Begining of Trauma Theory in Literature

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KnE Social Sciences The 1st Annual International Conference on Language and Literature
Volume 2018

Conference Paper

A New Beginning of Trauma Theory in

Mohd Nazri Latiff Azmi
Department of English language, Faculty of Languages and Communications, UNISZA 21300
Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia

Cathy Caruth’s Unclaimed Experience: Trauma, Narrative, and History and Kali Tal’s Worlds
of Hurt: Reading the Literatures of Trauma sparked a great attention to literature lovers.
Her suggestion on Trauma Theory enlightens a new era in poststructral approach
of analyzing literary texts. Slowly but gradually, several models were introduced
which inherent neurobiological features of trauma that refuse representation and
cause dissociation were significant to arguments that sought to emphasize the
extent of profound suffering from an external source, whether that source is an
Corresponding Author:
individual perpetrator or collective social practice. It was quickly accompanied by
Mohd Nazri Latiff Azmi
[email protected]
alternative models and methodologies that revised this foundational claim to suggest
determinate value exists in traumatic experience. However, the researcher would
Received: 13 March 2018
Accepted: 10 April 2018
like to explore and reintroduce Trauma Theory in more contemporary approach so
Published: 19 April 2018 that it will be acceptable and practical in all genres of literature. Similarly, this study

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is in line with the critics such as Leys and Cvetkovich who establish a psychological
Knowledge E framework apart from the classic model thus produce different conclusions regarding
trauma’s influence upon language, perception, and society. The researcher believes
Mohd Nazri Latiff Azmi. This
article is distributed under the that Trauma Theory should be viewed in a larger conceptual framework rather
terms of the Creative Commons
than the social psychology theories in addition to neurobiological theories; that is
Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use and
in the view of Critical Thinking. This stance might therefore consider dubious the
redistribution provided that the assertion of trauma’s intrinsic dissociation. The discussion focuses more on the
original author and source are
roles of Critical Thinking in supporting Trauma Theory in several selected poems. In
conclusion, the findings might prove that Critical Thinking and Trauma Theory can be
Selection and Peer-review
blended together in developing learners’ intellectuality and maturity in analyzing and
under the responsibility of the
AICLL Conference Committee.
appreciating literary texts.

Keywords: Trauma Theory, Critical Thinking, Literature, Poetry.

How to cite this article: Mohd Nazri Latiff Azmi, (2018), “A New Beginning of Trauma Theory in Literature” in The 1st Annual International Conference
on Language and Literature, KnE Social Sciences, pages 57–65. DOI 10.18502/kss.v3i4.1918
Page 57
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1. Introduction

Baker (2012) points that literary theory refers to a particular form of literary criticism
in which particular academic, scientific, or philosophical approaches are followed in a
systematic fashion while analyzing literary texts. However, traditional literary criticism
tends not to focus on a particular aspect of a literary text in quite the same man-
ner that literary theory usually does. Literary theory proposes particular, systematic
approaches to literary texts that impose a particular line of intellectual reasoning to
it, therefore, literary theorists often adapt systems of knowledge developed largely
outside the realm of literary studies and impose them upon literary texts for the pur-
pose of discovering or developing new and unique understandings of those texts that
a traditional literary critic might not be intellectually equipped to recognize [3]. Today,
some literary scholars debate the ultimate value of literary theory as a method of
interpretation and it is nevertheless vital for students of literature to understand the
core principles of literary theory and be able to use those same principles to interpret
literary texts.
The researcher believes that the study of literary theory is challenging, especially
for students who are relatively new to the field. It takes time, patience, and practice
for students to get used to the unique and sometimes highly specialized language that
literary theorists tend to use in their writings as well as the often complicated and
detailed arguments they make. As we are exposed to literary theory, take the time
to carefully consider the argument being made, to re-read when we find ourselves
confused by a statement, and to look up and acquaint ourselves with any language or
terminology we are exposed to and not familiar with [1].

2. What is Trauma Theory?

The field of trauma studies in literary criticism gained significant attention in 1996
with the publication of Cathy Caruth’s Unclaimed Experience: Trauma, Narrative, and
History and Kali Tal’s Worlds of Hurt: Reading the Literatures of Trauma. A theoretical
trend was introduced by scholars like Caruth, who pioneered a psychoanalytic post
structural approach that suggests trauma is an unsolvable problem of the unconscious
that illuminates the inherent contradictions of experience and language. This Lacanian
approach crafts a concept of trauma as a recurring sense of absence that sunders
knowledge of the extreme experience, thus preventing linguistic value other than a
referential expression. The evolution of trauma theory in literary criticism might best

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be understood in terms of the changing psychological definitions of trauma as well

as the semiotic, rhetorical, and social concerns that are part of the study of trauma in
literature and society [6].

