Chapter 2 Part C 3.OL V6 Engine: General

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The document discusses maintenance procedures for a 3.0L V6 engine, including removing and inspecting the oil pump.

The main components of an oil pump are the case, outer rotor, inner rotor, pressure relief valve and cover.

The steps to remove and inspect an oil pump are to remove the bolts, break it loose from the engine block, pull it out, clean the mating surfaces, remove the rear cover, inspect all components and check clearances.

Chapter 2 *Part C 3.

OL V6 engine
Camshaft oil seal - replacement . . . . . . . . ._ . _ ............. 12 Intake manifold - removal and installation ................... 7
Camshaft and bearing surfaces -inspection . . . ............. 16 Hydraulic lash adjusters- removal, inspection
Camshaft - removal and installation . . . . . . . . _ ............. 15 and installation ...................................... 6
Crankshaft front oil seal -replacement . . . . . . . ............. 11 Oil pan - removal and installation ......................... 17
Crankshaft pulley/vibration damper - removal Oil pump - removal, inspection and installation ............... 18
and installation . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . .._. 9 Rear main oil seal - replacement .......................... 20
Cylinder compression check . . . . . . . . . . . ._._ . . . See Chapter 2D Repair operations possible with the engine in the vehicle ....... 2 1
Cylinder head(s) -removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Rocker arm components - removal and installation ........... 5
Drivebelt check, adjustment and replacement . . . . . . See Chapter 1 Spark plug replacement ........................ See Chapter 1
Engine mounts -check and replacement . . . . . *.*.*........ 21 Thermostat replacement ....................... See Chapter 3
Engine oil and filter change . . . . . _. . . . . . .. .. . . . . See Chapter 1 Timing belt - removal, installation and adjustment : .......... 10
Engine overhaul -general information . . . . . . . . . . See Chapter 2D Top Dead Center (TDC) for number one piston - locating ....... 3
Engine - removal and installation . . . . . . . .. .. . . . See Chapter 2D Valve covers - removal and installation ..................... 4
Exhaust manifolds - removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8 Valve spring, retainer and seals - replacement ............... 13
Flywheel/driveplate - removal and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Water pump-removal and installation ............ See Chapter 3
General information . . . . . . . _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...*.... 1


Displacement . . . . _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . .__ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 cubic inches (3.0 liters)
Bore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._._...._.........I...._._....... 3.587 inch
Stroke . . . .._........................................ 2.992 inch
Compression ratio . . _. __ . _. . . . . . . . . . _ . . . _ _ _ . _ . . . . _ _ _ __ _ 8.85:1
Firingorder . . . . . . . . . .._...._..................._...... 1-2-3-4-5-6
Cylinder numbers (front to rear)
Right (passenger’s side) .. . . . . . . . . . . _. . . _. . . _. . . . . . . . . l-3-5.
Left (driver’s side) . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4-6

Camshaft and related components

Camshaft runout limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , 0.004inch Cylinder location and
Lobeheight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._.__...._..._... 1.624 inch distributor rotation
Lobeweariimit .._...__._..._.__.............._...._._. 0.02 inch
2c-2 Chapter 2 Part C 3.QL V6 engine

Oil pump
Case-to-outer rotor clearance ............................ 0.004 to 0.007 inch
Rotor end clearance .................................... 0.0015 to 0.0035 inch
Case-to-inner rotor clearance (maximum wear limit) ........... 0.006 inch

Torque specifications Ft-lbs (unless otherwise indicated)

Rockerarmshaftbolts .................................. I80 in-lbs
Intake manifold nuts/bolts ............................... 168 in-lbs
Distributor drive adapter bolts ............................ 132 in-lbs
Engine mounts (see illustration 21 .l)
Stopperbolts ....................................... 29
Front insulator bolts ‘. ................................. 22
Rear insulator-to-crossmember bolts ..................... 40
Heat shield bolts ..................................... 108 in-lbs
Transfer support bracket bolts .......................... 18
Exhaust manifold nuts .................................. 180 in-lbs
Exhaust manifold heat shield bolts ........................ 132 in-lbs
Exhaust pipe-to-manifold bolts ............................ 25
Crankshaft vibration damper-to-crankshaft bolt ............... 112
Camshaft sprocket bolt ................................. 70
Timing belt cover bolts (see illustration 10.13)
A(M6X20) ........................................ 115 in-lbs
B(M6X55) ........................................ 115 in-lbs
C(M6X25) ........................................ 115 in-lbs
D(M6XlO) ........................................ 115 in-lbs
Timing belt tensioner locking nut or bolt .................... 20
Cylinder head bolt
Pick-ups ........................................... 65 to 72
IQQOandearlier ......... . ......................... 65 to 72
1991andiater.. ................................... 76 to 83
Flywheel/driveplate mounting bolts* ....................... 72 to 80
Oil pan mounting bolts .................................. 72 in-lbs
Oil pump assembly mounting bolts ........................ 120 in-lbs
Oil pump relief plug .................................... 36
Oil pick-up tube-to-pump bolts ............................ 180 in-lbs
Oil pump cover bolts ................................... 120 in-lbs
Valvecoverbolts ...................................... 84 in-lbs

