Content Performance K to 12 CG
Quarter Most Essential Learning Competencies
Standards Standards Code
S1 Q1 The learner will be The learner will be Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts and
able to understand able to demonstrate doing an adaptation of these require from the learner the ability to
and appreciate the understanding and identify:
elements and appreciation of 21st a. the geographic, linguistic, and ethnic dimensions of Philippine
contexts of 21st Century Philippine literary history from pre-colonial to the contemporary
century Philippine literature from the b. representative texts and authors from each region (e.g. engage
literature from the regions through: in oral history research with focus on key personalities from the
regions. 1. a written close students’ region/province/town)
analysis and Compare and contrast the various 21st century literary genres and the EN12Lit-Id-25
critical ones from the earlier genres/periods citing their elements, structures
interpretation and traditions
of a literary text Discuss how different contexts enhance the text’s meaning and enrich
in terms of form the reader’s understanding
and theme, with Produce a creative representation of a literary text by applying multi-
a description of media and ICT skills
its context Do self- and/or peer-assessment of the creative adaptation of a literary EN12Lit-Ie-31.3
derived from text, based on rationalized criteria, prior to presentation
research; and
2. an adaptation
of a text into
other creative
forms using
S1 Q2 The learner will be The learner will be Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts, EN12Lit-IIa-22
able to understand able to demonstrate applying a reading approach, and doing an adaptation of these, require
and appreciate understanding and from the learner the ability to identify: representative texts and authors
literary texts in appreciation of 21st from Asia, North America, Europe, Latin America, and Africa
various genres century literature of Compare and contrast the various 21st century literary genres and their EN12Lit-IId-25
across national the world through: elements, structures, and traditions from across the globe
Produce a creative representation of a literary text by applying
Various elements that The learners conduct Explain the meaning of Week 3 DRR11/12-Ic-8
may be exposed to hazard hunts of exposed vulnerability
hazards: elements and propose Explain why certain sectors of Week 3 DRR11/12-Ic-9
1. Physical corresponding corrective society are more vulnerable to
2. Social actions for one’s disaster than others
3. Economic preparedness. Recognize vulnerabilities of Week 4 DRR11/12-Id-12
4. Environmental different elements exposed to
Vulnerability of each specific hazards
exposed element. Differentiate among hazards, Week 4 DRR11/12-Id-13
exposure, and vulnerabilities and
explain the relationship of the
three to disaster risk
1. Concept of hazard The learners relate Define and cite examples of the Week 5
2. Types of hazards various types of hazard types of hazards
3. The impact of various with a specific area for Explain the impact of various Week 5 DRR11/12-Ie-16
hazards one’s preparedness. hazards on people and the
Potential earthquake The learners develop a Identify various potential Week 6 DRR11/12-If-g-17
hazards: family emergency earthquake hazards
1. Ground shaking preparedness plan to Recognize the natural signs of an Week 6 DRR11/12-If-g-18
2. Ground rupture guide them on what to do impending tsunami;
3. Liquefaction before, during, and after Analyze the effects of the Week 6 DRR11/12-If-g-19
4. Earthquake-induced an earthquake. different earthquake hazards
ground subsidence Week 7 DRR11/12-If-g-20
5. Tsunami Interpret different earthquake
6. Earthquake-induced hazard maps;
Signs of impending The learners develop a Explain various volcano-related Week 7 DRR11/12-Ih-i-22
volcanic eruptions family emergency hazards
Potential volcano-related preparedness plan to Recognize signs of an impending Week 8 DRR11/12-Ih-i-24
hazards: guide them on what to do volcanic eruption
1. Lahar before, during, and after Week 8 DRR11/12-Ih-i-25
2. Ash fall a volcanic eruption. Interpret different volcano hazard
3. Pyroclastic flow maps;
4. Ballistic Projectile
5. Volcanic Glasses
6. Lava flow
2nd Related geological The learners develop a Discuss the different geological Week 1 DRR11/12-IIa-b-27
hazards family emergency hazards
1. Rainfall-induced preparedness plan to Analyze the causes of geological Week 1 DRR11/12-IIa-b-28
landslide guide them on what to do hazards
2. Sinkhole before, during, and after Recognize signs of impending Week 1 DRR11/12-IIa-b-29
the occurrence of events geological hazards;
that cause geological Interpret geological maps Week 2 DRR11/12-IIa-b-30
hazards. Apply mitigation strategies to Week 2 DRR11/12-IIa-b-31
prevent loss of lives and
Potential The learners develop a Recognize signs of impending Week 3 DRR11/12-IIc-d-33
hydrometeorological family emergency hydrometeorological hazards
hazards: preparedness plan to Interpret different Week 3 DRR11/12-IIc-d-35
1. Typhoon guide them on what to do hydrometeorological hazard maps
2. Thunderstorm before, during, and after Week 3 DRR11/12-IIc-d-36
3. Flashflood the occurrence of events
4. Flood that cause
Use available tools for monitoring
5. Stormsurge hydrometeorological
hydrometeorological hazards
6. El Nino hazards.
7. La Nina
Fire hazards and related The learners develop a Recognize elements of the fire Week 4 DRR11/12-IIe-f-37
concepts: family emergency triangle in different situations
1. Fire triangle preparedness plan to Analyze the different causes of Week 4 DRR11/12-IIe-f-38
2. Causes of fires guide them on what to do fires
3. Phases of a fire before, during, and after Observe precautionary measures Week 4 DRR11/12-IIe-f-39
emergency a fire incident. and proper procedures in
addressing a fire incident
Apply basic response procedures Week 5 DRR11/12-IIe-f-40
during a fire incident
Follow fire emergency and Week 5 DRR11/12-IIe-f-41
evacuation plans;
Disaster risk reduction: The learners are able to Discuss the key concepts, Week 6 DRR11/12-IIg-h-42
1. Concept of DRR develop a community principles, and elements of DRR
2. Importance of DRR emergency preparedness Week 6 DRR11/12-IIg-h-43
3. Key Principles plan and community
disaster preparedness
plan to minimize Recognize the importance of DRR
vulnerability and disaster on one’s life
risk in the community
and avoid or limit adverse
impacts of hazards.
Community-based The learners practice and Discuss different community- Week 7 DRR11/12-IIg-h-44
disaster risk reduction develop proficiency in based practices for managing
and management for executing emergency disaster risk to specific hazards
preparedness response protocols/ Develop a community Week 7 DRR11/12-IIg-h-45
1. Emergency Plan procedures through preparedness plan;
2. Monitoring and safety drills. Week 8 DRR11/12-IIg-h-46
Evaluation Prepare survival kits and materials
3. Early Warning Systems for one’s family and for public
4. Survival Kits and information and advocacy
Policies of DRRM -The Week 8 DRR11/12-IIi-j-47
Philippine DRRM Law RA
Explain DRR-related laws and
10121 and its
Implementing Rules and
1. the three main categories Identify common rock-forming minerals using their Week 1 S11/12ES-Ia-9
of rocks physical and chemical properties.
2. the origin and Classify rocks into igneous, sedimentary, and Week 2 S11/12ES-Ib-10
environment of formation metamorphic
of common minerals and explain how the products of weathering are Week 2 S11/12ES-Ib-12
rocks carried away by erosion and deposited elsewhere
3. geologic processes that Describe where the Earth’s internal heat comes Week 3 S11/12ES-Ib-14
occur on the surface of the from.
