The Impact of Interest Rate Changes On Islamic Bank Financing

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International Review of Business Research Papers

Vol. 5 No. 3 April 2009 Pp. 189-201

The Impact of Interest Rate Changes on Islamic Bank


Radiah Abdul Kader* and Yap Kok Leong**

This study investigates the impact of interest rate changes on

the demand for Islamic financing in a dual banking system.
Theoretically, any change in the interest rate would lead
customers who are guided by the profit motive to substitute
Islamic financing for conventional bank loans and vice versa.
Using monthly data from 1999 to 2007, the study found that
any increase in the base lending rate would induce customers
to obtain financing from Islamic banks and vice versa. The
study concludes that because customers are profit motivated,
Islamic banks in the dual system are exposed to interest rate
risks despite operating on interest free principles.

Field of Research: Islamic Banking

1. Introduction

The introduction of Islamic banking in Malaysia in 1983 is based on the

long-term objective that a full-fledged Islamic banking system would run side
by side the existing conventional banking system. By January 2008, there
were 29 Islamic banking institutions in Malaysia comprising 12 full-fledge
Islamic banks, 8 conventional banks offering Islamic windows, 4 Islamic
investment banks and 5 development financial institutions offering Islamic
banking services. Islamic banking is also expected to achieve a 20 per cent
market share by 2010. For Islamic banks to be competitive, the initial
strategy adopted in Malaysia has been for Islamic banks to offer financial
services which match those offered by the conventional banks (Bank Negara
Malaysia 2005).
* Assoc. Prof. Dr. Radiah Abdul Kader, Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and
Administration, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia email: [email protected]
** Yap Kok Leong, Faculty of Economics and Administration University of Malaya, Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia email: [email protected]
Kader & Leong

In most cases, the Islamic products were repackaged and adapted along
features of conventional products with the non-shariah aspects eliminated.
Hence, on the asset side it is found that Islamic financing is dominated by
property and asset term financing.

Table 1: Islamic Financing By Concept (as at end of 2007)

Concept RM million (%)
Bai Bithamin Ajil (deferred payment sale) 31,630 37.1
Al-Ijarah thumma al-bay (hire purchase) 25,806 30.2
Murabaha (cost plus) 9,691 11.3
Ijarah (leasing) 1,153 1.4
Istisna’ (contract manufacturing) 804 1.0
Musyarakah (equity financing) 374 0.4
Mudarabah (profit sharing) 109 0.1
Others 15,818 18.5
Total Islamic Financing 85,385 100.0
Source: Bank Negara Malaysia (2008)

The most popular financing product is Bai Bithamin Ajil (deferred payment sale)
followed by ijarah (leasing) as shown in Table 1. Bai Bithamin Ajil (BBA) is a
sales contract whereby the bank purchases the asset required by the customer
at the market price and then sells it to the customer at a mark up price. As
required by Shariah, the profit rate and the selling price are fixed throughout
the financing period. Repayment of the selling price by the customer to the
bank is by installments. In practice, BBA financing is collateralized which
implies that the profit to the bank is almost certain. In this respect, BBA
financing is not much different from conventional bank loans.

The research question for this study is whether bank customers in the dual
system are influenced by the substitution effect. Theoretically, a dual banking
system provides customers a relative advantage in terms of bank choice.
Whilst pious Muslim customers are expected to stay with the Islamic banks,
other customers especially those who are profit-motivated would tend to
compare between the cost of Islamic and conventional bank financing would
choose the bank that offers the lower financing rate. Rising market interest
rates would increase the cost of conventional loans hence inducing new
customers to opt for the relatively cheaper BBA financing. The reverse occurs
when interest rates are falling. Such substitution effect implies that Islamic
banks are exposed to interest rate risks even though operating on interest-free
principles. It is important to understand this phenomenon because a negative
consequence if not mitigated, would jeopardize the growth of Islamic banks
which are the new comers in the dual banking system.

