Geometry Module 1

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Lesson 1. Points, Lines, and Planes

A point is represented by a dot and named by a capital
letter. A point represents position only; it has zero size (that is, zero
length, zero width, and zero height). Figure 1 illustrates point C, Figure 1 Three Points
point M, and point Q.

A line (straight line) can be thought of as a connected set of infinitely many points. It
extends infinitely far in two opposite directions. A line has infinite length, zero width, and zero
height. Any two points on the line name it. The symbol ↔ written on top of two letters is used to
denote that line. A line may also be named by one small letter (Figure 2).

Figure 2 Two Lines

Collinear points
Points that lie on the same line are called collinear points.
If there is no line on which all of the points lie, then they
are noncollinear points. In Figure 3, points M, A, and N are
collinear, and points T, I, and C are noncollinear.

Figure 3 Three Collinear points

and three non collinear points

A plane is an infinite set of points forming a
connected flat surface extending infinitely far in all
directions. A plane has infinite length, infinite width,
and zero height (or thickness). It is usually represented
Figure 4 Two Plane
in drawings by a four-sided figure. A single capital
letter is used to denote a plane. The word plane is
written with the letter so as not to be confused with a

Postulates and Theorems

A postulate is a statement that is assumed true without proof. A theorem is a true statement
that can be proven. Listed below are six postulates and the theorems that can be proven from these
Postulate 1: A line contains at least two points.
Postulate 2: A plane contains at least three noncollinear points.
Postulate 3: Through any two points, there is exactly one line.
Postulate 4: Through any three noncollinear points, there is exactly one plane.
Postulate 5: If two points lie in a plane, then the line joining them lies in that plane.
Postulate 6: If two planes intersect, then their intersection is a line.
Theorem 1: If two lines intersect, then they intersect in exactly one point.
Theorem 2: If a point lies outside a line, then exactly one plane contains both the line and
the point.
Theorem 3: If two lines intersect, then exactly one plane contains both lines.

Example 1: State the postulate or theorem you would use to justify the statement made about
each figure.
Figure 5 Illustrations of Postulates 1-6 and Theorems 1-3

(a)Through any three noncollinear points, there is exactly one plane (Postulate 4).
(b)Through any two points, there is exactly one line (Postulate 3).
(c)If two points lie in a plane, then the line joining them lies in that plane (Postulate
(d)If two planes intersect, then their intersection is a line (Postulate 6).
(e)A line contains at least two points (Postulate 1).
(f)If two lines intersect, then exactly one plane contains both lines (Theorem 3).
(g)If a point lies outside a line, then exactly one plane contains both the line and the
point (Theorem 2).
(h)If two lines intersect, then they intersect in exactly one point (Theorem 1).
Trece Martires City, Cavite

Name:___________________________________________________ Score : ___________

Course: _____________________________________________ ____Rating : ___________

Exercise 1

Which statement is True or False

__________1. Collinear points are contained by more than one plane.

__________2. The intersection of two planes can be a point

__________3. A plane separates space into three disjoint subsets

__________4. Any two points are always collinear as well as coplanar.

__________5. If a line and plane have no points in common, then they are parallel.

__________6. A line can intersect a plane in exactly two points.

__________7. A plane separates space into three disjoint subsets.

__________8. Space has exactly three dimensions.

_________ 9. Through any two points, there is exactly one line

_________ 10. If two points lie in a plane, then the line joining them lies in that plane

_________ 11. If two planes intersect, then their intersection is a line (Postulate 6).

_________ 12. A line contains at least four points.

_________ 13. If two lines intersect, then exactly one plane contains both lines
_________ 14. Through any three noncollinear points, there is exactly one plane

_________ 15. A plane is an infinite set of points forming a connected flat surface

Illustrate with figure the following

1. Line AB 2. Plane ABCD 3. Collinear points

Lesson 2. Segments, Midpoints, and Rays

The concept of lines is straightforward, but much of geometry is concerned with portions
of lines. Some of those portions are so special that they have their own names and symbols.

