Designer's Guide To EUROCODE 4

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The document provides an overview of a book on the design of composite steel and concrete structures according to Eurocode 4.

The book is a designer's guide to Eurocode 4, which provides standards for designing composite steel and concrete structures.

Some key terms discussed in the book include composite slabs, shear connection, shear connectors, and flexural stiffness.



EN 1994-1-1

Second edition

University of Warwick, UK
Published by ICE Publishing, 40 Marsh Wall, London E14 9TP

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First edition published 2004

Eurocodes Expert

Structural Eurocodes offer the opportunity of harmonised design standards for the European construction
market and the rest of the world. To achieve this, the construction industry needs to become acquainted
with the Eurocodes so that the maximum advantage can be taken of these opportunities.

Eurocodes Expert is an ICE and Thomas Telford initiative set up to assist in creating a greater awareness
of the impact and implementation of the Eurocodes within the UK construction industry.

Eurocodes Expert provides a range of products and services to aid and support the transition to Eurocodes.
For comprehensive and useful information on the adoption of the Eurocodes and their implementation
process please visit our website or email [email protected]

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN 978-0-7277-4173-8

# Thomas Telford Limited 2012

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Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures
ISBN 978-0-7277-4173-8

ICE Publishing: All rights reserved


The provisions of EN 1994-1-1 (British Standards Institution, 2004a) are preceded by a foreword,
most of which is common to all Eurocodes. The Foreword contains clauses on:

g the background to the Eurocode programme

g the status and field of application of the Eurocodes
g national standards implementing Eurocodes
g links between Eurocodes and harmonised technical specifications for products
g additional information specific to EN 1994-1-1
g the National Annex for EN 1994-1-1.

Guidance on the common text is provided in the introduction to the Designers’ Guide to EN 1990,
Eurocode: Basis of Structural Design (Gulvanessian et al., 2002), and only background informa-
tion essential to users of EN 1994-1-1 is given here.

EN 1990 (British Standards Institution, 2005a) lists the following structural Eurocodes:

EN 1990 Eurocode: Basis of structural design

EN 1991 Eurocode 1: Actions on structures
EN 1992 Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures
EN 1993 Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures
EN 1994 Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures
EN 1995 Eurocode 5: Design of timber structures
EN 1996 Eurocode 6: Design of masonry structures
EN 1997 Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design
EN 1998 Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance
EN 1999 Eurocode 9: Design of aluminium structures

The ten codes have 58 parts, all of which have been published in the UK by the British Standards
Institution (BSI) as, for example, BS EN 1994-1-1.

The information specific to EN 1994-1-1 emphasises that this standard is to be used with
other Eurocodes. The standard includes many cross-references to particular clauses in EN 1992
(British Standards Institution, 2004b) and EN 1993 (British Standards Institution, 2005b).
Similarly, this guide is one of a series on Eurocodes, and is for use with the guide for EN 1992-
1-1 (Beeby and Narayanan, 2005) and the guide for EN 1993-1-1 (Gardner and Nethercot, 2007).
Where, in a building, types of loading or structural member occur that are typical
of bridges, EN 1994-2 (British Standards Institution, 2005c) is relevant, and the guide to
EN 1994-2, ‘Composite bridges’ (Hendy and Johnson, 2006), may be useful.

Each national standards body has implemented each Eurocode part as a national standard. It
comprises, without any alterations, the full text of the Eurocode and its annexes as published
by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN), usually preceded by a National Title
Page and a National Foreword, and followed by a National Annex.

Each Eurocode recognises the right of national regulatory authorities to determine values related
to safety matters. Values, classes or methods to be chosen or determined at national level are
referred to as Nationally Determined Parameters (NDPs). A recommended value for each one

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

is given in a note that follows the relevant clause. These clauses are listed in the Foreword. The
values are usually those assumed during drafting and used for calibration work.

In EN 1994-1-1 the NDPs are principally the partial factors for material or product properties
peculiar to this standard; for example, for the resistance of headed stud shear connectors, and
of composite slabs to longitudinal shear. Other NDPs are values that may depend on climate,
such as the free shrinkage of concrete.

Each National Annex gives or cross-refers to the values to be used for the NDPs in its country. All
but one of the 12 recommended values of NDPs in EN 1994-1-1 have been accepted for use in the
UK, two with qualification. The exception is in clause 9.6(2), on the deflection of profiled sheeting.
Otherwise, the National Annex may contain only the following (European Commission, 2002):

g decisions on the application of informative annexes

g references to non-contradictory complementary information (NCCI) to assist the user in
applying the Eurocode.

It will be noted that National Annexes may refer to NCCI, but cannot include it. In practice,
questions on the interpretation of code clauses always arise. Any organisation can publish
material claimed to be ‘non-contradictory’, and particular industries may have a vested interest
in doing so. Two interpretations of a particular provision could appear, such that they cannot
both be non-contradictory.

Each National Annex will have been approved by the relevant national standards body (BSI
for the UK), which in effect gives NCCI to which it refers a status close to that of a national
standard. However, much NCCI will appear after the National Annex has been published.
Before using such material for work claimed to be in accordance with Eurocodes, the designer
should be satisfied that it is non-contradictory.

Drafting errors in codes and some questions of interpretation are resolved by the official
corrigenda and amendments that appear during the lifetime of a code. Proposals for these are
classified as ‘editorial’ or ‘technical’. As they would apply in all EU member states, technical
changes have to be approved by CEN Committee TC250/SC4. A list of editorial corrigenda to
EN 1994-1-1 was issued by the BSI in April 2008. The important ones are mentioned in this
guide. So far, (2011) there have been no technical changes to EN 1994-1-1.

Beeby AW and Narayanan RS (2005) Designers’ Guide to EN 1992-1-1. Eurocode 2: Design of
Concrete Structures (Common Rules for Buildings and Civil Engineering Structures). Thomas
Telford, London.
British Standards Institution (BSI) (2004a) BS EN 1994-1-1. Design of composite steel and concrete
structures. Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings. BSI, London.
BSI (2004b) BS EN 1992-1-1. Design of concrete structures. Part 1-1: General rules and rules for
buildings. BSI, London.
BSI (2005a) BS EN 1990 þ A1. Eurocode: basis of structural design. BSI, London.
BSI (2005b) BS EN 1993-1-1. Design of steel structures. Part 1-1: General rules and rules for
buildings. BSI, London.
BSI (2005c) Design of composite steel and concrete structures. Part 2: Bridges. BSI, London,
BS EN 1994-2.
European Commission (2002) Guidance Paper L (Concerning the Construction Products Directive –
89/106/EEC). Application and Use of Eurocodes. EC, Brussels.
Gardner L and Nethercot D (2007) Designers’ Guide to EN 1993-1-1. Eurocode 3: Design of Steel
Structures (General Rules and Rules for Buildings). Thomas Telford, London.
Gulvanessian H, Calgaro JA and Holický M (2002) Designers’ Guide to EN 1990. Eurocode: Basis
of Structural Design. Thomas Telford, London.
Hendy CR and Johnson RP (2006) Designers’ Guide to EN 1994-2. Eurocode 4: Design of
Composite Steel and Concrete Structures. Part 2: General Rules and Rules for Bridges. Thomas
Telford, London.

Preface to the first edition

EN 1994, also known as Eurocode 4, is one standard of the Eurocode suite and describes the
principles and requirements for safety, serviceability and durability of composite steel and
concrete structures. It is subdivided into three parts:

g Part 1-1: ‘General rules and rules for buildings’

g Part 1-2: ‘Structural fire design’
g Part 2: ‘Bridges’.

It is intended to be used in conjunction with EN 1990 (‘Basis of structural design’), EN 1991

(‘Actions on structures’) and the other design Eurocodes.

Aims and objectives of this guide

The principal aim of this book is to provide the user with guidance on the interpretation and use
of EN 1994-1-1 and to present worked examples. The guide explains the relationship with the
other Eurocode parts to which it refers and with the relevant British codes. It also provides back-
ground information and references to enable users of Eurocode 4 to understand the origin and
objectives of its provisions.

Layout of this guide

EN 1994-1-1 has a foreword and nine sections, together with three annexes. This guide has an
introduction that corresponds to the foreword of EN 1994-1-1, and Chapters 1 to 9 of the
guide correspond to Sections 1 to 9 of the Eurocode. Chapters 10 and 11 correspond to Annexes
A and B of the Eurocode, respectively. Appendices A to D of this guide include useful material
from the draft Eurocode ENV 1994-1-1.

The numbering and titles of the sections in this guide also correspond to those of the clauses of
EN 1994-1-1. Some subsections are also numbered (e.g. 1.1.2). This implies correspondence with
the subclause in EN 1994-1-1 of the same number. Their titles also correspond. There are exten-
sive references to lower-level clause and paragraph numbers. The first significant reference is in
bold italic type (e.g. clause 1.1.1(2)). These are in strict numerical sequence throughout the book,
to help readers to find comment on particular provisions of the code. Some comments on clauses
are necessarily out of sequence, but use of the index should enable these to be found.

All cross-references in this guide to sections, clauses, subclauses, paragraphs, annexes, figures,
tables and expressions of EN 1994-1-1 are in italic type, which is also used where text from a
clause in EN 1994-1-1 has been directly reproduced (conversely, cross-references to and quota-
tions from other sources, including other Eurocodes, are in roman type). Expressions repeated
from EN 1994-1-1 retain their number; other expressions have numbers prefixed by D (for
Designers’ Guide); e.g. Equation D6.1 in Chapter 6.

The authors are deeply indebted to the other members of the four project teams for Eurocode 4
on which they have worked: Jean-Marie Aribert, Gerhard Hanswille, Bernt Johansson, Basil
Kolias, Jean-Paul Lebet, Henri Mathieu, Michel Mele, Joel Raoul, Karl-Heinz Roik and Jan
Stark; and also to the Liaison Engineers, National Technical Contacts, and others who prepared
national comments. They thank the University of Warwick for facilities provided for Eurocode
work, and, especially, their wives Diana and Linda for their unfailing support.
R.P. Johnson
D. Anderson


Preface to the first edition v

Aims and objectives of this guide v
Layout of this guide v
Acknowledgements v

Preface to the second edition vi

Introduction 1
References 2

Chapter 1 General 3
1.1. Scope 3
1.2. Normative references 5
1.3. Assumptions 6
1.4. Distinction between principles and application rules 6
1.5. Definitions 6
1.6. Symbols 7
References 7

Chapter 2 Basis of design 9

2.1. Requirements 9
2.2. Principles of limit states design 9
2.3. Basic variables 9
2.4. Verification by the partial factor method 9
References 11

Chapter 3 Materials 13
3.1. Concrete 13
3.2. Reinforcing steel 15
3.3. Structural steel 15
3.4. Connecting devices 16
3.5. Profiled steel sheeting for composite slabs in buildings 17
References 17

Chapter 4 Durability 19
4.1. General 19
4.2. Profiled steel sheeting for composite slabs in buildings 19

Chapter 5 Structural analysis 21

5.1. Structural modelling for analysis 21
5.2. Structural stability 22
5.3. Imperfections 26
5.4. Calculation of action effects 27
Example 5.1: effective width of a concrete flange 29
5.5. Classification of cross-sections 38
References 41

Chapter 6 Ultimate limit states 43

6.1. Beams 43
6.2. Resistances of cross-sections of beams 46
Example 6.1: resistance moment in hogging bending, with an effective web 54
Example 6.2: resistance to bending and vertical shear 59

6.3. Resistance of cross-sections of beams for buildings with partial
encasement 60
6.4. Lateral–torsional buckling of composite beams 61
Example 6.3: lateral–torsional buckling of a two-span beam 70
6.5. Transverse forces on webs 70
6.6. Shear connection 71
Example 6.4: arrangement of shear connectors 75
Example 6.5: reduction factors for transverse sheeting 83
Example 6.6: transverse reinforcement for longitudinal shear 89
Example 6.7: two-span beam with composite slab – ultimate limit state 92
Example 6.8: partial shear connection with non-ductile connectors 110
Example 6.9: elastic resistance to bending, and influence of the degree of
shear connection and the type of connector on bending resistance 111
6.7. Composite columns and composite compression members 113
Example 6.10: composite column with bending about one or both axes 123
Example 6.11: longitudinal shear outside areas of load introduction, for a
composite column 128
6.8. Fatigue 129
Example 6.12: fatigue in reinforcement and shear connection 135
References 137

Chapter 7 Serviceability limit states 143

7.1. General 143
7.2. Stresses 144
7.3. Deformations in buildings 144
7.4. Cracking of concrete 148
Example 7.1: two-span beam (continued) – SLS 153
References 157

Chapter 8 Composite joints in frames for buildings 159

8.1. Scope 159
8.2. Analysis, including modelling and classification 160
8.3. Design methods 163
8.4. Resistance of components 164
Example 8.1: end-plate joints in a two-span beam in a braced frame 166
References 179

Chapter 9 Composite slabs with profiled steel sheeting for buildings 181
9.1. General 181
9.2. Detailing provisions 182
9.3. Actions and action effects 183
9.4. Analysis for internal forces and moments 184
9.6. Verification of profiled steel sheeting as shuttering 185
9.7. Verification of composite slabs for the ultimate limit states 185
9.8. Verification of composite slabs for serviceability limit states 191
Example 9.1: two-span continuous composite slab 193
References 201

Chapter 10 Annex A (Informative). Stiffness of joint components in buildings 203

A.1. Scope 203
A.2. Stiffness coefficients 203
A.3. Deformation of the shear connection 205
Example 10.1: elastic stiffness of an end-plate joint 205
References 209

Chapter 11 Annex B (Informative). Standard tests 211

B.1. General 211
B.2. Tests on shear connectors 212

B.3. Testing of composite floor slabs 215
Example 11.1: m–k tests on composite floor slabs 219
Example 11.2: the partial-interaction method 223
References 226

Appendix A Lateral–torsional buckling of composite beams for buildings 229

Simplified expression for ‘cracked’ flexural stiffness of a composite slab 229
Flexural stiffness of a beam with encased web 230
Maximum spacing of shear connectors for continuous U-frame action 230
Top transverse reinforcement above an edge beam 231
Derivation of the simplified expression for LT (Equation D6.14) 232
Effect of web encasement on LT 233
Factor C4 for the distribution of bending moment 233
Criteria for the verification of lateral–torsional stability without direct
calculation 234
Reference 235

Appendix B The effect of slab thickness on the resistance of composite slabs to

longitudinal shear 237
Summary 237
The model 237
The m–k method 238
The partial-connection method 240
Reference 241

Appendix C Simplified calculation method for the interaction curve for the resistance of
composite column cross-sections to compression and uniaxial bending 243
Scope and method 243
Neutral axes and plastic section moduli of some cross-sections 245
Concrete-filled rectangular and circular hollow sections 247
Example C.1: N–M interaction polygon for a column cross-section 247

Appendix D Composite beams using precast concrete slabs 251

References 251

Index 253

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures
ISBN 978-0-7277-4173-8

ICE Publishing: All rights reserved

Chapter 1

This chapter is concerned with the general aspects of BS EN 1994-1-1:2004, ‘Eurocode 4: Design
of composite steel and concrete structures, Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings’. It
will be referred to as ‘EN 1994-1-1’. A corrigendum was circulated by the British Standards
Institution (BSI) in April 2008. The few significant changes will be referred to where they are
relevant. The material described in this chapter is covered in Section 1, in the following clauses:

g Scope Clause 1.1

g Normative references Clause 1.2
g Assumptions Clause 1.3
g Distinction between principles and application rules Clause 1.4
g Definitions Clause 1.5
g Symbols Clause 1.6

1.1. Scope
1.1.1 Scope of Eurocode 4
The scope of EN 1994 (all three parts) is outlined in clause 1.1.1. It is to be used with EN 1990, Clause 1.1.1
‘Eurocode: basis of structural design’, which is the head document of the Eurocode suite. Clause Clause 1.1.1(2)
1.1.1(2) emphasises that the Eurocodes are concerned with structural behaviour and that other
requirements (e.g. thermal and acoustic insulation) are not considered.

The basis for verification of safety and serviceability is the partial factor method. EN 1990
recommends values for load factors, and gives various possibilities for combinations of
actions. The values and choice of combinations are given in the National Annex for the
country in which the structure is to be constructed.

Eurocode 4 is also used in conjunction with EN 1991, ‘Eurocode 1: Actions on structures’ (BSI,
2002) and its National Annex, to determine characteristic or nominal loads. When a composite
structure is to be built in a seismic region, account needs to be taken of EN 1998, ‘Eurocode 8:
Design of structures for earthquake resistance’ (BSI, 2004).

Structural fire design (EN 1994-1-2) is outside the scope of this guide.

The Eurocodes are concerned with design, not execution, but minimum standards of workman-
ship are required to ensure that the design assumptions are valid. For this reason, clause 1.1.1(3) Clause 1.1.1(3)
lists the European standards for the execution of steel structures and the execution of concrete
structures. The former includes some requirements for composite construction, for example
for the testing of welded stud shear connectors.

1.1.2 Scope of Part 1-1 of Eurocode 4

EN 1994-1-1 deals with aspects of design that are common to the principal types of composite
structure, buildings and bridges. This results from the European Committee for Standardization
(CEN) requirement that a provision should not appear in more than one EN standard, as this can
cause inconsistency when one standard is revised before another. For example, if the same rules
for resistance to bending apply for a composite beam in a building as in a bridge (as most of them
do), then those rules are ‘General’ and appear in EN 1994-1-1, even where most applications
occur in bridges. For example, clause 6.8 (fatigue) is in Part 1-1, with a few additional provisions
in EN 1994-2 (BSI, 2005).

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

In EN 1994-1-1, all rules that are for buildings only are preceded by a heading that includes the
word ‘buildings’, or, if an isolated paragraph, are placed at the end of the relevant clause (e.g.
clauses 5.3.2 and

The coverage in this guide of the ‘general’ clauses of Part 1-1 is relevant to both buildings and
bridges, except where noted otherwise. However, guidance provided by or related to the
worked examples may be relevant only to applications in buildings.

Clause 1.1.2(2) Clause 1.1.2(2) lists the titles of the sections of Part 1-1. Those for Sections 1–7 are the same as in
the other material-dependent Eurocodes. The contents of Sections 1 and 2 similarly follow an
agreed model.

The provisions of Part 1-1 cover the design of the common composite members:

g beams in which a steel section acts compositely with concrete

g composite slabs formed with profiled steel sheeting
g concrete-encased and concrete-filled composite columns
g joints between composite beams and steel or composite columns.

Sections 5 and 8 concern connected members. Section 5, ‘Structural analysis’, is needed

particularly for framed structures. Unbraced frames and sway frames are within its scope. The
provisions include the use of second-order global analysis and prestress by imposed deforma-
tions, and define imperfections.

The scope of Part 1-1 extends to steel sections that are partially encased. The web of the steel
section is encased by reinforced concrete, and shear connection is provided between the concrete
and the steel. This is a well-established form of construction. The primary reason for its choice is
improved resistance in fire.

Fully-encased composite beams are not included because:

g no satisfactory model has been found for the ultimate strength in longitudinal shear of a
beam without shear connectors
g it is not known to what extent some design rules (e.g. for moment–shear interaction and
redistribution of moments) are applicable.

A fully encased beam with shear connectors can usually be designed as if partly encased
or uncased, provided that care is taken to prevent premature spalling of encasement in

Part 2, ‘Bridges’, includes further provisions that may on occasion be useful for buildings, such as
those on:

g composite plates (where the steel member is a flat steel plate, not a profiled section)
g composite plate girders and box girders
g tapered or non-uniform composite members
g structures that are prestressed by tendons.

The omission of application rules for a type of member or structure should not prevent its use,
where appropriate. Some omissions are deliberate, to encourage the use of innovative design,
based on specialised literature, the properties of materials, and the fundamentals of equilibrium
and compatibility; and following the principles given in the relevant Eurocodes. This applies, for
example, to:

g large holes in webs of beams

g types of shear connector other than welded studs
g base plates beneath composite columns
g shear heads in reinforced concrete framed structures (Piel and Hanswille, 2006)
g many aspects of ‘mixed’ structures, as used in tall buildings.

Chapter 1. General

In addition to its nine normative sections, EN 1994-1-1 includes three informative annexes:

g Annex A, ‘Stiffness of joint components in buildings’

g Annex B, ‘Standard tests’
g Annex C, ‘Shrinkage of concrete for composite structures for buildings’.

The reasons for these annexes, additional to the normative provisions, are explained in the
relevant chapters of this guide.

1.2. Normative references

References are given only to other European standards, all of which are intended to be used as
a package. Formally, the standards of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
apply only if given an EN ISO designation. National standards for design and for products
do not apply if they conflict with a relevant EN standard. In the UK, they are all being (or
have been) withdrawn by the BSI. Withdrawal means that they are no longer maintained
technically or editorially by the relevant committee of the BSI. They will become increasingly
out of date, but remain important references for work on existing structures that were designed
using them.

At present, the necessary changes to the Building Regulations for the UK are not complete. They
refer to some standards that will be withdrawn. For this changeover period, the BSI has declared
these standards to be ‘obsolescent’.

For new work, the choice between the two systems is determined by the UK government’s
Building Regulations and/or the client, not by the BSI. The Regulations are being revised to
incorporate relevant legislation of the European Union, which requires Eurocodes to be used
for most public works.

In the UK, the changeover to Eurocodes and EN standards will continue for several years, as use
of the former system is permitted for some types of project. Designers using one system who seek
guidance from the other must take account of the differences between their philosophies and
safety factors.

Important provisions in the former BS system that do not appear in the new one are being re-
presented in EN-type format as ‘non-contradictory complementary information’ (NCCI) in
publications by the BSI and other bodies. Several that concern steel and composite structures
are available from

Some details of the standards listed, such as publication dates, will be updated when EN 1994-1-1
is next reissued.

1.2.1 General reference standards

Some references here, and also in clause 1.2.2, appear to repeat references in clause 1.1.1. The
difference is explained in clause 1.2. These ‘dated’ references define the issue of the standard
that is referred to in detailed cross-references, given later in EN 1994-1-1. For construction
(execution), the standard for steel structures (BSI, 2008) is referred to. There is no standard
for composite structures, and no reference to one for concrete structures.

1.2.2 Other reference standards

Eurocode 4 necessarily refers to EN 1992-1-1, ‘Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures:
General rules and rules for buildings’, and to several parts of EN 1993, ‘Eurocode 3: Design
of steel structures’.

In its application to buildings, EN 1994-1-1 is based on the concept of the initial erection of a steel
frame, which may include prefabricated concrete or composite members. The placing of profiled
steel sheeting or other shuttering follows. The addition of reinforcement and in-situ concrete
completes the composite structure. The presentation and content of EN 1994-1-1 therefore
relate more closely to EN 1993-1-1 than to EN 1992-1-1.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

1.3. Assumptions
The general assumptions are those of EN 1990, EN 1992 and EN 1993. Commentary on them will
be found in the relevant guides in this series.

1.4. Distinction between principles and application rules

Clauses in the Eurocodes are set out as either principles or application rules. As defined by
EN 1990:

g ‘Principles comprise general statements for which there is no alternative and

requirements and analytical models for which no alternative is permitted unless specifically
g ‘Principles are distinguished by the letter ‘P’ following the paragraph number’
g ‘Application Rules are generally recognised rules which comply with the principles and
satisfy their requirements’.

There are relatively few principles. It has been recognised that a requirement or analytical model
for which ‘no alternative is permitted unless specifically stated’ can rarely include a numerical
value, because most values are influenced by research and/or experience, and may change over
the years. (Even the specified elastic modulus for structural steel is an approximate value.)
Furthermore, a clause cannot be a principle if it requires the use of another clause that is an
application rule; effectively, that clause also would become a principle.

It follows that, ideally, the principles in all the codes should form a consistent set, referring only
to each other, and intelligible if all the application rules were deleted. This overriding precept
strongly influenced the drafting of EN 1994.

1.5. Definitions
1.5.1 General
In accordance with the model for Section 1, reference is made to the definitions given in clauses
1.5 of EN 1990, EN 1992-1-1 and EN 1993-1-1. Many types of analysis are defined in clause 1.5.6
of EN 1990. It is important to note that an analysis based on the deformed geometry of a
structure or element under load is termed ‘second order’ rather than ‘non-linear’. The latter
term refers to the treatment of material properties in structural analysis. Thus, according to
EN 1990, ‘non-linear analysis’ includes ‘rigid plastic’. This convention is not followed in
EN 1994-1-1, where the heading ‘Non-linear global analysis’ (clause 5.4.3) does not include
‘rigid-plastic global analysis’ (clause 5.4.5).

Clause 1.5.1 References from Clause 1.5.1 include clause 1.5.2 of EN 1992-1-1, which defines prestress as an
action caused by the stressing of tendons. This applies to EN 1994-2 but not to EN 1994-1-1, as
this type of prestress is outside its scope. Prestress by jacking at supports, which is outside the
scope of EN 1992-1-1, is within the scope of EN 1994-1-1.

The definitions in clauses 1.5.1 to 1.5.9 of EN 1993-1-1 apply where they occur in clauses in
EN 1993 to which EN 1994 refers. None of them uses the word ‘steel’.

1.5.2 Additional terms and definitions

Clause 1.5.2 Most of the 13 definitions in clause 1.5.2 of EN 1994-1-1 include the word ‘composite’, which
Clause implies shear connection. From clause, the purpose of ‘shear connection’ is to limit
separation and slip at an interface between steel and concrete, not to eliminate it. Separation
is always assumed to be negligible, but explicit allowance may need to be made for effects of
slip (e.g. in clauses 5.4.3, 7.2.1, 9.8.2(7) and A.3).

The definition ‘composite frame’ is relevant to the use of Section 5. Where the behaviour is
essentially that of a reinforced or prestressed concrete structure, with only a few composite
members, global analysis should be generally in accordance with Eurocode 2.

These lists of definitions are not exhaustive, because all the codes use terms with precise meanings
that can be inferred from their contexts.

Chapter 1. General

Concerning use of words generally, there are significant differences from the withdrawn British
codes. These arose from the use of English as the base language for the drafting process, and the
need to improve precision of meaning to facilitate translation into other European languages. In

g ‘action’ means a load and/or an imposed deformation

g ‘action effect’ (clause 5.4) and ‘effect of action’ have the same meaning: any deformation
or internal force or moment that results from an action.

1.6. Symbols
The symbols in the Eurocodes are all based on ISO 3898:1987 (ISO, 1997). Each code has its own
list, applicable within that code. Some symbols have more than one meaning, the particular
meaning being stated in the clause.

There are a few important changes from previous practice in the UK. For example, an x–x
axis is along a member, a y–y axis is parallel to the flanges of a steel section (clause 1.7(2) of
EN 1993-1-1), and a section modulus is W, with subscripts to denote elastic or plastic behaviour.

Wherever possible, definitions in EN 1994-1-1 have been aligned with those in EN 1990, EN 1992
and EN 1993; but this should not be assumed without checking the list in clause 1.6. Some quite
minor differences are significant.

The symbol fy has different meanings in EN 1992-1-1 and EN 1993-1-1. It is retained in

EN 1994-1-1 for the nominal yield strength of structural steel, although the generic subscript
for that material is ‘a’, based on the French word for steel, acier. The subscript ‘a’ is not used
in EN 1993-1-1, where the partial factor for steel is not  A but  M; and this usage is followed
in EN 1994-1-1. The characteristic yield strength of reinforcement is fsk, with partial factor  S.

When EN 1994-1-1 was drafted, trapezoidal profiled steel sheetings had profiles with flat tops, as
shown in many diagrams in Section 9. The symbol hp is defined in clause 1.6 as the ‘overall depth
of the profiled steel sheeting excluding embossments’. Embossments are typically not more than
2 mm high. Many sheetings now have top ribs up to 15 mm high (see Figure 6.13), which are
evidently part of the ‘overall depth’. Its use is appropriate for some verifications; for others,
the depth to the shoulder is appropriate. The symbol hp is therefore replaced in this guide by
two symbols: hpn for the net or shoulder depth, and hpg for the gross depth.

British Standards Institution (BSI) (2002) BS EN 1991. Actions on structures. Part 1-1: Densities,
self weight and imposed loads. BSI, London.
BSI (2004) BS EN 1998-1. Design of structures for earthquake resistance. Part 1: General rules,
seismic actions and rules for buildings. BSI, London.
BSI (2005) BS EN 1994-2. Design of composite steel and concrete structures. Part 2: Bridges. BSI,
BSI (2008) BS EN 1090-2. Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures. Part 2: Technical
requirements for execution of steel structures. BSI, London.
International Organization for Standardization (1997) ISO 3898. Basis of design for structures –
notation – general symbols. ISO, Geneva.
Piel W and Hanswille G (2006) Composite shear head systems for improved punching shear
resistance of flat slabs. In Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete V (Leon RT and Lange J
(eds)). American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, pp. 226–235.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures
ISBN 978-0-7277-4173-8

ICE Publishing: All rights reserved

Chapter 2
Basis of design

The material described in this chapter is covered in Section 2 of EN 1994-1-1, in the following
g Requirements Clause 2.1
g Principles of limit states design Clause 2.2
g Basic variables Clause 2.3
g Verification by the partial factor method Clause 2.4
The sequence follows that of EN 1990, Sections 2–4 and 6.

2.1. Requirements
Design is to be in accordance with the general requirements of EN 1990. The purpose of Section 2
is to give supplementary provisions for composite structures.

Clause 2.1(3) reminds the user again that design is based on actions and combinations of actions Clause 2.1(3)
in accordance with EN 1991 and EN 1990, respectively. The use of partial safety factors for
actions and resistances (the ‘partial factor method’) is expected but is not a requirement of
Eurocodes. The method is presented in Section 6 of EN 1990 as one way of satisfying the
basic requirements set out in Section 2 of that standard. This is why use of the partial factor
method is given ‘deemed to satisfy’ status in clause 2.1(3). To establish that a design was in
accordance with the Eurocodes, the user of any other method would normally have to
demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the regulatory authority and/or the client, that the method
satisfied the basic requirements of EN 1990.

2.2. Principles of limit states design

The clause provides a reminder that the influence of the sequence of construction on action
effects must be considered. It does not affect the bending resistance of beams that are in
Class 1 or 2 (as defined in clause 5.5) or the resistance of a composite column, as these are
determined by rigid–plastic theory, but it does affect the resistances of beams in Class 3 or 4.

2.3. Basic variables

The classification of effects of shrinkage and temperature in clause 2.3.3 into ‘primary’ and Clause 2.3.3
‘secondary’ will be familiar to designers of continuous beams, especially for bridges.

Secondary effects are to be treated as ‘indirect actions’, which are ‘sets of imposed deformations’
(clause of EN 1990), not as action effects. This distinction appears to have no
consequences in practice, for the use of EN 1994-1-1.

2.4. Verification by the partial factor method

2.4.1 Design values
Clauses and illustrate the treatment of partial factors. Recommended values are Clause
given in notes, which are informative, not normative (i.e. not part of the preceding provision), Clause
so that there are no numerical values in the principles of clause, as explained earlier.

For the partial factors for concrete, reinforcing steel and structural steel, the notes give EU
member states no choice other than to use the values of  C,  S and  M given in their National
Annexes to EN 1992-1-1 and 1993-1-1. This was assumed in all calibration work for EN 1994.
Any alternative would be impracticable.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

EN 1994 normally refers to design strengths, rather than characteristic or nominal values with
partial factors. The design strength for concrete is given in clause by

fcd ¼ fck/ C (2.1)

where fck is the characteristic cylinder strength. This definition is stated algebraically because it
differs from that of EN 1992-1-1, where the design compressive strength of concrete, fcd, is
defined in clause 3.1.6(1)P as

fcd ¼ cc fck/ C (D2.1)


cc is the coefficient taking account of long term effects on the compressive strength and of
unfavourable effects resulting from the way the load is applied.

Note: The value of cc for use in a Country should lie between 0.8 and 1.0 and may be
found in its National Annex. The recommended value is 1.

A value different from the recommended value of 1.0 can be chosen in a National Annex. This
possibility is not appropriate for EN 1994-1-1, as explained in the comments on clause 3.1(1).

Because the link with EN 1992 is the characteristic value of concrete strength, not the design
strength, the factor cc in Equation D2.1 is not included in Equation 2.1. This is relevant to
the bending resistance of a composite beam with lightweight-aggregate concrete (LWC). The
UK’s National Annex to EN 1992-1-1 specifies cc ¼ 1.0 for normal-density concrete, but 0.85
for LWC. If that were applicable in Eurocode 4, clause would require the use of a
rectangular stress block at 0.85  0.85 fck/1.5 ¼ 0.48 fck for a composite beam with an LWC
flange, which is too conservative. The factor 0.85 should be applied once, not twice.

The instruction in the UK’s National Annex to use the recommended value of the partial factor
for shear connection,  V ¼ 1.25, adds that another value may be used where ‘shear stud
resistances given in non-contradictory complementary information’ (NCCI) would justify it.
Characteristic resistances for several types of shear connector other than studs were given in
ENV 1994-1-1 (British Standards Institution, 1994). They were derived assuming  V ¼ 1.25, so
the use of that value should be considered for them. For any other type of connector,  V
should be based on statistical evaluation of the test evidence, based on the methods of EN 1990.

Clause Clause refers to ‘product standards hEN’. The ‘h’ stands for ‘harmonised’. This term from
the Construction Products Directive (European Commission, 1989) is explained in the Designers’
Guide to EN 1990 (Gulvanessian et al., 2002).

Clause Clause, on design resistances, refers to Expressions 6.6a and 6.6c given in clause 6.3.5
of EN 1990. Resistances in EN 1994-1-1 often need more than one partial factor, and so use
Expression 6.6a, which is

Rd ¼ R{(iXk,i/ M,i); ad} i1 (D2.2)

For example, clause gives the plastic resistance to compression of a cross-section as the
sum of terms for the structural steel, concrete and reinforcement:

Npl,Rd ¼ Aa fyd þ 0.85Ac fcd þ As fsd (6.30)

In this case, there is no separate term ad based on geometrical data, because uncertainties in areas
of cross-sections are allowed for in the  M factors.

In terms of characteristic strengths, from clause, Equation 6.30 becomes

Npl,Rd ¼ Aa fy/ M þ 0.85Ac fck/ C þ As fsk/ S (D2.3)

Chapter 2. Basis of design

in which:

g the characteristic material strengths Xk,i are fy, fck, and fsk
g the conversion factors, i in EN 1990, are 1.0 for steel and reinforcement and 0.85 for
g the partial factors  M,i are  M,  C, and  S.

Expression 6.6c of EN 1990 is Rd ¼ Rk/ M. It applies where characteristic properties and a single
partial factor can be used: for example, in expressions for the shear resistance of a headed stud
(clause It is widely used in EN 1993-1-1.

2.4.2 Combination of actions

Clause 2.4.2(1) refers to EN 1990, where the relevant clause is A1.2.1. A note to its paragraph (1) Clause 2.4.2(1)
says that, under certain conditions. ‘the combination of actions may be based on not more than
two variable actions’. For example, temperature effects could be ignored in the combination
‘permanent þ imposed þ wind’. The UK’s National Annex to EN 1990 does not refer to that
note, but states that ‘All effects of actions that can exist simultaneously should be considered
together in combinations of actions’, which appears to be more severe.

The number of variable actions to be included in a combination depends both on the type of
combination (characteristic, frequent, quasi-permanent, etc.) and on the factors given in the
relevant National Annex. This aspect of the Eurocodes is more comprehensive, and can be
more complex, than some previous practice.

2.4.3 Verification of static equilibrium (EQU)

The abbreviation EQU appears in EN 1990, where four types of ultimate limit state are defined in
clause 6.4.1:

g EQU, for loss of static equilibrium

g FAT, for fatigue failure
g GEO, for failure or excessive deformation of the ground
g STR, for internal failure or excessive deformation of the structure.

Clause 2.4.3 has the only reference to EQU in EN 1994-1-1. Otherwise, this guide covers ultimate Clause 2.4.3
limit states of types STR and FAT only. Use of type GEO arises in the design of foundations to
EN 1997 (British Standards Institution, 2004).

British Standards Institution (BSI) (1994) DD ENV 1994-1-1. Design of composite steel and
concrete structures. Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings. BSI, London.
BSI (2004) BS EN 1997-1. Geotechnical design. Part 1: General rules. BSI, London.
European Commission (1989) Construction Products Directive 89/106/EEC. Official Journal of the
European Communities L40.
Gulvanessian H, Calgaro JA and Holický M (2002) Designers’ Guide to EN 1990. Eurocode: Basis
of Structural Design. Thomas Telford, London.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures
ISBN 978-0-7277-4173-8

ICE Publishing: All rights reserved

Chapter 3

This chapter concerns the properties of materials needed for the design of composite structures. It
corresponds to Section 3, which has the following clauses:

g Concrete Clause 3.1

g Reinforcing steel Clause 3.2
g Structural steel Clause 3.3
g Connecting devices Clause 3.4
g Profiled steel sheeting for composite slabs in buildings Clause 3.5

Rather than repeating information given elsewhere, Section 3 consists mainly of cross-references
to other Eurocodes and EN standards. The following comments relate to provisions of particular
significance for composite structures.

3.1. Concrete
Clause 3.1(1) refers to EN 1992-1-1 for the properties of concrete. For lightweight-aggregate Clause 3.1(1)
concrete, several properties are dependent on the oven-dry density, relative to 2200 kg/m3.

Complex sets of time-dependent properties are given in EN 1992-1-1 in clause 3.1 for normal
concrete and in clause 11.3 for lightweight-aggregate concrete. For composite structures built
un-propped, with several stages of construction, simplification is essential. Specific properties
are now discussed. (For thermal expansion, see Section 3.3.)

Strength and stiffness

Strength and deformation characteristics are summarised in EN 1992-1-1, in Table 3.1 for
normal concrete and in Table 11.3.1 for lightweight-aggregate concrete.

Strength classes for normal concrete are defined as Cx/y, where x and y are, respectively, the
cylinder and cube compressive strengths in units of N/mm2. All compressive strengths in
design rules in Eurocodes are cylinder strengths, so an unsafe error occurs if a specified cube
strength is used in calculations. It should be replaced at the outset by the equivalent cylinder
strength, using the relationships given by the strength classes. Compressive strength is slightly
influenced by the size of the test specimen. The standard cube size is 150 mm. Standard cylinders
are 100 mm in diameter and 200 mm long. Where other sizes are used, conversion factors,
available in the technical literature, should be applied.

Classes for lightweight concrete are designated LCx/y. The relationships between cylinder and
cube strengths differ from those of normal concrete.

Except where prestressing by tendons is used (which is outside the scope of this guide), the tensile
strength of concrete is rarely used in design calculations for composite members. The mean tensile
strength fctm appears in the definitions of ‘cracked’ global analysis in clause, and in
clause 7.4.2(1) on minimum reinforcement. Its value and the 5% and 95% fractile values are given
in Tables 3.1 and 11.3.1 of EN 1992-1. The appropriate fractile value should be used in any limit
state verification that relies on either an adverse or beneficial effect of the tensile strength of concrete.

Values of the modulus of elasticity are given in Tables 3.1 and 11.3.1. Clause 3.1.3 points out that
these are indicative, for general applications. The short-term elastic modulus Ecm increases for

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Figure 3.1. Stress blocks for concrete at ultimate limit states

EN 1992-1-1:
fcd = αccfck/γC
x 0.8x
EN 1994-1-1:
0.85fcd, with fcd = fck/γC
0 0.0035 0
Plastic neutral Compressive strain Compressive stress

ages greater than 28 days. The influence of this small change on the effective modulus is negligible
compared with the uncertainties in the modelling of creep, so it should be ignored.

Stress–strain properties
The use of a coefficient cc in the definition in clause 3.1.6(1)P of EN 1992-1-1 of the design
compressive strength of concrete is discussed in comments on clause

The reference in clause 3.1(1) to EN 1992-1-1 for properties of concrete begins ‘unless otherwise
given by Eurocode 4’. Resistances of composite members given in EN 1994-1-1 are based
on extensive calibration studies (e.g. see Johnson and Huang, 1994, 1997). The numerical
coefficients given in resistance formulae are consistent with the value cc ¼ 1.0 and the use of
either elastic theory or the stress block defined in clause Therefore, there is no reference
in EN 1994-1-1 to a coefficient cc or to a choice to be made in a National Annex. The symbol fcd
always means fck/ C, and for beams and most columns is used with the coefficient 0.85, as in
Equation 6.30 in clause An exception, in that clause, is that 0.85 is replaced by 1.0
for concrete-filled column sections, based on calibration.

The approximation made to the shape of the stress–strain curve is also relevant. Those given
in clause 3.1 of EN 1992-1-1 are mainly curved or bilinear, but in clause 3.1.7(3) there is a
simpler rectangular stress distribution, similar to the stress block given in the British standard
for the structural use of concrete, BS 8110 (British Standards Institution, 1997). Its shape, for
concrete strength classes up to C50/60, and the corresponding strain distribution are shown in
Figure 3.1.

This stress block is inconvenient for use with composite cross-sections, because the region
near the neutral axis assumed to be unstressed is often occupied by a steel flange, and algebraic
expressions for resistance to bending become complex.

In composite sections, the contribution from the steel section to the bending resistance reduces
the significance of that from the concrete. It is thus possible (Stark, 1984) for EN 1994 to
allow the use of a rectangular stress block extending to the neutral axis, as shown in Figure 3.1.

For a member of unit width, the moment about the neutral axis of the EN 1992 stress block
ranges from 0.38fckx2/ C to 0.48fckx2/ C, depending on the value chosen for cc. The value for
beams in EN 1994-1-1 is 0.425fckx2/ C. Calibration studies have shown that this overestimates
the bending resistance of cross-sections of columns, so a correction factor M is given in
clause See also the comments on clauses and

Clause 3.1(2) Clause 3.1(2) limits the scope of EN 1994-1-1 to the strength range C20/25 to C60/75 for
normal concrete and from LC20/22 to LC60/66 for lightweight concrete. These ranges are
narrower than those given in EN 1992-1-1 because there is limited knowledge and experience
of the behaviour of composite members with weak or very strong concrete. This applies, for
example, to the load/slip properties of shear connectors, the redistribution of moments in
continuous beams and the resistance of columns. The use of rectangular stress blocks for
resistance to bending (clause )) relies on the strain capacity of the materials. The relevant
property of concrete, "cu3 in Table 3.1 of EN 1992-1-1, is –0.0035 for classes up to C50/60, but is
only –0.0026 for class C90/105.

Chapter 3. Materials

The shrinkage of concrete referred to in clause 3.1(3) is the drying shrinkage that occurs after Clause 3.1(3)
setting. It does not include the plastic shrinkage that precedes setting, nor autogenous shrinkage.
The latter develops during hardening of the concrete (clause 3.1.4(6) of EN 1992-1-1), and is that
which occurs in enclosed or sealed concrete, as in a concrete-filled tube, where no loss of moisture
occurs. Clause 3.1(4) permits its effect on stresses and deflections to be neglected, but does not Clause 3.1(4)
refer to crack widths. It has little influence on cracking due to direct loading, and the rules for
initial cracking (clause 7.4.2) take account of its effects.

The shrinkage strains given in clause 3.1.4(6) of EN 1992-1-1 are significantly higher than those
given in BS 8110. Taking grade C40/50 concrete as an example, with a ‘dry’ environment (relative
humidity 60%), the final drying shrinkage could be 400  106, plus autogenous shrinkage of
75  106.

In clause 3.1(4), shrinkage is a Nationally Determined Parameter. A note recommends the values
given in Annex C (–325  106 for this example). The annex is informative, so its use needs
approval from the National Annex. In the UK, its values can be used. From clause C.(1) they
are ‘the total free shrinkage strain’.

In typical environments in the UK, the influence of shrinkage of normal-weight concrete on the
design of composite structures for buildings is significant only in:

g very tall structures

g very long structures without movement joints
g the prediction of deflections of beams with high span/depth ratios (clause 7.3.1(8)).

There is further comment on shrinkage in Chapter 5.

The provisions of EN 1992-1-1 on the creep of concrete can be simplified for composite structures
for buildings, as discussed in comments in clause

3.2. Reinforcing steel

Clause 3.2(1) refers to EN 1992-1-1, which states in clause 3.2.2(3)P that its rules are valid for Clause 3.2(1)
specified yield strengths fyk up to 600 N/mm2.

The scope of clause 3.2 of EN 1992-1-1, and hence of EN 1994-1-1, is limited to reinforcement,
including wire fabrics (‘mesh’) with nominal bar diameter 5 mm and above, that is ‘ribbed’ (high
bond) and weldable. Fibre reinforcement is not included. There are three ductility classes, from A
(the lowest) to C. The requirements include the characteristic strain at maximum force, rather
than the elongation at fracture used in past British standards. Clause 5.5.1(5) of EN 1994-1-1
excludes the use of Class A reinforcement from any composite cross-section in Class 1 or 2.

The minimum ductility properties of wire fabric given in Table C.1 of EN 1992-1-1 may not be
sufficient to satisfy clause 5.5.1(6) of EN 1994-1-1, as this requires demonstration of sufficient
ductility to avoid fracture when built into a concrete slab (Anderson et al., 2000). It has been
found in tests on continuous composite beams with fabric in tension that the cross-wires initiate
cracks in concrete, so that tensile strain becomes concentrated at the locations of the welds in the

For simplicity, clause 3.2(2) permits the modulus of elasticity of reinforcement to be taken as Clause 3.2(2)
210 kN/mm2, the value given in EN 1993-1-1 for structural steel, rather than 200 kN/mm2, the
value in EN 1992-1-1.

3.3. Structural steel

Clause 3.3(1) refers to EN 1993-1-1. This lists in its Table 3.1 steel grades with nominal yield Clause 3.3(1)
strengths up to 460 N/mm2, and allows other steel products to be included in National
Annexes. Clause 3.3(2) sets an upper limit of 460 N/mm2 for use with EN 1994-1-1. There Clause 3.3(2)
has been extensive research (Wakabayashi and Minami, 1990; Hegger and Döinghaus, 2002;

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Hoffmeister et al., 2002; Morino, 2002; Uy, 2003; Bergmann and Hanswille, 2006) on the use in
composite members of structural steels with yield strengths exceeding 355 N/mm2. It has been
found that some design rules need modification for use with steel grades higher than S355, to
avoid premature crushing of concrete. This applies to:

g redistribution of moments (clause 5.4.4(6))

g rotation capacity (clause 5.4.5(4a))
g plastic resistance moment (clause
g resistance of columns (clause

Thermal expansion
For simplicity, the Eurocodes permit for most situations the use of a single value for the
coefficients of thermal expansion of steel, concrete and reinforcement.

For structural steel, clause 3.2.6 of EN 1993-1-1 gives the value 12  106 ‘per 8C’ (also written in
Eurocodes as /K or K1). This is followed by a note that, for calculating the ‘structural effects of
unequal temperatures’ in composite structures, the coefficient may be taken as 10  106 per 8C,
which is the value given for normal-weight concrete in clause 3.1.3(5) of EN 1992-1-1 ‘unless
more accurate information is available’.

The thermal expansion of reinforcement is not mentioned in EN 1992-1-1, presumably because it

is assumed to be the same as that of normal-weight concrete. For reinforcement in composite
structures, the coefficient should be taken as 10  106 K1. This was stated in ENV 1994-1-1,
but is not in the EN standard.

Coefficients of thermal expansion for lightweight-aggregate concretes can range from 4  106 to
14  106 K1. Clause 11.3.2(2) of EN 1992-1-1 states that

The differences between the coefficients of thermal expansion of steel and lightweight-
aggregate concrete need not be considered in design,

but ‘steel’ here means reinforcement, not structural steel. The effects of the difference from
10  106 K1 should be considered in the design of composite members for situations where
the temperatures of the concrete and the structural steel could differ significantly.

3.4. Connecting devices

3.4.1 General
Reference is made to EN 1993, ‘Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures, Part 1-8: Design of joints’
(British Standards Institution, 2005) for information relating to fasteners, such as bolts, and
welding consumables. Provisions for ‘other types of mechanical fastener’ are given in clause
3.3.2 of EN 1993-1-3 (British Standards Institution, 2006). Commentary on joints is given in
Chapters 8 and 10.

3.4.2 Stud shear connectors

Headed studs are the only type of shear connector for which detailed provisions are given in
EN 1994-1-1, in clause 6.6. Any other method of connection must satisfy clause The
use of adhesives on a steel flange is unlikely to be suitable.

Clause 3.4.2 Clause 3.4.2 refers to EN 13918, ‘Welding – studs and ceramic ferrules for arc stud welding’
(British Standards Institution, 2003). This gives minimum dimensions for weld collars. Other
methods of attaching studs, such as spinning, may not provide weld collars large enough for
the resistances of studs given in clause to be applicable.

The grades of stud referred to in EN 13918 include SD2, with ultimate tensile strengths in the
range 400–550 N/mm2 and SD3, with a range 500–780 N/mm2. The upper limit in clause is 500 N/mm2.

Shear connection between steel and concrete by bond or friction is permitted only in accordance
with clause 6.7.4, for columns, and clauses and 9.7, for composite slabs.

Chapter 3. Materials

3.5. Profiled steel sheeting for composite slabs in buildings

The title includes ‘in buildings’ as this clause and other provisions for composite slabs are not
applicable to composite bridges.

The materials for profiled steel sheeting must conform to the standards listed in clause 3.5. There Clause 3.5
are at present no EN standards for the wide range of profiled sheets available. Such standards
should include tolerances on embossments and indentations, as these influence resistance to long-
itudinal shear. Tolerances on embossments, given for test specimens in clause B.3.3(2), provide

The minimum bare metal thickness has been controversial, and in EN 1994-1-1 is subject to
National Annexes, with a recommended minimum of 0.70 mm. This is the value for use in the
UK. The total thickness of zinc coating in accordance with clause 4.2(3) is about 0.04 mm.

The reference in clause 3.5(2) to EN 10147 has been replaced by reference to EN 10326. Clause 3.5(2)

Anderson D, Aribert JM, Bode H and Kronenburger HJ (2000) Design rotation capacity of
composite joints. Structural Engineer 78(6): 25–29.
Bergmann R and Hanswille G (2006) New design method for composite columns including high
strength steel. In Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete V (Leon RT and Lange J (eds)).
American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, pp. 381–389.
British Standards Institution (BSI) (1997) BS 8110. Structural use of concrete. Part 1: Code of
Practice for design and construction. BSI, London.
BSI (2003) BS EN 13918. Welding – studs and ceramic ferrules for arc stud welding. BSI, London.
BSI (2005) BS EN 1993-1-8. Design of steel structures. Part 1-8: Design of joints. BSI, London.
BSI (2006) BS EN 1993-1-3. Design of steel structures. Part 1-3: Cold formed thin gauge members
and sheeting. BSI, London.
Hegger J and Döinghaus P (2002) High performance steel and high performance concrete in
composite structures. In Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete IV (Hajjar JF, Hosain M,
Easterling WS and Shahrooz BM (eds)). American Society of Civil Engineers, New York,
pp. 891–902.
Hoffmeister B, Sedlacek G, Müller Ch. and Kühn B (2002) High strength materials in composite
structures. In Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete IV (Hajjar JF, Hosain M, Easterling
WS and Shahrooz BM (eds)). American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, pp. 903–914.
Johnson RP and Huang DJ (1994) Calibration of safety factors  M for composite steel and
concrete beams in bending. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Structures and
Buildings 104: 193–203.
Johnson RP and Huang DJ (1997) Statistical calibration of safety factors for encased composite
columns. In Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete III (Buckner CD and Sharooz BM
(eds)). American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, pp. 380–391.
Morino S (2002) Recent developments on concrete-filled steel tube members in Japan. In Composite
Construction in Steel and Concrete IV (Hajjar JF, Hosain M, Easterling WS and Shahrooz BM
(eds)). American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, pp. 644–655.
Stark JWB (1984) Rectangular stress block for concrete. Technical paper S16, June. Drafting
Committee for Eurocode 4 (unpublished).
Uy B (2003) High strength steel-concrete composite columns for buildings. Proceedings of the
Institution of Civil Engineers: Structures and Buildings 156: 3–14.
Wakabayashi M and Minami K (1990) Application of high strength steel to composite structures.
Symposium on Mixed Structures, including New Materials, Brussels. IABSE Reports 60: 59–64.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures
ISBN 978-0-7277-4173-8

ICE Publishing: All rights reserved

Chapter 4

This chapter concerns the durability of composite structures. It corresponds to Section 4, which
has the following clauses:

g General Clause 4.1

g Profiled steel sheeting for composite slabs in buildings Clause 4.2

4.1. General
Almost all aspects of the durability of composite structures are covered by cross-references to
EN 1990, EN 1992 and EN 1993. The material-independent provisions, in clause 2.4 of
EN 1990, require the designer to take into account ten factors. These include the foreseeable
use of the structure, the expected environmental conditions, the design criteria, the performance
of the materials, the particular protective measures, the quality of workmanship and the intended
level of maintenance.

Clauses 4.2 and 4.4.1 of EN 1992-1-1 define exposure classes and cover to concrete. A note
defines structural classes. These and the ‘acceptable deviations’ (tolerances) for cover may be
modified in a National Annex, and are modified in the UK. Its National Annex gives a range
of values that depend on the composition of the concrete. Clause of EN 1992-1-1 recom-
mends an addition of 10 mm to the minimum cover to allow for deviation. The UK National
Annex agrees.

As an example, a concrete floor of a multi-storey car park will be subject to the action of chlorides
in an environment consisting of cyclic wet and dry conditions. For these conditions (designated
class XD3), the recommended structural class is 4, giving a minimum cover for a 50 year service
life of 45 mm plus a tolerance of 10 mm. This total of 55 mm can be reduced, typically by 5 mm,
where special quality assurance is in place.

Section 4 of EN 1993-1-1 refers to execution of protective treatments for steelwork. If parts will
be susceptible to corrosion, there is a need for access for inspection and maintenance. This will
not be possible for shear connectors, and clause 4.1(2) of EN 1994-1-1 refers to clause 6.6.5, which
includes provisions for minimum cover.

4.2. Profiled steel sheeting for composite slabs in buildings

For profiled steel sheeting, clause 4.2(1)P requires the corrosion protection to be adequate for its Clause 4.2(1)P
environment. The reference in clause 4.2(2) to EN 10147 has been replaced by reference to Clause 4.2(2)
EN 10326.

Zinc coating to clause 4.2(3) is ‘sufficient for internal floors in a non-aggressive environment’. This Clause 4.2(3)
implies that it may not provide sufficient durability for use in a multi-storey car park or near the

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures
ISBN 978-0-7277-4173-8

ICE Publishing: All rights reserved

Chapter 5
Structural analysis

Structural analysis may be performed at three levels: global analysis, member analysis and local
analysis. This chapter concerns global analysis to determine deformations and internal forces and
moments in beams and framed structures. It corresponds to Section 5, which has the following

g Structural modelling for analysis Clause 5.1

g Structural stability Clause 5.2
g Imperfections Clause 5.3
g Calculation of action effects Clause 5.4
g Classification of cross-sections Clause 5.5

Wherever possible, analyses for serviceability and ultimate limit states use the same methods. It is
generally more convenient, therefore, to specify them in a single section, rather than to include
them in Sections 6 and 7. For composite slabs, though, all provisions, including those for
global analysis, are given in Section 9.

The division of material between Section 5 and Section 6 (ultimate limit states) is not always
obvious. Calculation of vertical shear is clearly ‘analysis’, but longitudinal shear is in Section
6. This is because its calculation for beams in buildings is dependent on the method used to
determine the resistance to bending. However, for composite columns, methods of analysis
and member imperfections are considered in clause This separation of imperfections in
frames from those in columns requires care, and receives detailed explanation after the comments
on clause 5.4. The flow charts for global analysis (see Figure 5.1) include relevant provisions from
Section 6.

There are no specific provisions in Section 5 on finite-element methods (FE) of analysis. They are
not excluded. It was assumed in drafting that they could be used, but well-established simplified
models of behaviour (e.g. ‘engineers’ theory of bending’) are implicit in the wording of many
clauses. Linear-elastic FE programs are useful for some purposes, such as finding elastic critical
buckling loads, but in other analyses, their neglect of inelastic or plastic redistribution can lead to
over-conservative results.

Where non-linear FE programs are used, it can be difficult to establish whether the analysis is
in accordance with the Eurocodes, and to check the results. The basis and limitations of the
software should be well understood, as discussed by Sandberg and Hendy (2010) and others in
two volumes from a conference in 2010 on codes in structural engineering.

5.1. Structural modelling for analysis

5.1.1 Structural modelling and basic assumptions
General provisions are given in EN 1990. The clause referred to says, in effect, that models shall
be appropriate and based on established theory and practice and that the variables shall be

Composite members and joints are commonly used in conjunction with others of structural steel.
Clause 5.1.1(2) makes clear that this is the type of construction envisaged in Section 5, which is Clause 5.1.1(2)
aligned with and cross-refers to Section 5 of EN 1993-1-1 wherever possible. Where there are
significant differences between these two sections, they are referred to here.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

5.1.2 Joint modelling

Clause 5.1.2(2) The three simplified joint models listed in clause 5.1.2(2) – simple, continuous and semi-
continuous – are those given in EN 1993. The subject of joints in steelwork has its own Eurocode
part, EN 1993-1-8 (British Standards Institution, 2005a). For composite joints, its provisions are
modified and supplemented by Section 8 of EN 1994-1-1.

The first two joint models are those commonly used for beam-to-column joints in steel frames.
For each joint in the ‘simple’ model, the location of the nominal pin relative to the centre-line
of the column, the ‘nominal eccentricity’, has to be chosen. This determines the effective span
of each beam and the bending moments in each column. Practice varies across Europe, and
neither EN 1993-1-1 nor EN 1994-1-1 gives values for nominal eccentricities. Guidance may
be given in a National Annex by reference to other literature (‘non-contradictory complementary
information’, NCCI). The UK’s National Annex gives a general reference to NCCI, but no
specific guidance on Section 8 or Annex A of EN 1994-1-1.

In reality, most joints in buildings are neither ‘simple’ (i.e. pinned) nor ‘continuous’. The third
model, ‘semi-continuous’, is appropriate for a wide range of joints with moment–rotation beha-
viours intermediate between ‘simple’ and ‘continuous’. This model is rarely applicable to bridges,
Clause 5.1.2(3) so the cross-reference to EN 1993-1-8 in clause 5.1.2(3) is ‘for buildings’. The provisions of
EN 1993-1-8 are for joints ‘subjected to predominantly static loading’ (its clause 1.1(1)). They
are applicable to wind loading on buildings, but not to fatigue loading, which is covered in
EN 1993-1-9 and in clause 6.8.

For composite beams, the need for continuity of slab reinforcement past the columns, to control
cracking, causes joints to transmit moments. For the joint to ‘have no effect on the analysis’
(from the definition of a ‘continuous’ joint in clause 5.1.1(2) of EN 1993-1-8), so much reinforce-
ment and stiffening of steelwork are needed that the design becomes uneconomic. Joints with
some continuity are usually semi-continuous. Structural analysis then requires prior calculation
of the properties of joints, except where they can be treated as ‘simple’ or ‘continuous’ on the
basis of ‘significant experience of previous satisfactory performance in similar cases’ (clause of EN 1993-1-8, referred to from clause 8.2.3(1)) or experimental evidence. It will be
found in Chapters 8 and 10 that calculations for semi-rigid joints can be extensive, so this conces-
sion is important in practice.

Clause 5.1.2(2) refers to clause 5.1.1 of EN 1993-1-8, which gives the terminology for the
semi-continuous joint model. For elastic analysis, the joint is ‘semi-rigid’. It has a rotational
stiffness, and a design resistance that may be ‘partial-strength’ or ‘full-strength’, normally
meaning less than or greater than the bending resistance of the connected beam. Global analyses
have to take account of a concentrated rotation, which may be elastic or elastic–plastic, at the
location of each connection (a ‘connection’ is part of a ‘joint’) between a beam and a supporting
column. Examples are given in Chapters 8 and 10.

5.2. Structural stability

The following comments refer mainly to beam-and-column frames, and assume that the global
analyses will be based on elastic theory. The exceptions, in clauses 5.4.3, 5.4.4 and 5.4.5, are
discussed later. All design methods must take account of errors in the initial positions of joints
(global imperfections) and in the initial geometry of members (member imperfections); of the
effects of cracking of concrete and of any semi-rigid joints; and of residual stresses in compression

The stage at which each of these is considered or allowed for will depend on the software being
used, which leads to some complexity in clauses 5.2 to 5.4.

5.2.1 Effects of deformed geometry of the structure

In its clause 1.5.6, EN 1990 defines types of analysis. ‘First-order’ analysis is performed on the initial
geometry of the structure. ‘Second-order’ analysis takes account of the deformations of the struc-
ture, which are a function of its loading. Clearly, second-order analysis may always be applied.
Clause 5.2.1(2)P With appropriate software increasingly available, second-order analysis is the most straightforward
Clause 5.2.1(3) approach. The criteria for neglect of second-order effects given in clauses 5.2.1(2)P and 5.2.1(3) need

Chapter 5. Structural analysis

not then be considered. The analysis allowing for second-order effects will usually be iterative, but
normally the iteration will take place within the software. Methods for second-order analysis are
described in textbooks such as that by Trahair et al. (2001).

A disadvantage of second-order analysis is that the useful principle of superposition does not
apply. The effects of a combination of actions cannot be calculated by applying load factors
to and summing the effects of each type of loading (permanent, wind, etc.), found separately,
as is often done in first-order analyses. Separate second-order analyses are needed for each
combination and set of load factors.

Clause 5.2.1(3) provides a basis for the use of first-order analysis. The check is done for a Clause 5.2.1(3)
particular load combination and arrangement. The provisions in this clause are similar to
those for elastic analysis in the corresponding clause in EN 1993-1-1.

In an elastic frame, second-order effects are dependent on the nearness of the design loads to the
elastic critical load. This is the basis for Expression 5.1, in which cr is defined as ‘the factor . . . to
cause elastic instability’. This may be taken as the load factor at which bifurcation of equilibrium
occurs. For a conventional beam-and-column frame, it is assumed that the frame is perfect, and
that only vertical loads are present, usually at their maximum design values. These are replaced
by a set of loads that produces the same set of member axial forces without any bending. An
eigenvalue analysis then gives the factor cr, applied to the whole of the loading, at which the
total frame stiffness vanishes, and elastic instability occurs.

To sufficient accuracy, cr may also be determined by a second-order load–deflection analysis.

The non-linear load–deflection response approaches asymptotically to the elastic critical value.
Normally, though, it is pointless to use this method, as it is simpler to use the same software
to account for the second-order effects due to the design loads. A more useful method for cr
is given in clause 5.2.2(1).

Unlike the corresponding clause in EN 1993-1-1, the check in clause 5.2.1(3) is not just for a sway
mode. This is because clause 5.2.1 is relevant not only to complete frames but also to the design of
individual composite columns (see clause Such members may be held in position against
sway but still be subject to significant second-order effects due to bowing.

Clause 5.2.1(4)P is a reminder that the analysis needs to account for the reduction in stiffness Clause 5.2.1(4)P
arising from cracking and creep of concrete and from possible non-linear behaviour of the
joints. Further remarks on how this should be done are made in the comments on clauses, and 8.2.2, and the procedures are illustrated in Figures 5.1(b)–5.1(d). In general,
such effects are dependent on the internal moments and forces, and iteration is therefore required.
Manual intervention may be needed, to adjust stiffness values before repeating the analysis. It is
expected, though, that advanced software will be written for EN 1994 to account automatically
for these effects. The designer may of course make assumptions, although care is needed to
ensure these are conservative. For example, assuming that joints have zero rotational stiffness
(resulting in simply-supported composite beams) could lead to neglect of the reduction in beam
stiffness due to cracking. The overall lateral stiffness would probably be a conservative value,
but this is not certain. However, in a frame with stiff bracing it will be worth first calculating cr
assuming that joints are pinned and beams are steel section only; it may well be found that this
value of cr is sufficiently high for first-order global analysis to be used.

Using elastic analysis, the effects of slip and separation (uplift) may be neglected (see clause, provided that the shear connection is in accordance with clause 6.6.

5.2.2 Methods of analysis for buildings

Clause 5.2.2(1) refers to clause 5.2.1(4) of EN 1993-1-1 for a simpler check on second-order Clause 5.2.2(1)
behaviour, applicable to many structures for buildings. This requires calculation of sway
deflections due to horizontal loads only, and first-order analysis can be used to determine
these deflections. It is assumed that any significant second-order effects will arise only from inter-
action of column forces with sway deflection. It follows that the check will only be valid if axial
compression in beams is not significant. Figure 5.1(e) illustrates the procedure.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Figure 5.1. Global analysis of a plane frame

Determine frame imperfections as equivalent horizontal Note: these flow charts are for a
forces, to clause, which refers to clause 5.3.2 of EC3. particular load combination and
Neglect member imperfections, see clause arrangement for ultimate limit
states, for a beam-and-column
type plane frame in its own plane,
and for global analyses in which
Go to Go to Go to
allowances may be needed for
Fig. 5.1(b), Fig. 5.1(c), Fig. 5.1(d),
creep, cracking of concrete, and
on creep on cracking on joints
the behaviour of joints.
‘EC3’ means EN 1993-1-1

Determine appropriate stiffnesses, making allowance for

cracking and creep of concrete and for behaviour of joints

Go to Fig. 5.1(e), on methods Is second-order analysis No

of global analysis needed for global analysis?

For each column, estimate NEd , find λ̄ to clause

Determine member imperfection for each column (to clause Do first-order and where condition (2) of clause is not global analysis
satisfied, include these imperfections in second-order analysis

Do second-order global analysis

Check beams for lateral-torsional buckling, using resistance formulae that include member
imperfections (clauses 5.2.2(5) and

Were member imperfections for columns included in the global analysis?

Yes No

Is the member in axial compression only?

No Yes

Note: for columns, Do second-order analysis Use buckling curves that

more detail is given for each column, with end account for second-order
in Fig. 6.36 action-effects from the effects and member
global analysis, including imperfections to check
member imperfections, the member (clause
from clause 5.2.2(6) (END)

Verify column cross-sections to clause or, from clause 5.2.2(6)


(a) Flow chart, global analysis of a plane frame with composite columns

Clause 5.2.2(2) Even where second-order effects are significant, clause 5.2.2(2) allows these to be determined by
amplifying the results from a first-order analysis. No further information is given, but clause
5.2.2(5) of EN 1993-1-1 describes a method for frames, provided that the conditions in its
clause 5.2.2(6) are satisfied.

Clause 5.2.2(3) Clauses 5.2.2(3) to 5.2.2(7) concern the relationships between the analysis of the frame and the
Clause 5.2.2(4) stability of individual members. A number of possibilities are presented. If relevant software is
Clause 5.2.2(5) available, clause 5.2.2(3) provides a convenient route for composite columns, because column
Clause 5.2.2(6) design to clause 6.7 generally requires a second-order analysis. Usually, though, the global
Clause 5.2.2(7) analysis will not account for all local effects, and clause 5.2.2(4) describes in general terms
how the designer should then proceed. Clause 5.2.2(5) refers to the methods of EN 1994-1-1
for lateral-torsional buckling, which allow for member imperfections. This applies also to
local and shear buckling in beams, so imperfections in beams can usually be omitted from
global analyses.

Chapter 5. Structural analysis

Figure 5.1. Continued

Does clause, on use of a nominal modular ratio, apply?

Yes No

For composite beams, assume For composite beams, determine modular ratios n0 for
an effective modulus (clause short-term loading and nL for permanent loads. For a, and determine combination of short-term and permanent loading,
the nominal modular ratio, n estimate proportions of loading and determine a
modular ratio n from n0 and nL

For each composite column, estimate the proportion of permanent to

total normal force, determine the effective modulus Ec,eff (clause,
and hence the design effective stiffness, (EI )eff,II, from clause

(b) Supplementary flow chart, creep

Determine cracked stiffness for each composite column, to clause

Do adjacent spans satisfy clause

Yes No

Is the frame braced? Assume uncracked beams.
Make appropriate allowances for creep (clause
Yes and flexibility of joints (clause 8.2.2)
Analyse under characteristic combinations to determine
No internal forces and moments (clause and
Are internal joints rigid?
determine cracked regions of beams

Assume cracked lengths

Assign appropriate stiffnesses for beams
for beams (clause

(c) Supplementary flow chart, cracking of concrete

Can the joint be classified on the basis of experimental evidence or significant experience
of previous performance in similar cases? (See EN 1993-1-8, clause
Yes No

Calculate initial rotational stiffness, Sj,ini

(clause 8.3.3, Annex B and EN 1993-1-8 (clause 6.3))

Is the joint nominally-pinned Determine classification by stiffness

or rigid? (clause 8.2.3 and EN 1993-1-8 (clause 5.2))
Yes No

Determine rotational stiffness (clause 8.2.2 and EN 1993-1-8

(clause 5.1.2))

In the model for the frame, assign appropriate rotational stiffness to the joint

(d) Supplementary flow chart, stiffness of joints, for elastic global analysis only

In clause 5.2.2(6), ‘compression members’ are referred to as well as columns, to include composite
members used in bracing systems and trusses. Further comments on clauses 5.2.2(3) to 5.2.2(7)
are made in the sections of this guide dealing with clauses 5.5,, 6.4 and 6.7.
Figure 5.1(a) illustrates how global and member analyses may be used, for a plane frame
including composite columns.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Figure 5.1. Continued

Determine appropriate allowances for cracking and creep of concrete and for behaviour of joints,
clause 5.2.1(4). Assign appropriate stiffnesses to the structure. (See Figures 5.1(b)–(d))

Is the structure a beam-and-column plane frame?

Yes No

Is axial compression in the No Determine αcr by use of appropriate

beams ‘not significant’? software or from the literature

Determine αcr for each storey by EN 1993-1-1 (clause 5.2.1(4)).

Determine the minimum value.

Is αcr ≥10?

First-order analysis Second-order effects to

is acceptable be taken into account

(e) Supplementary flow chart, choice between first-order and second-order global analysis

Although clause 5.2 is clearly applicable to unbraced frames, their treatment in EN 1994-1-1 is
not comprehensive in respect of interactions between inelastic behaviour and the several possible
types of buckling. To provide more guidance on their design, there were two European research
projects on composite sway frames between 2000 and 2003. The work included both static and
dynamic tests on joints and complete frames, and development of design methods (Demonceau,
2008; Demonceau and Jaspart, 2010).

An unbraced steel frame may be susceptible to overall lateral buckling combined with lateral–
torsional buckling of a member. A design method is given in clause 6.3.4 of EN 1993-1-1 (the
Ayrton–Perry formulation). This combined buckling mode is less likely in a composite frame,
and EN 1994-1-1 does not refer to it. Its application to composite frames has been studied
(Demonceau and Jaspart, 2010).

A vertical cantilever loaded at its top provides an example of interaction between the effects of
global and member imperfections. The methods of Eurocodes 2, 3 and 4 for such a structure have
been compared in worked examples based on a pylon for a cable-stayed footbridge (Johnson,

5.3. Imperfections
5.3.1 Basis
Clause 5.3.1(1)P Clause 5.3.1(1)P lists possible sources of imperfection. Subsequent clauses (and also clause 5.2)
describe how these should be allowed for. This may be by inclusion in the global analyses or
in methods of checking resistance, as explained above.

Clause 5.3.1(2) Clause 5.3.1(2) requires imperfections to be in the most unfavourable direction and form. The
most unfavourable geometric imperfection normally has the same shape as the lowest buckling
mode. This can sometimes be difficult to find; but it can be assumed that this condition is satisfied
by the Eurocode methods for checking resistance that include effects of member imperfections
(see comments on clause 5.2.2).

5.3.2 Imperfections in buildings

Generally, an explicit treatment of geometric imperfections is required for composite frames. In
both EN 1993-1-1 and EN 1994-1-1 the values are equivalent rather than measured values
Clause (clause, because they allow for effects such as residual stresses, in addition to

Chapter 5. Structural analysis

imperfections of shape. The codes define both global sway imperfections for frames and local
bow imperfections of individual members (meaning a span of a beam or the length of a
column between storeys).

The usual aim in global analysis is to determine the action effects at the ends of members. If
necessary, a member analysis is performed subsequently, as illustrated in Figure 5.1(a); for
example, to determine the local moments in a column due to transverse loading. Normally,
the action effects at the ends of members are affected by the global sway imperfections but
not significantly by the local bow imperfections. In both EN 1993-1-1 and EN 1994-1-1, the
effect of a bow imperfection on the end moments and forces may be neglected in global analysis
if the design normal force NEd does not exceed 25% of the Euler buckling load for the pin-ended
member (clause The reference in this clause to clause 5.2.1(2) is a misprint for Clause
clause 5.2.1(3).

Clause is a reminder that the explicit treatment of bow imperfections is always Clause
required for checking individual composite columns, because the resistance formulae are for
cross-sections only and do not allow for action effects caused by these imperfections. The
reference to EN 1993-1-1 in clause leads to two alternative methods of allowing for Clause
imperfections in steel columns. One method includes all imperfections in the global analysis.
Like the method just described for composite columns, no individual stability check is then

The alternative approach is that familiar to most designers. Member imperfections are not
accounted for in the global analysis. The stability of each member is then checked using
end moments and forces from that analysis, with buckling formulae that take account of

Global imperfections
Clause refers to clause 5.3.2 of EN 1993-1-1. This gives values for the global sway Clause
imperfections, describes how imperfections may be replaced by equivalent horizontal forces,
and permits these to be disregarded if real horizontal forces, such as the effects of wind, are
significant relative to the design vertical load (e.g. greater than 15%).

Member imperfections
Clause refers to Table 6.5, which gives the amplitudes of the central bow of a member Clause
designed as straight. It makes little difference whether the curve is assumed to be a half sine wave
or a circular arc. These single-curvature shapes are assumed irrespective of the shape of the
bending-moment diagram for the member, but the designer has to decide on which side of the
member the bow is present.

Clauses and refer to member imperfections that need not be included in Clause
global analyses. If they are, only cross-section properties are required for checking resistances. Clause

5.4. Calculation of action effects

5.4.1 Methods of global analysis
EN 1990 defines several types of analysis that may be appropriate for ultimate limit states. For
the global analysis of buildings, EN 1994-1-1 gives four methods: linear-elastic analysis (with or
without redistribution), non-linear analysis and rigid–plastic analysis. Clause gives Clause
guidance on matters common to more than one method.

For reasons of economy, plastic (rectangular stress block) theory is preferred for checking
the resistance of cross-sections. In such cases, clause allows the action effects to be Clause
determined by elastic analysis; for composite structures, this method has the widest

Clause makes clear that for serviceability limit states, elastic analysis should be used. Clause
Linear-elastic analysis is based on linear stress/strain laws, but, for composite structures,
cracking of concrete needs to be considered (clause Other possible non-linear effects
include the flexibility of semi-continuous joints (Section 8).

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Clause Methods for satisfying the principle of clause are given for local buckling in clauses
Clause and, and for shear lag in concrete in clause Reference is made to
Clause the classification of cross-sections. This is the established method of taking account of local buck-
ling of steel elements in compression. It determines the available methods of global analysis and
the basis for resistance to bending. The classification system is defined in clause 5.5.

There are several reasons (Johnson and Fan, 1988; Johnson and Chen, 1991) why the apparent
incompatibility between the methods used for analysis and for resistance is accepted, as stated in
clause There is no such incompatibility for Class 3 sections, as resistance is based on an
elastic model. For Class 4 sections (those in which local buckling will occur before the attainment
of yield), clause refers to clause 2.2 of EN 1993-1-1, which gives a general reference to
EN 1993-1-5, ‘Plated structural elements’ (British Standards Institution, 2006a). This defines
those situations in which the effects of shear lag and local buckling in steel plating can be
ignored in global analyses.

Clause Clause reflects a general concern about slip in bolt holes and connecting devices, shared
by EN 1993-1-1. For composite joints, clause A.3 gives a method to account for the deformation
of the adjacent shear connectors.

Composite beams have to be provided with shear connection in accordance with clause 6.6.
Clause Clause therefore permits internal moments and forces to be determined assuming
full interaction. For composite columns, clause gives an effective flexural stiffness
for use in global analysis.

Shear lag in concrete flanges, and effective width

Accurate values for the effective width of an uncracked elastic flange can be determined by
numerical analysis. They are influenced by many parameters, and vary significantly along each
span. They are increased both by inelasticity and by cracking of concrete. For the bending resis-
tance of a beam, underestimates are conservative, so values in codes have often been based on
elastic values.

Clause The simplified values given in clause are very similar to those used in BS 5950-3-1:1990
(British Standards Institution, 2006b) and BS ENV 1994-1-1:1994 (British Standards Institution,
1994). The values are generally lower than those in EN 1992-1-1 for reinforced concrete T-beams.
To adopt those would often increase the number of shear connectors. Without evidence that the
greater effective widths are any more accurate, the established values for composite beams have
mainly been retained.

The effective width is based on the distance between the points of contraflexure. In EN 1992-1-1,
the sum of the distances for the sagging and hogging regions equals the span of the beam. In
reality, the points of contraflexure are dependent on the load arrangement. EN 1994-1-1 there-
fore gives a larger effective width at an internal support, to reflect the greater distance between
the points of contraflexure for the critical load arrangement for this cross-section. In sagging
regions, the assumed distances between the points of contraflexure are the same in both codes.

Although there are significant differences between the effective widths for supports and mid-span
Clause regions, it is possible to ignore this in elastic global analysis (clause This is because
shear lag has limited influence on the results.

A small difference from earlier codes for buildings concerns the width of steel flange occupied by
Clause the shear connectors. Clause allows this width to be included within the effective
region. Alternatively, it may be ignored (clause

Clause Clause is a reminder that Figure 5.1 is based on fully continuous beams. Although
clauses 6.1.2 and refer to it, clause does not define the width of a composite
flange effective for bending resistance adjacent to an external column. The value beff,0 from
Figure 5.1 may be unconservative. The use of strut-and-tie models is recommended in clause For hogging bending, longitudinal reinforcement in tension should be anchored to the
column (see Figure 8.2). There is relevant research (Demonceau and Jaspart, 2010).

Chapter 5. Structural analysis

Example 5.1: effective width of a concrete flange

The notation and method used are those of clause A continuous beam of uniform
section consists of two spans and a cantilever, as shown in Figure 5.2. Values for beff are
required for the mid-span regions AB and CD, for the support regions BC and DE, and
for the support at A.

Figure 5.2. Worked example: effective width

0.4 0.2 1.4 8 10 2


The calculation is shown in Table 5.1. Global analysis may be based on the stiffness
calculated using the results for AB and CD, but the difference between them is so small
that member ABCDE would be analysed as a beam of uniform section.

Table 5.1. Effective width of the concrete flange of a composite T-beam


AB BC CD DE Support A

Le (from Figure 5.2): m 6.80 4.5 7.0 4.0 6.80

Le/8: m 0.85 0.562 0.875 0.50 –
be1: m 0.40 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.40
be2: m 0.85 0.562 0.875 0.50 0.85
beff: m 1.45 1.162 1.475 1.10 1.23

The result for support A, 1.23 m, is from Equations 5.4 and 5.5. If there were a semi-rigid or
rigid joint here, this result would probably be too high for use in a calculation of bending
resistance of the beam.

5.4.2 Linear-elastic analysis

The restrictions on the use of rigid–plastic global analysis (plastic hinge analysis), in clause 5.4.5,
are such that linear-elastic global analysis will often be used for composite frames.

Creep and shrinkage

There are some differences in clause from previous practice in the UK. The elastic Clause
modulus for concrete under short-term loading, Ecm, is a function of the grade and density of
the concrete. For normal-weight concrete, it ranges from 30 kN/mm2 for grade C20/25 to
39 kN/mm2 for grade C60/75. With Ea for structural steel given as 210 kN/mm2, the short-
term modular ratio, given by n0 ¼ Ea/Ecm, thus ranges from 7 to 5.3.

Figure 5.1(b) illustrates the procedure to allow for creep in members of a composite frame. The
proportion of loading that is permanent could be obtained by a preliminary global analysis, but
in many cases this can be estimated by simpler calculations.

