Original article
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Purpose: To test the hypothesis that radiotherapy (RT) of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
Received 8 January 2015 (HNSCC) can be improved by hypoxic modification using nimorazole (NIM) in association with acceler-
Received in revised form 10 April 2015 ated fractionation.
Accepted 10 April 2015
Materials and methods: The protocol was activated in March 2012 as an international multicenter ran-
Available online xxxx
domized trial in patients with HNSCC. Tumors were treated to a dose of 66–70 Gy, 33–35 fractions, 6 frac-
tions per week. NIM was administered in a dose of 1.2 g per m2, 90 min before the first daily RT fraction.
The primary endpoint was loco-regional failure. The trial was closed prematurely by June 2014 due to
Clinical trials
Accelerated radiotherapy
poor recruitment. An associated quality assurance program was performed to ensure the consistency
Hypoxic radiosensitization of RT with the protocol guidelines.
HNSCC Results: The trial was dimensioned to include 600 patients in 3 years, but only 104 patients were ran-
Hypoxia domized between March 2012 and May 2014 due to the inability to involve three major centers and
Nimorazole the insufficient recruitment rate from the other participating centers. Twenty patients from two centers
had to be excluded from the analysis due to the unavailability of the follow-up data. Among the remain-
ing 84 patients, 82 patients were evaluable (39 and 43 patients in the RT + NIM and the RT-alone arms,
respectively). The treatment compliance was good with only six patients not completing the full planned
RT course, and 31 patients (79%) out of 39 allocated for NIM, achieving at least 90% of the prescribed drug
dose. At the time of evaluation, 40 patients had failed to achieve persistent loco-regional tumor control,
and a total of 45 patients had died. The use of NIM improved the loco-regional tumor control with an
18 month post-randomization cumulative failure rate of 33% versus 51% in the control arm, yielding a risk
difference of 18% (CI 3% to 39%; P = 0.10). The corresponding values for overall death was 43% versus
62%, yielding a risk difference of 19% (CI 3% to 42%; P = 0.10). Sixteen patients, out of 55 patients ana-
lyzed for hypoxic gene expression, were classified as having more hypoxic tumors. Such patients, if trea-
ted with RT alone, had a higher loco-regional tumor failure rate as compared to the rest of the patients
with known hypoxic status (P = 0.05).
Conclusion: Although the trial was incomplete and suffered from a small number of patients, the results
suggested an improvement in loco-regional tumor control and overall survival in patients with advanced
HNSCC given the hypoxic modifier NIM in addition to accelerated fractionation RT. However, the trial also
revealed that conducting multicenter and multinational study combining drug and RT in developing
countries may suffer from uncontrolled and unsolvable problems.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved. Radiotherapy and Oncology xxx (2015) xxx–xxx
Advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is a (RT). Enhancing the effect of radiation treatment, using different
loco-regional disease that is frequently treated with radiotherapy treatment strategies, is an area of extensive research. One of these
strategies considered the reduction of the overall treatment
⇑ Corresponding author at: Department of Experimental Clinical Oncology, time of the RT course by a so called "accelerated fractionation"
Aarhus University Hospital, Nørrebrogade 44, Building 5, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark. schedule. The aim of acceleration is to overcome the effect of
E-mail address: [email protected] (M.A. Hassan Metwally).
0167-8140/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article in press as: Hassan Metwally MA et al. IAEA-HypoX. A randomized multicenter study of the hypoxic radiosensitizer nimorazole con-
comitant with accelerated radiotherapy in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Radiother Oncol (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/
2 IAEA-HypoX trial of HNSCC
radiation-induced repopulation of tumor cells during treatment The present report has been performed according to the
[1]. Accelerated fractionation has demonstrated an improvement CONSORT guidelines for reporting clinical trials [21].
in the loco-regional tumor control and disease specific survival in
patients with HNSCC in some clinical trials, as well as in meta- Patients and methods
analysis, using different strategies to reduce the overall treatment
time [2–4]. One of these trials was the IAEA-ACC trial, where The IAEA-HypoX study protocol was activated in March 2012 as
acceleration of RT was performed by adding an extra fraction in a multicenter randomized double arm trial. The trial was activated
each week of treatment (going from 5 fractions/week to 6 frac- in six centers situated in four different countries.
