MCAT Sample Questions: Verbal Reasoning: Directions

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The passage discusses the controversies surrounding Mark Hughes and Herbalife Inc. It outlines lawsuits filed against the company, declining sales in some markets, and other legal and financial troubles faced by both Hughes and Herbalife.

Daniel Fallow, a former Herbalife distributor from Idaho, filed a lawsuit in Arizona alleging that Herbalife arbitrarily withholds payments to distributors and marks up its products over seven times the cost of manufacturing. He also claimed that Hughes wanted to use the Russian mafia to enter the Russian market.

The passage mentions declining sales in some markets like France and Germany, legal troubles including a lawsuit and the resignation of its chief legal counsel, issues with offloading company shares, and Hughes' impending divorce.

MCAT Sample Questions : Verbal Reasoning

Each reading passage in this section is followed by questions based on the content of
the reading passage. Read the passage carefully and chose the best answer to each
question. The questions are to be answered on the basis of what is stated or implied
in the passage.


But man is not destined to vanish. He can be killed, but he cannot be destroyed,
because his soul is deathless and his spirit is irrepressible. Therefore, though the
situation seems dark in the context of the confrontation between the superpowers,
the silver lining is provided by amazing phenomenon that the very nations which
have spent incalculable resources and energy for the production of deadly weapons
are desperately trying to find out how they might never be used. They threaten each
other, intimidate each other and go to the brink, but before the total hour arrives
they withdraw from the brink.

1. The main point from the author's view is that

A. Man's soul and spirit can not be destroyed by superpowers.
B. Man's destiny is not fully clear or visible.
C. Man's soul and spirit are immortal.
D. Man's safety is assured by the delicate balance of power in terms of
nuclear weapons.
E. Human society will survive despite the serious threat of total

Answer : E

2. The phrase 'Go to the brink' in the passage means

A. Retreating from extreme danger.
B. Declare war on each other.
C. Advancing to the stage of war but not engaging in it.
D. Negotiate for peace.
E. Commit suicide.

Answer : C

3. In the author's opinion

A. Huge stockpiles of destructive weapons have so far saved mankind
from a catastrophe.
B. Superpowers have at last realized the need for abandoning the
production of lethal weapons.
C. Mankind is heading towards complete destruction.
D. Nations in possession of huge stockpiles of lethal weapons are trying
hard to avoid actual conflict.
E. There is a Silverlining over the production of deadly weapons.

Answer : D

4. 'Irrepressible' in the second line means

A. incompatible
B. strong
C. oppressive
D. unrestrainable
E. unspirited

Answer : D

5. A suitable title for the above passage is

A. Destruction of mankind is in evitable.
B. Man's desire to survive inhibits use of deadly weapons.
C. Mounting cost of modern weapons.
D. Threats and intimidation between super powers.
E. Cowardly retreat by man

Answer : B

MCAT Sample Questions : Verbal Reasoning


Disequilibrium at the interface of water and air is a factor on which the transfer of
heat and water vapor from the ocean to the air depends. The air within about a
millimeter of the water is almost saturated with water vapor and the temperature of
the air is close to that of the surface water. Irrespective of how small these
differences might be, they are crucial, and the disequilibrium is maintained by air
near the surface mixing with air higher up, which is typically appreciably cooler and
lower in water vapor content. The turbulence, which takes its energy from the wind
mixes the air. As the speed of wind increases, so does the turbulence, and
consequently the rate of heat and moisture transfer. We can arrive at a detailed
understanding of this phenomenon after further study. The transfer of momentum
from wind to water, which occurs when waves are formed is an interacting-and
complicated phenomenon. When waves are made by the wind, it transfers important
amounts of energy-energy, which is consequently not available for the production of

1. This passage principally intends to:

A. resolve a controversy
B. attempt a description of a phenomenon
C. sketch a theory
D. reinforce certain research findings
E. tabulate various observations

Answer : B

2. The wind over the ocean usually does which of the following
according to the given passage?
I. Leads to cool, dry air coming in proximity with the ocean surface.
II. Maintains a steady rate of heat and moisture transfer between the ocean
and the air.
III. Results in frequent changes in the ocean surface temperature.
A. I only
B. II only
C. I and II only
D. II and III only
E. I, II, and III

Answer : A

3. According to the author the present knowledge regarding heat and

moisture transfer from the ocean to air as
A. revolutionary
B. inconsequential
C. outdated
D. derivative
E. incomplete

Answer : E

4. According to the given passage, in case the wind was to decrease

until there was no wind at all, which of the following would occur?
A. The air, which is closest to the ocean surface would get saturated with
water vapor.
B. The water would be cooler than the air closest to the ocean surface.
C. There would be a decrease in the amount of moisture in the air closest
to the ocean surface.
D. There would be an increase in the rate of heat and moisture transfer.
E. The temperature of the air closest to the ocean and that of the air
higher up would be the same.

Answer : A

MCAT Sample Questions : Verbal Reasoning


The Food and Drug Administration has formulated certain severe restrictions
regarding the use of antibiotics, which are used to promote the health and growth of
meat animals. Though the different types of medicines mixed with the fodder of the
animals kills many microorganisms, it also encourages the appearance of bacterial
strains, which are resistant to anti-infective drugs.

It has already been observed that penicillin and the tetracyclines are not as effective
therapeutically as they once used to be. This resistance to drugs is chiefly caused
due to tiny circlets of genes, called plasmids, which are transferable between
different species of bacteria. These plasmids are also one of the two kinds of vehicles
on which molecular biologists depend on while performing gene transplant
experiments. Existing guidelines also forbid the use of plasmids, which bear genes
for resistance to antibiotics, in the laboratories. Though congressional dabate goes
on as to whether these restrictions need to be toughened with reference to scientists
in their laboratories, almost no congressional attention is being paid to an ill advised
agricultural practice, which produces deleterious effects.

1. In the present passage, the author's primary concern is with:

A. The discovery of methods, which eliminate harmful microorganisms
without generating drug-resistant bacteria.
B. Attempting an explanation of the reasons for congressional inaction
about the regulation of gene transplant experiments.
C. Portraying a problematic agricultural practice and its serious genetic
D. The verification of the therapeutic ineffectiveness of anti-infective
E. Evaluation of the recently proposed restrictions, which are intended to
promote the growth of meat animals.

Answer : C

2. As inferred from the above passage, the mutual transfer of plasmids

between different bacteria can result in which of the following?
A. Microorganisms, which have an in-built resistance to drugs
B. Therapeutically useful circlets of genes
C. Penicillin like anti-infective drugs
D. Viruses used by molecular biologists
E. Carriers for performing gene transplant experiments.

Answer : A
3. According to the above passage the author believes that those who
favor the stiffening of restrictions on gene transplant research should
logically also.
A. Approve and aid experiments with any plasmids except those, which
bear genes for antibiotic resistance.
B. Inquire regarding the addition of anti-infective drugs to livestock feeds
C. Oppose the using of penicillin and tetracyclines in order to kill
D. Agree to the development of meatier live-stock through the use of
E. Approve of congressional debate and discussion regarding science and
health issues.

Answer : B

4. The attitude the author has with reference to the development of

bacterial strains that render antibiotic drugs in effective can best be
described as
A. indifferent
B. perplexed
C. pretentious
D. insincere
E. apprehensive

Answer : E

MCAT Sample Questions : Verbal Reasoning


Roger Rosenblatt's book Black Fiction, manages to alter the approach taken in many
previous studies by making an attempt to apply literary rather than sociopolitical
criteria to its subject. Rosenblatt points out that criticism of Black writing has very
often served as a pretext for an expounding on Black history. The recent work of
Addison Gayle's passes a judgement on the value of Black fiction by clearly political
standards, rating each work according to the ideas of Black identity, which it

Though fiction results from political circumstances, its author react not in ideological
ways to those circumstances, and talking about novels and stories primarily as
instruments of ideology circumvents much of the fictional enterprise. Affinities and
connections are revealed in the works of Black fiction in Rosenblatt's literary
analysis; these affinities and connections have been overlooked and ignored by
solely political studies.
The writing of acceptable criticism of Black fiction, however, presumes giving
satisfactory answers to a quite a few questions. The most important of all, is there a
sufficient reason, apart from the racial identity of the authors, for the grouping
together of Black authors? Secondly, what is the distinction of Black fiction from
other modern fiction with which it is largely contemporaneous? In the work
Rosenblatt demonstrates that Black fiction is a distinct body of writing, which has an
identifiable, coherent literary tradition. He highlights recurring concerns and designs,
which are independent of chronology in Black fiction written over the past eighty
years. These concerns and designs are thematic, and they come form the central fact
of the predominant white culture, where the Black characters in the novel are
situated irrespective of whether they attempt to conform to that culture or they rebel
against it.

Rosenblatt's work does leave certain aesthetic questions open. His thematic analysis
allows considerable objectivity; he even clearly states that he does not intend to
judge the merit of the various works yet his reluctance seems misplaced, especially
since an attempt to appraise might have led to interesting results. For example,
certain novels have an appearance of structural diffusion. Is this a defeat, or are the
authors working out of, or attempting to forge, a different kind of aesthetic? Apart
from this, the style of certain Black novels, like Jean Toomer's Cane, verges on
expressionism or surrealism; does this technique provide a counterpoint to the
prevalent theme that portrays the fate against which Black heroes are pitted, a
theme usually conveyed by more naturalistic modes of expressions?

Irrespective of such omissions, what Rosenblatt talks about in his work makes for an
astute and worthwhile study. His book very effectively surveys a variety of novels,
highlighting certain fascinating and little-known works like James Weldon Johnson's
Autobiography of an Ex-Coloured Man. Black Fiction is tightly constructed, and
levelheaded and penetrating criticism is exemplified in its forthright and lucid style.

1. The author of the passage raises and objection to criticism of Black

fiction like that by Addison Gayle as it:
A. Highlights only the purely literary aspects of such works
B. Misconceive the ideological content of such fiction
C. Miscalculate the notions of Black identity presented in such fiction
D. Replaces political for literary criteria in evaluating such fiction
E. Disregards the reciprocation between Black history and Black identity
exhibited in such fiction.

Answer : D

2. The primary concern of the author in the above passage is:

A. Reviewing the validity of a work of criticism
B. Comparing various critical approaches to a subject
C. Talking of the limitations of a particular kind of criticism
D. Recapitulation of the major points in a work of criticism
E. Illustrating the theoretical background of a certain kind of criticism.

Answer : A

3. The author is of the opinion that Black Fiction would have been
improved had Rosenblatt:
A. Undertaken a more careful evaluation of the ideological and historical
aspects of Black Fiction
B. Been more objective in his approach to novels and stories by Black
C. Attempted a more detailed exploration of the recurring themes in
Black fiction throughout its history
D. Established a basis for placing Black fiction within its own unique
literary tradition
E. Calculated the relative literary merit of the novels he analyzed

Answer : E

4. Rosenblatt's discussion of Black Fiction is :

A. Pedantic and contentious
B. Critical but admiring
C. Ironic and deprecating
D. Argumentative but unfocused
E. Stilted and insincere.

Answer : B

5. According to the given passage the author would be LEAST likely to

approve of which among the following?
A. Analyzing the influence of political events on the personal ideology of
Black writers
B. Attempting a critical study, which applies sociopolitical criteria to the
autobiographies of Black authors
C. A literary study of Black poetry that appraises the merits of poems
according to the political acceptability of their themes
D. Studying the growth of a distinct Black literary tradition within the
context of Black history
E. Undertaking a literary study, which attempts to isolate aesthetic
qualities unique to Black fiction.

Answer : C
6. From the following options, which does the author not make use of
while discussing Black Fiction?
A. Rhetorical questions
B. Specific examples
C. Comparison and contrast
D. Definition of terms
E. Personal opinion.

Answer : D

7. The author makes a reference to James Weldon Johnson's

Autobiography of an Ex-colored Man most probably to:
A. Highlight the affinities between Rosenblatt's method of thematic
analysis and earlier criticism
B. Elucidate regarding the point made regarding expressionistic style
earlier in the passage
C. Qualify the assessment of Rosenblatt's book made in the first
paragraph of the passage
D. Demonstrate the affinities among the various Black novels talked of by
Rosenblatt's literary analysis
E. Present a specific example of one of the accomplishments of
Rosenblatt's work.

Answer : E

MCAT Sample Questions : Verbal Reasoning


Some modern anthropologists hold that biological evolution has shaped not only
human morphology but also human behavior. The role those anthropologists ascribe
to evolution is not of dictating the details of human behavior but one of imposing
constraints - ways of feeling, thinking, and acting that ''come naturally'' in archetypal
situations in any culture. Our ''frailties'' - emotions and motivs such as rage, fear,
greed, gluttony, joy,lust, love-may be a very mixed assortment quality: we are, as
we say, ''in the grip'' of them. And thus they give us oursense of constraints.

