Apparel Today January 2021 Issue

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A Textile Today Initiative l Published with Volume 14, Issue 01 l Pages 43 to 60

Unveiling industry best practices Apparel accessories & fashion

January 2021

Unveiling industry best practices

Apparel accessories & fashion
January 2021
Business transparency Fair distribution Global
and honesty makes of orders can help scenario of
Aman Graphics and Bangladesh’s RMG suit and
Design Ltd. example for to recover blazer
apparel industry smoothly fashion
Green Benchmark

transparency and
honesty makes Aman
Graphics and Designs
Ltd. example for
apparel industry
Rahbar Hossain

When we think about a factory,

Table: Aman Graphics and Designs Ltd. at a Glance
we think like there would be
Establishment Year 2010
noise, sounds of machinery, huge
gathering and so on! But recently Total Area 350,000 sq. ft.
Team Textile Today visited Aman Production Line 32 (30 lines for woven, 02 lines for knitting)
Graphics and Designs Ltd. and Product Range 100% Children Wear (10% Denim & 90%
found a different environment. Non-Denim)
The whole factory is wrapped
Capacity 900,000 pcs/month
with green trees, neat and clean
area, noise-free, no gathering and Manpower 3555
everything seemed so much LEAN. Buyers TESCO, M&S, NEXT, SAINSBURY’S, SHOP
Aman Graphics and Designs Ltd.
(a concern of Unifill Group) lately
achieved the LEED Platinum
certification from USGBC (U.S. Location Hemayetpur, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Green Building Council) on 22nd

December 2020. Aman Graphics
and Designs Limited has earned
90 LEED points in the (LEED)
EB O+M v3 which ranks them in
the top ten in the world’s LEED
industry segment.
Production excellence of AGDL
AGDL manufacture 0.9 million
pcs garments monthly with 60%
efficiency. The factory always gives
priority to customer satisfaction
as well as employee satisfaction.
The company manufacture
Figure 1: Aman Graphics and Designs Ltd. always gives priority to customer satisfaction
as well as employee satisfaction.

Bangladesh Textile Today | January 2021 45

Green Benchmark

the Team, for the Team,” saying and workers do not just practice it,
Himel Mahmud, GM, Marketing & they believe it by heart.
Merchandising of AGDL.
For internal development, the
Sustainable initiatives and CSR company arranges training
and workshops on different
The company scored 90 LEED
need-based skills by local and
points in the (LEED) EB O+M
international consultants like
v3 which ranks them in the top
ESOne, RBC, Sensei, Mind Mapper,
ten in the world’s LEED industry
segment. That indicates they have
significant sustainable initiatives Md. Rukun Uzzaman, CEO of Aman
in the factory which is an example Graphics & Designs Ltd. said, “Our
for others. The company also main strengths are transparency
has Sustainability Roadmap 2041 and our business honesty. We give
Figure 2: AGDL has a high-efficiency where they have mentioned their values to our employees and they
hanger line.
next course of actions towards work from their heart, this is the
100% children wear, denim sustainability. All their units are mantra behind our success.”
and non-denim both. With top 100% ACCORD certified.
Saiful Hoque Bhuiyan, Chairman
(Shirts, Schakets, Hoody, Blazer,
Waistcoat) and bottom (chino
trouser, shorts, cargo, joggers,
skirts), they also cater premium/
signature set orders in three
combination- woven + Jersey;
woven + woven and woven +
sweater (shirts and tee set, shirt,
waistcoat and trousers/shorts with
bow set, dungaree and tee set).
Aman Graphics and Designs Ltd.
incorporated top-notch machinery
on the production floor. They have
one high-efficiency pilot-based
production line (Hanger line). If the
line performs well then, they have
a plan to increase the number of
hanger lines. Figure 3: AGDL has a high-efficiency hanger line.