Line Segment

A line segment is a connected piece of a line. It has two endpoints and is named by its
endpoints. Sometimes, the symbol – written on top of two letters is used to denote the segment.
This is line segment CD

It is written CD (Technically, CD refers to the points C and D and all the points between
them, and CD without the refers to the distance from C to D.) Note thatCD is a piece of .

Postulate 7 (Ruler Postulate): Each point on a line can be paired with exactly one real
number called its coordinate. The distance between two points is the positive difference
of their coordinates.

Example 1: In the Figure, find the length of QU.

Postulate 8 (Segment Addition Postulate): If B lies between A and C on a line, then
AB + BC = AC

Example 2: In Figure 5 , A lies between C and T. Find CT if CA = 5 and AT = 8.

Because A lies between C and T, Postulate 8 tells you

CA + AT = CT
5 + 8 = 13
CT = 13


A midpoint of a line segment is the halfway point, or the point equidistant from the

R is the midpoint of QS because QR = RS or because QR = ½ QS or RS = ½ QS

Example 3: In the figure, find the midpoint of KR .

KR = 29 – 5
= 24

Midpoint of KR = ½ (24)
= 12

The midpoint of KR would be ½(24), or 12 spaces from either K or R. Because the

coordinate of K is 5, and it is smaller than the coordinate of R (which is 29), to get the coordinate
of the midpoint you could either add 12 to 5 or subtract 12 from 29. In either case, you determine
that the coordinate of the midpoint is 17. That means that point O is the midpoint
of KR because KO = OR.

Another way to get the coordinate of the midpoint would be to find the average of the
endpoint coordinates. To find the average of two numbers, you find their sum and divide by two.
(5 + 29) ÷ 2 = 17. The coordinate of the midpoint is 17, so the midpoint is point O.
Theorem 4: A line segment has exactly one midpoint.

A ray is also a piece of a line, except that it has only one endpoint and continues forever
in one direction. It could be thought of as a half-line with an endpoint. It is named by the letter of
its endpoint and any other point on the ray. The symbol → written on top of the two letters is used
to denote that ray. This is ray

Ray AB Figure 9 Ray CD

It is written as . This is ray CD

It is written as or
Note that the non arrow part of the ray symbol is over the endpoint.


Trece Martires City, Cavite

Name:___________________________________________________ Score : ___________

Course: _____________________________________________ ____Rating : ___________

Exercise 2
Set 1

1. Two distinct line intersect. Which best describes their intersection.

a. A point b. a ray c. a segment d. a line

2. CE is represented by which sketch.

3. Which is the correct notation for a ray from R through S?

a. b. c. d.
4. Which statement accurately describes the following figure?





Lesson 3 Lines and Plane: Intersecting, Perpendicular, Parallel

Intersecting lines

Two or more lines that meet at a point are called intersecting lines. That point would be
on each of these lines. In the figure, lines l and m intersect at Q.

Perpendicular lines

Two lines that intersect and form right angles are called perpendicular lines. The
symbol ⊥ is used to denote perpendicular lines. In the figure , line l ⊥ line m.
Parallel lines

Two lines, both in the same plane, that never intersect are called parallel lines. Parallel
lines remain the same distance apart at all times. The symbol // is used to denote parallel lines. In
the figure , l // m.

Parallel planes

Parallel planes are two planes that do not intersect. In the figure, plane P // plane Q.

Theorem 11: If each of two planes is parallel to a third plane, then the two planes are parallel to
each other
Perpendicular planes

A line l is perpendicular to plane A if l is perpendicular to all of the lines in plane A that

intersect l. (Think of a stick standing straight up on a level surface. The stick is perpendicular to all
of the lines drawn on the table that pass through the point where the stick is standing).
A plane B is perpendicular to a plane A if plane B contains a line that is perpendicular to
plane A. (Think of a book balanced upright on a level surface.)

Theorem 12: If two planes are perpendicular to the same plane, then the two planes either
intersect or are parallel.

In the figure, plane B ⊥ plane A, plane C ⊥ plane A, and plane B and plane C intersect
along line l.
Two intersecting planes that are perpendicular to the same plane. Plane B ⊥ plane A,
plane C ⊥ plane A, and plane B // plane C.