3. Trauma in Poetry

Many studies that focus on trauma in literature focus a great deal on repetitions that
exist within the literary work because repetition is a common response to trauma and
easily identifiable in text. Many survivors of trauma repeat aspects or the entirety
of the event that was traumatic in their life in their mind and, sometimes, in their
literature [10]. Literary trauma theorists make note of these elements of repetition in a
literary work and discuss the correlation therein. Nandi (2016) makes note how literary
trauma theory takes into account “what cannot be fully re-membered, the illegible, the
unspeakable, with a something-repeated, be it an image, a phrase, a metaphor, even
a syllable or sound”. The present study does not wish to discount repetition or any of
the other aspects that literary trauma theory examines in literature. Instead, my study
looks to expand beyond these facets and examine traumatic memory and the role
of emotion, most specifically in poetry. The use of traumatic figurative language that
is apparent in many poems which discuss or display elements of trauma. Traumatic
figurative language provides an individual with a way to discuss trauma by using a
metaphor, simile, or metonym when discussing it [4].

4. Critical Thinking in Poetry

As highlighted by Facione (2011), ‘Critical thinking is a purposeful, self-regulatory judg-

ment which results in interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and inference, as well as
explanation of the evidential, conceptual, methodological, criteriological, or contextual
considerations upon which that judgment is based’, hence, this study tries to con-
nect the relationship of Trauma Theory and Critical Thinking, for the first time. The
researcher borrows the Nadal’s idea (2016) and Osman’s (2013) who say that only
those who have high order thinking skills would be able to understand and synthesize
traumatic elements in literature. The researcher has analyzed more than 40 special
poems in discussing this theory pertaining to various types of poetry, but for this paper
only three poems were chosen to be shared with.

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5. Analysis
5.1. August 6𝑡ℎ by Sankichi Toge

Traumatic event in this poem is represented through the repetition of the phrase ‘how
could I ever forget’ where it has been repeated by the poet for three times. In traumatic
figurative language, repetition is one of the common elements of trauma [2]. This
repetition acted as the reminder to the readers. As for this poem, the poet reminds the
readers how the scenery of the incident looks like. Other than that, those repetitions
of words also show that the tragedy is still fresh in his head and those bad memories
will never fade from his mind. Here we can say that, this atomic bomb tragedy was
really affected his emotion and life. In this poem, it is not just the poet who can feel
the trauma. The whole society of Hiroshima was felt the same too. This can be spotted
through the phase ‘all crying’ and ‘how can I forget the entreaties of the departed wife
and child’. As this tragedy was not just involving the poet but also the whole people
in the Hiroshima, all of them were facing the trauma too as the tragedy has destroyed
their houses and also killed their family members. The poet told the readers that all
of them were crying after they have seen bodies on the parade ground which were
scattered like jumbled stone image. Other than that, many people were departed from
their children and wife resulted from the tragedy. Through this, it is proven that the
society of Hiroshima also felt the same trauma just like the poet faced.
The poet also tried to share the feeling of trauma that he faced during the event with
the readers. In creating this feeling, he used some elements of Bloom’s Taxonomy. The
stage that involved in creating this poem is Remembering. This is because, all the lines
that contained in this poem were related to him, where he recalled his experience and
interpreting them by using the medium of writing. The poet was able to interpret the
victims’ condition during that day. The way he interpreted those things could affect
the emotion of those who read this poem. Other than that, the stage of Evaluating
is also involved here where the poet criticizing the act of bombing done by America
which has killed thousands of Japanese people. Through those Criticizing, the poet was
actually tried to ask the readers to evaluate by themselves what would happen if this
tragedy occurs in their countries. Other than that, the traumatic figurative language
used in his writing could trigger the readers’ thinking to analyze what would have
happened if they were in the poet’s shoes. The poet also presented the traumatic
elements through the use of traumatic figurative language such as ‘half skin peeled off,
bald’, ‘pot-bellied’, ‘skin dangling like rags’, ‘building split, bridges collapsed’ and many

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more. All those words actually explain how the people were suffered from the tragedy
and it remains till now.