They also use FAST REACT

software for planning and ERP
Not only the environment, but they of Aman Graphics & Designs Ltd.
software for operations. AGDL is
also do care about people. AGDL concluded by quoting, “Our gross
employed 120 specially-abled employee happiness is more
employees, gives scholarships important than our gross factory
City-Pad Certified. Their ‘Wall of
to deprived students, gives production.”
Fame’ is glowing with Awards and
computers to students, etc. The
Certifications like Best Supplier
company achieved CSR Award by
Award from TESCO, Eco-Factory
TESCO F&F in 2016, CSR Award by
Certificate from M&S, BEST PLAN
Mother Care 2015 and their 97%
A by M&S, Outstanding CSR Award
employees have job satisfaction,
by TESCO and many more.
surveyed by Elevate, USA.
R&D, Product Development &
Lean and 5S practice
Design Team
In the starting, as mentioned,
AGDL has a strong product
“everything seemed so much
development team. Their development
LEAN”! The company practice
hit rate is more than 90%. Buyer-wise
Lean from its’ beginning and now
product development lines made
all staffs are used to this Lean & 5S
them unparallel.
practice. From desk to production
“We are always focused on floor, everyone follows the rule
encouraging ‘Loyalty’, ‘Harmony’ willingly which is the very unique Figure 4: Green initiatives by AGDL.
and ‘Results’ of the Team, by point of the company. Employees

46 Bangladesh Textile Today | January 2021

LEED Certification

AGDL awarded Green Building ‘LEED

Platinum-2009’ Certificate by USGBC
A H Monir

On 22 January 2021, Aman and LEED AP, that has expertise higher-ranked officials of both the
Graphics & Designs Ltd. (AGDL), and experience to work with more parties AGDL & 360 TSL attended
a sister concern of UNIFILL Group than 202+ project for securing this program at AGDL factory
is recognized as ‘LEED Platinum’ sustainable green building premises. On behalf of USGBC
rated factory which is retrofitted development as per global (US Green Building Council), the
with 90 scores by “LEED Platinum standard as pioneer consultant Managing Director of 360 TSL
2009” certification according in Bangladesh who vibrantly LEED AP, USGBC faculty Ananta
to Leadership in Energy and engage and actively manages the Ahmed handed over the Green
Environmental Design, known designated strategy to ensure the Building “LEED Platinum-2009”
as LEED, a rating system certification with their amicable Certificate to Saiful Haque
administered by the U.S. Green professionalism with his committed Bhuiyan, Chairman and Rokun
Building Council. team by joining hand with AGDL. Uzzaman, CEO of AGDL.
“We’re extremely thankful
to experience face-to-face
consultancy and regular guidance
from Team 360 TSL and Ananta
Ahmed which are very important
to complete this detailed works
and documentation,– said Saiful
Hoque Bhuiyan in his speech.
Distinguish guests from USGBC,
360 TSL and CEO of AGDL Rokun
Uzzaman also shared their feelings
for this remarkable achievement in
the ceremony.
360 TSL maintains that
considering LEED as a paper piece
Figure 1: Ananta Ahmed, Managing Director of 360 TSL LEED AP, USGBC faculty handed tiger as a certificate is a wrong
over the Green Building “LEED Platinum-2009” Certificate to Saiful Haque Bhuiyan,
understanding. It’s the most
Chairman and Rokun Uzzaman, CEO of AGDL.
implied business management
system if we take in and peruse.
This project is proudly consulted 28 January 2021, at certificate
Benefits are very high and could
by the country’s leading GREEN giving ceremony, the honorable
not be disregarded by means.
trusted partner 360 Total Solution high ranked officials of the US
Ltd. (360 TSL). It is identified as Green Building Council (USGBC) The program was covered by
7th in the world ranking and 4th attended online due to the Textile Today and closed by some
in Bangladesh under the factory pandemic situation. Also, all of the delicious refreshments.
category. Furthermore, ACCORD
Bangladesh, a third party fire &
building safety auditing body has
audited our facility and declared it
as a ‘safe’ workplace.
360 TSL under the leadership
of Bangladesh’s first and only
USGBC faculty and green building
professional expert Ananta
Ahmed, 2nd respective person in
the world who is USGBC Faculty
Figure 2: All of the higher-ranked officials of both the parties AGDL & 360 TSL attended
with 5 professional credentials this program at AGDL factory premises.

