Introduction of Plant Virusis

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What Is a Virus?

This chapter discusses broad aspects of virology and highlights how plant viruses have led the
subject of virology in many aspects.


I. Introduction 3 V. Viruses of Other Kingdoms 20

II. History 3 VI. Summary 21
III. Definition of a Virus 9
IV. Classification and Nomenclature
of Viruses 13

I. INTRODUCTION they do to food supplies has a significant indi-

rect effect. The study of plant viruses has led
Plant viruses are widespread and economi- the overall understanding of viruses in many
cally important plant pathogens. Virtually all aspects.
plants that humans grow for food, feed, and
fiber are affected by at least one virus. It is the
viruses of cultivated crops that have been most II. HISTORY
studied because of the financial implications of
the losses they incur. However, it is also impor- Although many early written and pictorial
tant to recognise that many “wild” plants are records of diseases caused by plant viruses
also hosts to viruses. Although plant viruses are available, they are do not go back as far as
do not have an immediate impact on humans records of human viruses. The earliest known
to the extent that human viruses do, the damage written record of what was very likely a plant

Comparative Plant Virology, Second Edition 3 Copyright # 2009, Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

virus disease is a Japanese poem that was writ- determining exactly what a virus was. In the latter
ten by the Empress Koken in A.D. 752 and part of the nineteenth century, the idea that infec-
translated by T. Inouye: tious disease was caused by microbes was well
established, and filters were available that would
In this village not allow the known bacterial pathogens to pass
It looks as if frosting continuously
through. In 1886, Mayer (see Figure 1.2A)
For, the plant I saw
In the field of summer described a disease of tobacco that he called
The colour of the leaves were yellowing Mosaikkrankheit, which is now known to be caused
by the Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). Mayer demon-
The plant, which has since been identified as strated that the disease could be transmitted to
Eupatorium lindleyanum, has been found to be healthy plants by inoculation with extracts from
susceptible to Tobacco leaf curl virus, which diseased plants. A major observation was made
causes a yellowing disease. in 1892 by Iwanowski, who showed that sap from
In Western Europe in the period from about tobacco plants displaying the disease described
1600 to 1660, many paintings and drawings by Mayer was still infective after it had been
were made of tulips that demonstrate flower passed through a bacteria-proof filter candle.
symptoms of virus disease. These are recorded However, based on previous studies, it was
in the Herbals of the time and some of the ear- thought that this agent was a toxin. Iwanowski’s
liest in the still-life paintings of artists such as experiment was repeated in 1898 by Beijerinck
Ambrosius Bosschaert. During this period, (see Figure 1.2B), who showed that the agent mul-
blooms featuring such striped patterns were tiplied in infected tissue and called it contagium
prized as special varieties, leading to the phe- vivum fluidum (Latin for “contagious living fluid”)
nomenon of “tulipomania” (Box 1.1). to distinguish it from contagious corpuscular
Because of their small genomes, viruses have agents (Figure 1.2C).
played a major role in elucidating many of the Beijerinck and other scientists used the term
concepts in molecular biology, and the study of virus to describe the causative agents of such
plant viruses has produced several of the major transmissible diseases to contrast them with
findings for virology in general. The major steps bacteria. The term virus had been used more
in reaching the current understanding of viruses or less synonymously with bacteria by earlier
are shown in the timeline in Figure 1.1. workers, but as more diseases of this sort were
Details of these “breakthroughs” can be found discovered, the unknown causative agents
in Hull (2002; plant viruses), Fenner, (2008; verte- came to be called “filterable viruses.” Similar
brate viruses), and Ackermann (2008; bacterial properties were soon after reported for some
viruses). Plant viruses played a major role in viruses of animals (e.g., the filterable nature of

BOX 1.1


Tulips were introduced into the Netherlands in the late sixteenth century. Bulbs that produced ”broken-
coloured” flowers were in great demand and created a rapidly expanding market, leading to



BOX 1.1 (continued)

Semper Augustus tulip with flower colour break (one of the most favoured varieties)
One bulb cost 1,000 Dutch florins (guilders) in 1623, and by 1635, 6,000 florins. To understand the
value of this, one Viceroy tulip bulb was exchanged for goods that were valued at almost 2,400 florins:
4 tons of wheat (448 florins) 4 barrels of beer (3 florins)
8 tons of rye (558 florins) 2 barrels of butter (192 florins)
4 fat oxen (480 florins) 1,000 lbs cheese (120 florins)
8 fat pigs (240 florins) 1 bed with accessories (100 florins)
12 fat sheep (120 florins) 1 silver goblet (60 florins)
2 hogsheads of wine (70 florins)

By 1636 there was much speculation, and futures were being taken out on these bulbs. In early
1637 one bulb was valued at 10,000 florins, but a few weeks later, the bubble burst and many people
were left bankrupt. It was not until the 1920s that the viral aetiology of tulip flower breaking was
discovered and that the symptoms were caused by an aphid-transmitted potyvirus. Today, 100 flor-
ins is equivalent to about U.S. $30,000.