tions/week), thus allowing the delivery of the same dose in a The study design was a stratified, balanced, and randomized
shorter overall treatment time. The accelerated fractionation phase III study in patients with HNSCC. The criteria for eligibility
schedule in this trial improved the 5-year actuarial rate of loco- were invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx (stage I–IV,
regional tumor control by 12% relative to the conventional except stage I–II glottis cancer), pharynx (stage I–IV, except
fractionation arm [4]. nasopharynx), or oral cavity (stage I–IV) according to the TNM clas-
Another factor that plays an important role in the tumor sification of malignant tumors, 7th ed. [22]. Patients had to be
response to radiation, particularly in patients with HNSCC, is the P18 years old, with performance status 0–2 according to WHO cri-
absence of oxygen (hypoxia) in tumor tissue [5,6]. Different meth- teria, normal liver and kidney functions and without neurological
ods have been used to improve the radiation treatment effect disorders as assessed by clinical examination. Patients had not to
through the modification of hypoxia, resulting in a significantly be planned for surgical excision (except biopsy) before inclusion
better loco-regional tumor control, disease-specific and overall in the trial (including elective neck dissection). Patients had not
survival in different randomized trials [7–10] as well as demon- to be pregnant or with distant metastases at the time of inclusion
strated in meta-analyses [6,11,12]. One of the modifications was in the trial. The trial was designed according to the Helsinki
the concomitant administration of hypoxic radiosensitizers with declaration and was approved by the relevant ethics committees
the radiation treatment [11–13]. Among these, nimorazole (NIM) and health authorities. The trial was registered under the
has demonstrated a significant improvement in loco-regional con- ClinicalTrials.gov with the following identifier: NCT01507467.
trol in HNSCC [8], and since it has neither serious nor long-lasting The full trial protocol is provided as a Supplementary material.
side effects, it has been adopted for routine clinical use in some Prior to randomization, patients were stratified according to pri-
places [8,14,15]. mary tumor and nodal stage, primary tumor localization (pharynx,
Repopulation and hypoxia are two independent factors, and it is larynx, and oral cavity), performance status, and center. Patients
thus to be expected that combining accelerated fractionation and were randomized centrally to accelerated fractionated RT with or
hypoxic modification will result in an improvement in the treat- without NIM.
ment effect without overlapping toxicity. Such a principle has been Patients were treated with external beam RT based on Co-60 or
adopted by the DAHANCA group [3,14,16], but the true benefit (in linear accelerator machines. The treatment principles and dose
the form of tumor control and morbidity) has not been evaluated specifications were prescribed according to the guidelines given
in a controlled clinical trial. Furthermore, this treatment principle in the ICRU-50 and ICRU-83 reports. Treatment was planned with
does not require additional RT resources, and is therefore applicable either a conventional 2D technique on a simulator or CT-based 3D
in a resource limited environment. Therefore, the aim of the present conformal RT (3D-CRT) or Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy
study was to determine the possible therapeutic gain of using NIM (IMRT) techniques; however, the chosen technique had to be used
as a hypoxic radiosensitizer in conjunction with accelerated frac- for the entire course of treatment.
tionated RT for invasive HNSCC, and evaluate the tolerance, compli- The treatment was given in 6 fractions per week, to a centrally
ance and toxicity of using the drug, in a randomized trial. absorbed target dose of 2 Gy per fraction. The macroscopic tumor
So far, treatment with hypoxic modification have mostly been was treated to a dose of 66–70 Gy in 33–35 fractions in both arms.
performed in Western Europe and North America, and it is unclear Treatment had to be given with 1 fraction per day through the first
to which extent such treatment principle can be generalized to RT five weekdays; the sixth fraction was given on either a weekend
practice in the developing world, where the therapeutic resources day or as an extra fraction on one of the first five weekdays, but
are less and the patients have often a more heavy tumor burden. always allowing at least 6 h interval between fractions. Patients
Therefore, the current study was attempted to test the applicability treated with IMRT are allowed to receive the sixth fraction as
of such treatment strategy in a global setting. The study is there- simultaneously integrated boost (SIB) technique. Concomitant
fore in line with the strategy developed by the IAEA aimed at boost using separate IMRT plans was not allowed. With IMRT
improving RT of HNSCC through an optimization of the radiobio- treatment, the primary tumor and involved nodes (PTV1) were
logical properties [4,13,17]. prescribed a total dose 66–70 Gy (2 Gy/fraction), high-risk
A recent study has identified a gene profile, consisting of 15 sub-clinical disease sites (PTV2) had to receive at least 60 Gy
genes, that was able to distinguish between more-hypoxic and (1.7–1.8 Gy/fraction), and lower-risk targets (PTV3) were pre-
less-hypoxic tumors in vivo, based on gene expression [18]. The scribed at least 50 Gy (1.4–1.5 Gy/fraction).