‘Apply a thread locking compound to the threads prior to installation

1 General information shaft. The water pump, which is bolted to the timing belt end of the block,
is driven off the crankshaft by a drivebelt and pulley. The gear type oil
This Part of Chapter 2 is devoted to in-vehicle repair procedures for pump is mounted in the oil pump case and attached to the timing belt cov-.
the 3.OLV6 engine. All information concerning engine removal and instal- er. It is driven by the crankshaft.
lation and engine block and cylinder head overhaul can be found in Part From the oil pump, oil travels through the filter to the main oil gallery,
D of this Chapter. from which it IS routed eitherdirectly to the main bearings, crankshaft, con-
The following repair procedures are based on the assumption that the necting rod bearings and pistons and cylinder walls or to the cylinder
engine is installed in the vehicle. If the engine has been removed from the heads.
vehicle and mounted on a stand, many of the steps outlined in this Part
of Chapter 2 wil1 not apply.
The Specifications included in this Part of Chapter 2 apply only to the
2 Repair operations possible with the engine in the vehicle
procedurescontained in this Part. Part Dof Chapter2 contains the Specifi-
cations necessary for cylinder head and engine block rebuilding.
The 60-degree V6 has a cast iron block and aluminum heads with a Many major reparroperations can be accomplished without removing
camshaft in each head. The block has thin walled sections for light weight. the engine from the vehicle.
A “cradle frame” main bearing casting - the main bearing caps are cast Clean the engine compartment and the exterior of the engine with
as a unit, with a bridge, or truss, connecting them -supports the cast duc- some type of degreaserbefore any work is done. It will make the job easier
tile iron crankshaft. and help keep dirt out of the internal areas of the engine.
Both camshafts are driven off the crankshaft by a cog belt. A spring Depending on the components involved, it may be helpful to remove
loaded tensioner, adjusted by an eccentric type locknut, maintains belt the hood to improve access to the engine as repairs are performed (refer
tension. Each camshaft actuates two valves per cylinder through hydrau- to Chapter 11 if necessary). Cover the fenders to prevent damage to the
lic lash adjusters and shaft-mounted forged aluminum rocker arms. paint. Special pads are available, but an old bedspread or blanket will also
Each cast aluminum three-ring piston has two compression rings and work.
a three-piece oil control ring. The piston pins are pressed into forged steel If vacuum, exhaust, oil or coolant leaks develop, indicating a need for
connecting rods. The flat-topped pistons produce a 8.85:1 compression gasket or seal replacement, the repairs can generally be made with the
ratio. engine in the vehicle. The intake and exhaust manifold gaskets, oil pan
The distributor (or crank angle sensor), which is mounted on the drive- gasket, camshaft and crankshaft oil seals and cylinder bead gaskets ares
belt end of the front cylinder head, is driven by a helical gear on the cam- all accessible with the engrne in place.
Chapter 2 Part C 3.OL V6 engine 2C-3

4.3 An exploded view of the left side valve

cover, rocker arm assembly and cylinder head

19 Spark plug wire connections

(nos. 2, 4 and 6)
20 Distributor
21 EGR pipe
22 EGR gasket
23 Heatprotector -29
24 Air intake plenum bracket
25 Bracket
26 Exhaust manifold
27 Gasket
28 Valve cover
29 Valve cover gasket 1
30 Air intake plenum gasket rear
31 Cylinder head
32 Cylinder head gasket
33 Timing belt rear cover


Exterior engine components, such as the intake and exhaust man-

ifolds, the oil pan (and the oil pump), the water pump, the starter motor, 4 Valve covers - removal and installation
the alternator, the distributor and the fuel system components can be re-
moved for repair with the engine in place. Refer to illustrations 4.3, 4.8 and 4.16
Since the cylinder heads can be removed without pulling the engine,
camshaft and valve component servicing can also be aocomplished with Removal
the engine in the vehicle. Replacement of the timing belt and sprockets
1 Relieve the fuel system pressure (see Chapter 4).
is also possible with the engine in the vehicle.
2 Disconnect the negative cable from the battery.
In extreme cases caused by a lack of necessary equipment, repair or
replacement of piston rings, pistons, connecting rods and rod bearings is Left side cover
possible with the engine in the vehicle. However, this practice is not rec- 3 Remove the breather hose from the valve cover (see illustration).
ommended because of the cleaning and preparation work that must be. 4 Remove the spark plug wires from the spark plugs. Mark them clearly
done to the components involved. with pieces of masking tape to prevent confusion during installation.
5 Remove air intake plenum (see Chapter 4).
6 Remove the valve cover bolts and washers.
7 Detach the valve cover. Caution: If the cover is stuck to the head,
3 Top Dead Center (TDC) for number one piston - locating bump one end with a block of wood and a hammer to jar it loose. If that
doesn’t work, try toslipa flexibleputtyknife between the headandcoverto
This procedure is essentially the same for all engines. Refer to Chap- breakfhegaskefseal. Don’fpryaffhecover-fo-headjointordamagetothe
’ ter 2, Part A, Section 3 and follow the procedure outlined there. sealing surfaces may occur (leading to oil 1eaF.s in the future).
2C-4 Chapter 2 Part C 3.OL V6 engine


4.8 An exploded view of the right side valve cover, rocker arm assembly and cylinder head
I Alternator connectors 5 Heat shield 10 Gasket 15 Cylinder head assembly
2 Alternator cover 6 Engine removal bracket 11 O-ring 16 Cylinder headgasket
3 Alternator 7 Alternator bracket 12 Bolt 17 Camshaft sprocket
4 Spark plug wire connections 8 Exhaust manifold 13 Valve cover f8 Alternator bracket
(nos. 1, 3 and 5) 9 Oil level gauge guide 14 Valve covergasket