For composite beams in structures for buildings where first-order global analysis is acceptable (the
majority), clause allows the modular ratio to be taken as 2n0 for both short-term and
long-term loading – an important simplification, not given in BS 5950. The only exceptions are:

g structures where second-order global analysis is required by clause 5.2

g structures for buildings mainly intended for storage

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Figure 5.3. Time-dependent compressive stress in concrete, for three types of loading

1.0 P

σc /σc,0

0 Time

g structures prestressed by ‘controlled imposed deformations’ – this would apply, for

example, to the bending of steel beams by jacking before concrete is cast around one of the

Where the conditions of clause do not apply, the modular ratio for use in analyses for
the effects of long-term loading, nL, depends on the type of loading and the creep coefficient ’t.
This coefficient depends on both the age of the concrete on first loading, t0, and on the age at the
time considered in the analysis, which is normally taken as ‘infinity’.

The use of this method is excluded for members with both flanges composite; but as these occur
mainly in bridges, no alternative is given in EN 1992-1-1.

Although clause gives the age of loading by effects of shrinkage as one day,
Clause clause allows one mean value of t0 to be assumed. If, for example, unpropped con-
struction is used for floor slabs, this might be taken as the age at which they could be subjected
to non-trivial imposed loads. These are likely to be construction loads.

It makes quite a difference whether this age is assumed to be (for example) 2 weeks or 2 months.
From clause, the values for normal-weight concrete are found from clause 3.1.4 of
EN 1992-1-1. Assume that normal cement is used for grade C25/30 concrete, that the building
will be centrally heated, so that ‘inside conditions’ apply, and that composite floor slabs with
a mean concrete thickness of 100 mm are used. Only one side of the slabs is exposed to drying,
so the notional size is 200 mm. The increase in t0 from 14 to 60 days reduces the creep coefficient
from 3.0 to about 2.1.

The effect of the type of loading is introduced by the symbol L in the equation

nL ¼ n0(1 þ L’t) (5.6)

The reason for taking account of it is illustrated in Figure 5.3. This shows three schematic curves
of the change in compressive stress in concrete with time. The top one, labelled S, is typical of
stress caused by the increase in shrinkage with time. Concrete is more susceptible to creep
when young, so there is less creep than for the more-uniform stress caused by permanent
loads (line P). The effects of imposed deformations can be significantly reduced by creep when
the concrete is young, so the curve is of type ID. The creep multiplier L has the values 0.55,
1.1 and 1.5, respectively, for these three types of loading. The value for permanent loading on
reinforced concrete is 1.0. It is increased to 1.1 for composite members because the steel
component does not creep. Stress in concrete is reduced by creep less than it would be in a
reinforced member, so there is more creep.

These application rules are based mainly on extensive theoretical work on composite beams of
many sizes and proportions (Haensel, 1975), and find application more in the design of composite
bridges than in buildings.

Clause The ‘time-dependent secondary effects due to creep’ referred to in clause are unlikely to
be found in buildings. Their calculation is quite complex, and is explained, with an example, by
Johnson and Hanswille (1998).

Chapter 5. Structural analysis

For creep in columns, clause refers to clause, which in turn refers to an
effective modulus for concrete given in clause If separate analyses are to be made
for long-term and short-term effects, clause can be used, assuming that the ratio of
the permanent load to the total load is 1.0 and zero, respectively.

Shrinkage of concrete
For the determination of shrinkage strain, reference should be made to the commentary on
clause 3.1. The effects in columns are unimportant, except in very tall structures. In beams
with the slab above the steel member, shrinkage causes sagging curvature. This is its ‘primary
effect’, which is reduced almost to zero where the concrete slab is cracked through its thickness.

In continuous beams, the primary curvature is incompatible with the levels of the supports. It is
counteracted by bending moments caused by changes in the support reactions, which increase at
internal supports and reduce at end supports. The moments and the associated shear forces are
the ‘secondary effects’ of shrinkage.

Clause allows both types of effect to be neglected at ultimate limit states in a beam with Clause
all cross-sections in Class 1 or 2, unless its resistance to bending is reduced by lateral–torsional
buckling. This restriction can be significant. Clause allows the option of neglecting Clause
primary curvature in cracked regions (Johnson, 1987). This complicates the determination of
the secondary effects, because the extent of the cracked regions has to be found, and the beam
then has a non-uniform section. It may be simpler not to take the option, even though the
secondary hogging bending moments at internal supports are then higher. These moments,
being a permanent effect, enter into all load combinations, and may influence the design of
what is often a critical region.

The long-term effects of shrinkage are significantly reduced by creep. In the example above, on
creep of concrete, ’t ¼ 3 for t0 ¼ 14 days. For shrinkage, with t0 ¼ 1 day, clause 3.1.4 of EN 1992-
1-1 gives ’t ¼ 5, and Equation 5.6 gives the modular ratio as

n ¼ n0(1 þ 0.55  5) ¼ 3.7n0

Where it is necessary to consider shrinkage effects within the first year or so after casting, a value
for the relevant free shrinkage strain can be obtained from clause 3.1.4(6) of EN 1992-1-1.

Where shrinkage effects are considered at ultimate limit states, a partial factor is needed. Clause of EN 1992-1-1 recommends  SH ¼ 1.0, and this is confirmed in the UK’s National

The influence of shrinkage on serviceability verifications is dealt with in Chapter 7. The partial
factor is 1.0.

Effects of cracking of concrete

Clause is applicable to both serviceability and ultimate limit states. Figure 5.1(c) illustrates Clause
the procedure.

In conventional composite beams with the slab above the steel section, cracking of concrete
reduces the flexural stiffness in hogging moment regions, but not in sagging regions. The
change in relative stiffness needs to be taken into account in elastic global analysis. This is
unlike the analysis of reinforced concrete structures, where cracking occurs in both hogging
and sagging bending, and uncracked cross-sections can be assumed throughout.

EN 1994-1-1 provides several different methods to allow for cracking in beams. This is because its
scope is both ‘general’ and ‘buildings’. Clause provides a general method. This is Clause
followed in clause by a simplified approach of limited application. For buildings, a Clause
further method is given separately in clause 5.4.4.

In the general method, the first step is to determine the expected extent of cracking in beams. The
envelope of moments and shears is calculated for characteristic combinations of actions,

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

assuming uncracked sections and including long-term effects. The section is assumed to be
‘cracked’ where the extreme-fibre tensile stress in concrete exceeds twice the mean value of the
axial tensile strength given by EN 1992-1-1. The cracked stiffness is then adopted for such
sections, and the structure re-analysed. This requires the beams with cracked regions to be
treated as beams of non-uniform section.

The ‘uncracked’ and ‘cracked’ flexural stiffnesses EaI1 and EaI2 are defined in clause 1.5.2. Steel
reinforcement is normally neglected in the calculation of I1.

The reasons why stiffness is not reduced to the ‘cracked’ value until an extreme-fibre stress of
twice the mean tensile strength of the concrete is reached, are as follows:

g the concrete is likely to be stronger than specified

g reaching fctm at the surface may not cause the slab to crack right through, and even if it
does, the effects of tension stiffening are significant at the stage of initial cracking
g until after yielding of the reinforcement, the stiffness of a cracked region is greater that
EaI2, because of tension stiffening between the cracks
g the calculation uses an envelope of moments, for which regions of the slab in tension are
more extensive than they are for any particular loading.

Clause Clauses to provide a non-iterative method, but one that is applicable only to
Clause some situations. These include conventional continuous composite beams, and beams in braced
Clause frames. The cracked regions could differ significantly from the assumed values in a frame that
resists wind loading by bending. Where the conditions are not satisfied, the general method of
clause should be used.

Cracking affects the stiffness of a frame, and therefore needs to be considered in the criteria for
use of first-order analysis (clauses 5.2.1(3) and 5.2.2(1)). For braced frames within the scope of
clause, the cracked regions in beams are of fixed extent, and the effective stiffness of
the columns is given by clause The corresponding value of the elastic critical factor
cr can therefore be determined prior to analysis under the design loads. It is then worth checking
if second-order effects can be neglected.

For unbraced frames, the extent of the cracking can only be determined from analysis under the
design loads. This analysis therefore needs to be carried out before the criteria can be checked. It
is more straightforward to carry out a second-order analysis, without attempting to prove
whether or not it is strictly necessary. Where second-order analysis is necessary, strictly the
extent of cracking in beams should take account of the second-order effects. However, as this
extent is based on the envelope of internal forces and moments for characteristic combinations,
these effects may not be significant.

The ‘encasement’ in clause is a reference to the partially encased beams defined in clause
6.1.1(1)P. Fully encased beams are outside the scope of EN 1994-1-1.

Temperature effects
Clause Clause states that temperature effects, specified in EN 1991-1-5 (British Standards
Institution, 2003), may normally be neglected in analyses for certain situations. Its scope
is narrow because it applies to all composite structures, not buildings only. It provides a
further incentive to select steel sections for beams that are not weakened by lateral–torsional

Study of the factors of Annex A1 of EN 1990 (British Standards Institution, 2005b) for
combinations of actions for buildings will show, for many projects, that temperature effects
do not influence design. This is illustrated for the design action effects due to the combination
of imposed load (Q) with temperature (T ), for a building with floors in category B, office
areas. Similar comments apply to other combinations of actions and types of building.

The combination factors recommended in clause A1.2.2(1) of EN 1990 are given in Table 5.2,
and confirmed in the UK’s National Annex. For ultimate limit states, the combinations to be

Chapter 5. Structural analysis

Table 5.2. Combination factors for imposed load and temperature

Action 0 1 2

Imposed load, building in category B 0.7 0.5 0.3

Temperature (non-fire) in buildings 0.6 0.5 0

considered, in the usual notation and with the recommended  F factors, are

1.35Gk þ 1.5(Qk þ 0.6Tk) and 1.35Gk þ 1.5(Tk þ 0.7Qk)

The second one, with T leading, governs only where Tk > 0.75Qk. Normally, action effects due to
temperature are much smaller than those due to imposed load, and additional action effects
resulting from the inclusion of T in the first combination are not significant.

For serviceability limit states, much depends on the project. Note 2 to clause 3.4(1)P of EN 1990
states: ‘Usually the serviceability requirements are agreed for each individual project’. Similarly,
clause A1.4.2(2) of Annex A1 of EN 1990 states, for buildings: ‘The serviceability criteria should
be specified for each project and agreed with the client. Note: The serviceability criteria may be
defined in the National Annex.’

There are three combinations of actions given in EN 1990 for serviceability limit states:
characteristic, frequent and quasi-permanent. The first of these uses the same combination
factors 0 as for ultimate limit states, and the comments made above therefore apply. The
quasi-permanent combination is normally used for long-term effects, and temperature is there-
fore not included.

For the frequent combination, the alternatives are:

Gk þ 0.5Qk and Gk þ 0.5Tk þ 0.3Qk

The second one governs only where Tk > 0.4Qk.

This example suggests that unless there are members for which temperature is the most severe
action, as can occur in some industrial structures, the effects of T are unlikely to influence
verifications for buildings.

Prestressing by controlled imposed deformations

Clause draws attention to the need to consider the effects of deviations of deformations Clause
and stiffnesses from their intended or expected values. If the deformations are controlled,
clause permits design values of internal forces and moments arising from this form
of prestressing to be calculated from the characteristic or nominal value of the deformation,
which will usually be the intended or measured value.

The nature of the control required is not specified. It should take account of the sensitivity of the
structure to any error in the deformation.

Prestressing by the jacking of supports is rarely used in buildings, as the subsequent loss of
prestress can be high.

5.4.3 Non-linear global analysis

Clause 5.4.3 adds little to the corresponding clauses in EN 1992-1-1 and EN 1993-1-1, to which it Clause 5.4.3
refers. These clauses give provisions, mainly principles, that apply to any method of global
analysis that does not conform to clause 5.4.2, 5.4.4, or 5.4.5. They are relevant, for example,
to the use of FE methods.

There is some inconsistency in the use of the term ‘non-linear’ in the Eurocodes. The notes to
clauses and of EN 1990 make clear that all of the methods of global analysis

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

defined in clauses to (which include ‘plastic’ methods) are ‘non-linear’ in Euro-
code terminology. ‘Non-linear’ in these clauses refers to the deformation properties of the

Moderate geometrical non-linearity, such as can occur in composite structures, is allowed for by
using analyses defined as ‘second-order’. The much larger deformations that can occur, for
example in some cable-stayed structures, need special treatment.

In clause 5.4 of EN 1993-1-1, global analyses are either ‘elastic’ or ‘plastic’, and ‘plastic’ includes
several types of non-linear analysis. The choice between these alternative methods should take
account of the properties of composite joints given in Section 8 of EN 1994-1-1.

Clause 5.4.3(1) Clause 5.7 in EN 1992-1-1 referred to from clause 5.4.3(1) is ‘Non-linear analysis’, which adds
little new information.

In EN 1994-1-1, non-linear analysis (clause 5.4.3) and rigid–plastic analysis (clause 5.4.5) are
treated as separate types of global analysis, so that clause 5.4.3 is not applicable where clause
5.4.5 is being followed. The term ‘non-linear’ is used also for a type of resistance (in clause

Clause 5.4.3(3)P In clause 5.4.3(3)P the use of ‘should’ in a principle is a drafting error. It was agreed by
CEN TC 250/SC4 in 2007 to replace it by ‘shall’.

5.4.4 Linear-elastic analysis with limited redistribution for buildings

The concept of redistribution of moments calculated by linear-elastic theory is well established in
the design of concrete and composite framed structures. It makes limited allowance for inelastic
behaviour, and enables the size of a design envelope of bending moments (from all relevant
arrangements of variable loads) to be reduced. In composite beams, it is generally easier to
provide resistance to bending in mid-span regions than at internal supports. The flexural stiffness
at mid-span is higher, sometimes much higher, than at internal supports, so that ‘uncracked’
global analyses overestimate hogging bending moments in continuous beams. A flow chart for
this clause is given in Figure 5.4.

The scope of the chart is limited to ‘ultimate limit states other than fatigue’ by clause 5.4.4(4).
However, clause 5.4.4(1) permits redistribution for ‘limit states other than fatigue’, and redistri-
bution in serviceability analyses is nowhere prohibited. Clause 7.2.1(1)P on the calculation of
serviceability stresses includes the inelastic behaviour of steel in its list of effects to be taken
into account; but the redistribution of moments is not referred to in Section 7. In the uncommon
situations where stress limitation is required (fatigue, prestressing, jacking of supports) and
elastic analysis for serviceability loads finds yielding, a better method of allowing for it than
an arbitrary redistribution should be found.

The effect of yielding on deflections is treated in clause 7.3.1(7). Its reduction factors are
presumably to be applied to unredistributed bending moments.

Generally, it appears that the redistribution of moments should be avoided in analyses for
serviceability limit states.

Clause 5.4.4(1) Clause 5.4.4(1) refers to redistribution in ‘continuous beams and frames’, but composite columns
are not mentioned. At a beam–column intersection in a frame there are usually bending moments
in the column, arising from interaction with the beam. Redistribution for the beam may be done
by assuming it to be continuous over simple supports. If the hogging moments are reduced, the
bending moments in the column should be left unaltered. If hogging moments are increased,
those in the column should be increased in proportion.

The clause is applicable provided second-order effects are not significant. Inelastic behaviour
results in loss of stiffness, but EN 1994-1-1 does not require this to be taken into account
when determining whether the clause is applicable. Although there is considerable experience
in using Expression 5.1 as a criterion for the rigid–plastic global analysis of steel frames with

Chapter 5. Structural analysis

Figure 5.4. Flow chart for redistribution of moments. Note: this chart applies for verifications for ultimate
limit states other than fatigue, based on linear-elastic global analysis (RoM, redistribution of bending
moments; BM, bending moment)

Is there a need for second-order No

Do first-order elastic global analysis
global analysis? (Clause 5.4.4(1))

Yes Are there any cross-sections or members where

No RoM No RoM from regions resistance is influenced by any form of buckling
permitted influenced by buckling other than local buckling? (Clause 5.4.4(2))

Steel member. Follow Composite member. Are there any Concrete member. Follow
clause 5.4(2) of EN 1993-1-1. partially encased beams without clause 5.5 of EN 1992-1-1.
(Clause 5.4.4(3)) a concrete or composite slab? (Clause 5.4.4(3))
Yes No

Follow the more restrictive Does the structure No RoM that reduces moments
of the rules for steel and analysed include Yes in columns permitted, unless
for concrete members. any composite rotation capacity has been verified.
(Clause 5.4.4(3)) columns? (Inferred from Clause 5.4.5(5))
Yes Note: the provisions
Either: check rotation capacity, or: Is the beam partially encased? from here onwards
ignore encasement in compression refer to ‘beams’
when finding MRd at sections where not to ‘frames’
BM reduced. (Clause 5.4.4(4))
Is the beam part of an unbraced
frame? (Clause 5.4.4(4)) Yes

Is the grade of the steel Yes Are the conditions of clause 5.4.4(4) on No No RoM
higher than S355? joints and depth of member both satisfied? permitted.
Yes No
Are all cross-sections Are all cross-sections in Class 1 or 2? No RoM of BMs
in Class 1 or 2? applied to the
steel member.
No Yes Yes
(Clause 5.4.4(7))

No RoM Treat Class 1 sections as Increase maximum hogging BMs by

permitted. Class 2 unless rotation up to 10% for ‘cracked’ analyses
(Clause 5.4.4(6)) capacity verified. and 20% for ‘uncracked’ analyses.
(END) (Clause 5.4.4(6)) (Clause 5.4.4(5))

Maximum hogging BMs in beams may be reduced, by amounts within the limits given
in Table 5.1 unless verified rotation capacity permits a higher value. (Clause 5.4.4(5))

full-strength joints, to allow for non-linear material properties, clause 5.2.1(3) of EN 1993-1-1
gives the more severe limit, cr  15. This limit is a Nationally Determined Parameter, and is
reduced, with conditions, in the UK’s National Annex. EN 1994-1-1 retains the limit cr  10,
but account should be taken of cracking and creep of concrete and the behaviour of joints.

One of the requirements of clause 5.4.4(2) is that redistribution should take account of ‘all types Clause 5.4.4(2)
of buckling’. Where the shear resistance of a web is reduced to below the plastic value Vpl,Rd to
allow for web buckling, and the cross-section is not in Class 4, it would be prudent either to
design it for the vertical shear before redistribution, or to treat it as if in Class 4.

Although the provisions of clause 5.4.4 appear similar to those of clause of BS 5950-3-1,
there are important differences. Some of these arise because the scope of the British standard is

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

limited to conventional composite beams in normal building structures. The Eurocode provisions
are not applicable where:

1 second-order global analysis is required

2 a fatigue limit state is being verified
3 the structure is an unbraced frame
4 semi-rigid or partial-strength joints are used
5 beams are partially encased, unless the rotation capacity is sufficient or encasement in
compression is neglected
6 the depth of a beam varies within a span
7 a beam with steel of grade higher than S355 has cross-sections in Class 3 or 4
8 the resistance of the beam is reduced to allow for lateral-torsional buckling.

The reasons for these exclusions are now briefly explained:

g redistribution arises from inelastic behaviour, which lessens the stiffness of the structure
and threatens stability
g fatigue verification is based on elastic analysis
g the amounts of redistribution given in Table 5.1 have been established considering beams
subjected only to gravity loading
g the amounts of redistribution given in Table 5.1 allow for inelastic behaviour in composite
beams, but not for the moment–rotation characteristics of semi-rigid or partial-strength
g the crushing of the concrete encasement in compression may limit the rotation capacity
needed to achieve redistribution; limits to redistribution for partially encased beams can be
determined by using the rules for steel members or concrete members, whichever is the
Clause 5.4.4(3) more restrictive (clause 5.4.4(3))
g the amounts of redistribution given in Table 5.1 have been established only for beams of
uniform section
g the greater strains associated with higher-grade steels may increase the rotation needed to
achieve redistribution
g lateral–torsional buckling may limit the rotation capacity available.

The last condition can be restrictive, as it may apply where LT > 0.2 (see clause 6.4.2). However,
for composite beams with rolled or equivalent welded steel sections, the value recommended in a
note to clause of EN 1993-1-1 is LT > 0.4. This is confirmed in the UK’s National
Annex for rolled and certain hollow sections; 0.2 is retained for welded sections.

The conditions above apply to the percentages given in Table 5.1, which applies only to beams. It
should not be inferred that no redistribution is permitted in structures that fail to satisfy one
or more of them. It would be necessary to show that any redistribution proposed satisfied
clause 5.4.4(2).

Under distributed loading, redistribution usually occurs from the hogging to the sagging regions
of a beam (except, of course, at an end adjacent to a cantilever). The limits to this redistribution in
Table 5.1 are based on extensive experience in the use of earlier codes and on research. They have
been checked by parametric studies, based on Eurocode 4, of beams in Class 2 (Johnson and
Chen, 1991), and Class 3 (Johnson and Fan, 1988).

The limits given in Table 5.1 for ‘uncracked’ analyses are the same as in BS 5950 (British Standards
Institution, 2010), but are more restrictive by 5% for ‘cracked’ analyses of beams in Class 1 or 2. This
reflects the finding (Johnson and Buckby, 1986) that the difference caused by cracking, between
moments calculated by elastic theory in such beams, is nearer 15% than 10%.

No provision is made in EN 1994-1-1 for a ‘non-reinforced’ subdivision of Class 1, for which

redistribution up to 50% is allowed in BS 5950-3-1. The use of such sections is not prevented
by EN 1994-1-1. The requirements for minimum reinforcement given in clause 5.5.1(5) are
applicable only if the calculated resistance moment takes account of composite action. The
resistance of a non-reinforced cross-section is that of the steel member alone.

Chapter 5. Structural analysis

The reference in clause 5.4.4(3)(b) to redistribution in steel members is to those that do not
subsequently become composite.

The use of plastic resistance moments for action effects found by elastic global analysis
(clause implies redistribution of moments, usually from internal supports to mid-
span regions, additional to the degrees of redistribution permitted, but not required, by
clause 5.4.4(4) (Johnson and Huang, 1995). Clause 5.4.4(4)

Where there are heavy point loads, and in particular for adjacent spans of unequal length, there
can be a need for redistribution from mid-span to supports. This is allowed, to a limited extent,
by clause 5.4.4(5). Clause 5.4.4(5)

The effects of the sequence of construction should be considered where unpropped construction
is used and the composite member is in Class 3 or 4. As Table 5.1 makes allowance for inelastic
behaviour in a composite beam, clause 5.4.4(7) limits the redistribution of moments to those Clause 5.4.4(7)
arising after composite action is achieved. No such limitation applies to a cross-section in
Class 1 or Class 2, as the moment resistance is determined by plastic analysis and is therefore
independent of the loading sequence.

The limits given in Table 5.1 may not be valid for very strong concrete (Demonceau and Jaspart,
2010). This is one reason for the limits to the grade of concrete given in clause 3.1(2).

5.4.5 Rigid–plastic global analysis for buildings

Plastic hinge analysis, so well known in the UK, is referred to as ‘rigid–plastic’ analysis, because it
is based on the assumption that the response of a member to bending moment is either rigid (no
deformation) or plastic (rotation at constant bending moment). Other types of inelastic analysis
defined in clause 1.5.6 of EN 1990 are covered in clause 5.4.3. Typical moment–curvature curves
are shown in Figure 5.5. No application rules are given for them because they require purpose-
written computer programs.

These other methods are potentially more accurate than rigid–plastic analysis, but only if the
stress–strain curves are realistic and account is taken of longitudinal slip, as required by clause

Taking account of the cross-references in clause 5.4.5, the conditions under which the use of Clause 5.4.5
rigid–plastic global analysis is allowed extend over two pages, which need not be summarised
here. The development of a collapse mechanism in a composite structure requires a greater
degree of redistribution of elastic moments than in most steel structures, because beams are
usually much stronger at mid-span than at supports. The purpose of the conditions is to
ensure that this redistribution, and the large in-plane deformations associated with it, can
occur without loss of resistance caused by buckling, fracture of steel or crushing of concrete.

Rigid–plastic analysis is applicable only if second-order effects are not significant. Comments on
clause refer to the use of Expression 5.1 when material behaviour is non-linear. Care needs
to be taken if plastic hinges are expected to form in partial-strength joints (ECCS TC11, 1999).
These may be substantially weaker than the connected members, and the plastic hinges may form

Figure 5.5. Moment–curvature curves for various types of global analysis


Elastic perfectly plastic



Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

at relatively low levels of load. It would be prudent to neglect the stiffness of such joints when
determining cr.

Clause 5.4.5(1) Clause 5.4.5(1) requires cross-sections of ‘steel members’ to satisfy clause 5.6 of EN 1993-1-1.
This applies during unpropped construction, but not to steel elements of composite members,
except as provided in clause 5.4.5(6). The provision on rotation capacity in clause 5.6(2) of
Clause 5.4.5(4) EN 1993-1-1 is replaced by the conditions of clause 5.4.5(4) of EN 1994-1-1.

The rule on neutral axis depth in clause 5.4.5(4)(g) is discussed under clause

5.5. Classification of cross-sections

Typical types of cross-section are shown in Figure 6.1. The classification of cross-sections of
composite beams is the established method of taking account in the design of local buckling
of steel elements in compression. It determines the available methods of global analysis and
the basis for resistance to bending, in the same way as for steel members. Unlike the method
in EN 1993-1-1, it does not apply to columns.

Clause 5.5 A flow diagram for the provisions of clause 5.5 is given in Figure 5.6. The clause numbers given
are from EN 1994-1-1, unless noted otherwise.

Clause 5.5.1(1)P Clause 5.5.1(1)P refers to EN 1993-1-1 for definitions of the four classes and the slendernesses
that define the class boundaries. Classes 1 to 4 correspond respectively to the terms ‘plastic’,
‘compact’, ‘ semi-compact’ and ‘slender’ that were formerly used in British codes. The limiting
slendernesses are similar to those of BS 5950-3-1 (British Standards Institution, 2010). The
numbers appear different because the two definitions of flange breadth
p are different, and the
p that takes account of yield strength, ", is defined as (235/f y) in the Eurocodes,
and as (275/fy) in BS 5950.

The scope of EN 1994-1-1 includes members where the cross-section of the steel component has
no plane of symmetry parallel to the plane of its web (e.g. a channel section). Asymmetry of the
concrete slab or its reinforcement is also acceptable.

The classifications are done separately for steel flanges in compression and steel webs, but the
methods interact, as described below. The class of the cross-section is the less favourable of
Clause 5.5.1(2) the classes so found (clause 5.5.1(2)), with three exceptions. One is where a web is assumed to
resist shear forces only (clause 5.5.2(12) of EN 1993-1-1). The others are the ‘hole-in-web’
option of clause 5.5.2(3) and the use of web encasement, both discussed later.

Reference is sometimes made to a beam in a certain class. This means that none of its cross-
sections is in a less favourable class than the one stated, and may imply a certain distribution
of bending moment. Clause 5.5.1(2) warns that the class of a composite section depends on
the sign of the bending moment (sagging or hogging), as it does for a steel section that is not
symmetrical about its neutral axis for bending.

Designers of structures for buildings normally select beams with steel sections such that the
composite sections are in Class 1 or 2, for the following reasons:

g Rigid–plastic global analysis is not excluded, provided that the sections at locations of
plastic hinges are in Class 1.
g Bending resistances of beams can be found using plastic theory. For composite sections,
this gives resistances from 20% to 40% above the elastic resistance, whereas the increase
for steel sections is about 15%.
g The limits to redistribution of moments are more favourable than for Classes 3 and 4.
g Where composite floor slabs are used, it may be difficult to provide full shear connection.
Clause permits partial connection, but only where all beam cross-sections are in
Class 1 or 2.

Simply-supported composite beams in buildings are almost always in Class 1 or 2, because the
depth of a web in compression (if any) is small, and the connection to the concrete slab prevents

Chapter 5. Structural analysis

Figure 5.6. Classification of a cross-section of a composite beam

Is steel compression No Is the web encased in Note 1: ‘Flange’ means

flange restrained by concrete to clause 5.5.3(2)? No steel compression flange
shear connectors to
clause 5.5.2(1)? Yes
From 5.5.2(2), classify flange
Yes to Table 5.2 of EN 1993-1-1
Classify flange to Table 5.2
of EN 1994-1-1

Note: see Note 2, below

flange is: Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4

Locate the plastic neutral axis to clause 5.5.1(4), Locate the elastic neutral axis, assuming
allowing for partial shear connection, if any full shear connection, taking account of
the sequence of construction, creep, and
shrinkage, to clause 5.5.1(4)

From clause 5.5.2(2), classify the web From clause 5.5.2(2), classify the web
using the plastic stress distribution, using the elastic stress distribution,
to Table 5.2 of EN 1993-1-1 to Table 5.2 of EN 1993-1-1

Web is Class 3 Web is Class 4 Web is Class Web is Class 4

at this stage at this stage 2 or 3

No Yes
Is web encased to clause 5.5.3(2)? Is the compression
flange in Class 1 or 2?
Using the plastic neutral axis, is the whole
depth of the web in compression?
No Yes

Replace web by effective web

in Class 2, to clause 5.5.2(3)? No
Web is Web is Effective web Is the compression
Class 1 Class 2 is Class 2 flange in Class 3?
Yes No

Is the flange in Class 1?

Yes No Effective
Section is Class 1 Section is Class 2 is Class 2 Section is Class 3 Section is Class 4

Note 2. Where elastic global analysis will be used, and the web will be assumed to resist shear force only,
clause 5.5.4(6) of EN 1993-1-1 permits the section to be designed as Class 2, 3, or 4,
depending only on the Class of the flange

local buckling of the adjacent steel flange. Clause 5.5.1(3) refers to this, and clause 5.5.2(1) refers Clause 5.5.1(3)
to the more useful clause, which limits the spacing of the shear connectors required.

Since the class of a web depends on the level of the neutral axis, and this is different for elastic
and plastic bending, it is not obvious which stress distribution should be used for a section
near the boundary between Classes 2 and 3. Clause 5.5.1(4) provides the answer, the plastic Clause 5.5.1(4)
distribution. This is because the use of the elastic distribution could place a section in Class 2,
for which the bending resistance would be based on the plastic distribution, which in turn
could place the section in Class 3.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Clause 5.5.1(5) Clause 5.5.1(5), on the minimum area of reinforcement for a concrete flange, appears here, rather
than in Section 6, because it gives a further condition for a cross-section to be placed in Class 1 or
2. The reason is that these sections must maintain their bending resistance, without fracture of the
reinforcement, while subjected to higher rotation than those in Class 3 or 4. This is ensured by
disallowing the use of bars in ductility Class A (the lowest), and by requiring a minimum
cross-sectional area, which depends on the tensile force in the slab just before it cracks
Clause 5.5.1(6) (Johnson, 2003; Kemp, 2006). Clause 5.5.1(6), on welded mesh, has the same objective.

Clause 5.5.1(7) Clause 5.5.1(7) draws attention to the use of unpropped construction, during which both the top
flange and the web of a steel beam may be in a lower class until the member becomes composite.

The hole-in-web method

This useful device first appeared in BS 5930-3-1 (British Standards Institution, 2010). It is now in
Clause 5.5.2(3) clause of EN 1993-1-1, which is referred to from clause 5.5.2(3).

In beams subjected to hogging bending, it often happens that the bottom flange is in Class 1 or 2,
and the web is in Class 3. The initial effect of local buckling of the web would be a small reduction
in the bending resistance of the section. The assumption that a defined depth of web, the ‘hole’, is
not effective in bending enables the reduced section to be up-graded from Class 3 to Class 2, with
the advantages for design that are listed above. The method is analogous to the use of effective
areas for Class 4 sections, to allow for local buckling.

The flow diagram of Figure 5.6 includes a limitation to its scope that is not evident from the
wording in EN 1993-1-1:

The proportion of the web in compression should be replaced by a part of 20"tw adjacent to
the compression flange, with another part of 20"tw adjacent to the plastic neutral axis of the
effective cross-section.

It follows that, for a design yield strength fyd, the compressive force in the web is limited
to 40"tw fyd. For a composite beam in hogging bending, the tensile force in the longitudinal
reinforcement in the slab can exceed this value, especially where fyd is reduced to allow for vertical
shear. The method is then not applicable, because the second ‘part of 20"tw’ is not adjacent to
the plastic neutral axis, which lies within the top flange. The method, and this limitation, are
illustrated in Examples 6.1 and 6.2.

Figure 5.6 shows that where an effective web in Class 2 is used, although the plastic check
gives Class 3 (P3, say), no check need be made on the stress distribution in the elastic range of
behaviour, even though more types of action are then taken into account. It is being assumed,
in effect, that even if the web is Class 3 in the elastic range (E3), plastic redistribution moves it
into Class 2 before local buckling reduces the resistance of the cross-section to flexure. This
implies a further assumption: that the elastic check would not place the web in Class 4 (E4).
That combination, P3 and E4, is thought to be unlikely in buildings, in practice. The
alternative, to make an elastic check a precondition for the use of an effective web, would be

It follows that at cross-sections where the effects of sequence of construction, shrinkage or creep
are a major component of the total action effects, and especially for plate girders, effective webs
should be used with caution.

Partially encased cross-sections

Partially encased sections are defined in clause 6.1.1(1)P. Those illustrated there also have
concrete flanges. The web encasement improves the resistance of both the web and the other
Clause 5.5.3(1) flange to local buckling. A concrete flange is not essential, as shown in clause 5.5.3(1), which
gives the increased slenderness ratios for compression flanges in Classes 2 and 3. The limit for
Class 1 is unaltered.

The rest of clause 5.5.3 specifies the encasement that enables a Class 3 web to be treated as Class 2,
without loss of cross-section. Conditions under which the encasement contributes to the bending

Chapter 5. Structural analysis

and shear resistance of the member are given in Section 6, where relevant comments will be

British Standards Institution (BSI) (1994) DD ENV 1994-1-1. Design of composite steel and
concrete structures. Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings. BSI, London.
BSI (2003) EN 1991-1-5. Actions on structures. Part 1-5: Thermal actions. BSI, London.
BSI (2005a) BS EN 1993-1-8. Design of steel structures. Part 1-8: Design of joints. BSI, London.
BSI (2005b) BS EN 1990+A1. Eurocode: Basis of structural design. BSI, London.
BSI (2006a) BS EN 1993-1-5. Design of steel structures. Part 1-5: Plated structural elements. BSI,
BSI (2006b) BS EN 1993-1-3. Design of steel structures. Part 1-3: Cold formed thin gauge members
and sheeting. BSI, London.
BSI (2010) BS 5950-3.1 þ A1. Structural use of steelwork in buildings. Design in composite
construction. Code of practice for design of simple and continuous composite beams. BSI,
Demonceau JF (2008) Steel and composite building frames: sway response under conventional
loading and development of membrane effects in beams. Thesis presented at Liège University. (accessed 19/08/2011).
Demonceau JF and Jaspart JP (2010) Recent Studies Conducted at Lie`ge University in the Field of
Composite Construction. Faculty of Applied Sciences, Liège University, Liège. Report for ECCS
ECCS TC11 (1999) Design of Composite Joints for Buildings. European Convention for
Constructional Steelwork, Brussels. Report 109.
Haensel J (1975) Effects of Creep and Shrinkage in Composite Construction. Institute for Structural
Engineering, Ruhr-Universität, Bochum. Report 75-12.
Johnson RP (1987) Shrinkage-induced curvature in cracked composite flanges of composite beams.
Structural Engineer 65B: 72–77.
Johnson RP (2003) Cracking in concrete tension flanges of composite T-beams – tests and
Eurocode 4. Structural Engineer 81(4): 29–34.
Johnson RP (2010) Design to Eurocodes 2, 3 and 4 of unbraced pylons in bridges. In: Codes in
Structural Engineering (Hirt MA, Radić J and Mandić A (eds)). International Association for
Bridge and Structural Engineering, Zurich, pp. 591–598.
Johnson RP and Buckby RJ (1986) Composite Structures of Steel and Concrete, vol. 2. Bridges, 2nd
edn. Collins, London.
Johnson RP and Chen S (1991) Local buckling and moment redistribution in Class 2 composite
beams. Structural Engineering International 1: 27–34.
Johnson RP and Fan CKR (1988) Strength of continuous beams designed to Eurocode 4.
Proceedings of the IABSE. IABSE, Zurich, P-125/88, pp. 33–44.
Johnson RP and Hanswille G (1998) Analyses for creep of continuous steel and composite bridge
beams, according to EC4: Part 2. Structural Engineer 76: 294–298.
Johnson RP and Huang DJ (1995) Composite bridge beams of mixed-class cross-section. Structural
Engineering International 5: 96–101.
Kemp AR (2006) Avoiding fracture of slab reinforcement and enhancing ductility in composite
beams. In: Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete V (Leon RT and Lange J (eds)).
American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, pp. 369–380.
Sandberg J and Hendy CR (2010) The change from BS 5400 to Eurocodes – implications, benefits
and challenges. In: Codes in Structural Engineering (Hirt MA, Radić J and Mandić A (eds)).
International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering, Zurich, pp. 259–266.
Trahair NS, Bradford MA and Nethercot DA (2001) The behaviour and design of steel structures to
BS 5950, 3rd edn. Spon, London.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures
ISBN 978-0-7277-4173-8

ICE Publishing: All rights reserved

Chapter 6
Ultimate limit states

This chapter corresponds to Section 6 of EN 1994-1-1, which has the following clauses:

g Beams Clause 6.1

g Resistances of cross-sections of beams Clause 6.2
g Resistance of cross-sections of beams for buildings with partial encasement Clause 6.3
g Lateral–torsional buckling of composite beams Clause 6.4
g Transverse forces on webs Clause 6.5
g Shear connection Clause 6.6
g Composite columns and composite compression members Clause 6.7
g Fatigue Clause 6.8

Clauses 6.1 to 6.7 define resistances of cross-sections to static loading, for comparison with action
effects determined by the methods of Section 5. The ultimate limit state considered is STR,
defined in clause 6.4.1(1) of EN 1990 as:

Internal failure or excessive deformation of the structure or structural members, . . . where

the strength of constructional materials of the structure governs.

For lateral–torsional buckling of beams and for columns, the resistance is influenced by the prop-
erties of the whole member, and there is an implicit assumption that the member is of uniform
cross-section, apart from variations arising from cracking of concrete and from detailing.

The self-contained clause 6.8, ‘Fatigue’, covers steel, concrete and reinforcement by cross-
reference to Eurocodes 2 and 3, and deals mainly with shear connection in beams.

Most of the provisions of Section 6 are applicable to both buildings and bridges, but a number of
clauses are headed ‘for buildings’, and are replaced by other clauses in EN 1994-2. Some of these
differences arise from the different treatments of shear connection in the two codes, which are
compared in comments on clause 6.1.1. Clause 6.1.1

6.1. Beams
6.1.1 Beams for buildings
Figure 6.1 shows typical examples of beams for buildings within the scope of EN 1994-1-1. The
details include web encasement, and profiled sheeting with spans at right angles to the span of the
beam, and continuous or discontinuous over the beam. The top right-hand diagram represents a
longitudinal haunch. A re-entrant trough is shown in the bottom right-hand diagram. Sheeting
with trapezoidal troughs is also within the scope of the code. Not shown (and not excluded) is the
common situation in which profiled sheeting spans parallel to the span of the beam.

The steel cross-section may be a rolled I or H section or may be a doubly symmetrical or mono-
symmetrical plate girder. Other possible types include any of those shown in sheet 1 of Table 5.2
of EN 1993-1-1: for example, rectangular hollow sections. Channel and angle sections should not
be used unless the shear connection is designed to provide torsional restraint. Some current forms
of floor construction are not within the scope of EN 1994-1-1 because, at the time of drafting,
their design rules were not well established: for example, beams fully encased, stub girders
(Ahmed and Hosain, 1991), shear heads in flat slabs and slim-floor construction. There is no
reference to the use of precast floor slabs, on which there is comment in Appendix D of this guide.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Figure 6.1. Typical cross-sections of composite beams

In slim-floor construction, the top flange of the steel beam and part or the whole of its web
are embedded within the depth of the relatively thick slab that it supports. The weight of the
slab is reduced either by using deep profiled sheeting or hollow-core precast concrete slabs.
No additional application rules are given for cross-sections of this type, and the applicability
of the assumptions of clauses 6.1.2 (effective width) and would need to be reviewed.

There is an extensive literature on such systems (Lawson and Hicks, 2005; Rackham et al., 2009).
For example, Shi et al. (2009) cite 23 references. The flexural behaviour is quite well understood.
The partial encasement must provide some shear connection for the beam, but so far there are no
general design rules for predicting the slip capacity or shear resistance. It is not clear whether
these properties are compatible with those of stud shear connectors. Design rules for particular
types of construction are available, but their interaction with the rules of EN 1994-1-1 for partial
shear connection and continuous beams is not always clear.

Situations commonly found in bridges, such as fatigue, use of plate girders and double composite
action, are covered in EN 1994-2 (British Standards Institution, 2005a) and its guide in this series
(Hendy and Johnson, 2006).

Shear connection
In buildings, composite cross-sections are usually in Class 1 or 2, and the bending resistance is
determined by plastic theory. At the plastic moment of resistance, the longitudinal force in a
concrete flange is easily found, so the design of shear connection for buildings is often based
on the change in this force between two cross-sections where the force is known. This led to
Clause 6.1.1(4)P the concepts of critical cross-sections (clause 6.1.1(4)P to clause 6.1.1(6)) and critical lengths
(clause 6.1.1(6)). These concepts are not used in bridge design. Cross-sections in Class 3 or 4
are common in bridges, and elastic methods are used. Longitudinal shear flows are therefore
found from the well-known result from elastic theory, vL ¼ VA y/I.

Points of contraflexure are not critical cross-sections, partly because their location is different
for each arrangement of variable load. A critical length in a continuous beam may therefore
include both a sagging region and a hogging region. Where connectors are uniformly spaced
over this length, the number in the hogging region may not correspond to the force that has
to be transferred from the longitudinal slab reinforcement. This does not matter, provided
that the reinforcing bars are long enough to be anchored beyond the relevant connectors. The
need for consistency between the spacing of connectors and curtailment of reinforcement is
treated in clause

A sudden change in the cross-section of a member changes the longitudinal force in the concrete
flange, even where the vertical shear is zero. In theory, shear connection to provide this change is
Clause 6.1.1(5) needed. Clause 6.1.1(5) gives a criterion for deciding whether the change is sudden enough to be
allowed for, and will normally show that changes in reinforcement can be ignored. Where the

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

clause is applied, the new critical section has different forces in the flange on each side of it. It may
not be clear which one to use.

One method is to use the result that gives the greater change of force over the critical length being
considered. An alternative is to locate critical cross-sections on both sides of the change point,
not more than about two beam depths apart. The shear connection in the short critical length
between these two sections, based on the longitudinal forces at those sections, needs to take
account of the change of section.

The application of clause 6.1.1(5) is clearer for a beam that is composite for only part of its length.
The end of the composite region is then a critical section.

A tapering member has a gradually changing cross-section. This can occur from variation in the
thickness or effective width of the concrete flange, as well as from non-uniformity in the steel
section. Where elastic theory is used, the equation vL,Ed ¼ VEdAy/I should be replaced by
y=I Þ
vL;Ed ¼ VEd A
y=I þ MEd ðD6:1Þ
where x is the coordinate along the member. For buildings, where resistances may be based on
plastic theory, clause 6.1.1(6) enables the effect to be allowed for by using additional critical Clause 6.1.1(6)
sections. It is applicable, for example, where the steel beam is haunched. The treatment of vertical
shear then requires care, as part of it is resisted by the sloping steel flange.

Provisions for composite floor slabs, using profiled steel sheeting, are given only for buildings.
The space within the troughs available for the shear connection is often insufficient for the
connectors needed to develop the ultimate compressive force in the concrete flange, and the
resistance moment corresponding to that force is often more than is required, because of other
constraints on design. This has led to the use of partial shear connection, which is defined in
clause 6.1.1(7). It is applicable only where the critical cross-sections are in Class 1 or 2. Thus, Clause 6.1.1(7)
in buildings, bending resistances are often limited to what is needed (i.e. to MEd), with shear
connection based on bending resistances (see clause

Where bending resistances of cross-sections are based on an elastic model and limiting stresses,
longitudinal shear flows can be found from vL,Ed ¼ VEdA y/I. They are related to action effects,
not to resistances. Shear connection designed in this way, which is usual in bridges, is ‘partial’
according to the definition in clause 6.1.1(7)P, because increasing it would increase the
bending resistances in the vicinity – although not in a way that is easily calculated, because
inelastic behaviour and partial interaction are involved.

For these reasons, the concept ‘partial shear connection’ is confusing in bridge design and not
relevant. Clauses in EN 1994-1-1 that refer to it are therefore labelled ‘for buildings’.

Effective cross-section of a beam with a composite slab

Where the span of a composite slab is at right angles to that of the beam, as in the lower half of
Figure 6.1, the effective area of concrete does not include that within the ribs. Where the spans
are parallel ( ¼ 0), the effective area includes the area within the depth of the ribs, but usually this
is neglected. For ribs that run at an angle  to the beam, the effective area of concrete within an
effective width of flange may be taken as the full area above the ribs plus cos2  times the area of
concrete within the ribs. Where  > 608, cos2  should be taken as zero.

Service ducts or pipes embedded within slabs can cause a significant loss of effective cross-

6.1.2 Effective width for verification of cross-sections

The variation in the effective width along a span, as given by clause, is too complex for
verification of cross-sections in beams for buildings. The simplification in clause 6.1.2(2) often Clause 6.1.2(2)
enables checks on the bending resistance of continuous beams to be limited to the supports
and the mid-span regions. This paragraph should not be confused with clause,
which applies to global analysis.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

6.2. Resistances of cross-sections of beams

This clause is for beams without partial or full encasement in concrete. Most of it is applicable to
both buildings and bridges. Partial encasement is treated for buildings only, in clause 6.3. Full
encasement is outside the scope of EN 1994.

Application rules are given for resistance to bending, vertical shear, and combined bending and
shear. Clause 6.7, on compression members, gives principles only for members with cross-
sections typical of beams. Guidance on other combinations of action effects, including torsion,
is given by Uy (2007).

No guidance is given in EN 1994-1-1, or in EN 1993, on the treatment of large holes in steel webs,
but specialised literature is available (Lawson et al., 1992; Hechler et al., 2006; Ramm and Kohl-
meyer, 2006; Lawson and Hicks, 2011). Bolt holes in steelwork should be treated in accordance
with EN 1993-1-1, particularly clauses 6.2.2 to 6.2.6.

6.2.1 Bending resistance

In clause, three different approaches are given, based on rigid–plastic theory, non-linear
theory and elastic analysis. The ‘non-linear theory’ is that given in clause This is not a
reference to non-linear global analysis.

The assumption that composite cross-sections remain plane is always permitted by clause
Clause, where elastic and non-linear theory are used, because the conditions set will be satisfied
if the design is in accordance with EN 1994. The implication is that longitudinal slip is negligible.

There is no requirement for slip to be determined. This would be difficult because the stiffness of
shear connectors is not known accurately, especially where the slab is cracked. Wherever slip may
not be negligible, the design methods of EN 1994-1-1 are intended to allow for its effects.

For beams with curvature in plan sufficiently sharp for torsional moments not to be negligible,
Clause clause gives no guidance on how to allow for the effects of curvature. In analysis from
first principles, checks for beams in buildings can be made by assuming that the changing direc-
tion of the longitudinal force in a flange (and a web, if significant) creates a transverse load on
that flange, which is then designed as a horizontal beam to resist that load. A steel bottom
flange may require horizontal restraint at points within the span of the beam, and the shear
connection should be designed for both longitudinal and transverse forces.

Clause ‘Full interaction’ in clause means that no account need be taken of slip or separation
at the steel–concrete interface.

Reinforcement in compression
Clause It is usual to neglect slab reinforcement in compression (clause If it is included, and
the concrete cover is little greater than the bar diameter, consideration should be given to possible
buckling of the bars. Guidance is given in clause 9.6.3(1) of EN 1992-1-1 on reinforcement in
concrete walls. The meaning is that the reinforcement in compression should not be the layer
nearest to the free surface of the slab.

Cross-sections with composite slabs or precast slabs

Clause Clause ) refers to ‘the effective area of concrete in compression’. Only sagging
bending is considered here. For a flange that is a composite slab of overall thickness h, with
ribs that run at angle  to the longitudinal axis of the beam, the effective thickness of the
concrete flange is h – hp, where hp is the depth of the sheeting. This needs interpretation for
sheets that have a small top rib above the main top flange (as in Figure 6.13). The sheeting
depths are here referred to as ‘net’, hpn, to the main top flange, and ‘gross’, hpg, when the top
rib is included. Obviously, hp ¼ hpg when the ribs run transverse to the beam ( ¼ 908). For
parallel sheeting,  ¼ 0, and the ribs can be included within the effective area if the plastic
neutral axis is sufficiently low in the cross-section; but it is simpler to assume h ¼ hpn. For ribs
at other angles , it can be assumed that

h ¼ hpg sin2  þ hpn cos2  (D6.1a)

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

No relevant evidence from research is known to the author, and top ribs were not considered
when Eurocode 4 was drafted.

Similar situations arise where the concrete flange is partly or wholly composed of hollow-core
precast slabs (see Appendix D of this guide); and also for slim-floor beams, for which
comment is given under clause 6.1.1.

Small concrete flanges

Where the concrete slab is in compression, the method of clause is based on the assump-
tion that the whole effective areas of steel and concrete can reach their design strengths before the
concrete begins to crush. This may not be so if the concrete flange is small compared with the steel
section. This lowers the plastic neutral axis, and so increases the maximum compressive strain at
the top of the slab, for a given tensile strain in the steel bottom flange.

An example of the problem is included in the comments on the bending resistance of beams by
Johnson and Anderson (1993). Laboratory tests on beams show that strain hardening of steel
usually occurs before crushing of concrete. The effect of this, and the low probability that the
strength of both the steel and the concrete will be only at the design level, led to the conclusion
that premature crushing can be neglected unless the grade of the structural steel is higher than

Clause specifies a reduction in Mpl,Rd where the steel grade is S420 or S460 and the Clause
depth of the plastic neutral axis is between 15% and 40% of the overall depth of the beam.
Where it exceeds 40%, reference is made to clause ‘ or’. The word ‘or’ here is
confusing. The choice is between the non-linear resistance defined in clauses to or the simpler method of clauses and The simpler method involves
elastic analysis to find stresses, and limiting these to the levels defined in clause

This problem also affects the rotation capacity of plastic hinges. Extensive research (Johnson and
Hope-Gill, 1976; Ansourian, 1982) led to the 15% upper limit to the neutral-axis depth given in
clause 5.4.5(4)(g), applicable where rigid–plastic global analysis is used.

For composite columns, the risk of premature crushing led to a reduction in the factor M, given
in clause, for S420 and S460 steels, and also to concern over the redistribution of elastic
moments; a comment on clause 5.4.4(1) is relevant.

Ductility of reinforcement
Reinforcement with insufficient ductility to satisfy clause 5.5.1(5), and welded mesh, should not
be included within the effective section of beams in Class 1 or 2 (clause This is because Clause
laboratory tests on hogging moment regions have shown (Anderson et al., 2000) that some
reinforcing bars, and most welded meshes, fracture before the moment–rotation curve for a
typical double-cantilever specimen reaches a plateau. The problem with welded mesh is explained
in comments on clause 3.2(1). Fibre reinforcement is outside the scope of EN 1994-1-1, but its use
is not excluded.

Profiled steel sheeting

The contribution of profiled steel sheeting in compression to the plastic moment of resistance of a
beam is ignored (clause because at large strains its resistance can be much reduced by Clause
local buckling. Profiled sheeting with troughs that are not parallel to the span of a beam is
ineffective in tension. This is because deformation could arise from a change in the shape of
the profile rather than strain resulting from stress. Where the troughs are parallel, resistance
to tension may still be difficult to achieve. For advantage to be taken of clause, the Clause
sheeting needs to be continuous, and interaction with other components of the cross-section
has to be achieved.

Beams with partial shear connection in buildings

The background to the use of partial shear connection is explained in comments on clause 6.1.1.
It is permitted only for the compressive force in the concrete slab (clause Where the Clause
slab is in tension, the shear connection must be sufficient to ‘ensure yielding’ (clause of Clause

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Figure 6.2. Example of a composite beam with the slab in tension at mid-span

the reinforcement within the effective section. Full shear connection is required in hogging
regions of composite beams for several reasons:

g the bending moment may be larger than predicted because the concrete has not cracked or,
if it has, because of tension stiffening
g the yield strength of the reinforcement will exceed fsd ( ¼ fsk/ S)
g tests show that, at high curvatures, strain hardening occurs in the reinforcement
g the design rules for lateral–torsional buckling do not allow for the effects of partial

It could be inferred from the definition of full shear connection in clause 6.1.1(7) that, where the
bending resistance is reduced below Mpl,Rd by the effects of lateral buckling, shear connection is
required only for the reduced resistance. Clause makes it clear that the inference is
incorrect. Thus, clause on the plastic resistance moment Mpl,Rd applies, among other
cases, to all beams in Class 1 or 2 with tensile force in the slab.

The words ‘hogging bending’ in clause imply that the concrete slab is above the steel beam.
This is an assumption implicit in much of the drafting of the provisions ‘for buildings’. In the
‘general’ clauses, phrases such as ‘regions where the slab is in tension’ are used instead,
because in bridges this can occur in regions of sagging curvature (Figure 6.2).

The provisions referred to in clause include clause, which begins ‘If all
cross-sections are in Class 1 or Class 2 . . .’. This means all sections within the span considered.
In practice, the use of an effective web in Class 2 (clause (5.5.2(3)) ensures that few Class 3
sections need be excluded.

Ductile connectors
Clause Clause refers to ‘ductile connectors’. The basic condition for the use of partial shear
connection is that the bending resistance must not fall below the design value until after the
curvature has reached the minimum value relied upon in the method of global analysis used.
Use of the redistribution of moments, for example, relies upon curvatures beyond the elastic

In other words:

slip required (i.e. relied on in design)  slip available (D6.2)

It has been shown by extensive numerical analyses, checked against test results (Aribert, 1990;
Johnson and Molenstra, 1991), that the slip required increases with the span of the beam and,
of course, as the number of shear connectors is reduced. The last parameter is represented by
the ratio of the number of connectors provided within a critical length, n, to the number nf
required for ‘full shear connection’ (defined in clause 6.1.1(7)P); that is, the number that will
transmit the force Nc,f to the slab (see Figure 6.2). A reduced number, n, will transmit a
reduced force, Nc. Thus, for connectors of a given shear strength, the ‘degree of shear connection’

 ¼ Nc/Nc,f ¼ n/nf (D6.3)

Subsequent studies of the slip required have generally confirmed this aspect of the Eurocode
rules. For example, Banfi (2006) found that slip under point loads is less than under the

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

Figure 6.3. Plastic stress and strain distributions under sagging bending for partial shear connection

Nc = ηNc,f

Ma MRd

fyd 0 Stresses Strains

distributed loading used in earlier work. For tapering members, it was found that, in comparison
with a uniform beam with the same shear connection, loading and maximum depth, the
maximum slip was significantly greater. The rule in clause 6.1.1(6) is intended to allow for
this, and in practice other checks would cause the design loading for the tapered beam to be

Available slip is harder to quantify. Research on composite beams with stud connectors and
without composite slabs had found that the available slip of standard studs was at least 6 mm,
so application rules for ‘ductile’ connectors were based on this value, and these studs were
deemed to be ductile (clause Condition D6.2 was then applied, by defining combinations
of  and span length such that the slip required did not exceed 6 mm.

At that time, the 1980s, the few tests with composite slabs had found that studs within troughs of
the sheeting had a ductility at least as good as in solid slabs. Subsequent developments for
composite slabs cast some doubt on this finding. They are discussed under clause,
where a flow chart and further comment are given.

For non-ductile connectors, the rules of clauses and may be used, where further
comment is given. The rules for their spacing, clause, are more restrictive than for
ductile connectors. The 6 mm criterion provides the basis for deciding, for types of shear
connector other than studs, whether the rules for ductile studs are applicable.

Calculation models
The calculation model given in clause can be explained as follows. For a given cross-
section, the force Nc,f can be found using clause For  < 1, the concrete stress block
has a reduced depth, and a neutral axis at its lower edge. For longitudinal equilibrium, part of
the steel beam must also be in compression, so it too has a neutral axis. The model assumes
no separation of the slab from the beam, so their curvatures must be the same. The strain
distribution is thus as shown in Figure 6.3, which is for the situation shown in Figure 6.4 in
EN 1994-1-1. At the interface between steel and concrete there is slip strain (i.e. the rate of
change of longitudinal slip). Neither the slip at this point nor the slip strain need be calculated
in practice.

Clauses and give two relationships between the resistance moment MRd Clause
and the degree of shear connection. Calculations using the method above give curve AHC Clause
in the upper part of Figure 6.4(a), in which Mpl,a,Rd is the plastic resistance of the steel
section. The line AC is a simpler and conservative approximation to it. Their use is now
illustrated. The lower half of Figure 6.4(a) shows the limits to the use of partial shear connection
given in clause

Outline of a typical design procedure

The example is a simply supported beam of span L, with a Class 1 section at mid-span. With full
shear connection, the resistance is Mpl,Rd. The steel section has flanges of equal area, and the
loading is uniformly distributed. Stud connectors are to be used.

1 Find the minimum shear connection, (n/nf)min, for which the connectors are ductile, from
clause (e.g. route DEF in Figure 6.4(a)), and the corresponding resistance to
bending (route FMB).

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Figure 6.4. Design methods for partial shear connection

Mpl,Rd Mpl,Rd
MEd Mel,Rd

Mpl,a,Rd J N Ma,Ed
A P Nc /Nc,f
0.4 η (=Nc /Nc,f) 1.0 0 Nc,el /Nc,f 1.0
Q (b) Non-ductile connectors

20 S

Le: m

10 fy = 275
Studs to clause, Ab = At
D fy = 460
E Other studs, Ab = At from clause
Other studs, Ab = 3At
0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
(a) Ductile connectors

2 If that resistance exceeds the design moment MEd, this degree of shear connection is
sufficient. Calculate the number of connectors for full shear connection, and then, from
(n/nf)min, the number required.
3 If the resistance, point B, is much higher than MEd, it may be possible to reduce the
number of connectors by using the method for non-ductile connectors, as explained in
Example 6.4 below.
4 If the resistance, point B, is below MEd, as shown in Figure 6.4(a), the interpolation
method can be used (route GKN) to give the value of n/nf required. Alternatively, point H
can be determined, as shown below, and hence point J. The higher of the values of  given
by points J and F is the minimum degree of shear connection, and, hence, n can be found.
5 The spacing of the n connectors is now considered, along the length Lcr between the two
relevant critical cross-sections (here, mid-span and a support). If the conditions of clause are satisfied, as they are here if Mpl,Rd  2.5Ma,pl,Rd, uniform spacing may be
used. Otherwise, an intermediate critical section must be chosen, clause, or the
spacing must be related to the elastic distribution of longitudinal shear, clause

Determination of n for a given MEd by the equilibrium method

The number of connectors needed to develop the moment MEd is n ¼ Nc/PRd, where PRd is the
design resistance of a connector and Nc is the force referred to in clause, for a
moment MEd. Its calculation is tedious, but can be simplified a little, as shown here.

Figure 6.5 shows a cross-section of a beam in sagging bending, where the compressive force in the
concrete slab is Nc, less than Nc,f (Equation D6.3), being limited by the strength of the shear
connection. Following clause, the plastic stress blocks are as shown in Figure 6.5.
The neutral axis in the steel is at a depth xa below the interface. It is convenient to retain the
known force Na acting at the centre of area G of the steel section, and to take the compressive
strength over the depth xa as 2fyd. This is because the stress in that area is to be changed from
yield in tension to yield in compression, providing a compressive force Nac in the steel. We
need to find out whether or not xa > tf.

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

Figure 6.5. Theory for force Nc. (a) Cross-section. (b) Longitudinal stresses

Nc = 0.85beffxcfcd
tf xa
hg Nac = 2bxafyd
G Na = Asfyd

(a) (b)

In most beams with full shear connection, Nc,f ¼ Na, because the plastic neutral axis lies within
the slab. It is required that Nc/Nc,f  0.4, from Figure 6.4(a), so

Nc  0.4Nc,f  0.4Na (a)

From equilibrium,

Nc þ Nac ¼ Na (b)

so, from Expression (a),

Nac  0.6Na (c)

When the neutral axis is at the underside of the steel top flange, of area Atop,

Nac/Na ¼ 2Atop/Aa (d)

For most rolled I sections, Atop  0.3Aa, so, when xa ¼ tf, from Equation (d),

Nac  0.6Na (e)

From Expressions (c) and (e), xa < tf when the preceding assumptions are valid. They usually are,
so only the case xa < tf is considered. The force Nac is then as shown in Figure 6.5, and acts at a
depth hc þ hp þ 0.5xa below the top of the slab. For rolled sections, xa  hc þ hp, so this depth
can be taken as hc þ hp. Taking moments about the top of the slab,

MEd ¼ Na(hgþ hp þ hc)  12xcNc  Nac(hc þ hp) (D6.4)

Substitution for Nac from Equation (b) and use of the expression for Nc in Figure 6.5 gives

MEd ¼ Nahg þ 0.85beffxc fcd(hc þ hp  12xc)

This can be solved for xc, which gives Nc and then n from n ¼ Nc/PRd, since PRd is known for
given connectors.

In practice, it may be simpler to calculate Na, choose a convenient value for n, find Nc and then xc,
calculate Nac from Equation (b), and see whether or not Equation D6.4 gives a value that exceeds
MEd. If it does not, n is increased, and the process repeated.

There is much interaction between clause and clauses and The use of partial
shear connection is illustrated in Example 6.7, which follows the comments on clause 6.6, in
Examples 6.8 and 6.9, which are based on the same data, and in Figure 6.11.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Non-ductile connectors
These are connectors that do not satisfy the requirements for ductile connectors given in clauses and Plastic behaviour of the shear connection can no longer be assumed. Non-
linear or elastic theory should now be used to determine resistance to bending. Provisions are
Clause given in clause and clause

The effect of slip at the steel–concrete interface is to increase curvature, and usually to reduce
longitudinal shear, for a given distribution of bending moment along a span. Where connectors
are not ‘ductile’, slip must be kept small, so it is rational to neglect slip when calculating
Clause longitudinal shear. This is why clause states that cross-sections should be assumed to
remain plane.

Non-linear resistance to bending

There are two approaches, described in clause With both, the calculations should be done
at the critical sections for the design bending moments. The first approach, given in clauses
Clause to, enables the resistance of a section to be determined iteratively from the
Clause stress–strain relationships of the materials. A strain distribution is assumed for the cross-
Clause section, and the resulting stresses determined. Usually, the assumed strain distribution will
Clause have to be revised, to ensure that the stresses correspond to zero axial force on the section.
Clause Once this condition is satisfied, the bending moment is calculated from the stress distribution.
This may show that the design bending moment does not exceed the resistance, in which case
the calculation for bending resistance may be terminated. Otherwise, a general increase in
strain should be made, and the calculations repeated. For concrete, EN 1992-1-1 gives ultimate
strains for concrete and reinforcement that eventually limit the moment resistance.

Clearly, in practice this procedure requires the use of software. For sections in Class 1 or 2, a
Clause simplified approach is given in clause This is based on three points on the curve relating
longitudinal force in the slab, Nc, to the design bending moment MEd that are easily determined.
With reference to Figure 6.4(b), which is based on Figure 6.6, these points are:

g P, where the composite member resists no moment, so Nc ¼ 0

g Q, which is defined by the results of an elastic analysis of the section
g C, based on plastic analysis of the section.

Accurate calculation shows QC to be a convex-upwards curve, so the straight line QC is a

conservative approximation. Clause thus enables hand calculation to be used. For
Clause buildings, clause refers to a simplified treatment of creep.

The same axes are used in Figure 6.6 of the code as in Figure 6.5, so comments on the difference
between them may be useful. Figure 6.5 is based on rigid–plastic theory, ignoring elastic
deformation and the effects of the sequence of construction. It is not applicable for degrees of
shear connection below the minima given in clause For example, if  ¼ 0.2, the resistance
MRd might not exceed that of the steel beam, Mpl,a,Rd, because excessive slip and failure of the
shear connection could have occurred.

Figure 6.6, unlike Figure 6.5, is applicable to both ductile and non-ductile connectors. For low
degrees of shear connection it uses elastic theory until the applied moment MEd reaches
Mel,Rd. Slip of the shear connection is ignored. The resistance Mel,Rd may be governed by any
one of the stress limits in clause, and the kink in the graph (point Q in Figure 6.4)
may lie above or below point B in Figure 6.5 – usually below, as is found in Example 6.9
and shown in Figure 6.33. The line above the kink is an approximation to elastic–plastic

Shear connection to clause

Computations based on the stress–strain curves referred to in clauses to lead
to a complete moment–curvature curve for the cross-section, including a falling branch. The
definition of partial shear connection in clause 6.1.1(7)P is unhelpful, because the number of
connectors for full shear connection can be found only from the stress distribution corresponding
to the maximum resistance moment. This is why Nc,f in Figure 6.4(b) is based on plastic analysis

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

to clause This figure is approximately to scale for a typical composite section in sagging
bending, for which

Mpl,Rd/Mel,Rd  1.33
Nc,el/Nc,f  0.6

The position of the line PQ depends on the method of construction. It is here assumed that the
beam was unpropped, and that, at the critical section for sagging bending, the moment Ma,Ed
applied to the steel alone was 0.25Mpl,Rd.

For a given design moment MEd (which must include Ma,Ed, as resistances of sections are found
by plastic theory), the required ratio n/nf is given by route TUV in Figure 6.4(b).

No specific guidance is given for the spacing of shear connectors when the moment resistance is
determined by non-linear theory. The theory is based on plane cross-sections (clause,
so the spacing of connectors should ideally correspond to the variation in the force in the slab, Nc,
along the member. Where non-ductile connectors are used, this should be done. For ductile
connectors, clause, which permits uniform spacing, may be assumed to apply.

Elastic resistance to bending

Clause includes, almost incidentally, a definition of Mel,Rd that may seem strange. It is
a peculiarity of composite structures that when unpropped construction is used, the elastic
resistance to bending depends on the proportion of the total load that is applied before the
member becomes composite. Let Ma,Ed and Mc,Ed be the design bending moments for the steel
and composite sections, respectively, for a section in Class 3. The resulting total bending stresses
are then found. If any of them is above the relevant limiting stress given in clause, the
behaviour is inelastic. If all are below, it is elastic. To find the elastic resistance to bending, Mel,Rd,
one or both of Ma,Ed and Mc,Ed must be scaled up or down until one of the limiting stresses in
clause is just reached.

To enable a unique result to be obtained, clause states that Mc,Ed is to be scaled by a
factor k, and Ma,Ed left unchanged. This is because Ma,Ed is mainly from permanent actions,
which are less uncertain than the variable actions whose effects comprise most of Mc,Ed.

Unpropped construction normally proceeds by stages, which may have to be considered indivi-
dually in bridge design. For simply supported spans in buildings, it is usually sufficiently accurate
to assume that the whole of the wet concrete is placed simultaneously on the bare steelwork.

The weight of formwork is, in reality, applied to the steel structure and removed from the compo-
site structure. This process leaves self-equilibrated residual stresses in composite cross-sections.
For composite beams in buildings, these can usually be ignored in calculations for the final

The title of clause, ‘Elastic resistance to bending’ is relevant, but misleading. Limiting Clause
stresses are given in paragraph (2), but the rest of the clause defines how to calculate Mel,Ed
(not Mel,Rd) for a given set of action effects, and the resulting stresses. Comparison of these
with the limiting stresses shows whether the action effects would cause inelastic behaviour, or
not. It does not give the value of the elastic resistance moment; that is done following clause, where further comment is given.

One permanent action that influences MEd is the shrinkage of concrete. Clause enables Clause
the primary stresses to be neglected in cracked concrete, but the implication is that they should be
included where the slab is in compression. This provision, which affects Mel,Rd, should not be
confused with clause, which concerns global analysis to determine the secondary
effects of shrinkage in statically indeterminate structures. (Secondary effects are defined in
clause 2.3.3.)

These complications explain why, for ultimate limit states in buildings, design methods based on
elastic behaviour are best avoided, as far as possible.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Example 6.1: resistance moment in hogging bending, with an effective web

A typical cross-section near an internal support of a continuous composite beam with
transverse profiled sheeting is shown in Figure 6.6(a). The plastic and elastic methods of
calculation for the hogging moment of resistance are illustrated by preparing a graph that
shows changes in this resistance as the effective area of longitudinal reinforcement in the
slab, As, is increased from zero to 1800 mm2. The use of an effective web to clause
5.5.2(3), discussed in Chapter 5, is also illustrated. The depth of the ‘web’, as used here, is
the depth between flange fillets (or welds), defined as c in Table 5.2 of EN 1993-1-1, not
the clear depth between the flanges. Also from EN 1993-1-1, c is the depth of the web in
compression, for a section in Class 1 or 2, and " is the correction factor for yield strength
of the steel.

Figure 6.6. Plastic resistance moment in hogging bending, for As ¼ 267 mm2 (units: mm and kN).
(a) Cross-section of Class 3 beam with hole in web. (b) Stress blocks for Mpl,Rd for Class 2 beam.
(c) Stress blocks for Mpl,Rd for Class 3 beam

80 As 116 116
70 100 0 fyd 100
new pna
286 ht= 152 340 95
αc – 40tε D A
c = 360
pna 26 102
116 228 222
2(αc – 40tε) C B
hole h h= 4
αc 199
6.3 20tε 102 228 328

8.6 19 fyd 0
fyd 0
(a) (b) (c)

The definition of the hole-in-web model, given in Figure 6.3 of EN 1993-1-1, omits the depth
of the hole and the location of the new plastic neutral axis (pna). They were given in ENV
1994-1-1 (British Standards Institution, 1994), and are shown in Figure 6.6(a). The depth
of the hole, 2(c  40t"), includes a small approximation, which is now explained.

In principle, the ‘hole’ should have zero depth when , c, t and " are such that the web is on
the boundary between Class 2 and Class 3. When  > 0.5 (as is usual), and from Table 5.2 of
EN 1993-1-1, this is when
c/t" ¼ 456/(13 – 1)
As  increases from 0.5 to 1.0, the right-hand side reduces from 41.4 to 38. For  < 0.5, it is
greater than 41.4. For simplicity, it is taken as 40 for all values of , so that the depth of web
in compression can be defined as 40t", in blocks of depth 20t" above and below the hole.

The original depth in compression, c, is reduced to 40t". For equilibrium, the depth in
tension must be reduced by c  40t", so the plastic neutral axis moves up by this
amount, as shown in Figure 6.6(a), and the depth of the hole is thus 2(c  40t").

Other useful results for a symmetrical steel section are as follows. The depth of web in
compression, 40t", includes the depth needed to balance the tensile force in the reinforce-
ment, which is

hr ¼ As fsd/tfyd (D6.5)
The tension in the top flange, including web fillets, balances the compression in the bottom
flange, so, for longitudinal equilibrium, the depth of web in tension is

ht ¼ 40t"  hr (D6.6)

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

The total depth of the web is c, so the depth of the hole is

hh ¼ c  40t"  ht ¼ c  80t" þ hr (D6.7)

Data and results

Data for the calculations, in addition to the dimensions shown in Figure 6.6, are:

g structural steel: fy ¼ 355 N/mm2,  M ¼ 1.0, so fyd ¼ 355 N/mm2

g reinforcement: fsk ¼ 500 N/mm2,  S ¼ 1.15, so fsd ¼ 435 N/mm2
g steel section: 406  140 UB39 with Aa ¼ 4940 mm2, Ia ¼ 124.5  106 mm4.

The upper limit chosen for As corresponds to a reinforcement ratio of 1.5%, which is quite
high for a beam in a building, in a flange with beff ¼ 1.5 m. If there were no profiled sheeting
(which plays no part in these calculations) the ratio for the 150 mm slab would be 0.8%, and
there would be two layers of bars. For simplicity, one layer of bars is assumed here, with
propped construction.

The full results are shown in Figure 6.7. Typical calculations only are given here.

Figure 6.7. Influence of longitudinal reinforcement on hogging moments of resistance

340 C
Class 2
Class 3,
hole in web
280 F bottom flange yields
M: kNm


240 Mel,Rd
reinforcement yields

0 500 1000 1500 2000
As: mm2

Classification of the cross-section

Clause 5.5.1(1)P refers to EN 1993-1-1, where Table 5.2 applies. For fy ¼ 355 N/mm2, it gives
" ¼ 0.81.

For the bottom flange,

c ¼ (142  6.3)/2  10.2 ¼ 57.6 mm

c/t" ¼ 57.6/(8.6  0.81) ¼ 8.3

This is less than 9, so the flange is in Class 1, irrespective of the area of slab reinforcement.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

The web depth between fillets is c ¼ 360 mm, so

c/t" ¼ 360/(6.3  0.81) ¼ 70.5

This is less than 72, so, when As ¼ 0, the web is in Class 1. Addition of reinforcement
increases the depth of the web in compression, so its class depends on As. Here,  > 0.5,
and from Table 5.2 in EN 1993-1-1 the limit for Class 2 is

c/t" ¼ 456/(13  1)

For c/t" ¼ 70.5, this gives  ¼ 0.574. It will be shown that this corresponds to As ¼ 267 mm2,
by calculating Mpl,Rd by the methods for both a Class 2 and a Class 3 section.

Mpl,Rd for a Class 2 section with As ¼ 267 mm2

The stress blocks for the web are shown in Figure 6.6(b).

1 Find Mpl,a,Rd for the steel section. For a rolled section, the plastic section modulus is
usually found from tables. Here,

Wpl ¼ 0.721  106 mm3


Mpl,a,Rd ¼ 0.721  355 ¼ 256 kN m

2 Find Fs, the force in the reinforcement at yield:

Fs ¼ 267  0.435 ¼ 116 kN

From Equation D6.5, the depth of web for this force is

hr ¼ 116/(6.3  0.355) ¼ 52 mm

To balance the force Fs, the stress in a depth of web hr/2 changes from þfyd to fyd. This is
shown as ABCD in Figure 6.6.
3 The lever arm for the forces Fs is 286 mm, so, taking moments,

Mpl,Rd ¼ 256 þ 116  0.286 ¼ 289 kN m

Mpl,Rd for a Class 3 section with As ¼ 267 mm2

The hole-in-web method is now used. Steps (1) and (2) are as above.

3 The contribution of the web is deducted from Mpl,a,Rd:

Mpl,a,flanges ¼ 256  0.362  6.3  355/4 ¼ 183.5 kN m

(This value is not calculated directly because of the complex shape of each ‘flange’, which
includes the web fillets, or, for a plate girder, a small depth of web.)
4 From Equation D6.7, the depth of the hole is

hh ¼ 360  408 þ 52 ¼ 4 mm

5 From Equation D6.6, the depth of the web in tension is

ht ¼ 204  52 ¼ 152 mm

and the force in it is

Ft ¼ 152  6.3  0.355 ¼ 340 kN

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

6 The stress blocks in the web are shown in Figure 6.6(c). Taking moments about the
bottom of the slab,

Mpl,Rd ¼ 183.5 þ 116  0.1  340  0.095 þ 228(0.222 þ 0.328) ¼ 288 kN m

This agrees with the result for the Class 2 member, point A in Figure 6.7, because this
section is at the class boundary. Hence, the depth of the hole is close to zero.

Mpl,Rd for As > 267 mm2

Similar calculations for higher values of As give curve AB in Figure 6.7, with increasing
depths of hole until, at As ¼ 1048 mm2, the new plastic neutral axis reaches the top of the
web, ht ¼ 0, and the hole reaches its maximum depth. Further increase in As, As say,
causes changes in stress within the top flange only. Taking moments about the interface, it
is evident that the plastic bending resistance is increased by

Mpl,Rd  As fydhs

where hs is the height of the reinforcement above the interface, 100 mm here. This is shown by
line BC in Figure 6.7.

The bending resistance given by this method no longer approaches that given by elastic
theory (as it should, as the slenderness of the web in compression approaches the Class 3/
4 boundary). Use of the method with the new plastic neutral axis in the top flange is excluded
by Eurocode 3, as explained in comments on clause 5.5.2(3). It is, in any case, not recom-
mended because:

g the author is not aware of any experimental validation for this situation (which is
uncommon in practice)
g Mpl,Rd is being calculated using a model where the compressive strain in the steel
bottom flange is so high that the rotation capacity associated with a Class 2 section
may not be available.

Equation D6.6 shows that this restriction is equivalent to placing an upper limit of 40t" on hr.
Any slab reinforcement that increases hr above this value moves the section back into Class 3.
This can also be a consequence of vertical shear, as illustrated in Example 6.2.

This point is relevant to the writing of software based on the code because software, once
written, tends to be used blindly.

Elastic resistance to bending

For simplicity, Mel,Rd has been calculated assuming propped construction. The stress in the
reinforcement governs until As reaches 451 mm2 (point J), after which Mel,Rd is determined
by yield of the bottom flange. This is shown by curves EF and GH in Figure 6.7.

Web in Class 4
The hole-in-web method is available only for webs in Class 3, so in principle a check should
be made that the web is not in Class 4, using the elastic stress distribution. A Class 4 web can
occur in a plate girder, but is most unlikely in a rolled I or H section. In this example, the
Class 3/4 boundary is reached at As ¼ 3720 mm2.

6.2.2 Resistance to vertical shear

Clause 6.2.2 is for beams without web encasement. The whole of the vertical shear is usually Clause 6.2.2
assumed to be resisted by the steel section, as in previous codes for composite beams. This
enables the design rules of EN 1993-1-1, and EN 1993-1-5 (British Standards Institution,
2006a) where necessary, to be used. The assumption can be conservative where the slab is in
compression. Even where it is in tension and cracked in flexure, consideration of equilibrium
shows that the slab must make some contribution to the shear resistance, except where the

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Figure 6.8. Resistance to bending and vertical shear (dimensions in mm)

VRd is the lesser of 100

Vpl,Rd and Vb,Rd 326
100 43
VEd /VRd

0.5 118
132 102 213
0 180
102 213 328
Mf,Rd Mb,Rd Mel,Rd or
Bending resistance
(a) (b) (c)

reinforcement has yielded. For solid slabs, the effect is significant where the depth of the steel
beam is only twice that of the slab (Johnson and Willmington, 1972), but diminishes as this
ratio increases.

In composite plate girders with vertical stiffeners, the concrete slab can contribute to the
anchorage of a tension field in the web (Allison et al., 1982), but the shear connectors must
Clause then be designed for vertical forces (clause The simpler alternative is to follow Euro-
code 3, ignoring both the interaction with the slab and vertical tension across the interface.

Bending and vertical shear

Clause The methods of clause are summarised in Figure 6.8. Shear stress does not significantly
reduce the bending resistance unless the shear is quite high. For this reason, the interaction
Clause may be neglected until the shear force exceeds half of the shear resistance (clause

Clause Both EN 1993-1-1 and EN 1994-1-1 use a parabolic interaction curve. In clause the
reduction factor for the design yield strength of the web is 1  , where

 ¼ [(2VEd/VRd)  1]2 (6.5)

and VRd is the resistance in shear. For a design shear force equal to VRd, the bending resistance is
that provided by the flanges alone, denoted Mf,Rd. This is calculated in Example 6.2.

The bending resistance at VEd ¼ 0 may be the elastic or the plastic value, depending on the class of
the cross-section. Where it is reduced to Mb,Rd by lateral–torsional buckling, interaction between
bending and shear does not begin until a higher shear force than VRd/2 is present, as shown in
Figure 6.8(a).

Where the shear resistance VRd is less than the plastic resistance to shear, Vpl,Rd, because of shear
buckling, clause replaces Vpl,Rd by the shear buckling resistance Vb,Rd.

Where the design yield strength of the web is reduced to allow for vertical shear, the effect on a
Class 3 section in hogging bending is to increase the depth of the web in compression. If the
change is small, the hole-in-web model can still be used, as shown in Example 6.2. For a
higher shear force, the new plastic neutral axis may be within the top flange, and the hole-in-
web method is inapplicable.