Unhappily, some of those frailties our need for ever-increasing security among them
are presently maladaptive. Yet beneath the overlay of cultural detail, they, too, are
said to be biological in direction, and therefore as natural to us as are our
appendixes. We would need to comprehend throughly their adaptive origins in order
to understand how badly they guide us now. And we might then begin to resist their
1. The author implies that control to any extent over the ''frailties'' that
constrain our behavior is though to presuppose
A. That those frailties and adaptive are recognized as currently beneficial
and adaptive
B. That there is little or no overlay of cultural detail that masks their true
C. That there are cultures in which those frailties do not ''come naturally''
and from which such control can be learned
D. A full understanding of why those frailties evolved and of how they
function now
E. A thorough grasp of the principle that cultural detail in human behavior
can differ arbitrarily from society to society.

Answer : D

2. It can be inferred that in his discussion of maladaptive frailties the

author assumes that
A. Evolution does not favor the emergence of adaptive characteristics
over the emergence of maladaptive ones
B. Any structure or behavior not positively adaptive is regarded as
transitory in evolutionary theory
C. Maladaptive characteristics, once fixed, make the emergence of other
maladaptive characteristics more likely
D. The designation of a characteristic as being maladaptive must always
remain highly tentative
E. Changes in the total human environment can outpace evolutionary

Answer : E

3. The primary purpose of the passage is to present

A. A position on the foundations of human behavior and on what those
foundations imply
B. A theory outlining the parallel development of human morphology and
of human behavior
C. A diagnostic test for separating biologically determined behavior
patters from culture - specific detail
D. An overview of those human emotions and motive's that impose
constraints on human behaviour
E. A practical method for resting the pressures of biologically determined

Answer : A
4. Which of the following most probably provides an appropriate
analogy from human morphology for the ''details'' versus
''constraints'' distinction made in the passage in relation to human
A. The ability of most people to see all the colors of the visible spectrum
as against most peoples inability to name any but the primary colors
B. The ability of even the least fortunate people to show compassion as
against people's inability to mask their feelings completely
C. The ability of some people to dive to great depths as against most
people's inability to swim long distance
D. The psychological profile of those people who are able to delay
gratification as against people's inability to control their lives
E. The greater lung capacity of mountain peoples that helps them live in
oxygen-poor air as against people's inability to fly without special

Answer : E

MCAT Sample Questions : Verbal Reasoning


The existence of mammals on the earth can be traced back to at least the Triassic
time. The rate of development was retarded, till evolutional change suddenly
accelerated in the oldest Paleocene. This resulted in an increase in average size,
larger mental capacity, and special adaptations for different modes of life, during the
Eocene time. Further improvement was seen during the Oligocene Epoch, with the
appearance of some new lines and extinction of others. The Miocene and Pliocene
times are especially significant as they mark the culmination of various groups and a
continued approach toward modern characters. It is in the Miocene time that the
mammals reached their peak with reference to variety and size.

The ability of the mammals to adapt to various modes of life finds a parallel in the
reptiles of the Mesozoic time, and apart form their greater intelligence, the mammals
apparently have not done much better than the corresponding reptilian forms.
Undoubtedly the bat is a better flying animal than the pterosaur, but at the same
time the dolphin and whale are hardly more fish like than the ichthyosaur. Quite a
few of the swift-running mammals inhabiting the plains, like the horse and the
antelope, must excel any of the dinosaurs. Although the tyrannosaur was a more
weighty and robust carnivore than perhaps any carnivorous mammal, the lion and
the tiger, by virtue of their superior brain are far more efficient and dangerous
beasts of prey. It is significant to note that various species of mammals gradually
adapted themselves to various kinds of lifestyles, some took to grazing on the plains
and were able to run swiftly (horse, deer, bison), others started living in rivers and
swamps (hippopotamus, beaver), inhabiting trees (sloth, monkey), burrowing
underground (rodent, mole), feeding on flesh (tiger, wolf), swimming in the water
(dolphin, whale, seal), and flying in the air (bat). Human beings on account of their
superior brain have been able to harness mechanical methods to conquer the
physical world and adapt to any set of conditions.

Such adaptation to different conditions leads to a gradual change in form and

structure. This is a biological characteristic of the youthful, plastic stage of a group.
It is seen that early in its evolutional cycle animals possess the capacity for change,
but as the animal progresses in its cycle becoming old and fixed, this capacity for
change disappears. The generalized types of organisms retain longest the ability to
make adjustments when required, and it is from them that new, fecund stocks take
origin-certainly not from any specialized end products. With reference to mammals,
we see their birth, plastic spread in many directions, increased specialization, and in
some cases, extinction; this is a characteristic of the evolution of life, which can be
seen in the geologic record of life.

1. From the following, choose the most appropriate title for the above
A. From Dinosaur to Man
B. Adaptation and Extinction
C. The Superior Mammals
D. The Geologic Life Span
E. Man, the Vanquisher of the Physical World.

Answer : B

2. According to the passage the chronological order of the geologic

periods is:
A. Paleocene, Miocene, Triassic, Mesozoic
B. Paleocene, Triassic, Mesozoic, Miocene
C. Miocene, Paleocene, Triassic, Mesozoic
D. Mesozoic, Oligocene, Paleocene, Miocene
E. Mesozoic, Paleocene, Eocene, Miocene

Answer : E

3. From the above passage, we can infer that, the pterosaur

A. resembled the bat
B. was a Mesozoic mammal
C. was a flying reptile
D. inhabited the seas
E. evolved during the Miocene period

Answer : C
4. As inferred from the passage, the largest number of mammals were
found in which of the following periods?
A. Triassic period
B. Eocene period
C. Oligocene epoch
D. Pliocene period
E. Miocene period

Answer : E

5. Among the following statements, which statement, if true, would

weaken the argument put forth in the first sentence of Paragraph 1?
A. It has been found that the tryannosaur had a larger brain, than was
previously known.
B. Within the next thousand years, mammals will become extinct.
C. Recently certain forms of flying ichthyosaurs have been discovered.
D. It has now been proved, that the tiger is more powerful than the
carnivorous reptiles.
E. It is now possible to double human mental capacity, by the use of
certain recently developed computers.

Answer : A

6. It is clear from the passage, that the evidence used to discuss the life
of past time periods
A. was developed by Charles Darwin
B. was unearthed by the author
C. has been negated by more recent evidence
D. was never truly established
E. is based on fossilized remains

Answer : E

7. As inferred from the passage, which of the following proverbial

expressions is the author most likely to agree with?
A. It's a cruel world.
B. All the world's a stage.
C. The more things change, the more they remain the same.
D. Footprints in the sands of time.
E. A short life, but a merry one.

Answer : D

MCAT Sample Questions : Verbal Reasoning


For a period of more than two centuries paleontologists have been intrigued by the
fossilized remains of pterosaurs, the first flying vertebartes. The issues, which puzzle
them, are how these heavy creatures, having a wingspan of about 8-12 meters
managed the various problems associated with powered flight and whether these
creatures were reptiles or birds.

Perhaps the least controversial assertion about the pterosaurs is that they were
reptiles. Their skulls, pelvises, and hind feet are reptilian. The anatomy of their wings
suggests that they did not evolve into the class of birds. In pterosaurs a greatly
elongated fourth finger of each forelimb supported a winglike membrane. The other
fingers were short and reptilian, with sharp claws. In birds the second finger is the
principal strut of the wing, which consists primarily of feathers. If the pterosaurs
walked on all fours, the three short fingers may have been employed for grasping.
When a pterosaurs walked or remained stationary, the fourth finger, and with it the
wing, could only urn upward in an extended inverted V- shape along each side of the
animal's body.

In resemblance they were extremely similar to both birds and bats, with regard to
their overall body structure and proportion. This is hardly surprising as the design of
any flying vertebrate is subject to aerodynamic constraints. Both the pterosaurs and
the birds have hollow bones, a feature that represents a savings in weight. There is a
difference, which is that the bones of the birds are more massively reinforced by
internal struts.

Although scales typically cover reptiles, the pterosaurs probably had hairy coats. T.H.
Huxley reasoned that flying vertebrates must have been warm-blooded because
flying implies a high rate of metabolism, which in turn implies a high internal
temperature. Huxley speculated that a coat of hair would insulate against loss of
body heat and might streamline the body to reduce drag in flight. The recent
discovery of a pterosaur specimen covered in long, dense, and relatively thick hair
like fossil material was the first clear evidence that his reasoning was correct.

Some paleontologists are of the opinion that the pterosaurs jumped from s dropped
from trees or perhaps rose into the light winds from the crests of waves in order to
become airborne. Each theory has its associated difficulties. The first makes a wrong
assumption that the pterosaurs hind feet resembled a bat's and could serve as hooks
by which the animal could hang in preparation for flight. The second hypothesis
seems unlikely because large pterosaurs could not have landed in trees without
damaging their wings. The third calls for high aces to channel updrafts. The
pterosaurs would have been unable to control their flight once airborne as the wind
from which such waves arose would have been too strong.

1. As seen in the above passage scientists generally agree that:

A. the pterosaurs could fly over large distances because of their large
B. a close evolutionary relationship can be seen between the pterosaurs
and bats, when the structure of their skeletons is studied.
C. the study of the fossilized remains of the pterosaurs reveals how they
solved the problem associated with powered flight
D. the pterosaurs were reptiles
E. Pterosaurs walked on all fours.

Answer : D

2. The view that, the pterosaurs rose into light winds from the crest of
the waves to become airborne, is viewed by the author as
A. revolutionary
B. unlikely
C. unassailable
D. probable
E. outdated.

Answer : B

3. As inferred from the passage, the skeleton of a pterosaur is

distinguishable from that of a bird by the
A. length of its wingspan
B. hollow spaces in its bones
C. anatomic origin of its wing strut
D. evidence of the hooklike projections on its hind feet
E. location of the shoulder joint joining the wing to its body.

Answer : C

4. From the viewpoint of T.H.Huxley, as given in the passage, which of

the following statements is he most likely to agree with?
A. An animal can master complex behaviors irrespective of the size of it's
B. Environmental capabilities and physical capabilities often influence the
appearance of an animal.
C. Usually animals in a particular family group do not change their
appearance dramatically over a period of time
D. The origin of flight in vertebrates was an accidental development
rather than the outcome of specialization or adaption
E. The pterosaurs should be classified as birds, not reptiles.

Answer : B
5. According to the passage which of the following is a characteristic of
the pterosaurs?
A. The pterosaurs were not able to fold their wings when not in use
B. Like the bats, they hung upside down from branches
C. They flew in order to capture prey
D. They can be said to be an earlier stage in the evolution of the birds
E. They lived principally in a forest like habitat.

Answer : A

6. The organization of the last paragraph of the passage can best be

described as:
A. New data is introduced in order to support a traditional point of view
B. Three explanations are put forth and each of them is disputed by
means of specific information
C. An outline of three hypotheses are given and evidence supporting each
of them is given
D. Description of three recent discoveries is presented, and their
implications for future study are projected
E. The material in the earlier paragraphs is summarized and certain
conclusions are from it.

Answer : B

7. According to the passage, some scientists believe that pterosaurs

A. Lived near large bodies of water
B. Had sharp teeth for tearing food
C. Were attacked and eaten by larger reptiles
D. Had longer tails than many birds
E. Consumed twice their weight daily to maintain their body temperature.

Answer : A

MCAT Sample Questions : Verbal Reasoning


Certain scraps of evidence bear out those who hold a very high opinion of the
average level of culture among the Athenians of the great age. Pericles's funeral
speech is undoubtedly the most famous evidence from Athenian literature, that its
level was indeed high. However, Pericles was a politician, and it is possible that he
was flattering his audience. We know that thousands of Athenians sat hour after hour
in the theater listening to the plays of the great Greek dramatists. The Greek plays,
particularly the tragedies, maintained an extremely high intellectual level
throughout, with no letdowns, no concessions to the lowbrows or to the demands of
''realism'', like the gravediggers scene in Shakespeare's Hamlet. The music and
dancing seen in these plays were also of an equally high level. The best modern
parallel can be seen in the restrained, difficult opera of the 18th century. The
comparison is no doubt dangerous, but can you imagine almost the entire population
of an American city (in suitable installments, of course) sitting through performances
of Mozart's Don Giovanni or Gluck's Orpheus? Perhaps the Athenian masses went to
these plays because of a lack of other amusements. They could at least understand
something of what went on, since the subjects were part of their folklore.
Undoubtedly the theme of grand opera is not part of the folklore of the American

1. From the passage it is evident that the author seems to question the
sincerity of
A. politicians
B. playwrights
C. opera goers
D. ''low brows''
E. gravediggers.