Bangladesh Textile Today | January 2021 47

O r d e r Tr e n d s

Fair distribution of orders can help

Bangladesh’s RMG to recover smoothly
Riasad Rion

With the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, the

global apparel value chain has experienced an
unprecedented disruption.
As the second-largest exporter of clothing products,
Bangladesh felt the jerk, which jolted the industry
leaving millions of workers in trouble.
Factory owners were in severe crisis as they were not
able to run the factory due to lockdown in home and
export destinations.
When the economies of importing countries
reopened, the buyers and brands started to take the
orders in progress and restored canceled orders.
Later, they also started to place fresh orders but that
was not enough to run the factory with full capacity.
Some of the buyers shifted orders to China and other
countries, who received more orders than the pre- Figure: Some of the buyers shifted orders to China and other
countries, who received more orders than the pre-COVID level.
COVID level.
As a result, countries like Bangladesh faced a be benefitted more by getting these additional
downtrend in order, which forced them to run with export orders," said Khondaker Golam Moazzem,
less capacity. research director of CPD.
According to the research of the Center for Policy "Particularly when these countries face fiscal
Dialogue (CPD), the market share of woven products constraints and weak social support schemes to
orders of China rose to 45% in post Covid-19 period, support their industries and workers."
which was 39% in the pre-COVID period, while
The market players of the global apparel value chain
Turkey's share rose to 4% from 3%.
should consider a distributive approach.
In the case of China, the share rose to 58% in
"This is to ensure the minimum required amount of
different products.
orders and income of the suppliers where supplying
Since the problem is associated with the supply and country governments of having the limited financial
demand of products, a Value Chain based Solution capacity to handle the challenges of enterprises
could help the country's exporters to turnaround. and workers through the social support scheme
The outbreak of Covid-19 has negatively impacted and support through public borrowing," said the
the global demand for apparel and the sudden economist.
massive fall in the global apparel demand produced Major brands and buyers through their appliances
a 'domino effect'. and forums would take decisions about the
So, in the given context, fair distribution of work distribution of orders to different supplying
orders by the global brands, buyers and retailers countries, he added.
could help Bangladeshi apparel suppliers to sustain Moazzem also said this redistribution would be
their business and recover from the Covid-19 further extended between suppliers within a targeted
pandemic smoothly. country where more vulnerable factories would get a
Countries, which have fiscal constraints like higher share of orders during the crisis period.
Bangladesh would benefit if the buyers consider it Such redistribution would be an effective instrument
and redistribute work orders. to keep factories in operation as well as to ensure
"The developed and developing countries which workers' well-being for a longer period, he noted.
received additional orders, are well-positioned to "Bangladesh needs prolonged support for this
support their industries and workers. In contrast, period. We need a better distribution of orders and a
there are countries in the supply chain which would value chain based redistribution, which is possible"

48 Bangladesh Textile Today | January 2021

O r d e r Tr e n d s E v e n t s To d a y

If we can change the order distribution pattern at

least keep the order distribution at a pre-COVID •P
 ost COVID apparel orders to
level that could help suppliers. Such redistribution some manufacturing countries
would be an effective instrument to keep factories in rose disproportionately while
operation as well as to ensure workers' well-being for Challenges others reeling for orders
a longer period, said Moazzem.
 reating a domino effect in
If the work orders of China remain at pre-COVID- manufacturing countries like
level, then orders worth about $2 billion could be Bangladesh with insufficient
given to other countries, said Moazzem. orders & closing down
Trade union leaders also called for a buyer-led factories, workers loosing jobs
initiative to recover from the crisis as well as to retain
the workers' employment. They also called not to cut
prices of goods.
"In the present context, it is quite possible to •N
 eed strong fiscal constraints
overcome the present crisis caused by the Covid-19 & buyer support is a must in
with homegrown initiatives," said Amirul Haque countries like Bangladesh
Amin, president of the National Garment Workers
 roper distributive approach
Federation (NGWF).
in value chain
With the domestic support, brands and buyers have
to come forward and increasing order volume would •E
 nsuring buyer-led initiative
be a great support for the industry, said Amin. with increased cooperation
among all stakeholders
"Buyers have canceled orders without taking the
responsibility. So it is time to rewrite due diligence or
laws in the buyer's country so that they cannot pull
out business illegally," said Kalpona Akter, Executive
"Government provided all-out support during the
Director, and Bangladesh Center for Workers
crisis, which helped the sector to turn around but the
Solidarity (BCWS).
second wave slowed down the speed and deepened
"Buyers and brands have to be responsible in every the crisis," said Commerce Minister Tipu Munshi.
step of the supply chain."
We are considering further support to the sector
There can be no such great tool to help the suppliers but the buyers should play an active role to help the
and workers if the sourcing country or buyers take manufacturers. If they equally treat Bangladesh with
steps to redistribute orders among the suppliers the other country, it would be a great support for the
amid the crisis, she added. sector to recover, said Tipu.

