Learning Materials and Students Worksheet
Learning Materials and Students Worksheet
Learning Materials and Students Worksheet
Topic 11
Instructional objectives
The students are expected to be able to:
Drugs administered by the intramuscular (IM) route are deposited into vascular muscle
tissue, which allows for rapid absorption into the circulation (Dougherty and Lister, 2015;
Ogston-Tuck, 2014).
Injection Equipment
Direction. The followings are injection equipment. Study the equipment below and practice pronounce each
of them with the correct pronunciation.
Syringe (n) jarum suntik
Needle (n) jarum
Alcohol swab (n) kapas alcohol
Disposable gloves (n) sarung tangan sekali pakai
Band-aid (n) plester
Tray (n) baki
Sharp container (n) wadah benda tajam
Related Vocabularies
Direction. The followings are vocabularies related to giving injection. Study the vocabularies below and
practice pronounce each of them with the correct pronunciation.
Couch (n) tempat tidur
Roll (v) menggulung
Sleeve (n) Lengan baju
Buttock (n) bokong
Vein (n) pembuluh darah
Clench (v) mengepalkan
Fist (n) kepalan tangan
Jab (n) tusukan; (v) menusuk
Stiff (adj.) kaku
Flex (v) melenturkan
Useful Expressions
Direction. Study and practice the following useful expressions when giving injection to the patients.
A. Greeting
Hello, Mrs. Rose. How are you doing today?
Good morning, Sir/Ma’am, Madam
B. Self-Introduction
My name is Michelle. I am a nurse from Faletehan University.
I am Nurse Bella. I will take care of you today.
C. Stating what you are going to do
It is time for me to…
I just want to…
I am going to…
I would like to…
I need to…
give an injection.
give an injection into your buttocks.
give an injection into your (upper)
D. Giving Instruction
Would you………………………, please?
Now, I want you to……………………
sit down
lie face down
lie on your tummy
lie with face downwards
roll up your sleeve
give me your right/left hand
lower your pants down
E. Cautionary Expressions
This will give you…………
You may feel……………
You’ll feel……………
a little pain
a bit uncomfortable
a little bit uncomfortable
a jab
Listening Exercise
Direction. Listen complete the conversation below.
Nurse : Do you still feel sore in your stomach?
Patient : Yes, Nurse. It’s still painful around here.
Nurse : Okay, I need to give you an injection. (1) ………..………………………………… Fine.
Lower your pants, please. (2) …………………………….…………………………………..
You’ll feel a bit uncomfortable. Okay, done.
Patient : Thank you, nurse.
Nurse : You’re welcome.
Communication Exercise
Direction. Choose a pair and write a complete conversation on giving injection. You can use the useful
expressions above. Then, practice and present your communication practice.