Answer : A

2. According to the author the average American

A. Enjoys Hamlet
B. Loves folklore
C. Is not able to understand grand opera
D. Seeks a high cultural level
E. Lacks entertainment.

Answer : C

3. From the passage, we can say that the author's attitude toward Greek
plays is one of
A. Qualified approval
B. Grudging admiration
C. Studied indifference
D. Partial hostility
E. Great respect.

Answer : E

4. The author makes a suggestion that Greek plays

A. Were demanding on the actors
B. Flattered their audiences
C. Were focussed on a limited audience
D. Were dominated by music and dancing
E. Stimulated their audiences.

Answer : E

MCAT Sample Questions : Verbal Reasoning


Everyone conforms to infancy, infancy conforms to nobody, so that one babe

commonly makes four or five out of the adults who prattle and play to it. So God has
armed youth and puberty and manhood no less with its own piquancy and charm,
and made it enviable and gracious and its claims not to be put by, if it will stand by
itself. Do not think the youth has no force, because he cannot speak to you and me.
Hark! In the next room his voice is sufficiently clear and emphatic. It seems he
knows how to speak to his contemporaries. Bashful or bold, then, he will know how
to make us seniors very unnecessary.

The healthy attitude of human nature can be seen in the nonchalance of boys who
are sure of a dinner, and would disdain as much as a lord to do or say aught to
conciliate one. A boy is in the parlor what the pit is in the playhouse; independent,
irresponsible, looking out from his corner on such people and facts as pass by, he
tries and sentences them on their merits, in the swift, summary way of boys, as
good, bad, interesting, silly, eloquent, troublesome. He never cumbers himself
regarding consequences, about interests and he gives an independent, genuine
verdict. You should court him: he will not court you. But the man is, as it were,
clapped into jail by his consciousness. As soon as he has once acted or spoken with
eclat, he is a committed person, watched by the sympathy or the hatred of
hundreds, whose affections must now enter into his account. There is no Lethe for
this. Ah, that he could pass again into his neutrality.

These are the voices, which we hear in solitude, but they grow faint and inaudible as
we enter into the world. Everywhere society is conspiring against the manhood of
every one of its members. Society is joint - stock company, in which members agree,
for the better securing of his bread to each shareholder, to surrender the liberty and
culture of the eater. The virtue in most request is conformity. It is averse to self-
reliance. What it loves is names and customs and not realities and creators.

Whosoever is a man has to be a nonconformist. He who would gather immortal

palms must not be hindered by the name of goodness, but must explore if it be
goodness. Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind.

No law can be sacred to me but that of my nature. Good and bad are but names very
readily transferable to that to this; the only right is what is after my constitution, the
only right is what is after me constitution, the only wrong what is against it. A man is
to carry himself in the presence of all opposition as if every thing were titular and
ephemeral but he. I am ashamed to think how easily we capitulate to badges and
names, to large societies and dead institutions. Every decent and well-spoken
individual affects and sways me more than is right. I ought to go upright and vital,
and speak the rude truth in all ways.

I shun father and mother and wife and brother, when my genius calls me. I would
write on the lintels of the doorpost, whim. I hope it is somewhat better than whim at
last, but we cannot spend the day in explanation. Except me not to show cause why
I seek or why I exclude company. Then, again, do not tell me, as a good man did not
to-day, of my obligation to put all poor men in good situations. Are they my poor? I
tell thee, thou foolish philanthropist, that I grudge the dollar, the time, the cent, I
give to such men as do not belong to me and to whom I do not belong. There is a
class of person to whom by all spiritual affinity I am bought and sold; for them I will
go to prison, if need be; but your miscellaneous popular charities; the education at
collage of fools; the building of meeting - house to the vain end to which many now
stand; alms to sots; and the thousandfold Relief Societies; - though I confess with
shame I sometimes succumb and give the dollar, it is a wicked dollar which by and
by I shall have the manhood to withhold.

If you refuse to conform, you can experience the displeasure of the world. Hence, a
man should know how to estimate a sour face. The by - standers look askance on
him in the public street or in the friend's parlor. In case this aversion originates from
contempt and resistance similar to his own, it might result in a sad countenance; but
the sour faces of the multitude, like their sweet faces, have no deep cause, but are
caused by reasons as diverse as the direction of the wind and what he reads in the
newspapers. Yet is the discontent of the multitude more formidable than that of the
senate and the collage.

Another factor, which frightens us from self - trust in our consistency; a reverence
for our past act or word, because the eyes of others have no other data for
computing our orbit than our past acts, and we are loath to disappoint them.

But why should you keep your head over your shoulder? Why drag about this corpse
of your memory, lest you contradict somewhat you have stated in this or that public
place? Suppose you should contradict yourself; what then?

This is a rather silly consistency in our minds, which is adored by little statesmen and
philosophers and divines. Uniformly a great soul has almost nothing to do, he could
just occupy himself with his shadow on the wall. Speak what you think now in hard
words; and to-morrow speak what tomorrow thinks in hard words again, though it
contradict everything you said to-day. - ''Ah, so you shall be sure to be
misunderstood.'' - Is it so bad, then, to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was
misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo,
and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. What can be
considered to be truly great is to be misunderstood.
1. Which of the following statements would best describe the main
theme of the above passage?
A. "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little mind."
B. "Eternal youth means eternal independence."
C. "Whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist."
D. "Colleges are designed to educate fools."
E. "Infancy conforms to nobody."

Answer : C

2. When is the period during which we are most nonconformist?

A. infancy
B. puberty
C. youth
D. manhood
E. old age

Answer : A

3. In his statement ''What can be considered to be truly great is to be

misunderstood'' the author means:
A. One should refrain from saying, what one exactly means
B. Being misunderstood, equals being great
C. All great man have always been misunderstood
D. Even though a person might be considered inconsistent, he shouldn't
hesitate to change his mind if he feels the need to.
E. It is seldom, that nice people succeed

Answer : D

4. As inferred from the passage, the refusal of young people to cater to

accept public opinion is:
A. A feature of the rebelliousness of youth
B. A healthy attitude of human nature
C. A manifestation of deep - seated immaturity
D. Simply bad manners
E. Part of growing up

Answer : B

5. "Society is a joint-stock company etc." is one way which the author

A. The anti-culture attitude of the public
B. Society is highly organized and structured
C. The self-rejection of society
D. The lack of room for solitude in our world
E. The public's interest in the stock market

Answer : C

6. " I would write on the lintels of the doorpost, whim." What does the
author mean by this statement:
A. That one should renounce his immediate family
B. That signposts have an important educational function in our society
C. That an impulsive action may have a subsequent rational explanation
D. That one must never be held responsible for what one says and does
E. That everyone should do foolish things occasionally

Answer : C

7. Which of the following statements best summarizes the spirit and

sense of the above passage?
A. "Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind."
B. "With consistency, a great soul; has simply nothing to do."
C. "Do not think the youth has no force, because cannot speak to you
and me."
D. "The virtue in most request is conformity."
E. "A man must know how to estimate a sour force."

Answer : A

MCAT Sample Questions : Verbal Reasoning


Furthermore, insofar as any conclusion about its author can be drawn from five or six
plays attributed to him, the Wakefield Master is without exception considered to be a
man of sharp contemporary observation. He was, probably clerically educated, as
indicated by his Latin and music, his Biblical and patristic lore. Even today he is
remembered for his his quick sympathy for the oppressed and forgotten man, his
sharp eye for character, a ready ear for colloquial, vernacular turns of speech and a
humor alternately rude and boisterous, coarse and happy. Therefore in spite of his
conscious artistry as can be seen in his feeling for intricate metrical and stanza
forms, he is regarded as a kind of medieval Steinbeck, indignantly angry at,
uncompromisingly and even brutally realistic in presenting the plight of the
agricultural poor.

It is now fairly accepted to regard the play as a kind of ultimate point in the
secularization of the medieval drama. Therefore more stress has been laid on it as
depicting realistically humble manners and pastoral life in the bleak of the west
riding of Yorkshire on a typically cold night of December 24th. After what are often
regarded as almost ''documentaries'' given in the three successive monologues of the
three shepherds, critics go on to affirm that the realism is then intensified into a
burlesque mock-treatment of the Nativity. Finally as a sort of epilogue or after-
thought in deference to the Biblical origins of the materials, the play slides back into
an atavistic mood of early innocent reverence. In actuality, the final scene is the
culminating scene and also the raison d’etre of the introductory ''realism.''

Superficially the present play supports the conventional view of its mood of secular
realism. At the same time, the ''realism'' of the Wakefield Master is of a paradoxical
turn. His wide knowledge of people, as well as books indicates no cloistered
contemplative but one in close relation to his times. Still, that life was after all a
predominantly religious one, a time which never neglected the belief that man was a
rebellious and sinful creature in need of redemption . So deeply (one can hardly say
''naively'' of so sophisticated a writer) and implicitly religious is the Master that he is
less able (or less willing) to present actual history realistically than is the author of
the Brome Abraham and Isaac. His historical sense is even less realistic than that of
Chaucer who just a few years before had done for his own time ''costume
romances,'' such as The Knight's Tele, Troilus and Cressida, etc. Furthermore, used
highly romantic materials, which could excuse his taking liberties with history.

1. Of the following statements, which is not true of Wakefield Master?

A. He and Chaucer were contemporaries.
B. Wakefield Master is remembered as having written five or six realistic
C. His plays realistically portray the plight of the country folk of his day
D. His writing was similar to that of John Steinbeck.
E. He was an accomplished artist.

Answer : D

2. The word 'patristic' in the first paragraph is used to mean:

A. patriotic
B. superstitious
C. folk
D. relating to the Christian Fathers
E. realistic

Answer : D

3. The statement about the ''secularization of the medieval drama''

(opening sentence of the second paragraph) refers to the
A. Introduction of religious themes in the early days
B. Presentation of erudite material
C. Use of contemporary materials
D. Return to early innocent reverence at the end of the play
E. Introduction of mundane matters in religious plays

Answer : E

4. From the following what would the writer be expected to do in the

subsequent paragraphs:
A. Make a justification for his comparison with Steinbeck
B. Put forth a view point, which would take up the thought of the second
C. Point out the anachronisms in the play
D. Discuss the works of Chaucer
E. Talk about the lack of realism in the works of the Wakefield Master.

Answer : B

Reading Comprehension

Each reading passage in this section is followed by questions based on the content of
the reading passage. Read the passage carefully and chose the best answer to each
question. The questions are to be answered on the basis of what is stated or implied
in the passage.

1. But man is not destined to vanish. He can be killed, but he cannot be

destroyed, because his soul is deathless and his spirit is irrepressible.
Therefore, though the situation seems dark in the context of the confrontation
between the superpowers, the silver lining is provided by amazing
phenomenon that the very nations which have spent incalculable resources
and energy for the production of deadly weapons are desperately trying to
find out how they might never be used. They threaten each other, intimidate
each other and go to the brink, but before the total hour arrives they
withdraw from the brink.
1. The main point from the author's view is that
A. Man's soul and spirit can not be destroyed by superpowers.
B. Man's destiny is not fully clear or visible.
C. Man's soul and spirit are immortal.
D. Man's safety is assured by the delicate balance of power in
terms of nuclear weapons.
E. Human society will survive despite the serious threat of total

Ans : E

2. The phrase 'Go to the brink' in the passage means

A. Retreating from extreme danger.
B. Declare war on each other.
C. Advancing to the stage of war but not engaging in it.
D. Negotiate for peace.
E. Commit suicide.

Ans : C

3. In the author's opinion

A. Huge stockpiles of destructive weapons have so far saved
mankind from a catastrophe.
B. Superpowers have at last realized the need for abandoning the
production of lethal weapons.
C. Mankind is heading towards complete destruction.
D. Nations in possession of huge stockpiles of lethal weapons are
trying hard to avoid actual conflict.
E. There is a Silverlining over the production of deadly weapons.