BGEA and BGBA jointly organized get together

Yeasin Miah

of the upcoming BGMEA election.

In the get-together, DNCC Mayor Atiqul Islam was
Chief Guest, Sammalito Porishod Panel Leader
Faruque Hassan, Managing Director of Giant Group
was Chief Speaker and BGBA President Kazi Iftehkher
Hossain was Guest of Honor, BGEA president
Masudur Rahman presides the meeting and Emdad Ul
Haq Miazi presenting the program.
Syed Nurul Islam CEO, Well Group of Industries;
BGMEA Vice President, Mashiur Azam; Director-
Mohammad Nasir; Abdullah Hil Rakib, MD, Team
Group; Shaidullah Azim, Managing Director of Classic
Figure: Leading industry figures attended in the program. Group; Mohammad Kamal Uddin, Chairman of Torque
Fashion, Salahuddin Chowdhury, Chairman, Stylish
Bangladesh Garments Executives Association (BGEA)
Garments were present.
and Bangladesh Garment Buying House Association
(BGBA) together arrange a get-together on 18th Also, around 200 RMG entrepreneurs have joined the
January 2021 at Uttara Club in Dhaka on the occasion program. The event was sponsored by Torque Fashion Ltd.

50 Bangladesh Textile Today | January 2021

F a s h i o n To d a y

Global scenario
of suit and blazer

Figure 1: Global blazer industry is growing day by day.

Abir Basak

Over the years, suit and blazer have evolved parallel global waistcoats, jackets, and suits market.
to the preferences of the modern global consumer
Trendy global suit fashion
especially the country that has winter all year round.
As most lucrative attires it’s taking vantage position When it comes to men’s clothing, nothing is more
gradually while brands are heading forward to impressive than a suit. In western countries, young
produce it on large scale. and teenagers prefer t-shirts and jeans always as
streetwear dress, but in job interviews, corporate
Growing demand
culture, court appearances and wedding functions
Rising disposable incomes, growth in purchasing they must choose blazers as symbolic dress code.
power of the people from different socio-economic Sometimes they are seen to wear both t-shirt and
classes, increasing fashion consciousness and travels suit together.
are driving the consumer demand for premium and
1. Plain navy, grey, or charcoal suit
luxury products. As per Technavio, the rise in the
adoption of sustainable manufacturing will have a Black is a common color for the suit segment.
positive impact on the growth significantly of the Transforming black to plain navy two-button with a
notch lapel, it will give an extra dimension to look a

Bangladesh Textile Today | January 2021 51

F a s h i o n To d a y

rich fashion.
2. Dark double-breasted suit
Highest suit & blazer exporter countries in FY 2019-20 (In US$ bn)
While single-breasted counterpart has proved its (Source: Staista)