Clause The section is then treated as Class 3 or 4, and clause applies. In this clause the words
‘using the calculated stresses of the composite section’ have been replaced by ‘using as MEd the
total bending moment in the considered cross-section and both Mpl,Rd and Mf,Rd for the composite

This clause refers to EN 1993-1-5. For beams, the rule given there is essentially

MEd/MRd þ (1  Mf,Rd/Mpl,Rd)(2VEd/VRd  1)2  1 (D6.8)

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

The new wording shows that this verification should be based on the action effects, not on
stresses calculated by elastic theory. For unpropped construction, the value for MEd is not
clearly defined. It hasPbeen recommended (Hendy and Johnson, 2006) that MEd be taken as
the greatest value of ( i)W, where Ssi is the total accumulated stress at an extreme fibre and
W is the elastic modulus of the effective section at the same fibre at the time considered.

Example 6.2: resistance to bending and vertical shear

Vertical shear is more likely to reduce resistance to bending in a continuous beam than in a
simply supported one, and it is instructive to consider its influence on a beam with bending
resistance found by the hole-in-web method. Where the web is not susceptible to shear
buckling, the application of clause is straightforward. This example is therefore
based on one of the few UB sections where web buckling can occur, if S355 steel is used.
It is the section used in Example 6.1, 406  140 UB 39, shown in Figure 6.6, with longitudinal
reinforcement of area As ¼ 750 mm2.

The bending resistance will be calculated when the design vertical shear is VEd ¼ 300 kN. All
other data are as in Example 6.1.

From EN 1993-1-1, the resistance to shear buckling must be checked if hw/tw > 72"/, where
 is a Nationally Determined Parameter. The value recommended in EN 1993-1-5 is 1.2, but
the National Annex for the UK specifies 1.0, which has been used here. These clauses are
usually applied to plate girders, for which hw is the clear depth between the flanges. Ignoring
the corner fillets of this rolled section, hw ¼ 381 mm, and, for S355 steel, " ¼ 0.81, so

hw/tw" ¼ 381  1.0/(6.3  0.81) ¼ 74.7

The resistance of this unstiffened web to shear buckling is found using clauses 5.2 and 5.3 of
EN 1993-1-5, assuming a web of area hwtw, that there is no contribution from the flanges and
that there are transverse stiffeners at the supports. The result is

Vb,Rd ¼ 475 kN

which is 85% of Vpl,Rd, as found by the method of EN 1993-1-1 for a rolled I section. From

 ¼ [(2VEd/VRd)  1]2 ¼ (600/475  1)2 ¼ 0.068

The reduced yield strength of the web is

(1  0.068)  355 ¼ 331 N/mm2

For hogging bending, the tensile force in the reinforcement is

Fs ¼ 750  0.5/1.15 ¼ 326 kN (D6.9)

From plastic theory, the depth of the web in compression that is above the neutral axis of the
I section is

326/(2  0.331  6.3) ¼ 78 mm

This places the cross-section in Class 3, so the hole-in-web method is applied. From
Figure 6.6(a), the depth of the compressive stress blocks in the web is 20t". The value for
" should be based on the full yield strength of the web, not on the reduced yield strength,
so each block is 102 mm deep, as in Figure 6.6(c). The use of the reduced yield strength
would increase ", and so reduce the depth of the ‘hole’ in the web, which would be uncon-
servative. However, the force in each stress block should be found using the reduced yield
strength, and so is now

228  331/355 ¼ 213 kN

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

The tensile force in the web is therefore

2  213  326 ¼ 100 kN

and the longitudinal forces are as shown in Figure 6.8(b).

From Example 6.1,

Mpl,a,flanges ¼ 183.5 kN m

Taking moments about the bottom of the slab,

Mpl,Rd ¼ 183.5 þ 326  0.1 þ 213(0.118 þ 0.328)  100  0.043 ¼ 307 kN m (D6.10)

For this cross-section in bending only, the method of Example 6.1, with As ¼ 750 mm2, gives
Mpl,Rd ¼ 314 kN m.

The alternative to this method would be to use elastic theory. The result would then depend
on the method of construction.

6.3. Resistance of cross-sections of beams for buildings with partial

Encasement in concrete of the webs of steel beams is normally done before erection, casting one
side at a time. This obviously increases the cost of fabrication, transport and erection, but when it
satisfies clause 5.5.3(2) it has many advantages for design:

g it provides complete fire resistance for the web and, with longitudinal reinforcement,
compensation for the weakness of the bottom flange in fire, in accordance with EN 1994-1-2
(British Standards Institution, 2005b)
g it enables a Class 3 web to be upgraded to Class 2, and the slenderness limit for a Class 2
compression flange to be increased by 40% (clause 5.5.3)
g it widens significantly the range of steel sections that are not susceptible to lateral–torsional
buckling (clause 6.4.3(1)(h))
g it increases resistance to vertical shear, to clause 6.3.3(2)
g it improves resistance to combined bending and shear, to clause 6.3.4(2)
g it improves resistance to buckling in shear, clause 6.3.3(1).

6.3.1 Scope
Clause 6.3.1(2) To avoid shear buckling, clause 6.3.1(2) limits the slenderness of the encased web to d/tw  124".
In practice, with encasement, steel sections in buildings are almost certain to be in Class 1 or 2.
Clause 6.3 is applicable only to these.

6.3.2 Resistance to bending

Clause 6.3.2 The rules for resistance to bending, clause 6.3.2, correspond to those for uncased sections of the same
Clause 6.3.2(2) class, except that lateral–torsional buckling is not mentioned in clause 6.3.2(2). Encasement greatly
improves resistance to lateral–torsional buckling. Example 6.3, the comments on clause 6.4.2(7), and
an example on pp. 153–154 of Johnson and Anderson (1993) are relevant. However, it is possible for
a beam within the scope of clause 6.3 to be susceptible; a web-encased IPE 450 section in S420 steel is
an example. Continuous beams that do not satisfy clause 6.4.3 should therefore be checked.

Partial shear connection is permitted for a concrete flange, but not for web encasement. The
resistance to longitudinal shear provided by studs within the encasement is found in the usual
way, but no guidance is given on the contribution from bars that pass through holes in the
web or stirrups welded to the web, in accordance with clauses 5.5.3(2) and 6.3.3(2). They are
provided to ensure the integrity of the encased section.

The load–slip properties of different types of shear connection should be compatible

(clause It is known from research on ‘Perfobond’ shear connectors (longitudinal

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

flange plates projecting into the slab, with holes through which bars pass) that these bars provide
shear connection with good slip properties (Andrä, 1990; Studnicka et al., 2002; Marecek
et al., 2005), so a contribution from them could be used here; but welds to stirrups may be too

6.3.3–6.3.4 Resistance to vertical shear, and to bending and vertical shear

The rules in clause 6.3.3 are based on the concept of superposition of resistances of composite and Clause 6.3.3
reinforced concrete members. This concept has been used in Japan for decades, in the design of
structures for earthquake resistance. The shear connection must be designed to ensure that the
shear force is shared between the steel web and the concrete encasement. The references to
EN 1992-1-1 are intended to ensure that the web encasement retains its shear resistance at a
shear strain sufficient to cause yielding of the steel web.

Clause 6.3.3(1) shows that no account need be taken of web buckling in shear. Moment–shear Clause 6.3.3(1)
interaction is treated in clause 6.3.4 in a manner consistent with the rules for uncased sections. Clause 6.3.4

6.4. Lateral–torsional buckling of composite beams

6.4.1 General
It is assumed in this section that, in completed structures for buildings, the steel top flanges of
all composite beams will be stabilised laterally by connection to a concrete or composite slab
(clause 6.4.1(1)). The rules on the maximum spacing of connectors in clauses and Clause 6.4.1(1) relate to the classification of the top flange, and thus only to local buckling. For
lateral–torsional buckling, the relevant rule, given in clause, is less restrictive.

Any steel top flange in compression that is not so stabilised should be checked for lateral buckling
(clause 6.4.1(2)) using clause 6.3.2 of EN 1993-1-1. This applies particularly during unpropped Clause 6.4.1(2)
construction. In a long span, it may be necessary to check a steel beam that is composite
along only part of its length. The general method of clause 6.4.2, based on the use of a computed
value of the elastic critical moment Mcr, is applicable, but no detailed guidance on the calculation
of Mcr is given in either EN 1993-1-1 or EN 1994-1-1. The buckling of web-encased beams
without a concrete flange has been studied (Lindner and Budassis, 2002). However, for buildings,
the construction phase is rarely critical in practice, because the loading is so much less than the
design total load.

Steel bottom flanges are in compression only in cantilevers and continuous beams. In beams
designed as continuous, the length in compression may include most of the span, when that
span is lightly loaded and one or both adjacent spans are fully loaded. Bottom flanges in
compression should always be restrained laterally at supports (clause 6.4.3(1)( f ) is relevant).
It should not be assumed that a point of contraflexure is equivalent to a lateral restraint.

In a composite beam, the concrete slab provides lateral restraint to the steel member, and
also restrains its rotation about a longitudinal axis. Lateral buckling is always associated with
distortion (change of shape) of the cross-section. Design methods for composite beams must
take account of the bending of the web (Figure 6.9(b)). They differ in detail from the method
of clause 6.3.2 of EN 1993-1-1, but the same imperfection factors and buckling curves are
used, in the absence of any better-established alternatives. Further explanation and commentary
are available (Johnson, 2007a).

The reference in clause 6.4.1(3) to EN 1993-1-1 provides a general method for use where neither Clause 6.4.1(3)
of the methods of EN 1994-1-1 are applicable (e.g. for a Class 4 beam).

6.4.2 Verification of lateral–torsional buckling of continuous composite beams with

cross-sections in Classes 1, 2 and 3 for buildings
This general method of design is written with the distortional buckling of bottom flanges in mind.
It would not apply, for example, to a mid-span cross-section of a beam with the slab at the
bottom-flange level (see Figure 6.2). Although not stated, it is implied that the span concerned
is of uniform composite section, excluding minor changes such as reinforcement details and
the effects of the cracking of concrete. The use of this method for a two-span beam is illustrated
in Example 6.7.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Figure 6.9. U-frame action and distortional lateral buckling



h tw hs
δ F F δ

tf b a



L1 L2 L1
θo D 0.8 ≤ L2/L1 ≤ 1.25
(b) (c)

The method is based closely on clause 6.3.2 of EN 1993-1-1. There is correspondence in the
Clause 6.4.2(1) definitions of the reduction factor LT (clause 6.4.2(1)) and the relative slenderness, LT
(clause 6.4.2(4)). The reduction factor is applied to the design resistance moment MRd, which
Clause 6.4.2(1) is defined in clauses 6.4.2(1) to 6.4.2(3). Expressions for MRd include the design yield strength
Clause 6.4.2(2) fyd. The reference in these clauses to the use of  M1 is provided because this is a check on
Clause 6.4.2(3) instability. The values for  M0 and  M1 are the same (1.0) both in EN 1993-1-1 and in the
UK’s National Annex.

The determination of MRd for a Class 3 section differs from that of Mel,Rd in clause
only in that the limiting stress fcd for concrete in compression need not be considered. It is
necessary to take account of the method of construction.

The buckling resistance moment Mb,Rd given by Equation 6.6 must exceed the highest applied
moment MEd within the unbraced length of the compression flange considered.

Lateral buckling for a Class 3 cross-section with unpropped construction

The influence of the method of construction on the verification of a Class 3 composite section for
lateral buckling is as follows. From Equation 6.4,

MRd ¼ Mel,Rd ¼ Ma,Ed þ kMc,Ed (a)

where the subscript c indicates the action effect on the composite member.

From Equation 6.6, the verification is

MEd ¼ Ma,Ed þ Mc,Ed  LTMel,Rd (b)

which is

LT  (Ma,Ed þ Mc,Ed)/Mel,Rd ¼ MEd/Mel,Rd (c)

The total hogging bending moment MEd may be almost independent of the method of
construction. However, the stress limit that determines Mel,Rd may be different for propped

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

and unpropped construction. If it is bottom-flange compression in both cases, then Mel,Rd is

lower for unpropped construction, and the limit on LT from Equation (c) is more severe.

Elastic critical buckling moment

Clause 6.4.2(4) requires the determination of the elastic critical buckling moment, taking account Clause 6.4.2(4)
of the relevant restraints, so their stiffnesses have to be calculated. The lateral restraint from the
slab can usually be assumed to be rigid. Where the structure is such that a pair of steel beams and
a concrete flange attached to them can be modelled as an inverted-U frame (Figure 6.11), contin-
uous along the span, the rotational restraining stiffness at the top-flange level, ks, can be found
from clauses 6.4.2(5) to 6.4.2(7). Clause 6.4.2(5)
Clause 6.4.2(6)
Clause 6.4.2(5) gives conditions that define this frame. Analysis is based on its stiffness per unit Clause 6.4.2(7)
length, ks, given by the ratio F/ , where is the lateral displacement caused by a force F
(Figure 6.9(a)). The flexibility /F is the sum of flexibilities due to:

g bending of the slab, which may not be negligible: 1/k1 from Equation 6.9
g bending of the steel web, which predominates: 1/k2 from Equation 6.10
g flexibility of the shear connection.

It has been found (Johnson and Fan, 1991) that this last flexibility can be neglected in design to
EN 1994-1-1. This leads to Equation 6.8 for stiffness ks.

This ‘continuous U frame’ concept has long been used in the design of steel bridges (British
Standards Institution, 2000a). There is a similar ‘discrete U frame’ concept, which would be
relevant to composite beams if the steel sections had vertical web stiffeners. The shear connec-
tors closest to those stiffeners would then have to transmit almost the whole of the bending
moment Fh (Figure 6.9(a)), where F is now a force on a discrete U frame. The last of the three
flexibilities listed above might then not be negligible, nor is it certain that the shear connection
and the adjacent slab would be sufficiently strong (Johnson and Molenstra, 1990). Where stif-
feners are present, the resistance of the connection above each stiffener to repeated transverse
bending should be established, as there is a risk of local shear failure within the slab. There is
at present no simple method of verification. The words ‘may be unstiffened’ in clause
6.4.3(1)( f ) are misleading, as the resistance model is based on both theory and research on
unstiffened webs. It should, in the author’s opinion, read ‘should be unstiffened’. The problem
is avoided in bridge design by using transverse steel members, such as U or H frames
(Figure 6.10(a)).

The conditions in clause 6.4.3(1) referred to from clause 6.4.2(5) are commonly satisfied in
buildings by the beams that support composite slabs; but where these are secondary beams,
the method is not applicable to the primary beams because condition (e) is not satisfied.
Bottom flanges of primary beams can sometimes be stabilised by bracing from the secondary

The calculation of ks is straightforward, apart from finding (EI )2, the cracked flexural
stiffness of a composite slab. An approximate method, used in Example 6.7, is derived in
Appendix A.

Figure 6.10. Laterally restrained bottom flanges

(a) (b)

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Concrete-encased web
Clause 6.4.2(7) Clauses 6.4.2(7) and 6.4.2(9) allow for the additional stiffness provided by web encasement. This
Clause 6.4.2(9) is significant: for rolled steel sections, k2 from Equation 6.11 is from 10 to 40 times the value from
Equation 6.10, depending on the ratio of the flange breadth to the web thickness. Encasement will
often remove any susceptibility to lateral–torsional buckling. The model used for Equation 6.11 is
explained in Appendix A.

Theory for the continuous inverted-U frame model

A formula for the elastic critical buckling moment for the U-frame model was given in Annex B
of ENV 1994-1-1 (British Standards Institution, 1994), but was removed from EN 1994-1-1, as it
was considered to be ‘textbook material’. However, it is sufficiently unfamiliar to be worth giving

Subject to conditions discussed below, the elastic critical buckling moment at an internal support
of a continuous beam is

Mcr ¼ (kcC4/L)[(GaIat þ ksL2/

2)EaIafz]1/2 (D6.11)


kc is a property of the composite section, given below

C4 is a property of the distribution of the bending moment within the length L
Ga is the shear modulus for steel (Ga ¼ Ea/[2(1 þ )] ¼ 80.8 kN/mm2)
Iat is the torsional moment of area of the steel section
ks is the rotational stiffness defined in clause 6.4.2(6)
L is the length of the beam between points at which the bottom flange of the steel
member is laterally restrained (typically, the span length)
Iafz is the minor-axis second moment of area of the steel bottom flange.

Where the cross-section of the steel member is symmetrical about both axes, the factor kc is
given by

kc ¼ ðhs Iy =Iay Þ=½ðh2s =4 þ ix2 Þ=e þ hs  ðD6:12Þ


e ¼ AIay/[Aazc(A  Aa)] (D6.13)


hs is the distance between the centres of the flanges of the steel section
Iy is the second moment of area for major-axis bending of the cracked composite section
of area A
Iay is the corresponding second moment of area of the steel section
ix2 ¼ (Iay þ Iaz)/Aa, where Iaz and Aa are properties of the steel section
zc is the distance between the centroid of the steel beam and the mid-depth of the

Four of the conditions for the use of these formulae are given in paragraphs (c)–( f ) of clause
6.4.3(1). Three further conditions were given in ENV 1994-1-1. These related to the resistance
of the slab part of the U frame to hogging transverse bending in the plane of the U frame, to
its flexural stiffness, and to the spacing of shear connectors. It is now considered that other
requirements are such that these will, in practice, be satisfied. Further explanation is given in
Appendix A.

The coefficient C4 was given in a set of tables, determined by numerical analyses, in which its
range is 6.2–47.6. These values are given in Appendix A (see Figures A.3 and A.4). The coefficient
accounts for the increased resistance to lateral buckling where the bending moment is not
uniform along the member. When checking lateral stability, the distribution of bending

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

moments corresponding to C4 must be used as the action effects, and not an equivalent uniform
value. The calculation method is shown in Example 6.7.

Where the resistance of a continuous composite beam would otherwise be governed by lateral
buckling near an internal support, lateral bracing to the bottom flange may be provided. The
bending moment Mcr should then be found by elastic critical analysis by computer, as the
method using factors C4 from Appendix A is not applicable.

Alternative theory for the elastic critical moment

There is an analogy between the differential equations for distortional lateral buckling, taking
account of restraint to warping, and those for a compressed member on an elastic foundation.
This has led to an alternative expression for the elastic critical moment. Like Equation D6.11,
its use requires computed values that depend on the bending moment distribution and, for this
method, also on the parameter
B2 ¼ ks L4 =ðEa I!D Þ
where ks, L and Ea are as above, and I!D is the sectorial moment of inertia of the steel member
related to the centre of the restrained steel flange. Four graphs of these values are given in
Hanswille (2002), and a more general set in Hanswille et al. (1998).

Predictions of Mcr by this method and by Equation D6.11 were compared with the results of
finite-element analyses, for beams with IPE 500 and HEA 1000 rolled sections. This method
was found to agree with the finite-element results for both internal and external spans. Equation
D6.11 was found to be satisfactory for internal spans, but to be less accurate generally for
external spans, and unconservative by over 30% in some cases. This suggests that it needs
further validation.

6.4.3 Simplified verification for buildings without direct calculation

As calculations for the U-frame model are quite extensive, a simplified method has been
developed from it. Clause 6.4.3(1) defines continuous beams and cantilevers that may be designed Clause 6.4.3(1)
without lateral bracing to the bottom flange, except at supports. Its Table 6.1 gives limits to the
steel grade and the overall depth of the steel member, provided that it is an IPE or HE rolled
section. Limits for other sections are given below. The contribution from partial encasement is
allowed for in paragraph (h) of this clause.

These results are derived from Equation D6.11 for the elastic critical buckling moment, making
assumptions that further reduce the scope of the method. Accounts of its origin are available in
both English (Roik et al., 1990a) and German (Roik et al., 1990b). It is outlined by Johnson and
Fan (1991), and is similar to that used in the treatment of lateral–torsional buckling of haunched
beams (Lawson and Rackham, 1989).

The basis is that there shall be no reduction, due to lateral buckling, in the resistance of the
beam to hogging bending. It is assumed that this is achieved when LT  0.4. This value is
given in a note to EN 1993-1-1, clause, which is for ‘rolled sections and equivalent
welded sections’. It can be modified by a National Annex. The UK’s National Annex to
EN 1993-1-1 confirms 0.4 for rolled sections, but reduces the limiting value of LT for welded
sections from 0.4 to 0.2.

The slenderness LT is a function of the variation in the bending moment along the span. This was
studied using various loadings on continuous beams of the types shown in Figure 6.9(c), and on
beams with cantilevers. The limitations in paragraphs (a) and (b) of clause 6.4.3(1) on spans and
loading result from this work.

Simplified expression for LT, and use of British UB rolled sections

Table 6.1 applies only to IPE and HE rolled sections. Criteria for other rolled I and H sections are
deduced in Appendix A. The basis for the method is as follows.

For uncased beams that satisfy the conditions that apply to Equation D6.11 for Mcr, have a
double symmetrical steel section, and are not concrete encased, the slenderness ratio for a

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Table 6.1. Qualification of some UB rolled steel sections for the verification of lateral–torsional stability, in a
composite beam, without direct calculation

Section Right-hand side S275 steel, S355 steel, S275 steel, S355 steel,
of Expression uncased uncased cased cased
D6.15 (13.9) (12.3) (18.0) (15.8)

457  152 UB52 16.4 No No Yes No

457  152 UB67 14.9 No No Yes Yes
457  191 UB67 13.6 Yes No Yes Yes
457  191 UB98 11.8 Yes Yes Yes Yes
533  210 UB82 14.4 No No Yes Yes
533  210 UB122 12.5 Yes No Yes Yes
610  229 UB125 14.1 No No Yes Yes
610  229 UB140 13.5 Yes No Yes Yes
610  305 UB149 12.2 Yes Yes Yes Yes
610  305 UB238 9.83 Yes Yes Yes Yes

Class 1 or Class 2 cross-section may conservatively be taken as

  0:75  0:25  
t h hs tf fy 0:5
LT ¼ 5:0 1 þ w s ðD6:14Þ
4bf tf tw bf Ea C4

The derivation from Equation D6.11 is given in Appendix A. Most of the terms in Equation
D6.14 define properties of the steel I section; bf is the breadth of the bottom flange, and other
symbols are as in Figure 6.9(a).

To check if a particular section qualifies for ‘simplified verification’, a section parameter F is

calculated. From Equation D6.14 it is
  0:75  0:25
t h hs tf
F¼ 1þ w s ðD6:15Þ
4bf tf tw bf

Limiting values of F, Flim say, are given in Appendix A (see Figure A.5) for the nominal
steel grades listed in Table 6.1. The horizontal ‘S’ line at or next above the plotted point F
gives the highest grade of steel for which the method of clause 6.3.3 can be used for that

Some examples are given in Table 6.1, with the values of Flim in the column headings. Many of the
heavier wide-flange sections in S275 steel qualify for verification without direct calculation, but
few UB sections in S355 steel do so.

In ENV 1994-1-1, verification without direct calculation was permitted for hot-rolled sections of
‘similar shape’ to IPE and HE sections that conformed to Table 6.1 and a geometrical condition
similar to the limit on F. In EN 1994-1-1 this has been replaced by a reference to National
Annexes. The UK’s National Annex confirms the use of the limiting values of F given in
Figure A.5 ‘for BS 4-1 and similar I or H steel sections’. It does not refer to welded sections.
In view of the reduction in the limiting LT for these sections from 0.4 to 0.2 (above), it
appears that, in the UK, clause 6.4.3 should not be used for welded sections.

Use of UB rolled sections with encased webs to clause 5.5.3(2)

It is shown in Appendix A (see Equation DA.4) that the effect of web encasement is to increase
Flim by at least 29%. All the sections shown in Table 6.1 now qualify for S275 steel, and all except
one do so for S355 steel. Web encasement is thus an effective option for improving the lateral
stability of a rolled steel section in a continuous composite beam.

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

The method of clause 6.4.2 should be used where the steel section does not qualify.

Use of intermediate lateral bracing

Where the buckling resistance moment Mb,Rd as found by one of the preceding methods is
significantly less than the design resistance moment MRd of the cross-sections concerned, it
may be cost-effective to provide discrete lateral restraint to the steel bottom flange. Where the
slab is composite, a steel cross-member may be needed (Figure 6.10(a)), but for solid slabs
other solutions are possible (e.g. Figure 6.10(b)).

Clause of EN 1993-1-1 refers to ‘beams with sufficient restraint to the compression
flange’, but does not define ‘sufficient’. A note to clause refers to Annex BB.3 in that
Eurocode standard for buckling of components of building structures ‘with restraints’. Clause
BB.3.2(1) gives the minimum ‘stable length between lateral restraints’, but this is intended to
apply to lateral–torsional buckling, and may not be appropriate for distortional buckling.
Further provisions for steel structures are given in EN 1993-2 (British Standards Institution,
2006b), and further guidance by Hendy and Johnson (2006).

There is no guidance in EN 1994-1-1 on the minimum strength or stiffness that a lateral restraint
must have. There is guidance by Lawson and Rackham (1989), based on BS 5950-1, clause 4.3.2
(British Standards Institution, 2000b). This states that a discrete restraint should be designed for
2% of the maximum compressive force in the flange. It is suggested (Lawson and Rackham, 1989)
that where discrete and continuous restraints act together, as in a composite beam, the design
force can be reduced to 1% of the force in the flange. Provision of discrete bracing to make
up a deficiency in continuous restraint is attractive in principle, but the relative stiffness of the
two types of restraint must be such that they are effective in parallel.

Another proposal is to relate the restraining force to the total compression in the flange and the
web at the cross-section where the bracing is provided, to take advantage of the steep moment
gradient in a region of hogging bending.

In tests at the University of Warwick (Johnson and Chen, 1993), bracings that could resist 1% of
the total compression, defined in this way, were found to be effective. The calculation of this
compressive force involves an elastic analysis of the section, not otherwise needed, and the
rule is unsafe near points of contraflexure. There is at present no simple design method better
than the 2% rule quoted above, which can be over-conservative. An elastic analysis can be
avoided by taking the stress in the flange as the yield stress.

The design methods based on Equation D6.11 for Mcr work well for complete spans, but become
unsatisfactory (over-conservative) for short lengths of beam between lateral bracings. This is
because the correct values of the factors C4 are functions of the length between lateral restraints.
For simplicity, only the minimum values of C4 are given in the figures in Appendix B of this
guide. They are applicable where the half-wavelength of a buckle is less than the length L in
Equation D6.11. This is always so where L is a complete span, but where L is part of a span,
the value given may be over-conservative.

Flow charts for continuous beam

The flow charts in Figure 6.11 cover some aspects of design of an internal span of a continuous
composite beam. Their scope is limited to cross-sections in Class 1, 2 or 3, an uncased web, a
uniform steel section, and no flexural interaction with supporting members. Figure 6.11(a)
refers to the following notes:

1 The elastic global analysis is simpler if the ‘uncracked’ model is used. The limits to the
redistribution of hogging moments include allowance for the effects of cracking, but
redistribution is not permitted where allowance for lateral–torsional buckling is required
(clause 5.4.4(4)). ‘Cracked’ analysis may then be preferred, as it gives lower hogging
moments at internal supports.
2 If fully propped construction is used, Ma,Ed may be zero at all cross-sections.

Comments on Figure 6.11(b) are given at the end of Example 6.8.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Figure 6.11. (a) Flow chart for the design for the ultimate limit state of an internal span of a continuous
composite beam in a building, with a uniform steel H or I section and no cross-sections in Class 4. The
simplified method of clause 6.4.3 is not included. (b) Flow chart for the design of an internal span of a
continuous beam in a building – shear connection

Elevation of the span of the beam

Classify composite sections at
A and C, to clause 5.5


Use effective section in No Find Ma,Ed at A and C by

Class 1 or 2 Class 3
Class 2, to clause 5.2.2? elastic global analysis for
relevant arrangements of
actions on steel members;
no redistribution
Yes Find Mel,Rd at A and
Find MRd as Mpl,Rd, to clause
C to clause 6.4.2(3)

Is the steel element a rolled H or I section? Member is outside the scope of this chart


Find Mcr, using the continuous inverted U frame model of clause 6.4.2, Note: entries below refer to
with Mcr from Equation D6.11, and C4 from Annex A of this guide sections at both A and C

Select the buckling curve from relevant National Annex

Find λ̄LT from clause 6.4.2(4)
(in UK, from clause NA 2.17). Select imperfection factor αLT
from Table 6.3 in clause of EN 1993-1-1

Find χLT from Equation 6.57 in clause of Does χLT = 1.0 or is
EN 1993-1-1, with λ̄LT,0 and β, etc., as given in the MEd # λ̄2LT,0 Mcr?
relevant National Annex
No Yes

Find Mb,Rd from clause 6.4.2(1), taking MRd as Mpl,Rd From clause of
or Mel,Rd as appropriate EN 1993-1-1, MRd = Mpl,Rd or Mel,Rd

Use ‘uncracked’ elastic global analysis, with relevant modular Does MRd = Mb,Rd?
ratio, for actions on steel and composite members and relevant
load arrangements to find MEd (=Ma,Ed + Mc,Ed) at A and C Yes No
(see notes (1) and (2))

Redistribute hogging
bending moments
No redistribution of moments, clause 5.4.4(4) Mc,Ed to clause 5.4.4.
to find new MEd at
sections A, B and C

Is MEd less than MRd or Mb,Rd at both of sections A and C?

No Yes

Classify cross-section B, and find MRd for full

shear connection. Is MEd < MRd at B?
Yes No

Re-design Go to Figure 6.11(b) for the Re-design

is required design of shear connection for is required
(END) the sagging moment region (END)

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

Figure 6.11. Continued

Are all critical sections in Class 1 or 2, No Find longitudinal shear flows, ignoring
to clause tensile strength of concrete and tension
stiffening, to clauses and
Yes See comments on clause 6.6.2

Hogging region Sagging region

Use full shear connection for Are connectors studs to clause or (3)?
Nc,f found from MRd, to
clause or Yes (advised) No

Has it been shown that

Yes proposed connectors satisfy
Do you intend to use η ≥ ηmin? clauses and (5)?
Yes (advised) No No. (Connectors
not ductile)

(a) Choose η ≥ ηmin so (b) Choose η

that studs are ‘ductile’

Find MRd to clause or

Find MRd to clauses, or choose it to satisfy– clause (difficult)

Increase η. Is MRd ≥ MEd?
Return to (a) or (b)

For stud connectors, find PRd to clause or 6.6.4. For other connectors, find PRd that
satisfies clause and determine if ‘ductile’. (Evidence from tests may be needed)

Are all critical cross-sections in Class 1 or 2? Space connectors in accordance with the
shear flow, to clause (END)

Sagging region. Find ns = ηNc,f /PRd for Hogging region. Find nh = Nc,f /PRd for
the region each side of B in Figure 6.11(a) regions adjacent to A and C

Find n = ns + nh for critical lengths AB and BC. Are connectors ‘ductile’?

Space n connectors Either Or Space n connectors over AB (and BC)

uniformly over lengths AB in accordance with longitudinal shear
(and BC) to clause to clause

Is Mpl,Rd > 2.5Mpl,a,Rd at A, B, or C ? Check spacing of connectors to clauses and Do they ensure
the stability of any part of the member?
Yes No
Additional checks required to clause

Check spacing to clause, and revise if necessary (END)

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Example 6.3: lateral–torsional buckling of a two-span beam

The design method of clause 6.4.2, with application of the theory in Appendix A, is
illustrated in Example 6.7, which will be found after the comments on clause 6.6. The
length of the method is such that the ‘simplified verification’ of clause 6.4.3 is used wherever

Limitations of the simplified method are now illustrated, with reference to the two-span
beam treated in Example 6.7. This uses an IPE 450 steel section in grade S355 steel, and is
continuous over two 12 m spans. Details are shown in Figures 6.23–6.25.

Relevant results for hogging bending of the composite section at support B in Figure 6.23(c)
are as follows:

Mpl,Rd ¼ 781 kN m LT ¼ 0.43 Mb,Rd ¼ 687 kN m

The design ultimate loads per unit length of beam, from Table 6.2, are

permanent: 7.80 þ 1.62 ¼ 9.42 kN/m

variable: 26.25 kN/m

The steel section fails the condition in paragraph (g) of clause 6.4.3(1), which limits its depth
to 400 mm. The beam satisfies all the other conditions except that in paragraph (b), for its
ratio of permanent to total load is only

9.42/35.67 ¼ 0.26

far below the specified minimum of 0.4.

The simplest way to satisfy paragraph (g) would be to encase the web in concrete, which
increases the depth limit to 600 mm, and the permanent load to 11.9 kN/m.

The condition in paragraph (b) is quite severe. In this case, it is

11.9  0.4(11.9 þ qd)


qd  17.8 kN/m

This corresponds to a characteristic floor loading of

17.8/(1.5  2.5) ¼ 4.75 kN/m2

which is a big reduction from the 7 kN/m2 specified, even though the required reduction in
LT (to 0.4) is less than 10%.

This result illustrates a common feature of ‘simplified’ methods: they have to cover so wide a
variety of situations that they are over-conservative for some of them.

6.5. Transverse forces on webs

The local resistance of an unstiffened and unencased web to forces (typically, vertical forces)
applied through a steel flange can be assumed to be the same in a composite member as in a
Clause 6.5 steel member, so clause 6.5 consists mainly of references to EN 1993-1-5. The provisions of
Section 8 of EN 1993-1-5 are not limited to rolled sections, so are applicable to webs where
the neutral axis is not at mid-depth, as is usual in composite beams.

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

In buildings, local yielding or buckling of a web may occur where a composite beam is continuous
over a steel beam that supports it. Rolled I sections in Class 1 or 2 may not be susceptible, but a
Class 3 web, treated as effective Class 2, should almost always be stiffened (clause 6.5.1(3)). Clause 6.5.1(3)

A plate girder launched over roller supports cannot be stiffened at every section, so the erection
condition may be critical; but this situation is rare in buildings.

Flange-induced web buckling, clause 6.5.2, could occur where a large compression flange is Clause 6.5.2
restrained from buckling out of its plane by a weak or slender web. This is prevented by speci-
fying a limit to the web slenderness, as a function of the ratio of the flange area to the web
area. The slenderness limit is reduced if the flange is curved in elevation, to ensure that the
web can resist the radial component of the force in the flange. This form of web buckling
cannot occur with straight rolled steel I sections, and needs to be checked only for plate
girders of unusual proportions and for members sharply curved in elevation.

The effect of sharp curvature is illustrated by reference to an IPE 400 section of grade S355 steel,
which has been cold curved about its major axis, before erection. Assuming that its plastic resis-
tance moment is to be used, the minimum permitted radius of curvature given by clause 8(2) of
EN 1993-1-5 is 2.1 m. Flange-induced buckling is clearly a rare problem for hot-rolled sections.

6.6. Shear connection

6.6.1 General
Basis of design
Clause 6.6 is applicable to shear connection in composite beams. Clause refers also to Clause
‘other types of composite member’. Shear connection in composite columns is treated in clause
6.7.4, but reference is made to clause for the design resistance of headed stud connectors.
Similarly, headed studs used for end anchorage in composite slabs are treated in clause 9.7.4, but
some provisions in clause 6.6 are applicable.

Although the uncertain effects of bond are excluded by clause, friction is not Clause
excluded. Its essential difference from bond is that there must be compressive force across the
relevant surfaces. This usually arises from wedging action. Provisions for shear connection by
friction are given in clauses (columns) and (composite slabs).

‘Inelastic redistribution of shear’ (clause is relied on in the many provisions Clause
that permit the uniform spacing of connectors. Clause uses the term ‘ductile’ for Clause
connectors that have a deformation capacity sufficient to assume ideal plastic behaviour of
the shear connection. Clause quantifies this as a characteristic slip capacity of Clause
6 mm (Johnson and Molenstra, 1991). In practice, designers will not wish to calculate required
and available slip capacities. Clause enables such calculations to be avoided by
limiting the extent of partial shear connection and by specifying the type and range of shear

The need for compatibility of load/slip properties, clause, is one reason why neither Clause
bond nor adhesives can be used to supplement the shear resistance of studs. The combined use of
studs and block-and-hoop connectors has been discouraged for the same reason, although there
is little doubt that effectively rigid projections into the concrete slab, such as bolt heads and ends
of flange plates, contribute to shear connection.

‘Separation’, in clause, means separation sufficient for the curvatures of the two Clause
elements to be different at a cross-section, or for there to be a risk of local corrosion. None of
the design methods in EN 1994-1-1 take account of differences of curvature, which can arise
from a very small separation. Even where most of the load is applied by or above the slab, as
is usual, tests on beams with unheaded studs show separation, especially after inelastic behaviour
begins. This arises from local variations in the flexural stiffnesses of the concrete and steel
elements, and from the tendency of the slab to ride up on the weld collars. The standard
heads of stud connectors have been found to be large enough to control separation, and the
rule in clause is intended to ensure that other types of connector, with anchoring Clause
devices if necessary, can do so.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Resistance to uplift is much influenced by the reinforcement near the bottom of the slab, so if
the resistance of an anchor is to be checked by testing, reinforcement in accordance with
clause 6.6.6 should be provided in the test specimens. Anchors are inevitably subjected also to

Clause Clause refers to ‘direct tension’. Load from a travelling crane hanging from the steel
member is an example. In bridges, it can be caused by the differential deflexions of adjacent
beams under certain patterns of imposed load. Where it is present, its design magnitude must
be determined.

Clause Clause is a principle that has led to many application rules. The shear forces are
inevitably ‘concentrated’. One research study (Johnson and Oehlers, 1981) found that 70% of
the shear on a stud was resisted by its weld collar, and that the local (triaxial) stress in the concrete
was several times its cube strength. Transverse reinforcement performs a dual role. It acts as
horizontal shear reinforcement for the concrete flanges, and controls and limits splitting. Its
detailing is critical where connectors are close to a free surface of the slab.

Larger concentrated forces occur where precast slabs are used, and connectors are placed in
groups in holes in the slabs. This influences the detailing of the reinforcement near these holes,
and is referred to in Section 8 of EN 1994-2.

Clause Clause is intended to permit the use of other types of connector. ENV 1994-1-1 included
provisions for many types of connector other than studs: block connectors, anchors, hoops, angles
and friction-grip bolts. They have all been omitted because of their limited use, and to shorten the
code. Perforated plate connectors (known initially as ‘Perfobond’) have been used, mainly in
bridges. Typically, they consist of a longitudinal plate above the top flange of the steel beam
(i.e. similar to a vertical extension of the web), with holes through which transverse reinforcing
bars pass and act as dowels. The vertical plates present less risk to operatives during construction
than that from studs, and the connectors have good slip capacity. Their static and fatigue
resistances have been studied (Marecek et al., 2005; Kim et al., 2007).

Some of these connectors, such as blocks, are non-ductile. The effects of this have been studied
(Leskela, 2006).

Clause Clause states that connectors should resist at least the design shear force, meaning the
action effect. Their design for Class 1 and 2 sections is based on the design bending resistances
(see clause 6.6.2), and hence on a shear force that normally exceeds the action effect.

Clause The principle on partial shear connection, clause, leads to application rules in

The flow chart in Figure 6.11(b) is for a beam without web encasement. The chart may assist in
following the comments on clauses 6.2 and 6.6.

Limitation on the use of partial shear connection in beams for buildings

As noted in comments on clause, the rules for partial shear connection are based on an
available slip of 6 mm. Connectors defined as ‘ductile’ are those that had been shown to have
(or were believed to have) a characteristic slip capacity (defined in clause B.2.5(4)) exceeding
6 mm.

The prediction of slip capacity is difficult. Push tests on stud connectors have been reported in
scores of publications, but few tests were continued for slips exceeding 3 mm. Slip capacity
depends on the degree of containment of the connector by the concrete and its reinforcement,
and hence on the location of free surfaces (e.g. in haunches or edge beams) as well as on the
shape, size and spacing of the connectors. The information has been summarised (Aribert,
1990; Johnson and Molenstra, 1991). The conclusions led to the approval of certain stud
Clause connectors as ‘ductile’, clause, and also friction-grip bolts, which were within the
scope of ENV 1994-1-1.

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

These conclusions seem optimistic when compared with the results of some push tests using solid
slabs, but connectors behave better in beams reinforced as required by the Eurocode than in
small push-test specimens, where splitting can cause premature failure. One might expect a
lower available slip from studs in very strong concrete, but the 6 mm limit has been confirmed
(Li and Cederwall, 1991) by four push tests with cylinder strengths fcm  86 N/mm2.

For certain types of profiled sheeting, available slips were found to be greater than 6 mm
(Mottram and Johnson, 1990; Lawson et al., 1992). These results and other test data led to a
relaxation of the limiting effective spans at which low degrees of shear connection can be
used, as shown in the lower part of Figure 6.4(a). This applies only where conditions (a)–(e) of
clause are satisfied, because these are the situations for which test data are available. Clause
There is no validated theoretical model that includes all the many relevant variables, so this
relaxation is allowed only where the force Nc is determined by the more conservative of the
two methods given in clause, the interpolation method.

The conditions for the use of this clause include limits to both b0/hp and hp. The net height hpn is
appropriate, provided that the top rib is ‘small’ as defined in comments on clause 6.6.4 and shown
in Figure 6.14(b).

The limits to the use of partial shear connection in buildings are summarised in Figure 6.4(a),
where Le is the effective span. The span limits given by the lines PQ to RS are from the provisions
of clause for ‘ductile’ connectors. The design of a long-span beam with a low degree of
shear connection is likely to be governed by the need to limit its deflection, unless it is
propped during construction or is continuous.

For composite beams in sagging bending, the steel top flange must be wide enough to resist lateral
buckling during erection, and for attachment of the connectors, but can often be smaller than the
bottom flange. A smaller flange lowers the plastic neutral axis of the composite section, and
increases the slip required by the model for partial-interaction design. This is why clauses and give limits on the degree of shear connection that are less liberal than
those for beams with equal steel flanges.

Where composite slabs that span transverse to the beam are used, there may be insufficient space
in the trough for the studs required by these rules, so there is pressure to relax them. In the UK,
this led the Steel Construction Institute to sponsor tests and parametric studies on simply
supported beams of this type and push tests on studs in trapezoidal sheeting (Hicks, 2007;
Simms and Smith, 2009; Smith and Couchman, 2010, 2011).

From the results it was concluded that studs in central or ‘favourable’ locations in the troughs
(defined in comments on clause had a characteristic slip capacity of at least 10 mm.
This led to more liberal rules, published as non-contradictory complementary information
(NCCI) for use with Eurocode 4 (Steel Construction Institute, 2010), and also as a revision to
BS 5950-3-1 (British Standards Institution, 2010). They are explained with reference to
Figure 6.12, which shows maximum effective spans Le for degrees of shear connection  for
steel beams of S355 steel with equal flanges and stud connectors. Span Le is the length of
beam in sagging bending, defined in clause

Lines A and B are from clause The lower line is for general use. The upper line, B, is for
single 19 mm studs in trapezoidal troughs of transverse sheeting, with limits to dimensions. These
rules take no account of the method of construction.

In the NCCI, it is assumed that less deformation is required of shear connectors where unpropped
construction is used. The general rule is line C, applicable to studs of the same sizes as line A, but
with the design-imposed loading limited to 9 kN/m2. For propped construction, the general rule
remains as line A. These lines assume that 6 mm of slip capacity is available.

The new rules based on 10 mm of slip capacity are for 19 mm studs through-deck-welded in
trapezoidal troughs of transverse sheeting. They give lines D for propped construction and E
for unpropped construction. Line E is much more liberal that EN 1994, especially for an effective

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Figure 6.12. Comparison of Eurocode rules for the minimum degree of partial shear connection with those
of the NCCI, for beams of grade S355 steel with headed studs

30 Unpropped 30

NCCI, sheeting

20 E 20
Le : m

10 B 10
NCCI, general
A EN 1994-1-1

0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
η (= n/nf)

span of 20 m, where the minimum degree of shear connection is 0.4, as compared with 0.8 on the
Eurocode line B.

For such long spans, limits to deflection may prevent the full use of this concession. Clause
7.3.1(4) of EN 1994-1-1 permits the effects of the partial interaction on deflection to be
ignored under certain conditions. The NCCI notes that these will not be met, and gives formulae
for calculating the increased deflection. These are discussed in comments on clause 7.3.1.

Where the bottom flange of the steel beam is larger than the top flange, both EN 1994 and the
NCCI give rules less liberal than those for equal flanges.

The limited scope of the new rules arises from their basis on tests, which do not include spans
longer than 12 m.

Spacing of shear connectors in beams for buildings

Clause Clause extends clause a little, by referring to ‘spacing’ of connectors and
an ‘appropriate distribution’ of longitudinal shear. The interpretation of ‘appropriate’ can
depend on the method of analysis used and the ductility of the connectors.

The principle may be assumed to be satisfied where connectors are spaced ‘elastically’ to clause, which has general applicability. The more convenient use of uniform spacing requires
the connectors to satisfy clause, which implies (but does not require) the use of plastic
resistance moments. The connectors must be ‘ductile’, as defined in clauses and This is normally achieved by satisfying clause Clauses to provide an alternative that enables research-based evidence to be used, but its use is
not appropriate for routine design.

In practice, it is possible to space connectors uniformly in most beams for buildings, so, for
Clause continuous beams, clause requires the curtailment of tension reinforcement for
hogging bending to be related to the spacing of the shear connectors, if this leads to bars
longer than would be required when based on the variation in the bending moment along the

Clause Clause could apply to a simply supported or a continuous beam with a large concrete
slab and a relatively small steel top flange. Connectors spaced uniformly along a critical length
might then have insufficient available slip. Use of an additional critical section would lead to a
more suitable distribution.

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

Example 6.4: arrangement of shear connectors

As an example of the use of these rules, a simply supported beam of span 10 m is considered.
It has distributed loading, equal steel flanges, a uniform cross-section in Class 2, S355 steel,
and stud connectors. At mid-span, MEd is much less than Mpl,Rd. The cross-section is such
that the required resistance to bending can be provided using 40% of full shear connection
(n/nf ¼ 0.4).

Clause gives n/nf  0.55. However, if the slab is composite, and the other
conditions of clause are satisfied, n/nf ¼ 0.4 may be used.

Suppose now that the span of the beam is 12 m. The preceding limits to n/nf are increased to
0.61 and 0.48, respectively. One can either design using these limits, or go to clause,
which refers to ‘longitudinal shear calculated by elastic theory’. This presumably means
using vL ¼ VEdA y/I, where vL is the shear force per unit length of the beam and VEd is the
vertical shear on the composite section. This gives a triangular distribution of longitudinal
shear, or separate distributions, to be superimposed, if creep is allowed for by using
several modular ratios. The force in the slab at mid-span now depends on the proportion
of MEd that is applied to the composite member, and on the proportions of the cross-
section. Connectors corresponding to this force are then spaced accordingly, possibly with
extra ones near mid-span to satisfy the rule of clause on the maximum spacing
of studs.

Strictly, the envelope of vertical shear should be used for VEd, which gives non-zero shear at
mid-span. For a typical ratio of permanent to variable distributed loading this increases the
shear connection needed by only 2%, but the envelope should certainly be used for more
complex variable loading.

For continuous beams where MEd at mid-span is much less than Mpl,Rd, the method is more
complex, as partial shear connection is permitted only where the slab is in compression. The
envelope of design vertical shear from the global analysis should be used. For simplicity,
longitudinal shear can be found using properties of the uncracked cross-section throughout,
because this gives an overestimate in cracked regions. Examples 6.7 and 6.8 (see below) are

It does not help, in the present example, to define additional critical sections within the 6 m
shear span of the beam, because the limits of clause are given in terms of effective
span, not critical length.

6.6.2 Longitudinal shear force in beams for buildings

Clauses and say, in effect, that the design longitudinal shear force should be Clause
consistent with the bending resistances of the cross-sections at the ends of the critical length
considered, not with the design vertical shear forces (the action effects). This is done for two

g simplicity – for the design bending moments often lie between the elastic and plastic
resistances, and calculation of longitudinal shear becomes complex
g robustness – for otherwise longitudinal shear failure, which may be more brittle than
flexural failure, could occur first.

The words ‘consistent with or respectively’ in clause are confusing,
because although those clauses give alternative methods they are both in clause, with
reference to clause, where further comment is given.

Beam with Class 3 sections at supports and a Class 1 or 2 section at mid-span

Clause applies because non-linear or elastic theory will have been ‘applied to cross-
sections’. The longitudinal forces in the slab at the Class 3 sections are then calculated by

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

elastic theory, based on the bending moments in the composite section. At mid-span, it is not
Clause clear whether clause applies, because its heading does not say ‘. . . resistance of all
cross-sections’. The simpler and recommended method is to assume that it does apply, and to
calculate the longitudinal force at mid-span based on MRd at that section, as that is consistent
with the model used for bending. The total shear flow between a support and mid-span is the
sum of the longitudinal forces at those points. The alternative would be to find the longitudinal
force at mid-span by elastic theory for the moments applied to the composite section, even
though the bending stresses could exceed the specified limits.

Clause This absence of ‘all’ from the heading is also relevant to the use of clause, on the use of
partial shear connection. The design for a beam with Class 3 sections at internal supports limits
the curvature of those regions, so the ultimate-load curvature at mid-span will be too low for the
full-interaction bending resistance to be reached. The use of partial shear connection is then
appropriate, with MRd less than Mpl,Rd.

6.6.3 Headed stud connectors in solid slabs and concrete encasement

Resistance to longitudinal shear
In BS 5950-3-1 (British Standards Institution, 2010) and in earlier UK codes, the characteristic
shear resistances of studs are given in a table, applicable only when the stud material has
particular properties. There was no theoretical model for the shear resistance.

The Eurocodes must be applicable to a wider range of products, so design equations are essential.
Clause Those given in clause are based on the model that a stud with a shank diameter d and an
ultimate strength fu, set in concrete with a characteristic strength fck and a mean secant modulus
Ecm, fails either in the steel alone or in the concrete alone.

The concrete failure is found in tests to be influenced by both the stiffness and the strength of the

This led to Equations 6.18–6.21, in which the numerical constants and partial safety factor  V
have been deduced from analyses of test data. In situations where the resistances from Equations
6.18 and 6.19 are similar, tests show that interaction occurs between the two assumed modes of
failure. An equation based on analyses of test data, but not on a defined model (Oehlers and
Johnson, 1987),

PRk ¼ k(
d 2/4)fu(Ecm/Ea)0.4( fck/fu)0.35 (D6.16)

gives a curve with a shape that approximates better both to test data and to values tabulated in
BS 5950. The constant k is slightly dependent on the number of studs in a shear span.

In the statistical analyses done for EN 1994-1-1 (Roik et al., 1989; Stark and van Hove, 1991)
both of these methods were studied. Equation D6.16 gave results with slightly less scatter, but
the equations of clause were preferred because of their clear basis and experience of
their use in some countries. Here, and elsewhere in Section 6, coefficients from such analyses
were modified slightly, to enable a single partial factor, denoted  V (‘V’ for shear), 1.25, to be
recommended for all types of shear connection.

It was concluded from this study (Stark and van Hove, 1991) that the coefficient in Equation 6.19
should be 0.26. This result was based on push tests, where the mean number of studs per specimen
was only six, and where lateral restraint from the narrow test slabs was usually less stiff than in
the concrete flange of a composite beam. The strength of studs in many beams is also increased by
the presence of hogging transverse bending of the slab. For these reasons the coefficient was
increased from 0.26 to 0.29, a value that is supported by a subsequent calibration study
(Johnson and Huang, 1994) based on beams with partial shear connection.

Design resistances of 19 mm stud connectors in solid slabs, given by clause, are shown in
Figure 6.13. It is assumed that the penalty for short studs, Equation 6.20, does not apply. For any
given values of fu and fck, the figure shows which failure mode governs. It can be used for this
purpose for studs of other diameters, provided that h/d  4.

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

Figure 6.13. Design shear resistances of 19 mm studs with h/d  4 in solid slabs

fu = 500 N/mm2

PRd: kN


60 Density class 1.8

20 30 40 50
fck: N/mm2

25 37 50 60
fcu: N/mm2

For studs subjected to fatigue loading, research has found (Hanswille et al., 2007) that gradual
reduction in the static shear strength occurs during the fatigue life. In theory, it falls to the
fatigue strength at the end of the fatigue life. No account is taken of this in current design
methods, mainly because of the absence of failures that can be attributed to this effect. There
is further comment under clause 6.8.2.

For pairs of studs in troughs of transverse sheeting, NCCI referred to from the UK’s National
Annex provides reduction factors to be applied to PRd from Equation 6.19. This is explained
in comments on clause

The ‘overall nominal height’ of a stud, used in Equations 6.20 and 6.21, is the length listed by the
manufacturer. The ‘length after welding’ (LAW) may be about the same after welding to a flange
of a beam, but can be up to 5 mm less after welding through profiled sheeting, so for a 100 mm
stud it is assumed in examples here to be 95 mm.

The resistances in clause are not applicable to studs of diameter exceeding 25 mm. Data
on the static and fatigue strength of studs up to 30 mm in diameter are available (Lee et al., 2005).

Weld collars
Clause on weld collars refers to EN 13918 (British Standards Institution, 2003), which Clause
gives ‘guide values’ for the height and diameter of collars, with the note that these may vary in
through-deck stud welding. It is known that for studs with normal weld collars a high proportion
of the shear is transmitted through the collar (Johnson and Oehlers, 1981). It should not be
assumed that the shear resistances of clause are applicable to studs without collars (e.g.
where friction welding by high-speed spinning is used). A normal collar should be fused to the
shank of the stud. Typical collars in the test specimens from which the design formulae were
deduced had a diameter not less than 1.25d and a minimum height not less than 0.15d, where
d is the diameter of the shank.

The collars of studs welded through profiled sheeting can be of different shape from those for
studs welded direct to steel flanges, and the shear strength may also depend on the effective
diameter of the weld between the sheeting and the flange, about which little is known. The
resistances of clause are applicable where the welding is in accordance with EN ISO 14555
(British Standards Institution, 1998), as is required.

Studs of diameter exceeding 20 mm are rarely used in buildings, as welding through sheeting
becomes more difficult, and more powerful welding plant is required.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Splitting of the slab

Clause Clause refers to ‘splitting forces in the direction of the slab thickness’. These occur where
the axis of a stud lies in a plane parallel to that of the concrete slab: for example, if studs are welded to
the web of a steel T section that projects into a concrete flange. These are referred to as ‘lying studs’ in
published research (Kuhlmann and Breuninger, 2002) on the local reinforcement needed to prevent
or control splitting. There is an informative annex on this subject in EN 1994-2 (BSI, 2005a), and in
Hendy and Johnson (2006). A similar problem occurs in composite L beams with studs close to a
free edge of the slab. This is addressed in clause

Tension in studs
Pressure under the head of a stud connector and friction on the shank normally causes the stud weld
to be subjected to vertical tension before shear failure is reached. This is why clause
requires shear connectors to have a resistance to tension that is at least 10% of the shear resistance.
Clause Clause therefore permits tensile forces that are less than this to be neglected.

The resistance of studs to higher tensile forces has been found to depend on so many variables,
especially the layout of local reinforcement, that no simple design rules could be given. It is
usually possible to find other ways of resisting the vertical tension that occurs: for example,
where a travelling crane is supported from the steel element of a composite beam.

6.6.4 Design resistance of headed studs used with profiled steel sheeting in
The load–slip behaviour of a stud connector in a trough (of sheeting) or rib (of concrete; both
terms are used) (Figure 6.14) is more complex than in a solid slab. It is influenced by:

g the direction of the ribs relative to the span of the beam

g their mean breadth b0 and depth hp
g the diameter d and height hsc of the stud
g the number nr of the studs in one trough, and their spacing
g whether or not a stud is central within a trough, and, if not, by its eccentricity and the
direction of the shear.

The interactions between these parameters have been explored by testing, with sheeting contin-
uous across the beam. It is clear that the most significant are the ratios hsc/hp and b0/hp and, for
ribs transverse to the supporting beams, nr and the eccentricity, if any. In EN 1994-1-1, as in
earlier codes, reduction factors k (1.0) are given, for application to the design resistances of
studs in solid slabs. They are based entirely on testing and experience.

Sheeting with top ribs

Since EN 1994 was written, sheetings with a small top rib, as shown in Figure 6.14(a), have come
into use, so a profile has two depths, here denoted hpn (net) and hpg (gross). The symbol hp is
defined in clause 1.6 as the ‘overall depth’. It is used or referred to in almost 20 different
places in EN 1994-1-1. Guidance on whether to use hpn or hpg is given in this guide wherever the
question arises: for example, in clauses ) and 6.6.6. It is based on consensus rather
than research.

It is believed in the UK that small top ribs do not contribute to shear failures that occur within
troughs, and ‘small’ has been defined in BS 5950-3-1 (British Standards Institution, 2010).
Dimensions of the rib may not exceed 55 mm wide and 15 mm high, and the top flange that
supports it must be at least 110 mm wide, as shown in Figure 6.14(b). This definition is repeated
in the NCCI discussed under clause

Clause Sheeting with ribs parallel to the supporting beams (clause
There are two situations. The sheeting may be continuous across the beams – its side walls then
provide lateral restraint to the concrete around the studs – or it may be discontinuous, as shown
in Figure 6.14(a). The haunch may then be wider than the breadth b0 of a trough. From clause, it can be treated as a haunch not formed by sheeting, to clause

A haunch that just complies with clause is shown, to scale, in Figure 6.14(a).

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

Figure 6.14. Details of haunches: (a) with parallel sheeting; (b) with positions of stud connectors for
trapezoidal sheeting transverse to the supporting beams (dimensions in mm)



hsc = 145 19
hpn = 75

26 26
60 60

146, or b0 for continuous sheeting


Location of the
stud in the trough F or U C
hc = 60
$2d, clause e = 30 #55

hp = 55 d #110


b0 = 160


The rules specify:

g the angle  (458)

g the concrete side cover to the connector (50 mm)
g the depth of the transverse reinforcement below the underside of the head (40 mm).

This last rule cannot be satisfied using studs of normal height (100 or 125 mm), and in the UK it
would not be applied in this situation. Another rule on projection of studs above reinforcement is
discussed under clause

The application of clause to this haunch is now considered. The reduction factor is Clause

kl ¼ 0.6(b0/hp)[(hsc/hp)  1]  1 (6.22)

where hsc may not be taken as greater than hp þ 75 mm. The more liberal interpretation of hp, hpg,
could be used for this limit, which rarely governs. For b0, defined in Figures 6.12 and 6.13 in the
code, the top rib is irrelevant, and hpn should be used, as in Figure 6.14.

Equation 6.29 is from Grant et al. (1977); it dates from 1977 because there is little recent research
on ribs parallel to the beam (Johnson and Yuan, 1998a). The result is strongly influenced by hp. If
hpn is used, it gives for the haunch in Figure 6.14(a)

kl ¼ 0.6(146/75)[(145/75)  1] ¼ 1.09

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

so there is no reduction. If hpg is used, the result is kl ¼ 0.67. Provided that the top rib is ‘small’,
hpn should be used.

For a stud of more typical height, 125 mm, with hpn, the result is kl ¼ 0.78. In an unsheeted
haunch, clause would then require transverse reinforcement to be provided at a lower
level than in Figure 6.14(a), which might be impracticable.

For discontinuous sheeting, edge fixings provided for erection may not provide much lateral
restraint, and the trough may be too narrow for the rules of clause to be applied. The
Clause reference to ‘appropriately anchored ’ in clause provides an alternative. The UK’s
National Annex refers to NCCI at on the provision of appropriate
anchorage. Its basis is that the anchorage to each edge of the sheeting should be as strong as
the force, transverse to the beam, that would ‘unfold’ the profile by means of plastic hinges
at the top and bottom edges of its troughs. This force is found not to exceed 4 kN/m. The
NCCI gives details and spacings of appropriate edge fixings: self-tapping screws or shot-fired

The rules of clause for continuous or anchored sheeting should normally ensure good
detailing. There is no penalty for off-centre studs in troughs of parallel sheeting. Concentrations
of studs should be avoided, as there is too little research to provide guidance on the use of more
than one at a cross-section.

Where sheeting is continuous across a beam and through-deck stud welding is used, there may be
shear transfer from the sheeting to the beam. No guidance is given on this complex situation,
which may be ignored in design.

Clause Sheeting with ribs transverse to the supporting beams (clause
In the preceding paragraphs, the likely mode of failure was loss of restraint to the base of the stud
due to bursting (lateral expansion) of the haunch. A rib transverse to the beam, shown in
Figure 6.14(b) with typical dimensions, is more highly stressed, as it has to transfer much of
the shear from the base of the stud to the continuous slab above. Three modes of failure are
shown in Figures 6.15(a)–6.15(c):

(a) a failure surface above a stud that is too short (‘concrete pull-out’)
(b) a rib that is too slender, with plastic hinges in the stud

Figure 6.15. Failure modes and placing of studs, for troughs of profiled sheeting. The alternate
favourable and unfavourable placing of pairs of studs is shown in (d), and the diagonal placing of pairs of
studs in (e)

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e)

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

(c) eccentricity on the ‘weak’ side of the centre, the ‘unfavourable’ location, which reduces the
effective breadth of the rib (Mottram and Johnson, 1990), and causes ‘rib punching’
failure (Johnson and Yuan, 1998b).

The shear resistance of a stud in a solid slab is multiplied by a reduction factor kt given by an
equation with format similar to that for kl; but research led to important changes from the
ENV version, making it more restrictive.

The definition of nr in clause was being misapplied, and has been replaced by: Clause

nr is the number of stud connectors in one rib at the beam intersection, not to exceed two
in calculation of the reduction factor kt and of the longitudinal shear resistance of the

Most of the test data had been from sheeting exceeding 1.0 mm in thickness, with through-deck
welding of studs up to 20 mm in diameter. Later work led to the reductions in kt,max for other
situations, given in Table 6.2 of clause, such as thinner sheeting and studs welded Clause
through holes. Research also found that the use of a reduction factor for the strength of studs
in a solid slab is not appropriate where strong studs are placed in a relatively weak rib, so
further limitations of scope were added:

g the stud diameter not to exceed the limits given in Table 6.2
g the ultimate strength of studs in sheeting not to be taken as greater than 450 N/mm2.

Ductility, or the slip capacity of stud connectors within troughs, provided another problem. A
series of tests in Australia (Ernst et al., 2006, 2007, 2009; Mirza and Uy, 2010) led to claims
that studs in troughs have slip capacities much less than 6 mm. Use of so-called ‘wave-form’
reinforcement within troughs showed improved ductility; preformed bars and mesh were
marketed, and attempts made to codify their use. BS 5950-3-1 and EN 1994-1-1 were alleged
to be ‘unsafe’ in this respect. Other series of tests gave conflicting conclusions (Bradford, 2005;
Ranzi et al., 2009). There was lively debate in technical journals. It became clear that slip
capacity depends on several parameters, including the number and location of the studs in a
trough, their projection above the sheeting and the level of the reinforcement in the slab. The
need for reinforcement within the troughs in current use was not accepted, even in Australia,
but gaps in the Eurocode rules became evident: they did not take sufficient account of recent
changes in sheeting profiles, such as the presence of a central rib within troughs.

Crowding studs into a rib reduces ductility (Mottram and Johnson, 1990) as well as strength.
Ductility is needed most in long spans where, fortunately, longitudinal shears are usually
low (in buildings) in relation to the width of the steel top flange available for the placing of
studs. This is relevant because the failures sketched in Figure 6.15 are in reality three-
dimensional, and resistances depend in a complex way on the arrangement of pairs of studs
within a rib.

Comments on the location of studs within troughs are made under clause

Interaction between studs and slab reinforcement

The minimum height of a shear connector above bottom reinforcement in a slab is defined in
clause In drafting EN 1994 it was assumed that this rule would apply to flanges that
were composite slabs. The application of the similar 40 mm rule for sheeting discontinuous at
a beam is discussed under clause These rules require extra-long studs; and there is wide-
spread existing practice of reinforcing thin composite slabs with a single layer of mesh. Above
beams, it is placed near the top surface, to control the width of cracks caused by hogging
bending of the slab. There is then no ‘bottom reinforcement’, so, it is argued, clause
does not apply.

Where there is sheeting, other rules relevant to in-plane shear failure seem to provide
the resistance given by bottom reinforcement in solid slabs: the minimum projection of

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

studs above sheeting, and the reduction factors kl and kt for stud resistance, based on shear

It was concluded in the UK that clause, devised for solid slabs, need not be applied to
composite slabs that follow current practice.

Non-contradictory complementary information in the UK

These problems led to extensive further testing (Hicks and Couchman, 2006; Hicks, 2007;
Johnson, 2007b; Simms and Smith, 2009) of both beams and push specimens with studs in
transverse troughs. This work led to an amendment to BS 5950-3-1 in 2010 (British Standards
Institution, 2010) and a reference in the UK’s National Annex to EN 1994-1-1 to the publication
NCCI: Resistance of Headed Stud Connectors in Transverse Sheeting (Steel Construction
Institute, 2010), which is now explained and discussed.

The NCCI makes changes to several clauses of EN 1994-1-1, some of which appear not to be
‘non-contradictory’. However, most of the results could have been achieved, less conveniently,
by changes to the partial factor  VS, which are permitted.

The scope of the NCCI is defined in detail: 19 mm studs on beams with transverse trapezoidal
decking. A new factor kmod is introduced, to be applied to PRd as given by Equation 6.19
for the resistance of studs in solid slabs where governed by concrete failure. Its use is
linked with the waiving of the rule in clause for studs to project 30 mm above
bottom reinforcement.

It may be applied only under the following conditions, in Eurocode notation: b0  100 mm,
hsc  95 mm, hpn  80 mm and tp  0.86 mm (bare metal thickness).

For single studs in a trough (nr ¼ 1), the factor kmod ¼ 1. The main purpose of the NCCI is to
make the use of multiple studs more conservative. The definition in EN 1994 ‘where nr is the
number of stud connectors in one rib at a beam intersection, not to exceed 2 in computations’ has
been interpreted in practice as permitting the use of any number of studs. In the next revision
of EN 1994-1-1, it will be changed to ‘not to exceed 2 in calculation of the longitudinal shear
resistance of the connection’. Three or more studs should never be used, because, in some
layouts, three studs can be weaker and less ductile than two.

In the NCCI, nr > 2 is banned. The factor kmod penalises pairs of studs in a trough to an extent
that depends on whether the mesh reinforcement in the slab is at least 10 mm below the heads
of the studs. If it is, kmod ¼ 0.9; if not, kmod ¼ 0.7. These reductions are additional to the 29%
reduction in resistance per stud that results from the term (nr)1/2 in Equation 6.23, and to the
reduced upper limits to kt given in Table 6.2.

Studs on the ‘unfavourable’ side of troughs (explained in the comment on clause are
weaker and can have low slip capacity. The NCCI requires studs to be in central or ‘favourable’
locations, except that one of a pair can be on the unfavourable side. This differs from the
guidance in clause that the unfavourable side can be used for single studs, in alternate
troughs, which the NCCI says should be ignored.

Some results from the use of the NCCI with Equation 6.23 and Table 6.2 are given in
Figure 6.16(a). The scope of the figure is limited to sheeting of nominal thickness 1.0 mm or
less. It gives the product kmodkt, which is the reduction factor to be applied to PRd from Equation
6.19. The limits to the depth of the sheeting and the standard nominal lengths of studs (100 and
125 mm) are such that the ratio hsc/hpn is usually between 1.5 and 2.0. These values are used, with
the shape property of the troughs, b0/hpn, plotted on the x axis. The labels ‘high mesh’ and ‘low
mesh’ correspond to the factors kmod ¼ 0.7 and 0.9, respectively.

The extra shear resistance obtained by replacing one stud per trough with two varies widely. It is
shown in Figure 6.16(b) as a ratio of resistances per trough; that is, as

2(kmodkt)n ¼ 2/(kmodkt)n ¼ 1 (D6.17)

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

Figure 6.16. Reduction below PRd for studs with d  20 mm and through-deck welding: (a) the reduction
factor; (b) ratio of resistances – pairs compared with single studs

nr = 1
nr = 1 hsc/hpn = 1.5

Low mesh
hsc/hpn = 2

0.6 nr = 2

High mesh

nr = 2 nr = 2 nr = 2

1.0 2.0 3.0


1.5 hsc/hpn = 2
Ratio of resistances


1.3 Low mesh

hsc/hpn = 1.5

1.1 High mesh

1.0 2.0 3.0
Range common in practice

This shows that the ratio ranges from 1.26 to 1.48 for low mesh and from 0.98 to 1.15 for high
mesh, depending on the ratio hsc/hpn. It may be uneconomic to use pairs of studs unless low-level
mesh is also provided (Simms and Smith, 2009).

Biaxial loading of shear connectors

The biaxial horizontal loading referred to in clause occurs where stud connectors are used Clause
to provide end anchorage for composite slabs, as shown in Figure 9.1(c). Clause 9.7.4(3) gives the
design anchorage resistance as the lesser of that given by clause 6.6 and Ppb,Rd, the bearing
resistance of the sheet, from Equation 9.10. Even where 16 mm studs are used in lightweight
concrete, the bearing resistance (typically about 18 kN) will be the lower of the two.

These studs resist horizontal shear from both the slab and the beam. The interaction equation of
clause is based on vectorial addition of the two shear forces.

Example 6.5: reduction factors for transverse sheeting

The sheeting is as shown in Figure 6.14(b), with an assumed thickness t ¼ 0.9 mm, including
zinc coating. The shoulder depth hpn is 55 mm. For one stud in the central location (shown by
dashed lines in Figure 6.14(b)), b0 ¼ 160 mm, hsc ¼ 95 mm and nr ¼ 1. Equation 6.23 and
Table 6.2 give

kt ¼ (0.7  160/55)(95/55  1) ¼ 1.48 (but 0.85)

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

For two studs per trough, placed centrally and side by side, at lateral spacing 4d from
kt ¼ 1.48/1.41 ¼ 1.05 (but 0.7).

Further calculations of reduction factors are included in Example 6.7.

6.6.5 Detailing of the shear connection and influence of execution

It is rarely possible to prove the general validity of application rules for detailing, because they
apply to so great a variety of situations. They are based partly on previous practice. An adverse
experience causes the relevant rule to be made more restrictive. In research, existing rules are
often violated when test specimens are designed, in the hope that extensive good experience
may enable existing rules to be relaxed.

Rules are often expressed in the form of limiting dimensions, even though most behaviour
(excluding corrosion) is more influenced by ratios of dimensions than by a single value.
Minimum dimensions that would be appropriate for an unusually large structural member
could exceed those given in the code. Similarly, code maxima may be too large for use in a
small member. Designers are unwise to follow detailing rules blindly, because no set of rules
can be comprehensive.

Resistance to separation, and ‘bottom reinforcement’

Clause The object of clause on resistance to separation is to ensure that failure surfaces in the
concrete cannot pass above the connectors and below the reinforcement, intersecting neither.
Tests have found that these surfaces may not be plane; the problem is three-dimensional. A long-
itudinal section through a possible failure surface ABC is shown in Figure 6.17. The studs are at
the maximum spacing allowed by clause

Clause defines only the highest level for the bottom reinforcement. Ideally, its longitudinal
location relative to the studs should also be defined, because the objective is to prevent failure
surfaces where the angle  (Figure 6.17) is small. It is impracticable to specify a minimum
angle , or to link detailing rules for reinforcement with those for connectors.

The angle  obviously depends on the spacing of the bottom bars, assumed to be 800 mm in
Figure 6.17. What is the maximum permitted value for this spacing? The answer is quite complex.

Clause refers to clause 9.2.2(5) in EN 1992-1-1, where a note recommends a minimum
reinforcement ratio. For fck ¼ 30 N/mm2 and fsk ¼ 500 N/mm2, this gives 0.088%, or 131 mm2/m
for this 150 mm slab. However, if the slab is continuous across the beam, most of this could be in
the top of the slab.

The minimum bottom reinforcement depends on whether the slab is continuous or not. If it is
simply supported on the beam, the bottom bars are ‘principal reinforcement’ to clause of EN 1992-1-1, where a note gives their maximum spacing as 400 mm, for this
example, and 450 mm for ‘secondary’ reinforcement. The rules of clause on splitting
may also apply.

If the slab is continuous over the beam, there may be no need for bottom flexural reinforcement
to EN 1992-1-1. Let us assume that there is a single row of 19 mm studs with a design resistance,

Figure 6.17. The level of bottom transverse reinforcement (dimensions in mm)

55 A C
95 30 α


Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

91 kN per stud, which is possible in concrete of class C40/50 (Figure 6.13). The bottom transverse
reinforcement will then be determined by the rules of clause for shear surfaces of type b–b
or c–c. These show that 12 mm bars at 750 mm spacing are sufficient. There appears to be no rule
that requires closer spacing, but it would be prudent to treat these bars as ‘secondary flexural’
bars to EN 1992-1-1, not least because it increases the angle . Using its maximum spacing of
450 mm, 10 mm bars are sufficient. The minimum slope is then about 158, and in practice
would be greater.

Bottom reinforcement in composite slabs is discussed in the comment on clause

Cover to connectors
Composite slabs are normally used only in dry environments, where the concessions on minimum
cover given in clause are appropriate. Clause

Loading of shear connection during execution

As almost all relevant provisions on execution appear in standards for either steel or concrete
structures, there is no section ‘Execution’ in EN 1994-1-1. This is why clause Clause
appears here.

The method of construction of composite beams and slabs (i.e. whether propped or unpropped),
and also the sequence of concreting, affects stresses calculated by elastic theory, and the
magnitude of deflections. It is significant, therefore, in verifications of resistance of cross-sections
in Class 3 or 4, and in serviceability checks.

Where propped construction is used, it is usual to retain the props until the concrete has achieved
a compressive strength of at least 75% of its design value. If this is not done, verifications at the
removal of props should be based on a reduced compressive strength.

Clause gives a lower limit for this reduction in concrete strength. It also relates to the
staged casting of a concrete flange for an unpropped composite beam, setting, in effect, a
minimum time interval between successive stages of casting.

Local reinforcement in the slab

Where shear connectors are close to a longitudinal edge of a concrete flange, the use of U bars
is almost the only way of providing the full anchorage required by clause The split- Clause
ting referred to in clause is a common mode of failure in push-test specimens with Clause
narrow slabs (e.g. in British codes, 300 mm and, later, 600 mm). It was also found, in full-scale
tests, to be the normal failure mode for composite L beams constructed with precast slabs
(Johnson and Oehlers, 1982). Detailing rules are given in clause for slabs where the
edge distance e in Figure 6.18 is less than 300 mm. The required area of bottom transverse
reinforcement, Ab per unit length of beam, should be found using clause 6.6.6. In the
unhaunched slab shown in Figure 6.18, the failure surface b–b will be critical (unless the slab
is very thick) because the shear on surface a–a is low in an L beam with an asymmetrical
concrete flange.

To ensure that the reinforcement is fully anchored to the left of the line a–a, it is recommended
that U bars be used. These can be in a horizontal plane or, where top reinforcement is needed, in a
vertical plane.

Figure 6.18. Longitudinal shear reinforcement in an L beam

a b

d ≥0.5d

a b

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Figure 6.19. Examples of details susceptible to longitudinal splitting


(a) (b)

No rules are given for the effectiveness as transverse reinforcement of profiled sheeting transverse
to the supporting beams, with ribs that extend to a cantilever edge of the slab. The length needed
to develop the full tensile resistance of the sheeting will be known from the design procedure
for the composite slab. It is always greater than the minimum edge distance of 6d, and usually
greater than 300 mm. Where it exceeds the length e available, bottom transverse reinforcement
may be needed. The situation can be improved by placing all the connectors near the inner
edge of the steel flange. Sheeting with ribs parallel to the free edge should not be assumed to
resist longitudinal splitting of the slab.

Lying studs
There is also a risk of splitting where the shank of a stud (a ‘lying stud’) is parallel and close to a
free surface of the slab, as shown, for example, in Figure 6.19. The U bars should then be in a
vertical plane. Research has found (Kuhlmann and Breuninger, 2002) that the ‘6d ’ rule for the
edge distance in clause and the provision of hoops may not be sufficient to ensure that
the design shear resistance of the stud is reached. The height of the stud and the longitudinal
bars shown are also important.

The slip capacity may be less than 6 mm, so the shear connection may not be ‘ductile’. The stud
shown in Figure 6.19(b) may be subjected to simultaneous axial tension and vertical and longitu-
dinal shear, so details of this type should be avoided.

There are no provisions for lying studs in EN 1994-1-1. There is an informative annex in EN 1994-2,
and relevant publications (Kuhlmann and Breuninger, 2002; Kuhlmann and Kürschner, 2006).

Reinforcement at the end of a cantilever

At the end of a composite cantilever, the force on the concrete from the connectors acts towards
the nearest edge of the slab. The effects of shrinkage and temperature can add further stresses
(Johnson and Buckby, 1986) that tend to cause splitting in region B in Figure 6.20, so reinforce-
Clause ment in this region needs careful detailing. Clause can be satisfied by providing
‘herring-bone’ bottom reinforcement (ABC in Figure 6.20) sufficient to anchor the force from
the connectors into the slab, and to ensure that the longitudinal bars provided to resist that
force are anchored beyond their intersection with ABC.

The situation where a column is supported at point B is particularly critical. Incompatibility

between the vertical stiffnesses of the steel beam and the slab can cause local shear failure of
the slab, even where the steel beam alone is locally strong enough to carry the column.

Figure 6.20. Reinforcement at the end of a cantilever

Steel not shown
beam B

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

The detailing rules of clause are based on limited test evidence, but are long-established Clause
(Johnson, 2004). In regions of high longitudinal shear, deep haunches should be used with
caution because there may be little warning of failure.

Haunches formed by profiled sheeting are considered under clause

Maximum spacing of connectors

Situations where the stability of a concrete slab is ensured by its connection to a steel beam are
unlikely to occur in buildings. The converse situation, stabilisation of the steel flange, is of
interest only where the steel compression flange is not already in Class 1, so it rarely arises
where rolled I sections are used.

Where the steel beam is a plate girder, there is unlikely to be any need for a top flange in Class 1.
Its proportions can usually be chosen such that it is in Class 2, unless a wide thin flange is needed
to avoid lateral buckling during construction.

Clause is not restrictive in practice. As an example, a plate girder is considered, in steel Clause
with fy ¼ 355 N/mm2, where the top flange has tf ¼ 20 mm, an overall breadth of 350 mm and an
outstand c of 165 mm. The ratio " is 0.81, and the slenderness is

c/tf" ¼ 165/(20  0.81) ¼ 10.2

so, from Table 5.2 of EN 1993-1-1, the flange is in Class 3. From clause, it can be
assumed to be in Class 1 if shear connectors are provided within 146 mm of each free edge, at
a longitudinal spacing not exceeding 356 mm, for a solid slab.

The ratio 22 in this clause is based on the assumption that the steel flange cannot buckle towards
the slab. Where there are transverse ribs (e.g. due to the use of profiled sheeting), the assumption
may not be correct, so the ratio is reduced to 15. The maximum spacing in this example is then
243 mm.

The ratio 9 for the edge distance, used in the formula 9tf(235/fy)0.5, is the same as in BS 5400-5
(British Standards Institution, 1987), and the ratio 22 for longitudinal spacing is the same as the
ratio for staggered rows given in BS 5400.

The maximum longitudinal spacing in buildings, given in clause, 6hc, 800 mm, is more Clause
liberal than the general rule of BS 5950-3-1 (British Standards Institution, 2010), although that
code permitted a conditional increase to 8hc. The rule of EN 1994-1-1 is based on behaviour
observed in tests, particularly those where composite slabs have studs in alternate ribs only.
Some uplift then occurs at intermediate ribs. Spacing at 800 mm would in some situations
allow shear connection only in every third rib, and there was a requirement in ENV 1994-1-1
for anchorage, but not necessarily shear connection, to be provided in every rib. It has not
reappeared in EN 1090 for the execution of steel structures (British Standards Institution, 2008).

Detailing for stud connectors

The rules of clause are intended to prevent local overstress of a steel flange near a shear Clause
connector and to avoid problems with stud welding. Application rules for the minimum flange
thickness are given in clause Clauses and are concerned with the Clause
resistance to uplift. Rules for the resistance of studs, minimum cover and the projection of
studs above the bottom reinforcement usually lead to the use of studs of height greater than 3d.

The limit 1.5 for the ratio d/tf in clause influences the design of shear connection for Clause
closed-top box girders in bridges. For buildings, the more liberal limit of clause
normally applies. It has appeared in several earlier codes.