gene-profile was also able to predict which patients will benefit NIM was supplied by Azanta A/S, Denmark, in the form of 500 mg
from the hypoxic modification using NIM [19]. Tumors categorized oral tablets. The drug was administered in doses of approximately
as more-hypoxic based on this gene profile were associated with a 1.2 g per m2 body surface area (BSA), 90 min before each first daily
significantly poorer clinical outcome than less-hypoxic tumors. A radiation treatment as follows: 1.5 g (3 tablets) for patients with
prospective study by EORTC has been activated to investigate the BSA 61.6 m2, 2 g (4 tablets) for patients with BSA >1.6 to 61.9 m2,
benefit of adding NIM to accelerated concomitant chemoradiation and 2.5 g (5 tablets) for patients with BSA >1.9 m2. Total dose over
in patients with HNSCC [20], where the indication of NIM in the the entire radiation period (33–35 fractions) should be approxi-
patients is evaluated based on the status of the hypoxic gene- mately 36 g/m2 and must not exceed 40 g/m2 or a total of 75 g.
profile. The classification of tumors in more or less hypoxic accord- A RT quality assurance (RTQA) program was associated with the
ing to the 15-gene profile is expected to offer a good prediction for trial from its beginning. The participating centers were asked to
treatment individualization, where NIM is only given if hypoxic send the details of the RT planning for the first five recruited
radiosensitization is warranted, thus avoiding unnecessary side patients with the documentation of the received doses according
effects [15]. to the ICRU-50 and ICRU-83 guidelines. The plans, reported doses
Please cite this article in press as: Hassan Metwally MA et al. IAEA-HypoX. A randomized multicenter study of the hypoxic radiosensitizer nimorazole con-
comitant with accelerated radiotherapy in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Radiother Oncol (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/
M.A. Hassan Metwally et al. / Radiotherapy and Oncology xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 3
for different volumes, and the overall treatment times were of communication from the local investigators. These centers have
independently checked by the quality coordinator for any devia- randomized a total of 20 patients (9 patients were in the RT-alone
tions from the protocol guidelines. A list of the reported deviations arm, and 11 patients were in the RT + NIM arm). Among the
according to predefined criteria was sent to the centers immedi- remaining 84 eligible patients, two patients (one in each treatment
ately afterward. arm) did not start the allocated treatment after randomization.
Patients were evaluated weekly during treatment. The common One patient was lost to follow up immediately after randomization
radiation-related adverse events (dysphagia, mucosal edema, due to unknown reasons and the other patient was diagnosed with
mucositis, and skin reaction) were graded and documented. NIM claustrophobia during preparation procedures for RT. The remain-
related adverse events (nausea, vomiting, flushing, and skin rash) ing 82 patients were evaluable (39 and 43 patients in the RT + NIM
were also graded according to the CTCAE v3.0 [23]. Patients were seen and the RT-alone arms, respectively). The trial flow chart is shown
two months after the end of treatment to record persistent acute toxi- in (Fig. 1).