Kader & Leong

This study is significant due to two reasons. Firstly, the focus of this study is
the impact of interest rate changes on the demand for Islamic bank financing. It
is found that past studies have only concentrated on the impact of interest on
Islamic bank deposits (Sudin & Ahmad 2000, Obiyatullah 2004, Rahmatina
2007). No past studies has looked at the impact of interest changes on Islamic
bank financing, Hence this study fills that gap. Secondly, the context of this
study is the period after the Asian financial crisis when interest rates are falling
or remain low. It is of interest to investigate if the financing behavior of
customers in the dual banking system during such period is consistent with
that in theory. Our hypothesis is that, during low or falling interest rates, profit
motivated customers would notice that BBA monthly payments are relatively
higher than the installments for conventional loans. Hence they would opt for
conventional loans if they expect that interest rate will continue to fall in future.
Such behavior would slower the growth of Islamic financing and eventually
affect the competiveness of Islamic banks in the dual system. This study is
organized into five sections. Section 2 provides a review of the existing
literature. The research methodology is presented in section 3. The data
analysis and findings are discussed in section 4 while the conclusion and
recommendations are given in section 5.

2. Literature Review

Rosly (1999) provides the theoretical explanation of the impact of interest rate
changes on Islamic bank performance in the dual system. He emphasizes
that Islamic banks are exposed to interest rate risks and the root cause of this
phenomenon is the overdependence of Islamic banks on BBA financing where
the profit rate (financing rate) is fixed. Rosly explains that when interest rates
are rising, the base lending rate (BLR) and rates of return on deposits of the
conventional bank would change accordingly to changes in the market interest
rate. As a result, the profit margin of the conventional bank will not be affected.
However, the Islamic bank cannot increase the rate of returns on its deposits
because the BBA profit margin is fixed. As a consequence, Islamic deposits
give lower returns. The substitution effect comes into play where depositors
prefer the conventional banks.

On the asset side, customers may find that the installments for existing BBA
financing are relatively cheaper than the installments for existing conventional
loans during times of rising interest rates. Hence profit motivated customers
would choose BBA financing if they expect interest rates to rise in future.
Hence, the demand for BBA financing would rise. However, the Islamic bank
may not be able to fulfill this increased demand for BBA financing due to the
fall in total deposits. The Islamic bank may not be willing to borrow from the

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Islamic inter-bank money market because the cost of funds in the money
market is usually higher than that of bank deposits.

In the case of falling market interest rates, the conventional bank is able to
adjust both the deposit and base lending rates downwards hence maintaining
its profit margin. It is interesting to note that the Islamic bank would also
reduce the rates of return on deposits in line with the conventional deposit
rates. Since the profit rate of BBA financing is fixed, it is rational for the Islamic
bank to lower the deposit rates hence widening its profit margin. In the case of
Islamic financing, because existing BBA profit rates remain fixed customers
would find that existing BBA financing is relatively more costly than existing
conventional loans. If customers expect the market interest rate to decline
further, they would prefer conventional loans rather than BBA financing. Hence,
the demand for conventional loan increases while the demand for BBA
financing falls. The above explanation theoretically shows that any changes in
the market interest rate would, on the asset side, lead to a substitution effect
between Islamic and conventional bank financing. It is recognized that the root
of this problem is the structural weakness of the fixed BBA mechanism. Hence
overdependence on BBA financing by the Islamic bank has limited the bank’s
ability to compete with the conventional bank in the dual system.

3. Research Methodology

As mentioned earlier, the objective of this study is to examine the impact of

interest rate changes on Islamic bank financing. The main variables for the
study are total residential property financing of conventional banks (RPFcv),
total residential property financing of Islamic banks (RPFis), and the base
lending rate (BLR). Total residential property financing is chosen because
Islamic bank financing is mainly dealt with the concept of BBA. In comparison,
the level of conventional loan is measured by total residential property loan of
conventional banks. Data for this study is taken from the Monthly Statistical
Bulletin published by Bank Negara Malaysia. Monthly data covering the period
May 1999 to June 2007 (98 monthly observations) is used.