In clause, the minimum lateral spacing of studs in ‘solid slabs’ has been reduced to 2.5d, Clause
compared with the 4d of BS 5950-3-1. Although connection to precast slabs is outside the scope
of EN 1994-1-1, this rule facilitates the use of large precast slabs supported on the edges of the

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

steel flanges, with projecting U bars that loop over pairs of studs. There is much experience,
validated by tests (Lam et al., 2000), of this form of construction, especially in multi-storey
car parks. Closely spaced pairs of studs must be well confined laterally. The words ‘solid slabs’
should therefore be understood to exclude haunches.

Clause Further detailing rules for studs placed within troughs of profiled sheeting are given in clause
The first rule concerns resistance to uplift and refers to the ‘top of the steel deck’. Where the top rib is
‘small’, this can be interpreted as shown in Figure 6.14(b). For parallel sheeting discontinuous across
the steel beam, longer studs may be needed, as discussed under clause The rule in clause is intended to ensure good compaction of concrete around studs.

Clause Clause relates to a common situation: where a small stiffening rib in sheeting prevents
the placing of studs centrally within a trough. It would be prudent to locate studs on the ‘favour-
able’ side (see Figure 6.15(a)), which, for symmetrical loading on a simply supported span, is the
side nearest the nearer support. This was not given as an application rule because it is difficult to
ensure that the ‘favourable’ side would be correctly chosen on site. Instead, alternate-side placing
is recommended in EN 1994, with alternate studs on the ‘unfavourable’ side (see Figure 6.15(c)).
However, research has found (Johnson and Yuan, 1998b) that the mean strength of pairs of studs
placed on the two sides of a trough is about 5% less than if both were central, with a greater
reduction for sheeting less than 1 mm thick. The UK’s NCCI discussed under clause
recommends that this guidance should be ignored.

Sheeting profiles with troughs wide enough to have off-centre stiffening ribs are more suitable for
composite slabs than those with central ribs. This clause does not refer to layouts that require two
studs per trough. These are discussed in comments on clause

6.6.6 Longitudinal shear in concrete slabs

Clause 6.6.6 The subject of clause 6.6.6 is the avoidance of local failure of a concrete flange near the shear
connection, by the provision of appropriate reinforcement. These bars enhance the resistance
of a thin concrete slab to in-plane shear in the same way that stirrups strengthen a concrete
web in vertical shear. Transverse reinforcement is also needed to control and limit the longitu-
dinal splitting of the slab that can be caused by local forces from individual connectors. In
this respect, the detailing problem is more acute than in the flanges of concrete T beams,
where the shear from the web is applied more uniformly.

The principal change from earlier codes is that the equations for the required area of transverse
reinforcement have been replaced by a cross-reference to EN 1992-1-1. Its provisions for shear
surfaces of type a–a (Figure 6.15) are based on a truss analogy, as before, but a more general
version of it, in which the angle between members of the truss can be chosen by the designer.
It is an application of strut-and-tie modelling, which is widely used in EN 1992-1-1.

Clause The definitions of shear surfaces in clause and the basic design method are as before.
The method of presentation reflects the need to separate the ‘general’ provisions (clauses
to from those restricted to ‘buildings’ (clause

Shear planes
Clause Clause refers to ‘shear surfaces’. Those of types b–b, c–c and d–d in Figure 6.15 are
different from the type a–a surface because they resist almost the whole longitudinal shear.
The relevant reinforcement intersects them twice, as shown by the factors 2 in the table in
Figure 6.15. The shear for a surface of type a–a close to the connectors is the proportion of
the total longitudinal shear given by the relative effective widths of the slab on the two sides
of the beam (e.g. half, for a symmetrical T beam).

For a surface of type c–c in a beam with the steel section near one edge of the concrete flange, it is
clearly wrong to assume that half of the shear crosses half of the surface c–c. However, in this
situation the shear on the adjacent plane of type a–a will govern, so the method is not unsafe.

Clause Clause requires the design longitudinal shear to be ‘consistent with’ that used for the
design of the shear connectors. This means that the distribution along the beam of resistance

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

to in-plane shear in the slab should be the same as that assumed for the design of the shear
connection. For example, uniform resistance to longitudinal shear flow (vL) should be provided
where the connectors are uniformly spaced, even if the vertical shear over the length considered is
not constant. It does not mean, for example, that if, for reasons concerning detailing,
vL,Rd ¼ 1.3vL,Ed for the connectors, the transverse reinforcement must provide the same degree
of over-strength.

In applying clause, it is sufficiently accurate to assume that the longitudinal bending Clause
stress in the concrete flange is constant across its effective width, and zero outside it. The
clause is relevant, for example, to finding the shear on plane a–a in the haunched beam shown
in Figure 6.15, which, for a symmetrical flange, is less than half of the shear resisted by the

Resistance of a concrete flange to longitudinal shear

Clause refers to clause 6.2.4 of EN 1992-1-1, which is written for a design longitudinal Clause
shear stress vEd acting on a cross-section of thickness hf. The clause requires the area of transverse
reinforcement Asf at spacing sf to satisfy

Asf fyd/sf > vEdhf/cot f (6.21 in EN 1992-1-1)

and the longitudinal shear stress to satisfy

vEd < fcd sin f cos f (6.22 in EN 1992-1-1)

where ¼ 0.6(1  fck/250), with fck in units of N/mm2.

The Greek letter used here in EN 1992-1-1 as a strength reduction factor should not be confused
with the Roman letter v, which is used for shear stress, or with the symbol vL in EN 1994, which is
a shear force per unit length and not a stress.

The angle f between the diagonal strut and the axis of the beam is chosen (within limits) by the
designer. The use of the method is illustrated in the following example.

The effective areas Asf for the shear surfaces are defined in Figure 6.15. For surfaces of type a–a,
the top reinforcement is designed to resist transverse bending of the slab. It is assumed also to
contribute to resistance to longitudinal shear because the hogging transverse bending enhances
the longitudinal shear resistance of the lower half of the slab to an extent that compensates
for the dual use of the reinforcement.

Clause appears to be a simplification of clause that bypasses clause 6.2.4(5) of Clause
EN 1992-1-1, as it refers only to its paragraph (4). In practice, the rules for shear surfaces of types
b–b and c–c ensure that at least half of the reinforcement required to resist longitudinal shear, As
say, will be placed quite low in the cross-section. Let Ab be the reinforcement needed to resist
hogging transverse bending. It follows that the total area of reinforcement will be at least
Ab þ As/2, which satisfies clause 6.2.4(5) of EN 1992-1-1 on reinforcing for combinations of
shear and bending.

Example 6.6: transverse reinforcement for longitudinal shear

Figure 6.21 shows a plan of an area ABCD of a concrete flange of effective thickness hf,
assumed to be in longitudinal compression, with shear stress vEd and transverse reinforcing
bars of area Asf at spacing sf. The shear force per transverse bar is

Fv ¼ vEdhfsf

acting on side AB of the rectangle shown. It is transferred to side CD by a concrete strut AC

at angle f to AB, and with edges that pass through the mid-points of AB, etc., as shown, so
that the width of the strut is sf sin f.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Figure 6.21. Truss analogy for in-plane shear in a concrete flange

θf Ft

D Fv C
sf sin θf


For equilibrium at A, the force in the strut is

Fc ¼ Fv sec f (D6.18)

For equilibrium at C, the force in the transverse bar BC is

Ft ¼ Fc sin f ¼ Fv tan f (D6.19)

For the minimum area of transverse reinforcement, f should be chosen to be as small as

possible. For a flange in compression, the limits to f given in clause 6.2.4(4) of EN 1992-1-1 are

458  f  26.58 (D6.20)

so the initial choice for f is 26.58. Then, from Equation D6.19,

Ft ¼ 0.5Fv (D6.21)

From Equation 6.22 above,

vEd < 0.40 fcd

If this inequality is satisfied, then the value chosen for f is satisfactory. However, let us
assume that the concrete strut is overstressed, because

vEd ¼ 0.48 fcd

To satisfy Equation 6.22 of EN 1992-1-1,

sin f cos f  0.48


f  378

The designer increases f to 408, which satisfies Expression D6.20. From Equation D6.19,

Ft ¼ Fv tan 408 ¼ 0.84Fv

From Equation D6.21, the change in f, made to limit the compressive stress in the concrete
strut AC, increases the required area of transverse reinforcement by 68%.

The lengths of the sides of the triangle ABC in Figure 6.21 are proportional to the forces Fv,
Ft and Fc. For given Fv and sf, increasing f increases Fc, but for f < 458 (the maximum value
permitted), the increase in the width sf sin f is greater, so the stress in the concrete is reduced.

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

Minimum transverse reinforcement

Clause on this subject is discussed under clause on resistance to separation. Clause

Longitudinal shear in beams with composite slabs (clause Clause
Design rules are given for sheeting with troughs that run either transverse to the span of the steel
beam, or parallel to it. Where they intersect a beam at some other angle, one can either use the
more adverse of the two sets of rules, or combine them in an appropriate way. Dimension hf, the
thickness of the concrete above the sheeting (clause is found using the gross depth of
the sheeting, because the concrete struts (see Figure 6.21) have to pass above the top ribs, if any,
of the sheeting. This applies also to the rules in clauses, and

In clause, the ‘type b–b’ shear surface is as shown in Figure 6.16, in which the labelling Clause
of the shear surfaces differs from that in Figure 6.15.

The contribution made by the sheeting to resistance in longitudinal shear depends not only on its
direction but also on whether the designer can determine the position of the ends of individual
sheets, and whether these ends are attached to the steel beam by through-deck welding of stud
connectors. If these decisions are made subsequently by the contractor, the designer may be
unable to use transverse sheeting as reinforcement for shear in the plane of the slab. Its contribu-
tion to shear resistance is substantial where it is continuous across the beam (clause, Clause
and is useful where through-deck welding is used (clause Clause

The symbol Ap in clause has been corrected to Ape.

The contribution to resistance to longitudinal shear is essentially Kdtp fyp,d/s, where s is the long-
itudinal spacing of studs of diameter d that anchor an edge of the sheet to the beam flange. In the
corresponding rule in BS 5950-3-1, the coefficient K is 4.0. In EN 1994-1-1, K depends on the
distance from the through-welded stud to the free end of the sheet. Its permitted range (clause
9.7.4) is 2.75–6.6, but values above 4 are unlikely in practice. Clause is applied in
Example 6.7, where K is found to be 3.2, and this contribution provides 45% of the longitudinal
shear resistance required.

Sheets attached only by fixings used for erection and those with span parallel to that of the beam
are ineffective as transverse reinforcement.

Through-deck welding of studs is also used to enhance the resistance of a composite slab to long-
itudinal shear. EN 1994-1-1 does not state whether both procedures can be used at once.

The question is discussed with reference to Figure 6.22, which shows an exploded view of the base
of a stud welded to a steel flange through a layer of sheeting, which spans towards the right-hand
side of the diagram. The concrete in the mid-span region of the composite slab applies the force A
to the upper part of the stud, which enables it to anchor a tension A in the sheeting. The force B is
due to the action of the steel top flange and the sheeting as equivalent transverse reinforcement.

It is clear from Figure 6.22 that forces A and B are not additive for the stud, because A exists
above the sheeting and B below it, but they are additive for the sheeting. The model in clause

Figure 6.22. A through-welded stud acting as an end anchorage for a composite slab, and also providing
continuity for transverse reinforcement

Sheeting A+B

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

9.7.4(3) for the calculation of resistance Ppb,Rd is not shear failure of the stud but bearing failure
of the sheeting, which depends on the distance from the stud to the edge of the sheet.

This analysis shows that if the two procedures are used for the same stud, the available resistance
Ppb,Rd should be split between them, in whatever ratio may be required.

Clause does not refer to profiled sheeting with ribs parallel to the span of the beam. The
designer is unlikely to have control of the location of the lap joints in the sheeting, and its
stiffness in the transverse direction is very low. Its contribution to longitudinal shear resistance
is therefore neglected.

Example 6.7: two-span beam with composite slab – ultimate limit state
A floor structure for a department store consists of composite beams of uniform cross-
section at 2.50 m spacing, fully continuous over two equal spans of 12.0 m. The floor consists
of a composite slab of overall thickness 130 mm, spanning between the beams. The three
supports for each beam may be treated as point supports, providing lateral and vertical
restraint. A design is required for an internal beam, subjected to vertical loading only.
The design service life is 50 years.

This particular concept is unlikely to be used in practice. The design will be found to be
governed by resistance at the internal support, and only a small part of the bending resistance
at mid-span can be used. However, it illustrates the use of many of the provisions of EN 1994-
1-1, and is chosen for that reason. The checking of the beam for serviceability limit states and
the influence of semi-continuous beam-to-column connections are the subjects of worked
examples in later chapters of this guide.

The composite slab assumed here is not the one designed in Example 9.1. A critical review of
the design of this beam is given after Example 7.1.

It will be assumed, initially, that unpropped construction is used, and that the whole 24 m
length of the concrete flange is cast before significant composite action is developed in any
of this length.

Loadings and materials

The characteristic imposed load, including partitions, is

qk ¼ 7.0 kN/m2  F ¼ 1.50

where  F is a partial safety factor. The floor finish adds:

gk1 ¼ 1.20 kN/m2  F ¼ 1.35

These are applied to the composite structure.

Preliminary studies have led to the choice of lightweight-aggregate concrete, of density

class 1.8 and strength class LC25/28. For an oven-dry density not exceeding 1800 kg/m3,
Table 11.1 in clause 11.3 of EN 1992-1-1 gives the design density of this reinforced concrete
as 1950 kg/m3, which is now assumed to include the sheeting.

The chosen steel section is IPE 450, with the dimensions shown in Figure 6.23. Its weight is
gk3 ¼ 0.76 kN/m, with  F ¼ 1.35. Table 6.2 gives the loadings for a beam spacing of 2.5 m.

At this stage, the shape for the profiled sheeting is assumed to be as in Figure 6.23. The mean
thickness of the floor is 0.105 m, giving a characteristic load

gk2 ¼ 0.105  1.95  9.81 ¼ 2.01 kN/m2

with a partial safety factor  F ¼ 1.35.

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

Figure 6.23. Elevation and cross-sections of the two-span beam (dimensions in mm): (a) section D–D;
(b) section E–E; (c) elevation of the beam

12 ø @ 200
beff = 1600 42
12 ø @ 125 88
30 1.0
25 75 100
50 (b)
IPE 450 D
450 9.4 379
21 B C
14.6 D
12 000 12 000
(a) (c)

Table 6.2. Loadings per unit length of the beam (kN/m)

Type of load Characteristic Ultimate (minimum) Ultimate (maximum)

Composite slab 5.02 6.78 6.78

Steel beam 0.76 1.02 1.02
Total, on steel beam 5.78 7.80 7.80
Floor finishes 1.20 1.62 1.62
Imposed load 17.50 0 26.25
Total, for the composite beam 18.7 1.62 27.9
Total, for vertical shear 24.5 9.42 35.7

Properties of materials
Structural steel: grade S355, with  M ¼ 1.0, so

fy ¼ fyd ¼ 355 N/mm2 (D6.22)

"¼ 235=355 ¼ 0.81

Concrete: fck ¼ 25 N/mm2,  C ¼ 1.5,

0.85fcd ¼ 14.2 N/mm2 (D6.23)

From clause 11.3.1 of EN 1992-1-1,

1 ¼ 0.4 þ 0.6  1800/2200 ¼ 0.891

so the mean tensile strength is

flctm ¼ 0.891  2.6 ¼ 2.32 N/mm2 (D6.24)

From clause 11.3.2 of EN 1992-1-1,

Elcm ¼ 31  (18/22)2 ¼ 20.7 kN/mm2

so the short-term modular ratio is

n0 ¼ 210/20.7 ¼ 10.1

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

From informative Annex C, and a ‘dry’ environment, the ‘nominal total final free shrinkage
strain’ is

"cs ¼ 500  106

This value is so high that, in practice, it would be prudent to make a more accurate assess-
ment. It is used here to illustrate its consequences.

Reinforcement: fsk ¼ 500 N/mm2,  S ¼ 1.15,

fsd ¼ 435 N/mm2

For ductility, the reinforcement is to be in Class B or C, from clause 5.5.1(5).

Shear connectors: it is assumed that 19 mm studs will be used, welded through the steel
sheeting, with ultimate tensile strength

fu ¼ 500 N/mm2

and  V ¼ 1.25.

The floor finish is assumed to be such that the top of the slab is exposed to ‘low air humidity’.
From clause 4.2 of EN 1992-1-1, the exposure class is XC1. The minimum cover (clause
4.4.1) is then 15 mm for a service life of 50 years, plus a tolerance between 5 and 10 mm
that depends on the quality assurance system, and is here taken as 9 mm. At the internal
support, the 12 mm longitudinal bars are placed above the transverse bars, with a top
cover of 24 mm, as shown in Figure 6.23.

Properties of the IPE 450 cross-section

From section tables:

g area: Aa ¼ 9880 mm2, fillet radius r ¼ 21 mm

g second moments of area: 106Iay ¼ 337.4 mm4, 106Iaz ¼ 16.8 mm4
g torsional moment of area: 106Iat ¼ 0.659 mm4
g radii of gyration: iy ¼ 185 mm, iz ¼ 41.2 mm, ix ¼ 190 mm
g section moduli: 106Way ¼ 1.50 mm3, 106Waz ¼ 0.176 mm3
g plastic section modulus: 106Wpl,a,y ¼ 1.702 mm3.

The factor 106 is used to enable moments in kN m to be related to stresses in N/mm2

without further adjustment, and because it gives numbers of convenient size.

Effective widths of the concrete flange

In Figure 5.1 of clause, L1 ¼ L2 ¼ 12.0 m; for beff,1, Le ¼ 10.2 m. Assume b0 ¼ 0.1 m;

b1 ¼ b2 ¼ 2.5/2  0.05 ¼ 1.20 m

At mid-span,

beff ¼ 0.1 þ 2  10.2/8 ¼ 2.65 m (but  2.5 m)


bei ¼ 2.4/2 =1.2 m.

At the internal support, for beff,2,

Le ¼ 0.25  24 ¼ 6 m

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states


beff ¼ 0.1 þ 2  6/8 ¼ 1.60 m

At an end support, bei ¼ 1.20 m;

i ¼ (0.55 þ 0.025  10.2/1.20) ¼ 0.762

beff ¼ 0.1 þ 2  0.762  1.2 ¼ 1.83 m

Classification of composite cross-section

The class of the web is quite sensitive to the area of longitudinal reinforcement in the slab at
the internal support. It is (inconveniently) necessary to assume a value for this before the
checks that govern it can be made. Large-diameter bars may not give sufficient control of
crack widths, so the reinforcement is assumed to be 12 mm bars at 125 mm, giving 13 bars
within a 1.625 m width, so

As ¼ 1470 mm2

The effective area of concrete slab is 1.6 m by 80 mm, so

As/Ac ¼ s ¼ 0.0113

The requirement of clause 5.5.1(5) for minimum s will be checked during the design for
crack-width control; see Example 7.1.

The force in these bars at yield is

Fs,y ¼ 1470  0.435 ¼ 639 kN (D6.25)

Assuming a Class 2 section, the stress distribution for Mpl,Rd is needed. Starting from the
stress distribution for Mpl,a,Rd, the depth of the steel web that changes from tension to
compression is

639/(9.4  2  0.355) ¼ 96 mm

For classification, clause 5.5.1(1)P refers to clause 5.5.2 of EN 1993-1-1. Its Table 5.2 defines
the depth of the web, c, as that bounded by the root radii. Here, c ¼ 379 mm, of which the
depth in compression is

379/2 þ 96 ¼ 285 mm


 ¼ 285/379 ¼ 0.75

This exceeds c/2, so from Table 5.2, for Class 2,

c/t  456"/(13 – 1) ¼ 42.2

The actual c/t ¼ 381/9.4 ¼ 40.5; so at the internal support, the web is Class 2. At mid-span, it
is obviously in Class 1 or 2.

For the compression flange, from Table 5.2,

c ¼ (190  9.4)/23  21 ¼ 69.3 mm


c/t" ¼ 69.3/(14.6  0.81) ¼ 5.86

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

The limit for a Class 1 flange is 9.0; so the bottom flange is Class 1.

The member is Class 2 at the internal support and Class 1 or 2 at mid-span.

It follows from clause that for global analyses for ultimate limit states (provided
that lateral–torsional buckling does not govern) the whole of the loading may be assumed
to act on the composite member; and from clause that rigid–plastic theory
may be used for resistances to bending at all cross-sections of the beam.

The use of partial shear connection (clause is limited to sagging regions, in
accordance with clause, which is for ‘beams in which plastic theory is used for resistance
of cross-sections’ (i.e. sections in Class 1 or 2).

Design is thus much simpler when there are no beams with cross-sections in Class 3 or 4. This
can usually be achieved in buildings, but rarely in multi-span bridges.

It is notable that if the steel top flange were in Class 3, its connection to the slab would
not enable it to be upgraded, because the condition of clause is that the spacing
of shear connectors does not exceed 15tf", which is 15  14.6  0.81 ¼ 177 mm. This would
be impracticable with the sheeting profile shown in Figure 6.23.

Plastic resistance to bending (clause

At the internal support, it has been found (above) that a 96 mm depth of the upper half of the
web is in compression. The design plastic resistance to hogging bending is that of the steel
section plus the effect of the reinforcing bars, shown in Figure 6.24(a):

Mpl,a,Rd ¼ 1.702  0.355 ¼ 604 kN m (hogging and sagging)

Mpl,Rd ¼ 604 þ 639  0.277 ¼ 781 kN m (hogging)

The characteristic plastic resistance is also needed. With  s ¼ 1 for the reinforcement, its force
at yield increases to 639  1.15 ¼ 735 kN; the depth of web to change stress is 110 mm; and,
by the method used for Mpl,Rd,

Mpl,Rk ¼ 802 kNm (hogging)

All of these resistances may need to be reduced to allow for lateral–torsional buckling or
vertical shear.

For sagging bending at mid-span, reinforcement in compression is ignored, and the available
area of concrete is 2.5 m wide and 80 mm thick. If it is all stressed to 0.85fcd, the compressive
force is

Fc ¼ 14.2  2.5  80 ¼ 2840 kN (D6.26)

Figure 6.24. Plastic moments of resistance in (a) hogging and (b) sagging bending (dimensions in mm)

(a) 1600 (b) 2500

639 kN 40 2840 kN

100 90 93
225 225 5 667 kN
96 222
639 kN
604 kNm 3507 kN

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

Table 6.3. Elastic section properties of the composite cross-section

Cross-section Modular beff: Neutral axis: 106Iy: 106Wc,top:

ratio m mm mm4 mm3

(1) Support, cracked, reinforced – 1.6 42 467 –

(2) Support, uncracked 10.1 1.6 177 894 50.7
(3) Support, uncracked 20.2 1.6 123 718 62.5
(4) Mid-span, uncracked 10.1 2.5 210 996 69.5
(5) Mid-span, uncracked 20.2 2.5 158 828 84.7
(6) Mid-span, uncracked 28.7 2.5 130 741 94.5

If the whole steel section is at yield, the tensile force is

Fa ¼ 9880  0.355 ¼ 3507 kN

Assuming full shear connection, with the plastic neutral axis in the steel top flange, the
thickness of the flange to change from tension to compression is

tf,c ¼ (3507  2840)/(2  0.355  190) ¼ 5.0 mm

The longitudinal forces are then as shown in Figure 6.24(b), and

Mpl,Rd ¼ 2840  0.315 þ 667  0.222 ¼ 1043 kN m (sagging) (D6.27)

This resistance will be reduced later by the use of partial shear connection.

Plastic resistance to vertical shear

Clause refers to clause 6.2.6 of EN 1993-1-1. This defines the shear area of a rolled I
section as

Av ¼ A  2btf þ (tw þ 2r)tf ¼ 9880  380  14.6 þ 51.4  14.6 ¼ 5082 mm2

and gives the design plastic shear resistance as

p p
Vpl,Rd ¼ Av( fy/ 3)/ M0 ¼ 5082  0.355/ 3 ¼ 1042 kN

For shear buckling, clause refers to Section 5 of EN 1993-1-5. No buckling check is
required, because hw/t for the steel web, based on the depth between the flanges, is 45, below
the limit of 48.6.

Flexural properties of elastic cross-sections

Several sets of elastic properties are needed, even where the steel beam is of uniform section,
because of changes in the modular ratio and effective width, and the use of ‘cracked’ and
‘uncracked’ sections. Here, slab reinforcement is ignored in the ‘uncracked’ analyses. The
error is conservative (except for the shear connection) and usually very small. It is convenient
to calculate all these properties at the outset (Table 6.3).

From clause, creep may be allowed for by using a modular ratio n ¼ 2n0 ¼ 20.2 for
both short-term and long-term loadings. Results for n ¼ n0 are included in Table 6.3 for use
in Chapter 7. The effects of shrinkage are unusually high in this example. For these, it helps
to use the more accurate modular ratio 28.7, as explained later.

The calculation for the uncracked properties at the internal support, with n ¼ 10.1, is now
given, as an example. In ‘steel’ units, the width of the slab is 1.6/10.1 ¼ 0.158 m, so the
composite section is as shown in Figure 6.25. Its properties are:

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Figure 6.25. Uncracked composite section at internal support, with n0 ¼ 10.1 (dimensions in mm)


12 640
90 138

9880 Neutral axis


A ¼ 9880 þ 158  80 ¼ 9880 þ 12 640 ¼ 22 520 mm2

Height of neutral axis above centre of steel section:

zna ¼ 12 640  315/22 520 ¼ 177 mm

Second moment of area:

106Iy ¼ 337.4 þ 9880  0.1772 þ 12 640  0.1382 ¼ 894 mm4

Flexural stiffness:

106EaIy ¼ 210  894 ¼ 187 700 kN mm2

Section modulus, top of slab, in concrete units:

106Wc,top ¼ 894  10.1/178 ¼ 50.7 mm3

Similar calculations were done for the other elastic section properties required. The results
are given in Table 6.3. The column ‘Neutral axis’ gives its distance above the centre of
area of the steel beam, as shown in Figure 6.25.

Global analysis
The resistance to lateral–torsional buckling of the beam near the internal support, Mb,Rd,
depends on the bending moment distribution, so global analysis is done next.

Wherever possible, the rules for global analysis in Section 5 apply to both ultimate and
serviceability limit states. Where alternatives are permitted, both types of limit state
should be considered before making a choice.

For this beam, there is no need to take account of the flexibility of joints (clause 5.1.2). First-
order elastic theory may be used (clauses 5.2.2(1) and

Clause 5.2.2(4) on imperfections is satisfied, because lateral–torsional buckling is the only

type of instability that need be considered, and its resistance formulae take account of

The simplest method of allowing for cracking, in clause, is applicable here, and will
be used. Cracking almost always occurs in continuous beams. In this example, calculations
for uncracked sections, using the longer method of clause, found that, for the
ultimate imposed loading on both spans, the tensile stress in the concrete at the internal
support exceeded three times its tensile strength. This ignored shrinkage, which further
increases the tension.

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

Figure 6.26. Elastic propped cantilever with change of section at 0.15L

B w C


0.15L 0.85L

Table 6.4. Design ultimate bending moments at the fixed end of the propped cantilever

Loading w: kN/m n 106Iy: mm4  MEd,B: kN m

Permanent 9.42 10.1 996 2.13 133

Permanent 9.42 20.2 828 1.77 142
Variable 26.25 10.1 996 2.13 370
Variable 26.25 20.2 828 1.77 394

For this beam, clause requires the use of cracked section properties over a length
of 1.8 m each side of the internal support. For global analysis, clause permits
the use of the mid-span effective width for the whole span, but this does not give a
uniform cross-section for the span, because of the use of ‘cracked’ properties, and so is
not used. The longitudinal reinforcement for hogging bending is all within the effective
width used here, 1.6 m, and reinforcement outside this width may be quite light. Each
12 m span thus has the non-uniform section shown in Figure 6.26. The ratios  are given
in Table 6.4.

The proposed use of n ¼ 20.2 for the uncracked region merits discussion. Most of the perma-
nent load is applied to the steel beam, which does not creep, but resistances are based on the
whole of the load acting on the composite beam. Bending moment at the internal support
governs. Creep increases this, and the long-term effects of shrinkage are so significant that
the case t ! 1 is more critical than t  0.

For the quasi-permanent combination, the coefficient 2 for variable load in a department
store is given in clause A1.2.2(1) of EN 1990 as 0.6, and 0.6qk is 40% of 1.5qk, so some
creep of the composite member is likely.

In this example, n ¼ 2n0 ¼ 20.2 will be used for all action effects except shrinkage, for which a
more accurate value is determined, as follows.

Modular ratio for the effects of shrinkage

From clause, the age of loading can be assumed to be 1 day. Creep coefficients for
normal-weight concrete are given in Figure 3.1 of EN 1992-1-1 in terms of h0, the notional
size of the cross-section. For a slab with both surfaces exposed, this equals the slab thickness;
but the slab here has one sealed surface, and h0 is twice its thickness. The mean thickness
(Figure 6.23) is 105 mm, so h0 ¼ 210 mm.

For normally hardening cement and ‘inside conditions’, Figure 3.1 gives the creep coefficient
’(1, t0) as 5.0. For lightweight concrete, clause 11.3.3(1) of EN 1992-1-1 gives a correction
factor, which in this case is (18/22)2, giving ’ ¼ 3.35. The creep multiplier L in clause takes account of the shape of the stress–time curve for the effect considered, and
is 0.55 for shrinkage. The modular ratio for shrinkage effects is

n ¼ n0(1 þ L’t) ¼ 10.1(1 þ 0.55  3.35) ¼ 28.7

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Bending moments
Although, through cracking, the beam is of non-uniform section, calculation of bending
moments algebraically is straightforward, because the two spans are equal. When both
spans are fully loaded, only a propped cantilever need be considered (see Figure 6.26).
From the loads in Table 6.2, the permanent loading is (5.78 þ 1.20)  1.35 ¼ 9.42 kN/m
and the variable loading is 17.56  1.5 ¼ 26.2 kN/m.

For the distributed loading w per unit length, and the ratio of flexural stiffnesses , as shown,
an equation for the elastic bending moment MEd at B is derived in the first edition of Johnson
and Buckby (1986, p. 375). It is

MEd,B ¼ (wL2/4)(0.110 þ 0.890)/(0.772 þ 1.228)

The results are given in Table 6.4.

Hence, the design bending moment for the internal support, excluding shrinkage effects, with
n ¼ 20.2, is

MEd,B ¼ 394 þ 142 ¼ 536 kN m

The vertical shear at the internal support is

VEd,B ¼ (9.42 þ 26.25)  6 þ 536/12 ¼ 259 kN

The plastic shear resistance of the IPE 450 section, Vpl,Rd, was found earlier to be 1042 kN.
From clause, bending resistance is not reduced by shear until VEd > Vpl,Rd/2, so
there is no reduction here.

Redistribution of moments is not used at this stage because clause 5.4.4(4) does not permit it
if allowance for lateral–torsional buckling is required.

Secondary effects of shrinkage

Shrinkage of the slab causes sagging curvature and shortening of the composite member: the
‘primary effects’. In a continuous beam, the curvature causes bending moments and shear
forces: the ‘secondary effects’. In regions assumed to be cracked, both the curvature and
the stresses from the primary effects are neglected (clauses and

The important secondary effect in this beam, a hogging bending moment at the internal
support, is now calculated. Shrinkage is a permanent action, and so is not reduced by a
combination factor 0. The partial factor at the ultimate limit state is 1.0.

The slab is imagined to be separated from the steel beam (Figure 6.27(a)). Its area Ac is that
of the concrete above the sheeting. It shrinks. A force is applied to extend it to its original

F ¼ Ac(Ea/n)|"cs| (D6.28)

It acts at the centre of the slab, at a distance zsh above the centroid of the composite section.
The parts of the beam are reconnected. To restore equilibrium, an opposite force F and a
sagging moment Fzsh are applied to the composite section.

The radius of curvature of the uncracked part of the beam is

R ¼ EaIy/Fzsh (D6.29)

If the centre support is removed, the deflection at that point is

¼ (0.85L)2/(2R) (D6.30)

from the geometry of the circle (Figure 6.27(b)).

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

Figure 6.27. Secondary effects of shrinkage

Fzsh R
0.85L 0.30L 0.85L
(a) (b)

P/2 P/2
δ δ

0.15L 0.85L P
(c) (d)

It remains to calculate the force P, applied at that point, to reduce the deflection to zero, so
that the centre support can be replaced (Figure 6.27(d)). The secondary hogging bending
moment at B is

MEd,sh,B ¼ PL/2 (D6.31)

and the vertical shear is P/2.

Using slope and deflection coefficients for a cantilever (Figure 6.27(c)), P can be found from
the result

¼ (P/2)L3(0.13 þ 0.20)/(EaIy) (D6.32)

The calculation is as follows:

Ac ¼ 2.5  0.08 ¼ 0.20 m2

Ea ¼ 210 kN/mm2

n ¼ 28.7

"cs ¼ –500  106

so, from Equation D6.28,

F ¼ 732 kN

From Table 6.3,

Iy ¼ 741  106 mm4

zsh ¼ 225  40 ¼ 185 mm

so, from Equation D6.29, R ¼ 1149 m; and from Equation D6.30 with L ¼ 12 m,
¼ 45.3 mm. From Table 6.3,

Iy ¼ 467  106 mm4


 ¼ 741/467 ¼ 1.587

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

so, from Equation D6.32,

P/2 ¼ 10.0 kN


MEd,sh,B ¼ 10  12 ¼ 120 kN m

Should shrinkage be neglected at ultimate load?

This unusually high value, 120 kN m, results from the use of a material with high shrinkage
and a continuous beam with two equal spans. It increases the design ultimate bending
moment at B by 22%. Clause permits it to be neglected if the resistance is not
influenced by lateral–torsional buckling.

The reasoning is that as the bending resistances of the sections are determined by
plastic theory, the ultimate condition approaches a collapse mechanism, in which elastic
deformations (e.g. those from shrinkage) become negligible in comparison with total

However, if the resistance at the internal support is governed by lateral–torsional buckling,

and if the buckling moment (to be calculated) is far below the plastic moment, the inelastic
behaviour may not be sufficient for the shrinkage effects to become negligible, before failure
occurs at the internal support. Hence, the secondary shrinkage moment is not neglected at
this stage, even though this beam happens to have a large reserve of strength at mid-span,
and would not fail until the support section was far into the post-buckling phase.

Resistance to lateral–torsional buckling

The top flange of the steel beam is restrained in both position and direction by the composite
slab. Lateral buckling of the bottom flange near the internal support is accompanied by
bending of the web, so the problem here is distortional lateral buckling.

The provisions in EN 1994-1-1 headed ‘lateral–torsional buckling’ (clause 6.4) are in fact for
distortional buckling. Clause 6.4.1(3) permits, as an alternative, use of the provisions in
EN 1993-1-1 for steel beams. They are more conservative and based on an inappropriate
model of behaviour, so the method of clause 6.4.2 is used here. The detailed comments on
it, both in the main text and in Appendix A, should be referred to as required. The
method requires the calculation of the elastic critical buckling moment at the internal
support, Mcr, for which information is given in tables in ENV 1994-1-1. These are
reproduced as graphs in Appendix A (Figures A.3 and A.4). The simple method of clause
6.4.3 is not available, as the loading does not conform to paragraph (b) of clause 6.4.3(1).

Buckling near an internal support is often most critical in a span with minimum load that is
adjacent to a fully loaded span. In this beam it was found that although the buckling moment
Mb,Rd is increased when both spans are loaded (because the length of the bottom flange in
compression is reduced), the increase in the applied moment MEd is greater, so the both-
spans-loaded case is more critical. This case is now considered, with n ¼ 20.2. All load is
assumed to act on the composite member, because plastic resistances are based on this

From Table 6.4, the bending moments in the beam are as shown in Figure 6.28. Shrinkage is
considered separately. The ‘simply supported’ moment M0 is

35.7  122/8 ¼ 643 kN m

so, from Figure A.3 for C4 (see Appendix A),

¼ MB/M0 ¼ 536/643 ¼ 0.834

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

Figure 6.28. Bending–moment distributions for the ultimate limit state, excluding shrinkage

Full load on both spans 536

Variable load on span AB only


7.25 m 4.75 m
5.21 m


C4 ¼ 28.3

The elastic critical buckling moment was given earlier as

Mcr ¼ (kcC4/L)[(GaIat þ ksL2/


where Iat is the torsional moment of area of the steel section. Where a steel I section is used,
the term GaIat above is negligible, because I sections have little torsional stiffness. Including
it, in this example, increases Mcr by only 2%. The following simpler expression (Equation
D6.11) will be used:

Mcr ¼ (kcC4/

where kc is a property of the composite section, given in Section 6.4.2, ks is defined in clause
6.4.2(6), and Iafz is the minor-axis second moment of area of the steel bottom flange,

106Iafz ¼ 1.903  14.6/12 ¼ 8.345 mm4

The stiffness ks is now found. It depends on the lesser of the ‘cracked’ flexural stiffnesses of
the composite slab at a support and at mid-span, (EI )2. The value at the support governs. An
approximation for this, derived in Appendix A, is

(EI )2 ¼ Ea[AsAez2/(As þ Ae) þ Aehp2/12]

where Ae is the equivalent transformed area per unit width of concrete in compression:

Ae ¼ b0hp/nbs

where b0 is the mean width of the troughs, bs is the spacing of the troughs, hp is the depth of
the sheeting (the net depth hpn, here), As is the area of the top reinforcement per unit width
of the slab and z is the ‘lever arm’, as shown in Figure A.1 of Appendix A.

Calculation of (EI )2 for the composite slab, and ks

It is assumed that the transverse reinforcement above the steel beam will be below the long-
itudinal bars and not less than 12 mm bars at 200 mm, giving As ¼ 565 mm2/m and
ds ¼ 42 mm, whence z ¼ 63 mm (Figure 6.29).

From Figure 6.23, b0/bs ¼ 0.5; hp ¼ 50 mm; and with n ¼ 20.2, Ae ¼ 1237 mm2/m. Hence,

(EI )2 ¼ 210{[0.565  1.237  632/(1237 þ 565)] þ 1.237  502/12 000} ¼ 377 kN mm2/m

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Figure 6.29. Cross-section of the composite slab



From clause 6.4.2(6), for unit width of a slab continuous across the steel beams at spacing a,
and assuming that the beam is an inner beam with at least four similar beams, so that  ¼ 4,

k1 ¼ 4(EI )2/a ¼ 4  377/2.5 ¼ 604 kN m/rad

per metre width, and

k2 ¼ Ea t3w =½4hs ð1  2a Þ

where hs is the distance between the centres of the flanges of the IPE 450 section, 435 mm.

k2 ¼ 210  9.43/(4  435  0.91) ¼ 110 kN/rad


ks ¼ k1k2/(k1 þ k2) ¼ 604  110/714 ¼ 93.0 kN/rad

Calculation of kc
For a doubly symmetrical steel section, from Equations D6.12 and D6.13,

kc ¼ ðhs Iy =Iay Þ=½ðh2s =4 þ ix2 Þ=e þ hs 


e ¼ AIay/[Aazc(A  Aa)]

In these expressions, the symbols are properties of the steel section, given earlier, except that
A is the area of the cracked composite section,

A ¼ Aa þ As ¼ 11 350 mm2

and zc is the distance between the centroid of the steel beam and the mid-depth of the slab.
Here, ‘slab’ means the 130 mm deep composite slab, not the 80 mm depth of concrete that
contributes to the composite section. It is the stiffness of the composite slab in the transverse
direction that prevents rotation of the steel top flange; so

zc ¼ 225 þ 130/2 ¼ 290 mm


e ¼ 11 350  337  106/(9880  290  1470) ¼ 909 mm


kc ¼ (435  467/337)/[(2182 þ 1902)/909 þ 435] ¼ 1.15

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

Calculation of Mcr and Mb,Rd

From Equation D6.11 for Mcr,

Mcr ¼ (1.15  28.3/

)[(93.0  210  8.345]1/2 ¼ 4182 kN m

Clause of EN 1993-1-1 includes a rule that if MEd  2LT;0 Mcr, lateral–torsional buck-
ling effects may be ignored. Clause of EN 1993-1-1 recommends that for rolled
sections LT;0 ¼ 0.4, and this is confirmed in the UK’s National Annex. Here, including
shrinkage, MEd ¼ 656 kN m, and

2LT;0 Mcr ¼ 0:16  4182 ¼ 669 kN m

so lateral–torsional buckling need not be considered. From clause, shrinkage

effects may now be ignored, which reduces MEd at support B to 536 kN m.

Here, the margin that led to this important simplification is narrow, so the resistance moment
at B, allowing for lateral–torsional buckling, is calculated, to illustrate the method.

From clause 6.4.2(4), the relative slenderness is

LT = MRk =Mcr ¼ (802/4182)1/2 ¼ 0.438

For the reduction factor LT for a rolled section, clause 6.4.2(1) refers to clause of
EN 1993-1-1, where buckling curve c is specified for this IPE section. This could be taken
to mean the curve c plotted in Figure 6.4 of EN 1993-1-1, but that curve is for column
buckling with LT;0 ¼ 0.2. It is understood to mean that the value of LT given for curve c
in Table 6.3 of EN 1993-1-1, 0.49, should be used in calculating LT. The result for LT
depends on parameters LT;0 and , which can be given in a National Annex. The recom-
mended and UK values here are 0.4 and 0.75, respectively.

Equations in clause of EN 1993-1-1, with LT ¼ 0.438, give

LT ¼ 0.581

LT ¼ 0.979


Mb,Rd ¼ LTMpl,Rd ¼ 0.979  781 ¼ 765 kN m

This exceeds MEd including shrinkage, 656 kN m, and confirms the simplification above.

Redistribution of the hogging bending moment

Now that no allowance for lateral–torsional buckling is necessary, this beam meets all the
conditions of clause 5.4.4(4) for the redistribution of moments. ‘Cracked’ elastic analysis
is used here, so from Table 5.1 in clause 5.4.4(5), MEd at support B could be reduced by
up to 15%. This would enable the longitudinal reinforcement in this region to be reduced,
which would reduce Mpl,Rd. The beam could then fail the condition, used above, that
enabled lateral buckling to be ignored. A further reason for making no change is that
deflections may be excessive, as shown later, and weakening the cross-section at B would
increase them.

Design for sagging bending

The maximum sagging bending occurs in a span when the other span carries minimum load.
Although the sagging moment is slightly reduced by creep, the beam satisfies the condition of
clause for the use of n ¼ 2n0 ¼ 20.2 for all loading, and this value is used. Removal of
variable load from one span halves the bending moment it causes at the internal support, so,

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

from Table 6.4, the bending moment at the internal support is

MEd,B ¼ 142 þ 394/2 ¼ 339 kN m

For the fully loaded span AB, the end reaction is

VEd,A ¼ 35.67  6  339/12 ¼ 186 kN

so the point of maximum moment is 186/35.67 ¼ 5.2 m distant from the support, and the
maximum sagging moment is

MEd ¼ 188  5.2/2 ¼ 484 kN m

This is so far below Mpl,Rd, 1043 kN m, that the least permitted degree of shear connection
will be used. MEd is even below the plastic resistance of the steel section, Mpl,a,Rd, which is
604 kN m.

From clause, the span length in sagging bending may be taken as 0.85L, or 10.2 m
here. From Equation 6.12 with fy ¼ 355 N/mm2, the minimum degree of shear connection is

 ¼ n/nf ¼ 1  (0.75  0.03  10.2) ¼ 0.56

Clause permits a lower value, subject to some conditions. It was found that
one of these – that there should be only one stud connector per rib of sheeting – could not
be satisfied. The minimum number of connectors in each half of the sagging region is
therefore 0.56nf, where nf is the number for full shear connection. From Figure 6.24(b),
the compressive force in the slab is then not less than

2840  0.56 ¼ 1590 kN

Recalculation of Mpl,Rd, by the method used before, gives

Mpl,Rd ¼ 946 kN m

which is almost twice the resistance required.

It does not follow that the design of this beam as non-composite would be satisfactory.
Example 7.1 shows that its deflection would probably be excessive.

Design of the shear connection

The degree of shear connection used here enables the studs to be treated as ‘ductile’. An
alternative design, using non-ductile connectors, is given in Example 6.8.

From clause, the height of the 19 mm studs must be at least

50 þ 2  19 ¼ 88 mm

Studs of nominal length 100 mm are about 95 mm high after welding through sheeting, and
satisfy this rule. Clause, which requires the underside of the head of a stud to be at
least 30 mm clear above the bottom reinforcement, can be impracticable for composite slabs,
as discussed in comments on that clause.

The design shear resistance per stud is governed by Equation 6.19 of clause

PRd ¼ 0.29d 2( fckEcm)1/2/ V ¼ 0.29  192(25  20 700)1/2/(1000  1.25) ¼ 60.25 kN

This result is modified by a factor kt given in clause It depends on the height of the
stud, hsc, the dimensions of the trough in the sheeting (see Figure 6.23), the thickness of the
sheeting (assumed to be 1.0 mm) and the number of studs per trough, nr.

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

For nr ¼ 1: kt ¼ 0.7(b0/hp)[(hsc/hp)  1] ¼ 0.7  100/50  (95/50  1) ¼ 1.26 (but 0.85)

For nr ¼ 2: kt ¼ 1.26/ 2 ¼ 0.89 (but  0.70)

Provided that the studs are not also required to anchor the profiled sheeting, the resistances
are therefore

PRd,1 ¼ 0.85  60.25 ¼ 51.2 kN (D6.33)

PRd,2 ¼ 0.7  60.25 ¼ 42.2 kN (D6.34)

so that a trough with two studs provides the equivalent of 2  42.2/51.2 ¼ 1.65 single studs.

From Figure 6.28, the studs for maximum sagging bending have to be provided within a
length of 5.2 m from an end support. The troughs are spaced at 0.2 m, so 26 are available.
The design compressive force in the slab is 1590 kN, so the design shear flow is

1590/5.2 ¼ 306 kN/m

The number of single studs required is

ns ¼ 1590/51.2 ¼ 31

Hence, two studs per trough have to be used over part of the span.

For a shear span in a building, EN 1994-1-1 does not specify how non-uniform shear connec-
tion should be arranged. Slip is minimised when the density of the connection is related to the
shear per unit length, so the regions with pairs of studs should be adjacent to the supports.

If the minimum number of troughs with two studs is n2s,

1.65n2s þ 26  n2s ¼ 31


n2s  7.8

For the cracked section in hogging bending, As fsd ¼ 639 kN from Equation D6.25,
which requires 12.5 single studs. When the hogging moment is a maximum, the distance
from an internal support to the cross-section of the maximum sagging moment is 7.25 m
(Figure 6.28), so 36 troughs are available for a total of 31 þ 12.5 ¼ 43.5 single studs. The
maximum sagging bending moment is now lower, at 403 kN m (Figure 6.28), but 31 studs
are still needed, as they provide the required minimum degree of shear connection.

If the minimum number of troughs with two studs is n2h,

1.65n2h þ 36  n2h ¼ 43.5


n2h  11.6

The design shear flow is

(1590 þ 639)/7.2 ¼ 310 kN/m

The arrangement of studs shown in Figure 6.30 provides the equivalent of 31.2 and 43.8
studs, within the shear spans 5.2 m and 7.2 m, respectively.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Figure 6.30. Arrangement of stud connectors in one 12 m span

vL: kN/m vL,Rd

vL,Ed for max. vL,Ed for max.
422 sagging BM hogging BM

306 310
Distance from
A B support A: m
1.6 4.8 5.2 9.6 12.0
8 16 2 22 12 Number of
13.2 16 2 22 19.8 troughs

Equivalent number of single studs

The maximum sagging and hogging bending moments are caused by different arrangements
of imposed loading. This method of calculation takes account of this, with the result that two
studs near the mid-span are effective in both shear spans.

It is quicker to assume that the maximum sagging and hogging bending moments are caused
by a single loading. The resulting increase in the total number of studs is negligible. The
disadvantage is that it is not clear how many of the troughs with two studs per trough
should be near each end of the span.

The plots of vL,Rd and vL,Ed do not correspond because values vL,Ed assume uniform shear
flow over each shear span. The method is relying on the slip capacity of the studs.

Design of the transverse reinforcement

Clause states that the design longitudinal shear for the concrete slab should be
‘consistent with the design and spacing of the shear connectors’. This is taken to mean
that the resistance of the shear connection, rather than the design loading, determines the
longitudinal shear. Its maximum occurs where there are two studs per trough, and is

vL,Ed ¼ 10  42.2 ¼ 422 kN/m

From clause, shear surfaces that pass closely around a stud need not be considered.
The critical situation is thus where sheeting is not continuous across a beam. It is assumed to
be anchored by a stud, as shown in Figure 6.31. From symmetry, the critical shear plane,
labelled a–a, is to be designed to resist 211 kN/m.

The shear resisted by the sheeting is given in clause For the design bearing
resistance of the sheeting it refers to clause 9.7.4. For the detailing shown in Figure 6.31,

Figure 6.31. Detail of a stud welded through discontinuous profiled sheeting (dimensions in mm)



35 40 20

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

the end distance a is 40 mm. The diameter of the weld collar is taken as

1.1  19 ¼ 20.9 mm

whence k’ in clause 9.7.4(3) is

k’ ¼ 1 þ 40/20.9 ¼ 2.91

The thickness of the profiled sheeting is shown in Figure 6.23 as 1.0 mm; but the composite
slab has not yet been designed. Here, it is assumed to be at least 0.9 mm thick, with a yield
strength of 350 N/mm2. The value recommended for  M0 for the sheeting (in a note to clause
2(3) of EN 1993-1-3) is 1.0. It is confirmed in the UK’s National Annex, and is used here.
From Equation 9.10,

Ppb,Rd ¼ k’ddot fyp,d ¼ 2.91  20.9  0.9  0.35 ¼ 19.1 kN/stud

From clause, with a stud spacing of 200 mm, the shear resistance provided by the
sheeting is

vL,pd,Rd ¼ 19.1/0.2 ¼ 95 kN/m

This must not exceed the yield strength of the sheeting, Ap fyp,d, which for this sheeting is over
400 kN/m.

The design shear for the concrete slab, of thickness 80 mm, is

vL,Ed ¼ 211  95 ¼ 116 kN/m

Clause refers to clause 6.2.4 of EN 1992-1-1, for shear between the web and flanges
of T sections. The method is a truss analogy, as explained in Example 6.6. For simplicity, the
minimum angle given in clause 6.2.4(4) of EN 1992-1-1 for a tension flange, 38.68, will be
used for the whole length of the span.

The area of transverse reinforcement per unit length is given by

Asf > vL,Ed/( fsd cot f) ¼ 116/(0.435  1.25) ¼ 213 mm2/m

This is much less than the amount that would have been required (565 mm2/m) if it had been
necessary to design for lateral buckling. Transverse reinforcement is also needed for the
control of cracking caused by the continuity of the floor slab across the beams, so its area
is reviewed in the design of the composite slab (Example 9.1).

Summary of Example 6.7, and an alternative design

All important aspects of the design of this beam for persistent situations for ultimate limit
states have now been considered, except the design of the composite slab. Serviceability
checks and further comments on the design are given in Example 7.1. The same beam
with semi-continuous joints at support B is studied in Examples 8.1 and 10.1.

The complexity of the calculations may seem excessive. Experience would enable many of the
checks to be omitted. With normal-density concrete, shrinkage effects are often negligible.
The composite slab is the main permanent load, and would probably be designed before
the beam. Here, the sequence of chapters in EN 1994 has been followed.

The surplus bending resistance at mid-span suggests that these 12 m spans could have been
designed as simply supported. It is found that with the same loading, materials and method
of construction, the same composite cross-section satisfies all the verifications for ultimate
limit states. It is shown at the end of Example 7.1 that its problems are crack-width
control and excessive deflection.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Example 6.8: partial shear connection with non-ductile connectors

The design bending moment diagram for sagging bending in the preceding worked example
is shown in Figure 6.28. The shear connection for the length AD of span AB was designed for
connectors that satisfied the definition of ‘ductile’ in clause The result is shown in
Figure 6.30.

This work is now repeated, using the same data, except that the proposed connectors are not
‘ductile’, to illustrate the use of clause This requires the calculation of the shear
flow vL,Ed by elastic theory. No ‘inelastic redistribution of shear’ is required, so clause on deformation capacity does not apply.

Calculation of the resistance moment MRd by plastic theory is not permitted (clause, so stresses are calculated by elastic theory and checked against the limits in
clause From Equations D6.22 and D6.23, these limits are

fcd ¼ fck/ C ¼ 25/1.5 ¼ 16.7 N/mm2 (D6.35)

fyd ¼ fyk ¼ 355 N/mm2 (D6.36)

In this continuous beam, creep reduces the stiffness at mid-span more than at the internal
support, where the concrete is cracked, so the sagging bending moment and longitudinal
shear (for constant loading) reduce over time. The short-term modular ratio, 10.1, is there-
fore used, so the time considered is not long after construction. Taking account of the use of
unpropped construction, it is found for the loads in Table 6.2 that the maximum sagging
bending moment acting on the composite section, Mc,Ed, occurs at 5.4 m from an end
support, and is

Mc,Ed ¼ 404 kN m


Ma,Ed ¼ 110 kN m

The shrinkage of concrete in this beam reduces both the mid-span moments and the
compressive stress in concrete, but will not have fully developed. For simplicity and
safety, its effects are ignored.

Using the elastic section properties from row 4 of Table 6.3, the stresses are found to be well
below the limits given above. The mean stress in the 80 mm thickness of the concrete slab,
with beff ¼ 2.5 m, is 4.20 N/mm2, giving the longitudinal force in the slab as

Nc ¼ 4.2  2.5  80 ¼ 840 kN

From Equation D6.26, the force for full shear connection is

Nc,f ¼ Fc ¼ 2840 kN

so the degree of shear connection needed is

 ¼ Nc/Nc,f ¼ 840/2840 ¼ 0.30

The elastic shear flow diagram is triangular, so the shear flow at support A is

vL,Ed ¼ 2  840/5.4 ¼ 311 kN/m

Stud connectors will be used, as before. They are not ‘ductile’ at this low degree of shear
connection. Their resistances are given by Equations D6.33 and D6.34. For the profiled
sheeting used (see Figure 6.23(b)), there are five troughs per metre. One stud per trough

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

Figure 6.32. Longitudinal shear and shear resistance for length AD of the beam in Figure 6.28

vL: kN/m
vL,Rd For ‘ductile’ studs,
from Example 6.7
For elastic design,
128 from Example 6.8

Distance from
0 1.2 3.8 5.4 support A: m
No. of troughs:
6 13 8

(vL,Rd ¼ 256 kN/m) is not sufficient near support A. Two studs per trough provide 422 kN/m.
Near mid-span, it is possible to use one stud every other trough, (vL,Rd ¼ 128 kN/m) as their
spacing, 400 mm, is less than the limit set in clause

Details of a possible layout of studs are shown in Figure 6.32. This also shows the resistance
provided over this 5.4 m length from Figure 6.30. That is higher because in the previous
example  ¼ 0.56, not 0.30, and shear connection is provided for the whole load, not just
that applied to the composite member.

This is not a typical result, because the design sagging moment here is unusually low, in rela-
tion to the plastic resistance to sagging bending.

In Figure 6.11(b), the route leading to box (a) is ‘advised’ because, as this example shows, the
alternative is more complex, especially where the connectors are not studs. It is then neces-
sary to satisfy the principles of clause Unless there is extensive previous experience of
their trouble-free use, evidence from tests, such as load/slip curves, may be needed.

Example 6.9: elastic resistance to bending, and influence of the degree of

shear connection and the type of connector on bending resistance
This example makes use of the properties of materials and cross-sections found in Example
6.7 on the two-span beam, and of the results from Example 6.8 on non-ductile connectors.
The cross-section of the maximum sagging bending moment, point D, was then found to
be 5.4 m from support A in Figure 6.28.

For simplicity, the beam is now assumed to be simply supported and of span 10.8 m, so
that this cross-section is at mid-span, with unpropped construction as before, so that the
bending moment in the steel beam at this section is Ma,Ed ¼ 110 kN m. Shrinkage effects
are beneficial, and are neglected.

The purpose is to find the relationship between the degree of shear connection, , and the
bending resistance of the beam at mid-span, in accordance with clauses–, and The result is shown in Figure 6.33.

At low degrees of shear connection, only elastic design is permitted, so the elastic bending
resistance Mel,Rd is required, to clause It depends on the modular ratio. It is
found that the limiting stress (Equations D6.35 and D6.36) is reached first in the steel
bottom flange, and is increased by creep, so n ¼ 20.2 is assumed.

For Ma,Ed ¼ 110 kN m, the maximum stress in the steel beam is 73 N/mm2, leaving
355  73 ¼ 282 N/mm2 for loading on the composite beam. Using the elastic section

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Figure 6.33. Design methods for partial shear connection

Mpl,Rd = 1043 C
MRd = 950

Bending moment: kNm G

Mel,Rd = 720
Mpl,a,Rd = 604

Ma,Ed = 110
0 0.2 0.404 0.574 0.8 1.0
η = Nc /Nc,f

properties from column 5 of Table 6.3, the steel reaches yield when the bending moment on
the composite section is 610 kN m, so

Mel,Rd ¼ 110 þ 610 ¼ 720 kN m

The compressive force in the concrete slab is then Nc,el ¼ 1148 kN, so that

 ¼ Nc,el/Nc,f ¼ 1148/2840 ¼ 0.404

Figure 6.33 is based on Figures 6.5 and 6.6(b) of EN 1994-1-1. The results above enable point
B to be plotted.

When MEd ¼ 110 kNm, Nc ¼ 0. From Equation 6.2 in clause, line BE is drawn
towards the point (0, 110) as shown. No lower limit to  is defined. It will in practice be deter-
mined by the detailing rules for the shear connection.

For full shear connection,

Mpl,Rd ¼ 1043 kN m

from Equation D6.27. This fixes point C in Figure 6.33, and line BC (from Equation 6.3) is
drawn. Line EBC applies whether the connection is ‘ductile’ or not.

For this beam, with fy ¼ 355 N/mm2 and equal steel flanges, Equation 6.12 in clause

  1  (0.75  0.03  10.8) ¼ 0.574


Nc  0.574  2840 ¼ 1630 kN

Using the method of clause for ductile connectors, illustrated in Figure 6.3, the
plastic bending resistance is

MRd ¼ 950 kN m

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

This gives point D in Figure 6.33.

When  ¼ 0, the plastic resistance is Mpl,a,Rd. The plastic section modulus of the IPE 450
section is 1.702  106 mm3, so

Mpl,a,Rd ¼ 1.702  355 ¼ 604 kN m

which is point A in Figure 6.33.

Similar calculations for assumed degrees of shear connection give the curve ADC, which can,
for simplicity, be replaced by the line AC (clause Both the curve and the line are
valid only where  is high enough for the connection to be ‘ductile’.

The design bending resistances for this example are therefore given by EBGDC in
Figure 6.33. Line BE gives the least shear connection that may be used when MEd < Mel,Rd,
Rd, without restriction on the type of connector.

For higher values of MEd, the required degree of shear connection for non-ductile connectors
is given by line BC. The bonus for using ductile connectors (as defined in clause is the
area GDC, where the position of line GD is determined by the span of the beam, and moves
to the right as the span increases.

For the beam analysed here, with Ma,Ed ¼ 110 kN m, a total bending moment
MEd ¼ 1000 kN m (for example) requires shear connection for about 2100 kN (  0.74) if
headed studs to clause are used, but this increases to over 2600 kN for non-ductile

6.7. Composite columns and composite compression members

6.7.1 General
A composite column is defined in clause as ‘a composite member subjected mainly to
compression or to compression and bending’. The title of clause 6.7 includes ‘compression
members’, to make clear that its scope is not limited to vertical members, but includes, for
example, composite members in triangulated or Vierendeel girders. These girders may also
have composite tension members, for which provisions are given in EN 1994-2.

In this guide, references to ‘columns’ includes other composite compression members, unless
noted otherwise, and for buildings, ‘column’ means a length of column between adjacent
lateral restraints; typically, a storey height.

Design rules for columns sometimes refer to ‘effective length’. That term is not generally used in
clause 6.7. Instead, the ‘relative slenderness’ is defined, in clause, in terms of Ncr, ‘the
elastic critical normal force for the relevant buckling mode’.

This use of Ncr is explained in the comments on clause

Clause 6.7.1(1)P refers to Figure 6.17, in which all the sections shown have double symmetry; but Clause 6.7.1(1)P
clause 6.7.1(6) makes clear that the scope of the general method of clause 6.7.2 includes members
of non-symmetrical section (Roik and Bergmann, 1990).

The bending moment in a column depends on the assumed location of the line of action of the
axial force, N. Where the cross-section has double symmetry, this is the intersection of the
axes of symmetry. In other cases the choice, made in the modelling for global analysis, should
be retained for the analysis of the cross-sections. A small degree of asymmetry (e.g. due to an
embedded pipe) can be allowed for by ignoring in calculations concrete areas elsewhere, such
that symmetry is restored.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

No shear connectors are shown in the cross-sections in Figure 6.17, because within a column
length the longitudinal shear is normally much lower than in a beam, and sufficient interaction
may be provided by bond or friction. Shear connectors should be provided for load introduction,
following clause 6.7.4.

The minimum compression for a member to be regarded as a column, rather than a beam, is not
stated. As shown in Example 6.11, the use of the cross-sections in Figure 6.17 as beams without
shear connectors is usually prevented by the low design shear strengths given in clause

Clause 6.7.1(2)P The strengths of materials in clause 6.7.1(2)P are as for beams, except that class C60/75 and
lightweight-aggregate concretes are excluded. For these, additional provisions (e.g. for creep,
shrinkage, and strain capacity) would be required (O’Shea and Bridge, 1997; Kilpatrick and
Rangan, 1999; Wheeler and Bridge, 2002). The use of high-strength steel has been studied
(Bergmann and Hanswille, 2006).

Clause 6.7.1(3) Clause 6.7.1(3) and clause 5.1.1(2) both concern the scope of EN 1994-1-1. They appear to exclude
composite columns in high-rise buildings with a reinforced concrete core. For these ‘mixed’ struc-
tures, additional consideration in the global analysis of the effects of shrinkage, creep, and column
shortening may be needed. Many structures of this type have been built in China, with concrete-
filled steel tube columns up to 1.6 m in diameter. In one comparison, designs to the 1999
Chinese code and to EN 1994-1-1 gave very similar results (Zhong and Goode, 2001).

Clause 6.7.1(4) The steel contribution ratio (clause 6.7.1(4)) is essentially the proportion of the squash load of the
section that is provided by the structural steel member. If it is outside the limits given, the member
should be treated as reinforced concrete or as structural steel, as appropriate.

Clause 6.7.1(6) Clause 6.7.1(6) defines the scope of the simplified method of clause 6.7.3 without reference to
Figure 6.17, so it is not limited to the types of cross-section shown there. Recent practice includes
sections with a massive steel core. Study of a 300 mm diameter solid steel section within a
400  6.3 mm circular hollow section found that residual compressive stress at the surface of
the core reached the yield stress, and that column buckling curve d of EN 1993-1-1 was applicable
(Bergmann and Hanswille, 2006). This section is outside the scope of the ‘simplified method’ of
clause 6.7.3.

Independent action effects

The interaction curve for the resistance of a column cross-section to combined axial force N and
uniaxial bending M is shown in Figure 6.19 and, as a polygon, in Figure 6.38 of this guide. It has a
Clause 6.7.1(7) region BD where an increase in NEd increases MRd. Clause 6.7.1(7) refers to a situation where, at
ultimate load, the factored bending moment,  FMEk, could coexist with an ‘independent’ axial
force that was less than its design value  FNEk. It states that verification should be based on
the lower value, 0.8 FNEk.

This rule is illustrated in Figure 6.34, which shows region BDC of the interaction curve in
Figure 6.19, which is symmetrical about line AD. If

 FNEk < Npm,Rd/2 (D6.37)

then MRd should be found for an axial force 0.8 FNEk, as shown by point E. The reduction in
MRd is usually small.

A simpler but more conservative rule is given in ENV 1994-1-1, with a clearer definition of
‘independent actions’: if MRd corresponding to  FNEk is found to exceed Mpl,Rd, MRd should
be taken as Mpl,Rd. It is applicable unless the bending moment MEd is due solely to the eccentri-
city of the force NEd. Its effect is to replace the curve BDC in Figure 6.34 with line BC.

Local buckling
Clause 6.7.1(8)P The principle of clause 6.7.1(8)P is followed by its application rules. They ensure that the concrete
(which will be reinforced in accordance with EN 1992-1-1) restrains the steel and prevents it from
buckling even when yielded.

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

Figure 6.34. Independent bending moment and normal force (not to scale)


Npm,Rd /2

0 M
Mpl,Rd MRd

For partly encased sections, the encasement prevents local bucking of the steel web, and prevents
rotation of the steel flange at its junction with the web, so that a higher bf/t ratio may be used
than for a bare steel section. Table 6.3 gives the limit as 44", compared
ffi about 22" (from
EN 1993-1-1) for a Class 2 flange. (In EN 1994, as in EN 1993, " ¼ 235=fy , in units of N/mm2.)

For concrete-filled rectangular hollow steel sections (RHS), the limit of 52" compares with about
41" for a steel RHS. For a concrete-filled circular hollow section, the limiting d/t of 90"2
compares with 70"2 for Class 2 in EN 1993-1-1.

6.7.2 General method of design

Designers of composite columns will normally ensure that they fall within the scope of the simpli-
fied method of clause 6.7.3; but occasionally the need arises for a non-uniform or asymmetric
member. The ‘general method’ of clause 6.7.2 is provided both for this reason, and to enable Clause 6.7.2
advanced software-based methods to be used.

Clause 6.7.2 is more a set of principles than a design method. Development of software that
satisfies these principles is a complex task. Clause 6.7.2(3)P refers to ‘internal forces’. These Clause 6.7.2(3)P
are the action effects within the column length, found from those acting on its ends, determined
by global analysis to Section 5. It is essential to determine whether such an analysis includes or
excludes the effects of member imperfections and second-order deformations, because this affects
the use of its results.

Clause 6.7.2(3) also refers to ‘elastic–plastic analysis’. This is defined in clause of EN 1990
as ‘structural analysis that uses stress/strain or moment/curvature relationships consisting of a
linear elastic part followed by a plastic part with or without hardening’.

As the three materials in a composite section follow different non-linear relationships, direct
analysis of cross-sections is not possible. One has first to assume the dimensions and materials
of the member, and then determine the axial force N and bending moment M at a cross-section
from assumed values of axial strain and curvature , using the relevant material properties. The
M–N– relationship for each section can be found from many such calculations. This becomes
complex where biaxial bending is present.

Integration along the length of the column then leads to a non-linear member stiffness matrix
that relates axial force and end moments to the axial change of length and end rotations.

6.7.3 Simplified method of design

Scope of the simplified method
The method has been calibrated by comparison with test results (Roik and Bergmann, 1992). Its
background has been published (Uy, 2003). Its scope (clause, is limited mainly by Clause
the range of results available, which leads to the restriction   2 in clause For Clause
most columns, the method requires second-order analysis in which explicit account is taken of
imperfections. The use of strut curves is limited to ‘members in axial compression’, as explained
in comments on clause

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

The restriction on unconnected steel sections in clause is to prevent loss of stiffness
due to slip between the two sections, which would invalidate the formulae for EI of the
column cross-section. This would apply to the use of a solid steel core within a concrete-filled
circular hollow tube.

Clause The limits to concrete cover in clause arise from concern over strain softening of
concrete invalidating the interaction diagram (Figure 6.19), and from the limited test data for
columns with thicker covers. These provisions normally ensure that for each axis of bending
the flexural stiffness of the steel section makes a significant contribution to the total stiffness.
Greater cover can be used by ignoring in calculation the concrete that exceeds the stated limits.

Clause The limit of 6% in clause on the reinforcement used in calculation is more liberal than
the 4% (except at laps) recommended in EN 1992-1-1. This limit and that on the maximum slen-
derness are unlikely to be restrictive in practice.

Clause Clause is intended to prevent the use of sections susceptible to lateral–torsional buck-
ling. The reference to hc < bc arises because hc is defined as the overall depth in the direction
normal to the major axis of the steel section (Figure 6.17). The term ‘major axis’ can be
misleading, because cross-sections of some composite columns have Iz > Iy, even though
Ia,y > Ia,z.

Resistance of cross-sections
Calculations for composite sections, with three materials, are potentially more complex than
for reinforced concrete, so simplifications to some provisions of EN 1992-1-1 are made in
EN 1994-1-1. Reference to the partial safety factors for the materials is avoided by specifying
resistances in terms of design values for strength, rather than characteristic values: for example,
Clause in Equation 6.30 for plastic resistance to compression in clause This resistance, Npl,Rd,
the ‘squash load’, is the design ultimate axial load that a short column can sustain, assuming
that the structural steel and reinforcement are yielding and the concrete is crushing.

For concrete-encased sections, the crushing stress is taken as 85% of the design cylinder strength,
as explained in the comments on clause 3.1. For concrete-filled sections, the concrete component
develops a higher strength because of the confinement from the steel section, and the 15%
reduction is not made; see also the comments on clause

Resistance to combined compression and bending

The bending resistance of a column cross-section, Mpl,Rd, is calculated as for a composite beam in
Clause Class 1 or 2 (clause Points on the interaction curve shown in Figures 6.18 and 6.19
represent limiting combinations of the compressive axial load N and the moment M that
correspond to the plastic resistance of the cross-section.

The resistance is found using rectangular stress blocks. For simplicity, that for the concrete
extends to the neutral axis, as shown in Figure 6.35 for the resistance to bending (point B in
Figure 6.19 and Figure 6.38). As explained in the comments on clause 3.1(1), this simplification
is unconservative in comparison with stress–strain curves for concrete and the rules of EN 1992-
1-1. To compensate for this, the plastic resistance moment for the column section is reduced by a
factor M in clause

Figure 6.35. Stress distributions for resistance in bending (tension positive)



+ +
Concrete Steel Reinforcement

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

As axial compression increases, the neutral axis moves: for example, towards the lower edge of
the section shown in Figure 6.35, and then outside the section. The interaction curve is therefore
determined by moving the neutral axis in increments across the section, and finding pairs of
values of M and N from the corresponding stress blocks. This requires a computer program,
unless the simplification given in clause is used. Simplified expressions for the
coordinates of points B, C and D on the interaction curve are given in Appendix C. Further
comment is given in Examples 6.10 and C.1.

Influence of transverse shear

Clauses and, on the influence of transverse shear on the interaction curve, are Clause
generally the same as clause on the moment–shear interaction in beams. One assumes first Clause
that the shear VEd acts on the structural steel section alone. If it is less than 0.5Vpl,a,Rd, it has no
effect. If it is greater, there is an option of sharing it between the steel and reinforced concrete
sections, which may reduce that acting on the steel to below 0.5Vpl,a,Rd. If it does not, then a
reduced design yield strength is used for the shear area, as for the web of a beam. In a
column, however, the shear area depends on the plane of bending considered, and may consist
of the flanges of the steel section. It is assumed that shear buckling does not occur.

Simplified interaction curve

Clause explains the use of the polygonal diagram BDCA in Figure 6.19 as an Clause
approximation to the interaction curve, suitable for hand calculation. The method applies to
any cross-section with biaxial symmetry, not just to encased I sections.

First, the location of the neutral axis for pure bending is found, by equating the longitudinal
forces from the stress blocks on either side of it. Let this be at distance hn from the centroid of
the uncracked section, as shown in Figure 6.19(B) and Figure C.2 in Appendix C. It is shown
in Appendix C that the neutral axis for point C on the interaction diagram is at distance hn on
the other side of the centroid, and the neutral axis for point D passes through the centroid.
The values of M and N at each point are easily found from the stress blocks shown in Figure 6.19.

The rule for concrete-filled sections at the end of clause is unclear. It says that Npm,Rd
should be taken as fcdAc; that is, that the factor 0.85 in Equation 6.30 is omitted in the region of
depth 2hn shown in diagram C in Figure 6.19, but gives no rule for the stress to be used for the
remainder of the compressive-stress block. The author considers that factor 0.85 can be omitted
here also. This leads to a resistance for pure bending, diagram B, that slightly exceeds the bending
resistance given by the rules for uncased beams, but it is reasonable, because of the restraint from
the encasement.

Concrete-filled tubes of circular or rectangular cross-section

Clause is based on the lateral expansion that occurs in concrete under axial com- Clause
pression. This causes circumferential tension in the steel tube and triaxial compression in the
concrete. This increases the crushing strength of the concrete (Roik and Bergmann, 1992;
Umamaheswari et al., 2007) to an extent that outweighs the reduction in the effective yield
strength of the steel in vertical compression. The coefficients a and c given in this clause
allow for these effects.

This containment effect is not present to the same extent in concrete-filled rectangular tubes
because less circumferential tension can be developed. In all tubes the effects of containment
reduce as bending moments are applied; this is because the mean compressive strain in the
concrete and the associated lateral expansion are reduced. With increasing slenderness,
bowing of the member under load increases the bending moment, and therefore the effectiveness
of containment is further reduced.

For these reasons, a and c are dependent on the eccentricity of loading and on the slender-
ness of the member. The contribution from the concrete nowhere falls below 1.0Ac fcd, which
is consistent with the version of Equation 6.30 for concrete-filled tubes. The ‘steel’ term has its
lowest value, 0.75As fyd, where  ¼ 0 and e/d ¼ 0. This is lower than that in Equation 6.30,
which can be used where it giver a higher total resistance, because the use of clause
is optional.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Properties of the column

For columns in a frame, some properties of each column length are needed before or during
global analysis of the frame:

Clause g the steel contribution ratio (clause

Clause g the relative slenderness  (clause
Clause g the effective flexural stiffnesses (clauses and
Clause g the creep coefficient and effective modulus for concrete (clause

The steel contribution ratio is explained in the comments on clause 6.7.1(4).

The relative slenderness  is needed to check that the column is within the scope of the simplified
method (clause  is calculated using characteristic values, and the appropriate flexural
stiffness is that given in clauses and The correction factor Ke is to allow for

As  depends on the elastic critical normal force for the relevant buckling mode, the behaviour of
the surrounding members needs to be taken into account. This could require a calculation of the
load factor cr for elastic instability, following the procedure shown in Figure 5.1(e). It will often
be possible, though, to make simplifying assumptions to show that a proposed column is within
the scope for the method. For example, in a frame with a high stiffness against sway it would be
reasonable to calculate Ncr assuming the member to be pin-ended. In an unbraced continuous
frame, the stiffness of each beam could be taken as that of the steel section alone, permitting
Ncr to be determined from effective length charts (British Standards Institution, 2000b) that
assume a beam to be of uniform stiffness. In any case, the upper limit on  is somewhat arbitrary
and does not justify great precision in Ncr.

The creep coefficient ’t influences the effective modulus Ec,eff (clause, and hence the
flexural stiffness of each column. It depends on the age at which concrete is stressed and the dura-
tion of the load. These will not be the same for all the columns in a frame. The effective modulus
depends also on the proportion of the design axial load that is permanent. The design of a column
is rarely sensitive to the influence of the creep coefficient on Ec,eff, so conservative assumptions
can be made about uncertainties. Normally, a single value of effective modulus can be used
for all the columns in the frame.

Verification of a column
The flow chart of Figure 6.36 shows a possible calculation route, intended to minimise iteration,
for a column as part of a frame. It is used in Example 6.10. It is assumed that the column has
cross-section details that can satisfy clauses 6.7.1(9),– and, and
has already been shown to have   2, so that it is within the scope of the simplified method
of clause 6.7.3.

The relationship between the analysis of a frame and the stability of individual members is
discussed in the comments on clauses 5.2.2(3) to 5.2.2(7). Conventionally, the stability of
members is checked by the analysis of individual members, using end moments and forces
from the global analysis of the frame. Figure 6.36 follows this procedure, giving in more detail
the procedures outlined in the lower part of the flow chart for global analysis (see Figure
5.1(a)). It is assumed that the slenderness of the column, determined according to clause, is such that member imperfections have been neglected in the global analysis.
Comments are now given in the sequence of Figure 6.36, rather than in clause sequence. If
bending is biaxial, the chart is followed for each axis in turn, as noted. It is assumed that
loading is applied to the column only at its ends.

The starting point is the output from the global analysis, listed at the top of Figure 6.36. The
design axial compression is the sum of the forces from the two frames of which the column is
assumed to be a member. If, at an end of the column (e.g. the top) the joints to beams in these
frames are at a different level, they could conservatively be assumed both to be at the upper
level, if the difference is small. The flow chart does not cover situations where the difference is
large (e.g. a storey height). The axial force NEd is normally almost constant along the column

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

Figure 6.36. Flow chart for the verification of a column length

Known, for both the y and z axes: NEd, Npl,Rd, L, (EI )eff,II, and the bending moments
at both ends of the column. Find the axial compression: NEd = NEd,y + NEd,z

Find λ̄ to clause, Yes Is the column in axial Yes Column

then χ to clause compression only? verified.
Is NEd ≤ χNpl,Rd? (Clause (END)
No No

Column not strong Find Vpl,a,Rd to clause Note 1: until note 2, the
enough. (END) Is VEd > 0.5Vpl,a,Rd? chart is for both the y and
(Clause z planes, separately, and the
y or z subscript is not given
Yes No
Find Mpl,a,Rd and Mpl,Rd, and hence Va,Ed and Vc,Ed Find interaction curve or
from clause Is Va,Ed > 0.5Vpl,a,Rd? polygon for the cross-section
(clauses and (5))

Find ρ from clause and hence Apply bow imperfection to

reduced fyd from clause clause; max. bow eo

Can first-order member analysis be used, because the member

satisfies clause 5.2.1(3), based on stiffness to clause
Yes No
Either Or

Find MEd, the maximum From clause find Find MEd,max by second-order
first-order bending moment Ncr,eff = π2(EI )eff,II /L2, find β for analysis of the pin-ended column
within the column length. end moments MEd,top and MEd,bot, length with force NEd and end
If MEd,1 = MEd,2, it is to Table 6.4, and hence moments MEd,1 and MEd,2
MEd,max = MEd,1 + NEdeo k (=k1); find k2 for β = 1; find the
design moment for the column:
MEd,max = k1MEd + k2NEdeo
≥ MEd,top
Note 2. For biaxial ≥ MEd,bot
bending, repeat steps
since Note 1 for the
other axis

From NEd and the interaction diagrams, find µdy and µdz from clause
Check that the cross-section can resist My,Ed,max and Mz,Ed,max from clause (END)

length. Where it varies, its maximum value can conservatively be assumed to be applied at the
upper end.

For most columns, the method requires a second-order analysis in which explicit account is
taken of imperfections (clause However, for a member subject only to end compression, Clause
clause enables the buckling curves of EN 1993-1-1 to be used. For columns that qualify,
this is a useful simplification because these curves allow for member imperfections. The reduction
factor  depends on the non-dimensional slenderness . The buckling curves are also useful as a
preliminary check for columns with end moment; if the resistance to the normal force NEd is not
sufficient, the proposed column is clearly inadequate.

Comment has already been made on the calculation of  when used to check the scope of the
method. When  is used as the basis for resistance, calculation of this parameter may still be
simplified, provided the result is conservative.

Columns without end moments are exceptional, and for most members the design process
continues, as shown in Figure 6.36. Columns with transverse shear exceeding half of the shear

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

resistance of the steel element are rare; but shear is checked next, because if it is high the inter-
action curve for the cross-section may be affected. Comment has been given earlier on clauses and, on shear, and on the interaction curve or polygon.

Much of the remainder of the flow chart is concerned with finding the maximum bending
moment to which the column will be subjected. In general, two calculations are necessary
(clause The maximum bending moment may occur at one end, when the design
moment equals the larger of the two end moments; or the maximum bending moment may
occur at an intermediate point along the member. This is because second-order effects, lateral
load within the length of the member and initial bowing affect the bending moment.

If member imperfections have been neglected in the global analysis, it is necessary to include them
Clause in the analysis of the column. Clause gives the member imperfections in Table 6.5 as
proportional to the length L of the column between lateral restraints. The imperfection is the
lateral departure at mid-height of the column of its axis of symmetry from the line joining the
centres of symmetry at the ends of the column. The values account principally for truly geometric
imperfections and for the effects of residual stresses. They do not depend on the distribution of
bending moment along the column. The curved shape is usually assumed to be sinusoidal, but use
of a circular arc would be acceptable. The curve is assumed initially to lie in the plane of the frame
being analysed.