versatility and continued popularity, blazer lovers 8

want to pick the right setting for a double-breasted 7 6.42

blazer. Typically, six buttons lapels double-breasted 6
suit created a craze among American bankers in the 5
’80s. This old fashion has come back again greatly
among young people with stylish cut & shape. Many
guys choose this option for its inherent flair.
3. Check suit
1 0.17
0.2 0.19 0.14 0.12
It’s a lot more versatile than something anyone pair 0
with leather leggings or a midi skirt! The traditional China Bangladesh Vietnam Taiwan Cambodia India
black and white variant of checked print is perfect
for the office. But the Scottish tartan will give blazer
lovers an exciting new look.
Covid-19 impact on blazer business
4. Oversized blazer
Covid-19 has shaken up the world's fashion sector
The oversized, boxy, menswear blazer has taken over like a hurricane. During a pandemic, total retail
the runway and become a street style favorite for apparel sales have been decreased 28 to 32% in
spring 2020. 2020, while luxury apparel sales have dropped 16.8%,
5. The dad look says Trendex, a market intelligence company. It has
also affected the blazers industry whose sales have
Who knew dad would become such a style icon? fallen by 10% in the last 8 months globally.
For the oversized check blazer, fashion lovers go full
force with the dad look. Indeed suit, blazer, coat & jacket business has been
“extremely slow” even since the end of lockdown.
6. Knit, washed or floral print Hugo Boss, Gap, Bonobos, Uniqlo, H&M, M&S, Calvin
Different washed and knit blazer is gaining popularity Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, Ralph Lauren, Armani, Garry
among customers. Pastel and cheery suits are Weber, LPP, Diesel, Kaiser, Zara, Jack & Jones, etc
trending during Covid-19 challenging times. Bright popular brands lost at least USD 40 billion to sell
colors are great, especially for the summer vibe. high-end blazer. Garry Weber's sales for the six
months fell 43.3% to 140.5 million euros, 61.5% sales
Global value of suit and blazer market
of M&S dropped of the first quarter of the year
The blazer market looks like a positive growth even although it recovered 21.3% dramatically of the
if the Covid-19 outbreak. Experts say, during the second quarter, PVH lost 43% high-end product sales
pandemic although the whole textile market shrinks, in last 6 months amounted for US$ 1.2 bn.
gradually business turns back while the critical
Around the world, the second wave of Covid-19 has
situation is overcoming.
already been started while everybody thinks the
According to Statista, the value of jackets, coats first phase is ended almost. Already few European
and blazers product segment are about US$ 39 Bn countries undergo lockdown. Undoubtedly this will
& is expected to reach a value of US$ 134 Bn at a hit the business again from the first months of the
CAGR of 6.6% growth rate and account for 47% of New Year.
the market share by the end of 2027. Presently China
Business insiders think the industry may take a
controls the market share up to 70%. Bangladesh,
minimum of four to six months to see business back
Vietnam, Taiwan, Cambodia, Turkey, India, Pakistan,
to the normal track. Financially strong companies are
Sri Lanka dominate 15%, 10%, 4% & others 1%
expected to recover faster.
respectively. European countries like Italy, France,
Portugal, and Romania also manufacture suits on an E-commerce sales are growing tremendously during
industrial scale. the pandemic. Online sales have jumped 66%, as
Hugo Boss launched e-commerce in 24 markets to
The USA is the largest market export destination
meet its target for €400 million of online sales by
for Blazer. In global comparison, most revenue is
2024. Not only Hugo Boss, 34% surge in online sales
generated in China who exported US$ 6.42 Billion
of M&S but H&M also invested £530m - 45% of its
worth of blazers during FY 2019-20, according to the
total investments, 26.2% from Uniqlo and in average
Business wire. Bangladesh exported US$ 200 million
the online sales growth rate of premium quality
in the last fiscal year while US$ 196.01 million, US$
blazer making brands are up to 46%.
174.8 million, US$ 144.06 million, US$ 122.89 million
from Vietnam, Taiwan, Cambodia, India respectively.

52 Bangladesh Textile Today | January 2021

Shimanto Shomvar, 8th Floor,
BGB Gate No 4, Pilkhana,
Road No. 2, Dhanmondi
Dhaka-1205 , Bangladesh
F i b e r To d a y

bright yellow silk and the paler

What makes lotus

lotus version is that every single
strand of natural lotus silk must be
extracted by hand. Every thread

silk the rarest fiber

of lotus silk starts with the stem of
the lotus flower.