Two parallel planes that are perpendicular to the same plane

Students Activities

Activity 1 Geometry in Trece Martires

Objective : To locate geometric shapes in commonly seen objects in the Houston area.

1. Poster board for cover
2. Magazine pictures or snap shots of objects
3. White typing paper to mount pictures on
4. Graph paper for word search
5. Tape, glue, scissors, etc.
1. Make a cover to reflect the title "Geometry in Trece." Cover must have: your name,
course, and teacher’s name
2. Locate a picture and/or snap shot of an object to represent 7 of the words listed in the
concept list. A different picture must be used for each word.
3. On a sheet of white typing paper:
a. Place the word in the center at the top. Write correct definition of the word.
b. Place picture in center of page.
c. Draw an arrow to the part of the picture that represents the word.
d. Describe below the picture what you have pointed out represents the word.
4. After all the picture pages, on a piece of typing paper, print or type a word list of all the
words you used.
5. After the word list, construct a word search on graph paper.
6. Make a copy of your word search, then highlight the words in the word search from your
word list. This will act as the key to your word search.
7. Include a table of contents page after the title page.

Table of contents
7 pages of pictures
Word list
Word search
Key to word search

Concept list:
Point Parallel line
Line segment Perpendicular line
Ray Skew lines
Angle classified (only one)

Activity 2 for Lesson 1 and 2

Multiple Choice Quiz. Encircle the letter that made the statement correct.

1. Which of the following statements is false?

a. Collinear points are contained by more than one plane.
b. The intersection of two planes can be a point
c. A plane separates space into three disjoint subsets
d. Any two points are always collinear as well as coplanar.
2. Which of the following statements is false?
a. If a line and plane have no points in common, then they are parallel.
b. A plane separates space into three disjoint subsets.
c. Space has exactly three dimensions.
d. A line can intersect a plane in exactly two points.
3. Which of the following statements is false?
a. Planes have thickness.
b. Any two points are always collinear as well as coplanar
c. Points that are contained by a single plane are called coplanar points
d. A plane separates space into three disjoint subsets.
4. Find the word or words that best complete the sentence. Three points are ___ coplanar.
a. Sometimes b. never c. always d. not enough information
5. A plane and a point not on a plane are __ coplanar.
Sometimes b. never c. always d. not enough information
6. A plane and a line __ intersect in a single point.
a. Sometimes b. never c. always d. not enough information
7. Three points __ determine a plane.
a. Sometimes b. never c. always d. not enough information
8. Parallel planes __ intersect
a. Sometimes b. never c. always d. not enough information
9. If two lines are parallel to the same plane, they must be __
b. Perpendicular b. Parallel c. Intersecting d. not enough information
10. Find the word or words that best complete the sentence.
Three points are ___ collinear.
a. Sometimes b. never c. always d. not enough information
11. Two distinct line intersect. Which best describes their intersection.
b. A point b. a ray c. a segment d. a line

12. CE is represented by which sketch.

13. Which is the correct notation for a ray from R through S?

b. b. c. d.
14. Which statement accurately describes the following figure?




Module 2 Angles

Easily as significant as rays and line segments are the angles they form. Without them,
there would be none of the geometric figures.

Lesson 1 Angles

Two rays that have the same endpoint form an angle. That endpoint is called the vertex,
and the rays are called the sides of the angle. In geometry, an angle is measured in degrees from
0° to 180°. The number of degrees indicates the size of the angle. In Figure 1 , rays AB and AC
form the angle. A is the vertex. and are the sides of the angle.

Figure 1 < BAC

The symbol ∠ is used to denote an angle. The symbol m ∠ is sometimes used to denote
the measure of an angle.

An angle can be named in various ways (Figure 2 ).

Figure 2 Different Names for the same angles

 By the letter of the vertex—therefore, the angle in Figure 2 could be named ∠ A.

 By the number (or small letter) in its interior—therefore, the angle in Figure 2 could be
named ∠1 or ∠ x.
 By the letters of three points that form it—therefore, the angle in Figure 2 could be
named ∠ BAC or ∠ CAB. The center letter is always the letter of the vertex.

