Calculation Methods For Structural Fire Protection
Calculation Methods For Structural Fire Protection
Calculation Methods For Structural Fire Protection
Standard Calculation
Methods for Structural
Fire Protection
This document uses both Système International (SI) and customary units.
TH1065.S684 2002
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In April 1995, the Board of Direction approved The material presented in this Standard has been
the revision to the ASCE Rules for Standards Commit- prepared in accordance with recognized engineering
tees to govern the writing and maintenance of Stan- principles. This Standard should not be used without
dards developed by the Society. All such Standards are first securing competent advice with respect to its suit-
developed by a consensus standards process managed ability for any given application. The publication of the
by the ASCE Codes and Standards Activities Commit- material contained herein is not intended as a represen-
tee (CSAC). The consensus process includes balloting tation or warranty on the part of the American Society
by a balanced standards committee made up of Society of Civil Engineers, or of any other person named
members and nonmembers, balloting by the member- herein, that this information is suitable for any general
ship of ASCE as a whole, and balloting by the public. or particular use or promises freedom from infringe-
All Standards are updated or reaffirmed by the same ment of any patent or patents. Anyone making use of
process at intervals not exceeding 5 years. this information assumes all liability from such use.
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The Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) of the effort between SEI and the Society of Fire
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) ac- Protection Engineers (SFPE). Although developed
knowledges the devoted efforts of the Structural De- through ASCE’s consensus process, SFPE contributed
sign for Fire Conditions Standards Committee of the greatly to the development of this Standard.
Codes and Standards Activities Division. This group This Standard was prepared through the consensus
comprises individuals from many backgrounds in- standards process by balloting in compliance with pro-
cluding consulting engineering, research, construction cedures of ASCE’s Codes and Standards Activities
industry, education, government, design, and private Committee. Those individuals who serve on the Struc-
practice. tural Design for Fire Conditions Standards Committee
The development of this Standard was a joint are:
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3. Standard Methods for Determining the Fire Resistance of Timber and Wood
Structural Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.1.1 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.1.2 Dimensions and Metric Conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.2 Notations and Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.3 Design of Fire-Resistive Exposed Wood Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.3.1 Analytical Method for Exposed Wood Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Load Factor and Effective Length Factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Load Factor of Short Columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Load Factor of Beams and Other Columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Beams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Glued Laminated Timber Beams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Connectors and Fasteners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.4 Component Additive Method for Calculating and Demonstrating Assembly
Fire Endurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.4.1 Analytical Method for Protected Wood-Frame Assemblies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Component Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Exposed Plywood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Unsymmetrical Wall Assemblies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Floor/Ceiling and Roof/Ceiling Assemblies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4. Standard Calculation Methods for Determining the Fire Resistance of Masonry . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.2 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.3 Equivalent Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.3.1 Hollow Unit Masonry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.3.2 Solid Grouted Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.3.3 Air Spaces or Cells Filled with Loose Fill Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.4 Masonry Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.4.1 Walls with Gypsum Wallboard or Plaster Finishes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Calculation for Non–Fire-Exposed Side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Calculation for Fire-Exposed Side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Assume Each Side of Wall Is Fire-Exposed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Minimum Rating Provided by Masonry Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Installation of Finishes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Gypsum Wallboard or Gypsum Lath and Plaster . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Plaster and Stucco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.4.2 Single-Wythe Wall Assemblies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.4.3 Multi-Wythe Wall Assemblies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.4.4 Multi-Wythe Walls with Dissimilar Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.4.5 Movement Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.5 Reinforced Masonry Columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.6 Masonry Lintels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5. Standard Methods for Determining the Fire Resistance of Structural Steel Construction . . . . 23
5.1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5.2 Structural Steel Columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5.2.1 Gypsum Wallboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5.2.2 Spray-Applied Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
5.2.3 Concrete-Filled Hollow Steel Columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
5.2.4 Concrete or Masonry Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Commentary for 2: Standard Methods for Determining the Fire Resistance of Plain
and Reinforced Concrete Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Commentary for 3: Standard Methods for Determining the Fire Resistance of Timber and
Wood Structural Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Commentary for 4: Standard Calculation Methods for Determining the Fire Resistance
of Masonry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Commentary for 5: Standard Methods for Determining the Fire Resistance of Structural
Steel Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Appendix A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59
List of Figures
List of Tables
cated in Table 2-1. For solid walls with flat surfaces, four times the minimum thickness, the equivalent
the equivalent thickness shall be the actual thickness. thickness is calculated from the following formula:
The equivalent thickness of hollow-core walls or of
walls with surfaces that are not flat shall be deter-
Te t [(4t / s) 1] (te t) (2.1)
mined in accordance with Sections 2.3.1 through 2.3.3.
2.3.1 Hollow-Core Panel Walls
For walls constructed with precast hollow-core s spacing of ribs or undulations
panels with constant core cross section throughout t minimum thickness
their length, the equivalent thickness shall be the net te equivalent thickness calculated in accordance with
cross-sectional area divided by the panel width. Where item b, above
all of the core spaces are filled with grout or loose fill
material, such as perlite, vermiculite, sand or expanded 2.3.4 Multiple-Wythe walls
clay, shale, slag, or slate, the fire resistance rating of For walls consisting of two or more wythes of
the wall shall be considered the same as that of a solid different types of concrete, the fire resistance rating
wall of the same type of concrete. shall be determined in accordance with the graphical
or numerical solution in Sections and,
2.3.2 Flanged Wall Panels respectively.
For walls constructed with flanged wall panels
where the flanges taper, the equivalent thickness shall
be determined at a distance of two times the minimum Graphical Solution: For walls consisting of two
thickness or 6 in. (152 mm), whichever is less, from wythes of different types of concrete, the fire resis-
the point of minimum thickness. tance rating shall be determined from Figure 2-1. The
fire resistance rating shall be the lower of the two rat-
2.3.3 Ribbed or Undulating Panels ings determined by assuming that each side of the wall
The equivalent thickness, Te, of panels with ribbed is the fire-exposed side.
or undulating surfaces shall be determined as follows: Numerical Solution: For walls consisting of
a. Where the spacing of ribs or undulations is equal to
two or more wythes of different types of concrete, or
or greater than four times the minimum thickness,
one or more wythes of concrete and one or more
the equivalent thickness is the minimum thickness.
wythes of masonry, the fire resistance rating shall be
b. Where the spacing of ribs or undulations is equal to
determined from the formula:
or less than two times the minimum thickness, the
equivalent thickness is calculated by dividing the
R (R 0.59
1 R 0.59
2 ... R 0.59
n )
net cross-sectional area by the panel width. The
maximum thickness used to calculate the net cross-
sectional area shall not exceed two times the mini-
mum thickness. R fire resistance rating of assembly, minutes
c. Where the spacing of ribs or undulations exceeds R1, R2, Rn fire resistance rating of individual wythes,
two times the minimum thickness but is less than minutes
1 hr 1 1/2 hr 2 hr 3 hr 4 hr
Concrete Aggregate
Type in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm
Siliceous 3.5 89 4.3 109 5.0 127 6.2 157 7.0 178
Carbonate 3.2 81 4.0 102 4.6 117 5.7 145 6.6 168
Sand-lightweight 2.7 69 3.3 84 3.8 97 4.6 117 5.4 137
Lightweight 2.5 64 3.1 79 3.6 91 4.4 112 5.1 130
FIGURE 2-1. Fire Resistance Ratings of Two-Wythe Concrete Walls (From Abrams, M.S. and A.H. Gusta-
ferro. Fire Endurance of Two-Course Floors and Roofs, Portland Cement Association Research and Develop-
ment Bulletin RD048, 1968. Used with permission.)
Values of Rn059 for individual wythes of concrete for use in the equation is 2.5. The foam plastic shall be
use in the formula are obtained from Figure 2-2. Values protected on both sides by not less than 1 in. (25 mm)
for Rn for masonry are obtained from Chapter 4. of concrete. Foam plastic with a total thickness of less
than 1 in. (25 mm) shall be disregarded. Sandwich Panels: The fire resistance rating of
precast concrete wall panels consisting of a layer of Air Spaces: The fire resistance rating of
foam plastic sandwiched between two wythes of con- concrete walls incorporating an air space between two
crete shall be determined by use of Equation 2.2. The wythes of concrete shall be determined by use of
Rn059 value for 1 in. (25 mm) or thicker foam plastic for Equation 2.2. The Rn059 value for one .5-in-wide
(13 mm) to 3.5 in wide (89 mm) air space is 3.3. The Joints between concrete wall panels that are not insu-
Rn059 value for two .5-in.-wide (13 mm) to lated as required by Section shall be considered
3.5-in.-wide (89 mm) air spaces is 6.7. unprotected openings. Uninsulated joints in exterior
walls shall be included with other openings in determin-
2.3.5 Joints Between Precast Concrete Wall Panels ing the percentage of unprotected openings permitted by
Joints between precast concrete wall panels re- building code provisions. Insulated joints shall not be
quired to be insulated by Section shall be insu- considered openings for purposes of determining com-
lated in accordance with Section pliance with the allowable percentage of openings. Joints Required to Be Insulated: Where openings Thickness of Insulation: The thickness of ce-
are not permitted or where openings are required to be ramic fiber blanket insulation required to insulate 3/8-in.
protected, the provisions of Section shall be used (10 mm) wide and 1-in. (25 mm) wide joints between
to determine the required thickness of joint insulation. concrete wall panels to maintain fire resistance ratings
of 1 hour to 4 hours shall be in accordance with Figure 2.3.6 Walls with Gypsum Wallboard or
2-3. For joint widths between 3/8 in. (10 mm) and 1 in. Plaster Finishes
(25 mm), the thickness of insulation shall be determined The fire resistance rating of cast-in-place or pre-
by direct interpolation. Other joint treatments shall not cast concrete walls with finishes of gypsum wallboard
be used unless they are determined to maintain the re- or plaster applied to one or both sides of the wall shall
quired fire resistance and are approved. be determined in accordance with this Section.
TABLE 2-2. Multiplying Factor for Finishes on Non–Fire-Exposed Side of Concrete Wall
Type of Aggregate Used in Concrete
SEI/ASCE/SFPE 29-99 Calculation for Non–Fire-Exposed Side: TABLE 2-3. Time Assigned to Finish Materials
Where the finish of gypsum wallboard or plaster is ap- on Fire-Exposed Side of Concrete Wall
plied to the non–fire-exposed side of the wall, the fire
Finish Description Time (min)
resistance rating of the entire assembly shall be deter-
mined as follows. The thickness of the finish shall be Gypsum Wallboard
adjusted by multiplying the actual thickness of the fin- 3/8 in. (10 mm) 10
ish by the applicable factor from Table 2-2 based on 1/2 in. (13 mm) 15
the type of aggregate in the concrete. The adjusted fin- 5/8 in. (16 mm) 20
ish thickness shall be added to the actual thickness or 2 layers of 3/8 in. (20 mm) 25
equivalent thickness of concrete and the fire resistance 1 layer of 3/8 in. (10 mm) and 35
rating of the concrete, including finish, determined 1 layer of 1/2 in. (13 mm)
2 layers of 1/2 in. (25 mm) 40
from Table 2-1, Figure 2-1, or Figure 2-2.
Type X Gypsum Wallboard
1/2 in. (13 mm) 25 Calculation for Fire-Exposed Side: Where the
5/8 in. (16 mm) 40
finish of gypsum wallboard or plaster is applied to the Portland Cement-Sand Plaster Applied *
fire-exposed side of the wall, the fire resistance rating Directly to Concrete
of the entire assembly shall be determined as follows. Portland Cement-Sand Plaster on
The time assigned to the finish by Table 2-3 shall be Metal Lath
added to the fire resistance rating of the concrete wall 3/4 in. (19 mm) 20
determined from Table 2-1, Figure 2-1, or Figure 2-2, 7/8 in. (22 mm) 25
or to the rating determined in accordance with 1 in. (25 mm) 30
Section for the concrete and finish on the Gypsum Sand Plaster on 3/8 in. (10 mm)
non–fire-exposed side. Gypsum Lath
1/2 in. (13 mm) 35 Assume Each Side of Wall Is Fire-Exposed 5/8 in. (16 mm) 40
Side: Where a wall is required to be fire resistance 3/4 in. (19 mm) 50
Gypsum Sand Plaster on Metal Lath
rated from both sides and has no finish on one side or
3/4 in. (19 mm) 50
has different types and/or thicknesses of finish on each 7/8 in. (22 mm) 60
side, the calculation procedures of Sections and 1 in. (25 mm) 80 shall be performed twice (i.e., assume that each
side of the wall is the fire-exposed side). The fire resis- * The actual thickness of portland cement-sand plaster shall be in-
tance rating of the wall, including finishes, shall not cluded in the determination of the equivalent thickness of the
concrete for use in Table 2-1 only when it is 5/8-in. (16 mm) thick
exceed the lower of the two values calculated. or less.
FIGURE 2-4. Fire Resistance of Two-Course Concrete Floors and Roofs (From Abrams, M.S. and
A.H. Gustaferro. Fire Endurance of Two-Course Floors and Roofs, Portland Cement Association Research and
Development Bulletin RD048, 1968. Used with permission.)
2.4.1 Slabs with Other Than Flat Surfaces over a lightweight insulating concrete topping, 10 min-
For floors and roofs constructed with hollow-core utes shall be permitted to be added to the fire resis-
panels, flanged members, or with ribbed or undulating tance rating calculated from Figure 2-5 (a).
surfaces, the minimum thickness or equivalent thick-
ness shall be determined as required for hollow core 2.5 Concrete Cover over Reinforcement
panel walls, flanged wall panels and ribbed or undulat- Minimum concrete cover over positive moment
ing panels. See Sections 2.3.1, 2.3.2, and 2.3.3. reinforcement for floor and roof slabs and beams shall
be determined by Sections 2.5.1 through 2.5.3. Con-
2.4.2 Joints in Precast Slabs crete cover shall not be less than required by ACI 318.
Joints between adjacent precast concrete slabs For purposes of determining minimum concrete cover,
shall be ignored when calculating the slab thickness slabs and beams shall be classified as restrained or un-
provided a concrete topping not less than 1 in. (25 restrained in accordance with Appendix A.
mm) thick is used. Where a concrete topping is not
used, joints shall be grouted to a depth of at least 2.5.1 Cover for Slab Reinforcement
one-third the slab thickness at the joint, but not less The minimum thickness of concrete cover to posi-
than 1 in. (25 mm); or the fire resistance rating of the tive moment non-prestressed and prestressed reinforce-
floor or roof shall be maintained by other approved ment (bottom steel) for different types of concrete
methods. floor and roof slabs for fire resistance ratings of 1 to 4
hours shall be not less than the thickness indicated in
2.4.3 Two-Course Floors and Roofs Table 2-5. For floor or roof slabs consisting of two or
The fire resistance rating of two-course floors and more courses of different types of concrete, the cover
roofs consisting of a base slab of concrete with a top- requirements shall be based on the type of concrete
ping (overlay) of concrete with a different type of ag- used for the base slab, provided the base slab is not
gregate is indicated in Figure 2-4. If the base slab of less than 1 in. (25 mm) thick. Table 2-5 shall apply to
concrete is covered with a topping (overlay) of ter- one-way or two-way cast-in-place or precast solid or
razzo or gypsum wallboard, the thickness of terrazzo hollow-core slabs with flat undersurfaces.
or gypsum wallboard shall be converted to an equiva-
lent thickness of concrete by multiplying the actual 2.5.2 Cover for Non-Prestressed Reinforcement
thickness by the appropriate factor listed in Table 2-4. in Beams
This equivalent concrete thickness shall be added to The minimum thickness of concrete cover to posi-
the base slab thickness and the total thickness used to tive moment non-prestressed reinforcement (bottom
determine the fire resistance of the slab, including top- steel) for restrained and unrestrained beams of differ-
ping, from Table 2-1. ent widths for fire resistance ratings of 1 to 4 hours for
2.4.4 Insulated Roofs all types of concrete shall not be less than the thickness
The fire resistance rating of roofs consisting of a indicated in Table 2-6. Values in Table 2-6 for re-
base slab of concrete with a topping (overlay) of cellu- strained beams apply to beams spaced more than 4 ft
lar, perlite, or vermiculite concrete or insulating boards (1,219 mm) on center. For restrained beams and joists
and built-up roof shall be determined from Figure 2-5 spaced 4 ft (1,219 mm) or less on center, 3/4-in. (19
(a) or (b). Where a three-ply built-up roof is installed mm) cover is adequate for fire resistance ratings of 4
hours or less regardless of the width of the beam.
Cover for intermediate beam widths shall be deter-
mined by direct interpolation.
TABLE 2-4. Multiplying Factors for
Equivalent Thickness Calculating Cover: The concrete cover for an
individual bar is the minimum thickness of concrete
Base Slab Concrete Type
between the surface of the bar and the fire-exposed
Siliceous Sand-Lightweight surface of the beam. For beams in which several bars
Top Course Material or Carbonate or Lightweight are used, the cover, for the purposes of Table 2-6, is
the average of the minimum cover of the individual
Gypsum Wallboard* 3 2.25
bars. For corner bars (i.e., bars equal distance from the
Terrazzo 1 0.75
bottom and side), the minimum cover used in the cal-
* Applies only to roofs. culation shall be one-half the actual value. The actual
FIGURE 2-5 (a). Fire Resistance of Concrete Roofs with Overlays of Insulating Concrete (From Abrams, M.S.
and A.H. Gustaferro. Fire Resistance of Lightweight Insulating Concretes, Research and Development Bulletin
RD004, Portland Cement Association, 1970. Used with permission.)
