As 2
As 2
As 2
Practical Application of
AS 4 : Contingencies and Events occurring after the
Balance Sheet Date
AS 5 : Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Prior Period Items and
Changes in Accounting Policies
AS 7 : Construction Contracts
AS 9 : Revenue Recognition
AS 14 : Accounting for Amalgamations
AS 17 : Segment Reporting
AS 18 : Related Party Disclosures
AS 19 : Leases
AS 20 : Earnings Per Share
AS 22 : Accounting for Taxes on Income
AS 24 : Discontinuing Operations
AS 26 : Intangible Assets
AS 29 : Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets.
Note: The Students are advised to refer the bare Text of the Accounting
Standards given in the book of Accounting Pronouncements while
studying this Chapter.
Accounting Standards (ASs) are written policy documents issued by expert
accounting body or by government or other regulatory body covering the aspects
of recognition, measurement, presentation and disclosure of accounting
transactions in the financial statements. The Accounting Standards aim at
improving the quality of financial reporting by promoting comparability,
consistency and transparency, in the interests of users of financial statements. Good
financial reporting not only promotes healthy financial markets, it also helps to
reduce the cost of capital because investors can have faith in financial reports and
consequently perceive lesser risks. You must have already studied the concept,
objectives, benefits and limitations, applicability and compliance of Accounting
Standards, in detail, in Chapter 3 of “Accounting” Intermediate Course Study
Material – Group I. We will discuss the Accounting Standards (specified in the
syllabus) in this chapter taking individual standard in detail.
The existence and amount of guarantees, obligations arising from discounted bills
of exchange and similar obligations undertaken by an enterprise are generally
disclosed in financial statements by way of note, even though the possibility that a
loss to the enterprise will occur, is remote.
Accounting Treatment of Contingent Gains
Contingent gains are not recognised in financial statements since their recognition
may result in the recognition of revenue which may never be realised. However,
when the realisation of a gain is virtually certain, then such gain is not a contingency
and accounting for the gain is appropriate.
The amount at which a contingency is stated in the financial statements is based
on the information which is available at the date on which the financial statements
are approved.
Events Occurring after the Balance Sheet Date
Events occurring after the balance sheet date are those significant events, both
favourable and unfavourable, that occur between the balance sheet date and the
date on which the financial statements are approved by the Board of Directors in
the case of a company, and, by the corresponding approving authority in the case
of any other entity.
For example, for the year ending on 31 st March 20X1, financial statement is finalized
and approved by the Board of the directors of the company in its meeting held on
04th September 20X1. In this case the events taking place between 01 st April 20X1
to 04th September 20X1 are termed as events occurring after the balance sheet
Two types of events can be identified:
a. Adjusting events- those which provide further evidence of conditions that
existed at the balance sheet date. For example, a trade receivable declared
insolvent after reporting date and unable to pay full amount against whom
provision for doubtful debt was created.
b. Non-adjusting events- those which are indicative of conditions that arose
subsequent to the balance sheet date. For example, plant got damaged due
to occurrence of fire.
Adjusting Events
Adjustments to assets and liabilities are required for events occurring after the
balance sheet date that provide additional information materially affecting the
determination of the amounts relating to conditions existing at the balance sheet
date. For example, an adjustment may be made for a loss on a trade receivable
account which is confirmed by the insolvency of a customer which occurs after the
balance sheet date.
Non-Adjusting Events
Adjustments to assets and liabilities are not appropriate for events occurring after
the balance sheet date, if such events do not relate to conditions existing at the
balance sheet date. An example is the decline in market value of investments
between the balance sheet date and the date on which the financial statements are
approved. Ordinary fluctuations in market values do not normally relate to the
condition of the investments at the balance sheet date but reflect circumstances
which have occurred in the following period.
Events occurring after the balance sheet date which do not affect the figures stated
in the financial statements would not normally require disclosure in the financial
statements although they may be of such significance that they may require a
disclosure in the report of the approving authority to enable users of financial
statements to make proper evaluations and decisions.
Dividend declared after balance sheet date
There are events which, although take place after the balance sheet date, are
sometimes reflected in the financial statements because of statutory requirements
or because of their special nature. For example, if dividends are declared after the
balance sheet date but before the financial statements are approved, the dividends
are not recognised as a liability at the balance sheet date because no obligation
exists at that time unless a statute requires otherwise. Such dividends are disclosed
in the notes. Thus, no liability for proposed dividends needs to be recognised in
financial statements for financial year ended 31 st March, 2017 and subsequent
years. Such proposed dividends are to be disclosed in the notes as per Companies
(Accounting Standards) Amendment Rules, 2016 issued on 30 March 2016.
Events indicating going concern assumption inappropriate
Events occurring after the balance sheet date may indicate that the enterprise
ceases to be a going concern. A deterioration in operating results and financial
position, or unusual changes affecting the existence or substratum of the enterprise
after the balance sheet date (e.g., destruction of a major production plant by a fire
after the balance sheet date) may indicate a need to consider whether it is proper
to use the fundamental accounting assumption of going concern in the preparation
of the financial statements. In case the going concern assumption is not valid
(based on events occurring after the balance sheet date), the financial statements
are prepared on a liquidation basis.
Disclosure of events occurring after the balance sheet date requires the following
information should be provided:
(a) The nature of the event;
(b) An estimate of the financial effect, or a statement that such an estimate
cannot be made.
A company follows April-March as its financial year. The company recognises cheques
dated 31st March or before, received from customers after balance sheet date but before
approval of financial statement by debiting Cheques in hand A/c and crediting the
Debtors A/c. The Cheques in hand is shown in balance sheet as an item of cash and cash
equivalents. All Cheques in hand are presented to bank in the month of April and are
also realised in the same month in normal course after deposit in the bank.
Even if the cheques bear the date 31 st March or before, the cheques received after 31 st
March do not represent any condition existing on 31 st March. Thus the collection of
cheques after balance sheet date is not an adjusting event. Recognition of cheques in
hand is therefore not consistent with requirements of AS 4 (Revised). Moreover, the
collection of cheques after balance sheet date does not represent any material change
or commitments affecting financial position of the enterprise, and so no disclosure of
such collections in the Directors’ Report is necessary.
It should also be noted that, the Framework for Preparation and Presentation of
Financial Statement defines assets as resources controlled by an enterprise as a result
of past events from which economic benefits are expected to flow to the enterprise.
Since the company acquires custody of the cheques after 31 st March, it does not have
any control over the cheques on 31 st March and hence cheques in hand do not qualify
to be recognised as asset on 31 st March.
Illustration 1
In X Co. Ltd., theft of cash of ` 5 lakhs by the cashier in January, 20X1 was detected
only in May, 20X1. The accounts of the company were not yet approved by the Board
of Directors of the company.
Whether the theft of cash has to be adjusted in the accounts of the company for the
year ended 31.3.20X1. Decide.
As per AS 4 (Revised) ‘Contingencies and Events occurring after the Balance Sheet
Date’, an event occurring after the balance sheet date may require adjustment to
the reported values of assets, liabilities, expenses or incomes.
If a fraud of the accounting period is detected after the balance sheet date but
before approval of the financial statements, it is necessary to recognise the loss
amounting ` 5,00,000 and adjust the accounts of the company for the year ended
31st March, 20X1.
Illustration 2
An earthquake destroyed a major warehouse of ACO Ltd. on 20.5.20X2. The
accounting year of the company ended on 31.3.20X2. The accounts were approved
on 30.6.20X2. The loss from earthquake is estimated at ` 30 lakhs. State with reasons,
whether the loss due to earthquake is an adjusting or non-adjusting event and how
the fact of loss is to be disclosed by the company.
AS 4 (Revised) “Contingencies and Events Occurring after the Balance Sheet Date”,
states that adjustments to assets and liabilities are not appropriate for events
occurring after the balance sheet date, if such events do not relate to conditions
existing at the balance sheet date. The destruction of warehouse due to earthquake
did not exist on the balance sheet date i.e. 31.3.20X2. Therefore, loss occurred due
to earthquake is not to be recognised in the financial year 20X1-20X2.
However, according to the standard, unusual changes affecting the existence or
substratum of the enterprise after the balance sheet date may indicate a need to
consider the use of fundamental accounting assumption of going concern in the
preparation of the financial statements. As per the information given in the
question, the earthquake has caused major destruction; therefore fundamental
accounting assumption of going concern would have to be evaluated. Considering
that the going concern assumption is still valid, the fact of earthquake together
with an estimated loss of ` 30 lakhs should be disclosed in the report of the
approving authority for financial year 20X1-X2 to enable users of financial
statements to make proper evaluations and decisions.
Illustration 3
A company has filed a legal suit against the debtor from whom ` 15 lakh is
recoverable as on 31.3.20X1. The chances of recovery by way of legal suit are not
good as per legal opinion given by the counsel in April, 20X1. Can the company
provide for full amount of ` 15 lakhs as provision for doubtful debts? Discuss.
As per AS 4 (Revised) “Contingencies and Events Occurring After the Balance Sheet
Date”, assets and liabilities should be adjusted for events occurring after the balance
sheet date that provide additional evidence to assist the estimation of amounts
relating to conditions existing at the balance sheet date. In the given case, company
should make the provision for doubtful debts, as legal suit has been filed on 31 st
March, 20X1 and the chances of recovery from the suit are not good. Though, the
actual result of legal suit will be known in future yet situation of non-recovery from
the debtors exists before finalisation of financial statements. Therefore, provision for
doubtful debts should be made for the year ended on 31 st March, 20X1.
Illustration 4
In preparing the financial statements of R Ltd. for the year ended 31st March, 20X1,
you come across the following information. State with reasons, how you would deal
Illustration 6
While preparing its final accounts for the year ended 31st March, 20X1 a company
made a provision for bad debts @ 5% of its total trade receivables. In the last week
of February, 20X1 a trade receivable for ` 2 lakhs had suffered heavy loss due to an
earthquake; the loss was not covered by any insurance policy. In April, 20X1 the trade
receivable became a bankrupt. Can the company provide for the full loss arising out
of insolvency of the trade receivable in the final accounts for the year ended 31st
March, 20X1?
As per Accounting Standard 4, Assets and Liabilities should be adjusted for events
occurring after the balance sheet date that provide additional evidence to assist
estimation of amounts relating to conditions existing at the balance sheet date.
So full provision for bad debt amounting to ` 2 lakhs should be made to cover the
loss arising due to the insolvency in the Final Accounts for the year ended 31 st
March, 20X1. It is because earthquake took place before the balance sheet date.
Had the earthquake taken place after 31 st March, 20X1, then this would have been
treated as non-adjusting event and only disclosure required as per AS 4 (Revised),
would have been sufficient.
Illustration 7
During the year 20X1-20X2, Raj Ltd. was sued by a competitor for ` 15 lakhs for
infringement of a trademark. Based on the advice of the company's legal counsel, Raj
Ltd. provided for a sum of ` 10 lakhs in its financial statements for the year ended
31st March, 20X2. On 18th May, 20X2, the Court decided in favour of the party alleging
infringement of the trademark and ordered Raj Ltd. to pay the aggrieved party a sum
of ` 14 lakhs. The financial statements were prepared by the company's management
on 30 th April, 20X2, and approved by the board on 30 th May, 20X2.
As per AS 4 (Revised), adjustments to assets and liabilities are required for events
occurring after the balance sheet date that provide additional information
materially affecting the determination of the amounts relating to conditions
existing at the balance sheet date.
In the given case, since Raj Ltd. was sued by a competitor for infringement of a
trademark during the year 20X1-X2 for which the provision was also made by it, the
decision of the Court on 18th May, 20X2, for payment of the penalty will constitute as
2.2 AS 5: Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Prior Period Items and
Changes in Accounting Policies
The objective of AS 5 is to prescribe the classification and disclosure of certain
items in the statement of profit and loss so that all enterprises prepare and present
such a statement on a uniform basis. This enhances the comparability of the
financial statements of an enterprise over time and with the financial statements of
other enterprises. Accordingly, AS 5 requires the classification and disclosure of
extraordinary and prior period items, and the disclosure of certain items within
profit or loss from ordinary activities. It also specifies the accounting treatment for
changes in accounting estimates and the disclosures to be made in the financial
statements regarding changes in accounting policies.
This Statement does not deal with the tax implications of extraordinary items, prior
period items, changes in accounting estimates, and changes in accounting policies
for which appropriate adjustments will have to be made depending on the
Pursuant to AS 29 ‘Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets’, becoming mandatory in respect of
accounting periods commencing on or after 1st April, 2004, all paragraphs of AS 4 (Revised) dealing with
contingencies stand withdrawn except to the extent they deal with impairment of assets not covered by any other
AS. However, as per the Companies (Accounting Standards) Amendment Rules, 2016–30 March 2016, all paragraphs
of this Standard that deal with contingencies are applicable only to the extent not covered by other Accounting
Standards prescribed by the Central Government. For example, the impairment of financial assets such as
impairment of receivables (commonly known as provision for bad and doubtful debts) is governed by this Standard .
(c) Exceptional items1: When items of income and expense within profit or loss
from ordinary activities are of such size, nature or incidence that their disclosure is
relevant to explain the performance of the enterprise for the period, the nature and
amount of such items should be disclosed separately.
Circumstances which may give rise to the separate disclosure of items of income
and expense include:
(a) The write-down of inventories to net realisable value as well as the reversal
of such write-downs
Ordinary Items
Changes in Accounting
Changes in Accounting
There is no such term as ‘exceptional item’ under AS 5 and Schedule III to the Companies Act,
2013, however, the same has been used for better understanding of the requirement. Students
may provide a suitable note in this regard in the examination.
would be the depreciation of sixth year and ` 40,000 depreciation charged by the
management in the sixth year will be considered as a prior period item.
As per AS 10 (Revised), Property, Plant and Equipment, residual value and the useful
life of an asset should be reviewed at least at each financial year-end and, if
expectations differ from previous estimates, the change should be accounted for
as a change in an accounting estimate in accordance with AS 5 ‘Net Profit or Loss
for the Period, Prior Period Items and Changes in Accounting Policies’.
The effect of a change in an accounting estimate should be included in the
determination of net profit or loss in:
(a) The period of the change, if the change affects the period only; or
(b) The period of the change and future periods, if the change affects both.
For example, a change in the estimate of the amount of bad debts is recognised
immediately and therefore affects only the current period. However, a change in
the estimated useful life of a depreciable asset affects the depreciation in the
current period and in each period during the remaining useful life of the asset.
The effect of a change in an accounting estimate should be classified using the
same classification in the statement of profit and loss as was used previously for
the estimate.
To ensure the comparability of financial statements of different periods, the effect
of a change in an accounting estimate which was previously included in the profit
or loss from ordinary activities is included in the same component of net profit or
loss. The effect of a change in an accounting estimate that was previously included
as an extraordinary item is reported as an extraordinary item.
The nature and amount of a change in an accounting estimate which has a material
effect in the current period, or which is expected to have a material effect in
subsequent periods, should be disclosed. If it is impracticable to quantify the
amount, this fact should be disclosed.
Accounting policies are the specific accounting principles and the methods of
applying those principles adopted by an enterprise in the preparation and
presentation of financial statements.
Accounting Policies can be changed only:
when the adoption of a different accounting policy is required by statute; or
profit and loss after determination of current net profit or loss. In either case, the
objective is to indicate the effect of such items on the current profit or loss.
It may be mentioned that it is an expense arising from the ordinary course of
business. Although abnormal in amount or infrequent in occurrence, such an
expense does not qualify an extraordinary item as per AS 5. For better
understanding, the fact that power bill is accounted for at provisional rates billed
by the state electricity board and final adjustment thereof is made as and when
final bill is received may be mentioned as an accounting policy.
Illustration 2
(i) During the year 20X1-20X2, a medium size manufacturing company wrote
down its inventories to net realisable value by ` 5,00,000. Is a separate
disclosure necessary?
(ii) A company signed an agreement with the Employees Union on 1.9.20X2 for
revision of wages with retrospective effect from 30.9.20X1. This would cost the
company an additional liability of ` 5,00,000 per annum. Is a disclosure
necessary for the amount paid in 20X2-X3?
(i) Although the case under consideration does not relate to extraordinary item,
but the nature and amount of such item may be relevant to users of financial
statements in understanding the financial position and performance of an
enterprise and in making projections about financial position and
performance. AS 5 on ‘Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Prior Period Items
and Changes in Accounting Policies’ states that:
“When items of income and expense within profit or loss from ordinary
activities are of such size, nature or incidence that their disclosure is relevant
to explain the performance of the enterprise for the period, the nature and
amount of such items should be disclosed separately.”
Circumstances which may require separate disclosure of items of income and
expense in accordance with AS 5 include the write-down of inventories to net
realisable value as well as the reversal of such write-downs.
(ii) It is given that revision of wages took place on 1st September, 20X2 with
retrospective effect from 30.9.20X1. Therefore wages payable for the half year
from 1.10.20X2 to 31.3.20X3 cannot be taken as an error or omission in the
AS 5 on ‘Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Prior Period Items and Changes in
Accounting Policies’, defines Prior Period items as "income or expenses which arise
in the current period as a result of errors or omissions in the preparation of the
financial statements of one or more prior periods”.
Rectification of error in inventory valuation is a prior period item vide AS 5. Separate
disclosure of this item as a prior period item is required as per AS 5.
