San Agustin Academy: English 7 Semi-Final Examination

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San Agustin Academy

School Year 2019 – 2020
Member: Bohol Association of Catholic Schools (BACS) – Diocese of Tagbilaran
Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines (CEAP)

LAST NAME: _____________________________ GIVEN NAME: ____________________ M.I: ________
GR. & SECTION: _________________________ DATE OF EXAMINATION: _______________________

A. Direction: Read each statement carefully and encircle the letter of the best answer.
(2 pts. each correct answer)
1. It reflects many aspects of life, including conflict.
a. literature b. conflict c. internal conflict d. external conflict
2. An external conflict wherein the character faces off with another character.
a. literature b. character vs. character c. character vs. nature d.character vs.
3. An external conflict wherein the character's enemy is its environment – it could be a force of nature such as
a storm or other natural phenomena.
a. literature b. character vs. character c. character vs. nature d.character vs.
4. It refers to sharing your time, talent, and treasure with others so that you get to know one another very well.
a. literature b. kapwa c. internal conflict d. external conflict
5. A conflict that involves a moral dilemma, or his own nature.
a. literature b. conflict c. internal conflict d. external conflict
6. It showed and proved that resolving conflicts through violence has only led to tragedy, depression, fallouts in
relationship, and even war.
a. literature b. kapwa c. internal conflict d. external conflict
7. It happens when an external force stands in the way of a character's goal.
a. literature b. conflict c. internal conflict d. external conflict
8. An external conflict wherein the character goes against society or the norms of a community.
a. literature b. character vs. character c. character vs. nature d.character vs.
9. This is also known as character versus himself.
a. literature b. conflict c. internal conflict d. external conflict
10. This conflict involves the main character's inner struggle with self-doubt.
a. literature b. conflict c. internal conflict d. external conflict


Direction: Read and analyze each statement carefully and identify whether the conflict falls under internal or
external conflict. Write IC if it falls under Internal Conflict and EC if it falls under External Conflict and
distinguish what type of external conflict it is (Character vs. Character, Character vs. Nature, or Character vs.

LEGEND on what to write on the space provided:

IC – Internal Conflict
EC-CVC – Character vs. Character
EC-CVN – Character vs. Nature
EC-CVS – Character vs. Society
____________ 1. Mom decided to make lasagna instead of meatloaf for dinner. Once she got halfway through
making the lasagna, she started questioning her decision. Although her family likes lasagna, they just had
spaghetti over the weekend. Would they even like the meal that she had put a lot of effort into? By the time her
kids got home from school, she was quite disappointed in her dinner plan.

____________ 2. Although your friends say that you're very attractive, you think just the opposite. You are
overly critical about physical appearance.

____________ 3. Hu and her husband want three children, but in China, couples are only allowed to have one
child to help control their population size and are penalized if they have more than one.

____________ 4. The hurricane reached land and the high winds destroyed much of the area. Power was
knocked out for several days. Many people had abandoned the area. The people who did stay were confined
to their houses while the weather was too risky to venture out. The storm even destroyed several buildings and
trees in its path.

____________ 5. After lowering himself into the damp and dark cave, Tom began to get mad of himself for not
having replaced his flashlight's batteries. Tom's error slowly began to take over as the light around him
dropped dimmer and dimmer.

____________ 6. At a party, you spent a lot of time talking to a friend from your math class – just chatting.
Now, another classmate has spread rumors around school about the two of you. You are mad at this person
for getting involved in your personal life. When you tell this person about how you feel, she starts yelling at you.

Direction: Construct at least 3 – 5 sentences to answer the questions given below. Be concise. (5 points each)

1. Cite a certain scenario where you encounter a conflict and how did you resolve it?

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages when you undergo a series of trials?

Good luck and God Bless! 

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Subject Teacher Principal

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