FIGURE 2-5 (b). Fire Resistance of Concrete Roofs with Board Insulations (From Abrams, M.S. and A.H.
Gustaferro. Fire Endurance of Two-Course Floors and Roofs. Portland Cement Association Research and De-
velopment Bulletin RD048, 1968. Used with permission.)
cover for an individual bar shall not be less than one- than 40 sq in. (25,806 mm2) and widths equal to or
half the value shown in Table 2-6 or 3/4-in. (19 mm), greater than 8 in. (203 mm), the minimum concrete
whichever is greater. cover specified from the two tables shall be used.
Values in Table 2-7 (a), and (b) for restrained beams
2.5.3 Cover for Prestressed Reinforcement in Beams shall apply to beams spaced more than 4 ft (1,219
The minimum thickness of concrete cover to pos- mm) on center. For restrained joists spaced 4 ft
itive moment prestressed reinforcement (bottom steel) (1,219 mm) or less on center, 3/4-in. (19 mm) cover
for restrained and unrestrained beams of different shall be considered adequate for fire resistance ratings
types of concrete for fire resistance ratings of 1 to 4 of 4 hours or less regardless of the cross-sectional
hours shall be not less than the thickness indicated area or width. Cover for intermediate beam widths of
in Table 2-7 (a) and (b). Table 2-7 (a) shall apply Table 2-7 (b) shall be determined by direct interpola-
to beams of all widths; provided the beam cross- tion. When computing the cross-sectional area of
sectional area is not less than 40 sq in. (25,806 mm2). beams cast monolithically with the supported slab for
Table 2-7 (b) shall apply to beam widths equal to or use in Table 2-7 (a) the cross-sectional area of the
greater than 8 in. (203 mm). As an alternative, for portion of the slab having a width not exceeding three
beams with cross-sectional areas equal to or greater times the average width of the beam shall be permit-
TABLE 2-7 (a). Minimum Cover for Prestressed Reinforcement in Concrete Beams 40 sq in. (1016 sq mm) or
Greater in Area Regardless of Beam Widths
Thickness of Cover for Fire Resistance Rating
All 40–150 26–97 1 1/2 38 1 1/2 38 2 51 2 1/2 64 — —
Carbonate 150–300 97–194 1 1/2 38 1 1/2 38 1 1/2 38 1 3/4 44 2 1/2 64
or Siliceous
Carbonate 300 194 1 1/2 38 1 1/2 38 1 1/2 38 1 1/2 38 2 51
or Siliceous
Lightweight or 150 97 1 1/2 38 1 1/2 38 1 1/2 38 1 1/2 38 2 51
All 40–150 26–97 2 51 2 1/2 64 — — — — — —
Carbonate 150–300 97–194 1 1/2 38 1 3/4 44 2 1/2 64 — — — —
or Siliceous
Carbonate 300 194 1 1/2 38 1 1/2 38 2 51 3 76 4 102
or Siliceous
Lightweight or 150 97 1 1/2 38 1 1/2 38 2 51 3 76 4 102
TABLE 2-7 (b). Minimum Cover for Prestressed Reinforcement in Concrete Beams 8 in. (203 mm)
or Greater in Width
Thickness of Cover for Fire Resistance Rating
Carbonate 8 203 1 1/2 38 1 1/2 38 1 1/2 38 1 3/4 44 2 1/2 64
or Siliceous
Carbonate 12 305 1 1/2 38 1 1/2 38 1 1/2 38 1 1/2 38 1 7/8 47
or Siliceous
Sand-lightweight 8 203 1 1/2 38 1 1/2 38 1 1/2 38 1 1/2 38 2 51
Sand-lightweight 12 305 1 1/2 38 1 1/2 38 1 1/2 38 1 1/2 38 1 5/8 41
Carbonate 8 203 1 1/2 38 1 3/4 44 2 1/2 64 5 127 — —
or Siliceous
Carbonate 12 305 1 1/2 38 1 1/2 38 1 7/8 47 2 1/2 64 3 76
or Siliceous
Sand-lightweight 8 203 1 1/2 38 1 1/2 38 2 51 3 1/4 95 — —
Sand-lightweight 12 305 1 1/2 38 1 1/2 38 1 5/8 41 2 51 2 1/2 64
* Not practical for 8-in. (203-mm) wide beam, but shown for purposes of interpretation.
ted to be included with the cross-sectional area of the 2.6.2 Columns Built into Walls
beam. Where the thickness of concrete cover exceeds The minimum dimensions of Table 2-8 shall not
2.5 in. (64 mm), stirrups or hoops with a cover of 1 apply to a reinforced concrete column that is built into
in. (25 mm) and spaced not to exceed the depth of a concrete or masonry wall provided all of the follow-
the beam shall be provided. The minimum cover for ing are met:
non-prestressed positive moment reinforcement in
prestressed concrete beams shall be determined in 1. the fire resistance of the wall is equal to or greater
accordance with Section 2.5.2. than the required rating of the column;
2. openings in the wall are protected in accordance Calculating Cover: The concrete cover for an with the general building code so that no more than
individual tendon is the minimum thickness of con- one face of the column will be exposed to fire at the
crete between the surface of the tendon and the fire- same time; and
exposed surface of the beam; except for ungrouted 3. the main longitudinal reinforcement in the column
ducts, the assumed cover thickness is the minimum has cover of not less than required by Section 2.6.1.
thickness of concrete between the surface of the duct
and the surface of the beam. For beams in which sev-
eral tendons are used, the cover, for purposes of Table 3. STANDARD METHODS FOR DETERMINING
2-7 (a) and (b), is the average of the minimum cover of THE FIRE RESISTANCE OF TIMBER AND
the individual tendons. For corner tendons, the mini- WOOD STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS
mum cover used in the calculation shall be one-half the
actual value. For stemmed members with two or more 3.1 Scope
prestressing tendons located along the vertical center- Chapter 3 contains methodologies for determining
line of the member, the average cover shall be the dis- the fire performance of large section timbers and wood
tance from the bottom of the member to the centroid of structural elements. The procedure for determining the
the tendons. The actual cover for an individual tendon fire resistance of a heavy timber member is based on
shall not be less than one-half the value shown in a mathematical model and on testing that demonstrated
Table 2-7 (a) or (b) or 1 in. (25 mm), whichever is the intrinsic ability of larger wood members to sustain
greater. a structural load during severe fire exposure. The
second part of this Chapter contains the Component
2.6 Reinforced Concrete Columns Additive Method (CAM), which utilized tests and
The least dimension of reinforced concrete Harmathy’s rules for fire endurance rating.
columns of different types of concrete for fire resis-
tance ratings of 1 to 4 hours shall be not less than the
3.1.1 Limitations
dimensions indicated in Table 2-8.
These calculation methods are applicable to fire
2.6.1 Minimum Cover for Reinforcement endurance times of up to 1 hour.
The minimum thickness of concrete cover to the
main longitudinal reinforcement in columns, regardless 3.1.2 Dimensions and Metric Conversion
of the type of aggregate used in the concrete, shall not In this Chapter, the section dimensions of struc-
be less than 1 in. (25 mm) times the number of hours tural members are nominal when expressed in in.-lb
of required fire resistance, or 2 in. (51 mm), whichever units, unless it is explicitly stated that actual dimen-
is less. sions are specified. The corresponding metric units are
1 hr 1.5 hr 2 hr 3 hr 4 hr
Aggregate Type in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm
given in parentheses and are always for the actual load ratio, r is equal to or less than 50%. When r is
dimensions. Thicknesses of panel products and dimen- greater than 50%, z shall be equal to:
sions other than those of sections are actual values in
both systems of units. z 0.9 30/r (3.1)
3.2 Notations and Definitions Load Factor of Beams and Other Columns:
For all beams and other columns (Kel/d 11), z shall
constant (2.54 min/in. or 0.1 min/mm) be equal to 1.3 when r is equal to or less than 50%.
b actual breadth (width) of a beam or actual larger When r is greater than 50%, z shall be equal to:
side of a column before exposure to fire, mea-
sured in inches or mm z 0.7 30/r (3.2)
d actual depth of a beam or actual smaller side of a
column before exposure to fire, measured in Beams: The calculation for the fire resistance
inches or mm rating (or time to failure, t), measured in minutes, of
z load factor; see Section timber beams with a least nominal dimension of 6 in.
l the unsupported length of a column, measured in (140 mm) shall be equal to:
inches or mm
r ratio of applied load to allowable load, indicated t yzb [42(b/d)] (3.3)
as a percentage
Ke effective length; see Section for beams exposed to fire on four sides; or,
Large Timber Section: a structural wood element
t yzb [4(b/d)] (3.4)
having minimum cross-sectional dimensions of 6 in.
6 in. (nominal).
for beams exposed to fire on three sides.
6 3/4" 6 3/4"
L1 grade L1 grade
L2 grade L2 grade
20 lams
(30") L3 grade L3 grade
L2 grade
L2 grade
L1 grade
L1 grade
1 – L1 grade tension lam* 2 – L1 grade tension lams*
Typical 6 3/4" × 30" 1 - Hour rated 6 3/4" × 30"
24F-V4 beam 24F-V4 beam
* Tension laminations are of the same grade as outer lamination with additional slope of grain and knot restrictions.
FIGURE 3-1 Effect of Relocating a Tension Laminate into the Core Zone
3.4 Component Additive Method for Calculating TABLE 3-2. Time Assigned to Wood-Frame
and Demonstrating Assembly Fire Endurance Components
3.4.1 Analytical Method for Protected
Description of Frames Time (min)
Wood-Frame Assemblies
Fire resistance ratings up to 1 hour’s duration are Wood studs minimum 2 in. nominal (38 mm),
permitted to be calculated for walls, floor/ceiling, and 16 in. (406 mm) on center 20
roof/ceiling assemblies by combining the individual Wood joists minimum 2 in. nominal
component times of the assembly in accordance with (38 mm), 16 in. (406 mm) on center 10
this section. The calculated time shall equal or exceed Wood roof and floor truss assemblies, 24 in.
the required fire resistance rating of the assembly. (610 mm) on center 5
3/8 in. (9.5 mm) Douglas fir plywood 5 Exposed Plywood: For a wall or partition where
phenolic bonded only plywood is used as the membrane on the side that
1/2 in. (12.7 mm) Douglas fir plywood 10 would be exposed to the fire, insulation in accordance
phenolic bonded with Table 3-3 shall be used within the assembly. No
5/8 in. (15.9 mm) Douglas fir plywood 15 credit shall be given for the insulation.
phenolic bonded
3/8 in. (9.5 mm) gypsum board 10 Unsymmetrical Wall Assemblies: When dissim-
1/2 in. (12.7 mm) gypsum board 15 ilar membranes are used on opposite faces of a wall
5/8 in. (15.9 mm) gypsum board 20 assembly, the fire endurance is permitted to be deter-
1/2 in. (12.7 mm) Type X gypsum board 25 mined based on the calculations for the least fire-
5/8 in. (15.9 mm) Type X gypsum board 40
resistant side.
Double 3/8 in. (9.5 mm) gypsum board 25
Exception: Where exterior walls are required to be
1/2 3/8 in. (12.7 mm 9.5 mm) 35
gypsum board rated for exposure to fire from the inside only, the non-
Double 1/2 in. (12.7 mm) gypsum board 40 fire side (exterior) membrane shall be constructed of any
Double 5/8 in. (15.9 mm) Type X 55 combination of materials listed in Table 3-4 or any other
gypsum board membrane listed at 15 minutes or greater in Table 3-1.
Note: On walls, gypsum board shall be installed with the long di- Floor/Ceiling and Roof/Ceiling Assemblies:
mension (edge) parallel to framing members with all face layer joints Fire-resistant floor/ceiling and roof/ceiling assemblies
and fasteners finished. 5/8 in. (15.9 mm) Type X gypsum board is shall have an upper membrane (unexposed side) pro-
permitted to be installed horizontally with the horizontal joints un-
supported. On floor/ceiling or roof/ceiling assemblies, gypsum board
vided in accordance with Table 3-5.
shall be installed with the long dimension at right angles to framing As an alternative to the unexposed (upper) mem-
members and shall have all face layer joints and fasteners finished. branes listed in Table 3-5, combinations of membranes
5/8 in. (15.9 mm) T&G lumber Sheathing paper per building code Lumber siding
5/16 in. (7.9 mm) exterior grade plywood Wood shingles and shakes
1/2 in. (12.7 mm) gypsum sheathing 1/4 in. (6.4 mm) exterior grade plywood
1/4 in. (6.4 mm) hardboard
Metal siding
Stucco on metal lath
Masonry veneer
None None 3/8 in. (9.5 mm) exterior grade plywood
Floor Wood 1/2 in. (12.7 mm) plywood Hardwood or softwood flooring on building
or 11/16 in. (17.5 mm) T&G paper; or resilient flooring, parquet floor,
softwood lumber felted-synthetic-fiber floor coverings,
carpeting, or ceramic tile on 3/8 in.
(9.5 mm) thick panel-type underlay; or
ceramic tile on 1 1/4 in. (31.8 mm) mortar
Roof Wood 1/2 in. (12.7 mm) plywood Finish roofing material with or without
or 11/16 in. (17.5 mm) T&G insulation
softwood lumber
from Table 3-1 with a time assigned value of at least Control joint: A continuous vertical or transverse
15 minutes shall be permitted. joint placed between units that is used in concrete ma-
sonry to create a plane of weakness that, used in con-
4. STANDARD CALCULATION METHODS junction with reinforcement or joint reinforcement,
FOR DETERMINING THE FIRE RESISTANCE controls the location of cracks due to volume changes
OF MASONRY resulting from shrinkage or creep.
Equivalent thickness: The average thickness of
4.1 Scope solid material in the wall.
Calculated acceptable fire resistance ratings of ma- Expansion joint: A continuous vertical or trans-
sonry are to be determined in accordance with the provi- verse void placed between units that is used to separate
sions of this Chapter. Except where the provisions of clay brick masonry into segments to prevent cracking
this Chapter are more stringent, the design, construction, due to changes in temperature, moisture and freezing
and material requirements of masonry including units, expansion, elastic deformation, and creep due to loads.
mortar, grout, control and expansion joint materials, and Grout: A mixture of cementitious material and
reinforcement shall comply with ACI 530–95, Building aggregate to which sufficient water is added to produce
Code Requirements for Masonry Structures [4.2.1]. pouring consistency without segregation of the con-
4.2 Definitions Lintel: A beam placed over an opening in a wall.
Words and terms used in this Chapter shall have Loose fill material: A material used to com-
the following meanings: pletely fill the designated vertically aligned cells of
Column, masonry: An isolated vertical hollow masonry units or the space between wythes in a
member whose horizontal dimension measured at cavity wall.
right angles to the thickness does not exceed three Masonry unit, clay: A unit made of clay or shale,
times its thickness and whose height is at least three usually formed into a rectangular prism while in the
times its thickness. plastic state and burned or fired in a kiln.
Masonry unit, concrete: A building unit or block 4.3.3 Air Spaces or Cells Filled with Loose
made of cement and suitable aggregates. Fill Material
Masonry unit, hollow: A masonry unit whose net The equivalent thickness of filled air spaces or
cross-sectional area in any plane parallel to the bearing hollow masonry shall be taken as the specified thick-
surface is less than 75% of its gross cross-sectional ness of the unit where loose fill materials are sand, pea
area measured in the same plane. gravel, crushed stone, or slag conforming to ASTM
Masonry unit, solid: A masonry unit whose net C33; pumice, scoria, expanded shale, expanded clay,
cross-sectional area in every plane parallel to the bear- expanded slate, expanded slag, expanded fly ash, or
ing surface is 75% or more of its gross cross-sectional cinders conforming to ASTM C331; or perlite or
area measured in the same plane. vermiculite conforming to ASTM C332.
Mortar: A plastic mixture of cementitious materi-
als, fine aggregates, and water used to bond masonry 4.4 Masonry Walls
or other structural units. The minimum equivalent thickness of various
Wall: A vertical element with a horizontal length- types of plain or reinforced masonry bearing or non-
to-thickness ratio greater than three. bearing walls required to provide fire resistance ratings
Wall, composite: A wall in which at least one of 1/2 hour to 4 hours is indicated in Table 4-1.
of the wythes is dissimilar to the other wythe or Table 4-1 is applicable only to those aggregates
wythes with respect to the type or grade of masonry for which the fire-resistance properties have been
unit or mortar; a wall with at least two dissimilar tested and documented.
wythes separated by a collar joint and composed
of clay or concrete masonry units, concrete or 4.4.1 Walls with Gypsum Wallboard or
mixture thereof. Plaster Finishes
The fire resistance rating of masonry walls with
4.3 Equivalent Thickness gypsum wallboard or plaster finishes applied to one or
The equivalent thickness of masonry shall be two sides of the wall shall be determined using the pro-
determined in accordance with the provisions of this visions of this Section.
