Forces and Motion

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Forces and motion physics spm 2012

1 A farmer has two vehicles with the same mass and the same number of wheels. ( johor 2007 )

Diagram 1.1 and Diagram 1.2 show what the wheels on these two vehicles look like.

Wheel of vehicle 1 Wheel of vehicle 2

Diagram 1.1 Diagram 1.2

(a) Based in the Diagram 1.1 and Diagram 1.2:

(i) compare the contact area between the wheels in the Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 1.2.

(ii) compare the weight of the vehicle 1 and vehicle 2.


(b) Which vehicle should the farmer use when driving across his fields when the ground
is very soft? Give your reasons.



(c) Name the physics concept involved.


(d) A manufacturer of car wheels estimates that the area of a car wheel in contact with
the road is about the same as the area of a person’s shoe in contact with the ground.
A car weighs 10 000 N and a driver weighs 500 N.

(i) Calculate the ratio pressure of car on ground : pressure of driver on ground.
(The car has 4 tyres and a driver has 2 feet)

(ii) Suggest why it might be a good idea to reduce the pressure of the air in car tyres
if the car is to be driven over soft sand.


Forces and motion physics spm 2012

2. Diagram 2.1 shows a cheetah chasing a deer in a wild world. Given the mass and velocity of the
cheetah and the deer are 60 kg, 20 ms -1 and 70 kg , 15 ms-1, respectively.
Diagram 2.2 shows the cheetah successfully landed its jaws on the deer and both of them are
moving with the same velocity of v ms-1. (Johor 2008)

Diagram 2.1 Diagram 2.2

(a) State the type of energy that is possessed by the running cheetah.

(b) Calculate the final velocity of the cheetah and the deer.

(c) Name the physics principle that is involved in the above hunting.


3. Diagram 3 shows two identical feeding bottles submerged in liquids P and Q respectively. ( johor 2009)

Diagram 3

(a) (i) Draw and label two forces that act on the feeding bottles when they are submerged in
liquid P.

Forces and motion physics spm 2012

(ii) State the relationship between the two forces in your answer for 3 (a)(i)


(b) Some content of the feeding bottle submerged in liquid P is poured out. The bottle is again
submerged in liquid P.
(i) State what happens to the bottle

(ii) The bottle is put into a denser liquid. State what happens to the bottle. Explain your



4. Diagram 4.1 and diagram 4.1 shows two coconut trees, one by the roadside and the other by the
beach. A coconut from each tree falls from the same heigth and lands on the ground. ( kedah 2008 )

Diagram 4.1 Diagram 4.2

(i) Name one force that is acting on the coconut during the fall.

(ii) Name the type of motion of the coconut when it drops from the tree.

(b) Based on diagram 4.1 and diagram 4.2, compare

(i) The force on the coconut that landed on the road and that landed on the beach.

(ii) The change in momentum

(iii) The time of impact of the coconuts on the road and on the beach.


Forces and motion physics spm 2012

(c) Based on your answer in (b)(i) and (b)(iii), state the relationship between the force produced
in a collision and the time of impact,

(d) Name the force that results from a collision as shown in both diagrams.

(e) Give on field event in sport that involves the force mentioned in (d)

5 Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2 show two eggs released from the same height and drop on to Surface
A and Surface B respectively.( kedah 2007)

Egg Egg

Does not break Breaks

Surface A Surface B
Diagram 5.1 Diagram 5.2
(a) What is meant by impulse?

(b) With reference to Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2;

(i) Compare the force on the eggs that strike Surface A and Surface B.

(ii) Compare the time of impact of the eggs on Surface A and Surface B.

(iii) Compare the change in momentum of the eggs in both situations.

(iv) State the relationship between the force produced in a collision and the time of impact.


(v) Suggest a suitable material for Surface A.

(c) Diagram 5.3 shows a pile hammer used in driving a pile into the ground at a construction site.

Pile hammer


Forces and motion physics spm 2012

Diagram 5.3

Explain how a large force is produced by the pile hammer in driving the pile into the
ground. .



6. Diagram 6 shows a spring. (kelantan 2009 )

Diagram 6

(a) When a load is attached to the spring ;

(i) What happen to the length of the spring?

(ii) What is the energy stored in the spring?

(iii) If the number of load is increased, what will happen to the energy in 6(a)(ii) ?


(b) The initial length of a spring is 15 cm. When a load with mass 300 g is attached to the spring,
the length of the spring is 21 cm.
What is the length of the spring if a load with mass 500 g is attached to the spring?

(c) The spring in diagram 6 is not suitable to be used as a spring cradle.

Suggest modification to be done based on the characteristics given below.