Example 1: In Figure 3 (a) use three letters to rename ∠3; (b) use one number to rename ∠ KMJ.
Figure 3 Different Names for the same angles

(a) ∠3 is the same as ∠ IMJ or ∠ JMI;

(b) ∠ KMJ is the same as ∠ 4.

Postulate 9 (Protractor Postulate): Suppose O is a point on . Consider all rays

with endpoint O that lie on one side of each ray can be paired with exactly one real
number between 0° and 180°, as shown in Figure 4 . The positive difference between two
numbers representing two different rays is the measure of the angle whose sides are the
two rays.

Figure 4 Using the Protractor Postulate

Example 2: Use Figure 5 to find the following: (a) m ∠ SON, (b) m ∠ ROT, and (c) m ∠ MOE.

Figure 5 using the Protractor Postulate

a) m ∠ SON = 40° −0° (b) m ∠ ROT = 160° −70° (c) m ∠ MOE = 180°
m ∠ SON = 40° m ∠ ROT = 90° −105° m ∠ MOE = 75°

Postulate 10 (Angle Addition Postulate): If lies between and , then m ∠ AOB + m ∠

BOC = m ∠ AOC (Figure 6 ).
Figure 6 Addition of angle

Example 3: In Figure 7 , if m ∠1 = 32° and m ∠2 = 45°, find m ∠ NEC.

Start here

Figure 7 Addition of angles.

Because is between and , by Postulate 10,

Angle bisector
An angle bisector is a ray that divides an angle into two equal angles. In Figure 8 , is
a bisector of ∠ XOZ because = m ∠ XOY = m ∠ YOZ.
Figure 8 Bisector of an angle.

Theorem 5: An angle that is not a straight angle has exactly one bisector.
Certain angles are given special names based on their measures.

Right angle
A right angle has a measure of 90°. The symbol in the interior of an angle designates
the fact that a right angle is formed. In Figure 9 , ∠ ABC is a right angle.

Figure 9A right

Theorem 6: All right angles are equal.

Acute angle
An acute angle is any angle whose measure is less than 90°. In Figure 10 , ∠ b is acute.
Figure 10An acute angle.

Obtuse angle
An obtuse angle is an angle whose measure is more than 90° but less than 180°. In
Figure 11 , ∠4 is obtuse.

Figure 11An obtuse angle.

Straight angle
Some geometry texts refer to an angle with a measure of 180° as a straight angle. In
Figure 12 , ∠ BAC is a straight angle.

Figure 12A straight angle.

Example 4: Use Figure 13 to identify each named angle as acute, right, obtuse, or straight: (a) ∠
BFD, (b) ∠ AFE, (c) ∠ BFC, (d) ∠ DFA.

Figure 13Classification of angles.

(a) m ∠ BFD = 90° (130° − 40° = 90°), so ∠ BFD is a right angle.

(b) m ∠ AFE = 180°, so ∠ AFE is a straight angle.
(c) m ∠ BFC = 40° (130° − 90° = 40°), so ∠ BFC is an acute angle.
(d) m ∠ DFA = 140° (180° − 40° = 140°), so ∠ DFA is an obtuse angle.

Lesson 2 Special Angles

Certain angle pairs are given special names based on their relative position to one another
or based on the sum of their respective measures.
1. Adjacent angles are any two angles that share a common side separating the two angles
and that share a common vertex. In Figure 1 , ∠1 and ∠2 are adjacent angles.

Figure 1Adjacent angles.

2. Vertical angles are formed when two lines intersect and form four angles. Any two of
these angles that are not adjacent angles are called vertical angles. In Figure 2 , line l and
line m intersect at point Q, forming ∠1, ∠2, ∠3, and ∠4.

Figure 2Two pairs of vertical angles and four pairs of adjacent angles.

Vertical angles:
o ∠1 and ∠3
o ∠2 and ∠4
Adjacent angles:
o ∠1 and ∠2
o ∠2 and ∠3
o ∠3 and ∠4
o ∠4 and ∠1

Theorem 7: Vertical angles are equal in measure.

3. Complementary angles are any two angles whose sum is 90°. In Figure 3 , because ∠
ABC is a right angle, m ∠1 + m ∠2 = 90°, so ∠1 and ∠2 are complementary.