Plant Animal Bacteria

752 AD Plant virus in Japanese 1350 BC Smallpox recorded in Egypt
1600-1637 Tulipomania 1796 Jenner developed smallpox vaccine
Recognition of viral entity
1886 Meyer Transmission of
1892 Iwanowski Filterability of
1898 Beijerink Viruses as an 1898 Filterability of PV and FMDV
1915. Filterability of phage
Biological age
1900-1935 Descriptions of 1900– Descriptions of many viruses 1915- Descriptions of many
many viruses viruses
1901 Mosquito transmission of YFV Early 1920s Infection cycle
Biophysical/biochemical age
1935 Purification of TMV
1936 TMV contains pentose
nucleic acid
1939 EM TMV rod-shaped 1940 VACV contains DNA
1949 PV grown in cultured cells 1940-1970 Phage genetics
1951 TYMV RNA in protein
1956 Virus particles made of
identical protein subunit
1955/56 Infectious nature of
1962 Structure of isometric
1983 Structure of TBSV to 2.9Å 1985 Structure of poliovirus to 2.9Å
Molecular age
1960 Sequence of TMV coat 1979 Sequence of PV VPg
1970 Recognition of reverse transcriptase
1981 Infectious transcript of PV 1978 Infectious transcript of

1980 Sequence of CaMV DNA
1982 Sequence of TMV RNA 1981 Sequence of poliovirus RNA
genome genome
1984 Infectious transcripts of
multicomponent BMV
1986 Transgenic protection of
plants against TMV
1996 Recognition of RNA
1997 Recognition of virus
suppressors of silencing
Abbreviations: BMV, Brome mosaic virus; CaMV, Cauliflower mosaic virus; FMDV, Foot and mouth
disease virus; PV, Poliovirus; TBSV, Tomato bushy stunt virus; TMV, Tobacco mosaic virus; TYMV,
Turnip yellow mosaic virus; VACV, Vaccinia virus; YFV, Yellow fever virus.
FIGURE 1.1 Timeline of development of virology.


FIGURE 1.2 A. Adolf Eduard
Mayer (1843–1942); B. Martinus Willem
Beijerinck (1851–1931); C. Page from lab
journal of W.M. Beijerinck from 1898
relating to TMV. A and B courtesy of
the historical collection, Agricultural
University, Wageningen, Netherlands;
C. (# Kluyver Institute) Courtesy Cura-
tor Kluyver Laboratory Collection,
Delft School of Microbiology Archive,
Delft University of Technology.




the agent causing foot and mouth disease in In 1935, Stanley announced the isolation of this
1898) and of bacteria in 1915. Over the course virus in an apparently crystalline state but con-
of time, the word filterable has been dropped, sidered that the virus was a globulin containing
leaving just the term virus. no phosphorus. In 1936, however, Bawden and
As shown in the timeline in Figure 1.1, in the his colleagues described the isolation from
subsequent development of virology, many of TMV-infected plants of a liquid crystalline nucle-
the studies ran in parallel for viruses of plants, oprotein containing nucleic acid of the pentose
vertebrates, invertebrates, and bacteria. In fact, type. Around 1950, Markham and Smith showed
when viewed overall, there is evidence of much that the RNA of Turnip yellow mosaic virus was
cross-feeding between the various branches of encapsidated in a protein shell and was impor-
virology. However, there were differences tant for biological activity. This led to the classic
mainly due to the interactions that these experiments of Gierer, Schramm, Fraenkel-Con-
viruses have with their hosts. For instance, ver- rat, and Williams in the mid-1950s that demon-
tebrates produce antibodies that counter strated the infectivity of naked TMV RNA and
viruses, whereas plants, invertebrates, and bac- the protective role of the protein coat.
teria do not. Another factor that has contribu- In parallel with these biochemical studies,
ted to advances is the simplicity of the system physical studies in the late 1930s using X-ray
exemplified by studies on bacteriophage being analysis and electron microscopy confirmed that
linked to studies on bacterial genetics. TMV had rod-shaped particles and obtained
The development of plant, and other, virol- accurate estimates of the size of the rods. Atten-
ogy can be considered to have gone through five tion turned to the structure of these particles,
major (overlapping) ages. The first two, Prehis- and in 1956, Crick and Watson suggested that
tory and Recognition of viral entity, were just the protein coats of small viruses are made up
described. After these two came the Biological of numerous identical subunits arrayed either
age, between 1900 and 1935, when it was deter- as helical rods or as a spherical shell with cubic
mined that plant viruses were transmitted by symmetry. This led to Caspar and Klug (1962)
insects and that some of these viruses multi- formulating a general theory that delimited the
plied in, and thus were pathogens of, insects in possible numbers and arrangements of the pro-
a manner similar to some viruses of vertebrates. tein subunits forming the shells of the smaller
One of the constraints to plant virology was the isodiametric viruses (see Chapter 5). Our recent
lack of a quantitative assay, until Holmes in knowledge of the larger viruses with more com-
1929 showed that local lesions produced in plex symmetries and structures has come from
some hosts after mechanical inoculation could electron microscopy using negative-staining
be used for the rapid quantitative assay of infec- and ultrathin-sectioning methods.
tive virus. This technique enabled properties of The current Molecular age started in about
viruses to be studied much more readily and 1960 when the full sequence of 158 amino acids
paved the way for the isolation and purification in the coat protein of TMV was determined.
of viruses a few years later. The sequence of many naturally occurring
The Biochemical/Physical age started in the strains and artificially induced mutants was
early 1930s. The high concentration at which also determined at about the same time. This
certain viruses occur in infected plants and work made an important contribution to estab-
their relative stability was crucial in the first lishing the universal nature of the genetic code
isolation and chemical characterisation of and to our understanding of the chemical basis
viruses because methods for extracting and of mutation. This age continued with the
purifying proteins were not highly developed. sequencing of representatives of most, if not


