Citizenship Chart Final

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American Federal United Territorial United Municipal Citizen of

State National State Citizen States Citizen States Citizen the United States

(1) An American State National (2) State Citizens are State Na- (3) Federal Citizens — True (4) Territorial United States Cit- (5) Municipal United States Citi-
is either: (1) naturally born on tionals who undertake the obli- Fed-eral Citizens are called izens are called U.S. Citizens to zens — are known as “citizens
the land and soil of an American gations of Self-Governance in United States Citizens and they distinguish between them and of the United States” and as “US
State, such as Wisconsin, or (2) behalf of the State of the Union are con-sidered, while employed United States Citizens. Territorial CITIZENS” and include the
after being naturalized as a where they live. They occupy by the Federal Government, to Citizens are now commonly members of the Federal Civil
United States Citizen, is a for- basic Offices of the State Gov- be Dual Citizens of their State Dual Citizens of the British Com- Service, and officers of the ac-
eign-born man or woman who ernment, most commonly volun- and work directly for and are monwealth and the Municipal tual Municipal Corporation and
voluntarily accepts and pub- teering to act as Jurors to serve commis-sioned by The United United States, though they may its franchises and subcontractors
lishes their adoption of a specific the Jury Pools of both the Grand States of America, the opt to claim citizenship from an- which include the so-called Fed-
American State as their perma- and Trial Juries of their State and unincorporated Federation of other country entirely. They eral Agencies. These are all em-
nent home and domicile. A State County Courts. Both State Na- States in control of the work out of the District of Co- ployees or dependents of the
National is not acting as a citi- tionals and State Citizens can International Land Jurisdic-tion lumbia to enforce U.S. Statutes oligarchic Papist Municipal Gov-
zen of any government and take part in Public Elections and of this country and the non- that are published on the Federal ernment of Washington, DC and
owes no obligations to govern- may serve as Electors. If depu- delegated powers owed to the Register and to perform military the District of Columbia and its
ment beyond keeping the peace tized or elected to office, State States in the International Juris- and quasi-military and military STATE OF STATE subsidiaries
and reporting crimes. As a com- Nationals assume State Citizen- diction of the Sea [Amendment support duties. The U.S. Mar- and they basically work to en-
pletely unincorporated Person, a ship for the duration of their ser- X]. Federal Marshals, now called shals are private law enforce- force global commercial law and
State National is sovereign and vice. State Citizens occupy State Continental Marshals, are civil- ment officers hired to police the “federal” regulations. They are
private and generally immune and County Public Offices, act- ian peacekeeping officers who delegated portions of our inter- Dual Citizens of the Territorial
from prosecution until and un- ing as State Justices, local Jus- work within Multi-State Federal national (interstate) jurisdiction. United States [the District of Co-
less they take some action that tices of the Peace, Sheriffs, Postal District Service Areas. Postmasters are U.S. Citizens, as lumbia and Insular States], and
causes actual physical harm to Peacekeeping Deputies. Coro- Federal Postal District Courts are are members of the U.S. Military “the” United States which is
someone else or someone else’s ners, Recorders, and other Pub- also staffed by United States Citi- Services and their Dependents. meant to be an instrumentality of
property, whereupon they are lic Offices, either paid or zens. They are all Federation These people work for the British and doing business “as” name of
subject to the Common Law of unpaid. Members of the State Employees and they enforce the Territorial United States Govern- the Union of States, but has been
the County and State where they Militia are all State Citizens Constitutions and the United ment doing business as “the” usurped and operated under the
live or where the alleged crime while actively engaged in militia States Statutes-at-Large and Pub- United States of America and UNITED STATES CONGRESS as
is committed. A State National activities. A State Citizen cannot lic Laws as published on the they exercise some of our dele- an instrumentality and doing
can be arrested for cause by adopt any other form of citizen- Congressional Record. Post Mas- gated powers, especially within business “as” name of the Mu-
peacekeeping officials, but is not ship while serving as a State Citi- ters are another example of land the International Jurisdiction of nicipality of Washington, DC
generally subject to private zen. All State Assembly officers jurisdiction United States Citi- the Sea. While in this status, and its Congressional Oligarchy
courts or to arrest by private law and elected delegates of the zens. The members of the Coast Americans are not Party to the allowed at Article I, Section 8,
enforcement officers. By defini- State Assemblies are State Citi- Guard and Border Patrols are Constitutions and have no Con- Clause 17. Shysters like to pre-
tion, a State National is a civilian zens. State Citizens are the “Peo- also technically United States stitutional Guarantees. Shysters tend that we are voluntarily
and an Internationally Protected ple” of their State and the Parties Citizens. like to pretend that we are vol- adopting this political status, too,
Person and is owed The Law of enabled to enforce the Constitu- untarily adopting this political in order to evade their duties to
Peace. A State National may be tions directly and indirectly status in order to better evade us owed under the Constitutions
elected to Public Office, where- through their State’s membership their constitutional duties and the and to promote various crimes
upon they become subject to in the Federation of States guarantees owed to us. against our assets and Persons.
their Oath or Affirmation of Of- known as The United States of
fice for the duration of their term America and the Union known
in office. State Nationals are the as The United States.
“people” of each State and pop-
ulate the National Soil Jurisdic-

Bottom Line: If you are not actually employed by a Federal Subcontractor and a not a or State Citizen. Your earnings are not “Federal Income” and you are not generally
Dependent of a Federal Employee nor a voluntary recipient of unearned Federal welfare subject to Federal Codes and regulations unless you are engaged in the interstate
benefits nor a political asylum seeker nor a knowing and willing volunteer or paid Agent manufacture, sale, or transport of alcohol, tobacco, or firearms.
of the two Foreign “Federal” Subcontractors, you are in fact an American State National

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