Ans : D

4. 'Irrepressible' in the second line means

A. incompatible
B. strong
C. oppressive
D. unrestrainable
E. unspirited

Ans : D

5. A suitable title for the above passage is

A. Destruction of mankind is in evitable.
B. Man's desire to survive inhibits use of deadly weapons.
C. Mounting cost of modern weapons.
D. Threats and intimidation between super powers.
E. Cowardly retreat by man

Ans : B

Reading Comprehension

2. Disequilibrium at the interface of water and air is a factor on which the

transfer of heat and water vapor from the ocean to the air depends. The air
within about a millimeter of the water is almost saturated with water vapor
and the temperature of the air is close to that of the surface water.
Irrespective of how small these differences might be, they are crucial, and the
disequilibrium is maintained by air near the surface mixing with air higher up,
which is typically appreciably cooler and lower in water vapor content. The
turbulence, which takes its energy from the wind mixes the air. As the speed
of wind increases, so does the turbulence, and consequently the rate of heat
and moisture transfer. We can arrive at a detailed understanding of this
phenomenon after further study. The transfer of momentum from wind to
water, which occurs when waves are formed is an interacting-and complicated
phenomenon. When waves are made by the wind, it transfers important
amounts of energy-energy, which is consequently not available for the
production of turbulence.
1. This passage principally intends to:
A. resolve a controversy
B. attempt a description of a phenomenon
C. sketch a theory
D. reinforce certain research findings
E. tabulate various observations

Ans : B

2. The wind over the ocean usually does which of the following
according to the given passage?
I. Leads to cool, dry air coming in proximity with the ocean surface.
II. Maintains a steady rate of heat and moisture transfer between the
ocean and the air.
III. Results in frequent changes in the ocean surface temperature.
A. I only
B. II only
C. I and II only
D. II and III only
E. I, II, and III

Ans : A

3. According to the author the present knowledge regarding heat

and moisture transfer from the ocean to air as
A. revolutionary
B. inconsequential
C. outdated
D. derivative
E. incomplete

Ans : E
4. According to the given passage, in case the wind was to
decrease until there was no wind at all, which of the following
would occur?
A. The air, which is closest to the ocean surface would get
saturated with water vapor.
B. The water would be cooler than the air closest to the ocean
C. There would be a decrease in the amount of moisture in the air
closest to the ocean surface.
D. There would be an increase in the rate of heat and moisture
E. The temperature of the air closest to the ocean and that of the
air higher up would be the same.

Ans : A

Reading Comprehension

3. The Food and Drug Administration has formulated certain severe restrictions
regarding the use of antibiotics, which are used to promote the health and
growth of meat animals. Though the different types of medicines mixed with
the fodder of the animals kills many microorganisms, it also encourages the
appearance of bacterial strains, which are resistant to anti-infective drugs.

It has already been observed that penicillin and the tetracyclines are not as
effective therapeutically as they once used to be. This resistance to drugs is
chiefly caused due to tiny circlets of genes, called plasmids, which are
transferable between different species of bacteria. These plasmids are also
one of the two kinds of vehicles on which molecular biologists depend on
while performing gene transplant experiments. Existing guidelines also forbid
the use of plasmids, which bear genes for resistance to antibiotics, in the
laboratories. Though congressional dabate goes on as to whether these
restrictions need to be toughened with reference to scientists in their
laboratories, almost no congressional attention is being paid to an ill advised
agricultural practice, which produces deleterious effects.

1. In the present passage, the author's primary concern is with:

A. The discovery of methods, which eliminate harmful
microorganisms without generating drug-resistant bacteria.
B. Attempting an explanation of the reasons for congressional
inaction about the regulation of gene transplant experiments.
C. Portraying a problematic agricultural practice and its serious
genetic consequences
D. The verification of the therapeutic ineffectiveness of anti-
infective drugs
E. Evaluation of the recently proposed restrictions, which are
intended to promote the growth of meat animals.

Ans : C

2. As inferred from the above passage, the mutual transfer of

plasmids between different bacteria can result in which of the
A. Microorganisms, which have an in-built resistance to drugs
B. Therapeutically useful circlets of genes
C. Penicillin like anti-infective drugs
D. Viruses used by molecular biologists
E. Carriers for performing gene transplant experiments.

Ans : A

3. According to the above passage the author believes that those

who favor the stiffening of restrictions on gene transplant
research should logically also.
A. Approve and aid experiments with any plasmids except those,
which bear genes for antibiotic resistance.
B. Inquire regarding the addition of anti-infective drugs to
livestock feeds
C. Oppose the using of penicillin and tetracyclines in order to kill
D. Agree to the development of meatier live-stock through the use
of antibiotics
E. Approve of congressional debate and discussion regarding
science and health issues.

Ans : B

4. The attitude the author has with reference to the development

of bacterial strains that render antibiotic drugs in effective can
best be described as
A. indifferent
B. perplexed
C. pretentious
D. insincere
E. apprehensive

Ans : E

Reading Comprehension
4. Roger Rosenblatt's book Black Fiction, manages to alter the approach taken in
many previous studies by making an attempt to apply literary rather than
sociopolitical criteria to its subject. Rosenblatt points out that criticism of
Black writing has very often served as a pretext for an expounding on Black
history. The recent work of Addison Gayle's passes a judgement on the value
of Black fiction by clearly political standards, rating each work according to
the ideas of Black identity, which it propounds.

Though fiction results from political circumstances, its author react not in
ideological ways to those circumstances, and talking about novels and stories
primarily as instruments of ideology circumvents much of the fictional
enterprise. Affinities and connections are revealed in the works of Black fiction
in Rosenblatt's literary analysis; these affinities and connections have been
overlooked and ignored by solely political studies.

The writing of acceptable criticism of Black fiction, however, presumes giving

satisfactory answers to a quite a few questions. The most important of all, is
there a sufficient reason, apart from the racial identity of the authors, for the
grouping together of Black authors? Secondly, what is the distinction of Black
fiction from other modern fiction with which it is largely contemporaneous? In
the work Rosenblatt demonstrates that Black fiction is a distinct body of
writing, which has an identifiable, coherent literary tradition. He highlights
recurring concerns and designs, which are independent of chronology in Black
fiction written over the past eighty years. These concerns and designs are
thematic, and they come form the central fact of the predominant white
culture, where the Black characters in the novel are situated irrespective of
whether they attempt to conform to that culture or they rebel against it.

Rosenblatt's work does leave certain aesthetic questions open. His thematic
analysis allows considerable objectivity; he even clearly states that he does
not intend to judge the merit of the various works yet his reluctance seems
misplaced, especially since an attempt to appraise might have led to
interesting results. For example, certain novels have an appearance of
structural diffusion. Is this a defeat, or are the authors working out of, or
attempting to forge, a different kind of aesthetic? Apart from this, the style of
certain Black novels, like Jean Toomer's Cane, verges on expressionism or
surrealism; does this technique provide a counterpoint to the prevalent theme
that portrays the fate against which Black heroes are pitted, a theme usually
conveyed by more naturalistic modes of expressions?

Irrespective of such omissions, what Rosenblatt talks about in his work makes
for an astute and worthwhile study. His book very effectively surveys a
variety of novels, highlighting certain fascinating and little-known works like
James Weldon Johnson's Autobiography of an Ex-Coloured Man. Black Fiction
is tightly constructed, and levelheaded and penetrating criticism is
exemplified in its forthright and lucid style.

1. The author of the passage raises and objection to criticism of

Black fiction like that by Addison Gayle as it:
A. Highlights only the purely literary aspects of such works
B. Misconceive the ideological content of such fiction
C. Miscalculate the notions of Black identity presented in such
D. Replaces political for literary criteria in evaluating such fiction
E. Disregards the reciprocation between Black history and Black
identity exhibited in such fiction.

Ans : D

2. The primary concern of the author in the above passage is:

A. Reviewing the validity of a work of criticism
B. Comparing various critical approaches to a subject
C. Talking of the limitations of a particular kind of criticism
D. Recapitulation of the major points in a work of criticism
E. Illustrating the theoretical background of a certain kind of

Ans : A

3. The author is of the opinion that Black Fiction would have been
improved had Rosenblatt:
A. Undertaken a more careful evaluation of the ideological and
historical aspects of Black Fiction
B. Been more objective in his approach to novels and stories by
Black authors
C. Attempted a more detailed exploration of the recurring themes
in Black fiction throughout its history
D. Established a basis for placing Black fiction within its own
unique literary tradition
E. Calculated the relative literary merit of the novels he analyzed

Ans : E

4. Rosenblatt's discussion of Black Fiction is :

A. Pedantic and contentious
B. Critical but admiring
C. Ironic and deprecating
D. Argumentative but unfocused
E. Stilted and insincere.

Ans : B

5. According to the given passage the author would be LEAST

likely to approve of which among the following?
A. Analyzing the influence of political events on the personal
ideology of Black writers
B. Attempting a critical study, which applies sociopolitical criteria
to the autobiographies of Black authors
C. A literary study of Black poetry that appraises the merits of
poems according to the political acceptability of their themes
D. Studying the growth of a distinct Black literary tradition within
the context of Black history
E. Undertaking a literary study, which attempts to isolate
aesthetic qualities unique to Black fiction.

Ans : C

6. From the following options, which does the author not make
use of while discussing Black Fiction?
A. Rhetorical questions
B. Specific examples
C. Comparison and contrast
D. Definition of terms
E. Personal opinion.

Ans : D

7. The author makes a reference to James Weldon Johnson's

Autobiography of an Ex-colored Man most probably to:
A. Highlight the affinities between Rosenblatt's method of thematic
analysis and earlier criticism
B. Elucidate regarding the point made regarding expressionistic
style earlier in the passage
C. Qualify the assessment of Rosenblatt's book made in the first
paragraph of the passage
D. Demonstrate the affinities among the various Black novels
talked of by Rosenblatt's literary analysis
E. Present a specific example of one of the accomplishments of
Rosenblatt's work.

Ans : E

Reading Comprehension
5. Some modern anthropologists hold that biological evolution has shaped not
only human morphology but also human behavior. The role those
anthropologists ascribe to evolution is not of dictating the details of human
behavior but one of imposing constraints - ways of feeling, thinking, and
acting that ''come naturally'' in archetypal situations in any culture. Our
''frailties'' - emotions and motivs such as rage, fear, greed, gluttony, joy,lust,
love-may be a very mixed assortment quality: we are, as we say, ''in the
grip'' of them. And thus they give us oursense of constraints.

Unhappily, some of those frailties our need for ever-increasing security

among them are presently maladaptive. Yet beneath the overlay of cultural
detail, they, too, are said to be biological in direction, and therefore as natural
to us as are our appendixes. We would need to comprehend throughly their
adaptive origins in order to understand how badly they guide us now. And we
might then begin to resist their pressure.

1. The author implies that control to any extent over the

''frailties'' that constrain our behavior is though to presuppose
A. That those frailties and adaptive are recognized as currently
beneficial and adaptive
B. That there is little or no overlay of cultural detail that masks
their true nature.
C. That there are cultures in which those frailties do not ''come
naturally'' and from which such control can be learned
D. A full understanding of why those frailties evolved and of how
they function now
E. A thorough grasp of the principle that cultural detail in human
behavior can differ arbitrarily from society to society.

Ans : D

2. It can be inferred that in his discussion of maladaptive frailties

the author assumes that
A. Evolution does not favor the emergence of adaptive
characteristics over the emergence of maladaptive ones
B. Any structure or behavior not positively adaptive is regarded as
transitory in evolutionary theory
C. Maladaptive characteristics, once fixed, make the emergence of
other maladaptive characteristics more likely
D. The designation of a characteristic as being maladaptive must
always remain highly tentative
E. Changes in the total human environment can outpace
evolutionary change.

Ans : E
3. The primary purpose of the passage is to present
A. A position on the foundations of human behavior and on what
those foundations imply
B. A theory outlining the parallel development of human
morphology and of human behavior
C. A diagnostic test for separating biologically determined
behavior patters from culture - specific detail
D. An overview of those human emotions and motive's that
impose constraints on human behaviour
E. A practical method for resting the pressures of biologically
determined drives.

Ans : A

4. Which of the following most probably provides an appropriate

analogy from human morphology for the ''details'' versus
''constraints'' distinction made in the passage in relation to
human behaviour?
A. The ability of most people to see all the colors of the visible
spectrum as against most peoples inability to name any but the
primary colors
B. The ability of even the least fortunate people to show
compassion as against people's inability to mask their feelings
C. The ability of some people to dive to great depths as against
most people's inability to swim long distance
D. The psychological profile of those people who are able to delay
gratification as against people's inability to control their lives
E. The greater lung capacity of mountain peoples that helps them
live in oxygen-poor air as against people's inability to fly
without special apparatus.