The next step is to ascertain whether second-order effects need to be considered within the
member length. Clause refers to clause 5.2.1(3). Second-order effects can therefore
be neglected if the load factor cr for the elastic instability of the member exceeds 10. Possible
sway effects will have been determined by global analysis, and will already be included within
the values for the end moments and forces. To calculate cr, the ends of the column are
assumed to be pinned, and cr is found using the Euler formula Ncr,eff ¼
2EI/L2, L being the
physical length of the column. The flexural stiffness to use is (EI )eff,II (clause, with
the modulus of elasticity for concrete modified to take account of long-term effects (clause This flexural stiffness is lower than that defined in clause because it is
essentially a design value for ultimate limit states. The factor Ke,II allows for cracking. The
factor K0 is from research-based calibration studies.

The neglect of second-order effects does not mean that increase in bending moment caused by
the member imperfection can also be ignored. The next box, on finding MEd,max, gives the
example of a column in uniform single-curvature bending. If the end moments are dissimilar
or of opposite sign, the maximum moment in the column, MEd,max, is likely to be the greater
end moment.

In practice, most columns are relatively slender, and second-order effects will usually need to
be included. This can be done by second-order analysis of the member, treated as pin-ended
but subject to the end moments and forces given by the global analysis. Any intermediate
loads would also be applied. The analysis is to obtain the maximum moment in the column,
which is taken as the design moment, MEd,max. Formulae may be obtained from the literature.
Clause Alternatively, use may be made of the factor k given by clause

It is assumed in Figure 6.36 that the column is free from intermediate lateral loads. Two
factors are used, written as k1 and k2, because two moment distributions must be consid-
ered. The first gives the equivalent moment k1MEd in the ‘perfect’ column, where MEd is the
larger end moment given by the global analysis. The definitions of MEd in clause
and Table 6.4 may appear contradictory. In the text before Equation 6.43, MEd is referred
to as a first-order moment. This is because it does not include second-order effects arising
within the column length. However, Table 6.4 makes clear that MEd is to be determined by
either first-order or second-order global analysis; the choice depends on the criterion in
clause 5.2.1(3).

The multiplier (from Table 6.4) allows for the shape of the bending moment diagram. The
condition  0.44 in the table is to ensure sufficient protection against snap-through buckling
in double-curvature bending.

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

The first-order moment from the imperfection, NEde0, has a distribution such that ¼ 1,
from Table 6.4, so k2 normally differs from k1. The imperfection can be in any direction, so
the equivalent moment k2NEde0 always has the same sign as k1MEd, when the two are combined.

Equation 6.43 states that k must be greater than or equal to unity, and this is correct for a single
distribution of bending moment. However, for a combination of end moments and member
imperfection, it could be conservative to limit all values of k in this way. At mid-length, the
component due to end moments depends on their ratio, r, and therefore could be small. The
appropriate component is therefore k1MEd without the limit k  1.0, and the design moment
within the column length is (k1MEd þ k2NEde0). In biaxial bending, the initial member imperfec-
tion may be neglected in the less critical plane (clause The limit k  1.0 is intended to
ensure that the design moment is not less than the larger end moment MEd.

Clause, on ‘members in axial compression’, is followed by clauses on combined compres-

sion and bending, which shows that it is applicable only to members with no bending moment at
either end and no lateral loading. These members rarely occur in practice, but the method can be
used for out-of-plane resistance of a column assumed to be in a plane frame, as in Example 6.10.

Second-order analysis with member imperfections (clause gives the maximum bending Clause
moment in the member. The cross-section where this occurs is then verified to clause The
alternative to second-order analysis is to use the column curves of EN 1993-1-1, as specified in Clause

The final step in the flow chart of Figure 6.36, for a column with uniaxial bending, is to check that
the cross-section can resist MEd,max with compression NEd. The interaction diagram gives a resis-
tance dMpl,Rd with axial load NEd, as shown in Figure 6.18. This is unconservative, being based
on rectangular stress blocks, as explained in the comment on clause 3.1(1), so in clause Clause
it is reduced, by the use of a factor M that depends on the grade of structural steel. This factor
allows for the increase in the compressive strain in the cross-section at yield of the steel (which is
adverse for the concrete), when the yield strength of the steel is increased.

Biaxial bending
Where values of MEd,max have been found for both axes, clause applies, in which they are Clause
written as My,Ed and Mz,Ed. If one is much greater than the other, the relevant check for uniaxial
bending, Equation 6.46 will govern. Otherwise, the linear interaction given by Equation 6.47 applies.
If the member fails this biaxial condition by a small margin, it may be helpful to recalculate the less
critical bending moment omitting the member imperfection, as permitted by clause

6.7.4 Shear connection and load introduction

Load introduction
The provisions for the resistance of cross-sections of columns assume that no significant slip occurs
at the interface between the concrete and structural steel components. Clauses and Clause give the principles for limiting slip to an ‘insignificant’ level in the critical regions: Clause
those where axial load and/or bending moments are applied to the column.

For any assumed ‘clearly defined load path’ it is possible to estimate stresses, including shear at
the interface. In regions of load introduction, shear stress is likely to exceed the design shear
strength from clause, and shear connection is then required (clause It is
unlikely to be needed elsewhere, unless the shear strength  Rd from Table 6.6 is very low, or
the member is also acting as a beam (Abdullah et al., 2009), or has a high degree of double-
curvature bending. Clause refers to the special case of an axially loaded column. Clause

Few shear connectors reach their design shear strength until the slip is at least 1 mm; but this is
not ‘significant’ slip for a resistance model based on plastic behaviour and rectangular stress
blocks. However, a long load path implies greater slip, so the assumed path should not extend
beyond the introduction length given in clause

Where the axial load is applied through a joint attached only to the steel component, the force to
be transferred to the concrete can be estimated from the relative axial loads in the two materials

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

given by the resistance model. Accurate calculation is rarely practicable where the cross-section
concerned does not govern the design of the column. In this partly plastic situation, the more
Clause adverse of the elastic and fully plastic models gives a safe result (clause, last line). In
practice, it may be simpler to provide shear connection based on a conservative (high) estimate
of the force to be transferred.

Where axial force is applied by a plate bearing on both materials or on concrete only, the
proportion of the force resisted by the concrete gradually decreases, due to creep and shrinkage.
It could be inferred from clause that shear connection should be provided for a high
proportion of the force applied. However, models based on elastic theory are over-conservative
in this inherently stable situation, where large strains are acceptable. The application rules that
follow are based mainly on tests.

In a concrete-filled tube, shrinkage effects are low, for only the autogenous shrinkage strain
occurs, with a long-term value below 104, from clause 3.1.4(6) of EN 1992-1-1. Radial shrinkage
is outweighed by the lateral expansion of concrete in compression, for its inelastic Poisson’s
ratio increases at high compressive stress. Friction then provides significant shear connection
Clause (clause Friction is also the basis for the enhanced resistance of stud connectors
Clause given in clause

Detailing at points of load introduction or change of cross-section is assisted by the high bearing
Clause stresses given in clauses and These rules are based mainly on tests (Porsch
Clause and Hanswille, 2006). As an example, the following data are assumed for the detail shown in
Figure 6.22(B), with axial loading (i.e. e ¼ 0):

g steel tube with external diameter 300 mm and wall thickness 10 mm

g bearing plate 15 mm thick, with strength fy ¼ fyd ¼ 355 N/mm2
g concrete with fck ¼ 45 N/mm2 and  C ¼ 1.5.


Ac ¼
 1402 ¼ 61 600 mm2

A1 ¼ 15  280 ¼ 4200 mm2

From Equation 6.48,

c,Rd/fcd ¼ [1 þ (4.9  10/300)(355/45)](14.7)0.5 ¼ 8.8


c,Rd ¼ 8.8  30 ¼ 260 N/mm2

This bearing stress is so high that the bearing plate would need to be at least 180 mm deep to have
sufficient resistance to vertical shear.

Clause Figure 6.23 illustrates the requirement of clause for transverse reinforcement, for load
introduction through a fully encased steel section. The transverse bars must be able to resist a
force Nc1. If longitudinal reinforcement is ignored, this is given by

Nc1 ¼ [Ac2/(2nA)]NEd

where A is the transformed area of the cross-section 1–1 of the column in Figure 6.23, given by

A ¼ As þ (Ac1 þ Ac2)/n

and Ac1 and Ac2 are the unshaded and shaded areas of concrete, respectively, in section 1–1.

Load introduction can occur through the exterior of a concrete-filled steel tube. The Poisson
effect of axial compression in the tube and shrinkage of the concrete core both tend to reduce

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

the bond or friction at the interface between steel and concrete, and any truss action would cause
lateral tension in the concrete. The details covered by clause provide possible solutions.

For load introduction through only the concrete section, there may be little need for transverse
reinforcement under this clause. Other rules in clause will then govern the detailing.

Transverse shear
Clause gives application rules (used in Example 6.11) relevant to the principle of Clause
clause, for columns with the longitudinal shear that arises from transverse shear.
The design shear strengths  Rd in Table 6.6 are far lower than the tensile strength of concrete.
They rely on friction, not bond, and are related to the extent to which separation at the interface
is prevented. For example, in partially encased I sections, lateral expansion of the concrete
creates pressure on the flanges, but not on the web, for which  Rd ¼ 0; and the highest shear
strengths are for concrete within steel tubes.

Where small steel I sections are provided, mainly for erection, and the column is mainly concrete,
clause provides a useful increase to  Rd, for covers up to 115 mm, more simply Clause
presented as

c ¼ 0.2 þ cz/50  2.5

Concern about the attachment of concrete to steel in partially encased I sections appears again in
clause, because under weak-axis bending, separation tends to develop between the Clause
encasement and the web.

6.7.5 Detailing provisions

If a steel I section in an environment in class X0 to EN 1992-1-1 has links in contact with its flange
(permitted by clause, the cover to the steel section could be as low as 25 mm. For a
wide steel flange, this thin layer of concrete would have little resistance to buckling outwards,
so the minimum thickness is increased to at least 40 mm in clause Clause

Minimum longitudinal reinforcement (clause is needed to control the width of cracks, Clause
which can be caused by shrinkage even in columns with concrete nominally in compression.

Clause refers to exposure class X0 of EN 1992-1-1. This is a ‘very dry’ environment, Clause
with ‘no risk of corrosion or attack’. Buildings with ‘very low air humidity’ are given as an
example, so some buildings, or spaces in buildings, would not qualify. The minimum reinforce-
ment provides robustness during construction.

Example 6.10: composite column with bending about one or both axes
A composite column of length 7.0 m has the uniform cross-section shown in Figure 6.37. Its
resistance to given action effects will be found. After checking that the column is within the
scope of the simplified method, the calculations follow the sequence of the flow chart in
Figure 6.36. The properties of the steel member, 254  254 UC89, are taken from section

Figure 6.37. Cross-section and properties of a composite column (dimensions in mm)

72 Steel section: 254 × 254 UC89
Aa = 11 400 mm2
70 10–6Ia,y = 143.1 mm4
10–6Ia,z = 48.5 mm4
10–6Wpa,y = 1.228 mm3
400 260
10–6Wpa,z = 0.575 mm3

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

tables, and given here in Eurocode notation. The properties of the materials, in the usual
notation, are as follows:

g structural steel: grade S355, fy ¼ fyd ¼ 355 N/mm2, Ea ¼ 210 kN/mm2

g concrete: strength class C25/30, fck ¼ 25 N/mm2, fcd ¼ 25/1.5 ¼ 16.7 N/mm2,
0.85fcd ¼ 14.2 N/mm2, Ecm ¼ 31 kN/mm2, n0 ¼ 210/31 ¼ 6.77
g reinforcement: ribbed bars, fsk ¼ 500 N/mm2, fsd ¼ 500/1.15 ¼ 435 N/mm2.

Geometrical properties of the cross-section

In the notation of Figure 6.17(a),

bc ¼ hc ¼ 400 mm b ¼ 256 mm h ¼ 260 mm

cy ¼ 200  128 ¼ 72 mm cz ¼ 200  130 ¼ 70 mm

These satisfy the conditions of clauses, and, so all the concrete
casing is included in the calculations.

Area of reinforcement: 4  36
¼ 446 mm2

Area of concrete: 4002  11 400  446 ¼ 148 150 mm2

The reinforcement has area 0.301% of the concrete area, so clause permits it to be
included in calculations. For simplicity, its small contribution will be ignored, so the values are

Aa ¼ 11 400 mm2

Ac ¼ 4002  11 400 ¼ 148 600 mm2

As ¼ 0

For the steel section:

106Ia,y ¼ 143.1 mm4

106Ia,z ¼ 48.5 mm4

Design action effects, ultimate limit state

For the most critical load arrangement, global analysis gives these values:

NEd ¼ 1800 kN

including, from permanent loading,

NG,Ed ¼ 1200 kN

My,Ed,top ¼ 380 kN m

Mz,Ed,top ¼ 0

The bending moments at the lower end of the column and the lateral loading are zero. Later,
the effect of adding Mz,Ed,top ¼ 50 kN m is determined.

Properties of the column length

From clause,

Npl,Rd ¼ Aa fyd þ 0.85Ac fcd ¼ 11.4  355 þ 148.6  14.2 ¼ 4047 þ 2109 ¼ 6156 kN

From clause, the steel contribution ratio is

¼ 4047/6156 ¼ 0.657

which is within the limits of clause 6.7.1(4).

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

For  to clause, with  C ¼ 1.5,

Npl,Rk ¼ 4047 þ 1.5  2109 ¼ 7210 kN

Creep coefficient
From clause,
Ec ¼ Ecm/[1 þ (NG,Ed/NEd)’t] (6.41)

The creep coefficient ’t is ’(t, t0) to clause The time t0 is taken as 30 days, and t is
taken as ‘infinity’, as creep reduces the stiffness, and hence the stability, of a column.

From clause 3.1.4(5) of EN 1992-1-1, the ‘perimeter exposed to drying’ is

u ¼ 2(bc þ hc) ¼ 1600 mm


h0 ¼ 2Ac/u ¼ 297 200/1600 ¼ 186 mm

Assuming ‘inside conditions’ and the use of normal cement, the graphs in Figure 3.1 of
EN 1992-1-1 give

’(1, 30) ¼ 2.7 ¼ ’t

The assumed ‘age at first loading’ has little influence on the result if it exceeds about 20 days.
If, however, significant load were applied at age 10 days, ’t would be increased to about 3.3.

From Equation 6.41,

Ec,eff ¼ 31/[1 þ 2.7(1200/1800)] ¼ 11.1 kN/mm2

Elastic critical load, with characteristic stiffness

The minor axis is the more critical, so z is needed. From clause,
(EI )eff ¼ EaIa þ KeEc,effIc (6.40)

For the concrete,

106Ic,z ¼ 0.42  4002/12  48.5 ¼ 2085 mm4

From Equation 6.40,

106(EI )eff,z ¼ 210  48.5 þ 0.6  11.1  2085 ¼ 24 070 kN mm2
In this example, the end conditions for the column are assumed to be such that lateral
restraint is provided, but no elastic rotational restraint, so the effective length is the actual
length, 7.0 m, and

Ncr,z ¼
2(EI )eff,z/L2 ¼ 24 070
2/49 ¼ 4848 kN
From Equation 6.39,

z ¼ (Npl,Rk/Ncr,z)0.5 ¼ (7210/4848)0.5 ¼ 1.22

Similar calculations for the y axis give

106Ic,y ¼ 1990 mm4

106(EI )eff,y ¼ 43 270 kN mm2
Ncr,y ¼ 8715 kN

y ¼ 0.91
The non-dimensional slenderness does not exceed 2.0, so clause is satisfied.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Resistance to axial load, z axis

From clause, buckling curve (c) is applicable. From Figure 6.4 of EN 1993-1-1, for
z ¼ 1.22,

z ¼ 0.43

From Equation 6.44,

NEd  zNpl,Rd ¼ 0.43  6156 ¼ 2647 kN

This condition is satisfied.

Transverse shear
For My,Ed,top ¼ 380 kNm, the transverse shear is

Vz,Ed ¼ 380/7 ¼ 54 kN

This is obviously less than 0.5Vpl,a,Rd, so clause does not apply.

Interaction curves
The interaction polygons corresponding to Figure 6.19 are determined in Appendix C (see
Example C.1), and reproduced in Figure 6.38. Clause permits them to be used
as approximations to the N–M interaction curves for the cross-section.

Figure 6.38. Interaction polygons for bending about the major and minor axes

5 328 Major axis

4 414 504

Minor axis 534

2 1.80
D 1.241
B 559
200 333 400 600
MRd: kNm

First-order bending moments, y axis

The distribution of the external bending moment is shown in Figure 6.39(a). From clause, the equivalent member imperfection is

e0,z ¼ L/200 ¼ 35 mm

The mid-length bending moment due to NEd is

NEde0,z ¼ 1800  0.035 ¼ 63 kN m

Its distribution is shown in Figure 6.39(b).

To check whether second-order moments can be neglected, a reduced value of Ncr is required,
to clause From Equation 6.42,

(EI )y,eff,II ¼ 0.9(EaIa þ 0.5EcIc)

¼ 0.9  106(210  143.1 þ 0.5  11.1  1990) ¼ 3.70  1010 kN mm2

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

Figure 6.39. Design second-order bending moments for a column of length 7.0 m

My,Ed: kNm M from initial First order

k1 = 0.87 k2 = 1.32
bow: kNm

0.66 × 380
0.87 × 380 83
3.5 7.0 0 3.5 7.0
x: m x: m
(a) (b)


Ncr,y,eff ¼ 37 000
2/72 ¼ 7450 kN

This is less than 10NEd, so second-order effects must be considered (clause 5.2.1(3)).

Second-order bending moments, y axis

From clause, Table 6.4, for the end moments, r ¼ 0, ¼ 0.66, and, from Equation

k1 ¼ /(1  NEd/Ncr,y,eff) ¼ 0.66/(1  1800/7450) ¼ 0.87

This is not increased to 1.0, as it will be combined with the effect of imperfections, so the
major-axis bending moments are as shown in Figure 6.39(a).

For the bending moment from the member imperfection, ¼ 1.0. From Equation 6.43,

k2 ¼ 1/(1  1800/7450) ¼ 1.32

thus increasing NEde0,z to 63  1.32 ¼ 83 kN m (Figure 6.39(b)).

The total mid-length bending moment is

0.87  380 þ 83 ¼ 414 kN m

This exceeds the greater end moment, 380 kN m, and so governs.

The point (NEd, My,Ed,max) is (1800, 414) on Figure 6.38. From the values shown in the figure,

My,Rd ¼ 504 þ (2482  1800)  55/(2482  1241) ¼ 534 kN m

This exceeds Mpl,y,Rd, so clause is relevant.

In this case, it makes no difference whether NEd and MEd are from independent actions or
not, because the point My,Rd lies on line CD in Figure 6.38, not on line BD, so the ‘additional
verification’ to clause 6.7.1(7) would not alter the result.

The ratio

My,Ed,max/d,yMpl,y,Rd ¼ 414/534 ¼ 0.78

This is below 0.9, so clause is satisfied. The column is strong enough.

Biaxial bending
The effect of adding a minor-axis bending moment Mz,Ed,top ¼ 50 kN m is as follows. It is
much smaller than My,Ed, so major-axis failure is assumed. From clause, there is

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

assumed to be no bow imperfection in the x–y plane; but second-order effects have to be

From Equation 6.42,

(EI )z,eff,II ¼ 0.9  106(210  48.5 þ 0.5  11.1  2085) ¼ 1.96  1010 kN mm2


Ncr,z,eff ¼ 19 600
2/49 ¼ 3948 kN m

As before, ¼ 0.66, and, from Equation 6.43,

k1 ¼ 0.66/(1  1800/3948) ¼ 1.21


Mz,Ed,max ¼ 1.21  50 ¼ 60.5 kN m

From Figure 6.38, for NEd ¼ 1800 kN,

Mz,Rd ¼ d,z Mpl,z,Rd ¼ 330 kN m

From clause,

My,Ed,max/0.9My,Rd þ Mz,Ed,max/0.9Mz,Rd ¼ 414/(0.9  534) þ 60.5/(0.9  330)

¼ 0.861 þ 0.204

¼ 1.07

This exceeds 1.0, so the check is thus not satisfied, and the column cannot resist the
additional bending moment.

Example 6.11: longitudinal shear outside areas of load introduction, for a

composite column
All of the data for this example are given in Example 6.10 and Figure 6.37, and are not
repeated here. The design transverse shear was found to be

Vz,Ed ¼ 54 kN

The maximum shear that can be resisted without provision of shear connection is now
calculated. The critical cross-section is B–B in Figure 6.40.

Figure 6.40. Longitudinal shear on plane B–B in a column cross-section (dimensions in mm)


cz = 70



Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

Clause permits the use of elastic analysis. Creep and cracking should be considered.
Creep reduces the shear stress on plane B–B, so the modular ratio n0 ¼ 6.77 is used.
Uncracked section properties are used, and cracking is considered later.

The cover cz ¼ 70 mm, so from Equation 6.49 in clause, c ¼ 1.60. From Table 6.6,

 Rd ¼ 0.30  1.6 ¼ 0.48 N/mm2

From Example 6.10,

106Ia,y ¼ 143.1 mm4

106Ic,y ¼ 1990 mm4

so for the uncracked section in ‘concrete’ units

106Iy ¼ 1990 þ 143.1  6.77 ¼ 2959 mm4

The ‘excluded area’ is

Aex ¼ 400  70 ¼ 28 000 mm2

and its centre of area is

z ¼ 200  35 ¼ 165 mm

from G in Figure 6.40. Hence,

V z;Rd ¼ Rd Iy bc =ðAex zÞ ¼ 0:48  2959  400=ð28 000  0:165Þ ¼ 123 kN

This exceeds Vz,Ed, so no shear connection is needed. The margin is so great that there is no
need to consider the effect of cracking.

Column section used as a beam

The shear strengths given in Table 6.6 are unlikely to be high enough to permit the omission
of shear connection from a column member with significant transverse loading. As an
example, it is assumed that the column section of Figure 6.40 is used as a simply supported
beam of span 8.0 m, with uniformly distributed loading.

Using elastic analysis of the cracked cross-section with n0 ¼ 6.77 as before, but no axial load,
the results are

106 Iy,cracked ¼ 1441 mm4

Vz,Rd ¼ 79 kN

This corresponds to a design ultimate load of 19.7 kN/m, which is only 4.4 times the
unfactored weight of the member.

6.8. Fatigue
6.8.1 General
Although fatigue verification is mainly needed for bridges, these ‘general’ provisions find
application in some buildings: for example, where travelling cranes or fork-lift trucks are used.
They refer extensively to EN 1993-1-9 (British Standards Institution, 2005c), ‘Fatigue strength
of steel structures’, which is also ‘general’. The Eurocode methods for fatigue are quite
complex. There are supplementary provisions in EN 1994-2, ‘Composite bridges’.

The only complete set of provisions on fatigue in EN 1994-1-1 is for stud shear connectors.
Fatigue in reinforcement, concrete and structural steel is covered mainly by cross-reference to
EN 1992 and EN 1993. Commentary will be found in the guides to those codes (Beeby and
Narayanan, 2005; Gardner and Nethercot, 2007).

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Comments here are limited to the design for a single cyclic loading: a defined number of cycles,
NR, of a loading event for which can be calculated, at a given point, either:

g a single range of stress, E(NR) or  E(NR), or

g several stress ranges, that can be represented as N* cycles of a single ‘damage equivalent
stress range’ (e.g. E,equ(N*)) by using the Palmgren–Miner rule for the summation of
fatigue damage.

The term ‘equivalent constant-amplitude stress range’, defined in clause of EN 1993-1-9,
has the same meaning as ‘damage equivalent stress range’, used here and in clause 6.8.5 of
EN 1992-1-1.

Damage equivalent factors (typically , as used in bridge design) are not considered here.
Reference may be made to guides in this series to Parts 2 of Eurocodes 2, 3 and 4 (e.g. Designers’
Guide to EN 1994-2: Hendy and Johnson, 2006).

Fatigue damage is related mainly to the number and amplitude of the stress ranges. The peak of
the stress range has a secondary influence that can be, and usually is, ignored in practice for peak
stresses below about 60% of the characteristic strength. Ultimate loads are higher than peak
fatigue loads, and the use of partial safety factors for ultimate-load design normally ensures
that peak fatigue stresses are below this limit. This may not be so for buildings with partial
Clause 6.8.1(3) shear connection, so clause 6.8.1(3) limits the force per stud to 0.75PRd, or 0.6PRk for  V ¼ 1.25.

Clause 6.8.1(4) Clause 6.8.1(4) gives guidance on the types of building where fatigue assessment may be required.
By reference to EN 1993-1-1, these include buildings with members subject to wind-induced or
crowd-induced oscillations. ‘Repeated stress cycles from vibrating machinery’ are also listed,
but these should in practice be kept out of the structure by appropriate mountings.

6.8.2 Partial factors for fatigue assessment

Resistance factors  Mf may be given in National Annexes. For the fatigue strength of concrete
Clause 6.8.2(1) and reinforcement, clause 6.8.2(1) refers to EN 1992-1-1, which recommends the partial
factors 1.5 and 1.15, respectively, with lower values for accidental actions. The UK’s National
Annex confirms these values.

For structural steel, EN 1993-1-9 recommends values ranging from 1.0 to 1.35, depending on
the design concept and the consequence of failure. The UK’s National Annex for this code
requires the use of the safe-life method of clause 3(7) of EN 1993-1-9, and gives  Mf ¼ 1.1 for
detail categories that are in its Tables 8.1–8.8. These include fatigue failure of a steel flange
caused by a stud weld.

Fatigue failure of a stud shear connector, not involving the flange, is covered by EN 1994-1-1.
The value recommended in a note to clause,  Mf,s ¼ 1.0, corresponds to the value
in EN 1993-1-9 for the ‘damage-tolerant design concept’ with a ‘low consequence of failure’,
and is confirmed in the UK’s National Annex. From clause 3(2) of EN 1993-1-9, the use of
the damage-tolerant method should be satisfactory, provided that ‘a prescribed inspection and
maintenance regime for detecting and correcting fatigue damage is implemented’. A note to
this clause states that the damage-tolerant method may be applied where ‘in the event of
fatigue damage occurring a load redistribution between components of structural elements can

The second condition applies to stud connectors, but the first does not, for lack of access prevents
the detection of small cracks by any simple method of inspection. The rule in EN 1994-1-1 is
based on other considerations, as follows.

Fatigue failure results from a complex interaction between steel and concrete, commencing with
powdering of the highly stressed concrete adjacent to the weld collar. This displaces upwards the
line of action of the shear force, increasing the bending and shear in the shank just above the weld
collar, and probably also altering the tension. Initial fatigue cracking further alters the relative
stiffnesses and the local stresses. Research has found that the exponent that relates the cumulative

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

damage to the stress range may be higher than the value, 5, for other welds in shear. The value
chosen for EN 1994-1-1, 8, is controversial, as discussed later.

As may be expected from the involvement of a tiny volume of concrete, tests show a wide scatter
in fatigue lives, which is allowed for in the design resistances. Studs are provided in large
numbers, and are well able to redistribute shear between themselves.

The strongest reason for not recommending a value more conservative than 1.0 comes from
experience with bridges, where stud connectors have been used for over 50 years. Whenever
occasion has arisen in print or at a conference, the author has stated that there is no known
instance of fatigue failure of a stud in a bridge, other than a few clearly attributable to errors in
design. This has not yet been challenged. Research has identified, but not yet quantified, many
reasons for this remarkable experience (Oehlers and Bradford, 1995; Johnson, 2000). Most of
them (e.g. slip, shear lag, permanent set, partial interaction, adventitious connection from bolt
heads, and friction) lead to predicted stress ranges on studs lower than those assumed in design.
With an eighth-power law, a 10% reduction in the stress range more than doubles the fatigue life.

For fatigue loading, the factor  Ff (clause 6.8.2(2)) refers to National Annexes. The value Clause 6.8.2(2)
 Ff ¼ 1.0 is specified in the UK.

6.8.3 Fatigue strength

The format of clause 6.8.3(3), as in EN 1993-1-9, uses a reference value for the range of shear Clause 6.8.3(3)
stress at 2 million cycles,  C ¼ 90 N/mm2. It defines the slope m of the line through this point
on the log–log plot of the range of stress  R against the number of constant-range stress
cycles to failure, NR (Figure 6.25).

It is a complex matter to deduce a value for m from the mass of test data, which are often incon-
sistent. Many types of test specimen have been used, and the resulting scatter of results must be
disentangled from that due to inherent variability. Values for m recommended in the literature
range from 5 to 12, mostly based on linear-regression analyses. The method of regression used
(x on y, or y on x) can alter the value found by up to 3 (Johnson, 2000).

The value of 8, which was also used in BS 5400-10, may be too high. In design for a loading
spectrum, its practical effect is that the cumulative damage is governed by the highest-range
components of the spectrum (e.g. by the small number of maximum-weight lifts made by a
crane). A lower value, such as 5, would give more weight to the much higher number of
average-range components.

While fatigue design methods for stud connectors continue to be conservative (for bridges
(Hendy and Johnson, 2006) and probably for buildings too) the precise value for m is of academic
interest. Any future proposals for more accurate methods for the prediction of stress ranges
should be associated with re-examination of the value for m.

6.8.4 Internal forces and fatigue loadings

The object of a calculation is usually to find the range or ranges of stress in a given material at a
chosen cross-section, caused by a defined event: for example, the passage of a vehicle along or
across a beam. Loading other than the vehicle influences the extent of cracking in the concrete,
and, hence, the stiffnesses of members. Cracking depends mainly on the heaviest previous
loading, and so tends to increase with time. Clause 6.8.4(1) refers to a relevant clause in Clause 6.8.4(1)
Eurocode 2. This defines the non-cyclic loading assumed to coexist with the design value of the
cyclic load, Qfat: it is similar to the ‘frequent’ combination for serviceability limit states, and is
Gk; j þ P þ 1; 1 Qk; 1 þ 2; i Qk; i
j1 i>1

where the Qs are non-cyclic variable actions. Often, only one G and one Q are relevant, and there
is no prestress. The design combination is then

Gk þ 1Q k þ Qfat (D6.38)

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Clause 6.8.4(2) Clause 6.8.4(2) defines symbols that are used for bending moments in clause The sign
convention is evident from Figure 6.26, which shows that MEd,max,f is the bending moment
that causes the greatest tension in the slab, and is positive. Clause 6.8.4(2) also refers to internal
forces, but does not give symbols. Analogous use of calculated tensile forces in a concrete slab
(e.g. NEd,max,f, etc.) may sometimes be necessary.

6.8.5 Stresses
Clause Clause refers to a list of action effects in clause 7.2.1(1)P to be taken into account
‘where relevant’. They are all relevant, in theory, to the extent of cracking. However, this can
usually be represented by the same simplified model, chosen from clause, that is used
for other global analyses. They also influence the maximum value of the fatigue stress range,
which is limited for each material (e.g. the limit for shear connectors in clause 6.8.1(3)). It is
unusual for any of these limits to be reached in design for a building; but if there are highly
stressed cross-sections where most of the variable action is cyclic, the maximum value should
be checked.

The provisions for fatigue are based on the assumption that the stress range caused by a given
fluctuation of loading, such as the passage of a vehicle of known weight, remains approximately
constant after an initial shakedown period. ‘Shakedown’ here includes the changes due to
cracking, shrinkage and creep of concrete that occur mainly within the first year or two.

Most fatigue verifications are for load cycles with more than 104 repetitions. For this number in a
50 year life, the mean cycle time is less than 2 days. Thus, load fluctuations slow enough to cause
creep (e.g. from the use of a tank for storing fuel oil) are unlikely to be numerous enough to cause
fatigue damage. This may not be so for industrial processes with dynamic effects, such as forging,
or for the charging floor for a blast furnace, but other uncertainties are likely to outweigh those
from creep.

The short-term modular ratio should therefore be used when finding stress ranges from the
cyclic action Qfat. Where a peak stress is being checked, creep from permanent loading should
be allowed for, if it increases the relevant stress. This would apply, for example, for most
verifications for the structural steel in a composite beam. The effect of tension stiffening
Clause (clauses and is illustrated in Example 6.12, below.
The designer chooses a location where fatigue is most likely to govern. For a vehicle travelling
along a continuous beam, the critical section for shear connection may be near mid-span; for
reinforcement, it is near an internal support.

The extent of a continuous structure that needs to be analysed depends on what is being checked.
For a fatigue check on reinforcement it would be necessary to include at least two spans of the
beam, and perhaps the two adjacent column lengths; but ranges of vertical shear, as the vehicle
passes, are barely influenced by the rest of the structure, so for the shear connection it may be
possible to consider the beam in isolation.

For analysis, the linear-elastic method of Section 5 is used, from clause 6.8.4(1). The redistribu-
tion of moments is not permitted (clause 5.4.4(1)). The calculation of the range of stress, or of
shear flow, from the action effects is based entirely on elastic theory, following clause 7.2.1.

For stresses in structural steel, the effects of tension stiffening may be included or neglected
Clause (clause

Clause For concrete, clause refers to clause 6.8 of EN 1992-1-1, which provides (in clause 6.8.7)
for concrete subjected to a damage-equivalent stress range. For a building, the fatigue of concrete
is unlikely to influence the design, so this clause is not discussed here.

Structural steel
Clause Clause repeats, in effect, the concession in clause The reference to ‘these
Clause bending moments’ in line 2 of clause means the bending moments that cause

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

compression in the slab. Where the words ‘or only MEd,min,f’ apply, MEd,max,f causes tension in
the slab. The use of the uncracked section for MEd,max,f could then underestimate the stress
ranges in steel flanges.

For reinforcement, clause 6.8.3(2) refers to EN 1992-1-1, where clause 6.8.4 gives the verification
procedure. Its recommended value N* for straight bars is 106. This should not be confused with
the corresponding value for structural steel in EN 1993-1-9, 2  106, denoted NC, which is used
also for shear connectors (clause

Using the UK’s  values given above, its Equation 6.71 for the verification of reinforcement

E,equ(N*)  Rsk(N*)/1.15 (D.6.39)

with Rsk ¼ 162.5 N/mm2 for N* ¼ 106, from Table 6.4N.

Where a range E(NR) has been determined, the resistance Rsk(NR) can be found from the
S–N curve for reinforcement, and the verification is

E(NR)  Rsk(NR)/1.15 (D6.40)

Clause permits the use of the approximation to the effects of tension stiffening that is Clause
used for other limit states. It consists of adding to the maximum tensile stress in the ‘fully cracked’
section, s,0, an amount s that is independent of s,0 and of the limit state. The use of the factor
0.2, rather than 0.4, allows for the reduction in tension stiffening caused by repeated cycles of
tensile strain.

Clauses and give simplified rules for calculating stresses, with reference to Clause
Figure 6.26, which is discussed using Figure 6.41. This has the same axes, and its line OJ Clause
corresponds to the upper line in Figure 6.26. It shows two minimum bending moments, one of
which (point L) causes compression in the slab. A calculated value for the stress s in
reinforcement, which assumes concrete to be effective, would lie on line AOD. On initial
cracking, the stress s jumps from point B to E. Lines OBE are not shown in Figure 6.26
because clause 7.2.1(5)P requires the tensile strength of concrete to be neglected in calculations
for s. This gives line OE. For moments exceeding Mcr, the stress s follows route EFG on
first loading. The calculation of s using the section property I2 gives line OC. At bending
moment MEd,max,f the stress s,0 thus found is increased by s, from Equation 7.5, as shown
by line HJ.

Figure 6.41. Stress ranges in reinforcement in cracked regions

σs (tension)
σs,max,f J G


σs,min,f K

B MEd,min,f MEd,max,f
L Mcr

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Clause defines the unloading route from point J as JOA, on which the stress s,min,f
lies. Points K and L give two examples, for MEd,min,f causing tension and compression,
respectively, in the slab. The fatigue stress ranges s,f for these two cases are shown.

Shear connection
Clause The interpretation of clause is complex when tension stiffening is allowed for.
The spacing of shear connectors near internal supports is unlikely to be governed by
fatigue, so it is simplest to use uncracked section properties when calculating the range of
Clause shear flow from the range of vertical shear (clause These points are illustrated in
Example 6.12.

6.8.6 Stress ranges

Clause Clause is more relevant to the complex cyclic loadings that occur in bridges, than to
buildings, and relates to the provisions of EN 1992 and EN 1993. Where a spectrum of
loading is specified, the maximum and minimum stresses, as discussed above for reinforcement,
are modified by the damage-equivalent factor , a property of the spectrum and the exponent m
(clause 6.8.3(3)). Comment and guidance will be found in another guide in this series (Hendy and
Johnson, 2006).

Clause The need to combine global and local fatigue loading events (clause rarely occurs in

Where the design cyclic loading consists of a single load cycle repeated NR times, the damage-
Clause equivalent factor v used in clause on shear connection can be found using the
Palmgren-Miner rule, as follows.

Let the load cycle cause a shear stress range  in a stud connector, for which m ¼ 8. Then,

( E)8NR ¼ ( E,2)8NC

where NC ¼ 2  106 cycles. Hence,

 E,2/ E ¼ v ¼ (NR/NC)1/8 (D6.41)

6.8.7 Fatigue assessment based on nominal stress ranges

Clause Comments on the methods referred to from clause will be found in other guides in this

Clause For shear connectors, clause introduces the partial factors. The recommended values
and those for the UK are given in comments on clause 6.8.2(1).

Clause Clause covers the interaction between the fatigue failures of a stud and of the steel
flange to which it is welded, when the flange is in tension. The first of Expressions 6.57 is the
verification for the flange, from clause 8(1) of EN 1993-1-9, and the second is for the stud,
copied from Equation 6.55. The linear interaction condition is given in Expression 6.56.

It is necessary to calculate the longitudinal stress range in the steel flange that coexists with the
stress range for the connectors. The load cycle that gives the maximum value of E,2 in the
flange will not, in general, be that which gives the maximum value of  E,2 in a shear connector,
because the first is caused by flexure and the second by shear. Also, both E,2 and  E,2 may be
influenced by whether the concrete is cracked or not.

It thus appears that Expression 6.56 may have to be checked four times. In practice, it is best to
check first the conditions in Expression 6.57. It should be obvious, for these, whether the
‘cracked’ or the ‘uncracked’ model is the more adverse. Usually, one or both of the left-hand
sides is so far below 1.0 that no check to Expression 6.56 is needed.

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

Example 6.12: fatigue in reinforcement and shear connection

It is assumed that the imposed floor load of 7.0 kN/m2 for the two-span beam in Examples
6.7 and 7.1 is partly replaced by a cyclic load. The resistance to fatigue of the reinforcement
at the internal support, point B in Figures 6.23 and 6.28, and of the shear connection near the
cyclic load are checked. All other data are as before, for simplicity, although the composite
slab used previously is unlikely to have sufficient resistance for the repeated axle loading used

Loading and global analysis

The cyclic load is a four-wheeled vehicle with two characteristic axle loads of 35 kN each.
It travels at right angles to the beam ABC, on a fixed path that is 2.0 m wide and free
from other variable loads. The axle spacing exceeds the beam spacing of 2.5 m, so each
passage can be represented conservatively by two cycles of point load, 0–35–0 kN, applied
at point D in Figure 6.42(a). For a 25 year design life, 20 passages per hour of two loads
for 5000 h/year gives NR ¼ 5  106 cycles of loading. The partial factor  Ff is taken as 1.0.

Figure 6.42. Fatigue checks for a two-span beam. (a) Variable static and cyclic loads. (b) Design action
effects, cyclic load. (c) Design action effects, shrinkage

12 4 11 6

0.7qk Qfat = 35 kN


31 35

2.6 12
2.6 + 23
84 10.0 20.0 10.0
(b) (c)

In comparison with Example 6.7, the reduction in the static characteristic imposed load is
7  2.5  2 ¼ 35 kN, the same as the additional axle load, so previous global analyses for
the characteristic combination can be used. The results for bending moments MEk at
support B are in Table 7.2. Those for the permanent load and shrinkage are unchanged,
and are repeated in Table 6.5.

Analysis for the load Qfat alone, with 15% of each span cracked, gave the results in
Figure 6.42(b), with 31 kN m at support B.

In Table 7.2, MEk,B is 263 kN m for the characteristic imposed loading qk; but for fatigue the
frequent combination of non-cyclic imposed load is specified, for which 1 ¼ 0.7. From
Table 6.2, qk ¼ 17.5 kN/m. Therefore,

1qk ¼ 0.7  17.5 ¼ 12.25 kN/m

acting on span AB and on 10 m only of span BC, giving

MEk,B ¼ 0.7(263  31) ¼ 162 kN m

Table 6.5 gives

MEd,min,f ¼ 18 þ 162 þ 120 ¼ 300 kN m

From Figure 6.42(b),

MEd,max,f ¼ 300 þ 31 ¼ 331 kN m

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Table 6.5. Stresses in longitudinal reinforcement at support B

Action n Load: kN/m MEk: kN m 106Ws,cr: mm3 s,0: N/mm2

Permanent, composite 20.2 1.2 18 1.65 11

Variable, static ( 1 ¼ 0.7) 20.2 12.25 162 1.65 98
Shrinkage 28.7 – 120 1.65 73
Cyclic load 20.2 – 31 1.65 19
Totals 331 201

Verification for reinforcement at cross-section B

Equation D7.5 gives the allowance for tension stiffening as s ¼ 52 N/mm2. From clause, this is halved, to 26 N/mm2, for a fatigue verification for reinforcement.

From s,0 given in Table 6.5,

s,max,f ¼ 201 þ 26 ¼ 227 N/mm2

From Figure 6.41,

s,min,f ¼ 227  300/331 ¼ 206 N/mm2


s,f ¼ 227  206 ¼ 21 N/mm2

From clause 6.8.4 of EN 1992-1-1, for reinforcement,

m¼9 (for NR > 106)

N* ¼ 106

Rsk(N*) ¼ 162.5 N/mm2

By analogy with Equation D6.41, the damage-equivalent stress range for NR ¼ 5  106 cycles
of stress range 21 N/mm2 is given by

219  5  106 ¼ (E,equ)9  106


E,equ ¼ 25 N/mm2

Using Equation D6.40,

25  162.5/1.15

so the reinforcement is verified.

If the axle loads had been unequal, say 35 and 30 kN, the stress range for the lighter axle
would be a little higher than 21  30/35 ¼ 18 N/mm2, because its line OJ in Figure 6.41
would be steeper. Assuming this stress range to be 19 N/mm2, the cumulative damage
check, for  Mf ¼ 1.15, would be:

2.5  106 (219 þ 199)  (162.5/1.15)9  106

which is

2.8  1018  2.25  1025

Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

Verification for shear connection near point D

Vertical shear is higher on the left of point D in Figure 6.42, than on the right. From
Figure 6.42(b), VEd,f ¼ 23 kN for each axle load.

The maximum vertical shear at this point, including 10.0 kN from the secondary effect of
shrinkage (Figure 6.42(c)) is 59.5 kN (Table 6.6). The shear forces VEd are found from the
loads and values MEk in Table 6.5. The resulting maximum longitudinal shear flow, for
the uncracked unreinforced composite section, is 110 kN/m, of which the cyclic part is
43.2 kN/m.

Table 6.6. Fatigue of shear connectors near cross-section D

Action 106Iy: mm4 103Ac/n: mm2 z : mm VEd: kN VEdAcz/nIy: kN/m

Permanent, composite 828 9.90 157 2.7 5.0

Variable, static ( 1 ¼ 0.7) 828 9.90 157 23.8 44.7
Shrinkage 741 6.97 185 10.0 17.4
Cyclic load 828 9.90 157 23.0 43.2
Totals 59.5 110

Clause 6.8.1(3) limits the shear per connector under the characteristic combination to
0.75PRd. For this combination, the shear flow from the non-cyclic variable action increases
by 19.2 from 44.7 to 44.7/0.7 ¼ 63.9 kN/m, so the new total is 110 þ 19 ¼ 129 kN/m. The
shear connection (Figure 6.30) is 5 studs/m, with PRd ¼ 51.2 kN/stud. Hence,

PEk/PRd ¼ 129/(5  51.2) ¼ 0.50

which is below the limit 0.75 in clause 6.8.1(3).

The range of shear stress in the studs is

 E ¼ 43 200/(5
 9.52) ¼ 30.5 N/mm2

The concrete is in density class 1.8. From clause 6.8.3(4) and EN 1992-1-1,

E ¼ (1.8/2.2)2 ¼ 0.67,

so, from clause 6.8.3(3),

 c ¼ 90  0.67 ¼ 60 N/mm2

From Equation D6.41,

 E,2 ¼ 30.5[5  106/(2  106)]1/8 ¼ 34.2 N/mm2

As  Mf,s ¼ 1.0,

 c,d ¼ 60 N/mm2

so the shear connection is verified.

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Chapter 6. Ultimate limit states

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Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures
ISBN 978-0-7277-4173-8

ICE Publishing: All rights reserved

Chapter 7
Serviceability limit states

This chapter corresponds to Section 7 of EN 1994-1-1, which has the following clauses:

g General Clause 7.1

g Stresses Clause 7.2
g Deformations in buildings Clause 7.3
g Cracking of concrete Clause 7.4

7.1. General
Section 7 of EN 1994-1-1 is limited to provisions on serviceability that are specific to composite
structures and are not in Sections 1, 2, 4, 5 (for global analysis) or 9 (for composite slabs), or in Euro-
codes 1990, 1991, 1992 or 1993. Some of these other, more general, provisions are briefly referred to
here. Further comments on them are in other chapters of this book, or in other guides in this series.

The initial design of a structure is usually based on the requirements for ultimate limit states,
which are specific and leave little to the judgement of the designer. Serviceability is then
checked. The consequences of unserviceability are less serious than those of reaching ultimate
limit states, and its occurrence is less easily defined. For example, a beam with an imposed-
load deflection of span/300 may be acceptable in some situations, but in others the client may
prefer to spend more on a stiffer beam.

The drafting of the serviceability provisions of the EN Eurocodes is intended to give designers
and clients greater freedom to take account of factors such as the intended use of a building
and the nature of its finishes.

The content of Section 7 was also influenced by the need to minimise calculations. The results
already obtained for ultimate limit states are scaled or reused wherever possible. Experienced
designers know that many structural elements satisfy serviceability criteria by wide margins.
For these, design checks must be simple, and it does not matter if they are conservative. For
other elements, a longer but more accurate calculation may be justified. Some application
rules therefore include alternative methods.

Clauses 7.1(1)P and 7.1(2) refer to clause 3.4 of EN 1990. This gives criteria for placing a limit Clause 7.1(1)P
state within the ‘serviceability’ group, with reference to deformations (including vibration), Clause 7.1(2)
durability, and the functioning of the structure.

Serviceability verification and criteria

The requirement for a serviceability verification is given in clause 6.5.1(1)P of EN 1990 as

Ed  C d

where Ed is the design value of the effects of the specified actions and the ‘relevant’ combination,
and Cd is the limiting design value of the ‘relevant’ criterion.

From clause 6.5.3 of EN 1990, the relevant combination is ‘normally’ the characteristic, frequent
or quasi-permanent combination for serviceability limit states that are respectively, irreversible,
reversible or a consequence of long-term effects. The quasi-permanent combination is also rele-
vant for the appearance of the structure.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

For buildings, these combinations are used with the partial safety factor 1.0, from clause A1.4.1
of EN 1990, ‘unless differently specified’ in another Eurocode. There are no departures from 1.0
in EN 1994-1-1. The same provision, with value 1.0, is given for partial safety factors for the
properties of materials, in clause 6.5.4(1) of EN 1990.

Clause A1.4.2 of EN 1990 refers to serviceability criteria relevant for buildings. These may
be defined in National Annexes, and should be specified for each project and agreed with the

Clause A1.4.4 of EN 1990 states that possible sources of vibration and relevant aspects of
vibration behaviour should be considered for each project and agreed with the client and/or
the relevant authority. Further guidance may be found in the relevant Eurocode Part 2
(bridges) and in specialised literature (Hicks and Devine, 2006).

Comments on limits to crack width are given under clause 7.4.

No serviceability limit states of ‘excessive slip of shear connection’ has been defined, but the effect
of slip is recognised in clause 7.3.1(4) on the deflection of beams. Generally, it is assumed that the
design of shear connection for ultimate limit states ensures satisfactory performance in service,
but composite slabs can be an exception. Relevant rules are given in clause 9.8.2.

No serviceability criteria are specified for composite columns, so, from here on, this chapter is
referring to composite beams or, in some places, to composite frames.

7.2. Stresses
Clause 7.2.1 Excessive stress is not itself a serviceability limit state, though stress calculations to clause 7.2.1
are required for some verifications for deformation and cracking. For most buildings, no checks
Clause 7.2.2 on stresses are required, clause 7.2.2. No stress limits for buildings are given in the Eurocodes for
concrete and steel structures, other than warnings in clause 7.2 of EN 1992-1-1, with recom-
mended stress limits in notes. The ‘bridge’ parts of these Eurocodes include stress limits, which
may be applicable for buildings that have prestressing or fatigue loading.

7.3. Deformations in buildings

7.3.1 Deflections
Global analysis
Deflections are influenced by the method of construction, and may govern design, especially
where beams designed as simply supported are built unpropped. For propped construction,
props to beams should not be removed until all of the concrete that would then be stressed
has reached a strength equivalent to grade C20/25, from clause Then, elastic global
analysis to Section 5 is sufficient (clause 7.3.1(2)).

Where unpropped construction is used and beams are not designed as simply supported, the
Clause 7.3.1(1) analysis may be more complex than is revealed by the reference to EN 1993 in clause 7.3.1(1).
In a continuous beam or a frame, the deflection of a beam depends on how much of the structure
is already composite when the slab for each span is cast. A simple and usually conservative
method is to assume that the whole of the steel frame is erected first. Then, all of the concrete
for the composite members is cast at once, its whole weight being carried by the steelwork;
but more realistic multi-stage analyses may be needed for a high-rise structure and for long-
span beams.

Where falsework or reusable formwork is supported from the steel beam, it will be removed after
the member becomes composite. The small locked-in stresses that result can usually be ignored in
buildings, but not always in bridges.

Where elastic global analysis is used for ultimate limit states, it may be possible to obtain some of
the results needed for serviceability limit states by simple scaling by the ratio of the relevant loads.
This ratio will depend on the method of construction, and also on which of the three service-
ability load combinations is being used for the limit state considered. This may be conservative
if the original analysis included second-order effects.

Chapter 7. Serviceability limit states

As an example, suppose that for an unbraced frame at ultimate limit states, cr ¼ 8, so that
second-order global analysis was used, from clause 5.2.1(3). If most of the load on columns
is from suspended floors, and these loads for serviceability limit states are 60% of those for
ultimate limit states, the elastic critical load will be little altered, so, for serviceability limit
states, cr  8/0.6 ¼ 13. This exceeds 10, so first-order analysis can be used.

The redistribution of moments is permitted for most framed structures at serviceability limit
states by clause 5.4.4(1), but the details in paragraphs (4) to (7) apply only to ultimate limit
states. Relevant provisions in Section 7, in clauses 7.3.1(6) and 7.3.1(7), are discussed below.

Methods for the redistribution of elastic moments, additional to those covered by clauses 5.4.4(1)
and 5.4.4(3), are not forbidden. It would be necessary to show that any proposed novel method
satisfied clause 5.4.4(2) on the effects to be taken into account. The relevance of the restrictions in
clauses 5.4.4(4) to 5.4.4(7) should be considered.

Limits to the deflection of beams

The specification of a deflection limit for a long-span beam needs care, especially where construc-
tion is unpropped and/or the steel beam is pre-cambered. Clause A1.4.2 of EN 1990 gives
guidance on defining serviceability criteria, such as limits to deflections, but for definitions refers
to National Annexes. The UK’s National Annex gives further guidance, states that limits should
be specified for each project, and recommends the use of the characteristic combination where
damage to non-structural elements (e.g. partition walls) could occur. No limits are given.

Clause A1.4.3 of EN 1990 defines three components of deflection. Depending on circumstances,

it may be necessary to set limits to any one of them, or to more than one, related to a defined
load level. The prediction of long-term values should take account of creep of concrete, based
on the quasi-permanent combination, and may need to allow for shrinkage. Where precast
floor units are used, it must be decided whether they should be cambered to compensate for
creep. Clause 7.3.1(3) relates to the use of false ceilings, which conceal the sagging of a beam Clause 7.3.1(3)
due to dead loading. Further comment is given in Example 7.1.

Longitudinal slip
Clause 7.3.1(4) refers to the additional deflection caused by slip at the interface between steel and Clause 7.3.1(4)
concrete. This may be ignored if all of its three conditions are satisfied. Condition (b) relates to
the minimum value of the degree of shear connection, , given as 0.4 in clause, and gives
a higher limit, 0.5.

For use where the design is such that 0.4   < 0.5, ENV 1994-1-1 (British Standards Institution,
1994) gave the following equation for the additional deflection due to partial interaction:

¼ c þ ( a  c)(1  ) (D7.1a)

where  ¼ 0.5 for propped construction and 0.3 for unpropped construction, a is the deflection
of the steel beam acting alone and c is the deflection for the composite beam with complete
interaction; both a and c are calculated for the design loading for the composite member.
The method comes from a summary of pre-1975 research on this subject (Johnson and May,
1975), which also gives the results of relevant tests and parametric studies. Other methods are
also available (Stark and van Hove, 1990).

There is reference in comments on clause to non-contradictory complementary informa-

tion (NCCI) in the UK that permits degrees of shear connection lower than those specified in
EN 1994. Their use for long spans makes it more likely that deflection will govern, so the
NCCI includes the rule from ENV 1994-1-1 quoted above.

A recent algebraic solution for the additional deflection at the mid-span of simply supported
beams (Aribert, 2010), with worked examples, confirms the rule in this clause that it can be
neglected where   0.5. This work was based on the limiting spans given in EN 1994-1-1, so
the conclusion may be unreliable where a given degree of shear connection is used for the
longer spans permitted in the NCCI.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

The preceding comment applies also to its conclusion on degrees of shear connection below 0.5,
which is that the extra deflection can also be ignored where 0.4   < 0.5, except as follows.

Where the span is less than about 10 m,  < 0.5, a composite slab is present, and propped
construction is used for the beam, the extra deflection should be calculated. The total deflection
is given by

¼ c þ ( a  c) f(u) (D7.1b)


f(u) ¼ [384/(5u4)](u2/8  1)


u2 ¼ (kL/p)[1/EaAa þ 1/EcAc þ d 2/(EaIa þ EcIc)]

Here, E, A and I have their usual meanings, with the subscripts a and c referring to the steel and
uncracked concrete cross-sections, respectively, which have centroids a distance d apart. Shear
connectors of stiffness k are present at uniform spacing p along the span L. The symbol c is
the deflection for the composite beam with complete interaction, and a is the common deflection
of both components of the member (steel þ concrete) with no shear connection, both calculated
for the design loading (serviceability limit states) for the composite member. Aribert (2010) gives
the mean stiffness of 19 mm studs in C30/37 concrete in a solid slab as about 100 kN/mm, with
other data; but k may be lower in a composite slab.

Equation D7.1b was found to be valid also for centre-point loading, and is conservative if creep is
allowed for in its calculations.

It is concluded that Equation D7.1a, from the NCCI, should be used wherever it appears likely
that deflection may be excessive. There is further discussion in Example 7.1.

Cracking in global analysis

Apart from the different loading, global analysis for serviceability differs little from that for ulti-
mate limit states. Clause requires ‘appropriate corrections’ for the cracking of concrete,
Clause 7.3.1(5) and clause 7.3.1(5) says that clause applies. Clause permits the use of the
same distribution of beam stiffnesses at serviceability limit states as for ultimate limit states.
Clauses to on the effects of cracking also apply, including the reference in
clause to a method given in Section 6 for its effect on the stiffness of composite columns.

In the absence of cracking, continuous beams in buildings can often be assumed to be of uniform
section within each span, which simplifies global analysis. Cracking reduces bending moments at
Clause 7.3.1(6) internal supports to an extent that can be estimated by the method of clause 7.3.1(6), based on
Stark and van Hove (1990). The maximum deflection of a given span normally occurs when
no imposed load acts on adjacent spans. The conditions for the use of curve A in Figure 7.1
are then not satisfied, and the method consists simply of reducing all ‘uncracked’ moments at
internal supports by 40%.

Using the new end moments, Mh1 and Mh2, say, the maximum deflection can be found either by
elastic theory for the span, of uncracked flexural stiffness EaI1, or by an approximate method
given in BS 5950-3-1 (British Standards Institution, 2010). This consists of multiplying the
deflection for the simply supported span by the factor

1  0.6(Mh1 þ Mh2)/M0 (D7.2)

where M0 is the maximum sagging moment in the beam when it is simply supported.

Yielding of steel
In continuous beams built unpropped, with steel beams in Class 1 or 2, it is possible that service-
ability loading may cause yielding at internal supports. This is permitted for beams in buildings,

Chapter 7. Serviceability limit states

but it causes additional deflection, which should be allowed for. Clause 7.3.1(7) provides a Clause 7.3.1(7)
method. The bending moments at internal supports are found by elastic analysis, with allowance
for the effects of cracking. The two values given in the clause for factors f2 correspond to different
checks. The first is for dead load only: wet concrete on a steel beam.

The second check, for the beam in service, will be more critical after creep has occurred, so the
long-term modular ratio should be used. The load combination for this check is covered by clause
A1.4.2(2) of EN 1990, which refers to National Annexes. The UK’s National Annex states that
the criteria should be quantified for each project, and recommends that ‘for function and damage
to structural and non-structural elements’ the characteristic combination should be used. The
load additional to that for the first check acts on the composite beam. For each analysis,
appropriate assumptions are needed for the adjacent spans, on their loading and on the state
of construction.

It seems unlikely that the need to apply clause 7.3.1(7) will occur in practice, after allowance for
cracking has been made. That correction increases stresses at mid-span, where any yielding of
steel would also increase deflections. EN 1994-1-1 does not refer to that possibility.

Excess deflection is more likely in simply supported beams built unpropped (Nethercot et al.,
1998). If ‘uncracked’ analysis finds yielding of steel, its effect should be taken into account,
although EN 1994-1-1 does not provide a method.

Local buckling
This does not influence stiffnesses for elastic analysis except for Class 4 sections. For these, clause refers to clause 2.2 in EN 1993-1-5, which gives a design rule.

In principle, shrinkage effects appear in all load combinations. For serviceability limit states,
clause refers to Section 7, where clause 7.3.1(8) enables the effects of shrinkage on Clause 7.3.1(8)
the deflections of beams to be ignored for span/depth ratios up to 20. In more slender beams,
shrinkage deflections are significantly reduced by the provision of continuity at supports.

Clause, on the neglect of temperature effects, is for ultimate limit states, and does not
apply. For buildings, neither 0 nor 1 are given as zero in clause A1.2.2 of EN 1990 (nor in the
UK’s National Annex to BS EN 1990) (British Standards Institution, 2004), so if temperature
effects are relevant at ultimate limit states they should be included in all serviceability limit
states combinations except quasi-permanent.

Welded mesh
Clause 5.5.1(6) states that welded mesh should not be included in the effective section unless it has
been shown to have ‘sufficient ductility’, which is not defined. It will usually have been omitted in
analyses for ultimate limit states (see the comments on clause, so it is simplest to omit it
also for serviceability limit states. If calculations for serviceability limit states that include it find
that it reaches yield, the risk of fracture is such that it should be excluded.

Large holes in webs

Holes provided in the webs of composite beams, usually for services, can increase the deflection.
Tables of the percentage increase caused by each hole are available for rectangular and circular
holes (Steel Construction Institute, 2011). Increases of 1% or less are ignored. As an example, a
rectangular opening at any location in the span with a depth half of that of the steel beam and a
width of 2.5 times its depth has been found to increase deflection by about 1.5% if unstiffened,
and by less if stiffened. The increases for larger holes can exceed 5% per hole.

7.3.2 Vibration
Limits to vibration in buildings are material-independent, and vibration is in clause A1.4.4 of
EN 1990, not in EN 1994. Composite floor systems are lighter and have less inherent damping
than their equivalents in reinforced concrete. During their design, dynamic behaviour should
be checked against the criteria in EN 1990 referred to from clause 7.3.2(1). These are general, Clause 7.3.2(1)

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

and advise that the lowest natural frequency of vibration of the structure or member should be
kept above a value to be agreed with the client and/or the relevant authority. No values are given
for either limiting frequencies or damping coefficients.

More specific guidance can be found in EN 1991-1-1 and the extensive literature on this subject
(Wyatt, 1989; British Standards Institution, 1992). These sources refer to several criteria that are
likely to be specific to the individual project, and, with other aspects, should be agreed with the
client. A note to clause 7.2.3 of EN 1993-1-1 says that limits to the vibration of floors may be
specified in a National Annex. The UK’s National Annex refers to ‘specialised literature’ and
to information given at

7.4. Cracking of concrete

7.4.1 General
In the early 1980s, it was found (Randl and Johnson, 1982; Johnson and Anderson, 1993) that for
composite beams in hogging bending the long-established British methods for control of crack
width were unreliable for initial cracks, which were wider than predicted. Before this, it had
been found for reinforced concrete that the appropriate theoretical model for cracking caused
by the restraint of imposed deformation was different from that for cracking caused by
applied loading. This has led to the presentation of design rules for the control of cracking as
two distinct procedures:

g for minimum reinforcement, in clause 7.4.2, for all cross-sections that could be subjected to
significant tension by imposed deformations (e.g. by the effects of shrinkage, which cause
higher stresses than in reinforced concrete, because of restraint from the steel beam)
g for reinforcement to control cracking due to direct loading (clause 7.4.3).

The rules given in EN 1994-1-1 are based on an extensive and quite complex theory, supported by
testing on the hogging regions of composite beams (Johnson and Allison, 1983). Much of the
original literature is in German. A detailed account of the theory has been published in
English (Johnson, 2003), with comparisons with the results of tests on composite beams,
additional to those used originally. The paper includes derivations of the equations given in
clause 7.4, comments on their scope and underlying assumptions, and procedures for estimating
the mean width and spacing of cracks. These are tedious, and so are not in EN 1994-1-1. Its
methods are simple: Tables 7.1 and 7.2 give maximum diameters and spacings of reinforcing
bars for three design crack widths  0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 mm.

Tables 7.1 and 7.2 are for ‘high-bond’ bars only. This means ribbed bars with properties as in
clause 3.2.2(2)P of EN 1992-1-1. The use of reinforcement other than ribbed is outside the
scope of the Eurocodes.

Clause 7.4.1(1) The references to EN 1992-1-1 in clause 7.4.1(1) give the surface crack-width limits required
for design. Concrete in tension in a composite beam or slab for a building will usually be
in exposure class XC3, for which the recommended limit is 0.3 mm. For spaces with low or
very low air humidity, Tables 4.1 and 7.1N of EN 1992-1-1 recommend a limit of 0.4 mm, but
that is replaced by 0.3 mm in the UK’s National Annex ‘unless there are no specific require-
ments for appearance’. The limits are more severe for prestressed members, which are not
discussed further. The severe environment for a floor of a multi-storey car park is discussed in
Chapter 4.

Clause 7.4.1(2) Clause 7.4.1(2) refers to the ‘estimation’ of crack width, using EN 1992-1-1. This rather long
procedure is rarely needed, and does not take full account of the following differences between
the behaviours of composite beams and reinforced concrete T beams. The steel member in a
composite beam does not shrink or creep and has much greater flexural stiffness than the
reinforcement in a concrete beam. Also, the steel member is attached to the concrete flange
only by discrete connectors that are not effective until there is longitudinal slip, whereas in
reinforced concrete there is monolithic connection.

Clause 7.4.1(3) Clause 7.4.1(3) refers to the methods developed for composite members, which are easier to apply
than the methods for reinforced concrete members.

Chapter 7. Serviceability limit states

Table 7.1. Use of steel fabric as minimum reinforcement, to clause 7.4.1(4)

Bar size and spacing Cross-sectional area: Maximum thickness of slab, hc: mm
mm2 per m width
Unpropped, 0.2% Propped, 0.4%

6 mm, 200 mm 142 71 –

7 mm, 200 mm 193 96 48
8 mm, 200 mm 252 126 63

Uncontrolled cracking
Clause 7.3.1(4) of EN 1992-1-1 (referred to from clause 7.4.1(1)) permits cracking of uncontrolled
width in some circumstances: for example, beams designed as simply supported, with a concrete
top flange that is continuous over ‘simple’ beam-to-column connections. These are flexible in
bending, and rotate about a point that cannot be predicted, as its position depends on tolerances
and the methods of erection of the steelwork. It may then be impossible to predict the widths of
cracks. Where the environment is dry and the concrete surface is concealed by a flexible finish,
such as carpeting, crack widths exceeding 0.4 mm may be acceptable. Even so, the minimum
reinforcement required (for other reasons) by EN 1992-1-1 may be inadequate to prevent the
fracture of small-diameter bars near internal supports, or the formation of very wide cracks.
Minimum areas greater than those of EN 1992-1-1 are therefore specified in clause 7.4.1(4) Clause 7.4.1(4)
and, for composite slabs, in clause 9.8.1(2).

The maximum thicknesses of slabs that can be reinforced by one layer of standard welded fabric,
according to these rules, are given in Table 7.1. For composite slabs, the relevant thickness is that
above the net depth of the steel sheeting, for parallel sheeting, and above the gross depth, for
transverse sheeting.

In ground-bearing slabs, the tensile strain is sometimes concentrated into one crack by the use of
shallow saw cuts. This process should never be used above composite beams. Its accuracy may
not be sufficient to avoid damage to mesh reinforcement or shear connectors.

The maximum spacing of flexural reinforcement permitted by clause of EN 1992-1-1

is 3h, but not exceeding 400 mm, where h is the total depth of the slab. This rule is for solid
slabs. It is not intended for slabs formed with profiled steel sheeting, for which a more
appropriate rule is that given in clause 9.2.1(5): spacing not exceeding 2h (and 350 mm) in
both directions, where h is the overall thickness of the slab.

7.4.2 Minimum reinforcement

Clause 7.4.2 is applicable to the hogging moment regions of continuous composite beams. The
only data needed when using Tables 7.1 and 7.2 are the tensile stresses in the reinforcement,
s. For minimum reinforcement, s is the stress immediately after initial cracking. It is
assumed that the curvature of the steel beam does not change, so all of the tensile force in the
concrete just before cracking is transferred to the reinforcement, of area As. If the slab were in
uniform tension, Equation 7.1 in clause 7.4.2(1) would be Clause 7.4.2(1)

Ass ¼ Act fct,eff

The three correction factors in Equation 7.1 are based on calibration work (Roik et al., 1989).
These allow for the non-uniform stress distribution in the area Act of concrete assumed to
crack. ‘Non-uniform self-equilibrating stresses’ arise from primary shrinkage and temperature
effects, which cause curvature of the composite member. Slip of the shear connection also
causes curvature and reduces the tensile force in the slab.

The magnitude of these effects depends on the geometry of the uncracked composite section, as
given by Equation 7.2. With experience, calculation of kc can often be omitted, because it is less
than 1.0 only where z0 < 1.2hc. Where there is a composite slab spanning onto the beam, the
thickness hc is found using the gross depth of the sheeting. Then, the depth of the ‘uncracked’

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Figure 7.1. Bar diameter and spacing for minimum reinforcement in two equal layers, for wk ¼ 0.3 mm and
fct,eff ¼ 3.0 N/mm2

hc = 100 mm 150

s: mm


0 5 6 8 10 12 16 20
φ: mm

neutral axis below the bottom of the thickness hc normally exceeds about 0.7hc, giving kc ¼ 1. For
sheeting parallel to the beam, hc is found using the net depth of the sheeting.

Both for solid and composite slabs, the design crack width and thickness of the slab, hc, will be
known. It will be evident whether there should be one layer of reinforcement or two. Two layers
will often consist of bars of the same size and spacing, which satisfies clause 7.4.2(3). For a chosen
bar diameter , Table 7.1 gives s, and Equation 7.1 gives the bar spacing. If this is too high or
low,  is changed.

A typical relationship between the slab thickness hc, the bar spacing s and the bar diameter 
is shown in Figure 7.1. It is for two similar layers of bars, with kc ¼ 1 and fct,eff ¼ 3.0 N/mm2.
Equation 7.1 then gives, for a slab of breadth b,

2/4)(2b/s) ¼ 0.72  3bhc/s


hcs ¼ 0.7272s (D7.3)

For each bar diameter and a given crack width, Table 7.1 gives 2s, so the product hcs is known.
This is plotted in Figure 7.1, for wk ¼ 0.3 mm, as curves of bar spacing for four slab thicknesses,
which can of course also be read as slab thicknesses for four bar spacings. The shape of the curves
results partly from the use of rounded values of s in Table 7.1. The optional correction to
minimum reinforcement given in clause 7.4.2(2) is negligible here, and has not been made.
Figure 7.1 can be used for slabs with one layer of bars by halving the slab thickness.

The weight of minimum reinforcement, per unit area of slab, is proportional to 2/s, which is
proportional to 1/s, from Equation D7.3. This increases with bar diameter, from Table 7.1,
so the use of smaller bars reduces the weight of minimum reinforcement. This is because their
greater surface area provides more bond strength.

The method of clause 7.4.2(1) is not intended for the control of early thermal cracking, which
can occur in concrete a few days old, if the temperature rise caused by the heat of hydration is
excessive. The flanges of composite beams are usually too thin for this to occur. It would not
be correct, therefore, to assume a very low value for fct,eff . The suggested value, 3 N/mm2, was
probably rounded from the mean 28 day tensile strength of grade C30/37 concrete, given in
EN 1992-1-1 as 2.9 N/mm2 – the value used as the basis for the optional correction given in
Clause 7.4.2(2) clause 7.4.2(2). The difference between 2.9 and 3.0 is obviously negligible. If there is good
reason to assume a value for fct,eff such that the correction is not negligible, it is best used by
assuming a standard bar diameter , calculating *, and then finding s by interpolation in
Table 7.1.

Chapter 7. Serviceability limit states

Reinforcement for encasement of a steel web

Clause 7.4.2(6) gives a minimum value of As/Act for encasement of the type shown in Figure 6.9. Clause 7.4.2(6)
As ks is not referred to here, the value in clause 7.4.2(1), 0.9, should be used. The maximum bar
size is not specified. Detailing of this reinforcement is usually determined by the requirements of
clause 5.5.3(2) and of EN 1994-1-2, for fire resistance.

7.4.3 Control of cracking due to direct loading

Clause 7.4.3(2) specifies elastic global analysis to Section 5, allowing for the effects of cracking. Clause 7.4.3(2)
The preceding comments on global analysis for deformations apply also to this analysis for
bending moments in regions with concrete in tension.

Paragraph (4) on loading should come next, but it is placed last in clause 7.4.3 because of the
drafting rule that ‘general’ paragraphs precede those ‘for buildings’. It specifies the quasi-
permanent combination. Except for storage areas, the values of the factors 2 for floor loads
in buildings are typically 0.3 or 0.6. The bending moments will then be much less than for
ultimate limit states, especially for cross-sections in Class 1 or 2 in beams built unpropped.
There is no need to reduce the extent of the cracked regions below that assumed for global
analysis, so the new bending moments for the composite members can be found by scaling
values found for ultimate loadings. At each cross-section, the area of reinforcement will be
already known: that required for ultimate loading or the specified minimum, if greater; so the
stresses s,0 (clause 7.4.3(3)) can be found. Clause 7.4.3(3)

Tension stiffening
A correction for tension stiffening is now required. At one time, these effects were not well under-
stood. It was thought that, for a given tensile strain at the level of the reinforcement, the total
extension must be the extension of the concrete plus the width of the cracks, so that allowing
for the former reduced the latter. The true behaviour is more complex.

The upper part of Figure 7.2 shows a single crack in a concrete member with a central reinforcing
bar. At the crack, the external tensile force N causes strain "s2 ¼ N/AsEa in the bar, and the
strain in the concrete is the free shrinkage strain "cs, which is negative, as shown. There is a
transmission length Le each side of the crack, within which there is transfer of shear between
the bar and the concrete. Outside this length, the strain in both the steel and the concrete is
"s1, and the stress in the concrete is fractionally below its tensile strength. Within the length
2Le, the curves "s(x) and "c(x) give the strains in the two materials, with mean strains "sm in
the bar and "cm in the concrete.

It is now assumed that the graph represents the typical behaviour of a reinforcing bar in a
cracked concrete flange of a composite beam, in a region of constant bending moment such
that the crack spacing is 2Le. The curvature of the steel beam is determined by the mean

Figure 7.2. Strain distributions near a crack in a reinforced concrete tension member


Tensile strain

εs1 εc(x)


Le Le

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

stiffness of the slab, not the fully cracked stiffness, and is compatible with the mean longitu-
dinal strain in the reinforcement, "sm.

Midway between the cracks, the strain is the cracking strain of the concrete, corresponding to a
stress less than 30 N/mm2 in the bar. Its peak strain, at the crack, is much greater than "sm, but
less than the yield strain, if crack widths are not to exceed 0.4 mm. The crack width corresponds
to this higher strain, not to the strain "sm that is compatible with the curvature, so a correction to
the strain is needed. It is presented in clause 7.4.3(3) as a correction to the stress s,0 because that
is easily calculated, and Table 7.1 and 7.2 are based on stress. The strain correction cannot be
shown in Figure 7.2 because the stress s,0 is calculated using the ‘fully cracked’ stiffness, and
so relates to a curvature greater than the true curvature. The derivation of the correction
(Johnson, 2003) takes account of crack spacings less than 2Le, the bond properties of reinforce-
ment, and other factors omitted from this simplified outline.

The section properties needed for the calculation of the correction s will usually be known.
For the composite section, A is needed to find I, which is used in calculating s,0, and Aa and
Ia are standard properties of the steel section. The result is independent of the modular ratio.
For simplicity, st may conservatively be taken as 1.0, because AI > AaIa.

When the stress s at a crack has been found, the maximum bar diameter or the maximum
spacing are obtained from Table 7.1 and 7.2. Only one of these is needed, as the known area
of reinforcement then gives the other. The correction of clause 7.4.2(2) does not apply.

Influence of profiled sheeting on the control of cracking

The only references to profiled steel sheeting in clause 7.4 are in clause 7.4.1(4), ‘no account should
be taken of any profiled steel sheeting’, and in the definition of hc in clause 7.4.2(1), ‘thickness . . .
excluding any haunch or ribs’.

The effects of the use of profiled sheeting for a slab that forms the top flange of a continuous
composite beam are as follows:

g there is no need for control of crack widths at the lower surface of the slab
g where the sheeting spans in the transverse direction, there is at present no evidence that it
contributes to the control of transverse cracks at the top surface of the slab
g where the sheeting spans parallel to the beam, it probably contributes to crack control, but
no research on this subject is known to the author.

For design, the definition of the ‘effective tension area’ in clause 7.3.4(2) of EN 1992-1-1 should
be noted. A layer of reinforcement at depth c þ /2 below the top surface of the slab, where c is
the cover, may be assumed to influence cracking over a depth 2.5(c þ /2) of the slab. If the depth
of the concrete above the top of the sheeting, hc, is greater than this, it would be reasonable to use
the lower value, when calculating As from Equation 7.1. This recognises the ability of the sheeting
to control cracking in the lower half of the slab, and has the effect of reducing the minimum
amount of reinforcement required, for the thicker composite slabs. The calculation of hc is
discussed under clause 7.4.2(1).

General comments on clause 7.4

In regions where tension in concrete may arise from shrinkage or temperature effects, but not
from other actions, the minimum reinforcement required may exceed that provided in previous

Where unpropped construction is used for a continuous beam, the design loading for checking
cracking is usually much less than that for ultimate limit states, so that the quantity of reinforce-
ment provided for the resistance to load should be sufficient to control cracking. The main use of
clause 7.4.3 is then to check that the spacing of the bars is not too great.

Where propped construction is used, the disparity between the design loadings for the two limit
states is smaller. If cracks are to be controlled to 0.3 mm, a check to clause 7.4.3 is more likely to
influence the reinforcement required.

Chapter 7. Serviceability limit states

For beams in frames, the preceding comments apply where semi-rigid or rigid connections
are used. Where floors have brittle finishes or an adverse environment, simple beam-to-
column joints should not be used, because the effective control of the crack width may not be

Example 7.1: two-span beam (continued) – SLS

Details of this beam are shown in Figure 6.23. All of the design data and calculations for
ultimate limit states are given in Examples 6.7–6.12. For the data and results required
here, reference should be made to:

g Table 6.2, for characteristic loads per unit length

g Table 6.3, for the elastic properties of the cross-sections at the internal support (B in
Figure 6.23(c)) and at mid-span
g Table 6.4, for bending moments at support B for uniform loading on both spans
g Figure 6.28 for bending-moment diagrams for design ultimate loadings, excluding the
effects of shrinkage.

The secondary effects of shrinkage are significant in this beam, and cause a hogging bending
moment at support B of 120 kN m (Example 6.7). Clause 7.3.1(8) does not permit shrinkage
to be ignored for serviceability checks on this beam, because it does not refer to lightweight-
aggregate concrete, which is used here.

From clause 7.2.2(1), there are no limitations on stress; but stresses in the steel beam need to
be calculated, because if yielding occurs under service loads, account should be taken of the
resulting increase in deflections, from clause 7.3.1(7).

Yielding is irreversible, so, as explained under clause 7.3.1(7), it should be checked for the
characteristic load combination. However, the loading for checking deflections depends
on the serviceability requirement (British Standards Institution, 2004).

The maximum stress in the steel beam occurs in the bottom flange at support B. The results
for the characteristic combination with variable load on both spans and 15% of each span
cracked are given in Table 7.2. The permanent load, other than floor finishes, is assumed
to act on the steel beam alone. Following clause, the modular ratio is taken as
20.2 for all of the loading except shrinkage.

Table 7.2. Hogging bending moments at support B and stresses in the steel bottom flange, for the
characteristic load combination

Loading Permanent Permanent Variable Shrinkage

(on the steel beam) (on the composite beam)

w: kN/m 5.78 1.2 17.5 –

Modular ratio – 20.2 20.2 28.7
106Iy,B: mm4 337 467 467 467
MEk,B: kN m 104 18 263 120
106Wa,bot, mm3 1.50 1.75 1.75 1.75
a,bot: N/mm2 69 10 150 69

The relevant section properties are also shown in Table 7.2: I is a second moment of area and
Wa,bot is a section modulus.

The total bottom-flange compressive stress is

Ek,bot,a ¼ 298 N/mm2 ( ¼ 0.84fy)

so no allowance is needed for yielding.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

The maximum deflection of span AB of the beam will occur at about 4.8 m from A (40%
of the span), when the variable load acts on span AB only. The additional deflection
caused by the slip of the shear connection is ignored, as all three conditions of clause
7.3.1(4) are satisfied.

There is a comment under clause on NCCI in the UK that gives lower minimum
degrees of shear connection where transverse profiled sheeting is used. If applicable here,
it would permit 40% shear connection to be used, rather than the current value of 56%;
but it is not applicable because one of its conditions is that the design ultimate imposed
loading should not exceed 9 kN/m2. The value here is 1.5  7 ¼ 10.5 kN/m2.

Calculated maximum deflections in span AB, with 15% of each span assumed to be cracked,
are given in Table 7.3. The frequent combination is used, for which 1 ¼ 0.7, so the variable
loading is

0.7  17.5 ¼ 12.3 kN/m

Table 7.3. Deflections at 4.8 m from support A, for the frequent combination

Load Modular ratio Deflection: mm

Dead, on the steel beam – 9

Dead, on the composite beam 20.2 1
Imposed on the composite beam 20.2 14
Primary shrinkage 27.9 33
Secondary shrinkage 27.9 26

The following method was used for the shrinkage deflections. From Example 6.7 and
Figure 6.27, the primary effect is uniform sagging curvature at radius R ¼ 1149 m, over a
length of 0.85L (10.2 m) in each span, with deflection ¼ 45.3 mm at support B. The
secondary reaction at B is 20 kN. From the geometry of the circle, (2R ¼ c2 in
Figure 7.3(a)) the primary deflection at point E in Figure 7.3(a) is

1,E ¼ 45.3  5.42  1000(2  1149) ¼ 33 mm

The upwards displacement at E caused by the 20 kN reaction at B that moves the centre of
the 24 m length back to B was found to be 26 mm by elastic analysis of the model shown in
Figure 7.3(b), with 15% of each span cracked. Thus, the total shrinkage deflection is only
7 mm, despite the high free shrinkage strain, but it would not be negligible in a simply
supported span.