Right side cover 13 Remove the valve cover bolts and washers and lift off the valve cover.
8 Remove the breather hose from the cover (see illustration). Read the Caution in Step 7.
9 Tag and detach the spark plug wires.
10 Disconnect the electrical connectors and vacuum hoses necessary lf?SfiJk3fiO~
for removal. Label and move the wiring and hoses aside. 14 The mating surfaces of each cylinder head and valve cover must be
11 Remove the air cleaner assembly (see Chapter 4). perfectly clean when the covers are installed. Use a gasket scraper to re:
12 Remove the air intake plenum (see Chapter 4). move all traces of sealant and old gasket material, then clean the mating
Chapter 2 Part C 3.OL V6 engine 2C-5

surfaces with lacquer thinner or acetone. If there’s sealant or oil on the -

Sealing agent
mating surfaces when the cover is installed, oil leaks may develop. coating location
15 If necessary, clean the mounting screw threads with a die to remove
any corrosion and restore damaged threads. Make sure the threaded
holes in the head are clean -run a tap into them to remove corrosion and A
restore damaged threads.
16 The gaskets should be mated to the covers before the covers are in-
stalled. Apply a bead of RTV sealant to the cover in the areas indicated
(see illustration), then position the gasket inside the cover and allow the
sealant to set up so the gasket adheres to the cover. If the sealant isn’t
allowed to set, the gasket may fall out of the cover as it’s installed on the
engine. *
17 Carefully position the cover on the head and install the bolts.
18 Tighten the boltsin three or four steps to the torque listed in this Chap- 4.16 it’s not necessary to use RIV gasket sealer on the inside of
ter’s Specifications. the gasket if the gasket is a tight fit and does not budge once it is
19 The remaining installation steps are the reverse of removal. installed inside the valve cover - it is necessary to apply RTV to
20 Start the engine and check carefully for oil leaks as the engine warms the edges (arrows) on the outside of the gasket where it mates
up. with the camshaft seals



43 2 1
5.2 An exploded view of the rocker arm assembly

5 Rocker arm components-removal and installation NOTCH

Refer to illustrations 5.2, 5.4 and 5.5 / \
1 Position the engine‘at TDC compression for the number 1 cylinder
(see Section 3). Remove the valve cover (see Section 4).
2 Loosen the rocker arm shaft bolts (see illustration) in two or three
stages, working your way from the ends toward the middle of the shafts.
Caution: Some of fbe valves willbe open when you loosen the rockerarm
shaft bolts and the rocker arm shafts will be under a certain amount of
valve spring pressure. Therefore, the bolts must be loosenedgradually.
Loosening a boltallat once neara rockerarm underspringpressure could
bend or break the rocker arm shaft.
3 Prior to removal, scribe or paint identifying marks on the rockers to
ensure they will be installed in their original locations.
4 Remove the bolts and lift off the rocker arm shaft assemblies one at a
time. Lay them down on a nearby workbench in the same relationship to BEARING-CAP NO. 1
each otherthat they’re in when installed. They must be reinstalled on the 5.4 Check each bearing cap stamped numeral and the position
same cylinder head. Note the location of the stamped bearing cap number of the notches to aid in correct assembly
and the position of the notches (see illustration).
Chapter 2 Part C 3.OL V6 -...
engine -. -.. .__.- .-.____



6.1 When performing the freeplay test, make sure the adjuster
5.5 The arrows on the bearing caps should point in the same that is being tested has the corresponding camshaft lobe pointing
direction as the arrows on the cylinder heads away from the rocker arm (closed valve)

7 intake manifold-removal and installation

Refer to illustration 7.13
1 Relieve the fuel system pressure (see Chapter 4).
HYDRAULICLASH 2 Disconnect the cable from the negative terminal of the battery.
ADJUSTER 3 Drain the cooling system (don’t forget to drain the cylinder block) (see
Chapter 1).
4 Remove the air cleaner-to-throttle body inlet hose (see Chapter 4).
5 Remove the spark plug wires and distributor cap. Be sure to mark the
spark plug wares for proper rernstallation (see Chapter 1).
6.4 The hydraulic lash adjusters are precision units installed in 6 Remove the throttle cable and transmission kickdown linkage (see
the machined openings in the rocker arm assemblies Chapter 4 and 78).
7 Remove the Idle Speed Control (ISC) motor andthrottfe position sen-
5 Installationis the reverse of the removal procedure. Note: Eesure the sor (TPS) electrical connectors from the throttle body.
arrows stamped info the cylinder head and the bearing caps (see iiiustra- 8 Remove the EGR tube flange from the air intake plenum.
tion) arepointing in the same direction. Tighten the rockerarm shaftbolts, 9 Label and detach any vacuum lines from the throttle body.
in severalsteps. to the torque listed in this Chapter’s Specifications. Work 10 Detach the fuel lines from the fuel rail (see Chapter 4).
from the ends of the shafts toward the middle. 11 Remove the throttle body. air intake plenum and the fuel injectors (see
Chapter 4).
12 Label and remove any remaining hoses. wires or cables attached to
6 Hydraulic lash adjusters-check, removal and installation the intake manifold or its components.
13 Loosen the manifold mounting bolts/nuts in l/4-turn increments until
they can be removed by hand. Loosen the outer bolts first. then the inner-
Check bolts (see illustration).
Refer to illustration 6.7 14 The manifold will probably be stuck to the cylinder heads and force
1 Check the hydraulic lash adjusters for freeplay by inserting a small may be required to break the gasket seal. Caution: Don’tprybetween the
wire through the air bleed hole in the rocker arm while lightly pushing the manifoldand the heads ordamage to thegasketsealing surfaces mayoc-
check bail down (see illustration). CUT, leading to vacuum leaks.
2 While lightly holding the check ball down, move the rocker arm up and
down to check for freeplay. There should be a small amount of movement. Installation
if there is no freeplay, replace the adjuster with a new unit. Note: The matmg surfaces of the cylinder heads and manifold must be
perfectly clean when the manrfold is installed. Gasket removalsolvents in
Rem0 val aerosol cans are avaIlable at most auto parts stores and may be helpful
Refer to illustration 6.4 when removing old aasket mater/al that’s stuck to the heads and manifold
3 Remove the valve cover(s) (see Section 4) and the rocker arm shaft (since they’re made of alummum, aggressive scraping can cause dam-
components (see Section 5). age). Be sure to follow the drrections printed on the container.
4 Pull the hydraulic lash adjuster(s) out of the rocker arm(s) (see iiius- 15 Use a gasket scraper to remove all traces of sealant and old gasket
tration). Note: Be sure to label each rocker arm and adjuster and place matertal, then clean the mating surfaces with lacquer thinneroracetone. If
them in a partitioned box or something suitable to keep them from getting there’s old sealant or oil on the mating surfaces when the manifold is in-
mixed with each other. stalled, oil or vacuum leaks may develop. Use a vacuum cleaner to re_=
5 installation is the reverse of removal. move any material that falls into the intake ports in the heads.
Chapter 2 Part C 3.OL V6 engine 2C-7