Section. Calculation for Non–Fire-Exposed Side:
4.3.1 Hollow Unit Masonry Where the finish of gypsum wallboard or plaster is
The equivalent thickness of masonry, Tea, shall be applied to the non–fire-exposed side of the wall, the
based on the equivalent thickness of the masonry unit, fire resistance rating of the entire assembly shall be
Te, determined in accordance with ASTM C40 for con- determined as follows: The thickness of the finish
crete masonry units or ASTM C67 for clay masonry shall be adjusted by multiplying the actual thickness
units, plus the equivalent thickness of finishes, Tef not of the finish by the applicable factor from Table 4-2
considered in Sections 4.3.2 and 4.3.3 (see Section based on the type of clay masonry unit or concrete
4.4.1). masonry unit. The adjusted finish thickness shall be
added to the equivalent thickness of masonry wall
Tea Te Tef (4.1) and the fire resistance rating of the masonry wall, in-
cluding the finish, determined from Table 4-1. Where
Te Vn /LH (4.2)
a finish is added to the non–fire-exposed side of a
hollow clay masonry unit, no increase in fire resis-
tance shall be permitted.
Te equivalent thickness of masonry unit, in. (mm)
Tea equivalent thickness of masonry, in. (mm) Calculation for Fire-Exposed Side: Where
Tef equivalent thickness of finishes, in. (mm) the finish of gypsum wallboard or plaster is applied to
L specified length of masonry unit, in. (mm) the fire-exposed side of the wall, the fire resistance
Vn net volume of masonry unit, in.3 (mm3) rating of the entire wall shall be determined as fol-
H specified height of masonry unit, in. (mm) lows: The time assigned to the finish by Table 4-3
shall be added to the fire resistance rating determined
4.3.2 Solid Grouted Construction from Table 4-1 for the masonry wall alone or to the
The equivalent thickness, Te, of solidly grouted rating determined in accordance with Section
mansory units shall be the specified thickness of for the masonry wall and finish on the non–fire-ex-
the unit. posed side.
Calcareous or siliceous gravel 6.2 157 5.3 135 4.2 107 3.6 91 2.8 71 2.4 61 2.0 51
Limestone, cinders, or slag 5.9 150 5.0 127 4.0 102 3.4 86 2.7 69 2.3 58 1.9 48
Expanded clay, shale, or slate 5.1 130 4.4 112 3.6 91 3.3 84 2.6 66 2.2 56 1.8 46
Expanded slag or pumice 4.7 119 4.0 102 3.2 81 2.7 69 2.1 53 1.9 48 1.5 38
Brick of clay or shale, unfilled 5.0 127 4.3 109 3.4 86 2.85 72 2.3 58 2.0 51 1.7 43
Brick of clay or shale, grouted or 6.6 168 5.5 140 4.4 112 3.7 94 3.0 76 2.65 67 2.3 58
filled with perlite, vermiculite, or
expanded shale aggregate
Fire resistance rating between the hour fire resistance ratings listed shall be determined by linear interpolation based on the equivalent thickness
value of the masonry.
Minimum required equivalent thickness corresponding to the hour fire resistance rating for units made with a combination of aggregates shall be
determined by linear interpolation based on the percent by volume of each aggregate used in the manufacture.
Where combustible members are framed in the wall, the thickness of solid material between the end of each member and the opposite face of the
wall, or between members set in from opposite sides, shall not be less than 95% of the thickness shown in the table.
TABLE 4-2. Multiplying Factors for Finishes on Non–Fire-Exposed Side of Masonry Walls
Type of Masonry
Concrete Masonry
Units of Expanded
Clay Tile; Concrete Shale or of Pumice, Concrete Masonry
Masonry Units of Expanded Slag, Units of Expanded
Expanded Shale and Expanded Clay, and Slag, Expanded
Finish Material Solid Clay Brick 20% Sand 20% Sand Clay, or Pumice Assume Each Side of Wall Is Fire-Exposed: shall not exceed the lower of the two values
Where a wall is required to be fire resistance rated calculated.
from both sides and has no finish on one side, or
has different types or thicknesses of finishes on each Minimum Rating Provided by Masonry Walls:
side, the calculation procedures of Sections Where the finish applied to a masonry wall contributes
and shall be performed twice (i.e., with each to the fire resistance rating, the masonry wall alone
side of the wall as the fire-exposed side). The fire shall provide not less than one-half of the total required
resistance rating of the wall, including finishes, fire resistance rating. The contribution to the fire resis-
TABLE 4-3. Time Assigned to Finish Materials on Self-tapping drywall screws spaced at a
Fire Exposed Side of Masonry Wall maximum of 12 in. (305 mm) on center and shall pene-
trate 3/8 in. (10 mm) into resilient steel furring chan-
nels running horizontally and spaced at a maximum 24
Finish Description (min)
in. (610 mm) on center.
Gypsum Wallboard Lath nails shall be spaced at a maximum
3/8 in. (9.5 mm) 10
of 12 in. (305 mm) on center and shall penetrate 3/4 in.
1/2 in. (12.7 mm) 15
5/8 in. (15.9 mm)
(19 mm) into nominal 1 in. 2 in. (25 mm 50 mm)
2 layers of 3/8 in. (9.5 mm) 25 wood furring strips that are secured to the masonry by
1 layer of 3/8 in. (9.5 mm), 1 layer of 1/2 in. 35 2 in. (50 mm) concrete nails spaced a maximum of 16
(12.7 mm) in. (406 mm) on center. The center to center spacing of
2 layers of 1/2 in. (12.7 mm) 40 wood furring strips shall not exceed 16 in. (406 mm).
Type X Gypsum Wallboard A 3/8 in. (10 mm) bead of panel adhesive
1/2 in. (12.7 mm) 25 shall be placed around the perimeter of the wallboard and
5/8 in. (15.9 mm) 40 across the diagonals. After the wallboard is laminated to
the masonry surface, the wallboard shall be secured with
Portland Cement-Sand Plaster Applied * one masonry nail for each 2 ft2 (0.18 m2) of panel.
Directly to Masonry Plaster and Stucco: Application of plaster and
Portland Cement-Sand Plaster on Metal Lath stucco finishes to increase the fire resistance rating to
3/4 in. (19.0 mm) 20 the surface of masonry shall be in accordance with the
7/8 in. (22.2 mm) 25 provisions of the legally adopted building code.
1 in. (25.4 mm) 30
4.4.2 Single-Wythe Wall Assemblies
Gypsum Sand Plaster on 3/8 in. (9.5 mm) Gypsum Lath The fire resistance rating of single-wythe masonry
1/2 in. (12.7 mm) 35 walls shall be in accordance with Table 4-1.
5/8 in. (15.9 mm) 40
3/4 in. (19.0 mm) 50 4.4.3 Multi-Wythe Wall Assemblies
The fire resistance rating of multi-wythe walls
Gypsum Sand Plaster on Metal Lath (Figure 4-1) of the same or dissimilar materials, with
3/4 in. (19.0 mm) 50 or without an air space between wythes, shall be based
7/8 in. (22.2 mm) 60 on the following equation:
1 in. (25.4 mm) 80
R (R 0.59
1 R 0.59
2 ... R 0.59
n A1
* The actual thickness of portland cement-sand plaster shall only be A2 ... An) 1.7
included in the determination of the equivalent thickness of masonry
for use in Table 4-1 when it is 5/8 in. (15.9 mm) or less in thickness. where
R1, R2, . . . Rn fire resistance rating of wythe 1,
2, . . . n, respectively (hr)
tance of the finish on the non–fire-exposed side of the A1, A2, . . . An 0.30; factor for one air space, having
wall shall not exceed 0.5 times the contribution of the a width of 1/2 in. (12.7 mm) to 3 1/2
masonry alone. in. (88.9 mm) between wythes; 0.60;
factor for two air spaces, each having Installation of Finishes: Finishes on masonry a width of 1/2 in. (12.7 mm) to 3 1/2
walls that contribute to the total fire resistance rating of in. (88.9 mm) between wythes
the wall shall comply with the installation require-
ments of this section and applicable provisions of the 4.4.4 Multi-Wythe Walls with Dissimilar Materials
legally adopted building code. For multi-wythe walls consisting of two or more
wythes of dissimilar materials (concrete, concrete ma- Gypsum Wallboard or Gypsum Lath and sonry units, or clay masonry units), the determination
Plaster: For adding fire resistance to masonry wall as- of the fire resistance periods of the dissimilar wythes,
semblies, gypsum wallboard and gypsum lath shall be Rn, shall be in accordance with Section 3.1 for concrete
attached in accordance with one of the three methods and Section 4.4 for concrete masonry units or clay
in Sections through masonry units.
1 hr 2 hr 3 hr 4 hr
1 hr 2 hr 3 hr 4 hr
1. Structural steel column, either wide-flange or tubular shapes.
2. Type X gypsum wallboard. For single-layer applications, the wallboard shall be applied vertically with no horizontal joints. For multiple-layer
applications, horizontal joints are permitted at a minimum spacing of 8 feet (2.4 m), provided that the joints in successive layers are staggered at
least 12 inches (304.8 mm). The total required thickness of wallboard shall be determined on the basis of the specified fire-resistance rating and
the weight and heated perimeter of the column. For fire resistance ratings of two hours or less, one of the required layers of gypsum wallboard
may be applied to the exterior of the sheet steel column covers with 1-inch (25.4-mm) long Type S screws spaced 1 inch (25.4 mm) from the
wallboard edge and 8 inches on center. For such installations, 0.016 inch (0.4 mm) minimum-thickness galvanized steel corner beads with 1 1/2
inch (203.2 mm) legs shall be attached to the wallboard with Type S screws spaced 12 inches (304.8 mm) on center.
3. For fire resistance ratings of three hours or less, the column covers shall be fabricated from 0.024 inch (0.6 mm) minimum-thickness galvanized
or stainless steel. For four-hour fire resistance ratings, the column covers shall be fabricated from 0.024 inch (0.6 mm) minimum-thickness
stainless steel. The column covers shall be erected with the snap lock or pittsburgh joint details. For fire resistance ratings of two hours or less,
column covers fabricated from 0.027 inch (0.7 mm) minimum-thickness galvanized or stainless steel may be erected with lap joints. The lap
joints may be located anywhere around the perimeter of the column cover. The lap joint shall be secured with 1/2-inch (12.7-mm) long No. 8
sheet metal screws spaced 12 inches (304.8 mm) on center. The column covers shall be provided with a minimum expansion clearance of 1/8
inch per linear foot (10.4 mm/m) between the ends of the cover and any restraining construction.
FIGURE 5-2. Gypsum Wallboard Protected Structural Steel Columns with Sheet Steel Column Covers (Four
Hours or Less)
1. Structural steel column, either wide-flange, pipe, or tubular shapes.
2. 1 5/8-inch (15.9-mm) deep studs fabricated from 0.021 inch (0.5 mm) minimum-thickness galvanized steel with 1 5/16 (33.3 mm) or 1 7/16
(36.5 mm) inch legs and 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) stiffening flanges. The length of the steels studs shall be 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) less than the height of
the assembly.
3. Type X gypsum wallboard. For single-layer applications, the wallboard shall be applied vertically with no horizontal joints. For multiple-layer
applications, horizontal joints shall be permitted at a minimum spacing of 8 feet (2.4 m), provided that the joints in successive layers are stag-
gered at least 12 inches (304.8 mm). The total required thickness of wallboard shall be determined on the basis of the specified fire-resistance
rating and the weight and heated perimeter of the column.
4. Galvanized steel corner beads (0.016 inch [0.4 mm] minimum thickness) with 1 1/2 inch (38.1 mm) legs attached to the wallboard with 1-inch
(25.4-mm) long Type S screws spaced 12 inches (304.8 mm) on center.
5. No. 18 SWG Steel tie Wire spaced 24 inches (160 mm) on center.
6. Sheet metal angles with 2-inch (50.8 mm) legs fabricated from 0.021 inch (0.5 mm) minimum-thickness galvanized steel.
7. Type S screws 1-inch (25.4-mm) long shall be used for attaching the first layer of wallboard to the steel studs and the third layer to the sheet
metal angles at 24 inches (609.6 mm) on center. Type S screws 1 3/4- inches (44.5-mm) long shall be used for attaching the second layer of
wallboard to the steel studs and the fourth layer to the sheet metal angles at 12 inches (304.8 mm) on center. Type S screws 2-1/4 inches (57.2-
mm) long shall be used for attaching the third layer of wallboard to the steels studs at 12 inches (304.8 mm) on center.
FIGURE 5-3. Gypsum Wallboard Protected Structural Steel Columns with Steel Stud/Screw Attachment Sys-
tem (Three Hours or Less)
冢 冣
R C1 h C2 (pipe and tubular columns)
C1, C2, C3, and C4 material-dependent constants for
pipe and tubular columns
The material-dependent constants shall be deter- 0.08 for circular columns filled with carbonate
mined for specific fire-protection materials on the basis aggregate concrete
of standard fire endurance tests conducted in accor- 0.06 for square or rectangular columns filled
dance with ASTM E119. with siliceous aggregate concrete
Unless approved by the authority having jurisdic- 0.07 for square or rectangular columns filled
tion, based on evidence substantiating a broader appli- with carbonate aggregate concrete
cation, the use of these equations shall be limited by all fc specified 28-day compressive strength of con-
of the following conditions: crete in kips per square inch (megapascals)
KL column effective length in feet (millimeters)
1. Columns with weight-to-heated-perimeter ratios D outside diameter for circular columns in inches
(W/D) that are equal to or greater than the smallest (millimeters)
tested column. outside dimension for square columns in inches
2. Columns with weight-to-heated-perimeter ratios (millimeters)
(W/D) that are equal to or less than the largest tested least outside dimension for rectangular columns
column. in inches (millimeters)
3. Thicknesses of protection that are equal to or C compressive force due to unfactored dead load
greater than the minimum tested thickness. and live load in kips (kilonewtons)
4. Thicknesses of protection that are equal to or less
than the maximum tested thickness. The application of these equations shall be limited
5. Ratings that are equal to or greater than the mini- by all of the following conditions:
mum fire resistance time for the applicable test 1. The required fire resistance rating shall be less than
series. or equal to 2 hours.
6. Ratings that are equal to or less than the maximum 2. The specified compressive strength of concrete, ƒc,
fire resistance time for the applicable test series. shall be equal to or greater than 2.90 kips per sq. in.
7. The use of the wide-flange equation for other col- (20 megapascals).
umn geometries with open cross sections (i.e., chan- 3. The specified compressive strength of concrete, ƒc,
nels, angles, and structural tees) shall be permitted. shall not exceed 5.80 kips per sq. in. (40 mega-
The use of the wide-flange equation shall not be pascals).
permitted for columns with closed cross sections 4. The column effective length shall be at least 6.50 ft
(i.e., pipe and tubular columns). (2,000 millimeters) and shall not exceed 13.0 ft
8. The use of the pipe and tubular equation shall be (4,000 millimeters).
permitted for other column geometries with either 5. D shall be at least 5.50 in. (140 mm) and shall not
open or closed cross sections. exceed 12 in. (305 mm) for square and rectangular
columns or 16 in. (410 mm) for circular columns.
5.2.3 Concrete-Filled Hollow Steel Columns 6. C shall not exceed the design strength of the con-
The fire resistance rating of hollow steel columns crete core determined in accordance with AISC
(e.g., pipe and tubular shapes) filled with unreinforced LRFD-94, Load and Resistance Factor Design
normal weight concrete shall be determined in accor- Specification for Structural Steel Buildings.
dance with the following expressions:
5.2.4 Concrete or Masonry Protection
(ƒc 2.90) The fire resistance rating of non-composite struc-
R 0.58a D 2(D/C)0.5 (5.5)
(KL 3.28) tural steel columns protected with concrete, as illus-
trated in Figure 5-5, or masonry, as illustrated in
In SI units Figure 5-6, shall be determined in accordance with the
following expressions:
(ƒc 20)
R a D 2(D/C)0.5 (5.6)
60 (KL 1,000) R Ro (1 0.03 m) (5.7)
冢 冣 h1.6
Ro 0.17 0.28 0
R fire resistance rating in hours D k c .2
a 0.07 for circular columns filled with siliceous (5.8)
冤 冢 冣 冥
1 26
aggregate concrete
ccch(L h)
Note: When the inside perimeter of the concrete protection is not square, L shall be taken as the average of L 1 and L2. When the thickness of the
concrete cover is not constant, h shall be taken as the average of h1 and h2.
* Joints shall be protected with a minimum 1 inch (25.4 mm) thickness of ceramic alumina-silica fiber insulation with a density of 4 to 8 pounds
per cubic foot (64 to 128 kg/cu m). The thickness of the insulation shall not be less than one half the thickness of the column cover. The joint shall
not exceed 1 inch (25.4 mm) maximum.
Note: The dimension L in equation 1.8 or 1.9 shall be the average of L1 and L2. The dimension h in Equation 1.8 or 1.9 shall be based on the equiv-
alent thickness of the concrete masonry unit. For solid masonry units, h equals the lesser of t1 and t2. For hollow masonry units, h equals the lesser
of t1 and t 2, times the percent solid of the unit expressed as a decimal.