Figure 7.3. Sagging deflection at point E caused by shrinkage

10.2 10.2 10 kN 10 kN
A 26 mm 45.3 mm
E δ
c = 5.4 20 kN
(a) (b)

The total deflection, 31 mm, (Table 7.3) is span/390. This ratio appears not to be excessive.
However, the functioning of the floor may depend on its maximum deflection relative to the
supporting columns. The total deflection of the composite slab assumed here, if cast
unpropped, is about 9 mm for the frequent combination. This is relative to the supporting

Chapter 7. Serviceability limit states

beams, so the maximum floor deflection is

31 þ 9 ¼ 40 mm

or span/300. For the characteristic combination, this increases to

37 þ 10 ¼ 47 mm

or span/255.

As explained above, EN 1990 leaves the designer to decide what deflection is ‘excessive’,
based on the type of structure involved and its intended use. The total deflection here
would probably be unacceptable, if partitions are to be provided. For this floor, some combi-
nation of using propped construction for the beams or both beams and slabs and cambering
the beams would be necessary.

Reducing the modular ratio for imposed loading to 10.1 makes little difference: the value
14 mm in Table 7.3 becomes 12 mm. The extensive calculations for shrinkage lead to a net
deflection of only 7 mm, because the secondary effect cancels out most of the primary
effect. This benefit would not occur, of course, in a simply supported span.

In practice, deflections of continuous beams are rarely troublesome. The beam here is an
extreme example, chosen partly to illustrate the use of lightweight-aggregate concrete and
the effects of unpropped construction.

Control of crack width

Clause 7.4 applies to reinforced concrete that forms part of a composite member. In the beam
considered here, the relevant cracks are those near support B caused by hogging bending of
the beam, and cracks along the beam caused by hogging bending of the composite slab that
the beam supports. The latter are treated in Example 9.1 on a composite slab.

Clause 7.4.1(1) refers to exposure classes. From clause 4.2(2) of EN 1992-1-1, class XC3 is
appropriate for concrete ‘inside buildings with moderate humidity’. For this class, a note
to clause 7.3.1(5) of EN 1992-1-1 gives the design crack width as 0.3 mm. The method of
clause 7.4.1(3) is followed, as clause 7.4.1(4) does not apply.

Minimum longitudinal reinforcement

The relevant cross-section of the concrete flange is as shown in Figure 6.23(a), except for the
effective width. From Figure 5.1 in clause, this width of the concrete flange increases
from 1.6 m at support B to 2.5 m at sections more than 3 m from B. Clause 7.4.2(5) requires
minimum reinforcement to be provided where ‘under the characteristic combination of
actions, stresses are tensile’.

From Table 6.2, the maximum and minimum characteristic loads acting on the composite
section are 18.7 and 1.2 kN/m, respectively. When 18.7 kN/m acts on one span only, the
concrete flange is in tension over the whole of the other span, so minimum longitudinal
reinforcement is required over its whole area. This is so even where the curvature of the
member is sagging, and arises because most of the loading was applied during construction
and acts on the steel beam only. The tension in the slab is caused by imposed loading on the
other span resisted by the composite section. Thus, verification for serviceability limit states
is based on a structural model that differs from the one for ultimate limit states.

The effects of shrinkage must also be considered (clause 7.4.2(1)), even though they were
neglected in the verification for ultimate limit states in Example 6.7. They cause longitudinal
tension in the slab throughout the beam.

From clause 7.4.2(1), z0 is calculated for the uncracked composite section, using n0 ¼ 10.1.
For both effective widths, 1.6 and 2.5 m, Equation 7.2 then gives kc ¼ 1.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

A value is required for the strength of the concrete when cracks first occur. As unpropped
construction is used, there is at first little load on the composite member, so, from clause
7.4.2(1), conservatively, fct,eff ¼ 3.0 N/mm2. Assuming that 10 mm bars are used for the
minimum reinforcement, Table 7.1 gives s ¼ 320 N/mm2. Then, from Equation 7.1,

100As/Act ¼ 100  0.9  1  0.8  3.0/320 ¼ 0.675%

However, clause 5.5.1(5) also sets a limit, as a condition for the use of plastic resistance
moments. For this concrete, flctm ¼ 2.32 N/mm2, and fsk ¼ 500 N/mm2. Hence, from
Equation 5.8 with kc ¼ 1.0,

100s ¼ 100  (355/235)(2.32/500) ¼ 0.70% (D7.4)

This is for cross-sections where the resistance moments are determined by plastic theory.
Although it applies here, MRd based on elastic theory is also sufficient; but this limit
differs so little from that for crack control that it is simplest to use 0.7% everywhere. For
a slab 80 mm thick above the sheeting (see Figure 6.23) the minimum longitudinal reinforce-
ment is

As,min ¼ 7  80 ¼ 560 mm2/m

One layer of 10 mm bars at 125 mm spacing provides 628 mm2/m.

Cracking due to direct loading

Only the most critical cross-section, at support B, will be considered. Clause 7.4.3(4) permits
the use of the quasi-permanent combination, for which the variable loading is 2qk, with
2 ¼ 0.6, from clause A1.2.2(1) of EN 1990.

From Table 7.2, the bending moment at B that stresses the reinforcement is

ME,qp,B ¼ 18 þ 263  0.6 þ 120 ¼ 296 kN m

The neutral axis for the cracked section is 42 mm above the centre of the steel section (Table
6.3), which in turn is 355 mm below the top of the slab, so the neutral axis is 313 mm below
the top of the slab. For the cracked composite section, 106I ¼ 467 mm4, so the section
modulus for reinforcement at depth 30 mm is

106Ws ¼ 467/(313  30) ¼ 1.65 mm3

Hence, from clause 7.4.3(3),

s,0 ¼ 296/1.65 ¼ 179 N/mm2

The correction for tension stiffening, Equation 7.5, is now calculated, assuming that the rein-
forcement used in Example 6.7, 12 mm bars at 125 mm spacing, will be satisfactory. This
gives s ¼ 0.0113.

Using the values obtained in Example 6.7,

st ¼ AI/(AaIa) ¼ (9880 þ 1470)  467/(9880  337) ¼ 1.59

From Equation 7.5 with fctm from Equation D6.24,

rs ¼ 0.4  2.32/(1.59  0.0113) ¼ 52 N/mm2 (D7.5)

From Equation 7.4,

s ¼ 179 þ 52 ¼ 231 N/mm2

Chapter 7. Serviceability limit states

Assuming that the characteristic crack width is to be limited to 0.3 mm, Table 7.1 gives the
maximum bar diameter as 16 mm. From Table 7.2, the bar spacing should not exceed
200 mm. The use of 12 mm bars at 125 mm spacing at support B satisfies both conditions.
They extend over a width of 1.6 m. Over the remaining flange width of each beam, 0.9 m,
the tensile force in the slab will be lower, due to shear lag, and a reduction in the bar diameter
to 10 mm could be considered.

At some point along each span, the 12 mm bars could be replaced by the minimum
reinforcement found above. Accurate calculation based on the envelope of longitudinal
bending moments is tedious. In practice, a conservative approximation is likely to be
made, based on the convenience of detailing.

Serviceability, if the spans were designed as simply supported

It is found in Example 6.7 that, if each span is designed as simply supported, all checks for
ultimate limit states are satisfied using the same cross-section and method of construction.

The mid-span deflections under the loading used above are as follows, assuming that the
span between supporting columns is 11.76 m:

g from loading 5.76 kN/m on the steel beam: 20.3 mm

g from loading 13.5 kN/m on the composite beam, with n ¼ 20.2: 19.3 mm
g from primary shrinkage, with n ¼ 28.7: 15.0 mm.

The total deflection is 55 mm, or span/215, and there will be further deflection of the
composite slabs relative to the beams. The performance could be improved in several
ways, such as the use of propped construction or cambering the steel beams. The deflection
due to imposed loading is 19.3  12.3/13.5 ¼ 17.6 mm, or span/670, which is not excessive.

The use of normal-density concrete would probably halve the shrinkage deflection, but
redesign for the extra weight would be needed.

The connections to the columns would probably be similar to those designed in Example 8.1,
although the thickness of the end plates could be reduced from 12 mm to 10 mm. This
reduction, and neglecting the top reinforcement, roughly halves the initial stiffness of each
connection, but it remains well within the range defined in EN 1993-1-8 as ‘semi-rigid’,
and would slightly reduce the deflections calculated above.

It could be difficult to control crack widths to 0.3 mm, but this may not be required. Clause
7.4.1(4) states that where ‘the control of crack width is of no interest’ the longitudinal
reinforcement for unpropped construction should be at least 0.2% of the area of concrete.
This requires 210 mm2/m, so a 200 mm mesh of 8 mm bars could be used (252 mm2/m).
They could fracture under the design ultimate loads, but their presence would not be
relied upon in the design of the connection.

Aribert JM (2010) Influence éventuelle du degré de connexion sur la flèche de poutres mixtes de
bâtiment. Construction Metallique 47(2): 27–41.
British Standards Institution (BSI) (1992) BS 6472. Guide to evaluation of human exposure to
vibration in buildings. BSI, London.
BSI (1994) DD ENV 1994-1-1. Design of composite steel and concrete structures. Part 1-1: General
rules and rules for buildings. BSI, London.
BSI (2004) National Annex to BS EN 1990:2002þA1. Eurocode: Basis of structural design. BSI,
BSI (2010) BS 5950-3.1þA1. Structural use of steelwork in buildings. Design in composite
construction. Code of practice for design of simple and continuous composite beams. BSI, London.
Hicks S and Devine P (2006) Vibration characteristics of modern composite floor systems. In:
Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete V (Leon RT and Lange J (eds)). American Society
of Civil Engineers, New York, pp. 247–259.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Johnson RP (2003) Cracking in concrete flanges of composite T-beams – tests and Eurocode 4.
Structural Engineer 81: 29–34.
Johnson RP and Allison RW (1983) Cracking in concrete tension flanges of composite T-beams.
Structural Engineer 61B: 9–16.
Johnson RP and Anderson D (1993) Designers’ Handbook to Eurocode 4. Part 1-1: Design of
Composite Steel and Concrete Structures. Thomas Telford, London.
Johnson RP and May IM (1975) Partial-interaction design of composite beams. Structural Engineer
53: 305–311.
Nethercot DA, Li TQ and Ahmed B (1998) Plasticity of composite beams at serviceability limit
state. Structural Engineer 76: 289–293.
Randl E and Johnson RP (1982) Widths of initial cracks in concrete tension flanges of composite
beams. Proceedings of the IABSE P-54/82: 69–80.
Roik K, Hanswille G and Cunze Oliveira Lanna A (1989) Report on Eurocode 4, Clause 5.3,
Cracking of Concrete. University of Bochum, Bochum. Report EC4/4/88.
Stark JWB and van Hove BWEM (1990) The Midspan Deflection of Composite Steel-and-concrete
Beams under Static loading at Serviceability Limit State. TNO Building and Construction
Research Delft. Report BI-90–033.
Steel Construction Institute (2011) Deflection of Composite Beams with Large Web Openings.
Advisory Desk Note AD 183. Steel Construction Institute, Ascot.
Wyatt TA (1989) Design Guide on the Vibration of Floors. Publication 076, Steel Construction
Institute, Ascot.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures
ISBN 978-0-7277-4173-8

ICE Publishing: All rights reserved

Chapter 8
Composite joints in frames
for buildings

This chapter corresponds to Section 8 of EN 1994-1-1, which has the following clauses:

g Scope Clause 8.1

g Analysis, modelling and classification Clause 8.2
g Design methods Clause 8.3
g Resistance of components Clause 8.4

8.1. Scope
Section 8 is based on research on beam-to-column and beam-to-beam joints of the types used in
steel and composite frames for buildings, so its scope has been limited to ‘frames for buildings’.
The definition of composite joints to which clause 8.1(1) refers includes joints with reinforced Clause 8.1(1)
concrete members. These could occur, for example, in a tower block with a concrete core and
composite floors. However, no application rules are given for such joints.

As stated in clause 8.1(2), both Section 8 and Annex A are essentially extensions to the Eurocode Clause 8.1(2)
for joints between steel members, EN 1993-1-8 (British Standards Institution, 2005). It is
assumed that a user will be familiar with this code, especially its Sections 5 and 6.

The only steel members considered in detail are I and H sections, which may have concrete-
encased webs. Plate girders are not excluded.

The application rules of EN 1994-1-1 are limited to composite joints in which reinforcement is in
tension and the lower part of the steel section is in compression (Figure 8.1 and clause 8.4.1(1)).
There are no application rules for joints where the axes of the members connected do not inter-
sect, or do so at angles other than 908; but the basic approach is more general than the procedures
prescribed in detail, and is capable of application in a wider range of situations.

So many types of joint are in use in steelwork that EN 1993-1-8 is around 130 pages long. It
specifies the majority of the calculations needed for composite joints. The worked examples
and much of the comment in the present guide are limited to a single type of joint – the
double-sided configuration shown in Figure 8.1 – but with an end plate, not a contact plate,
and an uncased column, as shown on the left of Figure 8.1 and in Figure 8.8. Guidance on
joints where the steel beam supports hollow-core precast slabs is available (Lam and Fu, 2006).

In EN 1994-1-1, the word ‘connection’ appears only in clauses 8.2.2, 8.4.3(1) and A.2.3.2 and
Table A.1. It means the set of components that connect a member to another member: for
example, an end plate, its bolts and a column flange. Thus, a ‘connection’ is a distinct part of
a ‘joint’.

Commentary on the design of this joint will be found, as appropriate, in this chapter and its
examples, and in Chapter 10 on Annex A.

Design rules for joints are based on the ‘component’ concept. Each component of a joint – bolts,
end plates, flanges and webs of the members joined, slab reinforcement, etc. – contributes to its
flexibility and resistance to bending and shear. These contributions are evaluated separately.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Flexibility depends mainly on the least stiff component, and the resistance of the joint depends on
that of its weakest component.

No alternative to this method has been found, despite the extensive calculations required, only a
few of which will relate to yielding or failure of the joint, and so will govern its resistance. Most
components are found to be stiffer or stronger than necessary. Preparation in advance is
therefore possible of tables of the stiffness and resistance of a wide range of steel and composite
joints in accordance with EN 1993 and EN 1994.

The design rules have changed little since ENV 1994-1-1 appeared in 1994. Much background
information and some tables of resistances were published in the 1990s, as discussed below.
Since then, the industry has shown little inclination to adopt the new methods. The resistance
to bending of beam-to-column joints in buildings is normally assumed to be zero. Little
tabulated data has appeared since 2000, and the earlier material continues to be useful.

‘Interim guidance’ for end-plate joints was provided by Lawson and Gibbons (1995), ‘in
accordance with BS 5950: Parts 1 and 3 and with the principles of Eurocode 4’. Worked examples
and tables of moment resistance are included. Funding for research and development from the
European Commission led to the comprehensive report Composite Steel–Concrete Joints in
Braced Frames for Buildings (COST-C1, 1997), with much input from those who drafted the
Eurocode rules. It gives their technical background, and has 50 pages of worked examples on
semi-rigid joints.

Detailed guidance on the Eurocode methods for composite joints appeared in 1998, in the context
of design to British codes (Couchman and Way, 1998). An explanation of the provisions and
approximations in the Eurocodes, with worked examples, was then prepared (ECCS TC11,
1999). It refers to the draft codes as they were in 1998, so some differences, mainly in symbols,
will be found between it and the published EN Eurocodes. With over 200 pages, it provides
much broader coverage than is possible here. An account of the use of semi-continuous joints
in practice has been published by Huber (2001).

It is possible that the partial factors used in some of this material may differ from those in the
relevant National Annex, as these were not available in the 1990s.

8.2. Analysis, including modelling and classification

Clause 8.2.1(1) Clause 8.2.1(1) refers to Section 5 of EN 1993-1-8, which covers the same subjects as clause 8.2.
Table 5.1 in clause 5.1 of EN 1993-1-8 defines the links between the three types of global analysis –
elastic, rigid–plastic and elastic–plastic – and the types of models used for joints. This enables the
designer to determine whether the stiffness of the joint, its resistance, or both properties are
relevant to the analysis.

Joints in steelwork are classified in Section 5 by stiffness, as rigid, nominally pinned or semi-rigid;
and by resistance, as full strength, nominally pinned or partial strength. This classification relates
the property of the joint (stiffness or resistance) to that of the connected member, normally taken
as the beam.

The classification applies also to composite joints. The rotational stiffness of a joint (bending
moment per unit rotation) is reduced below the initial elastic stiffness, Sj,ini when the applied
bending moment, Mj,Ed, exceeds two-thirds of the resistance Mj,Rd of the joint, to allow for
inelastic behaviour. As Mj,Ed is initially unknown, clause 5.1.2 of EN 1993-1-8 defines a
reduced stiffness, Sj,ini/, which may be used in global analyses for all values of Mj,Ed. It gives
values for , ranging from 2.0 to 3.5, that depend on the type of joint.

Clause 8.2.2(1) Clause 8.2.2(1) gives  for ‘a contact-plate connection’, shown in the right of Figure 8.1 and in
Figure 8.4(b), because they are not included in EN 1993-1-8. There is further comment on the
stiffness of joints under clause 8.3.3.

The classification of a composite joint may depend on the direction of the bending moment (e.g.
Clause 8.2.3(2) sagging or hogging). This is unlikely in a steelwork joint, and so is referred to in clause 8.2.3(2).

Chapter 8. Composite joints in frames for buildings

Figure 8.1. Model for a two-span beam in a frame

Nominally-pinned joint

Semi-rigid joint


The reference in clause 8.2.3(3) to the neglect of cracking and creep applies only to the Clause 8.2.3(3)
classification of the joint according to stiffness. Its initial stiffness is to be compared with that
of the connected beam, EaIb/Lb, using Figure 5.4 of EN 1993-1-8. Thus, Ib can be that of
the uncracked composite section at mid-span, using the short-term modular ratio. The stiffer
the beam is assumed to be, the less likely it is that the joint can be classified as rigid. The span
Lb is between the centres of supporting columns.

A more precise calculation of beam stiffness is permitted by the use of ‘may’ in clause 8.2.3(3).
For example, a representative value of the modular ratio, to clause, may be used.
Account could also be taken of cracked and uncracked lengths within the beam in accordance
with clause, but the additional calculation would not normally be worthwhile.

Outline of the modelling of joints for global analysis

In global analysis, nominally pinned joints are represented by pins, and semi-rigid joints by
rotational springs, as shown in Figure 8.1 for a two-span beam of uniform depth, supported
by three columns in a braced frame. Joints to external columns are usually designed as nominally
pinned, to reduce bending moments in the columns. The use of partial-strength semi-rigid joints
at point B, rather than nominally pinned joints, has advantages in design:

g possible reduction in the section sizes for beams

g reduction in the deflection of beams
g reduction in crack widths near support B.

In comparison with full-strength rigid joints, the advantages are:

g beams less susceptible to lateral-torsional buckling

g simpler construction and a significant reduction in cost
g lower bending moments in columns.

For global analysis, the precise location of each beam-to-column connection has to be decided.
So-called ‘simple’ connections have long been used in the UK, and are deemed to be nominally
pinned, based on experience, even where the rules of clause 8 would class them as semi-rigid. The
bending moments found in columns are strongly influenced by the assumed location of these
pins, which has been controversial and is not mentioned in EN 1994-1-1. Non-contradictory
complementary information (NCCI) was issued in the UK in 2005, supported by its structural
steelwork industry and those of France, Germany, Spain and Sweden. It locates pins at
100 mm from the adjacent face of the supporting column, which can be either a flange or the web.

The stiffness of a rotational spring, Sj, is the slope of the moment–rotation relationship for the
joint (Figure 8.2(a)). The stiffness class is determined by the ratio of the initial slope, Sj,ini, to the
stiffness EaIb/Lb of the beam adjacent to the joint, as shown.

The initial stiffness of a joint is assembled from the stiffnesses of its components, represented
by elastic springs. Those for an end-plate joint with a single row of bolts in tension, between
beams of equal depth, are shown in Figure 8.3, in which all the elements except springs and
pins are rigid. The notation for the spring stiffnesses ki is as in clause 6.3 of EN 1993-1-8 and

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Figure 8.2. Moment–rotation relationships for joints

Mj (1) Sj,ini ≥ 8EIb /Lb Mj

(2) Semi-rigid Mj,Rd
(3) Sj,ini ≤ 0.5EIb /Lb Mj,Ed
(2) 2Mj,Ed /3
tan –1
Sj,ini tan–1 Sj
Nominal (Sj = Sj,ini /µ)
(3) pin φ
0 φ 0 φCd
(a) (b)

in Examples 8.1 and 10.1, as follows:

k1 shear in a column web

k2 compression of a column web
k3 extension of a column web
k4 bending of a column flange, caused by tension from a single row of bolts
k5 bending of an end plate, caused by tension from a single row of bolts
k10 extension of bolts, for a single row of bolts.

Stiffnesses in EN 1994-1-1, but not in EN 1993-1-8, are:

ks,r extension of reinforcement (defined in clause A.2.1.1 of Annex A)

Ksc/Es slip of shear connection (defined in clause A.3 of Annex A).

Each spring has a finite strength, governed by yield or buckling of the steel. The design method
ensures that non-ductile modes, such as fracture of bolts, do not govern.

Springs are now referred to by the number of the subscript in their property ki. For the tension
region, the weakest of springs 3, 4, 5 and 10 is found. This resistance, together with that of the
tension reinforcement, is compared with the compressive resistance of spring 2. The product
of the lower of these resistances and the effective lever arm gives the plastic bending resistance
of the joint. The resistance can be increased by strengthening the weakest link: for example,
by the addition of column-web stiffeners.

Where the beams are of unequal depth, or MEd,1 6¼ MEd,2 (Figure 8.3), rotation at the joint is
increased by shearing deformation of the column web. For beams of equal depth, this is the
area ABCD in Figure 8.3. Its deformation is represented by the spring of stiffness k1. Depending

Figure 8.3. Model for an internal beam-to-column joint

Ksc /Es MEd,1
A B k3


D k2

Chapter 8. Composite joints in frames for buildings

on the out-of-balance moment |MEd,1  MEd,2|, the column web panel may govern the resistance
of the joint.

8.3. Design methods

Clause 8.3.1(1) refers to Section 6 of EN 1993-1-8, which is 40 pages long. It defines the ‘basic Clause 8.3.1(1)
components’ of a steelwork joint, their resistances and their elastic stiffnesses. It is shown how
these are assembled to obtain the resistances, rotational stiffness and rotation capacity of
complete joints.

A composite joint has these additional components:

g longitudinal slab reinforcement in tension

g concrete encasement, where present, of the column web
g steel contact plates, if used (not covered in EN 1993-1-8).

In addition, account is taken of the slip of shear connection, by modifying the stiffness of the
reinforcement (Figure 8.3).

All the properties of components given in, or cross-referenced from, EN 1994-1-1 satisfy the
condition of clause 8.3.1(2) for the basis of the information. The application of clause 8.3.1(3) Clause 8.3.1(2)
to reinforcing bars is illustrated in Examples 8.1 and 10.1. Clause 8.3.1(3)

None of the additional components listed above influence the resistance to vertical shear, so this
aspect of design is fully covered by EN 1993-1-8 (clause 8.3.2(1)). Clause 8.3.2(1)

Composite joints in framed structures for buildings are almost always in regions of hogging bending,
for which full shear connection is normally required, to clauses and The
reference to shear connection in clause 8.3.2(2) reminds the user that no provisions are given for Clause 8.3.2(2)
composite joints in regions with partial shear connection. A nominally pinned joint will normally
be adjacent to a region of sagging bending, where the shear connection may be partial.

The use of Annex A (informative) for finding rotational stiffnesses is permitted by the UK’s
National Annex. It satisfies clause 8.3.3(1) and is illustrated in Example 10.1. Clause 8.3.3(1)

The coefficient , referred to in clause 8.3.3(2), is used in clause 6.3.1(6) of EN 1993-1-8 to Clause 8.3.3(2)
define the shape of the moment–rotation curve for a joint at bending moments Mj,Ed that
exceed 2Mj,Rd/3, as follows. Let Sj,ini be the stiffness at low bending moments. For 2Mj,Rd/3 <
Mj,Ed  Mj,Rd, the stiffness is

Sj ¼ Sj,ini/ (D8.1)

(Figure 8.2(b)), where

 ¼ (1.5Mj,Ed/Mj,Rd) (D8.2)

Values for , given in Table 6.8 of EN 1993-1-8, are applicable to composite joints, but do not
include contact plates, so this value is given in clause 8.3.3(2). Its effect is that  increases from 1.0
to 2.0 as Mj,Ed/Mj,Rd increases from 2/3 to 1.0. The value for  in clause 8.2.2(1) corresponds to
Mj,Ed/Mj,Rd  0.85.

In clause 6.3.1(4) of EN 1993-1-8 the stiffness Sj is related to the spring stiffnesses ki by

Sj ¼ Ez2/[ (1/ki)] (D8.3)

where z is the lever arm, with the summation taken over the relevant flexibilities 1/ki. (Symbol E
in EN 1993-1-8 corresponds to Ea in EN 1994-1-1.)

It may seem strange that the stiffnesses ki have the dimension of length, not force per unit
deformation. This is now explained with reference to the non-composite end-plate joint shown

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Figure 8.4. Beam-to-column end-plate joints: (a) Showing top bolts only. (b) Detail of a contact plate
between a beam bottom flange and a column

Row of two bolts


M Column
M z

Contact plate

(a) (b)

in Figure 8.4(a), assuming that the only non-rigid component is the bolts in tension. They are in
rows of two, so the tensile force per bolt is M/(2z).

The bolt elongation length, Lb, is defined in Table 6.11 of EN 1993-1-8. It slightly exceeds the grip
length, as expected. If As is the tensile stress area of a single bolt, the elongation of each bolt is
e ¼ [M/(2z)](Lb/AsE), and the rotation of each side of the joint, , is  ¼ e/z. The stiffness Sj,ini is

Sj,ini ¼ M/ ¼ 2Ez2As/Lb (D8.4)

Eliminating Sj,ini and Sj from Equations D8.1, D8.3 and D8.4:

(1/ki) ¼ Lb/2As

There is only one spring here, with stiffness k10 in Figure 8.3, so this analysis gives

k10 ¼ 2As/Lb

which has the dimension of length.

Table 6.11 of EN 1993-1-8 gives k10 ¼ 1.6As/Lb. The reduction below 2 is probably based on
calibration from tests. This example shows that the symbol As, which is not defined in
EN 1993-1-8, is for a single bolt even though k10 is for a pair of bolts.

The rotation capacity of composite joints, Cd in Figure 8.2(b), has been extensively researched
(Bose and Hughes, 1995; Anderson et al., 2000). There are many relevant parameters. Analytical
prediction is still difficult, and there are as yet no design rules sufficiently well established to be
included in EN 1994-1-1.

So-called ‘simple’ joints have been widely used in composite structures. Some of them will be
found to qualify as ‘partial strength’ when Eurocode methods are used. The experience referred
Clause 8.3.4(2) to in clause 8.3.4(2) is then available. It is rarely necessary in design to calculate either the
available rotation capacity or the rotation required of a composite joint. Further guidance is
given by ECCS TC11 (1999).

8.4. Resistance of components

This clause supplements clause 6.2 of EN 1993-1-8. The effective width of concrete flange in
Clause tension is the same at a joint as for the adjacent beam (clause Longitudinal bars
above the beam should pass either side of the column.

Clause Clause applies at an external column with a partial- or full-strength joint. The tensile
force in the bars must be transferred to the column; for example, by being looped round it. This
applies also at internal columns where there is a change in the tension in the bars (Figure 8.2,
clause, and Example 8.2).

Chapter 8. Composite joints in frames for buildings

Figure 8.5. Strut model for the shear resistance of the concrete encasement to a column web

h – 2tf
0.4(h – 2tf)
θ B
D z

0.8(h – 2tf) cos θ



Research has found (Anderson et al., 2000; Demonceau and Jaspart, 2010) that for external
columns the use of a truss model of the type shown in Figure 8.2 may not prevent shear
failure of the slab on the exterior side of the column. Its conclusion is that As,t, the area of
transverse reinforcement assumed to resist the force Ftq in Figure 8.2, should be not less than
As, the area of longitudinal reinforcement to be anchored behind the column.

Clauses and 8.4.3(1) permit the same 458 spread of force in a contact plate as used Clause
in EN 1993-1-8 for an end plate. The force is assumed in EN 1993-1-8 to spread at tan1 2.5 Clause 8.4.3(1)
(688) through the flange and root radius of the column. Where the compressive force relied on
in design exceeds the resistance of the steel bottom flange, the length of the contact plate
should allow for this (Figure 8.4(b)).

The model used in clause is illustrated in Figure 8.5. This figure shows an elevation Clause
of the concrete encasement of width h  2tf (the column depth less flange thicknesses) and
depth z, the lever arm between the resultant horizontal forces from the beam. A shear force V
is transferred through the encasement, which is of thickness bc  tw (the column width less
the web thickness). The concrete strut ABDEFG has the width 0.8(h  2tf ) cos , where
tan  ¼ (h  2tf )/z, so its area is

Ac ¼ 0.8(h  2tf ) cos (bc  tw) (8.2)

Its compressive strength is 0.85 fcd, giving the force C in Figure 8.5. For horizontal equilibrium
at B and F, C sin  ¼ V. These are Equations 8.1–8.3 in clause

The shear strength of concrete is increased by longitudinal compression in the column. This is
allowed for by the factor in clause, which ranges from 0.55 for zero axial compression Clause
to 1.1 for NEd  0.55Npl,Rd. For a fully encased composite column, the area of concrete that
contributes to Npl,Rd in Equation 8.4 will be greater than that between the flanges, used in
clause This presumably applies also to the ‘contribution of the concrete encasement’
in clause

The contribution of concrete encasement to the resistance of a column web to ‘transverse’

(typically, horizontal) compression is given in clause For an end-plate connection Clause
to a column flange, the depth of encasement assumed to resist compression, teff,c, is shown
in Figure 8.6(a), with the 2.5:1 dispersion, referred to above, extending through the root
radius r.

The horizontal compressive strength of the concrete is 0.85kwc,c fcd, where kwc,c depends on the
‘longitudinal’ (typically, vertical) compressive stress in the column, com,c,Ed, as shown in
Figure 8.6(b).

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Figure 8.6. Model for the resistance to compression of the concrete encasement to a column web

r tp


teff,c 1.3
End plate 0
tf,c 0.212 σcom,c,Ed /fcd

(a) (b)

Example 8.1: end-plate joints in a two-span beam in a braced frame

In development work that followed the publication of ENV 1994-1-1, a set of application
rules for composite joints was prepared, more detailed than those now given in Section 8
and Annex A of EN 1994-1-1. These are published by ECCS TC11 (1999) as a model
annex J. They provide useful guidance in this example, and are referred to, for example,
as ‘clause J.1.1 of ECCS TC11’.

The subject of Examples 6.7 and 7.1 is a two-span beam ABC continuous over its central
support (see Figures 6.23–6.28). It is now assumed that this beam is one of several similar
beams in a multi-storey braced frame (Figure 8.7). Its joints with the external columns are
nominal pins. The spans of the composite-slab floors are 2.5 m, as before. For simplicity,
in the work on beams AB and BC, column EBF will be treated as fixed in position and
direction at nodes E and F. These beams are attached to the column at B by the
partial-strength end-plate joint shown in Figure 8.8, which also gives the dimensions of
the column section. Its other properties are as follows: HEB 240 cross-section,
Aa ¼ 10 600 mm2, fy ¼ 355 N/mm2, 106Iy ¼ 112.6 mm4.

Figure 8.7. Model for a two-span beam ABC, with an internal column EBF

3 E

3 A B D C

12 12

The end plates are of mild steel, fy ¼ 275 N/mm2, and relatively thin, 12 mm, to provide
the plastic behaviour required. They are attached to the beam by 10 mm fillet welds to the
flanges, and 8 mm welds to the web. They are each attached to the column by four grade
8 : 8 M20 bolts with the following properties: fub ¼ 800 N/mm2, fyb ¼ 640 N/mm2, net area
at the root of the thread As,b ¼ 245 mm2 per bolt.

The only other change from the data used in Examples 6.7 and 7.1 on geometry, materials
and loadings concerns the reinforcement in the slab.

Longitudinal reinforcement at support B

Partial-strength joints need rotation capacity. Its value cannot be found at this stage, but it is
known to increase with both the diameter of the reinforcing bars in the slab and the area of
reinforcement provided. However, the amount of top reinforcement should be limited, so

Chapter 8. Composite joints in frames for buildings

Figure 8.8. Details of the beam-to-column end-plate joint


524 kN
160 60
217 kN

m2 = 35.4 + 2
383 9.4 450

14.6 741 kN

12 60
= = 25
10 A 90

(a) Elevation (b) Section A–A

16 dia.

21 30
130 270 230
100 mm
(c) Column section (d) Slab reinforcement

that the whole of the compressive force across the joint can be resisted by the beam bottom
flange and the unstiffened column web.

Detailed guidance is given by Couchman and Way (1998). For a steel beam of depth 450 mm
in S355 steel, the recommended minimum areas are 3000 mm2 for bars with 5% elongation
and 860 mm2 for bars with 10% elongation. The recommended maximum amount depends
on the size of the column and the details of the bolts in tension, and is about 1200 mm2 for
this example. The recommended bar diameters are 16 and 20 mm.

For these reasons, the previous reinforcement (13 No. 12 mm bars, As ¼ 1470 mm2) is replaced
by six 16 mm hot-formed bars (minimum elongation 10%): As ¼ 1206 mm2, fsk ¼ 500 N/mm2.
This reduces the second moment of area of the cracked composite section to 106Iy ¼ 451 mm4.

Classification of the joints

It is assumed initially that flexural failure of a joint will occur in a ductile manner, by yielding
of the reinforcement in tension and the end-plate or column flange in bending; and that at the
bottom-flange level the compressive resistance of the column web will be sufficient. As the
spans are equal, it is unlikely that shear of the column web will be critical.

The joint is expected to be ‘partial strength’. This can be checked by comparing the tension
resistance of the top two bolts, from Table 3.4 of EN 1993-1-8, with the force to yield the
beam top flange:

FT,Rd,bolts ¼ 2(k2 fubAs/ M2) ¼ 2  0.9  0.8  245/1.25 ¼ 282 kN (D8.5)

FRd,flange ¼ bf tf fyd ¼ 190  14.6  0.355 ¼ 985 kN

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Thus, the resistance moment Mj,Rd for the joint will be much less than Mpl,Rd for the beam,
and lateral buckling of the beam will be less critical than before.

There is no need to find the stiffness of the joint at this stage, because it is clearly either ‘rigid’
or ‘semi-rigid’. Either type may be treated as ‘semi-rigid’.

Approximate global analysis

Tables in Appendix B of Couchman and Way (1998) enable a rough check to be made on this
initial design, without much calculation. They give resistances Mj,Rd in terms of the cross-
section of the steel beam, its yield strength, the thickness and grade of the end plate, the
number and size of bolts in tension, and the area of reinforcement. Even though the beam
used here is an IPE section, it can be deduced that Mj,Rd is about 400 kN m. It will be
found later to be 367 kN m.

For both spans fully loaded, it was found in Example 6.7 that MEd at B was 536 kN m from
loading (see Figure 6.28) plus 120 kN m from shrinkage. The flexural stiffness of the joint is
not yet known, but it will be between zero and ‘fully rigid’. If fully rigid, the joint will
obviously be ‘plastic’ under ultimate loading, and there will then be no secondary shrinkage
moment. At mid-span, for the total load of 35.7 kN/m (see Table 6.2), the sagging bending
moment is then

35.7  122/8  400/2 ¼ 443 kN m

If the joint acts as a pin, the mid-span moment is

443 þ 200 ¼ 643 kN m

It is recommended by Couchman and Way (1998) that mid-span resistances should be

taken as 0.85Mpl,Rd, to limit the rotation required at the joints. From Example 6.7, Mpl,Rd
with full shear connection is 1043 kN m, so the bending resistance of the beam is obviously

Vertical shear
For MEd ¼ 400 kN m at B, the vertical shear at B is

Fv,Ed,B ¼ 35.7  6 þ 400/12 ¼ 247 kN

The shear resistance of the four M20 bolts is now found, using Table 3.4 of EN 1993-1-8.
Two of the bolts are likely to be at yield in tension. The shear applied to these bolts must

Fv,Ed/Fv,Rd þ Ft,Ed/(1.4Ft,Rd)  1.0 (D8.6)

The net shear area of each bolt is As,b ¼ 245 mm2, so, from Table 3.4 of EN 1993-1-8,

Fv,Rd ¼ 0.6fubAs,b/ M2 ¼ 0.6  800  0.245/1.25 ¼ 94.1 kN

From Equation D8.6 with Ft,Ed ¼ Ft,Rd,

Fv,Ed  (1  1/1.4)Fv,Rd ¼ 27 kN

For four bolts,

Fv,Rd ¼ 2(94.1 þ 27) ¼ 242 kN (D8.7)

This shows that it may be necessary to add a second pair of bolts in the compression region of
the joint.

Chapter 8. Composite joints in frames for buildings

Bending resistance of the joint, excluding reinforcement

Unpropped construction was used in Example 6.7. From Table 6.2, the design ultimate load
for the steel beam is 7.8 kN/m. For the construction phase, this is increased to 9.15 kN/m to
allow for the higher density of fresh concrete and the imposed loading during construction.
For rigid joints at the internal support between two 12 m spans,

MEd,B ¼ wL2/8 ¼ 9.15  122/8 ¼ 165 kN m

The plastic resistance of the joint during construction is required. An upper limit is easily
obtained. The lever arm from the top bolts to the centre of the bottom flange is

zbolts ¼ 450  60  7.3 ¼ 383 mm (D8.8)

The resistance cannot exceed

FT,Rd,boltszbolts ¼ 282  0.383 ¼ 108 kN m (D8.9)

and is found later to be 83 kN m.

It is assumed that the flexibility of the joint will be sufficient to reduce the bending moment at
support B to a level such that during construction no permanent deflection arises from
inelastic behaviour.

Resistance of T stubs and bolts in tension

The calculation of the bending resistance consists of finding the ‘weakest links’ in both
tension and compression. In tension, the column flange and the end plate are each modelled
as T stubs, and prying action may occur. Some of the dimensions required are shown in
Figure 8.9. From Figure 6.8 of EN 1993-1-8, the dimensions m overlap with 20% of the
corner fillet or weld. Thus, in Figure 8.9(a), for the end plate,

m ¼ 100  55  4.7  0.8  8 ¼ 33.9 mm (D8.10)

It is evident from the geometry shown in Figure 8.9 that the end plate is weaker than the
column flange, so its resistance is now found.

Figure 8.9. Dimensions of T stubs, and the yield line pattern

m2 = 37.4
m = 23.2
0.8rc = 16.8
e = 75
tf = 17 rc = 21

tp = 12
n = 55
m = 33.9
55 33.9
(a) Plan details of T stubs (b) Yield line pattern in end plate

Clause of EN 1993-1-8 gives three possible failure modes:

1 yielding of the plate

2 a combination of modes 1 and 3
3 failure of the bolts in tension.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Yield line theory is used for bending of the plate. The theory is similar to the plastic hinge
theory for steel frames, with hinges replaced by lines in the plate along which plastic rotation
is assumed to occur. These form failure mechanisms, with deformations so much greater
than those in the elastic range that the latter can be ignored in calculations. The mechanism
that gives the lowest failure load depends on the geometry of the end plate and the layout of
the bolts. Many mechanisms are possible. Details are given by Couchman and Way (1998).
The total length of the hinge lines is represented by an ‘effective length’, ‘eff . These are given
in tables in clause of EN 1993-1-8.

The critical mechanism for this end plate will be either that shown in Figure 8.9(b) or a
circular fan, for which the effective length is

‘eff,cp ¼ 2

For the non-circular pattern, dimension m2 in Figure 8.8(a) is also relevant, and

‘eff,nc ¼ m  2

where  is given by Figure 6.11 in EN 1993-1-8 or in Figure 4.9 of Couchman and Way. In
this case,  ¼ 6.8, so the circular pattern governs for mode 1, and

‘eff,1 ¼ 2
m ¼ 6.28  33.9 ¼ 213 mm

The plastic resistance per unit length of plate is

mpl,Rd ¼ 0.25t2f fy/ M0 ¼ 0.25  122  0.275/1.0 ¼ 9.90 kN m/m (D8.11)

(Notation mpl is from yield line theory, and should not to be confused with dimension m.)

Mode 1. For mode 1, yielding is confined to the plate. From Table 6.2 of EN 1993-1-8, the
equation for this mode, assuming that prying forces may develop, is

FT,1,Rd ¼ 4Mpl,1,Rd/m


Mpl,1,Rd ¼ 0.25‘eff,1tf2 fy/ M0 ¼ ‘eff,1mpl,Rd ¼ 0.213  9.9 ¼ 2.11 kN m

From Equation D8.10 for m,

FT,1,Rd ¼ 4  2.11/0.0339 ¼ 249 kN

Mode 2. This mode is more complex. The equation in Table 6.2 for the tension resistance
FT,2,Rd is now explained. In Figure 8.10, Q is the total prying force. Taking A and E as
fixed points, the work done by the tensile force in the top flange is FT,2,Rd(m þ n). It
equals the sum of the strain energy in bending the plate (which is 2mpl,Rd P‘eff,2 for a rotation
 at a perimeter of effective length ‘eff,2) and in extending the bolts, n Ft,Rd. The effective
length is m, and for a non-circular pattern it was found, above, that  ¼ 6.8. Hence,

‘eff,2 ¼ m ¼ 6.8  33.9 ¼ 231 mm (D.8.12)

From Equation D8.5 the tensile resistance of a pair of bolts is Ft,Rd ¼ 282 kN. From
Figure 8.9(a), n ¼ 55 mm, but Table 6.2 of EN 1993-1-8 requires that n  1.25m; so n is
taken as 1.25  33.9 ¼ 42.4 mm, and m þ n ¼ 76.3 mm. The work equation then gives
FT,2,Rd ¼ (2mpl,Rd‘eff,2 þ n Ft,Rd)/(m þ n)

¼ (2  9.9  231 þ 42.4  282)/76.3 ¼ 217 kN (D8.13)

Chapter 8. Composite joints in frames for buildings

Figure 8.10. Plan of a T stub, showing failure mode 2

Q/2 Ft,Rd /2 Ft,Rd /2 Q/2

θ B D

n m
FT,2,Rd = 217 kN

Mode 3. As FT,3,Rd ¼ 282 kN for the failure of the bolts, mode 2 governs. The prying force is

Q ¼ 282  217 ¼ 65 kN

Beam web in tension

The equivalent T stub in Figure 8.10 applies a tensile force of 217 kN to the web of the beam.
Its resistance is given by Equation 6.22 in clause of EN 1993-1-8 as

Ft,wb,Rd ¼ beff,t,wbtwb fy,wb/ M0

and beff,t,wb is taken as the effective length of the T stub, ‘eff,2 ¼ 231 mm. Hence,

Ft,wb,Rd ¼ 231  9.4  0.355/1.0 ¼ 771 kN (D8.14)

so this does not govern.

Column web in tension

The effective width of the column web in tension, to clause of EN 1993-1-8, is the
length of the T stub representing the column flange. The resistance is

Ft,wc,Rd ¼ !beff,t,wctwc fy,wc/ M0

where ! is a reduction factor to allow for shear in the column web. In this case, the shear is
zero, and ! ¼ 1. The column web is thicker than the beam web, so from result D8.14, its
resistance does not govern.

Column web in transverse compression

The resistance is given in clause of EN 1993-1-8. It depends on the plate slenderness p
and the width of the column web in compression, which is
beff,c,wc ¼ tf,b þ 2 2ap þ 5(tfc þ s) þ sp

p 6.11 of EN 1993-1-8), where ap is the throat thickness of the bottom-flange welds,
so 2ap ¼ 10 mm here; sp allows for 458 dispersion through the end plate, and is 24 mm here;
and s is the root radius of the column section (s ¼ rc ¼ 21 mm). Hence,

beff,c,wc ¼ 14.6 þ 20 þ 5(17 þ 21) þ 24 ¼ 248 mm

For web buckling, the effective compressed length is

dwc ¼ hc  2(tfc þ rc) ¼ 240  2(17 þ 21) ¼ 164 mm

The plate slenderness is

p ¼ 0:932ðbeff;c;wc dwc fy;wc =Ea t2wc Þ0:5

¼ 0:932  ½248  164  0:355=ð210  100Þ0:5 ¼ 0:773

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

The reduction factor for plate buckling is

 ¼ ðp  0:2Þ=2p ¼ 0:573=0:7732 ¼ 0:96

The factor ! for web shear is 1.0, as before.

It is assumed that the maximum longitudinal compressive stress in the column is less than
0.7fy,wc, so from clause of EN 1993-1-8, the reduction factor for this, kwc, is 1.0.
From equation (6.9) in EN 1993-1-8,

Fc,wc,Rd ¼ !kwcbeff,c,wctwc fy,wc/ M1

¼ 0.96  248  10  0.355/1.0 ¼ 845 kN (D8.15)

Clearly, the tensile force of 217 kN governs the resistance of the steel connection.

Bending resistance of the steel joint, for both beams fully loaded
From Figure 8.8(a), the lever arm is 383 mm, so the resistance, excluding the reinforcement, is

Mj,Rd,steel ¼ 217  0.383 ¼ 83 kN m (D8.16)

governed by bending of the end plate. The critical mode 2 includes failure (not just yielding)
of the top row of bolts in tension. However, the joint is closely based on a type given by
Couchman and Way (1998), which is confirmed by ECCS TC11 (1999) as having ‘ductile’

From Example 6.7, the plastic bending resistance of the steel beam, an IPE 450 section, is

Mpl,a,Rd ¼ 1.702  355 ¼ 604 kN m

This exceeds four times Mj,Rd. Clause of EN 1993-1-8 then permits this joint to
be classified as ‘nominally pinned’ for the construction stage if it has ‘sufficient rotation
capacity’, a condition that is discussed below.

Resistance of the composite joint

For the composite joint, the reinforcement is at yield in tension. Its resistance is

Ft,s,Rd ¼ 1206  0.500/1.15 ¼ 524 kN

This increases the total compressive force to

Fc ¼ 217 þ 524 ¼ 741 kN (D8.17)

This is less than the compressive resistance of 845 kN, found above. The bars act at a lever
arm of 543 mm (Figure 8.8(a)), so the bending resistance of the composite joint is

Mj,Rd,comp ¼ 83 þ 524  0.543 ¼ 83 þ 284 ¼ 367 kN m (D8.18)

Check on vertical shear

For the maximum design beam load of 35.7 kN/m and a hogging resistance moment at B of
367 kN m, the vertical shear in each beam at B is 244 kN, which just exceeds the shear
resistance found earlier, 242 kN. It will probably be found from elastic–plastic global
analysis that the vertical shear at B is reduced by the flexibility of the joints. If necessary,
two extra M20 bolts can be added in the lower half of each end plate. This has no effect
on the preceding results for resistance to bending.

Comment on the design of the joint for the ultimate limit state
The final design shows that the failure mode is simple and ductile: flexure of the T stub below
the top flange of the beam, and yielding of the slab reinforcement, which contributes 77% of

Chapter 8. Composite joints in frames for buildings

the total resistance to bending. The longitudinal forces from the right-hand beam are shown
in Figure 8.8(a). Some further checks are now explained.

Maximum load on span BC, with minimum load on span AB

This loading causes maximum shear in the column web. There is an abrupt change in the
tension in the slab reinforcement at B. The load acting on the steel members is equal for
the two spans, and is assumed to cause a hogging bending moment at node B equal to the
resistance of the joints, 83 kN m from Equation D8.13. The ultimate loads on the composite
member are 1.62 kN/m on AB and 27.9 kN/m on BC (see Table 6.2).

The flexibility of the joints and the cracking of concrete both reduce hogging bending
moments, so both are neglected in these checks on shear in the column web and anchorage
of the reinforcement. The moment on the composite joint at B in span BC is taken as the
additional resistance provided by the slab reinforcement, which is 284 kN m (Equation
D8.18). For the other three members meeting at node B, elastic analysis gives the bending
moments shown in Figure 8.11(a). The total bending moments at B, including construction,
are shown in Figure 8.11(b). The shear forces in columns DB and BE are

(75 þ 37.5)/3 ¼ 37.5 kN

Figure 8.11. Analyses for unequal design loadings (ultimate limit state) on spans AB and BC

134 + 83
3 284
134 27.9 kN/m
1.62 kN/m
z 284 + 83
A 75 B C

E 37.5
12 12 75
(a) Bending-moment diagram (kN m) (b) Action effects on joint (kN and kN m)

If the end plate in span AB is plastic under ultimate construction loading, the whole of
the difference between the beam moments shown is caused by a change in the tension in
the reinforcement. Thus, the relevant lever arm, z, is 543 mm.

From clause 5.3(3) of EN 1993-1-8, the shear force on the web panel is

Vwp,Ed ¼ (Mb1,Ed  Mb2,Ed)/z  (Vc1,Ed  Vc2,Ed)/2

¼ (367  217)/0.543  [37.5  (37.5)]/2 ¼ 276.2  37.5 ¼ 239 kN

The sign convention used here is given in Figure 5.6 of EN 1993-1-8. It is evident from
Figure 8.11(b) and the equation above that the change in the force in the reinforcement is
276 kN. The shear in the column web, 239 kN, is lower because of the shear forces in
columns DB and BE.

Shear resistance of the column web

From clause of EN 1993-1-8, the shear resistance of an unstiffened column web
panel is
Vwp,Rd ¼ 0.9fy,wcAvc/( 3 M0)

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

where Avc is the shear area of the column web. This is given in clause 6.2.6(3) of EN 1993-1-1,
and is 3324 mm2 here. Hence,
Vwp,Rd ¼ 0.9  0.355  3324/( 3  1.0) ¼ 613 kN (>Vwp,Ed)

This load arrangement therefore does not govern the design of the joint.

Anchorage of the force from the reinforcement

The force of 276 kN (above) has to be anchored in the column. The strut-and-tie model
shown in Figure 8.2 requires transverse reinforcement to resist the force Ftq shown in the
figure, and the force depends on the directions chosen for the struts.

The mean distance of the three 16 mm bars shown in Figure 8.8(d) from the centre-line of
the column is 420 mm. The two concrete struts AB and AD shown in Figure 8.12 can, for
calculation, be replaced by line AC. The resolution of forces at point A gives the strut
force as 184 kN. The depth of concrete available is 80 mm. With fck ¼ 25 N/mm2, the total
width of the struts is

bc ¼ (184  1.5)/(0.08  0.85  25) ¼ 163 mm

This width is shown to scale in Figure 8.12, and is obviously available.

Figure 8.12. Strut-and-tie model for the anchorage of unbalanced tension in slab reinforcement

138 kN
184 kN
122 kN 163

3 No. 12 ø bars @ 200 mm C

300 120 120

The existing transverse reinforcement (Example 6.7) is 12 mm bars at 200 mm spacing.

Insertion of three more bars (As ¼ 339 mm2) at 200 mm spacing provides an extra resistance

TRd ¼ 339  0.5/1.15 ¼ 147 kN

that exceeds the tie force of 122 kN shown in Figure 8.12. Three extra bars are provided on
each side of the column.

The transverse compressive forces from the struts balance each other at the column. The area
of the column flange to resist the longitudinal force is about

80  (240 þ 230) ¼ 37 600 mm2

so the mean bearing stress in the concrete is

276/37.6 ¼ 7.3 N/mm2

well below the design compressive strength of the concrete.

Chapter 8. Composite joints in frames for buildings

Stiffness of the joints and rotation capacity – ultimate limit state

The initial stiffnesses of these joints are calculated in Example 10.1, and are given in
Table 8.1. In the preceding global analyses, the joints were assumed to be rigid until their
resistance Mj,Rd was reached, and to act as hinges for further loading. This neglect of the
elastic rotation of the joints at moments below Mj,Rd leads to overestimation of the
hogging bending moments at the joints. The mid-span moments therefore exceed those
calculated. This method is safe for the verification of the joints, and is appropriate where
there is ample bending resistance at mid-span, as in this example.

Table 8.1. Initial stiffnesses of joints, Sj,ini (kN m/mrad)

No shear in the Joint BA Joint BC

column web with shear with shear

Steel joint 61 – –
Composite joint, elastic 146 118 49
Composite joint, end plate yielded 110 118 39

There is little inelastic curvature in the regions of sagging moment, so the rotation at the
joints is much less than that required for the development of mid-span plastic hinges. The
typical joint details given by Couchman and Way (1998), which were used here, were
shown to have adequate rotation capacity by a calculation method (Anderson et al., 2000)
supported by tests (clause 8.3.4(3)), so no further verification of the rotation capacity is
required. Joint details ‘which experience has proved have adequate properties’ (clause
8.3.4(2)) may be used without further testing.

Serviceability checks
The preceding analyses are inadequate for serviceability checks on deflections or crack width.
Account should be taken of the flexibility of each joint, as given by Equations D8.1 and D8.2.
From clause 6.3.1(6) of EN 1993-1-8 or clause J.4.1(5) of ECCS TC11 (1999), ¼ 2.7 for
bolted end-plate joints. Thus, where Mj,Ed ¼ Mj,Rd, from Equation D8.2,

 ¼ 1.52.7 ¼ 2.99 (D8.19)

This dependence of the joint stiffness Sj on Mj,Ed leads to iterative analysis, so the simplifica-
tion explained in the comment on clause 8.2.1(1) will be used. For this joint, it is that, for all
values of Mj,Ed, a nominal stiffness Sj ¼ Sj,ini/2 may be used (i.e.  ¼ 2), for moments up to

Here, the joints are included in conventional elastic analyses as follows. From Figure 8.8, a
pair of connections (a ‘joint’, see Figure 8.1) has an overall length of

240 þ 2  12 ¼ 264 mm

so each connection is represented by a beam-type member of length Lj ¼ 132 mm and a

second moment of area Ij. For a bending moment Mj, the rotation is

 ¼ Mj/Sj

For the ‘beam’, it is

 ¼ MjLj/EaIj

Eliminating /Mj,

Ij ¼ (Lj/Ea)Sj

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures


106Ij ¼ (132/210)Sj ¼ 0.63Sj (D8.20)

with Ij in units of mm4 and Sj in units of kN m/mrad.

Maximum deflection, with the imposed load on span BC only

Separate calculations are required for the steel joint and the composite joint. The load at
the end of construction, 5.78 kN/m, is applied to both spans. From Table 8.1 and
Equation D8.20, with  ¼ 2,

106Ij ¼ 0.63Sj,ini/ ¼ 0.63  61.1/2 ¼ 19.2 mm4

For the beam,

106Iay ¼ 337.4 mm4

so the calculation model for the steel joints is as shown in Figure 8.13(b), with I in units of
mm4. The results are:

g bending moment in the connection in span BC: 67.7 kN m, which is 82% of Mj,Rd,steel
g maximum deflection of span BC: 13.8 mm.

Figure 8.13. Models for analysis. (a) Composite beam, ultimate limit state. (b) Steel beam –
serviceability limit state

35.7 kN/m 5.78 kN/m

245 kN Mj,Ek
367 kN m
40 45 828 19.2 337.4
B 10–6I C
10–6I: mm4 B
1321668 10 200 11 868
183 kN 132
(a) (b)

The calculation model for the composite phase takes account of cracking, and uses the
modular ratio n ¼ 20.2. The floor finishes, 1.2 kN/m, act on both spans, and the frequent
value of the imposed load, 0.7  17.5 ¼ 12.3 kN/m, acts on span BC only.

There is a little unused tensile resistance from the steel connection. If this is neglected, then
for the composite joint in span BC, with  ¼ 2 as before, Sj,ini ¼ 39 kN m/mrad (Table 8.1)

106Ij,BC ¼ 0.63  39/2 ¼ 12.2 mm4

(The effect of including the full stiffness of the steel joint (Sj,ini ¼ 49 kN m/mrad, not 39) is
small; it reduces the deflection by less than 1 mm.)

The effect of halving the stiffness of the connection in span BA would be to increase
deflections. As the bending moment in that connection is low, that option is not taken.

The moment in the connection in span BA is low, so  may be taken as 1.0. From Table 8.1,

106Ij,BA ¼ 0.63  118 ¼ 74 mm4

For the column,

106Iy ¼ 113 mm4

Chapter 8. Composite joints in frames for buildings

Figure 8.14. Analysis for composite beams – serviceability limit state

113 B 13.5 kN/m
1.2 kN/m

A 10–6I 828 451 74 12.2 451 828

12 000 132 1668 10 200

The calculation model is shown in Figure 8.14, with I in units of mm4. The results are:

g bending moment at B in span BC: 71 kN m

g maximum deflection of span BC: 17.1 mm.

The total deflection of span BC is therefore

13.8 þ 17.1 ¼ 30.9 mm

or span/388. These two components exceed the values found for the fully continuous beam
(Table 7.3) by 5 and 2 mm, respectively.

The imposed-load deflection is about 17 mm, or span/700, for the frequent loading. The
modular ratio used allows for some creep. The additional deflection of the composite
slabs, relative to that of the beams, is discussed in Example 7.1.

The effect of the shrinkage of concrete

Accurate calculation is difficult where semi-rigid joints are used, but estimates can be made,
as follows. The primary shrinkage deformations for the 24 m length of beam are shown in
Figure 6.27(b). Calculations in Example 6.7 found that the radius of curvature is
R ¼ 1149 m and the deflection at point B is ¼ 45.3 mm. The most conservative assumption
is that the flexibility of the joints reduces the secondary shrinkage moment (which reduces
deflections) to zero. Figure 8.15 shows the same primary curvature as in Figure 6.27(b),
but with compatibility restored by rotation of the joint at B, rather than by secondary
bending of the beam. From the geometry of Figure 8.15, this rotation is found to be
3.8 mrad for each joint. The mid-span shrinkage deflection is then about 15 mm. The
difference between the directions shown for in Figure 6.27(b) and Figure 8.15 is not
important, as these angles of slope are very small.

Figure 8.15. Primary shrinkage deformation of span BC

3.8 mrad
15 mm B

1800 δ
10 200

The preceding calculation for the composite joint found Mj,Ek ¼ 71 kN m, and used Sj ¼
39/2 ¼ 19.5 kN m/mrad, giving a rotation of 71/19.5 ¼ 3.6 mrad. Thus, shrinkage imposes
a significant increase in rotation on each joint, and the resulting increase in hogging
moment at B, while far less than the 120 kN m found for the fully continuous beam, will

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

decrease the 15 mm deflection found above. The result for the fully continuous beam was
7 mm (see Table 7.3). It is concluded that the shrinkage deflection lies in the range 10–
12 mm, additional to the 31.7 mm found above. This result is not typical, as the shrinkage
strain assumed in Example 6.7 is exceptionally high.

Cracking of concrete
Elastic analysis of the composite frame for service (frequent) loading acting on both spans,
otherwise similar to those outlined above, found the hogging bending moment at B to be
133 kN m. The lever arm for the reinforcement, of area 1206 mm2, is 543 mm
(Figure 8.8(a)), so the tensile stress is

s ¼ 133/(0.543  1.206) ¼ 203 N/mm2

The mean spacing of the 16 mm bars is about 250 mm (see Figure 8.8(d)), which happens to
be the limiting value for a crack width of 0.3 mm given in Table 7.2 of EN 1994-1-1. The
alternative condition in Table 7.1 is satisfied by a wide margin.

However, the strain field in the slab is disturbed locally by the column and by the con-
centrated rotations associated with the joints. The values in Tables 7.1 and 7.2 take no
account of this situation. It can be concluded that the top reinforcement is unlikely to
yield in service, and that very wide cracks will not occur.

Review of the classification of the joint

The rule of clause of EN 1993-1-8 for the classification of beam-to-column joints in
braced frames is illustrated in Figure 8.2(a). A joint is semi-rigid if

0.5 < Sj,iniLb/EIb < 8

where Lb is the span between column centres, 12 m here.

For the steel joint during construction, 106Ib ¼ 337.4 mm4 from Example 6.7, and
Sj,ini ¼ 61 kN m/mrad. The stiffnesses are taken from Table 8.1. Hence,

Sj,iniLb/EIb ¼ 61  12  1000/(210  337.4) ¼ 10.3

so the joint is classified as rigid, but was assumed here to be semi-rigid.

For the composite joint, cracking and creep may be neglected in finding the property
Ib of the connected beam (clause 8.2.3(3)). Here, from Table 6.3 with n ¼ 10.1,
106Ib ¼ 996 mm4. For both spans fully loaded, and ignoring any contribution from the
end-plate, Sj,ini ¼ 110 kN m/mrad, and

Sj,iniLb/EIb ¼ 110  12  1000/(210  996) ¼ 6.3

so the joint is semi-rigid, as assumed.

For an imposed load on span BC only, Sj,ini,BA ¼ 118 kN m/mrad, and this connection is
obviously semi-rigid, as assumed.

For the connection to span BC, Sj,ini,BC ¼ 39 kN m/mrad, and

Sj,iniLb/EIb ¼ 39  12  1000/(210  996) ¼ 2.2

so this connection is semi-rigid.

Results from an evaluation by this method should not be treated as exact, as many assump-
tions are made in the calculations for Ib and Sj,ini. Here, it is conservative to treat the steel
joint as semi-rigid, because this slightly increases the calculated deflections.

Chapter 8. Composite joints in frames for buildings

Revision of global analysis for the ultimate limit state, for both beams
fully loaded
The previous analysis was done before the stiffness of the joint at node B was known. For
both spans fully loaded, there is no rotation of the columns at B, so a beam can be analysed
as a propped cantilever. It is assumed that all load is resisted by composite members.
The ‘cracked’ cross-section is used for 15% of each span. The stiffness of the joint at B is
not reduced by shear in the column web, and Sj,ini ¼ 146 kN m/mrad from Table 8.1.
From Equation D8.1, this is reduced by an amount that depends on Mj,Ed, which is
unknown. Iterative analysis of the model shown in Figure 8.13(a) is required, and finds
Mj.Ed/Mj,Rd ¼ 0.905. From Equation D8.2,  ¼ 2.28. The simpler method used earlier
assumed 2.0. From Equation D8.20,

106Ij ¼ 0.63  146/2.28 ¼ 40 mm4

as shown in Figure 8.13(a).

The maximum sagging bending moment is 469 kN m, which is within the range found earlier.

Anderson D, Aribert JM, Bode H and Kronenburger HJ (2000) Design rotation capacity of
composite joints. Structural Engineer 78(6): 25–29.
Bose B and Hughes AF (1995) Verifying the performance of standard ductile connections for semi-
continuous steel frames. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Structures and Buildings
110: 441–457.
British Standards Institution (2005) BS EN 1993-1-8. Design of steel structures. Part 1-8: Design of
joints. BSI, London.
COST-C1 (1997) Composite Steel–Concrete Joints in Braced Frames for Buildings. Report: Semi-
rigid Behaviour of Civil Engineering Structural Connections. Office for Official Publications of the
European Communities, Luxembourg.
Couchman G and Way A (1998) Joints in Steel Construction – Composite Connections. Publication
213, Steel Construction Institute, Ascot.
Demonceau JF and Jaspart JP (2010) Recent Studies Conducted at Lie`ge University in the Field of
Composite Construction. Faculty of Applied Sciences, Liège University. Report for ECCS TC 11.
ECCS TC11 (1999) Design of Composite Joints for Buildings. European Convention for
Constructional Steelwork, Brussels. Report 109.
Huber G (2001) Semi-continuous beam-to-column joints at the Millennium Tower in Vienna,
Austria. Steel and Composite Structures 1(2): 159–170.
Lam D and Fu F (2006) Behaviour of semi-rigid beam-column connections with steel beams and
precast hollow core slabs. In: Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete V (Leon RT and
Lange J (eds)). American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, pp. 443–454.
Lawson RM and Gibbons C (1995) Moment Connections in Composite Construction: Interim
Guidance for End-plate Connections. Publication P143, Steel Construction Institute, Ascot.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures
ISBN 978-0-7277-4173-8

ICE Publishing: All rights reserved

Chapter 9
Composite slabs with profiled steel
sheeting for buildings

This chapter corresponds to Section 9 of EN 1994-1-1, which has the following clauses:

g General Clause 9.1

g Detailing provisions Clause 9.2
g Actions and action effects Clause 9.3
g Analysis for internal forces and moments Clause 9.4
g Verification of profiled steel sheeting as shuttering for ultimate limit states Clause 9.5
g Verification of profiled steel sheeting as shuttering for serviceability limit states Clause 9.6
g Verification of composite slabs for ultimate limit states Clause 9.7
g Verification of composite slabs for serviceability limit states Clause 9.8

9.1. General
Composite slabs are a highly efficient form of floor construction, but they are less robust than
continuous concrete slabs with two-way reinforcement. Their orthotropic structural properties
and staged construction lead to relatively complex rules for design. Some verifications are
done by manufacturers of the sheeting and embodied in tables of limiting spans and load
levels. A designer using these makes further verifications, but may not be fully aware of the
assumptions that underlie the tables.

New entrants to this competitive market should become familiar not just with rules in the Euro-
codes but with the extensive guidance provided by the industry – in the UK, for example, by the
Steel Construction Institute, among other organisations.

Potential situations that could lead to unsatisfactory or unsafe performance include the following:

g under-prediction of the loads that may be applied during construction

g as-built layouts of profiled sheets that differ from that assumed during design
g the addition of significant line loads (e.g. from partitions) during the life of the building
g the application of repeated travelling loads, as from fork-lift trucks (see clause 9.1.1(3)P)
g unintended location of shear connectors on the ‘unfavourable’ side of troughs in profiled
sheeting, which can reduce their slip capacity and shear resistance.

The preceding list is mainly for designers. Problems that could arise during construction (e.g.
unsatisfactory through-deck welding of studs) are outside the scope of this guide.

The form of construction and the scope of Section 9 are defined in clause 9.1.1. The shape of Clause 9.1.1
the steel profile, with ribs running in one direction, and its action as tensile reinforcement for
the finished floor, result in a system that effectively spans in one direction only. The slab can
also act as the concrete flange of a composite beam spanning in any direction relative to that
of the ribs. Provision is made for this in the clauses on the design of beams in Sections 5, 6
and 7.

The ratio of the gap between the webs to the web spacing, br/bs in clause 9.1.1(2)P, is an Clause 9.1.1(2)P
important property of a composite slab. This notation is as in Figure 9.2 and Figure A.1 in

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Appendix A. If the troughs are too narrow, the shear strength of stud connectors placed within
them is reduced (clause 6.6.4), and there may be insufficient resistance to vertical shear. If the web
spacing is too wide, the ability of the slab to spread loads across several webs may be inadequate,
especially if the thickness of the slab above the sheeting is minimised, to save weight.

Such a wide range of profiles is in use that it was necessary to permit the upper limit to br/bs to be
determined nationally. It should probably be a function of the thickness of the slab above the
sheeting. The UK’s National Annex states that the recommended value, 0.6, should be used.

No account is taken of any contribution from the top flange of the sheeting to the resistance to
bending in the direction transverse to the span of the slab.

The design methods for composite slabs given in Section 9 are based on test procedures described
in clause B.3. Although the initial loading is cyclic, the test to failure is under static loading. Thus,
if dynamic effects are expected, the detailed design for the particular project must ensure that the
Clauses 9.1.1(3)P integrity of the composite action is maintained (clauses 9.1.1(3)P and 9.1.1(4)P).
Clauses 9.1.1(4)P
Clause 9.1.1(5) Guidance on the degree of lateral restraint provided to steel beams (clause 9.1.1(5)) is available in
EN 1993-1-1 and elsewhere (Gardner, 2011). Inverted U-frame action relies also on flexural
restraint. This subject is covered in comments on clause 6.4.2.

Because of the wide range of profiles used, the resistance to longitudinal shear has always been
based on tests. Slabs made with some profiles have a brittle mode of failure, which is penalised in
clause B.3.5(1).

Types of shear connection

Clause As for other types of composite member, bond is not accepted in clause as a reliable
method of shear connection. Sheeting without local deformations of the profile is permitted
where the profile is such that some lateral pressure will arise from the shrinkage of the concrete
(Figure 9.1(b)). Here, the distinction between ‘frictional interlock’ and ‘bond’ is, in effect, that the
former is what remains after the 5000 cycles of loading specified in clause B.3.4.

The quality of mechanical interlock is sensitive to the height or depth of the small local deforma-
tions of the sheeting, so tight tolerances (clause B.3.3(2)) should be maintained on these during
manufacture, with occasional checking on site.

These two standard forms of interlock are sometimes insufficient to provide full shear
Clause connection, as defined in clause They can be augmented by anchorages at the ends
of each sheet, as shown in Figure 9.1, or design can be based on partial shear connection.

The omission in EN 1994-1-1 of the paragraph number, (1), from these two clauses is a drafting
error, to be corrected.

9.2. Detailing provisions

Clause 9.2.1(1)P The limits to the thickness given in clauses 9.2.1(1)P and 9.2.1(2)P are based on the satisfactory
Clause 9.2.1(2)P experience of floors with these dimensions. They do not make clear how ‘the main flat surface of
the top of the ribs’ should be interpreted where small top ribs are present. If the limits given are
related to the shoulder height (comment on clause 6.6.4 is relevant), the concrete slab could be too
thin for the detailing rules for stud connectors and slab reinforcement to be followed.

No limits are given for the depth of the profiled sheeting. Its minimum depth will be governed
by deflection. For a slab acting compositely with a beam, the minimum depths are increased
(clause 9.2.1(2)P) to suit the detailing rules for stud connectors, such as the length of stud that
extends above the sheeting and the concrete cover. A slab used as a diaphragm is treated

Where a slab spans onto a hogging moment region of a composite beam, the minimum reinforce-
ment transverse to its span is governed by the rules for the flange of the beam (e.g. Table 7.1), not
Clause 9.2.1(4) by the lower amount given in clause 9.2.1(4).

Chapter 9. Composite slabs with profiled steel sheeting for buildings

The minimum bearing lengths (clause 9.2.3) are based on accepted good practice. The lengths Clause 9.2.3
for bearing onto steel or concrete are identical to those given in BS 5950-4 (British Standards
Institution, 1994).

9.3. Actions and action effects

Profiled sheeting
Where props are used for profiled sheeting (clause 9.3.1(2)P), care should be taken to set these at Clause 9.3.1(2)P
the correct level, taking account of any expected deflection of the surface that supports them. If
verification relies on the redistribution of moments in the sheeting due to local buckling or
yielding, this must be allowed for in the subsequent check on the deflection of the completed
floor; but this is, of course, less likely to be critical where propping is used.

For the loading on the profiled sheeting, clause 9.3.2(1) refers to clause 4.11 of EN 1991-1-6 Clause 9.3.2(1)
(British Standards Institution, 1991). For working personnel and small site equipment, a note
to clause 4.11.1(3) proposes a characteristic distributed load of 1 kN/m2. The UK’s National
Annex for EN 1991-1-6 notes that these loads can be determined for individual projects, and
gives recommended minimum values.

For the weight density of normal-weight concrete, Annex A of EN 1991-1-1 (British Standards
Institution, 2002) recommends 24 kN/m3, increased by 1 kN/m3 for ‘normal’ reinforcement and
by another 1 kN/m3 for unhardened concrete.

In addition to self-weight, clause 4.11.2 of EN 1991-1-6 specifies an imposed load qk of 10% of

the weight of the concrete, but not less than 0.75 kN/m2 (which usually governs) and not more
than 1.5 kN/m2, applied to a working area 3 m  3 m; and 0.75 kN/m2 outside this area. The
lower limit corresponds to a layer of normal-weight concrete about 30 mm thick, to allow for
the mounding that occurs during the delivery of fresh concrete. The upper limit would govern
for composite slabs more than 0.6 m thick, which are unlikely in practice. Guidance on the
avoidance of overload during construction is available elsewhere (Rackham et al., 2009).

For construction loads due to working personnel, etc., with small site equipment, a note to clause
4.11.1(3) of EN 1991-1-6 recommends an imposed load of 1.0 kN/m2. Whether this should be
assumed to be an alternative to qk as given above, or additional to it, may depend on the
details of the construction process.

Partial factors for ultimate limit states are recommended in Table A1.2(B) of EN 1990, as 1.35
for permanent actions and 1.5 for variable actions. It would be reasonable to use 1.35 for the
whole of the weight density of 26 kN/m3, explained above, even though the extra 1 kN/m3 for
unhardened concrete is not strictly ‘permanent’.

Sometimes, to increase the speed of construction, the profiled sheeting is not propped. It then
carries all these loads. This condition, or the check on the deflection of the finished floor,
normally governs its design.

For the serviceability limit state, the deflection of the sheeting when the concrete hardens is
important, for use when checking the total deflection of the floor in service. The construction
load and the extra loading from mounding are not present at this time, so the deflection is
from the permanent load only, and the factors for serviceability, given in Table A.1 of
EN 1991-1-6, are not required.

Clause 9.3.2(1) refers to ‘ponding’, and clause 9.3.2(2) gives a condition for its effects to be ignored. Clause 9.3.2(2)
Where profiled sheeting is continuous over several supports, this check should be made using the
most critical arrangement of the imposed load. There is further comment on clause 9.6(2).

Composite slab
The resistances of composite slabs are determined by plastic theory or by empirical factors based
on tests in which all of the loading is resisted by the composite section (clause B.3.3(6)). This
permits design checks for the ultimate limit state to be made under the whole of the loading
(clause 9.3.3(2)). Clause 9.3.3(2)

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

9.4. Analysis for internal forces and moments

Profiled steel sheeting
Clause 9.4.1(1) Clause 9.4.1(1) refers to EN 1993-1-3 (British Standards Institution, 2006), which gives no
Clause 9.4.1(2) guidance on the global analysis of continuous members of light-gauge steel. Clause 9.4.1(2)
rules out plastic redistribution where propping is used, but not where the sheeting extends
over more than one span, as is usual. Subsequent flexure over a permanent support will be in
the same direction (hogging) as during construction, whereas at the location of a prop it will
be in the opposite direction.

Elastic global analysis can be used, because a safe lower bound to the ultimate resistance is
obtained. Elastic moments calculated for uniform stiffness are normally greatest at internal
supports, as shown in Figure 9.1 for a two-span slab under distributed loading. The reduction
in stiffness due to parts of the cross-section yielding in compression will be greatest in these
regions, which will cause redistribution of the moment from the supports to mid-span. In a
technical note from 1984, and in a note to clause 5.2 of BS 5950-4 (British Standards Institution,
1994), the redistribution is given as between 5 and 15%. This suggests that redistribution
exceeding about 10% should not be used in analyses for design ultimate loads in the absence
of supporting evidence from tests.

Redistribution should not be used in analyses for serviceability loads, because of its uncertain
effect on deflections.

Composite slab
As the steel sheets are normally continuous over more than one span, and the concrete is cast over
this length without joints, the composite slab is in reality continuous. If elastic global analysis is
used based on the uncracked stiffness, the resulting moments at internal supports are high, as in
the example in Figure 9.1. To resist these moments may require heavy reinforcement. This can be
avoided by designing the slab as a series of simply supported spans (clause 9.4.2(5)), provided that
crack-width control is not a problem. Other approaches that reduce the quantity of hogging
Clause 9.4.2(3) reinforcement needed are the use of the redistribution of moments (clause 9.4.2(3)), and of
Clause 9.4.2(4) plastic analysis (clause 9.4.2(4)).

Numerical and experimental research on continuous slabs has been reported (Stark and
Brekelmans, 1990). With typical relative values of the moment resistance at internal supports
and at mid-span, the maximum design loads calculated by elastic analysis with limited redistri-
bution were found to be less than those obtained by treating each span as simply supported.
This arises because the large resistance to sagging moment is not fully utilised.

If the slab is to be treated as continuous, plastic analysis is more advantageous. The studies
showed that no check on the rotation capacity need be made, provided the conditions given in
clause 9.4.2(4) are satisfied. Where reliance is placed on the contribution of sheeting to the resis-
tance to hogging bending, designers should consider whether the layout of the sheets could be
modified during construction.

Effective width for concentrated point and line loads

The ability of composite slabs to carry masonry walls or other heavy local loads is limited. The rules
Clause 9.4.3 of clause 9.4.3 for the effective widths bm, bem and bev are important in practice. They are based on a
mixture of simplified analysis, test data and experience (British Standards Institution, 1994), and are
further discussed, with a worked example, by Johnson (2004). The effective width depends on the

Figure 9.1. Bending moments for a two-span beam or slab for uniform loading; elastic theory without




Chapter 9. Composite slabs with profiled steel sheeting for buildings

ratio between the longitudinal and transverse flexural stiffnesses of the slab. The nature of these
slabs results in effective widths narrower than those for solid reinforced concrete slabs.

The rule for the effective width of a slab in clause 9.4.3(2) is related to the level of the bottom Clause 9.4.3(2)
reinforcement in the slab. The depth hc in Equation 9.1 should therefore be based on the gross
depth of the sheeting, hpg.

The nominal transverse reinforcement given in clause 9.4.3(5) is not generous for a point load of Clause 9.4.3(5)
7.5 kN, and should not be assumed to apply for the ‘largely repetitive’ loads to which clause
9.1.1(3)P refers.

9.5–9.6. Verification of profiled steel sheeting as shuttering

The design checks before composite action is established are done to EN 1993-1-3. Clause 9.5(1) Clause 9.5(1)
refers to the loss of the effective cross-section that may be caused by deep deformations of the
sheeting. This loss and the effects of local buckling are both difficult to determine theoretically.
Design recommendations provided by manufacturers are based in part on the results of loading
tests on the sheeting concerned. The data should include the nominal cross-sectional area of the
sheeting (Ap) and the positions of the elastic and plastic neutral axes of the profile, denoted e and
ep, respectively (Figure 9.6).

Sheeting also has an effective cross-section (Ape) slightly less than Ap because the embossed parts
of the cross-section (provided to improve shear connection) may reduce the stiffness and the
resistance to longitudinal force. All four of the preceding properties are required for calculations
to clause 9.7.4.

The maximum deflection of L/180 given in the note to clause 9.6(2) is accepted good practice. It is Clause 9.6(2)
confirmed in the UK’s National Annex with the addition of upper limits: 20 mm where the loads
from ponding are ignored (see clause 9.3.2(2)) and 30 mm where they are included.

9.7. Verification of composite slabs for the ultimate limit states

9.7.1 Design criterion
No comment is needed.

9.7.2 Flexure
The rules in clause 9.7.2 are based on research reported by Stark and Brekelmans (1990).
Clause 9.7.2(3) states that deformed areas of sheeting should be ignored in calculations of Clause 9.7.2(3)
section properties, unless tests show otherwise. No guidance on relevant testing is given. Test
results are also influenced by local buckling within the flat parts of the steel profile, and by the
enhanced yield strength at cold-formed corners.

For a composite slab in sagging bending, tests can be done in which the shear span is long
enough, or the end anchorage is sufficient, for flexural failure to occur. If the strengths of the
materials are known, the effective area of the sheeting, when in tension, can be calculated
from the moment resisted. An estimate made by reducing Ap by half of the embossed areas is
sometimes used.

For a composite slab in hogging bending, the contribution from the sheeting is usually ignored,
because it may not be continuous. Where sheeting is continuous, the area of tensile reinforcement
is usually small compared with the effective area of the sheeting, so that a conservative estimate
of the latter (e.g. excluding embossed areas) may reduce only slightly the calculated resistance to
bending. Alternatively, a value found from a bending test on the sheeting alone could be used.
Tests on hogging regions of continuous composite slabs have been reported (Guo and Bailey, 2007).

The effective widths in clause 9.7.2(4) for local buckling take account of the restraint provided to Clause 9.7.2(4)
one side of the sheeting by the concrete.