Figure 3Adjacent complementary angles.

Complementary angles do not need to be adjacent. In Figure 4 , because m ∠ 3 + m ∠ 4 =

90°, ∠ 3, and ∠ 4, are complementary.
Figure 4Nonadjacent complementary angles.

Example 1: If ∠ 5 and ∠ 6 are complementary, and m ∠ 5 = 15°, find m ∠ 6. Because ∠ 5 and ∠ 6

are complementary,

Theorem 8: If two angles are complementary to the same angle, or to equal

angles, then they are equal to each other.

Refer to Figures 5 and 6 . In Figure 5 , ∠ A and ∠ B are complementary. Also, ∠ C and

∠ B are complementary. Theorem 8 tells you that m ∠ A = m ∠ C. In Figure 6 , ∠ A and ∠ B are
complementary. Also, ∠ C and ∠ D are complementary, and m ∠ B = m ∠ D. Theorem 8 now
tells you that m ∠ A = m ∠ C.

Figure 5 Two angles complementary to the same angle.

Figure 6 Two angles complementary to equal angles.

4. Supplementary angles are two angles whose sum is 180°. In Figure 7 , ∠ ABC is a
straight angle. Therefore m ∠ 6 + m ∠ 7 = 180°, so ∠ 6 and ∠ 7 are supplementary.

Figure 7Adjacent supplementary angles.

Theorem 9: If two adjacent angles have their noncommon sides lying on a line,
then they are supplementary angles.

Supplementary angles do not need to be adjacent (Figure 8 ).

Figure 8 Nonadjacent supplementary angles.

Because m ∠ 8 + m ∠ 9 = 180°, ∠ 8 and ∠ 9 are supplementary.

Theorem 10: If two angles are supplementary to the same angle, or to equal
angles, then they are equal to each other.
Lesson 3 Parallel Line

Angle Pairs Created with a Transversal

A transversal is any line that intersects two or more lines in the same plane but at different
points. In Figure 1 , line t is a transversal

Figure 1
Figure 1. A transversal that intersects two lines forms eight angles; certain pairs of these
angles are given special names. They are as follows:

1. Corresponding angles are the angles that appear to be in the same relative position in each
group of four angles. In Figure 2 , ∠l and ∠5 are corresponding angles. Other pairs of
corresponding angles in Figure 2 are: ∠4 and ∠8, ∠2 and ∠6, and ∠3 and ∠7.

Figure 2 A transversal intersecting two lines and forming various pairs of

corresponding angles—alternate interior angles, alternate exterior angles, consecutive
interior angles, and consecutive exterior angles.
2. Alternate interior angles are angles within the lines being intersected, on opposite sides
of the transversal, and are not adjacent. In Figure 2 , ∠4 and ∠6 are alternate interior
angles. Also, ∠3 and ∠5 are alternate interior angles.
3. Alternate exterior angles are angles outside the lines being intersected, on opposite
sides of the transversal, and are not adjacent. In Figure 2 , ∠l and ∠7 are alternate exterior
angles. Also, ∠2 and ∠8 are alternate exterior angles.
4. Consecutive interior angles (same-side interior angles) are interior angles on the same
side of the transversal. In Figure 2 , ∠4 and ∠5 are consecutive interior angles. Also, ∠3
and ∠6 are consecutive interior angles.
5. Consecutive exterior angles (same-side exterior angles) are exterior angles on the same
side of the transversal. In Figure 2 , ∠l and ∠8 are consecutive exterior angles. Also, ∠2
and ∠7 are consecutive exterior angles.

The Parallel Postulate

Postulate 11 (Parallel Postulate): If two parallel lines are cut by a transversal, then the
corresponding angles are equal (Figure 1 ).