Earth such as weathering, describe how magma is formed (magmatism) Week 3 S11/12ES-Ic-15
erosion, mass wasting, and Describe the physical and chemical changes in rocks Week 4
sedimentation (include the due to changes in pressure and temperature
role of ocean basins in the (metamorphism)
formation of sedimentary compare and contrast the formation of the Week 4 S11/12ES-Ic-18
rocks) different types of igneous rocks
4. geologic processes that Explain how the movement of plates leads to the Week 5 S11/12ES-Id-22
occur within the Earth formation of folds and faults
5. the folding and faulting Describe how layers of rocks (stratified rocks) are Week 5 S11/12ES-Ie-25
of rocks formed
6. plate tectonics Describe the different methods (relative and Week 5 S11/12ES-Ie-26
7. how the planet Earth absolute dating) to determine the age of stratified
evolved in the last 4.6 rocks
billion years (including the Explain how relative and absolute dating were Week 6 S11/12ES-Ie-27
age of the Earth, major used to determine the subdivisions of geologic
geologic time subdivisions, time
and marker fossils). Describe how the Earth’s history can be Week 6 S11/12ES-Ie-29
interpreted from the geologic time scale
1. the different hazards Describe the various hazards that may happen in Week 6 S11/12ES-If-30
caused by geological the event of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and
processes (earthquakes, landslides
volcanic eruptions, and Using hazard maps, identify areas prone to Week 7 S11/12ES-If-31
landslides) hazards brought about by earthquakes, volcanic
2. the different hazards eruptions, and landslides
caused by Identify human activities that speed up or trigger Week 7 S11/12ES-If-33
hydrometeorological landslides
phenomena (tropical Using hazard maps, identify areas prone to Week 8 S11/12ES-Ig-36
cyclones, monsoons, floods, hazards brought about by tropical cyclones,
and tornadoes or ipo-ipo) monsoons, floods, or ipo-ipo
3. the different hazards Describe how coastal processes result in coastal Week 8 S11/12ES-Ih-38
caused by coastal processes erosion, submersion, and saltwater intrusion
(waves, tides, sea-level cite ways to prevent or mitigate the impact of Week 8 S11/12ES-Ii-41
changes, crustal movement, land development, waste disposal, and
and storm surges) construction of structures on control coastal
2nd 1. the historical value life by taking good Explain the evolving concept of life based on S11/12LT-IIa-1
Week 1-2
development of the care of all beings, emerging pieces of evidence
concept of life humans, plants, and S11/12LT-IIa-3
Describe how unifying themes (e.g., structure and
2. the origin of the first life animals
function, evolution, and ecosystems) in the study
of life show the connections among living things Week 2
3. unifying themes in the
and how they interact with each other and with
study of life
their environment
1. plant and animal conduct a survey of Describe the different ways of how representative S11/12LT-IIej- 15
Week 3
reproduction products containing animals reproduce
2. how genes work substances that can Describe the process of genetic engineering Week 4 S11/12LT-IIej- 17
3. how genetic engineering trigger genetic disorders S11/12LT-IIej- 19
is used to produce novel such as phenylketonuria
Evaluate the benefits and risks of using GMOs Week 4
1. nutrition: getting food make a presentation of Describe the general and unique characteristics of S11/12LT-IIIaj- 21
to cells some diseases that are the different organ systems in representative Week 5
2. gas exchange with the associated with the animals
environment various organ systems S11/12LT-IIIaj- 22
3. circulation: the internal
transport system
4. the need for
5. salt and water balance
and Analyze and appreciate the functional
waste removal relationships of the different organ systems in Week 5
6. the immune system: ensuring animal survival
defense from disease
7. how hormones govern
body activities
8. the nervous system
9. the body in motion
1. the evidence for Design a poster tracing Explain how populations of organisms have S11/12LT-IVfg- 26
evolution the evolutionary changes changed and continue to change over time
2. the origin and in a crop plant (e.g., rice showing patterns of descent with modification Week 6
extinction of or corn) that occurred from common ancestors to produce the
species through domestication organismal diversity observed today
Describe how the present system of classification S11/12LT-IVfg- 27
of organisms is based on evolutionary Week 6
1. the principles of the prepare an action plan S11/12LT-IVhj- 29
Categorize the different biotic potential and
ecosystem containing mitigation Week 7
environmental resistance (e.g., diseases,
measures to address
2. biotic potential and current environmental availability of food, and predators) that affect
environmental concerns and challenges population explosion
resistance in the community
3. terrestrial and aquatic
4. how human activities
affect the natural
geothermal, waste when people utilize Explain how heat from inside the Earth Week 4 S11ES-Ie-11
hydroelectric) materials and resources (geothermal) and from flowing water
4. the amount of usable (hydroelectric) is tapped as a source of energy
water resources on for human use
Earth Identify the various water resources on Earth Week 4 S11ES-If-g-15
5. the distribution of Explain how different activities affect the quality Week 5 S11ES-Ig-16
arable land on Earth and availability of water for human use
6. waste generation and Identify human activities, such as farming, Week 5 S11ES-Ih-17
management construction of structures, and waste disposal,
that affect the quality and quantity of soil
Give ways of conserving and protecting the soil Week 6 S11ES-Ih-i-18
for future generations
1. relative and absolute describe the possible Describe how layers of rocks (stratified rocks) Week 5 S11ES-IIh-35
dating events that occurred in a are formed
2. the major subdivisions of certain area based on the Describe the different methods (relative and Week 5 S11ES-IIh-i-36
geologic time (including rock layers found therein absolute dating) of determining the age of
index fossils) stratified rocks
3. how the planet Earth Explain how relative and absolute dating were Week 6 S11ES-IIi-37
evolved in the last 4.6 used to determine the subdivisions of geologic
billion years time
Describe how index fossils (also known as guide Week 6 S11ES-Ii-j-38
fossils) are used to define and identify
subdivisions of the geologic time scale
Describe the history of the Earth through Week 7 S11ES-IIj-39
geologic time
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning competencies Duration K to 12 CG Code
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning competencies Duration K to 12 CG Code
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning competencies Duration K to 12 CG Code
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning competencies Duration K to 12 CG Code
2nd The learner The learner writes a 8.1 Enumerate the objectives he/she really wants to Week 4
Quarter understands human philosophical achieve and to define the projects he/she really
beings as oriented reflection on the wants to do in his/her life PPT11/12-IIh-8.1
towards their meaning of his/her Nakapagtatala ng mga bagay na tunay na gusto niyang
impending death own life gawin (Ano ang gusto niyang maging?)
