2020

Generic Marking Principles

These general marking principles must be applied by all examiners when marking candidate answers. They should be applied alongside the
specific content of the mark scheme or generic level descriptors for a question. Each question paper and mark scheme will also comply with these
marking principles.


Marks must be awarded in line with:

• the specific content of the mark scheme or the generic level descriptors for the question
• the specific skills defined in the mark scheme or in the generic level descriptors for the question
• the standard of response required by a candidate as exemplified by the standardisation scripts.


Marks awarded are always whole marks (not half marks, or other fractions).


Marks must be awarded positively:

• marks are awarded for correct/valid answers, as defined in the mark scheme. However, credit is given for valid answers which go beyond the
scope of the syllabus and mark scheme, referring to your Team Leader as appropriate
• marks are awarded when candidates clearly demonstrate what they know and can do
• marks are not deducted for errors
• marks are not deducted for omissions
• answers should only be judged on the quality of spelling, punctuation and grammar when these features are specifically assessed by the
question as indicated by the mark scheme. The meaning, however, should be unambiguous.


Rules must be applied consistently e.g. in situations where candidates have not followed instructions or in the application of generic level

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Marks should be awarded using the full range of marks defined in the mark scheme for the question (however; the use of the full mark range may
be limited according to the quality of the candidate responses seen).


Marks awarded are based solely on the requirements as defined in the mark scheme. Marks should not be awarded with grade thresholds or
grade descriptors in mind.

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Science-Specific Marking Principles

1 Examiners should consider the context and scientific use of any keywords when awarding marks. Although keywords may be present, marks
should not be awarded if the keywords are used incorrectly.

2 The examiner should not choose between contradictory statements given in the same question part, and credit should not be awarded for
any correct statement that is contradicted within the same question part. Wrong science that is irrelevant to the question should be ignored.

3 Although spellings do not have to be correct, spellings of syllabus terms must allow for clear and unambiguous separation from other
syllabus terms with which they may be confused (e.g. ethane / ethene, glucagon / glycogen, refraction / reflection).

4 The error carried forward (ecf) principle should be applied, where appropriate. If an incorrect answer is subsequently used in a scientifically
correct way, the candidate should be awarded these subsequent marking points. Further guidance will be included in the mark scheme
where necessary and any exceptions to this general principle will be noted.

5 ‘List rule’ guidance

For questions that require n responses (e.g. State two reasons …):

• The response should be read as continuous prose, even when numbered answer spaces are provided
• Any response marked ignore in the mark scheme should not count towards n
• Incorrect responses should not be awarded credit but will still count towards n
• Read the entire response to check for any responses that contradict those that would otherwise be credited. Credit should not be
awarded for any responses that are contradicted within the rest of the response. Where two responses contradict one another, this
should be treated as a single incorrect response
• Non-contradictory responses after the first n responses may be ignored even if they include incorrect science.

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6 Calculation specific guidance

Correct answers to calculations should be given full credit even if there is no working or incorrect working, unless the question states ‘show
your working’.

For questions in which the number of significant figures required is not stated, credit should be awarded for correct answers when rounded
by the examiner to the number of significant figures given in the mark scheme. This may not apply to measured values.

For answers given in standard form, (e.g. a × 10n) in which the convention of restricting the value of the coefficient (a) to a value between 1
and 10 is not followed, credit may still be awarded if the answer can be converted to the answer given in the mark scheme.

Unless a separate mark is given for a unit, a missing or incorrect unit will normally mean that the final calculation mark is not awarded.
Exceptions to this general principle will be noted in the mark scheme.

7 Guidance for chemical equations

Multiples / fractions of coefficients used in chemical equations are acceptable unless stated otherwise in the mark scheme.

State symbols given in an equation should be ignored unless asked for in the question or stated otherwise in the mark scheme.

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/ Alternative and acceptable answers for the same marking point.

() Bracketed content indicates words which do not need to be explicitly seen to gain credit but which indicate the context for an answer. The
context does not need to be seen but if a context is given that is incorrect then the mark should not be awarded.

___ Underlined content must be present in answer to award the mark. This means either the exact word or another word that has the same
technical meaning.

Mark categories

B marks These are independent marks, which do not depend on other marks. For a B mark to be awarded, the point to which it refers must be
seen specifically in the candidate’s answer.

M marks These are method marks upon which A marks later depend. For an M mark to be awarded, the point to which it refers must be seen
specifically in the candidate’s answer. If a candidate is not awarded an M mark, then the later A mark cannot be awarded either.

C marks These are compensatory marks which can be awarded even if the points to which they refer are not written down by the candidate,
providing subsequent working gives evidence that they must have known them. For example, if an equation carries a C mark and the
candidate does not write down the actual equation but does correct working which shows the candidate knew the equation, then the C
mark is awarded.
If a correct answer is given to a numerical question, all of the preceding C marks are awarded automatically. It is only necessary to
consider each of the C marks in turn when the numerical answer is not correct.