in the world?
While this fabric has been made
for years in Myanmar by using
Lotus flower, Phan Thi Thuan’s
family only started experimenting
with this fiber in 2017.
Shafiun Nahar Elma Process
Once the Lotus stem is selected
and picked by hand, the silk inside
of the flower can be extracted.
One stem contains a minuscule
amount of thin, sticky fibers,
which must be rolled together and
dried also. The threads need to be
processed within 24 hours while
stems fiber are wet.
In another way, these fibers will
breakdown. The lotus plants are
only available to harvest between
April and October. Once they’ve
gone through the hard work of
extracting these fibers, they're
Figure: Lotus fiber extraction. Courtesy: Collected incredibly subtle too. Once dry,
these yarns are carefully weighed
Introduction women. With infinite patience,
down and delicately hand-reeled.
these women begin a delicate
Lotus silk, a natural flower fiber, Then yarns are put into the loom.
manual procedure to transform the
is a rare and highly exclusive
fiber into a silk thread that can be These natural fibers are breakable,
fiber. This natural flower fiber is
woven. Cambodian seamstresses but once it becomes woven, it may
only extracted by a few expert
work with the silk in a workshop, be as viable as traditional silk.
craftspeople across the world.
bringing the greatest attention to Phan Thi Thuan has a team of
But making this silk isn't easy.
the quality of their clothes. 20 workers who creating and
Extracting enough lotus silk for
one scarf can take two months or History make ready these fibers each day,
more than that. The final product allowing them to produce 10 to 20
Lotus flowers are sacred to Hindus
of Lotus silk can cost 10 times as scarves per month. But when it is
and Buddhists. They symbolize
much as regular silk. about 25-centimeter scarf can sell
the mind, the soul, enlightenment
for just over $200, the hard work is
Fabric produced from lotus silk is and purification of the body.
completely worth it.
found only on small scale across Mythology has it that the origins of
Cambodia, Myanmar, and more lotus root silk lie in one Myanmar The final product is completely
recently in Vietnam. The lotus woman’s devotion to their faith. different from any other fiber
is Vietnam's national flower and and fabric. It is so soft like silk,
Phan Thi Thuan's family of
a plant that's grown across the breathable like linen, and slightly
Myanmar has been making silk
country. like vivid.
for generations, growing and
The silk thread comes from the harvesting the threads from Some instructions for lotus silk
stem of a lotus flower. Therefore silkworms themselves to create This lotus fabric will not need a lot
this fiber is 100% animal cruelty- luxury garments. But making lotus of washing. If anyone would like
free. These rare textiles are woven silk is different, which usually to wash their Lotus scarf though,
in Cambodia in workshops whose comes from silkworms. But Lotus they have to consider the following
art dates back more than 5000 silk comes from flower fiber it instructions:
years. doesn’t depend on any kind of
worm, it is completely handmade. • Use only a drop of very mild
In Cambodia, weaving is an soap;
exclusive skill mainly reserved for The key difference between the

54 Bangladesh Textile Today | January 2021

Order Dealing Tips F i b e r To d a y

• Do not leave your scarf soaking; • Use an iron-on silk program and and also uncommon like lotus
iron the scarf when still moist. fabric. But the scale of it has
• Do not wring out or twist the
been limited, as there are still few
scarf; Conclusion
trained in the making of these silk
• Leave the scarf to dry in a flat Some luxurious features have threads or yarn. But despite the
position; made it popular with tourists work involved, Phan Thi Thuan
searching for rare souvenirs. It's is wishing that this natural fabric
• Avoid direct sunlight when
also recently been picked up from lotus fabric become a larger
by international fashion brands industry one day.
• Do not use a tumble dryer; searching for new luxury fiber

11 tips to deal with small orders

Rasel Ahmed Likhon, Merchandiser, Esquire Knit Composite Ltd.

Now a day competition is

increasing in the garments
industry. In past, factories rely
on few buyers with huge order
volumes. Now, because of huge
competition, factories have to
work with lots of buyers with
short volume orders. If one style
is running in a garments line
continuously, productivity should
be increased gradually and after
few days it reaches maximum
productivity (there is always a
scope to increase productivity).
But for short order quantity,
we need to achieve maximum
productivity from the very first
day. Otherwise, the targeted profit
may not be achieved. Figure: To achieve targeted profit for short order quantity, maintaining maximum
productivity from the very first day is essential.
Here are a few tips for the
garments manufacturer who is 4. Reduce red tape barriers: Clear and timely communication
dealing with small orders: Order to sample, sample to bulk will help.
lead-time needs to reduce by
1. Identify the pattern of that 9. Management: Management
prompt decision making backed
style: Yarn count, the requirement should be on the toe with a
up by proper and transparent
of line setup and balancing, thinking mind.
requirement of the multi-skill 10. SCM: Proper supply chain
operator, requirement of a special 5. Automation: Replacing some
integration with logistics support.
machine. manual machines to enable
efficient production and reduced 11. Changeover pre-activities:
2. Take a calculative risk: For short order quantity, style
DHU (Defect per hundred units).
Buffer yarn stock, flexibility changing happens frequently.
in line arrangement, contract 6. Efficiency: Marker efficiency, no
Before any style change,
manufacturing option evaluation, shortcutting, no helper.
some precautionary actions
small lines, similar product in a 7. Quality: End line quality and are necessary. By doing these
similar line, small dyeing machine, establishing proper QMS (Quality activities properly, change over
matching knitting Dia, etc. Management System), so that time may be reduced. I have
3. Adjust risk with premium: operators can maintain line quality. discussed this topic in my previous
Absorb it into the price, where article “Pre-activities for a quick
8. Communication with buyer:
possible. successful changeover”

