The Effect of Mobile Service Quality Dimensions On Customer Satisfaction

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Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 99 (2013) 428 – 438

9th International Strategic Management Conference

The effect of mobile service quality dimensions on customer

Alper zera , Mehpare Tokay Arganb , Metin Arganc, a
Ankara University, Ankara, 06590, Turkey
Bilecik Seyh Edebali University, Bozuyuk-Bilecik, 11300, Turkey
Anadolu University, Eskisehir, 26555, Turkey


Information technology (IT) has an increasing importance and development in business life. Importance of IT arises
because the businesses have tendencies to reach their customers through mobile services lately (Shin and Kim, 2008).
These developments require the companies to have developed systems in order to reach their goals. Developments in
wireless communication technology with the support of internet increased the level of mobile commerce as an
important tool for the companies. This study determines the dimensions of mobile service quality and their effect on
customer satisfaction. In this study, we determine the dimensions of mobile service quality and their effect on
satisfaction and intention to use. We also examine how compatibility of mobile devices, such as mobile phones,
directly and indirectly influences satisfaction.

Keywords: Service quality, Mobile services, Mobile service quality,

© 2013 Published by Elsevier
Authors. Published Ltd. Selection
by Elsevier Ltd. Openand/or peer-review
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CC BY-NC-ND responsibility of the 9 International Strategic
Selection and peer-review
Management Conferenceunder responsibility of the International Strategic Management Conference.

1. Introduction

Information technology (IT) has an increasing importance and development in business life. Importance of IT arises
because the businesses have tendencies to reach their customers through electronic services lately (Shin and Kim,
2008). These developments require the companies to have developed systems in order to reach the goals.
Developments in wireless communication technology with the support of internet increased the level of mobile
commerce as an important tool for the companies. In addition, declining the prices of the mobile devices and
improvements of functionality of the devices give chances to the companies to perform in mobile commerce (Lu et al.,
Companies can use mobile devices for different purposes. One of the purposes is certainly communication. While
consumer can use mobile devices to communicate personally, by using mobile services, companies can easily reach to
their customers and promote themselves. However, mobile devices should not be considered only as tool for

Corresponding author. Tel. + 90-312-595-1321 fax. +90-312-319-7738

Email address: [email protected]

1877-0428 © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the International Strategic Management Conference.
Alper Özer et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 99 (2013) 428 – 438 429

communication. Mobile devices are also critical for commerce (Lu et al., 2009). Companies can use mobile devices in
order to run all business operations. This is a shift for the companies from traditional transactions to mobile
commerce. Wu and Wang (2005) cite that only 16% of internet users were using global wireless internet while this
rate was 57% in much more users. Developing the mobile service providers also support the developments in mobile
commerce (Lu et al., 2009). These developments carry us to the idea that companies providing mobile commerce need
to do some works to gain competitive advantage. In order to have the competitive advantage, mobile service quality is
one of the very important factors that companies have to face. While the competition in mobile services is increasing,
only providing the mobile services will not be enough to obtain necessary competitive advantage. Increasing the
quality of the mobile services will also be important for having the competitive advantage. Thus, that is a reason for
this research for measuring the service quality for mobile services while it is important for the companies (Turel and
Serenko, 2006).
Mobile service providers look for the answer of how to obtain competitive advantage. Thus, providing the mobile
services are not the only reason why they operate, they also have to increase the service quality. This is the reason why
measuring service quality is important (Lu et al., 2009). In addition, the mobile device is also important especially for

be important in perceiving the quality of mobile services. This study determines the factors for mobile service quality
while considering mobile phones as mobile devices. The study also searches for the relationship among these
dimensions and customer satisfaction.