Ans : E

Reading Comprehension

6. The existence of mammals on the earth can be traced back to at least the
Triassic time. The rate of development was retarded, till evolutional change
suddenly accelerated in the oldest Paleocene. This resulted in an increase in
average size, larger mental capacity, and special adaptations for different
modes of life, during the Eocene time. Further improvement was seen during
the Oligocene Epoch, with the appearance of some new lines and extinction of
others. The Miocene and Pliocene times are especially significant as they mark
the culmination of various groups and a continued approach toward modern
characters. It is in the Miocene time that the mammals reached their peak
with reference to variety and size.

The ability of the mammals to adapt to various modes of life finds a parallel in
the reptiles of the Mesozoic time, and apart form their greater intelligence,
the mammals apparently have not done much better than the corresponding
reptilian forms. Undoubtedly the bat is a better flying animal than the
pterosaur, but at the same time the dolphin and whale are hardly more fish
like than the ichthyosaur. Quite a few of the swift-running mammals
inhabiting the plains, like the horse and the antelope, must excel any of the
dinosaurs. Although the tyrannosaur was a more weighty and robust
carnivore than perhaps any carnivorous mammal, the lion and the tiger, by
virtue of their superior brain are far more efficient and dangerous beasts of
prey. It is significant to note that various species of mammals gradually
adapted themselves to various kinds of lifestyles, some took to grazing on the
plains and were able to run swiftly (horse, deer, bison), others started living
in rivers and swamps (hippopotamus, beaver), inhabiting trees (sloth,
monkey), burrowing underground (rodent, mole), feeding on flesh (tiger,
wolf), swimming in the water (dolphin, whale, seal), and flying in the air
(bat). Human beings on account of their superior brain have been able to
harness mechanical methods to conquer the physical world and adapt to any
set of conditions.

Such adaptation to different conditions leads to a gradual change in form and

structure. This is a biological characteristic of the youthful, plastic stage of a
group. It is seen that early in its evolutional cycle animals possess the
capacity for change, but as the animal progresses in its cycle becoming old
and fixed, this capacity for change disappears. The generalized types of
organisms retain longest the ability to make adjustments when required, and
it is from them that new, fecund stocks take origin-certainly not from any
specialized end products. With reference to mammals, we see their birth,
plastic spread in many directions, increased specialization, and in some cases,
extinction; this is a characteristic of the evolution of life, which can be seen in
the geologic record of life.

1. From the following, choose the most appropriate title for the
above passage?
A. From Dinosaur to Man
B. Adaptation and Extinction
C. The Superior Mammals
D. The Geologic Life Span
E. Man, the Vanquisher of the Physical World.

Ans : B
2. According to the passage the chronological order of the
geologic periods is:
A. Paleocene, Miocene, Triassic, Mesozoic
B. Paleocene, Triassic, Mesozoic, Miocene
C. Miocene, Paleocene, Triassic, Mesozoic
D. Mesozoic, Oligocene, Paleocene, Miocene
E. Mesozoic, Paleocene, Eocene, Miocene

Ans : E

3. From the above passage, we can infer that, the pterosaur

A. resembled the bat
B. was a Mesozoic mammal
C. was a flying reptile
D. inhabited the seas
E. evolved during the Miocene period

Ans : C

4. As inferred from the passage, the largest number of mammals

were found in which of the following periods?
A. Triassic period
B. Eocene period
C. Oligocene epoch
D. Pliocene period
E. Miocene period

Ans : E

5. Among the following statements, which statement, if true,

would weaken the argument put forth in the first sentence of
Paragraph 1?
A. It has been found that the tryannosaur had a larger brain, than
was previously known.
B. Within the next thousand years, mammals will become extinct.
C. Recently certain forms of flying ichthyosaurs have been
D. It has now been proved, that the tiger is more powerful than
the carnivorous reptiles.
E. It is now possible to double human mental capacity, by the use
of certain recently developed computers.

Ans : A
6. It is clear from the passage, that the evidence used to discuss
the life of past time periods
A. was developed by Charles Darwin
B. was unearthed by the author
C. has been negated by more recent evidence
D. was never truly established
E. is based on fossilized remains

Ans : E

7. As inferred from the passage, which of the following proverbial

expressions is the author most likely to agree with?
A. It's a cruel world.
B. All the world's a stage.
C. The more things change, the more they remain the same.
D. Footprints in the sands of time.
E. A short life, but a merry one.

Ans : D

Reading Comprehension

7. For a period of more than two centuries paleontologists have been intrigued
by the fossilized remains of pterosaurs, the first flying vertebartes. The
issues, which puzzle them, are how these heavy creatures, having a wingspan
of about 8-12 meters managed the various problems associated with powered
flight and whether these creatures were reptiles or birds.

Perhaps the least controversial assertion about the pterosaurs is that they
were reptiles. Their skulls, pelvises, and hind feet are reptilian. The anatomy
of their wings suggests that they did not evolve into the class of birds. In
pterosaurs a greatly elongated fourth finger of each forelimb supported a
winglike membrane. The other fingers were short and reptilian, with sharp
claws. In birds the second finger is the principal strut of the wing, which
consists primarily of feathers. If the pterosaurs walked on all fours, the three
short fingers may have been employed for grasping. When a pterosaurs
walked or remained stationary, the fourth finger, and with it the wing, could
only urn upward in an extended inverted V- shape along each side of the
animal's body.

In resemblance they were extremely similar to both birds and bats, with
regard to their overall body structure and proportion. This is hardly surprising
as the design of any flying vertebrate is subject to aerodynamic constraints.
Both the pterosaurs and the birds have hollow bones, a feature that
represents a savings in weight. There is a difference, which is that the bones
of the birds are more massively reinforced by internal struts.

Although scales typically cover reptiles, the pterosaurs probably had hairy
coats. T.H. Huxley reasoned that flying vertebrates must have been warm-
blooded because flying implies a high rate of metabolism, which in turn
implies a high internal temperature. Huxley speculated that a coat of hair
would insulate against loss of body heat and might streamline the body to
reduce drag in flight. The recent discovery of a pterosaur specimen covered in
long, dense, and relatively thick hair like fossil material was the first clear
evidence that his reasoning was correct.

Some paleontologists are of the opinion that the pterosaurs jumped from s
dropped from trees or perhaps rose into the light winds from the crests of
waves in order to become airborne. Each theory has its associated difficulties.
The first makes a wrong assumption that the pterosaurs hind feet resembled
a bat's and could serve as hooks by which the animal could hang in
preparation for flight. The second hypothesis seems unlikely because large
pterosaurs could not have landed in trees without damaging their wings. The
third calls for high aces to channel updrafts. The pterosaurs would have been
unable to control their flight once airborne as the wind from which such waves
arose would have been too strong.

1. As seen in the above passage scientists generally agree that:

A. the pterosaurs could fly over large distances because of their
large wingspan.
B. a close evolutionary relationship can be seen between the
pterosaurs and bats, when the structure of their skeletons is
C. the study of the fossilized remains of the pterosaurs reveals
how they solved the problem associated with powered flight
D. the pterosaurs were reptiles
E. Pterosaurs walked on all fours.

Ans : D

2. The view that, the pterosaurs rose into light winds from the
crest of the waves to become airborne, is viewed by the author
A. revolutionary
B. unlikely
C. unassailable
D. probable
E. outdated.
Ans : B

3. As inferred from the passage, the skeleton of a pterosaur is

distinguishable from that of a bird by the
A. length of its wingspan
B. hollow spaces in its bones
C. anatomic origin of its wing strut
D. evidence of the hooklike projections on its hind feet
E. location of the shoulder joint joining the wing to its body.

Ans : C

4. From the viewpoint of T.H.Huxley, as given in the passage,

which of the following statements is he most likely to agree
A. An animal can master complex behaviors irrespective of the
size of it's brain.
B. Environmental capabilities and physical capabilities often
influence the appearance of an animal.
C. Usually animals in a particular family group do not change their
appearance dramatically over a period of time
D. The origin of flight in vertebrates was an accidental
development rather than the outcome of specialization or
E. The pterosaurs should be classified as birds, not reptiles.

Ans : B

5. According to the passage which of the following is a

characteristic of the pterosaurs?
A. The pterosaurs were not able to fold their wings when not in
B. Like the bats, they hung upside down from branches
C. They flew in order to capture prey
D. They can be said to be an earlier stage in the evolution of the
E. They lived principally in a forest like habitat.

Ans : A

6. The organization of the last paragraph of the passage can best

be described as:
A. New data is introduced in order to support a traditional point of
B. Three explanations are put forth and each of them is disputed
by means of specific information
C. An outline of three hypotheses are given and evidence
supporting each of them is given
D. Description of three recent discoveries is presented, and their
implications for future study are projected
E. The material in the earlier paragraphs is summarized and
certain conclusions are from it.

Ans : B

7. According to the passage, some scientists believe that

A. Lived near large bodies of water
B. Had sharp teeth for tearing food
C. Were attacked and eaten by larger reptiles
D. Had longer tails than many birds
E. Consumed twice their weight daily to maintain their body

Ans : A

Reading Comprehension

8. Certain scraps of evidence bear out those who hold a very high opinion of the
average level of culture among the Athenians of the great age. Pericles's
funeral speech is undoubtedly the most famous evidence from Athenian
literature, that its level was indeed high. However, Pericles was a politician,
and it is possible that he was flattering his audience. We know that thousands
of Athenians sat hour after hour in the theater listening to the plays of the
great Greek dramatists. The Greek plays, particularly the tragedies,
maintained an extremely high intellectual level throughout, with no letdowns,
no concessions to the lowbrows or to the demands of ''realism'', like the
gravediggers scene in Shakespeare's Hamlet. The music and dancing seen in
these plays were also of an equally high level. The best modern parallel can
be seen in the restrained, difficult opera of the 18th century. The comparison
is no doubt dangerous, but can you imagine almost the entire population of
an American city (in suitable installments, of course) sitting through
performances of Mozart's Don Giovanni or Gluck's Orpheus? Perhaps the
Athenian masses went to these plays because of a lack of other amusements.
They could at least understand something of what went on, since the subjects
were part of their folklore. Undoubtedly the theme of grand opera is not part
of the folklore of the American people.
1. From the passage it is evident that the author seems to
question the sincerity of
A. politicians
B. playwrights
C. opera goers
D. ''low brows''
E. gravediggers.

Ans : A

2. According to the author the average American

A. Enjoys Hamlet
B. Loves folklore
C. Is not able to understand grand opera
D. Seeks a high cultural level
E. Lacks entertainment.

Ans : C

3. From the passage, we can say that the author's attitude toward
Greek plays is one of
A. Qualified approval
B. Grudging admiration
C. Studied indifference
D. Partial hostility
E. Great respect.

Ans : E

4. The author makes a suggestion that Greek plays

A. Were demanding on the actors
B. Flattered their audiences
C. Were focussed on a limited audience
D. Were dominated by music and dancing
E. Stimulated their audiences.

Ans : E


9. Everyone conforms to infancy, infancy conforms to nobody, so that one babe

commonly makes four or five out of the adults who prattle and play to it. So
God has armed youth and puberty and manhood no less with its own
piquancy and charm, and made it enviable and gracious and its claims not to
be put by, if it will stand by itself. Do not think the youth has no force,
because he cannot speak to you and me. Hark! In the next room his voice is
sufficiently clear and emphatic. It seems he knows how to speak to his
contemporaries. Bashful or bold, then, he will know how to make us seniors
very unnecessary.

The healthy attitude of human nature can be seen in the nonchalance of boys
who are sure of a dinner, and would disdain as much as a lord to do or say
aught to conciliate one. A boy is in the parlor what the pit is in the playhouse;
independent, irresponsible, looking out from his corner on such people and
facts as pass by, he tries and sentences them on their merits, in the swift,
summary way of boys, as good, bad, interesting, silly, eloquent, troublesome.
He never cumbers himself regarding consequences, about interests and he
gives an independent, genuine verdict. You should court him: he will not court
you. But the man is, as it were, clapped into jail by his consciousness. As
soon as he has once acted or spoken with eclat, he is a committed person,
watched by the sympathy or the hatred of hundreds, whose affections must
now enter into his account. There is no Lethe for this. Ah, that he could pass
again into his neutrality.

These are the voices, which we hear in solitude, but they grow faint and
inaudible as we enter into the world. Everywhere society is conspiring against
the manhood of every one of its members. Society is joint – stock
company, in which members agree, for the better securing of his bread to
each shareholder, to surrender the liberty and culture of the eater. The virtue
in most request is conformity. It is averse to self-reliance. What it loves is
names and customs and not realities and creators.

Whosoever is a man has to be a nonconformist. He who would gather

immortal palms must not be hindered by the name of goodness, but must
explore if it be goodness. Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your
own mind.