In SI units where
冢 冣 h1.6
W R fire resistance rating at equilibrium moisture
Ro 1.22 0.0027 0
D k c .2 conditions in hours
Ro fire resistance rating at zero moisture content in
冤 冢 冣 冥
1 31,000
c cc h(L h) hours
Thermal Conductivity, kc 0.95 Btu/h-ft-°F (1.64 W/m-K) 0.35 Btu/h-ft-°F (0.61 W/m-K)
Specific Heat, cc 0.20 Btu/h-ft-°F (0.84 kJ/kg-K) 0.20 Btu/h-ft-°F (0.84 kJ/kg-K)
c 145 lb/ft3 (2,323 kg/m3) 110 lb/ft3 (1,762 kg/m3)
Moisture Content, m (percent by volume) 4 5
Normal weight concrete is carbonate or siliceous aggregate concrete, as defined in Chapter 2.
Structural lightweight concrete is lightweight or sand-lightweight concrete as defined in Chapter 2, with a minimum density (unit weight) of 110
lbs per cu ft (1,762 kg per cu m).
m equilibrium moisture content of concrete or ma- TABLE 5-2. Properties of Concrete Masonry
sonry, by volume (percent) Density Thermal Conductivity
W average weight of the steel column in pounds per
linear foot (kilograms per meter) (lb/ft3) (kg/m3) (Btu/h-ft-°F) (W/m-K)
D heated perimeter of the steel column in inches
80 1,281 0.21 0.36
85 1,362 0.23 0.4
h thickness of the concrete or equivalent thickness, 90 1,442 0.25 0.43
for masonry in inches (millimeters) 95 1,522 0.28 0.48
kc ambient temperature thermal conductivity of 100 1,602 0.31 0.54
concrete or masonry in Btu/hr-ft-°F (W/m-K) 105 1,682 0.34 0.59
H ambient temperature thermal capacity of the steel 110 1,762 0.38 0.66
column 115 1,842 0.42 0.73
0.11W Btu/ft-°F (kJ/m-K) 120 1,922 0.46 0.8
c concrete or masonry density in pounds per cubic 125 2,002 0.51 0.88
foot (kilograms per cubic meter) 130 2,082 0.56 0.97
cc ambient temperature specific heat of concrete or 135 2,162 0.62 1.07
140 2,243 0.69 1.19
masonry in Btu/lb-°F (kJ/kg-K)
145 2,323 0.76 1.32
L interior dimension of one side of square concrete 150 2,403 0.84 1.45
or masonry box protection in inches (millimeters)
The specific heat, cc, for concrete masonry shall be taken as 0.20
For wide-flange steel columns completely encased Btu/lb-°F (1.05 kJ/kg-K) and the equilibrium moisture content, m, as
in concrete with all reentrant spaces filled, as shown in zero.
Figure 5-5, Detail C, the thermal capacity of the con-
crete within the reentrant spaces shall be added to the TABLE 5-3. Properties of Clay Masonry
thermal capacity of the steel column in accordance
Density Thermal Conductivity
with the following expressions:
3 3
(lb/ft ) (kl/m ) (Btu/h-ft-°F) (W/m-K)
H 0.11W (bƒd As) (5.10) 120 1,922 1.25 2.16
130 2,082 2.25 3.89
In SI units The specific heat, cc, for clay masonry shall be taken as 0.24 Btu/16-
°F (1.00 kJ/kg-K) and the equilibrium moisture content, m, as zero.
H 0.46W (bƒd As) (5.11)
If specific data on the properties of concrete or
where masonry are not available, the values given in Tables
5-1, 5-2, and 5-3 shall be used.
bƒ flange width of the steel column in inches (mil-
limeters) 5.3 Structural Steel Beams and Girders
d depth of the steel column in inches (millimeters) This Section describes procedures for determining
As cross-sectional area of the steel column in square the fire resistance of structural steel beams and girders
inches (square millimeters) that differ in size from that specified in approved fire-
resistant assemblies as a function of the thickness of W weight of the structural steel beam or girder in
fire protection material and the weight (W) and heated pounds per linear foot (kilograms per meter)
perimeter (D) of the beam or girder. As used in this D heated perimeter of the structural steel beam or
Section, (W) is the average weight of the structural girder in inches (millimeters)
steel member in pounds per linear foot (kilograms per
meter). The heated perimeter (D) is the inside perime- Note: Subscript 1 refers to the beam and fire pro-
ter of the fire protection material in inches (millime- tection thickness in the approved assembly; subscript 2
ters) as illustrated in Figure 5-7. refers to the substitute beam or girder and the required
thickness of fire protection material.
5.3.1 Spray-Applied Materials This equation shall be limited to beams with a
The provisions in this Section shall apply to struc- weight-to-heated-perimeter ratio (W/D) of 0.37 or
tural steel beams and girders protected with spray- greater (customary units) or 0.022 (SI units). The
applied cementitious or mineral fiber materials. Larger thickness of protection shall not be less than 3/8 in.
or smaller beams and girders shall be permitted to be (9.5 millimeters).
substituted for the beams and girders specified in ap-
proved fire-resistant assemblies, provided that the 5.4 Structural Steel Trusses
thickness of fire protection material is adjusted in ac- The fire resistance of structural steel trusses
cordance with the following expressions: protected with cementitious or mineral fiber materi-
als spray-applied to each of the individual members
W1/D1 0.60
h2 h1
W2 /D2 0.60 冥 (5.12) of a truss shall be determined in accordance with
this Section. The thickness of protection for each
truss member shall be determined in accordance
In SI units
with Section 5.2.2. The weight-to-heated-perimeter
ratio (W/D) of truss members exposed to fire on all
W1/D1 0.036
h2 h1
W2 /D2 0.036 冥 (5.13) sides shall be determined on the same basis as
columns, as specified in Section 5.2. The weight-to-
where heated-perimeter ratio (W/D) of truss members that
directly support floor or roof construction shall be
h thickness of spray-applied fire protection materi- determined on the same basis as beams and girders,
als in inches (millimeters) as specified in Section 5.3.
FIGURE 5-7. Determination of the Heated Perimeter of Steel Beams and Girders
This page intentionally left blank
This Commentary is not part of SEI/ASCE/SFPE sible to produce concrete with a compressive strength
29-99 Standard Calculation Methods for Structural of 20,000 psi (138 MPa) or greater.
Fire Protection. It is included for information purposes. High-strength concrete has a very dense cement
This Commentary consists of explanatory and paste. This may adversely affect movement of water
supplementary material designed to assist users of the vapor or steam to the surface of a heated concrete ele-
Standard in applying the recommended requirements. ment when it is exposed to fire. If this movement is
In some cases, it will be necessary to adjust specific sufficiently slowed or stopped, pressure in the pores of
values in the Standard to local conditions; in others, a the cement paste can be high enough to cause spalling
considerable amount of detailed information is needed of the concrete. Since little research has been done in
to put the provisions into effect. This Commentary this area, application of these provisions is limited to
provides a place for supplying material that can be concrete with specified compressive strengths, ƒc, of
used in these situations and is intended to create a 10,000 psi (69 MPa) or less.
better understanding of the recommended requirements Analysis of the data generated in fire tests has per-
through brief explanations of the reasoning employed mitted the variables that affect fire endurance to be
in arriving at them. thoroughly understood. Presentation of these data in
The sections of the Commentary are numbered to tabular, and graphical format permits one to predict the
correspond to the sections of the Standard to which fire resistance rating that a given assembly would
they refer. Since it is not necessary to have supplemen- achieve if subjected to the ASTM E119 test procedure.
tary material for every section in the Standard, there The benefits are obvious. First, one generally can cal-
are gaps in the numbering in the Commentary. culate the rating of an assembly in less time than it
would take to locate the results of a tested assembly
Commentary for 2: Standard Methods for similar to that being proposed. Second, if a fire test
Determining the Fire Resistance of Plain and needs to be conducted because an identical assembly
Reinforced Concrete Construction has never been tested, it would be time-consuming and
would cost a considerable amount of money. Finally,
C2.1 Scope because of the generic nature of concrete, a very lim-
Since around 1920, building codes in the United ited number of cast-in-place concrete assemblies is
States have required that the fire resistance rating of found in the UL Fire Resistance Directory.2
construction assemblies be determined in accordance Fire resistance ratings determined in accordance
with ASTM E119, Standard Test Methods for Fire with these procedures are based on the fire exposure
Tests of Building Construction and Materials.1 Since and acceptance criteria of ASTM E119 as required by
then, literally thousands of small and full-scale fire most building codes. The ASTM E119 fire exposure is
tests have been performed on concrete assemblies. In established by the standard time-temperature curve
addition, testing to determine the physical properties shown in Figure C2-1.
(e.g., compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, and The conditions of acceptance imposed on walls,
yield strength) of concrete and reinforcing steel at ele- floors, and roofs by ASTM E119 stipulate that during
vated temperatures have been performed. the rating classification time period the assembly shall:
Much of this data was gathered early on, and fire (1) sustain the applied load (not applicable to
testing over recent years has slowed as the need for (non–load-bearing walls); (2) prevent the passage of
data has diminished. However, this has not slowed flame or gases hot enough to ignite cotton waste; and
advancements in cement and concrete technology, (3) limit the transmission of heat through the assembly
including the use of high-strength concretes. For pur- such that the average temperature rise on the unex-
poses of these provisions, high-strength concrete is posed surface does not exceed 250 °F (139 °C) or the
defined as concrete with a specified compressive temperature rise at a single point does not exceed 325
strength, ƒc, of more than 10,000 psi (69 MPa). °F (181 °C).
To produce high-strength concrete, a finely di- The ASTM E119 Standard also requires that a
vided mineral admixture must generally be used in wall achieving a fire resistance rating of 1 hour or
conjunction with portland cement. Two of the most greater be subjected to the impact, erosion, and cooling
commonly used mineral admixtures are fly ash and sil- effects of a hose steam test. Criteria limiting the tem-
ica fume. When these materials are used with portland perature of tension reinforcement apply to all unre-
cement and a high-range water-reducing admixture to strained beams, to restrained beams spaced more than
yield a very low water–cement ratio concrete, it is pos- 4 feet on center, and to unrestrained floor and roof
slabs having spans exceeding those tested. The only of temperature rise above ambient conditions on the
condition of acceptance for a concrete column is that it unexposed surface to an average of 250 °F(139 °C).
sustain the applied load. Tests of concrete slabs have shown that aggregate
In the case of a floor, roof, or load-bearing wall, the type and thickness or equivalent thickness of the slab
ASTME119 acceptance criterion is specifically in- are the two variables having the most influence on the
tended to assess an assembly’s ability to contain a fire temperature rise on the unexposed surface. Therefore,
while continuing to support any superimposed load. For adequate thickness of concrete must be provided,
a column or beam, the criterion assesses the element’s based on the type of aggregate used to make the con-
ability to support the superimposed load while being crete. Some concrete assemblies may have other mate-
subjected to the fire exposure. For a non–load-bearing rials attached to the surface of the concrete that will
wall, the criterion assesses the wall’s ability to contain a serve as insulation and slow the temperature rise. This
fire. Standard contains procedures for giving credit to
The criterion used within this Standard to assess many such commonly used materials that enhance fire
an assembly’s ability to contain a fire is the limitation resistance.
Other variables that have somewhat less effect on Most fire testing on non-prestressed reinforced
the fire endurance of concrete, as determined by the concrete has been performed on specimens containing
unexposed surface temperature rise criterion, uncoated steel bars. In recent years, epoxy-coated rein-
include moisture content, air content, and maximum forcement has been widely used in bridge decks and to
aggregate size. Of these, moisture content probably has a lesser extent in parking structures exposed to corro-
the most effect. Consequently, the ASTM E119 test sive environments. Results of fire tests reported in
procedure requires that test specimens, just before fire “Pullout Tests of Epoxy-Coated Bars at High Temper-
testing, have atures,”3 “Fire Test of Concrete Slab Reinforced with
Epoxy-Coated Bars,”4 and Fire Tests of Concrete
a moisture condition . . . approximately repre-
Beams Reinforced with Epoxy-Coated Bars5 indicate
sentative of that likely to exist in similar
that epoxy-coated reinforcing bars can be substituted
construction in buildings. For purposes of
for uncoated bars without adversely affecting the fire
standardization, this condition is to be consid-
resistance rating of the assembly.
ered as that which would be established at
Several tables within the provisions address both
equilibrium resulting from drying in an ambi-
“restrained” and “unrestrained” conditions. Restraint,
ent atmosphere of 50% relative humidity at
in the case of assemblies tested in accordance with
73 °F (23 °C).
ASTM E119, results when expansion at supports due
For thicker concrete slabs it may take more than a to the effects of heat is resisted by external forces, usu-
year to reach this equilibrium moisture condition. ally a restraining frame. When a restraining frame is
Therefore, ASTM E119 permits the equilibrium mois- not used, an unrestrained condition exists.
ture content to be that which would be obtained by dry- In the case of a concrete floor or roof slab within a
ing in air at 50 to 75% relative humidity at 73 5 °F typical concrete frame building, restraint is provided
(23 3 °C). In addition, Appendix X4 of ASTM E119 by the surrounding slab. As a portion of the slab is
contains procedures for adjusting a fire endurance rat- heated from below, it tries to expand; however, the
ing determined under nonstandard moisture conditions expansion is resisted or restrained by the cooler con-
to reflect that which would have been obtained if a crete surrounding the area being heated. Even slabs
standard moisture condition had existed before fire test- of bays along the perimeter or at the corner of a cast-
ing. The provisions in Section 2 are based on concrete in-place concrete building are restrained, although not
conditioned to the standard moisture condition pre- to the same degree as the slab in an interior bay.
scribed by ASTM E119, or on fire resistance ratings A detailed discussion of restrained and unre-
that have been adjusted to reflect standard conditions. strained ratings is beyond the scope of this Commen-
Since load-bearing assemblies must sustain the tary; however, suffice it to say that restraint to thermal
superimposed load while being subjected to the stan- expansion will generally enhance the fire resistance
dard time-temperature fire conditions, the concrete and of an assembly. Cast-in-place concrete, because it is
reinforcing steel must be able to provide the required monolithic, is generally considered restrained.
strength at elevated temperatures. This involves Precast concrete may be considered restrained or unre-
providing adequate concrete cover over the steel rein- strained, depending on support and end conditions and
forcement so that the stress induced in the reinforce- whether a structural concrete topping is provided (see
ment is less than its yield stress, which is commonly re- Appendix A).
ferred to as “yield strength.” Tests of hot rolled steel
reinforcing bars show that at a temperature of approxi- Guide to Use of Procedures
mately 1,100 °F (593 °C), the yield strength of the steel Use of these procedures should follow a system-
is reduced to approximately 50% of its yield strength at atic approach so that all the limiting criteria indicated
ambient temperature conditions. Similar tests of cold above are met. The following is suggested:
drawn prestressing tendons show that at approximately
800 °F (427 °C), the tensile strength is approximately
50% of that at ambient conditions. Therefore, cover re-
quirements of this Chapter are based on limiting the re- 1. Determine the required fire resistance rating.
inforcing steel and prestressing steel temperatures to 2. Determine the type of aggregate to be used to pro-
1,100 and 800 °F (593 and 427 °C), respectively. duce concrete. (Note: More than one type of aggre-
Therefore, the architect or engineer should always gate may be used to produce concrete on a project.
check concrete cover requirements for fire resistance in For example, columns may contain normal weight
accordance with the provisions of this Standard. aggregate concrete, whereas floor slabs may be of
sand-lightweight aggregate concrete.) If the type of concrete assemblies are heated and tend to expand, the
aggregate to be used is not known, the use of expansion is resisted by the restraining frame. These
siliceous aggregate should be assumed. in-plane restraining forces are usually much greater
than the forces due to the superimposed load on a bear-
ing wall. Thus floor and roof assemblies are subject to
Thickness of a Wall, Floor, or Roof Slab
both vertical superimposed (out-of-plane) loads and
1. Determine the thickness or equivalent thickness of a horizontal restraining (in-plane) loads during fire tests.
wall, floor, or roof slab. By contrast, load-bearing walls are only subjected to
2. Check to see if the thickness or equivalent thickness superimposed (in-plane) loads.
provided is equal to or greater than the required The fire endurance of masonry or concrete walls is
thickness from Table 2-1 or Figure 2-1, 2-2, 2-4, almost always governed by the ASTM E119 criterion
2-5 (a), 2-5 (b) or the numerical solution in Section for temperature rise on the unexposed surface (i.e., the “heat transmission” end point). For flat concrete slabs
or panels, the heat transmission fire endurance depends
Cover for Steel Reinforcement in a Floor or Roof primarily on the aggregate type and thickness, and is
Slab or Beam essentially the same for floors as for walls. The infor-
mation in Table 2-1 was derived from data in Fire En-
1. Determine the cover provided for reinforcement in
durance of Concrete Slabs as Influenced by Thickness,
the floor or roof slab or beam.
Aggregate Type, and Moisture6 and Fire Resistance of
2. Determine the beam width and/or cross-sectional
Reinforced Concrete Floors.7
Some building codes (e.g., The BOCA National
3. Determine if the concrete has conventional or pre-
Building Code and the National Building Code of
stressed reinforcement or a combination of these.
