02 - Computer Systems Architecture (Question)

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CT049-3-1- Operating Systems & Computer Architecture Computer Systems Architecture

Computer Systems Architecture

1. Explain the difference between a client-server network and a peer-to-peer network.

Client server Peer to peer

Basic Specific client and server Clients and server are not
connected to server. distinguished each node act as
client and server

service Client request for service and Each node can request and
server respond provide services.

Focus Sharing information connectivity

Data Stored in centralized server Each peer has its own data

2. Thinking in terms of systems allows us to analyze situations that are too complicated for us to
understand as a whole. What specific characteristics and features of system thinking make this

3. The figure below shows the basic architecture for a three-tier database system. This system can
be viewed as an IPO (input-processing-output) system. What is the input for this system? What
environmental element generates the input? (Hint: the Web browser computer is within the
system boundary.) What is the expected output from this system? What environmental element
receives the output? Briefly describe the processing that takes place in this system.

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CT049-3-1- Operating Systems & Computer Architecture Computer Systems Architecture

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CT049-3-1- Operating Systems & Computer Architecture Computer Systems Architecture

4. Based on the illustration of an iPhone shown in the figure below, draw a system model for an

5. Suppose that you have been hired to develop a website-based sales system for a large
international retail sales firm. Discuss some environmental issues that are specific to the Web
design of your system that you must consider if your system is to be successful at attracting and
keeping purchasing customers.

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