Opportunities and Challenges For Management Accounting in The Era of Big Data, Zhao Jiali

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 237

3rd International Conference on Humanities Science, Management and Education Technology (HSMET 2018)

Opportunities and Challenges for Management Accounting in the Era of

Big Data
Li Penglin1,a, Zhao Jiali2,b,*
1School of Management, Xi’an University of Science and Technology, Xian, Shaanxi, China
2School of Management, Xi’an University of Science and Technology, Xian, Shaanxi, China
bemail [email protected]
*Corresponding author Zhao Jiali

Keywords: Big data, Management accounting, Opportunities, Challenges.

Abstract. In recent years, the rapid development of the Internet and information technology has
created a new era of information, and spurred the advent of the era of big data. Tremendous changes
have also taken place in enterprises in terms of data collection, processing, and use, which has made
management accounting increasingly important in enterprises. In the era of big data, enterprises’
management accounting faces new challenges and opportunities. The effective use of such big data
by management accounting can provide enterprises with more accurate basis for business and
decision-making, creating great opportunities for their development. This puts forward higher
requirements as well as great challenges for enterprises’ management accounting. This paper, based
on the era of big data as the background, expounds the new opportunities and challenges that
management accounting faces, and proposes corresponding countermeasures so as to effectively
combine management accounting with big data and to promote the development of management
accounting so that companies can keep pace with the development of the era of big data and create
greater economic value.

1. Introduction
In the era of big data, the rapid development of information technology and the Internet of Things
has led to a huge amount of data coming in. In the process of collating and analyzing these data and
unearthing their potential value, enterprises can obtain more valuable new information from them in
order to achieve the improvement of corporate interests, so the future development of enterprises
cannot be separated from the use of big data. The huge amount of data brings great difficulties to
data collection, sorting, and analysis. Management accounting, as the main processor and analyst of
enterprise information, will also face greater challenges. However, big data is a double-edged sword.
It brings challenges and also rare development opportunities for the development of management
accounting. Therefore, management accounting needs to take effective countermeasures to meet
challenges, seize opportunities, and fully play big data’s role. Therefore, the use of big data has
brought opportunities and challenges to enterprises and provided them with more valuable reference
information, and also promoted the development of management accounting.

2. Opportunities for management accounting in the era of big data

2.1 Enhancing enterprises’ forecasting capabilities
In the era of big data, mobile Internet has become the focus of the development of the Internet.
According to data released by China Internet Network Information Center, as of December 2017,
the number of Internet users in China has reached 772 million, and the penetration rate has reached
55.8%, 4.1% higher than world average level, and 9.1% higher than Asian average level. Among
them, mobile Internet users accounted for 97.5%. The percentage of Internet users using mobile
devices to access the Internet is way higher than that of other network devices, which serves as a
sign that mobile phones are no longer the tools traditionally used to receive calls and send text

Copyright © 2018, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press. 402

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/).
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 237

messages, but become a medium for network information transmission. Now many enterprises in
China have opened official account on Weibo and WeChat platforms where enterprises can publish
their own new products, communicate with potential users, obtain new information, and improve
their products and services, and users can also post how they feel. These tools make information
transfer more conveniently. Enterprises can make full use of the data brought by these tools to
obtain information timely. Through the forecasting techniques and methods of management
accounting, they can sort and classify information, and then perform quantitative analysis and make
rational judgments. They keep abreast of the latest trends of the entire market, understand the latest
developments of the opponents, analyze the possible trends of the market, and quickly and
rationally plan their development strategies so as to obtain market advantages.
2.2 Strengthening enterprises’ decision-making capabilities
In the information age, consumers carry on transactions through the Internet, and their trading
behaviors will leave traces on the Internet. It is easy for enterprises to obtain their online purchase
records under the support of big data technology. Even if consumers do not purchase, browsing
traces are still recorded on the Internet. Enterprises can analyze these data and can effectively tap
their potential value. Just like Taobao that people often use in China will analyze their consumers’
preferences based on their browsing traces. When consumers open the App’s home page again, it
will automatically recommend the products they searched for, precisely because of the fine-grained
analysis of consumers’ behaviors, enabling it to occupy more than half of online shopping market.
Therefore, enterprises can recommend possible product information based on the consumer’s
behavioral preferences and promote the sales of their own products. At the same time, the
management accounting personnel can perform more effective search and analysis on this complex
information in the context of big data, which thus enables enterprises to timely adjust production
and management strategies, and enhance their core competitiveness and the scientific and accurate
2.3 Improving the efficiency of enterprise operation and management
Management accounting can collect a large amount of data and conduct a thorough investigation of
the market. Through the processing of data, it can have an overall grasp of the operating costs of the
enterprise, and thus help it reduce unnecessary investment and production costs, and determine the
optimal production and sales scale, and formulate appropriate management plans to help reduce
costs. The use of big data makes it easier for management accounting to improve work efficiency
while simplifying work. The results of various data analysis are more easily found in the context of
big data. Effective integration of enterprises’ production with information technology can, under the
principle of reducing cost, reasonably adjust and optimize their capital structure, and quickly
improve their production technology and processes, thereby furthering control accurately the cost
input, improving the efficiency of operation and management, and ensuring their maximum benefit.
2.4 Improving the scientificity of corporate performance evaluation
The performance evaluation of an enterprise is an important part of its business activities, and it is
also a difficult issue in management accounting. It is difficult to collect all evaluation data related to
performance. The advent of the era of big data will avoid the unfairness of performance evaluation
on employees and departments caused by insufficient information. After the data are collected and
analyzed by management accounting, the enterprise can not only evaluate the performance of
internal employees and its overall benefits, but also can know the development performance of its
competitors and even the entire industry, and then can carry on more scientific and reasonable
evaluation on its performance. Under the big data environment, employees and departments can be
managed according to advanced scientific methods, such as the perception of social media, the
application of Web transaction systems and so on, which can affect the working status of employees.
At the same time, enterprises can also make full use of big data to tap ways of incentive in many
aspects to establish scientific and fair incentive policies and reward and punishment rules, then
increasing their loyalty and stimulating their potential.
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3. Challenges that management accounting faces in the era of big data

