Robles Castaneda Noe Equity Audit Presentation

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Equity Audit:

James Williams
 Students at James Williams Elementary:
 850 students:
 292 students are on Katy-Virtual Academy (KVA)
 558 students Face to Face program.
*This includes students in grades Pre-K

through 5th grade.
Student population:
 37.51% Hispanic
 43.49% White
 3.75% African American
 11.14% Asian
 4.11% Multi-Racial.
English Language Learners is 29.1%
Economically Disadvantaged is 21.1%
Our Mission
 AtJWE we strive to cultivate a community for ALL in which
students value learning, value problem solving and value
diversity. Our focus is on high academic achievement and
developing the whole child through modeling, explicit
teaching and building relationships. We believe that
greatness starts with the heart.
Our  Based on the Texas Academic
Performance Report (TAPR 2018-2019)
and a teacher survey, our school has 9%

School above the district average for masters

degrees in our district.

 Leadership is encouraged by
administrative team.

 One teacher with advanced degrees in
each grade level, which seems to be done
to increase student performance.
 More than 80% of teachers have

over 6 years experience.
My campus is 11% higher than
the district average with teachers
more than 20 years’ experience
and 13% higher than the district
average for teachers with more
than 10 years.
 Approximately 43% of our staff
has more than 10 years of
teaching experience.
Findings on Programmatic Equity

• It seems to be an under-representation of
Hispanics (10%) and African-American (0%)
students in the gifted and talented program.
Findings on Achievement Equity

• Hispanic students in 4th grade are

experiencing achievement gaps in Math.
• Also, we see underperformance in the
4th grade Mathematics and Writing in the
special education program.
Dynamics Influencing Student

• Due to COVID-19…
• Since last school year, student achievement
is being affected.
• The building itself is not conducive to
vertical collaboration or collegiality (e.g.,
Use of Science lab, social distancing, etc.)
Action Plan
Sections of the framework:
▪ Observation and Feedback - Due to Covid-19, our evaluation
system has some domains that are not visible during teaching (e.g.,
KVA program, student leadership/classroom managers, etc.)

▪ Inclusive Curriculum – With the vision of high academic

achievement for everyone, student needs must be identified on a
regular basis; therefore, PLC meetings will be more structured by
looking at data and as a team, best decisions will be made.
Observation and Feedback
Framework Identify Identify Strategy Description Challenges Resources Communication Evidence that
Strengths Needs to Change Needed Demonstrates
Observation - Teachers - The coaching - Instructional - Perhaps, - Primary - By communicating -The observational
and Feedback are coached that is provided specialists and admin teachers not resources is the requirement of coaching tool will be
Teachers are during their is not within the must develop a willing to be time. It is a participation in the a great resource
observed and planning time classroom/real relationship with all coached/not resource that will meetings and because it will
coached using once a week. time environment teachers in order for willing to learn be needed for registering the gradually move to
- Admin therefore there is motivation to be and not seeing after school observations different goals once
maintains an not room for present. Also, there the same goal. feedback and happening during the previous goal is
strategies, such
open-door feedback of areas should be feedback to - Times is a observation tool. such meetings met.
as cooperative policy that of need. teams on their challenge for - With all Texas (minutes) could help - Grade level teams
learning, to allows staff - It is very difficult participation. everyone Education teams understand the are observed and
accommodate members to have in-person - Coaching must be (admin and Agency (TEA) need for what is coached through the
all learning growth. KVA done when students are teachers). requirements on happening. priorities being
styles and Therefore, observations in class and feedback However, planning (e.g, - With PLC meetings, established.
backgrounds. observation during this time. must be provided priority would planning time, Feedback can be a - Alignment
and feedback Therefore, the afterschool of that day need to be lunch breaks, great opportunity for observations will help
between opportunities for to increase capacity placed on duty, etc.) it is professional growth also to observe used
Admin and admin to provide instantly. following really difficult to because everything strategies, lesson
staff is authentic - During PLC meeting, through with manage the will be communicated plans, objectives,
professional. feedback is also teams will need to dig these times when among teams. feedback, etc. for
respectful very difficult. into data and look for discussions by teams can meet - Also, Feedback can goals that must have
and kind. priorities. everyone. without taking be provided either been set previously
- Coaching should be their established when coaching or with a plan to
happening at the TEA times. afterschool to go over develop.
granular level. lesson that was
provided and needs.
Inclusive Curriculum
Framework Identify Identify Strategy Description Challenges Resources Communication Evidence that
Strengths Needs to Change Needed Demonstrates

Inclusive - There are - Teachers do - During disaggregation of - Teachers not - Relevant - Data disaggregation - Walk through
Curriculum weekly team follow given data on PLCs and during willing to previous and will be every Thursday form for coaching,
Curriculum and planning units to view coaching, teachers will change current data, to plan for the data of student
instructional sessions. and cover plan together as a team instruction records of following week. It will achievement
strategies are - As students TEKS. with the grade level coach based on data. individual be communicated in with the vision of
modified as a need more However, it is support to guide and - Different students and person. high academic
result of data- support, there normal to monitor but will provide teaching strategies that - During PLC achievement for
driven decision are protocols have ownership to teachers. styles. can help meetings, it will be everyone. As data
making and and staff to discrepancies This will help to identify - Different according to important to address is used, it has only
teacher input. support on data areas where a major opinions on discussions on each concern through to be brought to
teachers (RtI, because there impact on student learning what and how PLCs. conversations looking discussion to
full time are students is; for example, it can help things should -A grade level for solution. All determine
dyslexia who become identify why students in a be taught. expert and stakeholders must be modifications or
therapists on more certain subject scored instruction present so different strategies
campus, ESL, interested in lower in the STAAR specialist for suggestions can arise needed.
etc.) one subject or assessment. It will give each grade from reflections and
another. more data on why it did level (can be a conversations on
happen and to find out member of the small groups,
strategies to use to team). instructional
support the students. strategies, lessons,
Thanks! Thanks!
Thanks! ☺

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