Canada) also permit the heat transmission end point to
Generally, precast concrete is prestressed.
be exceeded for both bearing and nonbearing exterior
4. Determine if the floor or roof slab or beam is
walls if the actual percentage of openings in the wall is
restrained or unrestrained in accordance with
less than permitted. In this case, the actual percentage
Appendix A.
of openings is adjusted (increased) to compensate for
5. Check to see if the cover provided is equal to or
the additional radiation that will be emitted from the
greater than that required by Table 2-5, 2-6, or 2-7
opaque portion of the wall because it is hotter than al-
based on condition of restraint. (Note that cover re-
lowed by ASTM E119. The percentage of actual open-
quirements for non-prestressed and prestressed con-
ings is adjusted by use of the following formula:
crete beams are presented in different tables. Make
sure the correct table is used.)
Ae A (Aƒ Feo) (C2-1)
Minimum Dimension of Column and Concrete Cover
for Reinforcement where
1. Determine the minimum column dimension and Ae equivalent area or percentage of openings
concrete cover. A actual area or percentage of openings
2. Check to see if the minimum dimension provided is Ar area or percentage of exterior wall surface,
equal to or greater than that required by Table 2-8. excluding openings, on which the temperature
3. Check to see if cover provided is equal to or greater rise limitations of ASTM E119 are exceeded
than required by Section 2.6.1. Feo an “equivalent opening factor”
The “equivalent opening factor,” Feo, is deter-
C2.3 Concrete Walls
mined from the following formula:
Even though there have been few fire tests of con-
crete walls (other than concrete masonry), there have
(Tu 459.4)4
been many fire tests of concrete slabs tested as floors Feo (C2-2)
or roofs. Fire tests of floors or roofs are considered to (Te 459.4)4
be more severe than those of walls because floors and
roofs must support their service (live) loads during the In SI units
fire tests. In addition, most ASTM E119 fire tests of
floor or roof assemblies have been conducted while the (Tu 273)4
Feo (C2-3)
assembly was supported within a restraining frame. As (Te 273)4
Resistance and Strength of Walls of Concrete Masonry With regard to walls, some building codes permit
Units.8 It is reasonable to assume that the same rela- exterior walls with specified setbacks from property
tionship exists for walls made of hollow-core precast lines to be unrated from the outside. In these cases, a
concrete panels. calculation assuming the outside of the wall as the fire-
exposed side is not necessary.
C2.3.2 Flanged Wall Panels See Commentary Section C2.4.3 for formulas giv-
Some precast concrete wall panel sections (e.g., ing approximate solutions to these graphs.
some single-tee units) have tapered sections so the
thickness varies. In fire tests it has been customary to C2.3.4.2 Numerical Solution: The equation in Section
monitor the unexposed surface temperature at a dis- is found in NBS Report BMS92, Fire Resis-
tance of two times the minimum thickness or 6 in. tance Classifications of Building Constructions.10 It
(152 mm), whichever is less, from the point of mini- has long been recognized that the fire resistance (based
mum flange thickness as shown in Figure C2-3. on the unexposed surface temperature rise criterion of
ASTM E119) of two layered materials having different
C2.3.3 Ribbed or Undulating Panels thermal conductivities will vary depending on the ori-
The portion of a ribbed panel that can be used in entation of the two materials with respect to the fire. If
calculating the equivalent thickness, te, is shown in the material having the lower thermal conductivity is
Figure C2-4. exposed to the fire, the fire resistance will be higher
than if it is oriented away from the fire. However,
C2.3.4 Multiple-Wythe Walls since walls generally are required to be fire resistance
rated from both sides, the orientation resulting in the
C2.3.4.1 Graphical Solution: The graphs in Figure 2-1 lower rating is the one that governs. Since the numeri-
were taken from Fire Endurance of Two-Course cal method ignores the orientation of the layers with
Floors and Roofs.9 See Commentary Section C2.3 for respect to the fire, the graphical method generally is
a discussion on applicability of fire testing of floors to more accurate. However, the formula has been in use
walls. for more than 50 years and is the only method avail-
able for calculating the fire resistance of multicourse tary Section C2.3). The time required to reach the heat
(i.e., three or more) slabs or of assemblies incorporat- transmission end point (fire resistance rating) is pri-
ing air spaces. marily dependent on the thickness of the concrete and
the type of aggregate used to make the concrete. When
C2. Sandwich Panels: A fire test conducted on a additional finishes are applied to the non–fire-exposed
sandwich panel was reported in Fire Safety Problems side of the wall, the time required to reach the heat
with Foam Plastic in the Concrete Construction Indus- transmission end point is delayed and the fire resis-
try.11 The panel consisted of a 2-in. (51-mm) base slab tance rating of the wall is thus increased. The increase
of carbonate aggregate concrete, a 1-in. (25-mm) thick- in rating contributed by the finish can be determined
ness of polystyrene insulation, and a 2-in. (51-mm) by considering the finish as adding to the thickness of
face slab of carbonate aggregate concrete. The result- concrete. However, since the finish material and con-
ing fire endurance, based on the heat transmission end crete may have different insulating properties, the
point, was 120 minutes. From the equation in Section actual thickness of finish may need to be corrected to, the contribution of the 1-in. (25-mm) thickness be compatible with the type of aggregate used in the
of foam plastic polystyrene insulation was calculated concrete. The correction is made by multiplying the
to be 5 minutes. actual finish thickness by the factor determined from
It is likely that the contribution for a 1-in. (25- Table 2-2 and then adding the corrected thickness to
mm) thickness of foam polyurethane insulation would the thickness of the concrete. This equivalent thickness
be somewhat greater than that for a 1-in. (25-mm) of concrete is used to determine the fire resistance rat-
thickness of polystyrene; however, test data are not ing from Table 2-1, Figure 2-1, or Figure 2-2.
available for verification.
C2.3.6.2 Calculation for Fire-Exposed Side: When a
C2. Air Spaces: The values of R 0.59
n for air finish is added to the fire-exposed side of a concrete
spaces were derived from NBS Report BMS92, Fire wall, the finish’s contribution to the total fire resistance
Resistance Classifications of Building Constructions.10 rating is based primarily on its ability to remain in
place during a fire, thus affording protection to the
C2.3.5.2 Thickness of Insulation: Figure 2-3 was de- concrete wall. Table 2-3 lists the times that have been
rived from data in a report, “Fire Tests of Joints Be- assigned to the finishes on the fire-exposed side of the
tween Precast Concrete Wall Units: Effect of Various wall. These “time assigned” values are based on results
Joint Treatments.”12 of actual fire tests. The “time assigned” values are
Example: Determine the thickness of ceramic added to the fire resistance rating of the wall alone or
fiber blanket needed for a 2-hour fire resistance rating to the rating determined for the wall and any finish on
for joints between 5-in. (127-mm) thick precast con- the non–fire-exposed side.
crete wall panels made of siliceous aggregate concrete
if the maximum joint width is 3/4 in. (19 mm). C2.3.6.3 Assume Each Side of the Wall Is Fire-
Solution: Figure 2-3 gives thicknesses of ceramic Exposed Side: Some building codes permit exterior
fiber blanket for 5-in. (127-mm) panels for 2-hour walls with specified minimum setbacks from property
ratings of 0.7 in. (18 mm) for a 3/8-in. (10-mm) lines to be unrated from the outside. Thus in these
wide joint and 2.1 in. (53 mm) for a 1-in. (25-mm) cases, a calculation assuming the outside of the wall as
wide joint. By direct interpolation for a 3/4-in. (19- the fire-exposed side is not necessary.
mm) wide joint, the required thickness is 1.55 in.
(39 mm). C2.3.6.4 Minimum Rating Provided by Concrete:
Where gypsum wallboard or plaster finishes are ap-
C2.3.6 Walls with Gypsum Wallboard or Plaster plied to one or both sides of a concrete wall, the calcu-
Finishes lated fire resistance rating for the concrete alone
The information contained in this section is based should not be less than one-half the required fire resis-
on Fire Endurance Tests on Unit Masonry Walls with tance rating. In addition, for load-bearing walls the
Gypsum Wallboard.13 concrete alone must provide at least twice the fire re-
sistance as the finish on the non–fire-exposed side of
C2.3.6.1 Calculation for Non–Fire-Exposed Side: The the wall. This is necessary since the application of ad-
fire resistance of concrete walls generally is deter- ditional finishes serves to delay the heat transmission
mined by temperature rise on the unexposed surface, end point without adding any significant contribution
i.e., the “heat transmission” end point (see Commen- to the load-carrying capability of the wall.
Example: An exterior bearing wall of a building 5. Section requires that the concrete alone pro-
is required to have a 2-hour fire resistance rating. vide not less than one-half the total required rating.
The wall will be cast-in-place with siliceous aggre- Thus, the concrete must provide at least a 1-hour
gate concrete. It will be finished on the exterior rating. From Table 2-1 it can be seen that only 3.5
with 5/8 in. (15.9 mm) stucco (portland cement-sand in. (89 mm) of siliceous aggregate concrete is re-
plaster) applied directly to the concrete. The interior quired for 1 hour, whereas 4.02 in. (102 mm) will
will be finished with a 1/2-in. (12.7-mm) thickness be provided.
of gypsum wallboard applied to steel furring mem-
bers. What is the minimum thickness of concrete C2. Furring Members: Wood furring members,
required? although combustible, do not adversely affect the fire
resistance rating of the wall. This is due to the fact that
First Calculation: Assume the interior to be the fire- they are protected from the fire by the finish for a pe-
exposed side. riod of time deemed to be equal to the “time assigned”
value of the finish (see Table 2-3).
1. From Table 2-3 the 1/2 in. (12.7 mm) gypsum
wallboard has a “time assigned” of 15 minutes; C2.4 Concrete Floor and Roof Slabs
therefore, the fire resistance rating that must be de- The fire test criteria for temperature rise of the un-
veloped by the concrete and stucco on the exterior exposed surface and the ability to resist superimposed
must not be less than 1 3/4 hours (2 hours minus 15 loads (heat transmission and structural criteria, respec-
minutes). tively) must both be considered in determining the fire
2. From Table 2-2 the multiplying factor for portland resistance of floors and roofs. Section 2.4 deals with
cement–sand plaster and siliceous aggregate con- heat transmission and Section 2.5 addresses the struc-
crete is 1.00; therefore, the actual thickness of tural criterion.
stucco can be added to the thickness of concrete for The criterion limiting the average temperature rise
use in Table 2-1. to 250 °F (139 °C) and the maximum rise at one point
3. Since Table 2-1 does not have required thicknesses to 325 °F (181 °C) is often referred to as the “heat
for 1 3/4 hours, direct interpolation between the val- transmission end point.” For concrete slabs, the heat
ues for 1 1/2 and 2 hours is acceptable. The interpo- transmission end point is mainly a function of slab
lation results in a required thickness of 4.65 in. (118 thickness (or equivalent thickness) and aggregate type.
mm) of concrete and stucco. Since the stucco is 5/8 Other factors that affect heat transmission to a lesser
in. (15.9 mm) thick, the concrete must be at least degree are moisture content of the concrete, maximum
4.02 in. (102 mm) (i.e., 4.65–0.63). aggregate size, mortar content, and air content. Items
Second Calculation: Assume the exterior to be that have very little effect on heat transmission are ce-
the fire-exposed side. ment content, concrete strength, and amount and loca-
tion of reinforcement, provided these items are within
1. From Table 2-2 the multiplying factor for gypsum the normal range of usage. The values in Table 2-1 ap-
wallboard and siliceous aggregate concrete is 3.00; ply to concrete slabs reinforced with bars or welded
therefore, the corrected thickness for 1/2 in. (12.7 wire fabric as well as to prestressed slabs.
mm) of gypsum wallboard is 1.5 in. (38 mm) (i.e., The information in Table 2-1 was derived from
3.00 0.5). data in Fire Endurance of Concrete Slabs as Influ-
2. Footnote 1 to Table 2-3 allows 5/8 in. (15.9 mm) of enced by Thickness, Aggregate Type, and Moisture and
stucco applied directly to the concrete to be added Fire Resistance of Reinforced Concrete Floors.7
to the actual thickness of concrete rather than estab-
lishing a “time assigned” value. C2.4.2 Joints in Precast Slabs
3. Table 2-1 requires 5.0 in. (127 mm) of siliceous ag- Based on data developed by Underwriters Labora-
gregate concrete for a 2-hour fire resistance rating. tories, the Fire Resistance Directory2 indicates that
Therefore, the actual thickness of concrete required where no concrete topping is used over precast con-
is 2.87 in. (73 mm) (i.e., 5.00–1.5–0.63). crete floors, joints must be grouted or the fire resis-
4. Since the thickness of concrete required when as- tance of the slab maintained by another method that
suming the interior side to be the fire-exposed side has been tested and approved by the authority having
is greater [i.e., 4.02 in. (102 mm)], this is the mini- jurisdiction. However, if a concrete topping at least 1
mum concrete thickness allowed to achieve a 2- in. thick is used, the joints need not be grouted or
hour fire resistance rating. otherwise protected.
C2.4.3 Two-Course Floors and Roofs floor, roof, or beam can be considered restrained. Ap-
Figure 2-4 was derived from ASTM E119 testing pendix A indicates that some concrete slabs supported
conducted by Portland Cement Association and pre- by walls are considered unrestrained. Note “a” to the
sented in Fire Endurance of Two-Course Floors and table in the Appendix indicates that if certain condi-
Roofs.9 The following formulas are approximate repre- tions are satisfied, these members can be considered re-
sentations of the curves shown in the graphs and were strained. To achieve restraint, the wall, spandrel beam,
first presented in “Calculations of the Fire Resistance or other member providing resistance must be specifi-
of Composite Concrete Floor and Roof Slabs.”14 cally designed to withstand the thermal expansion of
Where the base slab or side exposed to the fire is the beam or slab. Guidance for determining thermal
siliceous or carbonate aggregate concrete, expansion of beam and slab systems and for designing
restraining members can be found in Reinforced Con-
R 0.057(2t 2 dt 6/t) (C2-6) crete Fire Resistance16 and PCI Design for Fire Resis-
tance of Precast Prestressed Concrete.17
In SI units In addition, ASTM E119 gives different structural
criteria for restrained and unrestrained assemblies. For
R 0.00018t 2 0.00009 dt 8.7/t (C2-7) unrestrained concrete floors, roofs, or beams tested in a
restrained condition, the fire test end point occurs
and where the base slab or side exposed to the fire is when the average temperature of the tensile rein-
sand-lightweight or lightweight aggregate concrete, forcement reaches 1,100 °F (593 °C) for hot-rolled
reinforcing bars or 800 °F (427 °C) for cold-drawn
R 0.063 (t 2 2dt d 2 4/t) (C2-8) prestressing steel.
For restrained beams spaced more than 4 ft (1,219
In SI units mm) on center, the temperatures noted above must not
be exceeded during the first one-half of the classifica-
R 0.0001t 2 0.0002dt 0.0001d 2 6.4/t (C2-9) tion period or 1 hour, whichever is greater. For exam-
ple, if a restrained beam is required to have a 2-hour
where fire resistance rating, the average temperature of the
steel tensile reinforcement is not permitted to exceed
R fire resistance of slab in hours the limiting value during the first hour of the fire test.
t total thickness of slab in in. (mm) The temperature limits do not apply to restrained
d thickness of base slab in in. (mm) beams spaced 4 ft (1,219 mm) or less on center or to
t d 1 in. (25 mm). restrained slabs.
