End of Term Project Guidelines

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This course is assessed through a single assessed aassignment which you must complete
individually. Here is the assignment: Write a paper of at least 3000 words about a topic related to
Theoretical Background to English Language Teaching. You can choose one of the topics in the
list (see Apendix 1) or one of your interest. You can refer to the assessment criteria (see Appendix
2) your tutor will use when marking your assignment. You can also use this as a checklist when
you write your assignment. The assignment guidelines are also provided below.

Appendix 1:

1. The acquisition and learning hypothesis and its implications in language teaching.
2. The input hypothesis and its implications in language teaching.
3. The affective filter hypothesis and its implications in language teaching.
4. Reflections on some common teaching methods: Grammar-Translation, Audio-Lingual,
Communicative Language Teaching – Good points and drawbacks
5. Task-based learning and its application in English language teaching.
6. Cooperative learning and its application in English language teaching.
7. Content-based instruction and its application in English language teaching.
8. Motivation in English Language Teaching.
9. Using communicative activities in English Language Teaching and learning.
10. Learning strategies and the active learner.
11. Learner autonomy and the implications in English language teaching and learning.
12. Teachers’ and students’ roles in English language teaching and learning

Appendix 2:


Criteria Mark
1 The paper consists of sections as specified in the guidelines, and ____/1
they are presented in accordance with the guidelines
2 The paper presents comprehensive and relevant ____/3
literature review
3 The paper discusses good points to contribute to the body ____/3
of knowledge
4 The paper’s citations and references conform to the ____/1
5 The paper demonstrates good use of language ____/2
Total ____/10


Part 1: Introduction

This section introduces the reader to the domain of the study and provides a general
overview of the circumstances, issues, and background leading up to the problem
under investigation.
Then it should clearly and precisely identify the purpose of the study in terms of how it will
help to advance our knowledge in that field or to improve the present situation under

Part 2: Main content

2.1. Literature review

This section should include a review of the relevant theoretical and empirical works which
provide a broad background, or a theoretical grounding to the study. In addition, students
are required to demonstrate the link between their study and the body of knowledge in
which the study is grounded.

2.2. Methodology (optional for conceptual papers)

This section should indicate what type of study is being conducted, how the study will be
conducted, what data or information will be used, how it will be obtained, what sampling
techniques will be employed. Thus, this section should convey the appropriateness of the
data/information for answering the research questions; and, most importantly, it should
describe the techniques for analyzing the data with direct reference to the research questions
or hypotheses.
A description of the instruments or procedures to be used in gathering the data should be
provided. All proposals are expected to include relevant information about the technical
quality of these instruments or procedures. Any instruments/interview protocols developed
by the researcher should accompany the proposal in an Appendix.

2.3. Results and analysis (optional for conceptual papers)

This section should provide the findings and their analysis from the study, which should be
consistent with the research questions or hypotheses.

2.4. Discussion/ Implications in language teaching and/or language learning

This section should provide the author’s own view on the issue under analysis. It then
should present the implications or recommendations for language teaching and/or
language learning.
Part 3: Conclusion
This section should summarise the main content and the key implications of the paper.


Appendices (if any)

1. Page 1: Cover page;

2. Page 2: Table of Contents;

3. Length: The main text (excluding Appendices and References) should not be fewer than
3,000 words.
4. The assignment is printed on A4 paper with recommended fonts (size): Times New
Roman (13).
5. Photos to illustrate: informed consent/ permission from the person(s) in the photos or
from their guardians (in case of minors – under 16 years of age) must be obtained in
order to use their photos in the thesis.

6. Referencing system: APA 7th edition


Referencing with APA 7th Style – Brief Guide

For more information refer to the AUT Library referencing guide http://aut.ac.nz.libguides.com/APA7th and the APA 7th Manual.

Reference Types In-text Reference List

Book & ebook with DOI (Ewert et al., 2014) Ewert, E.W., Mitten, D.S., & Overholt, J.R. (2014). Natural environments and human health. CAB
or International. https://doi.org/10.1079/9781845939199.0000
according to Ewert et al. (2014) Include the DOI using the format https://doi.org/10.xxxx/xxxx

Book & ebook without DOI, (Foxall, 2018) Foxall, G. R. (2018). Context and cognition in consumer psychology: How perception and emotion
ebook without DOI from or guide action. Routledge.
According to Foxall (2018) Use the copyright date. For more than one publisher, list all publishers in the order that they appear,

research databases
separated by a semicolon. Do not include the database name or URL.
Article with DOI from (Washington, 2014) Washington, E. T. (2014). An overview of cyberbully in higher education. Adult Learning, 26(1), 21–27.
research databases or https://doi.org/10.1177/1045159514558412
Washington (2014) stated that For DOI, use the format https://doi.org/xxxxxx

Article without DOI: (Moody, 2019) Moody, M. S. (2019). If instructional coaching really works, why isn't it working? Educational
From research databases, or Leadership, 77(3), 30–35.
or Moody (2019) Do not include the database name or URL for articles from most academic research databases.
From a Print journal
Open access journal article (Dayton, 2019) Dayton, K. J. (2019). Tangled arms: Modernizing and unifying the arm-of-the-state doctrine. The
without DOI or University of Chicago Law Review, 86(6), 1497–1737. https://bit.ly/2SkWwcy
Dayton (2019) Include the URL for articles without a DOI and with a nondatabase URL, e.g. free online journal articles.

