Risk Factors of Hearing Defects and Their Relationship To The Outcome of Hearing Screening Among Neonates

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Risk factors of hearing defects and their relationship to the outcome of Original Article
Numan N. Hameed
hearing screening among neonates.
Risk factors of hearing defects and their relationship to the
outcome of hearing screening among neonates
DOI: https://doi.org/10.32007/89744-49

Numan N. Hameed* (MD, FRCPCH, FIBMS, MRCPCH)

Mokhalad G. Malih** (MD, MBChB)

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Background: Increased exposure to risk factors of hearing loss leads to a high susceptibility to deafness
among neonates admitted to neonatal care units in developing countries.
Objective: This article aims to study the prevalence of risk factors for neonatal hearing defect and
JFac Med Baghdad determine their effect on the result of transient evoked otoacoustic emissions hearing test (TEOAE).
2019; Vol.61, No .1 Methods: A longitudinal study was carried out for a period of one year from 1 st October, 2016 to 30th
Received: April, 2019 September, 2017 in the CWTH, Medical city, Baghdad, Iraq. Demographic characteristics and certain
Accepted: June 2019 risk factors were recorded for screened neonates. TEOAE test was done and if they failed to pass two
Published: July, 2019 steps, they were referred to automated auditory brainstem-response (AABR).
Results: Out of 400 neonates, 342 (85.5%) passed from step 1 TEOAE, while 58 (14.5%) were referred
to step 2. From 58, 26 (44.8%) have passed step 2 and 32 (55.2%) not pass step 2 and were referred to
AABR. From those 32 neonates with suspected hearing defect, NICU stay >7 days, ototoxic drugs >7
days, use of ventilator >7 days, birth weight <1500gm, and craniofacial malformations were the main
risk factors for hearing defects occurring in (90.6%), (90.6%), (59.4%), (40.6%), and (21.9%)
Conclusions: Low birth weight, long intensive care stay, mechanical ventilation, drugs ototoxicity and
craniofacial malformation of neonates are the main risk factors for failed TEOAE test.
Keywords: Hearing defect, Hearing Screening, Neonates, Risk Factors.
Hearing loss (HL) is one of the common congenital Risk factors associated with HL were identified by
problems among neonates [1]. The prevalence of the Joint Committee on Infant Hearing (JCIH) in
significant HL ranges from 1.2 per 1,000 healthy 2007 [6]. The use of risk factors is no longer
newborn infants and 2 to 5% in high-risk newborns recommended to select children who should undergo
[2, 3]. Nearly 50% of congenital HL is due to genetic hearing screening. Studies have shown that only 50%
defects [1]. About 50% of hearing defects can be of the pediatric population with congenital HL would
detected in a selective screening based exclusively on be identified by this procedure. However, it is
hearing risk criteria [1]. Early detection and essential to identify risk factors for HL, because an
intervention at a younger age are critical for future infant with any of these factors in neonatal history has
speech, language and cognitive development. a greater chance of experiencing HL. Additionally, it
Neonates with congenital HL should be identified can guide the approach to be adopted after the results
within the first 3 months of life. However, the average of the hearing screening [7]. Newborn hearing
age at detection is currently 24-30 months [4]. screening was initially targeted toward those newborn
Hearing assessment can be done either by Transient ‘‘at risk’’ for HL called High-Risk Register (HRR)
evoked Otoacoustic emission (TEOAE) or by [6].This group included infants who had asphyxia,
Automated Auditory Brainstem Response (AABR). meningitis, congenital or perinatal infections,
OAEs provide a simple, efficient and non-invasive anatomic defects or stigmata, hyper-bilirubinemia,
objective indicator of healthy cochlear function. family history of HL, low birth weight, ototoxic
OAEs may be either spontaneous or induced by medications, and neonatal illnesses requiring
acoustic stimulation. TEOAE is an effective method mechanical ventilation. HRR screening resulted in
for neonatal audiological screening both in the around 50% of congenital HL being undetected [8]. It
general population and in high-risk infants [5]. was soon realized that a more logical approach is to
implement universal newborn hearing screening
* Department of Pediatrics, College of medicine, aiming at the early identification of most, if not all
Baghdad University. children with congenital HL[9]. This study Aimed to
Correspondence find out the prevalence of risk factors for neonatal HL
Email:[email protected] and determine their relationship the result of TEOAE
** Children welfare teaching hospital, medical city. hearing test in neonates referred and admitted to
Email: [email protected] NICU of Children Welfare Teaching Hospital,
Medical City, Baghdad.

