8.o Szerda

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NAME:______________________________ CLASS:___________

Past Progressive

1. Use the words to make a sentence in Past Progressive. (7p)

1. Anna / play the guitar (-)

2. Mick and Richard / take photos (-)

3. Where / David / sit ?

4. Dad / feed the dog (+)

5. They / get ready for school ? No, ______________________

6. My friends / buy clothes (+)

7. Zac / read a sports magazine ? Yes, ______________________


2. Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box in
Past Progressive. There is one extra word. (7p)

talk put not have send not do brush take not get

1. I __________________________ an email to my best friend.

2. Jane and Mike ________________________ their teeth yesterday at 8 o’clock.
3. My brother _________________________ to our cousin on the phone.
4. Sarah ________________________ ready for bed because she wasn’t tired.
5. My classmates _____________________________ on their jackets.
6. Susan and her family __________________________ dinner yesterday at 9
7. I _______________________ the washing-up at home yesterday evening.

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