A marks These are answer marks. They may depend on an M mark or allow a C mark to be awarded by implication.

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 Indicates the point at which a mark has been awarded.

X Indicates an incorrect answer or a point at which a decision is made not to award a mark.

XP Indicates a physically incorrect equation (‘incorrect physics’). No credit is given for substitution, or subsequent arithmetic, in a physically
incorrect equation.

ECF Indicates ‘error carried forward’. Answers to later numerical questions can always be awarded up to full credit provided they are
consistent with earlier incorrect answers. Within a section of a numerical question, ECF can be given after AE, TE and POT errors, but
not after XP.

AE Indicates an arithmetic error. Do not allow the mark where the error occurs. Then follow through the working/calculation giving full
subsequent ECF if there are no further errors.

POT Indicates a power of ten error. Do not allow the mark where the error occurs. Then follow through the working/calculation giving full
subsequent ECF if there are no further errors.

TE Indicates incorrect transcription of the correct data from the question, a graph, data sheet or a previous answer. For example, the value
of 1.6 × 10–19 has been written down as 6.1 × 10–19 or 1.6 × 1019.
Do not allow the mark where the error occurs. Then follow through the working/calculation giving full subsequent ECF if there are no
further errors.

SF Indicates that the correct answer is seen in the working but the final answer is incorrect as it is expressed to too few significant figures.

BOD Indicates that a mark is awarded where the candidate provides an answer that is not totally satisfactory, but the examiner feels that
sufficient work has been done (‘benefit of doubt’).

CON Indicates that a response is contradictory.

I Indicates parts of a response that have been seen but disregarded as irrelevant.

M0 Indicates where an A category mark has not been awarded due to the M category mark upon which it depends not having previously
been awarded.

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^ Indicates where more is needed for a mark to be awarded (what is written is not wrong, but not enough). May also be used to annotate
a response space that has been left completely blank.

SEEN Indicates that a page has been seen.

Question Answer Marks

1(a) force acting between two masses B1

force on mass due to another mass
force on mass in a gravitational field

1(b) arc length = rθ A1

d = 1.5 × 1017 × 1.2 × 10–5 = 1.8 × 1012 m

1(c)(i) ω = 2π / T C1

= 2π / (44.2 × 365 × 24 × 3600) A1

= 4.5 × 10–9 rad s–1

1(c)(ii) gravitational forces are equal C1

centripetal force about P is the same

M1xω2 = M2(d – x)ω2 so M1 / M2 = (d – x) / x A1

1(c)(iii) x = 0.4d C1

6.67 × 10–11 × M1 = (1.0 – 0.4) × (1.8 × 1012)3 × (4.5 × 10–9)2 C1

M1 = 1.1 × 1030 kg A1

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Question Answer Marks

2(a) total potential energy and kinetic energy (of molecules/atoms) M1

reference to random motion of molecules/atoms A1

2(b) (in ideal gas,) no intermolecular forces B1

no potential energy (so change in kinetic energy is change in internal energy) B1

2(c) (random) potential energy of molecules does not change M1

(random) kinetic energy of molecules does not change M1

so internal energy does not change A1


decrease in total potential energy = gain in total kinetic energy (M1)

no external energy supplied (M1)

so internal energy does not change (A1)


no compression (of ball) so no work done on the ball (M1)

no resistive forces so no heating of the ball (M1)

so internal energy does not change (A1)

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Question Answer Marks

2(c) or

no change of state so potential energy (of molecules) unchanged (M1)

no temperature rise so kinetic energy (of molecules) unchanged (M1)

so internal energy does not change (A1)

Question Answer Marks

3(a)(i) amplitude = 4.9 cm A1

3(a)(ii) frequency = 2700 / 60 A1

= 45 Hz

3(a)(iii) v0 = x0ω and ω = 2πf C1

v0 = 4.9 × 10–2 × 2π × 45 A1

= 14 m s–1

3(a)(iv) v = ω (x02 – x2)½ C1

= 2π × 45 × [(4.9 × 10–2)2 – (2.6 × 10–2)2]½

= 12 m s–1 A1

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Question Answer Marks

3(b) F = ma C1
a0 = v0ω or a0 = x0ω2

F = 0.64 × 13.9 × 2π × 45 or 0.64 × 4.9 × (2π × 45)2 C1

= 2500 N A1

Question Answer Marks

4(a)(i) product of density and speed M1

speed of ultrasound in medium A1

4(a)(ii) the greater the difference between Z1 and Z2, the closer the ratio is to 1 B1
if difference between Z1 and Z2 large, ratio is close to 1

the closer together Z1 and Z2, the closer the ratio is to 0 B1

if difference between Z1 and Z2 small, ratio close to 0

4(b)(i) loss of intensity/amplitude/power (of the wave) B1

4(b)(ii) I = I0 e–μx C1

0.35 = e–0.046μ A1

μ = 23 m–1

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Question Answer Marks

5(a) similarity: both are radial B1

both have inverse square (variations)