Illustration 4
Explain whether the following will constitute a change in accounting policy or not as
per AS 5.
(i) Introduction of a formal retirement gratuity scheme by an employer in place of
ad hoc ex-gratia payments to employees on retirement.
(ii) Management decided to pay pension to those employees who have retired after
completing 5 years of service in the organisation. Such employees will get
pension of ` 20,000 per month. Earlier there was no such scheme of pension in
the organisation.
As per AS 5 ‘Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Prior Period Items and Changes in
Accounting Policies’, the adoption of an accounting policy for events or
transactions that differ in substance from previously occurring events or
transactions, will not be considered as a change in accounting policy.
(i) Accordingly, introduction of a formal retirement gratuity scheme by an
employer in place of ad hoc ex-gratia payments to employees on retirement
is not a change in an accounting policy.
(ii) Similarly, the adoption of a new accounting policy for events or transactions
which did not occur previously or that were immaterial will not be treated as
a change in an accounting policy.
Reference: The students are advised to refer the full text of AS 5” Net Profit or
Loss for the Period, Prior Period Items and Changes in Accounting Policies”.
In a fixed price contract, the price is agreed as fixed sum or a fixed rate per unit
of output. In some cases, the contract may require the customer to pay additional
sums to compensate the contractor against cost escalations.
A cost plus contract is a construction contract in which the contractor is
reimbursed for allowable or otherwise defined costs, plus percentage of these costs
or a fixed fee.
Percentage Completion Method
Construction contracts are mostly long term, i.e. they take more than one
accounting year to complete. This means, the final outcome (profit/ loss) of a
construction contract can be determined only after a number of years from the year
of commencement of construction are over. It is nevertheless possible to recognise
revenue annually in proportion of progress of work to be matched with
corresponding construction costs incurred in that year. This method of accounting,
called the stage of completion method (percentage completion method), provides
useful information on the extent of contract activity and performance during an
accounting period.
AS 7 prescribes that the percentage completion method should not be used unless
it is possible to make a reasonable estimate of the final outcome of the contract.
Also, AS 7 provides that whenever total contract cost is expected to exceed the
total contract revenue, the loss should be recognised as an expense immediately.
As per AS 7, the outcome of fixed price contracts can be estimated reliably when
all the following conditions are satisfied:
(i) total contract revenue can be measured reliably;
(ii) it is probable that the economic benefits associated with the contract will flow
to the enterprise;
(iii) both the contract costs to complete the contract and the stage of contract
completion at the reporting date can be measured reliably; and
(iv) the contract costs attributable to the contract can be clearly identified and
measured reliably so that actual contract costs incurred can be compared with
prior estimates.
The outcome of a cost plus contract can be estimated reliably when all the following
conditions are satisfied:
(i) it is probable that the economic benefits associated with the contract will flow
to the enterprise; and
(ii) the contract costs attributable to the contract, whether or not specifically
reimbursable, can be clearly identified and measured reliably.
Example 1 (The percentage completion method)
X Ltd. commenced a construction contract on 01/04/X1. The fixed contract price
agreed was ` 2,00,000. The company incurred ` 81,000 in 20X1-X2 for 45% work
and received ` 79,000 as progress payment from the customer. The cost incurred in
20X2-X3 was ` 89,000 to complete the rest of work.
Customer Account
AS 7 provides that the percentage completion method should not be applied if the
outcome of a construction contract cannot be estimated reliably. In such cases:
(a) revenue should be recognised only to the extent of contract costs incurred of
which recovery is probable; and
(b) contract costs should be recognised as an expense in the period in which they
are incurred.
When it is probable that total contract costs will exceed total contract revenue, the
expected loss on the construction contract should however be recognised as an
expense immediately.
When the uncertainties that prevented the outcome of the contract being
estimated reliably cease to exist, revenue and expenses associated with the
construction contract should be recognised by the percentage completion method.
Example 2
X Ltd. commenced a construction contract on 01/04/X1. The contract price agreed was
reimbursable cost plus 10%. The company incurred ` 1,00,000 in 20X1-X2, of which cost
of ` 90,000 is reimbursable. The further non-reimbursable costs to be incurred to
complete the contract are estimated at ` 5,000. The other costs to complete the contract
could not be estimated reliably.
The Profit & Loss A/c extract of X Ltd. for 20X1-X2 is shown below:
Profit & Loss Account
` 000 ` 000
By Contract Price
To Construction Costs 100 99
To Provision for loss 5 Net loss 6
105 105
Example 3
Show Profit & Loss A/c (Extract) in books of a contractor in respect of the following data.
` 000
Contract price (Fixed) 600
Cost incurred to date 390
Estimated cost to complete 260
` 000
A. Cost incurred to date 390
B. Estimate of cost to completion 260
C. Estimated total cost 650
D. Degree of completion (A/C) 60%
E. Revenue Recognised (60% of 600) 360
Total foreseeable loss (650 – 600) 50
Less: Loss for current year (E – A) (30)
Expected loss to be recognised immediately 20
` `
To Construction costs 390 By Contract Price 360
To Provision for loss 20 By Net Loss 50
410 410
(b) each asset has been subject to separate negotiation and the contractor and
customer have been able to accept or reject that part of the contract relating
to each asset; and
(c) the costs and revenues of each asset can be identified.
Therefore, XYZ Ltd. is required to treat construction of each unit as a separate
construction contract.
Contract Revenue and Costs
(a) Contract revenue should comprise:
(i) the initial amount of revenue agreed in the contract; and
(ii) variations in contract work, claims and incentive payments to the extent
that it is probable that they will result in revenue and they are capable
of being reliably measured.
(b) Contract costs should comprise:
(i) costs that relate directly to the specific contract;
(ii) costs that are attributable to contract activity in general and can be
allocated to the contract; and
(iii) such other costs as are specifically chargeable to the customer under
the terms of the contract.
1. Examples of costs that relate directly to a specific contract include:
(a) site labour costs, including site supervision
(b) costs of materials used in construction
(c) depreciation of plant and equipment used on the contract
(d) costs of moving plant, equipment and materials to and from the
contract site
(e) costs of hiring plant and equipment
(f) costs of design and technical assistance that is directly related to the
(g) the estimated costs of rectification and guarantee work, including
expected warranty costs
Contract Revenue
Contract Costs
Changes in Estimates
The percentage of completion method is applied on a cumulative basis in each
accounting period to the current estimates of contract revenue and contract costs.
Therefore, the effect of a change in the estimate of contract revenue or contract
costs, or the effect of a change in the estimate of the outcome of a contract, is
accounted for as a change in accounting estimate in accordance with AS 5. The
changed estimates are used in determination of the amount of revenue and
expenses recognised in the statement of profit and loss in the period in which the
change is made and in subsequent periods.
(a) An enterprise should disclose:
(i) the amount of contract revenue recognised as revenue in the period;
(ii) the methods used to determine the contract revenue recognised in the
period; and
(iii) the methods used to determine the stage of completion of contracts in
(b) An enterprise should disclose following in respect of contracts in progress at
the reporting date:
(i) the aggregate amount of costs incurred and recognised profits (less
recognised losses) upto the reporting date;
(ii) the amount of advances received; and
(iii) the amount of retentions.
Retentions are amounts of progress billings which are not paid
until the satisfaction of conditions specified in the contract for the
payment of such amounts or until defects have been rectified.
Particulars `
Illustration 1
A firm of contractors obtained a contract for construction of bridges across river
Revathi. The following details are available in the records kept for the year ended
31st March, 20X1.
(` in lakhs)
Total Contract Price 1,000
Work Certified for the cost incurred 500
Work yet not Certified for the cost incurred 105
Estimated further Cost to Completion 495
Progress Payment Received 400
To be Received 140
The firm seeks your advice and assistance in the presentation of accounts keeping in
view the requirements of AS 7 issued by your institute.
Illustration 2
On 1st December, 20X1, Vishwakarma Construction Co. Ltd. undertook a contract to
construct a building for ` 85 lakhs. On 31st March, 20X2, the company found that
it had already spent ` 64,99,000 on the construction. Prudent estimate of additional
cost for completion was ` 32,01,000. What amount should be recognized in the
statement of profit and loss for the year ended 31st March, 20X2 as per provisions of
Accounting Standard 7 (Revised)?
Cost incurred till 31 March, 20X2 64,99,000
Prudent estimate of additional cost for completion 32,01,000
Total cost of construction 97,00,000
Less: Contract price (85,00,000)
Total foreseeable loss 12,00,000
ii. Royalties: charges for the use of such assets as know-how, patents, trade
marks and copyrights. Revenue is recognized on an accrual basis in
accordance with the terms of the relevant agreement.
iii. Dividends: rewards from the holding of investments in shares. Revenue is
recognized when the owner’s right to receive payment is established.
Revenue arising from the use by others of enterprise resources yielding interest,
royalties and dividends should only be recognized when no significant uncertainty
as to measurability or collectability exists.
Revenue Recognition
transfer of
significant practically
risk & revenue is revenue is
recognised recognised when
rewards to
on SLM basis the final act is
the buyer
completed &
services are
An enterprise should disclose the circumstances in which revenue recognition has
been postponed pending the resolution of significant uncertainties.
The Board of Directors decided on 31.3.20X2 to increase the sale price of certain items
retrospectively from 1st January, 20X2. In view of this price revision with effect from
1st January 20X2, the company has to receive ` 15 lakhs from its customers in respect
of sales made from 1st January, 20X2 to 31st March, 20X2. Accountant cannot make
up his mind whether to include ` 15 lakhs in the sales for 20X1-20X2.Advise.
Price revision was effected during the current accounting period 20X1-20X2. As a
result, the company stands to receive ` 15 lakhs from its customers in respect of
sales made from 1st January, 20X2 to 31st March, 20X2. If the company is able to
assess the ultimate collection with reasonable certainty, then additional revenue
arising out of the said price revision may be recognized in 20X1-20X2.
Y Ltd., used certain resources of X Ltd. In return X Ltd. received ` 10 lakhs and ` 15
lakhs as interest and royalties respective from Y Ltd. during the year 20X1-X2. You
are required to state whether and on what basis these revenues can be recognized by
X Ltd.
As per AS 9 on Revenue Recognition, revenue arising from the use by others of
enterprise resources yielding interest and royalties should only be recognized when
no significant uncertainty as to measurability or collectability exists. These revenues
are recognized on the following bases:
(i) Interest: on a time proportion basis taking into account the amount
outstanding and the rate applicable. Therefore X Ltd. should recognize
interest revenue of ` 10 Lakhs
(ii) Royalties: on an accrual basis in accordance with the terms of the relevant
agreement. X Ltd. therefore should recognize royalty revenue of ` 15 Lakhs.
Illustration 3
A claim lodged with the Railways in March, 20X1 for loss of goods of ` 2,00,000 had
been passed for payment in March, 20X3 for ` 1,50,000. No entry was passed in the
books of the Company, when the claim was lodged. Advise P Co. Ltd. about the
treatment of the following in the Final Statement of Accounts for the year ended 31st
March, 20X3.
AS 9 on ‘Revenue Recognition’ states that where the ability to assess the ultimate
collection with reasonable certainty is lacking at the time of raising any claim,
revenue recognition is postponed to the extent of uncertainty involved. When
recognition of revenue is postponed due to the effect of uncertainties, it is
considered as revenue of the period in which it is properly recognised. In this case
it may be assumed that collectability of claim was not certain in the earlier periods.
This is supposed from the fact that only ` 1,50,000 were collected against a claim
of ` 2,00,000. So this transaction can not be taken as a Prior Period Item.
In the light of AS 5, it will not be treated as extraordinary item. However, AS 5
states that when items of income and expense within profit or loss from ordinary
activities are of such size, nature, or incidence that their disclosure is relevant to
explain the performance of the enterprise for the period, the nature and amount of
such items should be disclosed separately. Accordingly, the nature and amount of
this item should be disclosed separately.
Illustration 4
In the year 20X1-X2, XYZ supplied goods on Consignment basis to ABC – a retail
outlet worth `10,00,000. As per the terms, ABC will only pay XYZ for the goods
which are sold by them to the third party. Rest of the goods can be returned back
to XYZ and ABC will not have any further liability for these goods.
During the year 20X1-X2, ABC has sold goods worth ` 5,50,000 only and rest of the
goods are still lying in its store which may get sold by next year. Advise XYZ, how
much revenue it can recognize in its books for period 20X1-X2.
As per AS 9, For consignment risk and rewards are not transferred to the customer on
just delivery of the goods and no revenue should be recognized until the goods are
sold to a third party. Therefore, XYZ can recognize revenue of ` 5,50,000 only.
2.5 Accounting for Amalgamations (AS 14 (Revised)
AS 14 (Revised) deals with the accounting to be made in the books of Transferee
company in the case of amalgamation and the treatment of any resultant goodwill or
Types of amalgamations
Merger Purchase
other statutory reserve. The Act requires that the identity of the reserves should be
preserved for a specified period. Likewise, certain other reserves may have been
created in the financial statements of the transferor company in terms of the
requirements of other statutes. Though normally, in an amalgamation in the nature
of purchase, the identity of reserves is not preserved, an exception is made in
respect of reserves of the aforesaid nature (referred to hereinafter as ‘statutory
reserves’) and such reserves retain their identity in the financial statements of the
transferee company in the same form in which they appeared in the financial
statements of the transferor company, so long as their identity is required to be
maintained to comply with the relevant statute. This exception is made only in those
amalgamations where the requirements of the relevant statute for recording the
statutory reserves in the books of the transferee company are complied with.
In such cases the statutory reserves are recorded in the financial statements of the
transferee company by a corresponding debit to a suitable account head (e.g.,
‘Amalgamation Adjustment Reserve’) which is presented as a separate line item.
When the identity of the statutory reserves is no longer required to be maintained,
both the reserves and the aforesaid account are reversed.
The Standard gives a title, which reads as "Reserve". This gives rise to following
1. The corresponding debit is "also" to a Reserve Account
2. That Reserve account will show a negative balance
3. But it has to be shown as a separate line item - Which implies, that this debit
"cannot be set off against Statutory reserve taken over".
So the presentation will be as follows:
Notes to Accounts for “Reserves and Surplus”
For amalgamations accounted for under the pooling of interests method, the
following additional disclosures are considered appropriate in the first financial
statements following the amalgamation:
a. Description and number of shares issued, together with the percentage of
each company’s equity shares exchanged to effect the amalgamation;
b. The amount of any difference between the consideration and the value of net
identifiable assets acquired, and the treatment thereof.
For amalgamations accounted for under the purchase method, the following
additional disclosures are considered appropriate in the first financial statements
following the amalgamation:
a. Consideration for the amalgamation and a description of the consideration
paid or contingently payable; and
b. The amount of any difference between the consideration and the value of net
identifiable assets acquired, and the treatment thereof including the period
of amortisation of any goodwill arising on amalgamation.
Amalgamation after the Balance Sheet Date
When an amalgamation is effected after the balance sheet date but before the
issuance of the financial statements of either party to the amalgamation, disclosure
is made in accordance with AS 4, ‘Contingencies and Events Occurring After the
Balance Sheet Date’, but the amalgamation is not incorporated in the financial
statements. In certain circumstances, the amalgamation may also provide
additional information affecting the financial statements themselves, for instance,
by allowing the going concern assumption to be maintained.
Illustration 1
A Ltd. take over B Ltd. on April 01, 20X1 and discharges consideration for the business
as follows:
(i) Issued 42,000 fully paid equity shares of ` 10 each at par to the equity
shareholders of B Ltd.
(ii) Issued fully paid up 15% preference shares of ` 100 each to discharge the
preference shareholders ( ` 1,70,000) of B Ltd. at a premium of 10%.
(iii) It is agreed that the debentures of B Ltd. ( ` 50,000) will be converted into equal
number and amount of 13% debentures of A Ltd.
Particulars `
Equity Shares (42,000 x 10) 4,20,000
15% Preference Share Capital 1,70,000
Add: Premium on Redemption 17,000
Purchase Consideration 6,07,000
Note: As per AS 14, consideration for the amalgamation means the aggregate of
the shares and other securities issued and the payment made in the form of cash
or other assets by the transferee company to the shareholders of the transferor
company. Thus, payment to debenture holders are not covered by the term
Illustration 2
A Ltd. and B Ltd. were amalgamated on and from 1st April, 20X1. A new company C
Ltd. was formed to take over the business of the existing companies. A Ltd. and
B Ltd. have the following ledger balances as on 31st March, 20X1:
A Ltd. B Ltd.
