F7 Solutions
F7 Solutions
F7 Solutions
Time allowed
3 hours and 15 minutes
This paper is divided into three sections:
Section A ‐ All 15 questions are compulsory and MUST be
Section B ‐ All 15 questions are compulsory and MUST be
Section C ‐ BOTH questions are compulsory and MUST be
Formulae sheet, present value and annuity tables are on pages
3, 4
and 5
Q1 C
Bearer plants and land related to agricultural activity are both excluded from the
scope of IAS 41. Unlike biological assets, agricultural produce must always be
measured at fair value.
Q2 D
The initial carrying value of the asset is recorded net of the grant income, giving
$90,000 – $15,000 = $75,000. This cost is then depreciated over nine years, giving
an annual depreciation charge of $8,333. Therefore, the carrying value of the asset
at 31 December 20X7 is $75,000 – $8,333 = $66,667.
Q3 B
Deferred tax provision required $18,000 (60,000 × 30%)
Current liability Taxation – current year estimate $30,000
Q4 C
Q5 C
Year Bal b/d Interest 10% Dividend Bal c/d
2014 98,000 9,800 (8,000) 99,800
2015 99,800 9,980 (8,000) 101,780
Q6 A
NCI at acquisition = 30% × ($150,000 SC + $125,000 RE) = $82,500
NCI % x post acquisition = 30% × ($200,000 – $125,000) = $22,500
NCI at 31 December 20X5 = $82,500 + $22,500 = $105,000
Alternative calculation: NCI % × net assets at acquisition = 30% × ($150,000 +
$200,000) = $105,000
Q7 A
Cost (500,000 x 20% x $4) $400,000
Share of profit for 20X7 ($100,000 x 6 /12 x 20%) $10,000
Share of profit for 20X8 ($250,000 x 20%) $50,000
Less: Dividend received ($20,000 x 20%) ($4,000)
Carrying value $456,000
Dividends are considered to be received when they are declared. The actual
receipt of the cheque is irrelevant.
Q8 D
The Fariox Co has suffered a total loss of $750,000 - $500,000 = $250,000
The goodwill of $100,000 should be written off in full. The remaining loss, after the
allocation to goodwill, will be $150,000.
Inventory cannot be written off further as it is already valued at net realisable
value. Therefore, the combined value of equipment and furniture after the
impairment will be: $400,000 + $200,000 - $150,000 = $450,000
Q9 B
Property, plant and equipment
$000 $000
b/f 350
Additions ß 172 Disposal 45
Depreciation 52
c/f 425
––––– –––––
522 522
––––– –––––
Cash additions = $172,000 less $20,000 payable = $152,000
Q 10 A
Q 11 A
Inventories, deferred tax assets, non-current assets held for sale and financial
assets are all excluded from the scope of IAS 36. Their valuation is dealt with by
the respective accounting standard.
Q 12 C
Cost of sales – P Co $90,000
Cost of sales – S Co ($60,000 / 12 x 9) $45,000
Intra-group sales ($10,000)
Unrealised profit ($10,000 / 100 x 20) / 2 $ 1,000
Q 13 D
The profit on the sale of a non‐current asset is deducted from profit as the cash
received on the sale is dealt with separately.
The large payable paid off is likely to result in a decrease in payables which is 'bad'
for cash.
The reduction in inventories will be 'good' for cash as less cash tied up in inventories.
Depreciation is added back to profit so an increased charge is more likely to increase
cash generated when compared to profit.
Q 14 D
Capitalising the repair expense will result in overstated profits. Overstated profits
will overstate EPS and ROCE.
Q 15 .C
Q 16 C
Depreciation for first six months ($200,000 / 10 x 6 / 12) = $10,000
Depreciation for last six months ($195,000 / 7.5 x 6 / 12) = $13,000
Total charge for the year = $23,000
Note: Remaining useful life of 7.5 years can be calculated by utilising the
information for accumulated depreciation.
Q 17 B
Grant 1 - Grants related to taxable income are excluded from the scope of IAS 20.
Grant 2 - $200,000 can be recognised.
Grant 3 - Reduced rate loans can be recognised under IAS 20.
Total Grant Income: $200,000 + $100,000 (7% - 3%) = $204,000
Q 18 A
The evidence of the claim existed before the reporting date. It was simply not
received by white Co. Therefore, Issue 1 needs to be adjusted. No evidence of
Issue 2 existed at the reporting date. It needs not to be adjusted.
Q 19 A
The assets are impaired only when their carrying amount exceeds the recoverable
amount. Recoverable amount is higher of value in use and fair value less costs to sell.
Crane 1
Carrying amount = $600,000 - $120,000 = $480,000
Recoverable amount = $500,000
Impairment = Nil
Crane 2
Carrying amount = $750,000 - $250,000 = $500,000
Recoverable amount = $490,000
Impairment = $10,000
Crane 3
Carrying amount = $800,000 - $160,000 = $640,000
Recoverable amount = $300,000
Impairment = $340,000
Total impairment
$10,000 + $340,000 = $350,000
Q 20 D
Initial recording ($10,000 x 90%) - 500 = $8,500
Interest charged ($8,500 x 12%) = $1,020
Cash paid ($10,000 x 8%) = ($800)
Q 21 C
The increase in payables should be added, as it is good for cash. The increases in
inventories and receivables will have a negative impact on cash.