2. Literature Review And Hypotheses

2.1. E- Service Quality and E- Service Quality Measurement

1987). The judgment in the definition is more difficult compare to physical product because services are intangible
(Parasuraman et al., 1985). Heterogeneity and inseparability are the other characteristics to make the judgments more
It is easy to see many studies regarding service quality in the literature. One of the important reasons for focusing

Service quality is different than

physical product quality because of the characteristics of the services, making the approach to measure quality
differently in services Service quality theory is directly related to product quality and customer satisfaction literature
(Brady and Cronin, 2001) but adapted according to the characteristics of the services (intangibility, heterogeneity and
inseparability) (Parasuraman et al., 2005).
There are different approaches to measure service quality in marketing literature. Most commonly known is
SERVQUAL and SERVPERF. SERVQUAL scale was developed by Parasuraman et al. (1988). According to the
scale, there are five dimensions in order to measure service quality. These are tangibles, reliability, responsiveness,
assurance, and empathy. At last we can consider that the quality will be determined as the difference between what the
customer expected and what they experienced (Parasuraman et al., 1985; Brady and Cronin, 2001). Even though
SERVQUAL is the most commonly used scale for measuring service quality, there are some critics for SERVQUAL.
As a result of this criticism, Cronin and Taylor (1992) worked on service quality by using performance that their scale
was called SERVPERF. Cronin and Taylor (1994) suggest that difference between performance and expectations is
not an appropriate way to measure service quality. In addition to this difference, Cronin and Taylor (1992) also
suggest that customer satisfaction has effect on purchase intention more than service quality has.
Even though scales in e-service quality were adapted mainly from the service quality literature in general, there are
some studies to determine the dimensions of e-service quality and develop scales in order to measure. Yang and Jun
(2002) determined reliability, access, ease of use, personalization, security and credibility as the dimensions. Most of
these factors were derived from earlier studies which were traditional service quality dimensions (Parasuraman et al.,
1985). Bauer et al. (2006) used both utilitarian and hedonic elements for measuring e- service quality (eTransQual)
and found functionality/design, enjoyment, process, reliability and responsiveness as the dimensions. Parasuraman et
al. (2005) tested a multiple item scale (E-S-QUAL) for measuring the service quality. According to Parasuraman et al.
(2005), two different scales are necessary in order to measure e-service quality. Their first scale, E-S-QUAL, has four
dimensions (efficiency, fulfillment, system availability, and privacy), and the second scale, E-RecS-QUAL, has three
dimensions (responsiveness, compensation, and contact). Barnes and Vidgen (2001) developed WebQual scale based
430 Alper Özer et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 99 (2013) 428 – 438

on SERVQUAL and reach five dimensions (tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy.
Wolfinbarger and Gilly (2003) developed a scale, EtailQ, in order to measure the service quality in e-retailing and
reached four quality dimensions (fulfillment/reliability, website design, customer service and security/privacy).

2.2. Mobile Services

Mobile commerce is defined as mobile character of wireless devices that support electronic service transactions
(Kleijnen et al.., 2007). In most of the cases, m-commerce is considered under e-commerce. However, mobile
commerce has its own characteristics and delivers different values to the customers (Balasubramanian et al., 2002).
Compare to other goods and services, mobile services may be considered as homogenous because of the standards and
regulations (Lim et al., 2006).
Mobile services are considered as a new marketing application while the use of mobile technology increased in
recent years. Developments in mobile services continue to grow. The main reasons for this development are
excitement for mobile technology, continuing growth of e-commerce, and high penetration level of wireless devices
(Kleijnen et al., 2004; Wang and Lin, 2012).
The study of adoption of mobile services is also new for marketing. For this reason, researchers use earlier scales to
adapt to mobile services. Kleijnen et al. (2004), for example, used Adoption of Innovation Framework in order to
determine the characteristics of mobile services. In their study, they determined four factors adapted from Adoption of
Innovation Framework, namely relative advantage, compatibility, complexity and communicability for mobile