Reflect on the meaning of his/her own life PPT11/12-IIi-8.2
larangang ito
Nakagagawa ng pag-aaral gamit ang social media sa F11EP – IId – 33
pagsusuri at pagsulat ng mga tekstong nagpapakita ng Week 4
iba’t ibang sitwasyon ng paggamit sa wika
Natutukoy ang mga angkop na salita, pangungusap F11PN – IId – 89
ayon sa konteksto ng paksang napakinggan sa mga Week 4
balita sa radyo at telebisyon
Nabibigyang kahulugan ang mga salitang ginamit sa F11PT – IIe – 87
Week 5
Napipili ang angkop na mga salita at paraan ng F11PS –IIe – 90
paggamit nito sa mga usapan o talakayan batay sa
Week 5
kausap, pinag-uusapan, lugar, panahon, layunin, at
grupong kinabibilangan
Nahihinuha ang layunin ng isang kausap batay sa F11WG- IIf – 88
Week 6
paggamit ng mga salita at paraan ng pagsasalita
Nakabubuo ng mga kritikal na sanaysay ukol sa iba’t F11EP – IIf – 34
ibang paraan ng paggamit ng wika ng iba’t ibang Week 6
grupong sosyal at kultural sa Pilipinas
Nasusuri ang ilang pananaliksik na pumapaksa sa wika
at kulturang Pilipino Week 7-8 F11PB – IIg – 97
Naiisa-isa ang mga hakbang sa pagbuo ng isang F11PU – IIg – 88
Week 7-8
makabuluhang pananaliksik
Nagagamit ang angkop na mga salita at pangungusap F11WG – IIh –
upang mapag-ugnay-ugnay ang mga ideya sa isang Week 7-8 89
Nakasusulat ng isang panimulang pananaliksik sa mga F11EP – IIij – 35
Week 7-8
penomenang kultural at panlipunan sa bansa
Content Performance K to 12 CG
Quarter Most Essential Learning Competencies
Standards Standards Code
S2 Q3 The learner The learner Describe how communication is influenced by media and information MIL11/12IMIL-
demonstrates organizes a creative IIIa-1
understanding of and interactive Identify the similarities and differences between and among media MIL11/12IMIL-
media symposium for the literacy, information literacy, and technology literacy IIIa-2
and information community focusing Discuss responsible use of media and information
literacy on being a media
(MIL) and MIL and information Explain how the evolution of media from traditional to new media shaped
related concepts. literate individual. the values and norms of people and society
Compare and contrast how one particular issue or news is presented
through the different types of media (print, broadcast, online)
Contrast indigenous media to the more common sources of information
such as library, internet, etc.
Present an issue in varied ways to disseminate information using the
codes, convention, and language of media
Cite practical situation when to apply knowledge in intellectual property,
copy right, and fair use guidelines
Create a campaign add to combat digital divide, addiction, and bullying
S2 Q4 The learner The learner Cite an example of an issue showing the power of media and information
demonstrates produces a living to affect change
understanding of museum or Describe the impact of massive open on-line
different resources electronic portfolio Discuss the implication of media and information to an individual and the
of media and or any other society
information, their creative forms of Describe the different dimensions of:
design principle and multimedia • text information and media
elements, and showcasing their / • visual information and media
selection criteria. his/her • audio information and media
understanding, • motion information and media
insights, and • manipulative information and media
perceptions of the • multimedia information and media
different resources Analyze how the different dimensions are formally and informally
of media and produced, organized, and disseminated
Evaluate a creative multimedia form (living museum, electronic portfolio,
Produce a creative text-based, visual-based, audio-based, motion-based,
and manipulative-based presentation using design principle and elements
Content Performance K to 12 CG
Quarter Most Essential Learning Competencies
Standards Standards Code
S1 Q1 The learner The learner designs Explains the functions, nature and process of communication EN11/12OC-Ia-2
understands the and performs Differentiates the various models of communication EN11/12OC-Ia-3
nature and effective controlled Uses various strategies in order to avoid communication breakdown EN11/12OC-Ia-6
elements of oral and uncontrolled
communication in oral communication
context. activities based on
The learner values The learner writes a Examines sample oral communication activities
the functions/ 250-word essay of
purposes of oral his/her objective
communication. observation and
evaluation of the
various speakers
watched and
listened to.
The learner The learner Identifies the various types of speech context. EN11/12OC-Ifj-
recognizes that demonstrates 15
communicative effective use of Distinguishes types of speeches and speech style EN11/12OC-Ifj-
competence communicative 17
requires strategy in a variety Responds appropriately and effectively to a speech act EN11/12OC-Ifj-
understanding of of speech 20
speech context, situations.
speech style, speech
act and
S1 Q2 The learner The learner Employs various communicative strategies in different situations
recognizes that demonstrates Explains that a shift in speech context, speech style, speech act and EN11/12OC-
communicative effective use of communicative strategy affects the following: IIab-22;
competence communicative
Naiisa-isa ang mga paraan at tamang F11PU – IVef – 91
proseso ng pagsulat ng isang
pananaliksik sa Filipino batay sa Week 5-6
layunin, gamit, metodo, at etika ng
Nagagamit ang mga katwirang lohikal F11WG –IVgh - 92
at ugnayan ng mga ideya sa pagsulat Week 7-8
ng isang pananaliksik
Nakabubuo ng isang maikling F11EP – IVij - 38
pananaliksik na napapanahon ang Week 7-8
Grade Level: Grade 11/12
the various aspects of illustrate the connections evaluate his/her own thoughts, feelings, and EsP-PD11/12DWP-Ib-
holistic development: between thoughts, behaviors 2.2
physiological, cognitive, feelings, and behaviors in a Week 2
show the connections between thoughts, EsP-PD11/12DWP-Ic-
psychological, spiritual, person’s holistic
feelings, and behaviors in actual life situations 2.3
and social development development
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration K to 12 CG Code
The learner The learner leads fitness Weeks 1 to 7 PEH11FH-Ig-i-6
demonstrates events with proficiency
understanding of and confidence
fitness and exercise resulting in 1. Self-assesses health-related fitness
in optimizing one’s independent pursuit (HRF). status, barriers to physical
health as a habit; as and in influencing activity assessment participation
requisite for physical others positively. and one’s diet
activity assessment
performance, and as
a career opportunity
First 2. Sets Frequency Intensity Time Type PEH11FH-Ii-j-7
Quarter (FITT) goals based on training
principles to achieve and/or Weeks 8 to 10
maintain health-related fitness
3. Engages in moderate to vigorous Weeks 1 to 10 PEH11FH-Ia-t-8
physical activities (MVPAs) for at
least 60 minutes most days of the
week in a variety of settings in- and
out-of school
4. Analyzes physiological indicators Weeks 1 to 10 PEH11FH-Ik-t-9
such as heart rate, rate of
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration K to 12 CG Code
The learner The learner leads dance Weeks 1 to 10 PEH12FH-Ig-i-6
demonstrates events with proficiency
understanding of and confidence resulting
1. Self-assesses health-related fitness
dance in optimizing in independent pursuit
(HRF). status, barriers to physical
one’s health; as and in influencing others
activity assessment participation
Third requisite for physical positively
and one’s diet
Quarter activity assessment
performance, and as
a career opportunity.