Bangladesh Textile Today | January 2021 55

Exports Update

Home textile exports post robust

growth by 48% in H1 of FY21
FT Research

While Bangladesh's apparel Covid-19 pandemic, which Hossain, Managing Director of

exports witnessed a 3% during the disrupted the supply chain and R.T.T Textile Industries told Textile
July-December period of FY21, its reduced demands as people were Today.
foreign currency earnings from staying at home.
As of now the global market is
the home textile products posted
However, the stay at home over 90 billion but our share is
a robust growth by 48% to $547
increased the demands of knitwear very small and we can grab more
products and home textile items, shares, he added.
which helped exporters to earn a
Also, business is shifting from
better even amid the pandemic.
China, which is offering an ample
"With the outbreak of Covid-19 opportunity for Bangladesh, said
pandemic, people were very Hossain.
afraid about the infection and
However, the sector leader also
they stayed at home, while the
called for the devaluation of Taka
government-sponsored lockdown
against the US dollar as it would
in European Union and the US
help to improve competitiveness in
including other countries put
the global markets.
a bar to go out," Mohammed
Rashed Mosharrof, General "Bangladeshi currency gained
Manager (Marketing) and Head Of against the US dollar, while our
Operations of Zaber and Zubair competitors are enjoying extra
Figure: The stay at home increased the Fabrics told Textile Today. benefits as their currencies are
demands of knitwear products and home devalued," M Shahadat Hossain,
textile items, which helped exporters to "Besides, people joined offices
earn a better even amid the pandemic.
Chairman of Bangladesh Terry
staying at home as corporate
Towel and Linen Manufacturers
As per Export Promotion Bureau offices allowed employees to work
and Exporters Association
(EPB) data, during the July- from home. Peoples' movement, as
(BTTLMEA) told Textile Today.
December period, the first half well as travel, was restricted due to
the Covid-19 pandemic," Right now, our exporters are
of the current fiscal year 2020-
facing competition in the global
21, Bangladesh earned $547.48 Since the users did not go out and
market due to the appreciation
million, up by 48% compared to stayed at home, they mostly used
of Taka against USD. So, the
$370 million in the same period home textile products and they
government should provide policy
of last fiscal year. In the FY20, the used outwear products on a very
support and devalued Taka by Tk5
sector brought $759 million. limited scale, Rashed said.
against USD to help us to increase
Home textile products include Since Bangladesh has quality competitiveness in the global
bed linen, bed sheet and other products at affordable prices, markets, said Hossain.
bedroom textiles, bath linen, exporters have been able to take
carpets and rugs, blankets, the advantage of higher demands, Bangladesh exported $936
kitchen linen, curtains, cushions he added. mn Home textile items in 19-
and cushion cover and covers for 20FY. meaning BD has more
Talking to the Textile Today sector
people opined that Bangladesh
However, exports earnings from can earn over $1 billion from the
the RMG sector declined by 3% to sector but it needs policy support
$15.54 billion during H1 of FY21, to grow further.
which was $16 billion in the same
We earned $936 million the last
period of last year.
calendar year and there is a huge
Exports earnings from clothing opportunity to grow in the global scope to explore this sector
products declined due to the markets. Bangladesh has a skilled with more people staying at
devastating impacts of the workforce and expertise," Belayet home

56 Bangladesh Textile Today | January 2021

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E v e n t To d a y IEB Accreditation

Dongyi Sourcing Ltd targets $100

mn revenue by 2025
Ashraful Alam

Recently Dongyi Sourcing Limited partners with Dongyi Sourcing.

– a well-known buying house
The grand event was held at
among the country’s garment
a hotel in Dhaka, where the
exports – celebrated its first
officials and staff of the company
anniversary in a colorful event.
celebrated the 1st anniversary.
In the grand event, Mofazzel
Prominent industrialist and Dhaka
Hossain Pavel, Managing Director
North Mayor Atiqul Islam was
of Dongyi Sourcing Ltd, set an
present as the Chief Guest on the
ambitious US$100 million revenue
collection target by 2025.
Among others, Faruque Hasan,
Mofazzel Hossain urged all the
Managing Director of Giant Group,
officers and employees of Dongyi Figure: Dongyi Sourcing Limited celebrated
Md. Sirajul Haque, Managing its first anniversary in a colorful event.
Sourcing to work passionately to
Director of Sparkle Knit; Shahadat
meet the target. Delicate Group and other officials
Hossain, Managing Director of
He also expressed his gratitude to Fratis Group; Nazrul Islam, Director of Dongyi Sourcing Ltd. were
those who have been working as of Well Group; Delwar Hossain of present on the occasion.