The method of analysis includes time series econometric techniques of Unit

Root Test, Cointegration, Vector Autoregressive (VAR), Granger Causality and
Impulse Response Function (IRF). To avoid the problem of heteroscedasticity,
total residential property financing of conventional banks (RPFcv), and total
residential property financing of Islamic banks (RPFis) were log-transformed.
The first step of the analysis is to test for the presence of unit roots of the
variables by using the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) and Phillip Perron (PP)
unit root tests. Once the stationary condition is examined, the next step is to
conduct a cointegration test developed by Johansen and Juselius (1990) or

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known as JJ test. If no cointegration is found, the analyses will be based on the

regression of the first differences of the variables using a standard VAR model.
If cointegration is found, a Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) is
constructed. The Granger causality test will then be conducted. To examine
the responses of the variable due to one-time shock in any of the other
variables, generalized impulses under the Impulse Response Function (IRF)
will be employed for this purpose. A summary of the analysis procedures is
illustrated in Appendix 1.

4. Findings

4.1. Preliminary Findings

Figure 1 shows the movements of conventional and Islamic residential

property financing as well as the base lending rate for the period May 1999
and June 2007. It indicates that total residential property financing of
conventional banks (LNRPFcv) and total residential property financing of
Islamic banks (LNRPFis) showed a positive trend from 1999 to 2007. It is
noticed the base lending rate (BLR) is falling or remains constant over most of
the period. Overall, the series are not normally distributed (see Appendix 1).

Figure 1: Total Residential Property Financing of Conventional Banks,

Total Residential Property Financing of Islamic Banks and Base Lending
Rate (May 1999 – June 2007)
0 year

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007


Table 2 indicates a highly positive correlation between conventional financing

(LNRPFcv) and Islamic financing (LNRPFis). This implies that any changes in
the level of residential property financing of conventional banks will strongly
influence the level of residential property financing of the Islamic banks in the
same direction.

Kader & Leong

Table 2: Correlation Matrix (Financing)

Variable LNRPFcv LNRPFis BLR
LNRPFcv 1.000000 0.960271 -0.485087
LNRPFis 0.960271 1.000000 -0.651507
BLR -0.485087 -0.651507 1.000000

LNRPFcv and LNRPFis show negative correlations with BLR which indicate
that any increase in the rate of BLR will cause a decrease in the level of
residential property financing in both banking systems. This result is consistent
with the fact that any increase in the rate of BLR will increase the cost of
borrowing to customers, which would in turn, lower the demand for customer
financing. Nevertheless, the significance of the relationship cannot be seen
from this rough measure only.

4.2 Unit Root Test

The Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) and Phillips-Perron (PP) unit root tests
are conducted to test each variable for a unit root in level with a constant term
and deterministic time trend. A constant term is included since all series have a
non-zero mean, while the trend term allows for a deterministic trend. We
employ the ADF and PP tests with 1, 3, 6 lags to overcome the problem of
serial correlation in residuals. Table 3 depicts the result of unit root test. The
ADF test indicates that all the series are non-stationary. For the first
differenced series, all the series are stationary at the 1% level of significance
except for LNRPFcv and LNRPFis at lag 6. However, the PP test indicates all
the series are stationary at 1 per cent level of significance after taking first
difference. These results suggest that all the variables are integrated of order
one. This suggests that long-run relationship may exist between the variables.

Table 3: Unit Root Test

Variable Lag Level First Difference
LNRPFcv 1 -0.898202 1.214135 -5.399294** -8.284774**
3 0.233603 0.917074 -4.309540** -8.386302**
6 0.570606 0.899124 -3.102384 -8.445079**
LNRPFis 1 0.146989 0.542291 -6.539550** -7.419174**
3 0.649395 0.510542 -4.387177** -7.288120**
6 -0.687650 0.449353 -2.584145 -7.236951**
BLR 1 -1.278432 -1.168147 -6.499247** -9.509247**
3 -0.635678 -1.223171 -4.713193** -9.525438**
6 -0.827648 -1.277211 -3.583579* -9.535279**

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Note: ** and * denote significant at the 1% and 5% levels, respectively