(` in lakhs) (` in lakhs)
Land and Building 550 400
Plant and Machinery 350 250
Investments (Non-current) 150 50
Inventory 350 250
Trade Receivables 300 350
Cash and Bank 300 200
Share Capital:
Equity Shares of ` 100 each 800 750
12% Preference shares of ` 100 each 300 200
Reserves and Surplus:
Revaluation Reserve 150 100
General Reserve 170 150
II. Assets
(1) Non-current assets
(a)Property, Plant and Equipment 4 1,550
(b) Intangible assets 5 20
(c) Non-current investments 6 200
(2) Current assets
(a) Inventory (350 + 250) 600
(b) Trade receivables 7 650
(c) Cash and bank balances 500
(300 + 200)
Total 3,520
Notes to Accounts
(` in lakhs) (` in
1. Share Capital
Equity share capital (W.N.1)
70,00,0002 Equity shares of ` 10 each 700
5,00,000 Preference shares of ` 100 500
(all the above shares are allotted as fully 1,200
paid-up pursuant to contracts without
payment being received in cash)
2. Reserves and surplus
Securities Premium Account (W.N.3) 1,650
(950 + 700)
Investment Allowance Reserve (50 + 50) 100
Amalgamation Adjustment Reserve (100) 1,650
(50 + 50)
3. Long-term borrowings
15% Debentures 60
40,00,000 + 30,00,000
3,00,000 + 2,00,000
Working Notes:
(` in lakhs)
A Ltd. B Ltd.
(1) Computation of Purchase consideration
(a) Preference shareholders:
i.e. 3,00,000 shares × ` 150 each 450
i.e. 2,00,000 shares × ` 150 each 300
(b) Equity shareholders:
8,00,00,000 × 5
i.e. 40,00,000 shares × ` 30 each 1,200
7,50,00,000 × 4
i.e. 30,00,000 shares × ` 30 each _____ 900
Amount of Purchase Consideration 1,650 1,200
(2) Net Assets Taken Over
Assets taken over:
Land and Building 550 400
Plant and Machinery 350 250
Investments 150 50
Inventory 350 250
Trade receivables 300 350
Many enterprises provide groups of products and services or operate in
geographical areas that are subject to differing rates of profitability, opportunities
for growth, future prospects, and risks. The objective of this Standard is to establish
principles for reporting financial information, about the different types of products
and services an enterprise produces and the different geographical areas in which
it operates. Such information helps users of financial statements:
(a) Better understand the performance of the enterprise;
(b) Better assess the risks and returns of the enterprise; and
(c) Make more informed judgements about the enterprise as a whole.
AS 17 should be applied in presenting general purpose financial statements.
An enterprise should comply with the requirements of this Standard fully and not
selectively. If a single financial report contains both consolidated financial
statements and the separate financial statements of the parent, segment
information need be presented only on the basis of the consolidated financial
Definition of the terms used in the Accounting Standard
A business segment is a distinguishable component of an enterprise that is
engaged in providing an individual product or service or a group of related
products or services and that is subject to risks and returns that are different from
those of other business segments. Factors that should be considered in
determining whether products or services are related include:
a. The nature of the products or services
b. The nature of the production processes
c. The type or class of customers for the products or services
d. The methods used to distribute the products or provide the services
e. If applicable, the nature of the regulatory environment, for example, banking,
insurance, or public utilities
A single business segment does not include products and services with significantly
differing risks and returns. While there may be dissimilarities with respect to one or
several of the factors listed in the definition of business segment, the products and
services included in a single business segment are expected to be similar with
respect to a majority of the factors.
A geographical segment is a distinguishable component of an enterprise that is
engaged in providing products or services within a particular economic
environment and that is subject to risks and returns that are different from those
of components operating in other economic environments. Factors that should be
considered in identifying geographical segments include:
a. Similarity of economic and political conditions.
b. Relationships between operations in different geographical areas.
c. Proximity of operations.
d. Special risks associated with operations in a particular area.
e. Exchange control regulations and
f. The underlying currency risks.
A single geographical segment does not include operations in economic
environments with significantly differing risks and returns. A geographical segment
may be a single country, a group of two or more countries, or a region within a
The risks and returns of an enterprise are influenced both by the geographical
location of its operations (where its products are produced or where its service
rendering activities are based) and also by the location of its customers (where its
products are sold or services are rendered). The definition allows geographical
segments to be based on either:
a. The location of production or service facilities and other assets of an
enterprise; or
b. The location of its customers.
The predominant sources of risks affect how most enterprises are organised and
managed. Therefore, the organisational structure of an enterprise and its internal
financial reporting system are normally the basis for identifying its segments.
A reportable segment is a business segment or a geographical segment identified
on the basis of foregoing definitions for which segment information is required to
be disclosed by AS 17.
Such changes can have a significant impact on the segment information reported
but will not change aggregate financial information reported for the enterprise. To
enable users to understand the impact of such changes, this Standard requires the
disclosure of the nature of the change and the financial effects of the change, if
reasonably determinable.
An enterprise should indicate the types of products and services included in each
reported business segment and indicate the composition of each reported
geographical segment, both primary and secondary, if not otherwise disclosed in
the financial statements.
The Chief Accountant of Sports Ltd. gives the following data regarding its six
segments: ` in lakhs
Particulars M N O P Q R Total
Segment Assets 40 80 30 20 20 10 200
Segment Results 50 (190) 10 10 (10) 30 (100)
Segment Revenue 300 620 80 60 80 60 1,200
The Chief accountant is of the opinion that segments “M” and “N” alone should be
reported. Is he justified in his view? Discuss.
As per AS 17 ‘Segment Reporting’, a business segment or geographical segment
should be identified as a reportable segment if:
Its revenue from sales to external customers and from other transactions with other
segments is 10% or more of the total revenue- external and internal of all segments;
Its segment result whether profit or loss is 10% or more of:
The combined result of all segments in profit; or
The combined result of all segments in loss,
whichever is greater in absolute amount; or
Its segment assets are 10% or more of the total assets of all segments.
If the total external revenue attributable to reportable segments constitutes less
than 75% of total enterprise revenue, additional segments should be identified as
reportable segments even if they do not meet the 10% thresholds until atleast 75%
of total enterprise revenue is included in reportable segments.
On the basis of turnover criteria segments M and N are reportable segments.
On the basis of the result criteria, segments M, N and R are reportable segments
(since their results in absolute amount is 10% or more of ` 200 lakhs).
On the basis of asset criteria, all segments except R are reportable segments.
Since all the segments are covered in at least one of the above criteria all segments
have to be reported upon in accordance with Accounting Standard (AS) 17. Hence,
the opinion of chief accountant is wrong.
Illustration 2
A Company has an inter-segment transfer pricing policy of charging at cost less 10%.
The market prices are generally 25% above cost. Is the policy adopted by the company
AS 17 ‘Segment Reporting’ requires that inter-segment transfers should be
measured on the basis that the enterprise actually used to price these transfers.
The basis of pricing inter-segment transfers and any change therein should be
disclosed in the financial statements. Hence, the enterprise can have its own policy
for pricing inter-segment transfers and hence, inter-segment transfers may be
based on cost, below cost or market price. However, whichever policy is followed,
the same should be disclosed and applied consistently. Therefore, in the given case
inter-segment transfer pricing policy adopted by the company is correct if, followed
Illustration 3
M/s XYZ Ltd. has three segments namely X, Y, Z. The total Assets of the Company are
` 10.00 crores. Segment X has ` 2.00 crores, segment Y has ` 3.00 crores and segment
Z has ` 5.00 crores. Deferred tax assets included in the assets of each segments are
X- ` 0.50 crores, Y— ` 0.40 crores and Z— ` 0.30 crores. The accountant contends
that all the three segments are reportable segments. Comment.
According to AS 17 “Segment Reporting”, segment assets do not include income
tax assets. Therefore, the revised total assets are ` 8.8 crores [` 10 crores – (` 0.5 +
` 0.4 + ` 0.3)]. Segment X holds total assets of ` 1.5 crores (` 2 crores – ` 0.5 crores);
Segment Y holds ` 2.6 crores (` 3 crores – ` 0.4 crores); and Segment Z holds ` 4.7
crores (` 5 crores – ` 0.3 crores). Thus all the three segments hold more than 10%
of the total assets, all segments are reportable segments.
Illustration 4
Prepare a segmental report for publication in Diversifiers Ltd. from the following
details of the company’s three divisions and the head office:
` (‘000)
Forging Shop Division
Sales to Bright Bar Division 4,575
Other Domestic Sales 90
Export Sales 6,135
Bright Bar Division
Sales to Fitting Division 45
Export Sales to Rwanda 300
Fitting Division
Export Sales to Maldives 270
Diversifiers Ltd.
Segmental Report
(` ’000)
Reference: The students are advised to refer the full text of AS 17 “Segment
AS 18 deals only with related party relationships described in (a) to (e) below:
a. Enterprises that directly, or indirectly through one or more intermediaries,
control, or are controlled by, or are under common control with, the reporting
enterprise (this includes holding companies, subsidiaries and fellow
b. Associates and joint ventures of the reporting enterprise and the investing
party or venturer in respect of which the reporting enterprise is an associate
or a joint venture.
c. Individuals owning, directly or indirectly, an interest in the voting power of
the reporting enterprise that gives them control or significant influence over
the enterprise, and relatives of any such individual.
d. Key management personnel and relatives of such personnel and
e. Enterprises over which any person described in (c) or (d) is able to exercise
significant influence. This includes enterprises owned by directors or major
shareholders of the reporting enterprise and enterprises that have a member
of key management in common with the reporting enterprise.
In the context of AS 18, the following are deemed not to be related parties:
a. Two companies simply because they have a director in common (unless the
director is able to affect the policies of both companies in their mutual
b. A single customer, supplier, franchiser, distributor, or general agent with
whom an enterprise transacts a significant volume of business merely by
virtue of the resulting economic dependence and
c. The parties listed below, in the course of their normal dealings with an
enterprise by virtue only of those dealings (although they may circumscribe
the freedom of action of the enterprise or participate in its decision-making
(i) Providers of finance
(ii) Trade unions
(iii) Public utilities
(iv) Government departments and government agencies including
government sponsored bodies
(a) ownership, directly or indirectly, of more than one half of the voting power
of an enterprise, or
(b) control of the composition of the board of directors in the case of a company
or of the composition of the corresponding governing body in case of any
other enterprise, or
(c) a substantial interest in voting power and the power to direct, by statute or
agreement, the financial and/or operating policies of the enterprise.
Illustration 1
Identify the related parties in the following cases as per AS 18
A Ltd. holds 51% of B Ltd.
B Ltd holds 51% of O Ltd.
Z Ltd holds 49% of O Ltd.
Reporting entity- A Ltd.
B Ltd. (subsidiary) is a related party
O Ltd.(subsidiary) is a related party
Reporting entity- B Ltd.
A Ltd. (holding company) is a related party
O Ltd. (subsidiary) is a related party
Reporting entity- O Ltd.
A Ltd. (holding company) is a related party
B Ltd. (holding company) is a related party
Z Ltd. (investor/ investing party) is a related party
Reporting entity- Z Ltd.
O Ltd. (associate) is a related party
Key Management Personnel: Those persons who have the authority and
responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the reporting
For example, in the case of a company, the managing directors, whole time
directors, manager and any person in accordance with whose directions or
instructions the board of directors of the company is accustomed to act, are usually
considered key management personnel.
A non-executive director of a company should not be considered as a key
management person by virtue of merely his being a director unless he has the
authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of
the reporting enterprise.
The requirements of AS 18 should not be applied in respect of a non-executive
director even if he participates in the financial and/or operating policy decision of
the enterprise, unless he falls in any of the categories of ‘related party relationships’
discussed above.
Relative: In relation to an individual, means the spouse, son, daughter, brother,
sister, father and mother who may be expected to influence, or be influenced by,
that individual in his/her dealings with the reporting enterprise.
Joint Venture - a contractual arrangement whereby two or more parties undertake
an economic activity which is subject to joint control.
Joint Control– the contractually agreed sharing of power to govern the financial
and operating policies of an economic activity so as to obtain benefits from it.
Holding Company– a company having one or more subsidiaries.
Subsidiary - a company:
(a) in which another company (the holding company) holds, either by itself
and/or through one or more subsidiaries, more than one-half, in nominal
value of its equity share capital; or
(b) of which another company (the holding company) controls, either by itself
and/or through one or more subsidiaries, the composition of its board of
Fellow subsidiary– a company is considered to be a fellow subsidiary of another
company if both are subsidiaries of the same holding company.
Name of the related party and nature of the related party relationship where control
exists should be disclosed irrespective of whether or not there have been
transactions between the related parties.
This is to enable users of financial statements to form a view about the effects of
related party relationships on the enterprise.
If there have been transactions between related parties, during the existence of a
related party relationship, the reporting enterprise should disclose the following:
(i) The name of the transacting related party;
(ii) A description of the relationship between the parties;
(iii) A description of the nature of transactions;
(iv) Volume of the transactions either as an amount or as an appropriate
(v) Any other elements of the related party transactions necessary for an
understanding of the financial statements;
(vi) The amounts or appropriate proportions of outstanding items pertaining to
related parties at the balance sheet date and provisions for doubtful debts
due from such parties at that date;
(vii) Amounts written off or written back in the period in respect of debts due from
or to related parties.
Items of a similar nature may be disclosed in aggregate by type of related party
except when separate disclosure is necessary for an understanding of the effects of
related party transactions on the financial statements of the reporting enterprise.
Remuneration paid to key management personnel should be considered as a
related party transaction requiring disclosures. In case non-executive directors on
the Board of Directors are not related parties, remuneration paid to them should
not be considered a related party transaction.
Narmada Ltd. sold goods for ` 90 lakhs to Ganga Ltd. during financial year ended
31-3-20X1. The Managing Director of Narmada Ltd. own 100% of Ganga Ltd. The
sales were made to Ganga Ltd. at normal selling prices followed by Narmada Ltd.
The Chief accountant of Narmada Ltd contends that these sales need not require a
different treatment from the other sales made by the company and hence no
disclosure is necessary as per the accounting standard. Is the Chief Accountant
As per AS 18 ‘Related Party Disclosures’, Enterprises over which a key management
personnel is able to exercise significant influence are related parties. This includes
enterprises owned by directors or major shareholders of the reporting enterprise
and enterprise that have a member of key management in common with the
reporting enterprise.
In the given case, Narmada Ltd. and Ganga Ltd are related parties and hence
disclosure of transaction between them is required irrespective of whether the
transaction was done at normal selling price.
Hence the contention of Chief Accountant of Narmada Ltd is wrong.
2.8 AS 19: Leases
The objective of AS 19 is to prescribe, for lessees and lessors, the appropriate
accounting policies and disclosures in relation to finance leases and operating
A Lease is an agreement whereby the Lessor (legal owner of an asset) conveys to
the Lessee (another party) in return for a payment or series of periodic payments
(Lease rents), the right to use an asset for an agreed period of time.
Applicability of AS 19
The standard applies to all leases other than:
(a) lease agreements to explore for or use of natural resources, such as oil, gas,
timber metals and other mineral rights; and
(b) licensing agreements for items such as motion picture films, video recordings,
plays, manuscripts, patents and copyrights; and
(c) lease agreements to use lands
A non-cancellable lease is a lease that is cancellable only:
(a) upon the occurrence of some remote contingency; or
(b) with the permission of the lessor; or
(c) if the lessee enters into a new lease for the same or an equivalent asset with
the same lessor; or
(d) upon payment by the lessee of an additional amount such that, at inception,
continuation of the lease is reasonably certain.
The lease term is the non-cancellable period for which the lessee has agreed to
take on lease the asset together with any further periods for which the lessee has
the option to continue the lease of the asset, with or without further payment,
which option at the inception of the lease it is reasonably certain that the lessee
will exercise.
The inception of the lease is the earlier of the date of the lease agreement and
the date of a commitment by the parties to the principal provisions of the leas e.
Minimum lease payments are the payments over the lease term that the lessee is,
or can be required, to make excluding contingent rent, costs for services and taxes
to be paid by and reimbursed to the lessor, together with:
(a) in the case of the lessee, any residual value guaranteed by or on behalf of the
lessee; or
(b) in the case of the lessor, any residual value guaranteed to the lessor:
(i) by or on behalf of the lessee; or
(ii) by an independent third party financially capable of meeting this
However, if the lessee has an option to purchase the asset at a price which is
expected to be sufficiently lower than the fair value at the date the option becomes
exercisable that, at the inception of the lease, is reasonably certain to be exercised,
the minimum lease payments comprise minimum payments payable over the lease
term and the payment required to exercise this purchase option.
Fair value is the amount for which an asset could be exchanged or a liability settled
between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm’s length transaction.
Economic life is either:
(a) the period over which an asset is expected to be economically usable by one
or more users; or
(b) the number of production or similar units expected to be obtained from the
asset by one or more users.
Useful life of a leased asset is either:
(a) the period over which the leased asset is expected to be used by the lessee;
(b) the number of production or similar units expected to be obtained from the
use of the asset by the lessee.
Residual value of a leased asset is the estimated fair value of the asset at the end
of the lease term.
Guaranteed residual value is:
(a) in the case of the lessee, that part of the residual value which is guaranteed
by the lessee or by a party on behalf of the lessee (the amount of the
guarantee being the maximum amount that could, in any event, become
payable); and
(b) in the case of the lessor, that part of the residual value which is guaranteed
by or on behalf of the lessee, or by an independent third party who is
financially capable of discharging the obligations under the guarantee.
Unguaranteed residual value of a leased asset is the amount by which the residual
value of the asset exceeds its guaranteed residual value.
Gross investment in the lease is the aggregate of the minimum lease payments
under a finance lease from the standpoint of the lessor and any unguaranteed
residual value accruing to the lessor.
Unearned finance income is the difference between:
(a) the gross investment in the lease; and
(b) the present value of
(i) the minimum lease payments under a finance lease from the standpoint
of the lessor; and
(ii) any unguaranteed residual value accruing to the lessor,
at the interest rate implicit in the lease.