city and early tumor response. Afterward, the patients were seen There were 30 females and 52 males with a median age at ran-
every three months. The study design, stratification, randomization, domization of 56 years (range 28–75 years). Most of patients (78%)
treatment and follow up, are detailed in the trial protocol. presented with well/moderate differentiated tumors, 9% had poor/
The trial was designed to include 600 patients. This number was undifferentiated tumors, and 13% had unknown differentiation
expected to be recruited over a 3-year period. Assuming a true with equal distribution between both treatment arms. Only 5
improvement of the loco-regional tumor control rate of 12% in the patients, out of 53 patients with known HPV/p16 status, were
RT + NIM arm; then the probability that such an event would be HPV/p16 positive (3 and 2 patients in RT-alone and RT + NIM arms,
detected at a significant level of P = 0.05 was greater than 90%. The respectively). The patient- and treatment-related characteristics in
primary endpoint was time to loco-regional tumor failure (loco- both randomization arms are shown in (Table 1). The majority of
regional tumor control). The definition of this end-point was com- patients have received radiation treatment using the 2D planning
plete and persistent disappearance of the disease in the primary site technique (56 patients). Most of patients received 66 Gy in 33 frac-
(T-site) and regional lymph nodes (N-site) after RT. Failure was tions to the gross tumor volume, and the vast majority completed
recorded in the event of a recurrent tumor, or if the primary tumor the full prescribed radiation dose (66–70 Gy). Only 6 patients could
and/or nodal disease never completely disappeared. In the latter sit- not complete the full RT course: four were due to severe treat-
uation the tumor was then assumed to have failed at the time of the ment-related toxicity; one was due to non-compliance, and one
end of RT course. All time estimates were done using the date of ran- died during treatment due to complications of jejunostomy.
domization as the initial value. The primary end-point does not As a whole, 31 (79%) patients received at least 90% of the pre-
include the effect of a successful procedure with salvage surgery. scribed NIM dose and 19 (49%) patients completed the full pre-
The Kaplan–Meier method was used to estimate time-to-event scribed dose (Table 1). The cause of failure to fulfill the planned
curves. Patterns of first failure were analyzed using a "competing- treatment was mainly due to the treatment-related acute toxicity,
risks" analysis for the loco-regional failure. The treatment groups with the majority of patients complaining of mild to moderate
were compared with respect to the time to loco-regional failure, nausea and vomiting. A few patients suffered from flushing and
and overall survival using the Cox proportional hazards model. skin rash (Table 2).
The trial was closed prematurely after 27 months by June 2014 At the time of evaluation, 40 patients had failed to achieve per-
due to the poor recruitment rate. The total recruitment was 104 sistent loco-regional tumor control, and a total of 45 patients had
patients compared to an expected recruitment of more than 400 died. The median follow-up time of patients who were still alive
patients at the same time point. Only 6 out of 9 centers have suc- at the time of evaluation was 19 months (range 1–34 months),
ceeded to obtain the required approvals for conducting the trial in and the median follow-up time of patients who died was 7 months
their countries. The present analysis was performed for the random- (range 1–29 months). From a total of 40 patients with loco-regional
ized patients on an intention to treat basis, and patients were
included in their randomization group irrespective of whether or
not they had completed the planned treatment. Frequency tables
with counts and percentages were used to describe the patients and
their distribution in the two treatment arms. Patients were followed
up in all centers until the time of evaluation on March 30, 2015.
An associated protocol for translational research was included
in this trial. The aim was to identify biomarkers that can predict
which patients will benefit from the use of NIM. The biological
analysis was performed retrospectively. Biological materials were
collected from the participating centers as formalin fixed and
paraffin embedded samples. Hypoxia status was determined
through gene expression analysis of hypoxia-induced 15-gene pro-
file on RNA extracted from the samples. Gene expression was
determined by quantitative PCR analysis. Immunohistochemical
staining for the HPV-associated p16 expression was performed
on 49 tumor samples and tumors were classified as being HPV
positive or negative according to a standardized DAHANCA proto-
col [24]. The results of the HPV status determination for further
four patients from one of the centers were included in the analysis.