4.3 Johansen-Juselius (JJ) Cointegration Test

The trace test is conducted from 1 to 6 lags before the optimal lag length (m) is
determined. The optimal lag length (m) is the lag length that minimizes the AIC
or BIC in the VAR. Table 4 shows the results of the multivariate
Johansen-Juselius (JJ) cointegration test. The results of the trace statistics
show two cointegrating vectors (r = 2) for lag 1 to lag 3. The maximum
eigenvalue statistic also gives similar results, except in lag 3, where the
maximum eigenvalue statistic suggests that there is no cointegrating vector.
Johansen (1991) argued that the trace test tends to have more power than the
maximum eigenvalue statistic since it takes into account all N-r of the smallest
eigenvalues. Hence, in conflicting cases, the decision is made based on trace

The use of SIC suggests that one lag is the optimal lag length for the system.
However, other criterions such as FPE and AIC suggest that two lags is the
optimal lag length for the system (see Appendix 2. In the conflicting results,
SIC will be used because the AIC and FPE overestimate the order of AR(p)
time series model and SIC which penalizes the degree of freedom more
harshly tends to choose models that are more parsimonious. Therefore, lag 1
is chosen. Thus, there are two cointegrating vectors that exist in this system
that define the long-run movements of the variables. In other words, two ECT
should be added in the VAR. The exclusion of the ECT can lead to model
misspecification. The modified model of VAR is referred to as the VECM.

Table 4: Multivariate JJ Cointegration Test

Variable : LNRPFcv LNRPFis BLR

Lag Trace Maximum Eigenvalue

r =0 r ≤1 r≤2 r =0 r ≤1 r≤2
1 40.75593** 19.93291* 1.849448 20.82303 18.08346* 1.849448
2 36.63446** 16.25418* 1.163657 20.38027 15.09053* 1.163657
3 32.87581* 16.17630* 3.271316 16.69951 12.90498 3.271316
4 33.75817* 16.98503* 4.397794* 16.77314 12.58724 4.397794*
5 49.78613** 26.45730** 6.929833** 23.32883* 19.52747** 6.929833**
6 37.53505** 18.94912* 4.939703* 18.58593* 14.00941 4.939703*
Note: ** and * denote significant at the 1% and 5% levels, respectively

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4.4. Vector Error Correction Model (VECM)

As reported in the previous section, there are two cointegrating vectors

existing in the second system which implies that two error correction terms are
present in the VECM. The two error correction terms for the second system
z11,t = LNRPFcv t −1 + 0.700074563 * BLR t −1 - 15.93436601
z12,t = LNRPFis t −1 + 1.940732051 * BLR t −1 - 21.51610494

The VECM model for the second system is tabulated in Table 5 which indicates
that given a unit deviation from the first long-run relationship, the residential
property financing in conventional banks adjusts by a reduction of 0.4% in the
following month. The adjustment is a decrease of 0.3% in response to a unit
deviation from the second long-run relationship one month before.
Correspondingly, the adjustment of residential property financing in Islamic
banks in response to one unit deviation from the first and second long-run
relationships one month before is a reduction of 6.3% and 3.1%, respectively.
For the base lending rate, for one unit deviation from the first long-run
relationship, the adjustment is a rise of 19.5% and the adjustment is a
reduction of 13.1% for one unit deviation from the second long-run

Table 5: Vector Error Correction Model (VECM)

Independent Variable Dependent Variable
^ -0.004399 -0.063879** 0.195518**
z11,t (-0.66480) (-2.82994) (2.80461)
^ -0.003378 0.031082* -0.131573**
z12,t (-0.84795) (2.28710) (-3.13479)
0.040953 0.365622 -1.830961
Δ LNRPFcv t −1
(0.38466) (1.00661) (-1.63221)
-0.019164 0.216626 -0.680122*
Δ LNRPFis t −1
(-0.59934) (1.98572) (-2.01865)
0.007187 0.013420 0.060755
Δ BLR t −1
(0.78058) (0.42721) (0.62625)
Constant 0.013231** 0.011776* 0.033944
(8.14991) (2.12615) (1.98435)
Note: t-statistics are reported in the parentheses below the coefficient
** and * denote significant at the 1% and 5% levels, respectively