Net investment in the lease is the gross investment in the lease less unearned
finance income.
The interest rate implicit in the lease is the discount rate that, at the inception of
the lease, causes the aggregate present value of
(a) the minimum lease payments under a finance lease from the standpoint of
the lessor; and
(b) any unguaranteed residual value accruing to the lessor, to be equal to the fair
value of the leased asset.
The lessee’s incremental borrowing rate of interest is the rate of interest the
lessee would have to pay on a similar lease or, if that is not determinable, the rate
that, at the inception of the lease, the lessee would incur to borrow over a similar
term, and with a similar security, the funds necessary to purchase the asset.
Contingent rent is that portion of the lease payments that is not fixed in amount
but is based on a factor other than just the passage of time (e.g., percentage of
sales, amount of usage, price indices, market rates of interest).
Types of leases
For accounting purposes, leases are classified as:
(i) Finance leases; and
(ii) Operating leases.
Finance lease - A lease classified as Finance Lease if it transfers substantially all the
risks and rewards incident to ownership of an asset. Title may or may not be
eventually transferred.
Operating Lease -A lease is classified as an Operating Lease if it does not transfer
substantially all the risk and rewards incident to ownership.
Whether a lease is a finance lease or an operating lease depends on the substance
of the transaction rather than its form
Indicators of Finance Lease
Situations, which would normally lead to a lease being classified as a finance lease
(a) The lease transfers ownership of the asset to the lessee by the end of the
lease term;
(b) The lessee has the option to purchase the asset at a price which is expected
to be sufficiently lower than the fair value at the date the option becomes
exercisable such that, at the inception of the lease, it is reasonably certain
that the option will be exercised;
Example - Mr. A has taken a car on lease for 5 years from XYZ. After 5 years
of lease term Mr. A has the option to purchase this car for ` 20,000, whereas
it is assumed the car market value at the end of 5 th year would be ` 2,00,000.
Considering the option to buy it at bargain price, it is reasonably certain that
Mr. A would exercise that option.
(c) The lease term is for the major part of the economic life of the asset even if
title is not transferred;
Example - XYZ has taken a property on lease for 32 years from ABC, expected
economic life of the property is 40 years. Since XYZ is going to use the asset
over major part of its economic life (80% in this case), it will meet the
condition to be treated as finance lease.
(d) At the inception of the lease, present value of the minimum lease payments
amounts to at least substantially all of the fair value of the leased asset; and
(e) The leased asset is of a specialized nature such that only the lessee can use it
without major modifications being made.
Example – PQR, a hospital ordered 10 ambulances, specially designed as per
the requirement of PQR. These ambulances are taken on lease and it cannot
be used by anyone else without and major modifications. This would meet
the condition of finance lease.
Additional Indicators of situations which individually or in combination could also
lead to a lease being classified as a finance lease are:
(a) If the lessee can cancel the lease and the lessor’s losses associated with the
cancellation are borne by the lessee;
(b) If gains or losses from the fluctuations in the residual value accrue to the
lessee (for example if the lessor agrees to allow rent rebate equaling most of
the disposal value of leased asset at the end of the lease); and
(c) If the lessee can continue the lease for a secondary period at a rent, which is
substantially lower than market rent.
Lease classification is made at the inception of the lease. If at any time the lessee
and the lessor agree to change the provisions of the lease, other than by renewing
the lease, in a manner that would have resulted in a different classification of the
lease had the changed terms been in effect at the inception of the lease, the revised
agreement is considered as a new agreement over its revised term.
Changes in estimates (for example, changes in estimates of the economic life or of
the residual value of the leased asset) or changes in circumstances (for example,
default by the lessee), however, do not give rise to a new classification of a lease
for accounting purposes.
The interest rate implicit on lease can be computed by trial and error, provided the
information required, e.g. the unguaranteed residual value can be reasonably
Example 1
Annual lease rents = ` 50,000 at the end of each year.
Lease period = 5 years;
Guaranteed residual value = ` 25,000
Unguaranteed residual value (UGR) = ` 15,000
Fair Value at the inception (beginning) of lease = ` 2,00,000
Interest rate implicit on lease is computed below:
Interest rate implicit on lease is a discounting rate at which present value of minimum
lease payments and unguaranteed residual value is ` 2 lakhs.
PV of minimum lease payments and unguaranteed residual value at guessed rate 10%
Year DF (14%)
` `
1 50,000 0.877 43,850
2 50,000 0.769 38,450
3 50,000 0.675 33,750
4 50,000 0.592 29,600
5 50,000 0.519 25,950
5 25,000 0.519 12,975
5 15,000 0.519 7,785
Example 2
Annual lease rents = ` 50,000 at the end of each year.
Lease period = 5 years;
Guaranteed residual value = ` 25,000
Unguaranteed residual value (UGR) = ` 15,000
Fair Value at the inception (beginning) of lease = ` 2,00,000
Interest rate implicit on lease is =12.6%
DF (12.6%)
` `
1 50,000 0.890 44,500
2 50,000 0.790 39,500
3 50,000 0.700 35,000
4 50,000 0.622 31,100
5 50,000 0.552 27,600
5 25,000 0.552 13,800
The difference between this figure and finance charge [66,763×12.6%=8412] is due to
approximation in computation.
` `
Asset A/c Dr. 2,00,000
To Lessor (Lease Liability) 2,00,000
(Being recognition of finance lease as asset and liability)
Since the liability is recognised at fair value ` 2 lakh (total principal), we need to
ascertain a discounting rate at which present value minimum lease payments equals
` 2 lakh. The discounting rate can then be used for allocation of finance charge over
lease period.
PV of minimum lease payments at guessed rate 12%
12% 10%
Required discounting rate = 10%+ 2,05,025 2,00,000 10.95%
2,05,025 1,94,425
Accounting entries in year 1 to recognise the finance charge in books of lessee are
suggested below:
` `
Finance Charge A/c Dr. 21,900
To Lessor 21,900
(Being finance charge due for the year)
Lessor Dr. 50,000
To Bank A/c 50,000
(Being payment of lease rent for the year)
P & L A/c Dr. 21,900
To Finance Charge 21,900
(Being recognition of finance charge as expense for the
Illustration 1
S. Square Private Limited has taken machinery on finance lease from S.K. Ltd. The
information is as under:
Lease term = 4 years
The difference between this figure & finance charge [67,753×10.95% = 7418] is due to
approximation in computation
Present value of minimum lease payments ` 18,55,850 is less than fair value at the
inception of lease i.e. ` 20,00,000, therefore, the asset and corresponding lease
liability should be recognised at ` 18,55,850 as per AS 19.
Minimum Lease Payment of 4 th year includes guaranteed residual value amounting
` 1,25,000.
In a finance lease, the lessor recognises the net investment in lease (which is usually
equal to fair value, i.e. usual market price of the asset, as shown below) as receivable
by debiting the Lessee A/c.
Gross investment in Lease (GIL)
= Minimum Lease Payments (MLP) + Unguaranteed Residual value (UGR)
Net investment in Lease (NIL)
= Gross investment in Lease (GIL) – Unearned Finance Income (UFI).
Unearned finance income (UFI) = GIL – (PV of MLP + PV of UGR)
The discounting rate for the above purpose is the rate of interest implicit in the
From the definition of interest rate implicit on lease:
(PV of MLP + PV of UGR) = Fair Value.
The above definitions imply that:
(a) Unearned Finance Income (UFI) = GIL – Fair Value
(b) Net Investment in Lease = GIL – UFI = GIL – (GIL – Fair Value) = Fair Value
Since the sale and receivables are recognised at net investment in lease, which is
equal to fair value: Profit recognised at the inception of lease = Fair Value – Cost
Total earning of lessor = GIL – Cost
The constant periodic return is the rate used for discounting, i.e. either the interest
rate implicit on lease or the commercial rate of interest.
Initial Direct Costs
Initial direct costs, such as commissions and legal fees, are often incurred by lessors in
negotiating and arranging a lease. For finance leases, these initial direct costs are
incurred to produce finance income and are either recognised immediately in the
statement of profit and loss or allocated against the finance income over the lease term.
Review of unguaranteed residual value by lessor
AS 19 requires a lessor to review unguaranteed residual value used in computing
the gross investment in lease regularly. In case any reduction in the estimated
unguaranteed residual value is identified, the income allocation over the remaining
lease term is to be revised. Also, any reduction in respect of income already accrued
is to be recognised immediately. An upward adjustment of the estimated residual
value is not made.
Illustration 2
Prakash Limited leased a machine to Badal Limited on the following terms:
(` In lakhs)
(i) Fair value of the machine 48.00
(ii) Lease term 5 years
(iii) Lease rental per annum 8.00
(iv) Guaranteed residual value 1.60
(v) Expected residual value 3.00
(vi) Internal rate of return 15%
Discounted rates for 1 st year to 5th year are 0.8696, 0.7561, 0.6575, 0.5718, and
0.4972 respectively.
unguaranteed residual value accruing to the lessor, at the interest rate implicit in
the lease.
(a) Gross investment in the lease is the aggregate of (i) minimum lease
payments from the stand point of the lessor and (ii) any unguaranteed
residual value accruing to the lessor.
Gross investment = Minimum lease payments + Unguaranteed residual
= [Total lease rent + Guaranteed residual value (GRV)] + Unguaranteed residual
value (URV)
= [(` 8,00,000 5 years) + ` 1,60,000] + ` 1,40,000 = ` 43,00,000 (a)
(b) Table showing present value of (i) Minimum lease payments (MLP) and
(ii) Unguaranteed residual value (URV).
payment patterns do not reflect the pattern of benefit derived by the lessee from
the use of leased asset. To have better matching between revenue and costs, AS 19
requires lessees to recognise operating lease payments as expense in the statement
of profit and loss on a straight line basis over the lease term unless another
systematic basis is more representative of the time pattern of the user's benefit.
Example - Suppose outputs from a machine taken on a 3 year operating lease are
estimated as 10,000 units in year 1,20,000 units in year 2 and 50,000 units in year 3.
The agreed annual lease payments are ` 25,000, ` 45,000 and ` 50,000 respectively.
The total lease payment ` 1,20,000 in this example should be recognised in
proportion of output as ` 15,000 in year 1, ` 30,000 in year 2 and ` 75,000 in year
3. The difference between lease rent due and lease rent recognised can be debited /
credited to Lease Equalisation A/c.
The accounting entries for year 1 in books of lessee are suggested below:
` `
Lease Rent A/c Dr. 15,000
Lease Equalization A/c Dr. 10,000
To Lessor 25,000
(Being lease rent for the year due)
Lessor Dr. 25,000
To Bank A/c 25,000
(Being payment of lease rent for the year)
P & L A/c Dr. 15,000
To Lease Rent A/c 15,000
(Being recognition of lease rent as expense for the year)
Since total lease rent due and recognised must be same, the Lease Equalisation A/c
will close in the terminal year. Till then, the balance of Lease Equalisation A/c can
be shown in the balance sheet under "Current Assets" or Current Liabilities"
depending on the nature of balance.
Disclosures by lessees
The paragraph 25 requires lessees to make following disclosures for operating
(a) the total of future minimum lease payments under non-cancelable operating
leases for each of the following periods:
(iv) The impairment losses on assets given on operating leases are determined
and treated as per AS 28 4.
A manufacturer or dealer lessor should recognise the asset given on operating lease
as fixed asset in their books by debiting concerned Fixed Asset A/c and crediting
Cost of Production / Purchase at cost. No selling profit should be recognised on
entering into operating lease, because such leases are not equivalents of sales .
Suppose outputs from a machine of economic life of 6 years are estimated as 10,000
units in year 1, 20,000 units in year 2 and 30,000 units in year 3, 40,000 units in year
4, 20,000 units in year 5 and 5,000 units in year 6. The machine was given on 3 -year
operating lease by a dealer of the machine for equal annual lease rentals to yield
20% profit margin on cost ` 5,00,000. Straight-line depreciation in proportion of
output is considered appropriate.
60,000 units
= ` 6 lakhs = ` 2.88 lakhs
1,25,000 units
` `
Machine given on Operating Lease Dr. 5,00,000
To Purchase 5,00,000
(Being machine given on operating lease brought into
Lessee Dr. 96,000
Students may note that AS 28 is not covered in syllabus of Intermediate paper 5 Advanced
Since total lease rent due and recognised must be same, the Lease Equalisation A/c
will close in the terminal year. Till then, the balance of Lease Equalisation A/c can be
shown in the balance sheet under "Current Assets" or Current Liabilities" depending
on the nature of balance.
Disclosures by lessors
As per AS 19, the lessor should, in addition to the requirements of AS 10 (Revised)
and the governing statute, make the following disclosures for operating leases:
(a) for each class of assets, the gross carrying amount, the accumulated depreciation
and accumulated impairment losses at the balance sheet date; and
(i) the depreciation recognised in the statement of profit and loss for the
(ii) impairment losses recognised in the statement of profit and loss for the
(iii) impairment losses reversed in the statement of profit and loss for the
(b) the future minimum lease payments under non-cancelable operating leases
in the aggregate and for each of the following periods:
(i) not later than one year;
(ii) later than one year and not later than five years;
(iii) later than five years;
(c) total contingent rents recognised as income in the statement of profit and
loss for the period;
(d) a general description of the lessor ’s significant leasing arrangements; and
(e) accounting policy adopted in respect of initial direct costs.
Note: The Level II and Level III non-corporate entities (and SMCs) need not make
disclosures required by (b) and (d) above.
Sale and Leaseback
The basis of a sale and leaseback agreement is simply that one sells an asset for
cash and then leases it back from the buyer. The asset subject to such sale and
leaseback agreement is generally property. Under such an agreement the property
owner agrees to sell the property at an agreed valuation and lease it back from the
buyer. The lessee or seller receives cash immediately and makes periodic payment
in form of lease rents for right to use the property. The lease payments and the sale
price are generally interdependent as they are negotiated as a package. The
accounting treatment of a sale and lease back depends upon the type of lease
involved. Accounting treatment of profits / losses on sale of asset, as required by
the standard in respect of sale and lease-back transactions, are summarised below.
Where sale and leaseback results in finance lease
The excess or deficiency of sales proceeds over the carrying amount should be
deferred and amortised over the lease term in proportion to the depreciation of
the leased asset.
Where sale and leaseback results in operating lease
Case 1: Sale price = Fair Value
Profit or loss should be recognised immediately.
Case 2: Sale Price < Fair Value
Profit and loss should be recognised immediately. However if the loss is
compensated by future lease payments at below market price, it should be deferred
and amortised in proportion to the lease payments over the period for which the
asset is expected to be used.
Case 3: Sale Price > Fair Value
The excess over fair value should be deferred and amortised over the period for
which the asset is expected to be used.
Illustration 3
A Ltd. sold machinery having WDV of ` 40 lakhs to B Ltd. for ` 50 lakhs and the same
machinery was leased back by B Ltd. to A Ltd. The lease back is operating lease.
Comment if –
(a) Sale price of ` 50 lakhs is equal to fair value.
(b) Fair value is ` 60 lakhs.
(c) Fair value is ` 45 lakhs and sale price is ` 38 lakhs.
(d) Fair value is ` 40 lakhs and sale price is ` 50 lakhs.
(e) Fair value is ` 46 lakhs and sale price is ` 50 lakhs
(f) Fair value is ` 35 lakhs and sale price is ` 39 lakhs.
Following will be the treatment in the given cases:
(a) When sales price of ` 50 lakhs is equal to fair value, A Ltd. should immediately
recognise the profit of ` 10 lakhs (i.e. 50 – 40) in its books.
(b) When fair value is ` 60 lakhs then also profit of ` 10 lakhs should be
immediately recognised by A Ltd.
(c) When fair value of leased machinery is ` 45 lakhs & sales price is ` 38 lakhs,
then loss of ` 2 lakhs (40 – 38) to be immediately recognised by A Ltd. in its
books provided loss is not compensated by future lease payment.
(d) When fair value is ` 40 lakhs & sales price is ` 50 lakhs then, profit of ` 10
lakhs is to be deferred and amortised over the lease period.
(e) When fair value is ` 46 lakhs & sales price is ` 50 lakhs, profit of ` 6 lakhs (46
- 40) to be immediately recognised in its books and balance profit of ` 4 lakhs
(50-46) is to be amortised/deferred over lease period.
(f) When fair value is ` 35 lakhs & sales price is ` 39 lakhs, then the loss of ` 5
lakhs (40-35) to be immediately recognised by A Ltd. in its books and profit
of ` 4 lakhs (39-35) should be amortised/deferred over lease period.
2.9 AS 20: Earnings per Share
The objective of AS 20 is to describe principles for determination and presentation
of earnings per share which will improve comparison of performance among
different enterprises for the same period and among different accounting periods
for the same enterprise.
Earnings per share (EPS) is a financial ratio indicating the amount of profit or loss
for the period attributable to each equity share and AS 20 gives computational
methodology for determination and presentation of basic and diluted earnings per
This Accounting Standard is mandatory for all companies. However, disclosure of
diluted earnings per share (both including and excluding extraordinary items) is not
mandatory for SMCs. Such companies are however encouraged to make these
In consolidated financial statements, the information required by AS 20 should be
presented on the basis of consolidated information.