all, virus genera leading to a greater under- The Chlamydiae, for example, the agent that
standing of how viruses function and interact causes psittacosis, include the simplest known
with their hosts. The results from these studies type of cell. They are obligate parasites that
are described in detail in this book and in the grow by infecting eukaryotic cells and lack an
suggested further reading. energy-generating system. They are as small
as, or smaller than, many viruses. Chlamydiae
have two phases to their life cycle. Inside host
III. DEFINITION OF A VIRUS cells they take on an intracellular replicative
form (termed the reticulate body) and rely on
the host cell energy-yielding system; outside
A. How Viruses Differ from Other
the cell they survive by forming infectious ele-
Plant Pathogens mentary bodies about 300 nm in diameter, which
In the size of their nucleic acids, viruses is smaller than some pox viruses. Chlamydiae
range from a monocistronic mRNA in the satel- can be grown only where their host cells grow
lite virus of tobacco necrosis virus (STNV) to a and cannot be propagated in bacterial culture
genome larger than that of the smallest cells media.
(Figure 1.3). A biologically more meaningful Several criteria do and do not distinguish all
way of comparing genome sizes is to consider viruses from all cells (see Table 1.2).
the information content—that is, the number Plasmids are autonomous extrachromosomal
of genes that they contain; some examples are genetic elements found in many kinds of bacteria.
given in Table 1.1. Before attempting to define They consist of closed circular DNA. Some can
what viruses are, we must consider briefly become integrated into the host chromosome
how they differ from other entities such as cel- and replicate with it. Some viruses that infect pro-
lular parasites, plasmids, and transposable karyotes have properties like those of plasmids
genetic elements. The three simplest kinds of and, in particular, the ability to integrate into the
parasitic cells are the Mycoplasmas, the Rickett- host cell chromosome. However, viruses differ
siae, and the Chlamydiae. from plasmids in the following ways:
Mycoplasmas and related organisms are not
1. Normal viruses have a particle with a
visible by light microscopy. They are 150–300 nm
structure designed to protect the genetic
in diameter with a bilayer membrane but no
material in the extracellular environment
cell wall, and they contain RNA along with
and to facilitate entry into a new host cell.
ribosomes and DNA. They replicate by binary
2. Virus genomes are highly organised for
fission, and some that infect vertebrates can be
specific virus functions of no known value
grown in vitro. Their growth is inhibited by cer-
to the host cell, whereas plasmids consist of
tain antibiotics. Some mycoplasmas are plant
genetic material that is often useful for the
pathogenic (see Chapter 3).
survival of the cell.
The Rickettsiae, for example, the agent of
3. Viruses can kill cells or cause disease in the
typhus fever, are small, nonmotile bacteria,
host organism, but plasmids cannot.
usually about 300 nm in diameter. They have
a cell wall, plasma membrane, and cytoplasm Transposons, or mobile genetic elements
with ribosomes and DNA strands. They are (sometimes called “jumping genes”), are
obligate parasites and were once thought to be sequences of DNA that can move around to dif-
related to viruses, but they are definitely cells ferent positions within the genome of a single
because they multiply by binary fission, and cell, a process termed transposition. Two types of
they contain enzymes for ATP production. mobile genetic elements exist, based on their



FIGURE 1.3 Size comparison of different organisms. A. Organisms classified according to genome size. The vertical axis
gives an approximate indication of numbers of species within the size range of each group. B. Size comparison among a
bacterium, several viruses, and a viroid. C. Comparison of size of rhinovirus and a pinhead. A. Modified from Hinegardner
[1976; in Molecular Evolution, (F.J. Ayala, Ed.), pp. 179-199, Sinauer, Sunderland, MA]; B. With kind permission from
Springer Science þ Business Media: Arch. Virol., Interference between proflavine treated reovirus and related and unrelated
viruses, vol. 15, 1965, pp. 200–2009, E. Zalan; Arch. Virol., Die Interferenz zwischen dem Polyoma-virus and dem Stomatitis-
vesicularis-Virus in der Maus, vol. 15, 1965, pp. 210-219, D. Falke; Arch. Virol., Properties of a new attenuated type 3 polio-
virus, vol. 15, 1965, pp. 220-233, J. Šimon. C.