everywhere, anytime. Compatibility refers to how consumers think about the mobile service to be the routine of their
life. We consid
needs, values, and past experiences (Wu and Wang, 2005; Mallat et al., 2006; Kleijnen et al., 2007). Complexity
means the usage of mobile services other than delivering the services. Communicability refers to social influence. In
order to these four factors, Kleijnen et al. (2004) defined four more factors affecting the adoption of mobile services.
These factors are; perceived risk, navigation, critical mass, and payment options. The risk the consumers take will be
effective on the decisions for mobile services (Van der Hejden, 2005). The risk is mainly about functional risk that is
about performance. Navigation is another important factor for mobile se
timely action. Another factor is critical mass which is defined as the minimal number of adopters of an interactive
innovation for the further growth of adoption to be self sustaining (Mahler and Rogers, 1999). The final factor is
payment options that should be considered. Different payment options and differentiated pricing may influence the
consumers to use mobile services. Nysveen et al (2005) state that motivational influences, attitudinal influences, social
influences, and resource-related influences form intentions to use mobile services. In addition, perceived usefulness,
perceived ease of use, and perceived enjoyment have influence on the attitudes towards mobile services.

2.3. Mobile Service Quality

As it is important in every industry, quality perceptions also have great importance in mobile services. Surveys on

percent of the US mobile subscribers in 2004 were thinking to switch to another mobile service provider (Lim et al.,
2006). These findings show that mobile service providers have to find ways to increase the service quality and
customer satisfaction.
As mentioned before related to electronic service quality, researchers mostly use existing service quality scales for
measuring mobile service quality (Negi, 2009). This is the reason for not having a proper scale to measure mobile
service quality directly for a long time. It could have been considered as a lack because mobile services has their own
characteristics such as mobility, anytime and anywhere computing, and social conditions (Lu et al., 2009).
One of the studies to develop m-service quality scale is the study of Lu et al. (2009) that they adopted dimensions
for mobile service quality from Brady and Cronin (2001). In the study, Lu et al. (2009) adopted multidimensional and
hierarchical method to measure m-service quality using mobile brokerage service as an example. They considered the
unique characteristics of mobile services while they also consider that there is no single method to measure perfectly
in every industry. According to their study (Lu et al., 2009), there are three primary dimensions, namely interaction
quality, environment quality, and outcome quality. These dimensions include sub-dimensions; attitude, expertise,
problem solving and information for interaction quality, equipment, design, and situation for environment quality, and
punctuality, tangibles and valence for outcome quality. Shin and Kim (2008) state different dimensions to measure
Alper Özer et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 99 (2013) 428 – 438 431

mobile service quality. These dimensions are called quality, pricing structure, mobile devices, value- added services,
convenience in procedures, and customer support.
Shin (2010) stresses the importance of service quality particularly in mobile services because when consumers
experience delays in response, disconnections, lack of access and poor security, they can be reluctant to use mobile
services. Lim et al., (2006) identifies the attributes for mobile services quality that the consumers will evaluate the
service provider. These attributes are pricing plans, network quality, data services, messaging services, entertainment
services, locator services, billing system, and customer service.