2. Sets FITT goals based on training Weeks 4 to 5 PEH12FH-Ii-j-7
principles to achieve and/or
maintain HRF
Bang and during stellar the atom or the chemical Week 1 S11/12PS-IIIb-11
evolution element in a timeline
2. the distribution of the Explain how the concept of atomic number
chemical elements and led to the synthesis of new elements in the
the isotopes in the laboratory
G. Biomass
The properties and From product labels, identify the active Week 8 S11/12PS-IIIi-j-31
mode of action of the ingredient(s) of cleaning products used at
following consumer home
products: Week 8 S11/12PS-IIIi-j-32
a. cleaning materials Give the use of the other ingredients in
b. cosmetics cleaning agents
2nd 1. Greek views of Explain how the Greeks knew that the Week 1 S11/12PS-IVa-38
matter, motion, and the Earth is spherical
universe Cite examples of astronomical phenomena Week 1 S11/12PS-IVa-4
2. competing known to astronomers before the advent
models of the universe of telescopes
by Eudoxus, Aristotle, Week 1 S11/12PS-IVb-44
Aristarchus, Ptolemy,
Explain how Brahe’s innovations and
3. Copernicus,
extensive collection of data in
Brahe, and Kepler
observational astronomy paved the way
4. evidence that
for Kepler’s discovery of his laws of
the Earth is not the
planetary motion
center of the universe
1. Aristotelian vs. Compare and contrast the Aristotelian and Week 2 S11/12PS-IVc-46
Galilean views of Galilean conceptions of vertical motion,
motion horizontal motion, and projectile motion.
2. how Galileo used his
discoveries in
mechanics (and explain how Galileo inferred that objects Week 2 S11/12PS-IVc-47
astronomy) to in vacuum fall with uniform acceleration,
address scientific and that force is not necessary to sustain
objections to the horizontal motion
Copernican model
Content Performance
Quarter Most Essential Learning Competencies Coding
Standards Standards
S2 Q3 The learner realizes The learner Compare and contrast patterns of written texts across
that information in critiques a chosen disciplines
a written text may sample of each Evaluate a written text based on its properties (organization,
be selected and pattern of coherence and cohesion, language use and mechanics)
organized to development Identify claims explicitly or implicitly made in a written text EN11/12RWS-IIIij-6;
achieve a particular focusing on a. Claim of fact EN11/12RWS-IIIij-6.1;
purpose. information b. Claim of policy EN11/12RWS-IIIij-6.2;
selection, c. Claim of value EN11/12RWS-IIIij-6.3
S2 Q4 organization, and Identify the context in which a text was developed EN11/12RWS-IVac-7;
development. a. Hypertext EN11/12RWS-IVac-7.1;
b. Intertext EN11/12RWS-IVac-7.2
The learner The learner writes a Explain critical reading as a form of reasoning EN11/12RWS-IVac-8
understands the 1000-word critique Formulate evaluative statements about a text read: EN11/12RWS-IVac-9;
relationship of a of a selected text a. assertions about the content and properties of a EN11/12RWS-IVac-9.1;
written text and the on the basis of its text read; and EN11/12RWS-IVac-9.2
context in which it claim/s, context, b. counterclaims in response to claims made in a text
was developed. and properties as a read
written material. Determine textual evidence to validate assertions and EN11/12RWS-IVac-10
counterclaims made about a text read
The learner The learner Identify the unique features of and requirements in EN11/12RWS-IVdg-12;
understands the produces each type composing texts that are useful across disciplines: EN11/12RWS-IVdg-12.1;
requirements of of academic writing a. Book Review or Article Critique EN11/12RWS-IVdg-12.2;
composing and professional b. Literature Review EN11/12RWS-IVdg-12.3;
academic writing correspondence c. Research Report EN11/12RWS-IVdg-12.4
and professional following the d. Project Proposal
correspondence. properties of well- e. Position Paper
written texts and Identify the unique features of and requirements in EN11/12RWS-IVhj-13;
process approach composing professional correspondence: EN11/12RWS-IVhj-13.1;
to writing. a. Resume EN11/12RWS-IVhj-13.2;
b. Application for College Admission EN11/12RWS-IVhj-13.3;
c. Application for Employment EN11/12RWS-IVhj-13.4
d. Various forms of Office Correspondence
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning competencies Duration K to 12 CG Code
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning competencies Duration K to 12 CG Code
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning competencies Duration K to 12 CG Code
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning competencies Duration K to 12 CG Code
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration K to 12 CG Code
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration K to 12 CG Code
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration K to 12 CG Code
1. how individuals
learn culture and
become competent 1. identify norms and values to
members of society be observed in interacting with * Explain the context, content, processes, and Week 5
how individuals learn others in society, and the consequences of socialization
culture and become consequences of ignoring
competent members these rules
of society
2. how individuals
should behave as part
of a political 2. assess the rules of social *Analyze the forms and functions of social Week 6
community interaction to maintain organizations
stability of everyday life and
the role of innovation in
response to problems and
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration K to 12 CG Code
to wealth, power, and redistribution in his/her own *Examine the concept, characteristics and Week 9
prestige society forms of stratification systems using sociological
3. social and political
inequalities as *Explain government programs and initiatives Week 10
features of societies in addressing social inequalities e.g. local,
and the global national, global
*Suggest ways to address social inequalities Week 11
(local, national and global)
the agents/
institutions, 1. evaluates factors causing
processes, and social, political, and cultural
outcomes of cultural, change
political, and social * Examine human responses to emerging Week 12
change 2. advocate how human challenges in contemporary societies
societies should adapt to such
The learners The learners shall be able to: compare and contrast the nuances Weeks 1-4 CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ia-b-
demonstrate an at the end of the 2-week period of varied online platforms, sites, 1
QUARTER 1 understanding independently compose an and content to best achieve specific
of: insightful reflection paper on class objectives or address
situational challenges
ICT in the the
context of global nature of ICT in the context of
communication their lives, society, and
for specific professional tracks (Arts, Tech
professional Voc, Sports, Academic)
apply online safety, security, ethics, CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ia-b-
and etiquette standards and 2
practice in the use of ICTs as it
would relate to their specific
professional tracks
use the Internet as a tool for CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ia-b-
credible research and information 3
gathering to best achieve specific
class objectives or address
The learners The learners shall be able to: uses common productivity tools CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ic-d-
demonstrate an at the end of the 2-week period effectively by maximizing advanced 4
understanding independently apply advanced application techniques
of: productivity tools to create or
the use of develop ICT content for use in creates an original or derivative ICT CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ic-d-
advanced tools specific professional tracks content to effectively communicate 5
and These may be in the form of, or present data or information
techniques but not limited to:
the principles at the end of the 2-week period evaluate existing online creation Weeks 5-6 CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ig-h-
and techniques independently apply the tools, platforms and applications in 9
of principles and techniques of developing ICT content for specific
design using design using online creation professional tracks
online creation tools, platforms, and apply web design principles and CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ig-h-
tools, applications to create original elements using online creation 10
platforms, and or tools, platforms, and applications
applications to derivative ICT content for use in to communicate a message for a
develop ICT specific professional tracks specific purpose in specific
content for These may be in the form of, professional tracks
specific but not limited to:
professional 1. Survey instruments using create an original or derivative ICT CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ig-h-
tracks Google forms (Business/ content using online creation tools, 11
Academic) platforms, and applications to
2. Athletic match-ups and effectively communicate messages
league standings using related to specific professional
Mindmeister (Sports) track
3. Catalogues/Swatches/
options for products and
services using Prezi (Tech
4. Online photo album of
artistic works or
photographs using Picasa
5. Online music production