J Fac Med Baghdad 44 Vol.61, No.1, 2019

Risk factors of hearing defects and their relationship to the outcome of Numan N. Hameed
hearing screening among neonates.
Patients and Methods: association between categorical data (Fishers exact
A longitudinal study was carried out for the period probability test was used when expected variables
from 1st October, 2016 to 30th September, 2017 in the were less than 20% of total). Independent sample t-
CWTH, Medical city, Baghdad, Iraq. This 250 beds test was used to compare between two means. The
tertiary hospital had 34 incubators and a level level of significance (p value) was set at ≤ 0.05.
3Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) which
receives infants referred from other hospitals, primary Results:
health centers and private clinics for further A total of 400 neonates screened for HL were
management of neonates. Inclusion criteria include included with mean age of 19±8 days. Two-hundred
all neonates less than 28 days old who were referred and thirty (57.5%) screened neonates were males and
to hospital for screening from other NICUs and 170 (42.5%) were females with male to female ratio
discharged well. Exclusion criteria included neonates of 1.3:1. The mean gestational age (GA) was
who failed in the step 1 of screening and have not 35.3±3.3 weeks; 4 neonates (1%) were born before 28
attended the second one, and those whose parents weeks of gestation, 34 (8.5%) were 28- <32 weeks of
refused participation due to deteriorated health status. GA, 208 (52%) were 32- <37 weeks of GA and 154
Data was collected from the parents and the neonates` (38.5%) were ≥37 weeks of G.A. of 400 screened
discharge cards in the outpatient neonatology clinic neonates, 161 (40.2%) were delivered vaginally
and case sheets of neonates admitted to NICU/CWTH (VD), while 239 (59.8%) were delivered by cesarean
through direct interview and filling the prepared data section (CS). Birth weight less than 1500g was found
collection sheet. The data collection sheet was in 95 neonates (23.7%). Consanguinity was found in
designed by the researchers depending on the 204 (51%). Craniofacial malformations were found in
experience of previous international literatures. The 30 neonates (7.5%). A positive family history of HL
questionnaire included the followings: Demographic was found in 22 neonates (5.5%). The mean NICU
characteristics, age and gender of neonates, stay duration was 11±6 days, 128 (32%) neonates
gestational age of neonates, gestational history, type stayed ≤7 days and 272 (68%) had stayed more than
of delivery, birth weight, consanguinity and 7 days. History of sepsis was present in 171 (42.8%),
craniofacial malformations, family history of HL, meningitis in 34 (8.5%), on ventilation >7 days in 70
clinical history, NICU stay duration, sepsis, (17.5%), on ototoxic drugs >7 days in 271 (67.8%),
meningitis, use of ventilator, ototoxic drugs, significant hyperbilirubinemia in 216 (54%) and
hyperbilirubinemia and exchange transfusion, requiring exchange transfusion in40 (10%) of
Results of step 1-TEOAE, and results of step 2- neonates (Table 1).
TEOAE. After identifying eligible neonates, their
data was collected and a TEOAE hearing test was Table 1: Clinical history of 400 neonates
performed by a well-trained healthcare provider. Variable No. %
Neonates who have passed the 1st step were NICU stay duration mean ±SD (11±6 days)
considered normal. The 2nd TEOAE test was ≤7 days 128 32.0
>7 days 272 68.0
performed after two weeks for a neonate who had Sepsis 171 42.8
failed the 1 test. They were referred to AABR to Meningitis 34 8.5
complete the assessment of their hearing if they failed Ventilator >7 days 70 17.5
the 2nd TEOAE hearing test. TEOAE test was carried Ototoxic drugs >7 days 271 67.8
out for both ears using the ILO Echo-check system, a Significant hyperbilirubinemia 216 54.0
portable device which uses click stimuli involving
Exchange transfusion required 40 10.0
frequency bands between 1,500 Hz and 3,800 Hz. The Total 400 100.0
click is presented at an intensity of 75 to 83 dBpeSPS.
The response was considered positive (pass) when the Of 400 screened neonates, 342 (85.5%) passed step 1
otoacoustic emissions captured were 6 dB higher than TEOAE while 58(14.5%) were referred to step 2
the noise. Approval to conducts the study was TEOAE. Of those 58 neonates referred to step 2
obtained from the Ethical committee of CWTH. Oral TEOAE, 26 (44.8%) have passed step 2 while 32
informed consent was taken from neonates` parents (55.2%) have failed it and were referred to AABR.
by the health care provider. The neonates were Neonates referred to AABR represented 32 (8%) of
screened as part of the hospital policy to screen all total screened neonates. There was no significant
neonates who came to CWTH neonatology outpatient association between gender and being referred to
clinic and admitted neonates to NICU before AABR. A significant association was found between
discharge. The data of screening were collected from referral to AABR and lower GA (p=0.02) (Table 2).
registry of hearing screen room.