the services, it is difficult to evaluate technical quality. Because of the difficulties and while mobile services are
considered homogenous because of the regulations and standards, functional quality (billing system and customer
services) becomes more important for mobile services. However, technical quality can also be influential that some
consumers clearly feel the difference among companies while knowing that technical quality is about pricing plans,
network quality and mobile data services (Lim et al., 2006).
Tan et al. (2008) consider seven dimensions for mobile service quality: perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use,
content, variety, feedback, experimentation, and personalization. Perceived usefulness is related to performance of the
person whether using a particular system increases the performance. Perceived ease of use is related to easily using the
mobile system. Content is related to what is in the service and content quality is important for mobile services quality.
While different features of multimedia is available, consumers perceive the service positively thus variety is critical.
While consumers reach the information they expect, that means feedback is provided. As long as the consumers have
detailed information about the operations they have, their perception for mobile service quality will be higher.
Experimentation and personalization are also important for consumers to evaluate the mobile service quality.
Experimentation is associated with exploratory behavior. Mobile devices are personalized, so while personalization
occurs, consumers will have positive attitudes (Tan et al., 2008).
use mobile services is related to mobile services quality. The reason people use mobile
services and type of mobile services will influence the evaluations. Nysveen et al. (2005) use interactivity and process
characteristics. Interactivity might be person or machine interactivity according to the mobile services. Nysveen et al.
(2005) considers text messaging and contact as person interactive while payment and gaming are machine interactive.
Process characteristics include two dimensions; goal directed and experiential. A goal directed process is explained by
extrinsic motivation, instrumental orientation, utilitarian benefits and directed search/choice while experimental
process is explained by intrinsic motivation, ritualistic orientation, hedonic benefits, and nondirected search and
navigational choice.
Another issue for understanding service quality is service value which is also important in mobile services
(Kleijnen et al., 2007). Cronin et al. (2000) argues that service value has a mediator effect on service quality. The type
of the value will also be effective on the evaluations of service quality. Nysveen et al. (2005) states that in contrast to
mobile communication, mobile transactions are related to utilitarian values. While we have the knowledge that
utilitarian and hedonic benefits differ in evaluating the satisfaction and service quality (Jiang and Wang, 2006), we can
assume that evaluations for mobile services will also be different between both value contexts. While mobile services
are related to transactions, these services can be considered goal oriented and being goal oriented is related to

Wang (2006) state that there is a relationship between pleasure and service quality and this relationship is stronger in
hedonic service context than utilitarian. They also found that their findings were mainly focused on utilitarian services
when it is regarded to service quality literature, mainly focusing on the functional utilities. This bring us the idea that
while mobile services are considered as functional, utilitarian benefit evaluations of the customers will be different and
stronger than hedonic benefit evaluations (Jiang and Wang, 2006).

2.4. Mobile Service Quality and Satisfaction

When customers evaluate mobile service providers, they focus on the satisfaction they will have from the service.
e dimensions of service
quality becomes more critical due to importance of understanding service quality as a whole and its effect on

(Cronin et al., 2000). Satisfaction will make the customers buy again and more frequently (Kuo et al., 2009). As Turel
and Serenko (2006) argue, customers with high level of satisfaction have a tendency to repurchase and more tolerance
to price changes.
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Earlier studies found direct relationship between service quality and satisfaction (Cronin and Taylor, 1992; Cronin
and Taylor, 1994; Cronin et al., 2000; Keaveney and Parthasarathy, 2001; Lim et al., 2006; Shin and Kim, 2008;
Parasuraman, et al, 1988). Cronin et al. (2000) state that favorable service quality perceptions improve satisfaction.
Satisfaction literature also relates switching intentions and service quality. Studies show that service quality has direct
effect on behavioral intentions through satisfaction (Cronin et al., 2000). According to the studies (Shin and Kim,
2008), while perceived service quality is high, satisfaction will also be high, and then switching tendency of the
customers will be low. In addition to direct relationship, Cronin et al. (2000) also proposed indirect relationship
between service quality and behavioral intentions. They argue that service quality has significant effect on behavioral
intentions through satisfaction.
Zhao et al. (2012) explored the effect of service quality and justice on customer satisfaction in mobile services.
They used multiple dimensions to measure. The dimensions they used for service quality was interaction quality,
environment quality and outcome quality as in the study of Lu et al. (2009). Results show that three dimensions have
significant and positive effect on satisfaction. Turel and Serenko (2006) also stated that there is a positive relationship
Lin and Wang (2006) also
worked on the relationship between service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty in mobile commerce. In their
model, perceived value and trust have positive influence on customer satisfaction, and then influence customer loyalty.
While perceived value and trust have significant effect on service quality, the effect on satisfaction will also be
indirectly effective. Kuo et al. (2009) found that service quality has positive effect on both perceived value and
customer satisfaction, while perceived value has a positive effect on customer satisfaction in mobile services. Kuo et al
(2009) categorize four factors for service quality: content quality, navigation and visual design, management and
customer services, and system reliability. Among these factors, factor that related to customer service and system
reliability have more influence on perceived value and customer satisfaction.
Existing literature states that the dimensions of mobile service quality have interaction among each other. Bauer et