Textile Engineering Dept. of Primeasia

University attained accreditation from IEB
Primeasia Correspondent

Recently Primeasia University’s

Textile Engineering Department
has attained the Accreditation
from the Institution of Engineers,
Bangladesh (IEB) under the
vibrant leadership of current Vice-
Chancellor (acting) Prof. Dr. Engr.
Md. Humaun Kabir.
This endorsement will be
accessible for next 3 years and all
the graduated Textile Engineers of
Primeasia University will be able Figure: Felicitation to Textile Engineering Department, Primeasia University for obtaining
to be members of IEB by fulfilling the accreditation from The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB) organized by Textile
Engineers Division (TED), IEB was held on January 30, 2021, at the Council Hall, IEB.
certain norms of the IEB.
The Textile Engineering Division Nabi Khan, Pro VC, BUFT and Engineering Division, IEB.
of IEB arranged a Felicitation Prof. Dr. Engr. Md. Humaun Kabir,
Vote of Thanks was provided by
Program for Primeasia University VC (Acting), Primeasia University
Engr. Md. Ashad Hossain, Vice
on 30th January 2021, to rejoice were present as Special Guests.
Chairman, TED. All the Faculty of
the achievement at the IEB Council
The event was chaired by Engr. Textile Engineering Department,
Md. Masudur Rahman, Chairman Primeasia University and the
Where, Eng. Md. Shahadat Textile Engineering Division, IEB Alumni of Primeasia University
Hossain Shiblu, Honorary General and led by Engr. Syed Atiqur Textile Engineering Department
Secretary, IEB was present as a Rahman, Secretary, Textile were also present at the event.
Chief Guest. Prof. Dr. Engr. Ayub

58 Bangladesh Textile Today | January 2021

Marketing Tips

a limit. Risk is low so is return.
Operating in the blue ocean is
easy but difficult to find. It requires
proper analysis and long term

guidelines for
360-degree strategy to strive for in
this market. Return is high but the
risk is also high. It’s a choice.

marketing in a
3. Making conventional marketing
This about 5 Ps of marketing that
would enable the sales team to

operate well: -
a. Product
b. Price

c. Placement
d. Packaging and
e. Promotion
4. Maneuver towards new
Abdul Wadud, CEO & Management Consultant, TRANSFORM
Having a good marketing strategy
Marketing is the heart of an is an important element of
organization as it not only helps sustainability. It has to be revolved
to navigate the company to Global Demand along with the feedback from the
generate a maximum consistent market and sales team that acts as
inflow of funds but also acts a barometer to gauge. Integrating
as the guiding force towards with new technology and channels
sustainability. Marketing refers to of marketing and looking for new
5 Ps; i.e. Product, Price, Placement, Country Demand customers and segments is important.
Packaging and Promotion that Therefore, it’s good to have an
helps sales to execute and income statement every month and
earn revenue for the company. calculate the cost and returns from
Marketing sets the rules while sales different products or segments or
execute. Whether the company Industry Demand markets and maneuver total activity
operates in the Red Ocean or Blue towards that. It is always taught
Ocean is determined by marketing. to do well and requires persistent
technological and geopolitical
I am sharing my views on aspects. With this exercise, it effort to excel.
marketing for a manufacturing would give an
company concerning all other idea of where the
lances as it can be looked through. opportunities are
and how to capture Demand-
Setting marketing strategy
the market. supply
The strategy is all about analysis
positioning. Differentiating from 2. Which market do
others is positioning that is we want to operate
strategically done. in?

1. Demand-Supply Analysis It’s very important Which

to decide which market do Core
It’s important to start with the market do we we want to components
demand-supply analysis; starting operate? of marketing
want to operate
from world demand to country in? Red ocean or
demand to industry demand- Blue Ocean. Most
supply scenario. of the companies
We need to look into the core are operating in Manuver
product, related product and the red ocean and towards
their driving force is opportunities
substitute products' demand-
supply scenario and trend operational efficiency
considering demography, regional, which of course has

Bangladesh Textile Today | January 2021 59

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