27, A%


7.13 An exploded view of the intake manifold

and related components

324 b--J
( 32
31 Therm0 switch connector
Upper hose

33 Water by-pass hose

34 Heater pipe hose
35 Gasket
36 intake manifold
37 intake manifold gasket
38 Thermostat housing
39 Gasket
40 Thermostat
22 Fuel inlet connection 27 Vacuum hose and pipe assembly 41 Coolant temperature switch
23 Fuel return hose 28 Temperature sending unit connector 42 Coolant temperature sensor
24 Vacuum hose 29 Coolant temperature switch 43 Therm0 switch (automatic transmission)
25 Fuel injector harness connector (air conditioning) 44 Coo/ant temperature sending unit
26 Fuel rail and injectors 30 Coolant temperature sensor connector 45 Therm0 valve assembly

16 Use a tap of the correct size to chase the threads in the bolt holes, 21 Install the air intake plenum (see Chapter 4).
then use compressed air (if available) to remove the debris from the holes. 22 The remaining installation steps are the reverse of removal. Start the
Warning: Wearsafetyglassesora faceshield toproti3ctyoureyes when engine and check carefully for oil and coolant leaks at the intake manifold
using compressed air! joints.
17 Position the gaskets on the cylinder heads. No sealant is required;
however, follow the instructions included with the new gaskets.
18 Make sure all intake port openings, coolant passage holes and bolt 8 Exhaust manifolds - removal and installation
holes are aligned correctly.
19 Carefully set the manifold in place. Be careful not to disturb the gas-
kets. Refer to illustration 8.3
20 Install the nuts/bolts and tighten them to the torque listed in this Chap- Note: The engine must be completely cool when this procedure is done.
ter’s Specifications starting with the inner bolts and working your way to 1 Disconnect the negative cable from the battery. Raise the vehicle and
the outer bolts. Work up to the final torque in two steps. support it securely on jackstands.
2C-8 Chapter 2 Part C 3.OL V6 engine

8.3 An exploded view of the exhaust

manifolds and related components
1 Oxygen sensor
2 Front exhaust pipe (left)
3 Fronf exhaust pipe (right)
4 Gasket
5 Air duct I
6 Heat shield
7 Engine removal bracket 11 EGR tube 15 Bracket
8 Alternator bracket 12 EGR gasket 16 Exhaust manifold
9 Exhaust manifold 13 Heat shield 17: Gasket
10 Gasket 14 Air intake plenum bracket

2 Spray penetrating oil on the exhaust manifold fasteners and allow it to If Working from the center out, tighten the nuts to the torque listed in this
soak in. Disconnect the oxygen sensor electrical connector. Chapter’s Specifications in three or four equal steps.
3 Remove the bolts and nuts that retain the front exhaust pipes to the 12 Reinstall the remaining parts in the reverseorderof removal. Use new
manifolds (see illustration) and lower the pipes. gaskets when connecting the exhaust pipes.
4 Remove the bolts and detach the EGR tube from the left manifold. 13 Run the engine and check for exhaust leaks.
5 Remove the nuts retaining the heat shield(s) to the manifold(s) near
the cylinder head and slip it off the mounting studs (see illustration 8.3).
6 Remove the nuts that retain the manifold to the cylinder head and lift 9 Crankshaft pulley/vibration damper - removal
the exhaust manifold off. and installation
7 Carefullyinspectthemanifoldsandfastenersforcracksanddamage.
8 Use a scraper to remove all traces of old gasket material and carbon
deposits from the manifold and cylinder head mating surfaces. If the gas- Removal
ket was leaking, have the manifold checked for warpage at an automotive 1 Disconnect the negative cable from the battery.
machine shop and resurfaced if necessary. 2 Raise the front of the vehicle and support it securely on jackstands.
9 Position new gaskets over the cylinder head studs. Note: If the new 3 Remove the drivebelts (see Chapter 1).
gasketis marked, install thegasket with the numbers I-3-5on the top onto 4 Remove the bolts that retain the pulley to the vibration damper. Re-
the right cylinder headand install thegasket with the numbers 2-4-6 onto move the pulley from the engine.
the left cylinder head. 5 Wrap a cloth around the vibration damper to protect the belt surface
10 Install the manifold and thread the mounting nuts into place. and attach a chain wrench to the pulley. Hold the crankshaft from turning
Chapter 2 Part C 3.OL V6 engine 2C-9