on the technical quality aspects and mention that interface design for web sites will be important for, such as, ease of
use. At the same time, Bauer et al. (2006) points out that enjoyment is another important aspect for customers to
evaluate the services that bring us to entertainment. nroos et al. (2000) also stresses the importance of user
interface in evaluating service quality. Risk is another important issue effecting the decision of the customers.
Customers are vulnerable to risk in mobile transactions (Kleijnen et al., 2007). The relationship between the mobile
device and risk is perceptual. Lee et al., (2003) argue that perceived attributes of the innovation can be a determining
factor for adopting decisions. Their conclusion in their study is that attributes and risk perceptions are directly related
in mobile services (Lee, 2003) while availability is another important factor for customers to consider satisfaction
through mobile service quality (Rahman et. Al., 2010). Studies show that ease of use is directly and positively related
to acceptance of mobile services (Nysveen, et al., 2005), and ease of use is related to attributes of the product (Tan and
Chou, 2008).

3. Methodology

3.1. Research Goal

In this study, we aim to determine the dimensions of mobile service quality and analyze whether they have positive
influence on customer satisfaction specifically in mobile services. A structured questionnaire was used in order to
gather the data to develop the mobile service quality scale.

3.2. Sample and Data Collection

In the current study, the hypothesized relationships were tested using data collected from Turkish university
students. Therefore, the sample of the study was university student and data fort this study were collected through a
self-administrated questionnaire of Anadolu University and Eskisehir Osmangazi University students in the province
of Eskisehir, Turkey during the period October 2 through December 31, 2012. Studies have shown that mobile
services and internet are common among young people (Kinnally et al., 2008). As indicated by Plouffe (2008),
university students represented an ideal population from which to form a sampling for this study for two reasons. First,
from both demographic and experiential perspectives, there is no other segment of the population that is as active in
terms of mobile service using behavior. Second, studying university students in Turkey is logical because they assume
Alper Özer et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 99 (2013) 428 – 438 433

early adopters and innovators of mobile services. Twenty surveyors were used for data collection by a self-
administration and research-aided technique. Questionnaires were answered at institutions, faculties and canteens of
two universities. The researchers first briefly explained the research purpose, and then gave the questionnaires to
willing participants. The time to explain the study and complete the questionnaire was approximately 15 minutes. A
total of 1200 questionnaires (600 for each university) were distributed, 1000 of which were completely answered (579
for the first university and 421 for the second university), resulting in a total return rate of 83.3 percent.

3.3. Analyses and Results

Characteristics of the respondents are shown in Table 1. 50,3 percent of the respondents were male. 45,3 percent
were at the age of 21-22, 28,4 percent were aged between 19-20, and 18 percent were aged between 23-24.
Respondents are mostly at the second, third or fourth grade of their study. Most of the respondents are spending
between 401- 600 TL monthly and they are mostly spending equal to or less than 25 TL for mobile phones. Majority
of the respondents spend less than 30 minutes on phone in a day and they are using mobile phones for social media
and chat.