using Sibelius (Music)
the key at the end of the 2-week period Weeks 7-8 CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ii-j-
learnings from and quarter collaboratively 12
the develop an online portal or evaluate the quality, value, and
previous weeks, website to showcase and share appropriateness of peer’s existing
which they will existing and previously or previously developed ICT
synthesize into developed content content in relation to the theme or
QUARTER 2 The learners The learners: explore the principles of Week 1 CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-IIk-
demonstrate an at the end of the week interactivity and rich content in the 14
understanding independently assess one’s context of Web 2.0 and the
of: experience along a range of participation of the user in the
how rich media online rich content on the basis online experience
content and of the usability of the interface
affects and
the user
experience in
the delivery
consumption of
ICT content
ICT as a tool, at the end of the week share anecdotes of how he/she has CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-IIl-15
medium, and independently articulate how used ICTs to be part of a social
force ICT tools and platforms have movement, change, or cause to
in bringing changed the way people illustrate aspects of digital
about action and communicate, and how social citizenship
mobilize change change has been brought about
in a population, by the use of ICTs
society, or
how to work at the end of the 4-week period identify a local or regional cause or CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-IIm-
with peers and collaboratively participate issue for Social Change related to p16
external publics/ actively in the creation and specific professional tracks that can
partners for the development of an ICT Project be addressed or tackled using an
development of for Social Change relating to an ICT Project for Social Change
an ICT project issue in specific professional
that advocates tracks
or mobilizes for Topics may cover, but are not analyze how target or intended Weeks 2-4 CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-IIm-
a limited to: users and audiences are expected p17
specific Social 1. Promotion of wellness in to respond to the proposed ICT
Change or cause the home (Sports) Project for Social Change on the
2. Street food safety and basis of content, value, and user
cleanliness drive (Tech experience
3. Cultural heritage promotion
through new designs integrate rich multimedia content
“Pinoy pride” (Arts) in design and development to best CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-IIm-
4. Savings and financial enhance the user experience and p18
literacy drives and deliver content of an ICT Project for
advocacies (Business/ Social Change
how to manage at the end of the 2-week period demonstrate how online ICT CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-IIq-
an online ICT independently and Projects for Social Change are r20
Project for Social collaboratively co-manage an uploaded, managed, and promoted
Change online ICT Project for Social for maximum audience impact
Change through available tools, generate a technical report Weeks 5-6 CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-IIq-
resources, and platforms interpreting data analytics, r21
e.g. Google, Facebook, or
similar traffic data on the
Content Performance
Quarter Most Essential Learning Competencies K to 12 CG Code
Standards Standards
S1/2 The learner The learner Differentiates language used in academic texts from various
Q1/3 acquires knowledge produces a detailed disciplines
of appropriate abstract of Uses knowledge of text structure to glean the information he/she CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ia-
reading strategies information needs c-4
for a better gathered from the Uses various techniques in summarizing a variety of academic texts CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ia-
understanding of various c-4
academic texts academic texts read States the thesis statement of an academic text CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ia-
Outlines reading texts in various disciplines CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ia-
The learner The learner Uses appropriate critical writing a critique such as formalism,
understands the produces an feminism, etc.
principles and uses objective Writes an objective/balanced review or critique of a work of art, an CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Id-
of a reaction paper/ assessment of an event or a program f-18
review/ critique event, a person, a
place or a thing.
writes a
review /reaction
• Performance
Arts, Play,
Dance, Sports,
• Film
• Participation in
a religious or
• Art Exhibit
critiques designs
such as industrial
design objects or
craft objects,
furniture, fashion
designs based on a
set criteria
critiques graphic
materials such as
posters, billboards,
commercials, digital
The learner The learner Determines the ways a writer can elucidate on a concept by CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ig-
understands the produces a well- definition, explication and clarification j-20
principles and uses balanced concept Compare and contrast various kinds of concept papers:
of a concept paper paper in a specific a. Art
discipline b. Business
c. Law
d. Philosophy
e. Politics
f. Religion
g. Science
h. Sports
i. TechVoc
- Home Economics
- Agri-Fishery
- IA
Presents a novel concept or project with accompanying visuals/
graphic aids
S1/2 The learner The learner Analyzes the arguments used by the writer/s in manifestoes CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-
Q2/4 understands the presents a IIa-d-3
principles and uses convincing position Defends a stand on an issue by presenting reasonable arguments CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-
of a position paper paper based on supported by properly cited factual evidences IIa-d-4
properly cited Writes various kinds of position papers CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-
factual evidence; IIa-d-5
produces an
insightful statement
of principles and
reasons for
establishing a
coming up with a
group exhibit of
creative works, etc.
The learner The learner Determines the objectives and structures of various kinds of CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-
understands the produces a well- reports IIe-j-6
principles and uses written report for Designs, tests and revises survey questionnaires* CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-
of surveys, various disciplines IIe-j-7
experiments and Conducts surveys, experiments or observations* CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-
scientific IIe-j-8
observations Gathers information from surveys, experiments, or observations*
Summarizes findings and executes the report through narrative CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-
and visual/graphic forms IIe-j-11
Writes various reports CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-
Quarter 1 The learner The learner
demonstrates independently Discuss the relevance of the course Week 1-2
understanding of key creates/provides a
concepts, underlying quality and Explore job opportunities for
principles, and core marketable product Entrepreneurship as a career
competencies in and/or service in
Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship
as prescribed in the
TESDA Training
The learner The learner Recognize a potential market Week 3-6 TLE_ICTAN11/12PC-Ia-1
demonstrates independently or
understanding of with his/her
concepts, underlying classmates presents • Analyze the market need
The learner The learner Recognize the importance of Week 7-9 TLE_ICTAN11/12EM-Ia-
demonstrates independently marketing mix in the development 1
understanding of creates a business of marketing strategy
environment and vicinity map
market in one’s reflective of Describe the Marketing Mix (7Ps) in
locality/town. potential market in relation to the business opportunity
one’s locality/town. vis-à- vis:
Packaging; and
• Select/pinpoint potential
suppliers of raw materials and
other inputs necessary for the
production of the product or
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning competencies Duration K to 12 CG
The learner The learner is able to… The learner…
understanding of…
Q1 1. the importance use appropriate kinds shares research experiences and knowledge Week 1 to CS_RS11-
of research in of research in making 2 IIIa-1
daily life decisions. explains the importance of research in daily life CS_RS11-
2. the IIIa-2
characteristics, describes characteristics, processes, and ethics of research CS_RS11-
processes, and IIIa-3
ethics of research differentiates quantitative from qualitative research CS_RS11-
3. quantitative IIIa-4
and qualitative provide examples of research in areas of interest CS_RS11-
research IIIa-5
4. the kinds of
research across
1. the value of describes characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and kinds of CS_RS11-
qualitative decide on suitable qualitative research IIIb-1
research; its qualitative research in Illustrates the importance of qualitative research across fields CS_RS11-
kinds, different areas of IIIb-2
characteristics, interest.