Statistical analysis:
All patients' data were analyzed using Statistical
Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22.
Descriptive statistics were presented as (mean ±
standard deviation) and frequencies / percentages.
Kolmogorov Smirnov analysis verified the normality
of the data set. Chi square test was used test the

J Fac Med Baghdad 45 Vol.61, No.1, 2019

Risk factors of hearing defects and their relationship to the outcome of Numan N. Hameed
hearing screening among neonates.
Table 2: Distribution of neonates' gender and Yes 19 27.1 51 72.9 70 42.2 <0.001
gestational age according to TEOAE passing (No No 13 3.9 317 96.1 330 High
Ototoxic drugs >7 days 8.3 0.004
AABR) and referral to AABR Yes 29 10.7 242 89.3 271 Sig
Variable AABR No AABR Total χ² P No 3 2.4 126 97.6 129
No. % No. % Hyperbilirubinemia requiring phototherapy or 0.4 0.5
Gender 0.2 0.6 exchange transfusion
Male 17 7.4 213 92.6 230 Yes 19 8.8 197 91.2 216
Female 15 8.8 155 91.2 170 No 13 7.1 171 92.9 184
Gestational age 9.8* 0.02 Exchange transfusion required 0.01 0.9
Signi- Yes 3 7.5 37 92.5 40
≥37 10 6.5 144 93.5 154 No 29 8.1 331 91.9 360
32 - <37 14 6.7 194 93.3 208
28 - <32 7
weeks 20.6 27 79.4 34
<28 1 25.0 3 75.0 4 Discussion:
weeks exact probability test
*Fishers Completeness of children auditory system is an
No significant associations were detected between essential requirement and one of the prerequisites for
neonates being referred to AABR and the type of earning a complete oral language and intellectual
delivery, consanguinity and family history of HL. A development by communicating with their families,
significant association between low birth weight and understanding the world, interaction with other
referral to AABR (p=0.01) was detected as well as a children, thoughts and feeling development and
highly significant association between craniofacial acquisition of knowledge [10]. In the current study 32
malformation and referral to AABR (p<0.001), (8%) of the neonates were referred to AABR after
(Table 3). screening with two steps of TEOAE. This prevalence
of suspected HL is close to results of Oliveira et al in
Table 3: Distribution of obstetrical and family Brazil who reported that among 1146 screened
history according to TEOAE passing (No AABR) neonates, 82 (7.2%) failed TEOAE and were referred
and referral to AABR to AABR [11]. The prevalence is higher than that
Variable AABR No AABR Tota χ² P found by Gouri et al in India (5.3%) [12], but lower
No % No. % l than that found by Pourarian et al in Iran (13.7%) [13]
Type of delivery 0.6 0.4 and Olusanya et al in Nigeria (4.1%) [14]. High
Vaginal 15 9.3 14 90.7 161 prevalence of suspected neonates with HL might be
CS 17 7.1 6
22 92.9 239
Birth weight <1500gm 2 5.4 0.01 attributed to the fact that CWTH is a tertiary center
Sig mainly receiving complicated cases from other
Yes 13 13. 82 86.3 95
No 19 7
6.2 28 93.8 305 governorates. The current study revealed 58 (14.5%)
Consanguinity 6 0.3 0.5 neonates were referred to step-2 TEOAE, from whom
Positive 18 8.8 18 91.2 204 32 (55.2%) were referred to AABR. These findings
Negativ 14 7.1 6
18 92.9 196 are higher than the results of Habib et al in Saudi
Craniofacial malformation 2 10.3 0.00 Arabia[15],who found that among 11986 neonates
* 1
Yes 7 23. 23 76.7 30
screened with step 1-TEOAE, 1043 (8.7%) neonates
No 25 3
6.8 34 93.2 370 were referred to step-2 TEOAE, from whom 300
Family history of hearing loss
5 2.1* sig
(27%) failed and were referred to AABR. The higher
Positive 0 0 22 100. 22 rate of referrals to step-2 TEOAE test (false positive
Negativ 32 8.5 34 0
91.5 378
e*Fishers exact propability6 test step-1) could be due to local causes like wax
accumulation or otitis media (with or without
There was no significant association between effusion) or due to an improper external environment
neonates being referred to AABR and having sepsis, like noise. Kumar et al[16] stated that TEOAE had a
meningitis, hyperbilirubinemia and exchange high accuracy in early detection of congenital HL, in
transfusion. There was a significant association spite of the high false negative rate found by many
between referral to AABR and increased NICU stay studies.[17,18] TEOAE has limited activity in the
duration (p=0.004), neonates on ventilator for >7 categorization of risk factors for HL among high risk
days (p<0.001) and ototoxic drugs use for >7 days population[19] in addition to many disadvantages of
(p=0.004), (Table 4). screening use among neonates [16,20]. Despite these
findings, TEOAE represents the major non-invasive
Table 4: Distribution of neonates' clinical history instrument for early detection of HL of cochlear
according to TEOAE passing (No AABR) and origin, as it focuses on mechanical function in
referral to AABR addition to TEOAE cost-effectiveness that facilitates
Variable AABR No AABR Total χ² P its application in developing countries.[21] Low GA
No. % No. % of neonates was significantly associated with failed
NICU stay duration 8.1 0.004 step-2 TEOAE hearing test (p=0.02). This finding
≤7 days 3 2.3 125 97.7 128 Sig
>7 days 29 10.7 243 89.3 272
coincides with the results of Waters et al [22] in the
Sepsis 2.5 0.1 USA. Infants born with lower GA were exposed to
Yes 18 10.5 153 89.5 171 delayed myelination of the central nervous system
No 14 6.1 215 93.9 229 and hearing bones development [23]. Some studies
Meningitis 0.03 0.8
Yes 3 8.8 31 91.2 34 suggested that the main causes of hearing impairment
No 29 7.9 337 92.1 366 among low GA infants are cochlear immaturity in
Ventilator >7 days