Table 1: Characteristic of the respondents

Variable N % Variable N %
Gender Average Spending ($)
Male 503 50,3 278 or lower 248 24,8
Female 497 49,7 279-417 366 36,6
418- 555 266 26,6
Age 556-695 88 8,8
18 or lower 30 3,0 696 or higher 31 3,1
19-20 284 28,4
21-22 453 45,3 Average spending for mobile ($)
23-24 180 18,0 14 or lower 461 46,1
25 or higher 47 4,7 15-28 394 39,4
29-41 107 10,7
Grade at school 42 or higher 37 3,7
Preparatory 58 5,8
1st grade 99 9,9 Average time spending on phone
2nd grade 234 23,4 15.min. or lower 289 28,9
3rd grade 249 24,9 16-30min 301 30,1
4th grade 316 31,6 31-45min 177 17,7
Other 40 4,0 46-50min 127 12,7
46-60min 106 10,6
Academic Unit
Vocational High Mobile services used with
74 7,4
School mobile phone
College 63 6,3 Music download 98 9,8
University 825 82,5 video download 22 2,2
Institution 13 1,3 chat programs 187 18,7
Other 21 2,1 Watching TV 17 1,7
Navigation 24 2,4
Social media 533 53,3
Other 87 8,7
A pool of measures were gathered from existing literature for mobile service quality and customer satisfaction
(Zhao et al., 2012; Lim et al., 2006; Tan and Chou, 2008; Kleijnen et al., 2007; Bauer et al., 2006) and adapted
according to the specific goal of the study. We mainly adapted the items of mobile service quality scales because there
is a lack of scales in the literature particularly for mobile devices and services. We used five point Likert scales ranged
from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5).
For the scale development for mobile service quality, we establish a pool of items generated from the literature.
Then, we conducted exploratory factor analysis in order to determine the dimensions of mobile service quality. We
reached six factors in factor analysis for mobile service quality, however, reliability was real low for one factor (alpha:
434 Alper Özer et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 99 (2013) 428 – 438

le service

and varimax rotation were used for exploratory factor analysis. All the factor loadings were above the recommended
cut off point of 0,40 (Nunnally and Bernstein, 1994). Internal reliabilities of the factors were also higher than the
recommended level of 0,70 (Bagozzi and Yi, 1988). As a result of the factor analysis, we reached to five dimensions
for mobile service quality; availability, perceived risk, easy to use, compatibility of mobile devices and entertainment
Table 2: Principle Component Analysis
Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6

SAT 1 SAT1 I am satisfied with mobile services ,812
SAT 2 SAT2 Using mobile services satisfied me ,843
SAT 3 SAT3 I enjoyed using mobile services ,829
SAT4 I can easily recommend mobile services to my friends and
SAT 4 ,760
SAT 5 SAT 5 I will most probably use mobile music service ,519

AVA 1 S15 Download speed of mobile services is very good ,637
AVA 2 S16 Mobile service quickly responds to my data access ,735
AVA 3 S17 I can reach mobile service anytime ,759
AVA 4 S18 I can reach mobile services anywhere ,740
AVA 5 S19 mobile services automatically remembers my preferences ,436
AVA 6 S20 Mobile service company is willing and ready to respond to
AVA 7 S21 Mobile service company shows good interest when
customers have any problem
Percieved Risk
RISK 1 S11 I am confident that my private information will be respected ,743
S12 I am confidence that transactions I make with mobile
RISK 2 ,799
services are secure
RISK 3 S13 I am confidence with the security of mobile service ,815

Easy to use
EASY 1 S1 Menu of the service is clearly classified ,812
EASY 2 S2 I can easily find the information I need in mobile service ,813
EASY 3 S3 Content of the mobile service is well designed ,751

Compatibility of Mobile Devices

COMP 1 S8 Appearance and use of the device is good ,723
COMP 2 S9 Size of the screen of the device is big enough ,827
COMP 3 S10 Resolution of the screen is high quality ,792

Entertainment Services (Lim et al, 2006)

ENT 1 S5 Mobile service provides wide variety of music ,787
ENT 2 S6 Mobile service provides high quality sound with the music ,753
ENT 3 S7 Mobile service provides high quality videos ,626

Eigenvalues 8,91 1,95 1,58 1.34 1.24 1,14

% Variance Explained 14,663 14,035 10,302 10,007 9,817 8,503
0,89 0,83 0,80 0,85 0,81 0,75
KMO 0,917
Bartlett Test 2
= 11942, 714 (p=0,000)
Alper Özer et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 99 (2013) 428 – 438 435