Bending resistances of composite slabs are based on rectangular stress blocks (clauses 9.7.2(5) to Clause 9.7.2(5)
9.7.2(7)). In the design of reinforced concrete beams, the compressive strain in concrete is limited,
to prevent premature crushing of the concrete before the reinforcement yields. There is no similar

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

restriction for composite slabs. The design yield strength of the profiled sheeting, typically
between 280 and 420 N/mm2 in Europe (lower than that of reinforcement), and its own
bending resistance make composite slabs less sensitive to premature crushing of concrete.
However, it could be a problem where stronger sheeting is used, as in Australia.

For stress in concrete, the 0.85 factor is included, as discussed in the comments on clause 3.1(1).

The drafting of clause 9.7.2 is over-reliant on Figures 9.5 and 9.6, which do not show the small top
ribs that many sheetings now have. The profile depth hp is replaced by depths hpn (net) and hpg
(gross), as explained in the comment on clause 6.6.4.

It is assumed that a depth xpl (Figure 9.5) is calculated from

0.85xplbfcd ¼ Ape fyp,d

where Ape is the effective area of a width b of sheeting.

If xpl  h  hpg, clause 9.7.2(5) and Figure 9.5 apply.

Clause 9.7.2(6) If xpl > h  hpn, clause 9.7.2(6) applies. If the top ribs are ‘small’ (see the comment on clause 6.6.4),
xpl can be replaced by hc ( ¼ h  hpn); otherwise, hc ( ¼ h  hpg) should be used. In both cases,
the calculation of the level of the plastic neutral axis becomes complex. Use of the simplified
Equations (9.5) and (9.6) in clause 9.7.2(6) is recommended.

Where the depth xpl is within the top rib, use of any of the alternatives above should be accurate

The derivation of the simplified equations is on record (Stark and Brekelmans, 1990). Equation
(9.6) gives the bending resistance Mpr of the profiled sheeting, reduced below its plastic resistance
to bending, Mpa, by the axial compression Ncf . If xpl is less than hc, then Ncf ¼ Ape fyp,d, and the
steel profile is fully plastic in tension, so that Mpr ¼ 0. If xpl exceeds hc, and so is reduced to hc as
explained above, there is some compression in the sheeting, and Mpr > 0 from Equation (9.6). Its
limit, Mpa, is only relevant when Ncf is replaced by Nc, as discussed under clause 9.7.3.

Equation (9.5) gives an approximate lever arm, which is correct when the plastic neutral axis is
at the top edge of sheeting without a top rib, and conservative where xpl < hc, as is usual. Any
concrete in compression within the trough is neglected. As shown in Figure 9.6, the bending
resistance with full shear connection is

MRd ¼ Mpr þ Nc,f z

Where a composite slab is supported on secondary beams, part if it will lie within the effective
width of a primary beam. Their directions of span are parallel. Care must then be taken to
avoid assuming in design that an area of concrete slab is acting as the compression flange of
both the primary beam and the composite slab. Clause 9.7.2 does not refer to this.

The whole of clause 9.7.2 is for slabs with full shear connection, which are unusual in practice. It
Clause 9.7.3 provides the starting point for clause 9.7.3.

9.7.3 Longitudinal shear for slabs without end anchorage

The design of composite slabs for longitudinal shear is based on the results of tests. The
specification for these involves a compromise between exploring interactions between the
many relevant parameters, and limiting the cost of testing to a level such that the use of new
profiles is not prevented. The tests on composite slabs are defined in clause B.3, on which
comments are given in Chapter 11 of this guide. The tests are suitable for finding the design
Clause 9.7.3(2) resistance to longitudinal shear by either of the methods referred to in clause 9.7.3(2).

The m–k method, and existing tests

An empirical ‘m–k method’ has long been established. It is difficult to predict the effect of changes
from test conditions using this method, because of the lack of analytical models, especially for

Chapter 9. Composite slabs with profiled steel sheeting for buildings

Figure 9.2. Shear spans for a composite slab with two-point loading

L/4 L/2 L/4

Lo Ls

slabs with ‘non-ductile’ behaviour. A model for ductile behaviour is given in Appendix B. The
m–k test is included in EN 1994-1-1 in a modified form, to provide continuity with earlier
practice; but values of m and k, determined in accordance with codes such as BS 5950-4
(British Standards Institution, 1994), cannot be used in design to EN 1994-1-1, as explained in
the comments on clause B.3.5. Subject to sufficient test data being available, it is possible
(Johnson, 2006) to convert the former values to those for use in design in accordance with
EN 1994.

A study for the European Convention for Constructional Steelwork (ECCS Working Group 7.6,
1998) found many differences between the methods of testing used. Conversion can be
difficult, both for the m–k method and for the partial-connection method, and the range of
applicability of the values found may be uncertain. Further details are given in Examples 11.1
and 11.2.

For the m–k method, the resistance to longitudinal shear is presented in clause 9.7.3(4) in terms Clause 9.7.3(4)
of vertical shear because of the way in which m and k are defined. Shear-bond failure is
characterised by the formation of a major crack in the slab at between one-quarter and one-
third of the span from a support, as shown in Figure 9.2. It is over the length AC from this
point to the end of the sheeting that significant slip occurs between the concrete and the sheeting,
so this is the length over which the resistance to longitudinal shear is mobilised.

The value 1.25 is recommended for the partial factor for longitudinal shear,  VS. This is
confirmed in the UK’s National Annex. Note 3 to clause 9.7.3(4) refers to the nominal
cross-section of sheeting and its former use in the evaluation of m and k. Determinations of
shear resistance to Annex B normally use the effective cross-section. In principle, the same
cross-sectional area should be used in the determination of shear resistance and in design
calculations using that resistance. However, any error from using the wrong area will be small
in comparison with the scatter found in tests for shear resistance, which is allowed for.

The location of point C in Figure 9.2 is unknown, and the finite widths (in the direction of the
span) of both the applied load and the support are further complications. The definition of the
‘shear span’ Ls for use with the m–k method is treated in clause 9.7.3(5), which gives values Clause 9.7.3(5)
for common load arrangements. For the two-point loading in Figure 9.2, it is the length BD.
For the partial-interaction method, calculation of the mean shear strength  u (clause B.3.6(3))
is based on the length Ls þ L0.

In clauses 9.7.3(3) and 9.7.3(5), L is the span of a simply supported test specimen. In
clause 9.7.3(6), the ‘isostatic span’ is the approximate length between the points of contraflexure Clause 9.7.3(6)
in a continuous span of length L between supports, and replaces L in clause 9.7.3(5).

The partial connection method

To avoid the risk of sudden failure, profiled sheeting should have ductile behaviour in longitu-
dinal shear. For plain sheeting, the ultimate shear resistance is not significantly greater than
that for initial slip. Such behaviour is not ‘ductile’ to clause 9.7.3(3), and is referred to as
‘brittle’ in clause B.3.5(1). The partial shear connection method is not applicable to slabs with
this behaviour (clause 9.7.3(2)). The m–k method may still be used, but with an additional
partial safety factor of 1.25, expressed by the reduction factor 0.8 in clause B.3.5(1).

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

For profiles with deformations such as embossments, the expected ultimate behaviour involves a
combination of friction and mechanical interlock after initial slip, giving a relationship between
load and deflection that should satisfy the definition of ‘ductile’ in clause 9.7.3(3).

For reasons explained above, the m–k method should not be used in new work. The basis of the
partial-connection method is now explained.

It is assumed that design data are to be determined from test results by the partial-connection
Clause 9.7.3(7) method of clauses 9.7.3(7) to 9.7.3(10). The analytical model, now given, is similar to that
used for composite beams (clause, and has been verified for slabs by full-scale tests
(Bode and Storck, 1990; Bode and Sauerborn, 1991). It is used in Example 11.2.

Clause 9.7.3(8) It is unfortunate that clause 9.7.3(8) refers back to clause 9.7.3(6) rather than restating its
equations. Symbols in clause 9.7.3 represent characteristic or design values. This can cause
confusion when Annex B is used, because the results from tests are neither: they are input data
for a statistical process. For example, the depth xpl is calculated in design using the factored
strength of concrete, but not when processing test data. There is further comment in Chapter 11.

For an assumed flexural failure at a cross-section at a distance Lx from the nearest support, the
compressive force Nc in a slab of breadth b is assumed to be given (Equation 9.8) by

Nc ¼  u,RdbLx (D9.1)

where the design shear strength  u,Rd is found by testing, to clause B.3. Its derivation takes
account of the difference between the perimeter of a cross-section of sheeting and its overall
breadth, b. By its definition in Equation 9.8, the force Nc cannot exceed the force for full
interaction, Nc,f . Hence, there are two neutral axes, one of which is within the steel profile.

In clause B.3.6(2) the degree of shear connection is defined as

 ¼ Nc/Nc,f (D9.2)

The longitudinal forces that determine the partial-interaction bending resistance MRd are all
known, for given , but calculation of the resistance moment by the method used for partial
interaction in composite beams is difficult. The line of action of the longitudinal force in the
sheeting (shown in Figure 11.5) depends on the complex geometry of its cross-section.

A simplified method is given in clause 9.7.3(8). It consists of using Equation 9.5 of clause 9.7.2(6),
with Nc,f replaced by Nc ( ¼ Nc,f ), and 0.5hc replaced by 0.5xpl, to determine the lever arm z:

z ¼ h  0.5xpl  ep þ (ep  e)Nc,f /(Ape fyp,d) (9.9)

The reason for these changes is that where xpl is much less than hc Equation 9.5 would give too
low a value for MRd, because it assumes that the line of action of the force Nc in the slab is at
depth hc/2.

It is not clear in EN 1994-1-1 whether the symbol xpl in Equation 9.9 means the full-interaction
value, or the reduced value, which in this guide is written xpl. The reduced value corresponds to
the model used, gives the higher value for z, and is recommended. The reduced depth of the stress
block in the concrete is likely to be above any top ribs that the sheeting may have. If not, the
comments on clauses 9.7.2(5) and 9.7.2(6) on the depth of the sheeting are relevant.

The value of the last two terms in Equation 9.9 increases from ep to e as  is increased from
0 to 1. When  ¼ 0, the sheeting is assumed to have a plastic hinge, so ep is the correct depth.
When  ¼ 1, the whole of the sheeting is at yield in tension. This force acts at its centre of
area, which is at distance e above its base.

Normally in profiled sheeting, ep  e  z. It can then be assumed, for simplicity, that the force
Nc in the sheeting acts at a height ep above its bottom fibre, giving a lever arm that becomes
correct as  ! 0, and is slightly too low for  < 1.

Chapter 9. Composite slabs with profiled steel sheeting for buildings

With these changes, Equation 9.9 becomes

z ¼ h  0.5xpl  ep (D9.3)
Equation 9.6 is modified by clause 9.7.3(8) to
Mpr ¼ 1.25Mpa[1  (Nc/Ape fyp,d)] ¼ 1.25Mpa[1  ]  Mpa (D9.4)
The bending resistance MRd of the slab, not stated in clause 9.7.3, can be deduced from Figure 9.6
(and Figure 11.5 in this guide). It is
MRd ¼ Mpr þ Ncz (D9.5)
For a value  u,Rd found from tests and any assumed distance Lx from the nearer end support, Nc,
, z, Mpr and MRd can be found in turn from Equations D9.1 to D9.5. Thus, a curve relating the
bending resistance MRd to the position in the span is obtained, based on longitudinal shear
failure. Its upper limit is the full-interaction flexural resistance MRd given by clause 9.7.2. The
design is satisfactory for longitudinal shear if the corresponding curve for MEd does not
project above the one for MRd, as shown in Example 9.1 and in Figure 9.5.

In tests, the resistance to longitudinal shear is increased by the friction associated with the
reaction at the adjacent end support. If this is allowed for when calculating  u,Rd, as permitted
by the optional clause B.3.6(3), a lower value is obtained. Clause 9.7.3(9) provides compensation Clause 9.7.3(9)
by using in the structure being designed the same effect, REd, as a contribution to the shear
resistance required. The value recommended for the coefficient of friction  is based on tests.

Additional reinforcement
Reinforcing bars may be provided in the troughs of the profiled sheeting, and this reinforcement
may be taken into account when calculating the resistance of the slab by the partial connection
method (clause 9.7.3(10)). Clause 9.7.3(10)

The analytical model assumes that the total resistance is that from the composite action of
the concrete with both the sheeting and the bars, as for reinforced concrete, determined by the
plastic analysis of the cross-section. The value of  u,Rd is obtained, as before, by testing of
specimens without additional reinforcement (clause B.3.2(7)).

The model may be appropriate for flexural failure of the slab, but its ability to predict the
resistance to longitudinal shear can be questioned, as follows.

As an example, suppose that there is a longitudinal 12 mm bar between each of the top ribs of the
cross-section shown in Figure 9.4(a), and at the same level in the slab. Suppose that  u,Rd is such
that shear failure occurs over a length Lx for which  < 1. At a distance Lx from a support, the top
ribs of the sheeting will be in compression. What stress should be assumed in the reinforcement at
the same level, when calculating the resistance to bending? The assumption that it is at yield in
tension implies that the slip strain is large.

Research on this subject is in progress and so far confirms the model above. In current practice,
where additional bars are provided to enhance resistance to fire, they are not normally assumed
to contribute to the shear resistance at normal temperatures. Their effect on deflections could be

If the m–k method were to be used, reinforcement in troughs would be an additional variable,
which would require a separate test series (clause B.3.1(3)), with evaluation based on the
measured strength of the reinforcement.

In deep decking of the type used in slim-floor systems, bar reinforcement is sometimes placed
near the bottom of troughs, and increases the resistance both to bending and to fire.

9.7.4 Longitudinal shear for slabs with end anchorage

Clause 9.7.4 refers to the two types of end anchorage defined in clause The anchorage Clause 9.7.4
provided by studs is ductile. It is preferable to that provided by deformed ribs of re-entrant
profiles, where poor compaction of concrete may occur.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

In the partial-connection method, the anchorage force is used as a contribution to the total force
Clause 9.7.4(2) Nc (clause 9.7.4(2)). For through-deck-welded studs, it can be calculated, to clause 9.7.4(3). The
Clause 9.7.4(3) model is based on the weld collar pulling through the end of the sheeting (see also the comments
on clause It is not clear how a contribution from deformed ribs should be determined, as
end anchorage is not used in the test specimens (clause B.3.2(7)).

Where anchorage forces are available on both sides of the steel flange, it and the sheeting provide
continuous resistance to tension across the steel beam. Some or all of this resistance can be
deemed to be effective as transverse reinforcement (clause, but that part of it must
be deducted from its contribution to Nc. The resistance Ppb,Rd cannot serve both purposes.

Studs used as the end anchorage of sheeting also resist longitudinal shear from the beam. They
are biaxially loaded, so clause applies. A summary of the checks required is now given.

A stud is located in a trough of transverse sheeting, as shown in Figure 6.31. Its shear resistances in
the trough are k‘PRd and ktPRd (clause 6.6.4) and from Equation 6.18 its shank shear resistance is

Ps,Rd ¼ (0.8fu
d 2/4)/ V

The bearing resistance of the sheeting (clause 9.7.4), Ppb,Rd, will be lower than the resistances of
the stud.

A designer wishes to allocate resistances as follows:

g N1 in the transverse direction, is for end anchorage of the sheeting

g N2 is a contribution to transverse reinforcement
g N3 is the longitudinal shear force on the stud from the composite beam.

The values chosen for N1 to N3 should satisfy three conditions. For the sheeting,

N1 þ N2  Ppb,Rd

For shank failure of the stud between the sheeting and the beam,

N22 þ N32  P2s;Rd

For failure of the stud in the trough,

(N1/k‘PRd)2 þ (N3/ktPRd)2  1

For the m–k method, end anchorage of either type (studs or deformed ribs) may be included in
the test specimens, but each type is an additional variable (clause B.3.1(3)), and would require a
separate test series.

9.7.5 Vertical shear

Clause 9.7.5 Clause 9.7.5 refers to EN 1992-1-1, where the resistance to vertical shear depends on the effective
depth d of the section. In a composite slab, where the sheeting is the reinforcement, d is the
distance dp to the centroid of the profile, shown in Figure 9.5.

In EN 1992, reinforcement that contributes to the shear resistance is assumed to be anchored

beyond the cross-section considered. It follows that sheeting that is neither continuous over
the supporting beam nor anchored to it should not be assumed to be effective for resistance to
vertical shear.

9.7.6 Punching shear

Clause 9.7.6(1) The critical perimeter for punching shear (clause 9.7.6(1)) has rounded corners, as does that used
in EN 1992-1-1. It is shorter than the rectangular perimeter used in BS 5950-4. It is based on
dispersion at 458 to the centroidal axis of the sheeting in the direction parallel to the ribs, but
only to the top of the sheeting in the less stiff transverse direction.

Chapter 9. Composite slabs with profiled steel sheeting for buildings

Clause 6.4.4 of EN 1992-1-1 gives the shear resistance as a stress, so one needs to know the depth
of slab on which this stress is assumed to act. For a concrete slab this would be the appropriate
effective depth in each direction. For a composite slab no guidance is given. BS 5950-4 (British
Standards Institution, 1994) takes the effective depth in both directions as that of the concrete
above the top of the profiled steel sheeting, to be used in conjunction with BS 8110 (British
Standards Institution, 1997). For sheeting with top ribs and thicknesses hpn and hpg (explained
in the comment on clause 6.6.4) it is simplest to take the effective depth in both directions as
h  hpg. A case could be made for using h  hpn in the direction parallel to the ribs, but no
supporting evidence is known to the author.

Wheel loading from fork-lift trucks should always be checked for punching shear. Additional
slab reinforcement may be required (Steel Construction Institute, 2011).

9.8. Verification of composite slabs for serviceability limit states

9.8.1 Cracking of concrete
Clause 9.8.1(1) refers to EN 1992-1-1, where, from clause 7.3.1(4), Clause 9.8.1(1)

Cracks may be permitted to form without any attempt to control their width, provided that
they do not impair the functioning of the structure.

For this situation, the provisions for minimum reinforcement above the internal supports of
composite slabs (clause 9.8.1(2)) are the same as those for beams in clause 7.4.1(4), where further Clause 9.8.1(2)
comment is given. Crack widths should always be controlled above supports of slabs subjected to
travelling loads. The methods of EN 1992-1-1 are applicable, neglecting the presence of the sheeting.

The ‘area of concrete above the ribs’ in this clause should be based on the thickness h  hpn, which
is explained in the comment on clause 6.6.4.

9.8.2 Deflection
Clause 9.8.2(1) refers to EN 1990, which lists basic criteria for the verification of deformations. Clause 9.8.2(1)

The construction phase

For construction, clause 9.8.2(2) refers to EN 1993-1-3, where clause 7.3(2) states that elastic Clause 9.8.2(2)
theory should be used, with the characteristic load combination (clause 7.1(3)). This corresponds
to an ‘irreversible’ limit state, which is appropriate for the deflection of sheeting due to the weight
of the finished slab. Where it can be assumed that, when the slab hardens, the imposed load on it
is negligible, the remaining deflection of the sheeting due to construction loads should also be
negligible; but this assumption, if made, should be based on relevant experience.

The prediction of construction loads may also be difficult. If in doubt, the deflection of the
sheeting at this time should be determined for the characteristic combination, even though the
less adverse frequent combination is permitted for reversible deflections.

Clause 7.3(4) of EN 1993-1-3 refers to clause 7.2 of EN 1993-1-1 which states that limits to
vertical deflections ‘should be agreed’, and may be specified in a National Annex. The UK’s
National Annex gives ‘suggested limits’ for deflection due to the characteristic variable loads.
They are span/360 for beams carrying brittle finishes and span/200 for other beams. These
ratios are unreliable for sheeting supporting wet concrete, because other components of deflec-
tion, including that of supporting beams, remain to be added on. Further comment is given
under clause 9.3.2, and in Examples 7.1 and 9.1.

The composite slab

For the composite member, clause 9.8.2(3) refers to Section 5 for global analysis, where the Clause 9.8.2(3)
comments made on continuous beams apply. Restraint of the bending of slabs from the torsional
stiffness of supporting members is usually ignored, but situations arise where it could cause

The rules in clause 9.8.2(4) permit the calculation of deflections to be omitted if both of two Clause 9.8.2(4)
conditions are satisfied. The first refers to limits to the ratio of the span to the effective depth

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

given in EN 1992-1-1. These are 20 for a simply supported slab, 26 for an external span of a
continuous slab, and 30 for an internal span. The effective depth should be that given in the
comment on clause 9.7.5.

Clause 9.8.2(6) The second condition (clause 9.8.2(6)) applies to external spans only. This presumably includes
simply supported spans, which are not referred to. It relates to the initial slip load found in tests –
information which may not be available to the designer. Two-point loading is used for testing, so
the ‘design service load’ must be converted to a point load. This can be done by assuming that
each point load equals the end reaction for a simply supported span under service loading.

Testing by the manufacturer of the sheeting is likely to have established whether the shear
behaviour is ductile to clause 9.7.3(3), but the rule in clause 9.8.2(6) requires the load to be
measured at a different end slip, 0.5 mm, which may not have been done. It can be quite variable,
and should presumably be taken as the mean from all the tests on the profile used in which long-
itudinal shear failure occurred.

Clause 9.8.2(7) Where the initial slip load in the tests is below the limit given in clause 9.8.2(6), clause 9.8.2(7)
provides a choice. Either the slip should be allowed for, which means estimating the deflection
from the test results; or ‘end anchors should be provided ’. There is no guidance on how much
end anchorage is required. Its effectiveness could be found by testing and analysis by the m–k
method, or estimated from analysis. Clause B.3.2(7) does not permit end anchors to be used in
tests for the partial-connection method that are done to determine resistance to longitudinal

Tied-arch model
Clause 9.8.2(8) The situation that is covered by clause 9.8.2(8) seems likely to arise only where:

g a high proportion of the shear connection is provided by welded studs

g its amount is established by calculation to clause 9.7.4
g no test data are available.

If the end anchorage is provided by deformed ribs, then experimental verification is essential, and
the slip behaviour will be known.

In the tied-arch model proposed, the whole of the shear connection is provided by end anchorage.
Accurate calculation of deflection is difficult, but the arch will be so shallow that the following
simplified method can be used.

The tie shown in Figure 9.3(a) consists of the effective area of the steel sheeting. Line AB denotes
its centroid. The thickness hc of the arch rib must be such that at the relevant bending moment
its compressive stress at mid-span is not excessive. There is interaction between its assumed
thickness hc and the lever arm ha, so a little trial-and-error is needed. Longitudinal forces at
mid-span are now known, and the strains "c and "t in the concrete and steel members can be
found, taking appropriate account of creep. In Figure 9.3(b), curve CB represents the arch rib.
The ratio L/ha is unlikely to be less than 20, so both the curve length and the chord length CB
can be taken as L/2, and

cosec   cot  ¼ L/(2ha)

Figure 9.3. Tied-arch model for the deflection of a composite slab with an end anchorage

hc ec cosec α
C δ
ha B et cot α
L/2 ec
(a) (b)

Chapter 9. Composite slabs with profiled steel sheeting for buildings

As shown in the figure, the changes in length of the members are

et ¼ "tL/2


ec ¼ "cL/2

so the deflection is given by

/L ¼ ("t þ "c)[L/(4ha)] (D9.6)

with both strains taken as positive numbers.

This method can be over-conservative. The shortening of the arch, including creep, usually far
exceeds the extension of the sheeting, so a low compressive stress should be assumed, even
though this reduces the angle . The simply supported composite slab of Example 9.1 provides
an illustration. Its span is 2.93 m. Assuming a compressive stress of 3.5 N/mm2 in the concrete
leads to a deflection of 14 mm: much greater than the 4.4 mm found later.

Taken as a whole, clause 9.8.2 can be difficult to satisfy. Designers need information from
manufacturers of sheeting that may not be available and will need interpretation, as tests can
reproduce only a few of the sets of dimensions, materials, etc., that are used in practice.

Example 9.1: two-span continuous composite slab

Details of the geometry assumed for this composite slab are shown in Figure 9.4(a). The
properties of the concrete and reinforcement are as used in the worked example on a two-
span beam in Chapters 6 and 7, where further information on them is given. The spacing of
the supporting composite beams is different, 3.0 m rather than 2.5 m. Their top-flange width
is 190 mm.

Figure 9.4. Composite slab. (a) Dimensions. (b) Mpl,Rd, sagging. (c) Second moment of area, sagging.
(d) Second moment of area, hogging

A252 mesh 200

60 48
412 kN
55 0.9, 30.3
26 26
164 136
(a) (b)


x 48
51 27
1178 e = 30 x
(c) (d)

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

The cross-section assumed for the sheeting satisfies the condition of clause 9.1.1 for ‘narrowly
spaced webs’. It provides shear connection by embossments, in accordance with clause

The definitions of its vertical dimensions in clause 1.6 are not sufficiently precise where top
ribs are present, as shown in Figure 9.4: hc is the ‘thickness of concrete above the main flat
surface of the top of the ribs of the sheeting’, and hp is the ‘overall depth’ of the sheeting. In
this guide, hp is replaced by hpn (55 mm in Figure 9.4) and hpg (70 mm). The overall depth
here is 130 mm, and the thickness hc is either 60 or 75 mm, depending on the verification
required. For this transverse sheeting, hc ¼ 60 mm for flexure of the beam and in-plane
shear in the slab, but can be taken as 75 mm for flexure of the slab, because these top ribs
are ‘small’, a term defined in the comment on clause 6.6.4.

Some of the design data used here have been taken from the relevant manufacturer’s

For simplicity, it is assumed that the reinforcement above the supporting beams, which
affects the properties of the composite slab in hogging bending, is not less than that
determined in Example 6.7 on the two-span beam, as follows:

g in regions where the beam resists hogging bending, as determined by the resistance to
distortional lateral buckling: As ¼ 565 mm2/m (12 mm bars at 200 mm spacing)
g in other regions, as determined by resistance to longitudinal shear: As  213 mm2/m.

It is assumed that A252 mesh is provided (As ¼ 252 mm2/m), resting on the sheeting. This has
8 mm bars at 200 mm spacing, both ways.

These details satisfy all the requirements of clause 9.2.1.

At the outset, two assumptions have to be made that affect the verification of a composite

g whether construction will be unpropped or propped

g whether the spans are modelled as simply supported or continuous.

Here, it will be assumed that unpropped construction will be used wherever possible. The
sheeting is provided in 6 m lengths, so no 3 m span can have sheeting continuous at both
ends. For a building 9 m wide, there will also be spans where 3 m lengths of sheeting are
used, so several end-of-span conditions will be considered.

Some of the design checks on a composite slab are usually satisfied by wide margins. These
checks will be simplified here by making conservative assumptions.

Properties of materials and profiled sheeting

g Lightweight-aggregate concrete: grade LC25/28,   1800 kg/m3, 0.85fcd ¼ 14.2 N/mm2,
Elctm ¼ 20.7 kN/mm2, n0 ¼ 10.1, flctm ¼ 2.32 N/mm2.
g Creep is allowed for by using n ¼ 20.2 for all loading (clause
g Reinforcement: fsk ¼ 500 N/mm , fsd ¼ 435 N/mm .
2 2

g Profiled sheeting: nominal thickness including zinc coating ¼ 0.9 mm; bare-metal
thickness ¼ 0.86 mm; area Ap ¼ 1178 mm2/m; weight ¼ 0.10 kN/m2; second moment of
area 106Iy,p ¼ 0.548 mm4/m; plastic neutral axis ep ¼ 33 mm above the bottom of
the section (notation as in Figure 9.6); centre of the area e ¼ 30.3 mm above the
bottom of the section; Ea ¼ 210 kN/mm2; yield strength fyk,p ¼ 350 N/mm2,
 M,p ¼ 1.0; plastic moment of the resistance in hogging and sagging bending
Mpa ¼ 6.18 kNm/m – this value is assumed to take account of the effect of
embossments (clause 9.5(1)).
g Composite slab: 130 mm thick, volume of concrete ¼ 0.105 m /m .
3 2

Chapter 9. Composite slabs with profiled steel sheeting for buildings

Loading for profiled sheeting

From clause 11.3.1(2) of EN 1992-1-1, the design density of the reinforced concrete is
1950 kg/m3, which is assumed to include the sheeting. The dead weight of the floor is

gk1 ¼ 1.95  9.81  0.105 ¼ 2.01 kN/m2

From note 2 to clause 4.11.1(7) of EN 1991-1-6 (British Standards Institution, 1991): for
fresh concrete the weight density should be increased by 1 kN/m3, so, for the initial
loading on the sheeting,

gk1 ¼ 2.01  20.5/19.5 ¼ 2.11 kN/m2

Construction loading during the casting of concrete, including ‘local heaping’ is explained
in the comment on clause 9.3.2(1). Here, qk ¼ 1.0 kN/m2 is assumed for all stages of

Loading for the composite slab

g Floor finish (permanent): gk2 ¼ 0.48 kN/m2.
g Variable load (including partitions, services, etc.): qk ¼ 7.0 kN/m .

The loads per unit area are summarised in Table 9.1, using  F,g ¼ 1.35,  F,q ¼ 1.5.

Table 9.1. Loadings per unit area of composite slab: kN/m2

Type of load Characteristic, Characteristic, Ultimate, Ultimate,

maximum minimum maximum minimum

During concreting:
Sheeting and concrete 2.11 0.10 2.85 0.13
Imposed load 1.00 0 1.50 0
Total 3.11 0.10 4.35 0.13
For composite slab:
Slab and floor finish 2.01 þ 0.48 2.49 3.36 3.36
Imposed load 7.00 0 10.5 0
Total 9.49 2.49 13.9 3.36
For deflection of composite slab 0.7  7 þ 0.48 ¼ 5.38 0.48 NA NA
after construction (frequent)

NA, not applicable.

Verification of sheeting
Ultimate limit state. From clause 9.2.3(2), the minimum width of the bearing of the sheeting
on a steel top flange is 50 mm. Assuming an effective support at the centre of this width, and a
190 mm steel flange, the effective length of a simply supported span is

3.0  0.19 þ 0.05 ¼ 2.86 m


MEd ¼ 4.35  2.862/8 ¼ 4.45 kN m/m

This is only 72% of Mpa, the bending resistance of the sheeting, so there is no need to
consider bending moments in the continuous slab, or to check the rotation capacity to

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Excluding the effects of continuity, for vertical shear:

VEd ¼ 4.35  1.43 ¼ 6.22 kN/m

There are 6.7 webs of depth 61 mm per metre width of sheeting, at an angle cos1 55/61 to
the vertical. In the absence of buckling, their shear resistance is given by EN 1993-1-3 as
(61/55)VRd ¼ 6.7  61  0.9  0.350/ 3

whence VRd ¼ 74.3 kN/m.

The slenderness of each web is 61/0.9 ¼ 68, which is close to the limit at which buckling must
be considered; but VEd is so far below VRd, as is usual for the construction stage, that no
calculation is needed.

Deflection. A note to clause 9.6(2) recommends that the deflection should not exceed span/
180. The worst case is where a span is simply supported. Then,

¼ 5wL4/(384EaIy) ¼ 5  2.01  2.864  1000/(384  210  0.548) ¼ 15.2 mm

For fresh concrete, this is increased to

15.2  20.5/19.5 ¼ 16.0 mm

From clause 9.3.2(1), allowance should be made for ponding if the deflection exceeds one-
tenth of the slab thickness (13 mm), as it does here. The specified thickness of the additional
concrete is 0.7 . Its weight, for fresh concrete, is

0.7  0.016  20.5 ¼ 0.23 kN/m2

This increases the deflection to

16  2.34/2.11 ¼ 17.7 mm

which is span/161, and so exceeds span/180.

It follows that where the sheeting is not continuous at either end of a 3 m span, propping
should be used during construction.

The effects of continuity at one end of a span are now considered. The most adverse condi-
tion occurs when the concrete in one span has been cast before the other span. Assuming that
no construction load is present, the loadings are 2.11 kN/m2 on one span and 0.10 kN/m2 on
the other. The spans should be taken as slightly longer than 2.84 m, to allow for the hogging
curvature over the width of the central support. The appropriate length is

(2.86 þ 3.0)/2 ¼ 2.93 m

It can be shown by elastic analysis of a continuous beam of uniform section, with uniformly
distributed loading, that the deflection at the centre of a span is

¼ 0[1  0.6(M1 þ M2)/M0)]

where the hogging end moments are M1 and M2, and 0 and M0 are the deflection and the
mid-span moment of the span when the end moments are zero.

From elastic analysis for a span of 2.93 m, M0 ¼ 2.26 kN m, M1 ¼ 1.19 kN m, M2 ¼ 0 and

0 ¼ 19.5 mm, including ponding. Hence,

¼ 19.5 [1  0.6  1.19/2.26)] ¼ 13.4 mm

Chapter 9. Composite slabs with profiled steel sheeting for buildings

The final deflection when the concrete is no longer fresh is

13.4  2.01/2.11 ¼ 12.7 mm

with a small further reduction when the other span is cast.

Verification of the composite slab

Plastic resistance moment. For sagging bending, the plastic neutral axis is likely to be above
the sheeting, so clause 9.7.2(5) applies. The tensile force in the sheeting, when at yield, is

Fy,p ¼ Ap fyp,d ¼ 1178  0.35 ¼ 412 kN/m (D9.7)

The depth of slab in compression (Figure 9.4(b)) is

412/14.2 ¼ 29 mm (D9.8)

The lever arm is

130  30.3  29/2 ¼ 85 mm


Mpl,Rd ¼ 412  0.085 ¼ 35 kN m/m (D9.9)

Second moments of area. For sagging bending, the transformed width of concrete is 1000/
20.2 ¼ 49 mm/m. For an elastic neutral axis at depth x (Figure 9.4(c)), first moments of
area give

1178(100  x) ¼ 49x2/2

whence x ¼ 49 mm. Hence

106Iy ¼ 0.548 þ 1178  0.0512 þ 49  0.493/3 ¼ 5.53 mm4/m

For hogging bending with sheeting present, each trough in the sheeting is replaced by a
rectangle of width 162 mm. There is one trough per 300 mm, so the transformed width of
concrete is

49  162/300 ¼ 27 mm/m

For a neutral axis at a height x above the bottom of the slab (Figure 9.4(d)),

252(82  x) ¼ 1178(x  30) þ 27x(x/2)

whence x ¼ 30.6 mm. Thus, the neutral axis almost coincides with the centre of area of the
sheeting, and

106Iy ¼ 0.548 þ (252  51.42 +27  30.63/3)  106 ¼ 1.47 mm4/m

Deflection. This is considered first, as it sometimes governs the design. Clause 9.8.2(4) gives
conditions under which a check on deflection may be omitted. It refers to clause 7.4 of
EN 1992-1-1. Table 7.4 in that clause gives the limiting ratio of the span to the effective
depth for an end span as 26. The depth to the centroid of the sheeting is 100 mm, so the
ratio is 2.93/0.1 ¼ 29.3, and the condition is not satisfied.

Deflection is a reversible limit state, for which a note to clause 6.5.3(2) of EN 1990
recommends the use of the frequent combination. The 1 factor for this combination
depends on the floor loading category. From Table A1.1 in EN 1990, it ranges from 0.5

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

to 0.9, and is here taken as 0.7, the value for ‘shopping’ or ‘congregation’ areas. From
Table 9.1, the maximum and minimum loadings are 5.38 and 0.48 kN/m, respectively. For
a simply supported loaded span of 2.93 m, with Iy ¼ 5.53  106 mm4/m, the deflection is
4.4 mm. The region above the central support is likely to be cracked. A more accurate calcu-
lation for the two-span slab, assuming 15% of each span to be cracked, and with 0.48 kN/m
on the other span, gives the deflection of the fully loaded span as 3.5 mm. Hence, the total
deflection of the slab, if cast unpropped, is

total ¼ 12.7 þ 3.5 ¼ 16 mm

which is span/183. This value is not the total deflection, as it is relative to the levels of the
supporting beams. In considering whether it is acceptable, account should also be taken of
their deflection (see Example 7.1). If it is found to be excessive, propped construction
should be used for the composite slab.

Ultimate limit states: flexure. From Table 9.1, the maximum loading is 13.9 kN/m. For a
simply supported span,

MEd ¼ 13.9  2.932/8 ¼ 14.9 kN m

This is so far below the plastic moment of resistance, 35 kN m/m, that there is no need, for
this check, to consider continuity or the resistance to hogging bending.

Where it is necessary to consider continuity, clause 9.4.2 on global analysis and clause
9.7.2(4) on the resistance to hogging bending are applicable.

Longitudinal shear by the m–k method. For longitudinal shear, it is assumed that there is no
end anchorage, so that clause 9.7.3 is applicable. The shear properties of this sheeting are
determined and discussed in Examples 11.1 and 11.2 and Appendix B.

It is assumed that tests have shown that the sheeting provides ‘ductile’ shear connection to
clause 9.7.3(3), and that the values for use in the m–k method are m ¼ 184 N/mm2 and
k ¼ 0.0530 N/mm2. From clause 9.7.3(4), the design shear resistance is

V‘,Rd ¼ bdp/ VS[(mAp/bLs) þ k]

where dp is the depth to the centroidal axis of the sheeting, 100 mm; Ap is the cross-sectional
area of breadth b of the sheeting, 1178 mm2/m; Ls is span/4, or 0.73 m, from clause 9.7.3(5);
and  VS is the partial safety factor, with a recommended value 1.25. These values give
V‘,Rd ¼ 28.0 kN/m, which must not be exceeded by the vertical shear in the slab.

For a simply supported span,

VEd  1.5  13.9 ¼ 20.9 kN/m

For the two-span layout, it will be a little higher at the internal support, but clearly will not
exceed 28 kN/m.

Vertical shear. Clause 9.7.5 refers to clause 6.2.2 of EN 1992-1-1. This gives a formula for
the resistance in terms of the ‘area of tensile reinforcement’, which is required to extend a
certain distance beyond the section considered. The sheeting is unlikely to satisfy this
condition at an end support, but its anchorage has already been confirmed by the check
on longitudinal shear. Treating the sheeting as the ‘reinforcement’, the clause gives the
resistance to vertical shear as 49 kN/m, which far exceeds VEd, found above. Ignoring the
sheeting, VRd ¼ 35 kN/m.

Serviceability limit state  cracking. Clause 9.8.1(1) is for ‘continuous’ slabs. This slab can be
assumed to satisfy the condition of clause 9.8.1(2): to have been designed as simply supported

Chapter 9. Composite slabs with profiled steel sheeting for buildings

in accordance with clause 9.4.2(5). To control cracking above intermediate supports, that
clause requires the provision of reinforcement to clause 9.8.1.

The amount required, for unpropped construction, is 0.2% of the area of concrete ‘on top of
the steel sheet’. For this purpose, the mean concrete thickness is relevant. This is close to
75 mm, so the area required is 150 mm2/m, and the A252 mesh used here is sufficient.

However, if any spans are constructed propped, to reduce deflections, then the required area
is doubled, and A252 mesh is not sufficient.

Longitudinal shear resistance by the partial-connection method. In Example 11.2 it was

deduced from tests on slabs with the sheeting used here that its design shear strength was

 u,Rd ¼ 0.144 N/mm2 (D9.10)

Specific conditions for the use of test results in design are given in clause B.3.1(4). They relate
to the thickness and strength of the sheeting and the strength of the concrete. Clause B.3.1(3)
defines the concrete density and the slab thickness as ‘variables to be investigated ’. Section 9
gives no guidance on what allowance should be made, if any, for differences between the test
and design values of these variables. These subjects are now discussed. Data used in this
example are given in parentheses, with X indicating compliance.

(a) The thickness of the sheeting including coating, 0.9 mm, is not less than in the tests
(0.9 mm, X).
(b) The specified strength of the concrete is not less than 80% of the mean value in the
tests. Based on cube strengths, 0.8  34.4 ¼ 27.5 N/mm2 (C25/30 concrete, X).
(c) The concrete density, measured 1.5 hours after mixing, was 1944 kg/m3. This takes no
account of the loss of moisture. The design density, 1800 kg/m3, is lower, but
acceptable because the more important check on compressive strength is satisfied.
(d ) The specified yield strength of the sheeting, 350 N/mm2, is high enough, as discussed
in Example 11.1.
(e) The thickness of the slab was 170 mm for tests 1–4 and 120 mm for tests 5–8. The
shear strength used here, 0.144 N/mm2, is calculated from the tests on the 170 mm
slabs. The tests on 120 mm slabs gave a higher value for  u,Rd. It should not be used
for the 130 mm slabs in this example, for reasons explained in Example 11.2. The
effect of the slab thickness is discussed more generally in Appendix B.

Design partial-interaction diagram. To satisfy clause 9.7.3(7) it is necessary to show that

throughout the span (coordinate x) the curve of the design bending moment, MEd(x),
nowhere lies above the curve of the design resistance, MRd(x), which is a function of the
degree of shear connection, (x). These two curves are now constructed.

From Table 9.1, the design ultimate load for the slab is 13.9 kN/m2, assumed to act on the
composite member. The verification for flexure assumed simply supported spans of 2.93 m,
which gives MEd,max as 14.9 kN m/m, at mid-span. The parabolic bending-moment diagram
is plotted, for a half span, in Figure 9.5.

From Equation 9.8 in clause 9.7.3(8), the compressive force in the slab at a distance x m from
an end support (i.e. with Lx ¼ x) is

Nc ¼  u,Rdbx ¼ 0.144  1000x ¼ 144x kN/m

For full interaction,

Nc,f ¼ Ap fyp,d ¼ 412 kN/m

The length of the shear span needed for full interaction is therefore

Ls,f ¼ 412/144 ¼ 2.86 m

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Figure 9.5. Design partial-interaction diagram

M: kN m/m


Mpa = 6.18 1.27MEd


0 0.5 1.0 1.5 x: m

This exceeds span/2 (1.47 m), so full interaction is not achieved in a span of this length.

From Figure 9.5, the depth of the full-interaction stress block in the slab is

xpl ¼ Nc,f /(0.85fcdb) ¼ 412/14.2 ¼ 29 mm

With partial interaction, this value gives a slightly conservative result for z, and is used here
for simplicity.

With h ¼ 130 mm, ep ¼ 33 mm and e ¼ 30.3 mm as before, Equation 9.9 for the lever arm gives

z ¼ 130  29/2  33 þ (33  30.3) (144x)/412 ¼ 82 þ 1.05x mm

The reduced bending resistance of the composite slab is given by Equation 9.6 with Nc,f
replaced by Nc and Mpa ¼ 6.18 kN m/m, as before:

Mpr ¼ 1.25  6.18(1  144x/412) ¼ 7.72  2.7x  6.18


x  (7.72  6.18)/2.7 ¼ 0.570 m

From Figure 9.6, the plastic resistance is

MRd ¼ Ncz þ Mpr ¼ 0.144x(82 þ 1.05x) þ 7.72  2.7x

¼ 7.72 þ 9.11x þ 0.151x2

for 0.57  x  1.47 m. For x < 0.57 m,

MRd ¼ 0.144x(82 þ 1.05x) þ 6.18 ¼ 6.18 þ 11.8x þ 0.151x2

The curve MRd(x) is plotted as AB in Figure 9.5. It lies above the curve 0C for MEd at all
cross-sections, showing that there is sufficient resistance to longitudinal shear.

This result can be compared with that from the m–k method, as follows. Curve 0C is scaled
up until it touches curve AB. The scale factor is found to be 1.27 (curve 0DE), with contact at
x ¼ 1.0 m. Shear failure thus occurs along a length of 1.0 m adjacent to an end support. The
vertical reaction at that support is then

VEd ¼ 1.27  13.9  2.93/2 ¼ 25.9 kN/m

Chapter 9. Composite slabs with profiled steel sheeting for buildings

This is 8% lower than the 28 kN/m found by the m–k method. It was concluded in
Example 11.2 that its result for  u,Rd is probably too low, because the test span was too
long. The two methods therefore give consistent results, for this example. No general
comparison of them is possible, because the partial shear-connection method involves the
bending-moment distribution, while the m–k method does not.

The calculations summarised in this example illustrate provisions of EN 1994-1-1 that are
unlikely to be needed for routine design. They are relevant to the preparation of design
charts or tables for composite slabs using sheeting of a particular thickness and profile.
These are normally prepared by specialists working on behalf of the manufacturer.

Bode H and Sauerborn I (1991) Partial shear connection design of composite slabs. Proceedings of
the 3rd International Conference. Association for International Co-operation and Research in
Steel–Concrete Composite Structures, Sydney, pp. 467–472.
Bode H and Storck I (1990) Background Report to Eurocode 4 (continuation of Report EC4/7/88),
Chapter 10 and Section 10.3: Composite Floors with Profiled Steel Sheet. University of
Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern.
British Standards Institution (BSI) (1991) BS EN 1991-1-6. Actions on structures. Part 1-6: Actions
during execution. BSI, London.
BSI (1994) BS 5950-4. Code of practice for design of floors with profiled steel sheeting. BSI,
BSI (1997) BS 8110. Structural use of concrete. Part 1: Code of practice for design and
construction. BSI, London.
BSI (2002) BS EN 1991. Actions on structures. Part 1-1: Densities, self weight and imposed loads.
BSI, London.
BSI (2006) BS EN 1993-1-3. Design of steel structures. Part 1-3: Cold formed thin gauge members
and sheeting. BSI, London.
ECCS Working Group 7.6 (1998) Longitudinal Shear Resistance of Composite Slabs: Evaluation of
Existing Tests. European Convention for Constructional Steelwork, Brussels. Report 106.
Gardner L (2011) Steel Building Design: Stability of Beams and Columns. Publication P360, Steel
Construction Institute, Ascot.
Guo S and Bailey C (2007) Experimental and numerical research on multi-span composite slab. In:
Steel Concrete and Composite and Hybrid Structures (Lam D (ed.)). Research Publishing Services,
Singapore, pp. 339–344.
Johnson RP (2004) Composite Structures of Steel and Concrete: Beams, Columns, Frames, and
Applications in Building, 3rd edn. Blackwell, Oxford.
Johnson RP (2006) The m–k and partial-interaction models for shear resistance of composite
slabs, and the use of non-standard test data. In: Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete V
(Leon RT and Lange J (eds)). American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, pp. 157–165.
Rackham JW, Couchman GH and Hicks SJ (2009) Composite Slabs and Beams Using Steel
Decking: Best Practice for Design and Construction, revised edn. Publication P300, Steel
Construction Institute, Ascot.
Stark JWB and Brekelmans JWPM (1990) Plastic design of continuous composite slabs. Journal of
Constructional Steel Research 15: 23–47.
Steel Construction Institute (2011) Composite Floors – Wheel Loads from Forklift Trucks. Advisory
Desk Note AD 150. Steel Construction Institute, Ascot.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures
ISBN 978-0-7277-4173-8

ICE Publishing: All rights reserved

Chapter 10
Annex A (Informative). Stiffness of
joint components in buildings

This chapter corresponds to Annex A in EN 1994-1-1, which has the following clauses:

g Scope Clause A.1

g Stiffness coefficients Clause A.2
g Deformation of the shear connection Clause A.3

Annex A is needed for the application of clause 8. It is ‘informative’ because the ‘component’
approach to the design of steel and composite joints continues to be developed. Its content
was based on the best available research, much of which was recent. It is informed by and gener-
ally consistent with two reports prepared on behalf of the steel industry (Couchman and Way,
1998; ECCS TC11, 1999). The UK’s National Annex permits it to be used.

A.1. Scope
This annex supplements the provisions on the stiffness of steel joints in clause 6.3 of EN 1993-1-8
(British Standards Institution, 2005). Its scope is limited (clause A.1(1)). It covers conventional Clause A.1(1)
joints in regions where the longitudinal slab reinforcement is in tension, and the use of steel
contact plates in compression. As in EN 1993-1-8, the stiffness coefficients ki are determined
(clause A.1(2)), with dimensions of length, such that when multiplied by Young’s elastic Clause A.1(2)
modulus for steel the result is a conventional stiffness (force per unit extension or compression).
For a known lever arm z between the tensile and compressive forces across the joint, the
rotational stiffness is easily found from these coefficients.

As in EN 1993-1-8, stiffnesses of components are combined in the usual way, for example:

k ¼ k1 þ k2 (for two components in parallel)

1/k ¼ 1/k1 þ 1/k2 (for two components in series)

The stiffness coefficients k1 to k16 are defined in Table 6.11 of EN 1993-1-8. Those relevant to
composite joints are listed in Section 8.2 of this guide. Of these, only k1 and k2 are modified here,
to allow for steel contact plates and for the encasement of a column web in concrete (clause A.1(3)). Clause A.1(3)

A.2. Stiffness coefficients

The background to this clause is available (Huber, 1999). The coefficients have been calibrated
against test results. For longitudinal reinforcement in tension, clause A.2.1.1(1) gives formulae Clause A.2.1.1(1)
for the coefficient ks,r in terms of the bending moments MEd,1 and MEd,2, shown in Figure A.1
and Figure 8.3. Subscripts 1 and 2 are used here also for the properties of the connections on
which these moments act. The concrete slab is assumed to be fully cracked.

The transformation parameters 1 and 2 allow for the effects of unequal bending moments
applied to the pair of connections on either side of a column. They are given in clause 5.3(9)
of EN 1993-1-8, with simplified values in paragraph (8). The latter are discontinuous functions
of MEd,2/MEd,1, as shown in Figure 10.1(a). The sign convention in EN 1993-1-8 is that both
moments are positive when hogging, with MEd,1  MEd,2. The range covered by EN 1993-1-8 is

1  MEd,2/MEd,1  1

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Figure 10.1. Flexibility of reinforcement. (a) Transformation parameter, . (b) Flexibility of reinforcement,
represented by 1 and 2, for M1  M2

β λ
β2, precise
β1 and β2, λ1
approximate Precise β:
Approximate β:
β1, precise 1 3.6


–1 0 1 M2/M1 0 1 M2/M1

(a) (b)

The stiffness coefficients ks,r in Table A.1 are based on reinforcement in tension. Composite joints
with MEd,2 < 0 are outside the scope of EN 1994-1-1.

A typical stiffness coefficient is

ks,r ¼ As,r/h (D10.2)

where h is the depth of the steel section of the column, and 1 and 2 (for the connections on
sides 1 and 2 of the column) are functions of 1 and 2, respectively, given in Table A.1. Based
on both the precise and the simplified values for the s given in EN 1993-1-8, they are plotted
against the moment ratio M2/M1 (using this notation for MEd,2 and MEd,1) in Figure 10.1(b).
For the simplified s, they are discontinuous at M2/M1 ¼ 0 and 1, as shown by dotted lines.

Except where M2 ¼ M1, the precise values of for the two beams are different. The approximate
values (Figure 10.1(a)) are the same, and are used here.

It is the extension of a length h of reinforcement that is assumed to contribute to the flexibility of

the joint. Figure 10.1(b) shows that when M2 ¼ M1 this length for connection 1 is h/2, increasing
to 3.6h when M2 ¼ 0. This is the value in Table A.1 for a single-sided joint.

The flexibility 1/ks,r for connection 2 becomes negative for M2 < 0.5M1. This is an anomaly in
the code. Research has found that the steel tension zone of the joint that resists the lower
bending moment should then be treated as rigid (ks,r ! 1). The modification for slip of the
shear connection (factor kslip in clause A.3.2) then does not apply.

Clause A.2.1.2 The ‘infinite’ stiffness of a steel contact plate (clause A.2.1.2) simply means that one term in an
equation of type D10.1 is zero.

Clause A.2.2.1 In clause A.2.2.1, the stiffness of a column web panel in shear is reduced below the value in
EN 1993-1-8 because the force applied by a contact plate may be more concentrated than
would occur with other types of end-plate connection.

Clause A.2.2.2 Similarly, the stiffness for a web in transverse compression has been reduced in clause A.2.2.2,
where the value 0.2 replaces 0.7 in EN 1993-1-8.

Concrete encasement
Encasement in concrete increases the stiffness of the column web in shear, which is given for an
uncased web in EN 1993-1-8 as

k1 ¼ 0.38Avc/ z

Chapter 10. Annex A (Informative). Stiffness of joint components in buildings

The addition to k1 given in clause A.2.3.1(1) has a similar form: Clause A.2.3.1(1)

k1,c ¼ 0.06(Ecm/Ea)bchc/ z

where (Ecm/Ea) is the modular ratio and bchc is the area of concrete.

For an encased column web in compression (clause A.2.3.2), the relationship with the stiffness Clause A.2.3.2
of the steel web is similar to that for the web in shear. The coefficient in the additional stiffness
k2,c is 0.5 for an end plate, but reduces to 0.13 for a contact plate, because of the more
concentrated force.

A.3. Deformation of the shear connection

The background to the rather complex provisions of clause A.3 is given in Appendix 3 of Clause A.3
ECCS TC11 (1999) and in COST-C1 (1997). They are based on linear partial-interaction
theory for the shear connection. Equations A.6 to A.8 are derived as Equations 7.26 and 7.28
in Aribert (1999).

Equation A.5 in clause A.3(2) can be rearranged as follows:

1/(kslipks,r) ¼ (Ksc þ Esks,r)/(Kscks,r) ¼ Es/Ksc þ 1/ks,r

This format shows that the flexibility Es/Ksc has been added to that of the reinforcement, 1/ks,r, to
give the combined stiffness, kslipks,r. It also shows that, unlike the kis, Ksc is a conventional
stiffness, force per unit extension.

The definition of the stiffness of a shear connector in clause A.3(3) assumes that the mean load per Clause A.3(3)
connector will be a little below the design strength, PRk/ VS (in the UK, 0.8PRk). Where the slab
is composite, the tests should ideally be ‘specific push tests’ to clause B.2.2(3). In practice, the
approximate value given in clause A.3(4) for 19 mm studs, 100 kN/mm, may be preferred. Its
use is limited to slabs in which the reduction factor kt (clause is unity. It may not
apply, therefore, to pairs of studs in each trough, as used in Example 6.7.

In fact, this stiffness, the connector modulus, can vary widely. Johnson and Buckby (1986) refer
to a range from 60 kN/mm for 16 mm studs to 700 kN/mm for 25 mm square bar connectors; and
an example by Johnson (2004) uses 150 kN/mm for 19 mm studs. The value 100 kN/mm is of the
correct magnitude, but designs that are sensitive to its accuracy should be avoided.

Comments on the stiffness of joints

The following example shows that the calculation of the stiffness of a joint can be complex. It is
unlikely to become a routine process. For the most widely used types of joint there is a need for
simplified formulae based on parametric studies, for tables of results, and for research on the
extent to which highly approximate stiffnesses would be sufficient for use in practice. Further
comment will be found at the end of Example 8.1.

Example 10.1: elastic stiffness of an end-plate joint

The rotational stiffness Sj,ini, modified to give Sj, is needed for elastic or elastic–plastic global
analysis, both for finding the required rotation of the joint and for checking the deflection of
the beams. The stiffnesses ki shown in Figure 8.3 are now calculated. Formulae for the steel
components are given in Table 6.11 of EN 1993-1-8. Dimensions are shown in Figures 8.8
and 8.9.

Column web in shear

From Table 6.11 of EN 1993-1-8,

k1 ¼ 0.38Avc/ z

It was shown in Example 8.1 that the relevant lever arm, z, is 543 mm. This stiffness is
relevant only for unequal beam loading, for which the approximate transformation

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

parameter is 1.0 (see Figure 10.1). The shear area of the column web is 3324 mm2 (see
Example 8.1), so

k1 ¼ 0.38  3324/543 ¼ 2.33 mm (D10.3)

Column web in compression – unstiffened

From Table 6.11 of EN 1993-1-8,

k2 ¼ 0.7beff,c,wctwc/dc

From Example 8.1, the width of the web, beff,c,wc, is 248 mm; twc ¼ 10 mm and the effective
compressed length is

dc ¼ 240  2(21 þ 17) ¼ 164 mm


k2 ¼ 0.7  248  10/164 ¼ 10.6 mm

Column web in tension – unstiffened

From Table 6.11 of EN 1993-1-8,

k3 ¼ 0.7beff,t,wctwc/dc

where beff,t,wc is the smallest of the effective lengths ‘eff found for the column T stub. These
are given in Table 6.4 of EN 1993-1-8. The smallest is 2
m, with m ¼ 23.2 mm (Figure 8.9), so
‘eff ¼ 146 mm. Hence,

k3 ¼ 0.7  146  10/164 ¼ 6.22 mm

Column flange in bending

From Table 6.11 of EN 1993-1-8,

k4 ¼ 0.9‘eff (tfc/m)3

where ‘eff ¼ 2
m as above, so

k4 ¼ 0.9  146(17/23.2)3 ¼ 51.7 mm

End plate in bending

From Table 6.11 of EN 1993-1-8,

k5 ¼ 0.9‘eff (tp/m)3

The smallest ‘eff for the end plate was 213 mm (Example 8.1), and from Figure 8.9,
m ¼ 33.9 mm. Hence,

k5 ¼ 0.9  213(12/33.9)3 ¼ 8.50 mm

Bolt in tension
From Table 6.11 of EN 1993-1-8,

k10 ¼ 1.6As/Lb

where Lb is the grip length (29 mm) plus an allowance for the bolt head and nut; total 44 mm.
The tensile stress area is 245 mm2 per bolt, so

k10 ¼ 1.6  245/44 ¼ 8.91 mm

per row of two bolts, as explained in the comment on clause 8.3.3.

Chapter 10. Annex A (Informative). Stiffness of joint components in buildings

Slab reinforcement in tension

Let h be the length of the reinforcing bar assumed to contribute to the flexibility of the joint.
There are two cases:

g beams equally loaded, for which 1 ¼ 2 ¼ 0.5, from Figure 10.1

g beams unequally loaded, for which 1 ¼ 3.6 and 2 ¼ 0, based on the approximate
values for .

From Equation D10.2,

ks,r ¼ As,r/h

where As,r ¼ 1206 mm2 and h ¼ 240 mm. It follows that

ks,r(a) ¼ 1206/(0.5  240) ¼ 10.05 mm

for both joints,

ks,r(b) ¼ 1206/(3.6  240) ¼ 1.40 mm

for the joint in span BC and

ks,r(b) ! 1

for the joint in span AB. This result is reviewed later.

Deformation of the shear connection and the reduced stiffness of reinforcement

Reference should be made to clause A.3, which is too long to reproduce here. In its notation:

g hogging length of the beam, taken as 15% of the span: ‘ ¼ 0.15  12 ¼ 1.80 m
g distance of bars above the centre of compression: hs ¼ 543 mm from Figure 8.8(a)
g distance of bars above the centroid of the steel beam: ds ¼ 225 þ 100 =325 mm from
Figure 8.8
g second moment of area of the steel beam: 106Ia ¼ 337 mm4.

Allowance will be made for the possible reduced stiffness of pairs of studs in a trough of
sheeting by taking N, the number in length ‘, as the equivalent number of single studs. In
Example 6.7, 19.8 equivalent studs were spread along a 2.4 m length of beam each side of
support B (see Figure 6.30). In Example 8.1, the area of tension reinforcement was
reduced from 1470 to 1206 mm2, but the shear connection is now assumed to be as before.

For ‘ ¼ 1.8 m,

N ¼ 19.8  1.8/2.4 ¼ 14.85 studs

From Equation A.8,

 ¼ EaIa/(ds2EsAs) ¼ 210  337/(0.3252  200  1206) ¼ 2.778

From Equation A.7,

¼ [(1 þ )Nksc‘ds2/EaIa]1/2

¼ [3.778  14.85  0.100  1.8  3252/(210  337)]1/2 ¼ 3.88

From Equation A.6,

Ksc ¼ Nksc/[ – (  1)(hs/ds)/(1 þ )]

¼ 14.85  100/[3.88  2.88(543/325)/3.778] ¼ 570 kN/mm

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

From Equation A.5, the reduction factor to be applied to ks,r, the stiffness coefficient for the
reinforcement, is

kslip ¼ 1/[1 þ Esks,r/Ksc] ¼ 1/[1 þ 210ks,r/570]

The symbol ks,red is used for the reduced value. For ks,r ¼ 10.05 mm, kslip ¼ 0.213, whence

ks,red ¼ ks,rkslip ¼ 2.14 mm

for beams equally loaded.

For unequal loading, as explained in the comment on clause A.2.1.1(1), 1/ks,r should be
taken as zero where Mj,2,Ed/Mj,1,Ed  0.5. Here, it is 134/284 ¼ 0.47 from Figure 8.11, so,
for span BA,

ks,red ! 1 (D10.4)

For span BC, ks,r ¼ 1.40 mm and kslip ¼ 0.660, whence

ks,red ¼ 0.924 mm (D10.5)

Stiffness of joints, for both beams fully loaded

The rules for the assembly of stiffnesses in Table 6.10 of EN 1993-1-8 are extended on p. B3.7
of ECCS TC11 (1999) to allow for the slab reinforcement.

Stiffness in tension. Stiffnesses 3, 4, 5 and 10 (bolts and end plate) are in series (see Figure
8.3). For these,

1/kt ¼ 1/6.22 þ 1/51.7 þ 1/8.5 þ 1/8.91 ¼ 0.410 mm1

kt ¼ 2.44 mm

It is notable that only one of the four terms (for the column flange) is negligible.

The lever arm for kt is z2 ¼ 0.383 m. The lever arm for the reinforcement is z1 ¼ 0.543 m, and
ks,red ¼ 2.14 mm. The equivalent (effective) lever arm is

zeq ¼ (ks,redz12 þ ktz22)/(ks,redz1 þ ktz2) ¼ 0.989/2.096 ¼ 0.472 m (D10.6)

The stiffness in tension, which was 2.44 mm, is almost doubled by the reinforcing bars to

kt,eq ¼ (ks,redz1 þ ktz2)/zeq ¼ 2.096/0.472 ¼ 4.44 mm (D10.7)

Stiffness in compression. Only the stiffness for the column web is required:

k2 ¼ 10.6 mm

Stiffness of joints. From clause 6.3.1 of EN 1993-1-8, the initial stiffness of the composite
joint at B is

Sj,ini ¼ Eaz2eq/(1/kt,eq þ 1/k2)

¼ 210  0.4722/(1/4.44 þ 1/10.6) ¼ 146 kN m/mrad (D10.8)

In general, the denominator (1/kt,eq þ 1/k2) includes all the ki stiffnesses that are in series in
the joint considered. Here, a term for shear in the column web will be added later.

If, during construction, the end plates yield in tension, the tensile stiffness represented by
kt becomes ineffective for actions on the composite member, leaving only the top

Chapter 10. Annex A (Informative). Stiffness of joint components in buildings

reinforcement. Then, for the stiffness of the composite joint,

kt ¼ 0

zeq ¼ z1

keq ¼ ks,red ¼ 2.14 mm

and Equation D10.8 becomes

Sj,ini ¼ Eaz12/(1/ks,red þ 1/k2)

¼ 210  0.5432/(1/2.14 þ 1/10.6) ¼ 110 kN m/mrad (D10.9)

For each joint during construction, ks,red ¼ 0, z ¼ z2 and keq ¼ kt, so

Sj,ini,steel ¼ 210  0.3832/(1/2.44 þ 1/10.6) ¼ 61 kN m/mrad (D10.10)

Stiffness of joints, for the imposed load on span BC only

The flexibility of the column web in shear, 1/k1, (Equation D10.3) must now be included, and
the values of ks,red are different for the two joints.

For span BC, assuming that the end plate yielded during construction so that kt ¼ 0 as
before, the tensile resistance comes from the reinforcement with z1 ¼ 0.543 m and
ks,red ¼ 0.924 mm (as found above). The other terms in the equation for the stiffness of the
joint are from shear in the column web (k1 ¼ 2.33 mm) and compression in the column
web (k2 ¼ 10.6 mm), giving

Sj,ini,BC ¼ 210  0.5432/(1/2.33 þ 1/10.6 +1/0.924) ¼ 38.6 kN m/mrad (D10.12)

For span AB, with ks,red ! 1, then zeq ¼ z1 and kt,eq ! 1, and the equation corresponding
to Equation D10.8 gives

Sj,ini,BA ¼ 210  0.5432/(1/2.33 þ 1/10.6) ¼ 118 kN m/mrad (D10.13)

The stiffnesses Sj,ini found above are repeated in Table 8.1, for use in Example 8.1, where
further comment is given.

Aribert JM (1999) Theoretical solutions relating to partial shear connection of steel-concrete
composite beams and joints. Proceedings of the International Conference on Steel and Composite
Structures. TNO Building and Construction Research, Delft, pp. 7.1–7.16.
British Standards Institution (2005) BS EN 1993-1-8. Design of steel structures. Part 1-8: Design of
joints. BSI, London.
COST-C1 (1997) Composite Steel–concrete Joints in Braced Frames for Buildings. Report: Semi-rigid
Behaviour of Civil Engineering Structural Connections. Office for Official Publications of the
European Communities, Luxembourg.
Couchman G and Way A (1998) Joints in Steel Construction – Composite Connections. Publication
213, Steel Construction Institute, Ascot.
ECCS TC11 (1999) Design of Composite Joints for Buildings. European Convention for
Constructional Steelwork, Brussels. Report 109.
Huber G (1999) Non-linear Calculations of Composite Sections and Semi-continuous Joints. Ernst,
Johnson RP (2004) Composite Structures of Steel and Concrete: Beams, Columns, Frames, and
Applications in Building, 3rd edn. Blackwell, Oxford.
Johnson RP and Buckby RJ (1986) Composite Structures of Steel and Concrete, vol. 2. Bridges, 2nd
edn. Collins, London.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures
ISBN 978-0-7277-4173-8

ICE Publishing: All rights reserved

Chapter 11
Annex B (Informative). Standard tests

B.1. General
Annex B is ‘informative’, not ‘normative’, because test procedures for products are strictly
outside the scope of a design code. From the note to clause B.1(1), they should be given in a
European standard or in guidelines for European technical approvals, which are not yet
available. The use of Annex B is approved in the UK’s National Annex.

One of the objectives of standard tests is to provide guidance to designers in situations where
calculation models are not sufficient. This commonly occurs for two components of composite
structures: shear connectors and profiled steel sheeting. Existing design rules for both shear
connection and composite slabs are based mainly on test data obtained over many decades using
various procedures and types of test specimen, for which there has been no international standard.

There are many national standards, and there is some international consensus on details of the
m–k test for the resistance of composite slabs to longitudinal shear. However, evidence has
accumulated over the past 30 years that both this test and the UK’s version of the push test
for shear connectors have significant weaknesses. These restrict the development of new
products, typically by giving results that are over-conservative (push test) or misleading (m–k
test). A full set of m–k tests for a new profile is also expensive and time-consuming.

The push test

When the specification for an existing test is changed, past practice should, in principle, be re-
evaluated. This is one reason why the UK’s push test survived so long. The new push test
(clause B.2) was in drafts of Eurocode 4 for 20 years, and was based on research work in the
preceding decade. Almost all non-commercial push tests since that time have used slabs wider
than the 300 mm of the specimen that is defined, for example, in BS 5400-5 (British Standards
Institution, 1987), and most tests have followed clause B.2.

The new test generally gives higher results and so does not raise questions about past practice. It
costs more, but the results are more consistent and relevant to the behaviour of connectors in
composite beams and columns. It does not reproduce conditions in beams, and cannot,
because these vary so widely.

Normally, there is a compressive force between the concrete slab and the steel beam that is little
less than the total load, and can be up to 10% of the longitudinal shear. Non-standard push tests
that reproduce this (Bradford et al., 2006) give slightly higher shear resistances than standard
tests. There have been trials of other types of push test that are less costly. A large number of
comparative tests would be needed before any new test could replace the standard one, and
this seems unlikely at present.

Despite its faults, push testing remains the best available method of determining the effect of
varying any one of the many parameters that are relevant.

Tests for the shear resistance of composite slabs

For profiled sheeting, most research workers have concluded that the empirical m–k test pro-
cedure should be phased out. This method, as given in BS 5950-4 (British Standards Institution,
1994a), does not distinguish sufficiently between profiles that fail in a ductile manner and those
that fail suddenly, and does not exploit the use of end anchorage or the ability of many modern

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

profiles to provide partial shear connection (Bode and Storck, 1990; Patrick, 1990). However, its
use has been the principal basis world-wide for the design of composite slabs for longitudinal
shear. Re-testing of the scores (if not hundreds) of types of composite slabs used in existing
structures is impracticable.

Clause B.3 therefore sets out in detail a method of testing that can be used with what is essentially
the existing m–k procedure, though with a tighter specification relating to the mode of failure,
and other changes based on recent experience of its use. The test method is intended also for
use with the more rational partial-interaction design of composite slabs, which is to be preferred
for reasons given in comments on clauses 9.7 and B.3.

Properties of materials
Ideally, the strengths of the materials in a test specimen should equal the characteristic values
specified for the application concerned. This is rarely possible in composite test specimens
that include three different materials. It is therefore necessary to adjust the resistances found
by testing, or to limit the range of acceptable measured strengths of a material so that any
adjustment would be negligible. Relevant provisions are given within clauses B.2 and B.3.

The influence of the cracking of concrete may be assumed to be allowed for in the test procedures.
Tests that fully reproduce the effects of the shrinkage and the creep of concrete are rarely
practicable; but these effects can normally be predicted once the behaviour in a short-term
test has been established, and have little influence on the ultimate strength except in slender
composite columns.

B.2. Tests on shear connectors

The property of a shear connector that is needed for design is a curve that relates longitudinal
slip, , to shear force per connector, P, of the type shown in Figure B.2. It is difficult to
deduce such curves from the results of tests on composite beams, mainly because bending resist-
ance is insensitive to the degree of shear connection, as shown by curve CH in Figure 6.4(a).

Almost all the load–slip curves on which current practice is based were obtained from push tests,
which were first standardised in the UK in 1965, in CP 117:Part 1. A metricated version of this
test is given in BS 5400-5 (British Standards Institution, 1987), and referred to in clause 5.4.3 of
BS 5950-3-1 (British Standards Institution, 2010) without comment on the need to modify it
when profiled sheeting is present. This test has two variants, because the slab and reinforcement
‘should be either as given in [the code] . . . or as in the beams for which the test is designed’. This
Clause B.2.2(1) distinction is maintained in EN 1994-1-1 (clause B.2.2(1)). A ‘standard’ specimen is specified in
Clause B.2.2(2) clause B.2.2(2) and Figure B.1, and a specimen for ‘specific push tests’ is defined in more general
terms in clause B.2.2(3). The principal differences between the ‘standard’ tests of EN 1994-1-1
and BS 5400 (the ‘BS test’) are summarised below, with reference to Figure 11.1, and reasons
for the changes are given.

The standard test is intended for use

where the shear connectors are used in T-beams with a concrete slab of uniform thickness, or
with haunches complying with . . . In other cases specific push tests should be used.

It can be inferred from this extract from clause B.2.2(1) that separate ‘specific’ push tests should
be done to determine the resistance of connectors in columns and in L beams, which commonly
occur at external walls of buildings and adjacent to large internal holes in floors. This is rarely, if
ever, done, although a connector very close to a free edge of a slab is likely to be weaker and have
less slip capacity than one in a T beam (Johnson and Oehlers, 1982). This problem can be avoided
by appropriate detailing, and is the reason for the requirements of clauses (on longitudinal
splitting) and (on the dimensions of haunches).

The standard push test specimen is mainly suitable for solid slabs and stud shear connectors small
enough for shank failure (the strongest mode) to occur. Its reinforcement might not be stiff
enough to ensure this if, for example, 30 mm diameter studs were used.

Chapter 11. Annex B (Informative). Standard tests

Figure 11.1. Test specimen for the standard push test (dimensions in mm)

180 180 180

Cover 15 P



250 150

250 100
35 Recess optional
200 200 200
150 260 150
Bedded in mortar or gypsum

• Reinforcement:
ribbed bars ø 10 mm resulting in a high bond
with 450 ≤ fsk ≤ 550 N/mm2
• Steel section:
100 600 HE 260 B or 254 × 254 × 89 kg U.C.

Clause B.2.2(3) on specific push tests gives guidance on specimens for other situations, but is not
comprehensive, especially where profiled sheeting is present. Its advice that dimensioning should
be suitable ‘in comparison with the beams for which the test is designed ’ is unrealistic, as test results
for a new type of connector may be widely used.

Specific tests done in recent years have generally followed this guidance, but not always in the
same way.

Push tests to clause B.2, compared with the BS test

Welded headed studs are the only type of shear connector for which large numbers of tests
have been done in many countries, so all reported studies of push testing (e.g. see Johnson
and Oehlers, 1981; Oehlers, 1989; Stark and van Hove, 1991) are based on these tests. It has
been found that the results of the tests are widely scattered (Johnson and Yuan, 1998). To
obtain realistic characteristic values, it is necessary to separate inherent variability from that
due to differences in the test specimens, the methods of casting and testing, and the ultimate
tensile strength of the connectors.

The BS specimen was probably designed to give results at the lower edge of the band of
uncertainty that existed 50 years ago, because it has very small slabs, prone to split longitudinally
because the mild steel reinforcement is light and poorly anchored. Unlike the current specimen
(see Figure B.1), it has connectors at only one level, which in effect prevents redistribution of
the load from one slab to the other (Oehlers and Bradford, 1995), and so gives the resistance
of the weaker of the connectors in the two slabs. The changes from this test are as follows:

g The slabs have the same thickness, but are larger (650 mm  600 mm, cf.
460 mm  300 mm). This enables reinforcement to be better anchored, and so avoids low
results due to splitting. The bond properties of the reinforcement are more important than
the yield strength, which has little influence on the result. Limits are given in Figure B.1.
g The transverse reinforcement is ten high-yield ribbed bars per slab, instead of four mild
steel bars of the same diameter, 10 mm, so the transverse stiffness provided by the bars is
at least 2.5 times the previous value. In T beams, the transverse restraint from the in-plane
stiffness of the slab is greater than in a push specimen. The reinforcement is intended to
simulate this restraint, not to reproduce the reinforcement provided in a beam.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

g Shear connectors are placed at two levels in each slab. This enables redistribution of the
load to occur, so that the test gives the mean resistance of eight stud connectors, and
better simulates the redistribution that occurs within the shear span of a beam.
g The flange of the steel section is wider (>250 mm, cf. 146 mm), which enables wider block
or angle connectors to be tested; and the lateral spacing of pairs of studs is standardised.
The HE 260B section (see Figure B.1), is 260 mm  260 mm, 93 kg/m.
g Each concrete slab must be cast in the horizontal position, as it would be in practice
Clause B.2.3(1) (clause B.2.3(1)). In the past, many specimens were cast with the slabs vertical, with the
risk that the concrete just below the connectors would be poorly compacted.
Clause B.2.3(3) g Unlike the BS test, the details of concrete curing are specified, in clauses B.2.3(3) and
Clause B.2.3(4) B.2.3(4).
g The strength of the concrete measured at the time the push test is done must satisfy

0.6  fcm/fck  0.8 (D11.1)

Clause B.2.3(5) where fck is the specified strength in practice (clauses B.2.3(5)). The corresponding rule for
the BS test is

0.86  fcm/fcu  1.2

where fcu is ‘the cube strength of the concrete in the beams’. For both codes, the two
strength tests must be done using the same type of specimen, cylinder or cube.

Condition D11.1 is now explained. It is essentially

fcm ¼ 0.7fck

The resistance of a stud is usually found from Equation 6.19:

PRd ¼ 0.29d 2( fckEcm)0.5/ V

In the push test, fck is in effect replaced by 0.7fck. Then,

PRd ¼ 0.29d 2(0.7fckEcm)0.5/ V ¼ 0.29d 2( fckEcm)0.5/1.5 (D11.2)

when  V ¼ 1.25. This shows that the purpose of condition D11.1 is to compensate for the
use of a  V factor of 1.25, lower than the value 1.5 normally used for concrete, and the
likelihood that the quality of the concrete in the laboratory may be higher than on site.
g The loading is cycled 25 times between 5 and 40% of the expected failure load
Clause B.2.4(1) (clause B.2.4(1)). The BS test does not require this. Stresses in concrete adjacent to shear
connectors are so high that, even at 40% of the failure load, significant local cracking and
inelastic behaviour could occur. This repeated loading ensures that if the connector tested
is susceptible to progressive slip, this will become evident.
Clause B.2.4(3) g Longitudinal slip and transverse separation are measured (clauses B.2.4(3) and B.2.4(4)), to
Clause B.2.4(4) enable the characteristic slip and uplift to be determined, as explained below. The BS test
does not require this.

Evaluation of the results of push tests

Normally, three tests are conducted on nominally identical specimens to determine the
characteristic resistance PRk for concrete and the connector material of specified strengths fck
and fu, respectively. Let Pm be the mean and Pmin the lowest of the three measured resistances
per connector, and fut be the measured ultimate strength of the connector material. If all three
Clause B.2.5(1) results are within 10% of Pm, then, from clause B.2.5(1),

PRk ¼ 0.9Pmin (D11.3)

Clause B.2.5(2) refers to Annex D of EN 1990 (informative) for the procedure to be followed if
the scatter of results exceeds the 10% limit.

Chapter 11. Annex B (Informative). Standard tests

A method to clause D.8 of EN 1990 for the deduction of a characteristic value from a small
number of test results, which took no account of prior knowledge, would severely penalise a
three-test series. It is necessary to rely also on the extensive past experience of push testing.
Clause D.8.4 is relevant. For three tests it sets the condition that all results must be within
10% of the mean, Pm, and gives the characteristic resistance as a function of Pm and of Vr,
‘the maximum coefficient of variation observed in previous tests’, in which the ‘10% from the
mean’ condition was satisfied.

Most of the previous results were from research programmes, with many different types of test
specimen. The results for studs in profiled sheeting, for example, have been found to be samples
from seven different statistical populations (Johnson and Yuan, 1998). It has not been possible to
establish the value of Vr. The method of clause B.2.5(1), of reducing the lowest of the three results
by 10%, is mainly based on previous practice. It can be deduced from clause D.8.4 of EN 1990
that for a set of three results with the lowest 10% below the mean the method of clause B.2 implies
that Vr ¼ 11%.

Clause B.2.5(1) gives a penalty that applies when fut > fu. This is appropriate where the
resistance of a connector is governed by its own material, usually steel, but in practice the
resistance of a connector can depend mainly of the strength of the concrete, especially where light-
weight aggregate is used. The correction then seems over-conservative, because fu is limited to
500 N/mm2 by clause, and the strength of the material can exceed 600 N/mm2 for studs.

In the BS test, a ‘nominal’ strength Pu is calculated from

Pu ¼ ( fck/fc)Pmin

and, then,

PRd ¼ Pu/1.4

It so happens that 1.25/0.9 ¼ 1.4, so from Equation D11.3 the two methods give a similar
relationship between Pmin and PRd, except that the Eurocode result is corrected for the strength
of steel, and the BS result is corrected for the strength of concrete. This is probably because the
results of the BS test are rarely governed by the strength of the steel, as the slabs are so likely to

Clause B.2.5(3) finds application for connectors such as blocks with hoops, where the block Clause B.2.5(3)
resists most of the shear, and the hoop resists most of the uplift.

The classification of a connector as ductile (clause depends on its characteristic slip
capacity, which is defined in clause B.2.5(4). From the definition of PRk (clause B.2.5(1)), all Clause B.2.5(4)
three test specimens will have reached a higher load, so the slips u in Figure B.2 are all taken
from the falling branches of the load–slip curves. It follows that a push test should not be termi-
nated as soon as the maximum load is reached.

B.3. Testing of composite floor slabs

The most usual mode of failure of a composite slab is by longitudinal shear, loss of interlock
occurring at the steel–concrete interface. The resistance to longitudinal shear is difficult to
predict theoretically. The pattern and height of indentations or embossments and the shape of
the sheeting profile all have a significant effect. There is no established method to calculate
this resistance, so the methods of EN 1994-1-1 rely on testing.

Tests are needed for each new shape of profiled sheet. They are normally done by or for the
manufacturer, which will naturally be concerned to minimise their cost. Their purpose
(clause B.3.1(1)) is to provide values for either the factors m and k for the ‘m–k method’ or the Clause B.3.1(1)
longitudinal shear strength required for the partial shear connection method. These procedures
for verifying resistance to longitudinal shear are given in clauses 9.7.3 and 9.7.4. Comments on
them are relevant here.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Clause B.3.1(2) The tests also determine whether the shear connection is brittle or ductile (clause B.3.1(2)). There
is a 20% penalty for brittle behaviour (clause B.3.5(1)). In view of the purpose of the tests, failure
must be in longitudinal shear (clauses B.3.2(6) and B.3.2(7)).