For temperatures above approximately 1,000 °F (538 Columns.”23 Sizes of columns tested were 12, 16, and
°C), the effect of aggregate type is minimal as shown 18 in. (305, 406, and 457 mm). Nearly all of the
in “Fire Endurance of Concrete Slabs as Influenced by columns withstood 4 hours of fire test exposure con-
Thickness, Aggregate Type, and Moisture”6; however, ducted essentially in accordance with ASTM E119.
for lower temperatures, differences in aggregate types Most of the tests were stopped after 4 hours, but some
are more pronounced. were continued for 8 hours. The shortest duration was
For non-prestressed reinforced concrete beams, 3 hours. At the time of the tests, few if any concrete
the critical steel temperature of ASTM E119 is 1,100 columns were smaller than 12 in. (305 mm), but
°F (593 °C), so the effect of aggregate type is minimal smaller columns have been in use since that time. Fire
as indicated above. The data in Table 2-6 were derived tests conducted in Europe, notably Great Britain, under
from fire tests of beam specimens that ranged in width essentially the same fire test procedure as ASTM
from 2 to 24 in. (51 to 610 mm). Other variables in- E119, have shown that smaller columns have some-
cluded aggregate type and amount of reinforcement. what less fire resistance. Many of the columns tested
The tests were conducted at the Portland Cement Asso- are described in “Rehabilitation Guidelines 1980; Vol.
ciation and reported in “Measured Temperatures in 8—Guideline on Fire Ratings of Archaic Materials and
Concrete Beams Exposed to Fires.”19 Results of fire Assemblies.”24
tests conducted at Underwriters Laboratories were also The most recent fire testing of loaded concrete
analyzed. columns was a joint venture between the Portland Ce-
ment Association and the National Research Council
C2.5.3 Cover for Prestressed Reinforcement of Canada and reported in “Fire Resistance of Rein-
in Beams forced Concrete Columns,”25 and “Fire Resistance of
As indicated in Commentary Section C2.5, ASTM Reinforced Concrete Columns—Test Results.”26 The
E119 limits cold-drawn prestressing steel temperatures data developed in this program were used to update
to 800 °F (427 °C). Thus, aggregate used in the con- minimum column dimensions shown in Table 2-8.
crete must be considered for prestressed concrete
beams. C2.6.1 Minimum Cover for Reinforcement
Cover requirements found in Table 2-7 (a) were Cover requirements are based on provisions con-
adapted from a similar table in Appendix D of the Na- tained in Appendix D of the National Building Code of
tional Building Code of Canada 1995.20 The original Canada 1995.20 The requirements are based on calcula-
research for the table was contained in “Fire En- tion methods described in “Further Studies of the Fire
durance of Concrete Assemblies,”21 a compilation of Resistance of Reinforced Concrete Columns”27 and
published information on fire endurance of a variety of “Fire Performance of Reinforced Concrete
concrete walls, floors, roofs, columns, and beams. Columns.”28 They were validated using the results of
These provisions can be used for beams of any width; more than 40 fire tests reported in “Fire Resistance of
however, they are generally applied to thin beams cast Reinforced Concrete Columns—Test Results.”26
monolithically with precast slab systems. This will permit slightly less cover where re-
The data in Table 2-7 (b), which are applicable to quired fire ratings are less then 1 1/2 hours than has
beam widths equal to or greater than 8 in. (203 mm), traditionally been required in the United States. How-
were derived from fire tests of beam specimens that ever, it should be pointed out that for cast-in-place
ranged in width from 2 to 24 in. (51 to 610 mm). Other concrete, ACI 318 “Building Code Requirements for
variables included aggregate type and amount of rein- Structural Concrete”18 requires 1 1/2 in. (38 mm) of
forcement. The tests were conducted at the Portland concrete cover to column ties or spirals. Therefore, if
Cement Association and reported in “Measured Tem- the tie or spiral is #3 or #4 bars, the cover to the main
peratures in Concrete Beams Exposed to Fires.”19 longitudinal reinforcement will be 1 7/8 or 2 in. (48
Results of fire tests conducted at Underwriters Labora- or 51 mm), respectively. For precast concrete
tories were also analyzed. columns, ACI 318 requires the cover for the longitu-
dinal reinforcing steel to be not less than the diameter
C2.6 Reinforced Concrete Columns of the steel or 5/8-in. (16 mm), whichever is larger;
In the past, most code provisions in the United and 3/8-in. (10 mm) cover for ties and spirals.
States for reinforced concrete columns have been Columns fire tested at NRCC and Reported in “Fire
based on two reports, “Fire Tests of Building Resistance of Reinforced Concrete Columns”25 had
Columns”22 and “Fire Resistance of Concrete 1-7/8 in. (48 mm) cover.
C2.6.2 Columns Built into Walls 10. National Bureau of Standards. Fire Resistance
The provisions of this Section are based on Ap- Classifications of Building Constructions, Report
pendix D of the National Building Code of Canada BMS 92, National Bureau of Standards, Washing-
1995.20 They require that the wall into which the col- ton D.C., 1942.
umn is built have an equal or higher rating than re- 11. Gustaferro, Armand H. Fire Safety Problems
quired for the column and that openings in the wall be with Foam Plastic in the Concrete Construction
protected. This ensures that the column will be ex- Industry, Precast/Prestressed Institute, Chicago,
posed to fire on one side only, allowing the column to Ill.
be considered a wall for fire resistance purposes. 12. “Fire Tests of Joints Between Precast Concrete
Wall Units: Effect of Various Joint Treatments,”
PCI J., September–October, 1975.
13. Allen, L.W., M. Galbreath, and W.W. Stanzak.
Fire Endurance Tests on Unit Masonry Walls with
Gypsum Wallboard (NRCC 13901). Division of
1. American Society for Testing and Materials. Stan- Building Research, National Research Council of
dard Methods of Fire Tests of Building Construc- Canada.
tion and Materials, ASTM Designation E119-88, 14. Lie, T.T. “Calculations of the Fire Resistance of
West Conchohoken, Pa., 1988. Composite Concrete Floor and Roof Slabs,” Fire
2. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Fire Resistance Technology, 14(1), 1978.
Directory, Northbrook, Ill., 1992. 15. Abrams, M.S. and A.H. Gustaferro. Fire Resis-
3. Lin, T.D., R.I. Zwiers, S.T. Shirley, and R.G. tance of Lightweight Insulating Concretes, Re-
Burg. “Pullout Tests of Epoxy-Coated Bars at search and Development Bulletin RD004, Portland
High Temperatures,” Materials Journal, American Cement Association, Skokie, Ill., 1970.
Concrete Institute, Detroit, Mich., November– 16. Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute. Reinforced
December 1988. Concrete Fire Resistance, Concrete Reinforcing
4. Lin, T.D., R.I. Zwiers, S.T. Shirley, and R.G. Steel Institute, Chicago, Ill., 1980.
Burg. “Fire Test of Concrete Slab Reinforced with 17. Gustaferro, Armand H. and Leslie D. Martin. PCI
Epoxy-Coated Bars,” Structural Journal, Ameri- Design for Fire Resistance of Precast Prestressed
can Concrete Institute, Detroit, Mich., Concrete, Prestressed Concrete Institute, Chicago,
March–April 1989. Ill., 1977.
5. Lin, T.D. and R.G. Burg. Fire Tests of Concrete 18. American Concrete Institute. Building Code Re-
Beams Reinforced with Epoxy-Coated Bars, quirements for Structural Concrete, ACI 318-95,
RP321, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Ill., American Concrete Institute, Detroit, Mich., 1995.
1994. 19. Lin, T.D. Measured Temperatures in Concrete
6. Abrams, M.S. and A.H. Gustaferro. Fire En- Beams Exposed to Fires, Construction Technology
durance of Concrete Slabs as Influenced by Laboratories, Skokie, Ill., 1985.
Thickness, Aggregate Type, and Moisture, PCA 20. National Research Council of Canada. National
Research and Development Laboratories, 10(2), Building Code of Canada 1995, NRCC No. 38726,
May 1968. Also, PCA Research Department Ottawa, Canada, 1995.
Bulletin 223. 21. Galbreath, Murdoch. Fire Endurance of Concrete
7. Thompson, John P. Fire Resistance of Reinforced Assemblies. Divisions of Building Research, DBR
Concrete Floors, Portland Cement Association Technical Paper No. 235, National Research
EB065. Skokie, Ill., 1963. Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, 1966. (A
8. Menzel, Carl A. Tests of the Fire Resistance and compilation of published information on fire en-
Strength of Walls of Concrete Masonry Units, durance of a variety of concrete walls, floors,
Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Ill., January roofs, columns, and beams.)
1934. 22. Associated Factory Mutual Insurance Companies.
9. Abrams, M.S. and A.H. Gustaferro. Fire En- Fire Test of Building Columns, Associated Factory
durance of Two-Course Floors and Roofs, Mutual Insurance Companies, Johnston, R.I., 1921.
Portland Cement Association Research and Devel- 23. Hull and Ingberg. Fire Resistance of Concrete
opment Bulletin RD048, Skokie, Ill., Also, J. Am. Columns, Technological Papers of the (National)
Concrete Inst., February 1969. Bureau of Standards, No. 271, February 24, 1925.
24. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Develop- mm/min). This slower rate is attributed to the insula-
ment. Rehabilitation Guidelines 1980; Vol. 8— tive effect of the ever-deepening char layer. Once a
Guideline on Fire Ratings of Archaic Materials layer of char has formed on the surface of the timber
and Assemblies, U.S. Department of Housing and member, further charring of the cross section proceeds
Urban Development, Washington D.C., 1981. slowly. This Chapter describes a mathematical model
25. Lie, T.T., et al. Fire Resistance of Reinforced Con- that allows design of wood members to comply with
crete Columns, Division of Building Research, fire-resistive requirements.
DBR Paper No. 1167, National Research Council
Basis of Procedure: This empirically based math-
of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, February, 1984. Also,
ematical model generates a conservative design for the
NRCC 23065.
minimum dimensions of a wood beam or column. The
26. Lie, T.T. and J.L. Woolerton. Fire Resistance of
model accounts for the cross-sectional dimension
Reinforced Concrete Columns—Test Results, Insti-
change due to charring of the beam or column after
tute for Research in Construction, Internal Report
any given period of fire exposure. The model also ac-
No. 569, National Research Council of Canada,
counts for the effects of elevated temperatures on the
Ottawa, Canada, 1988.
load-carrying capability of the residual section. Use of
27. Allen, D.E. and T.T. Lie. Further Studies of the
this procedure will provide the required minimum di-
Fire Resistance of Reinforced Concrete Columns,
mensions to safely carry loads over a given time period
Division of Building Research, DBR Technical
under ASTM E119 fire exposure.
Paper No. 416, National Research Council of
Canada, Ottawa, Canada, 1974. C3.3.1 Analytical Method for Exposed Wood
28. Lin, T.D. and T.T. Lie. “Fire Performance of Rein- Members
forced Concrete Columns,” Fire Safety: Science The analytical method for determining fire resis-
and Engineering, American Society for Testing tance ratings of up to 1 hour is based on a mathemati-
and Materials, ASTM, STP 882, Philadelphia, Pa., cal model validated by a series of tests, including
1985. Also, Division of Building Research, DBR ASTM E119 tests. Development of fire resistance rat-
Paper No. 1352, National Research Council of ing greater than 1 hour for wood framing members
Canada, Ottawa, Canada. Also, NRCC 25351. must be based on actual test results.
Commentary for 3: Standard Methods for C3. Glued Laminated Timber Beams: The outer
Determining the Fire Resistance of Timber and tension lamination is the most critical part of a glued
Wood Structural Elements laminated beam, yet when it is directly exposed to a
fire, it will be almost completely consumed at the end
C3.1.2 Dimensions and Metric Conversion of 1 hour. For this reason, an extra tension lamination
Tables with nominal and actual (dressed and dry) is to be used. This is accomplished in all bending com-
dimensions of commonly used sections of sawn lumber binations by adding an extra outer tension lamination
and glued laminated timber can be found in the Sup- and removing one core lamination.
plement to the 1991 Edition of the National Design
Specification for Wood Construction.10 C3.3.2.4 Connectors and Fasteners: The connectors
and fasteners are important elements in the perfor-
C3.3 Design of Fire-Resistive Exposed Wood mance of wooden beams and columns when exposed
Members to fire. Exposed metal connectors and fasteners must
Exposed wood beams and columns have long been be shielded from direct exposure to the fire. This is ac-
recognized for their ability to maintain structural in- complished by applying a protective membrane on top
tegrity while exposed to fire. Early mill construction of an exposed connector or by embedding the connec-
from the 19th century utilized massive timbers to carry tor within the cross section of the beam or column.
large loads and to resist structural failure from fire. It is
the mass of these timbers that enhances the fire perfor- C3.4 Component Additive Method for Calculating
mance of heavy timber beams and columns due to and Demonstrating Assembly Fire Endurance
charring effect. During ASTM E119 fire exposure, The original methodology for calculating fire en-
wood will char at a rate of approximately 1/30 of an in. durance ratings of assemblies by CAM was developed
per minute (0.85 mm/min) for the first 15–20 minutes in the early 1960s by the Fire Test Board of the Na-
of exposure. After this initial time period, the charring tional Research Council of Canada. The methodology
rate decreases to 1/40 of an in. per minute (0.64 resulted from their detailed review of 135 standard fire
test reports on wood stud walls, 73 test reports on air cavities is greater than if the protection is only 1/2
wood-joist floor/ceiling assemblies, and the “Ten in. thick (12.7 mm) (see Rule 7).
Rules of Fire Endurance Rating.”3 Review of the fire
Rule 5 The fire endurance of an assembly cannot be
tests provided assigned time values for contribution to
increased by increasing the thickness of
fire endurance ratings for each separate component of
completely enclosed air layer.
an assembly. The “Ten Rules” provided a method for
combining the individual contributions to obtain the Increasing stud or joist depths from 4 in. (89 mm)
fire endurance rating of the assembly. to 6 in. (140 mm), or even to 12 in. (286 mm), does not
The times assigned to various wood-frame assem- increase the level of fire endurance.
bly components were determined from a detailed re-
view of more than 200 standard fire test reports, using Rule 6 Layers of materials of low thermal conduc-
the “Ten Rules of Fire Endurance Rating” developed tivity are better utilized on the side of the
by Harmathy. These rules with a brief explanation are construction on which fire is more likely to
set forth below: happen.
Rule 1 The “thermal” fire endurance of a construc- A building material made of wood fiber is more
tion consisting of a number of parallel layers effective against thermal transfer than is a material
is greater than the sum of the “thermal” fire having relatively high thermal conductivity, such as
endurance characteristics of the individual metal. Wood will be more effective in protecting
layers when exposed separately to fire. against excessive rise in temperature on the opposite
face of assemblies. This temperature rise can lead to
Where two layers of panel materials, such as gyp- failure under test acceptance criteria (see Rule 7).
sum board or plywood, are fastened to studs or joists
adequately, their combined effect is greater than the Rule 7 The fire endurance of asymmetrical con-
sum of their individual contributions to the fire en- structions depends on the direction of heat
durance rating of the assembly. For example, the fire flow.
endurance time assigned to 1/2 in. (12.7 mm) gypsum Walls that do not have the same panel materials on
board is 15 minutes (see Table 3-1). Two layers of 1/2 both faces will demonstrate different fire endurance
in. (12.7 mm) gypsum board have an endurance rating ratings depending on which side is exposed to fire.
greater than 15 15 30 minutes. This rule results as a consequence of Rules 4 and 6,
Rule 2 The fire endurance of a construction does which point out the importance of the location of air
not decrease with the addition of further gaps or cavities and of the sequence of different layers
layers. of solids.
This is almost the converse of Rule 1. It says that Rule 8 The presence of moisture, if it does not re-
any additional layers of wallboard or other panel mate- sult in explosive spalling, increases the fire
rials will add to fire endurance no matter how many endurance.
layers are added. Materials having a 15% moisture content will
Rule 3 The fire endurance of constructions contain- have greater “thermal” fire endurance than those hav-
ing continuous air gaps or cavities is ing 4% moisture content at the time of fire exposure.
greater than the fire endurance of similar
Rule 9 Load-supporting elements, such as beams,
constructions of the same weight, but con-
girders, and joists, yield higher fire en-
taining no air gaps or cavities.
durance when subject to fire endurance tests
Wall and ceiling cavities formed by studs and as parts of floor, roof, or ceiling assemblies
joists protected and encased by wall coverings add to than they would when tested separately.
the fire endurance of these assemblies.
A wood joist performs better when it is incorpo-
Rule 4 The farther an air gap or cavity is located rated in a floor/ceiling assembly than tested by itself
from the exposed surface, the more benefi- under the same load.
cial its effect on the fire endurance.
Rule 10 The load-supporting elements (beams, gird-
In cases where cavities are formed by joists or ers, joists, etc.) of a floor, roof, or ceiling
studs and protected by 2-in.-thick (51 mm) panel mate- assembly can be replaced by such other
rials against fire exposure, the beneficial effect of such load-supporting elements that, when tested
separately, yielded fire endurance not less the exterior walls to glued laminated beam at the cen-
than that of the assembly. ter of the building. Two simply supported beams, each
30 ft (9.14 m) in length, bear on the exterior walls and
A joist in a floor assembly may be replaced by an-
a column at the center of the building. The beam is of
other type of joist having a fire endurance rating not
greater depth than the floor/ceiling system; therefore a
less than that of the assembly.
portion of the beam will be left exposed beneath the
C3.4.1.1 Component Times: The times assigned to rated floor/ceiling assembly. Determine the fire en-
protective wall and ceiling coverings are given in durance rating of the beam selected to carry the im-
Table 3-1. These times are based on the ability of the posed loads. Extreme fiber in bending Fb is given as
2,400 psi (16.55 MPa), and the species is Douglas fir.
membrane to remain in place during fire tests. This
The live and dead loads are 50 lb/ft2 (2,394 N/m2) and
“assigned time” should not be confused with the “fin-
15 lb/ft 2 (718 N/m 2), respectively. The load duration
ish” rating of the membrane. A “finish rating” is the
factor, CD, is taken equal to 1.0.
time at which the wood stud or joist reaches an average
temperature rise of 250 °F (140 °C), or an individual Solution:
temperature rise of 325 °F (180 °C) above ambient on
the plane of the wood nearest the fire. As shown in w 65 lb/ft2 17-6
Table 3-1, some pairs of membranes have been tested
1,137.5 lb/ft (16.6 kN/m)
resulting in assigned times greater than the sum of the
assigned times of the individual membranes. Moment wl2 8 1.536 106 in.-lb (174 kN-m)
The times assigned to wood studs and joists were
Srequired 1,536,000 2,400
determined based on the time it takes for the framing
members to fail after failure of the protective membrane. 640 in.3 (10.5 106 mm3)
The fire endurance time assigned to framing members is
given in Table 3-2. These times are based on the ability Try a beam with actual dimensions 8 3/4 24;
of framing members to provide structural support when
subjected to the ASTM E119 fire endurance test without Sactual 840 in.3 (13.8 106 mm3)
benefit of a protective membrane. These time values are
Check volume factor (Section 5.3.2 of the NDS)
in part the result of full-scale tests of unprotected wood
studs and floor joist where the structural elements were CV 0.85
loaded to design capacity. They apply to all framing
members and do not increase if, for example, 2 in. 6 Srequired/Cv 753 in.3 840 in.3 ⬖ O.K.
in. (38 mm 140 mm) studs are used rather than 2 in. Calculate the load ratio:
4 in. (38 mm 89 mm) studs.