5.2. Home Burial by Robert Frost

The poem ‘Home Burial’ is closely associated with Frost’s life which he had lost his
children. Those events have left great impact to the poet and have affected them emo-
tionally such as depression and frustration. The poem describes two tragedies which
are: the death of their son and the death of their marriage. Both of them have different
ways of dealing with grief and it jeopardizes their marriage. Element of trauma, sorrow
and frustration can be found throughout the poem. The husband has been looking at
his wife who is witting down looking out the window, overlook the graveyard. Her
hesitation stops Amy from going down and she decided to stay in her place. It shows
that she is not ready to move on and face the reality where she chooses to stay
in his grief while reminiscing her memory with her dead son. She is still in trauma
after his death. Traumatic element can be seen in the line when Amy refuses any
help from her husband who attempts to ease her mind by asking her to share what
she feels. Amy, who still in grieving period, decided to ignore him by keeping silent.
This stanza shows the husband who is ready to accept the reality. He expresses his
sadness and frustration in line ‘The little graveyard where my people are!’ Which means
the graveyard is belong to his newly born son. However, he realizes that he already
gone in line But I understand: it is not the stones, But the child’s mound’.
Then, Amy cried to stop her husband from talking about their son’s death. It shows
that she is not ready to face the reality and accept what has already happened. The
husband expresses his anger by asking ‘Can’t a man speak of his own child he’s lost?’
However, Amy still refuses to talk to him and decided to walk away. It shows failure
in communication between them due to the traumatic event that happened. Again,
Amy’s refusal to listen to her husband illustrates that she doesn’t want to accept the
reality. Amy’s husband begs her to stay because he wants his wife to talk to him
instead of her friends. This entire stanza expresses the husband’s frustration about his
wife’s attitude of telling others about her problem instead of her own husband. ‘I’m
not so much, Unlike other folks as your standing there’, by saying this, he goes humble
by comparing himself with Amy’s friends. Despite his anger and frustration, he still
doesn’t give up on begging his wife to stay but Amy seems to ignore him. ‘Home
Burial’ illustrates that a traumatic occurrence such as death can destroy everything

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including marriage. Failure to manage sadness, frustration and anger led by any trau-
matic tragedy can destruct a harmonious relationship like what happens to Amy and
her husband.
The researcher analyses that to relate this poem with critical thinking [5] which is
very suitable to be related with Three Functions of Mind which are thinking, wanting and
feeling. Thinking refers to the process of creating meaning via events that occurred in
our life. It continuously telling us about: This is happening in our life. This is what going
on. It helps us to make sense of any events that happened. Wanting requires effort or
energy to change something. For example, we are persuading others to agree with our
opinion. Feeling involves creating the positive or negative meaning from the events
occurred such as sad, happy, disappointing, worried and excited. In this poem, Amy and
her husband have been facing a painful event which is the death of their son. An issue
emerges when they have different way of dealing with the event. Amy seems to be
failed in making sense of what has happened. They have different way of perceiving
and judging the events which put them in conflict. However, in helping his wife to
realize what had happened, the husband tries to clarify and synthesize the event by
asking his wife to talk, but he failed. At the end, despite her husband’s warning to bring
her back by force, she still decided to go out to her friends and share her feelings. She
thinks that it is the best for her to come out with such decision. In short, the poem
comprises all the three functions of mind.

5.3. Still I rise by Maya Angelou

This stirring poem is packed full of figurative language and when read through comes
over as a remotely secular hymn to the oppressed and abused. The trauma experi-
enced here is the discrimination received from the public. The message is loud and
clear though no matter the cruelty, regardless of method and circumstance, the victim
will elevate up, the slave will surmount adversity.
Starting from the first stanza, Maya Angelou gives her heart and soul to declare
that nothing and no one could oppress her or keep her down. She faces trauma when
encountering the history books that consist plenty of ‘twisted lies’, but she does not
care. She will not let it bother her that others ‘trod her in the very dirt’. She proclaims that
if she is trodden in the dirt, that she will rise like dust. The dust rising, for me, distributes
the image of a ghost — perhaps even the ghosts of slaves — that no oppressor or
murderer can elude. Obviously, she faces the trauma of being judged by others, and
she asks a question. This is a fascinating question, as she refers to her own tone as