J Fac Med Baghdad 46 Vol.61, No.1, 2019

Risk factors of hearing defects and their relationship to the outcome of Numan N. Hameed
hearing screening among neonates.
pre-term neonates and middle ear effusion due to with our findings might be due to differences in health
prolonged tracheal intubation [16, 18]. Similarly, the services in addition to differences in study design.
current study showed a significant association
between low birth weight (<1500 gm) and failed step- Conclusions:
2 TEOAE (p=0.01). This finding is consistent with Prematurity, low birth weights, craniofacial
results of Onoda et al in Brazil [24]. Many authors malformation, long NICU stay duration, mechanical
found a strong relationship between birth weight and ventilation and drugs ototoxicity were found to be
failed hearing screening tests in addition to risk factors for failed transient evoked otoacoustic
HL[25].The very low birth weight has multiple risk emissions hearing test in screened neonates in
factors for hearing problems like birth asphyxia Children Welfare Teaching Hospital. The study
which needs long NICU admission, mechanical recommends encouraging routine hearing screening
ventilation and ototoxic medications[26]. Gender of programs for neonates especially those at risk like
the neonate was not significantly associated with preterm, low birth weight, malformation and
failing TEOAE. This finding is similar to results of admission to NICUs. Larger national longitudinal
Karaca et al in Turkey[27].Consanguinity and family multi-center studies applying other screening and
history of HL were not found to be related to neonatal diagnostic hearing tests must be supported.
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J Fac Med Baghdad 48 Vol.61, No.1, 2019