10.9 An exploded view of the timing belt, covers and

related components

1 Upper radiator hose

2 Radiator upper shroud
3 Cooling fan clutch assembly
4 Air conditionina drivebelt
5 Power steering drivebelt
6 Alternator drivebelt
7 Cooling fan pulley
8 Power steering pump
9 Power steering pump bracket \ '25
IO Power steering pump mounting
bracket 17 Lower timing belt cover 25 Crankshaft pulley
11 Belt tensioner bracket 18 Gasket K 26 Front flange
12 Air conditioning compressor 19 Gasket J 27 Timing belt tensioner bolt
13 Air conditioning compressor bracket 20 Gasket N 28 Timing belt
and idler pulley 21 Gasket 0 29 Tensioner spring
14 Cooling fan bracket assembly 22 Gasket J 30 Timing belt tensioner
15 Upper timing belt cover (right side) 23 Gasket P
16 Upper timing be/t cover (left side) 24 Gasket t-l

and use a socket wrench to loosen the bolt. 10 Timing belt - removal, installation and adjustment
6 Install a special tool (vibration damper/steering wheel puller) to the
damper and slowly draw the vibration damper off.
Installation Refer to illustration 10.9, IO. 13 and IO. 14
7 Lightly lubricate the seal contact surfacewith engine oil and position it 1 Disconnect the cable from the negative terminal of the battery.
on the nose of the crankshaft. Align the keyway in the pulley with the key in 2 If equipped, unbolt the cruise control servo and set it aside, without
the crankshaft and push the pulley into place by hand. If necessary, tap disconnecting the wires or cables.
lightly on the damper using a block of wood and a hammer. 3 Drain the coolant from the system (see Chapter 1) and remove the
8 Prevent the crankshaft from turning as described in Step 5, then in- coolant reservoir (see Chapter 3).
stall the bolt and tighten it to the torque listed in this Chapter’s Specifica- 4 Remove the radiator shroud and the radiator (see Chapter 3).
tions. 5 Raise the front of the vehicle and support it securely on jackstands.
9 Reinstall the remaining parts in the reverse order of removal. 6 Remove the splash pan from under the engine.
Chapter 2 Part C 3.OL V6 engine

and crankshaft sprocket flange. Note: Don’t allow the crankshaft to rotate
during removalof the pulley If the crankshaft moves, the number onepis-
ton will no longer be at TDC.
13 Remove the bolts securing the timing, belt upper and lower covers
(see illustration). Note the various type and sizes of bolts by recording a
diagram or making specific notes while the timing belt cover is being re-
moved. The bolts must be reinstalled in their original locations.
14 Confirm that the number one piston is still at TDC on the compression
stroke by verifying that the timing marks on all three timing belt sprockets
are aligned with their respective stationary timing marks (see illustra-
15 Relieve tension on the timing belt by loosening the nut or bolt on the
timing belt tensioner (see illustration 10.14).
16 Check to see that the timing belt is marked with an arrow as to which
side faces out. If there isn’t a mark, paint one on (only if the same belt win
be reinstalled). Slide the timing belt off the sprockets. Check the condition
of the tensioner.

Refer to illustrations 10.7 7a and 10.1 ?b
17 Prepare to install the timing belt by prying the tensioner away from the
10.13 Be sure to mark each bolt with the correct size and springto the end of the adjustment slot (see illustration), then temporarily
location for proper reassembly tightening the locking nut or bolt. Make sure the tensioner spring is posi-
tioned properly (see illustration).
18 Install the belt on the crankshaft sprocket first, and simultaneously
7 Remove the cooling fan and clutch assembly (see Chapter 3). keep the belt tight on the tension side (see illustration 10.14).
8 Position the number one piston at TDC on the compression stroke 19 Install the belt on the left camshaft sprocket and then onto the water
(see Section 3). Remove the spark plugs (see Chapter 1). pump pulley and finally the right camshaft sprocket and timing belt ten-
9 Remove the drivebelts (see Chapter 1) (see illustration). sioner. Be careful not to nudge the camshaft sprocket(s) or crankshaft
10 Remove the power steering pump (see Chapter IO) without discon- gear off the timing marks. Install the timing belt with the directional arrow
necting the lines. Also remove the power steering pump bracket and the pointing away from ihe engine.
belt tensioner bracket. 20 Align the factory-made white lines on the timing beft with the punch
11 Remove the air conditioning compressor (see Chapter 3) bracket mark on each of the camshaft sprockets and the crankshaft sprocket.
and idler pulley (see illustration 10.9). Do not disconnect the refrigerant Make sure all three sets of timing marks are properly aligned (see Illustra-
lines from the compressor. Remove the cooling fan bracket assembly. tlon 10.14). Note: Be sure to install the crankshaft sprocket flange onto
12 Remove the crankshaft pulley (see Section 9), the vibration damper the crankshaff sprocket (see illustration 10.9).


n”‘NG \““” COVER INNER (4




10.14 Timing belt alignment marks

Chapter 2 Part C 3.OL V6 engine

10.17a Temporarily tighten the tensioner after moving it to the 10.17b Correct spring position on the tensioner
end of the slot

11.4 If the sprocket is stuck, drill and 11.7 Apply a film of grease to the lips of 11.8a Fabricate a seal installation
tap two holes and remove it with a the new seal before installing it (if you tool from a piece of pipe and a
bolt-type puller apply a small amount of grease to the outer large washer.. .
edge, it will be easier to push into the bore