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The results of the F-test in Table 6 indicate that all the variables in the second
system adjust to disequilibrium at the 5% significance level. Interestingly, the
error correction terms are not individually significant in the equation of
residential property financing in conventional banks but highly significant when
they join together. The findings suggest that the residential property financing
in Islamic and conventional banks as well as the base lending rate are likely to
be involved in the adjustment towards any disequilibrium from the long-run

Table 6: F-Test for Adjustment to Disequilibrium

Variable F-Statistic
Δ LNRPFcv 8.824553**
Δ LNRPFis 4.518449*
Δ BLR 4.977546**
Note: ** and * denote significant at the 1% and 5% levels, respectively

4.5. Granger Causality Test

The existence of a cointegration relationship between the series implies that

there is at least a causal effect running from one variable to another. To test the
direction of the effect, the Granger-causality test will be performed because the
cointegration test does not indicate the direction of the causal effect. Since the
series are co-integrated, the Granger-causality test will be conducted in the
environment of VECM. Table 7 indicates that all variables are Granger-caused
by themselves. This implies that the future demand for residential property
financing of Islamic and conventional banks as well as the base lending rate
would be influenced by their performance respectively. The results suggest
that there is a bi-directional causality relationship between the residential
property financing of Islamic and conventional banks as well as the base
lending rate. This may reflect the importance of the residential property
financing of Islamic and conventional banks in determining the rate of the base
lending rate and conversely the base lending rate acts as a leading indicator
that determine the level of residential property financing of Islamic and
conventional banks.

Table 7: Granger Causality Test (Financing)

Independent Dependent Variable (F-statistics)
Variable Δ LNRPFcv Δ LNRPFis Δ BLR
Δ LNRPFcv 7.463595** 3.537029* 3.565966*
Δ LNRPFis 5.886164** 8.534088** 8.579158**
Δ BLR 5.980295** 3.054419* 3.494254*
Note: ** and * denote significant at the 1% and 5% levels, respectively

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4.6. Impulse Response Function

It is insufficient just to interpret the results from the Granger causality test as
doing so only indicates the direction of the causal effects. It is useful to employ
the Impulse Response Function (IRF) to examine the transmission mechanism
of innovations in one variable to the particular variable. The generalized
impulses constructed by Pesaran and Shin (1998) will be employed in
transforming the impulses. The impulse responses will be presented by graphs
as discussed in the following paragraphs. The IRFs are plotted in Figures 2.
Each panel represents the accumulated impulse responses over a period of
ten months. All shocks are at one per cent. The vertical axis shows the
approximate percentage change in response to a one per cent shock. The
horizontal axis indicates the time period. The dotted lines denote two standard
error confidence bands around the estimate.

Figure 2 reveals that RPFis starts to react to a shock in RPFcv only after one
month. This implies that any shock in RPFcv will not immediately affect the
changes in RPFis. A possible explanation for this lag is that, because the profit
rate on outstanding BBA financing is fixed, customers may spend some time to
reach a decision on whether to obtain financing from the Islamic or
conventional bank based on their expectations of future interest rates
movements. The effect seems to taper down gradually over the period until
month 6 which again reflects time lags in the circulation of information or in
customers’ decision on what to do.

Figure 2: Responses of Residential Property Financing of Islamic Banks

.030 .030 .030

.025 .025 .025

.020 .020 .020

.015 .015 .015

.010 .010 .010

.005 .005 .005

.000 .000 .000

-.005 -.005 -.005

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Response of LNRPFis to a 1% shock in LNRPFcv Response of LNRPFis to a 1% shock in LNRPFis Response of LNRPFis to a 1% shock in BLR

In terms of the BLR, Figure 2 shows that RPFis seems to respond readily to a
shock in BLR and the response seems to diminish by the fourth month. This
finding suggests that given the fixed rate of BBA financing, any change in the

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base lending rate would immediately influence customers’ decision in obtaining

Islamic bank asset financing. This result is consistent with the theoretical
discussion that an increasing base lending rate would mean existing BBA
financing is relatively cheaper and that would induce customers to obtain
financing from the Islamic banks. On the other hand a decreasing base lending
rate would induce customers to obtain financing from the conventional banks.