mechanism of transposition. Class I mobile mobile genetic elements move directly from one
genetic elements, or retrotransposons, move in position to another within the genome using a
the genome by being transcribed to RNA and then transposase to “cut and paste” them within the
back to DNA by reverse transcriptase. Class II genome. In many properties, retrotransposons



TABLE 1.1 Information Content of Genomes of Various Organisms

Size of Number of Genes

Type of Organism Example Genome (Open Reading Frames)

Higher plant Rice 3.9  108 kbp >37,000

Vertebrate Human 3.3  10 kbp
Invertebrate Drosophila 1.2  108 kbp 13,400
Yeast 1.2  107 kbp 5,770
Eubacteria Escherichia coli 4.6  10 kbp
Mycoplasma Mycoplasma genitalium 5.8  105 kbp 485
Large virus infecting Vaccinia virus 190 kbp 250
Large virus infecting chlorella- Paramecium bursarum Chlorella virus 1 330 kbp 697
like algae
Large virus infecting Autographa californica multiple 133.9 kbp 150
invertebrates nucleopolyhedrosis
Small virus infecting angiosperms Tobacco mosaic virus 6395 nt 4
Smallest known virus Tobacco necrosis satellite virus 1239 nt 1

TABLE 1.2 Distinguishing Criteria for Viruses resemble retroviruses, and they are classified as
Metaviruses and Pseudoviruses. However, there
Criteria That Do Not
Criteria That Distinguish Distinguish Viruses is debate as to whether these are really viruses in
Viruses from Cells from Cells the strictest sense. We can now define a virus, as
shown in Box 1.2.
1. Lack of continuous 1. Size To be identified positively as a virus, an agent
membrane separating
must normally be shown to be transmissible and
virus from host during
replication to cause disease in at least one host. One of the
basic tenets of pathology is that to prove that a dis-
2. Absence of protein- 2. Nature and size of
synthesising system genome ease is caused by a certain infectious agent, one
3. Contain either DNA or 3. Contain both DNA and
must fulfill Koch’s postulates, which were
RNA RNA devised for bacteria; modifications of the postu-
4. Replication is by synthesis 4. Absence of rigid cell
lates have been suggested to account for specific
of a pool of components envelope properties of viruses (Table 1.3). Today, however,
and not by binary fission it is not always possible to fulfill these postulates
5. Obligate cell parasitism for viruses. For instance, plant cryptoviruses
6. Absence of energy- rarely cause detectable disease and are not trans-
yielding system missible by any mechanism except through seeds
7. Complete dependence or pollen. Usually, it is satisfactory to show a clear
on host cell for amino association of the viral genome sequence with the
acids disease after eliminating the possibility of joint
infection with another virus.



BOX 1.2


A virus is a set of one or more nucleic acid tem- from pools of the required materials rather than
plate molecules, normally encased in a protec- by binary fission, (3) located at sites that are not
tive coat or coats of protein or lipoprotein, that separated from the host cell contents by a lipo-
is able to organise its own replication only protein bilayer membrane, and (4) continually
within suitable host cells. Within such cells, giving rise to variants through several kinds of
virus replication is (1) dependent on the host’s change in the viral nucleic acid.
protein-synthesising machinery, (2) organised

TABLE 1.3 Koch’s Postulates for Bacteria

and Viruses
2. The mature virus particle may contain
polynucleotides other than the genomic
Bacteria Virusesa nucleic acid.
3. Where the genetic material consists of more
1. Demonstrate that the 1. Isolation of virus from
than one nucleic acid molecule, each may be
agent is regularly found diseased host
in the diseased host housed in a separate particle or all may be
located in one particle.
2. Cultivate the agent on a 2. Cultivate virus in
suitable medium experimental host or host 4. The genomes of viruses vary widely in size,
cells encoding between 1 and about 250
3. Reproduce the disease in 3. Prove lack of larger proteins. Plant viral genomes are at the
the host by reintroducing pathogens small end of this range, mostly encoding
the cultured agent between 1 and 12 proteins. The plant virus-
4. Reisolate the agent from 4. Produce comparable coded proteins may have functions in virus
the artificially infected disease in original host replication, in virus movement from cell to
host species or in related ones cell, in virus structure, and in transmission
5. Reisolate the virus by invertebrates or fungi. Animal and
bacterial viruses may contain more genes
Rivers (1937). associated with their interactions with their
The structure and replication of viruses have
5. Viruses undergo genetic change. Point
the following features.
mutations occur with high frequency as a
1. The infectious nucleic acid may be DNA or result of nucleotide changes brought about by
RNA (but never both) and be single- or errors in the copying process during genome
double-stranded. If the nucleic acid is single- replication. Other kinds of genetic change
stranded it may be of positive or negative may be due to recombination, reassortment of
sense. (Positive sense has the sequence that genome pieces, loss of genetic material, or
would be used as an mRNA for translation acquisition of nucleotide sequences from
to give a virus-coded protein.) unrelated viruses or the host genome.