Adjustment 2 Remove the drivebelts (see Chapter l), crankshaft pulley and timing
belt (see Sections 9 and 10).
21 Loosenthetensionernutorboltand letthetensionerassemblyspring
3 Wedge two screwdrivers behind the crankshaft sprocket. Carefully
toward the belt - the spring tension will automatically apply the proper
pry the sprocket off the crankshaft. Some timing belt sprockets can be
amount of tension to the belt..
pried off easily with screwdrivers. Others are more difficult to remove be-
22 Slowlyturn thecrankshaftclockwisetwo full revolutions, returning the
cause corrosion fuses them onto the nose of the crankshaft. If the pulley
numberone piston to TDC on the compression stroke. Caution: Ifexces-
oh your engine is difficult to pry off, don’t damage the oil pump with the
sive resistance is felt wile turning the crankshaft, it’s an indication that the
pistons are coming into contact with the valves. Go back over the proce-
4 If the sprocket won’t come loose, drill and tap two holes into the face of
dure to correct the situation before proceeding.
the sprocket and use a bolt-type puller to slip it off the crankshaft (see il-
23 Check to be sure all timing marks are still aligned (see illustration
lustration). Caution: Do not reuse a drilled sprocket - replace it.
10.14). Tighten the tensioner nut or bolt to the torque listed in this Chap-
5 Tumthe boltof thepulleruntilthepulleycomesoff. Removethetiming
ter’s Specificatidns while keeping the tensioner steady with your hand.
belt plate.
24 Check the deflection of the timing belt by observing the force the ten-
6 Carefully pry the oil seal out with a screwdriver or seal removal tool.
sioner pulley applies to the timing belt. If the belt seems loose, replace the
Don’t scratch or nick the crankshaft in the process!
tensioner spring.
7 Before installation, apply a coat of multi-purpose grease to the inside
25 Install the various components removed during disassembly, refer-
of the seal (see illustration).
ring to the appropriate Sections as necessary.
8 Fabricate a seal installation tool with a short length of pipe of equal or
slightly smaller outside diameter than the seal itself. File the end of the
11 Crankshaft front oil seal -replacement pipe that will bear down on the seal until it’s free of sharp edges. You’ll also
need a large washer, slightly larger in diameter than the pipe, on which
Refertoillustrations 11.4, 11.7, 11.8aand 1f.8b the bolt head can seat (see illustration). Install the oil seal by pressing it
1 Disconnect the negative cable from the battery. into position with the seal installation tool (see illustration). When you
Chapter 2 Part C 3.OL V6 engine

5 Carefully remove the old oil seal with a screwdriver (see illustration).
Don’t nick or scratch the camshaft in the process. Refer to Steps 6,7 and 8
in Section 11. The same seal installation tool used for the crankshaft seal
can be used for both camshaft seals.
6 Install the sprocket. Make sure the R or L mark faces out! The side of
the sprocket with the deep recess must face the engine, which means the
shallow recess must face out.
7 Insert a screwdriver through the top hole in the camshaft sprocket to
lock it in place while you tighten the bolt to the torque listed in this Chap-
ter’s Specifications.
8 Installation of the remaining components is the reverse of removal.

13 Valve spring, retainer and seals - replacement

This procedure is essentially the same as for the 2.6 liter four-cylinder
engine. Refer to Part A, Section 6 and follow the procedure outlined there.

11&b . . . to push the seal into the bore-the pipe must bear
against the outer edge of the seal as the bolt is tightened 14 Cylinder head(s) - removal and installation

Note: Allow the engine to cool completely before beginning this proce=

1 Position the engine at TDC on the compression stroke for the num-
ber 1 cylinder (see Section 3). Drain the engine coolanf {see Chapter Q:-
. 2 Remove the timing belt cover, timing belt, camshaft sprockets and
camshafts (see Sections lo,12 and 15).
3 Remove the intake manifold (see Section 7).
4 Remove the rocker arm components (see Section 5) and hydraulic
lash adjusters (see Section 6).
5 Remove the exhaust manifold(s) as described in Section 8. Note: If
desired, each manifold may remain attached to the cylinder head until af-
ter the head is removed from the engine. However, the manifold must still
be disconnected from the exhaust system.
Left (driver’s side) cylinder head
6 Remove the distributor (crank angle sensor) (see Chapter 5).
7 Remove the air conditioning compressor from the bracket without dis-
12.5 The oil seal on the rear camshaft is located inside the connecting any hoses (see Chapter 3) and set it aside. It may be helpful to
distributor drive adaptor secure the compressor to the vehicle with rope or wire to make sure it
doesn’t hang by its hoses.
see and feel the seal stop moving, don’t turn the bolt any more or you’ll 8 Remove the air conditioning compressor bracket (see Chapter 3).
damage the seal. Right (passenger’s side) cylinder head
9 Slide the timing belt plate onto the nose of the crankshaft. 9 Detach the heater hoses and brackets from the rear of the head.
10 Make sure the Woodruff key is in place in the crankshaft. IO Remove the air cleaner housing from the engine compartment (see
11 Apply a thin coat of assembly lube to the inside of the timing belt Chapter 4).
sprocket and slide it onto the crankshaft. 11 Remove the alternator and bracket from the cylinder head (see Chap-
12 Installation of the remaining components is the reverse of removal. ter 5).
Be sure to refer to Section 10 for the timing belt installation and adjustment
Both sides
procedure. Tighten all bolts to the torque values listed in this Chapter’s
Refer to illustration 14.12
12 Loosen the cylinder head bolts with a 10 mm hex drive tool in l/Cturn
increments until they can be removed by hand. Be sure to follow the proper
numerical sequence (see illustration).
12 Camshaft oil seal - replacement 13 Head bolts must be reinstalled in their original locations. To keep them
from getting mixed up, store them in cardboard holders marked to indicatG
Refer to illustration 72.5 the bolt pattern. Mark the holders L (left) and R (right) and indicate the tim-
Note: The 3.OL engine is equipped with two camshaft oilseals on the front ing belt end of the engine.
as well as two camshaft oil plugs on the rear of the engine. 14 Lift the head off the block. If resistance is felt, dislodge the head by
1 Disconnect the negative battery cable from the battery. striking it with a wood block and hammer. If prying is required, pry only on a
2 Remove the drivebelts (see Chapter l), crankshaft pulley (see Sec- casting protrusion - be very careful not to damage the head or block!
tion 9) and timing belt (see Section IO). 15 If necessary, remove the camshaft(s) as described in Section 15.
3 Insert a screwdriver through a hole in the camshaft sprocket to lock it
in place whiie loosening the mounting bolt. Installation
4 Once the bolt is out, the sprocket can be removed by hand. Note: /f Refer to illustration 14.23
you’re removing both camshaft sprockets, don’t mix them up. Mark each 16 Remove all traces of old gasket material from the cylinder heads a$
sprocket with either an R (for Right) or L (for Left). the engine block. The mating surfaces of the cylinder heads and block
Chapter 2 Part C 3.OL V6 engine 2C-13

10 mm


14.12 Cylinder head bolt removal sequence 14.23 Cylinder head bolt tightening sequence

must be perfectly clean when the heads are installed.