Content validity could be considered as subjective. The literature was analyzed for both conceptual and empirical
studies and items for the scale were developed according to literature review. Dimensions and items were also checked
by experts in the area. Confirmatory factor analysis was performed to establish measurement model. With the
establishment of the measurement model, we can test convergent and discriminant validity. Confirmatory factor
analysis also tests the unidimensionality (Steenkamp and Trijp, 1991). CFA was performed to each construct
separately to assess unidimensionality. All the models fit the data and composite reliabilities were also higher than the
recommended level of 0.70. CFA modification indices showed us that the model will be better if two it obile
service company is willing and ready to respond to customers obile service company shows good interest
when customers have any problem
shown in Table 3.

Table 3: Results of the Measurement Model

t-value R2
Variable Loadings
Satisfaction (CR:0,91, AVE: 0,67)
SAT 1 SAT1 I am satisfied with mobile services 0,89 35.28 0,78
SAT 2 SAT2 Using mobile services satisfied me 0,93 38.30 0,86
SAT 3 SAT3 I enjoyed using mobile services 0,87 34.41 0,76
SAT4 I can easily recommend mobile services to my friends and
SAT 4 30.36 0,65
family 0,81
SAT 5 SAT 5 I will most probably use mobile music service 0,54 17.88 0,29

Availability (CR:0,81, AVE: 0,47)

AVA 1 S15 Download speed of mobile services is very good 0,61 19.70 0,37
AVA 2 S16 Mobile service quickly responds to my data access 0,71 24.07 0,50
AVA 3 S17 I can reach mobile service anytime 0,79 28.01 0,63
AVA 4 S18 I can reach mobile services anywhere 0,75 26.05 0,56
AVA 5 S19 mobile services automatically remembers my preferences 0,52 16.51 0,27

Percieved Risk (CR:0,82, AVE: 0,60)

RISK 1 S11 I am confident that my private information will be respected 0,63 20.53 0,39
S12 I am confidence that transactions I make with mobile
RISK 2 27.83 0,65
services are secure 0,81
RISK 3 S13 I am confidence with the security of mobile service 0,87 30.76 0,76

Easy to use (CR:0,86, AVE: 0,67)

EASY 1 S1 Menu of the service is clearly classified 0,85 31.08 0,71
EASY 2 S2 I can easily find the information I need in mobile service 0,83 30.40 0,69
EASY 3 S3 Content of the mobile service is well designed 0,77 27.46 0,60

Compatibility of Mobile Device (CR:0,82, AVE: 0,60)

COMP 1 S8 Appearance and use of the device is good 0,73 24.48 0,53
COMP 2 S9 Size of the screen of the device is big enough 0,81 28.04 0,65
COMP 3 S10 Resolution of the screen is high quality 0,79 27.18 0,62

Entertainment Services (CR:0,75, AVE: 0,50)

ENT 1 S5 Mobile service provides wide variety of music 0,63 19.81 0,40
ENT 2 S6 Mobile service provides high quality sound with the music 0,78 25.74 0,61
ENT 3 S7 Mobile service provides high quality videos 0,71 22.98 0,51

F 2= 755,91 (P = 0.000), df: 194, 2/df = 3,9, RMSEA: 0,054, GFI = 0.94, AGFI = 0.92,
NFI = 0.94, NNFI = 0.94, CFI = 0.95, IFI = 0.90, SRMR = 0.046