Definition of the terms used in AS 20
An equity share is a share other than a preference share.
A preference share is a share carrying preferential rights to dividends and
repayment of capital.
A financial instrument is any contract that gives rise to both a financial asset of
one enterprise and a financial liability or equity shares of another enterprise.
A financial asset is any asset that is
a. Cash;
b. A contractual right to receive cash or another financial asset from another
c. A contractual right to exchange financial instruments with another enterprise
under conditions that are potentially favourable; or
Earnings- Basic
All items of income and expense which are recognised in a period, including tax
expense and extraordinary items, are included in the determination of the net profit
or loss for the period unless AS 5 requires or permits otherwise.
The amount of preference dividends and any attributable tax thereto for the period
is deducted from the net profit for the period (or added to the net loss for the
period) in order to calculate the net profit or loss for the period attributable to
equity shareholders.
The amount of preference dividends for the period that is deducted from the net
profit for the period is:
a. The amount of any preference dividends on non-cumulative preference
shares provided for in respect of the period; and
b. The full amount of the required preference dividends for cumulative
preference shares for the period, whether or not the dividends have been
provided for. The amount of preference dividends for the period does not
include the amount of any preference dividends for cumulative preference
shares paid or declared during the current period in respect of previous
If an enterprise has more than one class of equity shares, net profit or loss for the
period is apportioned over the different classes of shares in accordance with their
dividend rights.
Per share- Basic
The number of shares used in the denominator for basic EPS should be the
weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the period.
The weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the period is
the number of shares outstanding at the beginning of the period, adjusted by the
number of equity shares bought back or issued during the period multiplied by a
time-weighting factor.
The time-weighting factor is:
Numbers of days the shares are outstanding
Number of days in the period
Although the Standard defines the time-weighting factor as being determined on
a daily basis, it acknowledges that a reasonable approximation of the weighted
average is adequate in many circumstances.
Illustration 1
The theoretical ex-rights fair value per share is calculated by adding the aggregate
fair value of the shares immediately prior to the exercise of the rights to the
proceeds from the exercise of the rights, and dividing by the number of shares
outstanding after the exercise of the rights.
Illustration 4
Net profit for the year 20X1 ` 11,00,000
Net profit for the year 20X2 ` 15,00,000
No. of shares outstanding prior to rights issue 5,00,000 shares
Rights issue price ` 15.00
Last date to exercise rights 1st March 20X2
Rights issue is one new share for each five outstanding (i.e. 1,00,000 new shares)
Fair value of one equity share immediately prior to exercise of rights on 1st March
20X2 was ` 21.00. Compute Basic Earnings Per Share.
Fair value of shares immediately prior to exercise of rights + Total amount received from exercise
Number of shares outstanding prior to exercise + Number of shares issued in the exercise
(` 21.00×5,00,000 shares) + (` 15.00 ×1,00,000 Shares)
5,00,000 Shares +1,00,000 Shares
Theoretical ex-rights fair value per share = ` 20.00
Computation of adjustment factor:
Fair value per share prior to exercise of rights ` (21.00)
= 1.05
Theoretical ex-rights value per share ` (20.00)
which would have been outstanding assuming the conversion of all dilutive
potential equity shares.
For the purpose of AS 20, share application money pending allotment or any
advance share application money as at the balance sheet date, which is not
statutorily required to be kept separately and is being utilised in the business of
the enterprise, is treated in the same manner as dilutive potential equity shares for
the purpose of calculation of diluted earnings per share.
Earnings- Diluted
For the purpose of calculating diluted earnings per share, the amount of net profit
or loss for the period attributable to equity shareholders, should be adjusted by
the following, after taking into account any attributable change in tax expense for
the period:
(a) any dividends on dilutive potential equity shares which have been deducted
in arriving at the net profit attributable to equity shareholders;
(b) interest recognised in the period for the dilutive potential equity shares; and
(c) any other changes in expenses or income that would result from the
conversion of the dilutive potential equity shares.
After the potential equity shares are converted into equity shares, the dividends,
interest and other expenses or income associated with those potential equity shares
will no longer be incurred (or earned). Instead, the new equity shares will be entitled
to participate in the net profit attributable to equity shareholders. Therefore, the
net profit for the period attributable to equity shareholders calculated in Basic
Earnings Per Share is increased by the amount of dividends, interest and other
expenses that will be saved, and reduced by the amount of income that will cease
to accrue, on the conversion of the dilutive potential equity shares into equity
shares. The amounts of dividends, interest and other expenses or income are
adjusted for any attributable taxes.
Illustration 5
Net profit for the current year ` 1,00,00,000
No. of equity shares outstanding 50,00,000
Basic earnings per share ` 2.00
No. of 12% convertible debentures of ` 100 each 1,00,000
Restatement is not permitted if the conditions are not met when the contingency
period actually expires subsequent to the end of the reporting period. The
provisions of this paragraph apply equally to potential equity shares that are
issuable upon the satisfaction of certain conditions (contingently issuable potential
equity shares).
Diluted EPS in case of share options
For the purpose of calculating diluted earnings per share, an enterprise should assume
the exercise of dilutive options and other dilutive potential equity shares of the
enterprise. The assumed proceeds from these issues should be considered to have
been received from the issue of shares at fair value. The difference between the
number of shares issuable and the number of shares that would have been issued at
fair value should be treated as an issue of equity shares for no consideration.
Options and other share purchase arrangements are dilutive when they would
result in the issue of equity shares for less than fair value. The amount of the
dilution is fair value less the issue price. Therefore, in order to calculate diluted
earnings per share, each such arrangement is treated as consisting of:
a. A contract to issue a certain number of equity shares at their average fair
value during the period. The shares to be so issued are fairly priced and are
assumed to be neither dilutive nor anti-dilutive. They are ignored in the
computation of diluted earnings per share; and
b. A contract to issue the remaining equity shares for no consideration. Such
equity shares generate no proceeds and have no effect on the net profit
attributable to equity shares outstanding. Therefore, such shares are dilutive
and are added to the number of equity shares outstanding in the
computation of diluted earnings per share.
Illustration 6
Net profit for the year 20X1 ` 12,00,000
Weighted average number of equity shares outstanding 5,00,000 shares
during the year 20X1
Average fair value of one equity share during the year 20X1 ` 20.00
Weighted average number of shares under option during the 1,00,000 shares
year 20X1
Exercise price for shares under option during the year 20X1 ` 15.00
Note: The earnings have not been increased as the total number of shares has been
increased only by the number of shares (25,000) deemed for the purpose of the
computation to have been issued for no consideration.
To the extent that partly paid shares are not entitled to participate in dividends
during the reporting period they are considered the equivalent of warrants or
Dilutive Potential Equity Shares
Potential equity shares are anti-dilutive when their conversion to equity shares
would increase earnings per share from continuing ordinary activities or decrease
loss per share from continuing ordinary activities. The effects of anti-dilutive
potential equity shares are ignored in calculating diluted earnings per share.
In considering whether potential equity shares are dilutive or antidilutive, each
issue or series of potential equity shares is considered separately rather than in
aggregate. The sequence in which potential equity shares are considered may affect
whether or not they are dilutive. Therefore, in order to maximise the dilution of
basic earnings per share, each issue or series of potential equity shares is
considered in sequence from the most dilutive to the least dilutive. For the purpose
of determining the sequence from most dilutive to least dilutive potential equity
shares, the earnings per incremental potential equity share is calculated. Where the
earnings per incremental share is the least, the potential equity share is considered
most dilutive and vice-versa.
Potential equity shares are weighted for the period they were outstanding.
Potential equity shares that were cancelled or allowed to lapse during the reporting
period are included in the computation of diluted earnings per share only for the
portion of the period during which they were outstanding. Potential equity shares
that have been converted into equity shares during the reporting period are
included in the calculation of diluted earnings per share from the beginning of the
period to the date of conversion; from the date of conversion, the resulting equity
shares are included in computing both basic and diluted earnings per share.
If the number of equity or potential equity shares outstanding increases as a result
of a bonus issue or share split or decreases as a result of a reverse share split
(consolidation of shares), the calculation of basic and diluted earnings per share
should be adjusted for all the periods presented. If these changes occur after the
balance sheet date but before the date on which the financial statements are
approved by the board of directors, the per share calculations for those financial
statements and any prior period financial statements presented should be based
on the new number of shares. When per share calculations reflect such changes in
the number of shares, that fact should be disclosed.
An enterprise should present basic and diluted earnings per share on the face of
the statement of profit and loss for each class of equity shares that has a different
right to share in the net profit for the period. An enterprise should present basic
and diluted earnings per share with equal prominence for all periods presented.
AS 20 requires an enterprise to present basic and diluted earnings per share, even
if the amounts disclosed are negative (a loss per share).
An enterprise should disclose the following:
a. Where the statement of profit and loss includes extraordinary items (as
defined is AS 5), basic and diluted EPS computed on the basis of earnings
excluding extraordinary items (net of tax expense);
b. The amounts used as the numerators in calculating basic and diluted earnings
per share, and a reconciliation of those amounts to the net profit or loss for
the period;
c. The weighted average number of equity shares used as the denominator in
calculating basic and diluted earnings per share, and a reconciliation of these
denominators to each other; and
d. The nominal value of shares along with the earnings per share figures.
If an enterprise discloses, in addition to basic and diluted earnings per share, per
share amounts using a reported component of net profit other than net profit or
loss for the period attributable to equity shareholders, such amounts should be
calculated using the weighted average number of equity shares determined in
accordance with AS 20. If a component of net profit is used which is not reported
as a line item in the statement of profit and loss, a reconciliation should be provided
between the component used and a line item which is reported in the statement of
profit and loss. Basic and diluted per share amounts should be disclosed with equal
2.10 AS 22: Accounting for Taxes on Income
This standard prescribes the accounting treatment of taxes on income and follows
the concept of matching expenses against revenue for the period. The concept of
matching is more peculiar in cases of income taxes since in a number of cases, the
taxable income may be significantly different from the income reported in the
financial statements due to the difference in treatment of certain items under
taxation laws and the way it is reflected in accounts.
Matching of such taxes against revenue for a period poses special problems arising
from the fact that in a number of cases, taxable income may be significantly
different from the accounting income. This divergence between taxable income and
accounting income arises due to two main reasons.
Firstly, there are differences between items of revenue and expenses as appearing
in the statement of profit and loss and the items which are considered as revenue,
expenses or deductions for tax purposes.
Secondly, there are differences between the amount in respect of a particular item
of revenue or expense as recognised in the statement of profit and loss and the
corresponding amount which is recognised for the computation of taxable income.
Accounting income (loss) is the net profit or loss for a period, as reported in the
statement of profit and loss, before deducting income-tax expense or adding
income tax saving.
Taxable income (tax loss) is the amount of the income (loss) for a period,
determined in accordance with the tax laws, based upon which income-tax payable
(recoverable) is determined.
Tax expense (tax saving) is the aggregate of current tax and deferred tax charged
or credited to the statement of profit and loss for the period.
Current Tax + Deferred Tax = Tax expense (Tax saving)
Current tax is the amount of income tax determined to be payable (recoverable)
in respect of the taxable income (tax loss) for a period.
Deferred tax is the tax effect of timing differences.
The differences between taxable income and accounting income can be classified
into permanent differences and timing differences.
Timing differences are the differences between taxable income and accounting
income for a period that originate in one period and are capable of reversal in one
or more subsequent periods.
For example, machinery purchased for scientific research related to business is fully
allowed as deduction in the first year for tax purposes whereas the same would be
charged to the statement of profit and loss as depreciation over its useful life. The
total depreciation charged on the machinery for accounting purposes and the
amount allowed as deduction for tax purposes will ultimately be the same, but
periods over which the depreciation is charged and the deduction is allowed will
differ. This may lead to recognition of deferred tax in the books.
Permanent differences are the differences between taxable income and
accounting income for a period that originate in one period and do not reverse
For Example, XYZ has been charged with the fine on the late payment of the tax
amount due to authorities. This would be considered as an expense in the profit
and loss account, however this is specifically a disallowed expense for computation
of taxable income. This will be treated as permanent difference as this difference
will never reverse.
Tax expense for the period, comprising current tax and deferred tax, should be
included in the determination of the net profit or loss for the period.
Taxes on income are considered to be an expense incurred by the enterprise in
earning income and are accrued in the same period as the revenue and expenses
to which they relate. Such matching may result into timing differences. The tax
effects of timing differences are included in the tax expense in the statement of
profit and loss and as deferred tax assets or as deferred tax liabilities, in the balance
While recognising the tax effect of timing differences, consideration of prudence
cannot be ignored. Therefore, deferred tax assets are recognised and carried
forward only to the extent that there is a reasonable certainty of their realisation.
This reasonable level of certainty would normally be achieved by examining the
past record of the enterprise and by making realistic estimates of profits for the
future. Where an enterprise has unabsorbed depreciation or carry forward of losses
under tax laws, deferred tax assets should be recognised only to the extent that
there is virtual certainty supported by convincing evidence that sufficient future
taxable income will be available against which such deferred tax assets can be
Permanent differences do not result in deferred tax assets or deferred tax liabilities.
Current tax should be measured at the amount expected to be paid to (recovered
from) the taxation authorities, using the applicable tax rates and tax laws.
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are usually measured using the tax rates and tax
laws that have been enacted by the balance sheet date.
However, certain announcements of tax rates and tax laws by the government may
have the substantive effect of actual enactment. In these circumstances, deferred
tax assets and liabilities are measured using such announced tax rate and tax laws.
Deferred tax assets and liabilities should not be discounted to their present
An enterprise should offset assets and liabilities representing current tax if the
a. Has a legally enforceable right to set off the recognised amounts and
b. Intends to settle the asset and the liability on a net basis.
An enterprise should offset deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities if:
a. The enterprise has a legally enforceable right to set off assets against liabilities
representing current tax; and
b. The deferred tax assets and the deferred tax liabilities relate to taxes on income
levied by the same governing taxation laws.
Relevant Explanations to AS 22
Accounting for Taxes on Income in the situations of Tax Holiday under
sections 80-IA and 80-IB of the Income Tax Act, 1961
The deferred tax in respect of timing differences which reverse during the tax
holiday period should not be recognised to the extent the enterprise’s gross total
income is subject to the deduction during the tax holiday period as per the
requirements of the Act. Deferred tax in respect of timing differences which reverse
after the tax holiday period should be recognised in the year in which the timing
differences originate. However, recognition of deferred tax assets should be subject
to the consideration of prudence as laid down in AS 22.
For the above purposes, the timing differences which originate first should be
considered to reverse first.
Accounting for Taxes on Income in the situations of Tax Holiday under
sections 10A and 10B of the Income Tax Act, 1961
The deferred tax in respect of timing differences which originate during the tax
holiday period and reverse during the tax holiday period, should not be recognised
to the extent deduction from the total income of an enterprise is allowed during
the tax holiday period as per the provisions of sections 10A and 10B of the Act.
Deferred tax in respect of timing differences which originate during the tax holiday
period but reverse after the tax holiday period should be recognised in the year in
which the timing differences originate. However, recognition of deferred tax assets
should be subject to the consideration of prudence as laid down in AS 22.
For the above purposes, the timing differences which originate first should be
considered to reverse first.
Accounting for Taxes on Income in the context of section 115JB of the Income
Tax Act, 1961
The payment of tax under section 115JB of the Act is a current tax for the period.
In a period in which a company pays tax under section 115JB of the Act, the
deferred tax assets and liabilities in respect of timing differences arising during the
period, tax effect of which is required to be recognised under AS 22, should be
measured using the regular tax rates and not the tax rate under section 115JB of
the Act. In case an enterprise expects that the timing differences arising in the
current period would reverse in a period in which it may pay tax under section
115JB of the Act, the deferred tax assets and liabilities in respect of timing
differences arising during the current period, tax effect of which is required to be
recognised under AS 22, should be measured using the regular tax rates and not
the tax rate under section 115JB of the Act.
Virtual certainty supported by convincing evidence
Determination of virtual certainty that sufficient future taxable income will be
available is a matter of judgement and will have to be evaluated on a case to case
basis. Virtual certainty refers to the extent of certainty, which, for all practical
purposes, can be considered certain. Virtual certainty cannot be based merely on
forecasts of performance such as business plans. Virtual certainty is not a matter of
perception and it should be supported by convincing evidence. Evidence is a matter
of fact. To be convincing, the evidence should be available at the reporting date in
a concrete form, for example, a profitable binding export order, cancellation of
which will result in payment of heavy damages by the defaulting party. On the other
hand, a projection of the future profits made by an enterprise based on the future
capital expenditures or future restructuring etc., submitted even to an outside
agency, e.g., to a credit agency for obtaining loans and accepted by that agency
cannot, in isolation, be considered as convincing evidence.
Illustration 1
Rama Ltd., has provided the following information:
Depreciation as per accounting records = 2,00,000
Depreciation as per income tax records = 5,00,000
Unamortised preliminary expenses as per tax record = 30,000
There is adequate evidence of future profit sufficiency. How much deferred tax
asset/liability should be recognised as transition adjustment? Tax rate 50%.