Q 22 D
Both items are non‐cash expenses so must be added to profit from operations in
order to calculate cash generated from operations.
Q 23 A
Tax liabilities
$Dr Cr
000 $000
b/f (108 + 250) 358
SPL charge 672
Cash paid (bal fig) 496
c/f (234 + 300) 534
––––– –––––
1,030 1,030
––––– –––––
Q 24 C
The opening cash balance of $7,518,000 has decreased to an overdrawn position of
$465,000. This has resulted in a decrease of $7,983,000.
Q 25 C
Sales and purchases of non‐current assets should be recorded within investing
Q 26 26. D
Only public limited companies, or those in the process of issuing securities to public,
are required to present EPS. There is no need to calculate EPS separately for each
company in the consolidated accounts.
Q 27 27. B
Redeemable preference shares are treated as debt. Therefore, the dividend paid on
such shares Is already deducted when arriving at net profit.
EPS = ($200,000 – 10,000) / 5,000
EPS = $38.00
Q 28 28. A
Gross profit $1,000,000
Operating expenses ($200,000)
Preference dividends ($20,000)
Profit before tax $780,000
Tax at 30% (234,000)
Net profit $546,000
EPS = $546,000 / 200,000
EPS = $2.73
Q 29 29. A
The first step is to calculate theoretical ex-rights price:
Value of 5 shares before issue @ $3.20 $16.00
Value of rights issue @2.00 $2.00
Total value of 6 shares $18.00
Theoretical ex-rights price ($18/6) $3.00
EPS for 2016
Before rights issue = $500,000 / 100,000 = $5.00
Corresponding EPS with rights issue = $5.00 x $3.00 / $3.20 = $4.69
EPS for 2017
Before rights issue (100,000 / 12 x 3) x $3.20 / $3.00 = 26,667
After rights issue (120,000 / 12 x 9) = 90,000
Total weighted average shares = 116,667
EPS = $400,000 / 116,667 = $3.43
Q 30 30. C
Theoretical ex-rights price is simply a fraction used in the calculation of EPS. No
separate disclosure is required for it.
Q 31 (a) Appvar
Consolidated income statement for the year ended 30 September 2008
Revenue (85,000 + (42,000 x 6/12) – 8,000 intra-group sales) 98,000
Cost of sales (w (i)) (72,000)
Gross profit 26,000
Distribution costs (2,000 + (2,000 x 6/12)) (3,000)
Administrative expenses (6,000 + (3,200 x 6/12)) (7,600)
Finance costs (300 + (400 x 6/12)) (500)
Profit before tax 14,900
Income tax expense (4,700 + (1,400 x 6/12)) (5,400)
Profit for the year 9,500
Attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent 9,300
Non-controlling interest (((3,000 x 6/12)
– (800 URP + 200 depreciation)) x 40%) 200
(b) Consolidated statement of financial position as at 30 September 2008
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment (40,600 + 12,600 + 2,000 – 200
depreciation adjustment (w (i))) 55,000
Goodwill (w (ii)) 4,500
Current assets (w (iii)) 21,400
Total assets 80,900
Equity and liabilities
Equity attributable to owners of the parent
Equity shares of $1 each ((10, 000 + 1,600) w (ii)) 11,600
Share premium (w (ii)) 8,000
Retained earnings (w (iv)) 35,700
Non-controlling interest (w (v)) 6,100
Total equity 61,400
Non-current liabilities
10% loan notes (4,000 + 3,000) 7,000
Current liabilities (8,200 + 4,700 – 400 intra-group balance) 12,500
Total equity and liabilities 80,900
The unrealised profit (URP) in inventory is calculated as ($8 million – $5·2 million) x
40/140 = $800,000.
(ii) Goodwill in Sophistic
Investment at cost $’000 $’000
Shares (4,000 x 60% x 2/3 x $6) 9,600
Less – Equity shares of Sophistic (4,000 x 60%) (2,400)
– pre-acquisition reserves (5,000 x 60% see below) (3,000)
– fair value adjustment (2,000 x 60%) (1,200) (6,600)
–––––– ––––––
Parent’s goodwill 3,000
Non-controlling interest’s goodwill (per question) 1,500
Total goodwill 4,500
The pre-acquisition reserves are:
At 30 September 2008 6,500
Earned in the post acquisition period (3,000 x 6/12) (1,500)
Alternative calculation for goodwill in Sophistic
Investment at cost (as above) 9,600
Fair value of non-controlling interest (see below) 5,900
Cost of the controlling interest 15,500
Less fair value of net assets at acquisition (4,000 + 5,000 + 2,000) (11,000)
Total goodwill 4,500
Fair value of non-controlling interest (at acquisition)
Share of fair value of net assets (11,000 x 40%) 4,400
Attributable goodwill per question 1,500
The 1·6 million shares (4,000 x 60% x 2/3) issued by Pedantic would be recorded as
share capital of $1·6 million and share premium of $8 million (1,600 x $5).
(iii) Current assets $’000 $’000
Pedantic 16,000
Sophistic 6,600
URP in inventory (800)
Cash in transit 200
Intra-group balance (600)
(iv) Retained earnings
Pedantic per statement of financial position 35,400
Sophistic’s post acquisition profit
(((3,000 x 6/12) – (800 URP + 200 depreciation)) x 60%) 300