Additional fire endurance can be provided to wall r 753 in.3 840 in.3 90%
assemblies by the use of high-density rockwool or pa-
per or foil-faced glass fiber insulation batts. The time Calculate the load factor from Section
assigned to each type of insulation as contributing ad-
z 0.7 30/r 0.7 30/90 1.033
ditional fire endurance to the assembly is presented in
Table 3-3. Calculate t from Section, Eq. (3.4):
posed. A Douglas fir glued laminated column with an Calculate load factor from Section
actual section of 8 3/4 in. 9 in. (222 mm 229 mm)
has been specified. The column length is 8 ft (2.44 m). Load ratio, r 433 1,819 0.24 24%
Determine the fire endurance rating of the column se-
lected to carry the imposed loads. The compressive Calculate slenderness ratio:
strength and stiffness are Fc 1,900 psi (13.1 MPa),
and E 1,700,000 psi (11,721 MPa), respectively. Kele /d 1 96 in. 8.75 in. 10.97 ⬖ z 1.5
2. Galbreath, M. “Fire Performance Rating,” Canada of masonry walls is determined in accordance with
Building Digest No. 71, National Research Coun- ASTM E119.
cil of Canada, Division of Building Research, Ot- There are some instances where a particular type
tawa, Canada, 1965. of building construction has not been physically tested
3. Harmathy, T.Z. “Ten Rules of Fire Endurance Rat- in accordance with the ASTM E119 test method. This
ing,” Fire Technology, 1(2), 1965, pp. 93–102. Chapter provides an analytical method to determine the
4. Galbreath, M. “Fire Endurance of Light Framed fire rating for building construction not specifically
and Miscellaneous Assemblies,” Technical Paper tested in accordance with ASTM E119. This method is
No. 222, National Research Council of Canada, commonly known as the calculated fire resistance.
Division of Building Research, Ottawa, Canada, The resistance of masonry walls to fire is a well-
1966. established fact. It is a function of wall mass and thick-
5. Hall, G.S. “Fire Resistance Tests of Laminated ness. Fire resistance tests have been conducted on
Timber Beams,” Research Report WT/RR/1, Tim- walls of solid and hollow units. During the ASTM
ber Research and Development Association, High E119 fire test, the fire resistance of masonry walls is
Wycombe, England, 1968. usually established by the temperature rise on the un-
6. Hall, G.S., et al. “Fire Performance of Timber,” exposed side of the wall specimen. Few masonry walls
Timber Research and Development Association, have failed due to loading or thermal shock of the hose
High Wycombe, England, 1974. stream.
7. Lie, T.T. “A Method for Assessing the Fire Resis- The method of calculating fire resistance periods
tance of Laminated Timber Beams and Columns,” is described in NBS Report BMS 92. The fire technol-
Can. J. Civ. Eng., 4(2), 1977, pp. 161–169. ogy principles found in Appendix B of BMS 92 were
8. Schaffer, E.L. “State of Structural Timber Fire En- used to develop the procedures described in this Chap-
durance,” Wood and Fiber Sci. 9(2), 1977, pp. ter to determine the calculated fire resistance of ma-
145–170. sonry walls. These include: (1) effects of wall finishes;
9. Schaffer, E.L. and F.E. Woeste. “Reliability Anal- (2) effects of continuous air spaces; (3) multi-wythe
ysis of Fire Exposed Light-Frame Wood Floor wall construction; and (4) equivalent thickness.
Assemblies,” Research Paper FPL 386, U.S. De-
partment of Agriculture, Forest Service Forest C4.1 Scope
Products Laboratory, Madison, Wis., 1981. The scope includes assemblies composed of ma-
10. American Forest & Paper Association. National sonry and other components including plaster and dry-
Design Specification for Wood Construction, wall finishes and multi-wythe masonry components,
American Forest & Paper Association, Washing- which may include other types of inorganic masonry
ton D.C. 1991. units.
11. ASCE 7-93, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings Fire resistance is dependent on the quality of ma-
and Other Structures, American Society of Civil terials, design, and construction, in accordance with
Engineers, New York, 1993. the code. Design, construction, and material provisions
for masonry structures are published in ACI 530/ASCE
Commentary for 4: Standard Calculation Methods 5/TMS 402, Building Code Requirements for Masonry
for Determining the Fire Resistance of Masonry Structures.
Reports BMS 143; “Annual Report of the Fire Rating T1, T2 required equivalent thickness for a specific
Committee”; Standard Fire Tests of Unloaded Hollow fire resistance rating of a wall constructed of
Six Inch Brick/Block Panels (filled with Light Weight- units with aggregate type 1 and 2, respec-
Aggregate; Vermiculite); Fire Resistance of Various tively (in.)
Masonry Walls; and “Fire Test Report #83-13.” V1, V2 fractional volume of aggregate type 1 and 2,
respectively, used in the manufacture of the
Example: Determine the equivalent thickness and fire unit
rating for a nominal 8 4 12 in. (200 100 300
mm) hollow clay masonry unit with the coring pattern Example: The minimum required equivalent thickness
shown in Figure 4-1. of a wall constructed of units made with expanded
1. Determine net volume of units shale (80% by volume) and calcareous sand (20% by
volume) to meet a 3-hour fire resistance rating is:
Gross volume (t)(h)(l)
(7.625)(3.625)(11.625) T1 for expanded shale (3-hour rating) 4.4 in.
321.3 in.3 (112 mm)
T2 for calcareous sand (3-hour rating) 5.3 in.
2. Determine core area volume (135 mm)
2 [(4.625)(3.625)(2.875)] Tr (4.4 0.80) (5.3 0.20) 4.58 in. (116 mm)
(4.625)(3.625)(0.625) 106.9 in.3
C4.3.3 Air Spaces or Cells Filled with Loose Fill
3. Net volume 321.3 106.9
214.4 in.3
When the cores of hollow masonry units or air
4. Percent solid 214.4/321.3 spaces are solidly filled with grout or loose material as
0.667, unit is 67% solid indicated, the equivalent thickness of the masonry is
5. Determine considered to be the actual thickness of the masonry.
TE Vd/{L H}
214.4/(11.625 3.625) C4.4.1 Walls with Gypsum Wallboard or Plaster
5.09 in. Finishes
The information contained in this Section is based
From Table 4-1, a hollow clay unit, unfilled, with on the Supplement to the National Building Code of
an TE 5.09 in. attains a 4 hour rating. Canada, 1990 Edition.
Extensive testing has established the relationship
between fire resistance and equivalent solid thickness C4.4.1.1 Calculation for Non–Fire-Exposed Side: The
for concrete masonry walls. The relationship deter- fire resistance of masonry walls is generally deter-
mines fire endurance based on types of aggregates mined by temperature rise on the unexposed surface,
used and the equivalent thickness of the unit. Table 4-1 i.e., the “heat transmission” end point. The time re-
contains provisions for required equivalent thicknesses quired to reach the heat transmission end point (fire en-
of concrete masonry units manufactured with various durance rating) is primarily dependent on the thickness
aggregate types. of the masonry and the type of aggregate used to make
Units manufactured with a combination of aggre- the masonry. When additional finishes are applied to
gate types are covered by Note 2 of Table 4-1, which is the unexposed side of the wall, the time required to
based on wall tests of blended aggregate units. The re- reach the heat transmission end point is delayed and
quired equivalent thickness in accordance with Note 2 the fire resistance rating of the wall is thus increased.
for a specific fire resistance rating is determined by the The increase in rating contributed by the finish can be
following equation: determined by considering the finish as adding to the
thickness of masonry. However, since the finish mate-
Tr (T1 V1) (T2 V2) (C4-1) rial and masonry may have different insulating proper-
ties, the actual thickness of finish may be adjusted to
an equivalent thickness of the type of aggregate used in
Tr required equivalent thickness for a specific the masonry. The correction is made by multiplying
fire resistance rating of an assembly con- the actual finish thickness by the factor determined
structed of units with combined aggregates from Table 4-2 and then adding the adjusted thickness
(in.) to the thickness of the masonry. This equivalent thick-
ness is then applied to determine the fire resistance rat- be added to the thickness of masonry for use in
ing from Table 4-1. Table 2-1.
3. Since Table 4-1 does not have required thicknesses
C4.4.1.2 Calculation for Fire-Exposed Side: When fin- for 1 3/4 hour, direct interpolation between the val-
ishes are added to the fire-exposed side of a masonry ues for 1 1/2 and 2 hour is acceptable. The interpo-
wall, the finish’s contribution to the total fire resistance lation results in a required thickness of 3.9 in. of
rating is based primarily on its ability to remain in cmu and stucco. Since the stucco is 5/8 in. (19.9
place during a fire, thus affording protection to the ma- mm) thick, the masonry must be at least 3.27 in.
sonry wall. Table 4-3 lists the times that have been as- (3.9 0.63).
signed to the finishes on the fire-exposed side of the
wall. These “time assigned” values are based on actual Second Calculation: Assume the exterior to be the
fire tests. The “time assigned” values are added to the fire-exposed side.
fire resistance rating of the wall alone or to the rating
determined for the wall plus any finish on the unex- 1. From Table 4-2 the multiplying factor for gypsum
posed surface. wallboard and siliceous aggregate cmu is 1.25;
therefore, the corrected thickness for 1/2 in. (12.7
mm) of gypsum wallboard is 0.63 in. (1.25 0.5).
C4.4.1.3 Assume Each Side of Wall Is Fire-Exposed:
2. Note 1 to Table 4-3 allows 5/8 in. (15.9 mm) of
Some building codes permit exterior walls with speci-
stucco applied directly to the masonry to be added
fied set backs from property lines to be unrated from
to the actual thickness of masonry rather than estab-
the outside. Thus, in these cases, a calculation assum-
lishing a “time assigned” value.
ing the outside of the wall as the fire-exposed side is
3. Table 4-1 requires 4.2 in. of siliceous aggregate
not necessary.
cmu for a 2-hour fire resistance rating. Therefore,
Where gypsum wallboard or plaster finishes are
the actual thickness of cmu required is 2.94 in.
applied to a masonry wall, the calculated fire resistance
(4.2 0.63 0.63).
rating for the masonry alone should not be less than
4. Since the thickness of cmu required when assuming
one-half the required fire resistance rating. This is nec-
the interior side to be the fire-exposed side is
essary since the application of additional finishes
greater (i.e., 3.27 in.), this is the minimum cmu
serves to delay the heat transmission end point without
thickness allowed to achieve a 2-hr fire resistance
adding any significant contribution to the load-carrying
capability of the wall.
5. Section requires that the cmu alone provide
not less than one-half the total required rating.
Example: An exterior bearing wall of a building is Thus, the cmu must provide at least a 1-hour rating.
required to have a 2-hour fire resistance rating. The From Table 4-1 it can be seen that only 2.8 in. of
wall will be a concrete masonry unit manufactured siliceous aggregate cmu is required for 1 hour,
with siliceous aggregate. It will be finished on the whereas 3.27 in. will be provided.
exterior with 5/8 in. (15.9 mm) of stucco (portland
cement-sand plaster) applied directly to the masonry.
C4.4.1.5 Installation of Finishes: Provisions for fin-
The interior will be finished with a 1/2-in. (12.7-mm)
ishes on masonry walls are specified in Section
thickness of gypsum wallboard applied to steel fur- for gypsum wallboard and gypsum lath and
ring members. What is the minimum thickness of ma-
plaster. This criteria establishes the minimum require-
sonry required?
ments for securing these types of finishes to wood fur-
ring, steel furring, or directly to the masonry wall.
First Calculation: Assume the interior to be the fire-
Section refers to a finish of plaster and
exposed side.
stucco directly to masonry walls.
1. From Table 4-3 the 1/2 in. (12.7 mm) gypsum In all instances, these provisions are applicable to
wallboard has a “time assigned” of 0.25 hour; there- the finishes that contribute to the overall fire resistance
fore, the fire resistance rating that must be developed rating of the assembly. The building code of which
by the masonry and stucco on the exterior must not this standard has been adopted must also be consulted
be less than 1 3/4 hours (2 hours minus 1/4 hours). for applicable provisions that may differ from that
2. From Table 4-2 the multiplying factor for portland contained in this Section. The building code takes
cement-sand plaster and siliceous aggregate cmu is precedent over the minimum criteria established in
1.00; therefore, the actual thickness of stucco can this Section.
C4.4.3 Multi-Wythe Wall Assemblies then for walls in general, R1 (c1V1)n, R2 (c2V2)n,
In most cases for masonry walls, the fire endurance and R3 (c3V3)n.
period will be determined by the temperature rise on The fire resistant period of the composite wall will
the unexposed side of the wall, and its criterion is what be R (cV)n
the equation is based on. According to the general the-
ory of heat transmission, if walls of the same materials where
are exposed to a heat source that maintains a constant
exposed surface temperature, and the unexposed side is V V1 V2 V3
protected against heat loss, the time at which a given
temperature will be attained on the unexposed side will c (c1 V1 c2 V2 c3 V3)/V
vary as the square of the wall thickness.
In the ASTM E119 test, which involves specified Therefore:
conditions of temperature measurement and a fire that
increases the temperature at the exposed surface of the R (c1 V1 c2 V2 c3 V3)n
wall as the test proceeds, the time required to attain a (R11/n R1/n
2 . . . R3 )
1/n n
C4.4.4 Multi-Wythe Walls with Dissimilar Materials 4. National Concrete Masonry Association. A Compi-
This section lists the applicable tables from this lation of Fire Tests on Concrete Masonry Assem-
document that can be used in conjunction with ma- blies, Volume 4 of 5, National Concrete Masonry
sonry walls to determine the total fire resistance rating Association, Herndon, Va., 1991.
of a multi-wythe wall composed of a combination of 5. National Concrete Masonry Association. A Compi-
concrete, concrete masonry units, or clay masonry lation of Fire Tests on Concrete Masonry Assem-
units. blies, Volume 5 of 5, National Concrete Masonry
Association, Herndon, Va., 1991.
C4.4.5 Movement Joints 6. Brown, P.M. Western States Clay Products Asso-
The fire resistance rating of movement joints is ciation—Brick Block Fire Test. W.R. Grace and
based on fire tests of various joint configurations. Re- Co., Research Division, Washington Research
quirements for movement joint materials are covered Center, Clarksville, Md., July 1972.
by the Model Building Codes. 7. National Bureau of Standards. “Fire Endurance
and Hose Stream Test of 8-in. Walls of Hollow
C4.5 Reinforced Masonry Columns Brick.” NBS Test Report No. TP 1022–22:
Fire testing of masonry columns evaluates the FP2653, National Bureau of Standards, Washing-
ability of the column to carry design loads under stan- ton, D.C., January 1948.
dard fire test conditions. 8. National Bureau of Standards. “Fire Endurance of
Thickness requirements in Table 4-4 for fire resis- Hollow Brick Walls.” Technical News Bulletin
tance ratings of reinforced masonry columns are based 35(4), National Bureau of Standards, Washington,
on tests of both concrete and masonry columns. D.C., April 1951.
9. Concrete and Masonry Industry Firesafety Com-
C4.6 Masonry Lintels mittee. Fire Protection Planning Report No. 13:
Fire testing of masonry beams and lintels evalu- Analytical Methods of Determining Fire En-
ates the ability of the member to sustain design loads durance of Concrete and Masonry Members—
under standard fire test conditions by measuring the Model Code Approved Procedures. Concrete
temperature rise of the reinforcing steel. and Masonry Industry Firesafety Committee,
The minimum cover of 1 1/2 in. (38 mm) required Skokie, Ill.
by Table 4-5 is consistent with the code to provide 10. National Bureau of Standards. Fire-Resistance
structural and corrosion-resistant protection of rein- Classifications of Building Constructions. NBS
forcement. Cover requirements in excess of 1 1/2 in. BMS 92, National Bureau of Standards, Washing-
(38 mm) protect the reinforcement from strength ton, D.C., October 1942.
degradation due to excessive temperature during the 11. Structural Research Laboratory. Fire Resistance of
fire exposure period. Cover requirements are provided a Brick Cavity Wall System. Report No. E.S. 6975,
by masonry units, grout, or mortar. Structural Research Laboratory, Richmond Field
Station, University of California, Berkeley, Calif.,
October 1968.