Number of tests
Clause B.3.1(3) The list of relevant variables in clause B.3.1(3) and the concessions in clause B.3.1(4) define the
Clause B.3.1(4) number of tests required and the applicability of their results. The rules of clause B.3.1(4) are
based on the principle that results may be unconservative if used in the design of slabs with
thinner sheeting or weaker materials than those in the tests. The strengths of materials measured
in practice are almost always higher than the specified characteristic values, which leads to the
factors 0.8 in this clause.

To illustrate the practical problem that arises from clause B.3.1, it is assumed that a manufacturer
seeks to determine shear resistance for a new profile, as the basis for design data for a range of
sheet thicknesses, slab thicknesses and spans, and concrete strengths, with both lightweight and
normal-weight concrete. How many tests are required?

In view of the penalty for brittle behaviour (clause B.3.5(1)), it is assumed that the new profile is
found to satisfy clause 9.7.3(3) on ductility. The partial-connection method is more versatile than
the m–k method, and is recommended. Its calculations are straightforward on a spreadsheet.
From clause B.3.2(7), its tests are done in groups of four. The variables are now considered in
turn, to find the minimum number of values needed for each one, and hence, the number of
tests needed for a full set.

(a) Thickness of the sheeting: test the thinnest sheeting. As interlock is dependent on the
local bending of individual plate elements in the sheeting profile, the results may not be
applied to thinner or significantly weaker sheets, which would be more flexible. (1)
(b) Type of sheeting, meaning the profile, including any overlap details, and the
specification of embossments and their tolerances. Ensure that the embossments on
sheets tested satisfy clause B.3.3(2), and standardise the other details. (1)
(c) Steel grade: test the highest and lowest grades to be used. The materials standards
listed in clause 3.5 include several nominal yield strengths. (2)
(d ) Coating: this should be standardised, if possible. (1)
(e) Density of concrete: test the lowest and highest densities. (2)
( f ) Grade of concrete: test with a mean strength not exceeding 1.25 times the lowest value
of fck to be specified (see clause B.3.1(4)). The results will be slightly conservative for
stronger concretes. (1)
(g) Slab thickness: test the thinnest and thickest slabs. (2)
The use of a single thickness is not permitted because the effectiveness of shear
connection may depend on the stiffness of the concrete component. Conclusions from a
theoretical model for the effect of slab thickness, given in Appendix B, are summarised
(h) Shear span: account is taken of this in the provisions for the use of the test results.

This gives a total of

4  (1)4  (2)3 ¼ 32 tests

It might be possible to limit the scope of the investigation to profiles in a single grade of steel and
to normal-density concrete. This reduces the number of tests to eight, which is more realistic. If
from other evidence it were believed that the results for parameters (a) and (f ) will be over-
conservative for thick sheets and strong concrete, respectively, a few more tests would be needed.

For the m–k method, tests are in groups of six, so the number rises from 32 (or 8) to 48 (or 12).

The main conclusions from Appendix B of this guide are as follows:

g for the partial-interaction method, interpolation between results from tests on slabs of the
same shear span and two thicknesses is valid for slabs of intermediate thickness

Chapter 11. Annex B (Informative). Standard tests

g for the m–k method, the results from tests on two shear spans are applicable for shear
spans between those tested.

The status of Annex B, and the use of fewer tests

Annex B is informative. The UK’s National Annex permits its use. From the notes to clauses
9.7.3(4) and 9.7.3(8), its test methods ‘may be assumed to meet the basic requirements’ of the
relevant design method for longitudinal shear. These requirements are not defined: they have
to be inferred, mainly from Annex B.

This implies that where the testing does not conform to the extensive scheme outlined above,
some independent body, such as the relevant regulatory authority or its nominee, must be
persuaded that the evidence presented does satisfy the ‘basic requirements’ of one or both of
the two design methods. Where this is done, the design can presumably claim to be in accordance
with Eurocode 4, in this respect; but that might not apply internationally.

Methods for the analysis of the results from test series that are not fully in accordance with
Annex B are shown in Examples 11.1 and 11.2 and given by Johnson (2006).

Annex B may eventually be superseded by a European standard on the determination of the shear
resistance of composite slabs. Until then, the situation is unsatisfactory. The development of
better theoretical models would help. At present, research workers have difficulty in validating
these because some manufacturers are reluctant to release their detailed test results.

Where a new profile is a development from an existing range, it should be possible to use the
results of earlier tests to predict the influence of some of the parameters, and so reduce the
number of new tests required.

Testing arrangement
Loading is applied symmetrically to a simply supported slab of span L, at points distant L/4 from
each support (clause B.3.2(2)). Crack inducers are placed beneath the loads (clause B.3.3(3)), to Clause B.3.2(2)
reduce the effect of local variations in the tensile strength of the concrete. The failure loading is
much heavier than the slabs, so the shear spans Ls (see Figure B.3), are subjected to almost
constant vertical shear. This differs from the test details in BS 5950-4, in which vertical shear
is not constant over the length between a crack inducer and the nearer support.

As the shear span is a fixed proportion of the span, specimens for regions such as A and B for the
m–k method (clause B.3.2(6) and Figure B.4) are obtained by altering the span L. As this method Clause B.3.2(6)
is empirical, it is good practice to ensure that the tests also encompass the range of spans required
for use in practice (British Standards Institution, 1994a). The choice of the longest span to be
tested requires prior evaluation of the bending resistance of the composite section, because a
shear strength is too low if determined from a test in which flexural failure occurs. This is
illustrated in Example 11.2.

For sheeting with ductile behaviour and where the design will use the partial-interaction method,
the number of tests in a series, for specimens of a given thickness ht, can be reduced from six to
four (clause B.3.2(7)). Clause B.3.2(7)

Clauses B.3.3(1) and B.3.3(2) are intended to minimise the differences between the profiled Clause B.3.3(1)
sheeting used in the tests and that used in practice. The depth of embossments has been found Clause B.3.3(2)
to have a significant effect on the resistance.

Propped construction increases the longitudinal shear. It is required for the test specimens to
enable the results to be used with or without propping (clause B.3.3(6)). Clause B.3.3(6)

From clause B.3.3(8), the specimens for the determination of concrete strength, defined in Clause B.3.3(8)
clause B.3.3(9), should be cured under the same conditions as the test slabs. This cannot of course Clause B.3.3(9)
be the curing under water normally used for standard cubes and cylinders. When the deviation of
strength from the mean is significant, the concrete strength is taken as the maximum value (clause
B.3.3(9)). This causes the applicability of the test results to be more restricted (clause B.3.1(4)).

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Clause B.3.3(10) The test procedure for the strength of the profiled sheeting (clause B.3.3(10)) is given elsewhere
(British Standards Institution, 2001).

Clause B.3.4(3) The initial loading test is cyclic (clause B.3.4(3) and B.3.4(4)), to destroy any chemical bond
Clause B.3.4(4) between the sheeting and the concrete, so that the subsequent test to failure gives a true indication
of the long-term resistance to variations of longitudinal shear. The number of cycles, 5000, is
fewer than that required by BS 5940-4, but has been judged to be adequate for these purposes.

Design values for m and k

Clause B.3.5(1) Clause B.3.5(1) gives a design rule for the possibility that the two end reactions may differ
slightly, and applies an additional factor of safety of 1.25 to compensate for brittle behaviour,
in the form of a reduction factor of 0.8.

Clause B.3.5(2) The method of clause B.3.5(2) is applicable to any set of six or more test results, irrespective of
their scatter. An ‘appropriate statistical model’ will penalise both the scatter and the number of
Clause B.3.5(3) results, if small, and may be that given in EN 1990, to which clause B.3.5(3) refers.

Where a series consists of six tests and the results are consistent, clause B.3.5(3) provides a simple
method for finding the design line shown in Figure B.4, and hence values for m and k. These are in
units of N/mm2.

These methods differ from that of BS 5950-4, both in the determination of the line that gives the
values of m and k (see Figure 11.3) and in their definition. In BS 5950, k is proportional to the
square root of the concrete strength, which causes complications with units, and the two sets
of three results could be from slabs with different concrete strengths. It has been found that
the deliberate use of very different strengths for the specimens in regions A and B in
Figure 11.3 can lead to unsafe applications of the method, when m and k are defined as in
BS 5950-4. All the results in a diagram such as Figure B.4 are required by clause B.3.3(8) to be
from specimens with nominally identical concrete, so there is no need to include concrete strength
in the functions plotted in this figure.

The formula for vertical shear in clause 9.7.3(4) and the definitions of m and k in clause B.3.5 are
dimensionally correct, and can be used with any consistent set of units. However, analyses of a
given set of test results by the Eurocode method give values for m and k different from those
found by the BS method, and k even has different dimensions. The conversion of BS values to
Eurocode values is illustrated in Example 11.1. The applicability of sets of test results not in
accordance with Annex B is discussed in Appendix B.

Design values for  u,Rd

Clause B.3.6(1) Clause B.3.6(1) refers to the partial-interaction curve shown in Figure B.5. (There are minor
errors in this figure, which are being corrected. In the inset diagrams of stress blocks, the concrete
stress should be 0.85fcm, not fcm. The symbol Mp,Rm should be replaced by Mpl,Rm, and Ncf
should be Nc,f .) This figure is for sagging bending, and is determined for a group of tests on speci-
mens with nominally identical cross-sections as follows:

(a) The measured values of the required dimensions and strengths of materials are
determined, and used to calculate the full-interaction plastic moment of resistance of a test
specimen, Mpl,Rm, and the corresponding compressive force in the concrete slab, Nc,f .
(b) A value is chosen for  ( ¼ Nc/Nc,f), which determines a value Nc, the partial-interaction
compressive force in the slab at the section where flexural failure is assumed to occur. The
corresponding value of the bending resistance M is then calculated from

M ¼ Mpr þ Ncz

with Mpr from Equation 9.6 with Nc replacing Nc,f , and z from Equation 9.9. This gives a
single point on the curve in Figure B.5, which assumes that an undefined slip can occur at
the interface between the sheeting and the concrete. This necessitates ductile behaviour.
(c) By repeating step (b) with different values of , sufficient points are found to define the
partial-interaction curve.

Chapter 11. Annex B (Informative). Standard tests

From clause B.3.6(2), a bending moment M is found from each test. This is Mtest in Figure B.5, Clause B.3.6(2)
and leads to a value test, and hence  u from Equation B.2.

For the test arrangement shown in Figure B.3, there will be an overhang L0 beyond the shear
span Ls, along which slip will occur. This is allowed for in Equation B.2, which assumes that
the shear strength is uniform along the total length (Ls þ L0). In reality, the strength includes a
contribution from friction at the interface between the sheeting and the concrete, arising from
the transmission of the vertical load across the interface to the support. In clause B.3.6(2), this
effect is included in the value found for  u.

A more accurate equation for  u is given in clause B.3.6(3), for use with the alternative method of Clause B.3.6(3)
clause 9.7.3(9), where relevant comment is given.

From clause B.3.2(7), one from each group of four tests on slabs of the same thickness ‘is only
used’ for checking ductility. This implies that its result for  u is not used when finding the char-
acteristic shear strength from ‘the test values’, as stated in clause B.3.6(4). The results from short
shear spans would be included when finding m and k, so there seems no reason to exclude the
fourth result from the calculation of the lower 5% fractile value,  u,Rk. This is divided by  VS
to obtain the design value used in clause 9.7.3(8).

The shape of the partial-interaction curve depends on the slab thickness, so a separate one
appears to be needed for each thickness. The need for tests at different thicknesses is discussed
at the end of Appendix B of this guide.

Example 11.1: m–k tests on composite floor slabs

In this example, values of m and k are determined from a set of tests not in accordance with
clause B.3, ‘Testing of composite floor slabs’. These tests, done in accordance with the relevant
Netherlands standard, RSBV 1990, were similar to ‘specific tests’ as specified in clause 10.3.2
of ENV 1994-1-1, which has been omitted from EN 1994-1-1.

This set of tests on eight simply supported composite slabs has been fully reported (van
Hove, 1991). The cross-section of the profiled sheeting is shown in Figure 9.4. The values
of m and k determined here are used in Example 9.1, ‘Two-span continuous composite
slab’, which includes the results of tests on the non-composite sheeting.

Test specimens and procedure

All of the composite slabs had the same breadth, 915 mm, which satisfies clause B.3.3(5), and were
cast using the same mix of lightweight-aggregate concrete, with propped construction (clause
B.3.3(6)). (Where a clause number is given without comment, as here, it means that the clause
was complied with.) The tests to failure were done at ages between 27 and 43 days, when the
strengths of test specimens stored with the slabs (clause B.3.3(8)) were as given in Table 11.1.
Steel mesh with 6 mm bars at 200 mm spacing was provided in each slab (clause B.3.3(7)).

Table 11.1. Results of tests on composite floor slabs

Test fcu: Load at Load at Max. 103X: 103Y: 103x 103y:

No. N/mm2 0.1 mm ¼ L/50: load: (1/N0.5) mm N0.5 mm N/mm2
slip: kN kN kN

1 31.4 63.3 75.5 75.5 0.222 58.6 1.115 294

2 30.4 65.3 75.5 75.5 0.226 59.6 1.115 294
3 32.1 64.3 73.9 73.9 0.220 56.7 1.115 287
4 34.2 66.8 75.4 75.4 0.213 56.1 1.115 293
5 35.3 52.2 94.0 94.2 0.472 108.2 2.51 575
6 37.4 54.2 90.9 94.0 0.459 104.9 2.51 574
7 37.2 52.2 91.7 93.9 0.460 105.0 2.51 573
8 36.9 56.2 94.7 95.4 0.462 107.2 2.51 582

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

For specimens 1-4, the overall thickness and span were ht ¼ 170 mm and L ¼ 4500 mm,
where the notation is as in Figure B.3. For specimens 5–8, ht ¼ 120 mm and L ¼ 2000 mm.
The distance between the centre-line of each support and the adjacent end of each
slab was 100 mm (clause B.3.2(4)). The surfaces of the sheeting were not degreased
(clause B.3.3(1)).

The tensile strength and the yield strength of the sheeting were found from coupons cut from
its top and bottom flanges (clause B.3.3(10)). The mean values were fu ¼ 417 N/mm2 and
fy,0.2 ¼ 376 N/mm2. The stress 376 N/mm2, measured at the 0.2% proof strain, is significantly
higher than the yield strength found in another series of tests (Elliott and Nethercot, 1991),
which was 320 N/mm2. The nominal yield strength for this sheeting, now 350 N/mm2, was
then 280 N/mm2, which is only 74% of 376 N/mm2, so clause B.3.1(4) is not complied
with. This is accepted, because small changes in the yield strength have little influence on
the resistance to longitudinal shear.

There is further comment on the properties of the test specimens in Example 9.1.

The slabs were tested under four-point loading as shown in Figure 11.2, and crack
inducers were provided at distances L/8 each side of mid-span. This is not in accordance
with Figure B.3; clause B.3.2(3) specifies two-point loading. An appropriate value of Ls
has to be found, for use in the determination of m and k. A shear–force diagram for two-
point loading is found (the dashed line in Figure 11.2) that has the same area as the actual
shear–force diagram, and the same maximum vertical shear. Here, Ls ¼ L/4, as it is in
Annex B.

Figure 11.2. Loading used in the tests on composite slabs

= = = = = = = =
W/4 W/4 W/4 W/4

Vertical shear due
to applied loading


Cyclic loading
Clause B.3.4 specifies 5000 cycles of loading between 0.2Wt and 0.6Wt, where Wt is a static
failure load. In these tests, Wt for specimen 1 was 75.5 kN, and the range of loading in tests
2–4, for 10 000 cycles, was from 0.13Wt to 0.40Wt. For specimens 5–8, with a mean failure
load 94.4 kN, the range of fatigue loading in tests 6–8 was from 0.19Wt to 0.57Wt, close to
the range specified. These divergences are not significant.

Results of tests to failure

To satisfy clause 9.7.3(3) on ductility, it is necessary to record the total load on the specimen,
including its weight, at a recorded end slip of 0.1 mm, at a deflection ( ) of span/50, and at
maximum load. These are given in Table 11.1.

The failure load, as defined in clause 9.7.3(3), is for all these tests the value when ¼ L/50.
These loads all exceed the load at a slip of 0.1 mm by more than 10%, the least excess

Chapter 11. Annex B (Informative). Standard tests

being 13%. All failures are therefore ‘ductile’. From clause B.3.5(1), the representative
vertical shear force Vt is taken as half of the failure load.

Determination of m and k
In the original report (van Hove, 1991), the axes used for plotting the results were similar to
those in BS 5950-4 (Figure 11.3(a)). They are

X ¼ Ap/[bLs(0.8fcu)0.5]
Y ¼ Vt/[bdp(0.8fcu)0.5]

Figure 11.3. Evaluation of the results of tests on composite slabs. (a) BS 5950-4. (b) EN 1994-1-1

Vt /bdpfcm Vt /bdp
Shear-bond failure B
regression line

Design line
(reduction of 15%) Design line (min. values
reduced by 10%)
Ap /bLsfcm Ap /bLs
(a) (b)

where fcu is the measured cube strength. The other symbols are in Eurocode notation. The
values of X and Y were calculated from the results and are given in Table 11.1. From
these, the following values were determined:

m ¼ 178 N/mm2
k ¼ 0.0125 N0.5 mm

For m and k as defined in EN 1994-1-1, the relevant axes (Figure 11.3(b)) are

x ¼ Ap/bLs

y ¼ Vt/bdp

so that

x ¼ X(0.8fcu)0.5
y ¼ Y(0.8fcu)0.5

Approximate values for m and k to EN 1994-1-1 can be found by assuming that m to

BS 5950-4 is unchanged and k is (0.8fcu,m)0.5 times the BS value, given above, where fcu,m
is the mean cube strength for the series. These values are

m ¼ 178 N/mm2
k ¼ 0.066 N/mm2

These results are approximate because fcu is different for each test, and the procedure of
Annex B for finding characteristic values differs from the BS procedure. The correct
method is to calculate x and y for each test, plot a new diagram, and determine m and k
from it in accordance with clause B.3.5, as follows.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

The values of x and y for these tests, from Equations D11.6, are given in Table 11.1. The
differences within each group of four are so small that, at the scale of Figure 11.4, each
plots as a single point: A and B. Clause B.3.5(3), on variation within each group, is satisfied.
Using the simplified method of that clause, the characteristic line is taken to be the line
through points C and D, which have y coordinates 10% below the values for specimens 3
and 7, respectively. This line gives the results

m ¼ 184 N/mm2
k ¼ 0.0530 N/mm2

which are used in Example 9.1.

Figure 11.4. Determination of m and k

0.6 B

m = 184 N/mm2
V/bdp: N/mm2



k = 0.053 N/mm2
0.001 0.002 0.003
Ap /bLs

For these tests, the approximate method gives a small error in m, –3%, and a larger error in
k, þ25%. From clause 9.7.3(4), the design shear resistance is

V‘,Rd ¼ (bdp/ VS) [(mAp/bLs) þ k] (D11.9)

The second term in square brackets is much smaller than the first, and in this example the
errors in m and k almost cancel out. In Example 9.1, V‘,Rd was found to be 28.0 kN/m.
Using the approximate values of Equations D11.7 for m and k changes it only to 28.3 kN/m.

This example shows that quite large differences between reported values for k can occur, and
may not be significant. This is because k is found by extrapolation from the region in
Figure 11.4, between A and B, that provides design data.

Note on the partial-interaction method

A composite slab using sheeting of the type tested was designed in Example 9.1. The m–k method
was used for the verification for longitudinal shear, with values of m and k calculated from test
results, as shown in Example 11.1.

To illustrate the partial-interaction method of clauses 9.7.3(7) to 9.7.3(9), an attempt will be

made in Example 11.2 to use it in an alternative verification of the same composite slab, using
the same set of test results (van Hove, 1991). It is assumed below that the reader is
familiar with the two preceding examples. Example 11.2 illustrates potential problems in using
this method with existing non-standard test data, and shows that a procedure given in
ENV 1994-1-1 (British Standards Institution, 1994b), and omitted from EN 1994-1-1, can give
unconservative results.

Chapter 11. Annex B (Informative). Standard tests

Example 11.2: the partial-interaction method

It is shown in Example 11.1 that in the eight tests reported the behaviour of the slabs was
‘ductile’ to clause 9.7.3(3). For the partial-interaction method, clause B.3.2(7) then requires
a minimum of four tests on specimens of the same overall depth ht: three with a long shear
span, to determine  u, and one with a short shear span, but not less than 3ht. The tests
available satisfy the 3ht condition, but not that for uniform depth. The four long-span
slabs were all thicker than the four short-span slabs. The purpose of the single short-span
test is to verify ductility, which is satisfactory here.

The maximum recorded end slips in the long-span tests (Nos. 1 to 4), only 0.3 mm, reveal a
problem. These tests were discontinued when the deflections reached span/50, and it is
unlikely that the maximum longitudinal shear was reached. The specimens had the high
span/depth ratio of 26.5, and probably failed in flexure, not longitudinal shear. This is
confirmed by the results that follow: the shear strength from tests 1–4 is about 30% lower
than that from the short-span tests 5–8, where the end slips at maximum load were from 1
to 2 mm and the span/depth ratio was 16.7.

Clause B.3.2(7) requires the shear strength to be determined from the results for the long-
span slabs. Its condition for a shear span ‘as long as possible while still providing failure
in longitudinal shear’ was probably not satisfied here, so that the final design value  u,Rd
is lower than it would have been if a shorter span had been used for tests 1–4. In the
absence of guidance from previous tests, this condition is difficult to satisfy when planning

Other aspects of these tests are compared with the provisions of Annex B in Example 11.1.

The partial-interaction diagram

Measured cube strengths and maximum loads for the eight tests are given in Table 11.1. The
mean measured yield strength and cross-sectional area of the sheeting were 376 N/mm2 and
1145 mm2/m, respectively. For full shear connection, the plastic neutral axes are above the
sheeting, so clause 9.7.2(5) applies.

The longitudinal force for full interaction is

Nc,f ¼ Ap fyp ¼ 1145  0.376 ¼ 431 kN/m (D11.10)

and the stress blocks are as shown in Figure 11.5(b). The mean cube strength for
specimens 5–8 is 36.7 N/mm2. Conversion to a cylinder strength is done using the
strength classes in Table 3.1 of EN 1992-1-1. The closest of these is C30/37, so the cylinder
strength is

fcm ¼ 36.7  30/37 ¼ 29.8 N/mm2

The depth of the concrete stress block is

xpl ¼ 431/(0.85  29.8) ¼ 17.0 mm (D11.11)

Figure 11.5. Stress blocks for the bending resistance of a composite slab with partial interaction
(dimensions in mm)

65 Ncf = 431 Nc = 431η
81.5 Nc
55 Np zp
e = 30 431 Np
(a) (b) (c)

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

With full interaction, the force Nc,f in the sheeting acts at its centre of area, 30 mm above its
bottom surface, so the lever arm is

z ¼ 120  17/2  30 ¼ 81.5 mm


Mpl,Rm ¼ 431  0.0815 ¼ 35.1 kN m/m

The method of calculation for the partial-interaction diagram is now considered, following
clause B.3.6(1). The stress blocks in Figure B.5 correspond to those used in clauses 9.7.2(5)
and 9.7.2(6) modified by clause 9.7.3(8). It follows from Equation D11.11 that for any
degree of shear connection  ( ¼ Nc/Nc,f) the stress block depth is 17 mm, with a line of
action 8.5 mm below the top of the slab (Figure 11.5(c)).

For any assumed value for , the lever arm z is given by Equation 9.9. For typical trapezoidal
sheeting, where the profile is such that ep > e (these symbols are shown in Figure 9.6), the
simplification given in Equation D9.4 should, for this purpose only, be replaced by

z ¼ ht  0.5xpl  e (D11.12)

where ht is the thickness of the slab tested. The use of e in place of ep is because an approxi-
mation to the mean resistance MRm should overestimate it. This moves resistance curves such
as FG in Figure 11.6 upwards. For a given test resistance M, following the route ABC then
gives a lower value for test, and, hence, a lower predicted  u, from Equation B.2.

Figure 11.6. Partial-interaction diagram from tests (units: mm and kN)

B 46.0
Tests 5 to 8


Tests 1 to 4 47.1 H J
0.742 F
D 250 500 250
0.7 Tests 5 to 8

ηtest = 0.646 C ηtest = 0.83

0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
η = Nc /Ncf

Curve DE for tests 5–8 is obtained by calculations for a set of values for  that covers the
range of M/Mpl,Rm found in the tests. The mean bending resistance is given by

MRm ¼ Mpr þ Nc,f z (D11.13)

(based on Equation D9.5). The reduced plastic resistance of the sheeting, Mpr, which equals
Npzp in Figure 11.5(c), is found from Equation D9.4, which is Equation 9.6 as modified by
clause 9.7.3(8).

Calculations for the partial-interaction diagram and  u

For   0.2, Equations D.4 and D11.13 give

MRm ¼ Nc,f z þ 1.25Mpa(1  ) (D11.14)

Chapter 11. Annex B (Informative). Standard tests

Assuming  ¼ 0.7, for example, Equation D11.12 gives, for specimens 5–8,

z ¼ 120  0.7  8.5  30 ¼ 84.0 mm

From the tests (van Hove, 1991), Mpa ¼ 5.65 kN m/m, with ep ¼ 33 mm, so e  ep ¼ 3 mm,
much less than z. From Equation D11.14,

MRm ¼ 0.7  431  0.084 þ 1.25  5.65  0.3 ¼ 27.48 kN m/m


MRm/Mpl,Rm ¼ 27.48/35.1 ¼ 0.783

For specimens 1–4, ht ¼ 170 mm and Mpl,Rm ¼ 56.7 kN m/m. For  ¼ 0.7,

z ¼ 170  0.7  8.5  30 ¼ 134 mm

MRm ¼ 0.7  431  0.134 þ 1.25  5.65  0.3 ¼ 42.5 kN m/m

MRm/Mpl,Rm ¼ 42.5/56.7 ¼ 0.750

Similar calculations for other degrees of shear connection give curve DE for the short-span
slabs 5–8 and curve FG for slabs 1–4. They are almost linear (Figure 11.6).

In clause B.3.6(2), the bending moment M is defined as being ‘at the cross-section under the
point load ’, on the assumption that two-point loading is used in the tests. Here, four-point
loading was used (see Figure 11.2). At failure, there was significant slip throughout the
length of 3L/8 between each inner point load and the nearer support, so, for these tests,
M was determined at an inner point load, and Ls was taken as 3L/8.

The calculation of Mtest for specimen 5 is now explained. From Table 11.1, the maximum
load was 94.2 kN. This included 2.2 kN that was, in effect, applied to the composite slab
by the removal of the prop that was present at mid-span during concreting (van Hove,
1991). The loads on the composite member were thus as shown inset on Figure 11.6, and
the bending moment at point J was

Mtest ¼ 47.1  0.75  23.0  0.5 ¼ 23.83 kN m

This is for a slab of width 0.915 m, so that

Mtest/Mpl,Rm ¼ 23.83/(0.915  35.1) ¼ 0.742

From Figure 11.6, test ¼ 0.646.

Corresponding results for tests 1–4 are given in Table 11.2.

Table 11.2. Degree of shear connection, from tests on composite slabs

Test No. Maximum load: kN Mtest: kN m Mtest/Mp,Rm 

1 75.5 44.8 0.863 0.835

2 75.5 44.8 0.863 0.835
3 73.9 43.9 0.846 0.814
4 75.4 44.7 0.862 0.833
5 94.2 23.83 0.742 0.646

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Clause B.3.6(4) defines  u,Rk as the 5% lower fractile, based on the results for tests 1–4. There
may be other evidence on the variance of such results. Here, it is assumed that this enables a
value 10% below the mean to be used.

From clause B.3.6(2),

 u ¼ Nc,f /[b(Ls þ L0)] (D11.15)

For tests 1–4, Ls ¼ 3  4.5/8 ¼ 1.69 m. For all tests, Ncf ¼ 431 kN/m, L0 ¼ 0.1 m, and b is
taken as 1.0 m. Hence,

 u ¼ (431/1790) ¼ 0.241 N/mm2

The mean value for  from tests 1–4 is 0.829, so from clause B.3.6(6) with  VS taken as 1.25

 u,Rd ¼ 0.9  0.241  0.829/1.25 ¼ 0.144 N/mm2

The coefficient of variation of the four values for , Vx say, is exceptionally low here, at 0.012.
Use of the method of clause D7 of EN 1990, assuming that Vx is not known from prior
knowledge, would give a much lower result, because Vx should then be assumed to be at
least 0.10.

The interaction curve DE for specimens 5–8 is slightly higher than curve FG in Figure 11.6.
Its value at  ¼ 0, Mp,a/Mpl,Rm, is higher because, for these thinner slabs (ht ¼ 120 mm),
Mpl,Rm is lower, at 35 kNm/m. Using the preceding method for these results gives
 u,Rd ¼ 0.24 N/mm2. This much higher result confirms the suspicion, noted above, that
longitudinal shear failure was not reached in specimens 1–4.

Where the test data are in accordance with the specification in Annex B, the determination
of  u,Rd is straightforward, as values of  can be found by replacing the graphical method
(used here for illustration) by direct calculation. However, where tests are being planned,
or other data are being used, as here, the work requires an understanding of the basis of
the provisions of Annex B. It is of particular importance to ensure that longitudinal shear
failures occur in the tests.

Bode H and Storck I (1990) Background Report to Eurocode 4 (Continuation of Report EC4/7/88),
Chapter 10 and Section 10.3: Composite Floors with Profiled Steel Sheet. University of
Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern.
Bradford MA, Filonov A and Hogan TJ (2006) Push testing procedure for composite beams with
deep trapezoidal slabs. Proceedings of 11th Conference on Metal Structures. Rzeszow, Poland.
British Standards Institution (BSI) (1987) BS 5400-5. Design of composite bridges. BSI, London.
BSI (1994a) Code of practice for design of floors with profiled steel sheeting. BSI, London, BS 5950-4.
BSI (1994b) DD ENV 1994-1-1. Design of composite steel and concrete structures. Part 1-1:
General rules and rules for buildings. BSI, London.
BSI (2001) BS EN 10002. Tensile testing of metallic materials. Part 1: Method of test at ambient
temperature. BSI, London.
BSI (2010) BS 5950-3.1þA1. Structural use of steelwork in buildings. Design in composite construc-
tion. Code of practice for design of simple and continuous composite beams. BSI, London.
Elliott JS and Nethercot D (1991) Non-composite Flexural and Shear Tests on CF70 Decking.
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Nottingham. Report SR 91033.
Johnson RP (2006) The m–k and partial-interaction models for shear resistance of composite slabs,
and the use of non-standard test data. In: Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete V (Leon
RT and Lange J (eds)). American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, pp. 157–165.
Johnson RP and Oehlers DJ (1981) Analysis and design for longitudinal shear in composite
T-beams. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Part 2 71: 989–1021.

Chapter 11. Annex B (Informative). Standard tests

Johnson RP and Oehlers DJ (1982) Design for longitudinal shear in composite L-beams.
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Part 2 73: 147–170.
Johnson RP and Yuan H (1998) Existing rules and new tests for studs in troughs of profiled
sheeting. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Structures and Buildings 128: 244–251.
Oehlers DJ (1989) Splitting induced by shear connectors in composite beams. Journal of the
Structural Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers 115: 341–362.
Oehlers DJ and Bradford M (1995) Composite Steel and Concrete Structural Members – Funda-
mental Behaviour. Elsevier, Oxford.
Patrick M (1990) A new partial shear connection strength model for composite slabs. Australian
Institute for Steel Construction. Steel Construction Journal 24: 2–17.
Stark JWB and van Hove BWEM (1991) Statistical Analysis of Pushout Tests on Stud Connectors
in Composite Steel and Concrete Structures. TNO Building and Construction Research, Delft.
Report BI-91–163.
van Hove BWEM (1991) Experimental Research on the CF70/0.9 Composite Slab. TNO Building
and Construction Research, Delft. Report BI-91–106.

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures
ISBN 978-0-7277-4173-8

ICE Publishing: All rights reserved

Appendix A
Lateral–torsional buckling of
composite beams for buildings

This Appendix supplements the comments on clause 6.4.

Simplified expression for ‘cracked’ flexural stiffness of a

composite slab
The ‘cracked’ stiffness per unit width of a composite slab is defined in clause 6.4.2(6) as the lower
of the values at mid-span and at a support. The latter usually governs, because the profiled
sheeting may be discontinuous at a support. It is now determined for the cross-section shown
in Figure A.1 with the sheeting neglected.

It is assumed that only the concrete within the troughs is in compression, so that hp is the net
depth of the sheeting, hpn. Its transformed area per unit width of slab in ‘steel’ units is

Ae ¼ b0hp/nbs (a)

where n is the modular ratio. The position of the elastic neutral axis is defined by the dimensions a
and c, so that

Aec ¼ Asa aþc¼z (b)

where As is the area of top reinforcement per unit width of slab, and

z ¼ h  ds  hp/2 (c)

Assuming that each trough is rectangular, the second moment of area per unit width is

I ¼ Asa2 þ Ae(c2 þ hp2/12) (d)

Using Equations (b)–(d), the flexural stiffness per unit width of slab is

(EI )2 ¼ Ea[AsAez2/(As þ Ae) þ Aehp2/12] (DA.1)

This result is used in Example 6.7.

Figure A.1. Model for the stiffness of a composite slab in hogging bending


ds a
h z

bo hp /2


Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Flexural stiffness of a beam with an encased web

For a partially encased beam, the model used for the derivation of Equation 6.11 for the flexural
stiffness k2 is as shown in Figure A.2(a). A lateral force F applied to the steel bottom flange causes
displacement . The rotation of line AB is  ¼ /hs. It is caused by a bending moment Fhs acting
about A. The stiffness is

k2 ¼ M/ ¼ Fhs2/

The force F is assumed to be resisted by vertical tension in the steel web and compression in a
concrete strut BC, of width bc/4. Elastic analysis gives Equation 6.11.

Figure A.2. Resistance to transverse bending in an inverted U frame. (a) Flexural stiffness of an encased
web. (b) Spacing of shear connectors

bc /4


bc /4 hs

F Mt
(a) (b)

Maximum spacing of shear connectors for continuous U-frame action

A rule given in ENV 1994-1-1 is derived. It is assumed that stud connectors are provided at a
spacing s in a single row along the centre of the steel top flange (Figure A.2(b)). The tendency
of the bottom flange to buckle laterally causes a transverse moment Mt per unit length, which
is resisted by a tensile force T in each stud. From Figure A.2,

Mts ¼ 0.4bT (a)

The initial inclination from the vertical of the web, 0 in Figure 6.9(b), due to the tendency of the
bottom flange to buckle sideways, would be resisted by a moment ks0, from the definition of ks in
clause 6.4.2(6). For a design longitudinal moment MEd at the adjacent internal support, 0 is
assumed to be increased to

0[(MEd/Mcr)/(1  MEd/Mcr)]

where Mcr is the elastic critical buckling moment. This deformation causes a transverse bending
moment per unit length

Mt ¼ ks0[(MEd/Mcr)/(1  MEd/Mcr)] (b)

where ks is the stiffness defined in clause 6.4.2(6).

The design procedure of clause 6.4.2(1) is such that MEd  LTMRd. Here, MRd is taken as
approximately equal to the characteristic resistance MRk. From clause 6.4.2(4), 2LT ¼ MRk/Mcr,
so that Equation (b) becomes

Mt ¼ ks 0 ½ðLT 2LT Þ=ð1  LT 2LT Þ ðcÞ

It is assumed that the resistance of the studs to longitudinal shear, PRd, must not be reduced, and
that this is achieved if

T  0.1PRd (d)

Appendix A. Lateral–torsional buckling of composite beams for buildings

Table A.1. Maximum spacings for 19 mm studs, and minimum top reinforcement

Serial size Mass: kg/m Web thickness: mm smax: mm 100As,min/ds

762  267 UB 197 15.6 362 0.06

610  305 UB 238 18.6 204 0.12
610  229 UB 101 10.6 767 0.02
IPE 600 122 12.0 509 0.03
HEA 700 204 14.5 452 0.05

The initial slope 0 is taken as L/400h, where h is the depth of the steel section. A typical L/h ratio
is 20, giving 0 ¼ 0.05. From these results,
s 0:4T 0:04PRd 1  LT LT
¼  ðDA:2Þ
b Mt 0:05ks LT 2LT

This upper limit to the spacing of studs reduces as the slenderness LT increases.

It can be evaluated where the conditions of clause 6.4.3 for simplified verification are satisfied,
because the value LT ¼ 0.4 can be assumed. From Table 6.5 of EN 1993-1-1, buckling curve c
should be used for rolled I sections with a depth/breadth ratio exceeding 2.0. For LT ¼ 0.4
it gives LT ¼ 0.90. For a typical 19 mm stud, the resistance PRd is about 75 kN. The combined
stiffness of the slab and the web, ks, depends mainly on the stiffness of the web, and is here taken
as 0.9k2, where k2, the stiffness of the web, is given by Equation 6.10 as

k2 ¼ Eat3w/[4(1  a2)hs] (DA.3)

For a typical I section, hs  0.97h. With Ea ¼ 210 kN/mm2 and ¼ 0.3, substitution into
Equation DA.2 gives

s  6.66(b/tw)(h/tw)(1/tw) (e)

For rolled sections, the closest stud spacing is thus required for relatively thick webs. Examples
are given in Table A.1. For studs in two rows, these spacings can be doubled, because the
assumed lever arm for the moment Mt would increase from 0.4b (Figure A.2) to about 0.8b.
For web-encased beams, ENV 1994-1-1 required the maximum spacings to be halved.

This check is not required by EN 1994-1-1. The results show that it would not govern in normal
practice, but could do so where there was a need for wide spacing of studs (e.g. because precast
concrete floor slabs were being used) on a beam with a relatively thick web, or where web
encasement was used.

Top transverse reinforcement above an edge beam

Where the concrete flange of a beam is continuous on one side only, as in Figure 6.9(a), top trans-
verse reinforcement (AB) is required to prevent lateral buckling by anticlockwise rotation of the
steel section, in the plane of the diagram. The preceding results for the spacing of stud connectors
can be used to estimate the amount required.

The reinforcement will be light, so the lever arm for transverse bending can be taken as 0.9ds
(notation as in Figure 6.9(a)), even where concrete in the lower half of the slab is present only
in the troughs of sheeting. From Expression (d) above, the force T per unit length is 0.1PRd/s;
so from Equation (a) the transverse bending moment is

Mt ¼ 0.4bT/s ¼ 0.04bPRd/s ¼ As fsd(0.9ds)

where As is the area of top transverse reinforcement per unit length along the beam, at its design
yield stress fsd. Using Expression (e) for s,

0.9As fsdds  0.0060PRdt3w/h

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Assuming PRd ¼ 75 kN and fsd ¼ 500/1.15 ¼ 435 N/mm2:

100As/ds  115t3w/ds2h

The area As is thus greatest for a thin slab, so an effective depth ds ¼ 100 mm is assumed, giving

100As/ds  0.0115t3w/h (f )

These values are given in the last column of Table A.1. They show that although top reinforce-
ment is required for U-frame action, the amount is small. Clause, on local reinforcement
in the slab, does not refer to this subject, and could be satisfied by bottom reinforcement
only. The requirements for the minimum reinforcement of clause 9.2.1(4) and of EN 1992-1-1
could also be satisfied by bottom reinforcement, whereas some should be placed near the
upper surface.

Derivation of the simplified expression for LT (Equation D6.14)

The notation is as in the comments on clause 6.4 and in this appendix, and is not re-defined here.

Repeating Equation D6.11:

Mcr ¼ (kcC4/L)[(GaIat þ ksL2/


From clause 6.4.2(4),

LT ¼ (MRk/Mcr)0.5 (a)

It is on the safe side to neglect the term GaIat in Equation D6.11, which in practice is usually less
than 0.1ksL2/
2. Hence,

Mcr ¼ (kcC4/
)(ksEaIafz)1/2 (b)

It is assumed that the stiffness of the concrete slab k1 is at least 2.3 times the stiffness of the steel
web, k2. The combined stiffness ks, given by Equation 6.8 in clause 6.4.2, then always exceeds
0.7k2, so ks in Equation (b) can be replaced by 0.7k2. This replacement would not be valid for
an encased web, so these are excluded.

For a steel flange of breadth bf and thickness tf,

Iafz ¼ bf3tf/12 (c)

The stiffness k2 is given by Equation 6.10 in clause 6.4.2. Using it and the equations above,
MRk 2 48
hs 1  a
2 2
4LT ¼ ðdÞ
kc 0:7Ea2 t3w b3f tf C42

For sections in Class 1 or Class 2, MRk ¼ Mpl,Rk. It can be shown that Mpl,Rk is given approxi-
mately by

Mpl,Rk ¼ kcMpl,a,Rk(1 þ twhs/4bftf) (e)

For double-symmetrical steel I sections, the plastic resistance to bending is given approximately

Mpl,a,Rk ¼ fyhsbftf(1 þ twhs/4bftf) (f )

From Equations (d)–(f ), with a ¼ 0.3,

  0:75  0:25  
 t w hs hs tf fy 0:5
LT ¼ 5:0 1 þ ðD6:14Þ
4bf tf tw bf Ea C4

as given in Annex B of ENV 1994-1-1.

Appendix A. Lateral–torsional buckling of composite beams for buildings

Effect of web encasement on LT

The reduction in the relative slenderness achieved by encasing a steel web to clause 5.5.3(2) can be
estimated as follows. The subscript e is used for properties of the section after encasement.

From Equations 6.10 and 6.11,

k2;e 1  2a b2f
k2 4ð1 þ 4ntw =bf Þt2w
The modular ratio n rarely exceeds 12, and bf/tw is at least 15 for rolled or welded I sections. With
these values, and a ¼ 0.3,
k2,e/k2 ¼ 12.2

Assuming, as above, that k1 > 2.3k2 and using Equation 6.8, the change in ks is
ks; e k2; e k1 þ k2 12:2ð2:3 þ 1Þ
¼ > ¼ 2:78
ks k1 þ k2; e k2 ð2:3 þ 12:2Þ

It was found above that ks can be replaced by 0.7k2, so ks,e is now replaced by
2.78  0.7k2 ¼ 1.95k2. Thus, the divisor 0.7 in Equation (d) above is replaced by 1.95. Hence,

LT; e =LT ¼ ð0:7=1:95Þ0:25 ¼ 0:77 ðDA:4Þ

Factor C4 for the distribution of bending moment

The tables that were given in ENV 1994 (British Standards Institution, 1994) relate to the
distributions of the bending moment between points at which the steel bottom flange is laterally
restrained, not necessarily to complete spans. The more commonly used values for the distributed
loading on internal spans are plotted in Figure A.3. For values of exceeding 3.0, values
corresponding to ! 1 can conservatively be used. These are also shown.

Figure A.3. Values of the factor C4 for uniformly distributed and centre point loading

C4 ψMo 0.5ψMo

Mo is the bending moment at mid-span
when both ends are simply supported



ψMo ψMo

20 ψMo ψMo



0.4 1.0 2.0 3.0

Designers’ Guide to Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Figure A.4. Values of the factor C4 at end supports, for uniformly loaded spans with a cantilever extension,
and for spans without transverse loading


Uniform loading
No transverse loading

Lc /L = 0.25


L Lc


Lc /L = 0.50
10 Lc /L = 0.75

Lc /L = 1.00
0 0.5 1.0

The dashed lines in Figure A.3 are for point loads at mid-span. Two other sets of values are
plotted in Figure A.4. The solid lines apply for lateral buckling of a cantilever of length Lc,
where both it and the adjacent span of length L have the same intensity of distributed loading.
The dashed lines are for an unloaded span with one or both ends continuous.

Criteria for the verification of lateral–torsional stability without

direct calculation
Unlike UB steel sections, the basic sets of IPE and HEA sections have only one size for each
overall depth, h. Plots of their section properties F, from Equation D6.15, against h lie on straight
lines, as shown in Figure A.5. This enables limits on F to be presented in Table 6.1 of clause 6.4.3
as limits to overall depth. From Equation D6.14, Flim for given LT is proportional to ( fy)0.5.
From this, and the qualifying sections, it can be deduced that the values of Flim used in
EN 1994-1-1 for the various grades of steel are as given in Table A.2. This table has been
copied into the UK’s National Annex for EN 1994-1-1 with a misprint: for grade S235 steel
and encased webs, the entry is 15.1, but it should be 19.5.

The IPE and HEA sections shown qualify for all steel grades that have Flim above their plotted
value of F. The only exception is HEA 550, which plots just below the S420 and S460 line, but
does not qualify according to Table 6.1.

For UB sections, pairs of crosses in Figure A.5 represent the ten sections listed in Table 6.1. For
each pair, the section with the larger cross-section has the greater depth, h. The entries ‘Yes’ in
Table 6.1 correspond to the condition F  Flim. It is not possible to give a qualifying condition in
terms of depth only; Equation D6.15 should be used.

Appendix A. Lateral–torsional buckling of composite beams for buildings

Figure A.5. Property F (Equation D6.15) for some IPE, HEA and UB uncased steel sections

16 Flim for uncased section, S235
457 × 152 UB 533 × 210 UB

610 × 229 UB
14 S275
457 × 191 UB

IPE sections S355


610 × 305 UB
S420, S460

Does not qualify for

HEA sections grades S420 and S460

300 400 500 600 700 800 900

Depth, h: mm

Web encasement
From Equation DA.4, the effect of web encasement is to increase Flim by a factor of at least
1/0.77 ¼ 1.29. These values are given in Tables 6.1 and A.2. The additional depths permitted
by clause 6.4.3(1)(h) are a little more conservative than this result.

Table A.2. Limiting section parameter Flim, for uncased and web-encased sections

Nominal steel grade S235 S275 S355 S420 and S460

Flim, uncased 15.1 13.9 12.3 10.8

Flim, encased web 19.5 18.0 15.8 13.9

British Standards Institution (1994) DD ENV 1994-1-1. Design of composite steel and concrete
structures. Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings. BSI, London.

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The effect of slab thickness on

resistance of composite slabs to
longitudinal shear

A mechanical model based on ductile shear connection has been applied to the m–k and
partial connection methods of Section 9 for design of composite slabs for longitudinal shear.
For the m–k method it was shown124 that:

• where the assumptions of the model apply, the two sets of tests from which m and k are
derived can be done on sets of slabs of different thickness but similar concrete strength
• two widely different shear spans should be used
• predictions by the m–k method of EN 1994-1-1 for degrees of shear connection between
those corresponding to the shear spans tested, are conservative
• predictions for degrees of shear connection outside this range are unconservative
• the percentage errors can be estimated.

For the partial-connection method it was found124 that:

• where tests are done on slabs of one thickness only, the model gives no help in predicting
the effect of slab thickness on ultimate shear strength τu
• slabs of at least two different thicknesses should be tested, preferably with the same
shear span.

The model
The notation and assumptions are generally those of clauses 9.7.3 and B.3, to which reference
should be made.
Figure B.1 shows the left-hand shear span of a composite slab of breadth b and effective
depth dp, at failure in a test in accordance with clause B.3. The self-weight of the slab is
neglected in comparison with Vt, the value of each of the two point loads at failure.
The shear connection is assumed to be ductile, as defined in clause 9.7.3(3), with ultimate
shear strength τu, as would be found by the procedure of clause B.3.6 (except that all values
here are mean values, with no partial safety factors).
The sheeting and the slab are shown separated in Fig. B.1, and the longitudinal shear force
between them is

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ηNc, f = τubLs (DB.1)

where η is the degree of shear connection, £ 1. The value of τu is assumed to be independent
of the shear span, so that
Ls = ηLsf (DB.2)
where Lsf is the length of shear span at which the longitudinal force Nc, f equals the tensile
strength of the sheeting, Npl. In the absence of a partial safety factor for strength of concrete,
the rectangular stress block is quite shallow, and is assumed to lie within the concrete slab. Its
depth is ηxpl, where xpl is the depth for full shear connection.
Let the plastic bending resistance of the sheeting be Mp, a, reduced to Mpr in the presence of
an axial force N, as shown by the stress blocks in Fig. B.1. The resistance Mpr is assumed to be
given by
Mpr = (1 – η2)Mp, a (DB.3)
The bilinear relationship given in clause 9.7.2(6) is an approximation to this equation, which
is also approximate, but accurate enough for the present work.
For equilibrium of the length Ls of composite slab,
Vt Ls = ηNcf (dp – ηxpl /2) + Mpr
Vt = [ηNcf (dp – ηxpl /2) + (1 – η2)Mp, a]/(ηLsf) (DB.4)
For a typical profiled sheeting, Mp, a ª 0.3hpNpl. This is assumed here. The conclusions do not
depend on the accuracy of the factor 0.3. Hence,
Vt = (Ncf /ηLsf)[ηdp – η2 xpl /2 + 0.3 hp(1 – η2)] (DB.5)
For a particular sheeting and strength of concrete, it may be assumed that Ncf, Lsf, xpl and hp
are constant. The independent variables are the slab thickness, represented by dp, and the
shear span in a test, represented by the degree of shear connection, η. The dependent
variable is the vertical shear resistance, Vt.

The m–k method

The use of test results as predictors
The properties m and k are determined from the graph shown in Fig. B.2, by drawing a line
through two test results. The line is
y = mx + k
For a single result, (x1, y1), say,
y1 = mx1 + k

hxpl hNcf
dp – hxpl/2
e hNcf

Vt L = hLsf

Fig. B.1. Shear span of composite slab, and stress blocks at failure in longitudinal shear


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y = Vt/bdp


x = Ap/bhLsf

Fig. B.2. Determination of m and k from two sets of test results

From the definitions of x and y, shown in Fig. B.2, and for this test result,
Vt1 = bdp1(mAp /bLs1 + k)
This is equation (9.7) in clause 9.7.3(4).Thus, the m–k method predicts exactly the first test
result. This is so also for the second test result, even if the slab thickness and shear span are
different. Two test results ‘predict’ themselves. The basic assumption of the m–k method is
that other results can be predicted by assuming a straight line through the two known results.
It has been shown that it is in fact curved, so that other predictions are subject to error.

Shape of function y(x)

The slope of the curve y(x) was found for a set of tests done with different shear spans and
constant slab thickness. It was shown, by differentiation of equation (DB.5), that the curve
through the two points found in tests is convex upwards, as shown in Fig. B.2.
For some degree of shear connection between those used in two tests on slabs of the same
thickness, from which the m–k line was predicted, the method gives the result Vpred, shown in
Fig. B.2. This is less than the resistance given by equation (DB.5), Vtrue, so the method is safe,
according to the model.
For a degree of shear connection outside this range, the m–k method is unsafe.

Estimate of errors of prediction

As an example, suppose that for a set of tests with dp /hp = 2.0 the sheeting and concrete are
such that when the shear span is Lsf, the depth xpl of the concrete stress block is given by
xpl /hp = 0.4. Equation (DB.5) then becomes
Vt = (Nc, f hp /Lsf)(0.3/η + 2 – 0.5η) (DB.6)
Suppose that four otherwise identical tests are done with shear spans such that η = 0.4, 0.5,
0.7 and 1.0. The (assumed) true results for Vt Lsf /Nc, f hp are calculated and plotted against
1/η. They lie on a convex-upwards curve, as expected. By drawing lines through any two of the
points, values for the other two tests predicted by the m–k method are obtained. Comparison
with the plotted points gives the error from the m–k method, as a percentage. Typical results
are given in Table B.1, for which the m–k line is drawn through the results for η1 and η2, and
used to predict the shear resistance for a slab with η = η3. The values in columns 4 and 5 of
the table are proportional to Vt, so the percentage values are correct.


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Table B.1. Errors in prediction of Vt by the m–k method

Prediction from Error of prediction

η1 η2 η3 m–k line Plotted value (%)

0.4 1.0 0.7 2.00 2.08 –4

0.4 0.5 1.0 1.98 1.80 +10
0.7 1.0 0.4 2.78 2.55 +9

Conclusion for the m–k method

Two sets of tests should be done, with shear spans as widely different as possible, subject to
obtaining the correct failure mode. The slab thickness should be roughly central within the
range of application, and can differ in the two sets; but the concrete strengths should be the
same. The m–k results are applicable within the range of shear spans tested, and probably for
a short distance outside it.

The partial-connection method

From Fig. B.1, the ultimate bending moment at the end of the shear span is
M = VtηLsf (DB.7)
The overhang L0 (clause B.3.6(2) and Fig. 9.2) is much less than Lsf. For simplicity it is
assumed that Lsf + L0 ª Lsf, so that equation (B.2) in clause B.3.6 becomes
τu = ηNc, f /bLsf (DB.8)
From equations (DB.5) and (DB.7),
M/Mp, Rm = (Nc, f /Mp, Rm)[ηdp – η2xpl /2 + 0.3hp(1 – η2)] (DB.9)
where Mp, Rm is the plastic resistance moment with full shear connection.
For any assumed value for η, an ultimate bending moment M can be calculated from
equation (DB.9). Thus, an M–η curve (Fig. B.5 of EN 1994-1-1) can be found. If safety factors
are omitted, the same curve is used to find ηtest from a measured value Mtest, and hence τu
from equation (DB.8).
Equation (DB.9) is independent of shear span because ductile behaviour is assumed. It
gives no information on the rate of change of η with slab thickness or shear span, so a single
group of four tests gives no basis for predicting τu for slabs of different thickness from those
Assuming that the fourth test, with a short shear span (clause B.3.2(7)), shows ductile
behaviour, the effect of thickness can be deduced from results of a further group of three
tests. The specimens and shear span should be identical with those in tests 1–3 in the first
group, except for slab thickness. The thicknesses for the two groups should be near the ends
of the range to be used in practice.
Let the ratios dp/hp for these two series be denoted v1 and v2, with v2 > v1, leading to the
corresponding degrees of shear connection η1 and η2. It is likely that η2 > η1, because the
longitudinal strain across the depth of the embossments will be more uniform in the thicker
slabs; but the difference may be small.
Assuming that over this range the relationship between test bending resistance M and
ratio v is linear, it can be shown124 that the η–v curve is convex upwards. Hence, interpolation
for η is conservative for slab thicknesses between those tested, and may be unconservative
outside this range.

Conclusion for the partial-connection method

For this method, further tests at constant thickness but different shear span would only
provide a check on the presence of ductile behaviour. Information on the effect of slab


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thickness is best obtained from tests at constant shear span and two thicknesses. It can
be shown that values of degree of shear connection for intermediate thicknesses can be
obtained by linear interpolation between the values for the thicknesses tested.


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Simplified calculation method

for the interaction curve for
resistance of composite column
cross-sections to compression
and uniaxial bending

Scope and method

Equations are given for the coordinates of points B, C and D in Fig. 6.19, also shown in Fig.
C.1. They are applicable to cross-sections of columns where the structural steel, concrete and
reinforcement are all doubly symmetric about a single pair of axes. The steel section should
be an I- or H-section or a rectangular or circular hollow section. Examples are shown in
Fig. 6.17.

Npl, Rd

Npm, Rd C

Npm, Rd/2 D

0 Mpl, Rd Mmax, Rd

Fig. C.1. Polygonal interaction curve

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cy cy


hn y h hc
(2) D D ez
G tw

ey z

(a) (b)

Fig. C.2. Composite cross-sections symmetrical about two axes

Plastic analysis is used, with rectangular stress blocks for structural steel, reinforcement,
and concrete in accordance with clauses to For filled tubes of circular
section, the coefficient ηc in clause has conservatively been taken as zero.
In this annex, the compressive stress in concrete in a rectangular stress block is denoted fcc,
where generally, fcc = 0.85fcd. However, for concrete-filled steel sections, the coefficient 0.85
may be replaced by 1.0, following clause

Resistance to compression
The plastic resistance Npl, Rd is given by clause The resistance Npm, Rd is calculated as
Figure C.2(a) represents a generalized cross-section of structural steel and reinforcement
(shaded area), and of concrete, symmetrical about two axes through its centre of area G.
For bending only (point B) the neutral axis is line BB which defines region (1) of the
cross-section, within which concrete is in compression. The line CC at the same distance hn
on the other side of G is the neutral axis for point C in Fig. C.1. This is because the areas of
structural steel, concrete and reinforcement in region (2) are all symmetrical about G, so
that the changes of stress when the axis moves from BB to CC add up to the resistance
Npm, Rd, and the bending resistance is unchanged. Using subscripts 1 to 3 to indicate
regions (1) to (3),
Npm, Rd = Rc2 + 2|Ra2| (C.1)
where Rc2 is the resistance of the concrete in region (2), and Ra2 is the resistance of the steel in
region (2).
In the notation of clause,
Rc2 = Ac2 fcc
Ra2 = Aa2 fyd + As2 fsd
where compressive forces and strengths fcc, fsd and fyd are taken as positive.
From symmetry,
Ra1 = |Ra3|
Rc1 = Rc3


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When the neutral axis is at BB, N = 0, so that

Ra1 + Rc1 = |Ra2| + |Ra3| (C.3)
From eqs (C.2) and (C.3), |Ra2| = Rc1 = Rc3. Substituting in equation(C.l),
Npm, Rd = Rc2 + Rc1 + Rc3 = Rc (C.4)
where Rc is the compressive resistance of the whole area of concrete, which is easily

Position of neutral axis

Equations for hn depend on the axis of bending, the type of cross section and the cross section
properties. The equations are derived from equations (C.1) and (C.4), and are given below
for some cross sections.

Bending resistances
The axial resistance at point D in Fig. C.1 is half that at point C, so the neutral axis for point
D is line DD in Fig. C.2(a).
The bending resistance at point D is
Mmax, Rd = Wpa fyd + Wps fsd + Wpc fcc /2 (C.5)
where Wpa, Wps and Wpc are the plastic section moduli for the structural steel, the reinforcement
and the concrete part of the section (for the calculation of Wpc the concrete is assumed to
be uncracked), and fyd, fsd and fcc are the design strengths for the structural steel, the
reinforcement and the concrete.
The bending resistance at point B is
Mpl, Rd = Mmax, Rd – Mn, Rd (C.6)
Mn, Rd = Wpa, n fyd + Wps, n fsd + Wpc, n fcc /2 (C.7)
where Wpa, n, Wps, n and Wpc, n are the plastic section moduli for the structural steel, the
reinforcement and the concrete parts of the section within region (2) of Fig. C.2(a).
Equations for the plastic section moduli of some cross-sections are given below.

Interaction with transverse shear

If the shear force to be resisted by the structural steel is considered according to clause the appropriate areas of steel should be assumed to resist shear alone. The method
given here can be applied using the remaining areas.

Neutral axes and plastic section moduli of some cross-sections

The compressive resistance of the whole area of concrete is
Npm, Rd = Ac fcc (C.8)
The value of the plastic section modulus of the total reinforcement is given by


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Wps = Â|As, i ei| (C.9)
i =1

where ei are the distances of the reinforcement bars of area As, i to the relevant middle line
(y-axis or z-axis).
The equations for the position of the neutral axis hn are given for selected positions in the
cross-sections. The resulting value hn should lie within the limits of the assumed region.

Major-axis bending of encased I-sections

The plastic section modulus of the structural steel may be taken from tables, or be calculated
( h - 2 tf )2 tw (C.10)
Wpa = + btf ( h - tf )
bc hc 2
Wpc = - Wpa - Wps (C.11)
For the different positions of the neutral axes, hn and Wpa, n are given by:
(a) Neutral axis in the web, hn £ h/2 – tf:
N pm, Rd - Asn (2fsd - fcc )
hn = (C.12)
2 bc fcc + 2 tw (2fyd - fcc )
Wpa, n = tw hn2 (C.13)
where Asn is the sum of the area of reinforcing bars within the region of depth 2hn.
(b) Neutral axis in the flange, h/2 – tf < hn < h/2:
N pm, Rd - Asn (2fsd - fcc ) + ( b - tw )( h - 2 tf )(2fyd - fcc )
hn = (C.14)
2 bc fcc + 2 b(2fyd - fcc )

( b - tw )( h - 2 tf )2 (C.15)
Wpa, n = bhn 2 -
(c) Neutral axis outside the steel section, h/2 £ hn £ hc/2:
N pm, Rd - Asn (2fsd - fcc ) - Aa (2fyd - fcc )
hn = (C.16)
2 bc fcc
Wpa, n = Wpa (C.17)

The plastic modulus of the concrete in the region of depth from 2hn then results from
Wpc, n = bc hn2 – Wpa, n – Wps, n (C.18)
Wps, n = Â|Asn, i ez, i| (C.19)

where Asn, i are the areas of reinforcing bars within the region of depth 2hn, and ez, i are the
distances from the middle line.

Minor-axis bending of encased I-sections

The notation is given in Fig. C.2(b).
The plastic section modulus of the structural steel may be taken from tables or be
calculated from


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( h - 2 tf )tw 2 2 tf b2 (C.20)
Wpa = +
4 4
hc bc 2 (C.21)
Wpc = - Wpa - Wps
For the different positions of the neutral axes, hn and Wpa, n are given by:
(a) Neutral axis in the web, hn £ tw/2:
N pm, Rd - Asn (2fsd - fcc )
hn = (C.22)
2 hc fcc + 2 h(2fyd - fcc )
Wpa, n = hhn2 (C.23)
(b) Neutral axis in the flanges, tw/2 < hn < b/2:
N pm, Rd - Asn (2fsd - fcc ) + tw (2 tf - h)(2fyd - fcc )
hn = (C.24)
2 hc fcc + 4 tf (2fyd - fcc )
( h - 2 tf )tw 2 (C.25)
Wpa, n = 2 tf hn 2 +
(c) Neutral axis outside the steel section, b/2 £ hn £ bc/2
N pm, Rd - Asn (2fsd - fcc ) - Aa (2fyd - fcc )
hn = (C.26)
2 hc fcc
Wpa, n = Wpa (C.27)

The plastic modulus of the concrete in the region of depth 2hn then results from
Wpc, n = hc hn2 – Wpa, n – Wps, n (C.28)
with Wps, n according to equation (C.19), changing the subscript z to y.

Concrete-filled circular and rectangular hollow sections

The following equations are derived for rectangular hollow sections with bending about the
y-axis of the section (see Fig. C.3). For bending about the z-axis the dimensions h and b are to
be exchanged as well as the subscripts z and y. Equations (C.29) to (C.33) may be used for
circular hollow sections with good approximation by substituting
h=b=d and r = d/2 – t
( b - 2 t )( h - 2 t )2 2 3 2 (C.29)
Wpc = - r - r (4 - π)(0.5 h - t - r ) - Wps
4 3
with Wps according to equation (C.9).
Wpa may be taken from tables, or be calculated from
bh2 2 (C.30)
Wpa = - ( r + t )3 - ( r + t )2 (4 - π)(0.5 h - t - r ) - Wpc - Wps
4 3
N pm, Rd - Asn (2fsd - fcc )
hn = (C.31)
2 bfcc + 4 t(2fyd - fcc )
Wpc, n = (b – 2t)hn2 – Wps, n (C.32)
Wpa, n = bhn – Wpc, n – Wps, n (C.33)
with Wps, n according to equation (C.19).


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ey ey
t t

y y
ez ez

z z


Fig. C.3. Concrete-filled (a) rectangular and (b) circular hollow sections, with notation

Example C.1: N–M interaction polygon for a column cross-section

The method of Appendix C is used to obtain the interaction polygon given in Fig. 6.38 for
the concrete-encased H section shown in Fig. 6.37. The small area of longitudinal
reinforcement is neglected. The data and symbols are as in Example 6.10 and Figs 6.37,
C.1 and C.2.
Design strengths of the materials: fyd = 355 N/mm2; fcd = 16.7 N/mm2.
Other data: Aa = 11 400 mm2; Ac = 148 600 mm2; tf = 17.3 mm; tw = 10.5 mm; bc = hc =
400 mm; b = 256 mm; h = 260 mm; 10 –6Wpa, y = 1.228 mm 3; 10–6Wpa, z = 0.575 mm 3; Npl, Rd =
6156 kN.

Major-axis bending
From equation (C.8),
Npm, Rd = 148.6 × 16.7 = 2482 kN
From equation (C.12),
hn = 2482/[0.8 × 16.7 + 0.021 × (710 – 16.7)] = 89 mm
so the neutral axis is in the web (Fig. C.4(a)), as assumed. From equation (C.11), the
plastic section modulus for the whole area of concrete is
10–6Wpc = 43/4 – 1.228 = 14.77 mm3
From equation (C.13),
10–6Wpa, n = 10.5 × 0.0892 = 0.083 mm3
From equation (C.18),
10–6Wpc, n = 400 × 0.0892 – 0.083 = 3.085 mm3
From equation (C.5),
Mmax, Rd = 1.228 × 355 + 14.77 × 16.7/2 = 559 kN m
From equations (C.6) and (C.7),
Mpl, Rd = 559 – (0.083 × 355 + 3.085 × 16.7/2) = 504 kN m
The results shown above in bold type are plotted on Fig. 6.38.


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(a) (b) D C

Fig. C.4. Neutral axes at points B, C and D on the interaction polygons

Minor-axis bending
From equation (C.4), Npm, Rd is the same for both axes of bending. Thus,
Npm, Rd = 2482 kN
Assuming that the neutral axis B–B intersects the flanges, from equation (C.24),
hn = [2482 – 0.0105 × (260 – 34.6) × (710 – 16.7)]/[0.8 × 16.7
+ 0.0692 × (710 – 16.7)] = 13.7 mm
so axis B–B does intersect the flanges (Fig. C.4(b)). From equation (C.21),
10–6Wpc = 43/4 – 0.575 = 15.42 mm3
From equation (C.25),
10–6Wpa, n = 34.6 × 0.01372 + 0.01052 × (260 – 34.6)/4 = 0.0127 mm3
From equation (C.28),
10–6Wpc, n = 400 × 0.01372 – 0.0127 = 0.0624 mm3
From equation (C.5),
Mmax, Rd = 0.575 × 355 + 15.42 × 16.7/2 = 333 kN m
From equation (C.7),
Mn, Rd = 0.0127 × 355 + 0.0624 × 16.7/2 = 5.03 kN m
From equation (C.6),
Mpl, Rd = 333 – 5 = 328 kN m
These results are plotted on Fig. 6.38, and used in Example 6.10.


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Note: references to ‘beams’ and to ‘columns’ are to composite members

Index Terms Links

action effect see actions, effects of

actions 7
combinations of 3 11 143–144 147
characteristic 33 135 147
frequent 33 131 135 197
quasi-permanent 33 143 145 151
concentrated 37 234
effects of 7 27–38
independent 114 127
primary 9 100
secondary 9 100–102
second-order 22–23 32
horizontal 27
indirect 9
see also fatigue
adhesives 16
analysis, elastic, of cross-sections
see beams; columns; etc.
analysis, global 21–41 98–99
cracked/uncracked 13 36 146–147
elastic 27–37
elastic-plastic 115
first-order 22
for composite slabs 21 184–185
for joints 161–163 168 179
for profiled sheeting 184
for serviceability 144–146
non-linear 33–34
of frames 22–26
rigid-plastic 6 37–38
second-order 6 22
see also cracking of concrete
Annex, National see National Annex
application rules 6

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axes 7 116

bending resistance of 38 46–53 96–97
elastic 53 57
with vertical shear 58–61
Class 1 or 2: 38
Class 3: 9 39 62–63
Class 4: 9 28 37 147
concrete-encased 4 36 40 46
cross-sections of 43–44
asymmetric 38
classification of 38–41 95–96
critical 44–45 50 74
effective 45–46
sudden change in 44
with small concrete flanges 47
see also slabs, composite; slabs, concrete
curved in plan 46
design procedure for 49–50
effective width of flanges of 28–29 45
flexural stiffness of 31–32
haunched 87
L-section 78 85 212
of non-uniform section 44–45
shear connection for see shear connection
stresses in 153
see also analysis; buckling; cantilevers; cracking of
concrete; deflections; fire, resistance to;
imperfections; interaction; shear;…
vibration; webs
bending moments
elastic critical 63–65 103–105
in columns 120–121
redistribution of 34–37 105 145
bolts, fracture of 162
bolts, elongation length of 164
bolts, friction-grip 72
bolts, holes for 28
bolts, stiffness of 206

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bond see shear connection

box girders 4 87
bracing to bottom flanges 63–65 67
breadth of flange, effective see beams; slabs, composite
British Standards 5
BS 5400 87 131 212
BS 5950 36 38 78 87
BS 8110 14
distortional 61–67 102–105
in columns 23 114–115 117
lateral-torsional 43 61–67 102 229–235
simplified rules for 65–67 234–235
local 28 40 114–115
see also beams, cross-sections of
of reinforcement 46
see also loads, elastic critical; webs, buckling of
buildings, high-rise 114 144

calibration 14 76
cantilevers, reinforcement for 86
CEN (Comité Européen Normalisation) 1 3
Class of section see Beams, Class...
Codes of Practice see British Standards
columns 113–129
bi-axial bending in 118 121 127–128
buckling curves for 115 121
concrete-encased 4 115 165
concrete-filled 15 117 247
with massive steel core 114 116
cross-sections of
interaction diagram for 117 121 126 243–249
non-symmetrical 113 115
resistance of 116–117
section moduli for 245–247
design method for 113–123
eccentricity of loading for 161
effective length of 113
effective stiffness of 28 118
high-strength steel in 47 114
load introduction in 121–123

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columns (Cont.)
second-order effects in 120 126–127
longitudinal shear in 128–129
slenderness of 118–119
shrinkage in 122
squash load of 116
steel contribution ratio for 118 124
transverse shear in 117 126 129 173–174
see also buckling; bending moments; imperfections;
loads, elastic critical; shear connection; stresses,
compression members see columns
bearing stress on 122
lightweight-aggregate 10 16 92–109 114
precast 44 87–88 159 251
premature crushing of 85
properties of 13–15
strength classes for 13 37
strength of 10
stress block for 14
see also cracking of concrete; creep of concrete; elasticity,
modulus of; shrinkage of concrete
connections see joints
connector modulus see shear connectors, stiffness of
construction 3 85 87
loads 183 191
methods of 9 152
propped 85 144
unpropped 37 53 144
Construction Products Directive 10
contraflexure, points of 44
corrigenda 3
cover 19 79 85
crack inducers 217
cracking of concrete 31–32 131 148–152 178
and global analysis 146–147
control of 155–157
load-induced 148 151–152
restraint-induced 148–151

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cracking of concrete (Cont.)

early thermal 150
uncontrolled 149
creep of concrete 29–31 99
in columns 118 125
see also modular ratio; elasticity, modulus of
critical length 44–45
cross-sections see beams; columns

decking, metal see sheeting, profiled steel

definitions 6
due to shrinkage 147
due to slip 154
of beams 144–147 154–155 157
of composite slabs 74 183 191–193 197–198
of profiled sheeting 185 191
deformation, imposed 9 30
design, basis of 9–11
design, methods of see beams; columns; slabs
Designers’ guides 1 10
ductility see reinforcement, fracture of
durability 19 94

effective length see columns

effective width see beams; slabs, composite
effect of action see actions, effects of
eigenvalue see load, elastic critical
elasticity, modulus of
for concrete 13–14 29–31
for steels 15
EN 1990 3 99 143 147
EN 1991 3 32 148 195
EN 1992-1-1
and materials 13–15
and resistances 28 88–89
and serviceability 144 197
EN 1993-1-1 5 121
EN 1993-1-3 16 185 191
EN 1993-1-5 28 147

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EN 1993-1-8 16 22 159 163

EN 1993-1-9 22 129 131 134
EN 1994-1-1, scope of 3–5 14
EN 1994-1-2 60
EN 1994-2 3 78 129
EN 1998 3
EN 13918 16
encasement in concrete see beams; columns; joints
EN ISO 14555 77
ENV 1994-1-1 v 16 64–66 145
equilibrium, static 11
Eurocodes 1
European Standard 5
see also EN…
bending and vertical shear 59–60
composite beam, continuous 92–109 153–157
composite column 123–129 247–249
composite joint 166–179 205–209
composite slab 193–201 219–226
effective width 29
elastic resistance to bending 111–113
fatigue 135–137
lateral-torsional buckling 70
reduction factor for strength of stud 83–84
resistance to hogging bending 54–57
shear connection 75 110–111
transverse reinforcement 89–90
execution see construction
exposure classes 19

factors, combination 32–33

factors, conversion 11
factors, damage equivalent 134
factors, partial see partial factors
factors, reduction 78–83
fatigue 44 129–134
load combinations for 131 134
stress ranges for 130–137
finite-element methods 21

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fire, resistance to 3 60 151

flanges, concrete see beams; slabs
flow charts 24–26 35 39 67–69
formwork, re-usable 144
see also sheeting, profiled steel
frame, inverted-U 63–65 230–231
critical buckling load for 63–66
factor C4 for 64–65 233–234
frames, composite 6 118
braced/unbraced 4 26 32 118
see also analysis, global; buckling; imperfections

geometrical data 10
see also imperfections
girders see beams

haunches see beams, haunched; slabs, haunched

hole-in-web method 40 54–57

imperfections 21–22 24 26–27 120

interaction, full 46
interaction, partial see shear connection
ISO standards 7

joints, beam-to-column 153 159–179 203–209

bending resistance of 169–172
classification of 160–163 167–168 172 178
concrete encasement of 204–205
contact-plate 160 163 165
design method for 163–164
end-plate 159–160
full-strength 22 35 161
modelling of 21–22 160–163
nominally pinned 22 161
partial-strength 22 36–37 164
prying force in 170–171

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joints, beam-to-column (Cont.)

rigid 153 160–162
rotational stiffness of 160–161 175 203–209
rotation capacity of 164 166
semi-continuous 22
semi-rigid 22 36 162
serviceability checks for 175–177
shear resistance of 163 168 172
simple see nominally pinned
see also analysis, global, for joints

limit states
serviceability 33 143–157
ultimate 11 43–137
elastic critical 23 63–65 113 118
imposed, for fatigue 131
see also actions; wheel loads

m-k method 186–188 198 211 218

non-conforming tests for 219–222
see also slabs, composite, tests on
materials, properties of 13–17
see also concrete; steel
mesh, welded see reinforcement, welded mesh
modular ratio 29–30 118 132
modulus of elasticity, see elasticity, modulus of
moments see bending moments; torsion

nationally determined parameter vii 1 15 35

National Annex for the UK vii 35
and beams 37 39 65 105
and materials 10 15 17 182
and partial factors 130–131
and serviceability 145 147–148 185 191
National Annexes 1 33 144

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NCCI 2 5 73–74 77
80 82 145 161
non-contradictory complementary information, see NCCI
notation see symbols
notes, in Eurocodes 9

Palmgren-Miner rule 134

partial factors 3 9–11
γM, for materials and resistances 10 31 130 187
γF, for actions 131 144 183
plastic theory, see analysis, global, rigid-plastic
plate girders 4 87 159
see also beams
plates, composite 4
prestressing 4 6 33 148
principles 6
propping see construction, methods of
prying see joints
push tests see shear connectors, tests on

redistribution see bending moments; shear, longitudinal

references, normative 5
reference standards 5
anchorage of 44 85–87 174
at joints 166–167
fibre 47
fracture of, in joints 47 149
in beams
minimum area of 40 148 152 155–156
transverse 79 88–89 108–109 185
at edge beams 231–232
spacing of 84 148–150
in columns 122–123
in compression 46
in haunches, see beams, haunched
strain hardening in 48
welded mesh (fabric) 15 40 47 147
see also cover; fatigue; slabs, composite
reinforcing steel 15 130

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resistances 10–11 27
see also beams, bending resistance of; etc.
restraints, lateral 63
rotation capacity 36 47 184
see also joints

safety factors see partial factors

section modulus see columns, cross-sections of
separation (uplift) 6 23 71 84–85
88 123
serviceability see limit states
shakedown 132
shear see columns; shear, longitudinal; shear, vertical; etc.
shear-bond test see m-k test
shear connection 6 44–45 71–92 134
and execution 85
by bond or friction 16 71 114 122–123
182 189
degree of 48–51 111–113 188
design of 49–53 106–108
detailing of 82–88
ductility of 49
for composite slabs 78–83
full 48 51
in columns 121–123 212
partial 45 47 72–74
equilibrium method for 50–52
interpolation method for 50
minimum degree of 72–74
see also anchorage; fatigue; reinforcement, in beams,
transverse; shear connectors; slab, composite; slip,
shear connectors
bi-axial loading of 83
ductile 48–49 71–72
flexibility of see stiffness of
non-ductile 49 52 72 110–111
spacing of 50 71 74 87
stiffness of 48–49 205
tests on 211–215

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shear connectors (Cont.)

types of 60–61 72
see also studs, welded
shear flow 44
shear heads 4
shear lag see beams, effective width of flanges of; slabs,
composite, effective width of
shear, longitudinal 75–76 88–89 91–92
see also shear connection; slabs, composite; columns
shear planes (or surfaces) 88–89
shear, punching see slabs, composite
shear, vertical 21 57–59 97
and bending moment 58–59
see also buckling; joints; slabs, composite
sheeting, profiled steel 17 19 47
and cracking 152
and shear connection 73 80
as transverse reinforcement 86 109
bearing length for 183
depth of, net or gross
and ductility 73
and minimum reinforcement 149
and punching shear 191
and shear resistance 78–79 91 194
for bending resistance, sagging 46 185–186 194
symbols for 7
design of 183–185
effective area of 47
embossments on (dimples in) 7 17 182 185
fixing of 80 87 182
in compression 47
loading on 183
propping of 183
see also buckling; deflection; durability; slabs, composite
shrinkage of concrete 15 29–31 122
effects of 9 53 99–102 153
in joints 177–178
see also deflections
slabs, composite 181–201
as diaphragms 182
bending resistance of 183 185–186

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slabs, composite (Cont.)

brittle failure of 182 216 219
concentrated loads on 184–185
cracking in 191 198–199
concrete pull-out failure in 80
ductility of 81–82
effective width of 184–186
end anchorage by studs for 189–190 192
flexural stiffness of 103 229
location of studs in troughs in 73
longitudinal shear in 45 186–190
effect of end friction on 219
effect of slab thickness on 237–241
non-standard tests for 219–222
partial-connection design of 187–189 199–201 218–219 237
ponding effects in 183 196
punching shear in 190–191
reinforcement in 84–85 189
rib punching failure in 80
shear span for 220
tests on 211–212 215–219
number of 216–217
vertical shear in 187 190
see also deflections; global analysis; m-k method; sheeting,
profiled steel
slabs, concrete
hollow-core 44
reinforcement in 182
splitting of 78 86 88
see also concrete, precast; slabs, composite
slabs, form-reinforced see slabs, composite
slenderness ratios, limiting see beams, cross-sections of
slenderness, relative 113 232–233
slim-floor construction 44
slip, longitudinal 6 23 144 212
and deflections 145–147
at bolt holes 28
available 48
capacity 72–73 81
in columns 121
slip strain 49
squash load see columns, squash load of

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standards see British Standards; EN...

standards, harmonised 1 10
steel see reinforcing steel; structural steels; yielding of
steel contribution ratio see columns
steelwork, protection of see durability
stiffness coefficient 203–207
stiffness, flexural see beams; columns; etc.
strength 10
see also resistance
bearing 122
excessive 144
residual 26
see also beams, stresses in; fatigue
stress range see fatigue
stress resultant see actions, effects of
structural steels 15–16
strut-and-tie models 28 174
strut curves see columns, buckling curves for
stub girders 43
studs, welded 16
length after welding 77
lying 86
projection above reinforcement 79 81
resistance of
in composite slabs 78–83 88
in solid slabs 76–77
to fatigue 77 131 137
tension in 78
weld collar of 16 72 77 109
see also fatigue; shear connection, detailing of; shear
subscripts 7
supports, friction at see shear connection
sway frames see frames, unbraced
symbols 7 132 161–162

temperature, effects of 16 32–33 147

tension stiffening 133 151–152
testing see shear connectors; slabs, composite

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through-deck welding see welding, through-deck

torsion 46
truss analogy 90 165
trusses 25
tubes, steel see columns, concrete-filled

U-frame see frame, inverted-U

uplift see separation

vibration 144 147–148

buckling of 35 59 71
encased 61 64–66 151 230
holes in 4 147
transverse forces on 70–71
see also hole-in-web method; shear, vertical
web stiffeners 63
welding, through-deck 80 91 106 190
wheel loads 191
width, effective see beams; slabs, composite
worked examples see examples

yielding of steel and deflections 146–147

yield line theory 170

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