difference: direction is always/only towards the mass B1

direction can be towards or away from charge

5(b) field strength = Q / 4πε0x2 C1

E = Q / 36πε0R 2 A1

5(c)(i) fields (due to each sphere) are in same direction B1

5(c)(ii) charges on spheres attract/affect each other B1

charge distribution on each sphere distorted by the other sphere
charges on the surface of the spheres move

spheres are not point charges (at their centres) B1

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Question Answer Marks

6(a)(i) greater information carrying capacity B1

6(a)(ii) power/energy is radiated B1

signal picked up by adjacent fibre/wire B1

6(b) ratio / dB = 10 lg(P2 / P1) C1

13 = 10 lg [P / (1.0 × 10–3)] and so P = 20 mW A1

6(c) 45 × 0.18 = 10 lg (20 / P) C1

P = 3.1 mW A1

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Question Answer Marks

7(a) output signal proportional to input signal B1

output signal has same sign/polarity as input signal B1

7(b)(i) gain = VOUT / VIN A1

= 2.6 / 0.084

= 31

7(b)(ii) 31 = 1 + (15 × 103) / R C1

R = 500 Ω A1

7(c)(i) e.g. cathode-ray oscilloscope/CRO B1

7(c)(ii) gain is reduced B1

(so) VOUT is smaller B1

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Question Answer Marks

8(a) magnetic field normal to current B1

newton per ampere B1

newton per metre B1

8(b)(i) current in wire QL gives rise to a force B1

wire QL is perpendicular to the magnetic field

force on wire QL is vertical B1

force does not act through the pivot B1

8(b)(ii) forces act through the same line B1

forces are horizontal

forces are equal (in magnitude) and opposite (in direction) B1

8(c)(i) change = mg × (Δ)L C1

= 1.3 × 10–4 × 9.81 × 2.6 × 10–2 = 3.3 × 10–5 N m–1 A1

8(c)(ii) change = B × (Δ)I × L × x C1

3.3 × 10–5 = B × 1.2 × 0.85 × 10–2 × 5.6 × 10–2 C1

B = 0.058 T A1

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Question Answer Marks

9(a)(i) e.m.f. = (Δ)B × AN / t C1

= 45 × 10–3 × π × (1.8 × 10–2)2 × 350 / 0.20 = 0.080 V A1

9(a)(ii) 0 to 0.2 s: straight horizontal line at 0.080 V or –0.080 V B1

0.2 s to 0.4 s: zero B1

0.4 s to 0.8 s: straight horizontal line at 0.040 V or –0.040 V B1

opposite polarity to 0 to 0.2 s line B1

9(b) either disc cuts flux lines (of the magnet) B1

there is a changing flux in the disc

(by Faraday’s law) e.m.f. is induced in the disc B1

e.m.f. causes (eddy) currents in the disc B1

current in the magnetic field (of the magnet) causes force on disc B1

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Question Answer Marks

10(a) • photon gives energy to electron (in an inner shell) or electron (in an inner shell) absorbs a photon B4
• electron moves (from lower) to higher energy level
• energy (of photon) is equal to difference in energy levels
• electron de-excites giving off photon (of same energy)
• photons emitted in all directions

Any four points, 1 mark each

10(b) (in light) photons gives energy to electrons in VB B1

(in light) electrons in VB absorb photons

electron crosses FB/jumps to CB B1

(positive) holes left/created in VB B1

low intensity: few electrons in CB/most electrons in VB B1

high intensity: more photons so more electrons in CB
electron-hole pairs are charge carriers

more charge carriers results in lower resistance B1

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Question Answer Marks

11(a)(i) E = mc2 C1

= 9.11 × 10–31 × (3.0 × 108)2 A1

= 8.2 × 10–14 J

11(a)(ii) p = h / λ and E = hc / λ C1

E = pc

p = (8.2 × 10–14) / (3.0 × 108) A1

= 2.7 × 10–22 N s

11(b) total momentum (before and after interaction) is zero B1

momentum must be conserved (in the interaction)
momentum of the photons must be equal and opposite

(photons emitted in) opposite directions B1

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Question Answer Marks

12(a)(i) time at which a nucleus will decay cannot be predicted B1

constant probability of decay of a nucleus

12(a)(ii) decay (of a nucleus) not affected by environmental factors B1

12(b) A = A0e–λt and λ = ln 2 / t½ C1

= 3.6 × 105 × exp [–(2 × ln 2) / 1.4] C1


A = A0 × 0.5N (C1)

= 3.6 × 105 × 0.5N where N = 2 / 1.4 (C1)

A = 1.3 × 105 Bq A1

12(c)(i) smooth curve, starting at (0, 3.6 × 105) and passing through (1.4, 1.8 × 105) and (2.0, 1.3 × 105) B1

12(c)(ii) (activity of sample is greater than activity of X so) there must be an additional source of activity C1

the decay product (of isotope X) is radioactive A1

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