Kellie McGinnis - Copy of ABC's of Parenting and Child Development
Kellie McGinnis - Copy of ABC's of Parenting and Child Development
Kellie McGinnis - Copy of ABC's of Parenting and Child Development
Each letter will cover a separate topic related to parenting and child development. It is
important to find legitimate information/research on the topic and not just fill in the area
with random information.
Your book should carry a common theme throughout the project
(Ex. Animals, foods, cartoons, sports, etc.)
Note: You will be citing ALL of your reference materials. See APA handout for step-by-step
instructions on how to use Noodletools for easy citations.
Project Requirements:
Use the following (on the next page) as a checklist for completing your project.
✓ Letter Topic Required Information ✓ Letter Topic Required Information
Make a list of essentials new parents Identify what sibling rivalry is and list 3
Almost things that can be done to transition
1. A Ready!
will need for the new baby (Think crib, 17. Q Quarrels from an only child household to bringing
diapers, feeding, etc.) home a new baby.
Describe how parents can teach
List and explain 5 ways to Recognizing
2. B Bonding
bond with your baby
18. R Differences
their children about children with
special needs.
Identify community resources and
Describe baby-proofing and safety in the
Community what each of them offer:
3. C Resources WIC, Ohio Help Me Grow, EBT/Food
19. S Safety home. What precautions should be taken
and when should this be done?
Stamps, Healthy Start, Medicaid
What is required for mom and baby Identify one child development
Doctor during the first year (Include theorist. Explain their theory
4. D Visits timeline, what is covered in the
20. T Theorists
and how it relates to child
appointment, etc.)? development.
Choose one stage (Infant, toddler,
preschooler) and create a one-day List 3 different family types
Eating meal plan (breakfast, lunch, dinner, (nuclear, blended, etc.) and
5. E Healthy snacks) that covers their dietary
21. U US!
provide an example from the
needs. Go to for media of this type of family.
more info.
Dads are important! Discuss What 5 values do you hope to
6. F Fathers expectations for fathers. Use 22. V Values instill in your children? How are
information from values taught/developed?
What are resources for working
What should parents pack when:
Working parents? When both parents are
7. G Going Places Going to the hospital to have a baby 23. W Parents working, how can they be sure to
Outings with infants/toddlers
balance work and family?
How does exercise influence the
List common hazards in the home and development of a child? How can families
Hazards in
8. H the Home
describe how they may be mistaken for 24. X eXercise exercise together? What are the
recommendations for physical activity at
a non-hazardous item by a baby/child
each stage?
What are the recommended
Your Life Describe the life
immunizations from birth-5? What are
9. I Immunizations
they for and at what ages should a
25. Y and How it changes/adjustments parents go
Changes through when starting a family.
baby/child get them?
List 3 jobs that relate to children Describe a safe sleeping environment and
techniques for babies. Also, explain what
10. J Jobs and describe a typical day for 26. Z Zzzz’s SIDS is and what parents can do to
someone who is in this occupation. ensure sleep safety.
Select a skill that a child who is
ALL INFORMATION has been cited
entering Kindergarten should have and References/
11. K Kindergarten list 3 ways to help teach a toddler or Citations
using noodletools and added to a
slide titled “References”
preschooler this skill
Make a list of 10 important things Each slide has the appropriate title
16. P Pregnancy that every new mom should know Slide Headings and a large representation of the
about pregnancy. letter that slide is covering.
Grading for the ABCs of Parenting and Child Development
Information Organization Graphics
No graphics present
Information was lacking or not
Keep Trying 0-2 0 Slide was unorganized 0 Graphics were unrelated to
relevant to topic
Basic information was provided
On the Right Path 3-4 on topic. Some pieces may have 1 Some parts lacked organization 1 Lacking relevant graphics
been lacking
Exceeding Appropriate information Slide was well organized and easy Appropriate number of relevant
5-6 2 2
Expectations covered all parts of topic. to read with appropriate headings graphics
Section Information Points Earned Organization Points Earned Graphics Points Earned Possible
Title Slide 5
A 10
B 10
C 10
D 10
E 10
F 10
G 10
H 10
I 10
J 10
K 10
L 10
M 10
N 10
O 10
P 10
Q 10
R 10
S 10
T 10
U 10
V 10
W 10
X 10
Y 10
Z 10
13-20 7-12 0-6
References/ References were listed, cited Some references were missing Slide was not included, Many
appropriately, and in a bulleted and/or references were not references were missing, Poor
format organized organization, Improper citations
11-15 5-10 0-4
Appropriate theme was carried Theme showed in some parts but No common theme was carried 15
Theme through entire book was not very consistent throughout the book.
How to Use Noodletools for Citations
1. Go to:
2. Click APA
3. Use the drop-down menu to select the type of citation you will need. The most common types are listed at the
top. Once selected, click the green “Create Citation” button.
4. Add as much information as is available to you in the appropriate fields. If you are on a website for an
organization, it is likely that you will put the name of the organization as the author. NOTE: You will not be putting
information into every field provided (so it is ok to leave some blank).
5. Click the green “Submit” button when complete (there is on at the top and the bottom.)
6. Highlight the citation, right click to copy, and paste it to your References slide