(i) Arrangement of the springs

(ii) Reason

Forces and motion physics spm 2012

(iii) Stiffness of the spring

(iv) Reason


7. Diagram 7.1 and 7.2 show two watermelons fall off a table and drop on to surface A and
surface B respectively ( kelantan 2008)

Diagram 7.2
Diagram 7.1

(a) What is meant by impulse?

(b) With reference to Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2,
(i) Compare the force on the watermelons that strike on Surface A and Surface B.

(ii) Compare the time of impact of the watermelons on Surface A and Surface B.

(iii) State the relationship between the force produced in a collision and the time of impact .

(c) Mark with a (x ) for the correct statement about the change of momentum of the
watermelons in both situations above.

The change of momentum of the watermelon in Diagram 7.1 is greater

than that of the watermelon in Diagram 7.2.

The change of momentum of the watermelon in Diagram 7.2 is greater

than that of the watermelon in Diagram 7.1.

The change of momentum of the watermelon in Diagram 7.1 is equal to

that of the watermelon in Diagram 7.2.

(d) Suggest a suitable material for surface B.


Forces and motion physics spm 2012

(e) By referring to the Diagram 7.3, explain how the driver is able to avoid serious injuries when
the car stopped suddenly.

Diagram 7.3



8. Diagram 8.1 shows the movement of the box from point P to point Q when it is pulled by a
The time for movement from the point P to the point Q is measured using by a stopwatch .
( Kelantan 07)
Diagram 8.2 shows the pointer of stopwatch when the box is at point P and at point Q
Diagram 8.1

Diagram 8.2

Diagram 8.3 shows the movement of the box from point P to point Q when it is pulled by two
workers . The time for movement from the point P to the point Q is measured by using a stopwacth

Diagram 8.4 shows the pointer of stopwatch when the box is at point P and at point Q


Diagram 8.3

Forces and motion physics spm 2012

Diagram 8.4

(a) Name one force which acting to the box.


(b) Observe Diagram 8.1 and Diagram 8.3

(i) Compare the force of the worker that exerted on the box.

(ii) Compare the time taken to move the box between point P and Q.

(iii) Based on the answer (c) , compare the acceleration of the box.

(iv) Based on answer 8 (b) and 8 (d), state the relationship between the force of the
worker and acceleration of the box.

(ii) State the law involved.

(c) (i) Based on Diagram 8.3 ,what happens to the acceleration of the box if the box of bigger
mass is used ?

(ii) Give one reason for your answer in ( f )( i ).


9. A boy with mass of 50 kg climbs up a 2.5 m wall from the ground level and jump down as shown in
diagram 9. ( melaka 2009)

Forces and motion physics spm 2012

Diagram 9

(a) (i) Name the energy gained by the boy before the jump?

(ii) State the energy change experienced by the boy before the leg hit the ground.

(b) Based on the information given in diagram 9, calculate
(i) The speed of the boy just before his legs touch the ground.

(ii) The impulsive force produced when the time of action between his legs and the ground
is 0.03 s.

(c) Impulsive force can caused severe damage.

Suggest a method to reduce the impact of the impulsive force in eggs drop competition from
a height during science carnival.
Your answer should base on the following criteria.

(i) The egg’s casing

(ii) Reason

(iii) Method of soft landing

(iv) Reason


10. Diagram 10.1 and diagram 10.2 show two situations of action and reaction of forces F 1 and
F2, F3 and F4. The rope in diagram 10.1 remais stationary while the car in diagram 10.2 moves at
uniform velocity of 20 ms-1. ( melaka 2008 )

Diagram 10.1
Forces and motion physics spm 2012

Diagram 10.2

(a) Name the force applies by the athlete on the rope.

(b) .Based on diagram 10.1 and diagram 10.2;
(i) Compare the forces of F1 and F2

(ii) State the similarity between the pairs of forces F 1 and F2 on diagram 10.1 and forces F3
and F4 on diagram 10.2

(c) (i) Based on diagram 10.1, what is the nett force exerted on the rope?

(ii) Compare the net force exerted in diagram 10.1 and diagram 10.2


(d) Based on your answer in (c)(i) and (c)(ii), relate the situations in diagram 10.1 and diagram
10.2 to the net force.


11. Diagram 11.1 shows a ball of 1. 5 kg of mass and a second ball of mass 2.5 kg before a collision The
balls are said to have momentum. Diagram 11.2 shows the situation after the collision .( Melaka 2007)

Diagram 11.1
Diagram 11.2

(a) What is meant by momentum?

