Worksheet 1: Formal and Informal Correspondence

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Level 5 Business Writing

Worksheet 1: Formal and informal correspondence

1 How often do you write emails or letters at work? How formal or informal are
they? Mark the level of formality on the scale and compare it with a partner.

Very formal  Neutral  Very informal

2 Read three pieces of correspondence. What level of formality are they? Write 1,
2, and 3 on the scale and compare with your partner. Explain your reasons.

Dear Ryan, 1 2
I am writing in response to your message on my voicemail. Hi,
I’d be delighted to give a talk to your business students on
the subject of Modern Management Practices. I’d be I’m afraid my plane is delayed by
grateful if you could send me any days and times you have two hours. Can you pick me up at
in mind so we can finalize the exact date.
around 2 instead?
I look forward to hearing from you.
See you soon. (I hope!)
Best regards,

Dear Mr. Baker, 3

With regards to your interest in the position of IT assistant, please find attached the full job
description and application form. Please note that the closing date for applications is the 30th of
this month. Unfortunately, due to the expected high number of applications for this job, we are
only able to reply to those applicants who have been shortlisted.

We thank you for your interest.

Yours sincerely,

Alan Johnson

3a The verbs 1–10 tend to be used in more formal correspondence. Match the formal
verbs 1–10 to the less formal verbs in the box.

need tell change say sorry get ask about ask for help stop give

1 inform 6 inquire
2 request 7 alter
3 apologize 8 terminate
4 receive 9 require
5 assist 10 provide

b How many of the verbs 1–10 have a noun form? e.g., inform – information
Life Level 5 2nd edition Business Writing ©National Geographic Learning 2019
4 Find expressions in the texts in Exercise 2 to complete the table.


Opening 1 Hello,
_________________________ 2
Reason for writing / Further to your letter … , It’s about …
Reference _________________________
Enclosure or I’m enclosing Here is …
attachment 5
Give good news We’re happy to inform you that … Good news!
Apologize / Give 7
Sadly … _________________________ Sorry but …
bad news 8
We regret to inform you that …
Request Would it be possible for you to …? Could you …?
9 10
_________________________ _________________________
Thanks / Refer to 11 13
_________________________ _________________________
future contact
12 14
_________________________ _________________________
Closing Kind regards, Yours, Bye,
_________________________ Love,

5 Rewrite this email using an informal style. Use expressions from Exercises 3 and 4.

Dear Dr. Bruce Baines,

With regards to your visit to Italy next week, I’m attaching details of your flights and hotel
reservations. I regret to inform you that the business college in Perugia has canceled the
appointment on Wednesday. Would it be possible for you to give the same presentation in
I’d be grateful if you could confirm the flight times as soon as possible. Please do not hesitate
to contact me if you need me to assist you any further.
Yours sincerely
Ms Maddie6Albright
Read this informal reply. Rewrite it using a neutral or more formal style.

Hi Maddie,
It’s about the flight times to Italy. Sorry but I can’t fly out on Monday morning. Can you
change it to Monday evening?
I’m happy to talk in Bologna instead.

write using a formal and neutral style 
write using an informal style 

Life Level 5 2nd edition Business Writing ©National Geographic Learning 2019

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