In measurement models, convergent validity occurs while each variable significantly loads to related latent variable.
We found that, in the measurement model, all the t-values were higher than 1.96. Thus we assume that this can be
considered as a support for convergent validity (Steenkamp and van Trijp 1991). Additionally, the average variance
436 Alper Özer et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 99 (2013) 428 – 438

extracted (AVE) was used to test convergent validity. All AVEs were higher than 0.50, providing sufficient evidence
for convergent validity, except for availability dimension (0,47) that AVE was slightly lower than recommended level
of 0,50. Factor loadings were also higher than the recommended level of 0.70, supporting convergent validity
(Steenkamp and Trijp, 1991).
Discriminant validity occurs when one measure in a construct does not correlate with other measures in other
constructs. It is recommended that constructs that do not have high correlations provide discriminant validity (Byrne,
2001). While correlations between factors were not higher than 0.70 (Table 4), we can consider this as a support for
discriminant validity. AVE was also used to demonstrate discriminant validity. We can consider that discriminant
validity is achieved because AVE for each construct was higher than the squared correlation between any construct in
the model (Fornell and Larcker, 1981). Another way to provide discriminant validity is to check for correlations
among the factors of the proposed model.
Table 4: Correlations Between Dimensions
1 2 3 4 5 6
Satisfaction 1
Availability 0.58 1
Perceived Risk 0,42 0,52 1
Easy to Use 0,63 0,50 0,35 1
Compatibility of Devices 0,51 0,53 0,39 0,43 1
Entertainment 0,53 0,57 0,44 0,48 0,60 1

The structural equation model (SEM) was used to analyze the relationships between the dimensions of mobile service
quality and customer satisfaction. The analysis was conducted by using LISREL 8,51.

Table 5: Results for structural model

Standardized Solution t- Value
Compatibility of devices 0,68 14,61
Compatibility 0,51 14,05
Compatibility 0,60 13,88
Compatibility 0,21 4,56
0,13 2,95
0,39 11,40
Satisfaction 0,23 5,63
Perceived risk Satisfaction 0,07 2,15
Availability Perceived risk 0,39 7,62
Compatibility Satisfaction 0,11 1,97

958,89 (p=0,000), df =199, 4,82, RMSEA = 0,06 , GFI = 0.92, AGFI = 0.90, NFI = 0.92, NNFI
= 0.93, CFI = 0.94, IFI = 0.94, SRMR = 0.07

According to the results, we found that, as the dimensions of mobile service quality, availability, easy to use,
compatibility of devices, perceived risk, and entertainment services have positive influence on customer satisfaction in
mobile services while these dimensions have higher t-values than 1,96.

4. Conclusion

Main goal of this study is to develop a scale for mobile service quality considering mobile device, particularly mobile
phones. In addition, in the study, after determining the dimensions of mobile service quality, we searched for the effect
of these dimensions on customer satisfaction. Results show that there are five dimensions we can consider in mobile
service quality, namely availability, perceived risk, easy to use, compatibility of mobile devices and entertainment
services, and these dimensions have positive effect on satisfaction as service quality literature suggests positive
relationships between service quality and satisfaction. Ease of use and availability are seem to be the most important
dimensions affecting satisfaction. As we proposed, the importance of mobile devices is obvious not only directly on
satisfaction, also on the other dimensions of mobile service quality. This results show us that customers look for the
Alper Özer et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 99 (2013) 428 – 438 437

proper mobile device. Compatibility of the mobile devices have positive relationships between the other dimensions,
meaning that compatibility of the mobile device will increase the entertainment level for the users, will be directly
related to ease of use, reaching the mobile services, and positive effect on perceiving risks of using a mobile service.
We also found some positive interactions among mobile service quality dimensions. Availability of the services is
related to perceived risk. Customers will feel that while they can reach the mobile services any time they would like,
they feel low level of risk. It is particularly important to attract or keep the customers who perceive high security risk
while they may make the connection that better devices could help to be secure. Devices and ease of use are directly
related. Menu, reaching the information in the device, and design would be important for the service users that they
can have the best use with proper devices. Similarly, entertainment the mobile service users will have will be directly
related to mobile devices while mobile devices provide music or video for entertainment. Availability is another factor
that mobile devices are related to. Customers consider that devices may have influence on making availability better.


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