CHCPRP003 Assessment V5

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The document discusses professional development opportunities for nurses, models of reflection, and important aspects of giving and receiving feedback.

Some professional development opportunities discussed include postgraduate studies, participating in online groups/chats, in-service education, attending workshops and seminars, and annual competency assessments.

The Gibbs model and Atkins and Murphy model of reflection are described. Reflection is important for nurses to enhance nursing care, better understand their own actions, and develop professional skills.

Written Assessment Task

Human Services, Tourism and Hospitality

Newcastle/Wyong Campus

Student Name Alysha Stanimeros

Training Package HLT54115 Qualificatio Diploma in Nursing
National Code n Name
Unit Code CHCPRP003 Unit Name
Reflect on and improve own
professional practice
Please note that TAFE NSW is required to retain copies of all completed assessments, where
practical, for a period of 3 years (or in accordance with regulatory/licencing requirements) after the
completion of a student’s studies.
Summary of Assessment Tasks
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Tasks Task 1 Written ☐ ☐

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Assessment Instructions
Type of Written task
Instructions for Students are to complete all questions
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Written Assessment Task

What do I need All questions must be answered correctly to be deemed satisfactory in this
to do to achieve a assessment task.
result? Include an APA reference list at the completion of assessment.
Due date/time As per Assessment Schedule

1. List 5 professional development opportunities that are available to improve your professional
1) Postgraduate studies
2) Participating in online groups/chats
3) In-service education
4) Attending Nursing workshops and seminars
5) Annual competency assessment, for example, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
6) Wound training

("Continuing Professional Development", 2019)

2. Explain how you evaluate your own work and why it is necessary to do so.
I collect all feedback from my supervisor & work colleagues in regard to my work performance. I
would then breakdown my job description into specific tasks & determine the standard to which
each task should be performed at. I would evaluate my performance of these tasks using the
feedback I have received & my own judgment of my abilities/performance. I identify any spaces
between expected & required performance & my actual performance & I would take action to
address them. I would seek assistance from my supervisor for extra training or education
sessions to expand my skills & knowledge. It is necessary to identify own limitations, strengths &
weaknesses to help with your work performance. Self-evaluation helps determine whether the
skills I currently have are enough or whether they need to be improved.

3. Describe 2 models of professional reflection and describe why is it important for nurses to
participate in reflection.

“Studies have shown that nurses who take the time to reflect on their daily experiences provide
enhanced nursing care, have a better understanding of their actions, which in return develops their
professional skills”. (Hansebo & Kihlgren, 2001).

1) Gibbs model suggests “How a full structed analysis of a situation could take place prompt
questions at each stage”. (Clark et al., 2009) This model is used to help people make
sense of situations so that people can understand what they did well on and how they could
improve their performance.

- Description: What has occurred?

- Feelings: What were you thinking or feeling at the time?
- Evaluation: What was the good/bad
- Analysis: What sense can you make of this situation?
- Conclusion: What else might you have done differently?
- Action Plan: if it occurred again, what would you do?

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Written Assessment Task

2) Atkins and Murphy model of reflection practice is a way of studying and learning of your
own experiences to benefit the way you work. ("LibGuides: Reflective Practice: Some
models of reflection", 2019)

- Describe the situation & how it occurred, including feelings 7 thoughts.

- Awareness of uncomfortable feelings & thoughts, action & experiences.
- Analyse the feelings & knowledge relevant that is to the situation, identify knowledge,
challenge your assumption, imagine & explore alternatives.
- Identify any of the learning which has occurred during this reflection, implement this
into your practice.
- Evaluate the relevance of the knowledge & background – Does it help to explain or
solve the problem? Is there room for improvement?

4. Complete the following table identifying potential professional development opportunities

Networking Professional Upcoming Formal ways Informal ways

opportunities associations training of learning of learning
E.g. online E.g. ANMF E.g. attend E.g. team
group related E.g. Critical mandatory fire nursing with
to your Care in-service clinical nurse
industry Conference specialist

- Attending
- Enrolled - Dementia - First Aid - Peers
events for
nurse courses - Evacuation - Online
association - Amused training learning
- Online
- Nurses’ conferences - Manual such as quiz
union - Wound handling or videos
forums e.g.
- Nurses for management - Education - Debrief
Nurses - Palliative lessons with sessions
care courses other nurses - Guidance
- E-learnings or educators from
- Observing
and asking

5. Identify principles and techniques you would use to develop a Professional Development Plan
When developing a Professional Development Plan these are some key principles & techniques, I
use to grantee I met my goals & needs efficiently.

1. Conduct a needs assessment

 A needs assessment will consider the development requirements of individual
workers, teams and the organisation.
 It will outline:
- Areas of greatest work or priority

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Written Assessment Task

- Relevant & applicable to work practice

- Have a significant impact on work practice

2. Goals & Ambitions

 Having goals & ambitions will:
- Identify priorities for professional development
- Ensure a shared understanding of professional development priorities
- Ensure a good tie between professional development aims of individual
workers & the wider organisation
- Identify certain measurable effects that can be used to evaluate the success
of the professional development program

3. Develop a schedule
 This is used to organise all aspects of a professional development program
including the individual & team’s needs.
 These issues should be addressed
- Improvement needs in relation to specific jobs or roles
- Goals & objectives to be achieved from professional development
- Performance standards to be achieved
- Resources required
- Time management

4. Identify & implement development activities

 Furthering your knowledge e.g.
- Study groups
- Education and training
- Mentoring
- Online discussion groups
- Online learning

5. Conduct an evaluation.
 This is to ensure that the greatest benefit is obtained & to identify potential
improvements & gain extra knowledge for the future.