No law can be sacred to me but that of my nature. Good and bad are but
names very readily transferable to that to this; the only right is what is after
my constitution, the only right is what is after me constitution, the only wrong
what is against it. A man is to carry himself in the presence of all opposition
as if every thing were titular and ephemeral but he. I am ashamed to think
how easily we capitulate to badges and names, to large societies and dead
institutions. Every decent and well-spoken individual affects and sways me
more than is right. I ought to go upright and vital, and speak the rude truth in
all ways.

I shun father and mother and wife and brother, when my genius calls me. I
would write on the lintels of the doorpost, whim. I hope it is somewhat better
than whim at last, but we cannot spend the day in explanation. Except me not
to show cause why I seek or why I exclude company. Then, again, do not tell
me, as a good man did not to-day, of my obligation to put all poor men in
good situations. Are they my poor? I tell thee, thou foolish philanthropist, that
I grudge the dollar, the time, the cent, I give to such men as do not belong to
me and to whom I do not belong. There is a class of person to whom by all
spiritual affinity I am bought and sold; for them I will go to prison, if need be;
but your miscellaneous popular charities; the education at collage of fools;
the building of meeting – house to the vain end to which many now stand;
alms to sots; and the thousandfold Relief Societies; - though I confess with
shame I sometimes succumb and give the dollar, it is a wicked dollar which
by and by I shall have the manhood to withhold.

If you refuse to conform, you can experience the displeasure of the world.
Hence, a man should know how to estimate a sour face. The by – standers
look askance on him in the public street or in the friend's parlor. In case this
aversion originates from contempt and resistance similar to his own, it might
result in a sad countenance; but the sour faces of the multitude, like their
sweet faces, have no deep cause, but are caused by reasons as diverse as the
direction of the wind and what he reads in the newspapers. Yet is the
discontent of the multitude more formidable than that of the senate and the

Another factor, which frightens us from self – trust in our consistency; a
reverence for our past act or word, because the eyes of others have no other
data for computing our orbit than our past acts, and we are loath to
disappoint them.

But why should you keep your head over your shoulder? Why drag about this
corpse of your memory, lest you contradict somewhat you have stated in this
or that public place? Suppose you should contradict yourself; what then?

This is a rather silly consistency in our minds, which is adored by little

statesmen and philosophers and divines. Uniformly a great soul has almost
nothing to do, he could just occupy himself with his shadow on the wall.
Speak what you think now in hard words; and to-morrow speak what
tomorrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict everything you said
to-day. – ''Ah, so you shall be sure to be misunderstood.'' - Is it so bad,
then, to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates,
and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every
pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. What can be considered to be truly
great is to be misunderstood.

1. Which of the following statements would best describe the

main theme of the above passage?
A. "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little mind."
B. "Eternal youth means eternal independence."
C. "Whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist."
D. "Colleges are designed to educate fools."
E. "Infancy conforms to nobody."

Ans : C

2. When is the period during which we are most nonconformist?

A. infancy
B. puberty
C. youth
D. manhood
E. old age

Ans : A

3. In his statement ''What can be considered to be truly great is

to be misunderstood'' the author means:
A. One should refrain from saying, what one exactly means
B. Being misunderstood, equals being great
C. All great man have always been misunderstood
D. Even though a person might be considered inconsistent, he
shouldn't hesitate to change his mind if he feels the need to.
E. It is seldom, that nice people succeed

Ans : D

4. As inferred from the passage, the refusal of young people to

cater to accept public opinion is:
A. A feature of the rebelliousness of youth
B. A healthy attitude of human nature
C. A manifestation of deep- seated immaturity
D. Simply bad manners
E. Part of growing up

Ans : B

5. "Society is a joint-stock company etc." is one way which the

author shows
A. The anti-culture attitude of the public
B. Society is highly organized and structured
C. The self-rejection of society
D. The lack of room for solitude in our world
E. The public's interest in the stock market

Ans : C
6. " I would write on the lintels of the doorpost, whim." What
does the author mean by this statement:
A. That one should renounce his immediate family
B. That signposts have an important educational function in our
C. That an impulsive action may have a subsequent rational
D. That one must never be held responsible for what one says and
E. That everyone should do foolish things occasionally

Ans : C

7. Which of the following statements best summarizes the spirit

and sense of the above passage?
A. "Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind."
B. "With consistency, a great soul; has simply nothing to do."
C. "Do not think the youth has no force, because cannot speak to
you and me."
D. "The virtue in most request is conformity."
E. "A man must know how to estimate a sour force."

Ans : A

Reading Comprehension

10. Furthermore, insofar as any conclusion about its author can be drawn from
five or six plays attributed to him, the Wakefield Master is without exception
considered to be a man of sharp contemporary observation. He was, probably
clerically educated, as indicated by his Latin and music, his Biblical and
patristic lore. Even today he is remembered for his his quick sympathy for the
oppressed and forgotten man, his sharp eye for character, a ready ear for
colloquial, vernacular turns of speech and a humor alternately rude and
boisterous, coarse and happy. Therefore in spite of his conscious artistry as
can be seen in his feeling for intricate metrical and stanza forms, he is
regarded as a kind of medieval Steinbeck, indignantly angry at,
uncompromisingly and even brutally realistic in presenting the plight of the
agricultural poor.

It is now fairly accepted to regard the play as a kind of ultimate point in the
secularization of the medieval drama. Therefore more stress has been laid on
it as depicting realistically humble manners and pastoral life in the bleak of
the west riding of Yorkshire on a typically cold night of December 24th. After
what are often regarded as almost ''documentaries'' given in the three
successive monologues of the three shepherds, critics go on to affirm that the
realism is then intensified into a burlesque mock-treatment of the Nativity.
Finally as a sort of epilogue or after-thought in deference to the Biblical
origins of the materials, the play slides back into an atavistic mood of early
innocent reverence. In actuality, the final scene is the culminating scene and
also the raison d’etre of the introductory ''realism.''

Superficially the present play supports the conventional view of its mood of
secular realism. At the same time, the ''realism'' of the Wakefield Master is of
a paradoxical turn. His wide knowledge of people, as well as books indicates
no cloistered contemplative but one in close relation to his times. Still, that
life was after all a predominantly religious one, a time which never neglected
the belief that man was a rebellious and sinful creature in need of redemption
. So deeply (one can hardly say ''naively'' of so sophisticated a writer) and
implicitly religious is the Master that he is less able (or less willing) to present
actual history realistically than is the author of the Brome Abraham and Isaac.
His historical sense is even less realistic than that of Chaucer who just a few
years before had done for his own time ''costume romances,'' such as The
Knight's Tele, Troilus and Cressida, etc. Furthermore, used highly romantic
materials, which could excuse his taking liberties with history.

1. Of the following statements, which is not true of Wakefield

A. He and Chaucer were contemporaries.
B. Wakefield Master is remembered as having written five or six
realistic plays.
C. His plays realistically portray the plight of the country folk of his
D. His writing was similar to that of John Steinbeck.
E. He was an accomplished artist.

Ans : D

2. The word 'patristic' in the first paragraph is used to mean:

A. patriotic
B. superstitious
C. folk
D. relating to the Christian Fathers
E. realistic

Ans : D

3. The statement about the ''secularization of the medieval

drama'' (opening sentence of the second paragraph) refers to
A. Introduction of religious themes in the early days
B. Presentation of erudite material
C. Use of contemporary materials
D. Return to early innocent reverence at the end of the play
E. Introduction of mundane matters in religious plays

Ans : E

4. From the following what would the writer be expected to do in

the subsequent paragraphs:
A. Make a justification for his comparison with Steinbeck
B. Put forth a view point, which would take up the thought of the
second paragraph
C. Point out the anachronisms in the play
D. Discuss the works of Chaucer
E. Talk about the lack of realism in the works of the Wakefield

Ans : B

Reading Comprehension

11. The establishment of the third Reich influenced events in American history by
starting a chain of events which culminated in war between Germany and the
United States. The complete destruction of democracy, the persecution of
laws, the war on religion, the cruelty and barrbarism of the Nazis and
especially, the plans of Germany and her allies, Italy and Japan, for world
conquest caused great indignation in this country and brought on fear of
another world war. While speaking out against Hitler's atrocities, the
American profile generally favored isolationist policies, and neutrality. The
neutrality acts of 1935 and 1936 prohibited trade with any belligerents or
loans to them. In 1937 the president was empowered to declare an arms
embargo in wars between nations at his discretion

American opinion began to change somewhat after President Roosevelt's

quarantine the aggvessor speech at Chicago (1937) in which he severely
criticized Hitler's policies. Germany's seizure of Austria and Munich pact for
the partition of Czechoslovakia (1938) also around the American people. The
conquest of Czechoslovakia in March 1939 was another rude awakening to the
menace of the third Reich. In August, 1939, came the shock of the Nazi -
Soviet pact and in September the attack on Poland and the outbreak of
European war. The United States attempt to maintain neutrality in spite of
sympathy for the democracies arranged against the Third Reich. The
Neutrality act of 1939 repeated the arms embargo and permitted 'cash' and
'carry' exports of arms to belligerent nations. A strong national defense
program was begun. A draft act was passed (1940) to strengthen the military
services. A Lend - Lease Act (1940) authorized the president to sell, exchange
or lend materials to any county deemed necessary by him for the defense of
the United States. Help was given to Britain territory in the western
Hemisphere. In August 1941, President Roosevelt and prime minister
Churchill met and issued the Atlantic Charter which proclaimed the kind of a
world which should be established after the war. In December 1941, Japan
launched the unprovoked attack on the United States at Pearl harbor,
immediately thereafter Germany declared war on the united states.

1. USA entered the war against Germany

A. because Pearl Harbor was attacked
B. after peaceful efforts had failed
C. because Germany declare war against it
D. because Japan was an ally of Germany
E. after Germany had signed the Nazi - Soviet pact

Ans : C

2. The Neutrality Act of 1939 favored Great Britain because

A. the British had command of the sea
B. the law permitted U.S.A. to trade only with the allies.
C. it antagonized Japan
D. it led to the Land - Lease Act
E. it agreed with the British on the principle of the Atlantic Charter

Ans : A

3. An event that did not occur in 1939 was the

A. invasion of Poland
B. invasion of Czechoslovakia
C. passing of the Neutrality Act
D. passing of the Land - Lease act
E. outbreak of the war in Europe

Ans : D

4. One item occurring 1937 that the author does not mention in
the list of actions that alienated the American Public was
A. The persecution of religious groups
B. Nazi barbarism
C. The pacts with Italy
D. German plans for conquest of the world
E. The burning of the Reich tag.

Ans : E
5. The Land - Lease Act has designed to
A. Strengthen USA's national defense
B. Provide battle shit to the Allies
C. Help the British
D. the Atlantic Charter
E. Avenge Pearl Harbor

Ans : A

6. The Neutrality Act of 1939

A. restated America's isolationist policies
B. proclaimed American neutrality
C. permitted the selling of arms to belligerent nation
D. was cause of USA's entrances in to WORLD WAR II
E. started USA's national defense programs

Ans : C

7. During the years 1933-36, American policy may be described as

having been

1. watchful
2. isolationist
3. pacific
4. incorrect
5. discretionary

Ans : B

Reading Comprehension

12. There was in increase of about 10 % in the investment in the public sector,
like electricity, irrigation quarrying, public services and transport; even
though the emphasis leaned towards transport and away from the other
sectors mentioned. A 16-17% growth in investment, including a 30% increase
in investment in business premises has been recorded in trade and services.
Although there continued to be a decline in the share of agriculture in total
gross investment in the economy, investment grew by 9% in absolute terms,
largely spurred on by a 23% expansion of investment in agriculture
equipment. Housing construction had 12% more invested in it in 1964, not so
much owing to increase demand, as to fears of impending new taxes and
limitation of building.

There was a rise of close to 11% in the total consumption in real terms during
1964 and per capita personal consumption by under 7%, as in 1963. The
undesirable trend towards a rapid rise in consumption, evident in previous
years, remains unaltered. Since at current prices consumption rose by 16%
and disposable income by 13%, there was evidently a fall in the rate of saving
in the private sector of the economy. Once again a swift advance in the
standard of living was indicated in consumption patterns. Though fruit
consumption increased, expenditure on food, especially bread and staple
items, declined significantly. There was a continuing increase in the outlay on
furniture and household equipment, health, education and recreation. The
greatest proof of altered living standards was the rapid expansion of
expenditure on transport (including private cars) and personal services of all
kinds, which occurred during 1964. The changing composition if purchased
durable goods demonstrated the progressive affluence of large sectors of the
public. On the one hand increased purchase of automobiles and television
sets were registered, a point of saturation was rapidly being approached for
items like the first household radio, gas cookers, and electric refrigerators.