17 Use a gasket scraper to remove all traces of carbon and old gasket
material, then clean the mating surfaces with lacquerthinner or acetone. If
there’s oil on the mating surfaces when the heads are installed, the gas-
kets may not seal correctly and leaks may develop. Use a vacuum cleaner
to remove any debris that falls into the cylinders.
18 Check the block and head mating surfaces for nicks, deep scratches
and other damage. If damage is slight, it can be removed with a file- if it’s
excessive, machining may be the only alternative.
19 Use a tap of the correct size to chase the threads in the head bolt
holes. Mount each bolt in a vise and run a die down the threads to remove
corrosion and restore the threads. Dirt, corrosion, sealant and damaged
threads will affect torque readings. Ensure that the threaded holes in the
block are clean and dry.
20 Position the new gaskets over the dowel pins on the block.
21 Carefully position the heads on the block without disturbing the gas-
kets. 16.2 A dial indicator and V-blocks are needed to check
22 Lightly oil the threads and install the bolts in their original locations. camshaft runout
Tighten them finger tight.
23 Follow the recommended sequence and tighten the bolts in three
steps to the torque listed in this Chapter’s Specifications (see illustra- Ins talla tion
tion). 6 Lubricate the camshaft bearing journals and lobes with moly-base
24 The remaining installation steps are the reverse of removal. grease or engine assembly lube, then install it carefully in the head. Don’t
25 Add coolant and change the engine oil and filter (see Chapter I), then scratch the bearing surfaces with the cam lobes!
start the engine and check carefully for oil and coolant leaks. 7 Install the distributor drive adapter retaining bolts and tighten them to
the torque listed in this Chapter’s Specifications.
8 Check to make sure the mark on the crankshaft sprocket is still
15 Camshaft(s) - removal and installation aligned with its mark on the oil pump. Slide the camshaft sprockets onto
the camshafts and align the marks on the sprockets with theircorrespond-
Removal ing marks on the cylinder heads.
1 Position the engine at TDC on the compression stroke for the number 9 The remaining steps are the reverse of the removal procedure.
1 cylinder (see Section 3). Remove the timing belt and camshaft sprockets
(seesections 10 and 12). Note: Ifyou’reonlyremovingonecamshaftand
you want to save time by not removing and installing the timing belt and
re-timing the engine, you can unfasten the camshaft sprocket and sus- 16 Camshaft and bearing surfaces - inspection
pend it out of the way - with the belt still attached - by a piece of rope. Be
sure the rope keeps firm tension on the be/t so the be/t won’t become dis- Refer to illustrations 16.2 and 16.3
engaged from any of the sprockets. 1 Visuallycheckthecamsha’ftbearingsurfacesforpitting,scoremarks,
2 If you’re removing the left (driver’s side) cylinder head, remove the galling and abnormal wear. If the bearing surfacesaredamaged, the head
bolts and gently pry off the distributor drive adapter (see illustration will have to be replaced.
12.5). 2 Check camshaft runout by placing the camshaft between two V-
3 Remove the rocker arm assembly (see Section 5). blocks and set up a dial indicator on the center journal (see illustration).
4 Carefully pry the camshaft plugs from the rear section of the cylinder Zero the dial indicator. Turn the camshaft slowly and note the total indica-
head. Don’t scratch or nick the camshaft in the process! tor reading. Record your readings and compare them with the specified
5 Carefully lift the camshaft from the cylinder head. Jnspect the cam- runout in this Chapter. If the measured runout exceeds the runout speci-
shaft as described in Section 16. fied in this Chapter, replace the camshaft.
2C-14 Chapter 2 Part C 3.OL V6 engine



17.14 The bead of RTV sealant should not interfere with the
holes for the oil pan bolts
16.3 Measuring cam lobe height with a micrometer