(Skinner, Roche, O'Connor, Pollard & Todd, 2005)

6. Identify what the acronym SMART stands for when goal setting
Smart - A specific goal has a much greater chance of being accomplished than a general goal. To
set a specific goal you must answer the six “W’s”: Who, What, When, Where & Why.

Measurable - Establish a standard for measuring progress toward the accomplishment of each
goal you set. When you measure your progress, you stay on track, reach your time lines &
experience achievement.

Attainable - When you identify goals that are most important to you, you begin to figure out ways
you can reach them. You develop the attitudes, abilities, skills to reach them. You begin seeing
previously overlooked opportunities to bring yourself closer to the achievement of your goals.

Relevant - To be realistic, a goal must represent an objective toward which you are
both willing & able to work. A goal can be both high & realistic; you are the only one who can

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Written Assessment Task

decide just how high your goal should be. But be sure that every goal represents significant

Time - A goal should be grounded within a time frame. With no time frame tied to it there’s no
sense of urgency. Your goal is probably realistic if you truly believe that it can be accomplished.
Additional ways to know if your goal is realistic is to determine if you have accomplished anything
similar in the past or ask yourself what conditions would have to exist to accomplish this goal.

("SMART Goals: A how to guide", 2019)

7. Complete the following table using a personal short-term career goal

Goal -What do you want to achieve?

 Wish to complete the Diploma of Nursing

 Go to University to study a Bachelor of Nursing to further my knowledge

Time frame-When do you want to achieve it?

I want to have completed Dip. Of Nursing by 2020 & be enrolled in university by 2021.

Measure of progress/ performance- How you will know you have achieved it?

I will know that I have achieved my goal when I am a fully qualified Enrolled Nurse &
have been accepted into University.

8. Discuss the purpose of performance appraisal?

“Performance appraisal is an important role in enhancing employee performance, recognising and
strengthening staff growth activities, developing employee knowledge, skills & job performance.”
(Performance Review, 2018)

Guidelines of a performance appraisal:

- Performance appraisal is a planned, supportive, structured process for the purposes of

employee appraisal & development.
- Performance review should cover a indicated timeframe & to set ongoing goals.
- Help identify goals & career development opportunities particularly where skills upgrading is
- Evaluating how well the employee is conducting their practice, including achievements
- Provides motivation & endorses excellence in work performance.

9. Discuss 3 critical aspects of receiving feedback?

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Written Assessment Task

1. Always be positive & open to any feedback given

2. Feedback should be constructive & given in ways that point to what you are doing well &
offer other approaches
3. Don’t take it to heart, it’s for your own personal growth
4. Always listen, be respectful
5. Reflect & debrief on the feedback given
("Giving and Receiving Feedback | SkillsYouNeed", 2019)

10. Discuss 3 critical aspects of giving feedback?

1. Feedback is most effective if given as soon as possible/pick the right moment

2. Giving feedback should be positive, non-discriminating & should be supportive
3. Positive feedback to reinforce
4. Choosing the right environment to give feedback (not in front of a group)

("Giving and Receiving Feedback | SkillsYouNeed", 2019)

11. List at least 4 different types of learning styles and describe (150 words) which one you relate
to and why

Visual Learner: A visual learner prefers to use images, pictures, videos & view demonstrations to
understand & gain knowledge. They may also need to map out or write out their thoughts in order
to really process what they are thinking.

Logical Learner: Logical learners has a very distinctive way of learning. They are the individuals
who want to understand the reason behind content or skills & tend to enjoy games like chess &
doing puzzles.

Verbal Learner: Verbal learners gain the most knowledge under verbal instruction & writing.
These learners are typically those that go into public speaking, writing, journalism & debating.

Physical Learner: Physical learners are extremely animated & always need to be moving. They
learn best by going through the signs of what they are learning, gaining more understanding when
things are more hands on.

("Understanding The 7 Types of Learning Styles", 2019)

I see myself as a ‘Physical Learner”. I gain a more understanding of things when I’m more hands
on & doing it myself, not just watching someone else do it. I like to be moving & using my body
when learning new things, I think it helps it sink in more & helps me keep active at the same time.
By giving things ago myself, it helps me grasp the concept quicker. Even when failing to do the
action/activity I learn from my mistakes, teaching me what’s right & wrong for next time. When
sitting in a class room & being taught by slideshows, white boards, & lectures, I seem to get bored
easily & lose interest. On my learning community day, I feel as though I am at my best when
gaining extra knowledge, as majority of the day is more hands on.

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Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation. (2018). Performance Review[Ebook]. Retrieved from

Clark, A., Eastburn, S., Pfund, R., Plant, N., Roberts, M., & Royal, J. et al. (2009). Models of
Reflection. Retrieved 8 October 2019, from

Continuing Professional Development. (2019). Retrieved 9 October 2019, from

Giving and Receiving Feedback | SkillsYouNeed. (2019). Retrieved 9 October 2019, from

Hansebo, G., & Kihlgren, M. (2001). Retrieved 9 October 2019, Carers’ reflections about their
video-recorded interactions with patients suffering from severe dementia. Journal of Clinical
Nursing, 10, 737-747.

LibGuides: Reflective Practice: Some models of reflection. (2019). Retrieved 8 October 2019, from

Skinner, N., Roche, A., O'Connor, J., Pollard, Y., & Todd, C. (2005). Retrieved 9 October 2019,
Workforce development 'TIPS' - theory into practice strategies (1st ed.). Adelaide: NCETA.

SMART Goals: A how to guide. (2019). Retrieved 23 August 2019, from

Understanding The 7 Types Of Learning Styles. (2019). Retrieved 9 October 2019, from

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