6. Enzymes specified by the viral genome may though this may be a totally artificial and
be present in the virus particle. Most of these human-driven activity without any natural base,
enzymes are concerned with nucleic acid it does have certain properties:
• It gives a structured arrangement of the
7. Replication of many viruses takes place in
organisms so that the human mind can
distinctive virus-induced structures in the
comprehend them more easily.
• It helps with communication among
8. Some viruses share with certain nonviral
virologists and between virologists and
nucleic acid molecules the property of
other interested parties.
integration into host-cell genomes and
• It enables properties of new viruses to be
translocation from one integration site to
• It could reveal possible evolutionary
9. A few viruses require the presence of
another virus for their replication.
In theory, it is possible to consider the prob-
lems of naming and classifying viruses as sepa-
B. Are Viruses Alive? rate issues. In practice, however, naming soon
This question is asked very frequently. The comes to involve classification.
definitions of a living organism vary widely, From the 1930s to 1960s, various classification
with the most accepted one being “A living systems were proposed for plant (and other)
organism has cellular structure and is manifest viruses. This led to much confusion, and at the
by growth through metabolism, reproduction, International Congress for Microbiology, held in
and the power of adaptation to the environ- Moscow in 1966, the first meeting of the Interna-
ment through changes that originate inter- tional Committee for the Nomenclature of Viruses
nally.” While viruses reproduce and adapt, was held. An organisation was set up for develop-
they are not cellular and do not metabolise; ing an internationally accepted taxonomy and
they rely on their host cell metabolism. Thus, nomenclature for all viruses. Rules for the nomen-
technically they are not living organisms and clature of viruses were laid down. This committee
the term virus life cycle should not be used; virus developed into the International Committee for
replication cycle describes the making of a new Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV), which has since
virus particle from an input particle. produced eight reports, the most recent being
Fauquet et al. (2005). These reports give the defin-
itive descriptions of the various taxa of viruses.
VIRUSES A. Virus Classification
A detailed list of the criteria used for virus
In all studies of natural objects, humans seem classification and taxonomy is given in Murphy
to have an innate desire to name and to classify et al. (1995). The criteria come under four major
everything. It has been said that taxonomy is headings: virion properties, such as size and
“the craft of making dead things look alive.” shape, type of genome, properties of proteins;
Virologists are no exception. Virus classification, genome organisation and replication; antigenic
as with all other classifications, arranges objects properties; and biological properties, such as
with similar properties into groups, and even host range, pathogenicity, and transmission.



A problem arises as to how much weight is assigned. Of the 1,037 plant viruses listed in
put onto each character. In practice, the nature the eighth ICTV report, 751 are true species
and sequence of the genomic nucleic acid are and 286 are tentative species. Further studies
the major characters that are used, but other prop- will provide enough data to classify the tenta-
erties, such as particle shape and composition, tive species. A common problem is determining
antigenic relationships, and biology, are also whether a new virus is truly a new species or a
considered to be important. Any classification strain of an existing species. Conversely, what
of viruses should be based not only on evolu- was considered to be a strain may, on further
tionary history, as far as this can be deter- investigation, turn out to be a distinct species.
mined from the genotype, but should also be This is due to the population structure of viruses
useful in a practical sense. Most of the pheno- that, because of continuous production of errors
typic characters used today in virus classifica- in replication, can be considered a collection of
tion will remain important even when the quasi-species. The concept of quasi-species is
nucleotide sequences of most viral genomes discussed in more detail following.
have been determined. With the species forming the basis of the clas-
sification system, they can be grouped into other
taxa on various criteria. To date, the taxonomic
B. Families, Genera, and Species levels of order, family, and genus have been
The main building block of a biological clas- defined by the ICTV, and it is likely that there
sification is the species. In day-to-day prac- will be pressure for further higher and interme-
tice, virologists use the concept of a “virus” as diate taxa. No formal definition for a genus
being a group of fairly closely related strains, exists, but it is usually considered “a population
variants, or pathovars. A virus defined in this of virus species that share common characteris-
way is essentially a species in the sense sug- tics and are different from other populations of
gested for angiosperms and defined by the ICTV. species.” Currently, 80 genera of plant viruses
In 1991, the ICTV accepted the concept that are recognised. In some cases—such as the Rhab-
viruses exist as species, adopting the following doviridae—numerous viruses are recognised that
definition: obviously belong to that family but for which
there is not enough information to place them
A viral species is a polythetic class of viruses that either in existing genera or for creating new
constitutes a replicating lineage and occupies a partic-
genera; these viruses are listed as “unassigned.”
ular ecological niche. [Polythetic denotes a taxonomic
group classified on the basis of several characters,
Genera are named either after the type species—
as opposed to a monothetic group.] for example, Caulimovirus after Cauliflower mosaic
virus—or are given a descriptive name, often
The species has formed the basis of modern from a Greek or Latin word, for a major feature
virus classification being established in of the genus—for example, Closterovirus, from
subsequent ICTV reports, especially the seventh the Greek klostr (kloster), which is a spindle
and eighth, in which a List of Species-Demarcat- or thread, or that describes the virus particle
ing Criteria is provided for each genus. This shape, such as Geminivirus, from the Latin gemi-
enables viruses to be differentiated as species nus, meaning “twins.”
and tentative species, which are viruses that Similarly, genera are grouped together into
have not yet been sufficiently characterised to families on common characteristics (Table 1.4).
ensure that they are distinct and not strains of There are 17 families recognised for plant
an existing virus or do not have the full charac- viruses; some, such as Reoviridae and Rhabdoviri-
teristics of the genus to which they have been dae, are in common with animal virus families.