Figure 1 Corresponding angles are equal when two parallel lines are cut by a transversal
This postulate says that if l // m, then
m ∠1 = m ∠5
m ∠2 = m ∠6
m ∠3 = m ∠7
m ∠4 = m ∠8

Consequences of the Parallel Postulate

Postulate 11 can be used to derive additional theorems regarding parallel lines cut by a transversal.
Because m ∠1 + m ∠2 = 180 ° and m ∠5 + m ∠6 = 180° (because adjacent angles whose
noncommon sides lie on a line are supplementary), and because m ∠1 = m ∠3, m∠2
= m ∠4, m ∠5 = m ∠7, and m ∠6 = m ∠8 (because vertical angles are equal), all of the
following theorems can be proven as a consequence of Postulate 11.

Theorem 13: If two parallel lines are cut by a transversal, then alternate interior angles are equal.
Theorem 14: If two parallel lines are cut by a transversal, then alternate exterior angles are equal.
Theorem 15: If two parallel lines are cut by a transversal, then consecutive interior angles are
Theorem 16: If two parallel lines are cut by a transversal, then consecutive exterior angles are

The above postulate and theorems can be condensed to the following theorems:
Theorem 17: If two parallel lines are cut by a transversal, then every pair of angles formed are
either equal or supplementary.
Theorem 18: If a transversal is perpendicular to one of two parallel lines, then it is also
perpendicular to the other line.

Based on Postulate 11 and the theorems that follow it, all of the following conditions
would be true if l // m (Figure 1 ).

Figure 1 Two parallel lines cut by a transversal

In figures, single or double arrows on a pair of lines indicate that the lines are parallel.
Based on Postulate 11:
m ∠1 = m ∠5 m ∠4 = m ∠8
m ∠2 = m ∠6 m ∠3 = m ∠7
Based on Theorem 13:
m ∠3 = m ∠5 m ∠4 = m ∠6
Based on Theorem 14:
m ∠1 = m ∠7 m ∠2 = m ∠8

Based on Theorem 15:

∠3 and ∠6 are supplementary ∠4 and ∠5 are supplementary
Based on Theorem 16:
∠1 and ∠8 are supplementary ∠2 and ∠7 are supplementary
Based on Theorem 18:
If t ⊥ l, then t ⊥ m

Testing for Parallel Lines

Postulate 11 and Theorems 13 through 18 tell you that if two lines are parallel, then certain
other statements are also true. It is often useful to show that two lines are in fact parallel. For this
purpose, you need theorems in the following form: If(certain statements are true) then (two lines
are parallel). It is important to realize that the converse of a theorem (the statement obtained by
switching the if and then parts) is not always true. In this case, however, the converse of postulate
11 turns out to be true. We state the converse of Postulate 11 as Postulate 12 and use it to prove
that the converses of Theorems 13 through 18 are also theorems.

Postulate 12: If two lines and a transversal form equal corresponding angles, then the lines are

In Figure 1 , if m ∠l = m ∠2, then l // m. (Any pair of equal corresponding angles would

make l // m.)

Figure 1 a Transversal cuts two limes to form equal corresponding angles.

This postulate allows you to prove that all the converses of the previous theorems are also

Theorem 19: If two lines and a transversal form equal alternate interior angles, then the lines are
Theorem 20: If two lines and a transversal form equal alternate exterior angles, then the lines are
Theorem 21: If two lines and a transversal form consecutive interior angles that are
supplementary, then the lines are parallel.
Theorem 22: If two lines and a transversal form consecutive exterior angles that are
supplementary, then the lines are parallel.
Theorem 23: In a plane, if two lines are parallel to a third line, the two lines are parallel to each
Theorem 24: In a plane, if two lines are perpendicular to the same line, then the two lines are
Based on Postulate 12 and the theorems that follow it, any of following conditions would
allow you to prove that a // b. (Figure 2 ).