Table showing calculation of deferred tax asset / liability
Particulars Amount Timing Deferred Amount
differences tax @ 50%
` `
Excess depreciation as per tax 3,00,000 Timing Deferred 1,50,000
records (` 5,00,000 – ` 2,00,000) tax liability
Unamortised preliminary 30,000 Timing Deferred
expenses as per tax records tax asset (15,000)
Net deferred tax liability 1,35,000
Illustration 2
From the following details of A Ltd. for the year ended 31-03-20X1, calculate the
deferred tax asset/ liability as per AS 22 and amount of tax to be debited to the Profit
and Loss Account for the year.
Particulars `
Accounting Profit 6,00,000
Book Profit as per MAT 3,50,000
Profit as per Income Tax Act 60,000
Tax rate 20%
MAT rate 7.50%
Tax as per accounting profit 6,00,00020%= ` 1,20,000
Tax as per Income-tax Profit 60,00020% =` 12,000
Tax as per MAT 3,50,0007.50%= ` 26,250
Tax expense= Current Tax +Deferred Tax
` 1,20,000 = ` 12,000+ Deferred tax
Therefore, Deferred Tax liability as on 31-03-20X1
= ` 1,20,000 – ` 12,000 = ` 1,08,000
Amount of tax to be debited in Profit and Loss account for the year 31-03-20X1
Current Tax + Deferred Tax liability + Excess of MAT over current tax
= ` 12,000 + ` 1,08,000 + ` 14,250 (26,250 – 12,000)
= ` 1,34,250
Illustration 3
PQR Ltd.'s accounting year ends on 31st March. The company made a loss of
` 2,00,000 for the year ending 31.3.20X1. For the years ending 31.3.20X2 and
31.3.20X3, it made profits of ` 1,00,000 and ` 1,20,000 respectively. It is assumed
that the loss of a year can be carried forward for eight years and tax rate is 40%. By
the end of 31.3.20X1, the company feels that there will be sufficient taxable income
in the future years against which carry forward loss can be set off. There is no
difference between taxable income and accounting income except that the carry
forward loss is allowed in the years ending 20X2 and 20X3 for tax purposes. Prepare
a statement of Profit and Loss for the years ending 20X1, 20X2 and 20X3.
Statement of Profit and Loss
Illustration 4
Reference: The students are advised to refer the full text of AS 22 “Accounting
for Taxes on Income”
Discontinuing Operation
A discontinuing operation is a component of an enterprise:
a. That the enterprise, pursuant to a single plan, is:
(i) Disposing of substantially in its entirety, such as by selling the
component in a single transaction or by demerger or spin-off of
ownership of the component to the enterprise's shareholders or
(ii) Disposing of piecemeal, such as by selling off the component's assets
and settling its liabilities individually or
(iii) Terminating through abandonment and
b. That represents a separate major line of business or geographical area of
c. That can be distinguished operationally and for financial reporting purposes.
Separate major line of business or geographical area of operations
A reportable business segment or geographical segment as defined in AS 17
‘Segment Reporting’, would normally satisfy criteria and it would represent a
separate major line of business or geographical area of operations.
A part of such a segment may also satisfy criteria and it would represent a
separate major line of business or geographical area of operations
For an enterprise that operates in a single business or geographical segment
which does not report segment information, a major product or service line may
also satisfy the criteria.
Instead of disposing of a component substantially in its entirety, an enterprise may
discontinue and dispose of the component by selling its assets and settling its
liabilities piecemeal (individually or in small groups). For piecemeal disposals, while
the overall result may be a net gain or a net loss, the sale of an individual asset or
settlement of an individual liability may have the opposite effect. Moreover, there
is no specific date at which an overall binding sale agreement is entered into.
Rather, the sales of assets and settlements of liabilities may occur over a period of
months or perhaps even longer. Thus, disposal of a component may be in progress
at the end of a financial reporting period. To qualify as a discontinuing operation,
the disposal must be pursuant to a single coordinated plan.
cash flows and the carrying amount of those net assets on the balance sheet
Updating the disclosures
In addition to these disclosures, an enterprise should include, in its financial
statements, for periods subsequent to the one in which the initial disclosure event
occurs, a description of any significant changes in the amount or timing of cash
flows relating to the assets to be disposed or liabilities to be settled and the events
causing those changes.
The disclosures should continue in financial statements for periods up to and
including the period in which the discontinuance is completed. Discontinuance is
completed when the plan is substantially completed or abandoned, though full
payments from the buyer(s) may not yet have been received.
If an enterprise abandons or withdraws from a plan that was previously reported as
a discontinuing operation, that fact, reasons therefore and its effect should be
Separate disclosure for each discontinuing operation
Any disclosures required by AS 24 should be presented separately for each
discontinuing operation.
Presentation of the required disclosures
The above disclosures should be presented in the notes to the financial statements
except the following which should be shown on the face of the statement of profit
and loss:
a. The amount of pre-tax profit or loss from ordinary activities attributable to
the discontinuing operation during the current financial reporting period, and
the income tax expense related thereto and
b. The amount of the pre-tax gain or loss recognised on the disposal of assets
or settlement of liabilities attributable to the discontinuing operation.
Restatement of prior periods
Comparative information for prior periods that is presented in financial statements
prepared after the initial disclosure event should be restated to segregate assets,
liabilities, revenue, expenses, and cash flows of continuing and discontinuing
operations in a manner similar to that mentioned above.
benefits flowing to the enterprise. If an item covered by AS 26 does not meet the
definition of an intangible asset, expenditure to acquire it or generate it internally
is recognised as an expense when it is incurred.
Some intangible assets may be contained in or on a physical substance such as a
compact disk (in the case of computer software), legal documentation (in the case of
a licence or patent) or film (in the case of motion pictures). The cost of the physical
substance containing the intangible assets is usually not significant. Accordingly, the
physical substance containing an intangible asset, though tangible in nature, is
commonly treated as a part of the intangible asset contained in or on it.
In some cases, an asset may incorporate both intangible and tangible elements that
are, in practice, inseparable. Judgement is required to assess as to which element
is predominant. For example, computer software for a computer controlled
machine tool that cannot operate without that specific software is an integral part
of the related hardware and it is treated as a fixed asset. The same applies to the
operating system of a computer. Where the software is not an integral part of the
related hardware, computer software is treated as an intangible asset.
The definition of an intangible asset requires that an intangible asset be
identifiable. To be identifiable, it is necessary that the intangible asset is
clearly distinguished from goodwill.
An intangible asset can be clearly distinguished from goodwill if the asset is
separable which means that enterprise could rent, sell, exchange or distribute
the specific future economic benefits attributable to the asset without also
disposing of future economic benefits that flow from other assets used in the
same revenue earning activity.
Separability is not a necessary condition for identifiability. If an asset
generates future economic benefits only in combination with other assets, the
asset is identifiable if the enterprise can identify the future economic benefits
that will flow from the asset.
An enterprise controls an asset if the enterprise has the power to obtain the future
economic benefits flowing from the underlying resource and also can restrict the
access of others to those benefits. The capacity of an enterprise to control the
future economic benefits from an intangible asset would normally stem from legal
rights that are enforceable in a court of law. However, legal enforceability of a right
is not a necessary condition for control since an enterprise may be able to control
the future economic benefits in some other way.
Market and technical knowledge may give rise to future economic benefits. An
enterprise controls those benefits if, for example, the knowledge is protected by
legal rights such as copyrights, a restraint of trade agreement or by a legal duty on
employees to maintain confidentiality.
Future economic benefit is also flown from the skill of labour and customer loyalty
but usually this flow of benefits cannot be controlled by the enterprise as
employees may leave the enterprise anytime or even loyal customers may decide
to purchase goods and services from other suppliers. Hence, these items don’t even
qualify as intangible asset as per the definition given in AS 26.
Future Economic Benefits
The future economic benefits flowing from an intangible asset may include revenue
from the sale of products or services, cost savings, or other benefits resulting from
the use of the asset by the enterprise. For example, the use of intellectual property
in a production process may reduce future production costs rather than increase
future revenues.
Recognition and Initial Measurement of an Intangible Asset
The recognition of an item as an intangible asset requires an enterprise to
demonstrate that the item meets the definition of an intangible asset and
recognition criteria set out as below:
a. It is probable that the future economic benefits that are attributable to the
asset will flow to the enterprise; and
b. The cost of the asset can be measured reliably.
An intangible asset should be measured initially at cost.
An enterprise should assess the probability of future economic benefits using
reasonable and supportable assumptions that represent best estimate of the set of
economic conditions that will exist over the useful life of the asset.
An intangible asset should be measured initially at cost.
Separate Acquisition
If an intangible asset is acquired separately, the cost of the intangible asset can
usually be measured reliably. This is particularly so when the purchase
consideration is in the form of cash or other monetary assets.
The cost of an intangible asset comprises:
its purchase price,
any import duties and other taxes (other than those subsequently recoverable
by the enterprise from the taxing authorities), and
any directly attributable expenditure on making the asset ready for its intended
use. Directly attributable expenditure includes, for example, professional fees
for legal services. Any trade discounts and rebates are deducted in arriving at
the cost.
If an intangible asset is acquired in exchange for shares or other securities of the
reporting enterprise, the asset is recorded at its fair value, or the fair value of the
securities issued, whichever is more clearly evident.
Acquisition as part of an Amalgamation
An intangible asset acquired in an amalgamation in the nature of purchase is
accounted for in accordance with AS 14 (Revised). In accordance with AS 26:
a. A transferee recognises an intangible asset that meets the recognition
criteria, even if that intangible asset had not been recognised in the financial
statements of the transferor and
b. If the cost (i.e. fair value) of an intangible asset acquired as part of an
amalgamation in the nature of purchase cannot be measured reliably, that asset
is not recognised as a separate intangible asset but is included in goodwill.
Hence, judgement is required to determine whether the cost (i.e. fair value) of an
intangible asset acquired in an amalgamation can be measured with sufficient
reliability for the purpose of separate recognition. Quoted market prices in an
active market provide the most reliable measurement of fair value. The appropriate
market price is usually the current bid price. If current bid prices are unavailable,
the price of the most recent similar transaction may provide a basis from which to
estimate fair value, provided that there has not been a significant change in
economic circumstances between the transaction date and the date at which the
asset's fair value is estimated.
If no active market exists for an asset, its cost reflects the amount that the enterprise
would have paid, at the date of the acquisition, for the asset in an arm's length
transaction between knowledgeable and willing parties, based on the best
information available. The cost initially recognised for the intangible asset in this
case is restricted to an amount that does not create or increase any capital reserve
arising at the date of the amalgamation.
Acquisition by way of a Government Grant
In some cases, an intangible asset may be acquired free of charge, or for nominal
consideration, by way of a government grant. This may occur when a government
transfers or allocates to an enterprise intangible assets such as airport landing
rights, licences to operate radio or television stations, import licences or quotas or
rights to access other restricted resources. AS 12, requires that government grants
in the form of non-monetary assets, given at a concessional rate should be
accounted for on the basis of their acquisition cost. Accordingly, intangible asset
acquired free of charge, or for nominal consideration, by way of government grant
is recognised at a nominal value or at the acquisition cost, as appropriate; any
expenditure that is directly attributable to making the asset ready for its intended
use is also included in the cost of the asset.
Exchanges of assets
An intangible asset may be acquired in exchange or part exchange for another
asset. In such a case, the cost of the asset acquired is determined in accordance
with the principles laid down in this regard in AS 10. The cost of such an item is
measured at fair value unless
(a) the exchange transaction lacks commercial substance or
(b) the fair value of neither the asset(s) received nor the asset(s) given up is reliably
The acquired item is measured in this manner even if an enterprise cannot immediately
derecognize the asset given up. If the acquired item is not measured at fair value,
its/their cost is measured at the carrying amount of the asset(s) given up.
Internally generate goodwill
Internally generated goodwill is not recognised as an asset because it is not an
identifiable resource controlled by the enterprise that can be measured reliably at
when the intangible asset first meets the recognition criteria. The cost includes, if
a Expenditure on materials and services used or consumed in generating the
intangible asset.
b. The salaries, wages and other employment related costs of personnel directly
engaged in generating the asset.
c. Any expenditure that is directly attributable to generating the asset, such as
fees to register a legal right and the amortisation of patents and licenses that
are used to generate the asset and
d. Overheads that are necessary to generate the asset and that can be allocated
on a reasonable and consistent basis to the asset. Allocations of overheads
are made on bases similar to those discussed in AS 2 & AS 16.
The following are not components of the cost of an internally generated intangible
asset, these should be expensed off in profit and loss account:
a. Selling, administrative and other general overhead expenditure unless this
expenditure can be directly attributed to making the asset ready for use.
b. Clearly identified inefficiencies and initial operating losses incurred before an
asset achieves planned performance and
c. Expenditure on training the staff to operate the asset.
An enterprise is developing a new production process. During the year 20X1,
expenditure incurred was ` 10 lacs, of which ` 9 lacs was incurred before 1 December
20X1 and 1 lac was incurred between 1 December 20X1 and 31 December 20X1. The
enterprise is able to demonstrate that, at 1 December 20X1, the production process
met the criteria for recognition as an intangible asset. The recoverable amount of the
know-how embodied in the process (including future cash outflows to complete the
process before it is available for use) is estimated to be ` 5 lacs.
At the end of 20X1, the production process is recognised as an intangible asset at a
cost of ` 1 lac (expenditure incurred since the date when the recognition criteria were
met, that is, 1 December 20X1). The ` 9 lacs expenditure incurred before 1 December
20X1 is recognised as an expense because the recognition criteria were not met until
1 December 20X1. This expenditure will never form part of the cost of the production
process recognised in the balance sheet.
During the year 20X2, expenditure incurred is ` 20 lacs. At the end of 20X2, the
recoverable amount of the know-how embodied in the process (including future cash
outflows to complete the process before it is available for use) is estimated to be
` 19 lacs.
At the end of the year 20X2, the cost of the production process is ` 21 lacs ( ` 1 lac
expenditure recognised at the end of 20X1 plus ` 20 lacs expenditure recognised in
20X2). The enterprise recognises an impairment loss of ` 2 lacs to adjust the carrying
amount of the process before impairment loss ( ` 21 lacs) to its recoverable amount
(` 19 lacs). This impairment loss will be reversed in a subsequent period if the
requirements for the reversal of an impairment loss in AS 28, are met.
Recognition of an Expense
Expenditure on an intangible item should be recognised as an expense when it is
incurred unless:
a. It forms part of the cost of an intangible asset that meets the recognition
criteria or
b. The item is acquired in an amalgamation in the nature of purchase and cannot
be recognised as an intangible asset. It forms part of the amount attributed
to goodwill (capital reserve) at the date of acquisition.
In some cases, expenditure is incurred to provide future economic benefits to an
enterprise, but no intangible asset or other asset is acquired or created that can be
recognised. In these cases, the expenditure is recognised as an expense when it is
incurred. For example, expenditure on research is always recognised as an expense
when it is incurred.
Examples of other expenditure that is recognised as an expense when it is incurred
(a) expenditure on start-up activities (start-up costs), unless this expenditure is
included in the cost of an item of fixed asset under AS 10. Start-up costs may
consist of preliminary expenses incurred in establishing a legal entity such as
legal and secretarial costs, expenditure to open a new facility or business
(pre-opening costs) or expenditures for commencing new operations or
launching new products or processes (pre-operating costs);
(b) expenditure on training activities;
(c) expenditure on advertising and promotional activities; and
a. Amortises the intangible asset over the best estimate of its useful life.
b. Estimates the recoverable amount of the intangible asset at least annually in
order to identify any impairment loss and
c. Discloses the reasons why the presumption is rebutted and the factors that
played a significant role in determining the useful life of the asset.
A. An enterprise has purchased an exclusive right to generate hydroelectric power for
60 years. The costs of generating hydro-electric power are much lower than the costs
of obtaining power from alternative sources. It is expected that the geographical area
surrounding the power station will demand a significant amount of power from the
power station for at least 60 years.
The enterprise amortises the right to generate power over 60 years, unless there is
evidence that its useful life is shorter.
B. An enterprise has purchased an exclusive right to operate a toll motorway for 30
years. There is no plan to construct alternative routes in the area served by the
motorway. It is expected that this motorway will be in use for at least 30 yea rs.
The enterprise amortises the right to operate the motorway over 30 years, unless
there is evidence that its useful life is shorter.
If control over the future economic benefits from an intangible asset is achieved
through legal rights that have been granted for a finite period, the useful life of the
intangible asset should not exceed the period of the legal rights unless the legal rights
are renewable and renewal is virtually certain.
There may be both economic and legal factors influencing the useful life of an
intangible asset: economic factors determine the period over which future economic
benefits will be generated; legal factors may restrict the period over which the
enterprise controls access to these benefits. The useful life is the shorter of the periods
determined by these factors.
Amortisation Method
A variety of amortisation methods can be used to allocate the depreciable amount
of an asset on a systematic basis over its useful life. These methods include
the straight-line method,
the diminishing balance method and
a. If an intangible asset is amortised over more than ten years, the reasons why
it is presumed that the useful life of an intangible asset will exceed ten years
from the date when the asset is available for use. In giving these reasons, the
enterprise should describe the factor(s) that played a significant role in
determining the useful life of the asset.
b. A description, the carrying amount and remaining amortisation period of any
individual intangible asset that is material to the financial statements of the
enterprise as a whole.
c. The existence and carrying amounts of intangible assets whose title is
restricted and the carrying amounts of intangible assets pledged as security
for liabilities and
d. The amount of commitments for the acquisition of intangible assets.