(b) Based on Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2

Forces and motion physics spm 2012

(i) State two similarities for the situation on Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2


(ii) Compare the momentum of the balls before and after the collision

(iii) Relate the velocity to the momentum of an object


12. Diagram 12 shows a man riding a motorbike along a level road. ( NS 2009 )

Diagram 12

The total force acting downward is 3000N. The normal reaction acting on the front tyre is 1 200 N
while the total resistive force is 550 N.
(a) Calculate the normal reaction acting on the rear tyre.

(b) At a point in its motion, the motorbike is moving at a constant speed.

(i) What is the forward force, F?

(ii) Explain your answer in 12 (b)(i)


(c) If the motorbike is accelerating at 2 ms-2 from velocity of 30 ms-1.

(i) What is the velocity after 5 seconds?

(ii) What is the distance travelled in that period of time ?

(d) The motorbike suddenly run over a stone.

(i) Why is the man thrown off?

(ii) The man suffers les injury to his head with his helmet on. Explain why.


Forces and motion physics spm 2012


13. Diagram 13 shows Nadia standing on a weighing scale in a lift with Farah standing beside her. ( NS08)

Diagram 13
The reading of the weighing scale observed by
Farah is 50 kg when the lift is stationary.

(a) What is Nadia’s weight?

(b) What is the reading of the weighing scale when the lift
(i) Accelerates upward

(ii) Accelerates downward

(iii) Moves downward with constant velocity


(c) Give reasons for your answer in (b)(iii)

(d) If the reading of the weighing scale in diagram 13 is 46 kg, find the value of the acceleration
of the lift.

14. Diagram 14.1 shows a clown throwing two basketballs of the same mass towards a wall. Ball A is
hard while ball B is soft due to insufficient pressure. Diagram 14.2 shows the condition of the balls
when they hit the wall.
It was noticed that ball A is rebounded with a higher velocity than ball B. ( NS 07)

Diagram 14.1 Diagram 14.2

(a) What is meant by momentum?

Forces and motion physics spm 2012


(b) Observe Diagram 14.1 and 14.2.

(i) Compare the shape of the basketballs before and after they collide with the wall .


(ii) Relate the changes in velocity of the basketball and its hardness, to explain the
observations in b (i).


(c) The mass of a basketball is 0.5 kg moving at 9 ms-1 strikes a wall. The ball rebounds at
6 ms-1. Determine the impulse on the ball.

(d) List two of the safety features that are installed in a car to reduce injuries in an event of an



15. Diagram 15.1 (a) shows an empty pickup truck. Diagram 15.1(b) shows the same pickup truck
carrying a crate. ( pahang 2009 )

Diagram 15
(a) What is meant by inertia?

(b) Compare the mass of the pickup truck in diagram 15 (a) with the total mass of pickup truck
and crate in diagram 15(b)



(c) Compare the inertia pickup truck in diagram 15 (a) with inertia of pickup truck
and crate in diagram 15 (b)


(d) When pickup truck in diagram 15 (b) suddenly moves forwards, the crate will move
backwards. Explain why.

Forces and motion physics spm 2012


16. Diagram 16 shows a boy jumping from a high position. ( pahang 2007 ).

Diagram 16
a) i) What will the boy do before reaching the floor?

ii) Give a reason for (a)(i).

………………………………………………….………………................................... .........

b) The mass of the boy is 60 kg . His velocity upon reaching the floor is 5 ms and he stops in
Calculate the impulsive force exerted on the boy.

17. A child and an adult each sits on similar swings as shown in Diagram 17.

(a) If they are given a push, which one of them is more difficult

i) to be moved?

to stop?
iii) Give reason to your answers in (a)(i) and (ii)

( b) The property in which a body resists change from its state of rest or motion is known as
Based on your answer in (a) state the relationship between the inertia and mass.


(c) Why does a supertanker needs to stop its engine over a distance of about 3 k m before it can
finallycome to a stop.

Forces and motion physics spm 2012


18. Diagram 18.1 and Diagram 18.2 show a boy standing on a weighing scale inside a lift. (perak 2009)

Diagram 18.1 Diagram 18.2

(a) Name and label the forces acting on the boy in

Diagram 6.1.

(b) Write an equation to show the relationship between resultant force(F), normal
reaction(N), mass of the boy(m) and gravitational acceleration (g) in both cases.
(c) What is the reading of the weighing scale when the lift moves up with an acceleration ,
a = 3 ms ?

(d) (i) State the change in the scale’s reading in Diagram 6.2 .

(ii) Explain your answer in d(i)



19. Diagram 19.1 shows a wooden block of mass 2 kg is placed on a rough surface horizontally.
( perlis 2008)

Diagram 19.1 Diagram 19.2

When the wooden block is pulled by a force, F = 5 N it moves with constant constant velocity.