TABLE 1.4 Criteria Demarcating Different on virus classification, will no doubt lead to the
Virus Taxa designation of further plant virus families. The
family is either named after the type member
I Order genus—for example, Caulimoviridae, named after
Common properties between several families including:
the genus Caulimovirus—or given a descriptive
name, as with the genus, for a major feature of
Biochemical composition
the family—for example, Geminiviridae, which
Virus replication strategy
describes the virus particles.
Particle structure (to some extent) Only three orders have been accepted thus
General genome organisation far by the ICTV. The Mononegavirales contains,
among other families, the Rhabdoviridae, which
II Family contains two plant virus families. In practice,
genome nucleic acid sequence data are increas-
Common properties between several genera including:
ingly being used to delimit genera, species, and
Biochemical composition
strains (Figure 1.4). A detailed discussion of
Virus replication strategy virus classification, the currently accepted taxa,
Nature of particle structure and how the ICTV operates are provided in
Genome organisation Fauquet et al. (2005).

III Genus
C. Naming Viruses (Species)
Common properties with a genus including:
Questions of virus nomenclature have gener-
Virus replication strategy
ated more heat over the years than the much
Genome size, organisation, and/or number of more practically important problems of how to
delineate distinct virus species. When a family
Sequence homologies (hybridisation properties) or genus is approved by the ICTV, a type species
Vector transmission is designated. Some virologists favour using
the English vernacular name as the official spe-
IV Species cies name. Using part of a widely known vernac-
ular name as the official species name may
Common properties within a species including:
frequently be a very suitable solution, but it could
Genome arrangement
not always apply (e.g., with newly discovered
Sequence homologies (hybridisation properties) viruses). Other virologists favour serial number-
Serological relationships ing for viruses (species). The experience of other
Vector transmission groups of microbiologists is that, although num-
Host range bering or lettering systems are easy to set up in
Pathogenicity the first instance, they lead to chaos as time
Tissue tropism passes and changes must be made in taxonomic
groupings. The idea of Latinized binomial names
Geographical distribution
for viruses was supported by the ICTV for many
years but never implemented for any viruses.
Seventeen of the genera have not yet been In successive editions of the ICTV reports,
assigned to families and are termed “floating virus names in the index have been listed by
genera.” The acquisition of further data on these the vernacular name (usually English) followed
floating genera, together with changing attitudes by the family or genus name—for example,




FIGURE 1.4 Differentiation of taxa by pairwise identities of sequences of variants of A. RT/RNaseH nucleotide
sequences of Banana streak virus isolates; B. Nucleic acid sequences of the L1 gene of members of the Family Papillomaviridae;
C. Amino acid sequences of coat proteins of potyviruses. A. With kind permission from Springer Scienceþ Business Media:
Arch. Virol., The diversity of Banana streak virus isolates in Uganda, vol. 150, 2005, pp. 2407-2420, G. Harper; B. From Virus
Taxonomy, 8th Report of the National Committee on the Taxonomy of Viruses, Fauquet et al., p. 5, Copyright Elsevier (2005);
C. Reichmann et al. ( Journal of General Virology 73, 1–16, 1992).

tobacco mosaic Tobamovirus, Fiji disease Fiji- overlap and confusion. For instance, among
virus, and Lettuce necrotic yellows rhabdovirus. plant viruses, AMV was used to designate
This method for naming a plant virus is becom- Alfalfa mosaic virus and Arabis mosaic virus and
ing increasingly used in the literature. could also justifiably be used for Abutilon mosaic
virus, Agropyron mosaic virus, Alpina mosaic virus,
Alstromeria mosaic virus, Alternantha mosaic virus,
D. Acronyms or Abbreviations
Aneilema mosaic virus, or Anthoxanthum mosaic
Abbreviations of virus names have been used virus. Therefore, in 1991 the Plant Virus section
for many years to make the literature easier to of the ICTV initiated a rationalisation of plant
read and more succinct to present. The abbrevi- virus acronyms and has subsequently updated
ation is usually in the form of an acronym using the list regularly in ICTV reports (Box 1.3).
the initial letters of each word in the virus name. There are no efforts to create a common
As the designation of the acronym was by the acronym system for viruses from different
author of the paper, it was leading to much kingdoms. Thus, CMV can mean Cucumber



BOX 1.3


• Abbreviations should be as simple as possible. letters and number—for example, Plantain