The financial statements should disclose the aggregate amount of research and
development expenditure recognised as an expense during the period.
Illustration 1
ABC Ltd. developed know-how by incurring expenditure of ` 20 lakhs, The know-how
was used by the company from 1.4.20X1. The useful life of the asset is 10 years from
the year of commencement of its use. The company has not amortised the asset till
31.3.20X8. Pass Journal entry to give effect to the value of know-how as per Accounting
Standard-26 for the year ended 31.3.20X8.
Journal Entry
` `
Profit and Loss A/c (Prior period item) Dr. 12,00,000
Amortization A/c Dr. 2,00,000
To Know-how A/c 14,00,000
[Being amortization of 7 years (out of which
amortization of 6 years charged as prior period item)]
As per para 63 of AS 26 “Intangible Assets”, there is a rebuttable presumption that the useful
life of an intangible asset will not exceed ten years from the date when the asset is available for
use. Amortisation should commence when the asset is available for use.
Illustration 2
The company had spent ` 45 lakhs for publicity and research expenses on one of its
new consumer product, which was marketed in the accounting year 20X1-20X2, but
proved to be a failure. State, how you will deal with the following matters in the
accounts of U Ltd. for the year ended 31st March, 20X2.
In the given case, the company spent ` 45 lakhs for publicity and research of a new
product which was marketed but proved to be a failure. It is clear that in future
there will be no related further revenue/benefit because of the failure of the
product. Thus according to AS 26 ‘Intangible Assets’, the company should charge
the total amount of ` 45 lakhs as an expense in the profit and loss account.
Illustration 3
A company with a turnover of ` 250 crores and an annual advertising budget of ` 2
crores had taken up the marketing of a new product. It was estimated that the
company would have a turnover of ` 25 crores from the new product. The company
had debited to its Profit and Loss account the total expenditure of ` 2 crore incurred on
extensive special initial advertisement campaign for the new product.
Is the procedure adopted by the company correct?
According to AS 26 ‘Intangible Assets’, “expenditure on an intangible item should
be recognised as an expense when it is incurred unless it forms part of the cost of
an intangible asset”.
AS 26 mentions that expenditure on advertising and promotional activities should
be recognised as an expense when incurred.
In the given case, advertisement expenditure of ` 2 crores had been taken up for
the marketing of a new product which may provide future economic benefits to an
enterprise by having a turnover of ` 25 crores. Here, no intangible asset or other
asset is acquired or created that can be recognised. Therefore, the accounting
treatment by the company of debiting the entire advertising expenditure of ` 2
crores to the Profit and Loss account of the year is correct.
Present Obligation
An enterprise determines whether a present obligation exists at the balance sheet
date by taking account of all available evidence, e.g., the opinion of experts. On the
basis of such evidence:
(a) Where it is more likely than not that a present obligation exists at the balance
sheet date, the enterprise recognises a provision (if the recognition criteria
are met); and
(b) Where it is more likely that no present obligation exists at the balance sheet
date, the enterprise discloses a contingent liability, unless the possibility of
an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits is remote.
Past Event
A past event that leads to a present obligation is called an obligating event. For an
event to be an obligating event, it is necessary that the enterprise has no realistic
alternative to settling the obligation created by the event.
Financial statements deal with the financial position of an enterprise at the end of
its reporting period and not its possible position in the future.
Therefore, no provision is recognised for costs that need to be incurred to operate
in the future. The only liabilities recognised in an enterprise's balance sheet are
those that exist at the balance sheet date.
It is only those obligations arising from past events existing independently of an
enterprise's future actions (i.e. the future conduct of its business) that are recognised
as provisions. Examples of such obligations are penalties or clean-up costs for unlawful
environmental damage, both of which would lead to an outflow of resources
embodying economic benefits in settlement regardless of the future actions of the
enterprise. Similarly, an enterprise recognises a provision for the decommissioning
costs of an oil installation to the extent that the enterprise is obliged to rectify damage
already caused. In contrast, because of commercial pressures or legal requirements, an
enterprise may intend or need to carry out expenditure to operate in a particular way
in the future (for example, by fitting smoke filters in a certain type of factory). Because
the enterprise can avoid the future expenditure by its future actions, for example by
changing its method of operation, it has no present obligation for that future
expenditure and no provision is recognised.
An event that does not give rise to an obligation immediately may do so at a later
date, because of changes in the law. For example, when environmental damage is
caused there may be no obligation to remedy the consequences. However, the
causing of the damage will become an obligating event when a new law requires
the existing damage to be rectified.
Where details of a proposed new law have yet to be finalised, an obligation arises
only when the legislation is virtually certain to be enacted.
Probable Outflow of Resources Embodying Economic Benefits
For a liability to qualify for recognition there must be not only a present obligation
but also the probability of an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits
to settle that obligation. For the purpose of AS 29, an outflow of resources or other
event is regarded as probable if the probability that the event will occur is greater
than the probability that it will not. Where it is not probable that a present
obligation exists, an enterprise discloses a contingent liability, unless the possibility
of an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits is remote.
Where there are a number of similar obligations (e.g., product warranties or similar
contracts) the probability that an outflow will be required in settlement is
determined by considering the class of obligations as a whole. Although the
likelihood of outflow for any one item may be small, it may well be probable that
some outflow of resources will be needed to settle the class of obligations as a
whole. If that is the case, a provision is recognised (if the other recognition criteria
are met).
Reliable Estimate of the Obligation
The use of estimates is an inherent part of preparing financial statements and does
not undermine their reliability. Provisions require a greater degree of estimation
than most other items, but AS 29 (Revised) emphasises that it should not be
impossible to determine a range of possible outcomes and, from this range, to
reach an appropriate conclusion that is sufficiently reliable for the provision to be
recognised. AS 29 (Revised) concludes that the circumstances in which it will not
be possible to reach a reliable estimate, will be extremely rare.
In the extremely rare case where no reliable estimate can be made, a liability exists
that cannot be recognised. That liability will, instead, be disclosed as a contingent
For example:
XYZ is in mining business. It is operating in a country where XYZ is legally bound
to clean and restore the environment on expiry of license after 10 years. XYZ can
reliably estimate the amount required to restore the environment caused by the
mining business.
Since it if a present obligation which cannot be avoided resulted from past event, it is
probable that resources will flow out of business to settle the same and estimate can
be measured reliably. XYZ is required to recognize a provision for the same.
Contingent Liabilities
Where an enterprise is jointly and severally liable for an obligation, the part of the
obligation that is expected to be met by other parties is treated as a contingent
liability. The enterprise recognises a provision for the part of the obligation for
which an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits is probable, except in
the extremely rare circumstances where no reliable estimate can be made.
Contingent liabilities may develop in a way not initially expected. Therefore, they
are assessed continually to determine whether an outflow of resources embodying
economic benefits has become probable. If it becomes probable that an outflow
of future economic benefits will be required for an item previously dealt with as a
contingent liability, a provision is recognised in the financial statements of the
period in which the change in probability occurs.
A customer of XYZ has filed a case against them for providing them wrong product
and not returning the same. XYZ has taken legal advice from their lawyer who
believes it is not probable yet that resources may be required to settle the same.
Since it is not meeting all the criteria of provision, it will be treated as contingent
liability and will just be disclosed in the notes.
Decision tree
Contingent Assets
Contingent assets usually arise from unplanned or other unexpected events that
give rise to the possibility of an inflow of economic benefits to the enterprise. An
example is a claim that an enterprise is pursuing through legal processes, where
the outcome is uncertain.
An enterprise should not recognise a contingent asset, since this may result in the
recognition of income that may never be realised. However, when the realisation of
income is virtually certain, then the related asset is not a contingent asset and its
recognition is appropriate. A contingent asset is not disclosed in the financial
statements. It is usually disclosed in the report of the approving authority (Board of
Directors in the case of a company, and, the corresponding approving authority in the
case of any other enterprise), where an inflow of economic benefits is probable.
Contingent assets are assessed continually and if it has become virtually certain
that an inflow of economic benefits will arise, the asset and the related income are
recognised in the financial statements of the period in which the change occurs.
Table- Provisions and contingent liabilities
Best Estimate
The amount recognised as a provision should be the best estimate of the
expenditure required to settle the present obligation at the balance sheet date.
The estimates of outcome and financial effect are determined by:
the judgment of the management of the enterprise,
supplemented by experience of similar transactions and,
in some cases, reports from independent experts.
The amount of a provision should not be discounted to its present value except in
case of decommissioning, restoration and similar liabilities that are recognised as
cost of Property, Plant and Equipment.
The discount rate (or rates) should be a pre-tax rate (or rates) that reflect(s) current
market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the liability.
The discount rate(s) should not reflect risks for which future cash flow estimates
a provision, even if the expected disposal is closely linked to the event giving rise
to the provision. Instead, an enterprise recognises gains on expected disposals of
assets at the time specified by the Accounting Standard dealing with the assets
An, enterprise with a present obligation may be able to seek reimbursement of part
or all of the expenditure from another party, for example via:
An insurance contract arranged to cover a risk;
An indemnity clause in a contract; or
A warranty provided by a supplier.
The basis underlying the recognition of a reimbursement is that any asset arising is
separate from the related obligation. Consequently, such a reimbursement should
be recognised only when it is virtually certain that it will be received consequent
upon the settlement of the obligation.
In most cases, the enterprise will remain liable for the whole of the amount in
question so that the enterprise would have to settle the full amount if the third
party failed to pay for any reason. In this situation, a provision is recognised for the
full amount of the liability, and a separate asset for the expected reimbursement is
recognised when it is virtually certain that reimbursement will be received if the
enterprise settles the liability.
In some cases, the enterprise will not be liable for the costs in question if the third
party fails to pay. In such a case, the enterprise has no liability for those costs and
they are not included in the provision.
Table- Reimbursements
Some or all of the expenditure required to settle a provision is expected to
be reimbursed by another party.
The enterprise has no The obligation for the The obligation for the
obligation for the part amount expected to be amount expected to be
of the expenditure to reimbursed remains with reimbursed remains with
be reimbursed by the the enterprise and it is the enterprise and the
other party. virtually certain that reimbursement is not
reimbursement will be virtually certain if the
received if the enterprise enterprise settles the
Changes in Provisions
Provisions should be reviewed at each balance sheet date and adjusted to reflect
the current best estimate. If it is no longer probable that an outflow of resources
embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation, the
provision should be reversed.
Use of Provisions
A provision should be used only for expenditures for which the provision was
originally recognised. Only expenditures that relate to the original provision are
adjusted against it. Adjusting expenditures against a provision that was originally
recognised for another purpose would conceal the impact of two different events.
Application of the Recognition and Measurement Rules
Future operating losses do not meet the definition of a liability and the general
recognition criteria, therefore provisions should not be recognised for future
operating losses.
The following are examples of events that may fall under the definition of
calculated as under:
Expected loss in next ten cases = 40% of ` 1,20,000 + 10% of ` 2,00,000
= ` 48,000 + ` 20,000 = ` 68,000
Expected loss in remaining five cases = 30% of ` 1,00,000 + 20% of ` 2,10,000
= ` 30,000 + ` 42,000 = ` 72,000
To disclose contingent liability on the basis of maximum loss will be highly
unrealistic. Therefore, the better approach will be to disclose the overall expected
loss of ` 10,40,000 (` 68,000 10 + ` 72,000 5) as contingent liability.
Illustration 2
EXOX Ltd. is in the process of finalising its accounts for the year ended 31 st March,
20X2. The company seeks your advice on the following:
(i) The Company’s sales tax assessment for assessment year 20X1-X2 has been
completed on 14 th February, 20X4 with a demand of ` 2.76 crore. The company
paid the entire due under protest without prejudice to its right of appeal. The
Company files its appeal before the appellate authority wherein the grounds of
appeal cover tax on additions made in the assessment order for a sum of 2.10
(ii) The Company has entered into a wage agreement in May, 20X2 whereby the
labour union has accepted a revision in wage from June, 20X1. The agreement
provided that the hike till May, 20X2 will not be paid to the employees but will
be settled to them at the time of retirement. The company agrees to deposit the
arrears in Government Bonds by September, 20X2.
(i) Since the company is not appealing against the addition of ` 0.66 crore the
same should be provided for in its accounts for the year ended on 31 st March,
20X4. The amount paid under protest can be kept under the heading ‘Loans
& Advances’ and also disclosed as a contingent liability of ` 2.10 crore.
(ii) The arrears for the period from June, 20X1 to March, 20X2 are required to be
provided for in the accounts of the company for the year ended on
31st March, 20X2.
10. Minti Ltd has 75% voting rights in Chinti Ltd. Chinti Ltd has 20% voting rights
in Srishti Ltd. Also, Minti Ltd directly enjoys voting rights of 15% in Srishti Ltd.
Which of the entities would be disclosed by the management of Srishti Ltd as
related party/parties?
(a) Chinti Ltd
(b) Minti Ltd
(c) Minti Ltd and Chinti Ltd
11. As per AS 26 there is a rebuttable presumption that the useful life of an
intangible asset will not exceed
(a) 2 years.
(b) 5 years
(c) 10 years
12. A company receives the membership fee which entitles the members to
services or publications to be provided during the year. It should be
(a) capitalized.
(b) recognised on a systematic and rational basis having regard to the
timing and nature of all services provided.
(c) recognized over period of 5 years.
Theory Questions
1. Briefly describe the disclosure requirements for amalgamation including
additional disclosure, if any, for different methods of amalgamation as per AS
14 (Revised).
2. List the conditions to be fulfilled as per AS 14 (Revised) for an amalgamation
to be in the nature of merger, in the case of companies.
3. Who are related parties under AS 18? What are the related party disclosure
4 (i) What are the disclosure and presentation requirements of AS 24 for
discontinuing operations?
(ii) Give four examples of activities that do not necessarily satisfy criterion
(a) of paragraph 3 of AS 24, but that might do so in combination with
other circumstances.
Question 3
Swift Ltd. acquired a patent at a cost of ` 80,00,000 for a period of 5 years and the
product life-cycle is also 5 years. The company capitalized the cost and started
amortizing the asset at ` 10,00,000 per annum. The company had amortized the
patent at 1,00,000 per annum in first two years on the basis of economic benefits
derived from the product manufactured under the patent. r After two years it was
found that the product life-cycle may continue for another 5 years from then. The
patent was renewable and Swift Ltd. got it renewed after expiry of five years. The
net cash flows from the product during these 5 years were expected to be
` 36,00,000, ` 46,00,000, ` 44,00,000, ` 40,00,000 and ` 34,00,000. Find out the
amortization cost of the patent for each of the years.
Question 4
Classify the following into either operating or finance lease:
(i) Lessee has option to purchase the asset at lower than fair value, at the end of
lease term;
(ii) Economic life of the asset is 7 years, lease term is 6 years, but asset is not
acquired at the end of the lease term;
(iii) Economic life of the asset is 6 years, lease term is 2 years, but the asset is of
special nature and has been procured only for use of the lessee;
(iv) Present value (PV) of Minimum lease payment (MLP) = "X". Fair value of the
asset is "Y".
Question 5
AB Ltd. launched a project for producing product X in October, 20X1. The Company
incurred ` 20 lakhs towards Research. Due to prevailing market conditions, the
Management came to conclusion that the product cannot be manufactured and
sold in the market for the next 10 years. The Management hence wants to defer
the expenditure write off to future years.
Advise the Company as per the applicable Accounting Standard.
Question 6
Mr. Raj a relative of key management personnel received remuneration of
` 2,50,000 for his services in the company for the period from 1.4.20X1 to 30.6.20X1.
On 1.7.20X1, he left the service.
Should the relative be identified as at the closing date i.e. on 31.3.20X2 for the
purposes of AS 18?
Question 7
X Ltd. sold goods to its associate Company during the 1st quarter ending 30.6.20X1.
After that, the related party relationship ceased to exist. However, goods were
supplied as were supplied to any other ordinary customer. Decide whether
transactions of the entire year have to be disclosed as related party transaction.
Question 8
Y Ltd. is a full tax free enterprise for the first ten years of its existence and is in the
second year of its operation. Depreciation timing difference resulting in a tax
liability in year 1 and 2 is ` 200 lakhs and ` 400 lakhs respectively. From the third
year it is expected that the timing difference would reverse each year by ` 10 lakhs.
Assuming tax rate of 40%, find out the deferred tax liability at the end of the second
year and any charge to the Profit and Loss account.
Question 9
A construction contractor has a fixed price contract for ` 9,000 lacs to build a bridge
in 3 years time frame. A summary of some of the financial data is as under:
(Amount ` in lacs)
Year Year 2 Year 3
Initial Amount for revenue agreed in contract 9,000 9,000 9,000
Variation in Revenue (+) - 200 200
Contracts costs incurred up to the reporting date 2,093 6,168* 8,100**
Estimated profit for whole contract 950 1,000 1,000
*Includes ` 100 lacs for standard materials stored at the site to be used in year 3 to
complete the work.
**Excludes ` 100 lacs for standard material brought forward from year 2.
The variation in cost and revenue in year 2 has been approved by customer.
