Smvccu Activity 3 Instructions: Read Lesson 3 (Motivation) and Answer The Following Questions

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Instructions: Read Lesson 3 (Motivation) and answer the following questions

Task 1: Take the Self Motivation Tests in

Paste or Screenshot the results here. Reflect and explain thoroughly each of the top 3 motivator.
My top 3 Motivators are Autonomy, Mastery, and Meaning
The first is Autonomy. I prefer to work alone, particularly when a task is extremely important to me and has a
huge effect on my work.

The second is mastery; working in a craft that you really enjoy keeps you productive and energized, particularly
when it comes to the things that bring you joy every day.

Finally, I put sense and commitment into my work in every way that I put my hands to it. I don't want to be
remembered as a person who didn't have a huge impact on how I created my work.

Task 2: What are your remaining motivators (base answer on task 1). Reflect and explain thoroughly each

1. Power – Not that I want to control others, but I want them to do what is best for the group or
organization as a whole.
2. Recognition – Being recognized for your craft is critical to me; it motivates me to create and be
innovative with the ideas I can impart to others.
3. Status – We are living in a new era in which people value their status. However, having an integrity-
based status is critical in any workplace,.
4. Teamwork – It is critical and necessary in any field or workplace, and having coworkers who can
collaborate can make the task easier.
5. Stability – Having a stable and established job is critical for me.
6. Wealth – Maintaining a stable career requires a steady salary to ensure my future and that of my family.

Task 3: State an example (be it a personal experience or not) for each item and explain exhaustively

For me to do those stuff, I had to experience it almost constantly when no one was around. One of those things
is creating artworks.
For me, inspiration comes from everyone who loves me regardless of who I am. At all times, the desire to
continue is present, and who cannot quickly suppress it. It motivates me to strive to be a better version of
myself, or at the very least to attempt to be one. Thus, motivation is personal; it originates inside you, from your
beliefs and values.

This is even when the motivator or fear is unnecessary, causing the motivator or fear to fade away with time.
Yes, they will fade with time, but until then, I and those who believe in me will continue to strive to become the
person everyone needs and desires. To impact others for this cycle to continue indefinitely and ideally without

Yes, in my experience, it is; it exhausts me simply by being pessimistic, so I cannot complete my schoolwork or
other activities such as creating art.
Fear does affect me, but as I previously said, I need to conquer these negative emotions and accomplish what
I was unable to achieve in the past. I will always do this for those who believe in me and love me throughout,
but it is entirely up to me to overcome my doubts and diminish my unwanted feelings and emotions.
In my experience, my motivation does align with my strengths; once I am inspired, I can almost do everything that I am
capable of doing.

I concur; individuals do align their motivations with their strengths. It enables us to comprehend the implications of my
choices and what I might do to improve as a human. It allows you to progress even more quickly, as you are already
concentrating on your strengths and can avoid dwelling on your weaknesses.

In my experience, I don't need explicit goals and objectives or regular communication to stay motivated; I can
find motivation in even the simplest things, even when I'm alone.
Having someone to assist you in maintaining motivation is critical to ensuring that you never stray from your
path to a better you. If you've established a clear objective, anything you do has the ability to benefit others as

Both of them, in my experience, are relatively similar to one another. When I'm inspired, my brain is
manipulated to be creative or something along those lines, but not always.
Indeed, it is. On the one hand, motivation comes from someone who loves and admires you and will
encourage you in your career; on the other hand, manipulation comes from others, but it comes from someone
who wants to force you to do something they want their good.

To be completely candid, it does. It is not so much the money itself that motivates us, but the benefits it brings,
such as increased convenience from purchasing what we need or want.
I previously believed this was not the case, but money is not the primary reason we work; instead, it provides
us with the opportunity to meet the needs of those we wish to assist and those who need it, which brings us joy
above what we offer to them.
This is true in my experience; we can never believe that everybody enjoys public attention, even a tiny amount
of credit, because many do.
Yes, we can never presume that everybody enjoys public recognition; if you're a person like me who dislikes
public recognition, it degrades my self-worth. For me, being recognized or exposed to a large group of people
is highly uncomfortable.

In my experience, it does originate within each of us, making us each special in our way.
As I previously said, motivation is personal; it originates within you, from your beliefs and values. It also comes
from those who are committed to your success and never tire of it. We have a particular method of gaining
inspiration, and our ways of learning them are very distinct from one another, which makes them unique to
everyone else.

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