‫‪Risk factors of hearing defects and their relationship to the outcome of‬‬ ‫‪Numan N. Hameed‬‬
‫‪hearing screening among neonates.‬‬

‫عوامل اختطار عيوب السمع وعالقتها بنتيجة فحص السمع بين الولدان‬

‫االستاذ الدكتور نعمان نافع حميد الحمداني‪ -‬فرع طب االطفال‪ -‬كلية الطب – جامعة بغداد ومستشفى حماية االطفال – مدينه الطب‬
‫الدكتور مخلد غازي مالح‪ -‬طبيب مقيم اقدم ‪ -‬مستشفى حماية االطفال – مدينه الطب‬

‫خلفية ‪ :‬يؤدي التعرض المتزايد لعوامل الخطر لفقدان السمع إلى زيادة التعرض للصمم بين الولدان المولودين في البلدان النامية‪.‬‬
‫اهداف الدراسة‪ :‬تهدف هذه المقالة إلى دراسة مدى انتشار عوامل االختطار لعيوب السمع عند األطفال حديثي الوالدة وتحديد تأثيرها على نتيجة‬
‫االنبعاثات‪.‬‬ ‫عن‬ ‫الناتج‬ ‫الصوتي‬ ‫السمع‬ ‫اختبار‬
‫الطريقة‪ :‬أجريت هذه الدراسة الطوليه لمدة سنة واحدة‪ .‬تم تسجيل الخصائص الديموغرافية وبعض عوامل االختطار‪ .‬وإذا لم يتمكنوا من اجتياز‬
‫اختبار)‪.(AABR‬‬ ‫إجراء‬ ‫السمعيةللولدانتم‬ ‫الدماغية‬ ‫االستجابة‬ ‫إلى‬ ‫إحالتهم‬ ‫تمت‬ ‫فقد‬ ‫خطوتين‪،‬‬
‫النتائج‪ :‬من أصل ‪ 400‬حديث الوالدة‪ ،‬اجتاز ‪ )٪85.5( 342‬الخطوة األولى من اختبار السمع الصوتي الناتج عن االنبعاثات‪ ،‬في حين تمت إحالة ‪58‬‬
‫(‪ )٪14.5‬إلى الخطوة الثانية‪ .‬ولقد اجتاز ‪ )٪44.8( 26‬الخطوة الثانية بينما لم يجتز الخطوه الثانيه ‪ )٪55.2( 32‬وقد احيلوا الى فحص االستجابة‬
‫الدماغية السمعية‪.‬وكانت اهم عوامل االختطار الرئيسية لعيوب السمع في ‪ 32‬مريض هي مدة البقاء في وحدة العنايه المركزة الكثر من ‪ 7‬ايام‪ ,‬استعمال‬
‫ادوية سامه لالذن الكثرمن ‪ 7‬ايام‪ ,‬وضع حديث الوالدة في جهاز االنعاش الكثر من ‪ 7‬ايام‪ ,‬الوزن عند الوالدة اقل من ‪ 1500‬غم‪,‬والتشوهات القحفية‬
‫الوجهية وبالنسب االتية على التوالي (‪ )%40,6( )%59,4( )%90,6( )%90,6‬و (‪.)%21,9‬‬
‫االستنتاجات ‪ :‬إن انخفاض الوزن عند الوالدة واإلقامة الطويلة في العناية المركزة والتهوية الميكانيكية والتسمم أألذني لألدوية والتشوه القحفي للولدان‬
‫االنبعاثات‬ ‫عن‬ ‫الناتج‬ ‫الصوتي‬ ‫السمع‬ ‫اختبار‬ ‫لفشل‬ ‫الرئيسية‬ ‫االختطار‬ ‫عوامل‬ ‫هي‬
‫الكلمات المفتاحية‪ :‬عيب السمع‪ ،‬فحص السمع‪ ،‬الولدان‪ ،‬االنتشار‪ ،‬عوامل االختطار‪.‬‬

‫‪J Fac Med Baghdad‬‬ ‫‪49‬‬ ‫‪Vol.61, No.1, 2019‬‬

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