Compute year wise amount of revenue, expenses, contract cost to complete and
profit or loss to be recognized in the Statement of Profit and Loss as per AS-7
Question 10
The following information of Meghna Ltd. is provided:
(i) Goods of ` 60,000 were sold on 20-3-20X2 but at the request of the buyer
these were delivered on 10-4-20X2.
(ii) On 15-1-20X2 goods of ` 1,50,000 were sent on consignment basis of which
20% of the goods unsold are lying with the consignee as on 31-3-20X2.
(iii) ` 1,20,000 worth of goods were sold on approval basis on 1-12-20X1. The
period of approval was 3 months after which they were considered sold. Buyer
sent approval for 75% goods up to 31-1-20X2 and no approval or disapproval
received for the remaining goods till 31-3-20X2.
(iv) Apart from the above, the company has made cash sales of ` 7,80,000 (gross).
Trade discount of 5% was allowed on the cash sales.
You are required to advise the accountant of Meghna Ltd., with valid reasons, the
amount to be recognized as revenue in above cases in the context of AS 9.
Question 11
Ultra Ltd. has provided the following information:
Depreciation as per accounting records =` 4,00,000
Depreciation as per tax records =` 10,00,000
Unamortized preliminary expenses as per tax record = ` 30,000
There is adequate evidence of future profit sufficiency. How much deferred tax
asset/liability should be recognized as transition adjustment when the tax rate is 50%?
Question 12
Arohi Ltd. sold goods for ` 90 lakhs to Anya Ltd. during financial year ended
31-3-20X1. The Managing Director of Arohi Ltd. own 100% of Anya Ltd. The sales
were made to Anya Ltd. at normal selling prices followed by Arohi Ltd. The Chief
accountant of Arohi Ltd contends that these sales need not require a different
treatment from the other sales made by the company and hence no disclosure is
necessary as per the accounting standard. Is the Chief Accountant correct?
Comment in accordance with AS 18.
Question 13
Akar Ltd. Signed on 01/04/X1, a construction contract for ` 1,50,00,000. Following
particulars are extracted in respect of contract, for the year ended 31/03/X2.
Question 16
A machine was given on 3 years operating lease by a dealer of the machine for
equal annual lease rentals to yield 30% profit margin on cost ` 1,50,000. Economic
life of the machine is 5 years and output from the machine are estimated as 40,000
units, 50,000 units, 60,000 units, 80,000 units and 70,000 units consecutively for 5
years. Straight line depreciation in proportion of output is considered appropriate.
Compute the following:
(i) Annual Lease Rent
(ii) Lease Rent income to be recognized in each operating year and
(iii) Depreciation for 3 years of lease.
Question 17
An organization operates an offshore oilfield where its licensing agreement
requires it to remove the oil rig at the end of production and restore the seabed.
Ninety percent of the eventual costs relate to the removal of the oil rig and
restoration of damage caused by building it, and ten percent arise through the
extraction of oil. At the balance sheet date, the rig has been constructed but no oil
has been extracted. With reference to AS-29, how would you deal with this in the
annual accounts of the company at the Balance Sheet date?
Question 18
During 20X1-X2, an enterprise incurred costs to develop and produce a routine low
risk computer software product, as follows:
Particular `
Completion of detailed program and design (Phase 1) 50,000
Coding and Testing (Phase 2) 40,000
Other coding costs (Phase 3 & 4) 63,000
Testing costs (Phase 3 & 4) 18,000
Product masters for training materials (Phase 5) 19,500
Packing the products (1,500 units) (Phase 6) 16,500
After completion of phase 2, it was established that the product is technically
feasible for the market.
You are required to state how the above referred cost to be recognized in the books
of accounts.
1. (c), 2. (b), 3. (c), 4 (a), 5. (c), 6. (c)
7. (a) 8. (b) 9. (b) 10. (c) 11. (c) 12. (b)
Theory Questions
Answer 1
The disclosure requirements for amalgamations have been prescribed in
paragraphs 43 to 46 of AS 14 (Revised) on Accounting for Amalgamation. Refer
Para 2.5 for details.
Answer 2
An amalgamation should be considered to be an amalgamation in the nature of
merger if the specified conditions are satisfied. Refer Para 2.5 for details.
Answer 3
Parties are considered to be related if at any time during the reporting period one
party has the ability to control the other party or exercise significant influence over
the other party in making financial and/or operating decisions. Refer Para 2.7 for
Answer 4
(i) An enterprise should include prescribed information relating to a
discontinuing operation in its financial statements beginning with the
financial statements for the period in which the initial disclosure event (as
defined in paragraph 15) occurs. For details, refer Para 2.11 for details.
(ii) Para 3 of AS 24 “Discontinuing Operations” explains the criteria for
determination of discontinuing operations. For details, refer Para 2.11 for
Answer 5
In current practices, companies, in general, prepare books of accounts as per
Companies Act, 2013 generating Accounting Profit/Loss and Income-tax Act, 1961
generating Taxable Profit/Loss. Accounting income and taxable income for a period
are seldom the same. Permanent differences are those which arise in one period
and do not reverse subsequently. For e.g., an income exempt from tax or an
expense that is not allowable as a deduction for tax purposes. Timing differences
are those which arise in one period and are capable of reversal in one or more
subsequent periods. For e.g., Depreciation etc.
Answer 6
A provision should be recognised only when: (a) An enterprise has a present
obligation as a result of a past event; (b) It is probable that an outflow of
resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation;
and (c) A reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation.
Practical Questions
Answer 1
The economic reality and substance of the transaction is that the rights and
beneficial interest in the property has been transferred although legal title has not
been transferred. A Ltd. should record the sale and recognise the gain of ` 20 lakhs
in its profit and loss account. The building should be derecognized eliminated in
the financial statements.
Answer 2
Computation of Basic Earnings Per Share
(as per paragraphs 10 and 26 of AS 20 on Earnings Per Share)
Year Year
20X1 20X2
` `
EPS for the year 20X1 as originally reported
Net profit of the year attributable to equity shareholders
Weighted average number of equity shares outstandin g during the year
Refer working note 2.
` 30,00,000 2.51
11,97,500 shares (approx.)
Working Notes:
1. Computation of theoretical ex-rights fair value per share
Fair value of all outstanding shares immediately prior to
exercise of rights + Total amount received from exercise
Number of shares outstanding prior to exercise+
Number of shares issued in the excercise
Answer 3
Swift Limited amortised ` 10,00,000 per annum for the first two years i.e.
` 20,00,000. The remaining carrying cost can be amortised during next 5 years on
the basis of net cash flows arising from the sale of the product. The amortisation
may be found as follows:
It may be seen from above that from third year onwards, the balance of carrying
amount i.e., ` 60,00,000 has been amortised in the ratio of net cash flows arising
from the product of Swift Ltd.
Answer 4
(i) If it becomes certain at the inception of lease itself that the option will be
exercised by the lessee, it is a Finance Lease.
(ii) The lease will be classified as a finance lease, since a substantial portion of
the life of the asset is covered by the lease term.
(iii) Since the asset is procured only for the use of lessee, it is a finance lease.
(iv) The lease is a finance lease if X = Y, or where X substantially equals Y.
Answer 5
As per para 41 of AS 26 “Intangible Assets”, expenditure on research should be
recognised as an expense when it is incurred. Hence, the expenses amounting
` 20 lakhs incurred on the research has to be charged to the statement of profit
and loss in the current year ending 31 st March, 20X2.
Answer 6
According to AS 18 on ‘Related Party Disclosures’, parties are considered to be
related if at any time during the reporting period one party has the ability to control
the other party or exercise significant influence over the other party in making
financial and/or operating decisions. Hence, Mr. Raj, a relative of key management
personnel should be identified as related party for disclosure in the financial
statements for the year ended 31.3.20X2.
Answer 7
As per AS 18, transactions of X Ltd. with its associate company for the first quarter ending
30.06.20X1 only are required to be disclosed as related party transactions. The
transactions for the period in which related party relationship did not exist need not be
Answer 8
As per AS 22, ‘Accounting for Taxes on Income’, deferred tax in respect of timing
differences which originate during the tax holiday period and reverse during the
tax holiday period, should not be recognised to the extent deduction from the total
income of an enterprise is allowed during the tax holiday period as per the
provisions of sections 10A and 10B of the Income-tax Act. Deferred tax in respect
of timing differences which originate during the tax holiday period but reverse after
the tax holiday period should be recognised in the year in which the timing
differences originate. However, recognition of deferred tax assets should be subject
to the consideration of prudence. For this purpose, the timing differences which
originate first should be considered to reverse first.
Out of ` 200 lakhs timing difference due to depreciation, difference amounting
` 80 lakhs (` 10 lakhs x 8 years) will reverse in the tax holiday period and therefore,
should not be recognised. However, for ` 120 lakhs (` 200 lakhs – ` 80 lakhs),
deferred tax liability will be recognised for ` 48 lakhs (40% of ` 120 lakhs) in first
year. In the second year, the entire amount of timing difference of ` 400 lakhs will
reverse only after tax holiday period and hence, will be recognised in full. Deferred
tax liability amounting ` 160 lakhs (40% of ` 400 lakhs) will be created by charging
it to profit and loss account and the total balance of deferred tax liability account
at the end of second year will be ` 208 lakhs (48 lakhs + 160 lakhs).
Answer 9
The amounts of revenue, expenses and profit recognized in the statement of profit
and loss in three years are computed below:
(Amount in ` lakhs)
Up to the Recognized Recognized in
reporting in previous current year
date years
Year 1
Revenue (9,000 x 26%) 2,340 - 2,340
Expenses (8,050 x 26%) 2,093 - 2,093
Profit 247 - 247
Year 2
Revenue (9,200 x 74%) 6,808 2,340 4,468
Expenses (8,200 x 74%) 6,068 2,093 3,975
Profit 740 247 493
Year 3
Revenue (9,200 x 100%) 9,200 6,808 2,392
Expenses (8,200 x 100%) 8,200 6,068 2,132
Profit 1,000 740 260
Working Note:
Answer 10
As per AS 9 “Revenue Recognition”, in a transaction involving the sale of goods,
performance should be regarded as being achieved when the following conditions
are fulfilled:
(i) the seller of goods has transferred to the buyer the property in the goods for
a price or all significant risks and rewards of ownership have been transferred
to the buyer and the seller retains no effective control of the goods
transferred to a degree usually associated with ownership; and
(ii) no significant uncertainty exists regarding the amount of the consideration
that will be derived from the sale of the goods.
Case (i) The sale is complete but delivery has been postponed at buyer’s request.
The entity should recognize the entire sale of ` 60,000 for the year ended 31 st
March, 20X2.
Case (ii) 20% goods lying unsold with consignee should be treated as closing
inventory and sales should be recognized for ` 1,20,000 (80% of ` 1,50,000). In case
of consignment sale revenue should not be recognized until the goods are sold to
a third party.
Case (iii) In case of goods sold on approval basis, revenue should not be recognized
until the goods have been formally accepted by the buyer or the buyer has done
an act adopting the transaction or the time period for rejection has elapsed or
where no time has been fixed, a reasonable time has elapsed. Therefore, revenue
should be recognized for the total sales amounting ` 1,20,000 as the time period
for rejecting the goods had expired.
Case (iv) Trade discounts given should be deducted in determining revenue. Thus
` 39,000 should be deducted from the amount of turnover of ` 7,80,000 for the
purpose of recognition of revenue. Thus, revenue should be ` 7,41,000.
Answer 11
Calculation of difference between taxable income and accounting income
Particulars Amount (` )
Excess depreciation as per tax ` (10,00,000 – 4,00,000) 6,00,000
Less: Expenses unamortized in tax records (30,000)
Timing difference 5,70,000
Tax expense is more than the current tax due to timing difference.
Therefore deferred tax liability = 50% x 5,70,000 = ` 2,85,000
Answer 12
As per AS 18 ‘Related Party Disclosures’, Enterprises over which the key
management personnel is able to exercise significant influence are related parties.
This includes enterprises owned by directors or major shareholders of the reporting
enterprise that have a member of key management in common with the reporting
enterprise. In the given case, Arohi Ltd. and Anya Ltd. are related parties and hence
disclosure of transaction between them is required irrespective of whether the
transaction was done at normal selling price. Hence the contention of Chief
Accountant of Arohi Ltd. is wrong.
Answer 13
Statement showing the amount of profit/loss to be taken to Profit and Loss
Account and additional provision for the foreseeable loss as per AS 7
Cost of Construction ` `
Material used 71,00,000
Labour Charges paid 36,00,000
Add: Outstanding on 31.03.20X2 2,00,000 38,00,000
Hire Charges of Plant 10,00,000
Other Contract cost incurred 15,00,000
Cost incurred upto 31.03.20X2 1,34,00,000
Add: Estimated future cost 33,50,000
Answer 14
Basic Earnings per share (EPS) =
Net profit attributable to equity shareholders
Weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the year
= ` 4.80 per share
4,57,500 Shares (as per working note)
Working Note:
Calculation of weighted average number of equity shares
As per AS 20 ‘Earnings Per Share’, partly paid equity shares are treated as a fraction
of equity share to the extent that they were entitled to participate in dividend
relative to a fully paid equity share during the reporting period. Assuming that the
partly paid shares are entitled to participate in the dividend to the extent of amount
paid, weighted average number of shares will be calculated as follows:
Date No. of Amount Weighted average no. of equity
equity paid per shares
shares share
` ` `
1.4.20X1 6,00,000 5 6,00,000 х 5/10 х 5/12 =
1.9.20X1 5,40,000 10 5,40,000 х 7/12 = 3,15,000
1.9.20X1 60,000 5 60,000 х 5/10 х 7/12 = 17,500
Total weighted average equity shares 4,57,500
Answer 15
(i) Non-adjusting event: Suit filed against the company is a contingent liability
but it was not existing as on date of balance sheet date as the suit was filed
on 20th April after the balance sheet date. As per AS 4, 'Contingencies' is
restricted to conditions or situations at the balance sheet date, the financial
effect of which is to be determined by future events which may or may not
occur. Hence, it will have no effect on financial statement and will be a non -
adjusting event.
(ii) Adjusting event: In the given case, terms and conditions for acquisition of
business were finalized before the balance sheet date and carried out before
the closure of the books of accounts but transaction for payment of financial
resources was effected in April, 20X2. Hence, necessary adjustment to assets
and liabilities for acquisition of business is necessary in the financial
statements for the year ended 31 st March 20X2.
(iii) Non-adjusting event: Only those events which occur between the balance
sheet date and the date on which the financial statements are approved, may
indicate the need for adjustments to assets and liabilities as at the balance
sheet date or may require disclosure. In the given case, as the theft of cash
was detected on 16th July, 20X2 ie after approval of financial statements, no
adjustment is required.
Answer 16
(i) Annual lease rent
Total lease rent
Output during lease period
= 130% of ` 1,50,000
Total output
= 130% of ` 1,50,000 x (40,000 +50,000+ 60,000)/(40,000 + 50,000 +
60,000 + 80,000 + 70,000)
= 1,95,000 x 1,50,000 units/3,00,000 units = ` 97,500
Annual lease rent = ` 97,500 / 3 = ` 32,500
(ii) Lease rent Income to be recognized in each operating year
Total lease rent should be recognised as income in proportion of output
during lease period, i.e. in the proportion of 40 : 50 : 60.
Hence income recognised in years 1, 2 and 3 will be as:
Year 1 ` 26,000,
Year 2 ` 32,500 and
Year 3 ` 39,000.
(iii) Depreciation for three years of lease
Since depreciation in proportion of output is considered appropriate, the
depreciable amount ` 1,50,000 should be allocated over useful life 5 years in
proportion of output, i.e. in proportion of 40 : 50 : 60 : 80 : 70 .
Depreciation for year 1 is ` 20,000, year 2 = 25,000 and year 3 = 30,000.
Answer 17
The construction of the oil rig creates an obligation under the terms of the license
to remove the rig and restore the seabed and is thus an obligating event. At the
balance sheet date, however, there is no obligation to rectify the damage that will
be caused by extraction of the oil. An outflow of resources embodying economic
benefits in settlement is probable. Thus, a provision is recognized for the best
estimate of ninety per cent of the eventual costs that relate to the removal of the
oil rig and restoration of damage caused by building it. These costs are included as
part of the cost of the oil rig. However, there is no obligation to rectify the damage
that will be caused by extraction of oil, as no oil has been extracted at the balance
sheet date. So, no provision is required for the cost of extraction of oil at balance
sheet date. Ten per cent of costs that arise through the extraction of oil are
recognized as a liability when the oil is extracted.
Answer 18
As per AS 26, costs incurred in creating a computer software product should be
charged to research and development expense when incurred until technological
feasibility/asset recognition criteria has been established for the product.
Technological feasibility/asset recognition criteria have been established upon
completion of detailed program design, coding and testing. In this case,
` 90,000 would be recorded as an expense (` 50,000 for completion of detailed
program design and ` 40,000 for coding and testing to establish technological
feasibility/asset recognition criteria). Cost incurred from the point of technological
feasibility/asset recognition criteria until the time when products costs are incurred
are capitalized as software cost (63,000+ 18,000+ 19,500) = ` 1,00,500. Packing cost
` 16,500 should be recognized as expenses and charged to P & L A/c.