REFERENCES FOR COMMENTARY 4 12. National Bureau of Standards. “Fire Resistance of
Brick Walls.” Technical News Bulletin, No. 124,
1. National Concrete Masonry Association. A Compi- National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C.,
lation of Fire Tests on Concrete Masonry Assem- August 1927.
blies, Volume 1 of 5, Summary Report, National 13. National Bureau of Standards. “Fire Resistance of
Concrete Masonry Association, Herndon, Va., Structural Clay Tile Partitions.” NBS BMS 113,
1993. National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C.,
2. National Concrete Masonry Association. A Compi- October 1948.
lation of Fire Tests on Concrete Masonry Assem- 14. National Bureau of Standards. “Fire Tests of Brick
blies, Volume 2 of 5, National Concrete Masonry Walls.” NBS BMS 143, National Bureau of Stan-
Association, Herndon, Va., 1991. dards, Washington, D.C., November 1954.
3. National Concrete Masonry Association. A Compi- 15. Fisher and Williamson. “Fire Test Report #83-13.”
lation of Fire Tests on Concrete Masonry Assem- Two Hour Fire Resistance Test of Higgins Brick
blies, Volume 3 of 5, National Concrete Masonry Company Solid Grouted 5 Inch Hollow Brick
Association, Herndon, Va., 1991. Units.
16. Foster, H.D. “A Study of The Fire Resistance of 28. “The Fire Resistance of Brick Walls Made from
Building Materials.” Engineering Experiment Sta- Clay or Shale.” NBS Letter Circular 228, National
tion Bulletin. No. 104, Ohio State University, Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C., June 1927.
Columbus, Ohio, January 1940. 29. Troxell, G.E. Fire Resistance of Various Masonry
17. “Report of a Standard ASTM Fire Endurance and Walls. University of California at Berkeley, Calif.,
Hose Stream Test.” Building Research Laboratory December 1967.
Report No. T-1748, Ohio State University Engi- 30. Williamson, R.B. Standard Fire Tests of Unloaded
neering Experiment Station, Columbus, Ohio, May Hollow Six Inch Brick/Block Panels (filled with
1961. Light Weight Aggregate; Vermiculite).
18. “Report of a Standard ASTM Fire Endurance and 31. Ingberg, S.H. and Foster, H.D. Fire Resistance of
Hose Stream Test.” Building Research Laboratory Hollow Loadbearing Wall Tile. NBS Research
Report No. T-1972, Ohio State University Engi- Paper No. 37, National Bureau of Standards,
neering Experiment Station, Columbus, Ohio, Washington, D.C., 1928.
March 1962. 32. Johnson, P. and Plummer, H.C. Fire Resistance of
19. “Report of a Standard ASTM Fire Endurance and Structural Facing Tile. Structural Clay Products
Hose Stream Test of an Unsymmetrical Limited Institute, Washington, D.C., August 1948.
Load Bearing Wall Assembly.” Building Research 33. Plummer, H.C. Brick and Tile Engineering—Fire
Laboratory Report No. 5477, Ohio State Univer- Resistance, Structural Clay Products Institute,
sity Engineering Experiment Station, Columbus, Washington, D.C., November 1950, pp. 141–152.
Ohio, November 1973. 34. ACI 530/ASCE5/TMS 402, Building Code Re-
20. “Report of Standard ASTM Fire Endurance and quirements for Masonry Structures—1995 Edition.
Hose Stream Tests of Two Non-Loadbearing Un-
symmetrical Wall Assemblies.” Building Research Commentary for 5: Standard Methods
Laboratory Project 5111, Ohio State University for Determining the Fire Resistance of Structural
Engineering Experiment Station, Columbus, Ohio, Steel Construction
December 1971.
21. “Report of a Standard ASTM Fire Endurance Test C5.1 Scope
and Fire and Hose Stream Test on a Wall Assem- This Section defines calculation procedures that
bly.” Building Research Laboratory Report No. have, in general, been experimentally validated for
T-3660, Ohio State University Engineering Exper- specific fire protection materials/systems for structural
iment Station, Columbus, Ohio, October 1966. steel. In most cases, these calculation methods involve
22. “Report of a Standard Fire Endurance and Hose the interpolation/extrapolation of standard ASTM Ell91
Stream Test.” Building Research Laboratory Re- fire test results. As a result, limitations on the use of
port No. T-1971, Ohio State University Engineer- these procedures have been carefully established. Ad-
ing Experiment Station, Columbus, Ohio, March ditional background is included in a related series of
1962. publications developed by the American Iron and Steel
23. “SCR Brick-Wall Fire Resistance Test.” Ohio State Institute.2–4
University Engineering Experiment Station, Re-
search Report No. 2. Structural Clay Products Re- C5.2 Structural Steel Columns
search Foundation, Chicago, Ill., September 1952. Numerous theoretical and experimental investiga-
24. “Standard ASTM Fire Endurance and Hose tions have confirmed that the fire resistance of struc-
Stream Test.” Project No. T-1172, Ohio State Uni- tural steel columns is a direct function of the mass of
versity Engineering Experiment Station, Colum- the column and the surface area directly exposed to the
bus, Ohio, November 1959. fire environment.6,7 As a result, the specified calcula-
25. Structural Engineers Association of Southern Cali- tion procedures include these variables in the form of
fornia. “Annual Report of the Fire Rating Commit- weight-to-heated-perimeter (W/D) ratios, as defined in
tee.” 1962. this Section and illustrated in Figure 5-1. 28.
26. Technical Notes on Brick Construction 16B. “Cal-
culated Fire Resistance.” Brick Institute of Amer- C5.2.1 Gypsum Wallboard
ica, Reston, Va., June 1991. Based on a series of fire tests conducted by Under-
27. Technical Notes on Brick Construction 16 Re- writers Laboratories, Inc. (UL) and the National Re-
vised. “Fire Resistance.” Brick Institute of Amer- search Council of Canada, an analytical expression has
ica, Reston, Va., May 1987. been developed to determine the fire resistance of
structural steel columns protected with Type X gypsum C5.2.2 Spray-Applied Materials (Pipe and
wallboard.8 In order to account for the presence of Tubular Columns)
chemically combined moisture in gypsum wallboard, Especially for smaller shapes, the fire resistance of
this equation includes the term W, which is weight per pipe and tubular columns protected with spray-applied
linear foot of the steel column and gypsum wallboard. materials will be somewhat less than the fire resistance
Since the fire integrity of gypsum wallboard systems is of a wide-flange column with the same weight-to-
a significant function of the support and attachment heated-perimeter ratio (W/D) and thickness of protec-
methods, the use of this equation is limited to two spe- tion. In general, the difference is due to heat transfer
cific installation methods (Figures 5-2 and 5-3). These principles related to the geometry of the cross sections.
installation methods are directly based on UL Designs As a result, different material-dependent constants are
X526 and X528.8 Furthermore, since the largest col- required, and these constants must be developed on the
umn that has been tested with gypsum wallboard pro- basis of standard fire tests as explained in the preced-
tection is a W14X233, the application of this equation ing section. It should be noted that the distinction be-
is specifically limited to columns with W/D ratios of tween wide-flange and pipe and tubular columns
less than or equal to 3.65. For larger columns, the mentioned in this discussion applies only in the case
thickness of wallboard required for a W14X233 shape of contour protection. For box profile protection (such
should be used. as the previously described gypsum wallboard system),
pipe, tubular, and wide-flange columns are inter-
C5.2.2 Spray-Applied Materials (Wide-Flange changeable based solely on W/D ratios.
This Section defines a general equation for deter- C5.2.3 Concrete-Filled Hollow Steel Columns
mining the fire resistance of wide-flange structural The parametric equations for hollow steel columns
steel columns protected with spray-applied materials. filled with plain concrete (unreinforced) were devel-
Since the vast majority of these materials are propri- oped by Lie and Harmathy based on an analysis of 44
etary, this equation includes two constants that must be loaded fire resistance tests.10 The experimental results
determined for specific materials based on standard were evaluated using mathematical models to identify
fire test results. important parameters and to generate design equations.
The database should include at least two tests for Appropriate application limits were established based
each of two different column sizes. For the smaller of on the range of tested columns.
the two columns, one of the test specimens shall be
protected so as to develop the minimum desired fire re-
sistance rating, and the second specimen shall be pro- C5.2.4 Concrete or Masonry Protection
tected with the maximum intended thickness of fire The equation for concrete-encased columns was
protection material. For the larger of the two columns, derived directly from an expression developed by Lie
one of the test specimens shall be protected with the and Stringer.11 In order to use this equation, the ambi-
minimum intended thickness of fire protection mate- ent temperature thermal conductivity and thermal ca-
rial, and the second specimen shall be protected so as pacity of the concrete must be known, in addition to
to develop the maximum desired fire resistance rating. density and equilibrium moisture content. Since in
These four tests establish the limits governing the use many cases this information is not available to the
of the resulting equation. These limits include the designer, a conservative tabulation of these properties
minimum and maximum permitted thicknesses of pro- is included which may be used in the absence of spe-
tection, the minimum and maximum fire resistance rat- cific data. This tabulation was developed from data
ings, and the minimum and maximum column sizes. published by Abrams.12 For masonry units, this proce-
Additional tests may be conducted to modify any of dure has been modified by including the equivalent
these limits, and these additional tests may involve dif- thickness concept developed for walls.
ferent column sizes. The material-dependent constants
are determined based on all applicable test data using a C5.3 Structural Steel Beams and Girders
linear, least-squares, curve-fitting technique or similar For structural steel beams and girders, the same
statistical analysis. general principles apply as in the case of columns. In
For some fire protection materials, designs in the this instance, however, the heated perimeter (D) does
UL Fire Resistance Directory include a form of this not include the top of the top flange, which is shielded
equation with specific constants and appropriate appli- from direct fire exposure by floor or roof decks and/or
cation limits.9 slabs.
TABLE X3.1 Construction Classification, Restrained and Unrestrained
I. Wall bearing:
Single span and simply supported end spans of multiple bays:a
(1) Open-web steel joists or steel beams, supporting concrete slab, precast units, or metal decking unrestrained
(2) Concrete slabs, precast units, or metal decking unrestrained
Interior spans of multiple bays:
(1) Open-web steel joists, steel beams or metal decking, supporting continuous concrete slab restrained
(2) Open-web steel joists or steel beams, supporting precast units or metal decking unrestrained
(3) Cast-in-place concrete slab systems restrained
(4) Precast concrete where the potential thermal expansion is resisted by adjacent constructionb restrained
II. Steel framing:
(1) Steel beams welded, riveted, or bolted to the framing members restrained
(2) All types of cast-in-place floor and roof systems (such as beam-and-slabs, flat slabs, pan joists,
and waffle slabs) where the floor or roof system is secured to the framing members restrained
(3) All types of prefabricated floor or roof systems where the structural members are secured to the
framing members and the potential thermal expansion of the floor or roof system is resisted by the
framing system or the adjoining floor or roof constructionb restrained
III. Concrete framing:
(1) Beams securely fastened to the framing members restrained
(2) All types of cast-in-place floor or roof systems (such as beam-and-slabs, flat slabs, pan joists, and
waffle slabs) where the floor system is cast with the framing members restrained
(3) Interior and exterior spans of precast systems with cast-in-place joints resulting in restraint
equivalent to that which would exist in condition III(1) restrained
(4) All types of prefabricated floor or roof systems where the structural members are secured to such
systems and the potential thermal expansion of the floor or roof systems is resisted by the framing
system or the adjoining floor or roof constructionb restrained
IV. Wood construction:
All types unrestrained
Floor and roof systems can be considered restrained when they are tied into walls with or without the beams, the walls being designed and de-
tailed to resist thermal thrust from the floor or roof system.
For example, resistance to potential thermal expansion is considered to be achieved when:
(1) Continuous structural concrete topping is used,
(2) The space between the ends of precast units or between the ends of units and the vertical face of supports is filled with concrete or mortar, or
(3) The space between the ends of precast units and the vertical faces of supports, or between the ends of solid or hollow core slab units does not
exceed 0.25% of the length for normal weight concrete members or 0.1% of the length for structural lightweight concrete members.
The following is an excerpt from the appendixes of the ASTM E119 Standard Fire Test defining restrained and
unrestrained conditions of structural assemblies.
X3.1 The revisions adopted in 1970 have introduced, are assumed to be free to rotate and expand and there-
for the first time in the history of the standard, the fore shall be considered as unrestrained.”
concept of fire endurance classifications based on two
conditions of support: restrained and unrestrained. As a X3.5 This definition requires the exercise of
result, most specimens will be fire tested in such a engineering judgment to determine what constitutes
manner as to derive these two classifications. restraint to “substantial thermal expansion.” Resistance
may be provided by the lateral stiffness of supports for
X3.2 A restrained condition in fire tests, as used in this floor and roof assemblies and intermediate beams
method, is one in which expansion at the supports of a forming part of the assembly. In order to develop
load-carrying element resulting from the effects of restraint, connections must adequately transfer thermal
the fire is resisted by forces external to the element. thrusts to such supports. The rigidity of adjoining
An unrestrained condition is one in which the load- panels or structures should be considered in assessing
carrying element is free to expand and rotate at its the capability of a structure to resist thermal expansion.
supports. Continuity, such as that occurring in beams acting
continuously over more than two supports, will induce
X3.3 Some difficulty is recognized in determining the rotational restraint which will usually add to the fire
condition of restraint that may be anticipated at resistance of structural members.
elevated temperatures in actual structures. Until a more
satisfactory method is developed, this guide
recommends that all constructions be temporarily X3.6 In Table X3-1 only the common types of
classified as either restrained or unrestrained. This constructions are listed. Having these examples in
classification will enable the architect, engineer, or mind as well as the philosophy expressed in the
building official to correlate the fire endurance preamble, the user should be able to rationalize the less
classification, based on conditions of restraint, with the common types of construction.
construction type under consideration.
X3.7 Committee E-5 considers the foregoing methods
X3.4 For the purpose of this guide, restraint in build- of establishing the presence or absence of restraint
ings is defined as follows: “Floor and roof assemblies according to type and detail of construction to be a
and individual beams in buildings shall be considered temporary expedient, necessary to the initiation of dual
restrained when the surrounding or supporting structure free endurance classifications. It is anticipated that
is capable of resisting substantial thermal expansion methods for realistically predetermining the degree of
throughout the range of anticipated elevated tempera- restraint applicable to a particular fire endurance
tures. Construction not complying with this definition classification will be developed in the near future.
aggregate 2, 20, 37 lath and plaster 21
air spaces 4, 19, 45 lintels 22, 53
loads 15, 34–35, 36, 45
beams 9, 12–14, 44; concrete 41–42; steel 30, 55–56;
wood 15, 46 masonry 18–23, 29–30, 49–53, 55; columns 22, 53;
board, mineral 2 definitions 18–19; hollow unit 19; lintels 22, 53;
unit 19; walls 19–22
cement, portland 21, 33 mortar 19
ceramic fiber blanket 2
codes, building 1, 33
panels: flanged wall 38; ribbed 3, 38; sandwich 4;
columns: masonry 22, 53; reinforced concrete 14,
undulating 3, 38
42–43; steel 24, 29, 54; wood 15, 46–47
perlite 2, 20
component additive method 17, 44–48
plaster 6, 20, 21, 39, 50–51; and lath 21
concrete 2–14, 28–30, 55; aggregate 2, 20, 37; beams
plywood 17
41–42; cellular 2, 9; columns 14, 42–43; cover 9–14,
41; definitions 2; floors 7–9, 40–41; perlite 2, 20;
restraint 35, 57
portland cement 20, 33; slabs 34; vermiculite 2, 20;
roofs 7–9, 40–41; insulated 9, 41
walls 2–7, 36–40
connectors 15, 44
cover 9–14, 36, 41–42; calculating 9–10, 14; concrete slabs: concrete 9–11, 34; precast 9; reinforcement 9,
9–14, 41 41; roof 7–9; roofs 40–41
spray-applied materials 24, 27, 31, 55, 56
exposure, fire 7, 15, 18, 19, 38–39, 51; testing 33 steel 24–31, 54–56; beams 30, 55–56; columns 24, 29,
54; girders 30, 55–56; trusses 31, 56
fasteners 15, 44 stucco 21
fill material, loose 18, 19, 50
fire-exposed materials 7, 15, 18, 19, 38–39, 51; tests, standard fire 1
testing 33 timber: see wood
fire protection materials, spray-applied 27, 31, 55, 56 trusses, steel 31, 56
fire ratings, ten rules 45–46
fire resistance, calculating: concrete 2–7, 33, 36–37; unit, masonry 18–19
masonry 19–23; steel 24–31; wood 15–17, 44–48
fire tests, standard 1 vermiculite 2, 20
floors: concrete 7–9, 40–41; two-course 9, 41
wallboard 6, 9, 20, 24–27, 39, 50–51, 54–55
girders, steel 30–31, 55–56
walls: concrete 2–7, 36–40; flanged panels 38;
glass fiberboard 2
hollow-core 3, 37–38; load-bearing 34; masonry
grout 18
19–22; multiple wythe 3–4, 21, 38–39, 52–53;
gypsum 6, 9, 20, 24, 39, 47–48, 50–51, 54–55
single wythe 21
heat transmission end point 40 wood 14–18, 44–48; beams 15, 46; columns 15,
46–47; exposed 15, 44
insulation 5–6, 10–11, 34–35, 39, 41 wythe: multiple walls 3–4, 21, 38–39, 52–53;
single wall 21
joints 40; control 18; expansion 18; masonry 23;
movement 22, 53; slab 9; wall 5 yield strength 35