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Singapore Airlines: Customer Service Innovation

Singapore Airline have always been a customer centric company, from 1972 till today, they

have always focused on what are the demands and what are the needs of customer. Never

have they ever enforced their models or change on them, but built business strategies based

on customer’s expectation. Singapore Airlines have created giant waves in terms of customer

service, while other were trying to make ripples. The airline company from time to time have

taken innovation and market needs as their basis to excel and have constantly evolved

whether that be a superior inflight experience through the cabin-crew, premium quality

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food, superior comfort seating options, or personal entertainment. They have touched every

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corner and gave it customers touch with their hands on human software, which assesses

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passengers need and provide a viable strategy to make their passengers feel comfortable
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and happy. SIA creates an atmosphere of satisfaction and happiness in their service

techniques. A factor which results in their success very effectively and constantly. Something
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which their competitors try to neglect. Their performance have been consistent and their

customers have remained honest as well as loyal to them.

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Performance Excellence has its own criteria of scaling while justifying it via their key
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principles. One of the primary principle of Performance Excellence is based on The Kano

Number “Expect, Express and Excite”.

Expect “ what are the clients blaming you for or complaining about”, SIA’s marketing and

core team was very well-versed in one thing “Listening”. They use to make sure that

whenever their customer use to reach out to them their query is considered and the

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problem be rectified, which became one of the strongest pillar of SIA. Customers started to

feel that their needs are fulfilled and their suggestion been mediated into action. When

customer feel that, they come back to you expecting a better result and when they found

one, they stay for a longer time. The thinktank of the SIA made sure that relevant and

important changes are contemplated and customer never had to complaint about the same

problem repeatedly.

Express “ what clients are expressing what would they like or love to have”, when you are a

customer centric company in a market which is competitive in every aspect, you have to be

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open to new changes and suggestions. SIA tactfully played a clever hand in that area. Rather

than forcing a change or an upgrade they gave a thought on suggestions from their
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customers on what can be improved and in which area. If the Japanese wanted more

attention, they made sure the cabin crew did. When they wanted quality cuisine with the
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traditional touch they tailored it to those need. Their services were tailor made based on the
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region they were flying and the specific requirements it upholds, which worked out for them
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as they grew stronger on the customer retention base.

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Excite “How clients problems can be solved, what are the necessary steps to be taken”, SIA

weren’t the first to come into this market of aviation and transportation but they made sure

they survive and grow. They studied their competitors and they knew exactly where to hit

them, they did not compete with other airlines on fare prices but they outlasted them

customer service. Passengers wanted to have a warm welcome they expected a hassle free

and a unique travel experience on the same low cost and SIA kept on delivering in that area.

They knew customers want better services, better experience, better food and every single

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thing which their counterparts devalued in order to reduce the fare prices, they kept on

improving in that sector. The market leaned on SIA, passengers chose Singapore Airlines

over others, and that happens rarely when you have competition so down to your throat.

SIA revolutionised the customer experience by mastering the provision of services. Their

excellence was based on their effective execution and hence the performance kept getting


SIA created a benchmark for Innovation in branding and customer services, their eye for

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specifics and details make them stand out. Now, when the competition to survive is on the

door-step it’s better to go with the change and not withdraw yourself. Introducing the
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“SpaceBed” will only strengthen the liking of the passengers as it gives more option.

The decision is far more based on the idea of being not left out while you were always
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leading the change, SpaceBed will give a breath of fresh air to the business class, and to the
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fact that customers like change.

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As known for the retention of passengers, they will have something new to offer and no one
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can predict the outcome whether it will be successful or not. When the brand is well-
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established people expect changes from them and what new services can they provide.

SpaceBed would be a good investment amid the crisis. Principles of performance excellence

also drives the discussion to the decision of investing in Spacebed and including them in

your fleets, because you need constant innovation, better services and when you travel on

that path you meet growth and success.

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Passengers when they see change they get attracted towards that, and when you don’t

adapt to one you are just left out, and eventually lose your strongest purpose of running the

airline, your customers.

Expect, Express and Excite following the principle suggests that customer satisfaction is the

primary aim, and the fact which strongly supports this is the introduction of the OSD (Out-

standing service on the ground), SPS (Service Performance Survey), PPS (priority passenger

service). These all programs lead to the fact that performance excellence drives on the basis

of your customer and their satisfaction by the services offered. If you are not solving client

issues, the client no longer will keep faith in your abilities.

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Spacebed was a frontier to new service in the SIA fleets and opens up a new wide range of

marketing and attracting a new cluster of flyers. When you offer value, people will pay extra
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and yield benefits from your services and you improve at the same time. Improve the value

in your product, your productivity in terms of finance will soar new heights.
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The aforementioned statements adhere to the fact of investing in Spacebed, which will
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inturn give justice to the growth and help reach SIA to new unexplored frontiers.
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