Table 1 Table 2
Patient and treatment characteristics as a function of the randomization arm.§ Treatment related morbidity in 82 treated patients as a function of the randomization
RT-alone (43) RT + NIM (39) All patients (82)
Age (years) RT-alone (43) RT + NIM (39)
Median (range) 56 (31–75) 54 (28–72) 56 (28–75) RT related morbidity
Gender Dysphagia (Gr 1–2) 25 (58%) 20 (51%)
Female 15 (35%) 15 (38%) 30 (37%) (Gr 3–4) 18 (42%) 18 (46%)
Male 28 (65%) 24 (62%) 52 (63%) Mucosal edema (Gr 1–2) 37 (86%) 30 (77%)
Performance status (Gr 3) 4 (9%) 6 (15%)
0–1 40 (93%) 37 (95%) 77 (94%) Mucositis (Gr 1–2) 23 (53%) 19 (49%)
2–3 3 (7%) 2 (5%) 5 (6%) (Gr 3–4) 20 (47%) 20 (51%)
Tumor site Skin reaction (Gr 1–2) 22 (51%) 22 (56%)
Larynx 9 (21%) 9 (23%) 18 (22%) (Gr 3–4) 21 (49%) 16 (41%)
Pharynx 20 (46%) 17 (44%) 37 (45%)
Interventions for morbidity
Oral cavity 14 (33%) 13 (33%) 27 (33%)
Tube feeding 7 (16%) 9 (23%)
Tracheostomy 7 (16%) 7 (18%)
T1–2 14 (33%) 17 (44%) 31 (38%)
T3–4 29 (67%) 22 (56%) 51 (62%) Nimorazole-related morbidity*
N-classification Nausea (%) (Gr 1–2) 26 (67%)
N0 13 (30%) 11 (28%) 24 (29%) (Gr 3–4) 2 (5%)
N1–3 30 (70%) 28 (72%) 58 (71%) Vomiting (%) (Gr 1–2) 17 (44%)
Stage (Gr 3–4) 0
I–II 7 (16%) 4 (10%) 11 (13%) Flushing (%) (Gr 1) 5 (13%)
III–IV 36 (84%) 35 (90%) 71 (87%) (Gr 2) 6 (15%)
HPV/p16 status Rash (%) (Gr 1) 1 (3%)
HPV/p16 +ve 3 (7%) 2 (5%) 5 (6%) (Gr 2–3) 2 (5%)
HPV/p16 ve 24 (56%) 24 (62%) 48 (59%)
Unknown 16 (37%) 13 (33%) 29 (35%) Incidence is expressed as an approximate percentage in the 39 patients treated
Hypoxic status with nimorazole, and side effects were graded according to the CTCAE v3.0.
More hypoxic 8 (19%) 8 (20%) 16 (19%) No statistically significant differences in the distribution of characteristics
Less hypoxic 18 (42%) 21 (54%) 39 (48%) between the two arms.
Unknown 17 (39%) 10 (26%) 27 (33%)
RT technique
2D 30 (70%) 26 (67%) 56 (68%) tumors treated with RT + NIM whether less or more hypoxic) were
3DCRT 1 (2%) 0 1 (1%) ranging between 33% and 44%. The distribution of the hypoxic sta-
IMRT 12 (28%) 13 (33%) 25 (31%)
tus between the two treatment arms is shown in (Table 1).
RT Dose
<66 Gy 1 5 6 Among the first five recruited patients from each center, the
66 to <68 Gy (OTT)* 26 (37 days) 19 (37 days) 45 (37 days) quality assurance check did not find any major deviations from
68 to <70 Gy (OTT) 5 (37 days) 5 (38 days) 10 (37 days) the RTQA protocol as regards treatment planning. All deviations
P70 Gy (OTT) 11 (40 days) 10 (42 days) 21(40 days)
were found in the overall treatment time and were mainly due
Nimorazole Dose
P90% of dose received 31 (79%)
to patients’ reasons or machine breakdown. A report with the
100% of dose received 19 (49%) observed major and minor deviations, following the quality assur-
ance check, was sent to each investigator for future considerations.
OTT, Overall Treatment Time (expressed as median value).
No statistically significant differences in the distribution of characteristics
between the two arms. Discussion
Cumm. risk difference at 18 months:
18% (-3% to 39%) P=0.10 RT+NIM
Loco−regional failure
0 6 12 18 24 0 6 12 18 24
At risk At risk
RT+NIM 39 (12) 20 (1) 18 (0) 13 (4) 6 RT+NIM 39 (8) 30 (6) 22 (2) 15 (1) 9
RT−alone 43 (20) 19 (2) 11 (0) 8 (1) 5 RT−alone 43 (9) 34 (11) 18 (5) 10 (2) 5
Fig. 2. (A) Cumulative incidence curve comparing the two arms regarding cumulative loco-regional failure rates. (B) Kaplan–Meier curves comparing survival in both
treatment arms.
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Centre for Interventional Research in Radiation Oncology; the (Nimoral), using a 15-gene Signature for Hypoxia in the Treatment of HPV/p16
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Please cite this article in press as: Hassan Metwally MA et al. IAEA-HypoX. A randomized multicenter study of the hypoxic radiosensitizer nimorazole con-
comitant with accelerated radiotherapy in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Radiother Oncol (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/