1. It is possible to to conclude from this passage, that the people

of the country were
A. spending more money than they earn
B. investing and consuming at an accelerated pace
C. saving more money than previously
D. spending their money wisely
E. lacking in necessities

Ans : B

2. According to the author the trend towards a rapid rise in

consumption is "undesirable" as:
A. there was an increase in the expenditure on frills and luxuries
B. the people were affluent
C. there was a rise in the standard of living
D. people were eating less
E. people were saving less

Ans : E

3. It is possible to conclude that the United States is not the

discussed country as:
A. there was a decline in the expenditures for food
B. From the statement that the saturation point was rapidly being
approached for first household radios
C. there is no mention of military expenditures
D. the people were affluent
E. the people were not saving their money
Ans : B

4. The area, which saw the greatest expenditure of investment

funds was
A. The public sector
B. Business premises
C. Housing construction
D. Agricultural equipment
E. A field which cannot be determined

Ans : E

Reading Comprehension

13. Visual recognition involves storing and retrieving memories. Neural activity,
triggered by the eye, forms an image in the brains memory system that
constitutes an internal representation of the viewed object. When an object is
encountered again, it is matched with its internal representation and thereby
recognized. Controversy surrounds the question of whether recognition is a
parallel, one-step process or a serial, step-by-step one. Psychologists of the
Gestalt school maintain that object are recognized as wholes in a parallel
procedure : , the internal representation is matched with the retinal image in
a single operation. Other psychologists have proposed that internal
representation features are matched serially with an object's features.
Although some experiments show that, as an object become familiar, its
internal representation becomes more familiar, its internal representation
becomes more holistic and the recognition process correspondingly more
parallel, the weight of evidence seems to support the serial hypothesis, at
least for objects that are not notably simple and familiar.
1. It can be inferred from the passage that the matching process
in visual recognition is
A. Not a natural activity.
B. Not possible when an object is viewed for the very first time.
C. Not possible if a feature of a familiar object is changed in same
D. Only possible when a retinal image is received in the brain as a
unitary whole.
E. Now fully understood as a combination of the serial and parallel

Ans : A

2. In terms of its tone and form, the passage can best be

characterized as
A. A biased exposition
B. A speculative study
C. A dispassionate presentation
D. An indignant denial
E. A dogmatic explanation.

Ans : C

3. The author is primarily concerned with

A. Explaining how the brain receives images
B. Synthesizing hypotheses of visual recognition
C. Examining the evidence supporting the serial recognition
D. Discussing visual recognition and some hypotheses proposed to
explain it.
E. Reporting on recent experiments dealing with memory systems
and their relationship to neural activity.

Ans : B

4. According to the passage, Gestalt psychologists make which of

the following suppositions about visual recognition?
I A retinal image is in exactly the same form as its internal
II An object is recognized as a whole without any need for analysis
into component parts.
III The matching of an object with its internal representation occurs in
only one step
A. II only
B. III only
C. I and III only
D. II and III only
E. I, II and III

Ans : D

Reading Comprehension

14. According to Albert Einstein the non mathematician, is seized by a mysterious

shuddering when he hears of 'four-dimensional' things, he is seized by a
feeling, which is very similar to the thoughts awakened by the occult. And at
the same time the statement that the world in which we live is a four-
dimensional space - time continuum is quite a common place statement.

This might lead to an argument regarding the use of the term ''commonplace''
by Einstein. Yet the difficulty lies more in the wording than the ideas.
Einstein's concept of the universe as a four-dimensional space-time
continuum becomes plain and clear, when what he means by ''continuum''
becomes clear. A continuum is something that is continuous, A ruler, for
example, is a one-dimensional space continuum. Most rulers are divided into
inches and fractions, scaled down to one-sixteenth of an inch.

Will it be possible to conceive a ruler, which is calibrated to a millionth or

billionth of an inch. In theory there is no reason why the steps from point to
point should not be even smaller. What distinguishes a continuum is the fact
that the space between any two points can be sub-divided into an infinite
number of smaller divisions.

A railroad track is a one-dimensional space continuum and on it the engineer

of a train can describe his position at any time by citing a single co-ordinate
point - i.e., a station or a milestone. A sea captain, however, has to worry
about two dimensions. The surface of the sea is a two-dimensional continuum
and the co-ordinate points by which sailor fixes his positions in his two
dimensional continuum are latitude and longitude. An airplane pilot guides his
plane through a three - dimensional continuum, hence he has to consider not
only latitude and longitude, but also his height above the ground. The
continuum of an airplane pilot constitutes space as we perceive it. In other
words, the space of our world is a three-dimensional continuum.

Just indicating its position in space is not enough while describing any
physical event, which involves motion. How position changes in time also
needs to be mentioned. Thus to give an accurate picture of the operation of a
New York - Chicago express, one must mention not only that it goes from
New - York to Albany to Syracuse to Cleveland to Toledo to Chicago, but also
the times at which it touches each of those points. This can be done either by
means of a timetable or a visual chart. If the miles between New York and
Chicago are plotted horizontally on a piece of ruled paper and the hours and
minutes are plotted vertically, then a diagonal line properly drawn across the
page illustrates the progress of the train in two - dimensional space - time
continuum. This type of graphic representation is familiar to most newspaper
readers; a stock market chart, for example, pictures financial events in a two
- dimensional dollar - time continuum. Similarly for the best picturization of
the flight of an airplane from New York to Los Angeles a four - dimensional
space - time continuum is essential. The latitude, longitude and altitude will
only make sense to the traffic manager of the airline if the time co - ordinate
is also mentioned. Therefore time is the fourth dimension. If a flight has to be
looked at, perceived as a whole, it wouldn't work if it is broken down into a
series of disconnected take - offs, climbs, glides, and landing, it needs to be
looked at and perceived as a continuous four - dimensional space - time
continuum curve.
1. In order to explain a difficult topic, the author use
A. Simply phrased definition's
B. An incessant metaphor
C. A plain writing style
D. Familiar images
E. A quotation from Einstein

Ans : D

2. The significant feature of a continuum, according to the

passage, revolves around
A. The divisibility of the interval between any two points.
B. An ordinary ruler's caliber for marking
C. Its unending curve
D. Its lucid from providing comprehensibility to the non - scientists
as well
E. Its variety of co - ordinates.

Ans : A

3. The purpose of this passage is to highlight the point that

A. Plots and sea captains have something in common
B. Stock market charts may be helpful to physicists
C. The fourth dimension is time.
D. Non - mathematician's are often afraid of the commonplace
E. There is a marked quality to distance

Ans : C

4. According to the passage, an airlines traffic manager depends

upon all of the following EXCEPT
A. latitude
B. altitude
C. the time co - ordinate
D. longitude
E. the continuous curve in co four

Ans : E

5. The underlying tone of this selection is

A. persuasive
B. deferential
C. candid
D. instructive
E. gently condescending
Ans : D

6. According to the author if on wishes portray a physical event in

which motion plays a role - one has to
A. Make use of a time-table
B. Indicate how position changes in time
C. Be conversant with the scientist's theories
D. Describe it graphically
E. Be aware of altitude, latitude and longitude

Ans : B

7. The sea-captain's example has been cited in order to

A. Help understand a two - dimensional continuum
B. Set up a logical progression
C. Simplify what ever is too elaborate
D. Mitigate the gap between the engineer and pilot
E. To sustain out interest in the reading of the passage.

Ans : A

Reading Comprehension

15. From the 197 million square miles, which make up the surface of the globe,
71 per cent is covered by the interconnecting bodies of marine water; the
Pacific Ocean alone covers half the Earth and averages near 14,000 feet in
depth. The portions which rise above sea level are the continents-Eurasia,
Africa; North America, South America, Australia, and Antarctica. The
submerged borders of the continental masses are the continental shelves,
beyond which lie the deep-sea basins.

The ocean are deepest not in the center but in some elongated furrows, or
long narrow troughs, called deeps. These profound troughs have a peripheral
arrangement, notably around the borders of the pacific and Indian oceans.
The position of the deeps, like the highest mountains, are of recent origin,
since otherwise they would have been filled with waste from the lands. This is
further strengthened by the observation that the deeps are quite often, where
world-shaking earthquakes occur. To cite an example, the "tidal wave" that in
April, 1946, caused widespread destruction along Pacific coasts resulted from
a strong earthquake on the floor of the Aleutian Deep.

The topography of the ocean floors is none too well known, since in great
areas the available soundings are hundreds or even thousands of miles apart.
However, the floor of the Atlantic is becoming fairly well known as a result of
special surveys since 1920. A broad, well-defined ridge-the Mid-Atlantic ridge-
runs north and south between Africa and the two Americas and numerous
other major irregularities diversify the Atlantic floor. Closely spaced soundings
show that many parts of the oceanic floors are as rugged as mountainous
regions of the continents. Use of the recently perfected method of submarine
topography. During world war II great strides were made in mapping
submarine surfaces, particularly in many parts of the vast Pacific basin.

Most of the continents stand on an average of 2870 feet above sea level.
North America averages 2300 feet; Europe averages only 1150 feet; and
Asia, the highest of the larger continental subdivisions, averages 3200 feet.
Mount Everest, which is the highest point in the globe, is 29,000 feet above
the sea; and as the greatest known depth in the sea is over 35,000 feet, the
maximum relief (that is, the difference in altitude between the lowest and
highest points) exceeds 64,000 feet, or exceeds 12 miles. The continental
masses and the deep-sea basins are relief features of the first order; the
deeps, ridges, and volcanic cones that diversify the sea floor, as well as the
plains, plateaus, and mountains of the continents, are relief features of the
second order. The lands are unendingly subject to a complex of activities
summarized in the term erosion, which first sculptures them in great detail
and then tends to reduce them ultimately to sea level. The modeling of the
landscape by weather, running water, and other agents is apparent to the
keenly observant eye and causes thinking people to speculate on what must
be the final result of the ceaseless wearing down of the lands. Much before
there was any recognizable science as geology, Shakespeare wrote "the
revolution of the times makes mountains level."

1. The peripheral furrows or deeps are found

A. only in the pacific and Indian oceans
B. near earthquakes
C. near the shore
D. in the center of the ocean
E. to be 14,000 feet in depth in the pacific.

Ans : C

2. The largest ocean is the

A. Atlantic
B. pacific
C. Aleutian deep
D. arctic
E. Indian.

Ans : B

3. We may conclude from this passage that earth quakes

A. Occur more frequently in newly formed land or sea formations
B. Are caused by the weight of the water
C. Cause erosion
D. Occur in the deeps
E. Will ultimately "make mountains level".

Ans : A

4. The highest mountains are

A. oldest
B. in excess of 12 miles
C. near the deeps
D. relief features of the first order
E. of recent origin.

Ans : E

5. The science of geology was started

A. By the Greeks
B. During world war II
C. April 1946
D. After 1600
E. In 1920

Ans : D

6. The highest point on North America is

A. 2870 feet above sea level
B. not mentioned in the passage
C. higher than the highest point in Europe
D. 2300 feet above sea level
E. in Mexico.

Ans : B

7. The deeps are subject to change caused by

A. erosion
B. soundings
C. earthquakes
D. waste
E. weathering

Ans : C

8. The continental masses

A. Rise above sea level
B. Consist of six continents
C. Are relief features of the second order
D. Are partially submerged
E. Comprise 29 per cent of the earth's surface.

Ans : D

Reading Comprehension

16. A clear answer to whether the languages of the ancient American peoples
were made use of for expressing abstract universal concepts can be sought in
the case of Nahuatl, which like Greek and German, is a language that allows
the formation of extensive compounds. By combining radicals or semantic
elements, single compound words can express complex conceptual relations,
often of an abstract universal character.

The tlamatinime ("those who know") were able to use this rich stock of
abstract terms to express the nuances of their thought. They also availed
themselves of other forms of expression with metaphorical meaning, some
probably original, some derived from Toltec coinages. Of these forms the
most characteristic in Nahuatl is the juxtaposition of two words that, because
they are synonyms, associated terms, or even contraries, complement each
other to evoke one single idea. The juxtaposed terms, used as metaphor,
suggest specific or essential traits of the being they refer to, introducing a
mode of poetry as an almost habitual form of expression.

1. According to the passage, some abstract universal ideas can be

expressed in Nahuatl by
A. Putting various meaningful elements together in one word
B. Taking away from a word any reference to particular instances
C. Turning each word of a phrase into a poetic metaphor
D. Giving a word a new and opposite meaning
E. Removing a word from its associations with other words.