Figure 2 What conditions on these numbered angles would guarantee that lines a and n are

Postulate 12:
m ∠ 1 = m ∠5 m ∠2 = m ∠6
m ∠3 = m ∠7 m ∠4 = m ∠8
Use Theorem 19:
m ∠4 = m ∠6 m ∠3 = m ∠5
Use Theorem 20:
m ∠1 = m ∠7 m ∠2 = m ∠8
Use Theorem 21:
∠4 and ∠5 are supplementary ∠3 and ∠6 are supplementary
Use Theorem 22:
∠1 and ∠8 are supplementary ∠2 and ∠7 are supplementary
Use Theorem 23:
a // c and b // c
Use Theorem 24:
a ⊥ t and b ⊥ t

Example 1: Using Figure 3 , identify the given angle pairs as alternate interior, alternate exterior,
consecutive interior, consecutive exterior, corresponding, or none of these: ∠1 and ∠7, ∠2 and
∠8, ∠3 and ∠4, ∠4 and ∠8, ∠3 and ∠8, ∠3, and ∠2, ∠5 and ∠7

Figure 3 Find the angle pairs that are alternate interior, alternate exterior,
consecutive interior, consecutive exterior, and corresponding

∠1 and ∠7 are alternate exterior angles. ∠2 and ∠8 are corresponding angles.

∠3 and ∠4 are consecutive interior angles. ∠4 and ∠8 are alternate interior angles.
∠3 and ∠2 are none of these. ∠5 and ∠7 are consecutive exterior angles.
Example 2: For each of the figures in Figure 4 , determine which postulate or theorem you would
use to prove l // m

Figure 4 condition guaranteeing that lines l and m are parallel

Figure 4 (a): If two lines and a transversal form equal corresponding angles, then the lines are
parallel (Postulate 12).
Figure 4 (b): If two lines and a transversal form consecutive exterior angles that are
supplementary, then the lines are parallel (Theorem 22).
Figure 4 (c): In a plane, if two lines are perpendicular to the same line, the two lines are
parallel (Theorem 24).
Figure 4 (d): If two lines and a transversal form equal alternate interior angles, then the lines are
parallel (Theorem 19).

Example 3: In Figure 5 , a // b and m ∠1 = 117°. Find the measure of each of the numbered

Figure 5 When lines a and b are parallel, knowing one angle makes it possible to
determine all the others pictured here

m ∠2 = 63° ; m ∠3 = 63°
m ∠4 = 117°; m ∠6 = 117°; m ∠7 = 117°
m ∠5 = 63° ; m ∠8 = 63°

Angle Sum of a Triangle

Using some of the above results, we can prove that the sum of the three angles inside any
triangle always add up to 180 degrees. If we have a triangle, you can always draw two parallel
lines like this:
Now, we know that alternate angles are equal. Therefore the two angles labelled x are
equal. Also, the two angles labelled y are equal.

We know that x, y and z together add up to 180 degrees, because these together is just the angle
around the straight line. So the three angles in the triangle must add up to 180 degrees.

Angle Sum of a Quadrilateral

A quadrilateral is a shape with 4 sides. Now that we know the sum of the angles in a
triangle, we can work out the sum of the angles in a quadrilateral.

For any quadrilateral, we can draw a diagonal line to divide it into two triangles. Each
triangle has an angle sum of 180 degrees. Therefore the total angle sum of the quadrilateral is 360

Exterior Angles
The exterior angles of a shape are the angles you get if you extend the sides. The exterior
angles of a hexagon are shown:

A polygon is a shape with straight sides. All of the exterior angles of a polygon add up to
360°. because if you put them all together they form the angle all the way round a point:

Therefore if you have a regular polygon (in other words, where all the sides are the same
length and all the angles are the same), each of the exterior angles will have size 360 ÷ the
number of sides. So, for example, each of the exterior angles of a hexagon are 360/6 = 60°.
Interior Angles
The interior angles of a shape are the angles inside it. If you know the size of an exterior
angle, you can work out the size of the interior angle next to it, because they will add up to 180°
(since together they are the angle on a straight line).

Exterior Angle of a Triangle

Angle x is an exterior angle of the triangle:

The exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the interior angles at the other two
vertices. In other words, x = a + b in the diagram.

The angles in the triangle add up to 180 degrees. So a + b + y = 180.
The angles on a straight line add up to 180 degrees. So x + y = 180.
Therefore y = 180 - x. Putting this into the first equation gives us: a + b + 180 - x = 180.
Therefore a + b = x after rearranging. This is what we wanted to prove.