• An abbreviation must not duplicate any other virus 6 is abbreviated as PlV-6.
previously coined term or one still in use. • When viruses end with a letter, the letter is
• The word virus in a name is abbreviated as V. added to the end of the abbreviation without
• The word viroid in a name is abbreviated as Vd. a hyphen—for example, Potato virus X is
• M is usually used for “mosaic” and Mo for abbreviated PVX.
“mottle.” • When viruses are distinguished by their
• The word ringspot is abbreviated as RS and geographical location, a minimum number of
symptomless as SL. letters (two or three) are added to the
• Abbreviations for single words should not abbreviation with a hyphen—for example,
normally exceed two letters. Tomato yellow leaf curl virus from Thailand is
• Where a particular combination of letters has TYLCV-Th.
been adopted for a particular plant, • When a virus name comprises a disease name
subsequent abbreviations for viruses of that and the words associated virus, these are
host should use the same combination. abbreviated aV—for example, Grapevine leafroll
• The second (or third) letter of a host plant associated virus 2 is abbreviated GLRaV-2.
abbreviation is in lowercase—for example,
A set of guidelines is laid out in Fauquet and
Ab for Abutilon.
Mayo (1999). Although these and the acronyms
• When several viruses have the same name
derived from them, are not officially sanctioned
and are differentiated by a number, the
by the ICTV, the acronyms are used in the ICTV
abbreviation will have a hyphen between the

mosaic virus (of plants), Canine minute virus (of describe variants within a species and, in real-
vertebrates), or Clo Mor virus (of invertebrates). ity, take a pragmatic approach. Characters have
Thus, acronyms have to be taken in context. to be weighed up as to how they would con-
tribute to making subdivisions and to commu-
nication, not only between virologists but also
E. Plant Virus Classification
to plant pathologists, extension workers, farm-
The current classification of plant viruses is ers, and many other groups. An example is
shown in Figure 1.5. the luteovirus Beet western yellows virus
(BWYV), which has a wide host range, includ-
ing sugar beet in the United States. For many
F. Virus Strains years, Beet mild yellows virus, which infected
A virus species is not a uniform population sugar beet in Europe, was regarded as a strain
because in each infected cell, a wide range of of BWYV. Confusion arose when it was discov-
variants is present. This situation is termed a ered that the European luteovirus that was
quasi-species (Box 1.4). most closely related to BWYV did not infect
The quasi-species concept makes it difficult sugar beet but was common in the oilseed rape
to strictly define a strain. However, one must crop. This caused many problems in explaining



FIGURE 1.5 Classification of plant viruses. From Virus Taxonomy, 8th Report of the National Committee on the Taxon-
omy of Viruses, Fauquet et al., p. 18, Copyright Elsevier (2005).



BOX 1.4


A quasi-species is a population structure in which A quasi-species has a physical, chemical, and

collections of closely related genomes are sub- biological definition. In the physical definition, a
jected to a continuous process of genetic varia- quasi-species can be regarded as a cloud in
tion, competition, and selection. Usually, the sequence space, which is the theoretical repre-
distribution of mutants or variants is centred sentation of all the possible variants of a geno-
on one or several master sequences. The selec- mic sequence. For an ssRNA virus of 10 kb, the
tion equilibrium is meta-stable and may collapse sequence space is 410,000. Thus, the quasi-
or change when an advantageous mutant species cloud represents only a very small pro-
appears in the distribution. portion of the sequence space and is constrained
In this case, the previous quasi-species will be by the requirements of gene and nucleic acid
substituted by a new one characterised by a new functions. Chemically, the quasi-species is a
master sequence and a new mutant spectrum. rated distribution of related nonidentical ge-
The stability of a quasi-species depends on the nomes. Biologically, a quasi-species is the phe-
complexity of the genetic information in the notypic expression of the population, most
viral genome, the copy fidelity on replication of likely dominated by that of the master sequence.
the genome, and the superiority of the master

to farmers that the BWYV in their overwinter- nouns or parts of proper nouns. Also, in for-
ing oilseed rape crop would not infect their mal use, the name of the taxon should precede
beet crop the next year. the name being used—for example, the family
Caulimoviridae, the genus Mastrevirus, and the
species Potato virus Y. An example of classifica-
G. Use of Virus Names
tion, nomenclature, and orthography is shown
The ICTV sets rules, which are regularly in Box 1.5.
revised, on virus nomenclature and the orthog- In informal use, the family, subfamily, genus,
raphy of taxonomic names (see the eighth ICTV and species names are written in lowercase
report). The last word of a species is virus, and Roman script, the taxon does not include the
the suffix (ending) for a genus name is -virus. formal suffix, and the taxonomic unit follows
For a subfamily, it is -virinae; for a family, it is the name being used—for example, the caulimo-
-viridae; and for an order, it is -virales. In formal virus family, the mastrevirus genus, and the
taxonomic usage, the virus order, family, sub- potato virus Y species. In even less formal cir-
family, genus, and species names are printed cumstances, but still widely used, the taxonomic
in italics (or underlined), with the first letter unit is omitted and the taxon for higher taxa can
being capitalized; other words in species names be in the plural—for example, caulimoviruses,
are not capitalized unless they are proper mastreviruses, and potato virus Y.