uses, strengths,
and weaknesses
2. the importance
of qualitative
research across
fields of inquiry
1. the range of formulate clearly designs a research project related to daily life Week 3 to CS_RS11-IIIc-
research topics in statement of research 4 e-1
the area of inquiry problem writes a research title CS_RS11-IIIc-
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning competencies Duration K to 12 CG
The learner The learner is able to… The learner…
understanding of…
2. the value of provides the justifications/reasons for conducting the research CS_RS11-IIIc-
research in the area e-3
of interest states research question CS_RS11-IIIc-
3. the specificity and e-4
feasibility of the indicates scope and delimitation of research CS_RS11-IIIc-
problem posed e-5
cites benefits and beneficiaries of research CS_RS11-IIIc-
presents written statement of the problem CS_RS11-IIIc-
1. the criteria in 1. select, cite, and selects relevant literature Week 5 to CS_RS11-IIIf-
selecting, citing, and synthesize properly 6 j-1
synthesizing related related literature cites related literature using standard style CS_RS11-IIIf-
literature 2. use sources according j-2
2. ethical standards to ethical standards synthesizes information from relevant literature CS_RS11-IIIf-
in writing related 3. present written j-3
literature review of related writes coherent review of literature CS_RS11-IIIf-
literature j-4
follows ethical standards in writing related literature Week 7 to CS_RS11-IIIf-
8 j-5
presents written review of literature CS_RS11-IIIf-
Q2 1. qualitative 1. describe qualitative chooses appropriate qualitative research design Week 1 to CS_RS11-
research designs research designs, 2 IVa-c-1
2. the description of sample, and data describes sampling procedure and sample CS_RS11-
sample collection and analysis IVa-c-2
3. data collection procedures plans data collection, data gathering instrument, and analysis Week 3 to CS_RS11-
and analysis procedures 4 IVa-c-3
procedures such as presents written research methodology CS_RS11-
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning competencies Duration K to 12 CG
The learner The learner is able to… The learner…
understanding of…
survey, interview,
and observation
4. the application of
creative design
principles for
observation and gather relevant collects data through observation and interviews Week 5 to CS_RS11-
interview information with 6 IVd-f-1
procedures and intellectual honesty
drawing out analyze and draw out infers and explain patterns and themes from data CS_RS11-
patterns and patterns and themes IVd-f-2
themes from data with intellectual honesty relates the findings with pertinent literature CS_RS11-
1. guidelines in 1. form logical draws conclusions from patterns and themes Week 7 to CS_RS11-
making conclusions conclusions 8 IVg-j-1
and 2. make formulates recommendations based on conclusions CS_RS11-
recommendations recommendations based IVg-j-2
2. techniques in on conclusions lists references CS_RS11-
listing references IVg-j-3
1. the range of research formulate clearly the Designs a research used in daily life Week 4-5 CS_RS12-Id-e-1
topics in the area of statement of research Writes a research title Week 4-5 CS_RS12-Id-e-2
inquiry problem Describes background of research Week 4-5 CS_RS12-Id-e-3
2. the value of research in States research questions Week4-7 CS_RS12-Id-e-4
the area of interest Indicates scope and delimitation of study Week 4-5 CS_RS12-Id-e-5
3. the specificity and Presents written statement of the problem Week 4-5 CS_RS12-Id-e-7
feasibility of the problem
1. the formulation of 1. formulate clearly Illustrates and explain the conceptual Week 6-7 CS_RS12-If-j-6
conceptual framework conceptual framework, framework
2. the research research hypotheses (if Defines terms used in study Week 6-7 CS_RS12-If-j-7
hypotheses appropriate), and define Lists research hypothesis (if appropriate) Week 6-7 CS_RS12-If-j-8
(if appropriate) terms used in study Presents written review of related literature Week 6-7 CS_RS12-If-j-9
3. the definition of terms 3. present objectively and conceptual framework
as used in the study written review of related
literature and conceptual
4th 1. quantitative research describe adequately Chooses appropriate quantitative research Week 1-3 CS_RS12-IIa-c-1
design quantitative research design
2. description of sample designs, sample, Describes sampling procedure and sample Week 1-3 CS_RS12-IIa-c-2
3. instrument instrument used, Constructs an instrument and establishes its Week 1-3 CS_RS12-IIa-c-3
development intervention (if validity and reliability
4. description of applicable), data Describes intervention (if applicable) Week 1-3 CS_RS12-IIa-c-4
intervention (if applicable) collection, and analysis Plans data collection procedure Week 1-3 CS_RS12-IIa-c-5
5. data collection and procedures Plans data analysis using statistics and Week 1-3 CS_RS12-IIa-c-6
analysis procedures such hypothesis testing (if appropriate)
as survey, interview and Presents written research methodology Week 1-3 CS_RS12-IIa-c-7
6. guidelines in writing
research methodology
1. data collection gather and analyze data Collects data using appropriate instruments Week 4-7 CS_RS12-IId-g-1
procedures and skills using with intellectual honesty, Presents and interprets data in tabular or Week 4-7 CS_RS12-IId-g-2
varied instruments using suitable techniques graphical forms
2. data processing, 1. form logical conclusions Uses statistical techniques to analyze data – Week 4-7 CS_RS12-IId-g-3
organizing, and analysis 2. make recommendations study of differences and relationships limited
based on conclusions for bivariate analysis
1. guidelines in making Draws conclusions from research findings Week 8-9 CS_RS12-IIh-j-1
conclusions and Formulates recommendations Week 8-9 CS_RS12-IIh-j-2
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning competencies Duration K to 12 CG Code
The learners
demonstrate an The learner shall be able The learners…
understanding of… to…
Quarter 3 the basic concepts formulate and solve illustrate the limit of a function using a table of values and the Week 1 STEM_BC11LC-
of limit and accurately real-life graph of the function IIIa-1
continuity of a problems involving distinguish between limx→c f ( x ) and f(c) STEM_BC11LC-
function continuity of IIIa-2
functions illustrate the limit laws STEM_BC11LC-
apply the limit laws in evaluating the limit of algebraic functions STEM_BC11LC-
(polynomial, rational, and radical IIIa-4
compute the limits of exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric STEM_BC11LC-
functions using tables of values and graphs of the functions Week 2 IIIb-1
illustrate limits involving the expressions and IIIb-2
using tables of values
illustrate continuity of a function at a number Week 3 STEM_BC11LC-
determine whether a function is continuous at a number or not STEM_BC11LC-
illustrate continuity of a function on an interval STEM_BC11LC-
solves problems involving continuity of a function STEM_BC11LC-
basic concepts of formulate and solve illustrate the tangent line to the graph of a function at a given point Week 4 STEM_BC11D-
derivatives accurately situational IIIe-1
problems involving applies the definition of the derivative of a function at a given number STEM_BC11D-
extreme values IIIe-2
relate the derivative of a function to the slope of the tangent line STEM_BC11D-