3.1 Insufficient understanding of the application of big data in management accounting
Big data, an emerging product, has risen in recent years with the booming development of network
and computer. However, many enterprises do not recognize its importance in their operation,
especially many small and medium-sized enterprises which consider that big data are exclusive to
some large enterprises and they smaller ones are short of enough financial resources, manpower,
and energy for big data applications. But the truth is that management accounting of all enterprises
requires a large amount of data support to provide scientific and effective basis for decision-making.
Therefore, the importance of big data to management accounting is obvious. Yet, the lack of
attention from enterprises and the imperfect use of big data can hinder management accounting and
their development.
3.2 Insufficient information storage space
The huge amount of data is the biggest feature of the big data era. The era of big data requires
enterprises to collect all relevant data accurately and timely, while also emphasizes the continuity,
adequacy and comprehensiveness of information. Therefore, this requires a large enough storage
space to store information. According to statistics, Taobao stores up to 50TB information every day,
and Baidu processes 1PB data per day. Every day, various social networks and mobile networks
generate huge amounts of data, so ample space for these data to be stored is needed. However,
existing storage media cannot meet the requirements for processing and storing TB-level data sets.
3.3 Information insecurity
If management accounting wants to use big data to effectively guide the enterprise’s production and
management, the key is the accuracy and security of the data. The information collected by the
enterprise includes the secret information of individuals and organizations. For example, chat and
map applications on our mobile phones are required to obtain various authorizations before they
access to users’ information. Once the information is obtained by people lawlessly, it not only
brings risks to users, but also the enterprise who designed these Apps will face moral criticism,
financial and even legal penalties. In reality, there are still many Trojan horses and hacking viruses
which also pose a threat to the information security of enterprises. Once a series of sensitive data in
an enterprise’s data systems such as corporate reports and customer data is leaked to peer
companies, the loss can be huge. Therefore, if an enterprise’s information leaks, it will cause
serious damage to its development, and even lead to bankruptcy. However, nowadays the security
of management accounting information is still not fully guaranteed.
3.4 Shortage in management accounting personnel
At present, China’s recognition of management accounting is mainly based on U.S.A. IMA. In
cooperate operation, information processed by big data cannot be used directly by the enterprise, so
professional management accounting personnel are required to carry out in-depth excavation and
refinement of information to be used by managers to make decisions. However, at present, not only
China, there are serious shortages in management accounting personnel in various countries around
the world. Before Liu Junyong, a well-known Professor at Central University of Finance and
Economics, believed that management accounting personnel in the next decade will be China’s
“blue ocean” with a shortage of 3 million. This shows that China’s professional management
accounting personnel are extremely scarce. In the era of big data, personnel shortages are the major
problem to be resolved first in order to promote the rapid development of management accounting.
Management accounting personnel in the era of big data is a new type of management accountant
that, based on professional knowledge of management accounting, can analyze data information
through information analysis tools and provide reasonable decisions. The lack of professional data
analysts has made the development of management accounting and innovation of information
technology face certain difficulties. Therefore, whether timely training on management accounting

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talents who possess the knowledge and skills needed for such analysis can be achieved or not is
critical to the development of the enterprise.