17.15 Oil pan bolt tightening sequence

3 Check the camshaft lobe height by measuring each lobe with a mi- 18.3 Be sure to mark the positlon of each bolt to aid
crometer (see illustration). Compare the measurement to the cam lobe In Installation
height specified in this Chapter. Then subtract the measured cam lobe
height from the specified height to compute wear on the cam lobes. Com-
thinner or acetone.
pare it to the specifiedwear limit. If it’s greaterthan the specifiedwear limit,
11 Unbolt the oil pick-up tube and screen assembly.
replace the camshaft.
4 Inspect the contact and sliding surfaces of each hydraulic lash adjust- Installation
er for scoring or damage (see Section 6). Replace any defective parts. Refer to illustrations 17.14 and 17.15
5 Check the rocker arms and shafts for abnormal wear, pits, galling,
12 Replace the gasket on the flange of the oil pick-up tube and reinstall
score marks and rough spots. Don’t attempf to restore rocker arms by
the tube. Tighten the pick-up tube bolts to the torque listed in this Chapter’%
grinding the pad surfaces. Replace any defective parts.
13 Ensure that the threaded holes in the block are clean (use atap to re-
move any sealant or corrosion from the threads).
17 Oil pan - removal and installation 14 Apply a small amount of RTV sealant (or equivalent) to the oil pump-
to-block and rear seat retainer-to-block junctions (see illustration) and
apply a thin continuous bead along the circumference of the oil pan flange.
Removal Note: Allow the sealant to “set-up” (slightly harden) before installing #Ye
1 Disconnect the negative cable from the battery. gasket.
2 Raise the vehicle and support it securely on jackstands. 15 Install the oil pan and tighten the bolts in three or four steps following
3 Remove the under-vehicle splash pan. the sequence shown (see illustration) to the torque listed in this Chap-
4 Drain the engine oil and install a new oil filter (see Chapter 1). ter’s Specifications.
5 Unbolt the exhaust pipe from the exhaust manifolds (see Section 8). 16 The remaining installation steps are the reverse of removal.
6 SupporttheengineAransmission securely with a hoist from above or a 17 Allow at least 30 minutes for the sealant to dry. Fill the crankcase with
jack under the bellhousing. Protect the bellhousing by placing a wood oil (see Chapter i), start the engine and check for oil pressure and leaf&
block on the jack pad. Warning: Be absolutely cerfain the engine/trans-
missionis securely supported! DO NOTplace anypartofyourbodyunder
the engine/transmission - it could crush you if the jack or hoist fails! 18 Oil pump - removal, inspection and instalfatlon
7 Unbolt the engine mounts (see Section 21). Raise the engineffrans-
mission assembly to provide clearance for oil pan removal.
8 Remove the oil pan bolts. Removal
9 Detach the oil pan. Don’t pry between the pan and block or damage to Refer to illustration 18.3
the sealing surfaces may result and oil leaks could develop. If the pan is 1 Remove the timing belt and the crankshaft sprocket (see Sections 10
stuck, dislodge it with a hammer and a block of wood, and 11). Remove the oil pan and pick-up tube (see Section 17).
10 Use a gasket scraper to remove all traces of old gasket material and 2 Unboltthepowersteering pump (seechapter 10) withoutdisconnect-
sealant from the block and pan. Clean the mating surfaces with lacquer ing the hoses. Remove the power steering pump bracket.
Chapter 2 Part C 3.OL V6 engine 2C-15

An exploded view of the oil pump

1 Crankshaft sprocket
2 Oil pressure switch
3 Oil filter
4 Oil filter bracket
5 Oil filter bracket gasket
.6 Drain plug
7 Draiii plug gasket
8 Oil pan
9 Oil screen
10 Oil screen gasket
11 Plug
12 Relief spring
13 Relief plunger
14 Front oil seal
15 Oil pump case
16 Oil pump gasket ,
17 Oil pump cover
18 Oil pump outer rotor
19 Oil pump inner rotor

6’ ‘7

0.04 TO 0.09 mm
0.10 TO 0.18 mm (0.0015 TO 9.0035 INCH)

\\ I

18.10a Checking case-to-outer rotor clearance with a 18.10b Checking rotor end clearance with a straightedge and a
feeler gauge feeler gauge

3 Remove the oil pump-to-engine block bolts from the front of the en- 10 Check the following clearances (see illustrations) and compare the
gine (see illustration). measurements to the clearances listed in this Chapter’s Specifications:
4 Use a block of wood and a hammer to break the oil pump loose. Case-to-outer rotor
5 Pull out on the oil pump to remove it from the engine block. Rotor end clearance
6 Use a scraper to remove old gasket material and sealant from the oil Case-to-inner rotor
pump and engine block mating surfaces. Clean the mating surfaces with If any of the clearances are excessive, replace the entire oil pump as-
t lacquer thinner or acetone. sembly.
11 Pack the cavities of the oil pump with petroleum jelly to prime it. As-
Inspection semble the oil pump and tighten the screws to,the torque listed in this
Chapter’s Specifications. Install the oil pressure relief valve, spring and
Refer to illustrations 18.7, 18. IOa, 18. lob and 18.10~
washer, then tighten the oil pressure relief valve plug to the torque listed in
7 Remove the screws holding the rear cover to the oil pump (see iiius- this Chapter’s Specifications.
tration). i
8 Clean all components with solvent, then inspect them for wear and
damage. Ins talla tion
9 Remove the oil pressure relief valve plug, washer, spring and valve 12 Apply a thin fillfl of RTV sealant to the new oil pump gasket.
(plunger). Check the oil pressure relief valve sliding surface and valve 13 Installationis the reverseof the removalprocedure.Alignthe flats on
spring. If either the spring or the valve is damaged, they must be replaced the crankshaft with the flats in the inner rotor of the oil pump. Tighten all
as a set. fasteners to the torque values listed in this Chapter’s Specifications.
2C-16 Chapter 2 Part C 3.01 V6 engine

19 FlywheeUdriveplate - removal and installation

ROTOR This procedure is essentially the same for all engines. Refer to Part A
and follow the procedure outlined there, but use the bolt torque listed in
this Chapter’s Specifications.


20 Rear main oil seal - replacement
This procedure is essentially the same for all engines. Refer to Part A
and follow the procedure outlined there.

MEASURE “8” 21 Engine mounts - check and replacement

Refer to illusffafion 27.7

18.70~ Check for excessive clearance between the case and This procedure is essentially the same for all engines. See Part A of
inner rotor this Chapter and follow the procedure outlined there, but use the torque
values listed in this Chapter’s Specifications. Use the accompanying ex-
ploded view for reference (see illustration).

21.1 An exploded view of the engine mounts (4WD Montero shown, others similar)

1 Front insu/afor 4 Number 2 crossmember 7 Stopper 10 f/ate assembly

2 Stopper 5 Heat shield 8 Transfer mounting bracket 11 Transfer support bracket
3 Heat shield 6 Rear insulator 9 Transfer support insulator

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