Webpage, no date, (Athletics New Zealand, n.d.) Athletics New Zealand. (n.d.). Form a new club. http://www.athletics.org.nz/Clubs/Starting-a-New-Club
or When the author and site name are the same, omit the site name.
Athletics New Zealand (n.d.)
Webpage, with a date (Monaghan, 2019) Monaghan, E. (2019, December 10). 5 reasons modern slavery at sea is still possible in 2019.
or Greenpeace. https://bit.ly/2PIXjqc
Monaghan (2019) If the page you are citing includes a last updated date, use that date. Include the name of the website

in the reference.
YouTube video or other (MSNBC, 2020) MSNBC. (2020, January 7). Julián Castro endorses Elizabeth Warren [Video].
streaming video or YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uk2Tzc8H5po
MSNBC (2020)
Conference paper … act of curation works with unique set of factors (Mason & Mason, I., & Missingham, R. (2019, October 21–25). Research libraries, data curation, and
Missingham, 2019) workflows [Paper presentation]. eResearch Australasia Conference, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
or https://bit.ly/2RGcFdn
… according to Mason and Missingham (2019) After the title, include a label in square brackets that matches the description of the presentation e.g.

[paper presentation]. Create a short URL using https://bitly.com

Author In- text Reference List
One author … (Pilger, 2006) Pilger, J. (2006). Freedom next time. Bantam.
Pilger (2006) stated that …
Two authors (Shaw & Eichbaum, 2008) Shaw, R., & Eichbaum, C. (2008). Public policy in New Zealand: Institutions, processes and
or outcomes. Pearson Education.
Shaw and Eichbaum (2008) …
List both authors.

3 or more authors, up to 20 (Watson et al., 2019) Watson, S., Gunasekaran, G., Gedye, M., van Roy, Y., Ross, M., Longdin, L., & Brown, L. (2003). Law of
authors or business organisations (4th ed.). Palatine Press.
Watson et al. (2019) stated that … List all authors up to and including 20. The last author’s surname is preceded by an ampersand (&).
List the first author followed by et al.

21 or more authors (Loannidis et al., 2016) Loannidis, N. M., Rothstein, J. H., Pejaver, V., Middha, S., McDonnell, S., Baheti, S. Musolf, A., Li, Q.,
or Holzinger, E., Karyadi, D., Cannon-Albright, L., Teerlink, C. C., Stanford, J. L., Isaacs, W. B., Xu,
Loannidis et al. (2016) stated …. J.,Cooney, K., Lange, E., Schleutker, J., Carpten, J. D., … Weiver, S. (2016). Revel: An ensemble
List the first author followed by et al. method for predicting the pathogenicity of rare missense variants. American Journal of Human
Genetics, 99(4), 877–85. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajhg.2016.08.016
List the first 19 authors, then insert three dots (ellipsis …) and add the last author’s name.

Group (corporate) author First citation: New Zealand Health Information Service. (2003). Report on maternity: Maternal and new-born
with abbreviation (New Zealand Health Information Service [NZHIS], 2003). inequalities in Aotearoa New Zealand. Otago University Press.
Subsequent: (NZHIS, 2003) … Do not include an abbreviation for a group author in a reference list entry.
Use the full name throughout in your in-text references if

there is no formal abbreviation of the group author.

Author … showed in the study (Seidenberg & McClelland, 1990, as Coltheart, M., Curtis, B. Atkins, P., & Haller, M. (1993). Models of reading aloud: Dual-route and
in secondary citations cited in Coltheart et al., 1993) parallel-distributed-processing approaches. Psychological Review, 100, 589–608.
or Enter the reference list for the source you have read (secondary source).
Seidenberg & McClelland (1990, as cited in Coltheart et al.,
1993) showed …
Include the original work and the date, and the citation for
the source where you found the information.

Author of a chapter in an … (Easton, 2008) Easton, B. (2008). Does poverty affect health? In K. Dew & A. Matheson (Eds.), Understanding health
edited book or inequalities in Aotearoa New Zealand (pp. 97–106). Otago University Press.
according to Easton (2008) Include a DOI after the publisher, if available.

AUT Library, Feb 2020

National University of Education Faculty of English


Title of the Project


Academic Year: 2021 – 2022

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