determine the relationship between differentiability and continuity of a STEM_BC11D -
Week 5
function IIIf-1
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning competencies Duration K to 12 CG Code
The learners
demonstrate an The learner shall be able The learners…
understanding of… to…
apply the differentiation rules in computing the derivative of an STEM_BC11D-IIIf-
algebraic, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric functions and inverse 3
trigonometric functions
illustrate the Extreme Value Theorem Week 6
solve optimization problems that yield polynomial functions
formulate and solve illustrate the Chain Rule of differentiation STEM_BC11D-
accurately situational IIIh-2
solve problems using the Chain Rule Week 7 to STEM_BC11D-
problems involving 8 IIIh-i-1
related rates illustrate implicit differentiation STEM_BC11D-IIIi-
solve problems (including logarithmic, and inverse trigonometric STEM_BC11D-
functions) using implicit differentiation Week 9 IIIi-j-1
solve situational problems involving related rates STEM_BC11D-IIIj-
Quarter 4 antiderivatives and formulate and solve illustrate an antiderivative of a function Week 1 to STEM_BC11I-IVa-
Riemann integral accurately situational 3 1
problems involving compute the general antiderivative of polynomial, radical, STEM_BC11I-IVa-
exponential, and trigonometric functions b-1
population models
compute the antiderivative of a function using substitution rule
solve problems involving antidifferentiation Week 4
solve situational problems involving exponential growth and decay Week 5 to
formulate and solve illustrate the definite integral as the limit of the Riemann sums 6
accurately real-life illustrate the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus STEM_BC11I-IVh-
problems involving areas 1
of plane regions compute the definite integral of a function using the Fundamental Week 7 STEM_BC11I-IVh-
Theorem of Calculus 2
compute the definite integral of a function using the substitution rule STEM_BC11I-IVi-
compute the area of a plane region using the definite integral Week 8 STEM_BC11I-IVi-
solve problems involving areas of plane regions Week 9 STEM_BC11I-IVj-
D. Reactions
Describe various simple separation techniques Week 1 STEM_GC11MPIa-b-12
such as distillation, chromatography
1.atomic structure Recognize common isotopes and their uses. Week 2 STEM_GC11AMIc-e-19
2. formulas and names
of compounds Represent compounds using chemical formulas, Week 2 STEM_GC11AMIc-e-21
structural formulas and models
the relationship of
Calculate the empirical formula from the percent
percent composition
composition of a compound Week 2
and chemical formula STEM_GC11PCIf-32
the mathematical Define pressure and give the common units of Week 5 STEM_GC11G-Ihi-43
relationship between pressure
pressure, volume, and
temperature of a gas Use the gas laws to determine pressure, volume, Week 5 STEM_GC11G-Ihi-45
or temperature of a gas under certain conditions
of change
Use the ideal gas equation to calculate pressure, Week 5 STEM_GC11G-Ihi-46
volume, Temperature, or number of moles of a
the partial pressures of Use Dalton’s law of partial pressures to relate Week 5 STEM_GC11DLIi-47
gases in a mixture mole fraction and partial pressure of gases in a
2nd the quantum Illustrate the reactions at Use quantum numbers to describe an electron in Week 6 STEM_GC11ESIIa-b-54
mechanical description the molecular level in any an atom
of the atom and its of the following: Determine the magnetic property of the atom Week 6 STEM_GC11ESIIa-b-57
electronic structure based on its electronic configuration
1. enzyme action Draw an orbital diagram to represent the Week 6 STEM_GC11ESIIa-b-58
2. protein denaturation electronic configuration of atoms
1.ionic bond formation 3. separation of Week 7 STEM_GC11CBIId-g-70
in terms of atomic components in coconut Draw the Lewis structure of ions
properties milk
1. covalent bond Apply the octet rule in the formation of Week 7 STEM_GC11CBIId-g-76
formation in terms of molecular covalent compounds
atomic properties
of processes and other Calculate equilibrium constant and the pressure Week 5 STEM_GC11CEIVb-e-148
relevant materials or concentration of reactants or products in an
equilibrium mixture
State the Le Chatelier’s principle and apply it Week 5 STEM_GC11CEIVb-e-149
qualitatively to describe the effect of changes in
pressure, concentration and temperature on a
system at equilibrium
1. acid-base Week 6 STEM_GC11ABIVf-g-153
Define Bronsted acids and bases
equilibrium and its
applications to the Week 6 STEM_GC11ABIVf-g-154
Discuss the acid-base property of water
pH of solutions and
the use of buffer Calculate ph from the concentration of hydrogen Week 6 STEM_GC11ABIVf-g-156
solutions ion or hydroxide ions in aqueous solutions
2. solubility Week 6 STEM_GC11ABIVf-g-160
equilibrium and its Describe how a buffer solution maintains its ph
applications Calculate the ph of a buffer solution using the Week 6 STEM_GC11ABIVf-g-161
Henderson Hasselbalch equation
Redox reactions as Week 7 STEM_GC11ABIVf-g-169
Define oxidation and reduction reactions
applied to galvanic
and electrolytic cells Balance redox reactions using the change in Week 7 STEM_GC11ABIVf-g-170
oxidation number method
Identify the reaction occurring in the different Week 8 STEM_GC11ABIVf-g-172
parts of the cell
Define reduction potential, oxidation potential, STEM_GC11ABIVf-g-176
and cell potential
Week 8 STEM_GC11ABIVf-g-178
Calculate the standard cell potential
Relate the value of the cell potential to the Week 8 STEM_GC11ABIVf-g-179
feasibility of using the cell to generate an electric
Describe the electrochemistry involved in some Week 8
common batteries: STEM_GC11ABIVf-g-180
a. Leclanche dry cell
b. Button batteries
c. Fuel cells
12. Reversible and Explain how entropy is a measure of disorder Week 8 STEM_GP12GLT-
irreversible processes IIi-69
State the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics Week 8 STEM_GP12GLT-
Calculate entropy changes for various processes Week 8 STEM_GP12GLT-
e.g., isothermal process, free expansion, IIi-71
constant pressure process, etc.
2. Relativity of times and Apply the time dilation, length contraction and Week 9
lengths relativistic velocity addition to worded problems
3. Relativistic velocity Calculate kinetic energy, rest energy, momentum, Week 9 STEM_GP12MP-
addition and speed of objects moving with speeds IVg-42
4. Relativistic dynamics comparable to the speed of light
5. Relativistic Doppler
1. Photoelectric effect Explain the photoelectric effect using the idea of Week 9 STEM_GP12MP-
2. Atomic spectra light quanta or photons IVh-45
3. Radioactive decay Explain qualitatively the properties of atomic Week 9 STEM_GP12MP-
emission and absorption spectra using the IVh-46
concept of energy levels
Calculating radioisotope activity using the concept Week 9 STEM_GP12MP-
of half-life IVh-i-47
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning competencies Duration K to 12 CG Code
The learners The learner shall be able
demonstrate an to… The learners…
understanding of…
Quarter 1 key concepts of model situations illustrate the different types of conic sections: Week 1 STEM_PC11AG-
conic sections and appropriately and solve parabola, ellipse, circle, hyperbola, and degenerate Ia-1
systems of nonlinear problems accurately using cases.