(a) (i) Explain why the wooden block does not move if it is pulled by 3 N force.


Forces and motion physics spm 2012

(ii) What is the resultan force when F = 5N acts on the wooden block?

(iii) What is the magnitude of frictional force acting on the wooden block in


(b) Force P N acting on the block as shown in diagram 19.2. acceleration of the wooden block is 2.5 ms
Calculate the magnitude of P.

20. Diagram 20.1 shows a boy pushing a shopping cart at the start of a shopping trip and Diagram 20.2
shows the cart at the end of the shopping trip. (sabah 2009)

Diagram 20.1 Diagram 20.2

(a) What is the meaning of mass.

(b) (i) Compare the mass of the cart in diagram 20.1 and diagram 20.2.

(ii) Which cart would be more difficult to start moving?

(iii) Which cart would be more difficult to stop once its moving?

(iv) Based on your answer, state the relationship between mass and the rate
of change in motion.


(c) Name the physics concept involved in (b).


Forces and motion physics spm 2012

21. Diagram 21.1 shows a tanker with a mass of 2 900 kg is carrying petrol in one big tank. (selangor 09)

Diagram 21.1

(a) If the tanker starts from rest and reach a velocity of 40 ms -1 in 20 s, calculate
(i) its acceleration

(ii) the force acting on the tanker.

(b) The tanker in diagram 21.1 is used for transporting large amount of petrol.
Suggest modifications that can be made based on the following aspects.
(i) Number of tyres.

(ii) Reason

(iii) Number and size of tanks

(iv) Reason

(c) Diagram 21.2 shows by the speed limit displayed on the back of the tanker.

Diagram 21.2

Forces and motion physics spm 2012

(i) What is meant by speed?

(ii) Explain why the speed limit must be imposed on heavy vehicles.



22. Diagram 22.1 shows a boy launching a water rocket bottle using the bicycle pump at the field.The
water in the bottle ejected at a very high speed with backwards direction and the rocket bottle moves
forward. ( teknik 2007)

Diagram 22.1

(a) State the physics principle that is involved in the movement of the water bottle rocket.

(b) Explain why the the water bottle rocket moves forward

(c) The mass of the bottle rocket is 0.2 kg and the velocity of the water ejected is 2 m s -1 . If the
mass of the water is 0.2 kg.,calculate the velocity of the the rocket bottle.

(d) Name one application of the physics principle stated in (a) in sports field.


23. Diagram 23.1 shows a car driven by a kidnapper has overtook a police car at 2.00 p.m. The
police car then followed the kidnapper’s car.
Diagram 23.2 shows a velocity against time graph for both cars. ( sbp 2007)

Police car
kereta polis

Forces and motion physics spm 2012

Kidnapper’s car
kereta penculik

Diagram 23.1

Velocity / ms-1 Police car

Halaju / ms-1
25 Kereta polis

20 Kidnapper’s car
Kereta penculik

0 2.01 pm 2.02pm Time

2.00 pm
2.01 petang 2.02 petang Waktu
2.00 petang


(a) Based on graph in Diagram 23.2, state the motion of the

(i) kidnapper’s car

(ii) police car

(b) (i) What is the net force acting on the police car after 2.01 p.m?

(ii) Give a reason for your answer in 3(b)(i).

(c) Sketch a displacement against time graph of the police car.


Forces and motion physics spm 2012

0 Time
24. 2.00
Diagram 24.1 pm a pendulum 2.01
pm 2.02pm
bob of mass 0.6 kg is hung on the ceiling. Waktu
2.00 petang 2.01 petang 2.02 petang

Diagram 24.1

(a) In Diagram 24.1, mark the direction and label the forces acting on the thread and the
pendulum bob with label P and Q.

(b) The thread is pulled sideway by force F, so that the thread makes an angle of 30 0 with the
vertical line as shown in Diagram 24.2.

Diagram 24.2

(i) In the space below, draw the triangle of forces to show the three forces P, Q and f are in

Forces and motion physics spm 2012

(ii) Calculate the force, F.

SPM Pass years questions.


Diagram 6.1

Forces and motion physics spm 2012

and diagram 6.2 show a student throwing an iron ball in a shot put event using different throwing

Diagram 6.1 Diagram 6.2

(a) Observe diagram 6.1 and diagram 6.2.

(i) compare the distance of the hand movement to throw the iron ball.

(ii) Based on the answer in 6(a)(i), compare the work done by the student between the
two throwing techniques.

(iii) If the force which acts on the iron ball is 20N and the distance of hand movement
is 0.5 m, calculate the work done by the student.


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