Teaching of Speaking-Lesson 4

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1. Focus on both Fluency and Accuracy depending on your objective.

 Make sure your tasks have a linguistic (language-based) objective, and seize the

opportunity to help students to perceive and use the building blocks of language.

 (Think about when you have tried to learn a new language. How did you develop

your fluency? How did you develop your accuracy? Think of an effective strategy

for helping learners developing fluency and one for developing accuracy.

2. Provide Intrinsically Motivating techniques

 Appeal to students’ ultimate goals and interests, to their need of knowledge, for

status, for achieving competence and autonomy…help them to see how the


3. Encourage the use of Authentic Language in meaningful contexts.

 It takes energy and creativity to devise authentic contexts and meaningful

interaction, but with the help of a storehouse of teacher resource materials

4. Provide appropriate feedback and correction

 It is important that you take advantage of your knowledge of English to inject the

kinds of corrective feedback that are appropriate for the moment

5. Capitalize on the natural link between speaking and listening

 The two skills can reinforce each other. Skills in producing language are often

initiated through comprehension.

6. Give students opportunity to initiate oral communication

 Part of oral communication competence is the ability to initiate conversations, to

nominate topics, to ask questions, to control conversations, and to change the


7. Encourage the development of speaking strategies

Speaking Strategies

 Asking for clarification (what?)

 Asking someone to repeat something (pardon me?)

 Using fillers (uh, I mean) to get time to process

 Using conversation maintenance cues (uh-huh, right, yeah, Ok)

 Getting someone’s attention (hey, say, so)

 Paraphrasing for structures one can’t produce

 Appealing for assistance from the interlocutor

How to design a speaking activity?

1. The speaking activity should be in authentic texts. In an authentic activity, students

experience how the language is used in daily life. It helps students learn more

meaningfully and purposefully. It also maximizes the development of learners’

communicative competence.

2. Collaborative learning is encouraged in a speaking activity. There are two benefits. First,

sometimes students will feel too shy of the whole class. When students work in pairs or

in groups, they will be more relaxed so that they can practice speaking better. Second,

collaborative learning helps students learn “extra knowledge”.

3. A speaking activity is an output process. Students must get enough input so that they

can speak. So before a speaking activity, the teacher has to make sure that students are

fully prepared. Have students mastered the grammar? And during the activity, the

teacher should act as a facilitator.

Function of Speaking

1. Talk as interaction

2. Talk as transaction

3. Talk as performance

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