Students Activities

Activity 1

1. An angle has a measure 44 degrees more than the measure of a supplement to it. What is the
measure of the angle
2. Given: 1 and 2 are a linear pair.
Conclusion: m 1 + m 2 = 180 degrees.
3. A line contains points (4, -3) and (7, -4). What is the slope of a line perpendicular to this line?
4. Vertical angles are always supplementary.
5. Two times the measure of the supplement of an angle is seven times the measure of the
complement of the angle. Find the measure of the angle.
6. Given: and have the same slope. Conclusion: . Justify
7. In the following figure of two intersecting lines, what is the measure of 2?

a. 380 b. 580 c. 710 d. 142

15. What is the value of x, shown below?

i. 600 b. 260 c. 140 d. 10

Use the following diagram of parallel lines cut by a transversal to answer questions 3 through

16. What is the measure of 8?

a. 45 0 b. 1450 c. 135 0 d. 1550
17. What is the measure of 3?
a. 45 0 b. 1450 c. 135 0 d. 1550
18. What is the measure of 6?
a. 45 0 b. 1450 c. 135 0 d. 1550
19. What type of angle pair is 1 and 5?
a. Alternate interior angles c. corresponding angles
b. Supplementary angles d. alternate exterior angle
20. What is the measure of 2?
a. 45 0 b. 1450 c. 135 0 d. 1550
21. What type of angle pair is 1 and 3?
a. Alternate interior angles c. corresponding angles
b. Supplementary angles d. alternate exterior angle
22. In the diagram, what is the value of x?
a. 20 0 b. 1450 c. 135 0 d. 1550
23. What are the values of the two angles shown in the figure below?

a. 18 0 and 1520 b. 350 and 1450 c. 30 0 and 1500 d. 1550 and 250
24. What is the measure of the complement of 62°?
a. 45 0 b. 1450 c. 38 d. 280
25. Which of the following statements is ALWAYS TRUE when parallel lines are cut by a
a. The sum of the degree measure of corresponding angle is 180 0
b. The sum of the degree measure of complementary angles is 180°.
c. Corresponding angles are congruent.
d. The angles in a vertical pair are acute.
26. In the figure below of a parallel lines cut by a transversal, which angle is supplementary
to 8?

a. <1 b. < 3 c. < 4 d. < 5 e. none of the above

27. Using the figure below, which of the statements is true?

a. ABD ≅ DBC c. ABD and DBC are

b. ABD and ABC are adjacent angles. d. All of the above are true.
28. What is the value of x?

a. 10 0 b. 70 c. 90 d. 220
29. Use the following figure to determine which statements are true.

a. ABD and DBC are a linear pair.

b. ABE and EBC are adjacent.
c. DBE and EBC are adjacent.
d. EBC and EBA are a linear pair.
30. What is the measure of ABC?

a. 25 0 b. 750 c. 1080 d. 1500

31. Which of the following statements is true about the figure?

a. DBC measures 180°. c. CBA and ABD are supplementary.

b. b. BAC is a right angle. D. all of the above are true
32. What are the values of the two angles?

a. 31° and 159° b. 62° and 118° c. 28° and 62° d. 31° and 49 e. 31° and 69°

33. What is the value of x in the figure below?

a. 150 b. 50 c. 100 d. 25
34. In the diagram of parallel lines cut by a transversal, shown below, which of the following
statements is false?

a. 3 and 4 are vertical angles.

b. 5 and 8 are corresponding angles.
c. 3 and 5 are alternate interior angles.
d. 2 and 8 are alternate exterior angles
35. The following diagram shows parallel lines cut by a transversal. What is the measure of

a. 80 b. 100 c. 20 d. 50
36. Which of the statements below is ALWAYS TRUE?
a. Supplementary angles are both obtuse angles.
b. Complementary angles are both acute angles.
c. At least one of the angles in a supplementary pair is obtuse.
d. Alternate exterior angles are both obtuse angles
e. Any two acute angles are complementary.
37. The following diagram shows parallel lines cut by a transversal. What is the value of x?

a. 9 b. 75 c. 115 d. 3 e. 5
38. Two angles are a linear pair. Their measures are represented by x+10, and 3x+10. What
are the measures of the angles?
a. 40 and 40 b. 40 and 140 c. 50 and 130 d. 60 and 120

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