equations conic sections and define a circle. STEM_PC11AG-
systems of nonlinear Ia-2
equations determine the standard form of equation of a circle STEM_PC11AG-
define a parabola Week 2 STEM_PC11AG-
determine the standard form of equation of a STEM_PC11AG-
parabola Ib-1
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning competencies Duration K to 12 CG Code
The learners The learner shall be able
demonstrate an to… The learners…
understanding of…
define an ellipse Week 3 STEM_PC11AG-
determine the standard form of equation of an STEM_PC11AG-
ellipse Ic-2
define a hyperbola Week 4 STEM_PC11AG-
determine the standard form of equation of a STEM_PC11AG-
hyperbola Id-2
recognize the equation and important characteristics Week 5 to 6 STEM_PC11AG-Ie-
of the different types of conic sections 1
solves situational problems involving conic sections STEM_PC11AG-Ie-
an understanding of shall be able to keenly Illustrate a series Week 7 to 9 STEM_PC11SMI-Ih-
key concepts of series observe and investigate 1
and mathematical patterns, and formulate differentiate a series from a sequence STEM_PC11SMI-Ih-
induction and the appropriate mathematical 2
Binomial Theorem. statements use the sigma notation to represent a series STEM_PC11SMI-Ih-
Apply the use of sigma notation in finding sums
Quarter 2 an understanding key 1. formulate and solve illustrate the unit circle and the relationship between Week 1 to 2 STEM_PC11T-IIa-1
concepts of circular accurately situational the linear and angular measures of a central angle in
functions, problems involving circular a unit circle
trigonometric functions convert degree measure to radian measure and vice STEM_PC11T-IIa-2
identities, inverse versa
trigonometric illustrate angles in standard position and coterminal STEM_PC11T-IIa-3
functions, and the angles
polar coordinate illustrate the different circular functions Week 3 STEM_PC11T-IIb-1
system uses reference angles to find exact values of circular STEM_PC11T-IIb-2
illustrate the domain and range of the different Week 4 STEM_PC11T-IIc-1
circular functions
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning competencies Duration K to 12 CG Code
The learners The learner shall be able
demonstrate an to… The learners…
understanding of…
graph the six circular functions (a) amplitude, (b) STEM_PC11T-IIc-d-
period, and (c) phase shift 1
solve situational problems involving circular functions Week 5 STEM_PC11T-IId-2
2. apply appropriate determine whether an equation is an identity or a Week 6 to 8 STEM_PC11T-IIe-1
trigonometric identities in conditional equation
solving situational apply trigonometric identities to find other
problems trigonometric values
solve situational problems involving trigonometric STEM_PC11T-IIg-2
3. formulate and solve illustrate the domain and range of the inverse STEM_PC11T-IIh-1
accurately situational trigonometric functions.
problems involving evaluate an inverse trigonometric expression. STEM_PC11T-IIh-2
appropriate trigonometric solve trigonometric equations. STEM_PC11T-IIh-i-
functions 1
solve situational problems involving inverse Week 9 STEM_PC11T-IIi-2
trigonometric functions and trigonometric equations
Quarter Standards Competencies Most Essential Learning Competency Time Allotment K to 12 CG Code
1st Quarter Week 1
Week 6
6. Identify the importance of oneself
Gain understanding of
as a member of family and HGKPS-Ii.1-15
oneself and others
2nd Week 1
Quarter Analyze responsible 1. State own contribution to the
decisions and goals Provide proper steps solution for issues concerning HGKPS-IIe.2-7
toward achievement of toward responsible the family and school
personal welfare and decision-making
common good 2. Share views about home and Week 2
Evaluate experiences in 3. Identify the possible Week 3
decision-making towards consequences of decisions to HGKPS-IIf.2-9
achieving common good oneself and others
Quarter Standards Competencies Most Essential Learning Competency Time Allotment K to 12 CG Code
4. Determine the consequences of Week 4
decisions based on different
conditions or situations
2nd Week 5
Quarter Understand the
importance of guidance 5. Cite the importance of
from parents or guardians guidance from
and significant adults in parents/guardians in choosing
Analyze the relationship choosing a profession, ones profession and vocation
of one’s skills and vocation and future plans
experiences in choosing a
profession, vocation and Week 6
future plans Strengthen the connection
among knowledge, skills
and roles of parents or 6. Enumerate abilities toward the
guardians and significant selection of ones profession, HGKC-IIj.2-14
adults in choosing a vocation and future plans
profession, vocation and
future plans
Quarter Standards Competencies Most Essential Learning Competency Time Allotment K to 12 CG Code
5. Solve problems that involved Week 5 HGKPS-IIIh.1-11
oneself and others HGKPS-IIIh.2-11
3rd Week 6
Apply the ability to
choose their own field
6. State the characteristics and
based on the different Describe the chosen field HGKC-IIIi.1-12
tasks of desired profession
factors toward achieving
goals in life
4th Week 1
Quarter Develop academic skills
to respond to community Participate in school 1. Demonstrate abilities and
development based on activities relevant to the willingness to take part in HGKA-IVa.1-1
international standards needs of the community school or community activities
Quarter Standards Competencies Most Essential Learning Competency Time Allotment K to 12 CG Code
4th Week 6
Quarter Implement steps toward
the realization of chosen
State steps to fulfill the
profession and vocation 6. Describe the goals in life HGK-C- IV-i.1-11
goal in life
based on international
Share skills helpful to solve 8. Analyze good and bad things for Week 8
problems oneself and for others
Quarter Standard Competency Most Essential Learning Competency Time Allotment K to 12 CG Code
1 Quarter Understand the 1. Describe different effective Week 1
Identify the methods of
knowledge, skills, and learning methods being
effective study habits HGJA-Ia-2
positive attitude for the employed
toward lifelong learning
achievement of
Quarter Standard Competency Most Essential Learning Competency Time Allotment K to 12 CG Code
optimum learning in 2. Demonstrate the ability to Week 2
Share knowledge, skills,
school and in daily independently deal with
and positive attitude HGJA-Ic-5
living personal tasks and actively
helpful in lifelong
participate in school activities
1st Quarter 3. Determine the importance of Week 3 HGJPS-Id-7
oneself as part of the family
and community
Value oneself 4. Exhibit self-discipline Week 4 HGJPS-Ie-8
5. Manage personal changes Week 5
Understand the toward self-appreciation
importance of oneself 6. Value the similarities and Week 6 HGJPS-Ig-13
and others differences among the culture,
Respect individual
beliefs, views, and values of
Gain understanding of 7. Strengthen the relationship to Week 7 HGJPS-Ih-15
oneself and others others by responsibly fulfilling
familial duties
Quarter Standard Competency Most Essential Learning Competency Time Allotment K to 12 CG Code
2 Quarter 5. Share to others the knowledge Week 1 HGJA-IIb-5
gained from school and
Share the lessons learned community beneficial in life
from school and
community that can be
Analyze the relevance used in daily living
of experiences in
school and community
toward academic 6. Demonstrate how to develop Week 2 HGJA-IIc-7
success Apply lessons from home, strengths and overcome
school and community to weaknesses
daily living with
consideration to family
and society
Quarter Standard Competency Most Essential Learning Competency Time Allotment K to 12 CG Code
2 Quarter 12. Identify the important aspects Week 6 HGJC-IIi-18
Understand the to be considered in choosing a
importance of guidance profession, vocation, and the
from parents or guardians future
Analyze the and significant others in
relationship of one’s choosing a profession,
skills and experiences vocation and future plans
in choosing a
profession, vocation Relate the choice of 13. Analyze personal abilities and Week 7 HGJC-IIj-20
and future plans profession, vocation and experiences
future plans to one’s 14. Recognize the important Week 8 HGJC-IIj-21
skills, competencies, and opinions of parents, guardians,
the roles of and significant others to make
parents/guardians and meaningful decisions
significant adults
Quarter Standard Competency Most Essential Learning Competency Time Allotment K to 12 CG Code
factors toward 7. Explain the connection of Week 7 HGJC-IIIg-17
achieving goals in life Decide for life and work, needs of the society,
profession and global economy
Quarter Standard Competency Most Essential Learning Competency Time Allotment K to 12 CG Code
Strengthen self- 7. Show optimism in dealing with
empowerment to respond life challenges
to the needs of the