4. Countermeasures of management accounting in the big data era

4.1 Strengthening the awareness of applying management accounting in big data
The development of big data, a trend of the time, brings opportunities for the development of
enterprises and enterprises must seize them. To grasp the opportunity of big data timely and meet its
challenges effectively, the first priority is to raise awareness of the role of management accounting
in the era of big data. First of all, the departments concerned should take the initiative to provide
necessary policy and infrastructure support for management accounting in making full use of the
resources of big data. Editing and publishing accounting publications, monographs, and materials
relating to big data, integrating big data related knowledge into management accounting learning,
and promoting and strengthening management accounting professional education, make the impact
of big data on management accounting widely known to massive accounting practitioners and
learners. Second, China’s scientific research institutions can research and summarize management
accounting theory that suits China’s national conditions, build China’s own management
accounting theory system, advancing with the times, and combine management accounting with big
data to provide a theoretical basis for the application in enterprises. Finally, as an enterprise, it is
more important to recognize big data’s huge driving force on management accounting, and pay
attention to its development, so that managers and employees can actively learn relevant knowledge
and consciously apply big data to management accounting practice, improve the level of application
of management accounting in practice, promote the development of management accounting, boost
the economic efficiency of enterprises, and lay a good foundation for the enterprise’s subsequent
4.2 Effective use of cloud computing applications
The era of big data requires that information storage tools must have a large enough capacity. Only
a database that can accommodate terabytes of data or higher is built, the storage of information
collected and quick analysis are available. The resulting cloud computing is a response to this. In
the process of analyzing and collating data, cloud computing processing technology not only
enhances the effective analysis of data information, but also reduces the time cost. At the same time,
cloud computing can also support the analysis demand on zettabyte-level massive structured,
semi-structured, and unstructured information. Enterprises can use cloud technology to store
information on the cloud platform. This does not occupy an enterprise’s own storage space. The
application programs that it needs are also running at high speed in the Internet’s large-scale server
cluster, which not only greatly increases the efficiency of enterprise storage and analysis of
information, but also enables the deep mining of data, making their value fully visible. To a certain
extent, building a cloud-based accounting information system is currently the most direct and
effective method to solve big data storage and analysis problems.
4.3 Completing information security protection system
The era of big data brings convenience to the development of the enterprise and also brings security
risks. The security of information management systems is the basis for an enterprise to gain an
advantage in an increasingly competitive market environment. In order to better realize the
protection of big data information of enterprises, national government departments and enterprises
need to assume their respective responsibilities. First of all, the country needs to establish a
corresponding legal mechanism for problems concerning information leakage in the era of big data
to ensure the security of information of enterprises and the general public. At the same time, it is
necessary to increase enforcement efforts and impose severe penalties on organizations and
individuals that maliciously steal information from others, and also on those who divulge
information. Second, when companies select cloud computing service companies, they need to

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conduct comprehensive research and comparison, and select more stable and safer service providers.
At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen the supervision of cooperative companies and
formulate a sound confidential system, backup management and risk response plan. In addition,
cloud computing should be equipped with data isolation function to prevent unauthorized access.
Different administrators should be set up with their own rights to prevent them from arbitrarily
altering, destroying, stealing, and forging data so as to protect customers’ information security.
4.4 Focusing on training management accounting personnel
Compared with financial accounting, management accounting has higher requirements on talents.
Management accountants not only need to master the theories and methods of traditional accounting,
but also need to fully understand the operation modes of various types of businesses and understand
the details of related businesses. It can be said that enhancing management accounting personnel is
the core of management accounting development in the era of big data. Therefore, in order to
promote the development of management accounting in this era, the key is to strengthen the training
of management accounting personnel. First of all, the government can increase the proportion of
examination questions about big data and management accounting by reforming the contents of
Accounting Title Examinations, and introduce corresponding training policies and mechanisms in
personnel training. Secondly, colleges and universities can set up specialized management
accounting majors, formulate talent training plans that emphasize the combination of theory and
practice, and customize a complete management accounting training system. Finally, enterprises
can call on financial personnel to actively participate in their decision-making and operation, and
conduct regular training on them, like organizing them to learn the application of management
accounting, and sending accounting personnel to exchange and learn from domestic and foreign
professionals, so that they can continue to optimize their knowledge reserves, and strive to become
a good management accounting talent and become a management accountant who is good at
processing data, and use their own knowledge reserves to contribute to the enterprise’s operation
and development.

5. Summary
The era of big data makes the collection of management accounting data more convenient and
comprehensive and makes the data of enterprises increasingly rich and networked. It provides a
basis for management accounting to have reliable reference information and further refine valuable
information, thus promoting its development in the process of management decision-making. The
era of big data brings opportunities and also challenges for enterprises. In this era where the
competition among enterprises is becoming increasingly fierce, when enterprises actively respond
to the challenges, they should grasp the practical application of management accounting and big
data, win new development opportunities, and then maintain their economic benefits. Enterprises
can rely on advanced management concepts and technologies to promote the work of management
accounting. Based on the full awareness that the use of big data will bring tremendous benefits to
enterprises, they should face up to the problems that arise in the process, and improve the use of big
data in management accounting. They also should attach importance to the innovation and safety of
technology, continuously improve the overall quality and ability of management accounting, and
complete the training of management accounting personnel, and thereby promote the overall level
of corporate accounting, so that enterprises can keep pace with the process of the big data era,
create greater economic value, and ultimately maximize their economic benefits.

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