report. However, the year 2000 report limited

BOX 1.5 its use to certain DNA viruses with bacilliform
particles excluding Rice tungro bacilliform virus.
EXAMPLE OF VIRUS As will be apparent in this book, it is necessary
CLASSIFICATION, to distinguish the reverse transcribing DNA
NOMENCLATURE AND viruses that have isometric particles from those
ORTHOGRAPHY that have bacilliform particles; the informal
usage will be caulimoviruses for the former and
badnaviruses for the latter.
Taxa Example Suffix
Order Mononegavirales -virales
Family Rhabdoviridae -viridae
Subfamily -virinae
Genus Nucleorhabdovirus -virus The eighth report from the ICTV (Fauquet
Species Sonchus yellow
et al., 2005) noted over 2,700 accepted, tentative,
net virus and unassigned virus species classified into 3
Acronym SYNV
orders, 73 families (4 of these divided into sub-
families), and 287 genera. Most of these taxo-
nomic groupings at the genus level are
specific to viruses of plants, vertebrates, inver-
tebrates, or prokaryotes, but some genera of
Informal usage arises from practicalities and viruses infect more than one kingdom. The
can lead to the adoption of more formal use. overall classification is based on genome type,
For instance, the genus Badnavirus was not some very obvious differences exist between
adopted in 1991 but was used widely in the lit- the genome types of plant, vertebrate, inverte-
erature and was adopted in the 1995 ICTV brate, and prokaryotic viruses (Table 1.5).

TABLE 1.5 Numbers of Virus Species in Various Kingdoms

Plant Vertebrate Invertebrate Prokaryote Fungi and Algae

Number % Total Number % Total Number % Total Number % Total Number % Total

dSDNA 0 0 263 28.4 150 60.7 203 62.5 127 67.9

sSDNA 198 19.1 66 7.1 27 10.9 92 28.3 0 0
RT 66 6.4 62 6.7 24 9.7 0 0 13 7.0
dSRNA 48 4.6 75 8.1 38 15.4 24 7.4 33 17.6
sS-RNA 48 4.6 227 24.5 0 0 0 0 0 0
sSþRNA 677 65.3 234 25.2 8 3.2 6 1.8 14 7.5
Total 1,037 927 247 325 187

Data from Fauquet et al. (2005), using numbers of assigned, unassigned, and tentative virus species.



VI. SUMMARY Hull, R. (2001). Matthew’s plant virology, 4th ed. Academic
Press, San Diego.
Murphy, F.A., Fauquet, C.M., Bishop, D.H.L., Ghabrial, S.A.,
• Plant viruses are important pathogens. Jarvis, A.W., Martelli, G.P., Mayo, M.A., and Summer,
• The study of plant viruses has made M.D. (1995). Virus taxonomy. Sixth Report of the Interna-
tional Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. Springer-Verlag,
important contributions to the Wien, Austria.
understanding of viruses in general—for Rivers, T.M. (1937). Viruses and Koch’s postulates. J. Bacteriol.
example, the recognition of viruses as 33, 1–12.
pathogens, the structure of virus particles,
and the infectious nature of RNA.
• This chapter defines a virus, contrasts it with Further Reading
similar agents, and discusses how viruses Fauquet, C.M. (2008). Taxonomy, classification, and nomen-
are classified. clature of viruses. Encyclopedia of Virology, Vol. 5, 9–23.
Grandbastien, M.-A. (2008). Retrotransposons of plants.
References Encyclopedia of Virology, Vol. 4, 428–435.
Hull, R. (2002) Matthew’s plant virology, 4th ed. Academic
Ackermann, H.-W. (2008). [History of virology]—Bacterio- Press, London.
phage. Encyclopedia of virology, Vol. 2, 442–449. Hull, R. (2008). History of virology: Plant viruses. Encyclope-
Caspar, D.L.D. and Klug, A. (1962). Physical principles in dia of Virology, Vol. 2, 450–454.
the construction of plant viruses. Cold Spring Harbor Levin, H.L. (2008). Metaviruses. Encyclopedia of Virology,
Symp. Quant. Biol. 27, 1–24. Vol. 3, 301–310.
Fauquet, C.M. and Mayo, M.A. (1999). Abbreviations for Pavord, A. (1999). The tulip. Bloomsbury, London.
plant virus names—1999. Arch Virol. 144, 1249–1272. Sanjuan, R. (2008). Quasispecies. Encyclopedia of Virology,
Fauquet, C.M., Mayo, M.A., Maniloff, J., Desselberger, U., Vol. 4, 359–366.
and Ball, L.A. (2005). Virus taxonomy. Eighth Report of Van Regenmortel, M.H.V. Virus species. Encyclopedia of
the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. Else- Virology, Vol. 5, 401–405.
vier, San Diego. Voytas, D.F. (2008). Pseudoviruses. Encyclopedia of Virology,
Fenner, F.J. (2008) History of viruses/Vertebrate viruses. Vol. 4, 352–358.
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