5. Conclusion and Recommendations

Conceptually, customers of the Islamic bank are not guided by the profit motive
and thus, any changes in the base lending rate should not have any significant
changes to the level of Islamic bank financing. However, this study found that
RPFis seems to respond positively to shocks in RPFcv & BLR respectively.
However the response to BLR shocks is relatively more immediate. This
implies that Islamic bank customers are profit motivated and their decisions to
obtain BBA financing will be influenced by the substitution effect based on the
movement of the BLR (interest rates). During rising interest rates, BBA
financing would be more popular and during falling interest rates customers
would prefer conventional loans rather than Islamic financing. Hence we can
conclude that because customers are profit motivated, Islamic bank financing
in the dual system is exposed to interest rate risks despite operating on
interest free principles.

Referring to the period of study, as shown in Figure 1, the BLR in Malaysia has
been falling or remained at low levels during that period. This implies that
Islamic bank financing has been relatively more expensive than conventional
loans during falling interest rates. It follows that the demand and growth of
Islamic financing would have been slower relative to conventional loans during
the period. Since the root cause of the interest rate risks is Islamic banks’
overdependence on BBA financing, it is recommended that Islamic banks
detach themselves from interest rate movements by moving away from fixed
rate instruments (BBA) into more profitsharing financing or rent based
financing (leasing). In profitsharing such as mudarabah or musharakah,
financing, returns are based on real sector performance. Hence interest-rate is
an exogenous factor in profitsharing. In the case of leasing, the cost of
financing is based on the rental rate which is flexible and not fixed like the BBA
rate. The rental rate can be revised periodically to reflect market conditions.
Hence the Islamic bank would be in a better position to mitigate the interest
rate risks compared to its ability under the BBA fixed rate system.

Kader & Leong

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Appendix 1: Descriptive Statistics for the System (Financing)

Statistics LNRPFcv LNRPFis BLR
Mean 11.43702 9.045388 6.433878
Median 11.43681 9.354624 6.390000
Maximum 12.02847 9.765314 7.240000
Minimum 10.73826 7.714369 5.980000
Std. Dev. 0.406466 0.694710 0.358182
Skewness -0.096637 -0.641813 0.036584
Kurtosis 1.723794 1.861153 1.873960
Jarque-Bera 6.803062 12.02406 5.199389
Probability 0.033322 0.002449 0.074296
Sum 1120.828 886.4480 630.5200
Sum Sq. Dev. 16.02583 46.81437 12.44453
Observation 98 98 98

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Appendix 2: Determination of Lag Length for the System

VAR Lag Order Selection Criteria
Endogenous variables: LNCV LNIS BLR
Exogenous variables: C
Sample: 1 98
Included observations: 88
0 3.990188 NA 0.000196 -0.022504 0.061950 0.011520
1 687.1547 1304.223 4.35E-11 -15.34443 -15.00661* -15.20833
2 700.7772 25.07781* .92E-11* -15.44948* -14.85830 -15.21131*
3 705.0697 7.609300 4.37E-11 -15.34249 -14.49795 -15.00225
4 705.8356 1.305644 5.29E-11 -15.15536 -14.05744 -14.71303
5 709.6617 6.260827 5.99E-11 -15.03777 -13.68649 -14.49337
6 714.3398 7.336081 6.66E-11 -14.93954 -13.33490 -14.29307
7 717.7040 5.046368 7.66E-11 -14.81146 -12.95345 -14.06291
8 728.7782 15.85626 7.42E-11 -14.85860 -12.74723 -14.00798
9 740.3538 15.78482 7.14E-11 -14.91713 -12.55240 -13.96444
10 742.6429 2.965470 8.54E-11 -14.76461 -12.14652 -13.70985
* indicates lag order selected by the criterion
LR: sequential modified LR test statistic (each test at 5% level)
FPE: Final prediction error
AIC: Akaike information criterion
SC: Schwarz information criterion
HQ: Hannan-Quinn information criterion


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