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‘sassiness’ and asks the hearer if her sassy tone is upsetting. She sees that the people
around her in her society are ‘beset with gloom’ when she prospers. She questions this.
She is aware that she is prospered in life, in her writing, and as a woman. The ‘oil wells
pumping in [her] living room’ denote her prosperity. She also compares herself to the
moon and the suns as they are affected by the tides. This gives us the understanding
that the speaker has no other choice but to rise up out of her affliction. Although faced
with the trauma of the society’s might to keep her oppressed, it is in her nature to rise
up and stand against oppression just as it is the nature of the tides to respond to the
moon. The speaker’s questions in this stanza are direct, pertinent, and appropriately
accusing. She has to stand up to the trauma of being disliked by the racist people in
her society, who are all bitter of her success. With that, she directs these questions at
the society that has long tried to keep her oppressed. She asks them if they want to
see her broken, oppressed, depressed and bitter. She asks these questions, knowing
that this indeed is what many within society wanted. They did not want to see a black
woman rise up out of the oppression of her society and succeed. The speaker is aware
of this and she draws attention to it with these revealing, yet cutting questions.
In the middle of the poem, she perpetuates with the questions directed at a racist
society when she asks whether her ‘haughtiness’ is offensive. She is aware that society
resents visually perceiving a black woman full of pride. This question has an air of
sarcasm which accommodates to point out the hypocrisy of society as it is embittered
by the prosperity of one that it has endeavored to oppress. The speaker overcomes her
trauma sarcastic tone as she pretends to comfort the hearer. She verbally expresses,
‘don’t you take it awful hard’, a sarcastic way of pretending to care for those who resent
her prosperity. She perpetuates, however, to ‘flaunt’ her prosperity before the society
that has always oppressed her. She claims that she has ‘gold mines’ and that she laughs
at the prosperity she has found. She tries to make the society aware that no matter
what it does to oppress her, it will not prosper. She lets society know that it cannot
prevail against her with words or looks. Despite the trauma of hatefulness received
from society, she proclaims that society cannot prevail against her even if it managed
to have her killed. She claims that she will still ‘like air’ rise, thus demonstrating her
willingness to overcome her trauma. The speaker perpetuates her querying of society.
By this time in the poem, it becomes clear that the speaker has placed society on
tribulation and is now in the process of cross-examination. She has the answers to
these questions, but to ask them is to incriminate the offender. While she asks incrimi-
nating questions, she simultaneously reveals incredible aplomb despite the oppression
of society. In this stanza, the speaker conclusively refers to the trauma of her past-

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the reason that she is oppressed and resented to this day. She calls slavery ‘history’s
shame’ and she proclaims that she will not be held down by the past, even if it is
‘rooted in pain’. In the final stanza, the speaker reveals that she intends to leave behind
all the trauma of slavery and the history of oppression, with intent to rise above it. She
claims that she will leave behind the “terror and fear” and that she will rise above the
pain and the oppression ‘into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear’. The speaker does
not intend to sanction the hatefulness of society or the pain of the past to prevent
her from becoming all that she ever dreamed of being. For this reason, she reiterates
three times, ‘I rise’.
From the view of Critical Thinking, Still I rise, the poem makes readers recall trauma
from the past that Maya Angelou has experienced and understand the poet over-
comes abuse and social disadvantages to become a symbol of strength, courage, and
resilience, The poem also sends out a message that we all can rise up from our darkest
hours, which can be applied in life and ask the readers to analyze the lyrics and tone
to truly understand the poem. At the same time, readers are persuaded to justify the
decisions that the poet takes to overcome the traumatic experiences.

6. Conclusion

The selected poems show the example of Trauma theory in poetry which are repre-
sented in the background of war, death and oppression. These emotional traumatic
incidents were directly and indirectly storied in such ways to highlight various issues
of sadness, frustration and alienage. At the same time, the poems have to be viewed
from the angle of Critical Thinking as well in order to go deeper inside the intention
and message hidden by the poets. Once, the readers critically understand what the
poets trying to convey and to identify the underlying meaning behind the entire poem
by understanding figurative language used, eventually, the readers would be able to
interpret the immense mental pressure that the poets trying to highlight. As for the
last and highest level of critical thinking, which is creating, readers have to create their
own meaning in order to understand the entire poem and appreciate the beauty of


[1] Alexander, J. C. (2013). Trauma: A Social Theory. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

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[2] Barker, D. J. (2012). Learning to Listen: An Examination of Trauma in 20th Century

Multicultural American Poetry. Pennsylvania: Indiana University.
[3] Balaev, M. (2008). Trends in Literary Trauma Theory. Journal title: Mosaic, 41(2).
Retrieved from
[4] Caruth, C. (2010). Unclaimed Experience: Trauma, Narrative and History. Baltimore,
MD: JHU Press.
[5] Facione, P. A. (2011). Critical thinking: What it is and why it counts. Retrieved January,
9, 2016.
[6] Mondragon, B. C. (2016). Neurotic Poets. Retrieved from
[7] Nadal, M., & Calvo, M. (2014). Trauma in Contemporary Literature: Narrative and
Representation. New York: Routledge.
[8] Nandi, S. (2016). Trauma and its Traces in the Poetry of Paul Celan. Spring Magazine
on English Literature. 2, 1.
[9] Osman, K. T. (2013). Trauma Theory and Its Implications in
Humanities and Social Sciences. SlideShare. Retrieved from
[10] Radstone, S. (2007). Trauma theory: Contexts, Politics, Ethics. Paragraph 30(1), 9-29.

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