Ans : A

2. It can be inferred solely from the information in the passage

A. Metaphors are always used in Nahuatl to express abstract
conceptual relationships
B. There are many languages that, like Greek or German, allow
extensive compounding
C. The abstract terms of the Nahuatl language are habitually used
in poetry
D. Some record or evidence of the though of the tlamatinime
E. All abstract universal ideas are ideas of complex relations.

Ans : D

3. A main purpose of the passage is to

A. Argue against a theory of poetic expression by citing evidence
about the Nahuatl
B. Delineate the function of the tlamatinime in Nahuatl society
C. Explore the rich metaphorical heritage the Nahuatl received
from the toltecs
D. Describe some conceptual and aesthetic resources of the
Nahuatl language
E. Explain the abstract philosophy of the Nahuatl thinkers.

Ans : D

Reading Comprehension

17. Few areas of neuron behavioral research seemed more promising is the early
sixties than that investigating the relationship between protein synthesis and
learning. The conceptual framework for the research was derived directly
from molecular biology, which had shown that genetic information is stored in
nucleic acids and expressed in proteins why not acquired information as well.

The first step towards establishing a connection between protein synthesis

and learning seemed to be to block memory (cause adhesion) by interrupting
the production of proteins. We were fortunate in finding a non lethal dosage
of puromycin that could, it first appealed, thoroughly inhibit brain protein
synthesis as well as reliability produce amnesia.

Before the actual connection between protein synthesis and learning could be
established however we began to have douche about whether inhibition of
protein synthesis was in fact the method by which puromycin produced
amnesia. First, ocher drugs, glutavimides themselves potent protein synthesis
inhibitors either failed to cause amnesia in some situations where it could
easily be induced by puromycin or produced an amnesia with a different time
course from that of puromycin. Second, puromycin was found to inhabit
protein synthesis by breaking certain amino acid chaim, and the resulting
fragments were suspected of being the actual cause of amnesia is some
eases. Third, puromycin was reported to cause abnormalities in the train,
including seizures. Thus, not only were decreased protein synthesis and
amnesia dissociated, but alternative mechanism for the amnestic action of
puromycin were readily suggested.
So, puromycin turned out to be a disappointment. It came to be regarded as
a poor agent for amnesia studies, although, of course, it was poor only in the
context of our original paradigm of protein synthesis inhibition. In our
frustration, our initial response was simply to change dregs rather than our
conceptual orientation. After many such disappointments, however, it now
appears unlikely, that we will make a firm connection between protein
synthesis and learning merely by pursuing the approaches of the past our
experience with drugs has shown that all the amnestic agents, often interfere
with memory in ways that seem unrelated to their inhibition of protein
synthesis. More importantly, the notion that the interruption or intensification
of protein production in the train can be related in cause and affect fashion to
learning non seems simplistic and unproductive. Remove the battery from a
car and the car will not go Drive the car a long distance at high speed and the
battery will become more highly charged. Neither of these facts proves that
the battery power the car, only knowledge of the overall automotive system
will reveal it mechanism of locomotion and the role of the battery with in the

1. The primary purpose a the passage is to show that extensive

experimentation has
A. Mot supported the hypothesis that learning is directly
dependent on protein synthesis
B. Cast doubt on the value of puromycin in the newer behavioral
study of learning
C. Revealed the importance of amnesia in the neuron behavioral
study of learning
D. Demonstrated the importance of amino acid fragmentation in
the induction of amnesia.
E. Not yet demonstrated the applicability of molecular biology to
behavioral research.

Ans : A

2. According to the passage, neuron behaviorists initially based

their belief that protein synthesis was related to learning on
which of the following?
A. Specific research into learning on which of the following
B. Traditional theories about learning
C. Historic experiments on the effects puromycin
D. Previous discoveries in molecular biology
E. Now technique in protein synthesis.

Ans : D

3. This passage was most likely excepted from

A. A book review in a leading journal devoted to genetic research.
B. A diary kept by a practicing neuron behavioral research
C. An article summarizing a series of scientific investigations in
neuron behavioral research.
D. A news paper article on recent advances in the biochemistry of
E. A technical article on experimental techniques in the field of
molecular biology.

Ans : C

4. It can be inferred from the passage that after puromycin was

perceived to be a disappointment, researches did which of the
A. They continued to experiment with puromycin until a neuron
anatomical framework was developed.
B. They continued to experiment with puromycin, but also tried
other protein synthesis inhibitors
C. They ceased to experiment with puromycin and shifted to other
promising protein synthesis inhibitors.
D. They ceased to experiment with puromycin and reexamined
through experiments the relationship between genetic
information and acquired information.
E. They continued to experiment with puromycin, but applied their
results to other facts of memory research.

Ans : C

5. In the example of the car (lines 62-70) the battery is meant to

represent which of the following elements in the neuron
behavioral research program?
A. glutarimides
B. acquired information
C. puromycin
D. amnesia
E. protein synthesis

Ans : E

6. The passage all of the following as effects of puromycin except

A. Fragmentation of amino-acid chaim
B. Inhibition of protein synthesis
C. Brain seizures
D. Memory loss
E. Destruction of genetic information
Ans : E

7. Which of the following statements would be most likely to

come after the last sentences of the passage?
A. It is important in the future, therefore for behavioral bio-
chemist to focus on the several components of the total
learning system.
B. The ambivalent status of current research, however should not
deter neuron behaviorists from exploring the deeper connection
between protein production and learning.
C. The failures of the past, however must not impede further
research into the amnestic of protein-synthesis inhibitors.
D. It is important in the future, therefore, for behavioral
biochemist to emphasize more strongly place of their specific
findings within the overall protein synthesis model of learning.
E. It is a legacy of this research, therefore, that molecular
biology's genetic models have led to disagreement among
neuron behaviorists.

Ans : A

Reading Comprehension

18. In any country, the wages commanded by the laborers who have comparable
skills but who work in various industries are determined by the productivity of
the least productive unit of labour, i.e. the unit of labour which works in the
industry which has catatest economic disadvantages. We will represent the
various opportunities of employment in a country like united states by
Symbols. A standing for a group of industries in which we have exceptional
economic advantage over foreign countries; B for a group in which our
advantages are less; E , one in which they are still less; D, the group of
industries in which they are the least of all.

When our population is so small that all our labour can be engaged in the
group represented by A, productivity of labour and (therefore wages) will be
at their maximum. when our population increases so that some of the labour
will have to work in group B, the wages of all labour must decline to the level
of productivity in that group. But no employer, without government aid, will
yet be able to afford to hire labour to exploit the opportunities, represented
by E and D, unless there is a further increase in population.

But suppose that the political party in power holds the belief that we should
produce everything that we consume, that the opportunities represented by E
and D should also be exploited. The commodities, that the industries
composing C and D will produce have been hitherto obtained from abroad in
exchange for commodities produce by A and B. The government now renders
this difficult by imposing high duties upon the former class of commodities.
This means that workers in A and B must pay higher prices for what they buy,
but do not receive higher prices for what they sell.

After the duty has gone into effect and the prices of commodities that can be
produced by C and D have risch sufficiently enterprises will be able to hire
labour at the wages prevailing in A and B and establish industries in C and D.
So far as the remaining labours in A and B buy the products of C and D ,the
difference between the price which they pay for these product and the price
they would pay it they were permitted to import those products duty-free is a
tax paid not to the government, but to the producers in C and D, to enable
the later to remain in business. It is on uncompensated deduction from the
natural earnings of the labourers in A and B. nor are the workers in C and D
paid as much, estimated in purchasing power as they would have received if
they had been allowed to remain in A and B under the earlier conditions.

1. The authors main point is that

A. The government ought to subsidize C and D
B. Wages ought to be independent of international trade
C. It is impossible to attain national self sufficiency
D. The varying productivity of the various industries leads tot he
inequalities in wages of workers in these industries
E. A policy that draws labour from the fields of catater natural
productiveness to fields of lower natural productiveness tends
to redirect purchasing power.

Ans : E

2. No employer, without government aid will yet be able to afford

to hire labour to exploit the opportunities represented by C and
D because
A. The population has increased
B. Productivity of labour is not at the maximum
C. Productivity would drop correspondingly with the wages of
D. We cannot produce everything we consume
E. Enterprises would have to pay wages equivalent to those
obtained by workers in A and B while producing under catater

Ans : E

3. When C and D are established, workers in these industries

A. Receives wages equal to those workers in A and B
B. Receives higher wages than do the workers in A and B
C. Are not affected so adversely by the levying of duties as are
workers in A and B
D. Must be paid by government funds collected from the duties on
E. Receive lower wages than do the workers in A and B.

Ans : A

4. We cannot exploit C and D unless

A. The producers in E and D are compensated for the
disadvantages under which they operate.
B. We export large quantities of commodities produced by A and B
C. The prices of commodities produced by A and B are raised
D. The productivity of labour in all industries is increased
E. We allow duties to be paid to the producers in C and D rather
than to the government.

Ans : A

Reading Comprehension

19. MARK HUGHES is a master of the fine art of survival. His Los Angeles-based
Herbalife International Inc. is a pyramid outfit that peddles weight-loss and
nutrition concoctions of dubious value. Bad publicity and regulatory
crackdowns hurt his U.S. business in the late 1980s. But Hughes, 41,
continues to enjoy a luxurious lifestyle in a $20 million Beverly Hills mansion.
He has been sharing the pad and a yacht with his third wife, a former Miss
Petite U.S.A. He can finance this lavish lifestyle just on his salary and bonus,
which last year came to $7.3 million.

He survived his troubles in the U.S. by moving overseas, where regulators are
less zealous and consumers even more naive, at least initially. Today 77% of
Herbalife retail sales derive from overseas. Its new prowling grounds: Asia
and Russia. Last year Herbalife's net earnings doubled, to $45 million, on net
sales of $632 million. Based on Herbalife's Nasdaq-traded stock, the company
has a market capitalization of $790 million, making Hughes 58% worth $454

There's a worm, though, in Hughes apple. Foreigners aren't stupid. In the end
they know when they've been had. In France, for instance, retail sales rose to
$97 million by 1993 and then plunged to $12 million last year. In Germany
sales hit $159 million in 1994 and have since dropped to $54 million.
Perhaps aware that the world may not provide an infinite supply of suckers,
Hughes wanted to unload some of his shares. But in March, after Herbalife's
stock collapsed, he put off a plan to dump about a third of his holdings on the

Contributing to Hughes' woes, Herbalife's chief counsel and legal attack dog,
David Addis, quit in January. Before packing up, he reportedly bellowed at
Hughes, "I can't protect you anymore." Addis, who says he wants to spend
more time with his family, chuckles and claims attorney-client privilege.

Trouble on the home front, too. On a recent conference call with distributors,
Hughes revealed he's divorcing his wife, Suzan, whose beaming and perky
image adorns much of Herbalife's literature.

Meanwhile, in a lawsuit that's been quietly moving through Arizona's Superior

Court, former Herbalife distributor Daniel Fallow of Sandpoint, Idaho charges
that Herbalife arbitrarily withholds payment to distributors and marks up its
products over seven times the cost of manufacturing. Fallow also claims
Hughes wanted to use the Russian mafia to gain entry to that nation's

Fallow himself is no angel, but his lawsuit, which was posted on the Internet,
brought out other complaints. Randy Cox of Lewiston, Idaho says Herbalife
"destroyed my business" after he and his wife complained to the company
that they were being cheated out of their money by higher-ups in the pyramid

Will Hughes survive again? Don't count on it this time.

1. Herbalife Inc is based in:

A. Los Angeles
B. Columbus
C. New York
D. Austin

Ans : A

2. Daniel Fallow:
A. Was a former attorney for Hughes
B. Was a former distributor of Herbalife
C. Co-founded Herbalife
D. Ran Herbalife's German unit

Ans : B
3. Which of the following countries is mentioned where Hughes operated
A. India
B. China
C. Germany
D. Ukraine

Ans : C

4. The complaint of Randy Cox of Lewiston, Idaho, against Herbalife was:

A. The company did not pay them their dues
B. The products supplied by Hughes were inferior
C. Their higher-ups in the pyramid cheated them
D. Hughes had connections with the Russian mafia

Ans : C

5. Which of the following countries is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Russia
C. France
D. Italy

Ans : D

6. In the year in which Hughes' salary and bonuses came to US$ 7.3
million, what was the retail sales for Herbalife in France?
A. $12 million
B. $159 million
C. $54 million
D. $97 million

Ans :A

7. At the time when this article was written, if Herbalife had had a market
capitalisation of $ 1 billion, what would have been Hughes' share?

A. $420 million
B. $580 million
C. $125 million
D. $500 million

Ans : B

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